neyco it come any€¦ · the waskdstgt03st times friday september 30 1910 9 department of...

THE WASKDSTGT03ST TIMES FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1910 9 Department of Agriculture Names Its Committee Other Selections Soon DepaxtHMMt o Agriculture to- day annjMiicod the person ami f the committees wlifdt will represent that deportmOBt 4 work of investigat- ing the methods t trsactt busi- ness Jn ttac ev ral dep rtnteitts This committee wH make a report to President recommending seek changes in tasteiatioti and flwltngs which would tend to conduce greater efficiency and in the present administration The committee was by the tortes of Its appointment vested with nit au- thority necessary to the attainment of the ends for whichit was constituted appointment of The legislation which calls for this action is an item In the sundry civil act which appropriates Mtt0tt to enahie the President to employ accountants and experts frost official and private life to inquire into the methods of transacting the public bagmen of the Government It is understood that this coimrittee will proceed to take up this work It is composed of the following officials Jasper Wilson private secretary to the secretary George P McCabe so licitor A Zaphone disbursing officer James B Adams of the Forest Ser- vice A D Melvin chief of the Bureau- of Animal Industry It is expected that the other departments will make their selections soon and work will Im- mediately begin city has been selected by the President j as chairman of the committee SUFFRAGE IS URGED BY WOMAN DELEGATE Continued from First Page smaliest possible number if progress In Crowds of loaf- ers AH the benches scanning eagerly the faces of up for sentence these women are weak and wherever these human vultures allowed by law to be spectators to their misery way see them afterward they will accost them they will follow them they are mark ed And bcaose these women are ever reminded of their shame their reforma- tion is hindered even stopped com pletely- Again If there votes for wo men there would be set moral standard for men as high as that standard a man demands in the wo man he expects to marry Why should the unfortunate woman be subjected to the legal and social shame and the punishment and the man who prostitutes her go scot free legally and be received the same so- cially and legally Unfortunates The of that committee on and discharged prisoners- was read by Chairman James A Leonard superintendent of the State reformatory of Mansfield Ohio Mr Leonard emphasized the necessity of teaching obedience to unfortunates If they are to be truly reformed The discipline in reformatories should not be of the kind to distort or destroy the personality o the young criminal argued the speaker Corporal punishment starvation sad solitary said Mr Leonard are survivals of a less enlightened age and though still extensively are desperately on the The work of American reformatories- has been seriously handicapped because of architectural of buildings This is true because most reformatories are housed in the prisons of older American type It is a mistake- to suppose that by an old line penitentiary you can convert it into a reformatory Almost every re formatory in America is operating under a parole law which is more or less effective and becomes more so year by year In spite of successes achieved reformatory work has not passed out of the experimental stage and this committee is of the opinion that it wHI be years before it does Y M C A SCHOOL- TO FORMALLY OPEN Students of Accountancy Will Be Given Courses for Training Men for Practice The Waaiiiagton School of which is conducted under the w- apic e the Washington Young Mens Christian Association will have its for- mal opening for the year 39itlMl at S Oclock this at the central as- sociation building Students will be addressed by their principal Homer St Clair Pace nod Charles Asfcford Pace of New York ard Chj il s H Schnedfe of Baltimore The School of Accountancy at is one link in a chain of nine schools similarly conducted the others being located at New York city Brook- lyn Buffalo Baltimore Cleveland De troit Los Angeles and Boston It is expected there will be o total registration of 91 students in the com- bined schools this year The prime object of the course In accountancy fe to train men for Its practice Incidentally bet ter class of office positions JR federal State and municipal service are also prepred for and in States where the certified public account law is force- it prepares especially for the C P A examination SKIN A Marvelous New Preparation ZelmoK Permanently Cures Eczema Scrof- ula Skin Eruptions Etc Send For Free Sample Here is one of the greatest remedies ever given to suffering humanity Zelmoj a new preparation