new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1896-08-17. › lccn › sn83030214 › 1896... · 2017-12-25 ·...

J3fes^i0rt V°M/VI»..N°- 18,173. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 180&-TWELVE PAGE8. PRICE TIiaEE CENTS. BRYAN AND MINE OWNERS. B01 Al, BHOT FROll BBNATOR TlIlJliSTON. . bbaBP i««-T TO *st:nator p.vart A9 to a-Hl CMABOl THAT THB IM'MOCRATIC OJtDIDATB is THK PAIfc AOBKT OF THB silver BIKOB. raaaba N*b., Aug. Thurston has JnT!oSona ¦... BUwart ol Novud.. tha foltow- inK '* m ;', w in M Btewart, Waahlngton, D. C. 'from a roceiit caroi V".' i.-\ of August 1, whlch | .... ,i [he country before ;:,."",. ,1;,- addreaa dellyered ln > a Asi mbly at Madlaon. you mual have known when you ****-5 ,tla, i dld nol mak. .. j. Bryan oi anj klnd Jtfc ...... ?he edltortol. a S S ratlnedtheir , wore off, and vote 1 ¦< .*' B and .ragement tbatthey party, whlch al- aaea a tariff number ol ora ra, preachlng j ip,oyed I: m J. I tesmai ,m < ongreaa u .,iy v--., xpreaa an thua -. made and re- .,, man f th- down-tr. 1 len n li falae or true. "*». tor, you mual have known .,i V a when you lndlte.1 your open ,^V' the charge waa not mlne; no not aven tna* ' ha,i n0J Nv'V'M . ,rl hould i.ii Ihe A.- lotnei made by "Thi Chlcago >"'*' ''' on July 12 hav. aet th. publle word ,i 1V aince that tlme would have «b« sam. purpose *«,-«_ made by "The .-- 'urnala of the counti me to the at ten tlon ol Hr. r, The waha V, orld-Herald, or tlme dltor-ln-chi. f. and the de to lt in that paper was on 15, . captlon: "In « hose 1 aj Chronicle' wanta Mr. Bryan to he haa been Blnce he was ,. ,1 drep out of < ongreaa, he haa bei n In the emi ind lt is generally coi fi m I.lncoln. Neb., shov, Mr Bryan was aaked on Auguat l to make -..--' aa he mlghl dealre to the charge oi * r. nd by me at Madlaon.jnia., rt is to ih.- effect that Mr. Bryan epl that he woul.i anawer m , ¦ , Ti . T fl~ I . issue of "The Chlcago Poat, I find nenl thnt Mr. Bryan'a atated aalary from n -.. ¦,. or the Bllvi r League, was , rinnuir, pald to hl:n ln monthly checas, through tha Llncoln banka. Mr. Thursl-.n qu dt-s an article in a re- ( "The Phlladeiphla Ledger," wrltten i r John M. Caraon, In wWch Major Car- Boa aaya that ln 1802, when Mr. Bryan waa a late for re-electlon to Congreaa frorn tho ihrtrlcl of Nebraaka, ha was materlally ava- .-..- expenaea of hlp campalgn by ron- from Denver, whlcb funda, he aaya, |a | m the handa cf th.» chalrman of the nal Committee, Judge Broady, and ai.i, ruw a that aa a result Mr. Bryan was elected by a majorlty of 14<i votea, and more than repatd durlng the Lllld CongT*** the exrx nd. d In hls bebalf tinulng, Benator Thuraton aays: tj ,.. ;, few of the dlrect and posltlve chargea of a slmllar klnd whlch have appeared from tlme tO tll ¦*-d *.. of tha Lnlted Btatea. ¦ would l- tni laal man ln the world to aaaall the character of -Mr. Bryan. l have n .1 done bo in ,. or by any word ol mln. Mr. Hryan candldate of a great party. Ir people thal chargea ol thla klnd g0 lb- la th.- man. and the only ..:.., ean make deflnite and coi clualvc anawer, .Mr. Thuraton auggeata that Benator Btewart furn hla batterlea upon thoae reputable edltora iwapapera making tha chargea In con- says: Ige aa contrlbutloaa for thi *Hver llterature have If you account: and ma ri ferring the Amerl- g .-. and American Bln Ived and the uaea made you wlll n..' long, r ¦'. iy li Iti mised balance ih. ¦;. I »ubt lt i >..- verv Intereatlng readlng and be | ; by -, waltlna publ -. Permlt me to ,n, that I know of n why the Bimetalllc Cnlon nnd its contrlb- tora or dlatrlbute r-mpolym.-nt I.v your provldlng it is open and ,ple, whose Interests are bo itake, may know in whose behalf they are 1 to. ,,, , , , r Blr, that you wlll frankly ... the undue haete and stupldlt) a Ih nted me ln thla matter. erely trust that you wlll Immedlatelj t r to that great Democratlc .i.ial, /| he the honor of nn opportunlty to Iltorlal. FATAL TRAIX WRECK DUE TO HEAT. H T W7EATHEB H-\T> CAUBED TBE BAILB TO ENOl.NEEB AN'. PIBBMAX K1I.I- :. Aj? lt.The M nd aectlon of traln v cn the Denver and H'.o OrandO yaaterday afternoon elffht araama ipof an .-.-... pera, and was m part-j'- Tho traln contalned i i, pa, Se*r -he llttle lown of the englne The englneer, Charlea Dav- aged forty, and the Br. ma -.. VV. P. lowa, Bve, wera it ta j it noi i belng conflned It '';jil- I i.y the , to th< Int. -. heat ? FATHER 8HERMAX MAKE8 FIXAl. V0W8. t, Aui Al the ( o'clock maaa Church yeaterday mornlng, h* the preaence .,f a lai th< R< v- of th. te Oeneral and waa Jolned to the entered ii M u i ':|! ln w*. CLAIMIXQ i MJ M'l.E < ITY PROPERTY. Detrolt, Auk l( A B n Pranclaco woman la In ol Belle lale nd "n whlch the Brush-st, g ' massed a fortui.- Ihlrty.three yeara i. joni alao lefi property ln Chatham, :.-, i wklow found that the Canadlan nst I property hav.- been up, but no tranefei to Jonea .--.t: be found. II waa found however, that a mortgagc foi property was given to Willlam ? AH 0BXOI1OU8 EDITOR BURNED 01 T. Butte, Mont, Au«. M, "Tba Butte Tlntea,'1 a pap. r ar; itl-A P. a. publl an aarlj lay mornlng nnd totally deatroyed Th< papei wai own. Jamea Brown, a fearleaa opponem "t tbe a y ,\ ar.d he mad. naany blttei enemlea by hla p tcward that organlzatlon nnd I.y hls axpo* ir. ol eor« r^-ptlon ln offlcial clrcleg for whlijh he had froquently been threatencd. The flre waa uiiq,ut.itlonably the work of an lr.cendiary. CECIL RE0DE8 TO TE8TIEY. HE WILL APPKAH AT THK CHARTERED COMPANY INQUIRT-THS THAXS\ AAl/d LATKST AX.LEOED AFTRONT. London, Aug. Ifl..-Joseph Chainl.erlaln, Becra- tary of £tate for the Colonlea, will Invlte Cedl Rhodeg to taatlfy before tha Parllamentary Commlttea appolnted to IntaUlre Into tha admln- l.tratlon <>f tlio Britteh Bouth Afrtca Company aml itit.. tha orlgin and clrcumBtan<*«fl of tha in- I'ursi.m into tho Transvaa! by an ann. <1 force. Mr. Rhodes will probably be tha 11 rst wltneaa, Mr. Chamherlain wns aeen to-day regardlng the atatement mad< by "Tin. Bunday Bun" 10 tha effect that the Transvaal had entered Into a treaty with a foreign Power contrary !.> the At.::!'. Boer Convention «'f IN84, and that Oreal Dritaln had demanded an explanatlon from th.. Boer Government Mr. Chamberlaln Bald that th.- Colonlal Offlce did not attach Impartance to thi' newa DEATH OF .1011X BLOODGOOD. Tlin WELL-KNOWN BANKER EXPIREB AT NEW-MARLBi iltn. MASS. c.reat Barrington, Mass., Aug. lt, .lohn Blood* good. aged slxty, the banker of New-York, .1 yeaterday mornln<r at the country home ..f his ew, H. K. Bloodgood, at New-Marlboro. He was ln the country for his health. His wtfe and a son are abroad and an dher .on was wlth i Im wh.-n he -ii. .1. Death was unexpected at thi- tlme. Brlght'a dlseaae was thi cauae. Tho body wlll be taken to New-York for burlaL Mr. BlOOdgOOd'l aon Henry T,. was wi:h hlm at tha tin but hla wlfe ar..'. hli other son. John Bloodgood, Jr., are at preaent In Europe, .Mr, Bloodgood had bi n 111 fur rome tlme. Laal e ter hia health began 10 fall, and aevera n was 0b Ige to take to h 1 bed and glve hlm- Belf np to tbe care of a phyalclan and a ti Bul even thi n h< did nol ri ilbie th it hli on waa n rloua 11. told a Trlbuna r aboul ala weeka ago that he waa nol aerloualy IU and that It would be bul a ahort tinv. before he be able to resume buslness. Late In July he was perauaded to laave the dty, but even then he wa. thougbt to be Impr Mr. Bloodgood wa. the senlor member of the hrokerage tirm of John Bloodgood & Co., of No. 15 Broad-at., the other member of the flrm belng John i>. Blayback, of No, 4W Madlaon-ave. He waa born I omi itead, ln o'.d c,r. vlllage, an.l had for many yeara been well known ln this clty. He was a man of flne preaence and one who alwaya enjoyed llfe thoroughly. H* waa passlonately fond of the theatre and was often t.. be -. n at the !> adlng house* of amusi ment on tirst nlghts, an.l also numbered among his frienda many ni. ini.ct-s of the theatrtcal professlon. Mr. Bl roadgood was the backer of W. R. Laldlaw, jr.. ln his buII for damagea agalnst Russell It wlll be remembered that Laldlaw charged that Mr. Bage pulied hlm between hlmaelf a' 1 Norcroaa the bomb-thrower, to ahleld hlmaelf from harm. Laldlaw w i. In Ihe employ of Mr Blooilg the tlme, and tha latter furnlahi d th¦. moni j sary lo carry on the sulta ,ai_.- M- Bloodgood marrled MUo Emlly P. Lottlmer. She and the two sons mentloned .urvlve hlm. Mrs. Hl.. .diroo.t has .pent the last flve year. abroail wlth fhToxceptlon of one vtalt to this cltj thr.-e yeara ago, Bhe is aald to be at preaent In 1 Mr. Bloodgood'. house ln town was No. 3 North Washlngton Square. ^_ IS FHE AWAITIXQ THE DAUXTLEBB AS t'XKNOWN* CRUIBER PATRO_U*f<l THF; WA- TERS OIT BRT'NFWICK, OA. Bavanoah, Qe., Aug. 16.-A .p-elal from Bruns- wlck, Oa., aaya: "Elther a Bpaniah ganboat or an American man- of-war ls patrolllng the ooaat of tha Bronawlck cua- toms distri.-t. Bmoke from a larga Bteamer was .con about noon by vlsltora to Kt. Btmon'a laland, later the form of a large vessel, generaUy suppesed to he tha Bpanlab crulaer Alfi ni ¦. » !- "Blnce that hour thvongs of anxlou. and exclted have walked Bt. Blmon's Beach. cllmb .1 Into the hotol cupalo, treetopa and every concelv- place avallable, to set a better vlew of tha whloh, ln the mean tlme, has .teadlly pa- trollod lust outslde th- sea buoy at the enti toBrenawlck Harbor. up to tho north ol Bt. Blrnon Island and back to Doboy Bound. In vlew of the at th.- presenl whereabouta of the IMi Ina Bteamer Dauntlea. H unknown. sho la aup- poaed to be In hldlng near these waterB. and tho further fact thal ll ls not poslttvely known whether or nol the vensel has made her escnpe to .ea witn edltlon whlch left the Batllla Rlver brldge Thuraday mornlng last." ? A BROEER ROBBED BY 1 XEGRO, A COOL PIKCE OF WORK ON AN* IIPTOVYN ELE¬ VATED BTATION Neal McCullOUgh, who has an 'fTlco nt No. 100 Broadway and livea Bt No. 1,648 Lexlngton-ave., ) ad me butdnesa wlth a colored man named Hlck.. Another colored man ;>ai<l ho would Bhow the broker where to Bnd Hlcka. They went uptown to the One-hundred-and-slxteenth-st. Btatlon of the Nlnth Avenue Elevated Rallroad last nlght. The brok.r stood talklng wlth the second colored man when he suddenly mhned his watch and aald to the colored man: "You have got my watch." The .olored man raplted: "Yea, I hava goi your watch, and rn tak.- your pocketbook, too." Bult- Ing 'he actlon to the words, he took Mr. McCul- purae from his pocket and then ran away. Tho pocketbook contalned $".- and a number ot notea representtng about 130.000. Bome tlme sfter- ward the polnt- of th.- West One-hundredae-nd- twenty-flfth-fli station found the pocketl.k ln .... Btreet Tha notea wore found to be Intact, but t.-.o 832 was gone. The pollce were unabla the rolored man who rohbed the broker. FOR UXIFORMITY OF LEGIBLATIOB. Bamtoga, n. Y., Aug. 16 .A conference of the Btata Commlaalonera on Unlformlty of Legtslatlon wlll ba held at tho (Jrand I'nlon Hotol tO-moiTOW. Twenty- n:ne Btatea and one Territory ar.