new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1880-08-23 [p 4]. · picvmusyear, in order to escape tho antici¬...

^.tnng.mrnt- ml X.leetw.3- Co-Xiglit. psi V-Tuf.atiif.*. Tuite." Finn Mi"*-ci: Tin.hui: "Tho Totirlt-ts In a Pullman Kl e. Cbs." Hai Bl r's I'liii-TRi:-" Fun 01 thc MaI-Mis posabo Pmuri M-fasal Ktrko.' Nm Tobo -iqoabiwm.m Ploa_erB.,* Nil" i, tni'i-.N ." T i¦. l'iiiri.l*.." ttp FABMlMBATOB " Kl.ottii.'il Kulk'." frTAM»i.:. iHBATBt." Our (ii Triends. ' Inion i-toi'mn Tin-ai ki; ¦.* Twa MitSta ta RaflflO- Wsilth- IHEAIKK - (.run tiolitlU." Mi'TRi.roi ii in C-B*cbos Bau Con. rt Jr.. f* ut -\orcrtt3cmcnis. Inni'i'i" M "''¦"- Ot ., IUnkim. i.-t-i - iNi, iunkks* 7th f*. dih column. Foiiit'ANi. coom* Tts fri-e.nil nanala Bpsinkss iiANiia 71A Poo .'." eui mun. Il-IM.. t, |, i- In- I«1 e..milli. (.lilla ! A HON Nm'." 7th "¦.'ir la' I'linmn. I'tv, cno Ai'»i,i:«:i:« Bm flu** .'in roniinu. InviiM' i- T/'. Pas* t'.Mi o.uiin.. _._< i Barosf 6/A raoe 1.' .' Mk,v. in Tia mat "''li ii-1 C ti '"iliimn. "tarni i im'. mil i aa'- 1st,2i.S.t.4t- aod .t-ootaoraa La*- schools SM Fact -ts eaiirois. ti, .i n, i- Sd Pope flin nolaora. IIiiiia.'" »**i HS*ros 7th loee i'-lli column. Hmm: 7th Faa* li inn.' Hwcsi.tAurora (Uh I'm/e.Un oorooio. ~th Luge. 1-t ( _>s-c. rna frsTiom ti"' Faa* tal enlumn. I'si.nii'ii N im i - . mun. 1 rt i.-u- 6th af .'"i nnn . hm i-.i-.ti 3d Feen _d sad 31 eoutrnnc l-ni -.IK.*-- A ii. ..¦.- 3_ /'' I'll .nliinin; Pi am v. p,' jo r t ii a 111, mn Its * -i" ai I inc Kai! i.oi- 3d Faff*.At* .nv* Oil) ii. ruo- Ocsas :'<' lmot .'. wan. tOMHBB Hunt '-.i* »''¦ ' ,,- .iain. Ta- £ li.HK-9 Aonrco " Al I'l rnVStL, Brakd'1 i rsv* oxi axS-D Vtt.K Hai F pi :. clii nd ni Ioi > ort d. 9 liline, 1*!. i.i: si .| hstblns :" Itu ii.. i ii; ii. m. _____ TllR K.rsr Oi.ivf tc: >'ai ID blL 1* Itt- -te ii-! ., " WKLI., HAZARD «t Co., fros- pate, I ! !i Av.-i a- Hotel H . .- pol I. K. I TEEMS OF TBE TklBl SE. Foti me fret in the Untied Stat s DAILY TRIB1 NE. 1 van-.$1- OO DAM Y Ki RUN ivs). 1 real_ Ki oo H'M) _Y KIM'Ni'. i y ;-.-. S 00 fc'REKI.Y I RI Hi M*. 1 v i. - OO tEMl-WEFKLY ll.IHl NE. 1 y*s . II (»i» in ' .. I', i '. mil ' ,,i ;. -' : .1 '. '¦.". .. Im .- THK lllilU NE. Ni tt York. . ____._.. 1:1'IN. II ul) Il S OF THK TKH'.l'Nl*. How-York- Ko, 1,23. Broadway, eoraer Tbirty-; No. BOO* W >st l ".'. ni*--:!.iul--t.. corner Ki-liKi-.ivc.; N.i. 7tt0 '1 lill'l-:it.'.. t "in" Forty- ii-\,ac I, t.j N 92 !'. i-' Fnurteetitb-sta. eorocr Dolo -.-quart N'\'J.::-'; K'li :'.-at e. Harlen..) FOUNDED EY HORACEGREELEY. IXDAY. AUGUST 23, 188 "sews I ..'".. 9 Furn ion, Xi vi 'i i;- - - on tbe a ¦tooms. A-iu in u -; g picked op Bl BBB, ami lauded at Loauda, Africa, on July H.. lt is reported tbat ths I'.in- _a!i;ir garrison li.-* loads s sortio, infliot- tii. heavy losses on ths Herati BlOllS nini l .-'m.uni- ii c nu iliii- tory Rinrii in settling the odiog difflealtiss. Tbs president nf tbs International nf Pose I'-nl Llb ify contends tin; Alsace- Lorraine i bool I bs .:.¦ ra'TEed ss to tl e form uf O'tt-rnineiii. 1;, Kn-M., 115 per- -nils Lavs Bithsr ed from police lapervision or allowed t" return from exile. = The Pope bas I fl totheBel- pian tn-!" !.-. li- ( luodiaa rei ;.ne for ls7'.- *-'» owl sdefleit. Domi sue .In Uott*-.vilii\ Miss., a colored man anim J Bpeanoaa w.i> shot dead bv A. V. PaofOBM, tin- Orseahaeh candidate fur sheriff, wbo wns alsn thot dot n a riot ensued. Iko Datohoss ( rooty Pesos ttaoisSj bold a laure ¦Bobiofl jrssirtdsy. fhs bark Jooot FstiraooB hOBOrrived Ol B OOO .ir,i ¦. ..ii aire f 150 .aysfrnin tin- PMIiposos lo-oodo. '. ¦ Hollraoworih'fl poper mill u! Eos! Walpole, Mass-, lin-*i beeo flsiliiij uil by Bro, ll ii reported that tlie Loaisville sad Nashville and Cin¬ cinnati (Boathere Hairroads bots come to tenn*, retros hag froijrht ralea. ------There wets elev'ii ssrvis ¦ -ii 0 soo Grove festeriay. Cm -t:-i. Sc BOOMA**!..A street-car full nf poe ¦Bogers was robbed io tbs Bowery ni-1 u. tn. yes- teni a v. z Two addi-ion o! bmo won irrootod for th- iB-dei of Kniis at AssHyrille, mah.* . rho hot WBOIhor sent larg* erowds u> Ibo stistit reaorta. =___- A pros Sjrht 00 Lsog blood whs brohea up. r_-:-.- Jnhii 1. K-tymund talkittl alu.nt bis trip in Bngload. _=__ Boborl Collyer OOBOO-Mi Ins lirst OSrflMfl hftir his \:,i:i- tioii. __==_ Tboans Hoghes |ia>st-il a qoiet doy ot bia hotel. : Eroos. Voo beboeo- inc; swam twenty-five raileo-Ooias boura. lanac H. Broft-, t' on "f Glraos dem'. 'lill WKATMMM..TOIBUXI local t'bservatlnilS in- dicali Blear or uartly clniitly weather, willi slit.lit shanon in tearperatar*. rhemiemeter yesterday i Bight ->t. Bi ; lowest. 71°; ureruge, 70-*. WHY IHE sot TH IS SOLID FOP. BABCOCK. m COmmmior what Lee and Jarklan trould do tme whop olive. 'J ll ESL ALE THE SAME PHI SCI PEES FOE WHICH IDLY POUOHI LOU FOUR YEAHS. llnnember the men trim poured forth their life Hood pm Virtjiuiti's soil, anti da ito! abandon them noir. Remember Lot ttptm your rofe depend* the stn - carnot the Democratic tieket."1 .[Wilde Hampton, ot lin- -sooting in ibo interest of DoTnoeroti. harmony in Virginia, at 'Staunton, .Juij 2G, 1880. "Patine brfnrt '/mt mat your vote. Think hair Ieee would have rated. 'Hunk what Jackpot would lune done befn-e he unmU hore east a vote cn culnletl to diride 1 I helmed Virginia. I otk you lo retnrmher thom who hove timi mi pour toil, ASH 'Itt Bl Ml MULI: THAT THE PRINCIPLES THEY DI ID POR ARI: J.r.l.A ON TRIAL KLUX l."--[W!iat Wade. Ila tn |.ti»ii haul, na l-potted in Tho Staunton Vi.-idinitui', o! July :i(), 1880, tho only Democratic poper rn Staunton thot pub- JJL-lii tl thoou-olonce of lii> oddieto. "littoral Hamjiton dedaretl that the Demo¬ cratic party, under Banu.odfe lead, mae jXphtinp for the >.(ii>,r principem that Lee nml Jackton fowjht for, oii'l fur Which the Sniillu'ni toldier* died Three vax no qualiftrnlion in the farm used, //i's appeal om /br Iiiibisbp Bi the Dru" ' u uti) in Virtj'tii'ui, und to mule it tffictitt la Irinnjht Bf ihe inn- r, nt- UtbranCC to louth the ficltn'jK of th* audience^ 1 in- r»taiM,t. ti Volley Vi-gioion, the poper from which tho Blot quot:,ti,ni sboTols token. A United Btatei oAeiol teilo elsewhere his -Xperionce of thc Tem pion, which is verv like th-^MisBiosippi phut nod tho Boutfa Caro* iinu plan. We li.'lii'Vc it mm G Dei ol JI. 'i cock who c.ilii'l for "a tree ballot, g fall " vole. _n«l a fail conn .' Thc general retriew of the nines at R whicli mi: -[ ii «¦ i -, inlt nt in Colorado mikes on -Bother page, gives some mt- ,,t the pomonal dang* n ol p ami minirs hath m thees days and In tnt early llistnty ol ih'.a c;un|i. Tho Caaadiaa Qos/ornmeol ihowi that it re¬ ceived in the ye,i ended -lone 80, fBS(468,58A. and expended in Um sam'' period $25,181,71 J. Ji adroitly places the deficit at $3-3,i_7, by elaiming tho sum ol $k:'.00,000 w fi paid into the Treasury in tho pi cv mus year, in order to escape tho antici¬ pated advance in import duties. It would have been better for Hie new administration if ii had expended no more limn i* received, but if 'he money lins been used profitably tlie Canadians have no rija-it to complain. 1 Tl Vat entirely proper that Colonel Sellers should ionic back in tho best, nf spirits ov r the refuel ol tho Ilritish public to take him to their hearts. Ho would not hive been Colonel Setter* if he bad allowed a trifling dr** ctuMfaaeo like thal to moderate airy of his liiiit-'tiilicent ambitions or to ens* tlie BU) shadow on bli auroral visions of thc fntnre. The MOOM-d of the Colonel's slate of mind which Mr. Raymond fives elsewhere shows thal that gallant and tboronghly reeoostracted warrior ls ai cheerful as ever, and that the ni dor of his pood nature has not abated in the least. It ia fortunato foi n inkind that the nceu- mnlation ol valuable aciontifle trnths never ce i.-*(". Yesterday it waa demonstrated thal a certain person ot German birth, wbnoe Baffle will be found in our news eolnmna, could swim twenty-fi re miles in nine boors. K wa also de nooatrated at the same time thal aeer- t ni ii other person, likewise of German bin;, whose nine \vi!l also be found in our newi columns, could not awim twenty-five milei ii nine hollis. On Saturday it woe established w^li perfect scientific exactness thal the rc- Bull of trying to row twenty-five mill i 01 " bnry River, erith Ihe mercury ni iut'ie sh nie, was a aunstroke. These are di_- coverico which the world will aol willingly let < ie. -tm 'iii rc is a letter from a notive Southerner in oar m.Lunns tai- morning which we wool all our Northern friends to rend. Colonel E. N. Bill, once a Confederate bal now a 1. ub- li. an, dissect*] tho well-worn D.Mtie lie alu ut tbe coot of "cai Governi.'." i! quotes Jo '.". Efoadly as " ;' i< "carpet-bait governments of the _-onth hov " ,. -ied away and the only vestige of th ii ..exist ce is a debi 01* fcltO.OOO.OOO.'' Ile then .-niki's a financial balance between t it¬ iti the Son ii. He -' 0 of a total indebtedness of $170,589,972 in eleven Southern Statis in 1^7,1, only |4f312,77- is (.::: 1'! tn lin K publicans, and $127,877,562 lo the Democrata. __¦_ Lout .''¦'.' t '¦.iii. ¦.- to ininl ia convicted ol mendacity so {flaring a-; to suc-csl 11 fierce onslao chi on iii fe. Lies, lies, lit.