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IP^^^^WWJ^ ^^IPPPIBHP^^ ^^V^^W^^WP^^^^^^^^^^^P^^V^^^^V^^FW^BW^^^^W^^^^ THE YONKERS STATESMAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1906. WHIM-WHAM& BY BU. 1 TOK1ALLE. Lost His Hair But Saved Hit Teeth. Yeast: "How is it, t wonder, tlutt Mis. Tartar's husband hag all his teeth yet?" Crirasonbeak: "Oh, be known enough io keep his mouth shut when hi* wife'* around." , In Chicago. Mrs. Wabash: "I always said my daugh- ter would make a name for herself." Mrs. Dearborn: "Has she?" "She's made four. She's got her fourth husband!" Brains on the Increase. Redd: "They say there are fewer people beUing on the races, now. Do you suppose that means money is getting scarcer T" Greene: "No, it only means that brains are getting more plentiful." A Great Help. "Do you help your wife about the house, Sam?" 'Tndeed I does, boss." "What do you do to help her, Sam ?" "Why I keeps outer de way, DOSS!" Had to Cut Out the Rolls. "You may have coffee and rolls in bed in the morning if you wish," aaid the accom- modating boarding-bouse lady. 'The cofjee will be all right," replied the stout man; "but the bed is a bit narrow for the rolls." WHEN HIS DAY CAME. Tlwougth many years in quest of ftwne (He bat tied with adversity, And often luuli to bear tJhe bkune Of less deserving men than he. With dauntless heart he bore the Hie Unkind iFate sentenced him to bear, And ©there tru%ing on the hilN BeheM has Woody footprints there. A Marred and bent old man, by chance, He turned aside one day, to see, Where no one e*se had thfoisght to glance, flhe longed-for crpportomMy. "A/t hMrt," he cried), "I hdve arrived, The workl shall give me notime now!" Alaa, the (paper* all contrived To get mm name misspelled somehtow. 8. E. Kilter, Ckioago Reoord-Herald. CAUGHT O N A FUNNY HOOK. —Hal'simure American: "Do you. know anything about the art of husbandry?" "WeM, I ought tto if I don't. I've married off five daughters." —American Spectator: Assistant: "What shall I put under the bride'e picture? She's homely a* a maid fence," Editor: "In that case we always say 'acOo«nplish«d.'" —Somervilie Journal: When a honxsly girl shows yon her picture, about the only vmm ^^^r f mr g ^mmr , mmivTj^ ^ mt j ^ * - " *m* weii, welll Why it's juat as natural as life." —Philadelphia 'Pre**: "I tuidaratand Nuritoh Ima joined that swell church on Fifth avenue," aaid Gotham. "Nat exactly," replied Brooks: "I believe he ie on the waiting .Hst." —Houston Post: "So he is going to marry the widow; I did not know that his intention* were serious." "They weren't." "But you (tell m e he i* going to marry her ?" "Yes; you see her intention* were serious. 1 ' —Washington Star: "Do you think the discovery of the North Pole will benefit Society?" "Yes," answered the scientist. "It would pjnfoably put an end to the trouble ^ j p ^ p e n s e oi sending out re kief expedites** — lhm CUpid is a marksman bold, Hie arrow* tipped with kisses, And though the rogue is growing old, Dan Cupid is a marksman hold; For when he hits the mark, behold! Tin then he makes the Mrs, Dan Cupid is a marksman bold, His arrows tipped with kisses. —Milwaukee. Sentinel: "What a beauti- iful looket you have. I presume y o u h a w a memento of some soft in ft?" "O, yes. A look of my husband's hair." "But your husband iwn't dead, is he?" "No. But his hair is aH gone." WHAT IF T FAILS? The blood purifier you are thinking of trying thin Spring may be a good one. Again, it may not, and If It fail* to do you good you wOl be out * your money. YBLLOWDOOK and SARSAPARILLA Is the only one you can buy fairly. If It falls to do what It should, the money Is Instantly yours for the asking. PRICE 75 CENTS. L. J. SCHLESINCER, DRUGGIST. 193 Aahbtirton Avenue, Yonkert, V, 7. —r- u Pi PERCE'S ERFECT AINTS SOLD ON ACTUAL MERIT. FOff HAI.I BY JftoUsBiorml (Sards. DBS. A. H. & A. V. MOWEL Surgeon Dentists, IS NORTH BROADWAY, YONKER& SPECIALIST OBOWN AND BBIDOa WORK. Teeth Without Plates.' We ass the latest methods to nil. attract K d Crowa Teeth without _paln. All klada of ntal Work done at oar office, and guaranteed GAB ADMINI8THRBD. Office Hours: » a. m t* 8 o. m. •veulnc—T t s • CPWIM A. QUICK. B. U»H«I.»ltl QUICK EDWIN A. QUICK & SON, . Architects, YONKERS SAVINGS BANK BUILDING. IS OBTTT 8QTJABB. l U O j Koas. C. E. MeNsn ROSS & MCNEIL, Architects. 19 EAST 42d STREET, :»it..f Coajraa MADIBOR At anua. NEW YOBB, 1 2 6 E A S T 34th STREET, NEW lOBK. MONDAY, WFDNE8DAY. THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, 0 to 1 and 2 to 5. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 6 to 6 and 7 to 0. Tel. 2430 Madison Square. DR. LAMAR K. TUTTLE, Osteopathia!;. YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, 330 V.U,l;\TINIS UNB. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 10 to 2. Tel. 1113 Yonkers. OTHER HOURS BY APPOINTMENT. E. L. BROWN and W. T. WARREN, ARCHITECTS. A xenta for J. Homalne Brown's Property. 12 North Broadway. Klinert Building. KENNETH MACKAY, (Saccessor te Use * Mackay.) Carpenter and Builder, 64 MAIN STREET. Tke old stand. Bteam power, machinery, dry- room, and »vcry facility tor doing flret-ciaas carpenter work. Repairs tod Jobbtog promptly executed «t reasonable prices. Estimates fifr nlshed. Telephone. 680. B9 You need never hesitate to cut the cloth if you are guided by j \ 1 1 eCjfXalN O They are now on sale at Raymasters Flower Store, 13 Main Street Experienced Butterick Demonstrator in Attendance BUTTERICK PATTERNS arc now sold for 10515 and 20 Cents 4fi- B> BUTTERICK PUBLISHING COMPANY* Limited CORPORATION NOTICE. CITY OF YONKERfl. mm ' ! LESS THAN 1c. PER DAY PAYS THE RENT OP A Gas Range. You cannot afford to deny yourself the comfort and convenience of GAS FUEL F. B. MEE, (Late of the firm of Mee ft Macks?.) - c -^i£S^^^J. u ^ der i II in iWIlTlffiTflTII IllTT^OMPABY. TONKER8, EAN ^TRJBBl*, N. I. Having Introduced new ana chlnery. we are now prepared to do all with dispatch. Estimates given, promptly attendad to. Telephone. 01 new and Imprered ma I woi" lobbioa ark ROBERT L. STEWART Mason and Builder, OFFICE: ODR. WBLL8 AVE. AND ATHERTON ST YONKERS. N. T. Telephone. 288. Batlmatse fnrnlsbed for bvlldlsirs snd ntasea work. Can tract* an 4 renalrlna promptly szecoted. B8TABLIBHEO 1864. S. F. QUICK & SONS, Carpenters and Builders ATHERTON STREET. TONKRR8. Befsr to^pisny of ths finest resldeaeas sad pnhllc bnlldlnaa la this county ss samples of their work. Decorating and Cablast Work done by skills! B consoles. Estimates foralsbed. First-class wsrk, and at moderate prices. JOMJIB* promotky attendsd ts. TsltDhoTi» S48. |$Utal WSLovkevs. THOMAS MCVICAR, TIW, COPPER & SHEtT-IROH W0RKEB. STAMPED STEEL CErUNOS. DOCK STREET. TELEPHONE CALL. 478. stance and Heater work a specialty for all Ranges and Heaters. Cornices ana Moo I dings. . Repslrs dalranlled Iron GEORGE A BAILEY PRACTICAL TIN, COPPER & SHKET-IB0N WORKER. 83 NORTH BROADWAY. Near Corner of Dock street. Yankees. Range and Heater Work a specialty, ffla and Slate Roofing, All orders promptly at- tended to. and warranted to glre satisfaction Telephone ft". 109s. —— ' ' —— —. —^—~_^_^ ' "?^1 ACME*. QUALITY I New Era Paint tft pare paint- every atom of it There vt more square feet of covering surface-better covering surface—in a dollar's worth of New Era Paint than In a dollar's worth of any other paint made. Buy New Era Palm as you buy glass, by the square foot, instead of by the gallon. . That's real economy. New Ert Paint always looks best, defies weather and endures longest We will give you color card and proofs of what we say about New Era quality. Malt If Acme White Lttd & Cok>r Work:, Detroit. Mici. 1 SOLE AORNT, L. EI. "WXDOID 67 M A I N STEEBJT. OUR.. THOMAS MORRIS. Practical Machinist, Steam and Water Pips Fitter. 8 ft 10 WOODWORTH AVENUE. TONKERS Having superior facilities and the aid of steam power, I am prepared to execute •rises for msnufactnrlng ana repairing. Plain snd Orasmental Iron Railings, Fence*. Gates. Stoops, tec. and for all kinds of Hesyy Iroa Work. Iron doors. Windows, Shatters, snd Builders' Iror Work generally, at snort notice, area Gates, made to order. Iron Work of all kinds repaired economically. Lawn Mowers Md Hay-Cutters repaired. at. a. waamocx.. at. a mnwvuoc*., JB M.R.WHEELOCK&SON TUT, COPPER ft SHEET-IRON WORKERS. 38 R1VERDALE AVENUE. Ttlephone, 1H43 J. RANGE AND HEATER WORK A SPECIAL*! Tin and Slats Hoofing, Heating. Veniliat General Jofcblng and Repairing. GIUtER* I'ROWITf,Y ATTENDED Tf) lag. Af-r. C. E. PARKER, Fence Manufacturer^ Builder. .8 -^»>.. a iiiiMiiiHllliiiiiiiiiiniiiii.iiiiiiu., in It lilt U il iiiniiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiifiiiii Itiiiiitii Jii Jr ssSwal 3a, 11 n 11111111 n i n i : W ^1 .Jt 1^ ".I t^AIJlJ Estimates fnrnlsbed nird contracts taken for building Iron and Wocd Fencing. Furnishing sad Setting Pulley Poles. Steel Wire Tree ges, and Everlasting Hieel ant Concrete Tie Poses Peats Tomctts. Soda Water rs fast winning great favor, because It la Pnre, Wholesome, Nourishing and Healthful. Try It. You will recognize lta merits at once. YOUR GROCER SELLS IT AT 10c. Per Bottle. TAKE NO OTHER. WALTER S. PHSTER, 26 AND 30 COTTAGE PLACF . %*•!. * m i. N EW YORK SUPREME COURT, County of Westchester. Bruce 8. Carter, plaintiff, aga-lnst Fannie <'srter, defendant. To the above named defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve s copy of yonr answer cm the plslntlff's attorney wlrhln twenty days after rthe service of this sumtnon.i. exclusive of the dsy of service, and In case of your failure to sopear or snswer. judgment wtll he taken against you by default for the relief iU>mau>Ie<l in the complaint. Hated May 12th. lOftfl. CHARLES A. l>HYRlt. Plaintiff* Attorney, Omce sad post Clfflce Address, No. .1 <'©nrt street. White Plain*. N. Y. To Fannie Carter, defendant: The foregoing snmvnotis Is served upon yon by publication pursuant to an order of Hem. Martin 3. Ksogh. a Justice of the Hupreme t'ourt of the State of New York, dated the l«th day of Msv. TOon. and filed with the com. plsmt ta the office of the f'lerk of the county of Westchester, at White Plains. Westchester County, New York. Osted White Plslns. N. T.. May 23, 190d. CHARI.KS A. I»RYKR. Platntlff's Aftorney, ttfflce snd Post Office Address, Ne. JConrt afreet. •y28-7w-w Wktte Itataa, N. Y. A T A SPECIAL TERM O F T H E S U - PREME COURT of the State of New York held In and for the County of Kings, gt the I. ounty Court flouse In said county, on the 4th day of May. 11)06. Present. Hn.\. 