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  • 8/9/2019 Next Generation Network Modeling


  • 8/9/2019 Next Generation Network Modeling


    210 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    can be used to determine application impact as part of

    a comprehensive design, capacity planning, or busi-

    ness case analysis. For a given application mix, ACTM

    provides models for signaling and bearer functionalcall paths and calculates:

    Signaling traffic load at each signaling functional


    Bearer traffic load at network edge routers/switches,


    Aggregate point-to-point traffic matrices.

    In developing the modeling technique, we iden-

    tified the key input parameters that impact application

    traffic (with defaults when possible) and created a

    library of application building blocks. ACTM allows

    these building blocks to be combined in flexible waysto model a new application quickly and provides a

    method for calculating signaling and bearer traffic

    based on the model. ACTM can then combine the

    traffic from a set of applications with different media

    types and non-coincident busy hours.

    ACTM is generic enough to be able to handle

    applications that are currently unknown. It also

    enables the designer to perform what if studies to

    look at the trade-offs between different network

    deployments and to determine the impact of uncer-

    tainty in various parameters.

    The Control Plane

    The NGN architecture is based on separation of

    the application and control planes from the under-

    lying bearer transport plane. The control plane in

    NGNs may be architected either as a softswitch-based

    implementation or as an IP Multimedia Subsystem

    (IMS)-based implementation with many functional

    elements that can be deployed in a distributed fash-

    ion. In this paper, we will focus on the IMS archi-tecture in our examples for the control plane. IMS

    helps service providers offer next-generation serv-

    ices to their customers by providing a generic ses-

    sion handling control structure enhanced by a

    number of application enablers. In addition, the con-

    trol plane is largely independent of the access device

    and network.

    IMS assumes an underlying IP connectivity net-

    work for its control signaling and utilizes a number of

    protocols, notably the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP),

    H.248 for gateway control, and Cx for database queries.IMS is also designed to provide control and bearer

    interworking with public switched telephone networks

    (PSTNs). In this way, many applications can be offered

    to numerous device types, and basic services will work

    across the IMS-to-PSTN network boundary.

    The application and control planes have been bro-

    ken down into distinct functional entities, which can

    be highly distributed in terms of implementation and

    physical location. The signaling protocols are string-

    based, with many optional parameters, and can con-

    tain a significant amount of addressing and routinginformation. The result is a signaling traffic load that

    consists of many messages that can be relatively large

    in size. For example, a simple Voice over Internet

    Protocol (VoIP) call between two end points in an IP

    Multimedia Subsystem control architecture can

    involve 140 messages that average over 1000 bytes

    Panel 1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms

    ACTMApplication characterization and trafficmodeling

    CSCFCall session control functionHSSHome subscriber serverIMSIP Multimedia Subsystem

    IPInternet ProtocolLANLocal area networkMGMedia gatewayMPLSMultiprotocol label switchingNGNNext-generation networkPDFPolicy decision function

    PSTNPublic switched telephone networkQoSQuality of serviceRACFResource and admission control functionRFIRequest for informationRFPRequest for proposal

    RLSResource list serverSCIMService capability interaction managerSIPSession Initiation ProtocolTASTelephony application serverVoIPVoice over Internet Protocol

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 211

    in length. The load on each functional element

    (e.g., call session control function (CSCF), home sub-

    scriber server (HSS), or media gateway (MG)) can

    vary greatly depending on the mix of applications,

    and how they are used. So for the control plane, it is

    important to estimate the signal processing load at

    each of the signaling control functional elements, aswell as the load and routing of the signaling traffic

    over the bearer transport plane.

    The key factors in determining the amount of

    signaling traffic for each application are described


    The generic call flows associated with an applica-

    tion. These have been modeled for a set of com-

    mon applications and are stored in a library. New

    applications can be modeled more quickly by

    using a set of application building blocks.

    A set of generic application parameters thatinclude the number of times a subscriber is likely

    to invoke the application, the length of each ses-

    sion, and the number of end points involved.

    These parameters have default values for common

    applications if the exact values are unavailable.

    The number of subscribers, the predicted take

    rates for each application, and the locations at

    which they connect to the network. This infor-

    mation is specific to a particular providers imple-

    mentation and must be obtained from the

    providers existing network data and marketingforecasts.

