nha2 - morphology morphemes

Morphemes: definition, characteristics, classification by meaning: bases/roots and affixes Teacher Classification by form: free and bound morphemes  Teacher Derivational and inflectional morphemes: definition, differences  Group 1 Derivational and inflectional paradigms  Group 1 Immediate constituents  Group 2 Allomorphs: definition, selection: phonologically and morphologically conditioned allomorphs, and types: additive, replacive, subtractive, suppletive, zero allomorphs  Group 3 Words: definition, characteristics, classification: simple, complex, compound words Group 4 W ords: processes of word formation : clipping, b lending, acrony my , compounding Group 5 W ords: processes of word formation: derivation, back-formation  Group 5 Revision for Midterm test Teacher

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Morphemes: definition, characteristics, classification by meaning: bases/roots

and affixes Teacher

Classification by form: free and bound morphemes  Teacher

Derivational and inflectional morphemes: definition, differences  Group 1

Derivational and inflectional paradigms  Group 1

Immediate constituents  Group 2

Allomorphs: definition, selection: phonologically and morphologically

conditioned allomorphs, and types: additive, replacive, subtractive,

suppletive, zero allomorphs 

Group 3

Words: definition, characteristics, classification: simple, complex, compound

words Group 4

Words: processes of word formation: clipping, blending, acronymy,

compounding Group 5

Words: processes of word formation: derivation, back-formation  Group 5

Revision for Midterm test Teacher

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Word classes: definition  – classification: form classes  Group 6

Word classes: classification: structure classes  Group 6

Word classes: classification: positional classes  Group 7

Phrases: definition-classification: noun, adjective phrases  Group 8

Open and closed pre-nominal and post-nominal modifiers Group 8

Phrases: classification: verb phrase  Group 9

Phrases: classification: adverb, prepositional phrases

Group 9Clauses: structure and functions of phrases: object, complement, adjunct  Group 10

Clauses: Functions of phrases: subject and verb  Group 10

Clauses: 7 types Group 11

Clauses: dependent and independent clauses  Group 11

Sentences: definition and classification: simple, compound, complex

sentences Teacher

Tree diagrams  Teacher

Revision for final exam Teacher

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I> Morphology

• “the study of morphemes and their 

different forms (allomorphs), and the waythey combine in word formation”.

[Richards, J.C. et all, 1992:237]

E.g.: un- + happy + -ly = unhappily

(neg. prefix+happy+adv-forming suffix: 3morphemes)

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• “The branch of grammar which studies the

structure of words. It is generally divided

into inflectional morphology, the study ofinflections, and lexical or derivationalmorphology, the study of word formation.

Morphology contrasts with syntax, thecombination of words into sentences”.

E.g.: *over- +work + -ed = overworked

(derivational prefix+work+inflectional suffix:3 morphemes)

*omnibus bus (clipping)

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II> MorphemesII.1> Definition-Characteristics

•  “The smallest meaningful unit in a language”.• “A morpheme is a short segment of language that

meets 3 criteria:

1. It is a word, or a part of a word that has meaning.

2. It cannot be divided into smaller meaningful partswithout violation of its meaning or withoutmeaningless remainders.

3. It recurs in different verbal environments with arelatively stable meaning.” 

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• E.g: *friend:

-has meaning: “one attached to another by respect or affection” 

-by dividing „friend‟ we get a smaller meaningful unit „end‟,but its meaning violates the meaning of „friend‟. Theremainder /fri-/ is meaningless.

-recurs in different verbal environments: befriend, friendly,friendless, friendship, friendliness, unfriendly

‟friend‟ is a morpheme 


-means „make sth become (weaker)‟ 

- cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts withoutviolation of its meaning or without meaninglessremainders.