-...1' tt';i, il., ia .li-- Democratic catn¬ ip 1 Tl e pre ienl 1 bring! np in lt clear st form the issue of porty competency. .li-ants pres* nt their claims for a positioo, they usuolly prove ihen, and apread their records to the light. The Republican party Ima been in of Ki 1 Gov rumen! for twi: ty j 1 -. and i- m.? .shamed to -how \u booka. I li Demi craik Mriy hud charge of il roany years before tiie beginning of ¦h. period. Ilmv the books were kept then ia pretty clearly hown in the rei Btatcd in our Washington dispatches, of Dem¬ ocrat! mala Iminis ration <-! the financi a pre¬ ceding til" civil w.,r. Tbe question of com- pet.*ney and economy will weigh with t-rerj m.rn who likes io aee the business ol Governmenl dona in ¦ busineoo-like wt\f, anil bia vote is likely to be (riven to thc part] which has Introdueed steady and bonesl methods of administration into every depart¬ ment of the Government, Coffeevillei in STaUabnaha County, "was "quiet hast night." Thia ir reassuring newt, inasmuch aa Coffeev-lle, ha ITallabusba Connty, wits fur from being quiet tbe ni.lit before. Indeed the dispotebeo go bo far ns io state thal "a perfect " par-ilctnoiiitim" reigned for some time iii timi prosperoua Miaoioeippi com manity. The Inspi inn cause was an exchange ol shots between an alleged colored Democral and a Greenboeker, which gave the atonal, aa it naturally dees in thc ardenl South, fora general nnd indit-ci iminate volley OO the pan ,f ambitious persons wltO see thal "the " aliootio'baa begun.1, and who don't wanl to lose the chance to join in tln-i ihilarating -o'i al pastime. There an- taro eorioua cirenmstaoces about thia report, vbich plainly cornea from Democratic sources.Ii rat, Hint then- Bbould be a colored Democrat involved* the exiateneeofa oloretl Densoorot being *-t il a naettei for se emilie oneation' second, that a Democrat, OVeO a colored one. should have been tired upon Hist, instead of beginning tbe Bring him- sell, l'cihiips it was irom force ol habit ac- qnired in the daya wiien bo was a Bepublican and waa used to iicine a target, HIL "BALBI " sui 111 8TOBT. We observe with sat iafnetion that a Demo¬ cratic nowapapor pobtiobed at Oowogo in 11n¬ state fills upon its wadera to bear in mind thal Tin: Ti'ii'LiNK, "soon aft.i the 110111111.1- " tion ol' General Hancock, made, po.-itively "and circumstantialiy, the charge thal in "1876 Genera] Hancock arrota a lotter to "(jomial Sherman, in which he, declared his " pnrpooa to recognize Mr. Tilden as Kn-i- "(leitt on and after the 5thof March, ls77"; that "this charge TBI TB-Mnri made with "all solemnity and with the emphasis ol "poeitive knowledge*] that tins paper "aloo "called for tho pabKeation ol ibo lotter aa a "matter ol Information for th" people". tho! " The World, with all possible aeol, set shoal "aecaring tho lett:*r In Question, and finally, "after much trouble and expense, ancceeded "some three weeks since, The World printing "the letter entire from a copy certified bj " General Sherm m"; and ilia' " Tm Tumi ,1. " hus novel printed tliis letter or in anv "mininer Blinded to it, thu leaviog ns Mreaders niter!}- Ignorant of Its true ehoroo- " ter and eontt nts.'" We are grath, d, wt aay, Bi BOOinC this-eries of mis-tat "incut.- a united within the compass of a -ingle paragraph, aa it see uni to ns to have exhausted the possi- 1/iluies of lying regarding the eircumatanee in question, and a plain atatemeat oi the troth \\il! answir them all. Tai Tumi m., as every reader of n knows, never either "pool im1\," "eircomsl uti.ult," "with all soli ninny,'' or "with the etnp a 1- " ol positive knowledge,'1 m.nie the "chargen referred \ >. Ind. id, ii did oot appeal si all ns a "charge'' at ti' '. bul as a root, upai which one of the arguments for bia in> tion a Mr, Hiram A kino, -t 1 . editoi of Vi 1 moot, was d 0ri ail ..1 authority, we believe, for the report thai General Uaoeo k did write a letter in ls7 7 propofiag io recognize Tilden aa Preaideot, and to weoive ordora from h m tl be should ink. 0. 0it.i and claim the "iii'1 .. Thu the Btartling Form ia wh oh tbe sloy li: peared. li waa generally discredited, ll » aaid ai Bm t<> hate been written lo c, Dcral Sheridao, .ben to General Sherman, and (i.ii.t Mr. Biran Ai. caw Forward ovgi iii-own denature with tho avowal tbal Qom* l uni "lialdy" ."smith w.»s hil iiiiMitnity for thu fatfitcmcnt that there was such a letter, and thai if was written to General Bhexinan. Gen- etal " li.ildy" .Smith declined to he qm tinned upon the subject", and General Hancock himself, who could not help knowing v. li til i he hal Written sur'i a letter or rn- . n lu-f.I I to answer regarding it. Senator Baton, nf Connecticut, was rep..ned to have -.nd thal the storv was undoubtedly true, and lo have added his belief that il" it wen generally credited il would ificrr.i.t* his vote by thousands. it Mum be.¦anie evident that whether Ran¬ ee*.-, had written any meta letter ot aol* tlie n po:! thal ii" had had been diligently circu¬ lated nt Ctneinnati, aol by his enemies, bul by his friends, " Baldj " Bmitb and others, who need it for effi et npon t1- who were in favor ol the pinn oed oew r-bol- bon in L877, and who opposed Tildeo b In- showed cowardice in refusing to had if ; ami that anon the strength <>t this argume t he waa ooi linate '.. Tin tais report na. tiiat il ii m.: c un froi '.' publican inrc I i by Ci n: ri! Il mc k's fri who, ii was hoi '. I be infl i< "ed by tbe ;.! .".i'll- u! th .. ann an wi : ''¦' :i mai.v i. !. If of the I »¦ nol h ink from leadi i truth ia thal a \ I D ocratie p irty » i¦.', .1 d were i ith I te did not con-u '. i" DO .'" To ll. i rest appeal circolati m. '. n t lette] II :. ; I i! 11 ' it ip i- i ti bel il nod til n of hi pa K. Uti o di li::" his '. i him foi lt would 1 havi denied thi t if it- were , or if il ¦, .'. H ,,:-i-, -; i. il by bia frifiids had h d i pres I'.nn. his i in, and i or i ,'Cil ns niiii - him ki :¦'¦ General 1 lo to bri us om th- Sher the report, and i .,.-'.. lilt -'¦ :l"tl Hi'. pub .. 1! il, -or!. ' 0 till' I .' ith i' i-i " found, d hi \ Aa fur Ui letter in the Hancock trew -ii We p willer wat r hi . in politic* than i- usual with Army <..¦ aiui was exceed 'ion either for au] of the Dem eratic candidate or rc fusing to manda of bia aopehor tiffie., a th event ol Mr. Hayi i b in. <l c ar I eli .!. '1 liere v, nothing in ii to< to public il ii ii, th :._¦ manifestly written with th I .... ! in view. Tin: Ti.ibi'nk conai qu -ntly -.lill j -tour bon - in he wake of i Demo elalie CO t mp ).. i -e , BI ld print it. Gai waa io give Gi bi ral Hani the bent iii of our columns to explain tin facts ewi¬ ng Kiis " Baldy " Smith Btory. Tie ff r ha- uoi Oeen accoptcd, n'.-r has he ko far iib we learn, any explanation wbatevi r. A letter of hie to General .Sherman has been published In tbe Democratic newspapers, which is waiil to bo ths only foundation lor the report, and it i- now insisted that Pm Titi nt nc. onghl to have meekly copied thia .md accepted it as coming from General Hancock. Busineos in not '(lone in this office in t tat way. And now to give our Democratic Mends, who have been Eoot-balling this story aixiut for a fortnight as a Mcharge'' made hy Tun Tun ink, a frosh start, we call them luck to firs! principles by reminding them that the storj thal General Hancock offered to tils. Tildeo as Pre-ddoni ii be should take the oath of office ia l -* 77 was originated q Demoerasa, credited hy Democrats^ and cir u- lated by Democrats* to ¦ cure bia nomination at Cincinnati : that be li ib not ;,er denied ii authoritatively,- and that the colnaana of Tm: Tinin.M". are still open to him for that pur- in- , though not to pnhlisfa either bia biogra- jih.v or correspondence in full. WBITTABES AGAIN. Beeretary Ramsey has io«ned aa unlimited furlough to Wini ulicr to enable him to pre¬ pare for a court-martial ho case the Pr iden! grants bim one, It is, of eour e, nece it mere act of justice tbat Whittaker should hove a chance of clearing himself, n be eau do it, Dot only I 0WQ aame should be reooued from tbe dan diagram which has fallen on it, bul a mort imp .nant mailer tho! his race should nol als i b" it tt mil.!.'!' it. The* a enough to carry. Profi tor Greener is righi in struggling no manfully tot his friend, lint m.! - they have new evidence to bria ward* we do nol see whal good will be done by a!.il. Wi.ii ii er, nnjuatly enough, was pul the piisoters' boa and tried foi in :. upon hun-li Instead ol the Bren who wou'd . i probably hove co uniitl d Bat be aaa trk d, aod it t,.;,..] ugal tho Kaine i vidence musl be b i.i! Maid. Iii- gull! BOd lie --liilt of tl ¦' cadets were sim] ly, in n ,i of the pub i", the real Judge In tho matter, nol I. Nothing et n bs ft loed by foina 'ir nt, olin:; nae j made ap their minda al tbe ooi ih ii the 1 cadet wea '!". a- ii.y a ii ir hil! simply be¬ be v. '. on I thattbo o di were ti ii:iii -il and in a] able ol cnn !.. ne ii, .',.;... tho-»e who had jir,ju lg 1 'li were, un- rortunab 1 , il"- Wa t Poi officers n,t. rerj jada who bsd t" ti] lt lin- fact thal s | could be fa thal ths bloch hi ha n a liar ( id lbs forthoominf of the cowal !y bru ¦ ul the obits adi k, no upon tiii-m. The testimony against Whittaker*, purely ami founded upon the opinion of expirls, WM joyfully ie ived an eiiiiclu-ive, and the poor fellow's diary and love litters, which have eheolutcly no bearing Oil UM cae, wits publicly real and ridi¬ culed bj an officer (who should nave known better), to add the lan tasn-brable --fin': of c inti mpl to bia punishment. Besides tin' e prejmlii id fi iv was a Larger class, who M min,i! i ".""il bj tic Color of Whitta¬ ker's Kin, and who still believe him innocent, lil*--f, hec,msc 1,0 icasoiiable motive was SS- :. I'. Idiotic an act, ami, secondly, because they lull! t!; ; evidence against him mei nclueh e. (ia: 'al" of ti:-, wan 'li" great pttblta who BM I iii t':e fact tbal Wi t Ko.n, wai on ti ml thin ii Whittaker's affair. Nation ii disgrace t hal con¬ duct among the cadets was permitted and .