nift 23 apr

Literature is the art of writing Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; something that will be read twice; Journalism, what will be read once Journalism, what will be read once - Cyril Connolly (American intellectual and writer) A Presentation by Nivedita N. 23-Apr-2012 N. I. F. T, Hyderabad

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  • Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; Journalism, what will be read once - Cyril Connolly(American intellectual and writer)A Presentation by Nivedita N.23-Apr-2012N. I. F. T, Hyderabad

    Nivasini Publishers

    Nivasini Publishers

    Being your Teacher

    5W + H [Where, What, Why, Who, Whom, and How]

    Highlight the sentences that best answer these questions, just so you can see if the facts flow in logical order.

    Avoid repetitive words

    Every word counts

    If you have any diagrams/sketch, ensure they are placed correctly

    To-do list is always handy

    Nivasini Publishers

    Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Edit

    Read the text aloud

    First, proof the body of the text.

    Then go back and proof the headings.

    Exchange it with your friend

    Try finding errors in other periodicals/magazines

    Double check nouns

    Review the page numbers and its continuity

    Nivasini Publishers

    Eat. Sleep. Breathe. Edit

    Read a Grammar books like Wren and Martin

    Check out [Grammar cartoons]

    Have others read it

    Print it out and read it

    Keep a list of your most common errors

    Nivasini Publishers

    Jargons! Abbreviations!

    Nivasini Publishers


    JargonBetterfinalizefinishimplementbegin, useinterfacetalk withoutputresultsparameterslimitsutilization useviablepossible

    Nivasini Publishers

    Comma [,]

    Separating items of the same category.

    Use a comma before the conjunction in a series of three or more.

    E.g. The cities I visited are Jaipur, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad. [Here: cities]

    *Avoid commas while using conjunctions in two items*

    She, and I play table tennis together Wrong

    She and I play table tennis together CorrectPetting Punctuations

    Nivasini Publishers

    Semicolon [;]

    Separate items in a series that contain commas.

    My routine for the week is: During weekdays I buy vegetables, fruits, and sweets; On weekends I watch movies, plays, and attend concerts Petting PunctuationsColon [:]

    Colon is to introduce a list

    E.g. My routine for the week is: During weekdays I buy vegetables, fruits, and sweets;

    On weekends I watch movies, plays, and attend concerts;

    On other holidays, I sleep, laze around, or watch Television

    Nivasini Publishers

    1. Inspiring

    Anecdotes, Case Studies


    Personal stories


    I opine [with proved reasons]

    Voice of the article

    Nivasini Publishers

    Double check the information

    Comparing the original text with the article written; and

    Editing symbols

    Numerals [spell zero to nine and then 10 onwards, use numerals]

    Source name; Names of people, states, cities, countries, books must be in initial capital. E.g. Hyderabad; The Hindu

    Preposition fewer than five letters must be in lower caseE.g. The Times of India Others..

    Nivasini Publishers

    Must::Subject of the email

    Fewer than four words

    Learn the gender of the person

    Good manners is good style

    Avoid Capitalization

    CAPITALS means SHOUTING!!!!!

    Gulp a glass of water before responding to stinker emails


  • Thank [email protected]

    Avoid Jargons ; Abbreviations ; If an abbreviation would be unfamiliar to the target audience, it should be spelled out in full when it first appears within each section, e.g., Hyderabad Urban Development Authority (HUDA).