-recurs in different verbal environments: darken, cheapen,soften, sharpen,… 

 „-en‟ is a morpheme 

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II.2> ClassificationII.2.1> By form: Free & bound

II.2.1.1> Free morpheme- „A free morpheme is one that can be uttered alone with

meaning‟ - „can be used on its own‟ - „may stand alone as words in their own right, as well as

enter into the structure of other words‟ 

- E.g.: king, dream, act, planeII.2.1.2> Bound morpheme

- „A bound morpheme, unlike free, cannot be uttered alonewith meaning. It is always annexed to one or moremorphemes to form a word‟ 

- „is never used alone but must be used with another morpheme‟ 

- „may occur only if they combine with another morpheme‟ - E.g.: kingdom, dreamed, react, aquaplane

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II.2.2> By meaning: Bases/roots &

affixesII.2.2.1> Bases/roots/heads/central morphemes -„A base morpheme is the part of a word that has the

principal meaning‟ 

E.g.: lighten, infamous- Bases are very numerous

- most of them are free morphemes, but some are

boundE.g.: remarry, keeper, audience, reject


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 II.2.2.1.a> Free bases

II.2.2.1.b> Bound bases

• Free base: is a base „which may be a word on itsown right once the other morphemes have beenstripped away‟ 

• Bound base: is a base (i.e. it is the basic part of aword and has the principal meaning) which cannever occur on its own but can only be joined toother bound morphemes.

• E.g.: work, works, worker, overworkFB FB FB FB

• recur, immortal, pendant, portable

BB „run‟, BB „dead‟, BB „hang‟, BB „carry‟ 

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Bases><Stems• A base is any unit whatsoever to which affixes of

any kind can be added. The affixes attached to abase may be inflectional affixes selected forsyntactic reasons or derivational affixes which alterthe meaning or grammatical category of the base.

• The stem is that part of a word that is in existencebefore any inflectional affixes have been added.

E.g.: -girls, girlhood: girl is a base

-dogs, workers, happier: dog, worker, happy arestems

All roots are bases. Bases are called stems only inthe context of inflectional morphology

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II.2.2.2> Affixes

II.2.2.2> Affixes-are outlying morphemes, i.e. are always bound

morphemes and can come before, in the middle of,or after a base; can be added to a base or to each

other and change the meaning or grammaticalfunction of a word which they are attached to.

-E.g.: deurbanized  

urban : FB

de-, -ize, -d: affixes

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II.2.2.2.a> By position: Prefixes, infixes &suffixes

• Prefixes: bound morphemes which occur before abase, e.g.: unkind, untrue , unreliable : un- is aprefix. 

• Suffixes: bound morphemes which occur right after abase or after “the construction consisting of a base

plus one or more (either free or bound) morphemes”

• teacher = teach + -er : FB + suffix 

• audible = audi + -ible:  BB + suffix 

• teachers = teacher + -s = teach + -er + -s 

: FB + suffix + suffix

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• Infixes: bound morphemes that have been insertedwithin a word; are rare in English

• 2 kinds: addition & replacement (more common)

• Addition:

account + for + able=accountable („for‟ is dropped) 

un+get+at+able = ungetable („at‟ is dropped) 

rely+on+able = reliable („on‟ is dropped) • Replacement: few noun plurals

goosegeese: -ee- replaces –oo-

mousemice: -i- replaces –ou-more often past tense & past participles of verbs



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II.2.2.2.b> By function: Inflectional & derivationalaffixes

• Inflectional affixes: suffixes which are added to wordand change it according to grammatical rules; also calledgrammatical morphemes.

• Finch (2000: 105): 8 inflections of three groups: -Verb inflections • past tense: ed (attack + ed)

• past participle: ed (attack + ed)• present participle: ing (attack + ing)• third person singular present tense : s (attack + s) -Noun inflections • plural : s (dog + s)• possessive : ‟s, s‟ (dog + ‟s, dog + s‟) -Adjective/ Adverb inflections • comparative: er (large + er)• superlative: est (large +est)

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• Derivational affixes: affixes which are added to otherwords or morphemes and can change the meaning andthe word class of the ones which they are attached to.

• can create new dictionary items; are also called lexicalmorphemes.