combining simuleaneoos internal and external treatment has been officially declared- by many of the physietaaa and chemists of the country to for these awful and distressing diseases While is the skin the eruptions and dis the outward symptoms Zel ablets which combine the trouble by purifying aad vitalizing the blood Zelmos is not an experiment actually does exactly what is here stated Salve costs She per X j tr Zeinras of 50 tablets Sold by Store Peoples rhanuaey all dru grists of Salve will be on Vy Barfe Laboratories Mar br se Bldg York SELECTS PROBERS S EXPENSE TIt tile g the the at once of New York reforM k to be women cane were a n the used ten8Ive feets J IerleaJl Of the In TROUBLES VAHISH le- the l s otkl9 rIg Taos or active Enzymes are root of the box or n per Tab- lets per box Drug and Z4 sues St ew FO1tU may subcom- mittees A Cleveland a made eforit report re- formatories Imprison- ment how- ever yet Account- ancy Washi- ngton professional loading pens ng scientific principles hie re- quest ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ in Company Being Organized- to Buy Boat to Open Operations WASHINGTON TIMES BCRBAT- 7AIBXA2JDRIA VA SMTT The resumption of Ute ferry service between Alexandria the Firth and WaeMngen is now an fact and it is expected that a boat wilt again be plying between these places within the next six weeks The otat committees frets the Alex- andria Chamber o Commerce and the Retail Merchants Association have al- ready received enough subscriptions to the stock of the new company to assure its organization A meeting of the chamber of commerce and the association wilt be held within- a day or two when the committee will make Its report A committee is al ready at work making as examination of several boats which have been of- fered to the new company for the ferry service A rally day service will be beta by Trinity Methodist EpLceepal Sunday School next Monday morning at 939- oclock An interesting program of songs recitations addresses and other attractive features wilt be given fol- lowed by the regular mornta service- at 11 a m and a special sermon by they pastor the Rev A W RwdisHL Michael ftftyo years old died t his home SH South Washington street last evening He was cwn George county but has resided in Alexandria for thirty years He has been connected with the firm of H K Field Co for twenty years He fc survived by a widow and six children Funeral arrangements have not yet been made At the Second Presbyterian Church this the Rev J R Sevier will deliver an illustrated lecture on For- eign Mission Work In Korea illus trated with stereopticon pictures of life in mission lands ALEXANDRIA FERRY RESUME SERVICE Si Dr eRR Y e King If Steel- Works as- sayed merch- ants ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ H 2H N S S S W E A R B i T I I 0IO E 5 EQUAL SUFFRAGISTS MEET SAN FRANCISCO CaL Sept 30 The California Equal Suffrage Association met in annual convention In this city to day and was called to order at the Fair mont Hotel by the president Mrs Elizabeth Lowe Watson of Santa Clara ¬ ¬ I Cure for Constipation Trial Free I Slits AXVRED MORGAN The following are some extracts from letters Dr CaMwolI has received I took the sample beKle which otf sent me then bought a fvceat batik and It cured but nevertheless I keep a dollar bottle to bo s all time I eoit- atder Srrstp Pepsin the best for cxMMtipatiofi I bare tried I am tell MK everybody about K Mrs Xorg n JeraeyvJIle III I gees your sample battle of Syrup Pupils a thorough trial awl awst saj- vtbt for stomach trouble and eoastlpAtfcm It lag w I am OB my second good reran Mrs P E Snyder Canton have Syrup Pepsin a Road trial and it is the best that I have ever fer onustJpatton and stomach trouble A sample bottle will convince anybody that K IK UM best John Gravetifie Ko Ave Mic- hI am well pleased with Syrup P p 4s Scat bottle produced the de sired result a d I got a large size bottle at once which le giving entire atbra UOB It is bent remedy Ja exJsrence for conaUpaAion and any kind of stomach trouble Anyone so afflicted itjould use ttJ J Petty TrnlonvJIe Mo the the continue Its use long as- A gives your takeR Milwaukee your TIle the k 1- rr lArr i rh tathar f l- It 1 i 1 il medicine ever A red equal bot- tle and shall ao mo- b Ii- I ii De- troit + Constipation is not an imaginary You know vlietisr you have it or not Xo one mgue you into it or out of it By the same token if you take a remedy and it cures you you must be con vinced that it was the remedy that Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin the credit of curing their constipa- tion a credit that is when you consider how previ- ous attempts they had made with remedies Syrup Pepsin is the recognized peer of all laxatives It is not only a substitute