new york state digital library - 18/yonkers ny statesman… · dash at the girl,...

' THE YONKERS STATESMAN. ";>. PBCIDBDLT Tll« WW MEDIUM TO* APVBBVISBEB I* TEE OOPMTT. Vou V. JOHH W. OLITBB, Inivoa. IPWII A. OLITBB, A M I I U I T . A DAILY JOURNAL IN THK INXBHRKS'I' OF WK8TCHK8TKR COUNTY. ~ f , .,, , ,. ,11,1 II. - , . I •—„—•,- •--.,.- . • - - I I . -• ! LIU "-'•'•'••• ' -IN - M ^ I jl ^ . 1 -IN- I II ,...•- •-••-—••I , ,,— | • • • , ... •,».— ,,_. YONKERS, NTY.^SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY^!, 1888. BETBBEE IB TOWBBBS EOST OjTKE AM StCQWP CL4M MATTES. PBICB, f<5 A YBAB, III AllVAHl I SIBOLB Conss Two CBKTI. No. 1,287. TODAY'S NEWS. Interesting Dispatches From All Quarters of the Globe. BY TMLEORAPn TO Y0NKKR3 STATM8MAN Gen. John 0. Fremont's Birthday. Loe AHOILOS, 0*1. Jau. 21.—Oeu. Joliu C. Fremont is 75 years old to-day. He is holding open bouse aud heartily receitiuK tb» ottiaeus. To-uiglrt lie will be preaanUd"lrtTT<r*a purse coutaiuiug flO.OOO, tbe gift of tbe city. i UNITED STATES. Crisis in the Beading Strike. PorrsvitXE, Pa. Jan. 21.—From reports of meetings beld last uigbt throughout tbe mining districts, it is considered almost certain Hint a crisis in tbe great strike is rapidly approacbiug. Tbe influx of Italians and Norwegians from New York is proving a damper to tbe bopes of tbe strikers. Iu many places tbe miners nre suffer, iug from wsut of food, aud tbey seem wining j| to go back to work ou auy terms. Tbe miners have determined, or will to-day determine, to let tbe railway men ou strike sbift for them- selves, and will settle tbe difficulty on tbeir own terms. One Thousand Blissard Victims. NXBBASKA. CITT, Neb. Jan. 21.—Judge J. F. Kinney, agent of tbe Yanktou Sioux Indian Ageuey in Dakota, arrived bere yesterday. He was five days ou tbe road making a distance of 30 miles, tbe mercury standing at 40 below xero. Tbe Judge says tbe loss of life iu Dakota bas been greatly nude rest i mated, aud tbat tbe *t Dakota papers have tried to cover it np. Tbe people bave suffered terribly iu Bou Homme County, where tbe Judge lives. He says tbere were 180 people frozen to deatb. He is positive tbat tbe lose of life tbrougbout tbe Territory will reuob 1,000. -^-A r United States Treasury Statement WiaaiHOTOH, Jau. 21.— The Uuited Treasurer's statement, issued to-day, gives tbe amount of casb iu tbe Treasury as 1647,786,- 287. Hew York Bank Statement *an. 81. increase... X..'. : $5,128,200 .... ' 1,406,000 Reserve Loans, deorease—; .... Specie, increase Legal tenders, increase Deposits, Increase Circulation, decrease. Banks bold above legal requirements Obituary. It becomes our sad duty to chronicle Hie sudden deatb of JAMBA M. HIDE, of No 12 Hawibot ne avenue, iu tbe 74th year of bis age. Under tbe most favored circumstances deatb cornea with crushing weight to human hearts ; bat wbeu a loved oue leaves bis happy borne iu the morning, and is brought back dead, who Slate*: caii measure the weight of woe brought upon that household t " Ou Friday morning, apparently in usual health, Mr. Hyde left his residence to go to his place of business. He took tbe Third Avenue Elevated Railroad ; aud as tbe train approached the Oraud street station, feeling indisposed, he stepped out on the platform. It appears (bat Jobu Iteid. of Palisade avenue, prompted by a strange influence, also left tbe car, and observing tbat Mr. Hyde seemed unwell, np. prouched bias, when tbe latter fell dead. 3,066,100 2,511,100 1.816,000 197,100 80,914,496 Savage Attack by a Dog. JBRSBT CITY, Jan. 21.—Little Anna Wood, n 10 year old girl, was playiug iu frout of her home on Jersey aveune, this moruing, when a big dog came along ou a jug trot. He made a dash at the girl, aud buried his fangs deep iulo her leg. - "- A cry of mad dog was raised, and a crowd started in pursuit of tbe dog. Tbe brute on its way bit three other dogs. The dog tbat bit the girl was shot and the others all killed. New York Stock Market. NEW YORE, Jau. 21. Tbe stock market opeued dull but steady ibis morning. Prices were unchanged from the close of last eveniug. Tbe market remained without feature during the foreuoou. At noon the closing prices were : 4KB rag..... 103 [Nashville Jfc Chat .... 78* 4s re* 126K New Jersey Central. 7SM Cent, Pacific firsts..118* Northern Pacific .... 21% Erie seconds 90H do preferred 469s West Shore fours....lOOM'Northweutern 10ts^ North'n Pacific firsts 116 ' do preferred 144 Adams Express ..... 140 iNew York Central.. .107% American Express.. .107U N, Y. Chi. A St. L . . . 16K Canada Paclflo ....... <W*| do preferred 6\X Canadian Southern.. MX'Ohlo A Miss.., 23H Central Iowa *W Ont. A Western 17# Central Paclflo 31 [Oregon Navigation.. 94 dies. 4 Ohio 3X'Oregon Tranacon... 22% Chicago* Alton.. ..187 i Pacific Mall. 85% do preferred 160 'Pullman Palace WH C. B. A Quin......... 188%lReading 64*4 Chi. St. L. * Pac 14 Home, Watert'n A Og 84 Cler.A Colum. 50 Rock Island lWfc Del. A Hudson 107 St. L. A San Fran... 36 Del. Laek 4 189%! do preferred 71-M DenverA Rio Grande 21X] do 1st preferred.... 112 Erie 27«!st. Paul 75% dopreferred filfcj do preferred ViK Illinois CeDt 118 ISt. Paul, M. A M 110% Ind. Bloom. A West. 12X.St. Paul A Omaha... 39 Kansas A Texas 17 | do preferred 101* Lake Erie A Western. 14% Texas Pacific 25 Lake Shore 92% Union Pacific 56% Louis A Nash 6U4U. 8. Express..... .... 73 Manhattan Console!. 89% Wabash, St. L. A Pac. 15M Michigan Cent 88% do preferred 27M Mil. L. S.A W.pref.. 99 Wells, Farsro Ex .... . 128 Mln'apoltsASt.Louis 7 .Western Union 77% dopreferred. ... 15 N. Y. A N. R 37« Missouri Pacific ..... 84 Richm'dAWeetP'n't 22% Morris A Essex 139 I DOBBS_FERtlY. T H C STATESMAN will be dally delivered In Dobbs Ferry by W. s. Paulsen, at hU new store In the Court building, on Main street. .- i PI.ANMN.I rou A U.IAII It ACE.— Au exciliug j road race is expected to take place ou next Fri-1 day betweeu horses owned by Hugh Downey, tbe former owner of Artillery, Fred Downey, j Supervisor JobuBeasou, aiidChos. Eberspaeber,; of Dobhs Ferry, and John Diukel, of Irvinglou. The trophy will be a suit of horse clothing of- I fered by Charles Huber. Tbe race will be beld on the road leadiug to Hastings. May the best horse win I PKKSOMAL.