- represented in the ment, with B. M. Cutcheon, of Detrolt, Mich., prealdent; I-. W. Brewster, of Conneetlcut, vlce-pn . j Btlmson. of Boal m, retary, and A. K. Henarhel, of New-York, asslstani secretary. At a n held yesterday a coda of commerclal law waa ? DEADLY FIGBT AT A CHURCH VEETIXG. Orayson, Ky Aug. K.At a church meetlng on Little Sandy, in Klllott County. twenty mllea of this place, four mon wore ktlled ar, 1 tw Wounded yesterday near the tair ground.. A man waa seiiing whlakey, and a larg. horse*trader. goi into a flght, In whlch two H and two Whlli brother* w. re In Icllled and two oi h< r<, name. ui ona serloualy and the other allghtly. -e. READY TO HFI.I' THF. TREA8URY. Atlantlc Clty, N J.. Aug, IC At a meetlng of the Counoll of Admlnlstratton of tha P< Banker.' A- held yesterday, the foiiowlng w ui anlmously adopted: Resolved, That this ccuncll ean imends .. bank" and b ink. ra of Penn.: :' hlgh patrlotle duty, folloa ihe examph New-York, Phlladelphla, Boaton depo.ii al an early day largely >.f ihelr holding. <<t g .Id wlth the Treaaurer "f ihe IJnlt. il Btat. n ln ex- .... for legal tendcr notea io as.l.t the Oovern- ment ln malntalnlng th resen ? DROWXED WIIII.E IX BATHIXO. nfoblle, Ala., Aug. II- Two men, Arthur Walker nnd Roberl E, Lee, and two women, Vlola Fren. h and afargaret Curry, were wlth e plcnlc partj that weni to Dog Rlver early thla mornlng to apend the Whlle ln bathlng at the mouth of the rlver Walk. r and the iw women were awepi off thtdr f ci by Ihe tid--, and all weri drowned before ihe . Lee who was powi rle i to rei d. anc !-. .wam a Ith he 11. t. and afti perate .truggle of thlrty mln e MRS. BALLIXGTOX BOOTB AT 8ARATOGA. Baratoga, N Y, Aug 18 (Bpeclal) Mr. Balllng- iiiii Booth thla mornlng addreaaed an audlence ..f over Bfteen bundred people, who fllled to over- flowlng tha Flrat lletbodlsl Bplscopal Church Many weri \lsit..r.-4 from all part- of the Unlted )'..r over «.ti hour she apoke of the work done among Btata prlson convlcta and Inmates of oth'-r penal Instltutlons, and of tha effoi Ing P"t forth to convert th<-m In order thal they may lead better llvea A large contiibutlon w..s taken up to eanyforward tba work Uflder the dir^ctlon of Mrs. Booth. IIAXNA HAD GOOD NEWS. HIS RBP0RT8 PLEA8ING TO MAJOR M'KINLET. Tin; BEPtTBLICAN CANDIDATB AND TIH'. CHAIB- MAN DIBCL'SB THE BITlIATlOB TOOBTHEBe- Mll. HANNA COMING TO NEW \"i:K. Cleveland, Aug, 16, Major McKlnley apent the entlre day ..t Natlonal Chalrman Manna'a home, "ti Ui" lakeahore. Mr. Hanna arrlv.-.l from Chlcago early this mornlng nnd aeveral houra were apent hy th* Major and his manag. r in cloaa consultatlon. Mr, Hanna, noa thal ho has heard from every Btate in the Unlon aa t<» the azact condltlon of affatra, ls hlghly elated over the proapect, and liin encouragiriR newa put th* Major in ih" of aplrlta to-day, ln th* afternoon Colo¬ nel Myron T. Herrlck Jolned the conference. Mr. Hanna wlll atarl for Mew-Tork to-mor¬ row, and Major McKlnley wlll return to <'anton early ln tho mornlng. REPUBLICAN CAUBR ALL RIOHT. CHAIBMAN HAXNA QBEATLT P1XABETJ WTTH WHAT HE BEABB IX CHIOAOO OT THB CAMPAIOX. Chlcago, Auk. 18..Chalrman Hanna flnlahed hl* week'a politlcal work laal nlght and left tha clty at lock for Cleveland, accompanled by Major Dick, his aecretary, who apenda Bunday at hla bome al Akron, After a resl al homa Mr. Hanna wlll apend .1 week al the New-York headquartera and Wi -. I,.- hopea, In tlme to attend the conventlon of the Natlonal League of Republlcan Cluba ln Mll- . Before leaving hla deak Mr. Hanna aald to a reporter for the Cnlti I A ited Preaacai "I am very well aattofled wlth the prellmlnary organiaatlon. It is well equlpped and eBlclent, and the campalgn work la well in band The reaulta wlll be beneflclal to the cause ln all the twenty- aeven Btatea under the Weatern jurtodictlon. Por tbe real of thla month the campalgn artll be eon- ducted along llnea of educatlon. About Beptember we wlll open up along the llni aith apeakera and make an aggreaalve cbmpalgn. As chlef ,-..- terer, I wlll glva the people Juat what they want ln the llnea of laauea, tarlfl or money, Prom all the report* l have recelved nithln tne week. I ean iay ti,,- Httuation in the Mlddle and Weatern Btatea the hattle-ground, is excellenl ror oi :- |n ,,ii thal could expeot. I am more than dollghtcd with the campalgn w..rk done. \mon« tho promlnenl callcra on Mr. Hanna were mor M. rrtam and Charlea A. Plllsli n ar. membera of the Au* I'ommlttec, nnd Vleir-Chalrman Apslejr, of ihe on- KresKional rnmpnlgn Committee. The Mlnnesota ,,,, n wi-r. sun moi ed lo Iiirago to eonf. r wlth Mr Hanna aa t,. Ihe altuation there and the report ol whol.-sal, BweilNh defoctlona to th.- free-allver ranks They aasured Mr. Hanna the Bcandlnavlana could be kept In ll-.-- by educatlon ln th. Ir languaga nnd by apeakera of that natlonallty, as well as by work ln Bngllah. An agreed plaa of work was mapped out. .1 TORXADO'8 DEADLY WORK. PTPTEEN PERBONB BUBELY KILLED, AND ros- 8IBLT fctOKB. Moblle, Al*., Aug. 1* Newa of a deadly tornado that passed through Perry County, this Btate, on Thuraday was recelved here to-day, About 3 o'clock in the afternoon it became rery dark, the baroeneter began t-> fall and a heavy raln deaeended. a ter- rlfllc aind eauaed treea t,< be hurled hl^h ln the ,, whlle tho Btrongesl houses w.-re Hhaken. At least twelve negroei and three whlte nv-n, natnea un- known, w.-r.- kilied. and many othera wera In¬ jured. The llat of uead mny be greatly Increased when newa la recelved from other placea In the countrj. Tl,- meagro dctalla recelved ari.- from Augustlne, mllea frorn the neareat telegraph stat'.on. The tornado'B path waa through the interlor of intj whlch cannot be reached by wlro. Hun- dreda of rannera loat thelr cntlro crops by the raln and wlnd. .-a- TWO AEROXAUTB KILIED, ONE PALLB INTO a TREE, THK OTHHR'? PABA- CKUTE l'Ali.s To OPEN. Dallas. Tex., Auk. M..PrOfeSSOr C Ftorsen, nn aeronaut, was klll.-d h.-re to-day when deaoendlng wlth his parachute. He dropped into the forks of ln tha ground* of Oak CllfT. College. Hla n.-.-k waa bn ki n bj th force of Ihe <. ilUslon, and he wms :. ..) whi ii down a few mlnutea after the aect- dent. Qulncy, 11!., Aug. 16..Frank Jacob*. of Clncln- aeronaut,made hlal.OKth and last ascenaloa al Baldwln Park thla evenlng. Jacob* and a aeronaul Edward Dudley, were to glve s balloon ,, parachuta rac Both balloom worn cut looag toeether, and when IM feet hlgh JaeobB'a balloon Ja ob« cui looae fn.m lt wlth hls para to open, nnd the unfortunate man ahot downward at a terrlflc rate of ap.I. He itruck the feel flral on was pl ked up in an un macloua lon and carrled to tha tent, where he dled half an hour later. Jacobs'a wirv and chlld w.-r" among the apectal ore, ? A M1XIBTER BUB8 FOR OVERTIMB. THE BEV. VR. THROOP'fl BILL AOAIN8T THB EPIB- .v iPAL DIOOESE OP NEWAHK. The Rev. Montgom rv Hunt Throop, nf St. Mattbew-a Protestanl Eplscopal Church, In Bus- aex-al Jersey Clty, has begun an actlon ln tbe Bupreme Courl of New-Jeroey agalnsl his vestry- men for MOD due on his aalary. Thls eurprlaed eatrymen, but when tbey read a MU of clalma agalnal the dlocese of Newark for W.OM for extra work ln hls rectorahtp of three yeara they were dumfounded. The papera In thi agalnal the veatrymen were aerved on Baturday on Willlam B. Crocheron, of No. 18 Wayne-Bt into Crouae la the rector-a lawyer. The n men have engaged Warren i.ixon as thetr attor- ney. The caae wlll come before .ludfre Upptacott next Thuraday. it is bellerod that Mr. Throop .: platea a buII agalnat tha dloceae, and eon- ntly agalnat the Ulshop. for pay for the -.1; clalmed, If the mii is not allowed .r. ,. igter wai abaanl from Jeraey Clty >.,---.-- ,],,. .,. ild nol ba aeen Ha baa been rector of (he h irch alnce the aprlng ot IM9 Laal ¦. irch over the mlnlatar treaaurer. B :. have to realgn. ¦]-,,,. ,,.-....,- I-, the auli foi back aalary wlll be -,\ il l.; Ing <i .. bw'a Church and Ita rector whlch i. fora thi clalm for aalary li al- Thi affaln iur< h w-i-re lald befora ,-, ii \. ntlon. BIXGLE T I.V 8PEAKER8 RELEA8ED. Wllmlngt, n, Del., A ug W Arthur H ,,f phu 11 nrand, ot Bmyrna, i >. and Charl. A Bi ith. -, ol Dover, '.¦! alngla ta* n from I iv. r Jai! to-day. Thi y ..hla. Thej thtrty ng the air. -;.- of l Njver by public n,,,;... contrai -. and were flned IM t-a \v i ia queatl >n thi arr. Thlrti en iaxi : DOV. r J.i.l. ? ROBBED AXD THROWX FROM .1 TRAIX. Wllmlngton, Del., Aug. M Jamea Jonea Bell, a man, reported to a pollce offlcer thls morn¬ lng that h. irder commltted on a frelghl traln on the Phlladeiphla, Wllmlngton and Baltl- in,,r,- Rallroa ,-n a brldge ovei Qunpowder Rlver. li,- aal li olori -l man, on 1 Phlladeiphla, wi re robbed of th«-ir clo! mpa on the train. Bell'a companlon proteated t thi :reatm. ot, and mhen tbe ir by : I.-- nn n n ho had r,,i,i.r.i i.n.i Th. iv.,.. men Rell aald, then lefi the train 1 fie I. and thla afti r- hli o! r Uol ni rocelved a dla| li idy of a olored man had bei n on u,. brldge thua corroboratlng H.-li'a been iun ovei by a traln. ? KARROWLY E8CAPED DROWXIXG. Bamuel Mltchell, of No. 89 Weal Blaty-aev- enth-at., and two young women, Tllu* Btapleton. 0# .v,, ... anl Maggla CHetrlch, of No, 40 C*ntr»l P*rk Weat, were oul In a row- ¦¦ Blver, ofl the Bloomtngdala Club H it . p bi ."¦-'. rday. They -.v. ra .|iv lari.n.u-. whi a Budd. nl> th ov. rturn. d w, t. thr. wn Into Ih. w;.t.-r. The ,, ,, i- ., j, ... iwlmm r, ind all ilt) he ii. -,,,.: omen Bank, but . hei Btni lo i:- fore th.-y aank B8 iln b) Edward K.-iiv. who I. Into tha rlver and wam to them !(.¦ had a hard ta.ak ln gettlng them aahore, aa tbey wero Incllned . to grasp hlm and provenl the free uae of hls lltnbs. i HOMICIDE, THEN BUICIDE. A CRAZED MAN BHOOTf Hlfl YY1FE AND HIMBELF, TRAOEDT IN A WEaT TWErtTIETH-BT. BOaJUMWCr- HOU8E.I'INKKt.MAN WAS IIADB 1NSANE Bt WORRY OVER THK LOaa "l ii is MONEY, A slege of trouble and worry ended ln a double tragedy early yeatarday mornlng on the top Soor nf a boarding-boUM at No. 11."> Weat Tw.'titl. th-st. About 5 a. in. AIoIb Dlnkelman, the proprletor of the houae, whoae mlnd had f..r th" tlme become unaettled by long worrlment over his tinan iai affalra, sh<>t his wlfe through the hearl and ended hla own llfe book afterward by Bhootlng hlmaelf ln the mouth. Dlnkelman and hla wlfe, Adelheid, Hved In ctmfortable clr- cumBtancea some yeara ago, and had only been forced t'» keep a boardlng-houae after the of thelr meana Dlnkelman had Inveeted about Sl..,«'iHi in b grocery bualneaa four yeara ago. }!.. opened a atore at Noa ll and W Waahlng- ton-Bt., wlth a partner and falled. He lived In the bellef that his partni r had cheated hlm, and the loss preyed constantly on hla mlnd He told a* friend a ghort whlle ago that llfe had no future for hlm, as ho could not regaln bla money, He contlnued to br.l off and ..n over his troublea untll the early .lawn of yeaterday, when h<- aroee to put an end t<> them forever. CHASED A BOARDER. Jamea Kermode, who was lylng awake ln a room dlrectly oppoalte that occupled bjr the Dlnkelmana, waa Btartled by the report "f a revolver about ."» o'clock, aml roae at once t" see what wua th.. trouble. He stepped out into the hall just as Dlnkelman came >.ut >.f his r.n and rushed toward the stalrs holdlng a revolver ln each hand a-1 Dlnkelman came to th.