nightly business report - tuesday april 9 2013

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  • 7/28/2019 Nightly Business Report - Tuesday April 9 2013


    ANNOUNCER: This is NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT with Tyler Mathisen and

    Susie Gharib, brought to by --



    Wall Street. The Dow hitting a new high. The S&P just shy of a new one.

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    What JCPenney shoppers really think of the struggling retailer and what the

    new CEO must do to win over more of them?

    GHARIB: And Sir Richard Branson, the outspoken CEO of Virgin Group,

    talks to us about everything from cheap tickets to the global economy.

    MATHISEN: All that and more coming up on NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT,

    April 9.

    GHARIB: Good evening, everyone.

    Well, Tyler, more milestones on Wall Street, and not just for the

    averages, but for some individual stocks as well.

    MATHISEN: Lots of individual companies piercing through all time

    highs. Well, the weather warmed up on Wall Street today and so did stocks.

    Records aplenty, let`s start with some of those big name companies

    that Susie was referring to. All Dow members each touching all time highs

    today. Here they are: Disney (NYSE:DIS), Home Depot (NYSE:HD), Travelers,

    United Technologies (NYSE:UTX) and Walmart. Those are only the Dow stocks

    at all time highs.

    Now, those gains did help power the Dow to a new all time closing high

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    of 14,673. The S&P nipped above its closing high, too, but it faded late

    and finished two points shy of a record close at 1,568. The NASDAQ was up


    Stocks got a boost from materials companies on rising demand for

    commodities like cooper and oil. Throw in some fresh optimism about

    corporate earnings after Alcoa`s report yesterday, then add a dash of some

    Fed speak indicating the Central Bank isn`t likely to tighten anytime soon,

    and you`ve got a recipe for another day of stock market records.

    GHARIB: And our next guest tonight doesn`t see obstacles for stocks

    to go even higher.

    Jim Paulsen is chief investment strategist at Wells Capital


    You know, Jim, what amazes me is no matter how much bad news we get,

    whether it`s a terrible jobs report, threats from North Korea, the European

    financial crisis, stocks just keep going up. I mean, what`s driving this

    rally and what could derail it?

    JIM PAULSEN, WELLS CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Well, I think a few things,

    Susie. I think one thing is we`re, we are desensitizing a little bit, the

    investment culture at least, to the idea of the Armageddon story, the end

    of world story. We`ve kind of been through that so much in the last few

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    years, we`re sort of de-sensing (ph) or reacting less to it when we hear

    potential negative things.

    I think that`s a healthy development. It kind of is one of the things

    you need to sustain a recovery. But I think the big catalyst this year has

    been that the growth in the first quarter of the United States has come in

    far better than expected. Notwithstanding last Friday`s bad employment

    report, growth in the first quarter is probably going to be north of 3

    percent for real GDP when coming into the year, most expected only about 2

    percent growth and as growth reports come in better than expected, people

    have to revise up their forecast, and that optimism right through stock


    MATHISEN: Jim, the Dow is already up about, what, 12 percent so far

    this year? How do you think it can end in percentage terms?

    PAULSEN: Well, I`ve been on record, Tyler, since year end, thinking

    that the S&P 500 could touch 1,700 this year. I`m not necessarily

    suggesting that`s a year end target. I kind of suspect we might go up

    there and come back down a little bit from that by year end. But if it

    does reach 1,700, then that might be another 8 percent upside yet this year

    that the market could squeak out and that will come about if we continue to

    get an economy that comes in better than expected.

    GHARIB: Let`s talk a little bit about earnings. Last night, we heard

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    from the CEO of Alcoa (NYSE:AA), very upbeat about the global economy.

    What do you think we`re going to hear from other CEOs over the next

    couple of weeks and how is that going to play into the stock market?