-. d .-.,, ,i .':, r offliera which betrayed a total bick of comprehension of tbe ju ti .. and br vi f b donging to n 1 :lal ol the ny Li t! public resulted diffen inly from Ihe i I boy. The popnlar he led. Bul Ihe .'. it trial a un lo bi fi and .. i . cut r a,id tin e 'i o li to rolun- .:¦ hi -: addi- j hove ii"!, we biil i YO TH [fl doy tv. re a i pondi ion of t ie lt wi aid indie il OOO had b"s ii , eud- lo t . lilli ld hud bi ¦. ul this ol -ric by tbe " H i I, the uc:mil con- itiiin of tl : lime, .-: the Ti".' my ni of . i its tin limn it was on . il .-. Oa tin ii li hand, uU .! | ,. ' to tbe in tbe .fernel nm ni n j- !.!, \i Inch a rivi il on n thc .1 of hup .il (. thc ,. of course i ol i' h,,.l reai cd 1 lu l> menl rt '. ; week \. i " . t $GO4,01. .., .1 --. il upon the bank t- poi fa ot thc lout 'i ,n moue] mai tel t -v and on- y ii to be ex pt low of cun .'ie to will i> much For, ni*i, thi ab- lie. ] "!' has lan ii s crt . it A 1. thc i'ta ail the NOW- 119,631,100 in 8| On Un 1 t of .ngnat, 18 JO, the Tn nsorj ii - ;.!.'. ml thc Nen ¦_ rh "..Tl 7,500 in Bpi i'. the Tr '. lury >( 1.1\ i materially lii'iires ; 1.000,000 in gold i in I lie Ti .'mi i N .- i.. :. auks doc Auk- -' ¦1,1.'. di imports of (told end the yield ll been over Hem 1,000,0 IO tn auld er ii iw ii for the i in tlie arts, nt I ist $00,000,1 00 -ii ;.I. "i bi i, bj otln banka than those ol New-Y irk, by hoarding, or by inea currency. A comparison ol returns of the " 1 bfl iK 111 ¦!'< ov:T, sllOWS tlial not mole ttl iii flO.000,000 had been add. d io their stores, out i'l" ol New-York, ap to .limo ll, Kn- data of Hi" latest statement. Polly tim milliona ol auld has therefore been taken into cr minti m or led. It is jnsily r»a- .-.... d thal thia fact will materially lessen the amount of money required to be sent through tim coon try to facilitate the movement of the ciois. Bul the ahsorp- t-on ol legal-tendon has lu cn -viii greater. I i,.iii .-.turua! 1. ls7.», to August 1, 1880*the atoek of lejral-teoders in the Tren ary dimtn- iahed $29,602,342. Since one year ago, tbe legal-tender reserve or the New-York booka li i- diminished 826,584,100 Thus$56,200,000 in legal-tender notes has been absorbed into circulation, ac added to tlie reserves of banks other ilia thone of New-York. And, lin div, the circulation of tho Notions! banka baa in- c eased ovor $1 1,000.000 during the poet year. Titus it, appeal! that moro than 1120,000,000 iii money has been distributed throughout the country within n year.a sam several times as rreot as was ever withdrawn from the New-York nati!;-t ia lim I'll lor tiie purirooa ol moving thu crop-. It* i-i generally considered, too, that the ra power ol the Secretary of thc- Treasury will be promptly aud resolutely exerted to .1 ii.i urbane, in th money 1.1 ... this year. This power to remove aoy iporory strin .. , is so great that more thou $31,000,000 of United States notes, doit In lin- Tre isnry, c aid ar. any time be ie rn ii kt i, either by deposits sntli I il 1$ mk deposit* rios, upon !.' 1 .Treasury aa aeeui il f, ot by - pen pure issi - of Unil -d States b ml in i] a ai nrpln 1 revenn a hereafter, bo li mi ii'd-. Ton t arreac) now held by the 1 rea. irj ia h< id in 1 ~o 819*265,105 in the fund for rcdemptit n 0 full d, in liquidation, or reducing circulation, snd 818,249,405 in the S cr cen) fuod tor the redempd in of Na¬ il ..'-ii rn ik 11 ite_, :.; "i" c ni al ii ij ii ly au ! prop! riv t ! ,--..- funds in pla e ol e ad -. The knowl¬ ton! the Beere lory hus smpls power to I.,10'. ' . iii.j rn irk . .1.1 I tbe cor dutj that in ease of anj I di lance ii won ali ii' pre*, .. .1 I doti . preveal nay atrina »ncj . ¦¦ Icliilly Th ."ila, and the ii"-,"' of ii am and 1 irg apecie Im port-, ur" generally accepted as assuring iu lb um y m.iiket daring the tull. Dole s the country should vote roi ".1 ellan 'i " Hine I-i .11) leas ,11 at piv.s.-ii' ti) supp"-.' thal it prosper..) will be lotorruu I Mr t 8. letter to 0 mass-i log of 1 who in de .f... ,. s__oull u*»n_ mm* elaros ia h'an io lalee 1 ile 1 a loots totter in its sra a la alwaya soaeaal* hm ono i>_» OSflS iu it fl-ems tO ba a Utile superior to the rest. fhjoat lin of Booeoeh an ascetssssaa, be aoM i " Hs never swaggered willis sword-knot mid -pauUMs, even whet, fhn reronatrucfiori infamies ^OTO Og- mmHxe- lethe isl arr of prostrate Metes, end to flu' diSOrO* 8 of Civil iroViTtlMiellt.' WOOS Mt. y am v.ish tn he understood Balling tbs fc-eoiistrni rton Amendments lo tbe Constitution " infsmies^ aaa 18 tilla Hie view helli If lill I 'CHUNTS - WHO BWSa un " with Honeoek as itu* ooe ami only ' ensoi-o- tiimal expooodei now living! Thees was a tune whoo tho Demecrots Doeuoetee men ol brains for Visod-rosidoot, sock ns I lolboou, \ un Boroo, Dallas, Klug, ami Bwekiorfclge. bul edw, "li, ti ii -11 A ni- l.- money bee* Sod avery BSSOO ons ot thal! _ wiiydnesii't Baronia, io bis tripe ont Weet le pur shoos fiiiil"--". taks Coflei Pol Wallaee with him! I in t iv" woold make an inimitable t- . TbntAlabama Republicen addrsaa ougbl tobe a.! by ivoi .. n au v- ko wtsh< ¦ to so* rstood wbal Hip Democrats moan by aa " aatrnmuiell-d bsllot, ,11 i-1 iv-.i ai. Bloekbora need it in lu* ian,om " wipina-oat" -|.lb, sod \ Bamotoo used it wheo he told tbs followers ol L s ,t,il J ant ¦'. 'I ii <.atti 'I WSS .'i'.i behold "no nu re free lei ti ni tra mini li.d expressi rn ol \> htical et ur av nt." ..¦ ,a: i versi tn ol " nntraoimsl ii.-t an lin whi it i* illumin -I nu tbe in ipili.i Hots .,,, iii- flu md pul in mot tic ballot- In their n .In- ¦ .. I "I Im .ni'"' '- " .' ;..,,,.' Soi th p lists u objectin_ tliei .i rtliat Wads Hamptoa will be eutirel Let th who v.'i li bu I sod ablisbineuts m Europe ii iti ad "t tin r vote f»r lbs "0 did 8 wt- ' en 1 a "lang foi .lr." I. mdsoldiei swearapoo thooltsr ol kia country that tbs groed old 8bip rd Stats rho delivered rs who at- .. ail.! muk /.nj rho bas lived in the Wi it daring the rea lily judes o bal e-fet« .I i'a -li an.¦! mortgage rei uni will boVS No class ol iii' a .- ki .. i ko ii - i a--- '.'!' ¦- le- war -: ndn .'ry and e moony, ..! I:. a : n;i:. .. bondrs id pu rc I I a fal larked ii i, M i ne to their .i cent ii ./ -.'..ii::,! lia e been a ia began r ol 'ir ered ors, who started .editor ¦¦. M m., ;.[ linet' hen i they li ible '" e ir. y the property f I, tfer limes, -".> i .'I air, ilalment, or i in- Un, i. 'i as -<i i" bi mr." ,i tlie ereditm Baking lu ju I lilli llOl ll.. lt 'I ut to .'.ia a 1 i tm- morl * .. And il ii a Idin : e ni no- el isa a iks lor he m.s sn ¦¦ i all ti di rs Iroin srbom lu baa" everj iible. ti the business men of the coon ry willing to tram I ei ei vt bing in their p iwer to a ri sim 'a-ii do i' st- ,i illow ii bard a,u ..- As sn evidenoo of tin nuci ityofthe lesdi tbs !' ana \ * lien tl I to I. in of bard money, witness trieir elt'oi * to el* i ...i-. .a i..- .¦ai ii,le paper -louey luttationisl his, rausl be Genet d lian tock's feeli In j u ,ia iliat ti. the trinm| .-"a to ii -iii-, tl ten to tbe Democratic hnzzas for a free 1 illol lusUatod ni tbe tec ni elec¬ tion iu A lab ia. Tl I ia the kind thev waul in ruiitted lo , it . l ERS ISAL. The wife of Postmo ter-General Koy is large ood cn mly-l oking, aud rejoioss in s family often n a'. A Mexican soddls with illvsr stirrups aod beeo- lital ornamentations was among tho eootly ki fte .. Ord received oben -alu- beoaois ths wi tu ol I... trevino. Mr, James C. Flood, the California millionaire, ii ia mid, pureussed Malbooe, lbs hrsntifitl sossidc residence at Newuort, with the intention of pre- il i. h ilia."; .a ii you bel marriage vi tu .Mr. I', is. Grout, ir. Mr. Humphrey Moore, ibe artist,spent an evening reoeutlj i tbs company ol the Jspeoese Mioister, 'Ih'- hostess happeoed to possess a complete set ol tbe work-sol Hokneai, tb- famoas Japaasso artist, mei thees formed tba obie! topic of ounreraalion. Baron Hickey-Horden, the lri»h*Ameri-an Editor of tba satiriesl poper Tttmtntet, who was reeently upi ll d from Prouse, ls said to bs very nek and to toke pride in paying: linea fer offences oaaioat tbs press censorship. His loot offeoee- a. eenooo repre- (i'-ntiii- lim three Presidents rn sailor's dram sod in a etate of seiui-inebnety dancing a hornpipe, was held to be too ilugi_nt for Ins favorite method of expiation. Mr. Bronson Howard, who wan present ol tbs -,, sgt Ciob breakfast to --nericon Sb! >rs, thoa de. hi ri bea tba offset ol o peeeage rn Minister bowell's speeeh: " I tbiok the seotonee about AdrieoooLo. eonvreor ooo of tho aroodssi pesasgoi ls sroeolit- erotore o thought struck out hy a man of aeolus wbieb will live with Hie loogooge. Iteosos forth in Lowe! selnar, ineistve,yetMrftened, voice, lhere waa a iiioaii'nt'a ai ii m rr. ma if he tin m.'li i bod sir ick n th" Prams of the _il(> thinking mau wbo v> rsli aing.thoo a baral of loeg, deep enthusi- UBtiC Opp '-' v" I" -lei'L tile Hf\V-CO|i!tT." Bari an-1 Coanlesa Lytton received s sordiol wot- couie ou their iitiiui homo from [odie, rhe town .