new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1856-04-29 [p 3]. · school (or botb, at preab kt, la^aaaowtb...

.ereraJ on* to loa fcc oa l^iRflAlJ>-i- Rnx.k.nELD, Coon. Vzl,M viiw* i>r«ir>o sf r.»i »»ta fro- c,_ 1 rrIl.el improvement* trmv, EV-wer*. Ac, 01 ¦4 .^.aided wwlt*j elevated ltd healthy; Cbnrehea f££ a *nee* from *'.v« to ?S.TW- p-**».( owuo.i tW"1*.; " »., ..f.Ur» di.greB.a At »IfMT !.¦« r ii PH. U N. No 71 Wall.'., front I to 3 p. m. ~8AI F.IW Throe-atopy Brick HOUSE r .LurNo l" Witt II--I. «t on the north tide; eiae of *»f<et deep, ut 9 f..t.fl,,,h.,i to coo4 atriai *,_ water, ranre. Ac. betw.t-i, 7ih and Sibova for I**' ... c. 1 ¦ 1 ;'t lo ."»"^TllKFR A WEEKS Aac'i nerr. No. r, piIWH aSflU»E---A COTTAGE-HOUSE, with two r *, »f OARDr N i"uhni. »it..«uro wrtaha U aette* of 7a.*""1 (hereto; bee f«H-i B*ra, Ac , peWy Sin* . rj » 1be whole phtca to In g*ed ord. f3fm bennppy a bherman, nv 6 v\»i«o. r~~ft7k\~£.~ «.11 LOTStm Canal-at., Ute o,,. . bee wee .. ..... .My ^ iW-ly "_No »¦'. Pee Broadway. F[)R RALE.1B. throe-retory ami btMObBBl ¦gajBJt,»ab riWof, but. Mar« rat writ ant* of Baal . ,ae #*«r oortt. fr. u tt M B mit »epretely for the owner, ' ¦ at tb* »"ot complete and eu he-en'.at muriner, all Strode" rwamion Imme lately. Aa*i'* to JjJhH H hi-IiHON wl-h Wella Brother*, No. lt.6 Fulvi ft. BIOB bkiivok..For aale- .ttaereo of LAND oa tbe W»tteb**t*r bank of the Harlem River, with a woedtc tiope to the water, with Kroit and W'et*r and . BmvwW. b an ex. eMent i.eijhb.obio«l, eleven mil>-e' driv* ¦at aw ( it* Ball, Bad ha. f a Batto from Upper Morriaanla g.t. Tetn-oaay ELT.-S P'JTTKR. No Broad wo». fTHRW NECK..FOR sale or to rent. J i NEAT COTTA'lE . BBt*Awin| Ten 11 lit with Bublt. twraie II' ¦< r ! >e« A a I Pie* fct Ten A'reo *f QKCawTBROG'S NECK near Pelham Bridge, in view .ef .wetter Apaty t* ANDBEW FTNDLAT No. 'A Bowery, Cite.' Bei ki er ( i.arlton Eerrla, Thr. ^'a Not k. -foe sale.i)'. Aero*, Build- > I «l, Ii in A.i ,3 8kw*BWWW, Moriatown. Til tart b>C«.w**w»e. AlaO, i; a.-ret, laree HowjO, (new,) Wtltr front at Keyj^rt.*f. f*M, ill) other F«rria ro-arihia I ity (eitle ar i >. L«; »e Conntrv aea'« anil village property. Ca! aa*w "> 01. W H HELH K No H 7th ae M*\ i \ .r"r SA,K T,rv «-h*ap-A very ift),\nfsf, deiirsble LOT of UROCNO on a7th*t., t.d 7tb Ii in s Sr g Lot I 500 ran H., Tribune Jnstrnction. \y BWd 7th Ii in a Crt'-ctaaa aalgbbatbailil, aatMtford Building Lot. »I f*<\ ran remain tor a term at eran. Addreaa ] R. H., TltbwM ORV .. B ASHLAND-HALL BOARDING SCHOOL for BOtS, bVaat BliaatBtli, N. J. -Tbe Thirtieth Born! An¬ na! Keatwin be(in the fir.- TTJEBDAt ia MAY. Panona ob**** i> . g around lor a matter of (art eort of Or boot, aka-k ia an food at ach ..<>'. tenerallv ore, where I'rincitiai and Teaebera aim to be fa*tbful ar.d BWaawawM, will be furnUhed ailb tcirr'.lar ai,d art on appLaa'ion lo DAVID A FRAME. ARITHMETIC. BOOKKEEPING, WRiTTNO. .Mr. IiOLBEAR, No. *':i Broadway, receive* pupil* day tad eaenin«. aod ¦> ab-aal'gaot *,r tara aud wracdaBal Book- kxiara m kVt aborted .hte tl e. Mr. 0 taachat tbe acieace of T'." BaBAwAb>, a m h bkOaaa all atia *at nud treiubling. BOOKKEEPING- Thm BBwacriber will n-reive r«i pa r .. to. ... i. ROUBLE ENTRY BOOE- EPETIN ar MEMCANT1L] PENM ANBHIP.tRbiday aad to n or,, k a aW* hall I i. i-»n'n' abauae, iBMBeWAtbtwl tdveri i ring Oie lay ae< .ve-lia OLIVI 11 B. OOL )-«MI Til, No. Ml Broadw ¦ r, M . mt EtwaAHi - OAUMM, H HOOL f.r BOYR at^'rÄM"- I KrBD. ( OMN -( ir, uiara bo ha a- BATNOB'I P'Ok'trre. No. If, B«.w» rj <r ,»...¦»....* I'm., pal, /.. B NICHOlA rl ie lsea fkmai.iIN8TITUTE, No. 9S3 We.t 'jnib-.i.- I atTBCtloa in the aajgfwag F."«li.h Bra. ab -, w.bthe Friidi »i d (lern,an Languag-e. Clrcalafft maybe 11 la.nad *' Lb* In- iln'e _C. E. 4 If. B. RDiiF.RS, Rr i.r ,«,>.. Daily NORM M. SCHOOL «-f the BOARD ef EDUCATION bold* It* ae*ab*a in the Ha'l on the r-r u<r (M/iai d ai d Ebbt aba The Female Department of Ihn Nhool ia 11*11 l> A11.\ a. in. I* 10'clOM o. m. The ret.a'ration of punila f.,' the Male Drpa'tmei I will pro re.doi. V" I DNEBDAYB and FRIDAYS, al 4o'clock p. ¦ the aa" . place. All |*r»ona IWeMtaa m the e ly.of 14 veara of ate and up Ward, il f*in».ee a ,,1 111 yeara and ufwarl, if male*. who i- U nd t,. puisne II... piolee.U.n of teacliin*. mny nr-e<- it tbfl awtaasBawai. W m H, NKILRON, w M. S. ERR, B. H WIN IHito », J DAVENPOBT JEDEOIAH MILLER, UM ALLASoN, DAVID WEBB, I i-cutive CwataaMtO* on S«-hool». ERASMI S HALL.( la*gical and Eiiijlioh BCPOOL Flatawak. I. I low raBa* Croat Ealto-a Forri D. VAN K t.F.ECK PriwetBat Tbe nett aeaaiou will oi MONDAY, M<n 1 C irculur* may be aabl of the Piitripal, or al Ne. IIB BuItOB at New York. ENGLISH and ( lassical SCHOOL for BOYP tt Bedford. We*tcbB*t*t t'ojntv, N y. -A. W1L LIAE.-ON A. M Principal Neat a. ..ion w..l BOOS ABeil M r rri.lare may be had ofD. Berrten. e.o No. «n Pea'l at; C. H.* No. 115 Fultmi at. ;m bv a.ldreeaii t the Pnucipai. F^AIRMOUNT I EGIATE and POLY TECHMIC INfTlTUTE.U u.ilet fr-m iheritt ai-1 ll atBBwwawaJk frwj* ta*Vapor Morrinnla dototoftAw Her'eTi Bailiead. TbW BUMMER IKHMfor boarder. H El It N" MAY I For rirenlara. referent *. a d pan knal ir» apply a' ÜM dAe the Irttiiute. No. Broadway, or at B»llblll X Co 'a. No. 180 B wery. IFREEHOLD INBTITUTE.A BOARDING- SCHOOL (or BOTB, at Preab kt, la^aaaowtb t'ou-tt, blew Jure, Fi.u.nrr S.»-... .<« Mat 7. Ilivi. For ciculaia apply I. OLIVER B. \\ 11.1.IS A M Principal. FIRST-CLASS FAM1L1 SCHOOL for ROYS, Hartford. Conn. Addreaa llw PimciraJ N LOALLU1. fpOSHEN YÖ1 n<. LADIES' INSTITUTE.« \W Tbi it tt T< rni of tl.:a Boat.fng a: .1 Dav Sc I. w ..i arncaoii WFDNFSDAY, Annl 31'. ThU School la a.-c aaihle treoi the City in kbout two hour* by thu NYw ioik and Erl* ¦ail road ( iranlara. gHlag full partir ultra, ma v be had it \ppln ter'a N,« Ml and Iii« Brosda of fb- Principal, D. L. TtitV LB, A M 11.«hen. Oraiite foaitt, N. V._ IRVING INSTITUTE, TaiTTtowa, N. T..The 1 aeit BBBBWW of tbia CLABBICAL and COMMERCIAL BCBDOL WlU OOWianet Cd Mar I. |W*. t'lr-nla-. may be ob a»iB*d *. Imkhi A Phlni ey't. N(>. hwl Broedwev , C II. Leon A biother'. No V BtaAaUB tt | OWB, t' Alien. No. 11 Wall¬ et orofthe Principal. D 8 BOWE,frttwrpaA. Mr. EATON'- O'MMLKriAL BOARDING INPTITI TION.Eltuhlieh. d in Worceater Maae., A. D. rm -Y«uii» Men tie thoroughly tilted in Double Kutrv, Book- ktapuif Baadaaai PawaBanaabp, Mercai,tUe kritttawtN aid ethei kjielied l«ai«liea Each atadent will he waxtautetl to be wad, competent In floin til lo e.aht we. ka lo peilorm with per- fretattaiactlon to bln.eelf or smplnvcr. tliedutiea of any Co*JBB> Big Rouati Individual luitruct ion. no ciaBBW, Taitbaa t tbe Ion ii. .a! imiiw *lr A t-«l p'-a» i i hon« in lie bWnlycf the P opio tor.ailh !... .*¦¦ p-r week Peraont denriog u.tV>-n all! n «. to the merit* B'ul r, f«rencea of thie la * taUen. ran be aaat.retl of it. hifh afandiug bv aendiug fur a ataj tt bit Annual t Ircalai and CatalofW*. Aildrea*. HU II EATON Principal ami Perne'.r. W orcaatBT, Mat*. M I8fi -i i i i i - DAi »ud BOARDING- KBOOL fc ynUNfl LADIES Ne. :- Ea.t 3 tb «t., BetWWM ar,d MadlodB ava pAULDlKG INSTITUTE, a BOARDING I si HOOL for BOT T rryi v. \\ i*tck**t*i c ... N y. ftrcwerterron wni on Mondae. M*T 5. Circo- .Att nay be NiBd at the bo. ktlor-a of T J. Croweti. No. bi» Bret,way; M**tt* Appletot.'e. aHanfcfd A Bword*, No, 6JT bt,ada»t, ai.d l lark. Auttm A Banitb, No. 9 Park ro.\ _ u m Q. WEBTON. M.A., tVwVfApeJ. KELECT BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS. kJ ta» aiilea north id MMdhttBQII <"oiin I \s Bi'.i EWITH, PilatlgwV TUt: HOME SCHOOL, N«W-jlavcn, iu thm tprs rotntry »o limit* tbe aaatkaroty*Aw9* a*b» gif* M ;> i. a**dfal aid for correct a d rap'd pn*re*«. V ' 'I»IDAY »>b.*rd \\ I DNEBPAY,Utk In**.,»* me Pnn t.*tl. A. 0 IHBARB, at the Siuithtoniau Houtc. wöere he Utrt k*)t ii. chatte. _*_ THEiliMcg r(uir" hoarding and day * ICHOOL, No 151 W eat otlh tt._ Tbe BUMMER TERM uf Mre. fTj. BENE- Mlfj SI llMol. tor Mll'Ni) I ADIErt will comuiei.c* fwa B. Re. g Watt y?th *t., aecood door frx in 5th *». _ -kklnlii and SPANISH..DOLBEAR"« Ai AtBBfT No t**) Bioadway..A low ¦ .JJ Wtecared al iwla *H l:,eti.' Ctiaa i* gtv-n BWO Col "'^"'wi' ttfrom Vana a-.d Ma.lni. S'ti .. s.i»y learn to **».avrtfaiat'e IB* BBOrteBl -atil fnrnitnrr. C*J0»ET FirBMTI KE »Mi UpavoMtBirWaWe- a_L_? arkabtlabed IAA.Twe largeat and coeapeat aaart- T^T^JIf-frjgCarpeta, Ac. R. J TODD.Hi' Pa'law at,, .l .Vyn E^eled itkn1tlre.-H. F. FAR- af _^itltlN B-*»-ow read. '.r aale an ette: tivea**i,rtment Sf_,_P»AMPLED CHaklBEB FURNITURE, 1b bD Pa» tr/av <*°*1 .d elah^ra ely d CWTBtwd a bat awawW. beeret »_."»..'. tu Mai ifactoryatid v\ «No*. *b aud Al --___J*J '. ¦ and tiraini._jm M F' ^,->"<; A son. MaanlActRfwXi of BBea\i5*,,U,,4(***,-:,» *!»t«ted 'or In.aiidt al**0*.t»B| Bav_a '"'-r*., Chair* t bamboj Ch*,:a, Bej ciaiit, Ac, waaraadway and HP M. t . _ SH,?|*' CASES man i E uture d and for aw J iTT *> O. \\ IN T. K Not II. and 14k Chatham ,1 t tea... A 1 rg«- i od ti. eiiot atwartw pBtta -«?7 _? ' ^»»^ laoaatiT. Ac) BHOWCA4RJ ^. ao *.'. at4 well eached for ebipatag._ R^i'y*N1-S(i ttJAlK'Sof ewn d«wei pttoa at b.a," ».IN«' V \ , s. I Br v a No M faij, i »»mi VA Beel ehe re. Chamber k ha-r.. Bed -T^brer^CUut. ,)f) ,e thaira, kf jkc._ S c ¦ o ol e r I n i t r ¦ if. . " CT, s N .KI.-. ir .1.. N v. \ i - ¦*> Cwua a-, laatdad application aboe* P.'^ AEI Lit TLD* wil. lad Chain ¦"ft.i**' "h :" *' .po*-( 'U withe -oa .' an . W. El NO A RON Nt mt ^g?.>B« 1" Ml . .-. n^5_f»*e»B 'I"ttl4«r.d!.lif i* tilt.! I' i'.¦it ^wg^_*'HAIRS, for mr-.t rt aral ,.,i..