news top millions of men 21/buffalo ny... · news top si millions of men" ' -»wn lost i...

NEWS TOP SI " ' -»wNi M |p.iw mi» lif """II Millions of Men Lost By Russia during War; Heaviest of Any Hation Northclifre Points^ to His " *i Wisdom" in Plovn to Visit Manchester. Copenhagen, Dee. 2p.— (By Associated , 1 'ress.J—Russia's wJ r casual!ie» tota 1 .!M50,o©<Pjmen. according to a teljeajr-JBtro recJMvca here today from Petrmgrjad. of this number 1,7*0.000 were, killed. The disabled men number.-1,4(50.1)00. while* X,5O0,0OO other . soldiers • w-Vre wounded. " T h e Russians taken pris- o n e r t o t a l 2,500.001) LEAGUE ESSENTIAL TO PEACE / . Oth»r Estimates of th* Tells Corcespbndentsj Its Chief of Wilson's Four- teen Points. i'fi the war made Rnsa<a'n infoi ipatioi|i A. J..'Sack, in New totjM^jii_jKtt less tha v>Jk»m : JwO.OM w I LoYses. Russian .easj.ial^ies last "week my the bureau director. York", fig"ur<?d t h e 1% 8,000.000 njienj' of killed and fe," I ! Figures compiled by • Gaiette ajnd published! November, "-'5. placed the'total penmap casualties at mote t h a n "6,0-00 .•00. ©t" t his .-number it Was estimated that [about 2,000,006 we(fe killed. The French sp-ld&rai killed in! tile war, according to" a statement rmatfe in the] French chamber t>f deputies] 1 on December 20 by Lucieit VelUn, J.| So- cialist deputy, number 1,400.000. Italy lost 500,000 men died of wounds, i A at effect was made in-Par by Salvatjore Barzilai, abbot beif ot" the Italian cabinet.who accom- panied King Viqior Emmanuel on his visit to the French capital. The British army official killed total: *ii>S,i 04., in killed- c,i tement to this is December 21 former njient- Efaria. I' I 1II • ' ! " ! • " fuijded as rie#i'S^ rht'v Imnd «f»V i n d e n t s a t s h e "Kit fsuhto, hea i^i | which p .) - ^yiacounl Nprihetiffe. .Jifsi, univefs^lH re- '• maker"*' of ih*i Lloyii m js« iiei nmeni. called in odd American ronrev n o w , i"n i Pari i. fate yest< a reception andl had a GOVERNMENT: ALLIES rt-to-heart tal^c with them. he touched e..n :; rn« of th* great issues ." upon ar and h a" candid, forceful way -the'Ifamou* .tifh publisher *dn>ve borne his con- ' idn on two eMIeJI-points.: Indi-spsnaabt* to Peace. r>e—ThaHa league of nations is in- • iijj.ii) •• to "peace urn i es i k ey ston e . f o« Ueh ,i league would lhlc aswotiation ami "wo—That th* foundation o ' h e c l o s e s t )>«. operation ' of i erica. - ITrStdeO' 'A i Int." will rev t- - - w t-1 «> 11 - -per. I a n . -;> pish hianufa< >or unions es not represe in Xew York iltas. lie la - s had the .» - England of dud. He ^fritl mo> f • •'•ncilv Same Treatment Promised Russia -When Social Or- der Exists. Britain dv said in Ei don. of t land-van i* r ojne Lhpi. oour .' T t l t a' (•j nts the r fO>ret# ••• ro to that :he » espe toward edited who part v e r y tne I J' in at liieving and politic** vsit! a «i<t>.i t nrnwi 11 v w h i bar jjoirlrii- lv«-ly »tai>l«* ol. hiislre- it»-d Stijites it ' tni(itiy Oi f ' ci \ ill;;.. I today tiie Je moment <* sum*' tle- Kiutlibrjiuni iK m>ft. for h UjH>d and map* enter IIAICH y. s •MI! •*• Senator Knox's Delay Featureq in Papers. Paris, I>M at«>r Knox s senate.that 11141ion of a in | abeyance l fefent D l 'The P Ln of I •nf will nd and i His trii i»m ii:-- n'.it>icl" world.". IV Fotdstufls For Finn^. . •a nf .'H.0**'Lft(Hi p o u n d s <>f f a o d - t'::il>i I II. It was aiuiomiitd, jwas u l.\ 'h<- war trade t>oa.rd UlMin •dat iuii i>f llerberi HoovPr. AVIIO opt assistiiig {•> work out a pro- f it Owi re.'edem Real Basis for League. .1 •OS: dist it It-1 . 22.—United States Sen- ir'cornmepdation inl the the disoustsion of tb4 for- le.ipue of nations be held until afteir the peaee] COII- •ons|)i<'tiously featured by th|> l-'rt-n- h p r e s s The manner in which this and similar news idispatchesj-from America are "played up" by certain pajiers her* 1 is indicative of how close- ly Krein-h opinion is patching fpr the sliightest sign of lack of suppoft for President Wilson in bjis own country. |t is imiHissible to j over-emppasize the fact that the Presidents, delicate courae in the next few weeks may be imperilled by. unconsidered opposition along partisan lines qr loose-division of the alternatives of his outlines on t -A O :d. tart .i scrap Peru. nations cer important has *.)>e w o r l d , in ii !>e impossible to : i-jpeen Chil«» a<nd •The - «.iic- of the most npor-tant President's fourteen points. Kvei J-.'nglishman regards the President !s i .sit as the most important event in th*' history of Anglo-Am er ' cajri re!a- • oi,• ,. . - -Trve Pre-ident," added the vigeounl. -•roba'bly will, not receive the same 1 ind of reception in Kngland he re- • -iVed In Paris because we are not a demonstrative people, but it is certain to be the greatest reception any for- tigner ever got on English soil. Every man- in Europe.knows that the Presi- •<-nt h a s epMW t o p r e v e n t the re<.-ur-' -t•••-- of what the world has suffered —< t o u r a r i d a h a l f y e a r s . " • h ill .Ii All ition from iir. Hon r sources, includAog tl is. show that this so on. onqe absorb*/*! bjv 1- • n recently swallow d hy <I< lit! ar»l>eatfs to be establinhi i a i-omparatively s t a b l e bjai .-allv and nationally." , a jjT Used By Opponents. two I Kecenl hold references In lh*> Wrench 'ww'press indicate accurately how peiffei-tlv I certain utteraneos be C»iil. Rodseve | ii.«l orlors ]i!,.\ Mil the hands Of the ! European opponents of the league of n i,t toys upon which ,tatolte the P:*esi-* * I • -% 11 depends for the security of the lut'ur*.- peace «>[' the worhl. ()nt- of the highest Ajmerican author- ities now in Paris was asked : today what significance lay In the unofficial i Ht-lgian announcement I to the : etTeet y I that Kniil N'anderveloe, the Belgian I th* ,,i'i: ,idil\ II i Speecf 1 JL: 'ALL PIANO W one iof the WILL DECORATE GRAVES OF OUR HEROES XMAS DAY Socialist leader, will b peicei delegates. "None." was the answer.. "WHen the J coiftjtence l^egins it wSll concern only j nations, not parties witfhin the nations. j There^rjnust be no appenirance of party politus^in so grave an undertakiing. ' AmeHcans wiio have closely witched the situation here since the President's arrival feel that it would be a,[happy event if certain politicians in Hwaih- ington could take this tor their text. H ERE is a suggest^ sidpratiuii of every 'p the n Bui ohvn pi J worthy me and ost disti Po, and •I er-pianosi. Th*w-diet during and , Moriick's Malted Milk, -tible. after .influenza nourishing, di- 4 Pai*is. Saturday. Pee. 21.—More than -•ivon Braves of American soldier$ will be decorated on Christikias-duy by .the Amu - . coinmittre for devastate*! Kirance. In the region betwren /.aoii 'and f'toatea'u- Thieriv where the s r a*-es wiil br- deeo- iaied. the committee will also provide a • ••.;- a- festival for S.'.^P ckilctren. Btmaa stockingj»! tided' with candy. -i iint sirt'iie.-s sent from America w,ll ••••• distributed, each child In addition l>. - mg given some artiiie of clotljfig. mit- r-:is or a muffler. Two hundred children who have re- turned to the ruined village of Crecy will } receive complete' QUlfitS "of ClQl.hillg, SO j ''hat they \*.:ll be abfre to return to school, I t'he committee is also atrangiTiK t'lnist- mds festivities at l^»on. Soissbns. Paris I and other French cities. FOOD RESTRICTIONS OFF PUBLIC EATING PLACES;'NO PROFITEERING' "WATCHONflHlNE" SUITS TOMMY, FOR HE'S"KEBPING[IT" may jcome h< largest music SWHV Acolian Company's For a moderate fcvu ^fui^ut ai pay the balajnee; monthly, i l l mav h- delivered to Ivour h(dne. The moment this! great Wan o arr eomes bright and eh<[-erv \vmli mush OR ONLY Payable Monthly the serious eon musie-lover. -Yoi iguished, best anc select one of th By coming hen pianos, you neciire the be • New York, Deb. 22.