    The traffic profile which describes how the appli-

    cation traffic varies over the course of a day.

    Default traffic profiles obtained from public data

    are provided.

    The QoS and reliability requirements. Defaults

    from standards or regulatory bodies can be used.

    The degree to which the traffic crosses network

    boundaries. This is specific to a particular imple-

    mentation and must be specified by the provider.

    In summary, NGN control plane traffic modelingintroduces a number of complexities:

    It has a complex call processing architecture:

    Functionality is distributed,

    Flexibility in location/grouping of functions,

    Applications increasingly traverse multiple

    networks and technologies.

    It has dynamic usage patterns:

    Flexibility in subscriber locations (roaming

    and nomadicity),

    Variety of subscriber devices,

    Multiple media types (voice, video, data),

    Non-coincident busy hours of the various

    applications, and Third party application providers with servers

    located behind a gateway.

    NGN signaling traffic and capacity engineering

    complexity must be simplified to deliver the promise

    of revenues through migration and rapid introduc-

    tion of new services while maintaining the high level

    of reliability and QoS that telecom customers have

    come to expect. The modeling presented in this paper

    was undertaken to address this problem.

    The Bearer PlaneThe bearer plane in NGN is packet-based and gen-

    erally assumed to use Internet Protocol (IP) over one

    or more lower-layer protocols such as Multiprotocol

    Label Switching (MPLS) or Ethernet. Estimating the

    amount of traffic produced by a single application in

    this environment can be a complex job and involves

    consideration of a number of factors. These factors

    have been modeled as input parameters, and, when-

    ever possible, default values of the parameters for

    known applications are provided.

    The key factors used to model the traffic flows arebriefly described in the following. All of the factors

    used in determining the signaling traffic described ear-

    lier are also used for the bearer plane. In addition, the

    following must also be specified:

    Traffic descriptors which describe the mean and

    peak bandwidth required for an individual ses-

    sion, and the degree of burstiness of the traffic.

    These values can be provided for some common

    applications for which empirical data is available.

    For new applications it must be estimated on the

    basis of similar applications. Whether the sessions involved in an application

    are peer-to-peer between two or more end

    points or client-server between an end point

    and some type of network server. This informa-

    tion is stored in the application library when an

    application is defined.

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    212 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    When multiple applications are carried over

    the same bearer infrastructure, as will normally be the

    case in NGNs, the traffic estimation becomes even

    more complex. The traffic for the individual applica-

    tions must be overlaid using statistical multiplexing

    methods, and a composite picture obtained. On the

    basis of the relative take rates of the various applica-tions and their traffic profile, the composite load and

    busy hour for the network nodes can be calculated

    and used for engineering purposes. This information

    becomes input to the design process that routes the

    traffic through the network.


    The methodology used to address the problem of

    NGN application traffic modeling is based on the fol-

    lowing procedure. It is important to note that step 2

    and step 3 are required only oncethe first time a

    new application is definedand the results are stored

    in a library that can be reused for new studies.

    1. Select the set of applications to be supported by

    the NGN.

    2. Determine the functional network architecture

    for each application (library).

    3. Model the signaling and bearer call flows for each

    application (library).

    4. Characterize each application by setting parame-

    ters on the basis of how it will be used in the

    NGN, and the number and location of subscribers.5. Calculate the number of sessions of each type,

    and the sources and sinks of the traffic.

    6. Calculate the total signaling load at each signaling

    functional element, and the bandwidth of the sig-

    naling load that must be carried over the bearer


    7. Determine the location of various control plane

    servers (predetermined or using an external


    8. Calculate the total bearer load at the edge nodes

    of the network where sessions are originated orterminated. Add the signaling load at appropri-

    ate nodes.

    Step 1: Select the Set of Applications

    For our project, we chose to model a set of appli-

    cations that are planned for deployment by many

    service providers. These include PSTN-like services

    such as VoIP and associated telephony features; IMS

    features such as presence, location, and instant mes-

    saging; data services such as Web browsing; and trans-

    port services.

