new york tribune (new york, ny) 1907-02-05 [p...

By ICiUar Smith anil Victor Herbert. Wiml. Mat.. Special PrlrM. .Seats SOc. up. Slats l.imo'n and Waahlnston's Blrthaajr. Peats on Sals. CnCII I WORLD IN WAX. C.YTSY MrSIC tUtn I CINKMATOORAPH F.Tery Hoar. MISEE. I Continued Success ANDRE'S tondan TELHARMONIC -HALLWWSS »C. IV M. daily. Electric Masto by Skilled COp Artists to IOt<MO places at once. S»* Prooesa. \J W »-» TO-NIOHT HO. KEY fll'H Jport*. *__ . _ TO-NIC.HT ->lOt'KEY CI-VB V 3. ST. XICHOtAS. St. Nicholas Rink, S«th 81 and Coltuabtts A.»»* " - v » Skattns after gam*. _ Meetings. i N\T\l. MKKTIV! of th« American, In*titt« .•TV Thursday. February 7th. ll»T. »t 19 W, *»& *«m *! fc ti. -" -. - .B/ ALL TALK PEACE NOW. EARL & WILSON. Shirts Troy's best Product (from a tre»n box) Before buying any more Sagamont collars, ask to see the Sagota; same height little different front effect in short, a new model. "j::n does Mayor Bdunltz*s promise bind tlie \u25a0ebool b'lard'.'" Mr. Kahn was asked. "It will come mlftity near doing bo," replied Mr. Kahn. "Mayor Bchmitz Is ;h<- dominant power in the < ity administration at San Fran- i-iscr.. All th<» members of the school board oi\e thrir positions to htm. ;<ml It ir«>, ? without sajr- inn That he will prevail." Californium Discuss Japanese Situ- ation with President. I Prom The Tribune Bureau ) Washington. Feb. 4.—California member* of Congress assured the President to-day that the Japanese situation was "clearing up beauti- fully." and all likelihood of trouble over the school question was vanishing. Senator Flint and Representatives ECabn and Hayes called at the White House to discuss the subject, and all expressed the belief that the forthcoming con- ference between the President and the delega- tion now on its way to Washington would re- solve itself Into a love feast. "The white winged dove of peace is hovering over us now," said Mr. Kahn after his talk with the President. "The Mayor, as you saw by the morning dispatches, has announced his willingness to allow the Japanese children to at- tend school with the whites If by po doing a treaty can be made Mia? will exclude the Jap- anese coolies." Lord & Taylor Broadway and 20th St.; sth Aye.; 19th St. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS in Door Portieres. 250 pairs (assorted.) $3.65 & $4-^5 PP a i r » reduced from $5.50 &8.00 pair. Couch Covers. ioo Covers (assorted.) full sized, $ each, reduced from $5.00 each. Lace Curtains. RenaissanccJlrish Pt, Brussels/Tambour & Cluny 500 pairs $4. 50 pair, formerly lrom $">.50 to 8.00 pair. Ruffled Curtains. 350 pairs Ruffled Muslin $ I .OO pair, reduced from $1.25 & LSO pair. 125 pairs Ruffled Net $1.25 P a ' r » reduced from 1.50 & 2.00 pair. Lace Bed Sets at $6.00 & $8.00 each, formerly from 8.50 to 12.00 each. Upholstery Department. NEW- YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY. FEBRFAKY S. 1907. Proposals. Stem Brotheirs \u25a0 rm \u25a0»s*»""JB?— » Amusements. Amusements. West Twenty -third Street Mm ton Plates, Cups and Saucers (THIRD FIA>OR> QreatJy Below Prevailing Prices. Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring Departments For a limited Period Orders Will Be Accepted at Special Concessions from Reguiar Prices, Tailored Walking Gowns, of choke materials, $52.00 (THIRD FLOOR' SPECIAL MENTION. CaJDIDC THEATRE. Broadway and 4iHh St. cmrinc Ev*s.. S:L'O. Mat. Pat . 2:20. POSITIVELY I.AST TWO WEEKS. ELLEW TfiRRY Last li Nights Ijist Sat. Mat. In Bernard Bhaw's Neweat Cnnieay. CAPTAIN BRASSBQUHD'S tONVERSION. Next Week— Miss Terry In A POt/BLE TSII-I-. "Th« Good Hope" 1. 6 Nan « Oidft^lcl" m HEATH FOIt I.AST TV.'«> WCKK-S ON .-Af.F HI in<sO\r 111 ««th st . Ka-r of Broa4wa* 200 TH TIVE FEB. 18 ::,\\^ibs wISk THE HYPOCRITES Extra Ifati Llnooin'a & Washlnßton'n Tttrthclay*. HRITrDinU THEATKB. Droadway and <4th St UnilbnlUH Evei. 8.:o. Matlr«« Ear . 1:10. \u25a0 -( OItKII A HIT." HF.RAM>- LULU C LASER TllF ci^ KO Extra Mats. Lincoln's * Waslilnßton * Btrtbdaysu ' U/ll I APs"O Broadwi and M'Uh Ptreet. ntlLLflUn0 Evi iii Mat» Wed. A Shi J:ls. SAM BERNARD mr IKHiC.EMIEIMBU. Extra Mats. Lincoln' a A Washington's Birthday*. KFHHOC Xl X ft ray and nithBt Evenings * \u25a0\u25a0:• UaMnee* w»A. .v s>s'.. 2\i MONTGOMERY & STONE Rri ; H^., Xtra Lincoln and Washington Birthday Ma: •»• ClDDiPlf THEATRE. s=;th St.. near Broadway Uflnnlun Evgfi. -SO Mat* Wed * Pftt : Jl» WM. COLLIER US tt i"AiV! Extra Mats. Lincoln* .\u25a0: Washington's Birthday*. I VltnilJ *&** Bt rri<i Broadway. Brsa sII LIVCUm Mats. Th'irs. t Sat.. 2:iS. Feb»i?.^, THE LION rV,I! MOUSE I.V« F.I M THEATRE - - - SPECIAL 3 •»(>.'<- 1 Matinees Tlil» We*k. today. TUC TDIITU wUh CLARA mm a Fri . ai... InC I nil 111 BLOOnCOOD. GfITTnV S4th Pt * B*way. Eret •is \u25a03il If %M M -'a-. Thur* * Pat . 7:15. •IT DKSEjnrKS ITS SVCCESJi.'* —Harper's Weekly. Wm. A. li:.'. ami Jo*. K. arlan it's produotlon. MAN t% HOUR By OEOROB BROADHCRST. Lincoln and Washington Day Mat*. Thursday M«t!ne.'*. 11e.t Brats »1J«. (ROUCH «, i 177 BKOAIIWAY. 08K IlllilAlMVAV. 723 HIXTH AVF.NCB. Do Tour Eyes Trouble You? Step into Sr" I '"*"'*- 12 Mulden lane, and get pair of pebble e><> \u25ba\u25a0i"'-"*" th * coo',, t-B»y kln'l that nf\er rr.lM or 11 »lalb \u25a0 Tortc 11 torn Is. fcr n«.ir anl blatant vla!r,n FRANK H, GRAF ANDIRONH. FENDERS, KIKE HET9. •12 t»etenth Avrnu*. Corner of 2gth B_t_ THE TRIBUNE WI4NAC FOR 1907 Qn Sale at All Newsstands Price 25 Gents Leading Men Si nee relit Regret RecLless Comment Here. 1 \u25a0 b. 4.---Tli* > wrar talk of the American pr«ss h;'.s been received here ivlth great Bur- prffie and 1 -:' : "- The correspondent ot ated T'ltsF baa talked with several g- 1 mi b \u25a0!.! in and out "f the government. They concur In the "pii u>n thai i!:<^ L'nlted states 1p the laat •••<unt;-y vclth which Japan \u25a0 go to war. Both nations ar* not aggres- viv i;i th^ir trad*) rivalri«-s. which seldom U-aii \u25a0 unless territorial acquisition \* Intended by >^itliT ri\al. In some quarters the belief is Th;<t tlie misrepresentation which suffers fnun "ti account of iho San Fran- : question la due to dis;i !?<•\u25a0. 't.-.i cor- var Ii is believed hese correspood* ins are ever watching for \u25a0;i ;\u25a0> Hiiikt* trouble for Japan. The J:ip- presa has been silent so far, appar considering the matter unworthy <>f <-o: j 1 ; 1 NO II AR TALK IX JAPAN. ] VROPOBAI<BV ROPOBAI<B FOR LUMBER, DOOR PLATES KEY \u25a0 TAGS. Eto. -Office of Assistant PHmhar*iTt A font. Jii'hnilan Oaral (Vim mission. 34 Statu 6tr«»t, Ni- York. TeK Cth. 1901 S.-ale<l proposals. In trlplieit« will bo re-«( 1 M at ihU nfflrf until 2 P. M. r»bruat] I.lth. 1907, for fumliihlnit the above m«nt!or.eJ article!\:k« at"l full Inrormatlon may be ohfalr ««1 sit this offloa ALPUED ANDEfftaOX. Anststant Turohaaln^ A«»nt v^EAi>Er> rrtopriSAi-8. in DUPUCATB. wtYj. be K3 received at the offlca .f the Commlnsloner "f Tm- mtfratlon, Kills [aland, N. T. 11 .. until 2:30 P. M . Tue»- da.r. February 12, 1007. and opened lmm«flla!e - > th*r* aftsr, for labor H.rA materials required for repairs to the \u25a0nails of Cr»mat >ry and Power Houaa building* at the T". S. Immlaratlnn St a t|,. n ElUi Island. N*. Y. H. Far- tlrulars as to ilmltatlonn on'J mndttton* (toveTnlr.a- bli- <!*!•\u25a0\u25a0 ran l*> obtalnad from I ban Watrhorn. «Y>.