—All war-time re*trietions on public eating -places in this city will be removed tomorrow, the .'federal food board announced 'td- 1 night. Terming the removal of ..these ••nrictions **a step toward demobiliza- } T^ondon. Dec. 22.—([Correspondence < Of The Associated Press, t—According I to a returned British prisoner, who was • at.iliberty in Berlin, duiling the revolu- t/iop there "Duts.chland I'ber kites." "th*5 Watch on the Rhine" and similar' j patriotic songs are just how highly un- [ popular in the German [capital. Three English civilians whip had celebrated' the signing of the armis- ' tic** were coming alongl the l"nti»r den Lipden s'inging "The Watch on the Rhine" when; they wetre stopped by German soldiers who said they ought to be ashamed of 'themselves foil sing- ing] such "rubbish. I'. ^ "I've coaie from the tehine," 1 <me 'of thehj remarked. "You go down there ,andj try to keep, watch.] 'and thejn you jwort't sing 'so, much about it"' "put we are. English,*" ono 4t the civilians replied. Whatt" jexclaimed >%? astoiished entire world One of the and i l i v i n g onf? ue that afford. MONDAY BANKING -_.* j " ' - ••' * On Monday evenings, |1rom7to9,Q U r 4 FOREIGN DEPARTMENT (Lafayette Square Enlmncfr » | —in addition to the regt Hular business of its own department, will receive deposits in I THRIFT ACCOUNTS | ir oi those Who find it in- convenient to come to,; the bank during usual! banking hours. This is only another of. the manv helps provided by The Buffalo Trust for its customers -who I want to get ahead. nan. w ork the board made it clear that the j soldier. '"Then why sihigit?" "Well," grinned 'the Erigli rk of enforcing profit and margin rules, and revoking l i c e n s e s of"- v i o l a - tors, will be dontinued until the offi- cials of the board aire relieved by Food Administrator Hoover. T h e hot it!expects to remove "from time" from th<| license list those com- modities *-whidlx.dp- not' seem likely to beisubjected tol.trtei possibility of specu- la, ikm and projilteeTing." •«. - i i,. . . i". f^. snman, "you see we are. keepings it now,' ' K.-S 'UNDEFEATED,;SAYS I'll, position of tlicjiAfl>liaii Con.pany in the niusi • industry is one of absolirteMind unassailable si|prenB)ie; In Eii.'ia'iKl', in EuroiJe. in .Jkiitralia akid South HUGE BILLS FOR SHIPPING CONFRONT U, S. GOVERNMENT HINDENBVRG GERMAN ARMIES Washington. tes go\'ernmer ;,- bills for the us< i-.l t*hlppin)g ilurin the. t ai jnable to Dec. 22,—Th* United is confronted with A m s t e r d a m , D e c . ,22«- proflamafion h a s . h e e n i s s u e d b>f Marshal von Hindenbtirg "from man main headquarter-j. at Willie horje. dated "Christmasj 1918.""" *1 The Cassel A OF in Europe, in. \eolian ]>lak T er-pianos. and recognized leaders of their c This particular plaver- K Th$ numb securing o d an agreement t< ve the instrument- Yeam 1 strumei asjiect for yo All acfe and evenings take nn piainl and grand opera selec ;onjg's abd available to evervj'hour ;es, your home be| Christmas, Ncv aqo Su and lancinating pasti ^ * elv m tjbijfe . is c pt—|this( isj the pidno tliat should bj- in your hope! i ! I ' I: '" ' '' '" I l ' Aeolian Company's unequalled Instruments »> of these pjayei- the markets of .the tiire Aeolian i way th :her ins:ruments Iirent ty ies. ho at $4$)5 is a rebresenta Amovic; are th ai C( w 'OU! h; istrunK fine in W( d mojre than fine infers on ev<krvone ^ r ho n^es jt .•1 o I IMPORTANT AT \ian Player-Pianos at $495 of Aeo for inimediate 2^tih93i93a3i9%9ft9S ol neutral and the war. As I Ktates shipping board ive an approxirftatio.n of FAMOUS AMERICAN ACE HOME FROM SERVICE ON WATER FRONT in-. i.4k< will sum the .diked Slates will be d to pay. but it is thought that -•!- charges for requisitioned ships ;in»d some vessels under charter will tduiJ at least! a half bfjlion dollars It is said thaji seven nations present bills against the Indeed States ; i(nl that t h e y wJBl es of the property. tak t.i* o n * s . ll -s an opeii i=ecr* ping board ofliciab*- ; ,-eutcin of the legal <vf the claims hied ;.; 3 «aid Norway slom 0««).i.K)0 for vessels American ways 'completed b\ pOi'iiVtion in»l thiej emergency A remarkable Field Ger- 1ms istmas. emeiniL' Z e i t u n i pub lishes the proclamation which refers to the •mighty achievements in war of the Herman nation whilh did riot col- lapse before a world of enemiesD" - The proclamation declares: *li d r e w this capacity frord the Holv lire of patriotism, will to victdry and af spirit I Philadelphia, Dec .K?v M i. ! ' I Bldjle* of this city, on "The German army.|" it continues, "has^vanished, dissoUled, -disbanded. ; although until the lasi -it was [feared j and respected by its enemies. To the { na'te the value 1 ©fleers, high and low, as traineirs and i at war * time ! leaders of the national, army is| upde- • ! iiejibry due toa.great share of the glory, the ship-I and it is petty revenge [to ueprivje them *» by-no means i of 'their insignia and arms and* declare suuistof many them incapable of exeroising command. [ anticipated. It j "The utter destruction of The na- I as asked $:1P- j tional strent-th of the Gjerman people *a ' * lAiilding on the intention of those flestru< dis* e i ;t ] akert Over and luptive spirits, who are working to j t he fleet cor- I impede the ijeorganlzation of^tbe em- ! iirtl*' on a sound and eqonomie batse." or Christmas deli TICE is very United. r ou. Ev resource of and yours. Liiusie :s at Vour coijimin<l. Danetjs, light a new and happier tions, sacred. wonderful classics in ( patriotic and popular occafjiion ha.^ the m< >st me. s Christmas gijg| ndless variety, are its suitable! music,| elightful, irspfmiffl i estion youl should a]i]iearai: in the »nde! ce fjin* ful ut. Xt is fhuf ar)d high-clasn all the in ii player-pii You capnot secu..*e. such v^ilue icre In the |ity. C^her stories"sf-11 Similar instKmients some at higher, a'f^v at Ibw^r prjicefj. But irrespective Plave^-Piianoi at jirice, this Aeolian - both piano an 1 a player" quality tin ment of any other make eaik e<jjual: * To make $ur$ of iii musical (quality, playing ability it no else- £49") offers more in any other instru- iery a prompt selection is advised. COTTIER & DANIELS OURT AND PEAR^ STREJETS d(ur Stifre Will Remain Open Evenings Unfil Ch\\stmas The DIET During I ' and fitter The Old Reliable Round Package 12.—Maj. C. J. of tne famous \merican aces m service imi F r a n c e / arrilved here tonight surprising his rel- atives by reaching home without pre- vious announcement. He was Uccom- pifnled from Franco' by iJieut. Col. William Thaw oP Pittsburgh] N|aj- Paddle declined to talk tonight of his experiences in France.! He went abroad before the , Tnited States entered One war to enter the ambulance rviee. but enlisted as a Frfeneh sol- four days after this cobntry de- ed war. He was transferred to •Lrfifayettc Escadrille and! later be- mie commander of the t'ourtb pursuit squtidron Of the American • rmy Iviehrhondf Spanish eftc'ellenc S|?neral o: ipber-l, l •#rvice e| i inquest) DEAT I M t -Mor Mary Fori i|he "home <J11 t h e P where she! day*. Bui (Jemetery OF MARY her nephew, |ial!n farm in pad! been on a| Ll ,was made Geneseo. A during the }f exceptional made major! sites army Oc-^ d from active r at his own ars of active WILL MARK GRAVES OF AMERICAN TROOPS WHO DIED IN HUH CAMPS -ORSYTHE. lliec. 