—Tba Oreenbnrgb Register says: Miss Fuuuie M. Towuaeud, a former pnpil of' the Misses Masters, was married to William F. ('«ssecly, at Newborgb, a few days siuce. Miss Masters, Mrs. Hazeu aud Miss Lue Bradley The'-tarf present at the wedding. The same paper Death <ra the Bailroad Track. JERSEY CITY, Jan. 21— Ex-Polloe Sergeaut O'Conuell, aged 65 years, employed as watch- "man at tbe Erie Railroad yards, was ran oyer and killed today by a freight train. Oaoar F. Beokwith Resentenced. HUDSON, Jan. 21.—Judge Edwards to-day re- sentenced Oaoar F. Beekwith, the Austerlitz murderer, to be banged on Thursday, March 1. Tbe prisoner received his sixth death seu- wiib the same defiance that be bos tbe Ave previous sentences, aud laauohed iuto an exoited tirade against Courts, lawyers aud — jurors. He continued his harangue until he was taken ont of the room by force, and throwu iuto bis cell. FOREIGN. A Disastrous Fire, MONTREAL, Jan. 21.— Borjeau A Heron's ooffse mills aud the Dominion art furniture buildings were bnrued this morning. The fc.—ea»# ss»ww aW-uagriias below meto, freeing the boae and crippling tbe firemen, preventing them from saving tbe property. The lose will ranch $200,000. Truth aud Justice. LONDON, Jan. 91;—Mr. OMadatooe, replying to an eulogistic address presented to him at Florence, said tbat be hoped it might please Ood to termiuate, at an early boar, the contro- versies now dividiug Oreat Britain iu the man- ner most iu accordance with truth aud justice. remains were brougbt to the stricken bome iu the afternoon. Mr. Hyde was born iu Great Jones street, New York. He lived iu Youkera from 1860 to 1865. He tbeu removed to Brooklyn, where be remaiued until 1880. He tbeu returned to Yonkers, where he since lived. He was twice married, his first wife, being a sister of Mrs. Charles F.dwurd Wai iug. His se- cond wife js a sister of Charles W. Seymonr. He leaves two children by his flrbt wife aud ! two by tho second. The eldest daughter, Mrs. H. Godfrey, Uvea iu Detroit, and reached Yonkers ou Thursday, to visit the family, aud still remains here. The youngest daughter is the wife of Robert G. Jackson. A married son lives in Brooklyn, aud a single daughter remains at home. Mr. Hyde was most methodical iu his habits, and a gentleman of the highest integrity. For, 48 years he had been the trusted bookkeeper oJE the substantial firm of Josiah Mncy'i Sous, oil merchauts, No. 191 Front street, New York. Mr. Hyde, bad in bis pocket a tine old Eng- lish lever gold watch with these words engraved on the dial plate : "Made for dipt. Obed Tay- lor, 1816." It indicated the correct time of day to tbe minute. _• Common Council. A special meeting of the Common Council was held this morning. Mayor Bell preside I. Present—Aidermeu Scblobohm, E. U Downing, Broderick, Mooney and I. V. UudVr- bill. The tax levy for the year 1887 was ordered. Tbe city tax amounts to $335,722.80 exolusee of lamp taxes. ..„>. ,_^*r * ^ It was resolved to iseae bouds to the amount of $15,009 for tbe Main street sewer, and $35,- 000 for the sewer in Warburton avenue. The assessment of one quarter of the expense of constructing the Palisade aveuue, ltiverdale avenue and Herriot street sewers wascouflrined Tbree-qanrters of the expense have been already aaseseed and levied. also lays that Miss Ella Graut Cat nick, who re- sided for several summers iu the Kitohing House, st the west end of Chestnut street, is to be married in New York City, ou the 24th iust. to Henry Feuchlwauger. THE COUNTY. ANOTHER MAN STOPPED.—The towu of New Boobelle is getting a bad reputation for high wayiuen. Charles Noxou was on his way home Thursday night, when he was stopped by two highwaymen who wanted all his valuables. He, however, drew a revolver, aud they fled. This is tbe secoud attempted highway jobbery at Mis same spot within two weeks $21,000 FOR CHARITIES. The charitably-inclined readers of this paper 4BUI ve much interested in the following " ANNOUNCEMENT. "We have decided to distribute among the charitable institutions within a circuit of twenty-ilve miles from New York City Hall the sum of Ttenty-On« Thousand Hollar; pro rata, as per the number of our ••German Laundry Hoap" "Wrappers held by each institution on the First day of November, 1888. Committee to distribute this donation to be se- lected by institutions holding ten thousand or more Wrappers." Thi* taken in Yonktfi and environ*, being ni/hiu twentyJ>re mitet of Xrw York. CAUTION. lHany rharltablY-dtaposed per- sona were l i l i l i u u fast year by IMITATIONS o f o u r Uermin Laundry Soap, and therefore aucil wrappers were not comnted. ** r ' "HAS. 8."""1 Dry Goods. r ^KILLED ON THE BAILKOAD.—A youug man, supposed to be Iticbard Adams, from the fact tbat n bank-book made out to such a person was fonnd iu his pocket, was killed ou the New York, New Haven aud Hartford Bailroad on Thursday afternoon. He went to Larohmont from New York, and then started to walk to New liochelle, and that was the Inst seen of him alive. He was well dressed, carried a gold watch, bad $7 in his pocket, and the baukbook allowed deposits to Tfo nmouut of $128. He was struck by an east-bound express. GERMAN *MNDRY sttf WELLER & WELSH HAVI NOW ON SALE A LARGE STOCK or CAKPETS, 0IL-CL0T1IS,MATTINGS Ann WINDOW SHADES At prices fully dOc, below their value. Our WINDOW SHADES at 50c. are tbe same as others sell for f i Ako a new stock of CURTAIN POLES at reduced price.-". No. 5 North Broadway, YON K ERR F.VOIWORCH&CO. (Successors to Kiiinsr <& Co.) 16 & 18 NOltTH BROADWAY. EARLY FALL~NOVELTIES. New DKESS GOODS. i .... i i and see that each 'WRAPPER Is BLIK and bear* o n I t s face the TRADE-MARK o f a COLORED WOTIAN A T T H E WASH-TIB. Each wrapper la printed in both English and German. Death of JamMTinGrarfield's ITotBer. MENTOR, Ohio, Jan. 21.—The toother of the late ex President James A. Garfield died at 5 o'cloek this morning. She was 86 years old, and bad been gradually falling duriog tbe past two months. She died at tbe homestead of ^Vresideut Oarfield. Mrs. President Garfield aud ber danghter are now iu Europe, aud none of tbe family were present. The Garfield boys, however, will arrive to-day. Wreck of an Iron Steamship. LONDON, Jan. 21.—The Iron steamer Con-' stance, of the Bristol Steam Navigation Com- pauy, has been wrecked at Plymouth during a fog. Three persons wore drowned. £ Eled and Buggy Collision. CINCINNATI, Jan. 21. While coasting ou Park aveune last night, a big sled, on whloh were seated five persons, collided with a buggy with terrific force. Warreu Matthews, John Kovermau, Maggie Toll and were seriously injured. Arrest of Thomas Byrne. DUBLIN, Jau. 21.