for salts and purgatives by its milder more scientific action has done much to lessen their use It is the best rpraedy you can hay for yourself and family for any stomach liver- or bowel trouble All sell it and it can be obtained of them at fifty coats and one dollar a large bottle If you want to test it sOlId your address to Dr Caldwell and he will furnish you a free sample bottle for home trial these testimonials and the offer of a free sample bottle you ought to begin the use cf Syrup Pepsin without delay Dr Caldwell not feel that the per chase of JaN ran ends Me ebtf gating He taw i nt stomach liver and bowel dl a8Mi for over forty years and will be pleas f c1 to give Ute reader any advice cn the subject free of charge Alt Are vrelcowHi to tcTitebim Wh U- ier for iral advice or the free sample ad- dress him W I Caldwell 7S Building s5 rirAntiii ni Look for This Picture on Pkg can did it Here are some who give ortant but s edy tIM Dr I many specialized R J mica e r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > HOUSE Built on the Solid foundation of QUALITY TI1GRATIIAIIN SLOE Preeminent for Novelty Beauty and Worth- The shoes want for Fall are grades distinguished fashions than youll see prices that MUST appeal to you Come and see for yourselves tomorrow a force of nearly 75 efficient employes is read to serve you L OUR IIAMMOTHfALl STOCKS trl you II herebetter elsewhereat r more f7 Fall BENDEESY ShoesT- he famous heavysoled Shoes that BEND as EASY as l ht Slippers Shoes that are smoothly lined throughout with the softest finest that combine correct perfectfitting beautiful shapes the most skilled workmanship and the very finest materials Heres a combination of qualities which can be found in NO OTHER SHOE AT ANY PRICE Re aUJ 5 in IUXURIOUS COMFORT UNEQUALED WEAR 20 Styles for Women 12 Styles for Men at 6 Styles for t fA to Young Folks 4ODU kidShoes with 5 00 e 2 < Washington Belie Womens Boots Easily worth a dollar more than their price Sterling qualities Novel styles usually found only in S3 and 5S5 lines AH Cravanette Boots Patent Colt Boots with fancy figured vesting or plain black cloth tops Also short front Tan or Black Kid or Calf Boots All Goodyear welts in styles Rec- ord at S 2 50 I values RITE fORM Girls Shoes- are right In shape fit and styles while they outwear 2 or 3 pairs of most other shoes Sizes 5 to Sizes S to 11 9173 Sizes 11 to 2 S2OO Sizes 2 to 3 13O HIGH STORM BOOTS AT to Patent Colt grades of tan or calf o and black XR JOE RING following sews ectnete from Dr abe which time I MAl hMfcefca r I to st a Jiiiif that I rented ME a drMricM man sloe I bare w Ktag G St N W Waatateg ton C For mine three I bars trembled a great cometiyaUo and have sever to xt Murtbtog that 1 have ever late J A Vuiaan human City OM L built of your tk modlclng b ur very that your Syrup Pftn MM MM me a Jot eC g od ta short time I been wstoR K y cua Upt1en bM left me and I am ttankQiI to m stove that I have found a rem that ht 9 hale Om W Zimmerman MtT 3 o di at Marriefcurs Pa I tbairie for the aampto bottle of- Synp Pepsin Mr bo s t brttlte of It and aaycH te M rt I UUnic otigit to try It It is the best and raxaUvc the k bewght and tile to have In your house Robt Atkinson Sr Cuba JU Tore boWs hued and I then heals sIIIce reed Out sat takng o4t D able muck taking the pie oC yoGI I a sad attar taking half ot kI t I IItHd Syrup at My drug tIM of Regd I vary glad Ute Oed da ter as CaD a Y The are letters has reoetea male massed my buhgbt a 1t hays tN dirtiness burn 3lrrp Psych elf been deal with buss helped me Alter bottle Syrup Pepsin bought It she Sari b delag me mere Rood dan asyduing Ohm pi a Pepela Moir and results been am and lappy y say have has doss me- a meek good ea yes ughr a every one surest safest < TRSWEAR Shoes Men in every walk of life have recently sent us written testimonials about the superiority of TPI WEAR Shoes for lit style and wear Here are extracts frcra a few of them From a Police Captain Worn them for 15 years and always fount them satisfactory for comfort and service A Business Man says found TRIWEAR Shoes superior to shoes I paid 5 or 6 for From a Fireman Bought a pair Shoes In 1902 and theyre fairly good yet Styles in all shapes and all good leathers Cpj JU 12 Custom Finish A Styles at p VU Boys TRIWEAR Shoes 2 and 250 Mens 5 PHI WEAR tc Womens VENUS Shoe Queens- Have the strongest following of gay Womens Boots sold In Washington and richly deserve it High Art Designs Masterly Workmanship Perfect fitting Lasts Choicest Materials Shown inICO superb styles most of them short front effects some in the extra short stage last any desired heel or toe ALL VELVET BOOTS SUEDE BOOTS PATENTS WITH VELVET CRAVA NETTE OR KID TOP NEW TANS SMART DEMI CALF OR KID BOOTS Be sure to see these if you