¦I Stevenage, ni Hertfordshire, gare them a formal ic. iition, and on their arrival at Koebworth Cortie st_ miles th- um. they foaod triampfaol srohssssas^ tiing tlie carriage-way, sod o crowd of villagers si tbs entrance to the Pork, The tea.mia Mid tlc ir i.inilai. wera on tbs terrace, aad tlie r.. inr ol tbe vi Dune read aa address ol weleoaw, to wbieh Lard Lytton replied from ins carnage, Three cheers were ..\ a inr the Kari and Countess, with sn extra ooe tor V.t.iu'ii Knebworth, whom the Couotess beld lo her anas so that tho speotaton mi^ht see ;,im. General l.rnnt has not, ».> yet, eooHnittod bimoelf very di iplj to any specific mining lutenist, " .bsl id thi v .a have il .wu ia Mew Mexico, Que Denver reporter rsmarksd to bim. "Why, I '.al ' i'm I hod anything dowo there except wbal I pop i, .! hove i)i*i'ii elected Pres¬ ide! o' i ompooy, bal [hovea1, oeoopted tba post por Boprts, who waa -sn mm hy, .b- -i-rv-.i 1 * .'..'..inns til,nu (off ht iii (Mm ll " fa .¦'.iii-..'." a ; ii bo, .' hoy Will. iii all prob bi y. tbeir stock, sud ttosre ii a bia - mee for fr ui'i." * o i! " aol Geoeral Oran! .,. oi' .p.,a- io pince fa ir .tot i. od wlel di n't care to nave u ytoiug ludo With i ." " Then sou a ive not i ii : rmi a plan for \- ai e f rn the hear future! "No, sras the rssponse, "lom nol de¬ cided on thot bead.'' " What do yon ttiink ol the -..uti n < iilorado mines!-1 tbs was a i..' I. " Well, 1 linn u ;r tim Qauuisoa bon ii ti.v it, verv rich, li la etina! in w.._it a to tu. Coui-Hick lode b '. I.- it waa ilu_ ut." u.: tu xtTc Ao Ti ¦«.' At the New-York Aquarium the appropri- ie "* ii. jf.a. l'.u if-n-.'*"." u sowoarreat, _n i l',. r- ar fl ::,, nv w 1-StOCked taOkl Ol ni nan- nu \, , un 1 squalid a in-. . A' ll averlv'e Theatre, Brooklyn, this week, j bis Misslrela will sppsor. Kr. Bonley COmobsll, ¦ ._ l i- af "Ta (J i ..I tb r* .va. na an. " .. The reopening ol'ihe Park Theatre* eeeigned im aagosi i I, vi a ¦.<¦ i n,i'i...i in t.,,. ,,,,,, "*. *.''.«""' ». Iso." la wi lil u : 1. ai ill lu ,.. |i I Mr. Bartle) Osmpbell*e eosaody eompany l i mk II. .i,-. Ja au. It . M *m .i,. J J I ,| liven. I li '.. is ll ll, m.. c A M.M,t,.i_, onarlea .M ''¦',"' '! "' M.,,.,,,,,,,. m.,,,, ,. ,,. ru. l'l:e the.itii- now open Blt WiiM.tckV, the ' ...H'>'., I- -s-uiiimii. tlU, Um i^.mHi'jiure Ba« rty's-aJTsssiiasiosi, u-vs/y.-j-w*,-* oveao. I anil tin- Aipl iruiai...... Il ,v. >.' I'i: Itey'-i I'lUri will li.-'.p mi. I 1' ni'.'h' \ r ti j '.nu. Ilia'r, iii Ti ur -ta in 1,1,. |',, |,. ,1, j. will appeal m s B * bk 'll v 'nf mn c tn|ii"st rill ihorttr ri ....... ri r w , «- .Ti.e S ot _'. i Minali : am i.i'.xi sfsek. Uh. \r. -'»r- 1 ire. - I 'irk. ¦Hil The eeooon of spoetacle ai li >. . ,. , i" elli keg u im K. .1 i.> li: ¦',, a l n||] |, .,: l \ Kii*ntv Dava." Tba ci lr I). ibSTW a '1. M M I, "ll a I. It-r, ii ¦; rb, i, \ i... * mi., ra i ..- b illei will oe led bj Car_slba, liy M. Arnobi a ' narpa m SOO t*o y nhet >. . "Edgewood Folk.," written foi v ¦ I'V J. il. i!,"'.- ll. Va i ir.- eli ms '.. los, ie' i-i ii an D .. . - il, r.a. mi Htrr. ai i... ,.. ,," '."-.." .*¦¦ . ' I* j-i ne Fl. Mr - \\ IIMMI r GESI A "Disappointed Ann ,,, whee ai bal ...' to torso, t" wada UsbJ i'tiii tbe ci . i, _ -... reallyi niowaai i ni ». ,, -ll I Un- gvi ., ld i- ..i.«* I to toa m lim a .. . A workmgman La 61 v. i fe u a t autn mi ao. rob il ric. lain! ~. Iii 1 with » sdlnek. He Un a so-. forUi i,nr,. ian so In l re t, se i v-rt .,. allow. ii**r to remain ai Uni r iii An E .: j ur i es 'ii di a, pron ala ut; .'; ~i - .ors ¦ toot i -ni ,,.,;-¦* nt al bili r a. itu ¦ : un -ir! in pa to render lt fa I rel bren i i Sar i good break fa boura before l .- i-i.ii..! iiuil i n ia irk 1* do vet to ea t ao tu ii i atop .1 ir--'\ nil Lord B nsfield, in the course of Ind re- I'.'I.I "Ia ¦.. Ila- I nj * IfllU 111 ll . ll I . .. I.i* ,. Inei l.- tiie |ir tdtu r ii> I. i-f s a et I wlia a «ii of pjh. . tat* I upon ...- |ji_n.-, ii: i ua at* » .»;<*_¦» uno . :. inl i.'.t 'ii ibatu i .'. i i. i i lest Wi v ., live In .In- ia: . -MS v, ti Well !i iv v\ !|. ... ..r, Ij* -I . ". tl I. T .1 ih nb io a don. The speech of f!i" Canadian I in at* in he ___» bag r Cb ber of O si oeroe mi n-cul to FHB TOlOt'VB a t"i!ii _¦:' .l.n.bO the text wnlrb iss by tbe lateat I ms apb ittc s.... bia In a rlnc li * A l'n*- t'Ciioo il iold i.._l.i-l hmi Botbiag in give ih' Dominion ol Canada iii Meng ,,r res jual, a. I.-, -j noe bsd aireailj .¦¦ girn swot, im- proteetlve iratem peen In tbe greater part ol 1.1 tat ¦I i: tba exceptlos in adberms lu pi ncipl* ssl li practice lo bras li \- tr_ ir. ul. ts i'i., v..",t farther tana John lina i M; i, __« beld tbal li asi Instifsbk. for a ronus. Mon v. 11 is> funt ii. ai- nesta slvs Un m tempoi tooyal ii. I at some decree ot ma: un riff wal a sp 'rta snial on ¦. .ac u fur MUD* lu .'". ipi lill . f i'. lt WI, '... ¦ ll, 'i-f III rotectlvs aya rn iii t tbe l rn ... . v.-p burgs a ¦'¦ a viinp .1 tfcotr mai lt trw question of tbs sceu lo'.ailou ot weall ivlasssl I in tue ebeaossl sod dearsstmarl tts re iu aoly prlseis s la t e Ills af s salton ta be n terdei, mw I i- fan .nan tariff waa ami-take; buttle-) '. otttt a i. uta fii.'ti it- iiitn.ii,il atrunk b aednatlaoi dei eli tm ut. I'mil 'ii. :¦¦ tl a - ai pti J AtlMH so "'riu-a" nial ''ettie l-" IC 11 .....:. ,.i"U.-», iMit ikey wera now ezelu .. T_eeoa->equi .i»tw1 the United States wt-r. nmv tv a: om riMipeap ma v. itu c inad .. .' > I e ¦. -t-ifk- standing ii ii free trade waa a rc igion In E .!» <X-A* bod almost aid a auperatttlon.-win n_S wnnl.l lu.iii. .. ii in dil,aiini se Q ll H J-I Dot Cottle fl'OUl Ul.nv.' ll W.ill al i in Irma im-.uW. pu ll ir or is los. The only " doubtful*' tliin>r tho re*ult In; ni la aa lo tb * r .>! tbe ui..J.rir .w'u'tnei tt will be 20,000 or iu,.re- [l>,;ro:i l'.<t asf Tr liane iK | ) Wade Hampton's speech Frightened Majn_t lo bodlj Hum uv iii.ubt lbs moat uki nf eat .reen ei* now be ia-'ieii t. every Confedmate bnsadiet ot total wk t ks t .laka aod believesontd siter etecnonla*M- .H'ticu Ht r.i.a (Bop To n philosophic statesman, to ths earned patriot, the -ini'i.i I. of a a..! il South w-iudglvei_e0 Inquiry iin.l ii. v -li. a:i, n nial,-..I .>-* ii 11,._ BS SBBM ioi are tiona I abuse. Tba «.. n ti ¦ *oiul in in .ppoai^sa tn tbs Bepublloan party [IxMiiavllii Co-rlef-JaersB (li. m.) St li'etiiry Sherman i-s ..'oin'.'to make sr viral ¦peeebea and reduce lia public debt flftv Isrs tn tbe xi Mrs nanika Tm ls tera ll ss nf* Iii; nt wit ll "m..lull* ill lt." [,|.,ill» .Sewsliu-J KOBI ABOUT I.IK IND JACKSOff. From Th* Ar.n Url'un linn. -.' Sal The han uer ol tbe l_oute_-r.iey uta'ila"! fnr.i er IB gin tn .uni il a i-t r. bill ll ,; il M ihi-fbloo I of li m. ¦ - a ii a i. a. and rn i'0r»0 any ever t -nabI f"i bbet ly, It livnl nilli I.,,., ami i*-e'.ii1 ht* brutr l'lmn tuii m amp] res ¦ lt -I. ;.¦> Un' -I'vp i> a, .. -i inia, Alt ipa llSM an ii" C lilli. Tilt' Illili wan an' , H li- iii,-I ,i |, ...:... "i'1'lt-H pi.lit', a! nil ul-, uti.I na ubeullllelv e ' !'»Hflf nt lin- doutta, na?.' arown ap au nnu.i int.r *";,3 the wa , au.I nil their ed .;.!* ami en lon arti Inalian ill.- w nan. a calli- li bl I.;:i'H:l!iil >>.. Wini li Ul i.i.) il.' ** ll .1 r. 11 ll, 'nil "ab cb bia Bl ISSSl SP In a I p»ep of uKui..u- wi bi i I'nr oin yi um.- ni ii, ti., ii f .. til f 1. alases snd .'. lu Republic, We i'.. ;...-. n lin J 'inn iii'ii umi admiration t ,. b rotc .. li si asP ttlll..'I H. .. BE "M l! l tTlOM Prom Ths 1telson Ark.) I rei mDtm.) The mau wini iliink.-i mat j., hui lead aa Op|.|>.ll ,,l| it.I .. ¦ I'll'. l'< rou ii rr la not ",i.»tn-j . : ooja ll Will ll qu r a 'i ''' "i vu ei iu 'li I), 'ia.. ..ii ( rsus-,.. " ¦** r,-ur on ihe day o. I i'm: JA< R vv-: im tkibjjwi rot- Ot 5 tl ¦¦ f'-au.i , ' ,, ... .., Wp t I.I ll .'" |. ri-.1 alor li. i ' " ' 'd ... vi...i ..' would I' i *L , t \ aim ti. ¦* me i *7i JEM __5 ,'rte ii- I'- ..",1"' ',__ tot «¦'..¦ jy .tiiu.ji' for t-urye_s» ...Ntiim-.ii hui mu ' m Waar JI am y 'nut i iain \r. jr repuln'Je n, tater r.ui-i- before \«.. . ra i ) ... it \ tl mu bow Les i voled. I li ni. ii Bl Ja i. i'll w n d II IV,' il I n> iiivnl ii h ii loved Vm .. I u-h v mi ui rotas ss- ber timi.' w .1 ir, a ,..i your i" in.' irinentlier that tht .. ti 'I"-1 ngtiiit mi .i ting. pasta t at i hil I 'tr S .la.lf.'tl l, I. I I ll. i ii ..ii r waa Les Bl prinelpt** ar irhich they fouphl fm- four y tu ¦* li m. min iii. u eba pear, a rnrin tm tri.'.. etea u \ i._i.,i,i'a -m., Budda ssl _i!-'iuitii m. ni nea ¦ubi i soi au, sth. i Fr m ;m t'tii 'o mtrdot t-SO. ..^ Colonel Paruey's nie oi lldiu-o-k is a "¦'* mat... ..i .m, ui wa*'." *- .'. *."* *;!';_# t .,1 (nl.ii,. K..tai,.) un-: i:i.).nle ie*. it,.l vii.Bl."-» WoOU. ul'oiiem mude bi-l»etl'ltf W ~