-t nen.e oe ufac ^aV_m* ly w A l l.MJ A «ON Nt mt Brukdway ^.BBBaar rt A l AROE LOT mi GUIPUII BANDS- tÄiTir^T^fto Itf ÄwÄ EMRRulDERIIS ¦4"**B»8i ¦»« »eperb Trench _MILLER k (HiANT No. TTI Broadway. A ,;K^:A7 ^.l*E of «TKLLA SHAWLS THIS .u o.nowrai.La rHAW, L.s «ir«vct from Axiwa earf eaa fat UAEEGK ROBES from AUCTION, only * V ¦Mac, 0 M ttecrtnent ef very elegant i1are >E ROBES At tf«ry f 'irr, Will be opened hy BEKKMAN A Co , _ "o. 473 Broadway, THIS MORNING. (1" i ' M I: I A HALE E A ILL R rf V/ TWO THOI SAND 1 RAPE SUAWLS, AT HALT THt COIT 01 IW»Ok TATIOt, lU . tt IB|M( frum " -T<i 1 bill MJ T«M'l fie lp, ON BALE FOR THE BENEFIT OP CEBDITOBJ _Q. B WILLIAM' No I render. CORDaOE.Manilla and Cotton CORDAGE .i.mfiSl ;'."."'» a by the EXCELBIOR PATEITT Cord AOE COMPANY, lor tele by J. ATKINS A Co. Bo A r-ouib it. Coli aij;ia hall I'.ANKKi rn v. ¦HAWLI AND MANTILL4S. » i»e b. , dre-l beautiful Stall. HtlAU L-C *' «".. Tbiet bundra ai d twenty megnit.'-etit v.r'.i SHAWLS, at On tale, for ben-fir of ereditort, At B«v ai Grand ft _O. B. WILLIAMS. apOLUMBIA hall FAILURE. V OOLORHD DEEM SILKS. Five bundled piecee on aele Una w«*-k at t 7 en. t little u.o.e I ban beil their er uel venia _O. B. WILLIAMS. No. 281 frre.d-et. Ft RA PERI ES-By tLe van! or in seta. J B S large 1: of LAf r. and ML .-LIN DAAfABiBJ j t i»Led by ¦ IFKMAN A COMPANY Be. SIS Broad wty. 1ECONOMICAL and FASHIONABLE!. -4 " kaefkbi .Hiring tbo poet wee*, Rl< H PAitIS r L' >i N't ed BABEOE ROBES Bolld rolort. with tttin floone*o at +4 50 per robe. Humiliated, witii aatin piaida and fl mur-a. at ? : to SI j. Bireg'd Mounted Robe», tor at At SO and 11. ALSO, El»rant Balrcriun, Crepe d'Onent. TUaoea Barrrta. f'bal lite. Ac. LORU 4 TATLrOB,Bot MeV,*s7, EM ind 3*1 Orar. lagt, And ni w riurntavrt 17 and Catherine a* J} ASH 10 N A B LE M A N T I L L AS and SHAW LS. An beaaeeoae rarlote of the 1reeer t LEADING i-ARC BTTLES MANTILLAS Alto, a ae- arai ataortrnrnt of 11 loll LT ATTRACTIVE SPRINO SHAWLS, Ii.cludn « neweat atylea 1 aebmere.Mei.e. Br.e-h.-. Embreidered and Plain f aatoc rata- Snaw.a, Ac. IS PEE CENT BELOW RKOI l.AK PRICES' I.11RI1 L TA\ LOR, Not. *>'».&\XMmVi i> Orand tt.. Ai d new nun.hrra 47 and 41 Cethenue-at 1? O U N T A I N In.l.a ai.d China DRESS OOODS < LTRIOSIT1ES, Ar. No b »J It, ,t B. B.A full aae.irtu.rnt of Cbineee arid Erenrh EANS. 1'^TmILY, HOTEL arid STEAMBOAT LIM ANSI A garere' t td Pure Linent. from the moat ce.a- brtiWd u-ar.uli.ctur,r«. tonotaatly 01. hau l, rlu.iiug LOH PRICED I tt I 11 LINENS I IT1M1 Tie tit it Tt llmk Diapert a 1.1 to n eooMj Bbtalttig 1 laort Ol IS da li l l'ul.i» caar l.ii.»i.» «f .itcte. I.(Jltl) A TAY I.OB, Nna BU.BB 2'9an Ml 'iraiol a* And new I urn be.» t' ant. 4 . < »'nenne at. aOBEAT AUCTION SALE of DRY ÖOODä O CONTINUED. CHARLES HEARD A 1 la No BM f»rand a'.. U ill ofi.T' 1 II IS DA I in lAdlflttl to t'.en- laire »'.- » of Silke, ali tit i'.thfi tarda of »rry rkTh new Spr'ug Stylaa prire, SI So per yard. Hut to make abort wotk of it we aheti 1 th. in nut at f- ,V aidl'' |*r yard. Alao, S .ti taroa beeotiln) ttvlea at .! and' I 't<<i tarda ( Lent atn,.ed and Plaid at 4.1 1 and S A I,." " 1'ian Pia .I. atiipe.1 and Hr.a ade, l»n.a^> I) at B.'S, 3/. 3 6 and 4 per vard. II Ml tarla ew 11 .1 Wo.,1 B tr. ... only I A V,'<(h janit Mourr ing de 01 U rV'i fi verde fine Paria le Bega, < oly 4 M vartla real Tamleitired Drafie'rv. I I 1 ae.1 I . I i new Barege Kohee. a volante, a ti.rga.ri. ITSaea Maraet lea Q' lite, only AI woith t>1. A lac 1 lotha, ( aaaiuierr*. V eatn ta, ( ott.'U and Linen Ooode. fit o ei 'a and I pre1 wear; Sbeetmta. Sbirtiuga, Talnc Da.uaat at. 1 '1 owrlu g an tt greatly reduced pri. ei CHAS BEAaTD A Co N »1 Y, I AMES (iKAY aV CO., will op-n 00 MONDAY, Atr .' i I laeOft BLACK C II A N I I I. Y LACK, . u BA'-Cll I S a MANTILLAS, \ Ells P I/O V RCINOS , SETS, ie Ml . Bio elway. corner \\ atroglOJ pia. a. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES.. TOWLE A Co a BANBEI PfCY, No. »I Oranl tt. A If WO woith of very fine Praaek Embroi lenea. real Ou pure »I .lo'her Loceo, Ac at half t'ie coat ot importation en aale lor benefit ot creiliiort. O. H. WILLIAMS. IAJ'IES' SHOE ESTABLISHMENT..JEF- < PEAS, He ttn BAOADWAT Near-TorA Preattata at ibe London Eipctitiotu Lad loa viaiticg the City of New York, ind wishing to pnrraaae an elrtant and eice.lent art 'a. fi ,iah»d It. an ariiatw end thorouth B anner, are iu'ormed ther theae celebrated SIP iKS and BflilTS are atiil nanufac- -..ted ai der Mr Jtfiera'a laraonal aupervialon. \ I A N 1 1 L L A 8 and s'll AWLS. It I E. S. MILLS baa now in ttock oapiendid ataortment of ue» ttylet of SPRINO MANTILLAS if kia pin. mai afacttire and Hiijurta'toii, U'tether wltft a fall illialnat ll BILK. STELLA and other vanetiea of SPRINO ¦äli Akt LS to which be Balltet the taeokAl atienuoti ot oloar aei-eta. at Noe. »n aid «2 CHAMBERS ST (np atairt.) MO RE D E C I D E 1> B AB G AI N 8 PROM AI i PIOB WBI be rea'v MONDAY. April 2f tti. THREE ENTIRE INVOICES RICH SILKS'<d at Aui'io.. ui.nug tho paat t»eet. at a treat .acri- Sea, AMoI NTINO Tu OVER B5T,oee! Ii Im'ii g a fuil aaeorimeiit ef fianioi ahle and M A 0 N E I I ( E B 1 DRESS | IL K11 T' i'ather WltA an iinmei ae and attractive var ety of fc LA OA NT HIOH LVBTBE PLAIDS AND STRIPES Al A S, 1 and 8 SMI LIKM and npwarJ. Heiiif nrc.ueatkmahlv the CHEAPI ST LOT of deairablo füki aver otnitiited. LOBDA TAYLOB, Noo. fS6, IST, X3» an I Ml it, And new namhera 47 and iJ Catherine at. M"TN"f I L L A s M ANT1 L L AS Ol a. the NEWEST And moat PABHIONABLE ST\ LBS Ai i! every deaenption cf M ATERIAL, Alto Ot leaeoi ahle Pneea May now l«r aeen tt HI 1. K.MAN k CO S No IT.: Btoa 1 way. Betweei Oraad at d Bnxiin ata. 11 1LEEE aV CRANT. No. T. 1 BKOADW.VY, ^ t I will or at bm aaoBDai Bern paintaPogaillaaaaVleeaatIotaacfkahLaea Ooaia ju»t te.-e.vad by the Arago. NEW"CARPET1N08 At OLD PBICE8.. Received direct from Europe, and pirchaacl previoja to the RECENT ADVANCE IN PRICES. Including all Meaara. John Crooalal A S n'a ta eat and MOST ATTRACTIVE SPRINO PATTERNS, Imperial \ elvet. Patett Taper rv and Broawla C ir,ietinga, Eltgai.t Mreaic, V elvet and Hruaari. Pallor Ruga LOW PRICED CARPI TIN'S A'b .ni and Lowell power \mtm Three plv, laatrala,Ac,to< t.ther w ith Ruta Mate. China Matting Oil ClotAw, Ac AI L AT LAST SEASON S PRICE< I tiRD a TAYLOR Baa IM BW MBaej MlOtand a>. ¦ BICH C IM N T Z C H E N E SILK S. It RUBI VOLAM 1 S .n mLK GRENADINE, MOVSLINE DE POIE, ril kLLE.s, l RAPEDE P \h1> it kREOB OROANDIES ani IACONETS .1 VMES i.RAY A Co. w .11 open on MON'DlY, Apt tatoralcaaoaof tfca el ra aatalia iMt g'tdi af *ar1rr,~" tip ,; , K'ev 7i9 Broadway, cor. W'averley place. & iNL V. TOW EE'S BANKKI ETCY. ^. e ON SALI k<»R BENEPIT Of CBEDIVOBB, At No. lirand at.. 1 IN ENS. BHEET1NOS. SHIBTINU4 Ton KLINOS, NAPKIN' A. Ii variotr, A- 1 M U M pet Ä he.ow ."« R w.,luaMjJ>_ Q TELL A SHAWLS..EE BOITILLIER ö BBOTHEBS aata B neottod I ¦ a a .. ,.e'v 't STELLA SHAWLS Ol » p r utij.r pri. .. A 0 1 HIMA t RA PK at otner SHAWLS tot Sat i Bad ».j ,.r No. I Ca. a. at and No. 47 tioaa d aj 11 K> iron: AUCTION.AI i ILBY**, He SH ' Ö fi rand et w Pi cm New Spa) < 811 \S. a: - bm td t.rl, * v,... le, pat od THIS DAY at A 0 COUTAAa 9 ti-a: d at n r. of f.or.dite. ÖT1 I 1 \s. STELLAS STELLAS..51 CAB- ö TC»N« rtfw SBrtri STEM t MIVM' l«i color, t.r'bo apHOQcItlaa atataa, ¦¦ be .po-cd Iii.» DA> .; .ea.iv ««^^j^ttp r QaV Ma. BM Orajad tA, f|MM- wW h'thc OPENING DAY Bf JAM - I MADDEN'd REW 8TURE, No. Aatot plact . ilA , oof i>t a wo., waoia Baa art .....» / sl RBOIDPR1PS, 001 atatlrg of I i-o.n»a Jecte'a. »arte« e-.A't* brl. Ba. I'.ta h't n Ac * * ^IZl p bee Alto a bei.navame co.Jrct^n ii t... -<..¦» » i iee . a Air.t.t. ______ DLANKETS.. 200 catee rii'ln«n bouti i Eauiily II ! t\K» TS. from cradh a- t.. U I, »¦ of rarkoaa lU tier '....Ir'.'-kv- re r. and Heeee BlaaAata, SajoalRtj Rochdale and tionic M il*. W .U tjle iow. " HESMITH A Ca.. Ageett. Ma Tt Breedaaee. L'lNE BKOWN OlH<1)>..,'std Dalt-a ^VJif- II rlaui. Hoieai.'vnarrra.aa t. raaie.y ja earn. e> i |,'| ,',|t1u .V., liwav. fi si BlaARttE'Iai.tiii i<«« i :h^ brat y. a*., i . MESMITH A Co., %aaa. 11 El -a. ir s . i ,^ ,.f rpOWLE & Co.'i FAILURE. MNo ». #,r»>l e>_ ¦__ rr, OOODI " r ..«¦nf ... u**etre« t iiai.lifk a*: wa-ta i Wf4#m- Prikte:, uii jti u . Ou aale, fcr benefit tf cr-d.'o*. _O. B WILLI ».MS. IT^OLOTERY and HOUSi^FURNWHLN - V/ OOODS it EtT*'L. PaTON k Co _ .«i N\n Pwk : »ce *. d .so. i4 m .-»t *., -Pt-ld tneite tbe IBlUll of rbnee refarv.h...< t_ S'.rciu j M INJURE COVERING* CHINTZ ihade BOL- CCITAIÄ MATERIALS ... erer, la*ti.BIhaa La. k ai d MDB LI N (TRTains DEAPEBT, Ml'ILlHa COBNICE*. TltU BAN'j- OIM*S TASflELfl A. I rUBJ BBXXTTMüB TOW I LI Ntri« DAMASKS TAB..F- LOT-'< NAPKINS BLANKET* And kB aeeernen' Waith Ii the lart*** _l aaeol tv.-i m the n'T. tfali (#o> dj Ntjadrad fi.r Hone FarnWhia*. V£RV^i^f>sÖMV -imMBBSILK ROBES ' ONLY Bio. BEAlTiFL'L SILK ROBES A: t UV Juet Nmlltl from Auction by lim». a COMPANY Not ITlHr-vl .». Ul»". tt f>- . ..«. BLEAI uli» Li « »Iis.a ....ii.j...-:..- a«...rtuir>ut, con prut* c»»rj w <''h and nuilite For aal« by_NESMIT.l A to Nu 7! BroadwaT. IVHMERt-iCK M anttacti'BJno Co. . ff BUtACllEU t»OOI)> braeleby NV 1MITH l C«., VI. Aa-ta. 15 itlillinprji, Src. i ENZ Dl PARTS nil REM »VE her mil- r INERT FSTABLIB WENT to tbd latef May, from No. 4M to No. 7(2 Broadway. Man H are Church. QTBAW BONNETS, tO Of tbe moat Fiv^.ioriVe S'ylei, CHEdVP FOR CASH, _AtHAEXEn No-MJohoet, ß4 8TRAW_oooLm /;<; FRENCH FLOWERS and PIQI ETS, For caa.i. it N,d. 64 and öci John at. c.merrf Wa.iarr.. BOMEI t Kt. rCBT1 M (Tlothtng. MEN and BOYS' < Lf THING, wh<>].>aa!e and J VAN DE RBI LT» No V7 Oar- n »Uta made 'o order in the beat t'j'e f nttu t fftf t P."»mi fnrL.abed to tbe trad*. Yotir pat'unifo reapectpioy aoiicited. SPRING and BUMMER WEAR.-Tne Pioneer EataM »hmenf, derote.: to tbe aaie of exrloj.velT fi.