want the daintiest and most novel effects to be had 3 5 0 BLACK s JOCKEY BOOTS Velvet or Kid Tops Extra high cut button leather ir velvet In different colors of kid or calf collar at top buttons silk tas selTurn Soles Sizes 3 to S 51TO Extended Soles Sizes 5 to S 8175 Sizes 8 to 11 200 Sizes 11 to 5 5O bootspatent topspatent ¬ county Several hundred delegates froth all parts of the Suite are attending the gathering which Till continue its over tomorrow ses- sions Surprise Values- in Vomen Boots- At only SIS5 were offering some values which we doubt whether you can equal under 1130 pairThink of getting styles like these at SIX Velvet Top Patent Colt Boots with riveted buttons Patent with cravanette cloth or dull kid tops and other new styles In viol kid or tan or black Al 1 shapes All ii 1 95 calf Slahns Reliable Boys and Girls Shoes 1 Spent at Hahns Buys Nearly as Much Wear as 2 Spent Elsewhere CADET Winners with the sporty young fellows Theyre Custom finish and in every particular equal to the best shoes to be had anywhere for Swagger new blucher or styles blaek gun- metal calf tan aad best patent celt Sizes 2 to 5 3 Boys Shoes 4H J HAHN SPECIALS Big Values Little Prices Sure Service Shoes for boys and girls are 2 S150 Misses 15O Grade Vie Kid Button or Laced Boots Sizes to 11 Little Toya and Child Kid and Calf Buttons or Laced Boots Girls sizes to 11 Boys sizes to 1tJC l e h 125 13 y r val- ves up to I n A N S II S f 0- I T B E S T I 1- 1S9 COR K STS II 11 u X9141916 PA AVE PA AVESE 7Ti ANa RELIABLE Sh oE Ht usES 3 233 It Pays to Come from Any Distance Pa Ave and 8th St S E final Clearance Saturday of Our Big Purchase of Sample Suits for Women and Misses 1975 Values for 1190 Suit Strictly tailored models In fine quality Allwool Serge Storm Shadow Stripe and Pencil Stripe Worsteds Also plain black navy gray olive and wine CboL of 32 or 34Inch coats lined with guaranteed two seasons satin Perfect fitting skirts tailored to perfection Womens 25 AllWool Sixteen Ounce French Serge Suits A Manufacturers Early Fall Samples Saturday at Elegantly tailored coats lined with best quality pcau de sole silk and trimmed with Persian graceful skirts Violet tan reseda navy and black in all sizes Sale of Chiffon 1975 Values 4 f For Saturday Choice 3 VC7O Very latest models trlmirecl with silk braid taffeta silk and buttons Greatest bargain ever offered Nine New Fall Styles in a Special Purchase of Dress Skirts Values to 10 M Made of best quality allwool chiffon panama I High Shoes WomenV- alues 350 to 700 tf 245 2 to 4 all leathers including blacks gray tan green blue and garnet suedes 1 NEYCO 1 5 98 Saturday at E P Reeds SampleS for pairSiz- es m afLrLriJtrj s o y f 1 d MI Wool Broadcloth F M a N l 1j J t 47i o a k s Childrens and Misses Jockey Boots on Sale Saturday at Half Price Everybody knows how popular are and will hurry to take advantage of this most un usual Made with patent kid vamps and black white red brown or tan tops every pair trimmed with taa sete to match We secured this enormous quan- tity from the maker at Sic on the hence this sale Sizes 2 1o without heels 200 value sale price 8Sc Sizes 4 toS with heels 250 value sale price Sizes 8 to 11 S3 value sale price 150 Sizes 11 to 2 34Si value sale price 175 1 3 ¬ ¬ rail Suits Saturday f QO Special at 3 I Made of serviceable ma- terials in neat pat terns Boys 3 very ¬ ¬ Mens 3 Goodyear Welt Shoes 195 pair All sizes and all leathers re cent fortunate purchase which we place on sale Saturday Childrens 1 Lace or Button Shoes 59c Black or tan Saturday only sizes 1 to 5 500 Pairs Childrens and Misses 150 Sample Shoes Saturday 98c pairL- ace or in black or tan all sizes 5 is button ¬ Special Bargain Boys Suits FOR SATURDAY Latest Fall Styles f Which Sell Regularly for 5 x Carefully tailored and thoroughly stitched mater- ials that will give the bey splendid service sizes to K years in 3 95 l D = Big Purchase of Boys 75c Knickerbocker Pants sizes 8 to 17 ID sell at pair Sizes 3 to 7 for 29c pair r 1 49c Special Ikyfono Sale of That Regularly Sell at 15 for 75 Saturday Only t Stylish allwool cassimeres and worsteds I tailored perfect fitting We sell better I for less money than any exclusive clothing store In the city as a visit will prove The suits advertised here at 975 are truly remarkable You will say so too Hand Tailored Suits Saturday at 1500 These suits are made of the finest allwool worsted materials Qualities which we cuaranfcc to wcz well Correct cut models for menof all ages The very latest patterns to choose from Sweet Orr Cos Overalls 75c high back and apron the name vouches for the quality Jackets to match at the same price The Big Southeast Store Open Until 9 P M Saturdays Fan Suits thor- oughly h I 9 11 i i cloth- Ing Y I Special COiieCGO- nof 20 and 25 I 1