    PAULSEN: Well, I think the reports themselves, Susie, that they

    report from the first quarter, I think by and large are going to be good

    and probably outpace expectations. I find when GDP does better than

    expected, then profits do better as expected as well. But I also suspect

    that most CEOs are going to have some cautionary comments about the second

    quarter and the rest of the year, particularly focusing in on an increasing

    impact from sequester and other fiscal tightening forces on their


    So I think it`s going to be a mixed bag for the market, as far good

    reports in the first quarter, but still caution about the future, and that

    could create some volatility at least in the stock market here.

    MATHISEN: You know, Jim, I`ve been noting that money is flowing back

    into equity mutual funds. That`s often a sign that individual investors

    are getting in and, unfortunately, history tells us that they often get in


    If I want to believe what you`re telling me, I put more money in. But

    let`s say I want to play a bit defensively right now. What would be some

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    defensive choices to protect my profits, but maybe leave room for more?

    PAULSEN: Yes. I think a lot of that has to do with the mix that

    you`d say, maybe rather than going from bonds to stocks, you might want to

    look at reducing some of your high -- exposure to high quality bonds and

    moving lower quality bonds, rather than making a lift -- all the way to

    stocks. If you go into the stock market, you can certainly have a bigger

    allocation, Tyler, towards less price volatility and those that offer

    higher dividend yields, that higher dividend flow tends to reduce the

    volatility, particularly in down markets.

    GHARIB: All right. We`ll leave it there. Thank you so much, Jim.

    PAULSEN: Thanks.

    GHARIB: Jim Paulsen of Wells Capital Management.

    MATHISEN: Our other top story, the shake up at JCPenney one day after

    the struggle retailer sacked its CEO, replacing him with his predecessor.

    The stock nose dived. JCP tumbled 12 percent to its lowest close in a

    dozen years.

    Courtney Reagan went to Penney`s today to see what customers think and

    what the new CEO needs to do to attract more of them.

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    Over the past 14 months, 111-year-old department store JCPenney has been

    undergoing a massive transformation, changing its pricing strategy more

    than once, changing its merchandise, its marketing, an even the store


    CATHERINE CORRADO-LODI, SHOPPER: Since they started that new price

    change that we saw, I was a little apprehensive. But I find that now, they

    are marking down and it`s kind of like a stabilize price. That`s pretty

    good. Instead of having it marked off, you know, saving $20, you`re always


    REAGAN: On Monday, the visionary behind this transformation, CEO Ron

    Johnson, stepped down. Johnson`s predecessor, Mike Ullman, becomes his

    successor, stepping back into the top spot as interim CEO. And the CEO

    shuffle hasn`t been good for investors. The stock is trading at a 12-year


    (on camera): But the shoppers in Elmhurst, New York, seemed

    unconcerned. Those that have noticed the changes in store had positive

    review, noting in particular the change in prices, selection and quality.

    UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The constant low price would be more attractive

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    thing. If there`s a huge sale like you said, it gets real hectic and then

    kind of like turns me away.

    SHIFA JIWANI, SHOPPER: They have different kinds of bags, make up,

    jewelry, everything. So, you know, I don`t have to go in different stores.

    I can just stop in one place and it`s all there.

    REAGAN (voice-over): The big question now becomes whether or not they

    can bring back the shoppers it has lost.

    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Courtney Reagan, Elmhurst, New York.


    MATHISEN: More now on JCPenney with Margaret Bogenrief. She`s a

    principal at ACM Partners.

    She thinks ousted CEO Ron Johnson had the right strategy, but just at

    the wrong company.

    Margaret, welcome.

    What do you mean by that?


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    Johnson was on to something when he was doing this. Within the department

    store industry, I mean, you`re seeing significant shrink in terms of

    customer loyalty. Customers who returned to brick and mortar and really

    customers that are driving to specific department stores.

    I think the store within a store concept that he was trying to

    innovate at JCPenney was actually where this industry`s going and I

    wouldn`t be surprised if you see Nordstrom (NYSE:JWN), Neiman Marcus

    (NYSE:MCS), maybe even Macy`s (NYSE:M) push this strategy within the next

    16 to 18 months.

