ngo management workshop narrative report-accra, ghana (december, 2007)

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    NGO Management Training for WestAfrica Civil Society Forum (WACSOF)

    December 4-6, 2007WACSI Secretariat, Accra



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    WACSI NGO Training Series (WACSOF) 2


    1.0 Introduction 3

    1.1 Background 4

    2.0 Managing Different Types of Organizations 5

    3.0 Program and Project Management 6

    4.0 People Management 8

    5.0 Organization Management 9

    6.0 Strategic Management 9

    7.0 Financial Management 10

    8.0 Corporate Governance 119.0 Community Management 12

    10.0 Image and Advocacy 13

    11.0 Evaluation and Research 14

    12.0 Conclusion 15

    Appendix One: Training Program

    Appendix Two: Training Participants

    Appendix Three: Topics

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    1. O Introduction

    NGO institutional capacity building is critical. The thrust of a capacity building

    program is to strengthen NGO competencies in different aspects of development

    work through training and institutional development. WACSI organised a trainingworkshop on NGO management for WACSOF. This training was in response to a

    request made by WACSOF for WACSI to help it in its restructuring and

    repositioning process. During a working session between WACSI and WACSOF

    in October, WACSOF requested that WACSI provide assistance and capacity to

    deal with two main challenges facing the institution: 1) Uncertainty over the role

    in its structure, particularly between Executive committee and General

    Secretariat leading to conflicting relations; 2) The need to strength the technical

    capacity of the secretariat in areas of project management and accountability.

    WACSI and WACSOF have a unique and mutually beneficial relationship within

    the ECOWAS sub-region. It has become imperative that WACSI facilitates the

    process of WACSOF achieving its objectives. This report articulates the

    concepts, discussions and comments articulated at the Training workshop. The

    workshop was held at the West African Civil Society Institute (WACSI) in Accra,

    Ghana from the 4th to the 6th of December 2007.

    The objectives of the training workshop were to:

    Create Awareness Of Management Challenges Non Governmental

    Organizations (NGOs) Face In The ECOWAS Sub-Region.

    Help Create A Dynamic And Sustainable WACSOF Leadership That Leads

    To Significant Community Impact.

    Highlight On Preferred Donor-Driven NGO Management Structures And

    Processes Which Make Fund Accessibility Successful.

    Focus on Reinventing the Future of NGO Management Processes and

    Conventions within the sub-region.

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    The facilitators for the duration of the program were Dr. Bill Pupulampu, Chief

    Executive Officer of PsychonHR, Professor John Aheto, Chairman of the Board

    (PsychonHR) and Professor Ken Attafuah from the Justice and Human Rights

    Institute. Approximately 20 people attended the training program. Participants

    were Executive Members of WACSOF within the ECOWAS sub-region. The

    training philosophy and approach was underpinned by discussions, interactions

    and group exercises.

    1.1 Background

    Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are the most important catalyst for West

    Africans to experience improvement in the quality of life. They are at the forefront

    of the quest to build enlightened and progressive societies through the promotion

    of good governance, accountability and transparency among others. They are

    the representatives of interest groups within society and have gained


    CSOs are supported by donors, national governments, international agencies,

    citizens among others. The involvement of CSOs in the processes of defining

    development strategies and results is important and effective in West Africa.They participate in the various processes to develop poverty reduction strategies.

    They are involved as members of thematic groups responsible for diagnosis, and

    for defining objectives and desired results. They also participate in public

    discussions of poverty.

    However, these organizations are faced with severe challenges that prevent

    them from fully achieving their goals. The lack of credibility, transparency, and

    professionalism in their own operations and management are some of their

    weaknesses. One of the most critical challenges in CSOs environment in West

    Africa is to address these gaps through a capacity building mechanism that could

    elevate these organizations for the benefit of the people of West Africa.