—Thomas Byrne, President of tbe Balliuaaloe National League, has been arrested for inciting tenants to refuse to pay rent. Steamship Arrivals Abroad. SOUTHAMPTON, Jau. 21.—Arrived Steamship Elbe, from New York. QOEENSTOWM, Jan. 21.—Arrived Haohel Davis ' Steamahip Republic, from New York. to-day : to-day THE TAXES.—Tbe tnxes will be lower this year than last, as will be seen from tbe follow- ing figures which give the rale ou $100 for 1886 and 1887, tbe latter being the (ax Just levied : THEY KEPT THEIR WOR».—Last August a good deal of excitement was occasioned in North Salem by the elopemeut of Oscar S. Dearborn, with a wife and three ohildreu, with tbe wife of Nelsou Bobiuson, and the villagers de- clared tbat if they ever returned they would make ii uncomfortably warm for them. Ou Wednesday Inst tbe couple were seen in a Har- h,e ItaKrood train. Tbe man got off at Purdj's Station, but his companion weut on to Brew- stem. Dearborn then hired a sleigh, drove to Brewatefa and took his partner in. They then drove to North Salem, where their arrival soon became known. On Thursday the villagers put was released from tbeir tender mercies he was glad to get out of town. It is said the dose was one of tar and feathers. City Tax. 1880. First School District 1.75048 Second School District 1.0690. Water Tax .. .0.14962 General Lamp Tax. ... V 0.0S62P 1887. 1.67810 .1.8MS0 0.10846 (t084« Custom Tailors' Association. CHICAGO, Jan. 21.—The eighth aunual con- vention of tbe Custom Tailors' Association of the Uuited States wouud up last eveniug by a banquet. A resolution was adopted favoring knee pants, aud predicting their general use by gentlemen for dress occasieus. Bold aud Successful Bobbery. CHICAGO, 111. Jan. 21.—Thieves entered tbe bones of Anton Jediekas early Ibis morning, and, after chloroforming tbe entire family of six persons, robbed the house of $2,700 in cash, aud escaped in safety. A Goal Dealer Froten to Death. IJOUISVILLE, Ky. Jau. 21.—A. Dlebold, an ex- tensite coal dealer, waa found iu bis office this morning froseu to deatb. His supply bad ruu m Thirty Degrees Below Zero. HANOVER, N. H. Jan. 21.—Tbe mercury In this section of New Hampshire stauds 30 de- grees below zero to-day. » Death of Lieutenant Tinea FORT SHAW, Mont. Jau. 21.—Lieut. Thies, Quartermaster Third Infantry, died at this post yesterday. ^ Steamship Arrival at New York. NEW Y o u , Jan. 21.—Arrived to-day: Steam- ahip Lake Superior, from Liverpool. Personals. Congressman Slahlueaker la Spoken of as a Democratic candidate for Governor of this State. "'"—TJIpL J o t u T l . P r u y u and Lieut. William H. MoVioar, who bave been attending tbe Na- tional Goaid Conveutiou iu Albany, have re- turned home. '' a —Tbe Misses Myra 0. Van Tassell, Jeuuie Hays, Sadie 0. and Annie Hayt, of New York, j and Miss Libbie Maze, of Fishkill, spent Fri- day very pleasantly with Warburton aveune friends. —Commander G. B. Batch aud Private William Heury Baldwin, of Horatio Seymonr Post, were among tbe invited guests at the re- ception tendered by Lafayette Poet to National Commander in-Chief of the Grand Army, of the Republic John P. Rea, of Minneapolis, in New York, last ulgbt "HUMAN NATUBE.*'—A leading poet .talcs tbat one little touch of "Human Nature" eu- nobles every mau and woman. At Music Hall, on Monday eveuiug, Jan. 28. every phase of Human Nature" will be interpreted by Richard O'Gormau and bis corps of consum- mate ailists. —In no other way can 12 cents a week be mads to bring so much interest and value to a family, as investing tbat amount to secure the daily visits of THE YOHKEBS STATESMAN. —The Committee on Banking and Currency is iu favor of allowing banks to issue currency to the foil face value of the United States bonds. The Statesman Almanao for To-Day. BIONAL SERVICE: BORBAU, Jau. 21, 1 p. m.— Tbe indications for Southeru New York are colder an 1 dear weather with brisk northwest- ealy wiuds to-night, followed by warmer and fair weather to-morrow. TEMP BR ATT/BE During the past twenty-four hours as Imtlcaied i.y the tharmometer at Elnkel's Pharmacv: IP. M. 6 P M , 9 P.M. 8 AM It M. 28 ,20 » 17 ...... 17 SUN AND MOON : So'irlsexat 7:19 I Sun sets at. .501 Moon sets .... 1*41 a m. HIGH TIDE: . U89p. m. I Gov. Inland . 1.68p. as. Yonkers 2:56 p. nj. The S'ew York Dailitt of the week ending Oct. 2(f, /8&7, published a list of ttj Charities in jVew York and Brooklyn, among whom %JS,ooo, donated by Chen. S. Higrins b" Son, were distributed by committees of leading citi- zens. The system of awards was based upon the number of wrappers of Ifiggins' German Laundry Soap turned in tj the committee by each institution, they having secured front their friends all of such «rappers they could, during the year ending Sept. 6, iS8}, Among the larger beneficiaries, are: N. Y. City: German Hospital, $3,066.89; St. John's Guild, $2,616.atl; Foundliiuc Asylum of Bisters of Charity, |^,808.37 ; Mission of Our Lady of the ttosary for Protection of Immi- f ranta, i: MH^5; Home for the Acedof the ittle Sisters of the Poor, 11,374*1; and so oa down, 55 in all in N. Y. City participating. In Brooklyn: 8t, Francis Monastery, $2,143- 10 ; St. Pfter's Hospital. %\ .208.02; Little Sis- ters of the Poor, #1,179 ; St John's Home, $1.0%.63 ; and so on among :M institutions. Ckas. 8. Juggins & Son, CLINTON AND PAKE AVKS., BROOKLYN. Groceries and Provisions. Sandy Hook Died. DOBLAND.-On Jan 20 MARIA, relict of the late KnocTi O. Dorland, In f he H9th \ear of her age. Relatives and friends are invited to attimd the fune- ral, at the residence of her son-in-law, G. E. Ketoham, 149 North Broadway, on Monday? Jan. 23, at 12 o'clock tn. HYDR.-Soddenly, Jan. 20, JAMES M. HVDB, in his 74th year. Kelatlres and friends are invited to attend his fune- ral, on Monday, Jan. 23, at 12 in In St. John's Church. Interment Oakland Cemetery. RIKKR,.7-At her' residence, 135 East 46th street, Tlinrsaay. Jan. 19, isss. FnANcsi R.HiKra, wife of John It Itikcr, and daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. S. D. Rockwell. Funeral services will be held at St. Bartholomew's Church. 4tth street and Madison avenue, on Mon- day morning, Jan..'