    Step 2: Determine the Functional Network Architecture

    In order to model the network traffic for an appli-

    cation, it is necessary to specify the functional net-

    work architecture. This consists of the set of network

    servers and databases which control the application,

    the set of network elements used to route the bearer

    traffic, and the customer equipment and software

    clients. For the set of applications that we modeled,

    we assumed a generic IMS network control architec-

    ture based on 3GPP* standards and an IP-based trans-

    port network.

    For each application, it was assumed that an

    application server was required, such as the telephony

    application server (TAS) for telephony applications,

    and a presence server and resource list server (RLS)

    for presence applications. Each application can be

    modeled by determining the end points, the network

    servers/databases that must communicate, and the

    protocols that are used. In most cases there are mul-

    tiple functions and protocols involved.

    Step 3: Model the Signaling and Bearer Call Flows

    The next step is to determine the signaling and

    bearer call flows between the functional elements ofthe network architecture. For modeling the signaling

    control plane call flows, we utilized a systematic

    building-block methodology.Figure 1 illustrates the

    concept of control plane building blocks. Each appli-

    cation is composed of several session flows. A session

    flow is identified by characterizations of network

    interconnection, subscriber device type, and applica-

    tion feature and is a complete end-to-end description

    of all messages exchanged between all network ele-

    ments required to set up, execute, and tear down an

    application session.Each session flow is composed of several atoms.

    An atom consists of a set of messages exchanged

    between a small number of functional network

    elements to execute a specific task, e.g., set up the

    originating leg of a session or query a database.

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 213

    The contents of the atom include the network ele-ments, the messages and protocols used, message sizes,

    processing delays, originating/terminating message

    segment, and subscriber device roaming behavior.

    These atoms can be reused in different call flows

    in various permutations. The reusability of the atoms

    makes it easier to model new applications without

    having to recreate all of the detailed modeling. This

    speeds up the process of defining new applications,

    and further automation of this capability is possible.

    For example, the consumer VoIP application can

    have 24 possible session types depending on the endpoints of the call (e.g., IMS-to-IMS, IMS-to-PSTN, or

    PSTN-to-IMS), how the call terminates (e.g., success-

    fully, unsuccessfully, or redirected), and whether cer-

    tain features are invoked (e.g., call hold or call waiting).

    With the building block approach of atom-

    session-application, a library of session flows and mes-

    sage flow atoms can be developed and systematically

    reused for IMS control plane traffic analysis. This

    reduces the complexity of modeling the signaling call

    flows and results in a faster and more consistent

    analysis of IMS control plane traffic. Figure 2 illus-trates the atom-session-application architecture of two

    applicationsVoIP and instant messaging. It shows

    that atoms are reused and different sessions are devel-

    oped as needed. In the set of applications we have

    modeled, there are 80 unique sessions or call flows

    that are made up of 75 unique atoms. Each atomrecurs in an average of six different sessions, and some

    in as many as 50 sessions. Experience has shown

    the reusability rate of atoms to be quite high. As more

    applications have been modeled, session reusability

    has also been significantly improved.

    For modeling the bearer call flows, when each

    session type is defined in the library, it is specified as

    either a peer-to-peer session or a client-server session.

    For peer-to-peer applications, the end points will nor-

    mally be a pair of subscriber devices. For client-server

    sessions, end points will often be a subscriber deviceinteracting with a server but may also be a pair of

    servers interacting with each other. Figure 3 illus-

    trates peer-to-peer bearer sessions and client-server

    bearer sessions for both in-domain and out-of-domain

    connections. The session type information indicates

    the end points between which the bearer traffic must

    be routed, and it is used to construct the node-to-

    node traffic matrices that are used in the design of

    the network and the routing of traffic. The percentage

    of traffic that crosses domain boundaries must be

    routed through one or more domain gateways thatinterconnect the two domains.

    Step 4: Characterize Each Application

    Set parameters on the basis of how they will be

    used in the NGN. There are a number of parameters

    Applications Sessions Atoms

    Application A

    Session flow

    Session flow

    Session flow

    Message atom

    Message atom

    Message atom

    Message atom

    Message atom

    Figure 1.Concept of building blocks.

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    214 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    that can be set for each application that will be used to

    calculate the number of sessions of each type; the

    characteristics of the sessions, including duration and

    bandwidth requirements; and QoS requirements.