22.—-Tl e death of Mrs. fethe of Genes|eo occurred at William Henry, this township,. visit for a few in Temple Hill ngements American prisoners made by Nff, "ilork, Dec. 22—Anfa for .marking graves of -all | soldiers who died while hell t^e Germans have' been A. C.tHat-te, Y. M. C. A. representative at Heme, Switzerland, ar d Conrad Hoffman, the American Y secretary who was allowed in Germany during the w American prisoners. The v ides for a central American piemoria as well as small memorials for «|aeh American grave. "1 believe this will prove valuable to the relatifes, who no doubt will come to i look up the graves of theii loved ones after the war is over. MS RAID IS MADE BY PARTY OF DETECTIVES 1 1 Courier.) M. Cr. A. to remain i|r to aid plan pro- BUFFALO COURIER V«l. I X W i l l — D e e . «3. 19M,' Ne. J3J. Published daily and Sunday at 250 Mala (Hy Special. Wire to 3lie )Couri*r.) street. Blffald, N. 1. xLara Falls, Dec. 22.4peter Tipt. a ^ r l ^ 8ub,crlpt!en B#tM: who lives on the Lockportj roadj coni- „„._'„;_ b L J^u SM^ pkrtL-d to th- police joni-iht.that his Rit "& Al""^".: 8S |!:S wife} has become seriobslw ;ill bjecayi*. Etrtered; a« pecond Haw matter at tba of a raid mad > on his place at 3 b clox k p 0Bt <iffire*at Buffalo. N. X., undef tu« act this morning hy a squad of; detectives, I 0 t March 3. 18J9. win were presumably ion aj -search fpt • K ew y^rk ojfice. 225 Fiftb A«re. cat* burglars. fbieag* office, Ad*/ertiaiiig Bldg. Tita savs one of th<i men, on! being: Detroit:forflte; American Bldf. refdsed admission to trJe/hoUse,. l|>oint-d j ata»a»B'ClrJ office. Viftor Bldg. a :Trti tol at a window of a > o m where tood w th a lighted GEI. KENT, RETIRED, 40 YEARS IH IJ. S. A. SERVICE, DIES AT TROY T voy. ! ; Compounded ^^QQ uarierly BUFFALO TRUSi COMPANY 449-455 Main &t. ^OLafavette Squire rfSw*. i •;'' „ re Horlick's Malted Milk Very Nutritious, Digestible T h e ' R E A L F^od-Drirrk, InstantlV prepared. Ma&e by the OlfKIIN AI "lorlick Process and- from'carefully selected material^ . .... H Used successfitlly over centuiry Endorsed by] physicians evcrywhe* Speciiv ^ O r i i c k ' S The Origina. Others Are laiitatioas his •hit Web fii Y- Ford'Kent, u iltpr a brief illnesf. Dec. 2p—MaS, G* :, n. J. S. A.- <: retired!),. died jail- afj.ternooh nc*al will bunlal at piarters. "Ope prisoner. Private 3JL T. Blain, died with; a working party and was buiried whjere he died. We are makim home in this era this T h e .fit with Spt hone at the Watervilet: air* mo rt his death he . was a tfOsi;ee .of- tht Enl Sa. CO f! at held Thursday t Point. . e '."his retiremeittt following the ciostt' nisb war, Gen. Kent had lira* * since service, recently in thi,* city Kepsselaer P*Hytechnu ma Willard school from' active • of the made his enal and t the time Ink mute and j of Russell ye college. For twenty St. m 1 been a trustee of ai Church.- en.. Ketu a second i he out break of t he C i• whit h he * served with gallantry. He was .brevet t$i3 for "gallant and -iweritoi-jkms m.rv- ,,.,.* in t'he battle of S-pousv-rl-ania 1 ' an : again promoted in lts«4 itJa*' s i m i l a r awfvieea during the campaSiin belore •d tne years h* til's Epis- Eases Quickly When You Apply T' a Little^ust^erole. And MiiiBterole won't (blister like the old-fashioned mustard plaster. Just tpread it A v^ith your fingers. It pene- txates to |he sore spot, with a gentle arrangements for the tingle, loojpns the congestion and draws ' body! to tin* Rastatt es but the sqfeness and paih. ^ _ j that jail Americans who h Mustetjle Is a clean, white ointment prisoners in Germany may tnade witrioil of mustard. It is fine for ! fo one place," J iuick relifl from sore tbJroat, bronchitis, onsilitis, iroup, stiff neck, asthma, neu« falgia, hjfdache, congestion, pleurisy, theumatidt lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprairk sore musciesj bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds on the chestUt often prevents pneumonia). Nothing like Klusterole lor croupy chil- 3ren. Ke& it handy for instant use. ; jars; hospitjal size $2.50. said hanf. and copnpelled him ^o opten the door. None of the men, he alleges, show?d a search wa -rant, bu^, W« nt throufeh the bouse fr >m cellar ]tO attic. Aln I other woman, Mrx And|*e w P Fit^h, a message from Mr. Hartc, tellinf of | wr ,oj8e husbar d works nights, was also the plan, which was madia public to- j alarmed bv the intruderk Tita stays. nigh* by Y. M. C. A. war |work head- j —. LLJ— .APPOINTED ON COMMISSION ' are munms (]U , S|ieH:( h Vire tl) **tlie r o u r i e r . l , transfer of his j .. t ; i m p rfemeterjj*. so c ^ >SX y *\ we died as t orle«l section, be broiight p e en appointed on the cotmmission war records and trophies, which Will amp in 1 is WILLIAM J. CQXNKJtB. Editor and Proprietor. Fallls, Otit.. Cj uickshank. EQUALIZATION COaAMITTEC MAKES ITS REPORT general s-taff De<t*. 22,-t-Bri dl lector:of 1 port on the proper locatidi for a nu 30c and lieutenant War in lisfelngui'shed major In NEW OOD FELLOWS' HOME, ij'.y iKpei Wire to The •"uurier.^ \iagara Falls. Dee. 22.-Today Were he'd tlutil services In South Avenue l<:> r ankelital church by th«! community that has erected a new building at Cleve- land [aveiiue and Sixteenth street, which will be feady for use about}, the first of t he i'ea bOUgpt 1. onlc-e. The old' building has been y Niagara. Falls lodge. So. 81. OjO.TF.:, who will take possession at ! N0 INFLUENZA DE (By ISJII-I ial Wire n» Th Niagara Falls ilth libard I >ec. 22. 'inrted one cal to be <eum where var trophies i nd histor paintings and other object* relating Canada's participation in ths war; will displayed. Geo. Cruick shank is Well knowln In ire, where he resiled for a nuirber ojf yenrs and was the former police piagistrate. rtie city Ottalva. aas on jre- (By .eciiil Wire to The Courier.! Batavii, l|)ec. 22.—The equalization committee ot the board of supervisors has completed its labors an<| the boar.) TO ^ ' r H RVE vfAR PF. s has a dopte^ their findings. By the table for-ithej various towns it tel shown that the pettcentagps have, been raifell in Alabama. Alexander ajnd Batas ui city and tojwn, while thd towns Bethany, Darien, Elba, lA Roy, Oak- lield and Pembroke remain the tann Slight Cuts wfere made in the towt,- oC Berged, Byran and Stafford. These was considerable objection on the part of some o'f'jthe supervisors before " report wais adopted. of h. case oi liui and | no death. Yesterdujy's report -showed sixteen new cases and Slve delatlui. ATHS. tViurier.l -Today the new HER NINEtrf-EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. ^% JB f!^ m fr 9 ^\ P*% I A ,By ®^ &l Wire to The Couriec. t- M MA ? S I C J hK I JaV4. Batavia. bee. 22.—.Mrs. Sarah > ^r " ^ F ^^ I" •»•*[• colt of Xo.[8 East avenue is qui. For In fantS and Children f . observing Uhe ninety-elgith anidv. _ _ A^m2 -* ar y of her birth today. Mrs- <'oh i- in Use For Over 3 0 Years one of i^4 via ' s oldest residents ; ..» lesides with her datmhteri Mrs..X*ei*.' I.Webb. She; has been confined* to b*•- Always bear!; the Signature ol \ ^ jh,d for the! past .two weel*>. owtns ••> la fall, but lier injuries are not serious. \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: NEWS TOP Millions of Men 21/Buffalo NY... · NEWS TOP SI Millions of Men" ' -»wN Lost i M |p.iw mi» lif — """II By Russia during War; Heaviest of Any Hation Northclifre Points^