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Page 1: NEYCO It Come Any€¦ · THE WASKDSTGT03ST TIMES FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 1910 9 Department of Agriculture Names Its Committee Other Selections Soon DepaxtHMMt o Agriculture to- day annjMiicod


Department of AgricultureNames Its CommitteeOther Selections Soon

DepaxtHMMt o Agriculture to-day annjMiicod the person ami f thecommittees wlifdt will represent thatdeportmOBt 4 work of investigat-ing the methods t trsactt busi-ness Jn ttac ev ral dep rtnteitts

This committee wH make a reportto President recommending seekchanges in tasteiatioti and flwltngswhich would tend to conduce greaterefficiency and in the presentadministration

The committee was by the tortes ofIts appointment vested with nit au-thority necessary to the attainment ofthe ends for whichit was constituted

appointment ofThe legislation which calls for this

action is an item In the sundry civilact which appropriates Mtt0tt to enahiethe President to employ accountantsand experts frost official and privatelife to inquire into the methods oftransacting the public bagmen of theGovernment

It is understood that this coimritteewill proceed to take up thiswork It is composed of the followingofficials

Jasper Wilson private secretary tothe secretary George P McCabe solicitor A Zaphone disbursing officerJames B Adams of the Forest Ser-vice A D Melvin chief of the Bureau-of Animal Industry It is expected thatthe other departments will make theirselections soon and work will Im-mediately begin

city has been selected by the President jas chairman of the committee



Continued from First Page

smaliest possible number if progress InCrowds of loaf-

ers AH the benches scanning eagerly thefaces of up for sentencethese women are weak and whereverthese human vultures allowed by lawto be spectators to their misery way seethem afterward they will accost themthey will follow them they are marked And bcaose these women are everreminded of their shame their reforma-tion is hindered even stopped completely-

Again If there votes for women there would be set moralstandard for men as high as thatstandard a man demands in the woman he expects to marry Whyshould the unfortunate woman besubjected to the legal and socialshame and the punishment and theman who prostitutes her go scot freelegally and be received the same so-cially and legally

UnfortunatesThe of that committee on

and discharged prisoners-was read by Chairman James A

Leonard superintendent of the Statereformatory of Mansfield Ohio MrLeonard emphasized the necessity ofteaching obedience to unfortunatesIf they are to be truly reformed Thediscipline in reformatories should notbe of the kind to distort or destroythe personality o the young criminalargued the speaker

Corporal punishmentstarvation sad solitary

said Mr Leonard aresurvivals of a less enlightened ageand though still extensively aredesperately on the

The work of American reformatories-has been seriously handicapped becauseof architectural of buildingsThis is true because mostreformatories are housed in the prisonsof older American type It is a mistake-to suppose that by an oldline penitentiary you can convert itinto a reformatory Almost every reformatory in America is operatingunder a parole law which is more orless effective and becomes more so yearby year

In spite of successes achievedreformatory work has not

passed out of the experimental stageand this committee is of the opinionthat it wHI be years before it does


Students of Accountancy Will BeGiven Courses for Training

Men for PracticeThe Waaiiiagton School of

which is conducted under the w-

apic e the Washington Young MensChristian Association will have its for-mal opening for the year 39itlMl at S

Oclock this at the central as-sociation building

Students will be addressed by theirprincipal Homer St Clair Pace nodCharles Asfcford Pace of New Yorkard Chj il s H Schnedfe of BaltimoreThe School of Accountancy at

is one link in a chain of nineschools similarly conducted the othersbeing located at New York city Brook-lyn Buffalo Baltimore Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles and Boston It isexpected there will be o totalregistration of 91 students in the com-bined schools this year

The prime object of thecourse In accountancy fe to train menfor Its practice Incidentally better class of office positions JR federalState and municipal service are alsoprepred for and in States where thecertified public account law is force-it prepares especially for the C P Aexamination