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1880-08-23 [p 4]. · picvmusyear, in order to escape tho antici¬ pated advancein importduties. It wouldhave beenbetter for Hienewadministration if

^.tnng.mrnt- ml X.leetw.3- Co-Xiglit.psi V-Tuf.atiif.*. Tuite."Finn Mi"*-ci: Tin.hui: "Tho Totirlt-ts In a PullmanKl e. Cbs."

Hai Bl r's I'liii-TRi:-" Fun 01 thc posabo Pmuri M-fasal Ktrko.'Nm Tobo -iqoabiwm.m Ploa_erB.,*Nil" i, tni'i-.N ." T i¦. l'iiiri.l*.." ttpFABMlMBATOB " Kl.ottii.'il Kulk'."frTAM»i.:. iHBATBt." Our (ii Triends. '

Inion i-toi'mn Tin-ai ki; ¦.* Twa MitSta ta RaflflO-Wsilth- IHEAIKK - (.run tiolitlU."

Mi'TRi.roi ii in C-B*cbos Bau Con. rt

Jr.. f* ut -\orcrtt3cmcnis.Inni'i'i" M "''¦"- Ot .,

IUnkim. i.-t-i - iNi, iunkks* 7th f*. dih column.Foiiit'ANi. coom* Tts fri-e.nil nanala

Bpsinkss iiANiia 71A Poo .'." eui mun.

Il-IM.. t, |, i- In- I«1 e..milli.

(.lilla ! A HON Nm'." 7th "¦.'ir la' I'linmn.

I'tv, cno Ai'»i,i:«:i:« Bm flu** .'in roniinu.

InviiM' i- T/'. Pas* t'.Mi o.uiin..

_._< i Barosf 6/A raoe 1.' .' '¦

Mk,v. in Tia mat "''li ii-1 C ti '"iliimn."tarni i im'. mil i aa'- 1st,2i.S.t.4t- aod .t-ootaoraaLa*- schools SM Fact -ts eaiirois.ti, .i n, '¦ i- Sd Pope flin nolaora.IIiiiia.'" »**i HS*ros 7th loee i'-lli column.Hmm: 7th Faa* li inn.'Hwcsi.tAurora (Uh I'm/e.Un oorooio. ~th Luge.

1-t (_>s-c. rna frsTiom ti"' Faa* tal enlumn.I'si.nii'ii N im i -. mun.1 rt i.-u- 6th af .'"i nnn .

hm i-.i-.ti 3d Feen _d sad 31 eoutrnncl-ni -.IK.*-- A ii. ..¦.- 3_ /'' I'll .nliinin;Pi am v. p,' jo r t ii a

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Its * -i" ai I inc Kai! i.oi- 3d Faff*.At* .nv* Oil)ii.

ruo- Ocsas :'<' lmot .'. wan.tOMHBB Hunt '-.i* »''¦ ' ,,- .iain.

Ta- .¦

£ li.HK-9 Aonrco" Al I'l rnVStL, Brakd'1

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Hai F pi :. clii nd ni Ioi > ort d. 9 liline,1*!. i.i: si .| hstblns :" Itu

ii.. i ii; ii. m._____

TllR K.rsr Oi.ivf tc: >'ai ID blL1* Itt- -te ii-! ., " WKLI., HAZARD «t Co., fros-

pate, I ! !i Av.-i a- Hotel H..- pol I. K. I


Fotime fret in the Untied Stat s

DAILY TRIB1 NE. 1 van-.$1- OODAM Y Ki RUN ivs). 1 real_ Ki oo

H'M) _Y KIM'Ni'. i y ;-.-. S 00fc'REKI.Y I RI Hi M*. 1 v i. - OOtEMl-WEFKLY ll.IHl NE. 1 y*s . II (»i»K» in '

.. I', i '. mil ' ,,i ;. -' : .1 '. '¦.".

.. Im .- THK lllilU NE.Ni tt York.

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1:1'IN. II ul) Il S OF THK TKH'.l'Nl*.

How-York- Ko, 1,23. Broadway, eoraer; No. BOO* W >st l ".'. ni*--:!.iul--t.. cornerKi-liKi-.ivc.; N.i. 7tt0 '1 lill'l-:it.'.. t "in" Forty-ii-\,ac I, t.j N 92 !'. i-' Fnurteetitb-sta. eorocrDolo -.-quart N'\'J.::-'; K'li :'.-at e. Harlen..)



"sews I ..'"..


Furn ion, Xi vi 'i i;- - - '¦ on tbe a

¦tooms. A-iu in u -; g picked op Bl BBB,ami lauded at Loauda, Africa, on JulyH.. lt is reported tbat ths I'.in-

_a!i;ir garrison li.-* loads s sortio, infliot-tii. heavy losses on ths HeratiBlOllS nini l .-'m.uni- ii c nu iliii-

tory Rinrii in settling the !¦ odiog Tbs president nf tbs Internationalnf Pose I'-nl Llb ify contends tin; Alsace-Lorraine i bool I bs .:.¦ ra'TEed ss to tl e formuf O'tt-rnineiii. 1;, Kn-M., 115 per--nils Lavs Bithsr ed from policelapervision or allowed t" return fromexile. = The Pope bas I fl totheBel-pian tn-!" !.-. li- ( luodiaa rei ;.ne forls7'.- *-'» owl sdefleit.Domi sue .In Uott*-.vilii\ Miss., a colored man

anim J Bpeanoaa w.i> shot dead bv A. V.

PaofOBM, tin- Orseahaeh candidate fur sheriff,wbo wns alsn thot dot n a riot ensued.Iko Datohoss ( rooty Pesos ttaoisSj bold a laure¦Bobiofl jrssirtdsy. fhs bark Jooot FstiraooBhOBOrrived Ol B OOO .ir,i ¦. ..ii aire f 150 .aysfrnintin- PMIiposos lo-oodo. '. ¦ Hollraoworih'fl popermill u! Eos! Walpole, Mass-, lin-*i beeoflsiliiij uil by Bro, ll ii reported thattlie Loaisville sad Nashville and Cin¬cinnati (Boathere Hairroads bots come totenn*, retros hag froijrht ralea. ------There wetselev'ii ssrvis ¦ -ii 0 soo Grove festeriay.Cm -t:-i. ScBOOMA**!..A street-car full nf poe

¦Bogers was robbed io tbs Bowery ni-1 u. tn. yes-teni a v. z Two addi-ion o! bmo won irrootodfor th- iB-dei of Kniis at AssHyrille,mah.* . rho hot WBOIhor sent larg* erowdsu> Ibo stistit reaorta. =___- A prosSjrht 00 Lsog blood whs broheaup. r_-:-.- Jnhii 1. K-tymund talkittl alu.ntbis trip in Bngload. _=__ Boborl CollyerOOBOO-Mi Ins lirst OSrflMfl hftir his \:,i:i-

tioii. __==_ Tboans Hoghes |ia>st-il a qoiet doyot bia hotel. : Eroos. Voo beboeo-inc; swam twenty-five raileo-Ooias boura.lanac H. Broft-, t' on "f Glraos Cboreb.lsdem'.

'lill WKATMMM..TOIBUXI local t'bservatlnilS in-

dicali Blear or uartly clniitly weather, willi slit.litshanon in tearperatar*. rhemiemeter yesterday i

Bight ->t. Bi ; lowest. 71°; ureruge, 70-*.

WHY IHE sot TH IS SOLID FOP. BABCOCK.m COmmmior what Lee and Jarklan trould do

tme whop olive. 'J ll ESL ALE THE SAMEPHI SCI PEES FOE WHICH IDLYPOUOHI LOU FOUR YEAHS. llnnemberthe men trim poured forth their life Hood pm

Virtjiuiti's soil, anti da ito! abandon them noir.

Remember Lot ttptm your rofe depend* the stn -

carnot the Democratic tieket."1 .[Wilde Hampton,ot lin- -sooting in ibo interest of DoTnoeroti.harmony in Virginia, at 'Staunton, .Juij 2G,1880."Patine brfnrt '/mt mat your vote. Think hair

Ieee would have rated. 'Hunk what Jackpotwould lune done befn-e he unmU hore east a

vote cn culnletl to diride 1 I helmed Virginia. Iotk you lo retnrmher thom who hove timi mi

pour toil, ASH 'Itt Bl Ml MULI: THATTHE PRINCIPLES THEY DI ID PORARI: J.r.l.A ON TRIAL KLUX l."--[W!iatWade. Ila tn |.ti»ii haul, na l-potted in ThoStaunton Vi.-idinitui', o! July :i(), 1880, thoonly Democratic poper rn Staunton thot pub-JJL-lii tl thoou-olonce of lii> oddieto.

"littoral Hamjiton dedaretl that the Demo¬cratic party, under Banu.odfe lead, mae jXphtinpfor the >.(ii>,r principem that Lee nml Jacktonfowjht for, oii'l fur Which the Sniillu'ni toldier*died Three vax no qualiftrnlion in the farmused, //i's appeal om /br Iiiibisbp Bi theDru" ' u uti) in Virtj'tii'ui, und to mule ittffictitt la Irinnjht Bf ihe inn- r, nt- UtbranCC tolouth the ficltn'jK of th* audience^ 1 in-r»taiM,t. ti Volley Vi-gioion, the poper fromwhich tho Blot quot:,ti,ni sboTols token.

A United Btatei oAeiol teilo elsewhere his-Xperionce of thc Tem pion, which is verv

like th-^MisBiosippi phut nod tho Boutfa Caro*iinu plan. We li.'lii'Vc it mm G Dei ol JI. 'i

cock who c.ilii'l for "a tree ballot, g fall" vole. _n«l a fail conn .'

Thc general retriew of the nines at Rwhicli mi: -[ ii «¦ i -, inlt nt in Coloradomikes on -Bother page, gives some mt- ,,tthe pomonal dang* n ol p amiminirs hath m thees days and In tnt earlyllistnty ol ih'.a c;un|i.

Tho Caaadiaa Qos/ornmeol ihowi that it re¬

ceived in the ye,i ended -lone 80,fBS(468,58A. and expended in Um sam'' period$25,181,71 J. Ji adroitly places the deficit at$3-3,i_7, by elaiming tho sum ol

$k:'.00,000 w fi paid into the Treasury in thopi cv mus year, in order to escape tho antici¬pated advance in import duties. It would havebeen better for Hie new administration if ii hadexpended no more limn i* received, but if 'he

money lins been used profitably tlie Canadianshave no rija-it to complain. 1

Tl Vat entirely proper that Colonel Sellersshould ionic back in tho best, nf spirits ov r

the refuel ol tho Ilritish public to take himto their hearts. Ho would not hive beenColonel Setter* if he bad allowed a trifling dr**ctuMfaaeo like thal to moderate airy of hisliiiit-'tiilicent ambitions or to ens* tlie BU)

shadow on bli auroral visions of thc fntnre.The MOOM-d of the Colonel's slate of mindwhich Mr. Raymond fives elsewhere showsthal that gallant and tboronghly reeoostractedwarrior ls ai cheerful as ever, and that theni dor of his pood nature has not abated inthe least.

It ia fortunato foi n inkind that the nceu-

mnlation ol valuable aciontifle trnths neverce i.-*(". Yesterday it waa demonstrated thal a

certain person ot German birth, wbnoe Bafflewill be found in our news eolnmna, couldswim twenty-fi re miles in nine boors. K wa

also de nooatrated at the same time thal aeer-t ni ii other person, likewise of German bin;,whose nine \vi!l also be found in our newi

columns, could not awim twenty-five milei iinine hollis. On Saturday it woe establishedw^li perfect scientific exactness thal the rc-

Bull of trying to row twenty-five mill i 01 "

bnry River, erith Ihe mercury niiut'ie sh nie, was a aunstroke. These are di_-coverico which the world will aol willinglylet < ie.


