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FEBRUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER First Presbyterian Church Huron SD

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  • FEBRUARY 2015





    Huron SD

  • Andrew Crandall, Pastor—[email protected]

    Chad Zachrison, Assoc. in Ministry—[email protected]

    Church Office—[email protected] Phone 605-352-8789

    Pastor’s pen

    Imagine a Sunday morning from a child’s eyes: “The choir’s sung; the pastor’s preached; the people have prayed. But what’s this? Why’s the pastor holding bread and juice – in church? And now a group of people is bringing bread and juice to everyone! This doesn’t seem like church. Why are we eating and drinking? Is it lunch-time already?” Even a young child can recognize the basics of the Lord’s Supper: it’s some sort of commu-nal meal where we all share bread and wine together from one table. But what does this meal mean?

    I’d like to suggest that the Lord’s Supper (or Communion) has three meanings: Past, Present, and Future. First is the Past. If a non-Christian friend asks us what Communion is about, our minds readily recall this first meaning. It’s even carved on our Lord’s Table in the sanctuary: “Do This in Remem-brance of Me.” In the Lord’s Supper, we remember the past: the story of Jesus’ rescuing us from sin and death by giving himself on the cross. Jesus gave us the bread and wine because he knew that this meal would explain the meaning of his death in a way that nothing else could do.

    The Present comes next. In Communion we are united with the Lord Jesus. When he gave the disciples the bread and wine he said, “This is my body” and “This is my blood.” Christians have wrangled over the precise mean-ing of these words for centuries, but I think the fundamental point is this: Jesus didn’t die for us and rise for us to inform us, to instruct us, or influence us. No! He died and rose for us to rescue us by giving us himself. As we share the bread and the drink the wine, the Lord Jesus remains in us and we in him.

    In Communion we don’t simply 1) remember the past and 2) enjoy Christ’s presence in us, we also 3) anticipate God’s Future. The Lord’s Supper we share is a foretaste of the great heavenly “feast of the lamb” (Rev. 19:7-10) where we will celebrate Christ’s final victory. The past and future are made real in the present as we rejoice that Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again! (continued)

    Military Personnel and Families President Obama Government Officials Prison Inmates Military Personnel & families

    Assisted Living, Nursing Homes & Home Bound

    SunQuest Village: Kathleen Amundson, Fern Armstrong, Mary Haley, Lorraine Jacobson, Idel McDonald, Eva Vilhauer Firesteel Health Care, Mitchell: Korlas Winter. StoneyBrook Suites: Viola Hins, Darlene Olson, Harlow & June Larsen SunQuest Healthcare Center: Maxie Cook, Harriet Turnwall, Out-of-Town Nursing Homes: Ann Tomkins, Jill Baker. Courtyard Apts: Marilyn Rogers Home Bound: Mahalia Connell


    Attendance Sunday School Worship

    Date # Date # Date # Date # 01/05/14 27 01/04/15 31 01/05/2014–125 01/04/2015–110 01/12/14 29 01/11/15 43 01/12/2014–146 01/11/2015–158 01/19/14 33 01/18/15 35 01/19/2014–137 01/18/2014–138 01/26/14 37 01/25/15 48 01/26/2014–159 01/25/2015–142 Elder of the Month: Deacon of the Month: Leanne Kopfmann Jeanne Sager

    Volunteers for Prayer Chain #1 #2

    Greg & Donna Hepper 352-3621 Frances Langbehn 352-4079 Vi Magness 352-5377or 8759 Bev Erdahl 352-4746 LaVonne Nicholas 352-7957 Marlene Gamber 352-5219 Sue Gose 352-8104 Cam Galliger 352-4928 Iris Brown 352-4718 Mona Kotas 352-9517 Brad Magness 352-9545 To join a prayer chain, please call the church office.

    Joy Circle meets Feb. 5, Hope Circle meets Feb. 11.