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    2.0 Managing Different Types of Organizations

    There are clear differences between Public Agencies, Private Companies and

    NGOs. Public agencies have the following features including, political pressure

    on activities of public agency and appointments are according to law and politicalconsideration. In addition, public agencies are structured, operate and are

    determined by law and usually present life-long employment opportunities for

    public servants.

    Private companies are characterized by profit maximization as premium priority

    and accountability to shareholders and the board of the company. Appointments

    are made by the owner or board or management. Tasks are easily carried out

    due to the control nature of these organizations. However, NGOs are created by

    individuals with an ideological, personal and/or religious agenda. This presents a

    potential for the clash of ideas. Financing is most often a critical problem.

    Voluntarism makes hiring and firing difficult because there are a lack of

    structures and systems.

    There are similarities between private business and NGOs. An important

    similarity is the fact that private companies are set-up to make profit; NGOs are

    set-up to improve lives and communities. Another interesting similarity is that

    whilst in private companies it takes qualified and result oriented managers and

    staff to achieve the vision, in NGOs it takes discipline and qualified managers

    and staff to achieve the vision. The three different types of organizations have

    distinct human resource competency needs. Public sector management needs

    educated professionals that are political savvy. Private sector management

    needs profit-minded entrepreneurs that are assertive. NGO sector management

    needs idealists that are political savvy and assertive.

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    3.0 Program and Project Management

    Projects, programs and policy contextually differ in form and purpose. NGOs

    thrive and work in a projects setting. However, projects dont sit alone. They

    reside in programs. Programs emanate from policy. Policies are areas ofthematic focus that an NGO will devote itself. The policy may be derived from

    community problems, thrust of the NGO and social, political and economic issues

    in the country or region. A policy should address challenges in a systematic

    manner through effective articulation, documentation and a long-term framework.

    NGOs should differentiate programs and projects. An NGO may have more than

    one program or thematic area. A program is a set of interrelated ideas and

    activities organized around a core theme and running within a short to medium

    term period. However, a project is a set of interrelated tasks which are directed to

    achieve a particular limited objective within a short period. A program may have

    many projects within it. The features of projects encompass the fact that it

    emanates from programs and is time-bound. Projects need a multiplicity of

    people, skills and time management. Projects must be delivered to time, to

    specification and to budget.

    NGOs should be aware of the concept of the critical path and the importance of

    the logical framework. The critical path is a situation where key activities must

    necessarily happen before an NGO can achieve a project. Other activities are

    subsidiaries. NGOs have to stick to the logical framework (log frame) and

    reporting parameters of donors in order to attract necessary funding. A log frame

    is a document that sets out a philosophy, an agenda, costs, geographic delivery

    patterns, interrelated tasks, when, why, delivery dates, proposal concepts and

    monitoring and evaluation standards. Many donors ask for a log frame at the

    proposal stage or as a mid-term evaluation tool or at both the beginning and end

    of a program.

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    The value of the log frame encapsulates a monitoring and evaluation tool and a

    blue print for program management. The log frame is also a tool for project audits

    and a basis for sourcing funds. The components of the log frame include:

    Narrative Summary which is defined as the goal, purpose, outputs and

    activities of the project as described in the left-hand column of the logical


    Goal is defined as the ultimate result to which your project is contributing-the

    impact of the project

    Purpose is defined as the change that occurs if the project outputs are

    achieved- the effect of the project.

    Outputs is characterized as the specific intended results of the project

    activities- used as milestones of what has been accomplished at various

    stages during the life of the project.

    Activities are defined as the actual tasks required producing the desired


    Indicators are measurable or objectively verifiable indicators, qualitative and

    quantitative ways of measuring progress and whether projects outputs;

    purpose and goal have been achieved.

    Means of Verification is the information or data required to assess progress

    against indicators and their sources.

    Assumptions are factors external to the project which are likely to influence

    the work of the project management has little control, and which need to exist

    to permit progress to the next level in the log frame.

    Super Goal is the long-term results of continued achievement of the goal of

    the project.

    Inputs are defined as the materials, equipment, financial and human

    resources needed to carry out the activities of the project.