8AMIRL T. MADDOX, Jnstlce. In the matter of the application of the Harrl gan Coal Company for authority to change Its name to "Hudson Fuel Company." Hpon reading and filing the petition of the Harrigan Coal Company, a domestic stock cor- pora'lon. duly verified toy William II. Butts, Jr.. It* President, wherein said petitioner prays Tor an order authorising It M assiune another corporate name. |o wit. the nsme Itadson Ftiel Company, and upon tiling the certificate of the Secretary of Htnte. annexed I hereto, certifying that the name which said corporation proposes to assume Is not the name of any other domes tic corporation, or a name which he deem* ao nearly resembling It as to be calculated Xt de. celvB. and upon filing due proof by affidavits showing that notice of the presentation of said petition has been duly published for six week.) In the "Albany Evening Jonrnal," the paper at Albany In which notice* toy State officers are authorised by Isw to be published, and In "THF. YOSKKHS STATKSWAX." a newspaper of •he county of Westchester, In which cotinlv •Hell corporation ha* Its business office, snd the Court being satisfied by said petition snd toy the affidavits and certificate presented there, with thst the petition Is true, and that there la no reasonable objection to the change of nsme propoeed. and thst the petition has been duly authorized, and that notice of the presentation of the petition as required by law has been mede. bom, on motion of M a e ft Trafford, at tor nays for eald petitioner, no one opposing, if Is Ordrrr*, thst said peflthm be, and the ssmc hereby Is, granted, snd that the petitioner herein. The Hsrrktan Coal Company, be, snd it hereby I*, anthnrlaed to assume another cor porate nsme t to wit. the name Hudson Fuel Cirmpany. on snd after the second dsy of July, Iftrtfl; and It Is further OrHrrvd «l»d IHrrrtri, 1hat this order Ite catered and that the papers on which If 1* granted be filed within ten dayg from the date hereof In the office of the Clerk of Westchester Comity, the county In which the Certificate of Incorporation of said enrporstkwi I* filed, and thst a certified copy of this order within ten day* after the entry thereof be filed In ths office of the Secretary of fltste. and. further, thst s eof»v of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks la "Tna Yor* a ran ST»TW»M*SI," a newspaper In the county of Westchester, beginning within tea days after the entry hereof. . ., „ F.nt. S. T. M.. J. S. C A Enter In Westchester Cons** Granted. May 4. ltJOS. .„ ........ . » y » &w w CHARLES T. OAJtTZQEIM, Clerk. In the sutter of taking a right and ease- ment, In certain property 1A tin- city of Yon kers, for the construction, repair and mauit^ name of the Nepperhan Valley Outlet Sewer, from Saw Mill River road to Hudson River pier line. The Cmimon Council of the City of Yonkera hereby give* notice that it Is their Intention to act upon the proposition for an easement for th« Nepperhan Valley Outlet Sewer, from Saw Mill River road to Hudson River pier line, at a meeting ihereof to he held on the 11th day of June, lWKt. at 8 o'clock In the evening, and that Interested parties may „e heard l>afor« th e t onituou Council on the said 11th dav of June, 1»00. at H o'clock In the evening, In relation to th* proposed right mid easement, pursuant to the provision of Hectlon 4 of Title VII., of the Charter of the Clfy of Yookers. The following 1* a description of aald ease- ment : FIRST. l««>r «fc> much of the permanent right and easement required for U»e construction, opera- tion, maintenance and repair of a public sewer, as lies westerly from North Broadway. PARCBLK NOH. 1. 2, 4, «, 7 AND S TAKEN TOOKTHKK.— Beginning at a point In the west- erly line of North Broadway distant 12 H fe«t north of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of Ureenvale avenue Intersects the same, and running thence on a line paral- lel with said westerly prolongation of the center line of (Jreenvale avenue X 59* 30' W lr.HI.'.MI feet, more or less, to ths westerly line of Warhurton avenue; thence northerly aluni; aald westerly line of Warburton avenue to a point distant 12 H feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence N Tift* HO' \V 6T8.12 feet, more or leas, to th« Pier line established toy the Common Council, April 12. 1S8U; thence southerly along 1 «atd pier line S4V8 feet to a point distant 50 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence 8 .I!)" 80' K 0*7.3*2 feet to the westerly line of Warburton avenue ; ihence northerly along aald westerly line of Warburton avenue to a point distant I- 1 *" feet from the lust mentioned course and 12Vt feet south of the westerly prolongation of the center line of Oreenvale avenue; thence 8 30" 30' E 1.123.30 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of North Broadway; thence northerly along said west- erly line of North Broadway 25.17 feet to the point or place of beginning. SECOND. For so much of the temporary right and easement us Is required, for the period of con- st ruction only, as lies between Wanbtirton ave- nue aud the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company. pAiiCKi. No. 3.—Beginning at a point In the westerly line of Warburton avenue, distant 25 feet south of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of (Jreenvale avenue Inter- sects the same, and running thence along Parcel No. 4 above described N 5ft" 30' W 197.07 feet, more or leas, to the euat Hue of the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad •Company ; thence southerly along said easterly line of said railroad lands 7U.95 feet, more or less, to a point distant 75 feet at right angles from the southerly boun- dary line of Parcel No. 2 above described: thence S 5P" 30' K 223.81 feet to the west erly line of Wanburton avenue; thence north- erly alon? aald westerly line of Warburton avenue 75 feet to the point o*r place of begin- ning. PABCKL NO. 5.—Beginning at a point In the ws»S*erly Hue of Wanrbortoo avenue, distant 23 feet noi'.'h of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of Greenvale avenue inter- sects the s*cje. and running tbence skmg Parcel No. 4 au»ve described N 59" 30' W 183..W feet, more or less, to the easterly line of the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad .Company ; tbence northerly along said easterly line of said ra rotid lands 7H.38 feet to a point distant (5 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence S .,(»° W E 1«0.84 feet, moffi or less, to the westerly line of Warburton sV*°ue: thence southerly along said westerly lti»<\ of Warburton avenue 75 feet to the point or p.'ace of beginning. > THIRD. For so much of ttie permanent right and easement required for the construction, opera- tion, maintenance and repair of a public sewer. a* lies between Oreenvale place and Saw Mill River road. PARCEL NO u. —Beginning nt a oolnt In the southerly line of (ireenvalo place, distant 1 feet northerly at right angles from the center line of Oreenvale avenue, and running thence on u line druwn parallel with the prolongation of said center Una of Oreenvale avenue S 59' 30' K 1108.48 feet, more or less, to the west- erly line of Nepperhan avenue; thence south- erly along said westerly line of Nepperhan avMiite 8 30° 17' W 61.81 feet; thence N 89' 55' W 108.8P feet, more or less, to n point distant 12 % feet south of the easterly pro- longation of the center line of Greenvale ave- nue : thence N 50" 80' W 107T.21' rest, more or less, to the southerly line of Oreenvale t place; thence easterly along aald tftMhhrty line of Oreenvale place Sr>.o4 feet to the point or place of beginning. PAHCBI-S Nog, 10 AND 13.—Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Saw Mill River road and Logan avenue, and running thence N S9* 55' W aiong the northerly line of said Logan avenue ond Its prolongation 7H0.7P feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Nepperhan ave- nue; thence S 3f.° 17' W along «ald easterly line of Nepperhan avenue to a point distant 50 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course : thence S 3i»" 5,V E 774.80 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Saw Mill River road where the southerly line of Logan avenue Intersects the same: thence northerly along said westerly line of Saw Mill River road 51 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning. Said parcels No*. 10 and 13 taken together being a plot of ground 50 feet wide from Nep- perhan avenue to Saw Mill River road, and being the street known as Logan avenue and the prolongation of said Logan avenue in a straight line to Nepperhan avenue. FOURTH. For ao much of the temporary right and easement as Is required, for the period of con- strttcllon only, as lies between Nepperhan ave- nue and the Nepperhan River. P.vacKt. No. 11.—Beginning at the point In the center of the Nepperhan River where the northerly line of Logan avenue Intersect* the same, and running thence N 39' 55' W 271.21 feet, more or less, along Parcel No. 10 above described to the easterly line of Nepperhsn avenue; thence along said easterly line of Nep- perhan avenue N 36" 17' E 102.98 feet; thence S HP* 55' E 214.35 feet, more or less, to the •'enttjj^line of the Nepperhan River: thence eonfhefly along ssld center line of the Nep- perhan River to the (mint or place of begin nlng. Parcel No. 11 being a plot of land 100 feet wide adjacent to Parcel No. 10 on the north, and extending from NepperhSB avenue to the center line of the Nepperhan River. PARCRI. NO. 12. -Beginning at the point In th,, center line of the Nepperhan River where the southerly line of Ligan avenue Intersects •the same, and running thence N 3ft" 55' W 240.01 feet, more or leas, to the easterly line of Nepperhan avenue; thence skmg said east- erly line of Nepperhan avenue 8 3fl° 17' W 102.98 feet: thence 8 30° 55' E lflfl.35 feet to th* center tin* of the Nenoerhan River: thence northerly along «ald center line of the Nep- perhsn River to the point or place of beginning. Parcel No. 12 toeing a plot of ground 100 feet wide adlacent to Parcel No. 10 on the sonth. and etiendlng from Nepperhan avenue to the center line of the Nepperhan River. Notice Is herehv further given thst the Com- mon Council fixed the limit or district tA assessment hevond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of said improve- ment, shall Include all the several lots, pieces and parcel* of land sltnated. lying and being within the following described Imundsrles ; Beginning st a point in the northerly line of the tlrv of Yonker*. distant easterly 100 feet at right angles from the eaatarly line ol North Broadway, and running thence southerly cm « line drawn parallel with North Broadway to the northerly line of lot No. 1,080 North Broadway: thence to a point distant 100 feef southerly of the northerly line of said lot No. l.OMfl North Broadway ond distant easterly 200 f**t at right anifles from the easterly line of North Broadwav ; thence southerly on a line drawn parallel with North Brosdwsy to i point distant 200 feet north of the northerly tine of Odell avenue, messured at rlcbt envies : thence to the northeasterly corner of North Brosdwsv and Odell avenue, thence to the southeasterly corner of North Broadway and Odell svenue: thence to a point distant 200 feef east of the easterly line of North Broad wav and 200 feet sonth of the southerly lln* «f fMell avenue, measured st right angles : fhenc southerly on a line drawn parallel with North Broadway to a oornt distant 200 feet north of Ihe northerly line of Bolmer avenue; Ihencc easterly In s strahrht line to a point In the northerly prolongation of the eaatwly line of that part of Park avenue between R<s>rt» avenue and Bolmer avenue, distant 700 fee; north of th* northerly line of Bolmer avenue •hence to a point In the northerly line of Bolmer avenue distant SOO feet west of Belle vii.1 svenue; thence to the southeasterly COT ner of l"t No. 435 llellevne avenue; thence t. the northwesterly corner of lot No. 428 Belle vue svnite; thence to s point In the northerlr line of lot No. 428 Rellevue avenne distant too feet esst cvf t b * eaatarly tin* of Belleytte avenue; thence somberly on a line drswr parallel with Bellsvne avenue to a point OH* tant Its! fert north of the northerly line of Rotoert* avenn*: thence to the