'iii rc is a letter from a notive Southerner inoar m.Lunns tai- morning which we wool allour Northern friends to rend. Colonel E. N.Bill, once a Confederate bal now a 1. ub-li. an, dissect*] tho well-worn D.Mtie liealu ut tbe coot of "cai Governi.'."i! quotes Jo '.". Efoadly as

" ;' i<

"carpet-bait governments of the _-onth hov"

,. -ied away and the only vestige of th ii..exist ce is a debi 01* fcltO.OOO.OOO.'' Ilethen .-niki's a financial balance between t it¬

iti the Son ii. He -' 0

of a total indebtedness of $170,589,972 ineleven Southern Statis in 1^7,1, only|4f312,77- is (.::: 1'! tn lin K publicans,and $127,877,562 lo the Democrata. __¦_

Lout .''¦'.' t '¦.iii. ¦.- to ininl ia convictedolmendacity so {flaring a-; to suc-csl 11 fierceonslao chi on iii fe. Lies,lies, lit.-...1' tt';i, il., ia .li-- Democratic catn¬

ip 1Tl e pre ienl 1 bring! np in lt

clear st form the issue of porty pres* nt their claims

for a positioo, they usuolly prove, and apread their records tothe light. The Republican party Ima been in

of Ki 1 Gov rumen! for twi: ty j 1 -.

and i- m.? .shamed to -how \u booka. I liDemi craik Mriy hud charge of ilroany years before tiie beginning of¦h. period. Ilmv the books were keptthen ia pretty clearly hown in the rei

Btatcd in our Washington dispatches, of Dem¬ocrat! mala Iminis ration <-! the financi a pre¬ceding til" civil w.,r. Tbe question of com-

pet.*ney and economy will weigh with t-rerjm.rn who likes io aee the businessol Governmenl dona in ¦ busineoo-like wt\f,anil bia vote is likely to be (riven to thc part]which has Introdueed steady and boneslmethods of administration into every depart¬ment of the Government,

Coffeevillei in STaUabnaha County, "was

"quiet hast night." Thia ir reassuring newt,inasmuch aa Coffeev-lle, ha ITallabusbaConnty, wits fur from being quiet tbeni.lit before. Indeed the dispotebeo gobo far ns io state thal "a perfect" par-ilctnoiiitim" reigned for some time iiitimi prosperoua Miaoioeippi commanity. TheInspi inn cause was an exchange ol shotsbetween an alleged colored Democral anda Greenboeker, which gave the atonal,aa it naturally dees in thc ardenl South, forageneral nnd indit-ci iminate volley OO the pan,f ambitious persons wltO see thal "the" aliootio'baa begun.1, and who don't wanl tolose the chance to join in tln-i ihilarating -o'i al

pastime. There an- taro eorioua cirenmstaocesabout thia report, vbich plainly cornea fromDemocratic sources.Ii rat, Hint then- Bbould bea colored Democrat involved* the exiateneeofaoloretl Densoorot being *-t il a naettei for se

emilie oneation' second, that a Democrat,OVeO a colored one. should have been tiredupon Hist, instead of beginning tbe Bring him-sell, l'cihiips it was irom force ol habit ac-

qnired in the daya wiien bo was a Bepublicanand waa used to iicine a target,

HIL "BALBI " sui 111 8TOBT.We observe with sat iafnetion that a Demo¬

cratic nowapapor pobtiobed at Oowogo in 11n¬state fills upon its wadera to bear in mindthal Tin: Ti'ii'LiNK, "soon aft.i the 110111111.1-" tion ol' General Hancock, made, po.-itively"and circumstantialiy, the charge thal in"1876 Genera] Hancock arrota a lotter to"(jomial Sherman, in which he, declared his" pnrpooa to recognize Mr. Tilden as Kn-i-"(leitt on and after the 5thof March, ls77";that "this charge TBI TB-Mnri made with"all solemnity and with the emphasis ol"poeitive knowledge*] that tins paper "aloo"called for tho pabKeation ol ibo lotter aa a"matter ol Information for th" people". tho!" The World, with all possible aeol, set shoal"aecaring tho lett:*r In Question, and finally,"after much trouble and expense, ancceeded"some three weeks since, The World printing"the letter entire from a copy certified bj" General Sherm m"; and ilia' " Tm Tumi ,1." hus novel printed tliis letter or in anv

"mininer Blinded to it, thu leaviog ns

Mreaders niter!}- Ignorant of Its true ehoroo-" ter and eontt nts.'" We are grath, d, wt aay,Bi BOOinC this-eries of mis-tat "incut.- a unitedwithin the compass of a -ingle paragraph, aait see uni to ns to have exhausted the possi-1/iluies of lying regarding the eircumataneein question, and a plain atatemeat oi thetroth \\il! answir them all.Tai Tumi m., as every reader of n knows,

never either "pool im1\," "eircomsl uti.ult,""with all soli ninny,'' or "with the etnp a 1-

" ol positive knowledge,'1 m.nie the "chargenreferred \ >. Ind. id, ii did oot appeal si allns a "charge'' at ti' '. bul as a root, upai

which one of the arguments for bia in>

tion a Mr, Hiram A kino, -t 1 .

editoi of Vi 1 moot, was d 0ri ail ..1authority, we believe, for the report thaiGeneral Uaoeo k did write a letter in ls7 7

propofiag io recognize Tilden aa Preaideot,and to weoive ordora from h m tl be shouldink. 0. 0it.i and claim the "iii'1 .. Thuthe Btartling Form ia wh oh tbe sloy li:

peared. li waa generally discredited, ll »

aaid ai Bm t<> hate been written lo c, DcralSheridao, .ben to General Sherman, and(i.ii.t Mr. Biran Ai. caw Forward ovgiiii-own denature with tho avowal tbal Qom*

l uni "lialdy" ."smith w.»s hil iiiiMitnity for thu

fatfitcmcnt that there was such a letter, andthai if was written to General Bhexinan. Gen-etal " li.ildy" .Smith declined to he qmtinned upon the subject", and General Hancockhimself, who could not help knowing v. li til i

he hal Written sur'i a letter or rn- . n lu-f.II to answer regarding it. Senator Baton, nfConnecticut, was rep..ned to have -.nd thalthe storv was undoubtedly true, and lo haveadded his belief that il" it wen generallycredited il would ificrr.i.t* his vote bythousands.

it Mum be.¦anie evident that whether Ran¬ee*.-, had written any meta letter ot aol* tlien po:! thal ii" had had been diligently circu¬lated nt Ctneinnati, aol by his enemies, bulby his friends, " Baldj " Bmitb and others,who need it for effi et npon t1-who were in favor ol the pinn oed oew r-bol-bon in L877, and who opposed Tildeo bIn- showed cowardice in refusing to had if ;

ami that anon the strength <>t this argume t

he waa ooi linate '.. Tintais report na. tiiat il ii m.: c un froi '.'

publican inrc I i

by Ci n: ri! Il mc k's friwho, ii was hoi '. I be infl i< "ed bytbe ;.! .".i'll- u! th .. ann an wi : ''¦'

:i mai.v i.

!. If of the I »¦

nol h ink from leadii

truth ia thal a \ I Docratie p irty »

i¦.', .1 d were i ith Ite did not con-u

'. i" DO .'" Toll. i rest appealcircolati m. '. n t lette]II :. ; I i! 11


it ip i- i ti bel il nod

til n of hi paK. Uti

o di li::" his '.

i him foilt would1 havidenied thi t if it- were , or if

il ¦,

.'. H ,,:-i-,-; i. il by bia frifiids had h d i

pres I'.nn. his i in, and i

or i

,'Cil ns

niiii -

him ki :¦'¦General 1 lo to briusom th- Sherthe report, andi .,.-'..

lilt -'¦ :l"tl Hi'.pub


1! il, -or!. ' 0

till' I


ith i'


found, d hi\

Aa fur Uiletter in the Hancocktrew -ii We pwiller wat r hi.

in politic* than i- usual with Army <..¦

aiui was exceed 'ioneither for au] of the Demeratic candidate or rcfusing tomanda of bia aopehor tiffie., a th event olMr. Hayi i b in. <l c ar I eli .!. '1 liere v,

nothing in ii to< to public il ii ii, th :._¦manifestly written with th I .... ! in view.Tin: Ti.ibi'nk conai qu -ntly -.lill

j -tour bon - in he wake of i Demoelalie CO t mp ).. i -e , BI ld print it. Gaiwaa io give Gi bi ral Hani the bent iiiof our columns to explain tin facts ewi¬

ng Kiis " Baldy " Smith Btory. Tie ff r

ha- uoi Oeen accoptcd, n'.-r has heko far iib we learn, any explanation wbatevi r.A letter of hie to General .Sherman has beenpublished In tbe Democratic newspapers,which is waiil to bo ths only foundation lorthe report, and it i- now insisted that PmTiti nt nc. onghl to have meekly copied accepted it as coming from GeneralHancock. Busineos in not '(lone in this officein t tat way.And now to give our Democratic Mends,

who have been Eoot-balling this story aixiutfor a fortnight as a Mcharge'' made hy TunTun ink, a frosh start, we call them luck to

firs! principles by reminding them that thestorj thal General Hancock offered totils. Tildeo as Pre-ddoni ii be should take theoath of office ia l -* 77 was originated qDemoerasa, credited hy Democrats^ and cir u-

lated by Democrats* to ¦ cure bia nominationat Cincinnati : that be li ib not ;,er denied iiauthoritatively,- and that the colnaana of Tm:Tinin.M". are still open to him for that pur-in- , though not to pnhlisfa either bia biogra-jih.v or correspondence in full.


Beeretary Ramsey has io«ned aa unlimitedfurlough to Wini ulicr to enable him to pre¬pare for a court-martial ho case the Pr iden!grants bim one, It is, of eour e, nece

it mere act of justice tbat Whittaker shouldhove a chance of clearing himself, n beeau do it, Dot only I 0WQaame should be reooued from tbe dandiagram which has fallen on it, bul amort imp .nant mailer tho! his race shouldnol als i b" it tt mil.!.'!' it. The* aenough to carry. Profi tor Greener is righiin struggling no manfully tot his friend, lintm.! - they have new evidence to briaward* we do nol see whal good will be doneby a!.il.Wi.ii ii er, nnjuatly enough, was pul

the piisoters' boa and tried foi in :.

upon hun-li Instead ol the Bren who wou'd. i probably hove co uniitl dBat be aaa trk d, aod it t,.;,..] ugaltho Kaine i vidence musl be bi.i! Maid. Iii- gull! BOd lie --liilt of tl ¦'

cadets were sim] ly, in n ,i of thepub i", the real Judge In tho matter, nol

I. Nothing et n bs ft loed by foina'ir

nt, olin:; nae j made ap theirminda al tbe ooi -¦ ih ii the 1 cadetwea '!". a- ii.y a ii ir hil! simply be¬

be v. '. on I thattbo o di

were ti ii:iii -il and in a] able ol cnn ! ii, .',.;...tho-»e who had jir,ju lg 1 'li were, un-

rortunab 1 , il"- Wa t Poi officers n,t.

rerj jada who bsd t" ti] lt lin- fact thals | could be fa thal ths

bloch hi ha n a liar (

id lbsforthoominf of the cowal !y bru ¦

ul the obits adi k, no

upon tiii-m. The testimony against Whittaker*,purely ami founded upon theopinion of expirls, WM joyfully ie ived an

eiiiiclu-ive, and the poor fellow's diary andlove litters, which have eheolutcly no bearingOil UM cae, wits publicly real and ridi¬culed bj an officer (who should naveknown better), to add the lan tasn-brable--fin': of c inti mpl to bia punishment. Besidestin' e prejmlii id fi iv was a Larger class, whoM min,i! i ".""il bj tic Color of Whitta¬ker's Kin, and who still believe him innocent,lil*--f, hec,msc 1,0 icasoiiable motive was SS-:. I'. Idiotic an act, ami, secondly,because they lull! t!; ; evidence againsthim mei nclueh e.