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    4.0 People Management

    NGOs are encouraged to manage their staff by using the entry-maintenance-

    exist framework. Entry into a NGO should be done professionally by NGOs

    themselves or they should hire consultants or recruitment agencies to do it right.NGOs are encouraged to move away from familiarity and a voluntary mind-set. It

    is imperative for NGOs to clearly define skills, knowledge, and competencies

    required for each job.

    NGOs are encouraged to undertake interviews that assess technical, managerial

    and interpersonal skills of candidates. They should select candidates who would

    best fit into the job and the organization and issue appointment letters where

    probation plus confirmation periods are clearly stated. Another important entry

    process is induction and orientation which would help new employees imbibe the

    organizations culture and values. In addition, it also helps employees to attach

    some level of importance and seriousness to the induction or orientation process.

    NGOs are advised to implement a Performance Management and Appraisal

    System (PMPA). This system should include: monitoring of tasks, the range of

    core competencies, task execution processes, targets and professional

    standards. It is important for supervisors to understand the PMPA which aims to

    identify performance gaps and provide remedies and assist, reward and progress

    management. Training and development and compensation management are

    very important for the growth of NGOs. If there is no money for training and

    development, what should NGOs do? This is an issue for NGOs to reflect on.

    What determines the grounds for sanctions and terminations (Exit Strategy)?

    There should be rules and regulations that should be clearly spelt out and made

    known to employees. Sanctions should be based on the rules and in conformity

    with the labour law and not on emotions. Nonetheless, the notice period for exit

    should be known to employees and employees should have a social security


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    5.0 Organization Management

    Stakeholders are encouraging NGOs to move from voluntarism to a formal

    organization in order to be sustainable. Voluntarism is good and NGOs must

    maintain a spirit of volunteer work. However, within a year or two NGOs must

    create procedures to cover their existence. Stakeholders have advised NGOs to

    register with appropriate authorities, set up documents for entry and exit of staff.

    They should have a functional organizational structure and a functioning advisory

    board. In addition, NGOs should not expect free service and they should seek

    expert help if they are not competent to undertake the specific task. NGOs must

    find suitable organizational structures that fit their objectives and vision. Theycould opt for a hierarchical or coordination structure. Choosing a hierarchical

    structure or coordination structure depends on the practical situation of the

    specific NGO. NGOs must be run well and its leaders must be accountable to a

    board, stakeholders and donors.

    6.0 Strategic Management

    The strategic management process encompasses strategy formulation andstrategy implementation. In order for NGOs to remain sustainable, there is a

    need for them to formulate strategic plans. A strategy is an organizations

    approach to achieving its various objectives and intentions in the short, medium

    and long-term. A strategic plan will highlight a NGOs comparative advantage

    and its position with respect to others and its focus on what it should do or be

    doing. The plan contains specific detailed activities geared towards a strategic

    action. The impact or end-result is the most important factor. There is a need for

    NGOs to formulate visions and continually re-vision. The vision will sustain the

    organization because it represents a compelling, ideological and philosophical

    thrust of the organization.

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    The formulation process includes the SWOT analysis and the development of

    corporate and functional or departmental strategies. Strategy implementation

    involves the implementation of the strategy and monitoring and evaluation. Most

    often, strategic plans are formulated but not implemented effectively.

    Researchers have argued that it takes a focused and determined leadership and

    an inspired set of followers to undertake strategy implementation effectively.

    7.0 Financial Management

    Financial management encompasses budgeting, internal controls and auditing.

    Budgeting is a scientific process of systematically allocating scarce resources to

    unlimited demands and uses. Internal controls are processes by which an entity

    obtains a reasonable assurance as to the achievement of specified objectives.

    Auditing is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence

    regarding assertions about economic actions and events, to ascertain the degree

    of correspondence between the assertions and established criteria and

    communicating the results to interested users.