    Men’s Prayer Breakfast Feb. 1 & 15 Covenant Group meets Feb. 18

    Book study with Chad—Thursday noon

    Issue # 2

    Feb. 2015

  • (continued)

    Your Session has been considering the meaning of the Supper for two years. Recognizing that the meal is 1) not a good work to be done, but a gift to be received with glad hearts, and 2) that the Bible characterizes the Supper as a frequent and es-sential part of Christian worship, your Session has altered the Communion schedule. (The past few years, we’ve had Communion about eight times per year, celebrating on church “holidays” like Transfiguration, Pentecost, etc.) This year we move to monthly Communion. (75% of Presbyterians churches celebrate monthly; 9% weekly.) In 2015, we will usually celebrate on the sec-ond Sunday of the month. The Exceptions are April (4/2 – Maundy Thursday), October (10/4 – World Communion), and December (12/24 – Christmas Eve).

    If you have questions, concerns, thoughts, or ideas, please don’t hesitate to speak with me.

    Grace & peace, Pastor Andrew


    Ministry Minute

    Thursday book study is still going on and if you feel like you can’t come because you haven’t come yet I just want to let you know that we have had new people every week, so you are always welcome. Lent is quickly approaching and with Lent comes the Lent Event. Lent Event is an event that happens during Lent. The name probably gave that away. It starts February 22

    nd and

    runs through March 29th. There will be wonderful soup and

    wonderful fellowship along with some teaching and discussion by me. We will be learning how we as a Church need to change how we are talking about God to others using Philip Yancey’s series Vanishing Grace: What ever Happened to the Good News?

    Chad Zachrison

    Mission Committee

    Day of Sewing & Fellowship

    Saturday, February 21

    The Mission Committee invites everyone to a day of sew-ing and fellowship on Saturday, February 21

    st from 9:00 to 3:30.

    You can come for the entire day or part of the day. The group will eat lunch together—soup will be furnished. If you wish, you may bring other lunch or snack items to share. The group will be sewing several items for mission includ-ing “Little Dresses for Africa”, shorts for boys and diapers. Dresses can be made from a pillow case or other cot-ton fabric. The dresses are an “easy sew” project since they do not use a zipper or buttons. The shorts for boys can be made from cotton fabric or T-shirts and the diapers are created

    from recycled sweat shirts and similar fabrics. These items are a way to share Jesus’ love and encourage children and families around the world. Please come and help make

    these items. If you don’t sew, you can cut and prepare the fabric for those who do sew. If you have any of the following please bring them: scis-sors, pins, thread, ribbon to use as ties in the dresses, bias tape, lace or other trim, new or like new pillow cases, fabric pieces at least 18 inches in length, t-shirts or sweat shirts to recycle into shorts and diapers. If your sewing machine is portable, it would be very helpful if you would bring it…the more sewing machines, the more sewing can be done.

  • We’ve Got Mail

    I wanted to thank everyone that helped put together the care package I received. The package and its contents really uplifts the spirit while on the other side of the globe and away from family. I am guessing that you have my name and address from Madelyn Nickelson. Please let grandma know she is always in my thoughts. Thanks again and God bless.

    Jason M. Gehrt, MSgt, USAF Afghanistan First Church, thank you for the scholarship! This will go toward the rest of school and tools.

    Dirk Peterson Pastor & Congregation, The Staff at HSC would like to thank you for your generous donations to our patients/clients at The Human Services Center. All was greatly appreciated! Thanks Again. Tate Mallory , Support Services. Thank you to the Deacons for the beautiful poinsettia and to Hope Circle for the calendar. Sincerely Mary Haley

    Thank you for supporting the Heartland Region Backpack

    Program under the auspices of the United Way Heartland Re-

    gion. Your generosity allows us to do so much for so many in

    our region. Without your support so many would not have ac-

    cess to the programs and services that make our community so

    much stronger. We are grateful for all that you do.