(ia: 'al" of ti:-, wan 'li" great pttblta whoBM I iii t':e fact tbal Wi t

Ko.n, wai on ti ml thin ii Whittaker's affair.Nation ii disgrace t hal con¬

duct among the cadets was permitted and.-. d .-.,, ,i .':, r offliera whichbetrayed a total bick of comprehension of tbeju ti .. and br vi f b donging to n

1 :lal ol theny Li t! public resulted diffen inly

from Ihe i I boy. The popnlarhe led. Bul Ihe

.'. ittrial a un lo bi fi and ..

i . cut r

a,id tin e 'i o li to rolun-.:¦ hi -: '¦ addi-

.¦ j hove ii"!, we biili

YO TH[fl doy tv. re a

i pondi ion of t ie

lt wi aid indie ilOOO had b"s ii

, eud-lo t

. lillild hud bi ¦. ul this

ol -ric by tbe"

Hi I, the uc:mil con-

itiiin of tl : lime,.-:

the Ti".' myni of

.i its tinlimn it was on

. il

.-. Oa tin ii li hand, uU.! | ,. ' to tbe

in tbe .fernelnm

ni n j- !.!, \i Inch a rivi il on

n thc .1of hup .il (. thc ,. of course i

ol i' h,,.l reai cd 1 lu l>menl rt '.

; week \.

i " . t $GO4,01..., .1 --. il upon the bank t-

poi fa ot thc lout'i ,n moue] mai tel t -v and on-

y ii to be ex ptlow of cun .'ie to

will i> muchFor, ni*i, thi ab-

lie. ] "!' has lan ii s A 1. thc i'ta

ail the NOW-119,631,100 in 8|

On Un 1 t of .ngnat, 18 JO, the Tn nsorjii - ;.!.'. ml thc Nen ¦_ rh

"..Tl 7,500 in Bpi i'. theTr '. lury >( 1.1\ i materially

lii'iires; 1.000,000 in gold

i in I lie Ti.'mi i N .- i.. :. auks doc Auk- -'

¦1,1.'. di imports of (told:¦ end the yield

ll been overHem 1,000,0 IO tn auld

er ii iw ii for thei in tlie arts, nt I ist $00,000,1 00

-ii ;.I. "i bi i, bj otln banka than thoseol New-Y irk, by hoarding, or by ineacurrency. A comparison ol returns of the

" 1 bfl iK 111 ¦!'< ov:T, sllOWS tlial not

mole ttl iii flO.000,000 had been add. d io

their stores, out i'l" ol New-York, ap to .limoll, Kn- data of Hi" latest statement. Pollytim milliona ol auld has therefore been takeninto cr minti m or led. It is jnsily r»a-

.-.... d thal thia fact will materially lessen theamount of money required to be sent

through tim coontry to facilitate themovement of the ciois. Bul the ahsorp-t-on ol legal-tendon has lu cn -viii greater.I i,.iii .-.turua! 1. ls7.», to August 1, 1880*theatoek of lejral-teoders in the Tren ary dimtn-iahed $29,602,342. Since one year ago, tbelegal-tender reserve or the New-York bookali i- diminished 826,584,100 Thus$56,200,000in legal-tender notes has been absorbed intocirculation, ac added to tlie reserves of banksother ilia thone of New-York. And, lin div,the circulation of tho Notions! banka baa in-c eased ovor $1 1,000.000 during the poetyear. Titus it, appeal! that moro than1120,000,000 iii money has been distributedthroughout the country within n year.a samseveral times as rreot as was ever withdrawnfrom the New-York nati!;-t ia lim I'll lor tiiepurirooa ol moving thu crop-.

It* i-i generally considered, too, that thera power ol the Secretary of thc- Treasurywill be promptly aud resolutely exerted to

.1 ii.i urbane, in th money1.1 ... this year. This power to remove aoy

iporory strin .. , is so great that morethou $31,000,000 of United States notes,doit In lin- Tre isnry, c aid ar. any time be

ie rn ii kt i, either by depositssntli I il 1$ mk deposit* rios, upon

!.' 1 .Treasury aa aeeui il f, otby - pen pure issi - of Unil -d States b ml in

i] a ai nrpln 1 revenn a hereafter,bo li mi ii'd-. Ton t arreac) now held

by the 1 rea. irj ia h< id in 1 ~o819*265,105 in the fund for rcdemptit n 0

full d, in liquidation, or reducingcirculation, snd 818,249,405 in theS cr cen) fuod tor the redempd in of Na¬il ..'-ii rn ik 11 ite_, :.; "i" c ni al ii ij ii

ly au ! prop! riv t ! ,--..-

funds in pla e ol e ad -. The knowl¬ton! the Beerelory hus smpls power to

I.,10'. '.

iii.j rn irk . .1.1 I tbe cor dutj that in easeof anj I di lance ii won

aliii' pre*, .. .1

I doti . preveal nay atrina »ncj. ¦¦ Icliilly

Th ."ila, and theii"-,"' of <¦ ii am and 1 irg apecie Import-, ur" generally accepted as assuring

iu lb um y m.iiket daringthe tull. Dole s the country should vote roi".1 ellan 'i

" Hine I-i .11) leas ,11 at piv.s.-ii' ti)supp"-.' thal it prosper..) will be lotorruu I

Mr t 8. letter to 0 mass-i log of1 who in de .f... ,. s__oull u*»n_ mm*

elaros ia h'an io lalee 1 ile1 a loots totter in its sraa la alwaya soaeaal* hm ono i>_»

OSflS iu it fl-ems tO ba a Utile superior to the rest.

fhjoatlin of Booeoeh an ascetssssaa, be aoM i " Hs

never swaggered willis sword-knot mid -pauUMs,even whet, fhn reronatrucfiori infamies ^OTO Og-mmHxe- lethe islarr of prostrate Metes, end to

flu' diSOrO* 8 of Civil iroViTtlMiellt.' WOOS Mt. y am

v.ish tn he understood a« Balling tbs fc-eoiistrni rton

Amendments lo tbe Constitution " infsmies^ aaa

18 tilla Hie view helli If lill I 'CHUNTS - WHO BWSa

un" with Honeoek as itu* ooe ami only ' ensoi-o-

tiimal expooodei now living!

Thees was a tune whoo tho Demecrots Doeuoeteemen ol brains for Visod-rosidoot, sock ns I lolboou,\ un Boroo, Dallas, Klug, ami Bwekiorfclge. bul edw,"li, ti ii -11 A ni- l.- money bee* Sod avery BSSOOons ot thal!_

wiiydnesii't Baronia, io bis tripe ont Weet le pur

shoos fiiiil"--". taks Coflei Pol Wallaee with him!I in t iv" woold make an inimitable t- .

TbntAlabama Republicen addrsaa ougbl tobea.! by ivoi .. n au v- ko wtsh< ¦ to so* rstood wbal

Hip Democrats moan by aa " aatrnmuiell-d bsllot,,11 i-1 iv-.i ai. Bloekbora need it

in lu* ian,om " wipina-oat" -|.lb, sod \Bamotoo used it wheo he told tbs followers ol L s

,t,il J ant ¦'. 'I ii <.atti 'I WSS

.'i'.i behold "no nu re free lei tini tra mini li.d expressi rn ol \> htical et ur av nt."

..¦ ,a: i versi tn ol " nntraoimslii.-t an lin whi it i* illumin -I nu tbe in

ipili.iHots.,,, iii- flu md pul in mot tic ballot- In their

n .In- ¦ .. I "I Im .ni'"' '-" .'

;..,,,.' Soi th p lists u objectin_ tliei.i rtliat Wads Hamptoa will be eutirel

Let th who v.'i li bu I sodablisbineuts m Europe ii iti ad "t

tin r vote f»r lbs "0 did 8 wt- ' en 1a "lang foi .lr."

I. mdsoldiei swearapoo thooltsrol kia country that tbs groed old 8bip rd Stats

rho delivered rs who at-.. ail.! muk

/.nj rho bas lived in the Wi it daring therea lily judes o bal e-fet«

.I i'a -li an.¦! mortgage rei uni will boVSNo class ol iii' a

.- ki ..

i ko ii - i a--- '.'!' ¦- le- war-: ndn .'ry and e moony,

..! I:. a : n;i:. .. bondrsid pu rc I I a fal

larked ii i, M i ne to their

.i cent ii./ -.'..ii::,! lia e been a

ia beganr ol 'ir ered ors, who started


M m., ;.[ linet' hen i

they li ible '" e ir. y the propertyf I, tfer limes, -".> i

.'I air, ilalment, ori in- Un, i.

'i as -<i i" bimr.",i tlie ereditm Baking lu ju I

lilli llOl ll.. lt 'I

ut to .'.ia a 1i tm- morl * .. And il ii a Idin :

e ni no- el isa a iks lor hem.s sn ¦¦ i all ti di rs Iroin srbom

lu baa" everj iible.

ti the business men of the coon ry willing to

tram I ei ei vt bing in their p iwer toa ri sim 'a-ii do i' st-

,i illow ii barda,u ..-

As sn evidenoo of tin nuci ityofthe lesditbs !' ana \ * lien tl I to I. inof bard money, witness trieir elt'oi * to el* i

...i-. .a i..- .¦ai ii,le paper -louey luttationislhis,

rausl be Genet d lian tock's feeliIn j u ,ia iliat ti. .¦ the trinm|

.-"a to ii-iii-, tl

ten to tbe Democratic hnzzas for a free 1 illollusUatod ni tbe tec ni elec¬

tion iu A lab ia. Tl I ia the kind thev waul inruiitted lo , it .


The wife of Postmo ter-General Koy is large oodcn mly-l oking, aud rejoioss in s family often

n a'.A Mexican soddls with illvsr stirrups aod beeo-

lital ornamentations was among tho eootly ki fte.. Ord received oben -alu- beoaois ths wi tu olI... trevino.Mr, James C. Flood, the California millionaire,

ii ia mid, pureussed Malbooe, lbs hrsntifitl sossidcresidence at Newuort, with the intention of pre-

il i. h ilia."; .a iiyou bel marriage vi tu.Mr. I', is. Grout, ir.

Mr. Humphrey Moore, ibe artist,spent an eveningreoeutlj i tbs company ol the Jspeoese Mioister,'Ih'- hostess happeoed to possess a complete set oltbe work-sol Hokneai, tb- famoas Japaasso artist,mei thees formed tba obie! topic of ounreraalion.

Baron Hickey-Horden, the lri»h*Ameri-an Editorof tba satiriesl poper Tttmtntet, who was reeentlyupi ll d from Prouse, ls said to bs very nek and totoke pride in paying: linea fer offences oaaioat tbspress censorship. His loot offeoee- a. eenooo repre-(i'-ntiii- lim three Presidents rn sailor's dram sod ina etate of seiui-inebnety dancing a hornpipe, washeld to be too ilugi_nt for Ins favorite method ofexpiation.Mr. Bronson Howard, who wan present ol tbs

-,, sgt Ciob breakfast to --nericon Sb! >rs, thoa de.hi ri bea tba offset ol o peeeage rn Minister bowell'sspeeeh: " I tbiok the seotonee about AdrieoooLo.eonvreor ooo of tho aroodssi pesasgoi ls sroeolit-erotore o thought struck out hy a man of aeoluswbieb will live with Hie loogooge. Iteosos forth inLowe! selnar, ineistve,yetMrftened, voice, lherewaa a iiioaii'nt'a ai iim rr. ma if he tin m.'li i bod sir ick

n th" Prams of the _il(> thinking mau wbov> rsli aing.thoo a baral of loeg, deep enthusi-UBtiC Opp '-' v" I" -lei'L tile Hf\V-CO|i!tT."Bari an-1 Coanlesa Lytton received s sordiol wot-

couie ou their iitiiui homo from [odie, rhe town.¦I Stevenage, ni Hertfordshire, gare them a formalic. iition, and on their arrival at Koebworth Cortiest_ miles th- um. they foaod triampfaol srohssssas^tiing tlie carriage-way, sod o crowd of villagers sitbs entrance to the Pork, The tea.mia Mid tlc iri.inilai. wera on tbs terrace, aad tlie r.. inr ol tbeviDune read aa address ol weleoaw, to wbieh LardLytton replied from ins carnage, Three cheerswere ..\ a inr the Kari and Countess, with sn extraooe tor V.t.iu'ii Knebworth, whom the Couotessbeld lo her anas so that tho speotaton mi^ht see;,im.