    Wherever possible, the parameters have default val-

    ues in the library for each application which can be

    modified. The model is highly parameterized to allow

    for customization.



    ApplicationSession flowAtom

    Sessions for VoIPAtoms for IMS_IMS_Call Session

    Different sessions* are needed for IM

    *Note: Sessions are also highly reusable among IP multimedia services applications.

    EtoEEnd to End

    IMInstant messaging

    IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem

    IPInternet Protocol

    PSTNPublic switched telephone network

    VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol

    Atoms are highly reusable













    ApplicationSession flowAtom











    Figure 2.Examples of atom-session-application architecture and atoms reuse.

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 215

    Step 5: Calculate the Number of Sessions

    The ACTM engine will compute the number of

    sessions of each type, and the sources and sinks

    of the traffic, i.e., where it originates and terminates.

    It does this on the basis of data input describing the

    network topology, the number and location of sub-

    scribers of each type, and the parameters described

    earlier. The node data will indicate how many sub-

    scribers with each type of subscriber device are located

    at each node. The take rate indicates the percentage of

    these that subscribe to each application on the basis of

    device type. The average number of times per day

    that an application is invoked, along with the daily

    traffic profile and holding time, are all used to calcu-

    late the number of simultaneous sessions originated

    and terminated at each node for each hour of the day.

    Depending on the type of application, there may

    be additional parameters used to calculate the number

    of each type of session. For example, applications that

    use contact lists, such as presence-based applications,

    will have varying numbers of sessions depending on

    the average length of the subscribers contact list, and

    how frequently the list is updated.

    Step 6: Calculate Total Signaling Load

    A transform function is now used to combine

    the number of sessions of each type at each node in the

    network with the signaling call flows described in step

    3 to determine the signaling load at each functional

    network element, and the messages between each sig-

    naling element pair. The amount of traffic from all of

    the applications is then consolidated to get a complete

    picture of what is happening at each functional net-

    work element type, and the amount of signaling traf-

    fic that must flow between any two functionalelement types, i.e., the bandwidth of the signaling

    load that must be carried over the bearer plane.

    Step 7: Determine the Location of Control Plane Servers

    In order to determine the sources and sinks of sig-

    naling traffic, the model must have input the location

    Metro 2


    Metro 1



    Peer-to-peer sessions


    Client-server sessions and IMS signaling

    Metro 3

    Out-of-domain traffic















    IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem

    IPInternet Protocol



    Figure 3.Peer-to-peer and client-server bearer traffic.

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    216 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    of the various signaling functional elements, i.e.,

    which of the network edge nodes they are connected

    to. This either is pre-specified by the network opera-

    tor (and based on many different factors such as avail-

    able space, power, and operations personnel) or is the

    design output of another model. The traffic loads pro-

    duced by the previous step of this model can be usedto perform the design.

    Step 8: Calculate Total Bearer Load and Add

    Signaling Load

    The bearer load is calculated by knowing the loca-

    tion of the sources and sinks of each application

    demand and the traffic descriptors discussed earlier.

    For peer-to-peer sessions within a domain, a weighted

    distribution can be used to distribute the traffic pro-

    portionally to the product of the demands at each

    node pair. For peer-to-peer sessions that have to leave

    the domain, however, demand must be routed

    through a domain gateway. For client-server type ses-

    sions, the demand is between the node where the

    subscriber is located and the node where the server is

    located, subject to domain boundary constraints

    which may involve routing through a domain gate-

    way. Once the bearer traffic between each point-to-

    point node pair has been computed for each

    application, the composite demand for all applications

    can be computed. This is normally aggregated by con-

    solidating application traffic that has the same or simi-

    lar QoS requirements, which can be routed together

    through the network.

    The signaling traffic must be overlaid on the

    basis of the locations of the various signaling ele-

    ments to get a complete picture of all network

    demands. Much of the signaling traffic is either

    between the client and a server or between two

    servers. The locations of the servers are needed to

    determine whether they are collocated, in which

    case all traffic remains on the local area network

    (LAN) within the location, or whether they are geo-

    graphically separated, in which case the server-to-

    server traffic must be routed across the transport

    network. A method very similar to the client-server

    method described is used to build the traffic demand

    matrices for the signaling traffic, utilizing domain

    gateways when needed. The signaling traffic is then

    aggregated into a single QoS class and overlaid on

    the bearer traffic node-to-node demands.