northeasterly comer of Rotoert* avepue and Bellevu* avenne thence to the southeasterly corner of Robert* avenne and Bellevne av*nner thene* to th* northeasterly corner of lot No. StJO Bellevu* svenn*: thene* along th* rear lta* of tots fronting on the *a*t*rlv side of Bellevne ava nu* to the northerly line of lot No 33*. Bell* vne svenue: thence to the southwesterly cer t»#e of lot No. 323 Bellevu svenn*; thene* tc the southeasterly corner of Kommir nlsce en* Donclsss svens*: theaee to the sonthw—teety corner of Hdtnmlt olace end lionglsaa svenu**' tbence to th* *onthw**f»rlv corn*r of lot W* 148 Dourles* svenue: thence wiutberly stone th« rear lta* of lots front In*- on fh» wsterlr *id» of DoweioM aveane to th* northerly line of lot No. ITS Douglsse svenue; theaee to tft* northwesterly corner of Chaoe avenne and Oreenval* place: tbence to the north westerly corner of lot No. 176 Chase avenue, thence northerly along th* rear line of lot* fronting oo tlie westerly side of Chase avenue to the rear line of lot No. 532 Park avenue; thence to the northeasterly comer of Park avenue and Morsemer* avenue; tiieoce to the south- easterly owner ,rf park avenue and Morsetnere avenue; tbence to the southeasterly corner of lot No .00 Park avenue; tbence to the northeasterly corner of Park avenue and Colgate avenue; thence to the southeasterly corner of Park avenue and Colgate avenue; thence to the southeasterly comet of lot No. 5U0 Park avs KJs: thence to the northeasterly corner of lark avenue and Oreenvale avenue : thence to the southeasterly corner of Park avenue and Oreenvale avenue; thence to a joolat distant 100 feet southerly front the southerly line of Oreenvale avenue and 750 feet easterly from th* easterly line of Palisade avenue; thence southerly aud parallel «lth the easterly line of Palisade avenue to a point distant 2<Mi feet northerly from the southerly line of lot No. Oil Palisade avenue; thence easterly on a line drawn parallel with the southerly line of lot No. 014 Palisade avenue 113 feet: thenc* u a point In the Westerly line of Sommervlile place distant 3CM> feet north of the northerly line of Shonnard place; thence to the north- westerly corner of lot No. ,13ft Sommervlile place; thence to the northeasterly corner of lot No. 330 Sommervlile place; tbence southerly In a straight line to the southeasterly corn*r of lot No. 278 Sommervlile place; thence to the northwesterly comer of lot No. 25ft Edward place, thence easterly along the northerly Hue of lot No. 256 Edward place 1o Fortusn street ; tbence to the northwesterly corner of lot No. 135 Woodland avenue: tbence easterly alone the northerly line of lots NOB. 135 out) 138 Woodland avenue to the rear line of lot No. 13*> Woodland avenne; tbence eontherlv along the rear line of lota fronting on the easterly side of Woodland avenue to the nonh erly line of the late village of Yonker* ; thence easterly along the northerly line of the late village of Yonker* to a point distent 100 feet east of the easterly line of Nepnerban avenue . thence southerly on a line 'drawn parallel with Nepperhan avenue to a point distant 100 feet north of th* northerly line of Lake ave- nue ; tbence easterly on a line drawn parallel with Lake avenue to a point distant 100 feet west of the westerly line of Saw Mill River road : thence northerly on a line drawn paral lei with Saw Mill Rlvcr'road to a point wherr the southerly line of Palmer road. If produced westerly. Intellects the same; thence to the southeasterly corner of Palmer road ant* Saw Mill River road : thence to a point lu the southerly line of lot No. 212 8aw Mill River road distant 150 feet east of the easterly line of Saw Mill River road : thence easterly along the southerly line of lot No. 212 Saw Mill River road and lot No. 1o4 Palmer road to a point dlstaut loo feet south of the southerly line of Palmer road, measured at -right angles to Palmer road: thenr* to a point in the southerly Hue of lot No. 130 Palmer road distant 100 feet eaat of the westerly line of said lot No. 130 Palmer road; theaee southerly iltHI iVei on a line drawn at right angles with the southerly line of lot No. 136 Palmer road; tbence easterly 4<I0 feet on a line drawn paral- lel with the southerly line of said lot 136 Palmer road ; thence northerly on a tin* drawn at right angle* wttb the last mentioned course shout 000 feet to the southerly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road: thence easterly along the southerly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road 100 feet: thence to a point in the easterly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road distant 200 feet south of the southerly line of Pajmer road; thence to a point distant 600 feet south of the southerly line of Palmar road and 700 feet east of the easterly line of lot No. 136 Palmer road, both measured at right angles:; thence easterly 800 feet on a line drawn parallel with Palmer road ; thence northerly on a line drawn at right angles with Palmer road 500 feet to a point distant 100 feet south of Palmer road; thence easterly und northeasterly on a line drswn twrallel wltli Palmer road and 100 feet distant therefrom, to a point distant 300 feet southerly of the easterly prolongation of the sontherlv line of Fort Field avenue, said dis- tance being measured on a line drawn parallel with Palmer road: tbenre westerly on a line drawn parallel with Fort Field avenne i» the rear line of lots fronting on the easterly aide of Brlggs avenue: thence northerly alone the r*'r Hne of lots fronting on the easterly side of BYitos avenue to the northerly Hne of lot No 128* R>i'»grs avenne: thence westerly along Ihe northerlvVlne of lota No*. 128 and 121 Brlggs avenue tWJ»e rear line of lot No. 127 Brlggs avenue; thVce northerly on a line drawn parallel with S* ne avenue and distant 100 feet easterly tborefroai to a point distant 10O feet south of the somhWly lime of Loek- WCXKI avenue: thence to the »ou\!b*asterly eor ner of Lockwood avenue and Sh," 1 * * T ? ln *. : tbenc* to a point In the nortbsrly IBR« «f hotm wood avenue where the easterly llne*-^" ? n<> avenue. If produced northerly, taterseci^ "* ? same; thence northerly on a line drawT*v a ' right angles with Lockwood avenue 100 feeVj thence Westerly on a line drawn parallel wltUv Lockwood avenue to a point distant 100 feet east of the easterly Hue of Arlington avenue (also now or formerly called Buckingham roatli i thence northerly on a line drawn paral 1st with aald Arlington avenue t* < •tent 100 feet sonth of the sontheri Henry street isiso now or Stratford avenue) : thence to a point In the westerly line of Marlborough road distant 100 feet south of the southerly line of said Henry street : 'hence to the northeasterly corner of Marlborough road and Charles street (also nos. oy formarly called Falrvlew avenue! ; thence to a point In the northerly line of Charles Street 100 feet eaat of the easterly line of Marltoorough road: thence northerly on a line dra-wn parallel with Marlborough road to a point distant 500 feet south of the southerly tine of Vista avenne (also now or formerly called Colium street I : thence easterly on * lino drawn at right angles with Grant avenue (also now or formerly called Albemarle placet to a point midway between snld Grant avenue and Mornlngslde avenue (also now or formerly called Thomas street! : thence northerly on a line drawn parallel with said Grant avenue f a point distant 100 feet sonth of the southerly line of Vista avenue (also now or formerly called Cobiirn street I ; tbence to the southwesterly corner of said Vl»t* avenue and Mornlngslde avenue: thence easterly on the line of the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Vista avenue to a pott* distant 100 feet east of the easterly line of said Mornlngslde ave- nne: tbence northerly on a line drawn parallel with the easterly line of Mornlngslde avenit' to the westerly line of lands of the New York and Putnam Rallwuy Company : thence worth erly along said westerly line of lands of the New York and Putnam Railway Company to the southerly line of Tucknhoe road ; thence te a point in the westerly line of lot No. 9 Sprain road dlf-tant 800 feet northeasterly from the northerly line of Tnckahoe road, measured at rlpht angles thereto: thence northerly along the westerlv line of said lot No. 9 Sprain road to a point distant 100 feet easterly at right angles from the monnmented center line of the Croton Aqueduct : thence northerly on a line draiwn parallel with the said center line of th* Croton Aqueduct to a point distant 400 fee* south of the northerly line of said lot No. I Sprain road: thence fo a point In the northerly line of said lo> No. I) Sprain road distant 80 feet esst of the said center line of th* Croton Aqueduct: tbence to a point In tin- center line of Summit Terrace 200 feet norlb of the northerly line of Sherman avenne thence northerly along the center line of sale 1 Summit Terrace to the center line of Stanley avenue: thence to a point In the center line of Crestvale Terrace distant 200 feel south of the southerly line of Odell svenne : thence a point distant 100 feet north of the northerly line of Odell avenue and So feet west of th* westerly line ert Summit Terrace: thence te the point where the easterlv line of Crestvale Tsrrac* intersect, the northerly line of lot No. 080 Saw Mill River road: (said Sherman svenue. Summit T^rrncr. Stanley avenne Crestvale Terrace and Odell avenne being the same a* Indicated on n map entitled "Map of property belonging to Wm. B. Rice, situate li» th* 4th Ward of the City of Yonker*. N. Y.,' drawn hy M. K. Couxens. civil engineer and surveyor, dated Yonkers, Nov. 17th. 1890.1 : thence to a point In the northerly line of lot No, 710 Saw Mill River road dlstsnt 200 feet west of the monumented renTer line of the Cfofon Aqoedttct : thence to a point in the northerly line of lot No. 754 Saw Mill River road distant 50 feet west of the monnmented center line of Ihe Crotna Aqnednct ; i hence fc » point la the westerly tin* of Ijiwrenc* av# nne distant 130 feet sonth of the southerly Hne of William street: thence to a point mid wav between Vine street and Lawrence sventt' snd distant 104 feet north of the northerly Hne of William street: thenc* to a point 108U feet east of the easterly line of Stewart svenne ind 20ft feet south of Jam** street, aald dl* *ance* being measured parallel with Jsrne* -treei and Stewaet avenit*. respectively: thene* 'o th« southeasterly corner of Knlvht aveunr ••txl Stewart avenue; thence fo a point In the "»rtherl* lis* of Knl«-ht avenue distant 225 '»et east of the easterlv line of Vernon avenue- •hence northerly on a Hue drawn pseellel with Vernon svenue to the southerly line of Delavan ivenne: thence to the southwesterly comer of 'Ilfchcoek svenne snd Lawrence tvmmmi <saM '.awrene* svenue. William street. Vine street. *»m#* *tr**f. Stewart avenne. Knijht avenne Vernon svenne. Delavan avenue nuA Hitchcock ivenne being the same a* Indlcsted on a man 'ntltled "Man of N*pn*rhsn HV>l<-bt« In th" r '|tv of Yoaker*. N. Y." draw,, hv M. It "oniens. civ. eng Dec. 13fh. 18*2 subdivided 'nto lot* hv O. Keener, C F,.» : thence t* a •wdnt In the monnmented center lln» of the "roton Aqueduct distant 300 feet snath of th* tontherly Mae of An*t!n avenue: thence to s ->oInt In the center Hie «f Austin svenue dts •ant 33 f*ft essjf of the said monnment** ••eater lln» of Ih* Croton Aqn*dnct ; thenc* te i point la the said t»o«»nm*fit*d center Il*> f the Crofen Aqn»dnct distant 44* fee' sinfh •f the northerlv line cf th* rttv of Vonkers sld dt*f*nc» twin* m***ueed along «ald cent** in* of the Croton Aqnednct: thence to s nofnf «g the northerly line «f th* ePv of Yonk*r* tlstant Sft fe«t east of th* **ld monum-n'ed -enter Mae of th* Croton Aoueditct. *Sld **- sne* toes-rn measnr-d *l'<n» the ssld nw-rther'v •'ne of the city of Yonker*: thence westerly .'Inn* ssM north**!