- atalr- ease he dlscbarged another chamber of hla revolver, an.l then went downatnlrs, flrlng twlce agaln -n the way. Kermode heard some one below Bhout "Ponce!" as l,.- ran to the banleter, and, looklng <b.wn, he saw Dlnkelman runnlng after PhtUp Molloy, one «.f th.- boarderg, Bhoot¬ lng as l... went Molloy reached th- house door in sai'.iy and Dlnkelman turned back toward his ..wi. room. As ho paaaed Kermode ti t.-r aaked him what th- matter was. 'There'a a thi-f In th- li'.us.'." tai.l th" craxed man, as he ran on Into his room, slammlni? the door behlnd him. A few moments later another ehot sounded from tho room. Ifeanwhlle Molloy was otit on the Bldewalk, stiil ahoutlng f'.r th.. pollce. Patrolman Bhlbblee, ..f th- w-st Thlrtleth-flt. Btatlon, anawered hln caii, and both -nt-r-i th- house together. They were Jolned by Mra PranclB Wllaon, and her half-Blater, Tlllle Dlnkelman, both daughtera of Mrs. Dlnkelman, aml all four weni to th- room in whi.-h Aloii Dlnkelman and his wlfe had lived, Th- door was opened, and the men entered, leav- ing th- two \.iu:i>r women, who were at tirst afrald t.. follow, on th- landlng outslde. Mra. Dlnkelman lay dead in a corner of th- room, her head restlng on her arms. There was a bullel hole in her left breast, Burrounded hy a mark <«f blackened powder about the elxe of the palm of her hand. H-r huaband lay oppoalte, on bla back his head restlng near the mantel-plece of the room, aml his feet touchlng those of hla wlfe. As the room was ent-r-d he dr-w his kn.s up nnd stared blankly, the Wood ooxlng from hla mouth. At this Juncture his daughter und Btep- daughter entered the room. aml as they did so the latter crled: "My <>".r he'a killed mother!" An ambulance from the New-York Hoapital was Bummoned, but when lt came Dr. Hanison pro- nounre.i hushand and wlfe both dead. Durlng the t.nt hot apell the Dlnkelmana ha.l l.o-n Bleeplng on the floor. lt Ifl Buppoaed that Dlnkelman awoke under a sudden flt >>f ln- sanlty an.l that he at onco piaced the revolver to hla arife'a breast and flred. Her featurea ln d-ath were calm, and she showed no sign of havlng had any struggle. Kermode, who was th- flrst to nee Dlnkelman after h- had rome out <>f hla room, Hays that Mr Fox, on- of th- boardera, who Blept next to the room occupled by Molloy, opened the door as Dlnkelman went by, aml that th- latter almed al hlm. but that POX Cioaed th- door I.efore he could lir Kermode fnrth-r says thnt h- ha 1 notlred lately that Dlnkelman looked dtstreaaed atnl talked in-.h-r-ntly. TOLD OP HER QRANDMOTHER'B DEATH. Little FlOBflle Wllaon, n grandihild of Mr*. Dlnkelman, was asleep on a bed ln the same room wlth h-r grandmother when th- woman waa shot. Bhe Bprang out of bed, aml, Beelng Dlnkelman with th- w-apons ln his handg, run down two fllghts ..f stalrs to h-r nu.ther's ruurn and Bhiieked: "Orandpa is kiiilng 'Mami!'" as she was used t.> .all h-r grandmother. Coroner Dobbfl took charge of th- -as-, ln place of Coroner Tuthill, who is III. Mr. an.l Mrs. Dlnkelman were marrled about twenty- four yeara ago. They had two children, Oscar, a bartender, twenty-two yeara aml TUlle, eighteen yeare old. Mrs. WllBon was a daugh¬ ter >.f Mrs Dlnkelman by a former marrlage. Tlllle had never I.n ralled upon tn contrlbute to tho snpp.irt of th- famlly, but had s.-.-ur-d a ,,li. lately through a friend of tho famlly, and waa to begln work to-day with a i.lg whole- eale j-w-lry houae. a- TO FROTECT CRETAX CBR18TIAXB. thi: PRENCH .-"Nsci, at CANEA avd a RU8- BIAN KAVAL COMMAXDEH s \n> T.. HAVE RECEIVEO IN8TRL*f*Tli 'NS. London, Aug. M -"Th- Tlmes" will to-morrow h a dlspateh from Canea, Crete, saying that the Prencb Conaul and a Ruaalan naval command- ,.r at ihat pi..-.. hava reeelved Identlcal Inatruc- tlon. to aasume the protectlon of all Cretan Chrta- TO EXTERTAIX THE VETERAXB. Blnghamton, N. v, Aug U Tha eleventh Na¬ tlonal encampment of tbe Natlonal Veterans' Unlon and th- Women'a Rellef Unlon open. her<j on Tuesday tn.irriiro,'. and wlll contlnue for four day. Blaborate preparatlon. have been made for th- re- ceptton and entertalnmenl of the vteltora. lt is rxpected tl .' nearly one thousan.l ni>-n aml half aa mnny women from all parta of the country will b- In attendance. Tho delegatea ar- begln- nlng tn arrlve, and by to-morrow- evenlng the tovvn .. aasumed a gala aapect ? .1 PEACEMAEER 8TABBED TO DEATH. Blnghamton, N. v. Aug I* Murder ended a drunken brawl al Brackneyvllle, Penn., on Batur¬ day nlght The vlctlm waa actlng aa peacemaker. Ii.- w..a i,. .on I> tiaik'.-. one of a famlly of farmera In Penn.ylvanla. Th- vlllage where tha tragedy oc- eurred la aboul '.\ mlli i aouth of this city. Oalge, wlth othera was alttlng upon the hotel reranda when "Mike" Kelly and hb two brothera drove up |us1 returned from b plcnlc ai Bllver ,}... ti. Kellya wera drunk and quarrelsome Tw of tbem engaged In an altercation wlth a reai- dent of the hamlet The Kellya got the man down nnd began '" pound hlm. Oalge ran to tha i .,,,.f hla townsman and trted to pull one of tbe Kelly. off, when he .1 k, crytng, "He'a I.. |f, Tl en he fell to th ground Insensl- Th.- knif.' was wreated from Kelly, but not un,'ll ),,. i, ,,| rui another man'* ..rm nearly -ft ( .i_, hotel, and durlni' the ex. lt. menl "Mlke" Kelly -- aped. A near. hlng wuh organlaed, bul bi 11 rted K-llv ptured. ,,.. u.|,,,| .,,, ac .]... bul w preva nti I. wlth his was .... ki up In ihe Montrose (Penn.) J..u. There ls talk among H.te\ttd farmera ol lynch- Ing ihe murderer. L08B OF THE FALCOX COXFIRMBD. -,Mai I ta ;,; Capl ot tha rrlved to daj. report. thal on July i". I" latltudi tt.-OS, longltudi ." 80, heplcked Up a bottle, whi :.. from belna coated wltb aeawi l. muat have i. - n in ihe water a long tlme. lr con- nly wrltten note, algnt i "Bch loner r.,n " Tha note ild lhal ibe cable and rudder w.te gone, that two men had erboard, an iai aaa alnklni ind ende 1 wli l.-t ll be kn iwn ., II.V." note .I i by none ..f tha crew. The achoonera Falcon and John W Bray from ila porl l. r, and hav. never heen heard frora Thi. eonflrmi thi opinion that they and their eresj avre lotVt ia a heavy gji\c durlng thut ui- I."-»- TWO KILLED EY A TRAIX MR AND MRA T. K. MAKTIN RUN DOWN NEAR KINO'B HIOHWAT. THK EMOIXEBR DID KOT BEE THEM 1NTIL. IV) PBET AWAT i'A/.Ki) BT THK KEADUOHT AND DID NOT MOVE Mr. and Mra. Thaddeua K. Marlin were run down and instantly kill-d by a traln <>n tba Culver r..ute, near th- Klnaffl Hlfhway Bta- ti-.ti, Brooklyn, laal evenlng at B30 o'clock. ln the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Martln, who lived at No. 575 Carlton-ave., Brooklyn, left th.-ir home to visit a friend John McQlbney, who Ifl a horse-train-r, aml who llvefl near King'.s Hlghway. They Btayed at Mr. McOlbney'a houae untll '.' o'clock iti th- evenlng, when they ¦tarted tou u the Btatlon, whlch llee In tha dl- rectlon of Coney Island, wlth the Intentlon of boardlng a homeward-bound train. The Btreet waa full of mu.i and water, a*nl the couple wera compelled to walk along the rallroad track, They made the mhrtake of walklng on tha Coney iBland-bound track, and they were not aeen t>y the englneer ..f an approachlng traln untll ho waa only '."" feet away from them. Then. accordlng to tho jratoman at th- station. the englneer rang blfl bell, whtatled, and re- versed his englne; hut lt was too lat-. Mr. aml Mra. Martln lurned, and. as if dased by th" glare ot tl.- headllght, etood atill in the mlddle ..f th- track. An Instant latter the englne stru-k them. Mrs. Martln was thrown to th- slde ... ti,,. track and dled instantly. H-r huaband was dragged under th- train and his body, ter- mangled, was taken from under th- Th- bodlea were carrled t.« a nearby under- taker'e shop, and word was aent to th- two eons of the ouple. Mrs. Martln was a slater >.f th- lat- Danlei O'Connell, who was th- Democratlc leader nt' th- Nlnth Wanl, Brooklyn. Bhe was married tn Mr. Martln aboul twenty-four yeara ago. When Mr. O'Connell dled, aboul ¦¦< year ago. he left his fortune to Mts. Martln. Mr. Martin had been a member of th- old Volunteer Flre Department, belng at one tlme connwted with No. H Hose Company. Th- englneer <>f the Culver train, Joseph Pin- not, had not been arrested up to mldnlght ? HOW MR. BRYAy SPFXT SUNDAY. HE ATTENDED CHURCH, TOOK A DRIVE TO BLEEPT HOLLOW CEMETERT AND MET NEIQHBOR8 OP Ml: u ALKER. Tarrytown, Aug. 16..WUHam J. Bryan, th- Dem¬ ocratlc candldate, to-day bad, perhapa, th- pleaa- ant.-st Bunday slnce lus nomlnatlon. In company with Oeneral Bamuel Thomas, of New-York, Mr. aml Mrs. Bryan attended church this mornlng at th- FlnH l-'r.sbyterlan ChUTCh, in Irvln-tor.. ¦' .1 Bmlth took th.. nomli.lrivt-g in the at't-rnoon. Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. Bmlth and Mr. Bewall were ta the party. Thei vlslted acenea of hUtorl ....: legendary intereat in Tarrytown and its vtclnlty, Includlng th- brldge where, accordlng to Waahtng¬ ton Irvuig, th- headleaa horseman threw his skull ut lobabod Crane. They allghted at Bteepy Hollow Cemetery an.l vlslted the grave of Washlngton Irvtng. In addltlon to Mr. und Mra.^ Uryan and Mr. Bewall, John Brtaben Walker had hla tfuests at r this evenlng A!berl Bhaw, Edltor of -Tho Review of H-vl-ws." whosn summer hOBM la at Irvlngton, and W. R. Hearat Beveral frienda and nelghbora of Mr. Walker called on Mr. Bryan nnai Mr ^. ¦... tl] to-day _ , Part of th- lourney to-morrow to upper Red Hook. where Mr Bryan wlll remaln eeveral wlll be made bv up th- Hudaon. lf it rranged th- Poughkeepale boal wlll .-. al Irvlnirton for Mr, Bryan aml his party, otherwl.e they wlll board lt at V.- kera The b at la Irvington abou a rn. Mr. Bryan poi to-day the dtapatrhea from St Loubi and Baltl- mor« that h.. had promUed to gpealc ai thoae ptacea, but he sald the datei had not been flaed. Slr. nrvnn added that he is not yet ready to glve out his Itlnerary for the rampntgn. BTOLE MOXEY FROM A BRIDGE COMPAXY. ENOCH MEOINNE8, JR., BON OP THB TOLLOATB- KEEPER AT LAiiBERTVILLE, A!'- BtlTB Hia OUILT. T.nmb. rtvill-. N. .1 Aug 16 (Speclal). -En* .. Me- glnne., Jr., son of tb- tollgate-keeper on th.- Near* l[,,;.¦ and LambertvUle Delaware Brldge. waa ar- reated yesterday afternoon for steallng money from th- brldge compan] Young Meglnnea at¬ tended ihe tollKate at meal-tlmea and then helped hlmaelf to th- funda For the Laat two reara ba haa i.n llvlng a fasl llfe and dresslng ln tba helsrht -f faslilon at all tlmea Tb- dlrectOTS of the brldge company roti.1 Ibese tblnga, an.l lha queatlon haa been ask.