!. at half past 10 o'clock. A NNUAL REPORT <>C THE YONKERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY. January BSROMBV » Capital stock, $100,000, all issued In payment for property. Th« Indebtedness of the Company does not exceed $10,000. HALCYON SKINNRlt, President. HALCYON SKINNER, H. Y. KKINNRR. ! CHARLRM K. SKINNER. Majority of Trustees. Westchester County, ss.: Halcyon Skinner, being duly sworn, say* that he is the Prestavnt of the Yonkers Manufacturing t'om- pany, and that the foregoing statement Is true to the beat of his knowledge and belief. HALCYON 8KINNRR, President. Sworn to before me this Slut daaoj^iMUfnary. ts88. JAMES I'TBANDRRN. JUM Uetary Public, City of Tonkers. NTT. Sewing Machines Cleaned. All kinds of Sewing Machine* cleaned and re- paired. Needles, Belting, Fittings, sold for every make of machine, at B. HOWBLL'S REPAIR SHOP No. 1 Dock street, corner of North Broadway, Yon kers. All repairs warranted, HH Religious Services To-Morrow. -•••" In the First Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr. George E. Strobridge will preach in the moru- iug. Iu the afternoon, the pastor, Kev. John Reid, will preach. —Iu St. John's Church there will be services' at 11 o'clock In the morning and at quarter before 8o'cloek iu tbe evening. Sunday School at half-past 9 o'clock in tbe moruing. —Iu Immaunel Obapel, at quarter before 8 o'clock, tbere will be preaching by Rev. John 8. Penman, from the test fonnd iu I Peter, 1:8—"Whom, having not seen, ye love." —In the First Methodist Chapel, in the moru- ing, Rev. John Reid, pastor of the First Presby- terian Church, will preach. Iu the evening, Rev. Dr. Georgi E'Strobridge will occupy tbe pulpit. Iu the Wai Liu ton Avenue Baptist Church Rev. H. B. Grose will preaoh at quarter before 11 o'clock in the morning aud at half-past 7 o'clock In the eveuiug. Subject for the eve- ning discourse: "Saul; or, a Mau Contrasted With Himself." —Iu the UniUriau Churoh, North Broadway, there will be servrosn both morning aud eveu- iug, conducted by Rev. James T. Biiby. Iu tbe eveuiug Mr. Buby will give the list lecture of his course oa "The Religion of Modern 'fbiukers." Subject: "Robert Browning, aud tbe Religion of the Future." —In the Central Methodist Church there will be preaching by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Millard, at quarter before 11 o'clock in the morning and at balf-po*t 7 o'clock iu the evening. His theme in tbe morning will bo "Outside and In- side Ytuws of ReviVnls;" in the evening. "From Whom Is the Gospel Hid ?" A cordial welcome to all. Iu the Westminister Presbyterian Church lbs pastor, Rev. Edward Caldwell Moore, will preaoh iu the morning, at half past IU o'clock, from tbe text found in Hebrews 9:22—"Almost all things nre by the law purified with blood ;" and iu tbe evening, at half pant 7 o'clock, from the tut found in II Kings, 8:13-"Is thy ser- vatit n dog tbat be should do this great thing?" WHERE BALMT BBEBZES BLOW. — The New York City and Hudson River Railroad, In connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad, has arranged a series of special excursions tO Old Point Comfort, Va. at very low rates, which include oue day's board at tbs Hygela Hotel. The first exonraiou will leave Yonkers, Monday, Jan. 23, and another will leave on Feb. 1. For rates and further infor- mation call ou nearest New York Central ticket •geut. CiO TO Vanderlyn & Bell No. 26 PALISADE AVENUE, FOR FIRST-CLASS J GrROCEKIES, THR BRST Coffee, Tea, Flour, Butter, Kgtfs, Cheese, And CANNED GOODS of all kinds, FRUIT and NUTS. You can buy good goo Is at the lowest price for cash. VANDERLYN & BELL. Plain and Fancy VELVETS & PLUSHES. Ladies' aud Children's Cloaks, Jackets & Newmarkets, Smith & AngeU's FAST BLACK STOCKINGS, warranted not to crock. # Fine Drugs and Medicines. TAKE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO SELLECK'S DRUG STORE No. 21 North Broadway, Where you can have them prepared from Pure DruEs by licensed pharmacists. SCHLESINGER'S COMPOUND BALSAM OF BONESET & TAR IS THR BEST MEDICINE MADE FOR COUGHS & COLDS. Price 25c. Per Bottle. PREPARED ONLY AT Sohlcttfuger^r Pliaiiiiacjv ASHBURTON AVE. & SUMMIT ST. DOWN-TOWN ACRNCY: WHAY'S PHARMACY, GETTY SqfARK. A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF CUT-CLASS BOTTLES, FLUSH AMD LIATHBR TOILET & MANICURE CASES CUFF BOXES, TOILET CASES FOR TRAVELING, As well as a; full Hue of Imported and Domestic PE RFUMERIE8, CAN BE HAD OF GEORGE B. WRAY, PHARMAC18T. GETTY SQUARE, YONKERS. Winter Potatoes, APPLES & ONIONS. NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR SUPPLY ^J^J. DEViTTT No. 1 WARBURTON AVENUE. YONKERS. STORAGE" For Furniture, Pianos, CarrlageR,Wagons,Trunks Baggage, Ac. at the PALISADE AVRNUE STORE- HOUSE, formerly Baldwin ft Flagg's Hat actory' Brick building, light .m.l airy. REASONABLE KATES. SEPARATRCOMPART- MENTS. Particular care given to the Handling and Storing of Furniture, Ac. 1 FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO J. B. PROTE & SON, Corner North Broadway and Ashburton Avenue. Telephone Call 50. AMATEURS' TEI-EGRAPH OUTFITS, A full line of ELECTRIC BATTRR1BS, HELLS. BURGLAR ALARMS. House and Hotel ANNUNCI- ATORS. Ac. constantly on hand. Mechanical Bell, and Speaking Tubes. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. Skates Sharpened and Repaired Butler & Nugent, ELECTRICIANS, REM. HANORRS A LOCKSMITHS No. 13 RIVEUDALE AVENUE, Bakers and Co.nfectioners. r- THE OLD RELIABLE BROADWAY BAKERY, KitablHhndptf years. * * * * * * *>• J. RENECKER, (Successor to F. Blatzhehn.) PROPRIETOR, SRLLSTHE BE8T\ BREAD, CAKE & PIES To be obtained In the city. Genuine BOSTON BROWN BREAD and ENGLISH Ml'FFINS a specialty. Everything first-class, at lowest prices. Ho. 3jj^ North Broadway. FROST'S'BMERY YOU WILL FIND A LARGE SUPPLY OF CAKE Of Ail Rinds, MACARONI, CREAM PUFFS, GfnRLOTTE RUSSE, CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS. THE BRST MINCE PIES, And all other kinds; to be found In the city So, If vou want to he happy all the v>:u\ be sure to come for everything In tbe bakery lino to FROST the LEADING BAKER, No. 9 Main St. Yonkers, :•.; . t *. m * ' ' ' Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library - 18/Yonkers NY Statesman… · dash at the girl, aud buried his fangs deep iulo her leg. - "-A cry of mad dog was raised, and a crowd