* Itn» nt the city of T«*k*r* •o th* nolnt or pise* of b*einnln».* 1hlt*d Yonk*r., N. Y„ Ma.- 15th. IftOS. Ry order of the f^nmmtm Council 10BN H COYNr„ Msver. Jous T. 0 8 4 * 1 , Cltjr Clerk. »y 23*31 jge7 Ine draarn paral .***ZT ts* a- |i skal das i, JM? tontherly tin* of 7*T°* formerly called beglnn! C ORPORATION NOTICE—City of To*. kers,—In the matter of laying ont and eyea trig Thnrman street. Ths* Common Council of the city of Ysa- kera hereby gives notice that It is their Inten- tlon to art upon the proposition to lay out and open Tburman street, at a meeting thereat to ««e held oo (be 11th day of June, lPUS, at 8 O'clock In the evening, and that Interested panties may be heard before the CittBOtoa Council ON the said 11th day of June. luoa. at 8 o'clock iu Ihe evenlnw, In relation to tha proposed op^AHM of aaid street pursuant to the provision of Section 4 of Title VII , of the Charter of the City of Yonker*. The following la a description of said Tbur- man street : Beginning at the southwesterly coroar at lot No. 14a Beech street and running theaee easterly along the soufbwrly line of aald lot No. 148 Beech street, and in the 1lae of continua- tion thereof l.'" feet more or less, to ths) southerly line of Thnrman street, ss shown <*H the man entitled "Map of property belouglna to the Kstate of J. Oroebori Harriot, situated In the City of Yookers. N. Y„" made by U. H. Splndler. Civil fckigineer sad Surveyor, dated April, 1880; thence still easterly along ths southerly Hne of said Thnrman street, OH shown on said map l.'to.iMi feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Van (Vrtlanat Park avenne; tbence northerly along said westerly line of Van Cortlandf l*ark avenue 4<» feet to ihe northwesterly corner of Van Cortland! Pack avenue and Thurman street: thence weeteriy along uhe northerly Ha* of Thurman street, a* showu on said map. 130.78 feet, more or lean, to a point distant 40 feet from the prolonga- tion if tbe first mentioned course, measured at right angles to said first mentioned course; theaee on a Hue drawn parallel with the Brat mentioned course and 4o feet northerly there- from. 150 52 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Beech street : thenee southerly along; nald easterlv line of Beech street, 40 feet to the point or place of beginning. NoiU-e Is hereby further given that the Com- mon Council has fixed tbe limit or district of assessment, beyond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of said improve- ment, shall Include all the several lots, piece*, and parcels of land situate, lying and being within the following described boundaries: Beginning at a point in the southerly line <tf Poplar street midway between Oak street and Beech street and running thence southerly on a line drawn midway between Oak street and Beech street to the southerly line of the lands .formerly of ths» estate of J. Grosbon B«rriot : thence continuing xuutherly In the same straight line 150 feet: thence easterly on a line drawn parallel with the said southerly Vine of said lands late of J. Groshon Herrlot to a point distant 07.2 feet at right angle* east of the easterly line of Van Cortlandt Park avenue: ttvence southerly on a line drawn parallel with Van Cortlandt Park nvenoe to the northeasterly corner of lot No, 46 Van Cortlandt Park avenne; thence to the north- westerly corner of lot No. 48 Van Cortlandt Park avenne: tbence to the northeasterly cor- ner of lot No. 45 Van Cortlandt Park avenue; thence to th* northwesterly corner of lot No. 45 Van Cortlandt Park avenue: tbence to the southeasterly corner of lot No. 64 Poplar street: thenc* fo the southwesterly corner of lot No. 04 Poplar street ; thence to tne north- easterly corner of lot No. 80 Poplar street; thence to the southeasterly corner of Poplar street and Beech street: thence fo the south- westerly corner of Poplar street and Beech street; thence to the point or place of begin- ning. Dated Yonkers, N. Y., May 22, 1006. By order oi the Common Council.. JOHN H. COYNE. Mayor. JOHN T. GBABT, City Clerk. cny23A31AJe7 C ORPORATION NOTICB-Ctty 0 f YOB- kers.—In the matter of laying out and open- ing Stanley avenue, from Ludlow etreet to Morrt* street. The Common Council of the elty of Yonkera beretiy gives notice that a petition signed by one-third of the persons owning land situated on the line of Stanley avenue, described below, has been presented to it, praylnir that the aald street be laid out and opened as the same la shown on a map accompanying said petition and which said map U now on file In the office of tbe City Clerk, and which proposed etreet Is bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Ludlow atreet. distant 180 feet westerly at right angles from the westerly line of Liv- ingston avenue, and running thenc e southerly »n a line drawn parallel with the westerly line of Livingston avenue, 508 feet, more or ;esa, to the northerly line of Morris street thence westerly along the northerly line of Morris street, 63 feet 4 Inches to a point dla- ant 160 feet 8 Inches eaat of the easterly line >f Rlverdale avenue; thence northerly on a Una Irawn parallel with the Bret described coume, 100 feet * Inches to the rear line of lots front- ing on the northerly side of Morris etreet; thence still northerly about 100.8 feet to a oolnt In the northerly line of lot No. 292 River- dale avenue, distent 220 feet west of the west- erly Hue of Livingston avenue: thence north- Wly on a line drawn parallel wltn the weeteriy fStf. of Livingsta— to tk« point or place at nnlng. Notice is hereby further given ttsst the Common council has fixed the Hatit or district of assessment, beyond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of oat* Improve- ment, aball Include all the several lots, pieces »nd parrel, of land gltuated. lying and b*lu» within the following described boundariesi: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Ludlow street snd Stanley svenne. and running thence to a point distant one hundred feet south of the southerly line of Ludlow street- and HO feet east of the easterlv line of Stanley avenue ; tbence southerly on a line drawn paral- lel with the easterly line of Stanley avenne. to a point distant list feet north of the northerly line of Morris street: thence to th* north- easterly corner of Stanley avenue and Morrte street; thence to the northwesterly corner of Stanley avenue and Morris atreet; thence to a point distant 80 feet west of the westerly line of Stanley avenue, and 100 feet north of the northerly line of Motrin etreet; thence north- erly on a line drawn parallel with the west- erly line of Stanley avenue and 80 feet di*- tant therefrom to a point distant 100 feet •outh of the southerly line of Ludlow street; thence to the southwesterly corner of Morris street and Stanley avenue; thence to the point or Place of beglnnlnc. Notice Is also further given that the Com- mon Council will proceed to teat on said peti- tion on Monday, the 11th day of June, 1906, st 8 o'clock In the evening, unless a remons- trance, signed by a majority of the peraons who will lie assessed for tbe expenses thereof, shall be presented to thero on or before the said 11th day of June. 1006. tha Common Council may allow said Improvement fo be made. Dated Yonker*. N. Y., May 18. 1908, By order of the Oomraon Council, JOHN H. COYNE. Ma/or. Jons T. GKARY. City Clerk. my23A3l*je7 C CORPORATION NOTICK-CHy of Yoo- J kers.—In the matter of laying out snd open- ing Stewart place. The Common t'onnclt of the city of Yonkera hereby give* notice that a petition, signed by one-third of the persons owning land situated or. the line of Stewart place, described low, has been presented to It. prarlng that the said street lie laid out and iqiened as tbe same U slmwn on a map accompanying said petition ami which said map Is now on tile in the office of the City Clerk, and which oropiwed street Is bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point where the easterly lino of Stewart place Intersects the southerly lln of Ashourton avenne, as shown on a map entitled "Map of 10 lots of land on Ashhitrtoa avenue and Stewart place. In the City of Yon- kers, Westchester County, New York, surveyed and drawn by M. K. Convene, Civil Engineer, dated May 14. 1883, and runnrnv tbence south erly nbsag the easterly line of Wlewsrt place as shown on said msp -'75 feet to the southerly line of lot No IH Sterwart place; thenc* west- erly at rlgh! snides 2o feet : tbenc* northerly on a line drawn parallel with the first men- tb.ned course 'J"o feel to the southerly Mo* of Asbhurton avenue; tbence easterly along snld southerly line of Ashburton svenne, 20 feet the point or place <rf begiunlug. Notice la hereby further given that the Cesa- mim Council has fixed th* limit or district of assessment beyond wblcb the assessment shall not extend for the expense of aaid Improve- ment sbsll include all tb* severs! lota, plere* and parrels of lsnd sltnsted. lying and being within the following described boundaries: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Ashburton avenue and Stewart place, end run- ning thenc* to the southeast corneT of lot. No. 1.88 Ashburton avenue: thence to the south- east comer of lot No. 2«> Htew*rt place; thence. *hmg th* northerly line of th* Croton Aqae- duct to the southwest corner of lot No. 1ft sfWart place: rhenee to the northwest corner «f lot No. 3 Stewart plae* ; thence to the south- westerly corner of Seesjmrt place and Aahbs/r- ton avenne: thence to the point or place of beginning. No'ic* I* also farther given that the Com- mon Council will proceed to art on saW jaett- turn on Monday, the 11th day of June. tOOK, at 8 o'clock la the evening, unlesa s reaeee*- atrance, signed try a maiorlty of the persona who will be assessed for the expenses thereof, shall be presented to them on or before tha said ihth day of June, IfMHt, the Common CasjeY- cli may allow said Improvement to he mad*. Dated Yonkee*. N. V May 22. lOon. By seder Of rh* Common Council. JOHN II. COfrti, Mayor. JOHST.JISAHV. City Clerk. «y23 ,tl*VJ*?_ I N PUR^UANn* OP AN ORDRR OF Hon. T. H. Htlkmnn, Snrr>»«a,t* of the count » aft ip *"st_ fry. of Westchester, notice Is h*r*by glvea persona having claims against Thills plstirk. late of Hi* city of Tanks*!, la county, deeeaaea, to exhibit Ute sasaa with the voucher* therefor, to the usdeistaaaa AMcnter* of the Last wm and Testament at aakj rhli»e> Vrrplanck. deceased, at the sped of «, H, a S. F. Thayer. No. 18 South Broadway, te the city of Yonker*. Weetchester Caaratj. New fork, ON OR RRFOU ToTR TW*WT» « V * N T H DAY Or JPLfTlttsi Dated, Jennarv 28, 180* OPHELIA M. VERPLANCK, RDWARD », VIRPLANCBT JOSBPH IX TIRPLANmC ''- jr —^ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: New York State Digital Library 18/Yonkers NY... · IP^^^^WWJ^ ^^IPPPIBHP^^ ^^V^^W^^WP^^^^^P^^V^^^^V^^FW^BW^^^^W^^^^ THE YONKERS STATESMAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 1906. WHIM-WHAM& •

