newsletter june 2012

NEWSLETTER Don’t See Red with Red Meat Are You Healthy, Genetically? Nutrition Instead of A Diet 1 June 2012 INFOVALLEY® Group of Companies Unit 1.1, Level 1, Block B, MINES Waterfront Business Park, No. 3, Jalan Tasik, MINES Resort City, 43300 Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: (603) 8941 5830 Fax: (603) 8941 5970

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Page 1: Newsletter June 2012

NEWSLETTER • Don’t See Red with Red Meat

• Are You Healthy, Genetically?

• Nutrition Instead of A Diet


June 2012

INFOVALLEY® Group of Companies

Unit 1.1, Level 1, Block B, MINES Waterfront Business Park,

No. 3, Jalan Tasik, MINES Resort City, 43300 Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: (603) 8941 5830 Fax: (603) 8941 5970

Page 2: Newsletter June 2012

Don’t See Red with Red Meat


Find out are these true?

• Is eating red meat really that bad for your health?

• Eating red meats raises your risk

of early death?

Have you stopped eating red meat as you have been advised by most experts due to its associated risks of heart attacks, cancers and so on & so forth? A recent study indicates eating red meat in moderation combats depression and anxiety among women. Dr.Felice Jacka, Associate Professor, Psychiatric Research Unit, Deakin’s University investigated link between red meat eating & presence of depressive & anxiety disorders in more than 1000 women from Geelong region, Australia.

It was originally thought that red meat might not be good for mental health, as most studies found it to be associated with health risks. The study found that women not eating red meat or less than recommended amount were two times more likely to have been diagnosed with depressive & anxiety disorders, compared with those consuming red meat in recommended amount regularly. She has a specific suggestion, asking people to stick with grass-fed meats as far as possible. The good effect is due to the proteins in the red meat.

Next time you see red meat, don’t see red, sit back & enjoy.

by Dr. Pramod G. Bagali , Chief Medical Officer


Page 3: Newsletter June 2012

Are You Healthy, Genetically?


Post of human genome project, many genes were found to be associated with the pathogenesis molecular pathway. The consequent genotype and phenotype profile have been shown to correlate with clinical symptoms that predispose to the manifestation of the diseases. This means, a person’s health status is not defined by clinical risk factors alone, but genetic risk factors as well, which can be inherited from one’s parent in a form of genetic mutation and polymorphisms.

Genetic testing services had emerged over the past few years, claiming to offer predictive screening of inheritable and potent diseases. However, most of the existing genetic testing services are based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing, which appeared to be monogenic assessment.

Have you encountered such question before?

Traditionally we define a person as healthy when the person does not exhibit any clinical symptoms of disease(s). There are enormous diagnostics testing methodologies based on molecular biology, biochemical or radiological imaging approach, which cater for detection of clinical symptoms of the diseases.

Nevertheless, there are many silent diseases such as cancers and Cardiovascular diseases, whereby the prominent symptoms usually appear during the later stage of disease. Such diseases do not discriminate, even to the low-risk group, e.g. individuals with healthy lifestyles and those in the younger age groups with negligible symptoms.

Why would such cases occur? It’s because of genetics.


Page 4: Newsletter June 2012

database. Moving forward, additional disease screening will be included into the product portfolio with progressive R&D efforts.

So coming back to the question: Are You Healthy, Genetically?

Undergo INFOHaem™ Molecular Screening today and you will know the answer!

INFOHaem™ Molecular Screening was recognized by Frost and Sullivan’s Malaysian Excellence Award 2012, as best product Innovation.

By Susan Ong, Product Portfolio Manager

In INFOVALLEY®, we had identified and compiled a portfolio that captured the multi-factorial characterization (both clinically and molecularly) with the associated diseases. The interdependent relationship of the clinical characteristics and diseases are derived from the common molecular pathways, which cascade and eventually lead to the manifestation of the diseases. Based on this proposition and the leveraging of DNA microarray technology, INFOHaem™ Molecular Screening offers genetic predisposition screening services with two screening packages: INFOHaem Can12TM screens for cancer predisposition in healthy subjects for 12 type of cancers; and INFOHaem FH1536TM screens for subjects at risk of Hypercholesterolemia and diagnostics of clinically suspected Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients.