Vou V. JOHH W. OLITBB, Inivoa. I P W I I A. OLITBB, A M I I U I T .

A D A I L Y J O U R N A L I N T H K I N X B H R K S ' I ' O F W K 8 T C H K 8 T K R C O U N T Y . ~ f

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PBICB, f<5 A Y B A B , III AllVAHl I SIBOLB Conss Two CBKTI. No. 1,287.

TODAY'S NEWS. Interesting Dispatches From All Quarters of


Gen. John 0. Fremont's Birthday. Loe AHOILOS, 0*1. Jau. 21 .—Oeu. Joliu C.

Fremont is 75 years old to-day. He is holding open bouse aud heartily receitiuK tb» ottiaeus. To-uiglrt lie will be preaanUd"lrtTT<r*a purse coutaiuiug flO.OOO, tbe gift of tbe city.



Crisis in the Beading Strike. PorrsvitXE, Pa. Jan. 21.—From reports of

meetings beld last uigbt throughout tbe mining districts, it is considered almost certain Hint a crisis in tbe great strike is rapidly approacbiug. Tbe influx of Italians and Norwegians from New York is proving a damper to tbe bopes of tbe strikers. Iu many places tbe miners nre suffer, iug from wsut of food, aud tbey seem wining

j | to go back to work ou auy terms. Tbe miners have determined, or will to-day determine, to let tbe railway men ou strike sbift for them­selves, and will settle tbe difficulty on tbeir own terms.

One Thousand Blissard Victims. NXBBASKA. CITT, Neb. Jan. 21.—Judge J. F.

Kinney, agent of tbe Yanktou Sioux Indian Ageuey in Dakota, arrived bere yesterday. He was five days ou tbe road making a distance of 30 miles, tbe mercury standing at 40 below xero. Tbe Judge says tbe loss of life iu Dakota bas been greatly nude rest i mated, aud tbat tbe

*t Dakota papers have tried to cover it np. Tbe people bave suffered terribly iu Bou Homme County, where tbe Judge lives. He says tbere were 180 people frozen to deatb. He is positive tbat tbe lose of life tbrougbout tbe Territory will reuob 1,000. -^-A r —

United States Treasury Statement WiaaiHOTOH, Jau. 2 1 . — The Uuited

Treasurer's statement, issued to-day, gives tbe amount of casb iu tbe Treasury as 1647,786,-287.

Hew York Bank Statement *an. 81.

increase... X..'. : $5,128,200 .. . . ' 1,406,000

Reserve Loans, deorease—;. . . . Specie, increase Legal tenders, increase Deposits, Increase Circulation, decrease. Banks bold above legal requirements

Obituary. It becomes our sad duty to chronicle Hie

sudden deatb of JAMBA M. H I D E , of No 12

Hawibot ne avenue, iu tbe 74th year of bis age. Under tbe most favored circumstances deatb

cornea with crushing weight to human hearts ; bat wbeu a loved oue leaves bis happy borne iu the morning, and is brought back dead, who

Slate*: c a i i measure the weight of woe brought upon that household t "

Ou Friday morning, apparently in usual health, Mr. Hyde left his residence to go to his place of business. He took tbe Third Avenue Elevated Railroad ; aud as tbe train approached the Oraud street station, feeling indisposed, he stepped out on the platform. It appears (bat Jobu Iteid. of Palisade avenue, prompted by a strange influence, also left tbe car, and observing tbat Mr. Hyde seemed unwell, np. prouched bias, when tbe latter fell dead.

3,066,100 2,511,100 1.816,000

197,100 80,914,496

Savage Attack by a Dog. JBRSBT CITY, Jan. 21.—Little Anna Wood, n

10 year old girl, was playiug iu frout of her home on Jersey aveune, this moruing, when a big dog came along ou a jug trot. He made a dash at the girl, aud buried his fangs deep iulo her leg. - "-

A cry of mad dog was raised, and a crowd started in pursuit of tbe dog. Tbe brute on its way bit three other dogs. The dog tbat bit the girl was shot and the others all killed.

New York Stock Market. N E W YORE, Jau. 21. — Tbe stock market

opeued dull but steady ibis morning. Prices were unchanged from the close of last eveniug. Tbe market remained without feature during the foreuoou. At noon the closing prices were :

4KB rag..... 103 [Nashville Jfc Chat. . . . 78* 4s re* 126K New Jersey Central. 7SM Cent, Pacific firsts..118* Northern Pacific . . . . 21% Erie seconds 90H do preferred 469s West Shore fours....lOOM'Northweutern 10ts^ North'n Pacific firsts 116 ' do preferred 144 Adams Express . . . . . 140 iNew York Central.. .107% American Express.. .107U N, Y. Chi. A St. L . . . 16K Canada Paclflo... . . . . <W*| do preferred 6\X Canadian Southern.. MX'Ohlo A Miss.., 23H Central Iowa *W Ont. A Western 17# Central Paclflo 31 [Oregon Navigation.. 94 dies . 4 Ohio 3X'Oregon Tranacon... 22% Chicago* Alton.. ..187 i Pacific Mall. 85%

do preferred 160 'Pullman Palace WH C. B. A Quin.........188%lReading 64*4 Chi. St. L. * Pac 14 Home, Watert'n A Og 84 Cler.A Colum. 50 Rock Island lWfc Del. A Hudson 107 St. L. A San F r a n . . . 36 Del. Laek 4189%! do preferred 71-M DenverA Rio Grande 21X] do 1st preferred....112 Erie 27«!st. Paul 75%

dopreferred filfcj do preferred ViK Illinois CeDt 118 ISt. Paul, M. A M 110% Ind. Bloom. A West. 12X.St. Paul A Omaha... 39 Kansas A Texas 17 | do preferred 101* Lake Erie A Western. 14% Texas Pacific 25 Lake Shore 92% Union Pacific 56% Louis A Nash 6U4U. 8. Express..... . . . . 73 Manhattan Console!. 89% Wabash, St. L. A Pac. 15M Michigan Cent 88% do preferred 27M Mil. L. S.A W.pref.. 99 Wells, Farsro Ex. . . . .128 Mln'apoltsASt.Louis 7 .Western Union 77%

dopreferred. . . . 15 N. Y. A N. R 37« Missouri Pacific..... 84 Richm'dAWeetP'n't 22% Morris A Essex 139 I

DOBBS_FERtlY. THC STATESMAN will be dally delivered In Dobbs

Ferry by W. s. Paulsen, at hU new store In the Court building, on Main street.