" ' - »wN i M |p . iw mi» lif — """II

Millions of Men Lost By Russia during War;

Heaviest of Any Hation

Northclifre Points^ to His " *i Wisdom" in Plovn to

Visit Manchester.

Copenhagen , Dee. 2p.— (By Assoc ia ted , 1 ' r e s s . J—Russ ia ' s wJ r ca sua l ! i e» to ta 1 .!M50,o©<Pjmen. accord ing to a teljeajr-JBtro recJMvca here today from Petrmgrjad. of th i s n u m b e r 1,7*0.000 were, killed.

T h e disabled men number.-1,4(50.1)00. while* X,5O0,0OO o ther . soldiers • w-Vre wounded. " T h e Russ ians taken p r i s ­oner to ta l 2,500.001)


E s t i m a t e s of th*

Tells Corcespbndentsj I t s Chief of Wilson's Four­

teen Points.

i'fi t he w a r m a d e Rnsa<a'n infoi ipatioi|i A. J . . 'Sack, in N e w totjM^jii_jKtt less tha v>Jk»m : JwO.OM w I

LoYses. Russ i an .easj.ial^ies last "week my t h e

b u r e a u di rector . York", fig"ur<?d t h e

1% 8,000.000 njienj' of killed and fe,"


! F igu re s compiled by • G a i e t t e ajnd pub l i shed! N o v e m b e r , "-'5.

placed t h e ' t o t a l p e n m a p ca sua l t i e s a t m o t e t h a n "6,0-00 .•00. ©t" t h is . -number i t Was e s t i m a t e d t h a t [about 2,000,006 we(fe killed.

T h e F r e n c h sp-ld&rai killed in! tile war , acco rd ing to" a s t a t e m e n t rmatfe in the] F r e n c h c h a m b e r t>f deputies]1 on December 20 by Lucieit VelUn, J.| S o ­cia l is t deputy , n u m b e r 1,400.000.

I t a ly lost 500,000 men died of wounds , i A at effect w a s m a d e i n - P a r by Salvatjore Barzi la i ,

abbo t

beif ot" t h e I t a l i an c a b i n e t . w h o accom­panied K ing Viqior E m m a n u e l on h i s visit to the F r e n c h capi ta l .