-»t qu»i- ity READY-MADE OAR.MENTS In tl.n Ma t.\ yea.. It .forked in tbe Retail Department with laaaonab e *.>"!» of anrb atylee aa wi'l jmM fv an aaaaraatM of o.r detern inatioo *o retain tbe precedei.r, i,»-ret,f r* fivHi u .-p-.,., ¦ WM. T. JENNINOS a Co No 131 Broadway. Oppoaite tbe Park F.. ,nta,a CPRING FASHIONS..Toeivostapleodid H I PS e »er f?cr.d at fb» l«>w pr'»e at fl tee* y atldatdi. Meat Hale, a>2 Sft. BROWN, No tlBCaaal^b rPHE JOURNEYMEN HATTERS No 74 Fol- X ton et., New-York, make the r oaru Ha'e, whole,al* ai.d ra¬ ta,!. Fi. fie Ha'. +1 leestaaaoraen aaaaaTerd to aeii. W H BETMOURi WM. R PALMEB. Minaj'H. 'OITir-Mid CHILDREN'* CLOTHING f-»r all are. from three to «wen»» t.ara a' VVHilLF^ALP J. B CLO^E, BAILEY A CaX, No a Parg p.aee N Y. iiliuliiucrrj, Ä*c. S ASHCROFT*"8TEAM bin] V.m Ti.M LUGES .Toe heit and moat of any in baa oia.ket. W,' rai ted correcL A liberal dm, nut allowed to h- trad* F,.r ¦alt bt char W, OOPELAND, Rr*ad.ay 1 IN EN MM HIN! RY -JOHN R M S ai. i.v. m J ( namplan.. N. Y., A«^nt tor the aald t LAaaa MacAdaacy of e»ery do. rip'int BOW at 4 . -co. .1 band, E .; .*.".' Bad M* cl.initla' Tool», ai d Yarr.rcf trery number and .piality. VII II" iLs soda »LNTAIN8. .T J. a FooMain* «re n . * »..«. a e »..« , n rbe*p, and prc'oc* an ritranr,iinary quality of IVaUt witbo it iaU,r and at a irtfl nt aavei a* P. II Nit ,1 ,1. i No. 71 Pi a at., tup itaira) SO DA-WATER' APPARA11 S.The onl y Pa'.t.t Can lr"i Apparat',» la 'h« led Ml ¦'>¦*¦ Ajk, *\ttj dtatriptiou of Ai |ar."i». Copper ,.r Iron W M OIK, No. Fjiton .».. Near York. 3WIFT'» PAl e7m-^iiXs^T~g. lani:. fx- wj cln»ite Mat ufac'nrer.for Ofladuk* Cotrnt, Oraia, Bpdaaa, Ac. Btaahaa* lot fam.ii> o»e. Oroosca, Pataaara, Ac. A ear] »bien. i artic-e. OrtlataIbaMCtfally M ' .. 5 O. LANE. WeaaloftoB, N Y riM PRINT El.'s.-Ef»I j s ali: .A Hot - \ M h>r*«i Super II ,al II AN Ii PBEBtj al«o a CARi» PBEWj both fa per Bye or-ier, a*, a Ijw price. Inquire at the PifanbH Oikre, Wo. it By*at* at. _ To PRINTERS..For SALE, a DRUM CYL- INDRfl PBBS8, MaJBi THERE REVOLI PION FAST PRFSS aBaAt-i fa»t DOI RLE CYLINDER, nearly new, ¦R31) DOUBLE CYLINDER, old atjla aZtSli all la a»e, oi Hoa'a¦taafatlaaa. Si» hor-e ENOINE. HolLF.R, CUM- NECTIONB, Ac And* t.. Mr. OEOROE MATHER No. II 4 litf-at .or J W. BJCHAEDI Tribune Office. New York. W ARNER PATEN T PUM pT-^- f f \k f ai > IMPEO. i D ASM FUr BZIND PR KM I'M I I MP. Fol iiieooli by A W OAT A CaX, No. lit Maiden 1*0*. ttntlfrn, fjarbtenre, anb iron. AMRONDAC IRON Co. PIG HON..Cold Blawt, Ckarr. al Walt* IRON, lot Fotfe |aifaw*a, for aa.e b> AtcM Adiionua.- Iroa CuaaaaiiT, JOHN W QCIMCT, No. 95 Wdliain-at. AMERICAN SHI LRS SCISSORS, A«., of tbe celebrated tttnip of " B W en it " tk arra .ted a-ipe nor lo any other made A foil aaeortoieiit cot (UnUy cu ha-d at the depot. No M Jot****., Nwr-YorB, _ PUTLERT. TEACRAY8. *e..Ivory"TaHe VV ami De»»ert ENTVEM a. d FORKS of R. i Baa . « id ABiencan n.anufariare iatro Forn SpaoM,Be. TEA- PRAYS.Plain, (iotbic ai i other *tyl*a A1k> t |"i eral aeeeev sect of Uou.e fur kabh » Hardware, for »ale IHAS S LIT, LE k Co., Net « tad M Faitoii-*! rAST-STEEL PILES. TOOLS, i . I aaattbart. IbiHtll aad Maticbeater af Btab* tad all ta* U»t oannfe, 'are-a *.»Xatly . Ba Braaaand IrooMa.'hla* aid lap BCEEWB) be»t Lataaoa Eaaacy, Battry C .'b tnd Papet lackwakih*,aad Bel Ha r-r.1 NATERlALBi Ba'll tra1, Mac!. i.i.'a' and Poaadate* BABPWaREi I»a A M»r- tin'a Loodon Part*ard LbtaM BLACRINO| Bad* bAewtafH the TROY BELL FolMiKRY a'd Pn.e-i» Manufac'urin* Con pan>'« toierior Bla, k I«e*l RCCIB LES Patentee»of ih* Pr-n ium Motnted Porcelain DOOR Pl'R.NI I'l RE-acaidi*** *ari*ty alw«>. on hei <t GEO. II SWORDS, WALTON A C->.. No «0 Day *t. E NGLASU CUTLERY auJ PILE WARE- BOI7BE, UAEOBEAVEB, BM1TH k DICK1XB0H, No V> Cilff-t* N-w York. BABOBEAi r I IMITH a Co., Mei u'»,' .'-r»«: 1 Me'citani*. >>.. t!.e. El c'ao-l. ftai aVlMllai hi HWHtlil * >e u»d-c;ded aaHaartawai whw-b wc ofjer to the tra,(c W arrn.'ed Ca»r iiee, Fllea. Tiwl» and F»w». with net »»rietj of Caütry m tu^A. Ordert frwm St. tt Id at loweet retee. HI 'DsoN PIG IRON ii Odo of too best Irooa It, the* f»r Pawadotl and P. rte portoaea Tb- No. 1 l»*r* will nul n.ore -»p. BBal I. r ail ourp. «ee au.^r^ir to any Scotch P'« For tile by JOHN W. o/'INCT. No. 8* W BUaat at. Atei.t of the Hadaoa Iron Co. HoRSE-sIlOE and Wl.N "iiii»lt~ NAILS, ¦ABttFACTVBBB *v TU I AMERICAN HORBE-]SAIL COMPANY Pr^-.Jeric*. Bai Mrl'Vii. ir Aiei ta. Pl>SlNi, i FOt KPR V !..»:".E U'C. S.t .NY. NAPANOCH SaUSBURY HAMMLRoD IBOW. ¦ til fiaaa IllBbalJ «...!. a«- !'¦» »'vi rr -a'ed a ith klare.«1 -Tti»lr,.i k » ..rarte,: t et" r iaara »tr-utto a d tjaaliry, and la ai tat -e t an» other Iwo aaa a* Or <*»» imiiiilB* laafl*.C*r 111**.faapiafrr V .> .** latRaa aorA aouara Itoi. t,. t id on b«a in .t.-ee. Po- «a.» »y /OHM W. QI !NCY. No. ft Wuita-A AMES A SON** SHOVELS and SPADES. a Portale b7 JOHN W.QCTNJY, M, MM CM ISBI Ri COLD BLAST i HARCOAL \'H Ö S r Car \\ bet . a I work r-)u rl t wmn , .- r brao Ate ral* by IOHNW ui INC1 N W WBHaai at, cable 1b0n WORKS..CUT NAILS and 0»1IKIS DOBBE-RHOI Itf'N aod NAIL ROD1.TV* ci»'er»;at,e.i At--: t I r tre -i at .if..t-.-r« oBwr* (at »a.e. ,,l fa- tor*ate tenet t full mm rraaoal f tkei - raad * Nada a »-i^.-.or Ban* **li 'i Iron a~d Nai. li^u truui u.^ ea-n* " P rrel» for the Weet. of of lea* than See tnna to e-.e aiireat, w; Ne delified dnnrit lb* leee, » of inei n af R el Point. Ttcy. or Alia: » MF H H ITT TRI »ttiLr *e Bruadtt. A^HoYElTs and NAILS..100 iec. .Ba-BfB- *R k»»tCn: » itaattrdMa**. l*t» i i.t Nailt 'ini't U. k< W r, nth: S: kca. I r.tle hy WX D ANDEEWI ' No 1.7 C er-, a d N t I W..a-. i2 PFLTI:rT ANTIM« »N Y. BANC A'.TvCOil o rah S r aale by JolIN W ftl'LHCI «» w kta *L IX) MAI HLNI8T8, BLA( KSMTTHS, tie..] bare etwued the tt re No ITkCe^tre »t- w.lh a tar eral it ar-t. i etYraa aad steal. wJ» ei: - aal bar i f i fja te- «. . 1 liar B . I « - "..,<. 1 Cat »-. she u iteol ec. ew oar re t JkMES«c.)TT_ h0ma8 ir on Co..pig iron rlej M. nio.» *. Jrjjyj w q )Ni T. Si. W, ara-ta. \\TIL'F. rope <¦>{ even *ir-*.»Tength and dejre.' »» t . fle\i*.iry. ft'm ore e* rt"a aiaB flMHaaMU pwa.--.L- btrf-iif ataryt kc^»ar*aleby CHAI. W. COP -am N»y. (titan Öuamere, «£*c Z(\ POI NT'S BAGGAGE FREE.10 reu» " f rx-ina 01 fuM f.BT t* srt 6ucn ar»»n bj k) Cuiiti ka. reed. Tbro itb (at t l Iu-m ta Pa.-.etne kU..- r-ad. Tit |*t berdBtatot Mu <k>u»k si .ja,<u< dtapavnch f«r Arptnwell on MONDAY Mar J. a- : t*lktatl p m pre- eattlj, from P»r Cot of Wo-reL-et, Norta Ejvar. tae Waft teiwB isi bat arteeibehip ill.sjis Cape Cheriee 8. Boat*. i fc x. fuKrrf'iiUHi. it i.» Raflroe.1 *: ;'« «:... * .-a. j »ta.otat Ceaa- PM fa b-a«t.£,«:.: eteen.ei... BON..It a w";..-..e rjo MtMkV ¦ Hti aTafl be in reed ~aa tut. art .b-i-.e. ateiT v r fa: fret' «co . i M « .<i»bbj »a«e ONE or Mi.BE EXTRA ¦. r.AMER- rn i a' Pa emw raadj wir a*o. to et»»d ant pea Ho doganrtoi or peeee t"r» tr mwA For i«aa««. apai« at I »V RAYM IBD a' ir« ob v oflVr of tAoCoomcoilao.& i*7w,,t.t o oorwtg rteit,How Tort ? tbt te Aap-.-iwe'l TO ra»fo pe- aajM tat. OA era Hi kaif reft p-r p. -i.: {¦"'a:... a: i tre.*:.: re:e;veo after U o'tiark on tbe da; Or 01 I r FOR CTBABIaESTON and pLoriiia.SKtfl- wpeei.Y D i MATL Ulli -The bow etrt <r^- o d vary feet ai u a eea i-nip MaK ON, w\ Eoatar, r««- Baader. «Ii Waat Tior No 4. v,.r-t « ear aa WEDNESDAY, A|n. 30 at 4 on.ri o B pre'.ae^T gnr FreafiT t-irt» no k r r. where el alia mi r a-,. eg ed,ta 1 tar Btewt*re. Utl'i'ttatiO' irr. r 1 . ,t mm e«uri- ^* at of «p' IFF IRO, TILFrH.N a f M.. » Bw.j PAoBBtottfi ard teat g. :r ratoaWaVkf JAB ADOEI « r. Torna-,etwnmtitVT, w-.ll teataid, Bird .rota oo a ATI RD»Y. Mar a. Too favorite t'earrtr CAROLINA maker reg-itr "to to -oe a ttr» ob tbe M J »o'« R-vtr. .Vrru. e°* aewtaej w at the ar'T» from Baw Tart ac; »e» ni ''he-»«t<t "C^ilY TdBfJAT, at i e e'oek p a. Taroagt tike't to Jo^kennvibt o) ! Püaita. <>J3. rfHE NEW-YOBK and LIVERPOOL I'NIT- A ED ITATEI MAL eTt AMER- Tdo »mp» compno- inr ihio Bi ¦ aro The ATLANTIC, Crept. 'Hirer E: :-y*e Tbo BALTIC. Cap ' eapa i aaaobaeA The aI'".'aTIi t of. Jtnee Wee* Ta»»» »r b«Tf bear, baut rj coLtriet eipraet.t Lr tne a » III blOOl aero "f rj ^tra ha» beat 'Urn 'h*tr Cf etrt;;T aa, . a i. io ¦ '.'.t it e. pnet. M tor ire ttrrLttb a .1 need . abtl tne.r ti.-rttmrdtti for pi^otofinar. aa^oakAaAtblafalU asd c Bit rv Prtta f paraaaa fro» Bow Tort to Lloarpool, ^ f.-tt caki... A' ' tj «rr.tdd Tri in Utoapoof bj Near T.irk. JO a i at. Aa oxoarkoaaoA raraaaB otta '.e.i Bafcarki cat. re ttcaratl tir.-.: paM f .-. Tbo abtooof thit :...e ha.r ii ; loved träfet t tb: lu.kbaade a d to atoil daua^r Bi m i a m ;. ct. ». Eaik i.«-t 4. If, c" . -.."cr the Balta a Janat. PBOroSEO i'atLs u.'' <A!L:N'i. rirv »r« TJtw ito»i Lirtato.tL. PATI RPAY....Aphi *. 114 "A EDBE8UAT..Maf it.!»«. fATl'Ef.vV.. .Mat 1 *,. WE0NE8DAT MayM.UUB eATI PDAV... Mat St. UW.:ei'Kn<lESl>AT..JuBe'.l.|AVI. f ATfRUAY_Ja. . 7. Id.. "a EÜN i'smay.. la e i5, .i A. PATCBBAt... } ISM u EDNEnOAT.. 'u.» <. |i«. lAlt7B0AT....Jali S, MM *VEDNE.<DAT..JoltB*, la Vi, »ati jyit :r I v \vfn\-».dn%Y..Ao*. s IBM, .'ATI BDA*....Aoa. USA WEDMESDaT .Aoa>M laAA PATCBDAT.. A . '- IVEnX^APAT..8«a4. S.IA'kt FATirBDAT....Aaa » iaSA|WEDVE«f»Al .eWaAtl rM f-ATt PDAY_Seid. 13 laVCIkVEDMESD%T..Oe». I I ».. ATI "K DA Y_77 l«Vi !u-fllNV4r>tT .Oe». is I»« PA TUB DAI ...Oel li kVI iNEdt) AT.. Jot. 9,1AM. »ATt*BDAT....Oef M. laAtf WEONEBDAY Nee. lt,|t*A S n I HDAY....N v. * l«v ;WfiiS'«litV .Nae.te.UM, r*» TCP DAY... Not. B,!t« WEO.aESDAY, He*, in UM. S\T h DA i ....D«e. .. luv. WEDNESDAY. Dec. U 1"J6. SAlCkDAf . Dec I", D)K.