    A budget is a financial aspect of a strategic plan. A budget contains information

    about types and amounts of proposed expenditures, the purposes for which they

    are to be made, and the proposed means of financing them. The four main

    budgetary phases and functions are planning, control, monitoring and evaluation,

    reporting and feedback. Cost and a minimum level of quality should be taken into

    account in the process of budgeting.

    Control activities involve policies and procedures that ensure that management

    directives are carried out. There is a technical difference between the internal

    and external auditor. An internal auditor helps to check anomalies. His auditing

    outcome helps NGOs to be alert to financial inconsistencies and subsequently

    enshrine preventive measures. People who perform control procedures are not

    infallible. Electronic data processing helps to reduce the incidence of temporary

    breakdowns since staff functions are programmed and assigned to computers.

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    The requirements for an effective audit are having evidence gathering and

    evaluation knowledge and the knowledge of how evidence is evaluated.

    Competent sufficient evidence to support the audit opinion on financial

    statements is an important requirement. There is also the need for reasonable

    assurance from material errors or financial misstatements. Collaboration between

    the internal auditor and external auditor is imperative for prudent financial


    8.0 Corporate Governance

    NGOs should create dynamic partnerships and foster the mobilization of people.

    Governance structures of NGOs are to be examples to national governments.

    Rogue NGOs exploit the vulnerability of the poor and the generosity of the rich.

    Civil society should bring civility to public discourse. The foundational pillars of

    good governance are accountability, adherence to rules and regulations,

    effective communication, leadership by example, vision sharing, clear-cut policies

    and adherence to specific guidelines.

    The power of the board of directors is determined by the duties it must perform.

    The duties of directors entail managing, directing and supervising. This does not

    mean that directors are required to manage the day-to-day activities of a

    company or to act in the role of an Executive Director or Chief Executive Officer.

    The conflict areas between the Board and the Executive Director include funding

    and spending powers, media opportunities, speaking engagements,

    appointments among others. The role of Executive Director presents itself with

    certain leadership challenges. The bullying boss syndrome, tokenism and sexual

    harassment are recurring issues that occur within the organizationalenvironment. Directors are vested with all the powers that are reasonably,

    necessary and incidental to their primary tasks. Within their exclusive spheres of

    authority, directors are sovereign.

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    Directors are not agents for shareholders but agents of the company. Directors

    are the embodiment of corporate power. They are required to use their best

    endeavors to preserve the companys assets, further the companys business

    and promote the companys purposes. Directors are servants of the entity and

    not servants of the components. Directors are enjoined to consider the interest of

    employees, members and creditors. The organizations fiduciary duty carries with

    it a broad and unbending obligation of loyalty and fidelity. Directors have a duty

    to administer the affairs of the organization for the sole benefit of the

    organization. This duty also extends to management, employees and other

    officials of the organization. Directors must administer with honesty, prudence,

    best care, best skill and best judgment.

    Directors have an obligation to avoid conflict of interest. Conflict of interest can

    be described as an interest, direct or indirect with any third party that has the

    potential to impair the exclusive benefit of the organization. Conflict of interest

    scenarios can be overcome by formulating and adhering to strict conflict of

    interest policies and guidelines. An upper ceiling should be established with

    respect to quantum or monetary value of gifts that may be accepted by a director

    or other officers of the organization. In such situations, any gift is disapproved

    except gifts of a value less than US$50, which could not be refused without

    discourtesy. No professional gift of money is ever to be accepted. Interestingly,

    sexual harassment and sexual exploitation and abuse are classified as conflict of

    interest situations.

    9.0 Community Management

    It is important for NGOs to understand the concept of the community. A

    community may be defined as a group of people who live in a particular

    geographical area for example a village, town, district or country. It may also be

    defined as a group of people who share a common history and a common set of

    social challenges.

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    The overall objective of NGO work is to bring about community development and

    social change and assist people to experience better or true self-determination.