-.l by many how young Me¬ glnnea could apend so much money and do no work. The brldge company wtshed nn Inveatlga- tlon made, aml placed th- matter in th- hands of a detectlve agency in Phll idelphla. Aboul two weeka ago a faahlonable young man arrlved ia town, Ba?cured board al tha Lambert- \i!'... Houae, an.l announced hla Intentlon of stay- Ing all summer He eoon torm.-.l the acquulntance ing Meglnnea Th- two became fast friend., and, whlle lntoxtcat«?d, Meglnne. told th- young fellow where hl. money came from. The young fri.-ml proved to be a detectU-e, and cauaed Me- -inn-s's arresl whil- or: tl;.- baaeball gTOUnalfl \. . ng a gamo yajatenlay afternooi ll- waa taken before Jti.tlce I.yman, rhnrged with lar- reny, an.l a.lmitt-.l that he had taken money from the brldge company at tlme.. ll- r ball oi' $sfm for appearance ,.t the Beptember t-rni of court. Lat. ln th<- evenlng ball wa. re¬ eelved. Mcpir.neH cannot uy how much he has Btolen, but the brldge offlclalst thlnk the amotint will ezceed R.MO. XEW ROUTE FOR BAXAXA 8TEAMER8. Boaton, Aug, 16. Blnce the abandonment of tha Cuban porta for th- ahlpment >.f bananaa, negotia- tlona hav- I..-.-i ln progress between a promlnenl flrrn of local frult Importcrs and Central American partlea looklng toward the eatabllahment ot a regu- lar line of frult Bteamer* between tbal country and Boaton for th- Importatlon of bananaa .-md other troplcal frult. lt haa been declded to aei Norweglan Bteamer Harald from B.i dei Tor.. to ti porl l an irlj .I..'.. ind -1 .:>-.! to arrlve h-r- aboul s. pt. rn1..¦>¦ wlth th. Thi. ihlpmenl win b. ture ..f an expenment, an.l upon It. buccc. prol ibjy .1 tb.¦-tabll.-hm.nt of the regular Hni ? TH0U8AXD8 AT AVRIE8YILLE 8BRIXE. Aurleavllle, N. V. Aug 18, Thousands of people from New-1 I Albany, Troy anl Mohawk Valley town. mad. ,t pllgrlmage t.. thla Lady of Martyra, Ben re held at Ihe shrin- throughout 'tt/e evenlng. ? BODY OP A MI88IXG WOMAX FOUXD. Little Rock Ark., .' -. W. Flfteen hundred wheelmen of thla 11> .tarted this mornlng to h the ..i.-i.iu ii.itiot. "f this county f..r Mi-. ri.ii. hi, k the yoiinr; woman who dlaapi Crom her college boardlng-houae a \v. .-k ago. The nf Mn |:inr>k ia. ' ..m<i rtoatlitg In the \r kan ii Rlver, near Red Blnff, thi. evenlng. Thi body w.. li- ..-bt to thla <,t> to-nlght lt wlll ba ahlpped t.< New-Loulavllle to-morrow, the horae of the glrl*. parents. lt ls now known that the young worn in, whil.. .ufferlng from mental aba rratlon due iralgia, wandered from her boardlng-houae el. ... t; -1 18 and Ihl 'W h-r-. lf ln Ihe Ai ,. Rlver, .ls mile* helow Little Rock. H-r parent. rornlneni and wealthj County, thli ? FIFTY TRAMP8 Q ITHERED IX. On account of the corn . lentaof °1 Tl rtj irth-at., between Tenth ar.d Blev- enth evea., Capi dn Bchmlttberger and hla men mada a ra; 1 on ih. imber > irdi .ri l othei ..-i p re»ort» ...: and i...k. i up rifty Vagr ? GOT 8TUCE IX TBE MUD. Th- steamboat Haiel Klrka left the Battery yaa- mornlna at I o'clock wita nbout MB peopie on board, among whom wera the amployee of llam- n,s Olympla, bound for New-Dcrp, -s' »' :i plaasure. When lha party Btart¬ ed to return ul 9 0. 88. lt was found tbat tha boat waa atuek Ifl tha mud After « »«_»bar of at- tempta »he win not -ff al 11:88 i>. m. anl her peaaengera reached tho Hattery at 11:11 thla momlnK to flml a Kood many anxloua frienda wult- iug for u-.iu. A PRIZE-FIGHT ON BOAKIX THE STATKN lial NI> POLICa*. AT LEAOTa THOUOHT Ho. THEy PtnHBJB a MtarTBataotM Ti'» ABhl BCBBtWBnra KALP-WAT UBOUMO THK !«*!*- AND, WTTM THK 111.1.1' OF Tl:-.1.1.1. V- CAKd AMi BOATB, ANI> VA U TO CATCM THK.M. A tug an»l a big acbooner ma de thlnga l'vaf* for UM polle* nf Stat.-n Island at.'.'it n'»onMm* yesterday. The pollc. of tw-. prochettB turned out, and boata an.i trolley-cara wera 'ailcd Into aervlce, i.ut ihe iuk hauled the acbooaer o it of roach and aacaped, Thera ¦¦ ai>out the boata whlch could raol ' u'.> /*.* t. rdaj AbOUt 1-' ..'.lock th>; Iuk steaui.-.l Bjp th* Lower iiaj, eomlng from th* dlrectloti of ivrth Amboy. Bn* waa th* Qeorg* W, Betts, of that place, lt is aae*rted by thoaa wh<> eaw her throiigh Rlasses. She had th* BChooaer, a .raft about tblrty-flve ..r forty fact long, with nail* furle.l, ln tOW. Th* two f...atn vv-nt aluwly up th* Hay until off KinK's Dock, at. K-uth I'-arb, There w.-r.' .*,,>nit ihitiy <>r forty BMB Bt th* d.-'.-k of the acbooner. When th* boata arere off King's Dock an.i about tw,. bundrod yarda away, th* an. hor of th* Bchooner mn <lr«,;.ped. Thoae who bad notlced the two boata thnight they .-arrk-.i a Rablng >.r aalllng party, nnd th* aachorlng was conaldered einiruiar, especlalljr at that polnt. As (...un u.s the an.'h'.r was down ih>* men on th* deck .,f the achoaaacr baajaa to stretrh a canvaa about aeven feet hich ni'.ng the i-hor* side of th* I" at. The tu* lay alop«B»aj*. Tho anchora on board wera watcbad arlth ronai l.-ra- ble Intereat by batbera anl j.pta oa th-- boaarsl walk. The win.I nnd tide Jlnally awting tha acbooner about h" that the canva* curtahi dll not altogetber blde tbe <l.-. k fr<.m th- shoro. Th* movement* «.f th- people K.-.-ni. .1 to lndl-at«j that tli.-r.r w;iH a prlzeflght gotng on. Tho mer* on th.? deck oecame greatly exi it.-.l. ar.d flnally a man waa aeen t,< fall overboard, l.ut he waa s-.'in roacued Patrolman Conaadlne, of Btaten Island. had! been an Intereated onlookcr, and when the boat awung abottt a.. that h-- could 8*8 Ih* deck ho atgnallod Patrolman Bulllvan t.> J.'ln hlm. and they took u at a botcl lOB* by Bad atarted to row t,. th* Bchooaer. No i.kti hai they atarted than B"tnt- one oa Kiiik'b Doch ahouted to the acbooner a warnlng, aad tha u;g at easBB began to w..ri<. ber aorow. Th- ..ttlrert* »*r* beadlng to th.-lr work. and tapidly Kulnlng* Ther* WM not Um* to ralse the unch'.r. ao lt waa allowed lo remala, tin* hawaer running. Thua ir< .', ih tug swtint? the *, hooaCT about. and »a» Booa BP redlag away from th* pollc*, Bb* h.-adcd> for the NarrowK. Th* pollcemen returned to tho and In- forme.l the headquartera at Btapletea of what ha.l occurred Ordera wero Beat to th* ¦Beaass] Preclnci la Weat Ne* Brlghtoa for th* raaMivasj at that place to head "ff th- tu*r aad acb a-anaai as- they weat through th* KIH von Kuii bbbp* Keanr Praat, wlth 8 ! itoon of meo. atarted. The tlde wai runnlng atrong thn ugh the Klils. aml this, with th- Bcrtw of th- tug, a. t.t th* pursu.'.i craft aloag at a rapld rate. Th* "A eat Brlghtoa iioii bad |u»t aatered a sk;T when Um two i,..ais they aought weat paet theaa. I'urauit ln a row boal vai uaeltaa, and the men leaped aahore again to mak-- an attempt ta bead th* t'-i? und acbooner "ff at Eraatlna, When thej reached Rlchmond Terrace a tr.'l-v- .ar beartng Chlef Blake and Roundsman Bhea, wlth a aecond",,n of pollce, ran along nt fuli apeed from Btaploton to ald ln the rapture. Th* men und'-r Bergeaat Brant J..'ii' the chlef'M party, aad th* car w*a run f-.r HowlaaeTfl Il.x.k There II wa* int-ni^d t<> prena bnl aaa> vlce the ferryboal I'm'.^. i-lf-invr betaraaaj ¦» beth and Howlan I'a H u an i aptur* tho tug anl achooner. Ther* were delaya on the 'roilt-y llne, whlch from Port Rlchmond to tha ii. "k ia a alngle-tracked one, and when th iched th* f.-rry. the captaln of th* Cncaa reportad that he aaw the tug and down tho Arthur KIII llfteea mlautea befor* th* polle* ar- rlved. Chaae waa uselene, and th* pollei had to> ahandon It. The r,..iic.. ..f the Thlr.l Prectnct, at Tottenvllle, .-.,.--.. told to be oa the lookout a tug an.i achooaer, and mak<- th* arr.-st if iiaa* Pi'.le Bergeaat Cornell, .-..mtiiandlng at T"t- tenvllle, watched for the two boata tlll evenlng. but they dld BOt appear. (I la thou*rht tliag they muat have turned up the Rahw*y Hiver. BtB WfPE BAY8 BE"8 .IV AXABCHIBW1 alii: DECT«ABEB that HEH Ht'BBAND fTAfl tN.A, PUOT TO BtOW II' THB KH-TIl AVBNl'E HOTEL. Nauaa Peldman, a Ruaatan, twaatyatghl yeara old, was arrested laal nlght on i warraat tasoed bj Magtotrat* Mott In tbe liari.-m Court raaaaaalBsa mornlnif on th" complstnt of his w'f. atophla, whof i harK«-d hlm wlth utt.-mi.tlng to shoot BaT. 8ha sald that Peldman waa an Anarcatot aad th.-u ha wanted to get rid of hls ehlldren an.i af her Rhe told tbe poll .. that ber bual ,i.iu>:eroua man und tacturcd B hlKh 88pl*****. BaBBJ brougbl *-,-¦¦- i eapkaataa, a yeiiowisbj brown j-.iwd. r. t.. th* (.i..--hundt.-d-aiid- fourth-al atatlon. Bhe declared thnt her rn.ehand' waa Impllcated In -. plol lo bloa up thi- Kif'ri Avenue Hotel l'.-r,- tlvea from the pollce et.uii/n, aearrhed the 'ln ,,f his ho I --1 n nam- ber of t,,.)ih bruahea, syringea and a h.t. nf aiuff prohahlv t.ik'-n from some druir * Hl* wlfg aald thal he had Rot thH in .-. i- .rK >r\ Bha la urs genl woman nnd apeeks BagltoB welL ? LIQHTXIXG TWO CBILDBMM, Z ¦E%*EBI BTOBJffl OP \VI\"I> ANH P^IN IV. NTTjpj I.AM \<1!. IN ..NTAltlO. N inee, Ont., Aug M. in.rina a beavy ihtm- deratorm this mornlng tlr, h littie »- rl .* wi-ra croaalng the rlv. r ln a row boat, on thelr wny to ...--, iio"i. when llghtnlng stru.-k nnd kilhd iw.i of them and rendered th* "th. r uncon» ihirt.. ii yeara <>f Baaa Tha two ki::. .1 arere naaiad llndaay aad Bllla, Barrto, Ont, Aug IA A terrlbla aiad ..nd min atorm -tn.k thls town and aiaaj aterdav gftcraooa, t..irii.« .Iowm ,,,;inv large 1 ...r.,i hoaai in th. a .t, r rushed down liunlon -. t>, ih* ,!' ";i> of a foot, tl.Ilna i-ellar* other d imaai ,\t All indnl.- th- ralh w.-r, rlpped up, .-ar* mrown on end and aome i.uildin«a demoltshcl. The ,lamaKe wl Hn*9 a PECUL1AR CA8E OP BEXRY BABPlBLkX EXTRAOmOB AWAtTEO.HIM. hvt Afl HR ror*, PESBED His iumk ll- -'-.N- HA.'K TO BNOUAND as vn UaMlORAMT, n. Aug. I*\ ll.-nry BArfleld, f .riueriy a ivoat- r-mploye at I.iv.:, (land. was nrrated on tba arrlval of the i . , .¦>. i.ajt wiit-r thla aaornlag oa the es>ara~i of am* besallag MuQ from tb* Ltverpool poatod TIip Cnlted Siir-a M,r.->ul ha 1 a warrant and *x« ' >r th.- man'a arreat. Ilarfirid ied to tba Britlsh \'i .. Oaasul aad tuaasal ovar I iu. th.* manlfaat hla naroe appvArad aa lohn Beaell and hla age i* twenty-**gbl yeara, ll.- wlll Im- In th.- I'nili d Btate* t i hearlmt wlll h.- k-\.-n hlnm un ihe extradltlon paper*. li a.,u ihat Vk-e-Coasua - ...' puahlng th. impUlnt as .a recelved tr>.« greatei part of the m mey. Itar-flcld wlll '.. returned t>> the Commlasloner ><t Im- ti. who alll a**port '.:." f^r b.Ii:k . 1 crlmlnaL vo -MOXBTBr rtiTinx CBOP THls TBAkX DaatoOB. Taa., auk. m h M. kiuk. the cuttoa axpert, who ha* a ae*Taapaa**Maaa with the rntir* cotton belt,,1 UM followlnn hull.-tln yeat«-r.l«y| .In North Texaa not over ..n.-thir.i of th.« arv* has baaa vtoltad by ralaa al ..ii. aad it i* ggfa to aay n»i one aer* bt ha h.i* had aaougb t.. BBnaaBt tb* pr.aal aeedeal taeptaal Notwtthati ndlng ih* re.-etit ahowera, we do aol i, ,. if,,* oplnlon thal the 'monater' crop of 18)M w*a to be, has aurely mlacarrlt-d. and thr t<_ i> that in May and June for a ten miiiii.n haU crop win ba under si-vi-n mllllon bal«-a. and t.< r. re tho laM <>f Beptember we will prohably at-.. tbe bulk iitJ-'AJt. *iiii !..* Tuxu* crop ready fur tha Jtwaat li