| Pol frr-tht rr pa»»ra. arplT to t DA aRD K i OLLIKB, Bo. Sd W a., at.. N Y. hk"w s BBI PL I f fc I I reri BTEEBEB BEN MAR D A Co.. No. ."7 i^a-^. k'rla-i. L. :.J..n- B. O \\ AINWBIOBT i i Pai Taooajraartof tAvtoaAfpt o/Bl act bo aeeoe laMt f. r % \. a. ., r. I. '\- . »,:.«. i ra. t. ..¦.» or leetela .ti.ieeo b .:. o'io.t t aia a.a » iie-ief. r tad i.a »aiu* tBereof et« [ I »«rd -t' . ImE VANPERBILT EFBOPEAN STEAM- PBIP LINr-Eor BOlTtliMPTON. HAVRE aal bhr>'l.N 1u t.r.-rit.a HaaBiiB.f NORTH aJTAI !,a0 taat. Lefttrt Boator*.wffl 'aata Noa Tort tat Aaataaaoatea ai d Br- man on SA rrRDkY. M-t 10, a* oooa p a.-iaelt. PatCK oi PaaaaaB. Eirat CaMa. BH*i la oad CaMa BAR The N. r i. S a ,. a p Iw »tia Pect a' Baa btttuaeaa o Mad P«aaa;ipeat »od Mai.a, tad t».L gtoceed lAoaatO lor H'en.aa th- «an I .la.. Paaa. «er» at, 1 Ma bj Pet lla a a ba ttl ' M.M a a" Btiateeeaptea. la a I ¦' a.a otaoaMfarp at aaaaaatkaa with tAa Lata. The NOPTIT «TAR naa been tl r. etV v e».--,.mad raaop- P»...I ». d reined aadbat 'IX niLlB P'EBMAN2N1° bVA- TEB NOHI hi IK HEADS. It. tbe eoeaartic' on and appolt rmanoi of thtt Sfatreahip. ee- pantl rtre :.aa bean taken 10 ".tore. ia tio t'tht't dtaieo. too aatarv and Ota :. rt of ; tf^ft*. Par Patoata aad Fretaei tpi rta D. 1'uKaAM Nu. B rrratn NOTICE t«. PASSENGERS and I-MPOBT1 IvS. .Tbe otatBaBrt CITY OP BALTIMORE l,«M tajnt i»i' hor»e |«war. . apt Hotrart Lettcb. ia inren'e' to ret rue tbe ttilitt from Literpool M Pbila-la'ptu oc W tDNk"S'>AV. tea «VI of Arrtl. lb* Lit I BPOOL AND PHI] aDBXPHlA S TEAM til If C-liMPANY's Iraa arraw naaa ¦. a CIT^ i y HALTIMi.IiE.ATtaaa .Capt R Lriri «. CITY OPtwaAfllaiOTHM. f.taata - .1« CIT> OP MANCHtetTER. ILIKtoeo. Cap! P i Ptrait. KANGAROO.IJ74tant .( t K fwito. Aie kaAtaded kteaB aa MtoWH Ftu<l L.tat^ooi.. CITT OF BALTIMORE vm- iNESDaT April 21 CITT Ok BALTIMORE, WEDBBBOAT, Jaaa 4 Kaon I'milapt ( rma. city of Baltimore._tiicr»d\y m»tiv i 11 i Ok HAI. 11 vi. iH 1.TIM RSUAY, lane *. R KTY I OP PAfBAOE. Paaat Pan »ni i.rnit, Ctbin rn IWa-bertb i vr r.- n.«. .?<* Cobaa ¦ ihrer »rn atate roon.a. aj Cabin .n MrWafd *'tt» rro ra . . 4o Paaa LivrtrooL. Cahir in rwo-bertn atate-reoaa.i\ (at,. r^-tee ber'h ata'e rcoma .Htuinaat Cabta atattwatd otate>roetet. <*u<«t U rl ..In t !<te-*ll br1 feea. THIt: i till Pass, laSAA A« d .an bei ol Daild .aa- l'.>aa.-Bpa ra m,:: be Aken,arid four ' it tier! prai atoa aa ,eo draA Pro« PailadtlrAia.t '* Piaaa Lleerpaal.*\b CertiAealee of Pirragt Trtll l«iet'i-.l b. u. oertoea wh,, ore i.-. n ... .1 iii a.i.t i.'.t t..rir inend» at tatrtapaaaMai i«-^a Tbeee a'eau >iiipa a;a cm air .. ted with .va.1 waier-titbt cot portaMD't aad eav-h taa»< I e»m-a an etpariai.cad ao'faon. D»aft« an L..-rpooi from il apwarh A'l Ciaaia aei t to the A|e ta in PbBodolphtAbad Litarptol wi be forwarded w.tb eroron.a and dw|«tcu. kor Ereigne or raaaeae aBelt ... JilIIN 1'iALr Aoeat No 17 W til ll «. Pu' a.leir-bia, et SAB EL A COR Tl« No. in H'.etdwtT, New York. WILLIAM INMAN. Atet-t, N'« I aad iiTea r BaUdtaai Liverpool. rpiiE BRITISH and NORTH AMERICAN A boyal mail iteamshipa rtoM a a ar- Tea a to l 11 a a oaaa. Ch rt I ah... Pa-aate.4> UB Second I abn. Peeaiga..< 7* rtoM oo'Tov to uv8bp0i L. Cb »fl ab-n Ptrette.«!!» Sec i abba Poatatjo.. tv The »: ;e freatl B .. et a' lltefat. PRRBIA.« opt ladtlaa i ANADA.Cept Lejaa ARABIA, Coat I, Atoot AMERICA,Capt. Wi traaa A>lA. ( apt. E O. L. ¦.. Ml Vi »RA. CtvpA Rtraa. AlRltA la; t enai.r.un. k R.'I'A Capa, J. Lwiu.n. Thttt veaar la ran v a clear white U(At tt anaa'. h^aJ, tree a oa . . '. bew 1 radca port u.w. AMA. !.. tt.iea- eaNY rt Wodseedo] Aprt. :* CAMBRIA. Brue bleat. .e«.ea lloa . We takbl at. Ap'l fl.'M. A h R.' A Ibaaaoa. .1 aveo N.Tott Wtdaoodoy. AriaB.'M, ARABIA. Store.leaara B.e'oo 'edoeedav Me| T. 'A PI RSIA J ,u»...»..cavee N.Y..rk W.d,.ead»f Mav 'I canada i i leotooBottaa Wedaaoday, Me, ... j*. p. rtat a. t aa. ured u to [ mi lor An oaparWeced awryeaw ai beard Tbe owrert of tbeae ebipo win not be treonotahla fo» Oold, BB».r i - i-wa... Pro >ee Boaejet ea M-eit. aadaot biUt el fa., ai.. ed .herefor a i mo va-ae n»reol .J.ere'l eip'ealed k r frr tit or paaaaea ->t 'v -a I CCNABD. Ma « "owi,i.| paar. 0*1 I KAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK AND bj kst.utä EDINBCBuH, SJAbtaat t\ m Cammir.t Commendar. k. W i it RR 2iae tana. R ita-rt ClakS, CaBBaailat. ULASUOW, lAVtaaa lot Dencau Cow an dor. Tt.. (Jtaapaw aad New \ tri s aaaaAtt Coertpaa) ketaad aaR . tAeii ., v. a^d paaaoafal Rtea trt Beat Naw*Tart for 0 ee> I a aa aada r: BDIMBI Loll. «.ta- a, m f M.t t: tttfti ek ta. tiiti. i loaaaal P :tt cUea b*' tAud .aa* hand who :>aieed provieaeco, RA A L etp. » ..< ad Sora- a' t -ba^' .«.»'. aie»o.e" Pot fiebj r »».». «, J V » r M' 's Na l7 Bnat^artt. Nr» Tl rk I rj f Qt r : r j rar- » .^r pa*aa/e. 1T s. mail steamship company.Pw e havana ard BEVA>0ELEANS..<Ja Eal'iaV, Mat f, at ; t n. r. .....,...¦,4rat\: * h . .e feet a-, ta. otAaaabobtf EMPIRE l.Tt.t e,n. U WxiLe erA a.i. aa «S »e I aaatre i ar i.e t. -e.i a' -.¦» r " » t . m r. pfeigbl to New i -a . a »-. 'a aabtal -t. Ibrppert wl - f led with wteat MJie ef ktfloa of Mm Arauigra " j " I posy, ai tpaicatM a tbe r vdice. "Jo a»bei Arwrri p i a: i wkJ :c af-«r a.« bat tt»«....4 I r tr gvior oaotage tjtiy at tae cAV-e of the Coaiatay, Ma, 1*7 VNeat aL.rorrei wf W».r;.k M. J. BOMCPA. ¥3OYMAU- STEAMSHIP AFRICA for It LIVEREOOL..The APRD b.n.Mkai .. vx.-av.dar wJ ta 'r b tttiii:;;!: a l'<k a" J,-..t tt w.lj the Med» tr f.-.. n kot I art e a WEDNESDAY, A.rJ > at . u I P tatet a»r. a- ....«.-. . ^ a heard . ;*. r .i. lie PERSIA wb. aa . Mat E l ' NASD Bt ? B w ta I.-en, VEW LINE of NEW-YORK an. live1- II Pun:. PAt EE**« -raTB OT'C LISE.-t MlJaa arfR be coeprieed of tae twloari a new are' £ia t.a«a ehrrw v tt riNRY ( LA> . «wraaa....CapA*>wti Coelkiaa (A i 'N. i.joo... .a' DetJAal B T' .xta. .! "' nt.¦'**' .i a l t" La-wto *. Hn!. ELLEN AtTPTIN.. latAtaat Copt. Wl ata H 'Jtrriet 1 « .a tar ' - reeei j t- ar- AM a-a 't tic r ¦' -.. : - -r ¦- Thee art aa l-B-ieetr it en..aix-e a 1 abtl rj 1*beir tec lamoda'totio a> T.-v«tr.r*r ar. I »vtry »i»r.«.r w rm rr. a te n pr^uaOto tL» "oe »et ef poaaet pera a d be eotrtaa ar ea of aoipr«*a i 01 fre.ti. cr tax . a. v jiPt.pi, .lt., T ..crSi c. sv Z' ? -oe iwav Aftia ¦ LfaatT C ORIN'H AW A S . < I rea ravtava I öifambcci:3 anD fiailrcaös CAMPEN ard aMBi-i P^.jL'1"AO LEWE* irr PHILADELPHIA.WtTJ f-*i'**t j»;;. !eote ? er 1 NR. a: M > <k v -a Bora BI - . « v B.ead!f» aa. Liaaa a bt4avaoA« u »* ttl ate. v i ,.va:l ptv a* -. ». 14 llafBB Ad>*«- VEW ARRANGEMENT.ACCOMMODATION 11 LIRF FOR NuBWAU AND RO-RY «KCl -TV lBB*B*H N'^IWALK. Carl. Creone T t..*m*r wi teat* F «r tut pAM < ttbaiutxli». Keel aw*** lady, . ¦ , eeee«d a: 3 e c.e k p.m. Learn* So a Lb Norwel* Te/eittA am. Far- <* eta I#a»i-# Rock, SkI I :V far*. *M eta 1 tiabt :**.:. a: raaa r-*** re e* eivd forwarded lo !>.». ¦./ Aaa n it., i r.oo.rtiy, Leiatu* oa> delivery of th* to>«!a A.. I rrto: I a:» f<~. t-rsat j $ a. t i at p*re >'.* aa accveant aaa boat ana owner* i'H.Kli . «¦ "til Act F)R H«'STi>N R«4 PKkBVlDENCL -m 1LW PORT and FALL RJVK.R.-The aatradU taxi en;er.-r Weatre' P 4 "i STaTl Caa*. r Q j-wru aa Saw fata tr.rt T! rSI'AY THfRSDA Y a- .1 « A TTR n A Y «tko.-loek am: and FV1PIRF «TAT» «*»r B Brat.«- «.»< N»a Utk t»n; Mi Nl * I MTERDAt1 and FRIHAT, ti 5 .r-iofk a. m trowv ~w So J. N. t sear toe Bauest beta teorbirt at >.«;> I* reeh aay. Her***... Ml -*«-«-¦«. aa aeca-ed 'o any apatt- -aM actil tae tan a aball bat« wen. ,* Re, 1 .. . fr-warded taronab adaR great «V-atch. btac tr'''**^""kcbt Tr in . s k. fee mm tin PPtatat. THE BEGULAB MaIL link rkSTONING- T< S t. i I -' rev i't :' Si I NEW BEDFORD tod TA I'MTON .tala .'. mii wtt. at delay, chance of cart ar eirrtu.« abt lantern Mail Tie ftllttlt PLYMOUTH ROCK. Captain Joel Stotke. and Ci V VI- ! ORE. CapU J K. PeieLeto* .n .-..uaw tMa the St*, infTati ar.! Provrlcnee. and B.atvu and P*uti- de: ce Ra..r»ao> leetne New-York daily. tJandara axrepted. fr,». r,.t N, 1R( r-b». Sr»t wi>a.-f abot» Bailery pieve. a . k m. and <tmi «'.-i al .: e> p e «or »be trrita *. Ike a a., trail wbarb baa ee Bv-too at > a1 rx aa. . T>* Ci'VVoroKF '»vn New-Tart M-ne'ey. W'edneaaWy a Pridarj PTeae Skat c,,a TweaVat Tbarwiey *n,l Set- fw»PLTMOCTtl SOCKfrwatNew V .tkTWtf TVuiwU* . ..-.»» r n to »-.- io»-uni Menday. WaJ.oea.iaj and PVu'ey. ( .tw- teea wror-ee. Peaat *'oa'ertr»j per Kalleged te Prcrl- de*,.-. Beaten. Taanton and New-Btdror<l tc trie Eipeeea Mai T«" leetblag Baad pM . <f"r«i unn tn advance of tbxae by e'b-r rrntet. and ra air pit time for ail tee early taoraktf ttnee araaawetatJ Bertil aad r.a*r_ Faaaerter* that peef-r it re-nata ». Kir. tat itea-f »t nuh' t re«» an.lietnrbed. break- ( t -at-- «usnuiat. c in tae 1 an a m bait for Prcrioetre. A Barnre Matter tec rrr*.'.tee -he «te*-ier and Tra n t: . ft- r». :. ait Por paaette. beifha. tta'e rr> ma M fYe »r.'. arrle »'. P er No. t Morb Ri»er. rr at the offt* No. If B ittrrr piece-_ CENTRAL rallroa.p .f NEW-JEBSET, in aattnectkea with the LEHHIH VALLEY RAILROAD c ered tc Man..1) Chunk.Sprint arra..teruentt coaimeia-iot A IS, MSB Leave Naw York for Mao. Ii Chunk and inter- n .<! iV i.Ia (r..oi Pit N'o. tMettk River ilIU'l a, ftw F .. a:" Jan and Ji IS p. m. Aw Someetil'e. at 7:J0 and IBtASai aa., S:tSaad 1:1 y m. The aN-te uaina connect at E lebeth w .'h ra naea !. e New J^raet Balllead. leatn* Sew faaB treat Brat oaf Caattatiadi at aj 7-Sr. and II a. ne..i and 5 p m. IOHN 0 STF.RN«. rlui»ni.reiiJeut I7LU8PIN0 RAILROAD..Thrj SfSBabBBt i>: kltli ITY aaeeaFaltoa ftny Waarf, aatth tUe,al e, I atal . BVtad I.B| a«! in d*ll,. meefin« and ei. bai f t Pa«aenawra at'h 'a* ' art at Hnurer'a I'oiul. <ippu- m\-r J.Nl «r.. wlitb 'ea»*« Plnebinf at the aame bonra. Peraont e.' 'o PlaaBbaa b] taryad tbr«e !>».«. and -etuta by no Bjeat er any eeccaedmi rYao-. 