new zealand


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Post on 06-May-2015




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Page 1: New Zealand

NEWNEW ZEALANDZEALAND                                                             

Page 2: New Zealand

Official Name Official Name : New Zealand / Aotearoa : New Zealand / Aotearoa Area: 280 thousand square kilometres Area: 280 thousand square kilometres Capital: Wellington Capital: Wellington Population: about 3,6 mln , 86% lives in cities Population: about 3,6 mln , 86% lives in cities Important Ethnic Groups: European 73%, Maori Important Ethnic Groups: European 73%, Maori

12%, Polinesians 4%, other 11% 12%, Polinesians 4%, other 11% Official Languages: English, Maori Official Languages: English, Maori Important Religions: Anglicanism 22%, Important Religions: Anglicanism 22%,

Presbyterianism 16%, Roman Catholicism 15%, Presbyterianism 16%, Roman Catholicism 15%, other 26%, None 21% other 26%, None 21%

Page 3: New Zealand

GOVERNMENTGOVERNMENTNew Zealand is a democratic country with its New Zealand is a democratic country with its own parliament. However, it is part of the own parliament. However, it is part of the British Commonwealth, and therefore the British Commonwealth, and therefore the official head of state is Elizabeth II, the queen official head of state is Elizabeth II, the queen of England, Scotland and Wales. New of England, Scotland and Wales. New Zealand was the first country in the world to Zealand was the first country in the world to give the vote to women in 1893, to have old give the vote to women in 1893, to have old age pensions and the eight-hour working age pensions and the eight-hour working

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Page 5: New Zealand

New Zealand, in the South Pacific, New Zealand, in the South Pacific, consists of two large islands plus other consists of two large islands plus other smaller islands. North Island has a warm smaller islands. North Island has a warm climate and there is quite a lots of volcanic climate and there is quite a lots of volcanic activity. South Island is cooler and has a activity. South Island is cooler and has a higher rainfall, in the South Island there higher rainfall, in the South Island there are the Southern Alps with Mount Cook are the Southern Alps with Mount Cook

( 3754 m) the highest mountain in New ( 3754 m) the highest mountain in New ZealandZealand..

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Page 10: New Zealand

New Zealand was cut off from the rest of theNew Zealand was cut off from the rest of the

land on Earth for 80 million years and has land on Earth for 80 million years and has

some inique animals and plants. The tuatara some inique animals and plants. The tuatara

is a reptile that has survived from the era of is a reptile that has survived from the era of

the dinosaurs. The weta is the largest and the dinosaurs. The weta is the largest and

heaviest insect in the world and the kiwi (the heaviest insect in the world and the kiwi (the

symbol of New Zealand) is a large bird whichsymbol of New Zealand) is a large bird which

cannot flycannot fly..

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ECONOMYECONOMY New Zealand has some industry but New Zealand has some industry but

agriculture is more important – there agriculture is more important – there

are 55 million sheep, 8 million cows are 55 million sheep, 8 million cows

and 1 million goats.and 1 million goats.

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The endThe end