-ntnle~ *! Amusements. Advices from Peking say that China Is organ- izing a naval department. Four naval bases will lie prepared at once and $10,000,000 is to be provided yearly to put the navy on an efficient basis. MORE JAPANESE FOR HAWAII. Victoria, B. C, Feb. 1 --Mail advires fr"m T..'ki<i sa> that 1110 Japanoso govemniPnt pur- to Increase Ui» number of permits for Im- \u25a0 Hawaii. The number had been re- duo*Kl t<i !;.<«•<"• a month, ;<nd then raisei t.i V '\u25a0>''• monthly. It 1s proposed to Increase the \u25a0\u25a0• >•• 1,4100 monthly within tivo or .six LB J § M £CBjk> fg ... \u25a0 Dally Matinee, a , 2 sharp. ::,.- t > $100 neptune's Daughter vpiv"'? 1"'1 "' 1 ' Wlsa PP' Brto «f in K. il Water. •^grs 1 !:^ PIONEER DAYS LYRIC SO I HERN MARLOWE E * cor *a for unatt-ndrd la<i!e S forolahad f r »». MWEStiC %X THE ROSE tTe ALHAMBRA Trinrw.,. J9th. Tel .Sat . Mad 13 i-TrttHz it 8*1? M Incl, RR n ET r 1 T^ S'-« MILLER A>t.Ll> PlvidA. | .MILLER BIJOU 2S.H * Mats. & v7e«l i La,.' E/R\MATS..TOiJAY& FRIDAY In. Ilia lazwm mi£jssu NXT WEEK 4 WEEKS ONLT-=. a t3t 3 T--rr.<-roTr. Mfam CRO3MAX In A::-cr-a-5 :.!i^a resjy. CAS K'f) « LA^? V> ' EE! <- Paula Ed«arde7 UaOinU Mats Thur,. and Bat. Prince«» Re«, r . V*xt W»»k. i^u-a Mann— The G'.r: from VV-rj THE RO.4D TO YESTERDAY. [ INCfll M CII THEATRE R«.,v and Ittk Si LinUULll Ci' a Eve. .«.13.MataW»l.* Sat..: 13. VED MAnXKE. SFECIAL PRICES Srt> Or.-h. \u25a0••afi. r*ic av»w a ;- „,=i- . CAMILLE D'ABVILLE "?EiS?as Public Xoticeg. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOI Wed. Eva;.. Feb. \u25a0.. at S. TAN.\HAEL7ER-Fi-j- n -rr.'ta-i Alt«n; Burr - Van Rooy £u.!o',"' SCuhlmai - Conductor. Mr. H»r'i ' X*K *' S ' Trl Eva;. Fob. < st B— Double Bill— PAGIOACCI Cavallierl: Rotr-selier- fcottl. Re!,., stma-d Con- .lictor '"i<r- ' by H \ ENSE Matrf*-:.!. Alt»n. Homer. w-» "a" A 11. U BOHEM A' . du:t"T. V _-~s Pat. E\g. . ''\u25a0•'• 9 (popular ..... \in\— «, Tu .'",- Aft; F ' h 1J 'Lincoln's Birthday! 3 o'cloct Sp.cta, Pop. Prl^M... H^^^l^ A HEAVY JAPANESE BUDGET. Victoria, B. < '.. Feb. 4. The steamer Empress •if Una. which arrived fr"tr, the Orient to-day brought advices that the new Japanese budget for 1907-' OB Is severely criticised by Japanese newspapers. Apart from the fact that the total Kitm of 1305,000,000 is required, $60,000^000 more than last year, ami twice as larce an amount as was required to cover all expenses prior to th« Rnaao-Japaneae War, several extraordinary -— '*>vpi"l>riations are made for which provision is not in \u25a0 --.;. The budget provides large appro- priations for naval and military Increases. Schemes abandoned at the time of the war are being revived, and appropriations of about H40.- 000,000 are included for improvement of rivers and harbors, extension of railways, telephone line?. Iron foundries and the establishment of . new colleges and technical schools. The Japanese training squadron, consisting of three cruisers, which left Japan on January IS for Honolulu, and returned in distress, will be Font to Australia and New Zealand by way of Honolulu instead of the United States. IDIfHI fi TL. IHKVTRF InllnU * S - Mat nil IITTt \I treat '.aughlr.e success. ' 4 I>ER BMNDE P \»» \r.;FR ' MAMHATTAM ' y^ T \u25a0" n "*> * 8:i1 " mMnriM II Moil. *• . sj« Mata. Wed. * Bat. EMPHATIC TRIUMPH! THE Glfil TO-NIGHT at S.-M, ' "*• OIIIL JEFFERSON! nnucoilfiD OE ANGELIS , , H™ \u0084„ Ml* MIIUiUIbiIWi p>- Julian EVtwarls and OnERA O. In S M Br»nn»r. EXTRA MAT!*. I 111 19 and 23. A I>TAD R'ws] ilthBt. Ev 1.10..1.A1T Awl UK Mai Wed A Rat.. I lO.fWatKK BLANGHI WALSH the straight road. NUXT Seati N Thurs. GENESEE TUE HILLS. nADnCkI THEATIUC. I7th Bt.and MidAy«. AnUCn Ev 8 It. Mais, rmrr»-*P 4 - 1.!5 a g LITTLE MICHUS "Scored a success from the outeet." II*! aid ~~*S(\\ nlll II B way CnEATORC'H BAND, Mill IINIAI nl IHSHKII. BROTHERS. I .ULUIIIHLIId at. Meredith fltstrrs. Ward A < nr- |#*n| nill II t3r. ran. I Muud Edwards, others. M N Al " n1 Rlsa.Fl I. HROTHEBi, I a ULUIIIHL«I>: «t MM-Pdllh AUtiT*. Ward * < iir- W Mat. I>all7. *3<' rsn - ll » u(l Edward*, other*. II II llinnI «"y ! MARIE ItRE4HI.ER. UARRT AI HINIHHA »*••\u25a0* nri.or.R * CO., irene Frana.- MLiIHIIIUHH lie. 1 Ha. Ounllle, Trio. other». TUK4TRK rhAKY NKAREHT TO MAY *\u25a0-•«»*% M. the POLE. At 11 A. M. TlckoUai 23 W. 44t. v -. St. Thnne 830— Bryant, BELASCO THEATRE. -•« ft Tve »!J David Belasca I THE ROSE OF RANCHO presenu [== tiUoC THE hANIHU ACADEMY OF Ml SIC. Ktb St ar Irvte* Fl. w a KAMI) BKI A.M a d m^^° WARFIELD \u25a0:, Prices 50 la 11.50. Mats. Wad * Shi. ; Ev« S:l3. IMMIGRANTS AT HONOLULU. Honolulu, Feb. 4 -Six hundred Japanese im- in.igrants arrived here i"-day on th- st< Blb«1 \u25a0\u25a0;"!\u25a0 ..f them wore the full un li< «'f Japan, and two cai I Iditfon to tx j \u25a0 mof their la If. NEW AMSTERDAM T^l d*s^:v?slsd * s^:v?s ls MATINEE TO-MORROW. BEST HEATS $1.50. \u0084,'.:..--,. EDWARD ABELES BREWSTER'S MILLIONS EXTRA MATINKF.S. FEB. 18 * S3. DDA AnUf i VIHV 1HE *™ E R "*T * 41st St liH DnUAUwf A I Fashion Matlnoa f>aturdar.3:l(> GREATEST OF ALL SCCCESSK9. ANNA HELD ft- PARISIAN MODEL EXTRA MATINEES. FED. It * it. I IDCDTY THEATRE. 4:d St. West of B-way LIDCnil Eva. 8:15. Matin*. Saturday 1:15 ELEANOR ROBSON m ;axl omt I I'rm. Mats. IJ:.>.lr. ft Washington's Birthday*. It! I V'O THE A. B-way * El. Ever 1:11 UA Lid Mats Wed.. gat . Feb. 12 A 33. at:3 13. yruj ynny theatre, D way. 45th Ergs. »\i nLII I Unit Mats. Wed. A Sat Bent seats «1. LAST 8 MIGHTS. Last Mate. Wed * Sat ELSI E AN IS te u Vta?-{?£»- m™aJ. GEO. M. COHAN Seats Tn'ur* "OEO. WASHINGTON. JR." r:»'.r.». Mats. I.::-, oln'i * Waabinatur Birthdays. BOND SALE. CITY OF NEW iieli.e, n. Y. Sealed proposals willbe received by the unden!*/n*d until Tuesday availing, February Bth. 1907. at elsht o'clock, for tr.o purchase of all or any part of |2S.ooi> Registered 4 par cent Street Improrement Bonds. iitl** of li'o9, of nald Cltv, or II.OCO pach. dated September Ist. •..•'« aji<l maturing two It) bond* on the Ist day of 6ept«mfi«r. 1908. and two (1) bonds on the f)r»t of each and every September thereafter to and Including the year 1913, and una (1) bond on tUo Brat day i.f S<ij<t*mb«>r. I^2o. lntcrent payable -tr:.! annually on the I*l day* of September and March; principal and Interact payable at the \u25a0\u25a0& of the City Treasurer. Kach proposal must be accompanied by a certified check on un lncorp i >ra>'l bank or trust company In the State of New York, for $3,000. payable to the orJer of th* City Treasurer of the, City of New Rochelle. Bonds will be> rucmrM) under the supetrrlolon of and certified as to their Kenalnenra* by the t'nited !4tat»* Mortrace and Trutt Company. Tlie legality of these bond* will be approved by J. 11. Caldwall, Esq.. whose opinion aa to legality will fur- r.Uhed to the purchaser. No bid of lens than par value of the bonds willbe considered. Rlddern muit use the printed form of proposal furnished by the undersigned. Aorrued In- l«re«t to be paid by the purchaser, and delivery will be made at th» office of th* <Ity Treasurer In New Rochelle. on the llthday of February. 1807. Th* right la reserved to rejeot any or all bid' Dated. New ft'ifh-lln. N. V., January 18th. 190 T. CHARLES KAMMKRMBTER. City Clerk. Elections. Tx?i'AVm*K??ioir'l ni^^rTTK^AiJERTTAI^^TNBTn- TUTE. Thursday. Feb. I*. 