.- i

PI.ANMN.I rou A U.IAII It ACE.— Au exciliug j

road race is expected to take place ou next Fri-1 day betweeu horses owned by Hugh Downey, tbe former owner of Artillery, Fred Downey, j Supervisor JobuBeasou, aiidChos. Eberspaeber,; of Dobhs Ferry, and John Diukel, of Irvinglou. The trophy will be a suit of horse clothing of- I fered by Charles Huber. Tbe race will be beld on the road leadiug to Hastings. May the best horse win I

PKKSOMAL.—Tba Oreenbnrgb Register says: Miss Fuuuie M. Towuaeud, a former pnpil of' the Misses Masters, was married to William F. ('«ssecly, at Newborgb, a few days siuce. Miss Masters, Mrs. Hazeu aud Miss Lue Bradley

The' - tarf present at the wedding. The same paper

Death <ra the Bailroad Track. JERSEY CITY, Jan. 21— Ex-Polloe Sergeaut

O'Conuell, aged 65 years, employed as watch-"man at tbe Erie Railroad yards, was ran oyer and killed today by a freight train.

Oaoar F. Beokwith Resentenced. HUDSON, Jan. 21.—Judge Edwards to-day re­

sentenced Oaoar F. Beekwith, the Austerlitz murderer, to be banged on Thursday, March 1.

Tbe prisoner received his sixth death seu-wiib the same defiance that be bos tbe

Ave previous sentences, aud laauohed iuto an exoited tirade against Courts, lawyers aud

— jurors. He continued his harangue until he was taken ont of the room by force, and throwu iuto bis cell.


A Disastrous Fire, MONTREAL, Jan. 21 .— Borjeau A Heron's

ooffse mills aud the Dominion art furniture buildings were bnrued this morning. The fc.—ea»# ss»ww aW-uagriias below meto, f ree ing the boae and crippling tbe firemen, preventing them from saving tbe property. The lose will ranch $200,000.

Truth aud Justice. LONDON, Jan. 91;—Mr. OMadatooe, replying

to an eulogistic address presented to him at Florence, said tbat be hoped it might please Ood to termiuate, at an early boar, the contro­versies now dividiug Oreat Britain iu the man­ner most iu accordance with truth aud justice.

remains were brougbt to the stricken bome iu the afternoon.

Mr. Hyde was born iu Great Jones street, New York. He lived iu Youkera from 1860 to 1865. He tbeu removed to Brooklyn, where be remaiued until 1880. He tbeu returned to Yonkers, where he since lived.

He was twice married, his first wife, being a sister of Mrs. Charles F.dwurd Wai iug. His se­cond wife j s a sister of Charles W. Seymonr. He leaves two children by his flrbt wife aud ! two by tho second.

The eldest daughter, Mrs. H. Godfrey, Uvea iu Detroit, and reached Yonkers ou Thursday, to visit the family, aud still remains here. The youngest daughter is the wife of Robert G. Jackson. A married son lives in Brooklyn, aud a single daughter remains at home.

Mr. Hyde was most methodical iu his habits, and a gentleman of the highest integrity. For, 48 years he had been the trusted bookkeeper oJE the substantial firm of Josiah Mncy'i Sous, o i l merchauts, No. 191 Front street, New York.

Mr. Hyde, bad in bis pocket a tine old Eng­lish lever gold watch with these words engraved on the dial plate : "Made for d ip t . Obed Tay­lor, 1816." It indicated the correct time of day to tbe minute.

_ •

Common Council.

A special meeting of the Common Council was held this morning. Mayor Bell preside I. Present—Aidermeu Scblobohm, E. U Downing, Broderick, Mooney and I. V. UudVr-bill.

The tax levy for the year 1887 was ordered. Tbe city tax amounts to $335,722.80 exo lusee of lamp taxes. . . „ > . , _^*r * ^

It was resolved to iseae bouds to the amount of $15,009 for tbe Main street sewer, and $35,-000 for the sewer in Warburton avenue.

The assessment of one quarter of the expense of constructing the Palisade aveuue, ltiverdale avenue and Herriot street sewers wascouflrined Tbree-qanrters of the expense have been already aaseseed and levied.

also lays that Miss Ella Graut Cat nick, who re-sided for several summers iu the Kitohing House, st the west end of Chestnut street, is to be married in New York City, ou the 24th iust. to Henry Feuchlwauger.


Boobelle is getting a bad reputation for high wayiuen. Charles Noxou was on his way home Thursday night, when he was stopped by two highwaymen who wanted all his valuables. He, however, drew a revolver, aud they fled. This is tbe secoud attempted highway jobbery at Mis same spot within two weeks


The charitably-inclined readers of this paper 4BUI ve much interested in the following

" A N N O U N C E M E N T .

" W e have decided t o distribute a m o n g the chari table inst i tut ions w i th in a circuit of twenty- i lve mi les from N e w York City H a l l the s u m of

Ttenty-On« Thousand Hollar; pro rata, as per the number of our • •German Laundry H o a p " "Wrappers he ld b y each inst i tut ion o n the First d a y of November , 1888. C o m m i t t e e t o distribute th i s donat ion t o be se­lected by inst i tut ions ho ld ing ten thousand or more Wrappers ."

Thi* taken in Yonktfi and environ*, being ni/hiu twentyJ>re mitet of Xrw York.

C A U T I O N . l H a n y r h a r l t a b l Y - d t a p o s e d p e r ­

s o n a w e r e l i l i l i u u f a s t y e a r b y I M I T A T I O N S o f o u r U e r m i n L a u n d r y S o a p , a n d t h e r e f o r e a u c i l w r a p p e r s w e r e n o t c o m n t e d .

**r ' "HAS. 8."""1

Dry Goods.


supposed to be Iticbard Adams, from the fact tbat n bank-book made out to such a person was fonnd iu his pocket, was killed ou the New York, New Haven aud Hartford Bailroad on Thursday afternoon. He went to Larohmont from New York, and then started to walk to New liochelle, and that was the Inst seen of him alive. He was well dressed, carried a gold watch, bad $7 in his pocket, and the baukbook allowed deposits to Tfo nmouut of $128. He was struck by an east-bound express.

GERMAN * M N D R Y s t t f




WINDOW SHADES At prices fully dOc, below their value. Our WINDOW SHADES at 50c. are tbe same as

others sell for f i Ako a new stock of CURTAIN POLES at reduced


No. 5 Nor th B r o a d w a y , YON K ERR

F.VOIWORCH&CO. (Successors to Kiiinsr <& Co.)








a n d s e e t h a t e a c h ' W R A P P E R I s B L I K a n d b e a r * o n I t s f a c e t h e T R A D E - M A R K o f a C O L O R E D WOTIAN A T T H E W A S H - T I B .

