nikola tesla

By Alex O’Brien Remote Controls Nikola Tesla

Upload: riener1

Post on 20-Mar-2017




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By Alex O’Brien

Remote Controls

Nikola Tesla

riener braun
miss curry can you come here
riener braun
i am done miss curry but i need to design it more
riener braun
curry i change the font ok
Cate Pelino-Curry
You can change the font. Do you know how?
riener braun
_Marked as resolved_
riener braun
_Re-opened_yes because i am the master of this computer
Cate Pelino-Curry
I like the slide theme you's very visually engaging...
riener braun
thank you
Cate Pelino-Curry
be careful with regard to capitalizing proper nouns (names and titles...)
riener braun

remote controls first used in

remote controls were used for

remote control improvements

the improvement it today's world

and in other things in today's world

positive effects of remote controls in today's world it helps us with

and many others like car radio’s

negative effects of remote controls in today's worldthe bad things about remote controls

and we are too reliable on technology

the major important about remotes

are that they keep us warm in desperate needs and established the electronic mind.

legacy of the remote control

negative legacy of remote controls

and many casualties of remote controls

many things have changed with remote controls because of “very smart man”,Nikola Tesla