INFOHaem™ Molecular Screening enables establishment of subject risk profile, which incorporates the clinical risk factors to provide comprehensive assessment, apart from genetic risk profiling. Most importantly, the screening platform has been validated by extensive clinical studies with various public hospitals and universities in Malaysia prior to the launch in 2011. Apart from that, INFOVALLEY’s research findings of a novel LDLR gene mutation among the Asian population has been recognized by British Heart Foundation and included in the UCL LDLR (low-density lipoprotein receptor gene) variant


Are You Healthy, Genetically?


Page 5: Newsletter June 2012

Nutrition Instead of A Diet


“You are what you eat” they say, so does that make you a chicken if you eat poultry? Maybe not, but what you eat definitely determines the way you look and feel about yourself. Let’s start this article with probably the most overused and misunderstood word in the English vocabulary: Diet. The Encarta world English dictionary describes the word diet as ‘food or drink that is intended for people to lose weight’. Newsflash: Forget dieting. It doesn’t work. The problem with dieting is that it has to end at some point. Excuse my use of pun, but if you look at the first three letters of the word its ‘die’. Instead of dieting, look at your nutrition plan as an eating blueprint for life. Something that lasts longer. Finding the balance between healthy eating, exercise and the foods you love will allow you to live and perform better, be it at work, sport or life’s daily activities.


Page 6: Newsletter June 2012

3. Smarter, better options

Start with one less sugar in your coffee, low fat instead of full cream milk and order the sauce separate to the pasta. These small changes are what I mean when I talk about smarter choices that can make a difference to how you feel and look.

4. Forget what your mother told you

Instead of the traditional three big meals per day we were brought up on, eat smaller, more often. Aim to have 6 - 8 smaller meals per day. Here’s why: By eating smaller portions more often spread across the day, allows you to burn fat more efficiently and provides the body with a steady energy flow in place of that heavy feeling you have after a big meal that requires more energy to digest.

Below are listed 6 best on improving your nutrition plan and lifestyle. 1. Plan ahead

Start with making a list of all the healthy options you can think of and that could help you improve your energy and lifestyle demands.

Secondly, plan your meals and snacks ahead of time. Finding healthy food on the road can be a nightmare, so If you’re going to be away all day, make sure you prepare your food before you leave home. Make healthy choices that keep you well-nourished and energized throughout the day.

2. The 80/20 rule

There is no perfect ‘diet’ or ‘nutrition plan’, so stop putting pressure on yourself. Nobody is perfect and no eating plan will be either.

Aim for the 80/20 rule. That means staying on track 80% of the time and ‘letting go’ 20% to enjoy the ‘forbidden foods’.

Feeling guilty about having a treat now and again isn’t worth it. Allow yourself to have that chocolate when you feel you've deserved it. Believe me, if you are following the 80/20 rule you won’t see a difference. Also your body and mind needs treated from time to time.


Nutrition Instead of A Diet


Page 7: Newsletter June 2012

An extra one for the road:

Become a ‘human doing’ instead of a ‘human being’.

By Utprabh Mohan, Marketing Executive

5. Pro lean = Protein

Include a lean protein source with every meal. Options include chicken, fish and lean red meat.

These better choices provide a low fat and lean option of eating.

After exercise the body is in a catabolic state (the breakdown of muscle tissue). By taking 15 grams of protein, within 30 minutes of intense exercise, helps the body to recover faster and aids damaged muscle tissue. The easiest and best way after exercising or competing is to take a shake with a ratio of 80% protein to 20% carbs.

6. Hollywood

Next time you’re at the supermarket checkout, grab one of those magazines that most likely will have either Brad Pitt or Megan Fox on the cover. These magazines, like the fashion and fitness ones, all portray a false image of how one should look.

These Hollywood diets are quick fix, temporary solutions.

You should assess yourself on the effort you gave

and took to reach your goal,

rather than the goal itself.


Nutrition Instead of A Diet


Page 8: Newsletter June 2012


INFOVALLEY® Group of Companies

Unit 1.1, Level 1, Block B, MINES Waterfront Business Park,

No. 3, Jalan Tasik, MINES Resort City, 43300 Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: (603) 8941 5830 Fax: (603) 8941 5970

O u r P a r t n e r s

• HSC Medical Centre

• Tropicana Medical Centre

• Lablink Medical Laboratory

• Global Doctors Specialist Centre

• Golden Horses Health Sanctuary

• Pantai Premier Pathology Laboratory

• KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital

• Dharan Wellness Clinic

• Chaudhury Medic-Centre

• Sidiq Specialist Medical Clinic

• Klinik Holistics Healthcare

• Dr Kim Wong Women Specialist Clinic

• Pusat Perubatan dan Bersalin UMRA

Single Cancer Screening Service