1007. at 19 West 4ith at t'..lis ore.n 10 A. M. to 8 I. M. MADISON SO. m THKa MStViSi. CAKLOTTA MLLSON STH month in IHt 3 Or IS. I SYMPHONY CONCERTS t <> FOR YOIN(. KOMI \u2666 + Frank Dan>ro»ch . . nirtrtnr \u2666 : ;Fourth Concert, s V™ AT - at 2:30 1 '> Military Marches. Folorw. "TOROU.If.HT i i > DAME. I v B««lhoTen. H.milrl. >!^n,'-l-- «> i » Mi-jrrrt>f-r. rnuuiii. f~ liaikiw*tj S»u*a. •> i , Tickets on sale at Musical Art >.>«-le;v. l \Ve»t \u2666 , , Kith St.. and at box office. «-am«-gie HaV.. > MANHATTAN opkra HorsE. \u25a0BAM» OF GRAND OPERA OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN Director WF.I).. Vr.n. « at tiOCHLC Biu^-Mas- eafni't (AVAI.I.KRIA KI6.TK ANA. Mi..»a. Russ, OUcomlat, Bsverlna; MM Dalmorea. Revellhac. and I..M.cav«:i v, I PAfiXJAtTI. Mm«. Donalda: MM. HiLH.I. Bammarco. BevellhAO. VcnturloL Conductor, Campanlnl. THI'RS.. ITB. 7. at 1:18 flpecUl p«rfortnano« Ambrolae Thomas's MIONON. Mm**. Bresaler- ataaoll, Plntaert. Otaeoßta: MM. Boncl. Arlrnondt. O!!lb«rt. Mucnoa C'oud., Campanlnl. Flttl). lEII. I at «:16—Sixth appe%rane« MMIi MI.IIIA. Oounods opera. FA ('ST. Umes. Melba. I r »••\u25a0:; iff. Trentlnl; MM. Dabnof, Ancotta, Arl- nionrtl. >\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0• ta «'ond , < an;;« HAT. MAT., FKB. 9. at 8— Ambrolne Thomas's JlliiNOS. Mmeit Bresiler-rtlanoll. linker! Otav oonla; MM. flonct, Arimonfll. Otltborl, Mugnoa Cond . Campanlnl. BAT. K\E.. yVM. 9. at «:IS— VarflVs AIDA Mil-* Hum-. i'« Claneros; MM. Bujm1 .. Ancona, Art- mondl. Tecchl Mile. Datte, prem. i]ini'M ' Con- ductor. i'atu;>an!iil Popular prices. 7Jo. to 13 SI'ND., I 10 GRAND CONCERT. BOc to 180 r-KATS FOB AM. ABOVK SOW riEUJNG. ' AMmCIIOI tin O Evcnlncs Sft>. to »1. l»i»Uy I Uobt. Hllllard & Co.. Uoltile Molir- l>»lly j Robl HtUtard i Co., ijoMi« Uohr- Mats. I Wood, Josephine Cohan, Jack 1^..r1- 2Sc. 60c I raw, Fred Nlbla. pths. pr""^E"^>' jff Br^s"^r"^ r i Ticket*. box** and rener\«d seats now on sale at Arlun Hallanil all principal hutels anil ticket oti-n.-tra MINIATURE ALMANAC. Sunrise 7:t>;. Sunset r,:->2,Moon rlM»8 12:27 1 Moon's \u0084. \u25a0\u0084 HIGH water. A.M.-Handy Hook 12:16) Oov. Island 12:18|Hell Cat.. 2:11 P.M.— Hook 12:27 1 Oov. [aland 12:27 Hal] Hate 2:a> INCOMING STEAMERS. TO-DAY. \>s«el. From. IJnt. •Zujia Curacao. January -js fled' i, •Columbia Glasgow, January 20 Anchor •City of Washington. Nassau, January 31 Ward •Kaiser W. li.. ... <'h»rbourg. January 2(» N O Lloyd Oonaualo Hull, January IS Wilson Prlnclprvsa Last It la. Mar*»:n.n. January 17 Italian Algeria Naples, January 17 \u0084. Anchor i.tialmetta. CSalvfiiton, Jatiuai 28 .. So Pacific Armenia Madeira. January 20. ... J'loteus New Urleana January 1!tt...H0 I'acltto Brelz 1e«1 Gibraltar, January if , MARINE INTELLIGENCE SECOND ELECTIONS IN GERMANY. Berlin, Feb. 4. Reballota In the Eteichstag elections were held to-day In fifteen districts, i! Bavaria. The Clericals gained four from the National Ivil.^niis. mainly with the help of the Soci \u25a0 y won In brtick, Forchhein and Zweibglcken. The Na- tional Liberals gained two Beats, i ne from the Conservatives and the other from the Guelphs. The Socialists won ht Bielefeld, defeating ex- Minister yon Moeller This district wu-- r. |n-»-- sented by a Clerical in th-- last Reichstag Herr Roesicke, the leader of the Agrarian League, HA Kaiserslautern, defeating the Bo candidate. This district was represented by a National Liberal In tne la I Reichstag. Tlie returns show thai In souk- district! the Clericals aij<l the Socialists are helping each other. THE DUTCH CONSTITUTION. The lin-pii*-. Feb. -i. -The state commission appointed to revise the constitution of Holland recommends the exclusion from succession to the throne of children born after the abdication of the sovereign; and authorization for the States-General to provide for the cession, or ait»-r it in case of emergency. The commission also propose* to make the approval of the States-General essential fur the conclusion of treaties; recommends the propor- tional represents and eligibility of women for election to the StateH-Geii'-rnJ; that the qual- ifications of candidates be the same in the case of both chambers, and that the first Chamber have the right to amend as well as approve or reject bills, except in th<-> cane of the budget. MODEL COLONIAL ECONOMICS. Frankfort. Feb. i The Colonial Director, Herr Dernburg, efore a larßi' au- diencfi ht-re hsT liiijlit <>n Germany's problems, mentioned In detail the recommenda- of th>' American Economic Aeso< latlon relative to the Philippine Islands. He I iliat tho German government might apply them tm the development of the German colonies, be- cause these recommendations were the quin- tessence of economic science to-day. AMEEICA"S INTERVENTION URGED. Queenstown, v*\>. i \i the monthly meeting •\u25a0f the T'rhati Council here to-day a resolution whs passed urging the Irish party to request Irishmen In the United Btates to take steps to induce the American government *•> adopt meas- ures for the retention "f Queenstown as th*- inndinK place f " i- American mails, Instead of them to Plymouth. Sovereign Expected to f'isit the United States in May. Victoria. B. <". Feb. 4.—The Kins; of Slam is to visit the I'nitp-i States In May, a< pord mail advices received here to-day. His majesty will leave Bangkok In March for Yokohama anil th<'iic<- will kc to America and Europe. A7AY; OF SI AM COMIXG. Count He if den- and M. Kovalevsky Defeated Peasant Returns. St. Petersburg:, Feb. 4. Count Heyden, Ii ider of tho party of Peaceful Regeneration, aiul M. Kovalevsky, leader <>f the Democratic Reform party, wen; defeated to-day for re-election to parliament in the elections of the landowners of PHkoff and Kharkoff provinces, respectively. Tlio count was def.-ated by a Radical and M. Kovalevßkr was beaten by a member of the Octobrist party. M. Annikin, th<> Group of Toil leader in the last parliament who wan elected in thp liri-t stage of the balloting in Saratoff province, was disqualified by administrative \u25a0•rder. The results of the second stage of the peasant elections .show that in Astrakhan and Mekater- Inoslav most of the delegates elected belonK to the opposition parties, while in Kaluga and Orel provinces Conservatives won. T'p to a late hour to-night the returns showed the election of only fiss peasant delegates to the electoral colleges from thirty provinces, ou< of a total of 1,484. Of these 324 were Consti- tutional Democrats, Socialists, Revolutionists or other opponents of the government, and there were 306 Conservatives, while the affiliations of 58 delegates \voi<> not declared. Th«^ returns for St Petersburg arc even inorr plete. Out of 209 delejratea there art" 1"? Constitutional J.^nio.-rats. 4^ Radicals, i" Con- sorva'iM^ and !v! v Octobrists. The others arp not defii ed POLLING IX RUSSIA. Cardinal Richard. Archbishop or Paris, to-day assembled the pariah priests of Paris in secret sfs.«ion. for the purpose of plvinK them ruc- tions. The Moderate Catholic organs a-s well as the lay press warmly welcome M. l!rlanr]' H Ins true - Uonji to the prefe The main danger of the situation lies In the fact that the extreme Socialists, nettled by the liberalism of the government, are actively con- spiring to bring about Its downfall. The co- operation "f the Right would now suffice to ac- complish this. Rome. Feb. 4. The Catholic officials here are waiting to Bee the effect of M. Briand'a circular before Interpreting Its meaning, as some points are not dear. It Is generally regarded as a step toward pacification. Moderate Catholics Pleased with Instruc- tions Cardinal Summons Priests. Van-. Feb. 4.