    An NGO that is truly engaged in community development deploys a process

    aimed at promoting citizen awareness of problems by enabling them to define

    their needs in relation to the total environment. NGOs must assist communities to

    be socially and economically viable in order to support individual and family

    growth to enhance the quality of life. Community development interventions

    require a program, a methodology and a process. It deals with balancing

    community needs against NGO needs. It is important to ensure a strategic fit

    between the needs of both parties. Where the needs dont match the

    communities may not participate and benefit to the maximum. NGOs may not

    achieve their vision or may deviate from their mission.

    Opinion leaders and the grass root constituent should be the first point of call for

    NGOs before program implementation. Prior information about the community

    and possible areas of resistance by such leaders is important. It is important to

    determine what such leaders like or dislike and their history, culture, language,

    traditions of community. Program officers should develop healthy relationship

    with the grass root people. Project staff should not betray the trust reposed in

    them by local people. There should be a feedback mechanism for hearing the

    voices of the local people through durbars on the implementation challenges, the

    impact of the project on the community and areas that require remedies among


    10.0 Image and Advocacy

    The image of an NGO within the community, amongst donors and amongstvolunteers is crucial in their quest to achieve their goals. NGOs should shed the

    not-serious image of NGOs by building systems and structures for delivering

    quality service, by demanding professionalism from all staff and the need to stop

    employing relatives after the initial year or so.

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    Donors do not want to deal with an organization that is not professionally

    managed. Donors are particular about results hence sponsor organizations that

    are serious. Continuous inflow of funds from donors is tied to the seriousness

    attached to the timeliness and accuracy of reports. There is a need for NGOs to

    market and advocate extensively. This can be done by exploring other

    communities who need their service apart from the current ones. Marketing is

    important because it secures donor sustained interest in a particular project and

    ensures a long-term survival of the NGO. It also helps the NGO survive the

    different forms of competition from civil society space and donor support.

    Advocacy issues may be tackled by submitting reports to district authorities and

    by networking with other NGOs to engage central government to influence policy

    initiation or implementation. In addition, NGOs should participate in policy

    matters within their scope at the early stages of policy formulation. NGOs are

    encouraged to respond positively to questions and feedback from donors. If it is

    an internal anomaly, its imperative the NGO communicates and helps the staff

    deal with it. If it is external, there is a need to device an appropriate strategy to

    prevent, manage or minimize its impact.

    11.0 Evaluation and Research

    Social problems need sound data to inform strategy for intervention. It is

    important for NGOs to design the research instrument carefully and use

    appropriate analyses tools. If NGOs cannot undertake research, they must

    access academic papers, books among others. There a various approaches to

    evaluation. They can be categorized as goal evaluation, proves evaluation and

    impact assessment. The evaluation process begins with the need to clearly

    define what an NGO is intending to achieve with the intervention and concludes

    with ascertaining whether the society has changed, whether the problem has

    improved and whether lives have changed.

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    12.0 Conclusion

    Training is essential for NGOs. It is important for WACSOF to build its

    institutional capacity. WACSI will play an important role in this process. WACSOF

    platform can be used to augment the research and documentation work ofWACSI. WACSI can help facilitate WACSOF advocacy programs. WACSI will

    organize thematic dialogue through reflection sessions for WACSOF.

    The following recommendations were made at the WACSOF training workshop:

    Organizational Development

    It is important for NGOs to understand that merit and capacity are not

    priorities in a public agency. This is because appointments are determined by

    political lobbying and other political considerations. Theoretically many NGOs

    link merit and capacity but in practice it is rare.

    There is a need for NGOs to move beyond voluntarism to a structured

    organization. It is imperative for networks to determine the criteria for

    qualification as an NGO in order to reduce the number of illegitimate NGOs.

    WACSOF has to solve its coordination and articulation problems between thesub-regional level and national level.

    There is a need for WACSOF national platform institutional capacity building

    for progressive revenue drive and effective coordination.

    Program and Project Management

    There is a need for NGOs to make a distinction between programs and

    projects. NGOs often muddle the two concepts.