    Applications Network Traffic Modeling Example

    We illustrate the application modeling technique

    described here by showing how the notion of reusable

    atoms along with an understanding of an applicationsuse via parameter settings lead to the creation of

    demand load quantities on network elements. Let us

    suppose that we wish to be able to compute the total

    traffic both through and between all the network

    functions required for a VoIP Application.

    Applications Network Traffic Process

    The process, as it would be used in a design tool,

    is described in Figure 4. The user of the tool, referred

    to as the modeler, is responsible for selecting the

    applications and entering the parameters. When pos-

    sible, default values are provided for the parameters

    for pre-defined applications.

    The next steps lead to a computation of hourly

    session counts for each session within an application at

    each node using the traffic profile and other input

    parameters. Then, the tool would help the modeler

    input parameters for VoIP use that are critical and for

    which defaults should not be assumed. Examples

    include take rates, as in number of subscribers utilizing

    the VoIP application, or the breakdown of on-net and

    off-net calling (IMS-to-IMS or IMS-to-PSTN). There

    needs to be a mapping of a set of subscribers and their

    associated traffic onto a set of network elements within

    the network to be designed. This is network-specific

    and must be input by the modeler. Other inputs would

    have defaults that would be made available to the

    modeler but could be changed. A typical example of

    defaults for VoIP would be the breakdown of call

    attempts into successful and unsuccessful calls and fur-

    ther breakdowns into types of unsuccessful calls.

    The inputs allow the tool to quantify the num-

    ber of daily successful IMS subscriber-to-IMS sub-

    scriber VoIP Calls (labeled IMS_IMS_CALL in this

    example.) These daily quantities can be used with

    selectable hourly distributions, or the traffic profile, to

    define hourly session counts. An hourly view of ses-

    sions captures the effect of non-coincident busy hour

    data in the design process.

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 217

    The next step in the process is a transform step

    that makes use of the library to derive the traffic load

    at each network element by using library data and

    the sessions data. An example of a typical load for a

    VoIP application would be the message counts in and

    out of the various call session control functions

    (CSCFs) assigned to the subscribers of these sessions,

    and the bearer packets that must be transported

    between the two end points. It is this library that is

    created by the tool designers utilizing the techniques

    of atom-session-application already described.

    Using this transform technique over all sessions

    composing an application and accumulating hourly

    loads provide the total load on an element for that

    application. In addition, the amount of signaling and

    bearer traffic between any two nodes can be derived.

    Furthermore, all applications contributions to ele-

    ment load can be derived in a similar fashion.

    Sessions to Load Transform Process

    The use of the sessions library and an example of

    how the library may be implemented in a tool are

    described using Table I, Table II, and Figure 5. Adding

    applications to the library or augmenting existing

    application entries is simplified using the techniques

    of reusable atoms and a suitable automated data

    transformation technique. Such a technique exists

    and was used to create the example data structure

    entries discussed in the following.

    The library contains a predefined catalog that points

    to all sessions that constitute an application. A sample

    catalog is shown in Table I. For our VoIP example,

    Decomposeapplication into

    session types

    Calculate # of

    daily sessions ateach node



    Distributesessions over


    Determine #simultaneous


    Calculatepoint-to-pointloads (EN-EN)

    Accumulate hourly loads at eachnode across all apps

    User selectsapplications

    Transform hourlysessions to

    network elementloads

    Repeat for all applications


    User input parametersNumber ofsubscriptions per node

    End user devices

    Take rate


    Holding time

    Traffic descriptors

    Off-net proportion

    Defaults provided whenpossible

    Traffic profile

    Figure 4.Application network traffic process: method for deriving network element loads.