— Th.- senU-offlcia] "Temps" this afternoon i I le hope that "for tl»- ..f thp Church. If. Briand'a < irr-ular v.ili 1,.. A ,. oopted as » step in the direction of permanent COMMENT ON M. BRIAKD'S CIRCULAE. Wsamers Deutsohland <c)er>. Naples, etc; K>b?eU lOert. Cape Town, eto; Indrant i!?rv. Colombo, etc; !j». Catnplne iDutoh>, Antwerp; l"urnessla (Br), lilasgow. Fteatr.sMp Company, with mJae. I-*fX Quarantine at * a in bteaiuer Hamilton. Boac. Newport News and Norfolk; to the 01.1 Dominion Bteejnahtp Compiily. wtth (a^son fi»ra and ni'tue I<eft Quarantine at 11:20 a in. Sandy Ho«>k. N .1. Fett 4 t< :\u25a0" p in Wind northeast, strong; snowing and thick. saii.i:i> PHILHARMONIC < S I OCiETV"of Hew York Krl.. Feb. S. i:*o P. M. Sat.. Feb. ». S:li P. M. WASSI LY^AFO^OFF. inductor. Soloist. K1.H.4 Rl CI.I.ER \~loiaaoeUev Symphony, ; major. Schubert: Violoncello c'oac.rte, Victor Herbert; "Franceses, ila rtlmta!." Tsuaauicowak* Box Bee ..p.-.- dally from »to 5. WCTDCTD'O Broadway «n<J * sa*. LDLn O Matinee. W«J A Sat. DREAM GUY 1 MAGIC KNIGHT THE CHARITY BALL, For th« Nursery and Child's H.->«n!tal. WALDORF-ASTORIA Tuesday Eve.. Feb. t I Boxes at 33 Cast s<>t?» St. Tickets at Ii W. IMb. Fifth We. Trust Co.. 13 Kivas- alde Drive. SI W. S?th. 4 E. TTth and 11 W. *4th St. \u25a0 H x Oore CAKNEOIC IIAI.I. | Fourth F*ITR»V 7,,l,iv EvVt. I Concert I * *•*» \u25a0 * RUSSIAN SYMPHONY KUSSI AIM SOCI^V v. wmmn \i.t-»<hiikk Conductor BLOOMFIELD ZEISLER DR. JAMES WALSH, PH.D. LLD. willsMve Sl* Lcnt*p. Lectures at Mendelssohn Hall, 119 West 40th St., In aid of the Cancerous Poor In th« Hnmn of tho Servant* of Relief Subject. "Si)ME WOMKM VTliO Il [> " Studies of famoua herein--*. TIII'KSUAV MOKMMiS AT II O'CLOCK. Firs; date. February '2l*t. IIKM>KIS >o|| \ H \ !| Knurtli < i>n<-rrt. To-nlicht .v - KNEISEL QUARTET Clara Mannes Prugrmm: \u25a0 BEKTHOVBN i - ;. .: r.a' \u25a0-. op 5 4 $I.M. al Bo« " II Al*lf CTT Mat " Thuis Hat * Feb. 13 A 1:10 HAVIVCI I Ev... 8:30 D ncp Q*QMQ M in W Thea. 42.1 at.. W. of Hwny lUOO O'.dlll « horua Lady via Philadelphia KVt-ruary 8. to Vr'essel, LHiva! * Co, with mdse. Steamer lroquols. Chtoheate* Jacksonville February I and i"> »ri»i' 2, to >''•. Steamship Co. with paisan- S<*ri mi'! in \u25a0!(•<• Steamer Troutponl i.Ur>. I^kwrle. Philadelphia, F>bruarr 8. to jii Winchester A <>>. In ballast. Btaamer Proteua, Ilopner. New Orleana Januarr 80. to the H'.iithum Pacific Company, with p«»s«is"«r» and milw I*'! Quarantine at 7:43 a in. Steamer Sseoutche*, Hewlett. Savannah February 1, ta the Ocean Steamship Company, with i*ijsi-i>i(»r« anJ mdcc. Ijaft Quarantine at 6:SI a m. steamer i •h««ii«ilii'. HanttnKS. Baltimore, to 11 C Foster, with m.iHiv lx>ft Quarunttne at 7:45 a m Hteamer Cmrlda. Rich. Philadelphia, to th* Clyde Bteanier Consuelo (Br), Watson, Hull January IS and Botton February 2 to Sandman & Hon. with mdse. Ar- rhed at the Hut- «l 2 a in. Steamer Algeria tßr), Wards. leghorn January 12 and Naples IT. to Henderson Rrn*. with 7 cabin and 772 «t<-.ra«e |.«f«cri(jci- and in-lite Arrived at the liar at 0:10 a in. \u25a0. St« Queen <\u25a0>!*« <Rr>. Murr. Sngiia January 22 and Matanzaa 2», to the Tweedie Trad in* Co. with « u .,. r Arrived at the Ba- at p m 3d. \u25a0 Hteamer Columbia (Br), Wadaworth. Glasgow and Mo vllle January 28, to Henderson Bros, with 207 cabin and Ho"*** w "" ** r> nd ">•'»'' - Arrived at the Bar •*, r"V* r 5..,.,.,., 'v£'!' Xl™?}'}X I ™?}'}- Port Antonio January Mar at WM *" "'-\u25a0 Pn ' lt Co> '""' rr " - Arrived at th-> eV-*I**l 1' '. \u25a0!•* ft 111, tttaMUer ii>i^U«ud«u iL'i;. JbUU, aaui^ue yclwUf «% Port of New York, Monday, Feb. 4, 1907. ARRIVED Vestal. For. Una. Mall closes. «aii* Ki'.nu. \u25a0;(-'\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0'\u25a0- Norton «:00 a m 9-30 am Tennyson. Argentine, Lamp & H01t... 0:80 a m l? : 00m Flumlnense. Para, Ho.»rli li:;Oy m 8:00 .', ,. Croydon, Argentina, Am & Rio Plata. 18:00 m 3 <«> m Kansas City. Savannah Savannah... 1:00pm pacha Jacksonville. Clyd* 00 d m Hamilton, Norfolk. Old Dom 3:00 prn WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. Teutonic. Uvarpool. White btar »<:!lOaiu 1000 a in Qnecia Inajcua, Main Am 11:00am 3:00 pm Panama Colon, Panarm 11:80 am SoOnm Carl, Argentine. Twm i'OOpm 4 :.<> r> m Kroonland, Antwerp. Re'l hiiu- 11 a m Potadam Rotterdam, Holland-Am t'U*>um Bardegna, Naples, Ilullan _! Proteus, New Orleans, Bo Parlflo 1200 m N'uecea. Oalvesmn. Ifallory 3:00 nm Iroquola, Jacksonville, Clyde 8:00 pm Seneca, Norfolk, Old Dominion 3:iM)pm THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7. U Bretasm, Ha re. Kronen 7:ooam 10:00 a m Eaporania Havana, Ward 0:00 a m 12:00 m Zamora, Braall 13:00 m City of Macoii. Savannah, Savannah.. 3:oopm Jarnemown Norfolk, Old Dominion.... -'<'><> p m El Alba Ualvaston. Morgan.. 3:oopm TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Destination and ateamer. Close InNew York Hawaii, Japan, Corea, china and Philip- pine IslS - (via Kan Francisco) America Maru Feb l». 12:."K)a m Hawaii i\U San Francisi.-o)--AIanie ( la ..Fab 13, 12:30 a m Japan Core*. China and Philippine Island* (via Beattl*) Dakota Ftb 12, 6:oopm Japan (except parcels mails), Corea, China and Philippine Islands (via Van- couver and Victoria, B. C.) Empress of China Fab 18. 0:00 p m Japan. Corea, China and Philippine Island* (via Seattle) Akl Maru Fab 14. 6:oopm Hawaii. Japan, Corea. China and Philip pine lslan.ii" ula Han Francisco) -»! beria F>b IT, 12:30 a m New Zealand, Australia (except West). New Caledonia. Samoa. Hawaii and xpeclally addressed mall tor the FIJI Island* i via San Francisco) Sonoma. .Feb 34. 12:80 a m Australia (except West), FIJI Inland* and New Caledonia (via Vancouver and Victoria. H O— Miowera Feb 24, 6:oopm SHIPPING NEWS. OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO-UA V City \u25a0\u25a0'. Macon Hnvui,r.ali FctTuurr 1 . .„. .Ravannah Victorian IJverpool, January 26. ...'U'hlte Star 8t JL*ur*nt Havre, January 26 French El M.r.te Ualveyton, January 80 Bo Paciflo Denver ... .Oalveston, January 80 Millurr WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 0. •<>!K-arll Ctirlstlansand, January 29. .S<-*n<i Am Home Nap!"*. January 23 Fa bra Ei«i«r City Rwannut, January 8*\..... . ...Bristol Tamploan London, January 58. .. .Atlantic Ilium 1.. Mar Oalvaaton. Januaty ill So I'acifla THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 Mlaitlc nrtown, January 81... Whit* Star Weatarnland Antwerp. January 2T Had Star City of Atlanta Savannah. February 4 ... . Bavannah •Brings mall. THE NEW AND GREATER XR SBU N E BUILDING OFFERS MANY ADVANTAGES TO THOSE SEEKING A BUSINESS HOME. The high character of its tenants, its excellent location opposite City Hall Park its nearness to the Subway, Brook- lyn Bridge and Third Avenue "L" Road, its splendid elevator service, and the fact that the building IS NEVER CLOSED. should commend it to any one whose business is downtown. Many desirable offices now ready for occupancy. Those wishing to see offices should apply to the SUPERINTENDENT OF THE BUILDING, ROOM 607, SIXTH FLOOR. «