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1896-08-17. › lccn › sn83030214 › 1896... · 2017-12-25 · r, The waha V, orld-Herald, or ... good. aged slxty, the banker of New-York,.1 yeaterday

J3fes^i0rtV°M/VI»..N°- 18,173. NEW-YORK, MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 180&-TWELVE PAGE8. PRICE TIiaEE CENTS.



. bbaBP i««-T TO *st:nator p.vart A9 to



THB silver BIKOB.

raaaba N*b., Aug. Thurston has

JnT!oSona ¦... BUwart ol Novud.. tha foltow-

inK '*m ;', w in M Btewart, Waahlngton, D. C.

'from a roceiit caroiV".' i.-\ of August 1, whlch |

.... ,i [he country before

;:,."",. ,1;,- addreaa dellyeredln > a Asi mbly at Madlaon.

you mual have known when you****-5 ,tla, i dld nol .. j. Bryan oi anj klnd

Jtfc ...... ?he edltortol. a

SS ratlnedtheir, wore off,

and vote 1 ¦< .*' B and

.ragement tbattheyparty, whlch al-

aaea a

tariffnumber ol ora ra,preachlng

j ip,oyedI:

m J. Itesmai

,m < ongreaau

.,iy v--., xpreaa anthua

-. madeand re-.,, man

f th- down-tr. 1 len n

li falae or true."*». tor, you mual have known.,i V a when you lndlte.1 your open

,^V' the charge waa not mlne; no notaven tna* ' ha,i n0J Nv'V'M . ,rl

hould i.ii Ihe A.- .¦ lotneimade by "Thi Chlcago >"'*' '''

on July 12hav. aet th. publle word

,i 1V aince that tlme would have«b« sam. purpose *«,-«_made by "The


'urnalaof the counti me to the at ten tlon ol Hr.

r, The waha V, orld-Herald, ortlme dltor-ln-chi. f. and thede to lt in that paper was on

15, .

captlon: "In « hose 1 ajChronicle' wanta Mr. Bryan to

he haa been Blnce he was

,. ,1 drep out of < ongreaa, hehaa bei n In the emi

ind lt is generally coi

fi m I.lncoln. Neb., shov,Mr Bryan was aaked on Auguat l to make

-..--' aa he mlghl dealre to the charge oi* r. nd by me at Madlaon.jnia.,rt is to ih.- effect that Mr. Bryan

epl that he woul.i anawer m

, ¦ , Ti . .¦ T fl~ I. issue of "The Chlcago Poat, I find

nenl thnt Mr. Bryan'a atated aalary fromn -.. ¦,. or the Bllvi r League, was

, rinnuir, pald to hl:n ln monthly checas,through tha Llncoln banka.

Mr. Thursl-.n qu dt-s an article in a re-

( "The Phlladeiphla Ledger," wrltteni r John M. Caraon, In wWch Major Car-

Boa aaya that ln 1802, when Mr. Bryan waa a

late for re-electlon to Congreaa frorn tho

ihrtrlcl of Nebraaka, ha was materlally ava-

.-..- expenaea of hlp campalgn by ron-

from Denver, whlcb funda, he aaya,|a | m the handa cf th.» chalrman of the

nal Committee, Judge Broady, and

ai.i, ruw a that aa a result Mr. Bryan was

elected by a majorlty of 14<i votea, and more

than repatd durlng the Lllld CongT*** the

exrx nd. d In hls bebalftinulng, Benator Thuraton aays:

tj ,.. ;, few of the dlrect and posltlvechargea of a slmllar klnd whlch have appearedfrom tlme tO tll ¦*-d *..

of tha Lnlted Btatea.¦ would l- tni laal man ln the world to aaaall

the character of -Mr. Bryan. l have n .1 done bo in,. or by any word ol mln. Mr. Hryan

candldate of a great party. Irpeople thal chargea ol thla klnd

g0 lb- la th.- man. and the only..:.., ean make deflnite and coi clualvc anawer,

.Mr. Thuraton auggeata that Benator Btewartfurn hla batterlea upon thoae reputable edltora

iwapapera making tha chargea In con-

says:Ige aa

contrlbutloaa for thi*Hver llterature have If you

account: andma ri ferring the Amerl-

g .-. and American Bln

Ived and the uaea madeyou wlll n..' long, r ¦'. iy li

Iti mised balance ih. ¦;. I »ubt lti >..- verv Intereatlng readlng and be |; by -, waltlna publ -. Permlt me to

,n, that I know of n

why the Bimetalllc Cnlon nnd its contrlb-tora or dlatrlbute

r-mpolym.-nt I.v yourprovldlng it is open and,ple, whose Interests are bo

itake, may know in whose behalf theyare 1 to. ,,, , , ,

r Blr, that you wlll frankly... the undue haete and stupldlt) a Ih

nted me ln thla matter.erely trust that you wlll Immedlatelj

t r to that great Democratlc .i.ial, /| he.¦ the honor of nn opportunlty toIltorlal.




:. Aj? lt.The M nd aectlon of tralnv cn the Denver and H'.o OrandO

yaaterday afternoon elffhtaraama ipof an

.-.-... pera, and was

m part-j'- Tho traln contalnedi i, pa, Se*r -he llttle lown of

the englneThe englneer, Charlea Dav-

aged forty, and the Br. ma -.. VV. P.lowa, Bve, wera

it tajit noi i belng conflned

It '';jil-I i.y the

, to th< Int. -. heat?

FATHER 8HERMAX MAKE8 FIXAl. V0W8.t, Aui Al the ( o'clock maaa

Church yeaterday mornlng, h*the preaence .,f a lai th< R< v-

of th. te Oeneral

and waa Jolned to theentered ii M u i ':|! ln w*.

CLAIMIXQ i MJ M'l.E < ITY PROPERTY.Detrolt, Auk l( A B n Pranclaco woman la In

ol Belle lalend "n whlch the Brush-st,

g .¦ '

massed a

fortui.- Ihlrty.three yearai. joni alao lefi property ln Chatham,

:.-, i wklow found that the Canadlannst

I property hav.- beenup, but no tranefei to Jonea .--.t: be found.

II waa found however, that a mortgagc foiproperty was given to Willlam


AH 0BXOI1OU8 EDITOR BURNED 01 T.Butte, Mont, Au«. M, "Tba Butte Tlntea,'1 a

pap. r ar; itl-A P. a. publlan aarlj lay mornlng

nnd totally deatroyed Th< papei wai own.Jamea Brown, a fearleaa opponem "t tbe a y ,\ar.d he mad. naany blttei enemlea by hla ptcward that organlzatlon nnd I.y hls axpo* ir. ol eor«r^-ptlon ln offlcial clrcleg for whlijh he had froquentlybeen threatencd. The flre waa uiiq,ut.itlonably thework of an lr.cendiary.



LATKST AX.LEOED AFTRONT.London, Aug. Ifl..-Joseph Chainl.erlaln, Becra-

tary of £tate for the Colonlea, will Invlte CedlRhodeg to taatlfy before tha ParllamentaryCommlttea appolnted to IntaUlre Into tha admln-l.tratlon <>f tlio Britteh Bouth Afrtca Companyaml itit.. tha orlgin and clrcumBtan<*«fl of tha in-I'ursi.m into tho Transvaa! by an ann. <1 force.Mr. Rhodes will probably be tha 11 rst wltneaa,Mr. Chamherlain wns aeen to-day regardlng

the atatement mad< by "Tin. Bunday Bun" 10 thaeffect that the Transvaal had entered Into a

treaty with a foreign Power contrary !.> theAt.::!'. Boer Convention «'f IN84, and that OrealDritaln had demanded an explanatlon from th..Boer Government Mr. Chamberlaln Bald thatth.- Colonlal Offlce did not attach Impartance tothi' newa



NEW-MARLBi iltn. MASS.c.reat Barrington, Mass., Aug. lt, .lohn Blood*

good. aged slxty, the banker of New-York, .1

yeaterday mornln<r at the country home ..f his

ew, H. K. Bloodgood, at New-Marlboro. Hewas ln the country for his health. His wtfe and a

son are abroad and an dher .on was wlth i Imwh.-n he -ii. .1. Death was unexpected at thi- tlme.Brlght'a dlseaae was thi cauae. Tho body wlll betaken to New-York for burlaL

Mr. BlOOdgOOd'l aon Henry T,. was wi:h hlm at

tha tin but hla wlfe ar..'. hli otherson. John Bloodgood, Jr., are at preaent In Europe,

.Mr, Bloodgood had bi n 111 fur rome tlme. Laale ter hia health began 10 fall, and aevera n

was 0b Ige to take to h 1 bed and glve hlm-Belf np to tbe care of a phyalclan and a ti

Bul even thi n h< did nol ri ilbie th it hlion waa n rloua 11. told a Trlbuna r

aboul ala weeka ago that he waa nol aerloualy IUand that It would be bul a ahort tinv. before he

be able to resume buslness. Late In July he

was perauaded to laave the dty, but even then hewa. thougbt to be ImprMr. Bloodgood wa. the senlor member of the

hrokerage tirm of John Bloodgood & Co., of No. 15Broad-at., the other member of the flrm belng Johni>. Blayback, of No, 4W Madlaon-ave. He waa born

I omi itead, ln o'.d c,r.

vlllage, an.l had for many yeara been well knownln this clty. He was a man of flne preaence andone who alwaya enjoyed llfe thoroughly. H* waa

passlonately fond of the theatre and was often t..

be -. n at the !> adlng house* of amusi ment on tirst

nlghts, an.l also numbered among his frienda manyni. ini.ct-s of the theatrtcal professlon.Mr. Bl roadgood was the backer of W. R. Laldlaw,

jr.. ln his buII for damagea agalnst RussellIt wlll be remembered that Laldlaw charged thatMr. Bage pulied hlm between hlmaelf a' 1 Norcroaathe bomb-thrower, to ahleld hlmaelf from harm.Laldlaw w i. In Ihe employ of Mr Blooilgthe tlme, and tha latter furnlahi d th¦. moni jsary lo carry on the sulta ,ai_.-M- Bloodgood marrled MUo Emlly P. Lottlmer.

She and the two sons mentloned .urvlve hlm. Mrs.

Hl.. .diroo.t has .pent the last flve year. abroailwlth fhToxceptlon of one vtalt to this cltjthr.-e yeara ago, Bhe is aald to be at preaent In1Mr. Bloodgood'. house ln town was No. 3 North

Washlngton Square.^_




Bavanoah, Qe., Aug. 16.-A .p-elal from Bruns-

wlck, Oa., aaya:"Elther a Bpaniah ganboat or an American man-

of-war ls patrolllng the ooaat of tha Bronawlck cua-

toms distri.-t. Bmoke from a larga Bteamer was .con

about noon by vlsltora to Kt. Btmon'a laland,later the form of a large vessel, generaUy suppesedto he tha Bpanlab crulaer Alfi ni ¦. » !-

"Blnce that hour thvongs of anxlou. and excltedhave walked Bt. Blmon's Beach. cllmb .1

Into the hotol cupalo, treetopa and every concelv-place avallable, to set a better vlew of thawhloh, ln the mean tlme, has .teadlly pa-

trollod lust outslde th- sea buoy at the entitoBrenawlck Harbor. up to tho north ol Bt. BlrnonIsland and back to Doboy Bound. In vlew of the

at th.- presenl whereabouta of the IMiIna Bteamer Dauntlea. H unknown. sho la aup-poaed to be In hldlng near these waterB. and thofurther fact thal ll ls not poslttvely known whetheror nol the vensel has made her escnpe to .ea witn

edltlon whlch left the Batllla Rlver brldgeThuraday mornlng last."





Neal McCullOUgh, who has an 'fTlco nt No. 100

Broadway and livea Bt No. 1,648 Lexlngton-ave., ) adme butdnesa wlth a colored man named Hlck..

Another colored man ;>ai<l ho would Bhow thebroker where to Bnd Hlcka. They went uptown tothe One-hundred-and-slxteenth-st. Btatlon of theNlnth Avenue Elevated Rallroad last nlght. Thebrok.r stood talklng wlth the second colored man

when he suddenly mhned his watch and aald to thecolored man: "You have got my watch."The .olored man raplted: "Yea, I hava goi your

watch, and rn tak.- your pocketbook, too." Bult-Ing 'he actlon to the words, he took Mr. McCul-

purae from his pocket and then ran away.