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    218 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    the session of interest here is the IMS_IMS_CALL. The

    library identifies all generic atoms that define this ses-

    sion (e.g., INVITE_I_I). For each generic atom, there is

    a library entry, which constitutes a data design for the

    message flows into a tool-usable format. Examples,

    shown in Table II, indicate each element pair (a, b) that

    is involved in message flows for this atom. For each

    pair, the structure identifies the directionality as well

    Application Session Atom Atom description

    Consumer_VoIP IMS_IMS_CALL INVITE_I_I INVITE messages between IMS end user deviceand IMS end user device

    DNS_O DNS messages at the (IMS) originating sidePROGRESS_I_I PROGRESS between IMS end user device and IMS

    end user device

    UPDATE_I_I UPDATE messages between IMS end user deviceand IMS end user device

    RINGING_I_I 100 Ringing messages between IMS end userdevice and IMS end user device

    ANSWER_I_I ACK messages between IMS end user device andIMS end user device

    CCF_I_I CCF messages for IMS-to-IMS connection

    BYE_I_I BYE messages between IMS end user device and

    IMS end user device

    CCF_I_I CCF messages for IMS-to-IMS connection

    Consumer_VoIP IMS_IMS_CALL_NR INVITE_I_I INVITE messages between IMS end user deviceand IMS end user device

    DNS_O DNS messages at the (IMS) originating side

    PROGRESS_I_I PROGRESS between IMS end user device andIMS end user device

    UPDATE_I_I UPDATE messages between IMS end user deviceand IMS end user device

    RINGING_I_I 100 Ringing messages between IMS end user

    device and IMS end user deviceCANCEL_T CANCEL messages at the (IMS) terminating side

    CANCEL_O CANCEL messages at the (IMS) originating side

    Consumer_VoIP IMS_IMS_CALL_BUSY INVITE_I_I INVITE messages between IMS end user deviceand IMS end user device

    DNS_O DNS messages at the (IMS) originating side

    BUSY_T 486 Busy Here messages at the terminating side


    Table I. Sessions library: application network traffic process.


    CCFCharging collection function

    DNSDomain name system

    IMSIP Multimedia SubsystemIPInternet Protocol

    VoIPVoice over Internet Protocol

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 219

    as the number of messages and number of message

    bytes involved. The notation for elements includes a

    designation of whether or not the element is in the origi-

    nating (-1) or terminating (-2) part of the network.

    Once all the atoms are identified for this session,

    they are combined to form the total session data view.

    Figure 5 shows the messaging load on individual func-

    tional element types for a single IMS_IMS_CALL ses-

    sion. The last computation needed is that of the session

    multiplier for the particular network load required. In

    our example, we are looking for the total messages

    received and sent by the telephony application server

    for this session. Inspecting Figure 5 shows that there

    are 56 messages per session. It is then easy to com-

    pute the total hourly messages by multiplying by the

    session counts previously described. Note that these

    calculations provide both loads at a network element,

    which is useful for nodal equipment engineering and

    point-to-point demands, and useful for network con-

    nectivity (e.g., transport) engineering.

    In this example, the bearer path is a peer-to-peer

    connection between the nodes where the subscribers

    attach to the network. Since VoIP is a peer-to-peer

    session type, a gravity model can be used to distribute

    the traffic within a particular network domain. For

    traffic that leaves the domain, the bearer path must

    include a domain gateway, which adds further com-

    plexity to the calculations. Then, for those calls that

    are destined to or from the PSTN, the calls must be

    routed through a media gateway that transforms

    the packet traffic into circuits. It is easy to see that the

    traffic calculations can quickly become complex.

    Performing such a process requires a mechanized

    tool given the very large number of transforms

    required and potentially large number of applications

    and subscriber communities being modeled.

    Comparison With Other Solutions

    Our team has studied the work of several others

    who have addressed certain portions of this topic.

    Cortes, Ensor, and Esteban [2, 3] developed a simu-

    lation tool for IMS signaling traffic that focused on

    improving the performance of SIP proxies and opti-

    mizing the SIP protocol stack. Davis developed a pricing

    model that calculates VoIP call sessions and uses ses-

    sions and busy hour metrics to estimate required

    Atom name


    NEa NEb bytes_a_b bytes_b_a mess_a_b mess_b_a Type

    UE-1 P-CSCF-1 1200 500 1 1 SIP

    P-CSCF-1 S-CSCF-1 1400 500 1 1 SIP

    S-CSCF-1 AS-1 2100 2300 2 2 SIP

    I-CSCF-2 S-CSCF-1 500 2000 1 1 SIP

    I-CSCF-2 HSS-2 500 500 1 1 CxCode

    I-CSCF-2 S-CSCF-2 2200 500 1 1 SIP

    S-CSCF-2 AS-2 2900 3100 2 2 SIP

    S-CSCF-2 P-CSCF-2 2800 500 1 1 SIP

    P-CSCF-2 UE-2 3000 500 1 1 SIP

    Table II. Sessions library: example generic atom data.

