newsletter volume 1, may 2014 · ard will be available for companies and academies ... the 2nd...

Special Points of Interest: Seamless life-cycle collaboration Common interoperability standard Safety-critical embedded systems Cross-domain RTP Reduce costs throughout the entire life-cycle Reduced time to market In this Issue: CRYSTAL Introduction 1 Successful Project Start 1 Project Outcome and Structure 2 Interoperability Standard CRYSTAL Highlights 3 4 Introducon The overall project goal of CRYSTAL is to foster Eu- rope’s leading edge posion in embedded systems engineering, in parcular regarding quality and cost effecveness of safety-crical embedded sys- tems and architecture plaorms. In CRYSTAL major tool providers and OEMs cooperate to establish and push forward an Interoperability Specificaon (IOS) as an open European standard for the devel- opment of safety-crical embedded systems. CRYS- TAL gathers and connects the main European play- ers regarding embedded systems engineering in the areas of aerospace (onboard and ground sys- tems), automove (onboard systems and parts of the roadside infrastructure), rail (onboard and in- terlocking systems), and healthcare (paent and hospital staff safety, new medical procedures and medical apparatus) that providing a crical mass of European technology providers to achieve both so- cietal impact regarding future safer transport and healthcare as well as technological advances in terms of cross-domain plaorm-based reusability. With 68 partners from 10 countries and a budget of 82 M€, CRYSTAL is one of the largest ARTEMIS-JU projects. CRYSTAL (CRical SYSTem Engineering AcceLeraon) General Assembly Meeng The CRYSTAL project was successfully started in the kick- off meeng which took place from May 2 to 3, 2013 in Vi- enna. Aſter the introducon by AVL as coordinator, the sub project leaders presented their team and the objec- ves of the sub projects. The first day was concluded with a General Assembly Meeng where a status on the agree- ments and project boundary condions were given. A few months later the project-wide technical management process was introduced in the Working & Consolidaon Event in Munich. Parallel sessions were held to consolidate ontology, plaorm builder and the draſt interoperability requirements. NEWSLETTER Volume 1, May 2014 Facts & Figures: 68 partners from 10 countries Start date: May 1, 2013 End date: April 30, 2016 Total budget: 82 M€ Total JU funding: 13 M€ Successful Project Start Picture 2: Project Partners Picture 1: Project Consorum Picture 1: Project Consorum

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Special Points of


Seamless life-cycle


Common interoperability


Safety-critical embedded


Cross-domain RTP

Reduce costs throughout

the entire life-cycle

Reduced time to market

In this Issue:




Successful Project



Project Outcome and





CRYSTAL Highlights




The overall project goal of CRYSTAL is to foster Eu-

rope’s leading edge position in embedded systems

engineering, in particular regarding quality and

cost effectiveness of safety-critical embedded sys-

tems and architecture platforms. In CRYSTAL major

tool providers and OEMs cooperate to establish

and push forward an Interoperability Specification

(IOS) as an open European standard for the devel-

opment of safety-critical embedded systems. CRYS-

TAL gathers and connects the main European play-

ers regarding embedded systems engineering in

the areas of aerospace (onboard and ground sys-

tems), automotive (onboard systems and parts of

the roadside infrastructure), rail (onboard and in-

terlocking systems), and healthcare (patient and

hospital staff safety, new medical procedures and

medical apparatus) that providing a critical mass of

European technology providers to achieve both so-

cietal impact regarding future safer transport and

healthcare as well as technological advances in

terms of cross-domain platform-based reusability.

With 68 partners from 10 countries and

a budget of 82 M€, CRYSTAL is one of

the largest ARTEMIS-JU projects.

CRYSTAL (CRitical SYSTem Engineering AcceLeration)

General Assembly Meeting

The CRYSTAL project was successfully started in the kick-

off meeting which took place from May 2 to 3, 2013 in Vi-

enna. After the introduction by AVL as coordinator, the

sub project leaders presented their team and the objec-

tives of the sub projects. The first day was concluded with

a General Assembly Meeting where a status on the agree-

ments and project boundary conditions were given. A few

months later the project-wide technical management

process was introduced in the Working & Consolidation

Event in Munich. Parallel sessions were held to consolidate ontology, platform builder and

the draft interoperability requirements.

NEWSLETTER Volume 1, May 2014

Facts & Figures:

68 partners from 10


Start date: May 1, 2013

End date: April 30, 2016

Total budget: 82 M€

Total JU funding: 13 M€

S u c c e s s f u l P r o j e c t S t a r t

Picture 2: Project Partners

Picture 1: Project Consortium

Picture 1: Project Consortium

E x p e c t e d O u t c o m e & I m p a c t

CRYSTAL at a Glance

The aims of CRYSTAL are ambitious and the expected results

will have significant economical and societal impacts. OEMs

will benefit from better supplier collaboration and reduced

system design costs due to the improved and smart integra-

tion of system specification and design, safety analysis, and

system exploration tools. In addition, the CRYSTAL IOS will in-

crease the flexibility for all stakeholders and has the potential

to deeply impact the market on a global level. OEMs can easily

combine tools from different vendors, and tool vendors will

be able to find new market opportunities in an open and ex-

tensible environment.