T h e Br i t i sh a r m y official killed total: *ii>S,i 04.,

in killed- c,i t e m e n t to th i s is December 21

former njient-

Efaria. I' I 1II • ' ! " ! • "

fuijded as rie#i'S^ rht'v Imnd «f»V inden t s a t she "Kit fsuhto, hea i^i | which



- ^yiacounl Nprihet i f fe . .Jifsi, un ivefs^ lH re-

'• maker"*' of ih*i Lloyii m js« iiei nmeni . cal led in

odd Amer i can ronrev now, i"n i Pari i. fate yest<

a recept ion andl h a d a

GOVERNMENT: ALLIES r t - t o - h e a r t tal^c wi th them. h e touched e..n :;

rn« of t h * g rea t i s sues ." upon a r a n d

h a" candid , forceful w a y -the'Ifamou* .tifh p u b l i s h e r *dn>ve borne his con-' idn on t w o eMIeJI-points.:

Indi-spsnaabt* to Peace. r>e—ThaHa l e a g u e of n a t i o n s is in-• iijj.ii) •• to "peace

urn i es i k ey s ton e . f o« Ueh ,i league would lhlc aswot ia t ion ami

"wo—That th* founda t ion o

' he closest )>«. o p e r a t i o n ' of i er ica . -I T r S t d e O ' 'A i

Int." will rev t- - - w t-1 • «> 11 -

-per. I an . -;>

p i s h hianufa< >or u n i o n s

es not r ep rese in X e w York iltas. l i e la -s had the .» -

Eng land of dud. He ^fritl

mo> f • •'•ncilv

Same Treatment Promised Russia -When Social Or­

der Exists.

Bri ta in dv

sa id in Ei

don . of t land-van

i* r

ojne Lhpi. o o u r .' T t l t

a' ( • j •

nts the r fO>ret# • •••

ro to tha t

:he » espe toward

edited who p a r t v e r y

t n e

I J ' l . i t in at liieving and politic** vsit! • a «i<t>.i

t nrnwi 11 v w h i

bar jjoirlrii-lv«-ly »tai>l«* ol. h i i s l r e -it»-d Stijites it ' t n i ( i t i y Oif' ci \ ill;;..

I t o d a y t i i e Je moment <* sum*' tle-Kiutlibrjiuni iK m>ft. for h UjH>d a n d map* e n t e r

IIAICH y. s • M I ! •*•

Senator Knox's Delay Featureq in


Par i s , I>M at«>r Knox s s e n a t e . t h a t 11141ion of a in | a b e y a n c e

l fefent

D l

' T h e P Ln of I

• n f w i l l nd a n d i

H i s t r i i

i»m ii:-- n'.it>icl" wor ld ." . IV Fotds tu f l s For F inn^ . .

•a nf .'H.0**'Lft(Hi p o u n d s <>f faod-t'::il>i I II. It w a s a i u i o m i i t d , jwas

u l.\ 'h<- w a r t r a d e t>oa.rd UlMin •dat iuii i>f l l e r b e r i HoovPr. AVIIO opt a s s i s t i i i g {•> w o r k out a p r o -


i t

Owi re. 'edem

R e a l B a s i s f o r L e a g u e .


• O S :

dis t it It-1

. 22.—United S t a t e s • Sen-ir 'cornmepdat ion inl the

the disoustsion of t b4 for-le.ipue of na t ions be held until afteir the peaee] COII-•ons|)i<'tiously featured by

th|> l-'rt-n- h press T h e m a n n e r in which th is a n d s imi la r n e w s idispatchesj-from America a r e "played u p " by ce r t a in pajiers her*1 is ind ica t ive of how close­ly Krein-h opinion is p a t c h i n g fpr the sliightest sign of lack of suppof t for Pres ident Wilson in bjis own coun t ry .

| t is imiHissible to j o v e r - e m p p a s i z e the fact t h a t t h e P r e s i d e n t s , de l ica te courae in the next few w e e k s m a y be imperi l led by . uncons idered opposi t ion a long p a r t i s a n l ines qr loose-d iv i s ion of t he a l t e r n a t i v e s o f his out l ines on

t -A O

:d .

t a r t .i s c r a p Pe ru . n a t i o n s cer i m p o r t a n t


i . n i

*.)>e world , in ii !>e imposs ib l e to : i-jpeen Chil«» a<nd

•The -«.iic- of the mos t npor-tant P r e s i d e n t ' s four teen po in t s . Kvei J-.'nglishman r e g a r d s t he Pres ident !s i .sit a s t h e most i m p o r t a n t even t in th*' h i s t o r y of A n g l o - A m e r ' c a j r i re!a-• o i , • ,. .

- -Trve P r e - i d e n t , " added the v igeounl . -•roba'bly will, not rece ive t he s a m e 1 ind of r ecep t ion in Kngland he r e -• -iVed In P a r i s b e c a u s e we a r e not a d e m o n s t r a t i v e people , b u t it is c e r t a in to be the g r e a t e s t r e c e p t i o n a n y for-t i g n e r ever got on E n g l i s h soil . E v e r y man- in E u r o p e . k n o w s t h a t t h e P r e s i -•<-nt h a s epMW to p r e v e n t t h e re<.-ur-' -t•••-- of w h a t t h e wor ld h a s suffered —< tou r arid a ha l f y e a r s . " •

• h ill .Ii

A l l i t ion from i i r . Hon r sources, includAog tl is. show that this so on. onqe absorb*/*! bjv 1-• n recently swallow d hy <I< lit! ar»l>eatfs to be establinhi i a i-omparatively stable bjai .-allv and nationally."

,ajjT Used By Opponen t s . two I Kecenl hold references In lh*> Wrench ' w w ' p r e s s indica te accu ra t e ly how peiffei-tlv

I ce r t a in u t t e r a n e o s be C»iil. Rodseve | ii.«l o r l o r s ]i!,.\ Mil t h e h a n d s Of t h e ! European opponen t s of the league of

n i,t toys upon which ,tatolte the P:*esi-* * I • -% 11 depends for t he secur i ty of the lut'ur*.- peace «>[' the worhl.

()nt- of the highest Ajmerican a u t h o r ­i t ies now in Pa r i s w a s asked : today what significance lay In the unofficial

i Ht-lgian a n n o u n c e m e n t I to t h e : etTeet y I that Kniil N'anderveloe, the Belgian

I th* , , i ' i :

, idil\

I I i


1 JL: 'ALL


W one iof the


Social is t leader, will b peicei de legates .

"None." w a s the answer . . "WHen the J coi f t j tence l^egins it wSll concern only j na t ions , not pa r t i e s witfhin the na t ions . j There^rjnust be no appenirance of p a r t y

po l i tus^ in so g r ave a n undertakiing. ' AmeHcans wiio have closely w i t c h e d

the s i tua t ion here s ince the P re s iden t ' s a r r i va l feel that it would be a ,[happy event if c e r t a in pol i t ic ians in Hwaih-ington could take th i s to r the i r text .

H E R E is a suggest^ sidpratiuii of every

' p the n Bui

ohvn pi J

worthy me and ost disti

Po , and •I


Th*w-diet d u r i n g a n d , Mori ick 's Mal t ed Milk,

- t i b l e .

a f t e r . i n f luenza nour i sh ing , d i -


Pai*is. Saturday. Pee. 21.—More than -•ivon Braves of American soldier$ will be decorated on Christikias-duy by .the Amu -

. coinmittre for devastate*! Kirance. In the region betwren /.aoii ' and f'toatea'u-Thieriv where the sra*-es wiil br- deeo-iaied. the committee will also provide a • ••.;- a- festival for S.'.^P ckilctren.