    Member Highlights

    Sue Gose

    Sue Freeman was born in Virginia MN to Edward and Betty Freeman, the oldest of five children. Edward was a Pastor so they lived in various locations including Alaska and Tacoma before moving to SD where she graduated from high school in Rosco. Sue continued her educa-tion at Huron College where she met Darrell Gose. He was just out of the Army and was re-cruited to play basketball for the college. After they both graduated they were married on Janu-ary 1st. The couple moved to Appleton MN where Sue taught school and Darrell worked for a farmer. Their oldest daughter, Vanessa, was born in MN. They later purchased a farm in Custer Township near Huron. Sue then taught in a one room school northwest of Huron for a year before their second daughter, Gena, was born. When the girls started going to Huron's first preschool, Kindernook, Sue helped out and took over the teaching position in January. She taught there 4 ½ years. Then a son, Sherman, was born. As a family they often went to Texas for Christmas where the Freemans now lived, or Oklahoma to visit siblings. Sue also got her Masters Degree at SDSU, and kept busy as a 4H leader for 20 years and President of PTA. Darrell and Sue both joined First Church in 1963, but Sue had taught Sunday School here while attending HC. Later she also served as an Elder and Deacon and was on wedding and funeral committees. In 1988, at age 49, Darrell passed away of heart trouble. Sue was the Principal and Counselor in Doland at the time and drove there daily. After serving there for 13 ½ years she became the Principal and Counselor in Cavour for 11 years. Vanessa (Nelson) is married to Darren Hoyer who farms north of Badger. She taught school for awhile. They recently went to Germany to visit son, Miles Nelson, and wife Christina and the baby Elijah, who is now a year old. Miles is a counselor for troubled youth. Their daughter, Naomi Nelson is currently living in Sioux Falls. Gena is married to Nick Schoenfelder and they live on the original Gose farm. At age 19 their son, Cody, passed away while serving in the Marine Core. Their daughter, Katie is a Junior in High School, and daughter, Gracie, is a Freshman in High School. (Continued)

    Thank you to all who helped deliver Meals

    on Wheels in January. It was very much ap-

    preciated by all.

    Sandy Eden, Chair for First Church

  • (continued) Sherman is a Financial Manager for Avail. He and his wife, Deena, have five children. Reagan is a Missionary in Brazil, Connor is a Freshman at SDSU, Trent is a High School Sophomore, Bree is in 6th Grade at the Middle School and Brynn is in the 5th Grade. After Sue's dad died, she and her siblings moved their

    mother, Betty Freeman, from Texas to Huron where she lived for 12 years. She passed away in 2014 at age 96. Sue has always been a busy person. She has been a part of Prison Fellowship for 18 years, visiting incarcerated women in prison. She was one of the first directors and is still involved with Helping Hands, a thrift shop and food pantry in Huron for 11 years. She has attended National Church Women's Gatherings since 1988, is a Circle Moderator, and was a State PW Moderator for 6 years. She was also President of Delta, Kappa Gamma, PEO, CFEL and Retired Teachers. Sue enjoys watching her grandchildren participate in school and other activities. She went to Germany last April to visit her first Great Grand-child.


    Please Turn In Coborn Receipts for

    November, December and January

    by February 8.

    Corborn receipts give back 1%. These funds are used for

    meals at LOGOS.


    Coborn Turkey Stamps purchased 40

    small Turkeys. Thank You!

    We also collect Ham stamps!

    To: The family and friends of Bob Mueller

    Members Jene & Jan Carrol (Son-in-law & daughter of Berneice Muilenburg) David Hook Beverly Hook Alan Schmidt Henry Sievers LaVonne Nicholas Oliver Nicholas Cherry Amick Nancy Kelley Brady Kole & Kimberly Hastings Steve Peters Hugh Fullerton Ed LeRoux Harlow Larsen