I P ^ ^ ^ ^ W W J ^ ^ ^ I P P P I B H P ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^ W ^ ^ W P ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ ^ F W ^ B W ^ ^ ^ ^ W ^ ^ ^ ^




Lost Hi s Hair But Saved Hit Teeth .

Yeas t : "How is it, t wonder, tlutt Mis .

Tartar's husband hag all his teeth y e t ? "

Crirasonbeak: "Oh, be known enough io

keep h i s mouth shut when hi* wife'*

around." ,

I n Chicago.

Mrs. W a b a s h : "I a lways sa id m y daugh­

ter would make a name for herself."

Mrs. Dearborn: "Has she?"

"She's made four. She's got her fourth


Brains on the Increase.

Redd: "They say there are fewer people

beUing on the races, now. Do you suppose

that means money is get t ing scarcer T"

Greene: "No, i t only means t h a t brains

are ge t t ing more plentiful."

A Great Help.

"Do y o u help your wife about the house,

S a m ? "

'Tndeed I does, boss."

"What d o you do to help her, Sam ?"

"Why I keeps outer de way , DOSS!"

Had to Cut Out the Rolls.

"You m a y have coffee and rolls in bed in the morning if you wish," aaid the accom­modating boarding-bouse lady.

' T h e cofjee wil l be all right," replied the stout m a n ; "but the bed is a bit narrow for the rolls."


Tlwougth many years in quest of ftwne

(He bat tied wi th adversity,

And often luuli to bear tJhe bkune

Of less deserving men than he.

W i t h daunt less heart he bore the Hie

Unkind iFate sentenced him t o bear,

And ©there t ru%ing on the hi lN

BeheM has Woody footprints there .

A Marred and bent old man, by chance,

H e turned as ide one day, t o see,

Where n o one e*se had thfoisght to g lance ,

flhe longed-for crpportomMy.

"A/t hMrt," he cried), "I hdve arrived,

The workl shall give me notime n o w ! "

Alaa, the (paper* all contrived

To g e t mm name misspelled somehtow.

— 8 . E. Kilter, Ckioago Reoord-Herald.


—Hal'simure American: "Do you. know a n y t h i n g about the ar t of husbandry?" "WeM, I o u g h t tto if I don't. I've married off five daughters ."

—American Spectator: Ass i s tan t : "What shall I put under the bride'e picture? She's homely a* a maid fence," Ed i tor : "In that case we a l w a y s say 'acOo«nplish«d.'"

—Somervi l i e Journal: W h e n a honxsly g ir l shows yon her picture, about the only vmm^^^rfmrg^mmr,mmivTj^ ^mtj ^ *- " *m* weii, well l W h y i t ' s juat a s natural as life."

—Phi lade lph ia 'Pre**: "I tuidaratand Nuri toh Ima joined t h a t swel l church on Fifth avenue," aaid Gotham. "Nat exact ly ," replied B r o o k s : "I believe he ie on the wai t ing .Hst."

— H o u s t o n P o s t : "So h e is go ing to marry the widow; I did not know that his intention* were serious." "They weren't." "But you (tell m e he i* going to marry her ?" "Yes; y o u see her intention* were serious.1'

— W a s h i n g t o n S tar : "Do you think the discovery of t h e North Pole wi l l benefit Soc ie ty?" "Yes," answered t h e scientist. "I t would pjnfoably put a n end t o the trouble ^ j p ^ p e n s e oi sending out re kief e x p e d i t e s * *


lhm CUpid is a marksman bold, H i e arrow* tipped wi th kisses ,

A n d though the rogue is growing old, Dan Cupid i s a marksman ho ld ; For when he hi ts the mark, behold!

T i n then h e makes the Mrs, D a n Cupid is a marksman bold,

H i s arrows tipped wi th kisses .

—Milwaukee. Sent inel: "What a beauti-iful looket you have. I presume you h a w a memento of some soft in f t?" "O, yes . A look of m y husband's hair ." "But your husband iwn't dead, i s he?" "No. B u t his hair is aH gone ."


T h e blood purifier you are thinking

of t r y i n g thin Spring may be a good

one. A g a i n , it may not, and If It

fail* to do y o u good you wOl be out

* y o u r money .



Is the only one you can b u y fairly.

If It falls to do what It should, the

money Is Instantly yours for the

a s k i n g .



193 Aahbtirton Avenue, Yonkert, V, 7.





JftoUsBiorml (Sards.

DBS. A. H. & A. V. MOWEL Surgeon Dentists,



Teeth Without P l a t e s . '

We ass the latest methods to n i l . attract

Kd Crowa Teeth without _paln. All klada of ntal Work done at oar office, and guaranteed


Office Hours: » a. m t* 8 o. m. •veulnc—T t s •





l U O j Koas. C. E. MeNsn


Architects. 19 E A S T 42d S T R E E T ,

: » i t . . f

Coajraa MADIBOR At anua. NEW YOBB,

1 2 6 E A S T 3 4 t h S T R E E T , N E W l O B K .


TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 6 to 6 and 7 to 0. Tel. 2430 Madison Square.

DR. LAMAR K. TUTTLE, Osteopathia!;.

YONKERS-ON-HUDSON, 3 3 0 V . U , l ; \ T I N I S U N B .

TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, 10 to 2. Tel. 1113 Yonkers.


E . L. B R O W N and W. T. W A R R E N ,


A x e n t a for J . H o m a l n e B r o w n ' s P r o p e r t y .

1 2 North Broadway. Klinert Building.

K E N N E T H MACKAY, (Saccessor te Use * Mackay.)

Carpenter and Builder, 64 MAIN STREET.

Tke old stand. Bteam power, machinery, dry-room, and »vcry facility tor doing flret-ciaas carpenter work. Repairs tod Jobbtog promptly executed «t reasonable prices. Estimates fifr nlshed. Telephone. 680.

B9 You need never hesitate to cut the cloth if you are guided by

j \ 1 1 eCjfXalN O

They are now on sale at Raymasters Flower Store, 13 Main Street

Experienced Butterick Demonstrator in Attendance

BUTTERICK PATTERNS arc now sold for

10515 and 20 Cents 4fi- B>

B U T T E R I C K P U B L I S H I N G C O M P A N Y * L i m i t e d



' !


A Gas Range. •

You cannot afford to deny yourself the comfort and convenience of


(Late of the firm of Mee ft Macks?.)

- c-^i£S^^^J.u^d e r i II in iWIlTlffiTflTII IllTT^OMPABY. TONKER8,

EAN ^TRJBBl*, N. I .

Having Introduced new ana chlnery. we are now prepared to do all with dispatch. Estimates given, promptly attendad to. Telephone. 01

new and Imprered ma I woi"

lobbioa ark

R O B E R T L. S T E W A R T Mason and Builder,


YONKERS. N. T. Telephone. 288.

Batlmatse fnrnlsbed for bvlldlsirs snd ntasea work. Can tract* an 4 renalrlna promptly szecoted.


S. F . QUICK & SONS, Carpenters and Builders

ATHERTON STREET. TONKRR8. Befsr to^pisny of ths finest resldeaeas sad

pnhllc bnlldlnaa la this county s s samples of their work.

Decorating and Cablast Work done by skil ls! B consoles.

Estimates foralsbed. First-class wsrk, and at moderate prices. JOMJIB* promotky attendsd ts. TsltDhoTi» S48.

|$Utal WSLovkevs.




stance and Heater work a specialty for all Ranges and Heaters. Cornices ana Moo I dings.

. Repslrs dalranlled Iron



Near Corner of Dock street. Yankees.

Range and Heater Work a specialty, ffla and Slate Roofing, All orders promptly at­tended to. and warranted to glre satisfaction

Telephone f t" . 109s. ——' ' — — — . — ^ — ~ _ ^ _ ^




New Era Paint tft pare paint- every atom of it

There vt more square feet of covering surface-better covering surface—in a dollar's worth of New Era Paint than In a dollar's worth of any other paint made.

Buy New Era Palm as you buy glass, by the square foot, instead of by the gallon. . That's real economy. New Ert Paint always looks best, defies weather and endures longest

We will give you color card and proofs of what we say about New Era quality.

Malt If

Acme White Lttd & Cok>r Work:, Detroit. Mici. 1

S O L E A O R N T ,



THOMAS MORRIS. Practical Machinist, Steam and Water Pips


Having superior facilities and the aid of steam power, I am prepared to execute •r ises for msnufactnrlng ana repairing. Plain snd Orasmental Iron Railings, Fence*. Gates. Stoops, tec. and for all kinds of Hesyy Iroa Work. Iron doors. Windows, Shatters, snd Builders' Iror Work generally, at snort notice, area Gates, made to order. Iron Work of all kinds repaired economically. Lawn Mowers Md Hay-Cutters repaired.

at. a. waamocx. . at. a mnwvuoc*., JB


38 R1VERDALE A V E N U E . Ttlephone, 1H43 J.

RANGE AND HEATER WORK A SPECIAL*! Tin and Slats Hoofing, Heating. Veniliat

General Jofcblng and Repairing. GIUtER* I'ROWITf,Y ATTENDED Tf)

lag. Af-r.

C. E. PARKER, Fence Manufacturer^ Builder.

.8 - ^ » > . . a

i i i iMii iHll l i i i i i i i i i inii i i i . i i i i i iu., in It lilt U il

iiiniiiiiiiiMiiiitiiiiifiiiii It i i i i iti i Jii

Jr ssSwal 3a ,

11 n 11111111 n i n i : W ^1 .Jt 1^ ".I t^AIJlJ

Estimates fnrnlsbed nird contracts taken for building Iron and Wocd Fencing. Furnishing sad Setting Pulley Poles. Steel Wire Tree

ges, and Everlasting Hieel ant Concrete Tie Poses Peats Tomctts.

Soda Water rs fast winning great favor, because It la Pnre,

Wholesome, Nourishing and Healthful. Try It.

You will recognize lta merits at once.


10c. Per Bottle. TAKE NO OTHER.


. %*•!. * m i.

NE W YORK S U P R E M E COURT, County of Westchester. Bruce 8. Carter, plaintiff,

aga-lnst Fannie <'srter, defendant. To the above named defendant:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint In this action, and to serve s copy of yonr answer cm the plslntlff's attorney wlrhln twenty days after rthe service of this sumtnon.i. exclusive of the dsy of service, and In case of your failure to sopear or snswer. judgment wtll he taken against you by default for the relief iU>mau>Ie<l in the complaint.

Hated May 12th. lOftfl. CHARLES A. l>HYRlt. Plaintiff* Attorney,

Omce sad post Clfflce Address, No. .1 <'©nrt street.

White Plain*. N. Y.

To Fannie Carter, defendant: The foregoing snmvnotis Is served upon yon by

publication pursuant to an order of Hem. Martin 3. Ksogh. a Justice of the Hupreme t'ourt of the State of New York, dated the l«th day of Msv. TOon. and filed with the com. plsmt ta the office of the f'lerk of the county of Westchester, at White Plains. Westchester County, New York.

Osted White Plslns. N. T.. May 23, 190d. CHARI.KS A. I»RYKR. Platntlff's Aftorney,

ttfflce snd Post Office Address, Ne. J C o n r t afreet.