Tho pocketbook contalned $".- and a number otnotea representtng about 130.000. Bome tlme sfter-ward the polnt- of th.- West One-hundredae-nd-twenty-flfth-fli station found the pocketl.k ln.... Btreet Tha notea wore found to be Intact, butt.-.o 832 was gone. The pollce were unablathe rolored man who rohbed the broker.

FOR UXIFORMITY OF LEGIBLATIOB.Bamtoga, n. Y., Aug. 16 .A conference of the Btata

Commlaalonera on Unlformlty of Legtslatlon wlll baheld at tho (Jrand I'nlon Hotol tO-moiTOW. Twenty-n:ne Btatea and one Territory ar.- represented in the

ment, with B. M. Cutcheon, of Detrolt, Mich.,prealdent; I-. W. Brewster, of Conneetlcut, vlce-pn .

j Btlmson. of Boal m, retary, and A. K.Henarhel, of New-York, asslstani secretary. At a

n held yesterday a coda of commerclal law waa


DEADLY FIGBT AT A CHURCH VEETIXG.Orayson, Ky Aug. K.At a church meetlng on

Little Sandy, in Klllott County. twenty mlleaof this place, four mon wore ktlled ar, 1 tw Woundedyesterday near the tair ground.. A man

waa seiiing whlakey, and a*trader. goi into a flght, In whlch two H

and two Whlli brother* w. re InIcllled and two oi h< r<, name. ui

ona serloualy and the other allghtly.-e.

READY TO HFI.I' THF. TREA8URY.Atlantlc Clty, N J.. Aug, IC At a meetlng of the

Counoll of Admlnlstratton of tha P<Banker.' A- held yesterday, the foiiowlngw ui anlmously adopted:Resolved, That this ccuncll ean imends

.. bank" and b ink. ra of Penn.: :'

hlgh patrlotle duty, folloa ihe examphNew-York, Phlladelphla, Boatondepo.ii al an early day largely >.f ihelr holding. <<tg .Id wlth the Treaaurer "f ihe IJnlt. il Btat. n ln ex-

.... for legal tendcr notea io as.l.t the Oovern-ment ln malntalnlng th resen


DROWXED WIIII.E IX BATHIXO.nfoblle, Ala., Aug. II- Two men, Arthur Walker

nnd Roberl E, Lee, and two women, Vlola Fren. hand afargaret Curry, were wlth e plcnlc partj thatweni to Dog Rlver early thla mornlng to apend the

Whlle ln bathlng at the mouth of the rlverWalk. r and the iw women were awepi off thtdrf ci by Ihe tid--, and all weri drowned before ihe

. Lee who was powi rle i to rei d.anc !-. .wam a Ith he 11. t. and aftiperate .truggle of thlrty mln


MRS. BALLIXGTOX BOOTB AT 8ARATOGA.Baratoga, N Y, Aug 18 (Bpeclal) Mr. Balllng-

iiiii Booth thla mornlng addreaaed an audlence ..fover Bfteen bundred people, who fllled to over-

flowlng tha Flrat lletbodlsl Bplscopal ChurchMany weri \lsit..r.-4 from all part- of the Unlted

)'..r over «.ti hour she apoke of the workdone among Btata prlson convlcta and Inmatesof oth'-r penal Instltutlons, and of tha effoiIng P"t forth to convert th<-m In order thal theymay lead better llvea A large contiibutlon w..s

taken up to eanyforward tba work Uflder thedir^ctlon of Mrs. Booth.





Cleveland, Aug, 16, Major McKlnley apentthe entlre day ..t Natlonal Chalrman Manna'ahome, "ti Ui" lakeahore. Mr. Hanna arrlv.-.lfrom Chlcago early this mornlng nnd aeveralhoura were apent hy th* Major and his manag. rin cloaa consultatlon.Mr, Hanna, noa thal ho has heard from every

Btate in the Unlon aa t<» the azact condltlon ofaffatra, ls hlghly elated over the proapect, andliin encouragiriR newa put th* Major in ih"

of aplrlta to-day, ln th* afternoon Colo¬nel Myron T. Herrlck Jolned the conference.Mr. Hanna wlll atarl for Mew-Tork to-mor¬

row, and Major McKlnley wlll return to <'antonearly ln tho mornlng.



Chlcago, Auk. 18..Chalrman Hanna flnlahed hl*

week'a politlcal work laal nlght and left tha clty atlock for Cleveland, accompanled by Major

Dick, his aecretary, who apenda Bunday at hla bomeal Akron, After a resl al homa Mr. Hanna wlll apend.1 week al the New-York headquartera and :¦

Wi -. I,.- hopea, In tlme to attend the conventlon ofthe Natlonal League of Republlcan Cluba ln Mll-. Before leaving hla deak Mr. Hanna aald to

a reporter for the Cnlti I A ited Preaacai"I am very well aattofled wlth the prellmlnary

organiaatlon. It is well equlpped and eBlclent, andthe campalgn work la well in band The reaultawlll be beneflclal to the cause ln all the twenty-aeven Btatea under the Weatern jurtodictlon. Portbe real of thla month the campalgn artll be eon-

ducted along llnea of educatlon. About Beptemberwe wlll open up along the llni aith apeakera

and make an aggreaalve cbmpalgn. As chlef ,-..-

terer, I wlll glva the people Juat what they want

ln the llnea of laauea, tarlfl or money, Prom allthe report* l have recelved nithln tne week. I ean

iay ti,,- Httuation in the Mlddle and WeaternBtatea the hattle-ground, is excellenl ror oi

:- |n ,,ii thal could expeot. I am morethan dollghtcd with the campalgn w..rk done.\mon« tho promlnenl callcra on Mr. Hanna were

mor M. rrtam and Charlea A. Plllsli nar. membera of the Au*

I'ommlttec, nnd Vleir-Chalrman Apslejr, of ihe on-

KresKional rnmpnlgn Committee. The Mlnnesota,,,, n wi-r. sun moi ed lo Iiirago to eonf. r wlth MrHanna aa t,. Ihe altuation there and the report olwhol.-sal, BweilNh defoctlona to th.- free-allverranks They aasured Mr. Hanna the Bcandlnavlanacould be kept In ll-.-- by educatlon ln th. Ir languagannd by apeakera of that natlonallty, as well as bywork ln Bngllah. An agreed plaa of work was

mapped out.




Moblle, Al*., Aug. 1* Newa of a deadly tornadothat passed through Perry County, this Btate, on

Thuraday was recelved here to-day, About 3 o'clockin the afternoon it became rery dark, the baroeneterbegan t-> fall and a heavy raln deaeended. a ter-rlfllc aind eauaed treea t,< be hurled hl^h ln the ,,whlle tho Btrongesl houses w.-re Hhaken. At leasttwelve negroei and three whlte nv-n, natnea un-known, w.-r.- kilied. and many othera wera In¬jured. The llat of uead mny be greatly Increasedwhen newa la recelved from other placea In thecountrj.Tl,- meagro dctalla recelved ari.- from Augustlne, mllea frorn the neareat telegraph stat'.on.The tornado'B path waa through the interlor of

intj whlch cannot be reached by wlro. Hun-dreda of rannera loat thelr cntlro crops by the ralnand wlnd.




Dallas. Tex., Auk. M..PrOfeSSOr C Ftorsen, nn

aeronaut, was klll.-d h.-re to-day when deaoendlngwlth his parachute. He dropped into the forks of

ln tha ground* of Oak CllfT. College. Hla n.-.-kwaa bn ki n bj th force of Ihe <. ilUslon, and he wms

:. ..) whi ii down a few mlnutea after the aect-dent.Qulncy, 11!., Aug. 16..Frank Jacob*. of Clncln- aeronaut,made hlal.OKth and last ascenaloaal Baldwln Park thla evenlng. Jacob* and a

aeronaul Edward Dudley, were to glve s balloon,, parachuta rac Both balloom worn cut looagtoeether, and when IM feet hlgh JaeobB'a balloon

Ja ob« cui looae fn.m lt wlth hls parato open, nnd the unfortunate man ahot

downward at a terrlflc rate of ap.I. He itruck thefeel flral on was pl ked up in an un macloua

lon and carrled to tha tent, where he dledhalf an hour later. Jacobs'a wirv and chlld w.-r"

among the apectal ore,?



.v iPAL DIOOESE OP NEWAHK.The Rev. Montgom rv Hunt Throop, nf St.

Mattbew-a Protestanl Eplscopal Church, In Bus-aex-al Jersey Clty, has begun an actlon ln tbeBupreme Courl of New-Jeroey agalnsl his vestry-men for MOD due on his aalary. Thls eurprlaed

eatrymen, but when tbey read a MU of

clalma agalnal the dlocese of Newark for W.OMfor extra work ln hls rectorahtp of three yearathey were dumfounded. The papera In thiagalnal the veatrymen were aerved on Baturdayon Willlam B. Crocheron, of No. 18 Wayne-Btinto Crouae la the rector-a lawyer. The n

men have engaged Warren i.ixon as thetr attor-ney. The caae wlll come before .ludfre Upptacottnext Thuraday. it is bellerod that Mr. Throop

.: platea a buII agalnat tha dloceae, and eon-

ntly agalnat the Ulshop. for pay for the-.1; clalmed, If the mii is not allowed

.r. ,. igter wai abaanl from Jeraey Clty >.,---.--,],,. .,. ild nol ba aeen Ha baa been rector of(he h irch alnce the aprlng ot IM9 Laal ¦.

irch over the mlnlatartreaaurer. B

:. haveto realgn.

¦]-,,,. ,,.-....,- I-, the auli foi back aalary wlll be-,\ il l.; Ing <i ..

bw'a Church and Ita rector whlchi. fora thi clalm for aalary li al-

Thi affaln iur< h w-i-re lald befora,-, ii \. ntlon.

BIXGLE T I.V 8PEAKER8 RELEA8ED.Wllmlngt, n, Del., A ug W Arthur H

,,f phu 11 nrand, ot Bmyrna, i >.

and Charl. A Bi ith. -, ol Dover, '.¦! alngla ta*n from I iv. r Jai! to-day. Thi y

..hla. Thej thtrtyng the air. -;.- of l Njver by public

n,,,;... contrai -. and were flnedIM t-a

\v i

ia queatl >nthi arr. Thlrti en

iaxi :DOV. r J.i.l.?

ROBBED AXD THROWX FROM .1 TRAIX.Wllmlngton, Del., Aug. M Jamea Jonea Bell, a

man, reported to a pollce offlcer thls morn¬lng that h. irder commltted on a frelghltraln on the Phlladeiphla, Wllmlngton and Baltl-in,,r,- Rallroa ,-n a brldge ovei Qunpowder,- aal li olori -l man, on 1

Phlladeiphla, wi re robbed of th«-ir clo!mpa on the train. Bell'a companlon proteated

t thi :reatm. ot, and mhen tbe ir

by : I.-- nn n n ho hadr,,i,i.r.i i.n.i Th. iv.,.. men Rell aald, then lefi thetrain 1 fie I. and thla afti r-

hli o! r Uol ni rocelved a dla|li idy of a olored man had bei n

on u,. brldge thua corroboratlng H.-li'abeen iun ovei by a traln.


KARROWLY E8CAPED DROWXIXG.Bamuel Mltchell, of No. 89 Weal Blaty-aev-

enth-at., and two young women, Tllu* Btapleton.0# .v,, ... anl Maggla CHetrlch, ofNo, 40 C*ntr»l P*rk Weat, were oul In a row-

¦¦ Blver, ofl the BloomtngdalaClub H it . p bi ."¦-'. rday. They -.v. ra.|iv lari.n.u-. whi a Budd. nl> th ov. rturn. d

w, t. thr. wn Into Ih. w;.t.-r. The,, ,, i- ., j, ... iwlmm r, ind all

ilt) he ii.-,,,.: omen Bank, but

. hei Btni lo i:- fore th.-y aank B8 ilnb) Edward K.-iiv. who I.

Into tha rlver and wam to them !(.¦ had a hardta.ak ln gettlng them aahore, aa tbey wero Incllned .

to grasp hlm and provenl the free uae of hls lltnbs. i





WORRY OVER THK LOaa "l ii is MONEY,A slege of trouble and worry ended ln a

double tragedy early yeatarday mornlng on the

top Soor nf a boarding-boUM at No. 11."> WeatTw.'titl. th-st. About 5 a. in. AIoIb Dlnkelman,the proprletor of the houae, whoae mlnd had f..rth" tlme become unaettled by long worrlmentover his tinan iai affalra, sh<>t his wlfe throughthe hearl and ended hla own llfe book afterwardby Bhootlng hlmaelf ln the mouth. Dlnkelmanand hla wlfe, Adelheid, Hved In ctmfortable clr-cumBtancea some yeara ago, and had only beenforced t'» keep a boardlng-houae after the b.ssof thelr meana Dlnkelman had Inveeted aboutSl..,«'iHi in b grocery bualneaa four yeara ago.}!.. opened a atore at Noa ll and W Waahlng-ton-Bt., wlth a partner and falled. He lived Inthe bellef that his partni r had cheated hlm, andthe loss preyed constantly on hla mlnd Hetold a* friend a ghort whlle ago that llfe had nofuture for hlm, as ho could not regaln blamoney, He contlnued to br.l off and ..n over

his troublea untll the early .lawn of yeaterday,when h<- aroee to put an end t<> them forever.