    Programs being determined by funding agencies which makes it difficult for

    NGOs to create community-specific projects must be discouraged.

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    People Management

    NGOs should engage in barter trade with foundations that offer human

    resource training support.

    NGOs should be more creative by using internal staff who can train

    colleagues in their areas of competence. NGO staff should make use of

    information on the internet and library sources.

    Organizational Management

    Autocracy is quite necessary within a certain context. However, there must be

    a balance.

    The overbearing nature of a charismatic Executive Director who sustains the

    NGO but when he or she leaves or passes on the NGO finds it difficult to

    survive is an issue that must be tackled.

    The biggest problem with NGOs is the lack of transparency and coordination.

    Strategic Management

    When formulating the strategic plan there is a need for NGOs to be sincere,

    honest truthful, factual, open, committed, determined, fair, objective,

    transparent, and passionate. There is a need for NGOs to determine their comparative advantage. That

    particular activity they undertake very well.

    Financial Management

    There is a need to cost activities within a project properly and avoid

    miscellaneous expenses or contingency. Every activity must have a

    personnel cost dimension.

    Networks such as WACSOF can become a conduit for supplementary top-up

    funding for NGOs

    NGOs should invest their funds by making use of investment funds in

    between the time of receipt and implementation. This process requires a good

    internal auditing system that tracks the monetary transfers.

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    NGOs should find innovative ways of raising money and find mechanisms to

    be entrepreneurial to overcome the lean season.

    Profit-making ventures can be created by NGOs through their subsidiaries but

    this depends on the legal environment the NGO is situated in.

    NGOs should seek supplementary grants from research institutions.

    Community Management

    NGOs must identify prominent community leaders and work through them.

    There is a need to be aware of the hierarchy in a community.

    There is a need for NGOs to be aware of local sensitivities as they undertake

    their work in communities.

    Image and Advocacy

    NGOs should remodel their image away from family-owned outfits.

    The image of NGOs can be more acceptable if they fall within civil society

    work and not other areas which are not really about community development.

    WACSOF has to deliberate on the criteria for inclusion and exclusion in order

    to protect the image of NGOs within the sub-region.

    NGOs are encouraged to treat all actors with impartiality except when a

    particular group of actors are becoming exploitative by trampling the human

    rights of people.

    It is imperative for NGOs to understand that they are political. It is just that

    they are not carrying cards. This will help them engage with political actors to

    influence public policy formulation and implementation.

    NGOs within the sub-region have to explore local generosity or philanthropy

    for funding.

    Donors have to be made to be concerned about the real problems of the


    West African NGOs have to move towards financial independence in order to

    minimize the overbearing influence of donors.

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    NGOs can solve their financial problems by using professional fund raisers

    who can get funding from the private sector.

    Evaluation and Research

    NGOs must specialize on research and use the outputs to achieve positive

    outcomes. In order to make alternative proposals, research must be

    consistently undertaken.

    Research should not be a commercial activity but it should be at the service

    of the citizenry.

    There is a need for NGOs to have quality databases and a center of

    documentation. Information is paramount for every NGOs agenda.

    WACSOF should establish a decent office complex with a resource center

    and related facilities.

    WACSOF must embark on research and documentation activities.

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    Appendix One: Training Program

    TIME DAY 1



    10.00 - 10.30am

    10.30 - 11am

    11.00 - 12.00pm

    12.00 - 12.15pm

    12.15 - 1.00pm

    1.00 - 1.45pm


    3.30 - 4.30pm

    4.30 - 5.15pm


    TOPIC 1: Managing Different Organizationso NGO,o Public Agency ando Private Company?