•y28-7w-w Wktte Itataa, N. Y.

AT A S P E C I A L T E R M O F T H E S U ­PREME COURT of the State of New York

held In and for the County of Kings, gt the I. ounty Court flouse In said county, on the 4th day of May. 11)06. Present. Hn.\. 8AMIRL T. MADDOX, Jnstlce. In the matter of the application of the Harrl

gan Coal Company for authority to change Its name to "Hudson Fuel Company." Hpon reading and filing the petition of the

Harrigan Coal Company, a domestic stock cor-pora'lon. duly verified toy William II. Butts, Jr.. It* President, wherein said petitioner prays Tor an order authorising It M assiune another corporate name. |o wit. the nsme Itadson Ftiel Company, and upon tiling the certificate of the Secretary of Htnte. annexed I hereto, certifying that the name which said corporation proposes to assume Is not the name of any other domes tic corporation, or a name which he deem* ao nearly resembling It as to be calculated Xt de. celvB. and upon filing due proof by affidavits showing that notice of the presentation of said petition has been duly published for six week.) In the "Albany Evening Jonrnal," the paper at Albany In which notice* toy State officers are authorised by Isw to be published, and In "THF. YOSKKHS STATKSWAX." a newspaper of •he county of Westchester, In which cotinlv •Hell corporation ha* Its business office, snd the Court being satisfied by said petition snd toy the affidavits and certificate presented there, with thst the petition Is true, and that there la no reasonable objection to the change of nsme propoeed. and thst the petition has been duly authorized, and that notice of the presentation of the petition as required by law has been mede.

bom, on motion of M a e ft Trafford, at tor nays for eald petitioner, no one opposing, if Is

Ordrrr*, thst said peflthm be, and the ssmc hereby Is, granted, snd that the petitioner herein. The Hsrrktan Coal Company, be, snd it hereby I*, anthnrlaed to assume another cor porate nsme t to wit. the name Hudson Fuel Cirmpany. on snd after the second dsy of July, Iftrtfl; and It Is further

OrHrrvd «l»d IHrrrtri, 1hat this order Ite catered and that the papers on which If 1* granted be filed within ten dayg from the date hereof In the office of the Clerk of Westchester Comity, the county In which the Certificate of Incorporation of said enrporstkwi I* filed, and thst a certified copy of this order within ten day* after the entry thereof be filed In ths office of the Secretary of fltste. and. further, thst s eof»v of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks la "Tna Yor* a ran ST»TW»M*SI," a newspaper In the county of Westchester, beginning within tea days after the entry hereof. . ., „

F.nt. S. T. M.. J. S. CA Enter In Westchester Cons** Granted. May 4. ltJOS. .„ ........ .

» y » &w w CHARLES T. OAJtTZQEIM, Clerk.

In the sutter of taking a right and ease­ment, In certain property 1A tin- city of Yon kers, for the construction, repair and mauit^ name of the Nepperhan Valley Outlet Sewer, from Saw Mill River road to Hudson River pier line.

The Cmimon Council of the City of Yonkera hereby give* notice that it Is their Intention to act upon the proposition for an easement for th« Nepperhan Valley Outlet Sewer, from Saw Mill River road to Hudson River pier line, at a meeting ihereof to he held on the 11th day of June, lWKt. at 8 o'clock In the evening, and that Interested parties m a y „e heard l>afor« th e t onituou Council on the said 11th dav of June, 1»00. at H o'clock In the evening, In relation to th* proposed right mid easement, pursuant to the provision of Hectlon 4 of Title VII., of the Charter of the Clfy of Yookers.

The following 1* a description of aald ease­ment :

FIRST. l««>r «fc> much of the permanent right and

easement required for U»e construction, opera­tion, maintenance and repair of a public sewer, as lies westerly from North Broadway.

PARCBLK NOH. 1. 2, 4, «, 7 AND S TAKEN TOOKTHKK.— Beginning at a point In the west­erly line of North Broadway distant 12 H fe«t north of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of Ureenvale avenue Intersects the same, and running thence on a line paral­lel with said westerly prolongation of the center line of (Jreenvale avenue X 59* 30' W lr.HI.'.MI feet, more or less, to ths westerly line of Warhurton avenue; thence northerly aluni; aald westerly line of Warburton avenue to a point distant 12 H feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence N Tift* HO' \V 6T8.12 feet, more or leas, to th« Pier line established toy the Common Council, April 12. 1S8U; thence southerly along1 «atd pier line S4V8 feet to a point distant 50 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence 8 .I!)" 80' K 0*7.3*2 feet to the westerly line of Warburton avenue ; ihence northerly along aald westerly line of Warburton avenue to a point distant I-1*" feet from the lust mentioned course and 12Vt feet south of the westerly prolongation of the center line of Oreenvale avenue; thence 8 30" 30' E 1.123.30 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of North Broadway; thence northerly along said west­erly line of North Broadway 25.17 feet to the point or place of beginning.

SECOND. For so much of the temporary right and

easement us Is required, for the period of con­st ruction only, as lies between Wanbtirton ave­nue aud the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company.

pAiiCKi. No. 3.—Beginning at a point In the westerly line of Warburton avenue, distant 25 feet south of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of (Jreenvale avenue Inter­sects the same, and running thence along Parcel No. 4 above described N 5ft" 30' W 197.07 feet, more or leas, to the euat Hue of the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad •Company ; thence southerly along said easterly line of said railroad lands 7U.95 feet, more or less, to a point distant 75 feet at right angles from the southerly boun­dary line of Parcel No. 2 above described: thence S 5P" 30' K 223.81 feet to the west erly line of Wanburton avenue; thence north­erly alon? aald westerly line of Warburton avenue 75 feet to the point o*r place of begin­ning.

PABCKL NO. 5.—Beginning at a point In the ws»S*erly Hue of Wanrbortoo avenue, distant 23 feet noi'.'h of where the westerly prolongation of the center line of Greenvale avenue inter­sects the s*cje. and running tbence skmg Parcel No. 4 au»ve described N 59" 30' W 183..W feet, more or less, to the easterly line of the lands of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad .Company ; tbence northerly along said easterly line of said ra rotid lands 7H.38 feet to a point distant (5 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course; thence S .,(»° W E 1«0.84 feet, moffi or less, to the westerly line of Warburton sV*°ue: thence southerly along said westerly lti»<\ of Warburton avenue 75 feet to the point or p.'ace of beginning. >

THIRD. For so much of ttie permanent right and

easement required for the construction, opera­tion, maintenance and repair of a public sewer. a* lies between Oreenvale place and Saw Mill River road.

PARCEL NO u. —Beginning nt a oolnt In the southerly line of (ireenvalo place, distant 1 feet northerly at right angles from the center line of Oreenvale avenue, and running thence on u line druwn parallel with the prolongation of said center Una of Oreenvale avenue S 59 ' 30' K 1108.48 feet, more or less, to the west­erly line of Nepperhan avenue; thence south­erly along said westerly line of Nepperhan avMiite 8 30° 17' W 61.81 feet; thence N 89' 55' W 108.8P feet, more or less, to n point distant 12 % feet south of the easterly pro­longation of the center line of Greenvale ave­nue : thence N 50" 80' W 107T.21' rest, more or less, to the southerly line of Oreenvale

t place; thence easterly along aald tftMhhrty line of Oreenvale place Sr>.o4 feet to the point or place of beginning.

PAHCBI-S Nog, 10 AND 13.—Beginning at the northwesterly corner of Saw Mill River road and Logan avenue, and running thence N S9* 55' W aiong the northerly line of said Logan avenue ond Its prolongation 7H0.7P feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Nepperhan ave­nue; thence S 3f.° 17' W along «ald easterly line of Nepperhan avenue to a point distant 50 feet at right angles from the last mentioned course : thence S 3i»" 5,V E 774.80 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Saw Mill River road where the southerly line of Logan avenue Intersects the same: thence northerly along said westerly line of Saw Mill River road 51 feet, more or less, to the point or place of beginning.

Said parcels No*. 10 and 13 taken together being a plot of ground 50 feet wide from Nep­perhan avenue to Saw Mill River road, and being the street known as Logan avenue and the prolongation of said Logan avenue in a straight line to Nepperhan avenue.

FOURTH. For ao much of the temporary right and

easement as Is required, for the period of con-strttcllon only, as lies between Nepperhan ave­nue and the Nepperhan River.

P.vacKt. No. 11.—Beginning at the point In the center of the Nepperhan River where the northerly line of Logan avenue Intersect* the same, and running thence N 39' 55' W 271.21 feet, more or less, along Parcel No. 10 above described to the easterly line of Nepperhsn avenue; thence along said easterly line of Nep­perhan avenue N 36" 17' E 102.98 feet; thence S HP* 55' E 214.35 feet, more or less, to the •'enttjj^line of the Nepperhan River: thence eonfhefly along ssld center line of the Nep­perhan River to the (mint or place of begin nlng.

Parcel No. 11 being a plot of land 100 feet wide adjacent to Parcel No. 10 on the north, and extending from NepperhSB avenue to the center line of the Nepperhan River.

PARCRI. NO. 12. -Beginning at the point In th,, center line of the Nepperhan River where the southerly line of Ligan avenue Intersects •the same, and running thence N 3ft" 55' W 240.01 feet, more or leas, to the easterly line of Nepperhan avenue; thence skmg said east­erly line of Nepperhan avenue 8 3fl° 17' W 102.98 feet: thence 8 30° 55' E lflfl.35 feet to th* center tin* of the Nenoerhan River: thence northerly along «ald center line of the Nep-perhsn River to the point or place of beginning.

Parcel No. 12 toeing a plot of ground 100 feet wide adlacent to Parcel No. 10 on the sonth. and etiendlng from Nepperhan avenue to the center line of the Nepperhan River.