Btmaa stockingj»! tided' with candy. -i iint sirt'iie.-s sent from America w,ll

••••• distributed, each child In addition l>. -mg given some ar t i i ie of clotljfig. mit-r-:is or a muffler.

Two hundred children who have re­turned to the ruined village of Crecy will } r e c e i v e c o m p l e t e ' QUlfitS "of ClQl.hillg, SO j

' ' h a t they \*.:ll be abfre to return to school, I t'he committee is also atrangiTiK t ' ln i s t -

mds festivities at l^»on. Soissbns. Par is I and other French cities.




may jcome h< largest music SWHV

Acolian Company's For a moderate fcvu ^ f u i ^ u t ai

pay the balajnee; monthly, i l l mav h-delivered to Ivour h(dne.

The moment this! great Wan o arr eomes bright and eh<[-erv \vmli mush

OR ONLY Payable Monthly

the serious eon musie-lover. -Yoi iguished, best anc select one of th

By coming hen pianos, you neciire the be

• N e w York , Deb. 22.—All w a r - t i m e re* t r ie t ions on publ ic e a t i n g -places in th i s c i ty will be r e m o v e d t omor row, the .'federal food boa rd a n n o u n c e d ' td-

1 n ight . T e r m i n g t h e r e m o v a l of ..these • ••nrictions **a s t e p t o w a r d demobi l i za - }

T^ondon. Dec. 22.—([Correspondence < Of T h e Associa ted Press , t—According I to a r e t u r n e d Br i t i sh pr isoner , who w a s • a t . i l iber ty in Berlin, duiling the revolu-

t/iop t he r e "Duts.chland I ' b e r k i t e s . " "th*5 W a t c h on t h e R h i n e " and similar '

j pa t r io t i c songs a r e jus t how highly u n -[ popu la r in the G e r m a n [capital.

T h r e e Engl ish c ivi l ians whip had ce l eb ra t ed ' the s ign ing of the a r m i s -

' tic** were coming alongl t he l"nti»r den Lipden s'inging "The W a t c h on the Rhine" w h e n ; they wetre s topped by G e r m a n so ld ie rs w h o sa id they ought to be a s h a m e d of ' themselves foil s i ng ­ing] such "rubbish. I'. ^

"I 've coaie from t h e tehine,"1 <me 'of thehj r e m a r k e d . "You g o d o w n the re

,andj t r y t o keep, watch.] ' and thejn you jwort't s i n g 'so, m u c h a b o u t it" '

" p u t we are. English,*" ono 4t t h e c iv i l ians repl ied.

W h a t t " jexclaimed >%? a s t o i i s h e d

entire world

One of the and i living onf?

ue that



BANKING - _ . * j " ' - •• ' *

On Monday evenings, |1rom7to9,QUr 4

FOREIGN DEPARTMENT (Lafayette Square Enlmncfr


| —in addition to the regt Hular business of its own department, will receive deposits in



oi those Who find it in­convenient to come to,; the bank during usual! banking hours. This is only another of. the manv helps provided by The Buffalo Trust for i ts cus tomers -who I w a n t t o get ahead .

nan. w ork

t h e boa rd m a d e it c l ea r t h a t t h e j soldier. ' " T h e n w h y s i h i g i t ? " "Wel l , " g r i n n e d ' t h e Erigli rk of enforc ing profit a n d m a r g i n

rules , a n d r evok ing l icenses of"- viola­tors , will be dont inued un t i l the offi­c ia ls of t h e boa rd aire re l ieved by Food A d m i n i s t r a t o r Hoover . T h e hot i t ! e x p e c t s t o r e m o v e "from t i m e " from th<| l icense list those com­modi t i es *-whidlx.dp- not ' seem likely to be i sub jec ted tol.trtei poss ib i l i ty of specu ­la, ikm a n d projilteeTing." •« . • -

i i , . . . i". f^.

s n m a n , "you see we a re . keepings it n o w , ' • '


I'll, position of tlicjiAfl>liaii Con.pany in the niusi • industry is one of absolirteMind unassailable si|prenB)ie; In Eii.'ia'iKl', in EuroiJe. in .Jkiitralia akid South



W a s h i n g t o n . tes go \ ' e rnmer ;,- bil ls for t he us< i-.l t*hlppin)g i lurin

the. t ai jnab le to

Dec. 22,—Th* Uni ted is conf ronted wi th

A m s t e r d a m , Dec. ,22«-prof lamaf ion h a s . h e e n i ssued b>f M a r s h a l von Hindenb t i rg "from m a n m a i n headquarter-j . a t Will ie horje. da ted "Chr i s tmas j 1918.""" *1

T h e Cassel A


in Europe, in. \eolian ]>lakTer-pianos. and

recognized leaders of their c

This particular plaver-K

Th$ numb securing o

d an agreement t< ve the instrument-

Yeam 1


asjiect for yo


acfe and evenings take nn

piainl and grand opera selec ;onjg's abd available to evervj'hour

;es, your home be| Christmas, Ncv aqo

Su and lancinating pasti

^ * elv


tjbijfe . is c pt—|this( isj the pidno tliat should bj- in your hope!

i ! I ' I: '" ' '' '" I l ' Aeolian Company's unequalled Instruments

» >

of these pjayei-the markets of .the

tiire Aeolian i way th

:her ins:ruments Iirent ty ies.

ho at $4$)5 is a rebresenta

Amovic; are th

ai C(


'OU! h; istrunK fine in

W ( d mojre than fine infers on ev<krvone ^rho n^es jt


o I

IMPORTANT AT \ian Player-Pianos at $495 of Aeo

for inimediate


ol neu t r a l and the war . As

I Kta tes sh ipp ing board ive a n approxirftatio.n of


in-. i.4k<


s u m the . d i k e d S l a t e s will be d to pay. but it is t hough t tha t

-•!- c h a r g e s for requ i s i t ioned sh ip s ;in»d some vesse l s u n d e r c h a r t e r will tduiJ a t l eas t ! a ha l f bfjlion do l la r s

It is s a id thaji seven na t i ons p re sen t bills aga in s t the Indeed S t a t e s ;i(nl t h a t t h e y wJBl es of the property. tak t.i* o n * s .

ll -s an opeii i=ecr* ping board ofliciab*- ; ,-eutcin of t h e legal <vf t he c l a ims hied ;.; 3 «aid N o r w a y s lom 0««).i.K)0 for vessels A m e r i c a n w a y s

' comple ted b \ pOi'iiVtion

in»l thiej emergency

A r e m a r k a b l e Field G e r -1ms

is tmas. emeiniL' Z e i t u n i p u b

l ishes the p roc l ama t ion which refers to the •mighty a c h i e v e m e n t s in w a r of the He rman na t ion w h i l h did riot co l ­lapse before a world of enemiesD" -