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Post on 11-Apr-2018




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By ICiUar Smith anil Victor Herbert.Wiml. Mat.. Special PrlrM. .Seats SOc. up.

Slats l.imo'n and Waahlnston's Blrthaajr. Peats onSals.


TELHARMONIC -HALLWWSS»C. IV M. daily. Electric Masto by Skilled COpArtists to IOt<MO places at once. S»* Prooesa. \J W »-»

TO-NIOHT HO. KEY fll'HJport*. *__ ._

TO-NIC.HT ->lOt'KEY CI-VB V3. ST. XICHOtAS.St. Nicholas Rink, S«th 81 and Coltuabtts A.»»* " -

Skattns after gam*. _

Meetings.iN\T\l. MKKTIV! of th« American, In*titt«

.•TV Thursday. February 7th. ll»T. »t 19 W, *»& *«m *!fc ti. -" -.

- .B/




Troy's best Product(from a tre»n box)

Before buying any more Sagamontcollars, ask to see the Sagota; sameheight little different front effect

—inshort, a new model.

"j::n does Mayor Bdunltz*s promise bind tlie

\u25a0ebool b'lard'.'" Mr. Kahn was asked."It will come mlftity near doing bo," replied

Mr. Kahn. "Mayor Bchmitz Is ;h<- dominantpower in the < ity administration at San Fran-i-iscr.. All th<» members of the school board oi\e

thrir positions to htm. ;<ml It ir«>,? without sajr-

inn That he willprevail."

Californium Discuss Japanese Situ-

ation with President.IProm The Tribune Bureau )

Washington. Feb. 4.—California member* ofCongress assured the President to-day that theJapanese situation was "clearing up beauti-fully." and all likelihood of trouble over theschool question was vanishing. Senator Flint

and Representatives ECabn and Hayes called at

the White House to discuss the subject, and allexpressed the belief that the forthcoming con-ference between the President and the delega-

tion now on its way to Washington would re-solve itself Into a love feast.

"The white winged dove of peace is hovering

over us now," said Mr. Kahn after his talkwith the President. "The Mayor, as you sawby the morning dispatches, has announced hiswillingness to allow the Japanese children to at-tend school with the whites If by po doing atreaty can be made Mia? will exclude the Jap-

anese coolies."

Lord & TaylorBroadway and 20th St.; sth Aye.; 19th St.


Door Portieres.250 pairs (assorted.) $3.65 &$4-^5 PP air»

reduced from $5.50 &8.00 pair.

Couch Covers.ioo Covers (assorted.) full sized, $ each,

reduced from$5.00 each.

Lace Curtains.RenaissanccJlrish Pt,Brussels/Tambour &Cluny

500 pairs $4. 50 pair,formerly lrom $">.50 to 8.00 pair.

RuffledCurtains.350 pairs Ruffled Muslin $I.OO pair,

reduced from $1.25 &LSO pair.

125 pairs Ruffled Net $1.25 Pa'r»

reduced from 1.50 &2.00 pair.

Lace Bed Setsat $6.00 & $8.00 each,

formerly from 8.50 to 12.00 each.

Upholstery Department.



Stem Brotheirs

\u25a0rm \u25a0»s*»""JB?— »

Amusements. Amusements.

West Twenty -third Street

Mmton Plates,

Cups and Saucers


QreatJy Below Prevailing Prices.

Dressmaking andLadies' Tailoring Departments

For a limited Period OrdersWill Be Accepted at

Special Concessions from Reguiar Prices,

Tailored Walking Gowns, of choke materials, $52.00(THIRD FLOOR'


CaJDIDC THEATRE. Broadway and 4iHh St.cmrinc Ev*s.. S:L'O. Mat. Pat . 2:20.


ELLEW TfiRRYLast li Nights IjistSat. Mat.

In Bernard Bhaw's Neweat Cnnieay.


"Th« Good Hope" 1. 6 Nan « Oidft^lcl"m HEATH FOIt I.AST TV.'«> WCKK-S ON .-Af.F

HIin<sO\r 111 ««th st . Ka-r of Broa4wa*

200 TH TIVE FEB. 18 ::,\\^ibswISk THE HYPOCRITESExtra Ifati Llnooin'a & Washlnßton'n Tttrthclay*.

HRITrDinU THEATKB. Droadway and <4th StUnilbnlUH Evei. 8.:o. Matlr«« Ear. 1:10.

\u25a0 -(OItKIIA HIT." HF.RAM>-


Extra Mats. Lincoln's * Waslilnßton * Btrtbdaysu 'U/llIAPs"O Broadwi and M'Uh Ptreet.ntlLLflUn0 Evi iii Mat» Wed. AShi J:ls.

SAM BERNARD mr IKHiC.EMIEIMBU.Extra Mats. Lincoln'a A Washington's Birthday*.

KFHHOC Xl X ft rayand nithBtEvenings * \u25a0\u25a0:• UaMnee* w»A. .v s>s'.. 2\i

MONTGOMERY & STONE Rri;H^.,Xtra Lincoln and Washington Birthday Ma: •»•

ClDDiPlf THEATRE. s=;th St.. near BroadwayUflnnlun Evgfi.

•-SO Mat* Wed *Pftt :Jl»

WM. COLLIER US tti"AiV!Extra Mats. Lincoln* .\u25a0: Washington's Birthday*.

IVltnilJ *&**Bt rri<i Broadway. Brsa sIILIVCUm Mats. Th'irs. tSat.. 2:iS.Feb»i?.^, THE LION rV,I! MOUSEI.V« F.I M THEATRE


3 •»(>.'<- 1 Matinees Tlil» We* TUC TDIITU wUh CLARAmm a Fri. ai... InC Inil111 BLOOnCOOD.

GfITTnV S4th Pt * B*way. Eret •is\u25a03il If%M M -'a-. Thur* * Pat . 7:15.

•IT DKSEjnrKS ITS SVCCESJi.'*—Harper's Weekly.

Wm. A. li:.'. ami Jo*. K. arlan it's produotlon.


Lincoln and Washington Day Mat*.Thursday M«t!ne.'*. 11e.t Brats »1J«.

(ROUCH «, i



Do Tour Eyes Trouble You?Step into Sr"I'"*"'*- 12Mulden lane, and get pairof pebble e><> \u25ba\u25a0i"'-"*" th*coo',, t-B»y kln'l that nf\errr.lM or 11 »lalb \u25a0 Tortc11 torn Is. fcr n«.ir anlblatant vla!r,n



KIKE HET9.•12 t»etenth Avrnu*.

Corner of 2gth B_t_



Qn Sale at AllNewsstands

Price 25 Gents

Leading Men Sinee relit RegretRecLless Comment Here.

1 \u25a0 b. 4.---Tli*> wrar talk of the Americanpr«ss h;'.s been received here ivlth great Bur-prffie and 1 -:':"- The correspondent ot

ated T'ltsF baa talked with severalg- 1 mib \u25a0!.! in and out "f the government.

They concur In the "piiu>n thai i!:<^ L'nltedstates 1p the laat •••<unt;-y vclth which Japan

\u25a0 go to war. Both nations ar* not aggres-

viv i;i th^ir trad*) rivalri«-s. which seldom U-aii\u25a0 unless territorial acquisition \* Intended

by >^itliT ri\al. In some quarters the belief isTh;<t tlie misrepresentation which

suffers fnun "ti account of iho San Fran-: question la due to dis;i!?<•\u25a0. 't.-.i cor-

var Ii is believedhese correspood* ins are ever watching for

\u25a0;i ;\u25a0> Hiiikt* trouble for Japan. The J:ip-presa has been silent so far, appar

considering the matter unworthy <>f <-o: j1; 1


]VROPOBAI<BVROPOBAI<B FOR LUMBER, DOOR PLATES KEY\u25a0 TAGS. Eto. -Office of Assistant PHmhar*iTt A font.Jii'hnilan Oaral (Vimmission. 34 Statu 6tr«»t, Ni- York.