Notice Is herehv further given thst the Com­mon Council fixed the limit or district tA assessment hevond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of said improve­ment, shall Include all the several lots, pieces and parcel* of land sltnated. lying and being within the following described Imundsrles ;

Beginning st a point in the northerly line of the tlrv of Yonker*. distant easterly 100 feet at right angles from the eaatarly line ol North Broadway, and running thence southerly cm « line drawn parallel with North Broadway to the northerly line of lot No. 1,080 North Broadway: thence to a point distant 100 feef southerly of the northerly line of said lot No. l.OMfl North Broadway ond distant easterly 200 f**t at right anifles from the easterly line of North Broadwav ; thence southerly on a line drawn parallel with North Brosdwsy to i point distant 200 feet north of the northerly tine of Odell avenue, messured at rlcbt envies : thence to the northeasterly corner of North Brosdwsv and Odell avenue, thence to the southeasterly corner of North Broadway and Odell svenue: thence to a point distant 200 feef east of the easterly line of North Broad wav and 200 feet sonth of the southerly lln* «f fMell avenue, measured st right angles : fhenc southerly on a line drawn parallel with North Broadway to a oornt distant 200 feet north of Ihe northerly line of Bolmer avenue; Ihencc easterly In s strahrht line to a point In the northerly prolongation of the eaatwly line of that part of Park avenue between R<s>rt» avenue and Bolmer avenue, distant 700 fee; north of th* northerly line of Bolmer avenue •hence to a point In the northerly line of Bolmer avenue distant SOO feet west of Belle vii.1 svenue; thence to the southeasterly COT ner of l"t No. 435 llellevne avenue; thence t. the northwesterly corner of lot No. 428 Belle vue s v n i t e ; thence to s point In the northerlr line of lot No. 428 Rellevue avenne distant too feet esst cvf tb* eaatarly tin* of Belleytte avenue; thence somberly on a line drswr parallel with Bellsvne avenue to a point OH* tant Its! fert north of the northerly line of Rotoert* avenn*: thence to the northeasterly comer of Rotoert* avepue and Bellevu* avenne thence to the southeasterly corner of Robert* avenne and Bellevne av*nner thene* to th* northeasterly corner of lot No. StJO Bellevu* svenn*: thene* along th* rear lta* of tots fronting on the *a*t*rlv side of Bellevne ava nu* to the northerly line of lot No 33*. Bell* vne svenue: thence to the southwesterly cer t»#e of lot No. 323 Bellevu • svenn*; thene* tc the southeasterly corner of Kommir nlsce en* Donclsss svens*: theaee to the sonthw—teety corner of Hdtnmlt olace end lionglsaa svenu**' tbence to th* *onthw**f»rlv corn*r of lot W* 148 Dourles* svenue: thence wiutberly stone th« rear lta* of lots front In*- on fh» wsterlr *id» of DoweioM aveane to th* northerly line of lot No. ITS Douglsse svenue; theaee to tft*

northwesterly corner of Chaoe avenne and Oreenval* place: tbence to the north westerly corner of lot No. 176 Chase avenue, thence northerly along th* rear line of lot* fronting oo tlie westerly side of Chase avenue to the rear line of lot No. 532 Park avenue; thence to the northeasterly comer of Park avenue and Morsemer* avenue; tiieoce to the south­easterly owner ,rf park avenue and Morsetnere avenue; tbence to the southeasterly corner of lot No . 0 0 Park avenue; tbence to the northeasterly corner of Park avenue and Colgate avenue; thence to the southeasterly corner of Park avenue and Colgate avenue; thence to the southeasterly comet of lot No. 5U0 Park avs KJs: thence to the northeasterly corner of lark avenue and Oreenvale avenue : thence to the southeasterly corner of Park avenue and Oreenvale avenue; thence to a joolat distant 100 feet southerly front the southerly line of Oreenvale avenue and 750 feet easterly from th* easterly line of Palisade avenue; thence southerly aud parallel «l th the easterly line of Palisade avenue to a point distant 2<Mi feet northerly from the southerly line of lot No. Oil Palisade avenue; thence easterly on a line drawn parallel with the southerly line of lot No. 014 Palisade avenue 113 feet: thenc* u a point In the Westerly line of Sommervlile place distant 3CM> feet north of the northerly line of Shonnard place; thence to the north­westerly corner of lot No. ,13ft Sommervlile place; thence to the northeasterly corner of lot No. 330 Sommervlile place; tbence southerly In a straight line to the southeasterly corn*r of lot No. 278 Sommervlile place; thence to the northwesterly comer of lot No. 25ft Edward place, thence easterly along the northerly Hue of lot No. 256 Edward place 1o Fortusn street ; tbence to the northwesterly corner of lot No. 135 Woodland avenue: tbence easterly alone the northerly line of lots NOB. 135 out) 138 Woodland avenue to the rear line of lot No. 13*> Woodland avenne; tbence eontherlv along the rear line of lota fronting on the easterly side of Woodland avenue to the nonh erly line of the late village of Yonker* ; thence easterly along the northerly line of the late village of Yonker* to a point distent 100 feet east of the easterly line of Nepnerban avenue . thence southerly on a line 'drawn parallel with Nepperhan avenue to a point distant 100 feet north of th* northerly line of Lake ave­nue ; tbence easterly on a line drawn parallel with Lake avenue to a point distant 100 feet west of the westerly line of Saw Mill River road : thence northerly on a line drawn paral lei with Saw Mill Rlvcr'road to a point wherr the southerly line of Palmer road. If produced westerly. Intellects the same; thence to the southeasterly corner of Palmer road ant* Saw Mill River road : thence to a point lu the southerly line of lot No. 212 8aw Mill River road distant 150 feet east of the easterly line of Saw Mill River road : thence easterly along the southerly line of lot No. 212 Saw Mill River road and lot No. 1o4 Palmer road to a point dlstaut l o o feet south of the southerly line of Palmer road, measured at -right angles to Palmer road: thenr* to a point in the southerly Hue of lot No. 130 Palmer road distant 100 feet eaat of the westerly line of said lot No. 130 Palmer road; theaee southerly iltHI iVei on a line drawn at right angles with the southerly line of lot No. 136 Palmer road; tbence easterly 4<I0 feet on a line drawn paral­lel with the southerly line of said lot 136 Palmer road ; thence northerly on a tin* drawn at right angle* wttb the last mentioned course shout 000 feet to the southerly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road: thence easterly along the southerly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road 100 feet: thence to a point in the easterly line of lot No. 130 Palmer road distant 200 feet south of the southerly line of Pajmer road; thence to a point distant 600 feet south of the southerly line of Palmar road and 700 feet east of the easterly line of lot No. 136 Palmer road, both measured at right angles:; thence easterly 800 feet on a line drawn parallel with Palmer road ; thence northerly on a line drawn at right angles with Palmer road 500 feet to a point distant 100 feet south of Palmer road; thence easterly und northeasterly on a line drswn twrallel wltli Palmer road and 100 feet distant therefrom, to a point distant 300 feet southerly of the easterly prolongation of the sontherlv line of Fort Field avenue, said dis­tance being measured on a line drawn parallel with Palmer road: tbenre westerly on a line drawn parallel with Fort Field avenne i» the rear line of lots fronting on the easterly aide of Brlggs avenue: thence northerly alone the r*'r Hne of lots fronting on the easterly side of BYitos avenue to the northerly Hne of lot No 128* R>i'»grs avenne: thence westerly along Ihe northerlvVlne of lota No*. 128 and 121 Brlggs avenue tWJ»e rear line of lot No. 127 Brlggs avenue; thVce northerly on a line drawn parallel with S* ne avenue and distant 100 feet easterly tborefroai to a point distant 10O feet south of the somhWly lime of Loek-WCXKI avenue: thence to the »ou\!b*asterly eor ner of Lockwood avenue and Sh,"1* * T ? l n * . :

tbenc* to a point In the nortbsrly IBR« «f hotm wood avenue where the easterly llne*-^" ?n<>

avenue. If produced northerly, taterseci^ "*?

same; thence northerly on a line drawT*va' right angles with Lockwood avenue 100 feeVj thence Westerly on a line drawn parallel wltUv Lockwood avenue to a point distant 100 feet east of the easterly Hue of Arlington avenue (also now or formerly called Buckingham roatli i thence northerly on a line drawn paral 1st with aald Arlington avenue t* < •tent 100 feet sonth of the sontheri Henry street isiso now or Stratford avenue) : thence to a point In the westerly line of Marlborough road distant 100 feet south of the southerly line of said Henry street : 'hence to the northeasterly corner of Marlborough road and Charles street (also nos. oy formarly called Falrvlew avenue! ; thence to a point In the northerly line of Charles Street 100 feet eaat of the easterly line of Marltoorough road: thence northerly on a line dra-wn parallel with Marlborough road to a point distant 500 feet south of the southerly tine of Vista avenne (also now or formerly called Colium street I : thence easterly on * lino drawn at right angles with Grant avenue (also now or formerly called Albemarle placet to a point midway between snld Grant avenue and Mornlngslde avenue (also now or formerly called Thomas street! : thence northerly on a line drawn parallel with said Grant avenue f a point distant 100 feet sonth of the southerly line of Vista avenue (also now or formerly called Cobiirn street I ; tbence to the southwesterly corner of said Vl»t* avenue and Mornlngslde avenue: thence easterly on the line of the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Vista avenue to a pott* distant 100 feet east of the easterly line of said Mornlngslde ave­nne: tbence northerly on a line drawn parallel with the easterly line of Mornlngslde avenit' to the westerly line of lands o f the New York and Putnam Rallwuy Company : thence worth erly along said westerly line of lands of the New York and Putnam Railway Company to the southerly line of Tucknhoe road ; thence te a point in the westerly line of lot No. 9 Sprain road dlf-tant 800 feet northeasterly from the northerly line of Tnckahoe road, measured at rlpht angles thereto: thence northerly along the westerlv line of said lot No. 9 Sprain road to a point distant 100 feet easterly at right angles from the monnmented center line of the Croton Aqueduct : thence northerly on a line draiwn parallel with the said center line of th* Croton Aqueduct to a point distant 400 fee* south of the northerly line of said lot No. I Sprain road: thence fo a point In the northerly line of said lo> No. I) Sprain road distant 80 feet esst of the said center line of th* Croton Aqueduct: tbence to a point In tin-center line of Summit Terrace 200 feet norlb of the northerly line of Sherman avenne thence northerly along the center line of sale1

Summit Terrace to the center line of Stanley avenue: thence to a point In the center line of Crestvale Terrace distant 200 feel south of the southerly line of Odell svenne : thence t» a point distant 100 feet north of the northerly line of Odell avenue and So feet west of th* westerly line ert Summit Terrace: thence te the point where the easterlv line of Crestvale Tsrrac* intersect, the northerly line of lot No. 080 Saw Mill River road: (said Sherman svenue. Summit T^rrncr. Stanley avenne Crestvale Terrace and Odell avenne being the same a* Indicated on n map entitled "Map of property belonging to Wm. B. Rice, situate li» th* 4th Ward of the City of Yonker*. N. Y.,' drawn hy M. K. Couxens. civil engineer and surveyor, dated Yonkers, Nov. 17th. 1890.1 : thence to a point In the northerly line of lot No, 710 Saw Mill River road dlstsnt 200 feet west of the monumented renTer line of the Cfofon Aqoedttct : thence to a point in the northerly line of lot No. 754 Saw Mill River road distant 50 feet west of the monnmented center line of Ihe Crotna Aqnednct ; i hence fc » point la the westerly tin* of Ijiwrenc* av# nne distant 130 feet sonth of the southerly Hne of William street: thence to a point mid wav between Vine street and Lawrence sventt' snd distant 104 feet north of the northerly Hne of William street: thenc* to a point 108U feet east of the easterly line of Stewart svenne ind 20ft feet south of Jam** street, aald dl* *ance* being measured parallel with Jsrne* -treei and Stewaet avenit*. respectively: thene* 'o th« southeasterly corner of Knlvht aveunr ••txl Stewart avenue; thence fo a point In the "»rtherl* lis* of Knl«-ht avenue distant 225 '»et east of the easterlv line of Vernon avenue-•hence northerly on a Hue drawn pseellel with Vernon svenue to the southerly line of Delavan ivenne: thence to the southwesterly comer of 'Ilfchcoek svenne snd Lawrence tvmmmi <saM '.awrene* svenue. William street. Vine street. *»m#* *tr**f. Stewart avenne. Knijht avenne Vernon svenne. Delavan avenue nuA Hitchcock ivenne being the same a* Indlcsted on a man 'ntltled "Man of N*pn*rhsn HV>l<-bt« In th" r'|tv of Yoaker*. N. Y." draw,, hv M. It "oniens. civ. eng Dec. 13fh. 18*2 subdivided 'nto lot* hv O. Keener, C F,.» : thence t* a •wdnt In the monnmented center lln» of the "roton Aqueduct distant 300 feet snath of th* tontherly Mae of An*t!n avenue: thence to s ->oInt In the center Hie «f Austin svenue dts •ant 33 f*ft essjf of the said monnment** ••eater lln» of Ih* Croton Aqn*dnct ; thenc* te i point la the said t»o«»nm*fit*d center Il*> f the Crofen Aqn»dnct distant 44* fee' sinfh •f the northerlv line cf th* rttv of Vonkers sld dt*f*nc» twin* m***ueed along «ald cent**

in* of the Croton Aqnednct: thence to s nofnf «g the northerly line «f th* ePv of Yonk*r* tlstant Sft fe«t east of th* **ld monum-n'ed -enter Mae of th* Croton Aoueditct. *Sld **-sne* toes-rn measnr-d *l'<n» the ssld nw-rther'v

•'ne of the city of Yonker*: thence westerly .'Inn* ssM north**!* Itn» nt the city of T«*k*r*

•o th* nolnt or pise* of b*einnln».* 1hlt*d Yonk*r., N. Y„ Ma.- 15th. IftOS. Ry order of the f^nmmtm Council

10BN H COYNr„ Msver. Jous T. 084*1 , Cltjr Clerk. »y 23*31 jge7

Ine draarn paral .***ZT • ts* a- |i skal das i, J M ? tontherly tin* of 7 * T ° * formerly called beglnn!