General l.rnnt has not, ».> yet, eooHnittod bimoelfvery di iplj to any specific mining lutenist, " .bsl

id thi v .a have il .wu ia Mew Mexico, QueDenver reporter rsmarksd to bim. "Why, I

'.al '

i'm I hod anythingdowo there except wbalI pop i, .! hove i)i*i'ii elected Pres¬

ide! o' i ompooy, bal [hovea1, oeoopted tbapost por Boprts, who waa -sn mm hy, .b--i-rv-.i 1 * .'..'..inns til,nu (off ht iii (Mm

ll " fa .¦'.iii-..'." a ; ii bo, .' hoy Will.iii all prob bi y. tbeir stock, sud ttosre ii abia - mee for fr ui'i." * o i! " aol Geoeral Oran!

.,. oi' .p.,a- io pince fa ir .tot i. od wlel di n'tcare to nave u ytoiug ludo With i ." " Then soua ive not i ii : rmi a plan for \- ai e f rn the hearfuture! "No, sras the rssponse, "lom nol de¬cided on thot bead.'' " What do yon ttiink ol the-..uti n < iilorado mines!-1 tbs wasa i..' I. " Well, 1 linn u ;r tim Qauuisoa bon ii ti.vit, verv rich, li la etina! in w.._it a to tu. Coui-Hicklode b '. I.- it waa ilu_ ut."

u.: tu xtTc Ao Ti ¦«.'At the New-York Aquarium the appropri-

ie "* ii. jf.a. l'.u if-n-.'*"." u sowoarreat, _n il',. r- ar fl ::,, nv w 1-StOCked taOkl Ol ni nan- nu \, ,

un 1 squalid a in-. .

A' ll averlv'e Theatre, Brooklyn, this week, jbis Misslrela will sppsor. Kr. Bonley COmobsll, ¦ ._

l i-af "Ta (J i ..I tb r* .va. na an. " ..

The reopening ol'ihe Park Theatre* eeeignedim aagosi i I, vi a ¦.<¦ i n,i'i...i in t.,,. ,,,,,,

"*. *.''.«""' ». Iso." la wilil u : 1. ai ill lu ,.. |i I

Mr. Bartle) Osmpbell*e eosaody eompanyl i mk II. .i,-. Ja au. It . M *m .i,. J J I ,|

liven. I li '.. is ll ll, m.. c A M.M,t,.i_, onarlea.M ''¦',"' '! "' M.,,.,,,,,,,. m.,,,, ,. ,,. ru.

l'l:e the.itii- now open Blt WiiM.tckV, the' ...H'>'., I- -s-uiiimii. tlU, Um i^.mHi'jiure

Ba« rty's-aJTsssiiasiosi, u-vs/y.-j-w*,-* oveao.

I anil tin- Aipl iruiai...... Il ,v. >.' I'i:

Itey'-i I'lUri will li.-'.p mi. I 1' ni'.'h' \ r ti j'.nu. Ilia'r, iii Ti ur -ta in 1,1,. |',, |,. ,1, j.will appeal m s B * bk 'll v 'nf mnc tn|ii"st rill ihorttr ri ....... ri r w , «-

.Ti.e S ot _'. i Minali : ami.i'.xi sfsek.



I 'irk.¦Hil

The eeooon of spoetacle ai li >..

,. ,

i" elli keg u im

K. .1 i.> li: ¦',, a l n||] |, .,: l \

Kii*ntv Dava." Tba ci

lrI). ibSTW a '1. M M I, "ll a I.It-r, ii ¦; rb, i, \ i... *

mi., ra i ..- b illei will oe led bjCar_slba, liy M. Arnobi a


narpa m SOO t*o y nhet >. .

"Edgewood Folk.," written foi v ¦

I'V J. il. i!,"'.- ll. Va iir.- eli ms '.. los, ie' i-i

ii an D .. .- il, r.a. mi

Htrr. ai i... ,.. ,,"'."-.."



I*j-i ne


Mr -



A "Disappointed Ann ,,, whee ai

bal ...' to b«torso, t" wadaUsbJi'tiii tbe ci . i, _ -...

reallyi niowaai ini ». ,, -ll I Un- gvi


ld i- ..i.«* I to toa m lim a ..


A workmgman La 61 v. i fe u at autn mi ao. robil ric.lain! ~. Iii 1

with »sdlnek. He Un a so-. forUi i,nr,.

ian so In l re t, se i v-rt .,.allow. ii**r to remain ai Uni r


An E .: j ur ies 'ii di a, pron ala ut; .'; ~i


.ors¦toot i -ni ,,.,;-¦*

nt al bili r a. itu ¦ : un

-ir! in pa to render lt faI rel bren i i Sar

i good break fa

boura before l .-

i-i.ii..! iiuil i n ia

irk 1* dovet to ea t ao tu ii i

atop .1 ir--'\ nilLord B nsfield, in the course of Ind re-

I'.'I.I "Ia ¦.. Ila- I nj * IfllU111 ll .

ll I . .. I.i*

,. Ineil.- tiie |ir tdtu r ii> I. i-f sa et I

wlia a «ii of pjh.. tat*

I upon ...- |ji_n.-,ii: i ua at*

» .»;<*_¦»uno . :. inl

i.'.t 'ii ibatui .'. i i. i i lest Wi

v ., live In .In- ia: . -MSv, ti Well !i iv v\ !|. ,¦ ... ..r, Ij*

-I .

". tl I.T .1

ih nb io a don.The speech of f!i" Canadian I in at*

in he ___»

bag r Cb ber ofO si oeroe mi n-culto FHB TOlOt'VB a t"i!ii _¦:' .l.n.bO

the text wnlrb iss by tbe lateat I msapb ittc s.... bia In a rlnc li * A l'n*-

t'Ciioo il iold i.._l.i-lhmi Botbiag in give ih' Dominion ol Canada iii Meng,,r res jual, a. I.-, -j noe bsd aireailj i» .¦¦ girnswot, im- proteetlve iratem peenIn tbe greater part ol 1.1 tat¦I i: tba exceptlos in adberms lu pi ncipl* ssl li

practice lo bras li \- tr_ir. ul. ts i'i., v..",t farther tana John lina i M; i, __«

beld tbal li asi Instifsbk. for a ronus. Mon v. 11 is>

funt ii. ai- nesta slvs Un m tempoitooyal ii. I at some decree ot ma:un riff wal

a sp 'rta snial on ¦. .ac u furMUD* lu .'". ipi lill . f i'. lt WI, '... ¦ ll, 'i-f IIIrotectlvs aya rn iii t tbe l rn ... . v.-p

burgs a ¦'¦ a viinp .1 tfcotr mai lt trw

question of tbs sceu lo'.ailou ot weall ivlassslI in tue ebeaossl sod dearsstmarl tts re iu

aoly prlseis s la t e Ills af s salton ta be n terdei, mwI i- fan .nan tariff waa ami-take; buttle-) '. a i. uta fii.'ti it- iiitn.ii,il atrunk b aednatlaoidei eli tm ut. I'mil 'ii. :¦¦ tl a - ai pti J AtlMH so"'riu-a" nial ''ettie l-" IC 11 .....:. ,.i"U.-»,iMit ikey wera now ezelu .. T_eeoa->equi .i»tw1the United States wt-r. nmv tv a: om riMipeap ma v. itu c inad .. .' > I e ¦. -t-ifk-standing ii ii free trade waa a rc igion In E .!» <X-A*bod almost aid a auperatttlon.-win n_Swnnl.l lu.iii. .. ii in dil,aiini se Qll H J-IDot Cottle fl'OUl Ul.nv.' ll W.ill al i in Irma im-.uW.

pull ir oris los.

The only " doubtful*' tliin>r tho re*ultIn; ni la aa lo tb * r .>! tbe ui..J.rir.w'u'tnei tt will be 20,000 or iu,.re- [l>,;ro:i l'.<t asfTr liane iK | )Wade Hampton's speech Frightened Majn_t

lo bodlj Hum uv iii.ubt lbs moat uki nfeat .reen ei*

now be ia-'ieii t. every Confedmate bnsadiet ot totalwk t ks t .laka aod believesontd siter etecnonla*M-.H'ticu Ht r.i.a (BopTo n philosophic statesman, to ths earned

patriot, the -ini'i.i I. of a a..! il South w-iudglvei_e0Inquiry iin.l ii. v -li. a:i, n nial,-..I .>-* ii 11,._ BS SBBMioi aretiona I abuse. Tba «.. n ti ¦ *oiul in in .ppoai^satn tbs Bepublloan party [IxMiiavllii Co-rlef-JaersB(li. m.)

St li'etiiry Sherman i-s ..'oin'.'to make sr viral¦peeebea and reduce lia public debt flftvIsrs tn tbe a»xi Mrs nanika Tm ls tera ll ss nf*Iii; nt wit ll "m..lull* ill lt." [,|.,ill» .Sewsliu-J

KOBI ABOUT I.IK IND JACKSOff.From Th* Ar.n Url'un linn. -.' Sal

The hanuer ol tbe l_oute_-r.iey uta'ila"!fnr.i er IB gin tn .uni il a i-t r. bill ll ,; ilM

ihi-fbloo I of li m. ¦ - a ii a i. a. and rn i'0r»0any ever t -nabI f"i bbet ly,

It livnl nilli I.,,., ami i*-e'.ii1 ht* brutrl'lmn tuii m amp] res ¦

lt -I. ;.¦> Un' -I'vp i> a, .. -i inia,Alt ipallSM an ii" C lilli.

Tilt' Illili wan an' , .¦ H li- iii,-I ,i |, ...:... "i'1'lt-Hpi.lit', a! nil ul-, uti.I na ubeullllelv e ' !'»Hflfnt lin- doutta, na?.' arown ap au nnu.i int.r *";,3the wa , au.I nil their ed .;.!* ami en

lon arti Inalian ill.- w nan. a calli- li bl I.;:i'H:l!iil >>..

Wini li Ul i.i.) il.' ** ll .1 r. 11 ll, 'nil "ab cb bia Bl ISSSl SPIn a I p»ep of uKui..u- wi bi i

I'nr oin yi um.- ni ii, ti., ii f .. til f 1. alasessnd .'. lu Republic, We i'.. ;...-. n lin J'inn iii'ii umi admiration t ,. b rotc .. li si asPttlll..'I H.

.. BE "M l! l tTlOMProm Ths 1telson Ark.) I rei mDtm.)

The mau wini iliink.-i mat j., hui lead aaOp|.|>.ll ,,l| it.I ..

¦ I'll'. l'<rou ii rr la not ",i.»tn-j . : oojall Will ll qu r a 'i


"i vu ei iu 'li I), 'ia.. ..ii ( rsus-,.."


r,-ur on ihe day o. I

i'm: JA< R vv-:

im tkibjjwi rot-Ot 5

tl ¦¦

f'-au.i ,


,, ...

.., Wp t I.I ll .'"|. ri-.1alor li.

i ' " ' 'd... vi...i ..'

would I' i

*L, t\

aim ti. ¦* me i


ii- I'- ..",1"' ',__tot «¦'..¦ jy

.tiiu.ji' for t-urye_s»

...Ntiim-.ii hui mu' m Waar

JIamy .»

'nut i iain \r. jrrepuln'Je n,

taterr.ui-i- before \«.. .

ra i ) ... it \ tl mu bowLes i voled.I li ni. ii Bl Ja i. i'll w n dII IV,' il

In> iiivnl ii h ii loved Vm.. I u-h v mi ui rotas ss-ber timi.' w .1 ir, a ,..iyour i" in.' irinentlierthat tht .. ti 'I"-1

ngtiiit mi .i


pasta t at ihil I 'tr S .la.lf.'tl l,I. I I ll.i ii ..ii r waa Les Bl

prinelpt** ar irhich theyfouphl fm- four y tu ¦* lim. min iii. u ebapear, a rnrin tm tri.'.. eteau \ i._i.,i,i'a -m., Budda ssl_i!-'iuitii m. ni nea

¦ubi i soi au, sth. iFr m ;m t'tii 'o mtrdot t-SO. ..^

Colonel Paruey's nie oi lldiu-o-k is a "¦'*

mat... ..i .m, ui wa*'." *- '¦ .'. *."* *;!';_#t .,1 (nl.ii,. K..tai,.) un-: i:i.).nle ie*. it,.l vii.Bl."-»WoOU. ul'oiiem mude bi-l»etl'ltf W