TeK Cth. 1901 S.-ale<l proposals. In trlplieit« will bore-«(1M at ihU nfflrf until 2 P. M. r»bruat] I.lth. 1907,for fumliihlnit the above m«nt!or.eJ article!\:k« at"lfull Inrormatlon may be ohfalr ««1 sit this offloa ALPUEDANDEfftaOX. Anststant Turohaaln^ A«»nt

v^EAi>Er> rrtopriSAi-8. in DUPUCATB. wtYj.beK3 received at the offlca .f the Commlnsloner "f Tm-mtfratlon, Kills [aland, N. T. 11.. until 2:30 P. M. Tue»-da.r. February 12, 1007. and opened lmm«flla!e

-> th*r*

aftsr, for labor H.rA materials required for repairs to the\u25a0nails of Cr»mat >ry and Power Houaa building* at theT". S. Immlaratlnn Stat|,.n ElUi Island. N*. Y. H. Far-tlrulars as to ilmltatlonn on'J mndttton* (toveTnlr.a- bli-<!*!•\u25a0\u25a0 ran l*> obtalnad from I ban Watrhorn. «Y>.-ntnle~*!

Amusements.Advices from Peking say that China Is organ-izing a naval department. Four naval bases willlie prepared at once and $10,000,000 is to beprovided yearly to put the navy on an efficientbasis.

MORE JAPANESE FOR HAWAII.Victoria, B. C, Feb. 1 --Mail advires fr"m

T..'ki<i sa> that 1110 Japanoso govemniPnt pur-to Increase Ui» number of permits for Im-

\u25a0 Hawaii. The number had been re-duo*Kl t<i !;.<«•<"• a month, ;<nd then raisei t.i

V '\u25a0>''• monthly. It 1s proposed to Increase the\u25a0\u25a0• >•• 1,4100 monthly within tivo or .six

LBJ § M£CBjk>fg... \u25a0

Dally Matinee, a,

2 sharp. ::,.- t > $100

neptune's Daughtervpiv"'?1"'1

"'1'Wlsa PP'Brto«f in Water.•^grs 1!:^ PIONEER DAYSLYRICSO IHERN —

MARLOWEE*cor*a for unatt-ndrd la<i!e S forolahad fr»».



.Sat . Mad13 i-TrttHz it8*1?MIncl,RR


r1 T^ S'-« MILLERA>t.Ll> PlvidA. | .MILLER

BIJOU 2S.H *Mats. & v7e«l iLa,.'

E/R\MATS..TOiJAY& FRIDAYIn.Ilia lazwm mi£jssuNXT WEEK 4 WEEKS ONLT-=.a t3t 3 T--rr.<-roTr.Mfam CRO3MAX In A::-cr-a-5 :.!i^a resjy.

CAS K'f) « LA^? V>'EE!<- Paula Ed«arde7UaOinU Mats Thur,. and Bat. Prince«» Re«, r.V*xt W»»k. i^u-a Mann— The G'.r: from VV-rj

THE RO.4D TO YESTERDAY.[INCfllMCII THEATRE R«.,v and IttkSiLinUULllCi'a Eve. .«.13.MataW»l.* Sat..: 13.

VED MAnXKE. SFECIAL PRICESSrt> Or.-h. \u25a0••afi. r*ic av»wa;- „,=.« i-.CAMILLE D'ABVILLE"?EiS?as

Public Xoticeg. METROPOLITAN OPERA HOIWed. Eva;.. Feb. \u25a0.. at S. TAN.\HAEL7ER-Fi-j-n -rr.'ta-i Alt«n; Burr - Van Rooy £u.!o',"'SCuhlmai

-Conductor. Mr. H»r'i

' X*K*'S 'Trl Eva;. Fob. <

st B—Double Bill—PAGIOACCICavallierl: Rotr-selier- fcottl. Re!,., stma-d Con-.lictor '"i<r-'

by H \ ENSEMatrf*-:.!. Alt»n. Homer. w-» •"a" A 11. U BOHEMA' .

du:t"T. V _-~sPat. E\g.. ''\u25a0•'• 9 (popular ..... \in\—

«, Tu.'",- Aft;F'h 1J 'Lincoln's Birthday! a» 3 o'cloctSp.cta, Pop. Prl^M...H^^^l^

A HEAVY JAPANESE BUDGET.Victoria, B. < '.. Feb. 4.

—The steamer Empress

•if Una. which arrived fr"tr, the Orient to-daybrought advices that the new Japanese budget

for 1907-' OB Is severely criticised by Japanesenewspapers. Apart from the fact that the totalKitm of 1305,000,000 is required, $60,000^000 morethan last year, ami twice as larce an amountas was required to cover all expenses prior toth« Rnaao-Japaneae War, several extraordinary-—

'*>vpi"l>riations are made for which provision isnot in \u25a0 --.;. The budget provides large appro-priations for naval and military Increases.Schemes abandoned at the time of the war arebeing revived, and appropriations ofabout H40.-000,000 are included for improvement of riversand harbors, extension of railways, telephoneline?. Iron foundries and the establishment of. new colleges and technical schools.

The Japanese training squadron, consisting ofthree cruisers, which left Japan on January ISfor Honolulu, and returned in distress, will beFont to Australia and New Zealand by way ofHonolulu instead of the United States.


-Mat nilIITTt \I

•treat '.aughlr.e success.

'4I>ER BMNDE P \»» \r.;FR


MAMHATTAM'y T̂ \u25a0" n "*> * 8:i1 "

mMnriM IIMoil.*•. sj« Mata. Wed. *Bat.


JEFFERSON! nnucoilfiDOE ANGELIS ,,H™ \u0084„Ml* MIIUiUIbiIWip>- Julian EVtwarls and

OnERA O. In S M Br»nn»r.EXTRA MAT!*. I111 19 and 23.

A I>TAD R'ws] ilthBt. Ev 1.10..1.A1TAwlUK Mai Wed A Rat.. IlO.fWatKKBLANGHI WALSH the straight road.NUXTSeati N


AnUCn Ev 8 It.Mais, rmrr»-*P 4-


a g LITTLE MICHUS"Scored a success from the outeet."


~~*S(\\ nlllIIB way CnEATORC'H BAND,MillIINIAI •nl IHSHKII. BROTHERS.I.ULUIIIHLIIdat. Meredith fltstrrs. Ward A< nr-|#*n|


t3r. ran.


Muud Edwards, others.M N Al "n1 Rlsa.Fl I. HROTHEBi,Ia ULUIIIHL«I>:«t MM-Pdllh AUtiT*. Ward *< iir-

W Mat. I>all7. *3<' rsn- ll»u(l Edward*, other*.

IIIIllinnI«"y !MARIE ItRE4HI.ER. UARRTAIHINIHHA »*••\u25a0* nri.or.R * CO., irene Frana.-MLiIHIIIUHHlie. 1 Ha. Ounllle,Trio. other».

TUK4TRK rhAKY NKAREHTTO MAY *\u25a0-•«»*% M. the POLE.At 11 A. M. TlckoUai 23 W. 44t.v-. St. Thnne 830—Bryant, BELASCO THEATRE.-•« ft Tve »!J

David Belasca I THE ROSE OF RANCHOpresenu [== tiUoC THE hANIHUACADEMY OF MlSIC. Ktb St ar Irvte* Fl.


d m^^°WARFIELD \u25a0:,Prices 50 la 11.50. Mats. Wad * Shi.;Ev« S:l3.

IMMIGRANTS AT HONOLULU.Honolulu, Feb. 4 -Six hundred Japanese im-

in.igrants arrived here i"-day on th- st<Blb«1 \u25a0\u25a0;"!\u25a0 ..f them wore the full un

li< r» «'f Japan, and two cai IIditfon to tx j \u25a0 mof their


NEW AMSTERDAM T^l d*s^:v?slsd*s^:v?s ls




DDAAnUfiVIHV 1HE*™E R "*T*41st St liHDnUAUwf AI Fashion Matlnoa f>aturdar.3:l(>




IIDCDTY THEATRE. 4:d St. West of B-wayLIDCnil Eva. 8:15. Matin*.Saturday 1:15


II'rm. Mats. IJ:.>.lr. ft Washington's Birthday*.

It!IV'O THEA. B-way * El. Ever 1:11UALidMats Wed.. gat . Feb. 12 A 33. at:3 13.

yruj ynny theatre, D way. 45th Ergs. »\inLII IUnit Mats. Wed. A Sat Bent seats «1.LAST 8 MIGHTS. Last Mate. Wed * Sat

ELSIE ANIS te ™uVta?-{?£»-

m™aJ. GEO. M. COHANSeats Tn'ur* "OEO. WASHINGTON. JR."

r:»'.r.». Mats. I.::-, oln'i * Waabinatur • Birthdays.

BOND SALE.CITY OF NEW iieli.e, n. Y.

Sealed proposals willbe received by the unden!*/n*duntil Tuesday availing, February Bth. 1907. at elshto'clock, for tr.o purchase of all or any part of |2S.ooi>Registered 4 par cent Street Improrement Bonds. iitl**of li'o9, of nald Cltv, or II.OCO pach. dated SeptemberIst. •..•'« aji<l maturing two It) bond* on the Ist dayof 6ept«mfi«r. 1908. and two (1) bonds on the f)r»t ofeach and every September thereafter to and Includingthe year 1913, and una (1) bond on tUo Brat day i.fS<ij<t*mb«>r. I^2o.

lntcrent payable -tr:.! annually on the I*l day* ofSeptember and March; principal and Interact payableat the \u25a0\u25a0&

—of the City Treasurer.

Kach proposal must be accompanied by a certifiedcheck on un lncorp i>ra>'l bank or trust company Inthe State of New York, for $3,000. payable to the orJerof th* City Treasurer of the, City of New Rochelle.