    MATHISEN: Bloomingdale`s already doing it with some success, I note.

    So do you think the new CEO, Mr. Ullman, who was there before, ought

    to walk away from what Johnson was trying with the store within a store?

    They`re not inexpensive to do.

    BOGENRIEF: Right. Well, I think what Johnson with was trying to do

    was he was trying to overly innovate 10 percent of the store and ignored

    the 90 percent that was left behind. That was really JCPenney`s core base.

    If I was walking into this situation as a CEO, obviously, you have to

    integrate part of Johnson s plan. I mean, JCPenney has bled more than $2

    billion over the last three years. So obviously, there`s been a lot of

    money put into this. And obviously, consumers are reacting, like you heard

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    in that package, to specific parts of the plan.

    You do, however, have to revisit who your traditional customer base

    was and try and bring them back in.

    MATHISEN: Is there a place, Margaret, today for Penney in a world

    with Walmart and Target (NYSE:TGT) and Kohl`s (NYSE:KSS) and Nordstrom

    (NYSE:JWN) and a whole host of others? And is Mr. Ullman the right man for

    the job at this moment?

    BOGENRIEF: Absolutely. So, let s look at a few things. I think one

    key thing that`s being lost in all this concern about Johnson`s leaving,

    Ullman coming back in, JCPenney is still a multibillion dollar retailer. I

    mean, we are talking about a two location boutique.

    So, there is obviously a place in this retail environment for

    JCPenney. I think it`s a different place and I think like, because I work

    in turn around, I like to think about things being relative versus

    absolute. Is JCPenney going to be what it was 50, 60 years ago to the

    American consumer?

    No, but there is a specific type of consumer that will go to JCPenney.

    And more specifically, I do think millennials will start to shop there

    more. I just don`t think they were going to do it during Johnson`s tenure.

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    MATHISEN: It did lose more than a half billion dollars, I believe,

    last year. It`s going through a lot of cash. If there`s one thing,

    Margaret, that you think Ullman should do immediately, what would it be?

    BOGENRIEF: Well, first of all, I would let the media have their fun

    with Johnson for the next few weeks. I mean, Ullman really does have to

    reset the culture and the strategy at JCPenney. I think I would put a stop

    to 90 percent of what`s going on right now, this plan.

    You have to work with your suppliers and your vendors. You need to

    tighten up cash management. Like you`ve said, $600 million spent in the

    last 12 months.

    And you really need to stabilize everything. I know that`s the word

    everybody is using. But you really have to figure out what you`re spending

    money on and what you don`t have to spend on.

    MATHISEN: Margaret Bogenrief, principal of ACM Partners, thanks very


    BOGENRIEF: Thank you.

    GHARIB: And coming up, are cheap fares the secret to Virgin America`s

    success? Sir Richard Branson outlined his strategy to take on the


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    But, first, a look at how the international markets closed today.


    MATHISEN: Shares of First Solar (NASDAQ:FSLR) soar, and that`s where

    we begin our "Market Focus" tonight.

    The maker of solar panels forecasting 2013 earnings and revenue well

    above Wall Street estimates. This as the company expands its power plant

    development business. The stock was halted much of the day and when it

    opened, it rocketed higher and closed up 45 percent on more than 12 times

    the usual volume.

    GHARIB: Tech stocks in the spotlight today. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

    and Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) leading the Dow blue chip. Both stocks have been

    underperformers. No surprise given that their link to PCs and world moving

    to tablets.

    But both stocks jumping more than 3 percent today. Intel

    (NASDAQ:INTC) closing at $21.75. Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) at $30 a share.

    Both companies report earnings next week.

    MATHISEN: The S&P materials sector, the best performer today as China

    reported its slowing inflation. Investors see this as potentially bullish

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    for commodities as credit restrictions in China might now be allowed to

    ease and that could translate into higher demand.