• 2 types: 

- Class-maintaining derivational affixes: do not make any

changes in grammatical class of the words or morphemeswith which they are connected. Most of pre-fixes are ofthis type, e.g. ab normal, bi cycle, co operate,dis advantage, im mortal , etc. Suffixes can also bederivationals, e.g. Israel ite , steward ess , mile age , etc. 

- Class-changing derivational affixes: cause changes ingrammatical class of the words to which they get attach.Most of suffixes but few prefixes are of this type, e.g.admir able , beaut ify , broad en , train ee , self ish , en rich  

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III> ExercisesI> Analyze the following words into their constituents,

naming each one1. Undecided2. Impenetrability3. Uninteresting

4. Disestablished5. Devolution6. Reintroduction

7. Revengeful8. Fatality9. Makes10. Wallflowers

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1. Undecided: {un-}: DP; {decide}: FB; {-ed}: DS2. Impenetrability: {-im}: DP; {penetr-}: BB; {-ate}: DS(v); {-able}:

DS; {-ity}: DS3. Uninteresting: {un-}: DP; {interest}: FB(n); {-ing}: DS4. Disestablished: {dis-}: DP; {establish}: FB(v); {-ed}: DS5. Devolution: {devolve}: FB(v); {-tion}: DS6. Reintroduction: {re-}: DP; {introduce}: FB(v); {-tion}: DS7. Revengeful: {revenge}: FB(n); {-ful}: DS8. Fatality: {fate}: FB(n); {-al}: DS(adj); {-ity}: DS9. Makes: {make}: FB; {-s}: IS (3rd person singular present


10. Wallflowers: {wall}: FB; {flower}: FB; {-s}: IS (noun plural)

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II> Identify the meaning of the bound 

base in each of the following words, &then give as many words with the same

BB as you can

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1 revise -vise=„see‟  supervise,….. 2 contradict

3 regress

4 intervene

5 recur


inspect7 oppose

8 rodent


portable10 rupture

11 annual

12 bigamy

i „ ‟ d i i ibl i i l i i i ibili i l

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1 revise-vise=„see‟  devise,visible,visionary,television,visibility, visual,


2 contradict -dict=„say‟dictate,dictator,dictation,diction,dictum,contradiction,contradictory,contradict

orily3 regress -gress=„go‟


4 intervene -vene=„come‟ convene,contravene,supervene

5 recur -cur=„run‟  recurrence,current,occur,currency

6 inspect -spect=„look‟  spectacle,prospect,perspective,prospectus

7 oppose -pose=„place/put‟  depose,propose,deposit,impose

8 rodent -rod=„gnaw‟  erode,erosion,erosive

9 portable -port=„carry‟  deport,transport,portage

10 rupture -rupt=„break‟  erupt,abrupt,corrupt,interrupt

11 annual -ann=„year‟  annuity,annuitant,anniversary

12 bigamy -gamy=„marriage‟  polygamy,polygamous,monogamy,monogamous,bigamous

1 i

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1 revise -vise=„see‟  devise,visible,visionary,television,visibility, visual,supervise,etc

2 contradict -dict= „say‟  dictate,dictator,dictation,diction,dictum,contradiction,contradictory,contradictorily

3 regress -gress=„go‟  regressive,regression,progress,progressive,progression,egre

ss,ingress4 intervene -vene=„come‟  convene,contravene,supervene

5 recur -cur=„run‟  recurrence,current,occur,currency

6 inspect -spect=„look‟  spectacle,prospect,perspective,prospectus

7 oppose -pose=„place/put‟  depose,propose,deposit,impose

8 rodent -rod=„gnaw‟  erode,erosion,erosive

9 portable

-port=„carry‟  deport,transport,portage


rupture -rupt=„break‟  erupt,abrupt,corrupt,interrupt


annual -ann=„year‟  annuity,annuitant,anniversary

12 Bigamy -gamy=„marriage‟  polygamy, polygamous,monogamy,monogamous,bigamous