Bonds willbe> rucmrM) under the supetrrlolon of andcertified as to their Kenalnenra* by the t'nited !4tat»*Mortrace and Trutt Company.

Tlie legality of these bond* willbe approved by J. 11.Caldwall, Esq.. whose opinion aa to legality willb« fur-r.Uhed to the purchaser.

No bid of lens than par value of the bonds willbeconsidered. Rlddern muit use the printed form ofproposal furnished by the undersigned. Aorrued In-l«re«t to be paid by the purchaser, and delivery willbemade at th» office of th* <Ity Treasurer In NewRochelle. on the llthday of February. 1807.

Th* right la reserved to rejeot any or all bid'Dated. New ft'ifh-lln. N. V., January 18th. 190T.


Elections.Tx?i'AVm*K??ioir'lni^^rTTK^AiJERTTAI^^TNBTn-TUTE. Thursday. Feb. I*.1007. at 19 West 4ith att'..lis ore.n 10 A. M. to 8 I. M.


STH month in IHt 3 Or IS.

I SYMPHONY CONCERTS t<> FOR YOIN(. KOMI \u2666+ Frank Dan>ro»ch . . nirtrtnr \u2666

:;Fourth Concert, s V™AT-

at 2:30 1'> Military Marches. Folorw. "TOROU.If.HTii> DAME. Iv B««lhoTen. H.milrl. >!^n,'-l-- «>i» Mi-jrrrt>f-r. rnuuiii. f~ liaikiw*tj S»u*a. •>i, Tickets on sale at Musical Art >.>«-le;v. l\Ve»t \u2666,,Kith St.. and at box office. «-am«-gie HaV.. >

MANHATTAN opkra HorsE.


WF.I).. Vr.n. « at tiOCHLC Biu^-Mas-eafni't (AVAI.I.KRIA KI6.TK ANA. Mi..»a. Russ,OUcomlat, Bsverlna; MM Dalmorea. Revellhac. andI..M.cav«:iv, IPAfiXJAtTI. Mm«. Donalda: MM.HiLH.I. Bammarco. BevellhAO. VcnturloL Conductor,Campanlnl.

THI'RS.. ITB. 7. at 1:18—

flpecUl p«rfortnano«Ambrolae Thomas's MIONON. Mm**. Bresaler-ataaoll, Plntaert. Otaeoßta: MM. Boncl. Arlrnondt.O!!lb«rt. Mucnoa C'oud., Campanlnl.

Flttl).lEII.Iat «:16— Sixth appe%rane« MMIiMI.IIIA.Oounods opera. FA('ST. Umes. Melba.Ir »••\u25a0:; iff. Trentlnl; MM. Dabnof, Ancotta, Arl-nionrtl. >\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0• ta «'ond , < an;;«

HAT. MAT.,FKB. 9. at 8—Ambrolne Thomas'sJlliiNOS. Mmeit Bresiler-rtlanoll. linker! Otavoonla; MM. flonct, Arimonfll. Otltborl, MugnoaCond . Campanlnl.

BAT. K\E.. yVM. 9. at «:IS—VarflVs AIDAMil-*Hum-. i'« Claneros; MM. Bujm1.. Ancona, Art-mondl. Tecchl Mile. Datte, prem. i]ini'M


ductor. i'atu;>an!iil Popular prices. 7Jo. to 13SI'ND., I10 GRAND CONCERT. BOc to 180


AMmCIIOItin O Evcnlncs Sft>. to »1.l»i»Uy I Uobt. Hllllard & Co.. Uoltile Molir-l>»lly j Robl HtUtard iCo., ijoMi«Uohr-Mats. IWood, Josephine Cohan, Jack 1^..r1-2Sc. 60c Iraw, Fred Nlbla. pths.

pr""^E"^>'jff Br^s"^r" r̂i

Ticket*. box** and rener\«d seats nowon sale at Arlun Hallanil all principalhutels anil ticket oti-n.-tra

MINIATURE ALMANAC.Sunrise 7:t>;.Sunset r,:->2,Moon rlM»8 12:271 Moon's \u0084. \u25a0\u0084

HIGH water.A.M.-Handy Hook 12:16) Oov. Island 12:18|Hell Cat.. 2:11P.M.— Hook 12:271Oov. [aland 12:27 Hal] Hate 2:a>


\>s«el. From. IJnt.•Zujia Curacao. January -js fled' i,•Columbia Glasgow, January 20 Anchor•City of Washington. Nassau, January 31 Ward•Kaiser W. li.. ... <'h»rbourg. January 2(» NO LloydOonaualo Hull, January IS WilsonPrlnclprvsa LastIt la.Mar*»:n.n. January 17 ItalianAlgeria Naples, January 17 \u0084. Anchori.tialmetta. CSalvfiiton, Jatiuai 28 .. So PacificArmenia Madeira. January 20....J'loteus New Urleana January 1!tt...H0 I'aclttoBrelz 1e«1 Gibraltar, January if ,



—Reballota In the Eteichstag

elections were held to-day In fifteen districts,i! Bavaria. The Clericals gained four

from the National Ivil.^niis. mainly withthe help of the Soci \u25a0

• y won Inbrtick, Forchhein and Zweibglcken. The Na-tional Liberals gained two Beats, i ne from theConservatives and the other from the Guelphs.The Socialists won ht Bielefeld, defeating ex-Minister yon Moeller This district wu-- r. |n-»--sented by a Clerical in th-- last Reichstag HerrRoesicke, the leader of the Agrarian League,

HA Kaiserslautern, defeating the Bocandidate. This district was represented by aNational Liberal In tne la I Reichstag. Tliereturns show thai In souk- district! the Clericalsaij<l the Socialists are helping each other.

THE DUTCH CONSTITUTION.The lin-pii*-. Feb. -i. -The state commission

appointed to revise the constitution of Holland

recommends the exclusion from succession tothe throne of children born after the abdicationof the sovereign; and authorization for theStates-General to provide for the cession, orait»-r it in case of emergency.

The commission also propose* to make theapproval of the States-General essential fur theconclusion of treaties; recommends the propor-tional represents and eligibility of womenfor election to the StateH-Geii'-rnJ; that the qual-ifications of candidates be the same in the caseof both chambers, and that the first Chamberhave the right to amend as well as approve orreject bills, except in th<-> cane of the budget.

MODEL COLONIAL ECONOMICS.Frankfort. Feb. i The Colonial Director,

Herr Dernburg, efore a larßi' au-diencfi ht-re hsT liiijlit<>n Germany's •problems, mentioned In detail the recommenda-

of th>' American Economic Aeso< latlonrelative to the Philippine Islands. He Iiliat tho German government might apply themtm the development of the German colonies, be-cause these recommendations were the quin-tessence of economic science to-day.

AMEEICA"S INTERVENTION URGED.Queenstown, v*\>. i \i the monthly meeting

•\u25a0f the T'rhati Council here to-day a resolutionwhs passed urging the Irish party to requestIrishmen In the United Btates to take steps toinduce the American government *•> adopt meas-ures for the retention "f Queenstown as th*-inndinK place f"i- American mails, Instead of

them to Plymouth.

Sovereign Expected to f'isit theUnited States in May.

Victoria. B. <". Feb. 4.—The Kins; of Slam isto visit the I'nitp-i States In May, a< pordmail advices received here to-day. His majestywill leave Bangkok In March for Yokohama anilth<'iic<- will kc to America and Europe.


Count Heifden- and M. KovalevskyDefeated

—Peasant Returns.

St. Petersburg:, Feb. 4.—

Count Heyden, Iiider

of tho party of Peaceful Regeneration, aiul M.Kovalevsky, leader <>f the Democratic Reformparty, wen; defeated to-day for re-election toparliament in the elections of the landownersof PHkoff and Kharkoff provinces, respectively.Tlio count was def.-ated by a Radical and M.Kovalevßkr was beaten by a member of theOctobrist party.

M. Annikin, th<> Group of Toil leader in thelast parliament who wan elected in thp liri-tstage of the balloting in Saratoff province, wasdisqualified by administrative \u25a0•rder.

The results of the second stage of the peasantelections .show that in Astrakhan and Mekater-Inoslav most of the delegates elected belonK tothe opposition parties, while in Kaluga and Orelprovinces Conservatives won.

T'p to a late hour to-night the returns showedthe election of only fiss peasant delegates tothe electoral colleges from thirty provinces, ou<of a total of 1,484. Of these 324 were Consti-tutional Democrats, Socialists, Revolutionists orother opponents of the government, and therewere 306 Conservatives, while the affiliations of58 delegates \voi<> not declared.

Th«^ returns for St Petersburg arc even inorrplete. Out of 209 delejratea there art" 1"?

Constitutional J.^nio.-rats. 4^ Radicals, i" Con-sorva'iM^ and !v! v Octobrists. The others arp

not defii ed


Cardinal Richard. Archbishop or Paris, to-dayassembled the pariah priests of Paris in secretsfs.«ion. for the purpose of plvinK them ruc-tions.

The Moderate Catholic organs a-s well as thelay press warmly welcome M. l!rlanr]'H Instrue

-Uonji to the prefe

The main danger of the situation lies In thefact that the extreme Socialists, nettled by theliberalism of the government, are actively con-spiring to bring about Its downfall. The co-operation "f the Right would now suffice to ac-complish this.