CO R P O R A T I O N NOTICE—City of T o * . kers,—In the matter of laying ont and eyea

trig Thnrman street. Ths* Common Council of the city of Ysa-

kera hereby gives notice that It is their Inten-tlon to art upon the proposition to lay out and open Tburman street, at a meeting thereat to ««e held oo (be 11th day of June, lPUS, at 8 O'clock In the evening, and that Interested panties may be heard before the CittBOtoa Council ON the said 11th day of June. luoa. at 8 o'clock iu Ihe evenlnw, In relation to tha proposed op^AHM of aaid street pursuant to the provision of Section 4 of Title VII , of the Charter of the City of Yonker*.

The following la a description of said Tbur­man street :

Beginning at the southwesterly coroar at lot No. 14a Beech street and running theaee easterly along the soufbwrly line of aald lot No. 148 Beech street, and in the 1lae of continua­tion thereof l.'" feet more or less, to ths) southerly line of Thnrman street, ss shown <*H the man entitled "Map of property belouglna to the Kstate of J. Oroebori Harriot, situated In the City of Yookers. N. Y„" made by U. H. Splndler. Civil fckigineer sad Surveyor, dated April, 1880; thence still easterly along ths southerly Hne of said Thnrman street, OH shown on said map l.'to.iMi feet, more or less, to the westerly line of Van (Vrtlanat Park avenne; tbence northerly along said westerly line of Van Cortlandf l*ark avenue 4<» feet to ihe northwesterly corner of Van Cortland! Pack avenue and Thurman street: thence weeteriy along uhe northerly Ha* of Thurman street, a* showu on said map. 130.78 feet, more or lean, to a point distant 40 feet from the prolonga­tion if tbe first mentioned course, measured at right angles to said first mentioned course; theaee on a Hue drawn parallel with the Brat mentioned course and 4o feet northerly there­from. 150 52 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of Beech street : thenee southerly along; nald easterlv line of Beech street, 40 feet to the point or place of beginning.

NoiU-e Is hereby further given that the Com­mon Council has fixed tbe limit or district of assessment, beyond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of said improve­ment, shall Include all the several lots, piece*, and parcels of land situate, lying and being within the following described boundaries:

Beginning at a point in the southerly line <tf Poplar street midway between Oak street and Beech street and running thence southerly on a line drawn midway between Oak street and Beech street to the southerly line of the lands .formerly of ths» estate of J. Grosbon B«rriot : thence continuing xuutherly In the same straight line 150 feet: thence easterly on a line drawn parallel with the said southerly Vine of said lands late of J. Groshon Herrlot to a point distant 07.2 feet at right angle* east of the easterly line of Van Cortlandt Park avenue: ttvence southerly on a line drawn parallel with Van Cortlandt Park nvenoe to the northeasterly corner of lot No, 46 Van Cortlandt Park avenne; thence to the north­westerly corner of l o t No. 48 Van Cortlandt Park avenne: tbence to the northeasterly cor­ner of lot No. 45 Van Cortlandt Park avenue; thence to th* northwesterly corner of lot No. 45 Van Cortlandt Park avenue: tbence to the southeasterly corner of lot No. 64 Poplar street: thenc* fo the southwesterly corner of lot No. 04 Poplar street ; thence to tne north­easterly corner of lot No. 80 Poplar s treet ; thence to the southeasterly corner of Poplar street and Beech street: thence fo the south­westerly corner of Poplar street and Beech street; thence to the point or place of begin­ning.

Dated Yonkers, N. Y., May 22, 1006. By order oi the Common Council..

JOHN H. COYNE. Mayor. JOHN T. GBABT, City Clerk. cny23A31AJe7

CO R P O R A T I O N N O T I C B - C t t y 0 f Y O B -kers.—In the matter of laying out and open­

ing Stanley avenue, from Ludlow etreet to Morrt* street.

The Common Council of the elty of Yonkera beretiy gives notice that a petition signed by one-third of the persons owning land situated on the line of Stanley avenue, described below, has been presented to it , praylnir that the aald street be laid out and opened as the same la shown on a map accompanying said petition and which said map U now on file In the office of tbe City Clerk, and which proposed etreet Is bounded and described as follows, to w i t :

Beginning at a point in the southerly line of Ludlow atreet. distant 180 feet westerly at right angles from the westerly line of Liv­ingston avenue, and running thence southerly »n a line drawn parallel with the westerly line of Livingston avenue, 508 feet, more or ;esa, to the northerly line of Morris street • thence westerly along the northerly line of Morris street, 63 feet 4 Inches to a point dla-ant 160 feet 8 Inches eaat of the easterly line >f Rlverdale avenue; thence northerly on a Una Irawn parallel with the Bret described coume, 100 feet * Inches to the rear line of lots front­ing on the northerly side of Morris etreet; thence still northerly about 100.8 feet to a oolnt In the northerly line of lot No. 292 River-dale avenue, distent 220 feet west of the west-erly Hue of Livingston avenue: thence north-

W l y on a line drawn parallel wltn the weeteriy fStf. of Livingsta—

to tk« point or place a t nnlng.

Notice is hereby further given ttsst the Common council has fixed the Hatit or district of assessment, beyond which the assessment shall not extend for the expense of oat* Improve­ment, aball Include all the several lots, pieces »nd parrel, of land gltuated. lying and b*lu» within the following described boundariesi:

Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Ludlow street snd Stanley svenne. and running thence to a point distant one hundred feet south of the southerly line of Ludlow street-and HO feet east of the easterlv line of Stanley avenue ; tbence southerly on a line drawn paral­lel with the easterly line of Stanley avenne. to a point distant list feet north of the northerly line of Morris street: thence to th* north­easterly corner of Stanley avenue and Morrte street; thence to the northwesterly corner of Stanley avenue and Morris atreet; thence to a point distant 80 feet west of the westerly line of Stanley avenue, and 100 feet north of the northerly line of Motrin etreet; thence north­erly on a line drawn parallel with the west­erly line of Stanley avenue and 80 feet di*-tant therefrom to a point distant 100 feet •outh of the southerly line of Ludlow street; thence to the southwesterly corner of Morris street and Stanley avenue; thence to the point or Place of beglnnlnc.

Notice Is also further given that the Com­mon Council will proceed to teat on said peti­tion on Monday, the 11th day of June, 1906, st 8 o'clock In the evening, unless a remons­trance, signed by a majority of the peraons who will lie assessed for tbe expenses thereof, shall be presented to thero on or before the said 11th day of June. 1006. tha Common Council may allow said Improvement fo be made.

Dated Yonker*. N. Y., May 18. 1908, By order of the Oomraon Council,

JOHN H. COYNE. Ma/or. Jons T. GKARY. City Clerk. my23A3l*je7

CC O R P O R A T I O N N O T I C K - C H y of Y o o -J kers.—In the matter of laying out snd open­

ing Stewart place. The Common t'onnclt of the city of Yonkera

hereby give* notice that a petition, signed by one-third of the persons owning land situated or. the line of Stewart place, described low, has been presented to It. prarlng that the said street lie laid out and iqiened as tbe same U slmwn on a map accompanying said petition ami which said map Is now on tile in the office of the City Clerk, and which oropiwed street Is bounded and described as follows, to wi t :

Beginning at the point where the easterly lino of Stewart place Intersects the southerly lln of Ashourton avenne, as shown on a map entitled "Map of 10 lots of land on Ashhitrtoa avenue and Stewart place. In the City of Yon­kers, Westchester County, New York, surveyed and drawn by M. K. Convene, Civil Engineer, dated May 14. 1883, and runnrnv tbence south erly nbsag the easterly line of Wlewsrt place as shown on said msp -'75 feet to the southerly line of lot No IH Sterwart place; thenc* west­erly at rlgh! snides 2o feet : tbenc* northerly on a line drawn parallel with the first men-tb.ned course 'J"o feel to the southerly Mo* of Asbhurton avenue; tbence easterly along snld southerly line of Ashburton svenne, 20 feet *» the point or place <rf begiunlug.

Notice la hereby further given that the Cesa-mim Council has fixed th* limit or district of assessment beyond wblcb the assessment shall not extend for the expense of aaid Improve-ment sbsll include all tb* severs! lota, plere* and parrels of lsnd sltnsted. lying and being within the following described boundaries:

Beginning at the southeasterly corner of Ashburton avenue and Stewart place, end run­ning thenc* to the southeast corneT of lot. No. 1.88 Ashburton avenue: thence to the south­east comer of lot No. 2«> Htew*rt place; thence. *hmg th* northerly line of th* Croton Aqae-duct to the southwest corner of lot No. 1ft sfWart place: rhenee to the northwest corner «f lot No. 3 Stewart plae* ; thence to the south­westerly corner of Seesjmrt place and Aahbs/r-ton avenne: thence to the point or place of beginning.

No'ic* I* also farther given that the Com­mon Council will proceed to art on saW jaett-turn on Monday, the 11th day of June. tOOK, at 8 o'clock la the evening, unlesa s reaeee*-atrance, signed try a maiorlty of the persona who will be assessed for the expenses thereof, shall be presented to them on or before tha said ihth day of June, IfMHt, the Common CasjeY-cli may allow said Improvement to he mad*.

Dated Yonkee*. N. V May 22. lOon. By seder Of rh* Common Council.

JOHN II. COfrti , Mayor. J O H S T . J I S A H V . City Clerk. « y 2 3 ,tl*VJ*?_

IN P U R ^ U A N n * O P A N O R D R R O F Hon. T. H. Htlkmnn, Snrr>»«a,t* of the count

» aft ip *"st_


of Westchester, notice Is h*r*by glvea persona having claims against Thills plstirk. late of Hi* city of Tanks*!, la county, deeeaaea, to exhibit Ute sasaa with the voucher* therefor, to the usdeistaaaa AMcnter* of the Last w m and Testament at aakj rhli»e> Vrrplanck. deceased, at the sped of «, H, a S. F. Thayer. No. 18 South Broadway, te the city of Yonker*. Weetchester Caaratj. New fork, ON OR R R F O U ToTR T W * W T » « V * N T H DAY Or J P L f T l t t s i

Dated, Jennarv 28, 180* OPHELIA M. VERPLANCK, RDWARD », V I R P L A N C B T JOSBPH IX T I R P L A N m C


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