    Friends & family Kim Arbeiter Roger Bierstedt (Bev Erdahl’s son-in-law) Neil Binger (friend of Cam Galliger) Rev. Ballard Blount (Lori Magness’ father) Virgil Brugger (LaVonne Nicholas’ brother) Kim Crump (Cam & Melba Galliger’s daughter) Larry Claypool (Renea Katz’s father) Kory Farstad (Lisa Gogolin’s father) Gladys Hrdlicka (Donna Meiers’ mother) Cloe Jesson (3 year old niece of Marlene Gamber’s friend). Scott Lindblad (Peggy Mueller’s son) Mary Louise & Leslie Jensen (Brenda Schmidt’s parents) Charlotte Mangan (sister of Oliver Nicholas) Doretta Nelson (sister of Berneice Muilenberg) Glen Millage (Pastor Andrew’s uncle) Susan Munion (friend of Cam & Melba Galliger) Marian (Wold) Martin (friend of Lori Magness) Kathi Mueller (wife of Mike and daughter-in-law of Karen) Angel Pietz (Cheryl Davidson’s great niece) April Pimental (Dave Armstrong’s daughter) Patty Ruehle (Chuck Groth’s sister) Phyllis Schmidt (Alan Schmidt’s mother) Sonnie Schimke (14 mo. Old grandson of Merle Schimke) Joe Wolf (JoLynne Parmely’s brother–in-law) Bob Richeson ( son-in-law of Darlene Ames) Amy Weller (Dar King’s daughter) Marilyn Schiekoff (Phyliss Lemke’s sister) Jill Wurzer (friend of Erica McNeil) Ansley Whitaker (Cobbie & Vi Magness’ great granddaughter) Cliff Hrdlicka (Donna Meiers brother)

  • New Start Time


    Bring a friend!

    Sunday School Choirs Sing In Worship February 1, 2015

    Senior High – Adult Bible Study


    1st - 8th Grade FEB. 4 Rec., Worship Skills, Bible Study

    11 Rec., Worship Skills, Bible Study

    15 Perform Lent Skit during Church

    18 Ash Wednesday

    25 Community Service Night

    Serving others

    Valentine’s Day Dinner

    The Senior Highs Cordially Invite You To an Evening of Fine Dining & Dancing

    First Presbyterian Church Sunday, February 8, 2015

    Beef Lasagna or Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Includes vegetable, bread, salad, dessert, and beverage

    Serving dinner beginning at 6:00 PM

    Stay as long as you wish Only $25/couple or $15/single

    Name(s): ___________________________________________________

    Meal Choice(s): _____________________________________________


    Renew Vows: Yes _________ No______

    Valet Parking and Child Care – Provided

    Call the office (352-8789) or place this in the offering plate.

    Please feel free to invite any friends or relatives to join us!

    This is a fundraiser to send students to Youth Rally

    And to assist with projects at Camp Rimrock

    Thank you for your support of the youth programs


    Valentine Invite

    Men’s Prayer Breakfast meets the 1st and 3rd Sun-

    day, 8:00 am at the Plains. February 15th all are

    invited to come. Please invite your spouse or friend to join us at

    the Plains.

    Holy Buckets

    Holy Buckets contributions for the year of 2014! $5,740.37 Thank You! The contributions go to Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Helping Hands and PCUSA Hunger fund.

    The Men’s Prayer Breakfast uses their share of Holy Buckets to purchase meat for the Salvation Army noon food program. Helping Hands purchases food to

    help those in need. The PCUSA hunger program fills the needs of people around the world.

    LOGOS members burning the palms from 2014 for ashes for Ash Wednesday 2015.

    February Celebrations

    Birthdays: Lila Bawdon 83, Helen Clark 86, Norma Bonnes 91, Marilyn Rogers 90, Roland Amick 89 Anniversaries: Leon & Inez Eddy 39

    Congratulations To Chelsey and Gunnsteinn Steinarsson of Dub-lin, Ohio on the birth of a son Magni Storm born Dec. 24, 2014. Proud grandparents are Craig & Julie Olivier and great-grandparents Cam & Melba Galliger and Irene Olivier

    Do something special for your February Birthday by donating a penny for each year of your age to the PW’s Birthday Box in the east room. You will help fund their mission projects Have a special happy birthday!