    The index was up more than 1 percent materials, and components Cliffs

    Natural almost 9 percent higher, Freeport-McMoRan 4 percent up, and

    Allegheny Tech up almost 3 percent.

    Trades in Herbalife (NYSE:HLF) and Skechers were halted much of the

    day. The connection here, they both used the same accounting firm KPMG.

    And that giant firm was forced to resign from both companies because of an

    insider trading scandal involving a senior partner who allegedly sold

    private information on both companies.

    Herbalife (NYSE:HLF) shares tumbled 3 1/2 percent to $37, but Skechers

    rose 2 1/2 percent to $22.

    MATHISEN: And, Susie, Republic Airways (NASDAQ:RJET) Group is in

    talks with two investment firms to spin off its subsidiary, frontier

    airlines, this according to Dow Jones. Republic bought Frontier in

    bankruptcy in 2009 and has been trying for a year or more to find a buyer

    for it. Frontier services the West from a Denver hub.

    Republic shares were higher today and you can see the spike in the

    chart there when Dow Jones ran its report.

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    GHARIB: In other airline news today, a new flight pattern for Virgin

    America. The upstart airline is now offering flights from Newark to San

    Francisco and Los Angeles. It will compete with United Airlines that

    dominates the Newark hub.

    Now, typically, a round-trip ticket to the West Coast runs around

    $1,000, but fares at Virgin America are as low as $360.

    When I talked with Virgin Group CEO Richard Branson, I asked him if he

    can make money on those cheap tickets.



    money. Virgin America attracts people. They love flying. We`re the best

    airline in America, as voted yesterday. If we can fill our planes, we can

    make money.

    GHARIB: So, Sir Richard, are these cheap tickets just for now, a

    special launch, or is this going to be the way of business from here on?

    BRANSON: We like to offer great value for money for the consumer.

    But we also like to offer tremendous quality.

    So, anybody traveling with us, at every single seat, they get Wi-Fi.

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    They get fantastic entertainment system. They get leather seats in economy

    class. They get the delightful cabins, brand new planes and so on.

    So, I think, you know, Virgin won`t stop with the best quality

    service, but also the best value in fares.

    GHARIB: Look, there`s no question that people really do enjoy

    traveling on Virgin. It is a high quality experience. But Virgin America

    has been losing money over the past couple of years. Can you get enough

    people on your planes so you can start making money?

    BRANSON: Yes. I mean, the last quarter was very profitable. Next

    year will be very profitable. Despite United Airlines dumping capacity on

    its -- you know, both back in San Francisco, and coincidentally, just

    managing to probably double the amount of frequencies out of Newark on top

    of our flight. So, you know, blatantly, anti-competitive behavior.

    Because people like to fly Virgin, we will be very profitable this year.

    GHARIB: Well, I mean, that is exactly the case. You are now in

    markets where you`re competing with United, American, Delta. These are big

    guys that provide service to a lot of different cities.

    How do you successfully compete against them?

    BRANSON: We compete by being much better than them. I mean, United

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    were voted the worst airline in America yesterday. We were voted the best.

    If you`re the best, people seek out the best.

    And we`ve been competing with these carriers in every market since we

    started a few years ago. One thing I would say though, the competition

    authorities having allowed the carriers to become dominant carriers, they

    have got to watch the competitive practices by the big carriers. You need

    more carriers to survive and thrive and the big carriers act as

    competitively, the Department of Transport and the competition authorities

    should do something about it.

    GHARIB: Most businesses don`t like regulation. It sounds like you

    want more regulation.

    BRANSON: We want competition authorities to act as competition

    authorities should do. So if every time we set up a new route, suddenly

    arrivals, and suddenly find double capacity to put on our route, that needs

    to be looked at, I think, by the Department of Transport.