'broath in w aabawbaa Fare..'c. /1 BEAT CENTRAL BO UTK.- Vi \:* i- . .i tbe OB k A A v i r* HN BAILW A^ Mil HIOAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, and tneir lailiiaat and rHaaawawal Ceaataartbaaa 'o Chiea#o. wa. lre fialeaal Bit.ii ra. «t. Lcuit Cairo, and all pomtt u tat and t atb weet. Via SUSPENSION BR1DOE, BI FPaI.o. a OSW EUO, U al No. ITJ BROADW AY N.Y. Ccrrercf riailltwll M DARIlrfl ','LARR. AtenA HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..FrosB April 21.13.'* Trau i w teate Cbauivtratt. BtaBVtl aa M> I. wt. Eapreaa,4a. at, a-.1 * p. m , Mail. 9 a at,i ITatwafb Rj'ay ttakh, 12al Fn.trar.t.T a. at Per Po.uhke^iwie. 7 a an ai d P in. Pofl 81 a .>...*. if a at ai I 4 n. at. P.»r Hu.'n.n. H p m F<e Peek.k..l. W p The Poue'.Xeep. air Sine Rii t »i .i Peeked I Irwine a* >p at way atalletaa P vaaau- ¦eta rebel at Chen ben Canal. Carbatapbrr and iittau. Tralaa Be Rear Yati leer*Tret al I l>. 7. a d I ti a in. and Rai p. m., and 1 ttl A ba. t ai I Tl 1«'. and II: 'Sa>at and '.: Sp. in. M L SYKES, jr g ,|v»n neu ent. MH HIGAN SOITHERN RAILROAD LINE. .TtawMara for CHICAGO >T UM7M KANSAS, «¦ d all aadate W'aat aaal SawtAvwatt, »an abaaka 'T'hrou»b ri^t^.a aid aB btSaratatbta .aatratrtdBfl r-e*,-. Fiare, See., ei-'ier tat NEW.VOBK tsu F HIB BAlLBOAD, or NEW YOBI CENTRAL RAILROAD, by afMUabtat tt the .. jmiaue t Of tc*. No. rlf adwat -..'rer Dot at. . JoMN F. Pf;R7 VH, Oer.eraj Aceat M H R. R. NEW-YORK nn.l BRIE RAILROAD..Ol ai.d after MONDAY, Dec SL 1SSS, and aatfl fur: .-r ... -. Paat afi ' i ramt will leave 1'ier foot of U ia.... tt at U* BUFFALO EXPRESS, at? a m. for Balfaio direct, .e ot h»at*4i' or ,-.rt. At .l,..-:,el.atille 'Ika '.ra. .one, la . ':, . a at brail lor L> abbrk ai.J alt tutu ..a uu the W'aautm Dirlaka IIAIL, a o::\a. m. In Dai kuk aad uitereaedB ale «laiu.nt Paaaeatert by tlna train w Ii remain oter fi|bt at urtiaaa ai.,1 arai re,i the aaal morning. NFW RUROn F XPREBB, ai i p. in. Km N..whur«h lire-t, w ..' tbai .e f c»rt Ro< ELAND PAMEWfJER n i p m Ha Snffero't, »br Piermtuit aiNi .hferii.e,iiata tfar.,t a. WAY PASSENOEB, at J f for O'ltrllle and interme.'l- are w trial . Nr.i REPRESS atSp. at. *.r Dunkirk Hai B-tFalo. FMIoRANI a' "> p ¦ MDwaAMB ti'd Budalu and tn'et- ate Bate »-a';. at Be Praia win leareon BtTRDAT, Tb.te F ipraet I rabat ona« I M I 'e»ra arth the F.tmire and Niatara kellt Railroad tor Niedare Falle, at Hoflalo *:>.l D iu- kkrh arrtb tae Lake Sheet Railroad tor Cleveland, Cuicmuett, oledo. DwtTOt! I htrtco. Ac. 'i C M. i A 1.1.1 M. Oereial Snper. teudatiL In m KW WLDF-GAl'GE ROUTE frwss NEW- UF.NE8EB VALLI Y RAILROAD it mw open, and. iu e.n- aectu n wi b th- KuRalo. i .., .nl ui.l Sr. Yett a. I Sew Yoik and Erie !«..*.:. Sara . a lafwat Mwta fr^m NawYurk to Bo. heater. The dir. tr.rta of t.'.n i.. ie, toaetbet with the auperlor <om- fort aSordtd hi be aride can ratMlerak by lar the uowt deaira. lee bttwerl tile abotr ua.l.ed ffTttt Ti. kefa ia be procared at Ike New Y.rk and Erie Railroad T. An tbrt luvt* Baaaa M .aba! Ha i*Hi,*i.,, t», n Jeree, City l'.tia/e be, k-d btwaSBV e ..,.¦« will h tported bwtwaeai New T'-rk ai.d Rrvhee te' wo: itiefarrh A t b k raaatkat awatrad in retard «herein rat ke krall r.I 1 » r ti it t n the Oatattaj Preicht A/ent of the New V, rk and Erie Ralli ad Fr e HutMBict.orC. S TAPPAN. Ratwltt Frelabt Aswet .. rSR Ite, adwtip. No aretnf ji. 'he f*«S»-. i a and New York Railroad oa Sanday. J. A. HF'iPIELD. Mapertnteudent. VEW-TORK ami NEW-HAVEN RAILIWAOf 11 m Hino ARRANORMKNT,Ceaa«Bwawaa| AtatwkS, Ibm Paarer.rr-r Ita tat j . t* er ftroaiway and Canai It. u.N-w York fCat er Äth tt. and Kb ar. Ti,.i, Lri»t NBW iOtk-For New Haren; 7, I a. bl, ir.».|,i?Bi 3.f* t I H tad] i p ra. P r Hndreport: 7,1 a. By,(Fdk) ISB '> (El I l:S>, 4 p.m. For Milford. Stratford FlirtSe11, Soothport an,: R rafjt.r-. 7 a abi IS at I 1». I p. ru. Fo- Norwa'k: 7 a m.; 12 m.; 3 (Et.,) t:A», i, SM p. m Far Da.-'.i. and CreeawicJli 7 a. m !2m 3 Rl. 4 Bid p. ¦ For Buniford: T. I a. m. 1.' oi V l Et l C.'i. 4. V 13 p. m. F>r Poit Cheater and m'aiuiro^ata StalioTia. 7 a ao,i.m.; StSi 4. I IIS « p m. t ,\ai, tins Tkvtna.Bed B..t^.. I a an- El i. i p <a>. .,B».l For nartfoid and IptindBeldi t a m. IP, I;ISaav.B p at. (Ft For Ciaaanfical K,.ei Ka.nal to Mdawraal 1 I an,. [Et i For Canal Radrrad: 12 m to W-ata-ld For Nr-w-f oneton Railna,! I a m 1 p m For llooeat ir Rad r. ad ttm Far Naaaatocb Kali tied; i a m i p ra <Et.) for D" rverv a- d N .rwalk aUBroadl 7 a m a p. m. Tt»l»» FOB n . * i ot n >pMBB Natt HatwBI ItSB. 7, * to a m ? >iF» I, 4:4', » J" p m (Ft ) Prom Hndceeort- » 1 »i |l e a. ni (SB ft. I. »:». I'M p m lEl I From Ncrwrk « ( 11 "7 a m ; 1i "*» Et ) 1 I" tl p ra. ¦h,i Protc f'jt\ Ct-i'er I «' *;dl 7 f7 ,StSI 11 e*> a. m. iiifl p. m JAMES 11 BOYT, SuieinnteudouU NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.Ftrc PHILA¬ DELPHIA a., 'kr -dl irl ar.d \Nr.-T. rta JERSEY ( ITY .Mail end Ei.rrta [davM Laate New Y ,rk I and II a i.. u.1 I tL«i; t. a, fkN A.', '2m., ttopptnt al all itM'i'ic'i Tbmiab'i « Ihr fkialnaatl (f IT tai S13 > a-d the bVard aaal lat Uallimore. WaehiUdton, Nut f. k Ac., ai.d 'Lrooah >..ino ~ .. ... ".'teoiut'.iu n 1 a tu. and 6 p.m. J W WoOliBlffP, Aoeietani Sup't. rl VNM LVANIA BAH.R» The GREAT CEMTBaLBOCTE m ¦arttai the Atlantic awAta W ra tri. Hoi 1. waatera arid Sua'b wettern Slatet. by a cot> t.i ,. o. R, e.tdir.t Tka RawBaataawataantU at P.ttairirak' a a. Ikeaa ».. ... I j»,r'a in the W'ea'em R.vara, a, <i a> * mtm aad and laadaaby wnb btawaaatwtvaO pnea on kW N.o'i art -n [ o I 'lie moat dare.-f, ehe*peat e»d aatkaUaruata , wbleb t'BEDrHT can be forward*.! te and frr.rr. ike (net' V r|t («T'fb» v\ k r n PHILADELPHIA aad PTTSBi RfPM Pia«T ( l».» .B < '. ftioea. l>ry "aood*. iml». uv. .. r .-. F.t a..j * ¦ IBCBBB ('till. Boott and Sti'ioucry. I try I Ooodi n baktaj liar^war«, Leather./"Sc. par 1*S m »H Ac.S Tai to i no -Aarrlii Biu:-.». Bk.jih.Ji,. ... fc P ft L I k B| '. .|A5C »er B Fo'tTii (La,*.- i ft r.«b Rae ,n an 11 _ P.r* [packed Lard . 1 Lard 0.I **. um ¦ la tl I'.it " . tri-m a;., point e«et of Phila.le.phi* b* per- ... dar at u ar* br pvityi V.a Penoayleania Ra .r,«yL" All -. i ke Asaadaaf tkat Ratal at Philadelphia ot P.t _ .... w .. bl fo ar led without detention Faaid t * iBBTa.Ra ^ R/eraaley A Ce Mrmphm.Terji., i R F. data A Ca I B V u'Mi A Sou. E- anerwle, I .' I i ... .. B-! t Maeaeab audCart**A lewett.lxi._e t r By.*, B M-l rum. Martian, IkI dprt«at*B A Brown, aud Irw k .... t-, S W <i aham b . o /tiitTlci, i r f ..rh a Co S. « k 't at H-e»ot. Leeeh k Co No. /. >r< , -i Bot 1 Wuiietn it., «nd No I Hatte a i . A "t'*-t_t. Pa '.!:¦< re, Gwm, t Is rar rivrua Fitter arm. Far rwttfcer par tri r bill* ,t an t, apple to LEF.i H k Co. Acer . Penv Railrpad Ce.. No. 2 After Hvtw, New-York. HH BOCSTON Oiaaral Frr^bt Atent Puoadelphia. H. J. LOMBAl I - .;. -..t-L-lcnt, Altoona. Pa rENTi'SYLVANIA BAn.ROAD. .THREE" DAItY TBBOL'OB TRAIN» BETA'EEN PHIL A DELPPIA aad PITTSBI'R'IH -The VORN1MO MAIL TRAIN leaeaa Padelt bit for P -..m.-tb ty 7t .> m aoC wit.. I'rtii ..-.'1 rr Pr..!».>.'iAi* at 7 a m Tue P A <T LIN'P Uava* PbalaCelpaw* for PUaabarfh **_II » p. m. aaA PMataaval r PheVada bat at I:» p av THE MIOHT EaPRESS TRAIN Lea.e. PbAadalpbM for Pi-r.'/urie at l. p. a,, and *....'-. i rpt ». a at t .* .. I - all t. -»t .-.-rta; , t.-. w -t '>e ra.'.")*!* at a> .: ffi rr -. Loa.« M. A *,ri. »a.e' a t/ f'aieac'i PbtftwAi| rrmtf' -1 f- . .1 » Ry Terra H.ote Mad' a i ,_a rtyrfe axe . a: i Cmruiaat.. Ltrv.a. . r ,'r i .f r.-. e -a. l.'ky Tj.tei, ( eetelaa-. a /area- I* M.-> n and Wooetar Oh-o *.ao with the ..-in P. <»¦ - . a Baal aiel I* law Or'.ea. . t»t Loaaa, U»ala> r...r ei < aawl Pet t-j.-.s- - ^.r ttan aa* ti-'. bt.i» in fa* boteit ot thia efty. - w I « - v. .. tmfm..'.oaa aad .. ru¬ fe '.'.e rcu-» b*w..:. "te Feat aad Weat. T' ¦ l|^ vir'i .-. i# Uc P ».teer ct tae toe remainused ,-. 'ie "A eat or of II PTS (a-ent New feiaey Raw read Ce*. feet or* and -._, New fork. J 1 -:. TT bft Pmmj racdaS«rJr«alC*k. .. Pi a-fwa, NawYork. TFii AfAr MCORE ot . Ü a.C kfaik»t-«e». «aw t ark Jet bkR LOM. ISIANP KLAIIJIOAi^Sijj»»* tu teatedr-Leave wn Oraenpert IA a. ov | Vapoaak 10 a. av, awl Setardey IIA o. av far EaraiatTdaJe end Svoae. I K a. av end I V> p. m **4 Haiupataod. a. Ok. Un a I t 4 11 a, a. for Jamaica, I* a av, tt am. ft**, t and t .ft p. o. Laar» Oreeupurt for BraakI Id a. av , TafV Saok 11:3a p.. ovMuado.a » I" a av , UkatottA, Ifta« p. a* oa Monda-. i I: W a. «i. Fan: nadele Ttaw a av atari 1 a. a. .»yveaat f;Jfta. am, eiW loa., Hempeteed. I;liaa> aaa i » a av lataaica * I.« vtd R a* a av aaa ft P tad . Of p at I) vUalrr-tTnrr. k f l ov.\\\m m ai.^ water citou Ho thai Hvaiaon Ccv tt. New Jereey, oveaaaklt and Jaraev ('try a a ttar mit a aa ky ttagaa. 1*00 ulera apr'v et N (Hf'off NeeYivt. itlcöiral. 1*^ C R E r 0 ÜRIIITII, V v . LSI mi 1,, MBOrATHJC MEDICINE for tbi CTJBJ of Cetteeipetx-. HraJerhe. ('..atlrrt oat Ne-iroltia, Cda. Pilra, Ccefhe. Rh« autioeui I t-r-Ta«. S.-r» Throat. V errbra. Tw'kttkt, «< BOry, Water B-«*h AU ti c Mr.' eft M art put ap * rh errat -are I .alebrated Coratoa Pkytteki .a.: i recered bv hiuwelf. Siateea Bottle* l:. a aoaa, with a beeh tvint aarJwit dtr>-et»..ft« fur tkalr tat Prce Bl _ DE WITT A DAVENPORT. CBH HESTER1" DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC mar k* Bad at til tri» principal t't-ntttett u. too l'aitod State». ai.d at Ma HI Wall at. CANTO SARSM'ARM.I.A. f..r Purifiirif .br» k/t B.v.xl The tan aieuicmai tttUMt and oatonlehiiit etRoeey . doable rtTatai . t it nmedieft Ir "w.ltu . rd tu aaoao abort ao bapatatltBod at d diae»»..i recellhya ot tea blood caiuee er i|1 . BO, blo'cbee and e.