A Marvelous New Preparation ZelmoKPermanently Cures Eczema Scrof-

ula Skin Eruptions Etc SendFor Free Sample

Here is one of the greatest remediesever given to suffering humanityZelmoj a new preparation combiningsimuleaneoos internal and externaltreatment has been officially declared-by many of the physietaaaand chemists of the country to

for theseawful and distressing diseases

While is theskin the eruptions and disthe outward symptoms Zelablets which combine the

trouble by purifying aad vitalizingthe blood

Zelmos is not an experimentactually does exactly what is herestated Salve costs She perX j tr Zeinrasof 50 tablets Sold

by Store Peoplesrhanuaey all dru gristsof Salve will be on

Vy Barfe Laboratories Marbr se Bldg York







at once

of New York

reforM k to be

women cane





feetsJ IerleaJl





le-the l

s otkl9rIgTaos or active Enzymesare root of the

box or n per Tab-lets per box


Z4 sues St





A Cleveland



eforitreport re-



how-ever yet





pens ng

scientific principles























Company Being Organized-to Buy Boat to Open



The resumption of Ute ferry servicebetween Alexandria the Firth

and WaeMngen is now anfact and it is expected that a

boat wilt again be plying between theseplaces within the next six weeks

The otat committees frets the Alex-andria Chamber o Commerce and theRetail Merchants Association have al-ready received enough subscriptions tothe stock of the new company to assureits organization A meeting of thechamber of commerce and the

association wilt be held within-a day or two when the committee willmake Its report A committee is already at work making as examinationof several boats which have been of-

fered to the new company for the ferryservice

A rally day service will be beta byTrinity Methodist EpLceepal SundaySchool next Monday morning at 939-

oclock An interesting program ofsongs recitations addresses and otherattractive features wilt be given fol-lowed by the regular mornta service-at 11 a m and a special sermon by theypastor the Rev A W RwdisHL

Michael ftftyo years olddied t his home SH South Washingtonstreet last evening He was cwn

George county but has resided inAlexandria for thirty years He hasbeen connected with the firm of H KField Co for twenty years He fc

survived by a widow and six childrenFuneral arrangements have not yetbeen made

At the Second Presbyterian Churchthis the Rev J R Sevier willdeliver an illustrated lecture on For-eign Mission Work In Korea illustrated with stereopticon pictures of lifein mission lands




DreRR Y e



Steel-Works as-sayed



























California Equal Suffrage Association

met in annual convention In this city today and was called to order at the Fairmont Hotel by the president MrsElizabeth Lowe Watson of Santa Clara




Cure for Constipation Trial Free I

Slits AXVRED MORGANThe following are some extracts from

letters Dr CaMwolI has receivedI took the sample beKle which otf

sent me then bought a fvceat batik andIt cured but nevertheless I keep a dollarbottle to bo s all time I eoit-atder Srrstp Pepsin the best forcxMMtipatiofi I bare tried I am tellMK everybody about K MrsXorg n JeraeyvJIle III

I gees your sample battle of SyrupPupils a thorough trial awl awst saj-vtbt for stomach trouble and eoastlpAtfcmIt lag w I am OB my second

good reran Mrs P ESnyder Canton

have Syrup Pepsin aRoad trial and it is the best that I haveever fer onustJpatton and stomachtrouble A sample bottle will convinceanybody that K IK UM best JohnGravetifie Ko Ave

Mic-hI am well pleased with Syrup

P p 4s Scat bottle produced the desired result a d I got a large size bottleat once which le giving entire atbraUOB It is bent remedy Ja exJsrencefor conaUpaAion and any kind of stomachtrouble Anyone so afflicted itjould usettJ J Petty TrnlonvJIe Mo

the the

continue Its use long as-A

gives your





k 1-

rr lArr irh




It 1 i1 il


A red

equal bot-tle and shall ao

mo-b Ii-


ii De-troit


Constipation is not an imaginaryYou know vlietisr you

have it or not Xo one mgueyou into it or out of it By thesame token if you take a remedyand it cures you you must be convinced that it was the remedy that

Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsinthe credit of curing their constipa-tion a credit that iswhen you consider how previ-ous attempts they had made with

remedies Syrup Pepsin is therecognized peer of all laxatives Itis not only a substitute for saltsand purgatives by its mildermore scientific action has done muchto lessen their use It is the bestrpraedy you can hay for yourselfand family for any stomach liver-or bowel trouble All sellit and it can be obtained of them atfifty coats and one dollar a largebottle If you want to test itsOlId your address to Dr Caldwelland he will furnish you a free samplebottle for home trial thesetestimonials and the offer of a freesample bottle you ought to beginthe use cf Syrup Pepsin without delay