    Exercise 1:


    TOPIC 2: Programme & Project Managemento Nature of programso Nature of projects

    o Logical frameworks Light Bulb Moment

    TOPIC 3: People Managemento Entryo Maintenanceo Exit


    Exercise 2: Design a Project, create its management framework; report it

    using a Log Frame; Report back 3-3.30

    TOPIC 4: Organization Management

    o From voluntarism to formal organizationo Structureo Governance & the moral imperative

    Tea Break/Exercise 3: Based on the learning so far in People &

    Organization Management, discuss and list some specific things you are

    going to do, change or introduce in your NGO on this matter: Report back

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    TIME DAY 2

    TOPIC 5: Strategy

    o Who are we?o The NGOs Focuso The strategy processo Ownership, deployment and monitoring of strategyo Reviewing your strategy


    EXERCISE 4 on designing the Strategy of your NGO NGOs must be

    thematically grouped for this exercise (e.g. those in HIV/Health;

    Community Development; Political Action/Democracy Advocacy etc)

    Report back on Strategy of each set of NGOs


    TOPIC 6: Financial Management

    o Budgetingo Internal controlso Programme, project and corporate level Auditing

    TOPIC 7: Corporate Governance

    9.00 - 10.30am

    10.30 - 11.30am

    11.30 - 12.30pm

    12.30 - 1.30pm

    1.30 - 5.30pm

    7.00- 9.00

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    TIME DAY 3

    9.00 - 10.30pm

    10.30 - 11.00pm

    11.00 - 11.45pm

    11.45 - 12.30pm

    12.30 - 1.30pm

    TOPIC 7: Community Managemento Understanding the concept of the communityo Rural and urban communitieso Community needs against NGO needso Opinion leaders and the grass roots

    Tea Break

    TOPIC 8: Image and Advocacy

    o Shedding the not-serious imageo Behavior of NGO officialso Marketing and an advocacy programo Donor management

    TOPIC 9: Evaluation & Research


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    WACSI Policy Advocacy Series (No. 2)


    Appendix Two: Seminar Participants


    1 Ms. Gertrude Adu Yebo Ghana WACSOF [email protected] 0243-060221

    2 Prof. Paul Kuruk Atlanta USA WACSOF [email protected] 0246-748362

    3 Akpo Teleshpore Benin WACSOF [email protected] 02299-7484804

    4 Muua Vandu-Chikolo Nigeria WACSOF [email protected] 234803070405

    5 Mr. Wilberforce Okoli Nigeria WACSOF [email protected] 2348033114906

    6 Ms. Caroline Bowah Liberia FOHRD/LANSA [email protected] 231-6532820

    7 Dr. Mariam Maiga Mail WACSOF [email protected] 233-9069291

    8 Ms. Nathalie Kone CoteD Iovire WACSOF Nigeria [email protected] 225-22411722

    9 Mr. Malcolm Joseph Niger WACSOF [email protected] 231-6514357

    10 Mr. laoual Sayabou Niger FOSCAO [email protected] 00228-96963458

    11 Mr. Koku Ahianyo Togo FOSCAO [email protected] 00228-9303056

    12 Ama Esso Togo FOSCAO [email protected] 228-9013967

    13 Abah,Hgozi Helen Nigeria WACSOF [email protected] 243-807631293

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    WACSI NGO Training Series (WACSOF) 30

    14 Ms Edel Barbosa Almeida Cape Verde WACSOF [email protected] 238-9922422

    15 Ms. Iyesha Josiah Sierra Leone WACSOF [email protected] 232-76711342

    16 Prof. Oumar Ndongo Nigeria WACSOF [email protected] 070-33009456

    17 Mr. Dele Sonubi Nigeria WACSOF [email protected]

    18 Rev. Kaine Nwashilli Nigeria WACSOF [email protected] 234-8023035193

    19 Ms. Suzanne Traore Nigeria WACSOF/SEC [email protected] 234-8062178743

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    WACSI Policy Advocacy Series (No. 2)


    Appendix Three: Topics

    1. Managing Different Types of Organizations

    2. Program and Project Management

    3. People Management

    4. Organization Management

    5. Strategic Management

    6. Financial Management

    7. Corporate Governance

    8. Community Management

    9. Image and Advocacy

    10. Evaluation and Research