P r o j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n

Project Structure and Overall Work Plan

CRYSTAL and its project structure:

SP1: Project management & dissemination SP2: Use cases in domain AEROSPACE SP3: Use cases in domain AUTOMOTIVE SP4: Use cases in domain HEALTHCARE SP5: Use cases in domain RAIL SP6: R&T Activities

Figure 2 shows the communication between the sub projects and the outside world. A key factor is that the CRYSTAL IOS interface specification stand-ard will be available for companies and academies outside the project to be used and further extend-ed. Collaboration with standardization bodies (e.g. ProSTEP, ASAM, ARTEMIS Standardization Working Group) would enforce the coordination of these ac-tivities.

Figure 1: CRYSTAL at a Glance

NEWSLETTER Volume 1, May 2014

Page 2

Figure 2: CRYSTAL Project Structure

T h e Pa t h t o fo s t e r a n E u r o p e a n I n t e r o p e ra b i l i t y S t a n d a r d

CRYSTAL and the related ARTEMIS Projects

CRYSTAL perfectly fits into the activities of other ARTEMIS pro-jects (such as CESAR and MBAT), sharing the concept of an IOS-RTP as a consistent set of building blocks, integration principles and interoperability standards. The RTP has a key role in the context of dissemination and exploitation means in order to maximize the business impact, the innovation impact and, ulti-mately, the market impact as well as to contribute to the future sustainability of the project.

CRYSTAL will reuse results from previous European cooperative projects and particularly focus on the improvement and indus-trialization of the multi-domain RTP developed in previous AR-TEMIS projects as illustrated in the figure.

To ensure sustainability and impact of its research results, CRYSTAL complements current activities of already funded AR-TEMIS projects such as CESAR and MBAT through its strong and broad competence and emphasis on model-based systems en-gineering and reusability (including their automation).

T h r i l l i n g Pa n e l D i s c u s s i o n i n C o n f e r e n c e o n I n t e r o p e ra b i l i t y

Common Embedded Systems Development Interoperability Standard

Interoperability is the central topic of the CRYSTAL project. This has been the reason that CRYSTAL stepped into an activity initiated by CESAR: the Interoperability Confer-ence. With a strong CRYSTAL contribution (dissemination leader and IOS SP leader in the steering committee, technical project manager and technical experts in the con-ference committee as well as technical presentations during the event), the 2nd con-ference on interoperability took place on December 3, 2013 in Stockholm. The partici-pants agreed on the importance of a common interoperability specification (IOS) and lively discussed a way to a sustainable interoperability by using standardization.

Activities to launch a further edition of such a conference in 2014 have already been start-ed. Considering the EMC2 and MBAT projects which are currently in progress we will address a big audience.

Figure 3: CRYSTAL and the closely related ARTEMIS Projects

NEWSLETTER Volume 1, May 2014

In the thrilling panel discussion

moderated by Bola Robiti (Creative

Intellect Consulting) the basic

requirements for the establishment of an

IOS standard have been determined.

Page 3

Picture 3: Networking

C RY S TA L H i g h l i g h t s

CRYSTAL wins ARTEMIS Exhibition Award A real success was the participation in the ARTEMIS & ITEA Co-Summit in Stock-holm. Besides the booth with a perfect presentation of the aerospace public use case, there also was a presentation in the speakers corner. The event requested a significant amount of preparation by the project team and was rewarded with the ARTEMIS Exhibition Award. First Interim Review at Month 9 The first interim review took place on February 11, 2014 in Brussels. At this interim review the CRYSTAL partners presented the first results including a first running prototype in each of the four industrial domains. 3rd European Conference on Interoperability 2014 As a key player in the interoperability community CRYSTAL will act as the main or-ganizer of the 3rd European Conference on Interoperability which will take place on October 9, 2014 in Paris. To make this conference a success and to reach a wide au-dience, CRYSTAL invited MBAT and EMC² as co-organizers. Thus, CRYSTAL will bring together a large number of leading technical experts to follow the vision of a com-mon European interoperability standard.

M a j o r M i l e s t o n e s a n d N e x t S t e p s

Major Milestones

Picture 4: Team with the Award (A. Mitschke,

C. El Salloum, A. Hamedler, F. Brunetti)

NEWSLETTER Volume 1, May 2014

Page 4

Upcoming Events May 13–14, 2014: ProSTEP Symposium in 2014, Berlin –

CRYSTAL presentation and workshop June 25–26, 2014: 1st Annual JU Review, Graz October 7–8, 2014: CRYSTAL General Assembly

Meeting, Paris October 9, 2014: 3rd European Conference on Interop-

erability for Embedded Systems Development Environ-ments, Paris

Results by M12 The first version of the IOS specification will be provided

including the overall concept, scope and structure of the IOS as well as the first parts of the specification.

A first version of the meta-models for formalizing busi-ness and development processes has been defined.

All four industrial domains have provided the first ver-sions of the specifications of the use-cases.

First running prototypes of system engineering environ-ments are available.

Page 5

Technical Coordinator

Dr. Christian El Salloum

[email protected]

Administrative Project Manager

Mag. Annemarie Hamedler

[email protected]

AVL List GmbH

Hans-List-Platz 1

A-8020 Graz

[email protected]

© CRYSTAL Project

Acknowledgement: The research lead-ing to these results has received fund-ing from the ARTEMIS Joint Undertak-ing under Grant Agreement № 332830 and from specific national programs and/or funding authorities.

C o n t a c t U s