    PW Safe Birth Campaign – Quarters save lives!

    100 quarters saves one life. Deposit quarters in the Blue Tube in the

    East Room

    February Funerals

    CAKE PROVIDERS AND WORKERS Berneice Muilenburg, Stephanie Myers, Pat Nagel, Larry & Keitha Neuharth, LeRoy & Judy Neuharth, Mark & Cindy Neu-harth, Madelyn Nickelson, Earl Nordby, Craig & Julie Olivier, Robert & Marilyn Packard, Kevin & JoLynne Parmely, Maxine Paye, Tom & Kathy Perrenoud, Steve & Diane Peters, Cris & Jamie Peterson, Darel & Barb Peterson.

  • FEBRUARY 2015

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


    2 Men’s Fellowship 8:00

    Holy Buckets

    Sunday School 9:15

    Worship 10:30

    Lila Bawdon 82

    Andrew on Vacation

    3 Andrew on


    4 Andrew on


    5 LOGOS 6:00

    Senior High 6:00

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45

    Andrew on Vacation


    PW CT 9:00

    Andrew on


    7 Andrew on


    8 Andrew on


    9 Sunday School 9:15

    Worship 10:30

    Valentine dinner 6:00

    10 Helen Clark 85 11 C.E. 6:30

    Church Admin 6:30

    Miss./Evan. 6:30

    Bldg./Gr. 7:00

    Church Life 7:00

    Worship/Music 7:00

    Session 7:30

    12 LOGOS 6:00

    Senior High 6:00

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45

    13 Norma Bonnes


    14 15 Marilyn Rogers 89

    16 Men’s Fellowship


    Sunday School 9:15

    Worship 10:30

    Sunday School children

    Sing during worship

    17 18 19 Covenant Group 12:00

    Fellowship hall

    LOGOS 6:00

    Senior High 6:00

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45

    20 Roland Amick 88 21 22


    Sunday School 9:15

    Worship 10:30

    24 25 26 LOGOS 6:00

    Senior High 6:00

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45

    27 28 Presbytery

    meeting in


    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    Please turn

    in Coborn

    Receipts for Nov,

    by February 8

    Dec. & Jan.


    Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:00

    Sunday School 9:10

    Worship 10:30 SS Choirs sing 10:30


    Happy Birthday Lila

    Bawdon 83



    LOGOS 5:45

    Senior High 5:45

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45


    Book Study with

    Chad noon

    Joy Circle 1:30






    Sunday School 9:10

    Worship 10:30


    Valentine Dinner



    10 Ch. Ed. 6:30 Fin./Steward 6:30

    Miss./Evan. 6:30

    Bldg./Gr. 7:00

    Church Life 7:00

    Worship/Music 7:00

    Session 7:30

    Happy Birthday

    Helen Clark 86

    11 Covenant Group noon LOGOS 5:45

    Senior High 5:45

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45


    Hope Circle 9:30

    Book Study with

    Chad noon


    Happy Birthday

    Norma Bonnes 91


    Happy Anniversary

    Leon & Inez Eddy


    15 Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:00

    Bring a Spouse or Friend

    Sunday School 9:10

    Worship 10:30

    Happy Birthday

    Marilyn Rogers 90


    17 18 Covenant Group noon

    LOGOS 5:45 Senior High 5:45

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Ash Wednesday Service 7:15

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45


    Book Study with

    Chad noon

    20 Happy Birthday

    Roland Amick 89


    Sewing Day



    Sunday School 9:10

    Worship 10:30

    1st Sunday of Lent

    Soup Supper 5:00 (Sr.





    LOGOS 5:45

    Senior High 5:45

    Adult Choir 6:30

    Praise Team 7:45

    Adult Bible Study 7:45


    Book Study with

    Chad noon

    27 28

    Maggie Magness

    Bridal Shower