Dr Caldwell not feel that the perchase of JaN ran

ends Me ebtfgating He taw

i ntstomach liver andbowel dl a8Mi forover forty yearsand will be pleas

f c1 to give Utereader any advicecn the subject freeof charge AltAre vrelcowHi totcTitebim Wh U-ier foriral advice or thefree sample ad-dress him WI Caldwell 7 S

Buildings5 rirAntiii ni

Look for This Picture on Pkg


did it Here are some whogive


















HOUSEBuilt on the Solid foundation of QUALITY


Preeminent for NoveltyBeauty and Worth-

The shoes want for Fall aregrades distinguished fashions than youll see

prices that MUST appeal to youCome and see for yourselves tomorrow a force of

nearly 75 efficient employes is read to serve you




you II herebetter




Fall BENDEESY ShoesT-he famous heavysoled Shoes that BEND asEASY as l ht Slippers Shoes that are smoothly

lined throughout with the softest finestthat combine correct perfectfitting beautiful shapes

the most skilled workmanship and the veryfinest materials Heres a combination of qualitieswhich can be found in NO OTHER SHOE AT ANYPRICE Re aUJ 5 in


20 Styles for Women12 Styles for Men at6 Styles for t fA toYoung Folks 4ODU



5 00e


Washington BelieWomens Boots

Easily worth a dollarmore than their price

Sterling qualitiesNovel styles usually found

only in S3 and 5S5 linesAH Cravanette Boots

Patent Colt Boots withfancy figured vesting orplain black cloth tops Alsoshort front Tan or BlackKid or Calf Boots AllGoodyear welts instyles Rec-ordat


2 50I



Girls Shoes-are right In shape fit andstyles while they outwear2 or 3 pairs of most othershoes

Sizes 5 toSizes S to 11 9173Sizes 11 to 2 S2OOSizes 2 to 3 13O


Patent Coltgrades of tan orcalf




following sews ectnete fromDr

abewhich time I MAl hMfcefca r

I to st a Jiiiif that Irented ME a drMricM man sloeI barew Ktag G St N W Waatategton C

For mine three I bars trembled agreat cometiyaUo and havesever to xt Murtbtog that

1 have ever late J A Vuiaanhuman City OM

L built of your

tk modlclng b ur very

that your Syrup Pftn MM MM me aJot eC g od ta short time I beenwstoR K y cua Upt1en bM left me andI am ttankQiI to m stove that Ihave found a rem that

ht 9 hale Om WZimmerman MtT 3 o di at MarriefcursPa

I tbairie for the aampto bottle of-

Synp Pepsin Mr bo s tbrttlte of It and aaycH te M rt I UUnic

otigit to try It It is thebest and raxaUvc the k bewghtand tile to have In your houseRobt Atkinson Sr Cuba JU

Tore boWs huedand I then heals sIIIce

reedOut sattakng o4t


ablemuck taking the pie

oC yoGI I asad attar taking half ot k I


I IItHdSyrup at My drug tIM

ofRegd I vary glad



da teras


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TRSWEAR ShoesMen in every walk of life have recently sent us

written testimonials about the superiority of TPIWEAR Shoes for lit style and wear

Here are extracts frcra a few of themFrom a Police Captain

Worn them for 15 years and always fountthem satisfactory for comfort and service

A Business Man saysfound TRIWEAR Shoes superior to

shoes I paid 5 or 6 forFrom a Fireman

Bought a pair Shoes In 1902and theyre fairly good yet

Styles in all shapesand all good leathers Cpj JU12 Custom Finish AStyles at p VUBoys TRIWEAR Shoes 2 and 250







Have the strongest following of gay WomensBoots sold In Washington and richly deserve it

High Art Designs Masterly WorkmanshipPerfect fitting Lasts Choicest Materials

Shown inICO superb styles most of them shortfront effects some in the extra short stage lastany desired heel or toe


Be sure to see these if you want the daintiestand most novel effects to be had

3 50




Velvet or Kid TopsExtra high cut button

leather irvelvet In differentcolors of kid or calf

collar at topbuttons silk tas

selTurn SolesSizes 3 to S 51TO

Extended SolesSizes 5 to S 8175Sizes 8 to 11 200Sizes 11 to 5 5O



county Several hundred delegates frothall parts of the Suite are attending thegathering which Till continue its

over tomorrowses-


Surprise Values-in Vomen Boots-At only SIS5 were offering

some values which wedoubt whether you canequal under 1130pairThink of getting styleslike these at SIX