    ASApplication server

    CSCFCall session control function

    I-CSCFInterrogating CSCF

    NENetwork element

    P-CSCFProxy CSCF

    S-CSCFServing CSCF

    SIPSession Initiation Protocol

    UEUser equipment

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    220 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    hardware and configurations for bids and proposals.

    Urrutia-Valds, Doshi, Chu, and Saleh developed a

    network model to estimate traffic and business mod-

    els that estimate network expenses and associated

    revenue, which is used to build business cases

    and respond to requests for information (RFIs) and

    requests for proposals (RFPs). Liu, Kipp, and Kim

    modeled applications available on Alcatel-Lucent IMSreleases, which were used to validate design and per-

    formance of IMS products and form the basis for a

    customer engineering aid. Additionally, some simple

    models for calculating SIP signaling flow in IMS and

    IP mobile networks are available [1, 4].

    As a high-level comparison, these other analyses

    had a different focus from our work. They were

    intended primarily either to analyze and improve a

    set of products or to prepare a customer proposal.

    They tended to use simplified call models which did

    not include all of the transactions that will be requiredin a full-scale IMS network deployment.

    Ongoing Work

    Ongoing work in this modeling effort is focused

    on two fronts: incorporating more functionality to be

    included in the atom-session-application paradigm

    outlined and developing an automated application

    model creation capability.

    In terms of adding functional capabilities, work

    is under way to incorporate blending into the model

    by creating bottom-up models for the service capa-

    bility interaction manager (SCIM) and Parlay gate-

    way. Modeling of resource and admission control

    functions (RACFs) and policy decision functions(PDFs) is also needed.

    The bottom-up technique described also lends

    itself to automating the models to be applied to new

    applications because of the reusability of atoms and

    sessions. An effort is under way to create a user-

    friendly methodology that takes application descrip-

    tors, decomposes these into appropriate building

    blocks, defines new atoms and/or sessions as needed

    using the current library, and then combines these

    building blocks for the new application.


    In this paper we have discussed the need for an

    automated modeling capability to facilitate the migra-

    tion to NGN architecture and realize the economic

    benefits therein. We have developed a modeling tech-

    nique, which has been implemented in Java* software

    Messages sent and received by function IMS_IMS_Call










    CSCFCall session control function

    CCFCharging collection function

    DNSDomain name systemHSSHome subscriber server

    I-CSCFInterrogating CSCF

    IMSIP Multimedia Subsystem

    IPInternet Protocol

    P-CSCFProxy CSCFTASTelephony application server

    S-CSCFServing CSCF

    Figure 5.

    Sessions library: composite IMS-to-IMS call session data.

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    DOI: 10.1002/bltj Bell Labs Technical Journal 221

    that allows the modeler to assess the impact of deploy-

    ing multiple diverse applications onto the same core

    infrastructure. This model is based on a detailed analy-

    sis of the applications and their control signaling as well

    as the bearer packets.

    For the control plane, the modeling technique is

    based on: A set of reusable signaling building blocks,

    A set of parameters that allow modelers to char-

    acterize the application, and

    An engine for computing traffic loads at signaling

    network elements.

    For the bearer plane, the modeling technique is

    based on:

    The traffic descriptors,

    The quality of service parameter requirements,

    The sources and sinks of traffic, and

    Whether it is a peer-to-peer or client-server appli-cation.

    The value of this methodology is that it can be

    used to help service providers more accurately esti-

    mate the amount of signaling and bearer traffic that

    will be generated by introducing a new set of appli-

    cations in order to prevent extensive over- or under-

    engineering, thereby saving capital and/or operational

    costs and ensuring adequate QoS. This method uses

    the building blocks that the NGN architecture pro-

    vides, supplies a library of call flows and application

    characteristics, has a user-friendly interface for enteringtraffic parameters and providing default values when

    possible, and automates the thousands to millions of

    calculations that are required. Further refinements

    and automation of the model will provide the basis for

    a robust network planning methodology that can be

    used to facilitate the transformation to next-genera-

    tion networks.