-r«a la break oat apon the tne fk. t . t Ill . .... a) t»t.if aBkajfa are |>< in tnrnt. tteitnt and reu.ovn < l'r- oared aud Aa tale by A B k 0 SANDS. No. Ilk) r«.tun at. rpHK GREATEST M EPICAL PLSCOVERY I i kpl Mi. KENNEDY of Rotbart km» lUerorered Inane nf .areope- a apoeearo areedaareamedjthai u.-ee EVKEY BIND of Ui'- MuK. frmm et» aanoi SrvV»*« itf» n a aaaaatea NaMaft Hr hat triad it in Beet ehrten kottaTred eatet ate] ttatar failad etrept in taro -a»ea. both tkaadat ham.* He bee eear fa bit pxaaeaa'.u oter .».. ken .'rot ce-* rva'ea of itt ttv at a. » u.w twetty milea nf Bo-tol. 1«.. btttlot at* waxranred to rate a nnrein» eore atoeUa. II' e to 'hree botüet etil car" 'ha emrat kind of piuialotoa ll-ta.t » r Iftreo kt'ttiet will clear Ifta ryttem of kllee Two kottlot are a arreu.tad to euro tea wottt tanker bt ttvt m< nth ttaj t'ema.*b Three to five bottlee are wtrrtrted to tort the worat teat of oatoeja tAe Two bo"le» are warranted to euro mtmt't -1 ttit oaro and hi '. ... at I the bei- k'onr or ait bottleo wo wtrrtnt-.l ttj -are eorrapt and reanit| oh eta One bottle will rare eralt era, -.. . vt ibe abt-t. Two or tlitre bottlee tie wa -v -u.-a Lbe Wortt seat of rl. twotai. Ibreo bolAkaoata wai v i -a. ea>t< -.nerwoetltiaaaaie tue ol ifteaB atiatli. flktHttea ore araria aalt raeaav (Vita'.> aitht N'ttiee will enra th. a aaa .«fatiofula. A beaooM ataiwaeaot^aattlaaaaal ajtaa it>» am K>tna and a pana, t iira la wartai ia.l a BOB I at aNova ouaotity at atran. N -Li t if an imi'ri'hehie to abuot who have hi taia tried aB tfto woaadeffal Baaettkmoool to-day, at thai a oniaaaoa wood tr. » t on Iba paMurea and aJ.o.t old a*.>oe walla ahoald eara ovary batOOt in 'ha ayttan vat H It t Ita.l -ti-t. II foe bore a baawe it hea tottart 1 art i anda, buna nor ba't, bkoal Ll a aaa a r»>»< tor Bel toon I pel.Had over a . ot Hoatian. I know the of- for', t Klaoeet] .ate d " etonao .»f the ereet- Ovor done la leaOtork .< t ' tave It to obJIdren a t-ai Id 10 & -a. i la ol «i viy have teeu I»«i>r,penr, wnriey- f.t t rbitdrea »i aaa flcali » aa *»t au d "ebbt, rea-orad to a parte, t aiete ot' health bt one bottle 1. tbeat Wee are tab act teerte! bea.laehe one k. ttle wüi t rote II It aitae treal rele-t In .-atarrb and dleaineaa. r lie wbi batO 'akan it he. a beat, e. tkfve U<i feart, aud have bean rtfelt .1 kj it U here Ifta bad} it auui .1 it w.eka quite aaoj bat o it tbarala ai j deraoowatetal of tfto func'inne of Bt " It wl baato vary alafaloi Ibelhafa. bot too aiaet uot be ai": . .1. 1 BE alwaya Uaaapoai la fruai Ibai Vova to a week. i novel a bad reanli froOt t oa the -.mlrary, when teal t ^ . > t yea a ktt > trtOli Ilka a uaw peraea. i r.I tiie moot Ot'rtvata' ' ancoinnima of It that over aitt' hafaneit to. Mann a.-nr-.l bv DOMALDEMNNatDY, No. 13» Warraaot.. K ' n >'aa. Prve AI Wl aeaii » raalt for New fork I V 01.1 r kPk'.N BRA Co., H BtrelO] m IUKI.K-11 KIND, No. lit Broadway; A. B. A 1). SANUM, Bo. Ill Wl am at, | M i US II tiRViS A l N.. |M (imeriwieh at. Hn\Dfc PAUL, t hanibetoet, i WPLLSk (. No HAPra tin « M> hk'SStlN, R.lHHlNa a i. S. ltl Mvdei. lai.e. HAVII AND. IIARRAL ft HIM M Wan.: .t BARNEfl b Broadway; WARD CLOBRa Co MaMaa-laaai Mra II AY KB, Brook |yt bad A>l -a e at retail by a reape.-lable Drutjiatt tbtoatdl' eat tbe I i«ao I...i n i.eorren triovcr on iv ,-iai inn, an ¦ra-eiwiii,! by tfto eaB'O of AlettndrrM. l'alrhali, MOW* C. Howen WIM M. Uot tn.a. Htorv Hopkiiit, JoOu II Hint, lohn S IN 11 R8UANCE »f AB «rdkfJT traf thi» Surrogata A of tbe Coenty of Now Perl aotk a ta her-iiy tiven to all pertont bavlni linti aftlutl t\ 11 ia M J t sKW AY VAN /AN T. koto of tbe City of New Potfc, de.-eoaed, to proeoal Heran, vv Ih VoajaftOIB kaeroul to Iftt an been bar ,at het raal- deaca N A' ll irdavei ue in ti.e IVv ..f New York, on or be f. re 'l e ..»ti. day of Jane letl Dared New Vote, the Mill day ol N '. »er, law SOPHIA I V AN nANDT. Eiocauiv ii lawdA Tu IN PURSUANCE nf an ofaler mt the 8urro»rata ot the i'ountv if N'» Vork n '"a la heroht ttvaa all l rannt barlrt althwr tgtlntt Mr TEB Ri r N H A I'M, lata of HO * itv ol Ne» Yi.rk. doooaeed, t.. pretent the avna with t Beben thereof to the aulwrnber. al the ..ffiVa of MOSES R. MACLA1 f -'| Hl M Lil«-rty at in thel i'vot New Yiirk.oa it lit. re the |i th day of Jone nett. -Dated New Vork, the 7th day of Deeeabw, IUB, Jl l.l.\ rosknb\i M. Adm'v till law! j NAH U.I h KOSKNKKl.D, Adin'r. KW-YORI BUPRE1IE COUBT..William Bowoa » a' a it- rt C Ramooy.Eawaid fl ( aruii.k. H \. .-a ,Edwu Battleti MotaaH HrlnoMIaaa B..I. ii Mi. turn, mrtnytttbit the Brat al Otiuueil b Mtuturn, UuaiavaoA Barchl, loaoe E lloimaa, Nathan O. Kin«. Wullen. ( u - ii.. re tad Piedol .a Tewi m no Adoomatratoia of eatate of HU.« Towi.i deeeatad, lohst Howard Radioed A. Wattn -o. Wil.iai-. ie m1 r.. a n-e...... A M-jia, Sliaaon Dre pea Chartee Uotrte, Erodarlak W. Aeahla Ebatwaatrfl Bur- . i Bftl e e. e 'n Kob-rt DtftOI Clieilca b )«'.>«. Bobb Ueotat b Uletet Htmj fllai lea, A H OaiaftaB. t'ie.1 Kd Na loteph Eorahew, MrRlkaaa Aleaaetmor, Can anaa vander hit hol-rt f> rbu-.lrr. Dai lei Tow ee. (leorfa R I. Bowdattu. i vartioar Morrit, W. B. M I by tbe aataa at B/BMoaa h Miala Otttf J.i».-t Hue Ni I r BawooM.aejod by the i mi e i t Bktftard f Ruaoeii. K. her B IMoaaoo and Che loa A HtOlOoa, n.|. an i the brio ol I h ItetenO. John Eoelor, Tbeodon McMaaeea lohn T N Habt v. Charlae IMoctai., i.i i ii..- a Ooatfo Ii at bay'i r, Chariot B. Martin, Rob ert 1. Iii"n.' Abraham H Hajlia, rharlee 0..uld, Bobar U. Ii . \ Pell in.ley Abraham \ an Voefttaa, Muah J Hatt n (t a h . . oaatu r Atetaiidorl R...«, Lewie i am nk (l.ilr.ll Milla. Prtnna Ski IdvO-orte Bird. Sum- aw a for rellel To JAMEB BOBB ISAAC C HARRIS. ISA AI I HOLMES wii.i.i\M I.OMDHICH WILLIAM Ai I KAMDf H LEWIS CAB MD K. CH ARLES H. MILLS B. ILL IAM I MILLB aaa OEOBOE B olovki, OmA an'-: Tot an- BOTokrt ruuii m ed aadrotjabjad to anawer tile tt n plaint in rhu BetAOB which wit Hod " the .illire of the II. rk ot the 4 try t d ( . unty of New York, et lAe (illy Hall ot ti e I By ol Net. V rk n the li b of April. ItW. el wbieb t pterj ahaif Bhatiaod apoaynaLatad aa aatta a opyof year aoowor to the aaid on.|t«in- on liia rnhavribara, at iliair oAVe N. . BVail f .et m the I ity of New Vorb, within twnnly dayt after the aertleo aattod aateetaaaofl the day of each aar I i ai.d it you fail by arawer U.e aaid eooipialnt within the t ¦»-r ifta pIMataff ha thht attbwt waiapalf ba MarOaaal Iii -.i ir...t demanded in the c- nit lain' '»ate<l March ** lA'A. MANN i RODMAN, Pill if? « t Uiroett, aH low lo.Ti W Wall at., ft. Y. CUPBElf E COU R I , W KSK! \ IESTEB b 7 ( nrs1 "i -Rewael bf. Lent agl E! rt M«rt*». end M«a.u Marphy h»r kaabetll, Wlll'oaa Nawo, Rir> a.<l arpearar. Jo- oeih kltrrhy Joke tunleify Bad Nalhaalol l>» B. Sii>umoi,a i la ELIZA Ml KP -IY a d MARTIN Mi'B ( M i \ a ore l,eiel.t . .mmo e,| to anawer tie, cnnplaiot In Uda ar'urr »hieb will be 6«d In tba offl-e of the Clerk of \\ . ., hootoi . tatl ai o lerte a c.,r y of yoar t'to ver on nte at b j fl.. a it. Ptt kahili, Weaici eater ( oeaty. wttftet twenty daye at er the atrvice hereof, etcleaive of tee dey ef aetb eervlre, a d if ton fail to anawer tne eornpDi' t to tforeeeel tbe plaintUf Bill apLiv to 'he Coar. for thereof detna'eiedla iheeowalabml, U»t..d Petkiki I. Aw.l V IW DAVID W TRAVIS, I lan.tilf'a Atturi.eT Pealaklll. Wean-beater f o Tie rotB| tlal ir. Lhie oatkoa w tBbad in the oflkca of the (llerk ef the Ci t> ( M arrbtttor. tii tba 7'h da« of Ai>r»l. ItMA DA . ID W TRAVIS apMlea . r. i- > *. . \ ¦.¦¦< uTfl^lK ( orR7! . Vb*] herd Knajip Plai«- tatlotl TraiL.aa Be'heeftafAaa and Jana, bt wkfo, v . r'iMaitald taw Eiata hw wMa Pboi'fteloaa Boild- tt *a» < *'¦<¦ Pol r H at and Hannah M a » :.'i H .na A'ia'.. It T.- »a-,nd(a Toeodore sititt. t Sol i' (Jtldaralaata /ctaeaCebt, -a >¦¦.¦. ir.. J it.-a I! Balaea, laceel U il -tu Poeart «L WillaUa, boaiel 'I R'UlctU Pdmand P Waiettt Edward WiUttia. Ir Voh aotiaaayaof Peter Beag Maafy Ooerdiar and . «i -v b k '. !. a 4 An.en 1. .1 « i mm. t i relief.ruaa oat oarv.l.To AIIBTIM B. TROWBBIOOE. toe u. - .... atad U ta: Yoaare hereby aaauwataaa Ood lee, dttt to ai awof 'he an aeded caauitlauit in taia ee'ioa al rb wet bled n the ff>e .f th« < lerk of the Ciiy and Ceanty ( Bow loth, 01 the t oy Hall in tud t.'r, and to earra a copy t< at aaeerar ta the wfaa eoatpitAmt oa aaa tataattAayta pb Bhaw oAVa, Be ~j Vta.. at/eat. Ji'ii'.ey Court, New York City. wkthia tWtPtv layeaf'ar'l e e r. .e-of tbia tunrmona aa yoo. etc.' * ve ot the day of aarh terviee; tad if yea tail to eoewer tue aa.. nanfield tritftM the tine aAwWeaM. tbe piair.oif In tblo a. I...- w.. art y'o the CoBTt f r the relief dem ir dad kb tbe ci.n.;.au.'.-Dat»'!. March it MA MANN A RODMAN. PlaintHPa A'»ernaya .'¦ P Tl.» i»i.|^ -i,n.;,ii..' ii. 'tn^raa 'i* wvedad bt Iba f Clerk Of )e ( a.-al Co«u.ty of Vow Vort Matal MAftM * RODMAN, , -..»,. P.a.ntj|'a A'l.«meyt. Till ] i.f.M.K .f tre-IAT,; of NEW-YORK, by ike «rare ,rf Ovd free a..d hwatMaaMal To all peraone . ..- eoto-e mi JaME- B -Mini lote of tee t ¦. .,. .New 'iirk. deeaaaad at e.raditara. awat of kie or < ketaire 'and |reat*e. Y i. Mid »erb of y<n ara nerehy eeteai t.<- i»0allad raraonallj to ta at d appear oa' .re ear fl N-» y. ra. a' ... ..ttV« an tlv Cl'y ef New- <i i ao the M da) ot O. t vr mt a* 11 o'rio-A le tAa Rta ef .! at daw than an,'. tAere to attend the fnal ae'tle- BM t tl Peter H Hwiaaiy P I ifrator tht low i a and aa Adialue trat afthe pttaft charteit a. .! red 'a nf aaid aatrait la y what f. wo have eo ated the teal of take of aala) aaBsaA Witneee, ALAXAH D> R VV BBADPOBD, tea So-rotote of ear eaii [L. i ) C If at Cbl tt N w V o-k the |7tb day ut Aptb ¦i tbe year cf OBtLotd ihoaeai.d akohtban tial ao>l af i iu. A Ml Büa! koAD. b. mbMi a,-:-.. .awtwT i

