newlove news nov 2012

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  • 7/30/2019 NewLove News Nov 2012


    NewLove NewsNov 2012

    WHAT WOULD YOU DO IFThe young girls body was laid in the

    casket behind me, I have never spoken at a funeral before and truthfully did

    not want to be there. I thought I was attending a Pastors Prayer Fellowship,

    and here I was stood up about to speak to 50+ friends and family members

    about their tragic loss. So while still praying for God to give me the right

    words, I explained to them that God had also experienced such a tragic loss,

    His son Jesus dying on the cross; but dying for us. When I had finished I

    asked who would like to accept Jesus into their heart and to my surprise

    everyone stood up, so I made sure that they understood what I was saying

    and Praise God 50+ people became Christians that night! If you confess

    with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God

    raised him from the dead, you will besaved.Romans 10:9

    The Great Commission is not

    an option to be considered;

    it is a command to be


    Hudson Taylor


    We planned by faith for a Youth Camp and up until the week befstill had no means of paying for itRuth had a dream that a cou

    from England would pay for the Youth Camp, and the next morn

    we received an email to say that very same couple had given! We

    so thankful for their generosity. The Youth Camp was a wonde

    success, those who werent already Christians became Christiansthe first nightTHANK YOU LORD! (You can see more photos on


    We thank God for helping Ruth in learning the local languages. Shdoing awesome at speaking and she is learning more and m

    every day. I think she enjoys surprising me with her new sentenc

    we have lots of laughs at her incorrect grammar! All the youth

    church think she is hilarious!

  • 7/30/2019 NewLove News Nov 2012


    Needs to pray for:

    Safe travels for our return to UK. That thechildren will be peaceful (Melody and


    Tickets back to the Philippines for earlyMarch.

    Please pray we can buy a master copy setof Tagalog Alpha Course Manuals for our

    return to the Philippines. We have at least

    three Alpha Courses already in the

    planning and still have not had the

    finances to buy the manuals.

    More places to minister in the UKFinancial Needs

    Tickets back to the Philippines for March2013.

    1,000+ for Missionary Visa which laststwo years.

    400 for a sound system for crusades500 to fix our car.

    If you would like to financially

    support us or give a gift please

    contact: Naomi Hogan at:

    [email protected]

    or at: 69 St James Drive,


    North Yorkshire,

    DL7 8YW

    (01609) 772868

    Jonell will be

    staying with Pastor

    Raul and his

    family while we are

    in the UK. During

    this time he will be

    attending school

    and serving in the



    Know More Tears Update:

    Our house at present is not suitable to take anyone els

    in, as its only one bedroom. Please pray for a mo

    suitable house to take on younger unwanted/abandone

    children. We have already been asked to take one youn

    child into our home and we dont want to turn anyon


    "Let the little children come to me, and do not

    hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs t

    such as these." Matt 19:14

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]