    GHARIB: Let me ask you about the global economy. A lot of people are

    getting worried that the economy is in trouble. You operate businesses all

    around the world. Not just airlines. But it s music, and mobile phones,

    financial services.

    From the way you look at things, how is the global economy doing? Are

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    you worried?

    BRANSON: There`s been a slowdown. I think -- I really do think the

    corner is turning. And I think businesspeople must help government to turn

    that corner and we must be positive.

    GHARIB: I`m curious about your -- the Virgin space program and I know

    you`ve been running some tests recently. How much longer before you have


    BRANSON: It`s very exciting. This is going to be the year for Virgin

    Galactic. It was -- a handful of months, we`ll be into space. So, very,

    very excited.

    GHARIB: Those tickets won`t be cheap, will they?

    BRANSON: Not initially.

    GHARIB: How much?

    BRANSON: Initially, it`s a couple of hundred thousand dollars. But

    if you`re willing to wait a few years, I think the pioneers that are being

    good enough to help fund it by booking their space into space will enable

    us to bring the price down for people, you know, in five, 10 year`s time.

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    MATHISEN: And still ahead, the investment that`s returned more than

    200 percent over the past decade. The answer may surprise you.

    But, first, a look at how commodities, treasuries and currencies fared



    MATHISEN: Our tax tip series continues tonight with a look at

    important ways to save for retirement. According to a new survey, 82

    percent of workers participate in some sort of employer sponsored

    retirement plan if one`s available to them, but many may not realize that

    they now have two types of 401(k) plans to choose from, a regular and a


    Sharon Epperson joins us now to explain the ins and outs of these


    So, what is the difference between a Roth and a regular 401(k)?


    Tyler, a lot of folks don`t get this and it`s an important fact that a lot

    of financial planners say they`re overlooking if they have this option.

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    The way it works is a Roth 401(k) works a lot like a Roth IRA. It allows

    you to place after tax dollars into your contributions and then you`re able

    to take this money out tax free.

    The difference, though, between a Roth 401(k) and a Roth IRA is that

    there is no income restriction. That`s the difference is that you are able

    to put in this after tax money and then take it out tax free, and that`s

    why a lot of people are very attracted to it, particularly younger workers

    and people who don`t have, who actually make too much money to contribute

    to a Roth IRA.

    GHARIB: Is this something you can get no matter where you work? Are

    most employers offering this?

    EPPERSON: Well, many employers are starting to offer. We have seen

    the popularity on the rise. We`re looking at about 37 percent of workplace

    retirement plans that now offer the Roth 401(k) option, and that`s

    according to Fidelity. Fidelity, of course, is the largest retirement

    provider, 401(k) provider, in the country. And we`re also looking at the

    fact that in 2009, just four years ago, there were only 22 percent. So

    it`s certainly increasing.

    MATHISEN: So, there are some new rules also governing Roth. Not only

    are they new in many plans, there are new rules that apply to them. What

    are they?

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    EPPERSON: Well, that`s why it might be more attractive for some

    employees and some employers to have this. What is happening with the

    American Taxpayer Relief Act was that fiscal cliff deal is new legislation

    that says that you don`t have to necessarily take distributions from a

    401(k) to be able to convert it to a Roth 401(k). You can now, without

    having taken distributions, you can now convert that money. So that means

    you don`t have to necessarily be 59 and a half or disabled, and you don`t

    have to left the company in order to do this conversion.

    So, right now, Fidelity says about 12 percent of those companies that

    have the Roth 401(k) option are allowing you to convert.

    GHARIB: Should you do it? I mean, should people just do it as like -


    EPPERSON: That`s the big question. That`s often the big question

    with converting to a Roth IRA as well. There are three factors that you

    really need to look at. The first is, really, do you need to money right

    away? And, then, how much are you going to have to pay in taxes to do the

    conversion and where is this money going to come from? You don`t want to

    take it out of your retirement assets.