E a c h w r a p p e r la p r i n t e d i n b o t h E n g l i s h a n d G e r m a n .

Death of JamMTinGrarfield's ITotBer. MENTOR, Ohio, Jan. 21.—The toother of the

late ex President James A. Garfield died at 5 o'cloek this morning. She was 86 years old, and bad been gradually falling duriog tbe past two months. She died at tbe homestead of

^Vresideut Oarfield. Mrs. President Garfield aud ber danghter are now iu Europe, aud none of tbe family were present. The Garfield boys, however, will arrive to-day.

Wreck of an Iron Steamship. LONDON, Jan. 21.—The Iron steamer Con-'

stance, of the Bristol Steam Navigation Com-pauy, has been wrecked at Plymouth during a fog. Three persons wore drowned.


Eled and Buggy Collision. CINCINNATI, Jan. 21. — While coasting ou

Park aveune last night, a big sled, on whloh were seated five persons, collided with a buggy with terrific force. Warreu Matthews, John Kovermau, Maggie Toll and were seriously injured.

Arrest of Thomas Byrne. D U B L I N , Jau. 21.—Thomas Byrne, President

of tbe Balliuaaloe National League, has been arrested for inciting tenants to refuse to pay rent.

Steamship Arrivals Abroad. SOUTHAMPTON, Jau. 21.—Arrived

Steamship Elbe, from New York. QOEENSTOWM, Jan. 21.—Arrived

Haohel Davis ' Steamahip Republic, from New York.

to-day :


T H E TAXES.—Tbe tnxes will be lower this year than last, as will be seen from tbe follow­ing figures which give the rale ou $100 for 1886 and 1887, tbe latter being the (ax Just levied :

T H E Y KEPT THEIR WOR».—Last August a

good deal of excitement was occasioned in North Salem by the elopemeut of Oscar S. Dearborn,

with a wife and three ohildreu, with tbe wife of Nelsou Bobiuson, and the villagers de­clared tbat if they ever returned they would make ii uncomfortably warm for them. Ou Wednesday Inst tbe couple were seen in a Har-h,e ItaKrood train. Tbe man got off at Purdj's Station, but his companion weut on to Brew-stem. Dearborn then hired a sleigh, drove to Brewatefa and took his partner in. They then drove to North Salem, where their arrival soon became known. On Thursday the villagers put

was released from tbeir tender mercies he was glad to get out of town. It is said the dose was one of tar and feathers.

City Tax. 1880. First School District 1.75048 Second School District 1.0690. Water Tax .. .0.14962 General Lamp Tax. . . . V 0.0S62P

1887. 1.67810

.1.8MS0 0.10846 (t084«

Custom Tailors' Association. CHICAGO, Jan. 21.—The eighth aunual con­

vention of tbe Custom Tailors' Association of the Uuited States wouud up last eveniug by a banquet. A resolution was adopted favoring knee pants, aud predicting their general use by gentlemen for dress occasieus.

Bold aud Successful Bobbery. CHICAGO, 111. Jan. 21.—Thieves entered tbe

bones of Anton Jediekas early Ibis morning, and, after chloroforming tbe entire family of six persons, robbed the house of $2,700 in cash, aud escaped in safety.

A Goal Dealer Froten to Death. IJOUISVILLE, Ky. Jau. 21.—A. Dlebold, an ex-

tensite coal dealer, waa found iu bis office this morning froseu to deatb. His supply bad ruu

m Thirty Degrees Below Zero.

HANOVER, N. H. Jan. 21.—Tbe mercury In this section of New Hampshire stauds 30 de­grees below zero to-day.

-» »

Death of Lieutenant Tinea FORT SHAW, Mont. Jau. 21.—Lieut. Thies,

Quartermaster Third Infantry, died at this post yesterday. ^

Steamship Arrival at New York. NEW Y o u , Jan. 21.—Arrived to-day: Steam­

ahip Lake Superior, from Liverpool.

Personals. — Congressman Slahlueaker la Spoken of as a

Democratic candidate for Governor of this State. "'"—TJIpL JotuTl. Pruyu and Lieut. William

H. MoVioar, who bave been attending tbe Na­tional Goaid Conveutiou iu Albany, have re­turned home. '' a

—Tbe Misses Myra 0 . Van Tassell, Jeuuie Hays, Sadie 0 . and Annie Hayt, of New York,

j and Miss Libbie Maze, of Fishkill , spent Fri­day very pleasantly with Warburton aveune friends.

—Commander G. B. Batch aud Private William Heury Baldwin, of Horatio Seymonr Post, were among tbe invited guests at the re­ception tendered by Lafayette Poet to National Commander in-Chief of the Grand Army, of the Republic John P. Rea, of Minneapolis, in New York, last ulgbt

" H U M A N NATUBE.*'—A leading poet .talcs tbat one little touch of "Human Nature" eu-nobles every mau and woman. At Music Hall, on Monday eveuiug, Jan. 28. every phase of

Human Nature" will be interpreted by Richard O'Gormau and bis corps of consum­mate ailists.

—In no other way can 12 cents a week be mads to bring so much interest and value to a family, as investing tbat amount to secure the daily visits of T H E YOHKEBS STATESMAN.

—The Committee on Banking and Currency is iu favor of allowing banks to issue currency to the foil face value of the United States bonds.

The Statesman Almanao for To-Day. BIONAL SERVICE: BORBAU, Jau. 21, 1 p. m.—

Tbe indications for Southeru New York are colder an 1 dear weather with brisk northwest-ealy wiuds to-night, followed by warmer and fair weather to-morrow.

TEMP BR ATT/BE During the past twenty-four hours as Imtlcaied i.y

the tharmometer at Elnkel's Pharmacv: IP. M. 6 P M , 9 P.M. 8 A M It M.

28 ,20 » 17 . . . . . . 17 SUN AND MOON :

So'irlsexat 7:19 I Sun sets at. . 5 0 1 Moon sets . . . . 1*41 a m.

HIGH T I D E : . U89p. m. I Gov. Inland . 1.68p. as. Yonkers 2:56 p. nj.

The S'ew York Dailitt of the week ending Oct. 2(f, /8&7, published a list of ttj Charities in jVew York and Brooklyn, among whom %JS,ooo, donated by Chen. S. Higrins b" Son, were distributed by committees of leading citi­zens.

The system of awards was based upon the number of wrappers of Ifiggins' German Laundry Soap turned in tj the committee by each institution, they having secured front their friends all of such «rappers they could, during the year ending Sept. 6, iS8},

Among the larger beneficiaries, are: N. Y. City: German Hospital, $3,066.89; St.

John's Guild, $2,616.atl; Foundliiuc Asylum of Bisters of Charity, |^,808.37 ; Mission of Our Lady of the ttosary for Protection of Immi-

franta, i : MH 5̂; Home for the Acedof the ittle Sisters of the Poor, 11,374*1; and so oa

down, 55 in all in N. Y. City participating. In Brooklyn: 8t, Francis Monastery, $2,143-

10 ; St. Pfter's Hospital. %\ .208.02; Little Sis­ters of the Poor, #1,179 ; St John's Home, $1.0%.63 ; and so on among :M institutions.