Rome. Feb. 4.—

The Catholic officials here arewaiting to Bee the effect of M. Briand'a circularbefore Interpreting Its meaning, as some pointsare not dear. It Is generally regarded as a steptoward pacification.

Moderate Catholics Pleased with Instruc-tions

—Cardinal Summons Priests.

Van-. Feb. 4.— Th.- senU-offlcia] "Temps" thisafternoon • i Ile hope that "for tl»-..f thp Church. If. Briand'a < irr-ular v.ili 1,.. A

,.oopted as » step in the direction of permanent


Wsamers Deutsohland <c)er>. Naples, etc; K>b?eU lOert.Cape Town, eto; Indrant i!?rv. Colombo, etc; !j». CatnplneiDutoh>, Antwerp; l"urnessla (Br), lilasgow.

Fteatr.sMp Company, with mJae. I-*fX Quarantine at*

a inbteaiuer Hamilton. Boac. Newport News and Norfolk;

to the 01.1 Dominion Bteejnahtp Compiily. wtth (a^sonfi»ra and ni'tue I<eft Quarantine at 11:20 a in.

Sandy Ho«>k. N .1. Fett 4 t< :\u25a0" p in—

Wind northeast,strong; snowing and thick.



Krl.. Feb. S. i:*o P. M. Sat.. Feb. ». S:li P. M.

WASSILY^AFO^OFF. inductor.Soloist. K1.H.4 RlCI.I.ER \~loiaaoeUev

Symphony, •;major. Schubert: Violoncello c'oac.rte,

Victor Herbert; "Franceses, ila rtlmta!." Tsuaauicowak*Box Bee ..p.-.- dally from »to 5.

WCTDCTD'OBroadway «n<J *sa*.LDLnO Matinee. W«J A Sat.


THE CHARITY BALL,For th« Nursery and Child's H.->«n!tal.

WALDORF-ASTORIATuesday Eve.. Feb. t I Boxes at 33 Cast s<>t?» St.Tickets at IiW. IMb. Fifth We. Trust Co.. 13 Kivas-alde Drive. SI W. S?th. 4 E. TTth and 11 W. *4th St.


H x Oore

CAKNEOIC IIAI.I. | Fourth F*ITR»V,,l,iv EvVt. I Concert I **•*» \u25a0


RUSSIAN SYMPHONYKUSSIAIM SOCI^V v.wmmn \i.t-»<hiikk Conductor—


DR. JAMES WALSH, PH.D. LLD.willsMve Sl* Lcnt*p. Lectures at

Mendelssohn Hall, 119 West 40th St.,In aid of the Cancerous Poor In th« Hnmn of thoServant* of Relief Subject. "Si)ME WOMKM VTliOIl[>

"Studies of famoua herein--*.

TIII'KSUAV MOKMMiS AT II O'CLOCK.Firs; date. February '2l*t.

IIKM>KIS>o|| \ H \ !|Knurtli < i>n<-rrt. To-nlicht .v






;..: r.a' \u25a0-. op 5 4

$I.M. al Bo« "

IIAl*lfCTT Mat"Thuis Hat*Feb. 13 A 1:10HAVIVCIIEv... 8:30 D ncp Q*QMQM in W

Thea. 42.1 at.. W. of Hwny lUOO O'.dlll «horua Lady

via Philadelphia KVt-ruary 8. to Vr'essel, LHiva! * Co,with mdse.

Steamer lroquols. Chtoheate* Jacksonville February Iand i"> »ri»i' 2, to >''•. Steamship Co. with paisan-S<*ri mi'! in\u25a0!(•<•

Steamer Troutponl i.Ur>. I^kwrle. Philadelphia, F>bruarr8. to jii Winchester A <>>. In ballast.

Btaamer Proteua, Ilopner. New Orleana Januarr 80. tothe H'.iithum Pacific Company, with p«»s«is"«r» and milwI*'! Quarantine at 7:43 a in.

Steamer Sseoutche*, Hewlett. Savannah February 1, tathe Ocean Steamship Company, with i*ijsi-i>i(»r« anJmdcc. Ijaft Quarantine at 6:SI a m.

steamer i•h««ii«ilii'. HanttnKS. Baltimore, to 11 CFoster, with m.iHiv lx>ft Quarunttne at 7:45 a mHteamer Cmrlda. Rich. Philadelphia, to th* Clyde

Bteanier Consuelo (Br), Watson, Hull January IS andBotton February 2 to Sandman & Hon. with mdse. Ar-rhed at the Hut- «l 2 a in.

Steamer Algeria tßr), Wards. leghorn January 12 andNaples IT. to Henderson Rrn*. with 7 cabin and 772«t<-.ra«e |.«f«cri(jci- and in-lite Arrived at the liar at0:10 a in. \u25a0.

St« Queen <\u25a0>!*« <Rr>. Murr. Sngiia January 22 andMatanzaa 2», to the Tweedie Trad in* Co. with «u.,. rArrived at the Ba-at

•p m 3d.

\u25a0 • •Hteamer Columbia (Br), Wadaworth. Glasgow and Mo •

vllle January 28, to Henderson Bros, with 207 cabin andHo"*** w""**r> nd ">•'»'' -

Arrived at the Bar

•*, r"V*r 5..,.,.,., 'v£'!' Xl™?}'}XI™?}'}- Port Antonio January

Mar at WM*""'-\u25a0 Pn'lt Co> '""' rr" - Arrived at th->

eV-*I**l1''.\u25a0!•* ft 111,tttaMUer ii>i^U«ud«u iL'i;. JbUU, aaui^ue yclwUf «%

Port of New York, Monday, Feb. 4, 1907.ARRIVED

Vestal. For. Una. Mallcloses. «aii*Ki'.nu. \u25a0;(-'\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0'\u25a0- Norton «:00 am 9-30 amTennyson. Argentine, Lamp & H01t... 0:80 a m l?:00mFlumlnense. Para, Ho.»rli li:;Oym 8:00 .', ,.Croydon, Argentina, Am & Rio Plata. 18:00 m 3 <«> „mKansas City. Savannah Savannah... 1:00pm

pacha Jacksonville. Clyd*——

00 dmHamilton, Norfolk. Old Dom 3:00 prnWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8.

Teutonic. Uvarpool. White btar »<:!lOaiu 1000 a inQnecia Inajcua, Main Am 11:00am 3:00 pmPanama Colon, Panarm 11:80 am SoOnmCarl, Argentine. Twm i'OOpm 4 :.<> r> mKroonland, Antwerp. Re'l hiiu- 11 a mPotadam Rotterdam, Holland-Am t'U*>umBardegna, Naples, Ilullan _!Proteus, New Orleans, Bo Parlflo 1200 mN'uecea. Oalvesmn. Ifallory 3:00 nmIroquola, Jacksonville, Clyde 8:00 pmSeneca, Norfolk, Old Dominion 3:iM)pm

THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7.UBretasm, Ha re. Kronen 7:ooam 10:00 a mEaporania Havana, Ward 0:00 am 12:00 mZamora, Braall 13:00 m

——City of Macoii. Savannah, Savannah.. 3:oopmJarnemown Norfolk, Old Dominion.... -'<'><> pmEl Alba Ualvaston. Morgan.. 3:oopm


Destination and ateamer. Close InNew YorkHawaii, Japan, Corea, china and Philip-

pine IslS-

(via Kan Francisco)—

America Maru Feb l». 12:."K)a mHawaii i\USan Francisi.-o)--AIanie(la ..Fab 13, 12:30 amJapan Core*. China and Philippine

Island* (via Beattl*) Dakota Ftb12, 6:oopmJapan (except parcels mails), Corea,

China and Philippine Islands (via Van-couver and Victoria, B. C.) Empress ofChina Fab 18. 0:00 pm

Japan. Corea, China and PhilippineIsland* (via Seattle)

—Akl Maru Fab 14. 6:oopm

Hawaii. Japan, Corea. China and Philippine lslan.ii" ula Han Francisco)


beria F>b IT,12:30 amNew Zealand, Australia (except West).

New Caledonia. Samoa. Hawaii andxpeclally addressed mall tor the FIJIIsland* ivia San Francisco)

—Sonoma. .Feb 34. 12:80 a m

Australia (except West), FIJI Inland* andNew Caledonia (via Vancouver andVictoria. H O— Miowera Feb 24, 6:oopm



City \u25a0\u25a0'. Macon Hnvui,r.ali FctTuurr 1..„..RavannahVictorian IJverpool, January 26. ...'U'hlte Star8t JL*ur*nt Havre, January 26 FrenchEl M.r.te Ualveyton, January 80 Bo PacifloDenver ... .Oalveston, January 80 Millurr

WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 0.•<>!K-arll Ctirlstlansand, January 29. .S<-*n<i AmHome Nap!"*. January 23 FabraEi«i«r City Rwannut, January 8*\..... . ...BristolTamploan London, January 58... .Atlantic Ilium1.. Mar Oalvaaton. Januaty ill So I'acifla


Mlaitlc nrtown, January 81... Whit* StarWeatarnland Antwerp. January 2T Had StarCity of Atlanta Savannah. February 4... . Bavannah

•Brings mall.




The high character of itstenants, its excellent location

—opposite City Hall Park


nearness to the Subway, Brook-lyn Bridge and Third Avenue"L" Road, its splendid elevatorservice, and the fact that thebuilding


should commend it to any onewhose business is downtown.Many desirable offices now readyfor occupancy.

Those wishing to see officesshould apply to theSUPERINTENDENT OF THE