Velvet Top Patent ColtBoots with riveted buttons

Patent with cravanettecloth or dull kid tops and

other new styles In violkid or tan orblackAl 1 shapesAll


1 95calf

Slahns Reliable Boys and Girls Shoes1 Spent at Hahns Buys Nearly as Much Wear as 2 Spent Elsewhere


Winners with the sportyyoung fellows

Theyre Custom finishand in every particularequal to the best shoesto be had anywhere for

Swagger new blucher orstyles blaek gun-

metal calf tanaad best patent celt Sizes2 to 5

3Boys Shoes




Big Values Little PricesSure Service Shoes forboys and girls are 2

S150Misses 15O Grade VieKid Button or Laced

Boots Sizes to11

Little Toya and ChildKid and Calf Buttons orLaced Boots Girlssizes to 11 Boyssizes to 1tJC

l e

h 125

13 y


val-ves up to


















COR K STSII 11u X9141916 PA AVE


7Ti ANa

RELIABLE Sh oE Ht usES3 233

It Pays to Come from Any Distance

Pa Ave and 8th St S E

final Clearance Saturday of Our Big Purchase of

Sample Suits for Women and Misses

1975 Values for 1190 SuitStrictly tailored models In fine quality AllwoolSerge Storm Shadow Stripe and PencilStripe Worsteds Also plain black navy gray oliveand wine CboL of 32 or 34Inch coats lined withguaranteed two seasons satinPerfect fitting skirts tailored to perfection

Womens 25 AllWool Sixteen OunceFrench Serge Suits

A Manufacturers Early FallSamples Saturday at

Elegantly tailored coats lined with best quality pcaude sole silk and trimmed with Persian gracefulskirts Violet tan reseda navy and black in all sizes

Sale of Chiffon

1975 Values 4 fFor Saturday Choice 3 VC7OVery latest models trlmirecl with silk braid taffetasilk and buttons Greatest bargain ever offered

Nine New Fall Styles in a SpecialPurchase of Dress Skirts

Values to 10 M

Made of best quality allwool chiffon panama


High Shoes WomenV-alues 350 to 700

tf 2452 to 4 all leathers including blacks graytan green blue and garnet suedes



1 5

98Saturday at

E P Reeds SampleSfor


m afLrLriJtrj


o y

f 1


MI WoolBroadclothF

M aN l

1j J






Childrens and MissesJockey Boots on SaleSaturday at Half Price

Everybody knows how popularare and will hurry to

take advantage of this most unusual

Made with patent kid vamps andblack white red brown or tantops every pair trimmed with taasete to match

We secured this enormous quan-tity from the maker at Sic on thehence this sale

Sizes 2 1o without heels 200value sale price 8Sc

Sizes 4 toS with heels 250value sale price

Sizes 8 to 11 S3 value saleprice 150Sizes 11 to 2 34Si value sale

price 175

1 3



rail SuitsSaturday f QOSpecial at 3 I

Made of serviceable ma-terials in neat patterns

Boys 3


Mens 3 GoodyearWelt Shoes

195 pairAll sizes and all leathers re

cent fortunate purchase which weplace on sale Saturday

Childrens 1 Lace orButton Shoes

59cBlack or tan

Saturday onlysizes 1 to 5

500 Pairs Childrens and Misses150 Sample Shoes Saturday

98c pairL-ace or in black or tanall sizes 5




Special Bargain


Latest Fall Styles fWhich Sell Regularly for 5

x Carefully tailored and thoroughly stitched mater-ials that will give the bey splendid service sizes toK years


3 95




Big Purchase of Boys

75c Knickerbocker Pantssizes 8 to 17ID sell at pair

Sizes 3 to 7 for 29c pair




Special IkyfonoSale of

That Regularly Sell at 15 for

75Saturday Only

t Stylish allwool cassimeres and worstedsI tailored perfect fitting We sell betterI for less money than any exclusive clothing store

In the city as a visit will prove The suits advertisedhere at 975 are truly remarkable You will say sotoo

Hand Tailored SuitsSaturday at 1500

These suits are made of the finest allwool worsted materials Qualitieswhich we cuaranfcc to wcz well Correct cut models for menof all agesThe very latest patterns to choose from

Sweet Orr Cos Overalls

75chigh back and apron the name vouches for the qualityJackets to match at the same price

The Big Southeast Store Open Until 9 P M Saturdays

Fan Suits









Special COiieCGO-

nof 20 and 25