Groceries and Provisions.

Sandy Hook

Died. DOBLAND.-On Jan 20 MARIA, relict of the late

KnocTi O. Dorland, In f he H9th \ear of her age. Relatives and friends are invited to attimd the fune­

ral, at the residence of her son-in-law, G. E. Ketoham, 149 North Broadway, on Monday? Jan. 23, at 12 o'clock tn. •

HYDR.-Soddenly, Jan. 20, JAMES M. HVDB, in his 74th year.

Kelatlres and friends are invited to attend his fune­ral, on Monday, Jan. 23, at 12 in In St. John's Church.

Interment Oakland Cemetery. RIKKR,.7-At her' residence, 135 East 46th street,

Tlinrsaay. Jan. 19, isss. FnANcsi R.HiKra, wife of John It Itikcr, and daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. S. D. Rockwell.

Funeral services will be held at St. Bartholomew's Church. 4tth street and Madison avenue, on Mon­day morning, Jan..'!. at half past 10 o'clock.



Capital stock, $100,000, all issued In payment for property. Th« Indebtedness of the Company does not exceed $10,000.


! CHARLRM K. SKINNER. Majority of Trustees.

Westchester County, ss.: Halcyon Skinner, being duly sworn, say* that he is

the Prestavnt of the Yonkers Manufacturing t'om-pany, and that the foregoing statement Is true to the beat of his knowledge and belief.

HALCYON 8KINNRR, President. Sworn to before me this Slut daaoj^iMUfnary. ts88.

JAMES I 'TBANDRRN. JUM Uetary Public, City of Tonkers. NTT.

Sewing Machines Cleaned. All kinds of Sewing Machine* cleaned and re­

paired. Needles, Belting, Fittings, sold for every make of machine, at B. HOWBLL'S REPAIR SHOP No. 1 Dock street, corner of North Broadway, Yon kers. All repairs warranted, H H

Religious Services To-Morrow. -•••" — In the First Presbyterian Church Rev. Dr.

George E. Strobridge will preach in the moru-iug. Iu the afternoon, the pastor, Kev. John Reid, will preach.

—Iu St. John's Church there will be services' at 11 o'clock In the morning and at quarter before 8o'cloek iu tbe evening. Sunday School at half-past 9 o'clock in tbe moruing.

—Iu Immaunel Obapel, at quarter before 8 o'clock, tbere will be preaching by Rev. John 8. Penman, from the test fonnd iu I Peter, 1:8—"Whom, having not seen, ye love."

—In the First Methodist Chapel, in the moru­ing, Rev. John Reid, pastor of the First Presby­terian Church, will preach. Iu the evening, Rev. Dr. Georgi E'Strobridge will occupy tbe pulpit.

— Iu the Wai Liu ton Avenue Baptist Church Rev. H. B. Grose will preaoh at quarter before 11 o'clock in the morning aud at half-past 7 o'clock In the eveuiug. Subject for the eve­ning discourse: "Saul; or, a Mau Contrasted With Himself."

—Iu the UniUriau Churoh, North Broadway, there will be servrosn both morning aud eveu­iug, conducted by Rev. James T. Bi iby. Iu tbe eveuiug Mr. B u b y will give the list lecture of his course oa "The Religion of Modern 'fbiukers." Subject: "Robert Browning, aud tbe Religion of the Future."

—In the Central Methodist Church there will be preaching by the pastor, Rev. C. W. Millard, at quarter before 11 o'clock in the morning and at balf-po*t 7 o'clock iu the evening. His theme in tbe morning will bo "Outside and In­side Ytuws of ReviVnls;" in the evening.

"From Whom Is the Gospel Hid ?" A cordial welcome to all.

— Iu the Westminister Presbyterian Church lbs pastor, Rev. Edward Caldwell Moore, will preaoh iu the morning, at half past IU o'clock, from tbe text found in Hebrews 9:22—"Almost all things nre by the law purified with blood ;" and iu tbe evening, at half pant 7 o'clock, from the t u t found in II Kings, 8 : 1 3 - " I s thy ser-vatit n dog tbat be should do this great thing?"


York City and Hudson River Railroad, In connection with the Pennsylvania Railroad, has arranged a series of special excursions tO Old Point Comfort, Va. at very low rates, which include oue day's board at tbs Hygela Hotel. The first exonraiou will leave Yonkers, Monday, Jan. 23, and another will leave on Feb. 1. For rates and further infor­mation call ou nearest New York Central ticket •geut.


Vanderlyn & Bell No. 26 PALISADE AVENUE,




Coffee, Tea, Flour, Butter, Kgtfs, Cheese,

And CANNED GOODS of all kinds, FRUIT and NUTS. You can buy good goo Is at the lowest price for cash.


Plain and Fancy

VELVETS & PLUSHES. Ladies' aud Children's

Cloaks, Jackets & Newmarkets, Smith & AngeU's FAST BLACK STOCKINGS,

warranted not to crock. #

Fine Drugs and Medicines. TAKE YOUR


SELLECK'S DRUG STORE No. 21 North Broadway,

Where you can have them prepared from Pure DruEs by licensed pharmacists.



COUGHS & COLDS. Price 25c. Per Bottle.


Sohlcttfuger^r Pliaiiiiacjv ASHBURTON AVE. & SUMMIT ST.







As well as a; full Hue of Imported and Domestic



Winter Potatoes, APPLES & ONIONS.



STORAGE" For Furniture, Pianos, CarrlageR,Wagons,Trunks

Baggage, Ac. at the PALISADE AVRNUE STORE­HOUSE, formerly Baldwin ft Flagg's Hat actory' Brick building, light .m.l airy.


Particular care given to the Handling and Storing of Furniture, Ac. 1 FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO

J. B. PROTE & SON, Corner North Broadway and

Ashburton Avenue. Telephone Call 50.


A full line of ELECTRIC BATTRR1BS, HELLS. BURGLAR ALARMS. House and Hotel ANNUNCI­ATORS. Ac. constantly on hand.

Mechanical Bell, and Speaking Tubes. Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to. Skates Sharpened and Repaired



Bakers and Co.nfectioners. r-


BROADWAY BAKERY, KitablHhndptf years.

* * * * * * * > •

J. RENECKER, (Successor to F. Blatzhehn.)


BREAD, CAKE & PIES To be obtained In the city.

Genuine BOSTON BROWN BREAD and ENGLISH Ml'FFINS a specialty.

Everything first-class, at lowest prices.

Ho. 3jj^ North Broadway.


CAKE Of Ail Rinds,




MINCE PIES, And all other kinds; to be found In the city So, If

vou want to he happy all the v>:u\ be sure to come for everything In tbe bakery lino to

FROST the LEADING BAKER, No. 9 Main St . Y o n k e r s ,

:•.; .

t *. m

* ' • • ' • '

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069