Jamea Kermode, who was lylng awake ln a

room dlrectly oppoalte that occupled bjr theDlnkelmana, waa Btartled by the report "f a

revolver about ."» o'clock, aml roae at once t"

see what wua th.. trouble. He stepped out into

the hall just as Dlnkelman came >.ut >.f his r.n

and rushed toward the stalrs holdlng a revolverln each hand a-1 Dlnkelman came to th.- atalr-ease he dlscbarged another chamber of hlarevolver, an.l then went downatnlrs, flrlng twlce

agaln -n the way. Kermode heard some one

below Bhout "Ponce!" as l,.- ran to the banleter,and, looklng <b.wn, he saw Dlnkelman runnlngafter PhtUp Molloy, one «.f th.- boarderg, Bhoot¬lng as l... went Molloy reached th- house doorin sai'.iy and Dlnkelman turned back towardhis ..wi. room. As ho paaaed Kermode ti

t.-r aaked him what th- matter was. 'There'aa thi-f In th- li'.us.'." tai.l th" craxed man, as

he ran on Into his room, slammlni? the doorbehlnd him. A few moments later another ehotsounded from tho room.

Ifeanwhlle Molloy was otit on the Bldewalk,stiil ahoutlng f'.r th.. pollce. Patrolman Bhlbblee,..f th- w-st Thlrtleth-flt. Btatlon, anawered hln

caii, and both -nt-r-i th- house together. Theywere Jolned by Mra PranclB Wllaon, and her

half-Blater, Tlllle Dlnkelman, both daughtera of

Mrs. Dlnkelman, aml all four weni to th- room

in whi.-h Aloii Dlnkelman and his wlfe had lived,Th- door was opened, and the men entered, leav-ing th- two \.iu:i>r women, who were at tirstafrald t.. follow, on th- landlng outslde. Mra.Dlnkelman lay dead in a corner of th- room, herhead restlng on her arms. There was a bullelhole in her left breast, Burrounded hy a mark <«fblackened powder about the elxe of the palm ofher hand. H-r huaband lay oppoalte, on blaback his head restlng near the mantel-plece ofthe room, aml his feet touchlng those of hla wlfe.As the room was ent-r-d he dr-w his kn.s upnnd stared blankly, the Wood ooxlng from hlamouth. At this Juncture his daughter und Btep-daughter entered the room. aml as they did so

the latter crled: "My <>".r he'a killed mother!"An ambulance from the New-York Hoapital was

Bummoned, but when lt came Dr. Hanison pro-nounre.i hushand and wlfe both dead.Durlng the t.nt hot apell the Dlnkelmana

ha.l l.o-n Bleeplng on the floor. lt Ifl Buppoaedthat Dlnkelman awoke under a sudden flt >>f ln-sanlty an.l that he at onco piaced the revolverto hla arife'a breast and flred. Her featurea lnd-ath were calm, and she showed no sign ofhavlng had any struggle.Kermode, who was th- flrst to nee Dlnkelman

after h- had rome out <>f hla room, Hays thatMr Fox, on- of th- boardera, who Blept next tothe room occupled by Molloy, opened the door as

Dlnkelman went by, aml that th- latter almedal hlm. but that POX Cioaed th- door I.eforehe could lir Kermode fnrth-r says thnt h- ha 1notlred lately that Dlnkelman looked dtstreaaedatnl talked in-.h-r-ntly.TOLD OP HER QRANDMOTHER'B DEATH.Little FlOBflle Wllaon, n grandihild of Mr*.

Dlnkelman, was asleep on a bed ln the same

room wlth h-r grandmother when th- woman

waa shot. Bhe Bprang out of bed, aml, BeelngDlnkelman with th- w-apons ln his handg, run

down two fllghts ..f stalrs to h-r nu.ther's ruurn

and Bhiieked: "Orandpa is kiiilng 'Mami!'" as

she was used t.> .all h-r grandmother.Coroner Dobbfl took charge of th- -as-, ln

place of Coroner Tuthill, who is III. Mr. an.lMrs. Dlnkelman were marrled about twenty-four yeara ago. They had two children, Oscar,a bartender, twenty-two yeara aml TUlle,eighteen yeare old. Mrs. WllBon was a daugh¬ter >.f Mrs Dlnkelman by a former marrlage.Tlllle had never I.n ralled upon tn contrlbuteto tho snpp.irt of th- famlly, but had s.-.-ur-d a

,,li. lately through a friend of tho famlly,and waa to begln work to-day with a i.lg whole-eale j-w-lry houae.



thi: PRENCH .-"Nsci, at CANEA avd a RU8-



London, Aug. M -"Th- Tlmes" will to-morrow

h a dlspateh from Canea, Crete, saying that

the Prencb Conaul and a Ruaalan naval command-,.r at ihat pi..-.. hava reeelved Identlcal Inatruc-tlon. to aasume the protectlon of all Cretan Chrta-

TO EXTERTAIX THE VETERAXB.Blnghamton, N. v, Aug U Tha eleventh Na¬

tlonal encampment of tbe Natlonal Veterans' Unlonand th- Women'a Rellef Unlon open. her<j on

Tuesday tn.irriiro,'. and wlll contlnue for four day.Blaborate preparatlon. have been made for th- re-

ceptton and entertalnmenl of the vteltora. lt is

rxpected tl .' nearly one thousan.l ni>-n aml halfaa mnny women from all parta of the countrywill b- In attendance. Tho delegatea ar- begln-nlng tn arrlve, and by to-morrow- evenlng the tovvn

.. aasumed a gala aapect?

.1 PEACEMAEER 8TABBED TO DEATH.Blnghamton, N. v. Aug I* Murder ended a

drunken brawl al Brackneyvllle, Penn., on Batur¬day nlght The vlctlm waa actlng aa peacemaker.Ii.- w..a i,. .on I> tiaik'.-. one of a famlly of farmera InPenn.ylvanla. Th- vlllage where tha tragedy oc-

eurred la aboul '.\ mlli i aouth of this city. Oalge,wlth othera was alttlng upon the hotel rerandawhen "Mike" Kelly and hb two brothera drove up

|us1 returned from b plcnlc ai Bllver,}... ti. Kellya wera drunk and quarrelsome

Tw of tbem engaged In an altercation wlth a reai-dent of the hamlet The Kellya got the man downnnd began '" pound hlm. Oalge ran to tha i

.,,,.f hla townsman and trted to pull one of tbeKelly. off, when he .1 k, crytng, "He'a

I.. |f, .¦ Tl en he fell to th ground Th.- knif.' was wreated from Kelly, but notun,'ll ),,. i, ,,| rui another man'* ..rm nearly -ft

( .i_, hotel, and durlni' the

ex. lt. menl "Mlke" Kelly -- aped. A near. hlngwuh organlaed, bul bi 11 rted K-llv

ptured.,,.. u.|,,,| .,,, ac .]... bul w preva nti I. wlth his

was .... ki up In ihe Montrose (Penn.) J..u.There ls talk among H.te\ttd farmera ol lynch-Ing ihe murderer.

L08B OF THE FALCOX COXFIRMBD.-,Mai I ta ;,; Capl ot tha

rrlved to daj. report. thalon July i". I" latltudi tt.-OS, longltudi ." 80, heplckedUp a bottle, whi :.. from belna coated wltb aeawi l.muat have i. - n in ihe water a long tlme. lr con-

nly wrltten note, algnt i "Bch loner,n

" Tha note ild lhal ibe cable and rudder w.te

gone, that two men had erboard, aniai aaa alnklni ind ende 1 wli

l.-t ll be kn iwn., II.V."

note .I i by none ..ftha crew. The achoonera Falcon and John W Bray

from ila porl l. r, and hav. neverheen heard frora Thi. eonflrmi thi opinion thatthey and their eresj avre lotVt ia a heavy gji\c durlngthut ui- I."-»-





AND DID NOT MOVEMr. and Mra. Thaddeua K. Marlin were run

down and instantly kill-d by a traln <>n tbaCulver r..ute, near th- Klnaffl Hlfhway Bta-

ti-.ti, Brooklyn, laal evenlng at B30 o'clock.ln the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Martln, who

lived at No. 575 Carlton-ave., Brooklyn, leftth.-ir home to visit a friend John McQlbney,who Ifl a horse-train-r, aml who llvefl near

King'.s Hlghway. They Btayed at Mr. McOlbney'ahouae untll '.' o'clock iti th- evenlng, when they¦tarted tou u the Btatlon, whlch llee In tha dl-

rectlon of Coney Island, wlth the Intentlon ofboardlng a homeward-bound train. The Btreetwaa full of mu.i and water, a*nl the couple wera

compelled to walk along the rallroad track, Theymade the mhrtake of walklng on tha ConeyiBland-bound track, and they were not aeen t>ythe englneer ..f an approachlng traln untll ho

waa only '."" feet away from them.Then. accordlng to tho jratoman at th- station.

the englneer rang blfl bell, whtatled, and re-

versed his englne; hut lt was too lat-. Mr. aml

Mra. Martln lurned, and. as if dased by th"

glare ot tl.- headllght, etood atill in the mlddle..f th- track. An Instant latter the englne stru-kthem. Mrs. Martln was thrown to th- slde ...

ti,,. track and dled instantly. H-r huabandwas dragged under th- train and his body, mangled, was taken from under th- bodlea were carrled t.« a nearby under-

taker'e shop, and word was aent to th- two eonsof the ouple.Mrs. Martln was a slater >.f th- lat- Danlei

O'Connell, who was th- Democratlc leader nt'th- Nlnth Wanl, Brooklyn. Bhe was marriedtn Mr. Martln aboul twenty-four yeara ago.When Mr. O'Connell dled, aboul ¦¦< year ago. heleft his fortune to Mts. Martln. Mr. Martinhad been a member of th- old Volunteer FlreDepartment, belng at one tlme connwted withNo. H Hose Company.Th- englneer <>f the Culver train, Joseph Pin-

not, had not been arrested up to mldnlght?




Tarrytown, Aug. 16..WUHam J. Bryan, th- Dem¬ocratlc candldate, to-day bad, perhapa, th- pleaa-ant.-st Bunday slnce lus nomlnatlon. In companywith Oeneral Bamuel Thomas, of New-York, Mr.aml Mrs. Bryan attended church this mornlng at

th- FlnH l-'r.sbyterlan ChUTCh, in Irvln-tor.. ¦' .1

Bmlth took th.. nomli.lrivt-g in the at't-rnoon.

Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. Bmlth and Mr. Bewall were ta

the party. Thei vlslted acenea of hUtorl ....:

legendary intereat in Tarrytown and its vtclnlty,Includlng th- brldge where, accordlng to Waahtng¬ton Irvuig, th- headleaa horseman threw his skull

ut lobabod Crane. They allghted at Bteepy HollowCemetery an.l vlslted the grave of WashlngtonIrvtng.In addltlon to Mr. und Mra.^ Uryan and Mr.

Bewall, John Brtaben Walker had n» hla tfuests at

r this evenlng A!berl Bhaw, Edltor of -Tho

Review of H-vl-ws." whosn summer hOBM la at

Irvlngton, and W. R. Hearat Beveral frienda andnelghbora of Mr. Walker called on Mr. Bryan nnaiMr ^. ¦... tl] to-day_ ,Part of th- lourney to-morrow to upper RedHook. where Mr Bryan wlll remaln eeveralwlll be made bv up th- Hudaon. lf it

rranged th- Poughkeepale boal wlll .-. ;¦ alIrvlnirton for Mr, Bryan aml his party, otherwl.ethey wlll board lt at V.- kera The b at laIrvington abou a rn. Mr. Bryan poi

to-day the dtapatrhea from St Loubi and Baltl-mor« that h.. had promUed to gpealc ai thoaeptacea, but he sald the datei had not been flaed.Slr. nrvnn added that he is not yet ready to glveout his Itlnerary for the rampntgn.





T.nmb. rtvill-. N. .1 Aug 16 (Speclal). -En* .. Me-glnne., Jr., son of tb- tollgate-keeper on th.- Near*l[,,;.¦ and LambertvUle Delaware Brldge. waa ar-

reated yesterday afternoon for steallng money

from th- brldge compan] Young Meglnnea at¬tended ihe tollKate at meal-tlmea and then helpedhlmaelf to th- funda For the Laat two reara bahaa i.n llvlng a fasl llfe and dresslng ln tbahelsrht -f faslilon at all tlmea Tb- dlrectOTS ofthe brldge company roti.1 Ibese tblnga, an.l lhaqueatlon haa been ask.-.l by many how young Me¬glnnea could apend so much money and do no

work. The brldge company wtshed nn Inveatlga-tlon made, aml placed th- matter in th- hands ofa detectlve agency in Phll idelphla.Aboul two weeka ago a faahlonable young man

arrlved ia town, Ba?cured board al tha Lambert-\i!'... Houae, an.l announced hla Intentlon of stay-Ing all summer He eoon torm.-.l the acquulntance

ing Meglnnea Th- two became fast friend.,and, whlle lntoxtcat«?d, Meglnne. told th- youngfellow where hl. money came from. The youngfri.-ml proved to be a detectU-e, and cauaed Me--inn-s's arresl whil- or: tl;.- baaeball gTOUnalfl \. .

ng a gamo yajatenlay afternooi ll- waataken before Jti.tlce I.yman, rhnrged with lar-reny, an.l a.lmitt-.l that he had taken moneyfrom the brldge company at tlme.. ll- -¦

r ball oi' $sfm for appearance ,.t the Beptembert-rni of court. Lat. ln th<- evenlng ball wa. re¬eelved. Mcpir.neH cannot uy how much he hasBtolen, but the brldge offlclalst thlnk the amotintwill ezceed R.MO.