T h e p roc lamat ion dec l a r e s : *li d r e w th is capac i ty frord t h e Holv lire of pa t r io t i sm, will to victdry and af spi r i t I Phi lade lphia , Dec

.K?v M i. ! ' I Bldjle* of t h i s ci ty, on " T h e G e r m a n army.|" it con t inues ,

"has^van i shed , dissoUled, -d i sbanded . ; a l t h o u g h unti l the las i -it w a s [feared j and respected by i t s enemies . To the {

na' te t h e va lue 1 ©fleers, high a n d low, a s traineirs a n d i a t wa r * t ime ! l eaders of the national, a r m y is| u p d e -

• ! iiejibry due t o a . g r e a t s h a r e of t h e glory, t he s h i p - I and it is pet ty r evenge [to ueprivje t h e m

*» b y - n o m e a n s i of ' their insignia a n d a r m s and* dec la re s u u i s t o f m a n y them incapable of exerois ing c o m m a n d . [

an t i c ipa t ed . It j " T h e u t t e r de s t ruc t i on of The n a -I as a sked $:1P- j t ional s t rent - th of t he Gjerman people *a ' * lAiilding on the in ten t ion of those flestru< d i s* e i ; t ] akert Over and l u p t i v e spi r i t s , who a r e work ing to j t h e

fleet cor - I impede t h e ijeorganlzation of^ tbe e m - ! iirtl*' on a sound a n d eqonomie batse."

or Christmas deli

TICE is very United.

rou. Ev resource of

and yours.

Liiusie :s at Vour coijimin<l. Danetjs, light

a new and happier

tions, sacred. wonderful classics in (

patriotic and popular

occafjiion ha.̂ the m< >st



Christmas gijg|

ndless variety, are its suitable! music,| elightful, irspfmiffl


estion youl should

a]i]iearai: in the »nde!

ce fjin* ful

ut. Xt is fhuf ar)d high-clasn all the

in ii player-pii You capnot secu..*e. such v^ilue icre In the |ity. C^her stories"sf-11 Similar instKmients some at higher, a'f^v at Ibw^r prjicefj. But irrespective

Plave^-Piianoi at jirice, this Aeolian -both piano an 1 aplayer" quality tin ment of any other make eaik e<jjual:

* To make $ur$ of

iii musical (quality, playing ability it

no else-

£49") offers more in any other instru-

iery a prompt selection is advised.


d(ur Stifre Will Remain Open Evenings Unfil Ch\\stmas

The DIET During I '

and fitter

The Old Reliable Round Package

12.—Maj. C. J . of t n e f a m o u s

\ m e r i c a n ace s m serv ice imi F r a n c e / arrilved here tonight s u r p r i s i n g his r e l ­a t i ve s by r e a c h i n g home wi thou t p r e ­vious a n n o u n c e m e n t . He w a s Uccom-pifnled from F r a n c o ' by iJieut. Col. Wil l iam T h a w oP P i t t sbu rgh ]

N|aj- Paddle decl ined to ta lk ton igh t of his exper iences in France.! H e went abroad before the , Tn i t ed S t a t e s en te red One w a r t o e n t e r t he a m b u l a n c e

rviee. bu t enl is ted a s a Frfeneh so l -four d a y s a f te r t h i s c o b n t r y d e ­

ed w a r . He w a s t r a n s f e r r e d to •Lrfifayettc Escadr i l l e and ! l a te r be -

mie c o m m a n d e r of t h e t 'ourtb p u r s u i t squt idron Of t h e A m e r i c a n • rmy

Iviehrhondf S p a n i s h eftc'ellenc S|?neral o: i pbe r - l , l •#rvice e | i inquest)

DEAT I M t -Mor Mary Fori i|he "home <J11 t h e P where she! day*. Bui (Jemetery


her nephew, |ial!n farm in pad! been on a| Ll ,was made



dur ing the }f except ional

m a d e major! sites a r m y Oc-^ d from ac t ive r a t his own

a r s of ac t i ve


-ORSYTHE. lliec. 22.—-Tl e death of Mrs.

fethe of Genes|eo occurred a t William Henry, this township,. visit for a few in Temple Hill

n g e m e n t s Amer ican p r i sone r s m a d e by

N f f , "ilork, Dec. 22—Anfa for . m a r k i n g g r a v e s of -a l l

| soldiers w h o died whi le h e l l t ^e G e r m a n s have ' been

A. C.tHat-te, Y. M. C. A. r e p r e s e n t a t i v e at Heme, Swi tze r land , ar d Conrad Hoffman, t he A m e r i c a n Y secre ta ry who w a s al lowed in G e r m a n y d u r i n g the w Amer ican p r i soners . The v ides for a cen t ra l Amer i can p iemor ia a s well a s smal l memor i a l s for «|aeh Amer ican g rave .

"1 bel ieve th i s will prove va luab le to t he r e l a t i f e s , w h o no doubt will come to i look up t h e g r a v e s of theii loved ones a f t e r the w a r is over .


1 1 Courier.)

M. Cr. A. to r e m a i n

i|r to • aid p lan p r o -

BUFFALO COURIER V«l. I X W i l l — D e e . «3. 19M,' Ne. J3J. Published daily and Sunday at 250 Mala

(Hy Special. Wire to 3l ie )Couri*r.) street. Blffald, N. 1. x L a r a Fa l l s , Dec. 2 2 . 4 p e t e r T ip t . a ^ r l ^ 8ub,crlpt!en B#tM:

who lives on the Lockport j roadj coni - „ „ . _ ' „ ; _ b L J^u SM^ V£ pkrtL-d to t h - police j o n i - i h t . t h a t h i s R i t " & A l " " ^ " . : 8 S | ! : S wife} h a s become seriobslw ;ill bjecayi*. Etrtered; a« pecond Haw matter a t tba of a raid m a d > on h i s p l ace a t 3 b clox k p0Bt<iffire*at Buffalo. N. X., undef tu« act th i s m o r n i n g hy a s q u a d of; de tec t ives , I 0t March 3. 18J9. win were p r e s u m a b l y ion aj -search fpt • K e w y^rk ojfice. 225 Fiftb A«re. cat* b u r g l a r s . fbieag* office, Ad*/ertiaiiig Bldg.

T i ta savs one of th<i men , on! b e i n g : Detroit:forflte; American Bldf. refdsed admiss ion to trJe/hoUse,. l|>oint-d j ata»a»B'ClrJ office. Viftor Bldg. a

:Trti tol a t a w indow of a > o m w h e r e

tood w th a l ighted


T voy.

! ;

Compounded ^^QQ uarierly


449-455 Main &t. ^ O L a f a v e t t e S q u i r e

rfSw*. i • •;'' „ re

Horlick's Malted Milk

Very Nutritious, Digestible T h e ' R E A L F ^ o d - D r i r r k , Ins tant lV p r e p a r e d . Ma&e b y t h e O l f K I I N AI " l o r l i c k P r o c e s s and-f r o m ' c a r e f u l l y s e l e c t e d ma te r i a l ^ . ....H

Used successfitlly over y± centuiry Endorsed by] physicians evcrywhe*

Speciiv ^Oriick'S The Origina.

