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  • 8/11/2019 NH11functionalpatterns PA


    Name: Sanaani, Yuseph Crispe Awang Clinical Instructor: Marry Ann S. Mendoza, RN MAN

    Year and Section: BSN-2B Date: August 27, 2014

    I. Clients Profile:

    Name: Momo, Hazel Joy Ollamina

    Address: Claret Lane, San Jose Z.C.Age: 22 years old

    Sex: Female

    Civil Status: Single

    Occupation: Business Manager

    Ethnic Group: Bisaya

    Dialect: Bisaya

    Religion: Roman Catholic

    Chief Complaint: For CS

    Medical Impression: PU 38 weeks AOG

    Pre-ecclampsia with cardiac problem


    1. Health PerceptionManagement Pattern

    The client verbalized that shes experiencing pre-ecclampsia with cardiac problem. She

    also told me that she was admitted three times in the past because of high blood pressure and

    her heart problem, her last admission was on January, 2012. Also, when she was seventeen

    years old she was on the line for an operation but she refused to. She also verbalized that there

    is a history of hypertension in her family and that they also dont practicevices. She also said

    that she doesnt do regular check ups.

    2. NutritionalMetabolic Pattern

    The client verbalized that their daily meal are composed of rice, vegetable, fish and

    Sometimes canned goods. They also eat fruits and sometimes meat. As of now she is only

    Required to have a soft diet and water only no softdrinks.

    3. Elimination Pattern

    The client verbalized that she defacates irregularly since she was confined but voids

    voids regularly. She also doesnt use any laxatives nor devices to help her defacate.

    4. ActivityExercise Pattern

    The client verbalized that the only exercise she does is walking. She spends her time

    surfing the internet when she has free time.

    5. SleepRest Pattern

    The client verbalized that before, she sleeps for minimum of 8 hours, now due to her

    present condition she has now difficulty in sleeping even though there is no disturbance in her


  • 8/11/2019 NH11functionalpatterns PA


    6. CognitivePerceptual Pattern

    The client verbalized that she can hear without difficulty and that she also has no

    problem with her eyes but her mother has problem with vision, wears eyeglasses and has


    7. Self-perception Self-concept Pattern

    Client stated that she is quite confident about herself and got no problems interacting with others. client

    has been affected with a cardiac problem when she was still young and she believes that this made her strong

    as a person, she states that she cant do heavy physical activities because of her condition but now in the

    present wherein she has pre-eclampsia she feel much more helpless, but not hopeless

    8. Role-relationship Pattern

    Client stated that they are a nuclear family. They are 4 in the family and have good

    relationships with each other. They speak bisaya at home. She said that her dad is a

    construction worker, while she helps managing their present business on construction and

    supplies, her mother helps at home and a sibling of her is now a graduating student of

    Civil Engineering. Her mother is the one taking care of her now.

    9. Sexuality

    Client verbalized that she has a regular and normal menstruation period.

    10. CopingStress Tolerance Pattern

    The clients mother verbalized that the client sleeps around 10:00 am and she is not allowed to do work.

    11. ValueBelief Pattern

    They embraced the roman catholicism, the mother of Hazel verbalized that Hazel refused to undergo

    operation for her heart when she was still 17 years old because she believes that if it's her time to die then

    she can't do anything anymore.

  • 8/11/2019 NH11functionalpatterns PA




    shape - has a symmetrical head shape

    hair - the clients hair color is black, the hair is evenly distributed.

    scalp - patients scalp is lighter than her skin


    eyes - has evenly distributed hair eyebrows, symmetrically aligned, has equal movement, sclera

    appears to be white and clear, has no eye problem.

    ears - has redness of ear pinna, no hearing problem.

    nose - the nose is in the midline, has no discharges.

    oral cavity - teeth are white to yellowish in color , tongue is pink

    others - has symmetrical facial movements


    Chest and Breast:


    Abdomen: under recovery due to CS

    Upper and Lower Extremities: proportional , weakened


    a. Physiologic examination

    Central Nervous System

    level of awareness - the client is slightly drowsy.

    attention deficit - the client doesnt maintain eye contact with the interviewer while



    verbalok, audible and understandable

    non-verbalcant move that much

    coordination -

    2. Special Senses

    auditory perceptionnormal, patient can hear us clearly

    pupillary perception -

    speech perceptionpatient can speak clearly

    gustatory perception -

    visual performancepatient is slightly dizzy

    tactile perception -

    olfactory perception -

    3. Respiratory System - The clients respiration rate is 23 beats/min

    4. Cardiovascular System

    heart rate, rhythm, depth - The clients pulse rate is 84 beats/min

    blood pressure - the clients BP is elevated to 150/85

    5. Nutritional Status

    skin - the clients skin color is light brown, has lesions ,has tears and lacerations, Has


    mucous membrane -

    nails -

    height - weight-

    temperature - the clients temperature is 36.8 degree Celcius.

    6. Elimination Statusbowel is not regular, voiding is at normal frequency (after meals)

    7. Motor Ability Statusgait is not good because patient is experiencing pain in her abdomen,

    posture is unstraight also because of same reasons, body movement is slow paced.

  • 8/11/2019 NH11functionalpatterns PA


    b. Laboratory and Diagnosis Test Results

    ECG -

    2D Echo -

    Ultrasound -

    Blood Chem-

    CBC with blood typing -

    HBS Ag -

    Urinalysis -

    Sodium- Potassium -