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1856-04-29 [p 3]. · SCHOOL (or BOTB, at Preab kt, la^aaaowtb t'ou-tt, blew Jure, Fi.u.nrr S.»-

.ereraJon* to loa

fcc oa

l^iRflAlJ>-i- Rnx.k.nELD, Coon.Vzl,M viiw* i>r«ir>o sf r.»i »»ta fro- c,_

1 rrIl.el improvement* trmv, EV-wer*. Ac, 01

¦4 .^.aided wwlt*j elevated ltd healthy; Cbnreheaf££ a *nee* from *'.v« to ?S.TW- p-**».( owuo.itW"1*.; " »., ..f.Ur» di.greB.a At »IfMT t«

!.¦« r ii PH. U N. No 71 Wall.'., front I to 3 p. m.

~8AI F.IW Throe-atopy Brick HOUSEr .LurNo l" Witt II--I. «t on the north tide; eiae of

*»f<et deep, ut 9 f..t.fl,,,h.,i to coo4 atriai*,_ water, ranre. Ac. betw.t-i, 7ih and Sibova for

I**' ... c. 1 ¦ 1 ;'t lo

."»"^TllKFR A WEEKS Aac'i nerr. No. r, piIWH

aSflU»E---A COTTAGE-HOUSE, with twor *, »f OARDr N i"uhni. »it..«uro wrtaha U aette* of

7a.*""1 (hereto; bee f«H-i B*ra, Ac , peWySin* . rj » 1be whole phtca to In g*ed ord.

f3fm bennppy a bherman, nv 6 v\»i«o.

r~~ft7k\~£.~ «.11 LOTStm Canal-at., Uteo,,. . beewee .. <¦ ......My

^ iW-ly "_No »¦'. Pee Broadway.

F[)R RALE.1B. throe-retory ami btMObBBl¦gajBJt,»ab riWof, but. Mar« rat writ ant* of Baal

. ,ae #*«r oortt. fr. u tt M B mit »epretely for the owner,' ¦ at tb* »"ot complete and eu he-en'.at muriner, allStrode" rwamion Imme lately. Aa*i'* to

JjJhH H hi-IiHON wl-h Wella Brother*, No. lt.6 Fulvi ft.

BIOB bkiivok..For aale- .ttaereo of LANDoa tbe W»tteb**t*r bank of the Harlem River, with a

woedtc tiope to the water, with Kroit and W'et*r and.BmvwW. b an ex. eMent i.eijhb.obio«l, eleven mil>-e' driv*¦at aw ( it* Ball, Bad ha. f a Batto from Upper Morriaanlag.t. Tetn-oaay ELT.-S P'JTTKR. No Z» Broad wo».

fTHRW NECK..FOR sale or to rent.J i NEAT COTTA'lE . BBt*Awin| Ten 11 lit with Bublt.twraie II' ¦< r ! >e« A a I Pie* fct Ten A'reo *fQKCawTBROG'S NECK near Pelham Bridge, in view .ef.wetter Apaty t* ANDBEW FTNDLAT No. 'A Bowery,Cite.' Bei ki er ( i.arlton Eerrla, Thr. ^'a Not k.

-foe sale.i)'. Aero*, Build-> I «l, Ii in A.i ,3 8kw*BWWW, Moriatown.

Til tart b>C«.w**w»e. AlaO, i; a.-ret, laree HowjO, (new,)Wtltr front at Keyj^rt.*f. f*M, ill) other F«rria ro-arihia I ity(eitle ar i >. L«; »e Conntrv aea'« anil village property. Ca!aa*w "> 01. W H HELH K No H 7th ae

M*\ i \ .r"r SA,K T,rv «-h*ap-A veryift),\nfsf, deiirsble LOT of UROCNO on a7th*t.,

t.d 7tb a» Ii in s Srg Lot *¦ I 500 ranH., Tribune


\y BWd 7th a» Ii in a Crt'-ctaaa aalgbbatbailil,aatMtford Building Lot. »I f*<\ ran remain tor a term ateran. Addreaa ] R. H., TltbwM ORV ..