Others Are laiitatioas


•hit Web

fii Y-F o r d ' K e n t , u

i l tp r a brief illnesf.

Dec. 2p—MaS, G*:,n. J. S. A.- <: retired!),. d ied jail-

afj.ternooh nc*al will bunlal a t

p ia r t e r s . "Ope pr i soner . P r i v a t e 3JL T. Blain,

died • with; a work ing p a r t y and w a s buiried whjere h e died. W e a r e m a k i m

home in t h i s e r a th i s T h e .fit wi th

S p t h o n e a t t he Watervi le t : air* mo

rt his dea th • he . was a tfOsi;ee .of- th t

Enl Sa.

CO f!


held T h u r s d a y t Po in t . .

e '."his retiremeittt fol lowing t h e ciostt'

n isb war , Gen. K e n t had

l i r a * * s i n c e


r ecen t ly in thi,* city

Kepsse laer P*Hytechnu ma Wil lard school

from' ac t ive • of t h e m a d e his

enal a n d t the t i m e

Ink m u t e and j of Russel l

ye college. For t w e n t y St. m 1 been a t r u s t e e of

a i Church.-en.. Ke tu a second i he out b reak of t he C i•

whit h he * se rved wi th ga l l an t ry . He w a s .brevet t$i3 for "ga l l an t a n d -iweritoi-jkms m.rv-,,.,.* in t'he ba t t l e of S-pousv-rl-ania1' an :

aga in p romoted in lts«4 itJa*' s imi la r awfvieea d u r i n g t h e campaSiin be lo r e


t ne

y e a r s h* til's Ep i s -

Eases Quickly When You Apply T' a Little^ust^erole.

A n d MiiiBterole won' t (blister l ike t h e old-fashioned mus ta rd plaster . J u s t t p r e a d it A v^ith your fingers. I t pene-txates to | h e sore spot, wi th a gent le a r r a n g e m e n t s for the tingle, loojpns the congestion a n d d r a w s ' body! to tin* R a s t a t t es b u t t he sqfeness and paih. ^ _ j t h a t jail A m e r i c a n s w h o h

M u s t e t j l e Is a clean, wh i t e o in tmen t pr i soners in G e r m a n y m a y tnade wi t r io i l of mus ta rd . I t i s fine for ! fo one place,"

Jiuick rel i f l from sore tbJroat, bronchi t is , onsilitis, i r o u p , stiff neck, a s thma , neu«

falgia, h j fdache , congestion, pleurisy, t h e u m a t i d t lumbago, pa ins a n d aches of t h e back o r joints, s p r a i r k sore musciesj bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds o n t h e c h e s t U t often p reven t s pneumonia ) . Noth ing like Klusterole l o r c roupy chil-3ren. K e & it handy for ins tant use.

; j a r s ; hospitjal s ize $2.50.


hanf . a n d copnpelled h im ^o opten t h e door.

None of t he men, he a l leges , s h o w ? d a s ea rch w a -rant, bu^, W« n t throufeh the bouse fr >m cel lar ]tO a t t i c . Aln

I o the r w o m a n , M r x And |*e w P F i t^h , a message from Mr. H a r t c , te l l inf of | wr,oj8e husba r d w o r k s n igh t s , w a s a l so the plan, which w a s madia public t o - j a l a r m e d bv the i n t r u d e r k T i t a stays. nigh* by Y. M. C. A. w a r |work head- j — . LLJ—


a r e m u n m s ( ] U , S | i e H : ( h V i r e t l ) **tlie rour ie r . l , t r a n s f e r of his j .. t;

i m p rfemeterjj*. so c^>SXy *\

we died a s torle«l section, be broiight p een appointed on the cotmmission

war records and trophies, which Will

a m p in 1 i s WILLIAM J. CQXNKJtB.

Editor and Proprietor.

Fallls, Otit.. Cj uickshank.


general s-taff

De<t*. 22,-t-Bri dl lector:of 1

port on the proper locat idi for a n u

30c a n d

l i eu tenan t War in

lisfelngui'shed ma jo r In

NEW OOD FELLOWS' HOME, ij'.y iKpei Wire to The •"uurier.^

\ i a g a r a Falls. Dee. 22 . -Today Were he'd tlutil services In South Avenue l<:>rankelital church by th«! community that has erected a new building at Cleve­land [aveiiue and Sixteenth street , which will be feady for use about}, the first of t he i'ea bOUgpt 1. onlc-e.

The old' building has been y Niagara . Falls lodge. So. 81.

OjO.TF.:, who will take possession at

! N 0 INFLUENZA DE (By ISJII-I ial Wire n» Th

N i a g a r a Fa l l s ilth l ibard

I >ec. 22. 'inrted one

cal to be

<eum where var trophies i nd histor paintings and other object* relating Canada 's part icipation in t h s war; will displayed.

Geo. Cruick shank is Well knowln In ire, where he res i led for a nuirber ojf yenrs and was the former police piagistrate. rtie city

Ottalva. a a s on


(By .eciiil Wire to The Courier.! B a t a v i i , l|)ec. 22.—The equal iza t ion

c o m m i t t e e ot t h e boa rd of s u p e r v i s o r s h a s comple ted i ts l abors an<| t h e boar.)

TO ^ ' r H RVE vfAR P F . s h a s a d o p t e ^ the i r f indings . By the tab le for-ithej v a r i o u s t o w n s it tel shown t h a t t h e pet tcentagps have, been raifell in A l a b a m a . Alexander ajnd B a t a s ui c i ty a n d tojwn, whi le t hd t o w n s Be thany , Dar ien , Elba , lA Roy, O a k -lield a n d P e m b r o k e r ema in t h e t a n n

S l igh t Cuts wfere m a d e in t h e towt,-oC Berged , Byran a n d Stafford . These w a s cons ide rab l e object ion o n t h e pa r t of s o m e o'f'jthe s u p e r v i s o r s before " r e p o r t wais a d o p t e d .



case oi liui and | no death. Yesterdujy's report

-showed sixteen new cases and Slve delatlui.

ATHS. tViurier.l -Today the new

HER NINEtrf -EIGHTH BIRTHDAY. ^ % JB f ! ^ m f r 9 ^ \ P*% I A , B y ®^&l Wire to The Couriec. t - M MA ? S I C J hK I J a V 4 . Ba t av i a . b e e . 22.—.Mrs. S a r a h > ^ r • " ^ F • ^ ^ I" • » • * [ • c o l t of X o . [ 8 E a s t a v e n u e i s qui .

F o r I n f an tS a n d C h i l d r e n f . o b s e r v i n g Uhe n i n e t y - e l g i t h an idv . _ _ A^m2 -*ary o f h e r b i r th today . Mrs- <'oh i-in Use For Over 30 Years one of i ^ 4 v i a ' s oldest residents ; . . »

l e s ides wi th he r da tmhte r i Mrs..X*ei*.' I.Webb. She; h a s been confined* to b*•-Always bear!;

the Signature ol



j h , d for t he ! pas t . t w o weel*>. owtns ••> l a fall, b u t l i e r in jur ies a r e not se r ious .

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