XEW ROUTE FOR BAXAXA 8TEAMER8.Boaton, Aug, 16. Blnce the abandonment of tha

Cuban porta for th- ahlpment >.f bananaa, negotia-tlona hav- I..-.-i ln progress between a promlnenlflrrn of local frult Importcrs and Central Americanpartlea looklng toward the eatabllahment ot a regu-lar line of frult Bteamer* between tbal country andBoaton for th- Importatlon of bananaa .-md othertroplcal frult. lt haa been declded to aei

Norweglan Bteamer Harald from B.i dei Tor.. toti porl l an irlj .I..'.. ind -1 .:>-.! toarrlve h-r- aboul s. pt. rn1..¦>¦ wlth th.Thi. ihlpmenl win b. ture expenment, an.l upon It. buccc. prol ibjy tb.¦-tabll.-hm.nt of the regular Hni


TH0U8AXD8 AT AVRIE8YILLE 8BRIXE.Aurleavllle, N. V. Aug 18, Thousands of people

from New-1 I Albany, Troy anlMohawk Valley town. mad. ,t pllgrlmage t.. thla

Lady of Martyra,Ben re held at Ihe shrin- throughout 'tt/e


BODY OP A MI88IXG WOMAX FOUXD.Little Rock Ark., .' -. W. Flfteen hundred

wheelmen of thla 11> .tarted this mornlng h the ..i.-i.iu ii.itiot. "f this county f..r Mi-.ri.ii. hi, k the yoiinr; woman who dlaapiCrom her college boardlng-houae a \v. .-k ago. The

nf Mn |:inr>k ia. ' ..m<i rtoatlitg In the \rkan ii Rlver, near Red Blnff, thi. evenlng. Thibody w.. li- ..-bt to thla <,t> to-nlght lt wlll baahlpped t.< New-Loulavllle to-morrow, the horae ofthe glrl*. parents. lt ls now known that the youngworn in, whil.. .ufferlng from mental aba rratlon due

iralgia, wandered from her boardlng-houaeel. ... t; -1 18 and Ihl 'W h-r-. lf ln Ihe Ai ,.

Rlver, .ls mile* helow Little Rock. H-r parent.rornlneni and wealthjCounty, thli


FIFTY TRAMP8 Q ITHERED IX.On account of the corn . lentaof

°1 Tl rtj irth-at., between Tenth ar.d Blev-enth evea., Capi dn Bchmlttberger and hla men madaa ra; 1 on ih. imber > irdi .ri l othei ..-i p re»ort»

...: and i...k. i up riftyVagr


GOT 8TUCE IX TBE MUD.Th- steamboat Haiel Klrka left the Battery yaa-

mornlna at I o'clock wita nbout MB peopieon board, among whom wera the amployee of llam-

n,s Olympla, bound for New-Dcrp, -s' »' :i

plaasure. When lha party Btart¬ed to return ul 9 0. 88. lt was found tbat tha boat

waa atuek Ifl tha mud After « »«_»bar of at-

tempta »he win not -ff al 11:88 i>. m. anlher peaaengera reached tho Hattery at 11:11 thlamomlnK to flml a Kood many anxloua frienda wult-iug for u-.iu.



THEy PtnHBJB a MtarTBataotM Ti'» ABhl


AND, WTTM THK 111.1.1' OF Tl:-.1.1.1. V-



A tug an»l a big acbooner ma de thlnga l'vaf*for UM polle* nf Stat.-n Island at.'.'it n'»onMm*yesterday. The pollc. of tw-. prochettB turnedout, and boata an.i trolley-cara wera 'ailcd Intoaervlce, i.ut ihe iuk hauled the acbooaer o it ofroach and aacaped, Thera ¦¦ ai>outthe boata whlch could raol ' u'.> /*.*t. rdajAbOUt 1-' ..'.lock th>; Iuk steaui.-.l Bjp th*

Lower iiaj, eomlng from th* dlrectloti of ivrthAmboy. Bn* waa th* Qeorg* W, Betts, of thatplace, lt is aae*rted by thoaa wh<> eaw herthroiigh Rlasses. She had th* BChooaer, a .raftabout tblrty-flve ..r forty fact long, with nail*furle.l, ln tOW. Th* two f...atn vv-nt aluwly upth* Hay until off KinK's Dock, at. K-uth I'-arb,There w.-r.' .*,,>nit ihitiy <>r forty BMB Bt th*d.-'.-k of the acbooner. When th* boata arere offKing's Dock an.i about tw,. bundrod yardaaway, th* an. hor of th* Bchooner mn <lr«,;.ped.Thoae who bad notlced the two boata thnightthey .-arrk-.i a Rablng >.r aalllng party, nnd th*

aachorlng was conaldered einiruiar, especlalljrat that polnt.As (...un u.s the an.'h'.r was down ih>* men on

th* deck .,f the achoaaacr baajaa to stretrh a

canvaa about aeven feet hich ni'.ng the i-hor*side of th* I" at. The tu* lay alop«B»aj*. Thoanchora on board wera watcbad arlth ronai l.-ra-ble Intereat by batbera anl j.pta oa th-- boaarslwalk. The win.I nnd tide Jlnally awting thaacbooner about h" that the canva* curtahi dllnot altogetber blde tbe <l.-. k fr<.m th- shoro.Th* movement* «.f th- people K.-.-ni. .1 to lndl-at«jthat tli.-r.r w;iH a prlzeflght gotng on. Tho mer*

on th.? deck oecame greatly exi it.-.l. ar.d flnallya man waa aeen t,< fall overboard, l.ut he waa

s-.'in roacuedPatrolman Conaadlne, of Btaten Island. had!

been an Intereated onlookcr, and when the boatawung abottt a.. that h-- could 8*8 Ih* deck hoatgnallod Patrolman Bulllvan t.> J.'ln hlm. andthey took u at a botcl lOB* by Bad atartedto row t,. th* Bchooaer. No i.kti hai theyatarted than B"tnt- one oa Kiiik'b Doch ahoutedto the acbooner a warnlng, aad tha u;g at easBBbegan to w..ri<. ber aorow. Th- ..ttlrert* »*r*

beadlng to th.-lr work. and tapidly Kulnlng*Ther* WM not Um* to ralse the unch'.r. ao lt waa

allowed lo remala, tin* hawaer running. Thuair< .', ih tug swtint? the *, hooaCT about. and »a»Booa BP redlag away from th* pollc*, Bb* h.-adcd>for the NarrowK.Th* pollcemen returned to tho and In-

forme.l the headquartera at Btapletea of whatha.l occurred Ordera wero Beat to th* ¦Beaass]Preclnci la Weat Ne* Brlghtoa for th* raaMivasjat that place to head "ff th- tu*r aad acb a-anaaias- they weat through th* KIH von Kuii bbbp*Keanr Praat, wlth 8 ! itoon of meo. atarted.The tlde wai runnlng atrong thn ugh the Klils.aml this, with th- Bcrtw of th- tug, a. t.t th*pursu.'.i craft aloag at a rapld rate. Th* "A eatBrlghtoa iioii bad |u»t aatered a sk;T whenUm two i,..ais they aought weat paet theaa.I'urauit ln a row boal vai uaeltaa, and the men

leaped aahore again to mak-- an attempt tabead th* t'-i? und acbooner "ff at Eraatlna,When thej reached Rlchmond Terrace a tr.' beartng Chlef Blake and Roundsman Bhea,wlth a aecond",,n of pollce, ran along ntfuli apeed from Btaploton to ald ln the rapture.Th* men und'-r Bergeaat Brant J..'ii' the

chlef'M party, aad th* car w*a run f-.r HowlaaeTflIl.x.k There II wa* int-ni^d t<> prena bnl aaa>vlce the ferryboal I'm'.^. i-lf-invr betaraaaj ¦»beth and Howlan I'a H u an i aptur* tho tuganl achooner. Ther* were delaya on the 'roilt-yllne, whlch from Port Rlchmond to tha ii. "k iaa alngle-tracked one, and when th ichedth* f.-rry. the captaln of th* Cncaa reportad thathe aaw the tug and down thoArthur KIII llfteea mlautea befor* th* polle* ar-

rlved. Chaae waa uselene, and th* pollei had to>

ahandon It. The r,..iic.. ..f the Thlr.l Prectnct, atTottenvllle, .-.,.--.. told to be oa the lookout atug an.i achooaer, and mak<- th* arr.-st if iiaa*Pi'.le Bergeaat Cornell, .-..mtiiandlng at T"t-tenvllle, watched for the two boata tlll evenlng.but they dld BOt appear. (I la thou*rht tliagthey muat have turned up the Rahw*y Hiver.



AVBNl'E HOTEL.Nauaa Peldman, a Ruaatan, twaatyatghl yeara

old, was arrested laal nlght on i warraat tasoedbj Magtotrat* Mott In tbe liari.-m Court raaaaaalBsamornlnif on th" complstnt of his w'f. atophla, whofi harK«-d hlm wlth utt.-mi.tlng to shoot BaT. 8hasald that Peldman waa an Anarcatot aad th.-u hawanted to get rid of hls ehlldren an.i af her Rhetold tbe poll .. that ber bual ,i.iu>:erouaman und tacturcd B hlKh 88pl*****. BaBBJbrougbl *-,-¦¦- i eapkaataa, a yeiiowisbjbrown j-.iwd. r. t.. th* (.i..--hundt.-d-aiid-fourth-al atatlon. Bhe declared thnt her rn.ehand'waa Impllcated In -. plol lo bloa up thi- Kif'riAvenue Hotel l'.-r,- tlvea from the pollce et.uii/n,aearrhed the 'ln ,,f his ho I --1 n nam-ber of t,,.)ih bruahea, syringea and a h.t. nf aiuffprohahlv t.ik'-n from some druir * Hl* wlfgaald thal he had Rot thH in .-. i- .rK >r\ Bha la urs

genl woman nnd apeeks BagltoB welL?


¦E%*EBI BTOBJffl OP \VI\"I> ANH P^IN IV. NTTjpjI.AM \<1!. IN ..NTAltlO.

N inee, Ont., Aug M. in.rina a beavy ihtm-deratorm this mornlng tlr, h littie »- rl .* wi-racroaalng the rlv. r ln a rowboat, on thelr wny to

...--, iio"i. when llghtnlng stru.-k nnd kilhdiw.i of them and rendered th* "th. r uncon»

ihirt.. ii yeara <>f Baaa Thatwo ki::. .1 arere naaiad llndaay aad Bllla,Barrto, Ont, Aug IA A terrlbla aiad ..nd min

atorm -tn.k thls town and aiaaj vtiin.uaaterdav gftcraooa, t..irii.« .Iowm

,,,;inv large 1 ...r.,i hoaai inth. a .t, r rushed down liunlon -. t>, ih*,!' ";i> of a foot, tl.Ilna i-ellar* otherd imaai ,\t All indnl.- th- ralh w.-r,rlpped up, .-ar* mrown on end and aome i.uildin«ademoltshcl. The ,lamaKe wl Hn*9a


PESBED His iumk ll- -'-.N- HA.'KTO BNOUAND as vn UaMlORAMT,

n. Aug. I*\ ll.-nry BArfleld, f .riueriy a ivoat-r-mploye at I.iv.:, (land. was nrrated

on tba arrlval of the i . , .¦>. i.ajtwiit-r thla aaornlag oa the es>ara~i of am*

besallag MuQ from tb* Ltverpool poatodTIip Cnlted Siir-a M,r.->ul ha 1 a warrant and *x«

' >r th.- man'a arreat. Ilarfiridied to tba Britlsh \'i .. Oaasul aad tuaasal ovar

I iu. th.* manlfaat hla naroe appvAradaa lohn Beaell and hla age i* twenty-**gbl yeara,ll.- wlll Im- In th.- I'nili d Btate*t

i hearlmt wlll h.- k-\.-n hlnmun ihe extradltlon paper*. li i« a.,u ihat Vk-e-Coasua

- ...' puahlng th. impUlnt as.a recelved tr>.« greatei part of the m mey.

Itar-flcld wlll '.. returned t>> the Commlasloner ><t Im-ti. who alll a**port '.:." f^r b.Ii:k . 1


vo -MOXBTBr rtiTinx CBOP THls TBAkXDaatoOB. Taa., auk. m h M. kiuk. the cuttoa

axpert, who ha* a ae*Taapaa**Maaa with the rntir*cotton belt,,1 UM followlnn hull.-tln yeat«-r.l«y|.In North Texaa not over ..n.-thir.i of th.« arv*

has baaa vtoltad by ralaa al ..ii. aad it i* ggfa toaay n»i one aer* bt ha h.i* had aaougb t.. BBnaaBttb* pr.aal aeedeal taeptaal Notwtthati ndlng ih*re.-etit ahowera, we do aol i, ,. if,,*oplnlon thal the 'monater' crop of 18)M n-.itw*a to be, has aurely mlacarrlt-d. and thr t<_ i> that

in May and June for a ten miiiii.n haUcrop win ba under si-vi-n mllllon bal«-a. and t.< r. retho laM <>f Beptember we will prohably at-.. tbe bulkiitJ-'AJt. *iiii !..* Tuxu* crop ready fur tha Jtwaat li