    And the final thing you need to look at is where your tax bracket is

    going to be in the future. If it s going to be higher, this is something

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    that you want to consider. But if it s going to be lower or if you need

    the money right away, or if you have to dip into that retirement, principal

    to pay the taxes, it`s probably not a good idea.

    MATHISEN: How much can I put in? And if I`m 50 and above, how much

    more can I put in?

    EPPERSON: You can put in $17,500 or $23,000 if you`re 50 or older and

    that is per taxpayer. That`s not per plan. So if you decide that you want

    to mix it up and have different tax strategy, have a regular 401(k) and a

    Roth 401(k), which is a great idea for many people, remember, that

    combined, you can only have that $17,500 or $23,000 if you`re 50 or older.

    MATHISEN: I`m calling H.R. tomorrow.



    MATHISEN: Sharon Epperson, thank you very much.

    Our tax tip series is going to continue tomorrow with a look at women

    and retirement. How they`re finding new ways to save despite earning less,

    living longer and facing higher health care expenses.

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    GHARIB: And finally tonight, if you ever had a stamp collection

    growing up, you know the satisfaction of gathering and studying old and new

    postal stamps from all over the world. But you may have never imagined

    cashing in on those rare stamps for millions of dollars, like one well-

    known investor did today, or giving all the proceeds to charity.

    Robert Frank has more of today`s auction and who`s behind it.



    Gross is best known as "The Bond King". But the billionaire bond trader

    and founder of PIMCO is also America`s stamp king. And today, he had a

    huge trading day in stamps.

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sold in $650 to bidder 654.

    FRANK: Bill Gross sold more than 300 lots from his collection today

    at an auction for charity. That is a tiny slice of his collection, which

    is far and away the largest and most valuable collection in the U.S.

    Today`s sale raised more than $2 million, with some lots selling for more

    than twice the original estimate. A few lots sold for more than $60,000



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    certainly attracted a lot of attention because a lot of this material

    hasn`t been on the market in literally decades and it also helps that Mr.

    Gross is giving the proceeds to charity.

    FRANK: Stamps may not be as flashy as cars or art. But as a

    collectible, they have been great investments. Stamps returning more than

    200 percent over 10 years. Better than art, wine and even stocks. But it

    takes expertise to buy the right stamps at the right price.

    SHREVE: Quality and rarity are the two things that you want, when you

    get both together. They`re not inexpensive, but that`s what somebody

    wants, 10 years from now, 20 years from now.

    FRANK: Provenance also plays a role. Since Bill Gross is considered

    one of the smartest collectors, his sales tend to generate high prices.

    (on camera): Many of the stamps that Bill Gross is selling today were

    the first stamps ever issued by the U.S. Postal Service. These are the 5-

    cent Franklin stamps and 10-cent Washington stamps. There was one stamp

    that was postmarked from Canada, a 10-cent Washington stamp, that could

    fetch more than $30,000. That`s just for one stamp.

    (voice-over): Bill and Sue Gross will donate all the proceeds from

    the sale to Doctors Without Borders and millennial villages. That would

    make Bill Gross the nation`s top philatelist philanthropist.

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    For NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, Robert Frank, New York.


    GHARIB: Well, they are beautiful to look at. His mother got him

    started in all of this, the stamp collecting. None of her stamps were

    really worth that much.

    MATHISEN: Right.

    GHARIB: I feel so guilty, Tyler, because my son was collecting stamps

    and I tossed them out with the baseball cards at one point.

    MATHISEN: I guess it proves that Bill Gross, a guy who has an eye for

    value, it translates from bonds where he`s been so successful, to having an

    eye for value.

    GHARIB: The gifted investor.

    MATHISEN: Yes, terrific investor and a good guy to boot.

    GHARIB: Well, that s NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT for tonight. Thanks so

    much for watching. I`m Susie Gharib.

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    MATHISEN: And I m Tyler Mathisen. Thanks for joining us. Have a

    great evening and we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night.


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