    This work builds on the efforts of many others

    within Bell Labs, especially A. Choubey, M. Chu,

    A. Cipolone, M. Cortes, E. Davis, S. Doshi, J. R. Ensor,

    J. O. Esteban, P. Gagen, V. Katkar, E. Kim, L. Kipp,

    Y. Liu, C. Mayer, T. Morawski, R. Novo, K. Ohl,

    A. Saleh, B. Tang, C. Urrutia-Valdes, H. Zhang, and

    Z. Zhao. We gratefully acknowledge their input

    and contributions.

    *Trademarks3GPP is a trademark of the European Telecommunica-

    tions Standards Institute.Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

    References[1] H. Chebbo and M. Wilson, Traffic and Load

    Modeling of an IP Mobile Network, Proc. 4th

    Internat. Conf. on 3G Mobile Commun. Technol.(3G 03) (London, Eng., 2003), pp. 423427.

    [2] M. Cortes, J. R. Ensor, and J. O. Esteban, On SIP

    Performance, Bell Labs Tech. J., 9:3 (2004),


    [3] M. Cortes, J. O. Esteban, and H. Jun, Diabelli:

    An IMS Simulation Tool, Bell Labs Tech. J., 10:4

    (2006), 255259.

    [4] A. A. Kist and R. J. Harris, A Simple Model for

    Calculating SIP Signaling Flows in 3GPP IP

    Multimedia Subsystems, Proc. 2nd Internat.

    IFIP-TC6 Networking Conf. (Networking 02)

    (Pisa, It., 2002), pp. 924935.

    (Manuscript approved March 2008)

    DEIRDRE DOHERTY is a technical manager at

    Alcatel-Lucent in Murray Hill, New Jersey,

    with expertise in network architecture,

    design, and systems engineering. Her

    current work focuses on evolution to next-

    generation networks. Previously, she

    managed a number of network design and systems

    engineering groups in Bell Labs and AT&T engineering

    and operations organizations and was responsible for

    optical and data networking, intelligent networking,

    call processing, and network interconnect. Ms. Doherty

    holds an M.S. in electrical engineering and computer

    science from Princeton University and an M.B.A. from

    Rutgers University, both in New Jersey, and a B.S. in

    electrical engineering from Stony Brook University in

    New York.

    RAYMOND A. SACKETT is a distinguished member of

    technical staff in the Network Planning,

    Performance, and Economic Analysis Center

    of Excellence at Alcatel-Lucent in Murray

    Hill, New Jersey. He is currently involved in

    IMS configuration and IMS network

    planning projects. Most recently he has been involved

    in developing planning, growth, and configuration

    tools for use by the Alcatel-Lucent Services Business

    Group. Mr. Sackett has 35 years of experience in

    planning, design, and systems engineering of both

    wireline and wireless telecommunications networks.

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    222 Bell Labs Technical Journal DOI: 10.1002/bltj

    He earned a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from

    the University of Massachusetts and an M.S. degree in

    operations research from the University of California at


    PAUL WU is a distinguished member of technical staff

    at Alcatel-Lucent in Columbus, Ohio. He is a

    leading expert in IMS transformationmethodology and operational expenditure

    (OPEX) and control plane modeling. He has

    realized robust risk management practices

    throughout Alcatel-Lucent and developed network and

    software risk management services for key customers,

    which led to increased customer revenue and cost

    reductions in the hundreds of millions of dollars. He

    holds a B.S. degree in industrial engineering from the

    National Tsing-Hua University in Taiwan and M.S. and

    Ph.D. degrees in industrial systems engineering from

    The Ohio State University in Columbus. Dr. Wu has

    written previously for the Bell Labs Technical Journal

    and has presented at National Institute of Standards

    and Technology (NIST) and Institute for Operations

    Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

    conferences. He served as keynote speaker for both the

    Executive Symposium at the City University of Hong

    Kong and the Concurrent Engineering Workshop.