ASHLAND-HALL BOARDING SCHOOL forBOtS, bVaat BliaatBtli, N. J. -Tbe Thirtieth Born! An¬

na! Keatwin be(in the fir.- TTJEBDAt ia MAY. Panonaob**** i> . g around lor a matter of (art eort of Or boot,aka-k ia an food at ach ..<>'. tenerallv ore, where I'rincitiai andTeaebera aim to be fa*tbful ar.d BWaawawM, will be furnUhedailb tcirr'.lar ai,d art on appLaa'ion lo


ARITHMETIC. BOOKKEEPING, WRiTTNO..Mr. IiOLBEAR, No. *':i Broadway, receive* pupil*

day tad eaenin«. aod ¦> ab-aal'gaot *,r tara aud wracdaBal Book-kxiara m kVt aborted .hte tl e. Mr. 0 taachat tbeacieace of T'." BaBAwAb>, a m h bkOaaa all atia *at nud treiubling.

BOOKKEEPING- Thm BBwacriber will n-reiver«i pa r .. to. ... i. ROUBLE ENTRY BOOE-

EPETIN ar MEMCANT1L] PENM ANBHIP.tRbiday aadto n or,, k a aW* hall I i. i-»n'n' abauae, iBMBeWAtbtwl tdverii ring Oie lay ae< .ve-lia OLIVI 11 B. OOL )-«MI Til, No.Ml Broadw ¦ r, M . mt EtwaAHi -

OAUMM, H HOOL f.r BOYR at^'rÄM"-I KrBD. ( OMN -( ir, uiara bo ha a- BATNOB'I

P'Ok'trre. No. If, B«.w» rj < r ,»...¦»....* I'm., pal, /.. BNICHOlA

rlielsea fkmai.iIN8TITUTE, No. 9S3We.t 'jnib-.i.- I atTBCtloa in the aajgfwag F."«li.h Bra. ab -,

w.bthe Friidi »i d (lern,an Languag-e. Clrcalafft maybe11 la.nad *' Lb* In- iln'e

_C. E. 4 If. B. RDiiF.RS, Rr i.r ,«,>..

Daily NORM M. SCHOOL «-f the BOARDef EDUCATION bold* It* ae*ab*a in the Ha'l on the r-r

u<r (M/iai d ai d Ebbt aba The Female Department of IhnNhool ia 11*11 l> A11.\ a. in. I* 10'clOM o. m.The ret.a'ration of punila f.,' the Male Drpa'tmei I will pro

re.doi. V" I DNEBDAYB and FRIDAYS, al 4o'clock p. ¦the aa" . place.

All |*r»ona IWeMtaa m the e ly.of 14 veara of ate and upWard, il f*in».ee a ,,1 111 yeara and ufwarl, if male*. who i- U ndt,. puisne II... piolee.U.n of teacliin*. mny nr-e<- it tbflawtaasBawai. W m H, NKILRON,


I i-cutive CwataaMtO* on S«-hool».

ERASMI S HALL.( la*gical and EiiijliohBCPOOL Flatawak. I. I low raBa* Croat Ealto-a Forri D. VAN K t.F.ECK PriwetBat Tbe nett aeaaiou oi MONDAY, M<n 1 C irculur* may be aabl of thePiitripal, or al Ne. IIB BuItOB at New York.

ENGLISH and ( lassical SCHOOL forBOYP tt Bedford. We*tcbB*t*t t'ojntv, N y. -A. W1L

LIAE.-ON A. M Principal Neat a. ..ion w..l BOOS ABeil Mr rri.lare may be had ofD. Berrten. e.o No. «n Pea'l at; C.* No. 115 Fultmi at. ;m bv a.ldreeaii t the Pnucipai.

F^AIRMOUNT I EGIATE and POLYTECHMIC INfTlTUTE.U u.ilet fr-m iheritt ai-1 ll

atBBwwawaJk frwj* ta*Vapor Morrinnla dototoftAw Her'eTiBailiead. TbW BUMMER IKHMfor boarder. H El It N" MAYI For rirenlara. referent *. a d pan knal ir» apply a' ÜM dAethe Irttiiute. No. Broadway, or at B»llblll X Co 'a. No. 180B wery.

IFREEHOLD INBTITUTE.A BOARDING-SCHOOL (or BOTB, at Preab kt, la^aaaowtb t'ou-tt,

blew Jure, Fi.u.nrr S.»-... .<« Mat 7. Ilivi. Forciculaia apply I. OLIVER B. \\ 11.1.IS A M Principal.

FIRST-CLASS FAM1L1 SCHOOL for ROYS,Hartford. Conn. Addreaa llw PimciraJ N LOALLU1.

fpOSHEN YÖ1 n<. LADIES' INSTITUTE.«\W Tbi it tt T< rni of tl.:a Boat.fng a: .1 Dav ScI. w ..i

arncaoii WFDNFSDAY, Annl 31'. ThU School la a.-c aaihletreoi the City in kbout two hour* by thu NYw ioik and Erl*¦ail road ( iranlara. gHlag full partir ultra, ma v be had it \pplnter'a N,« Ml and Iii« Brosda of fb- Principal, D. L.TtitV LB, A M 11.«hen. Oraiite foaitt, N. V._IRVING INSTITUTE, TaiTTtowa, N. T..The1 aeit BBBBWW of tbia CLABBICAL and COMMERCIALBCBDOL WlU OOWianet Cd Mar I. |W*. t'lr-nla-. may be oba»iB*d *. Imkhi A Phlni ey't. N(>. hwl Broedwev , C II. LeonA biother'. No V BtaAaUB tt | OWB, t' Alien. No. 11 Wall¬et orofthe Principal. D 8 BOWE,frttwrpaA.

Mr. EATON'- O'MMLKriAL BOARDINGINPTITI TION.Eltuhlieh. d in Worceater Maae., A. D.

rm -Y«uii» Men tie thoroughly tilted in Double Kutrv, Book-ktapuif Baadaaai PawaBanaabp, Mercai,tUe kritttawtN aidethei kjielied l«ai«liea Each atadent will he waxtautetl to bewad, competent In floin til lo e.aht we. ka lo peilorm with per-fretattaiactlon to bln.eelf or smplnvcr. tliedutiea of any Co*JBB>Big Rouati Individual luitruct ion. no ciaBBW, Taitbaat tbe Ion ii. .a! imiiw *lr A t-«l p'-a» i i hon« in lie

bWnlycf the P opio tor.ailh !... .*¦¦ p-r week Peraontdenriog u.tV>-n all! n «. to the merit* B'ul r, f«rencea of thie la* taUen. ran be aaat.retl of it. hifh afandiug bv aendiug fur a

ataj tt bit Annual t Ircalai and CatalofW*. Aildrea*.HU II EATON Principal ami Perne'.r.

W orcaatBT, Mat*.

M I8fi -i i i i i - DAi »ud BOARDING-KBOOL fc ynUNfl LADIES

Ne. :- Ea.t 3 tb «t.,BetWWM ar,d MadlodB ava

pAULDlKG INSTITUTE, a BOARDINGI si HOOL for BOT T rryi v. \\ i*tck**t*i c ... N y.ftrcwerterron wni on Mondae. M*T 5. Circo-

.Att nay be NiBd at the bo. ktlor-a of T J. Croweti. No. bi»Bret,way; M**tt* Appletot.'e. aHanfcfd A Bword*, No, 6JTbt,ada»t, ai.d l lark. Auttm A Banitb, No. 9 Park ro.\

_u m Q. WEBTON. M.A., tVwVfApeJ.

KELECT BOARDING SCHOOL for BOYS.kJ ta» aiilea north id MMdhttBQII <"oiin

I \s Bi'.i EWITH, PilatlgwV

TUt: HOME SCHOOL, N«W-jlavcn, iu thmtprs rotntry »o limit* tbe aaatkaroty*Aw9* a*b» gif* M

;> i. a**dfal aid for correct a d rap'd pn*re*«. V '

'I»IDAY »>b.*rd \\ I DNEBPAY,Utk In**.,»* me Pnnt.*tl. A. 0 IHBARB, at the Siuithtoniau Houtc. wöere heUtrt k*)t ii. chatte. _*_THEiliMcg r(uir" hoarding and day* ICHOOL, No 151 W eat otlh tt._Tbe BUMMER TERM uf Mre. fTj. BENE-

Mlfj SI llMol. tor Mll'Ni) I ADIErt will comuiei.c*

fwa B. Re. g Watt y?th *t., aecood door frx in 5th *»._

-kklnlii andSPANISH..DOLBEAR"«Ai AtBBfT No t**) Bioadway..A low ¦

.JJ Wtecared al iwla *H l:,eti.' Ctiaa i* gtv-n BWO Col"'^"'wi' ttfrom Vana a-.d Ma.lni. S'ti .. s.i»y learn to

**».avrtfaiat'e IB* BBOrteBl -atil


C*J0»ET FirBMTI KE »Mi UpavoMtBirWaWe-a_L_? arkabtlabed IAA.Twe largeat and coeapeat aaart-

T^T^JIf-frjgCarpeta, Ac. R. J TODD.Hi' Pa'law at,, .l .Vyn

E^eled itkn1tlre.-H. F. FAR-af _^itltlN B-*»-ow read. '.r aale an ette: tivea**i,rtmentSf_,_P»AMPLED CHaklBEB FURNITURE, 1b bD Pa»tr/av <*°*1 .d elah^ra ely d CWTBtwd a bat awawW. beeret

»_."»..'. tu Mai ifactoryatid v\«No*. *b aud Al

--___J*J '. ¦ and tiraini._jmM F' ^,->"<; A son. MaanlActRfwXi ofBBea\i5*,,U,,4(***,-:,» *!»t«ted 'or In.aiidt al**0*.t»B|Bav_a '"'-r*., Chair* t bamboj Ch*,:a, Bej ciaiit, Ac,

waaraadway and HP M. t ._

SH,?|*' CASES man i E uture d and foraw J iTT *> O. \\ IN T. K Not II. and 14k Chatham ,1 t

tea... A 1 rg«- i od ti. eiiot atwartw pBtta-«?7 _? ' ^»»^ laoaatiT. Ac) BHOWCA4RJ^. ao *.'. at4 well eached for ebipatag._R^i'y*N1-S(i ttJAlK'Sof ewn d«wei pttoa atb.a," ».IN«' V \ , s. I Br v a No Mfaij, i »»mi VA Beel ehe re. Chamber k ha-r.. Bed

-T^brer^CUut. ,)f) ,e thaira, kfjkc._S c ¦ o o l e r I n i t r ¦ if..

" CT, s N .KI.-. ir .1.. N v. \ i

-¦*> Cwua a-, laatdad *¦ application a« aboe*

P.'^ AEI Lit TLD* wil. lad Chain¦"ft.i**' "h "» :" *' .po*-( 'U withe -oa

.' an . W. ElNO A RON Nt mt

^g?.>B« 1" Ml . .-.

n^5_f»*e»B 'I"ttl4«r.d!.lif i* tilt.! I' i'.¦it^wg^_*'HAIRS, for mr-.t rt aral ,.,i..-t nen.e oe ufac

^aV_m* ly w A l l.MJ A «ON Nt mt Brukdway^.BBBaar rt

A l AROE LOT mi GUIPUII BANDS-tÄiTir^T^fto Itf ÄwÄEMRRulDERIIS ¦4"**B»8i ¦»« »eperb Trench

_MILLER k (HiANT No. TTI Broadway.A ,;K^:A7 ^.l*E of «TKLLA SHAWLS THIS.u o.nowrai.La rHAW, L.s «ir«vct from Axiwa earf eaa fat


¦Mac, 0M ttecrtnentef very elegant i1are >E ROBES

At tf«ry f 'irr,Will be opened hy BEKKMAN A Co ,


"o. 473 Broadway, THIS MORNING.


AT HALT THt COIT 01 IW»Ok TATIOt,lU . tt IB|M( frum


_Q. B WILLIAM' No I render.

CORDaOE.Manilla and Cotton CORDAGE.i.mfiSl ;'."."'» a by the EXCELBIOR PATEITT CordAOE COMPANY, lor tele by J. ATKINS A Co. Bo Ar-ouib it.

Coli aij;ia hall I'.ANKKi rn v.¦HAWLI AND MANTILL4S.

» i»e b. , dre-l beautiful Stall. HtlAU L-C *' «"..Tbiet bundra ai d twenty megnit.'-etit v.r'.i SHAWLS, at

On tale, for ben-fir of ereditort,At B«v ai Grand ft



Five bundled piecee on aele Una w«*-k at '» t 7 en. tlittle u.o.e I ban beil their er uel venia

_O. B. WILLIAMS. No. 281 frre.d-et.

Ft RA PERI ES-By tLe van! or in seta.J B S large 1: of LAf r. and ML .-LIN DAAfABiBJj t i»Led by


1ECONOMICAL and FASHIONABLE!.-4" kaefkbi .Hiring tbo poet wee*,

Rl< H PAitIS r L' >i N't ed BABEOE ROBESBolld rolort. with tttin floone*o at +4 50 per robe.Humiliated, witii aatin piaida and fl mur-a. at ? : to SI j.

Bireg'd Mounted Robe», tor at At SO and 11.ALSO,El»rant Balrcriun, Crepe d'Onent. TUaoea Barrrta. f'bal

lite. Ac.LORU 4 TATLrOB,Bot MeV,*s7, EM ind 3*1 Orar. lagt,

And ni w riurntavrt 17 and 4Ü Catherine a*


An beaaeeoae rarlote of the 1reeer tLEADING i-ARC BTTLES MANTILLAS

Alto, a ae- arai ataortrnrnt of11 loll LT ATTRACTIVE SPRINO SHAWLS,

Ii.cludn « neweat atylea 1 aebmere.Mei.e. Br.e-h.-. Embreideredand Plain f aatoc rata- Snaw.a, Ac.

ISPEE CENT BELOW RKOI l.AK PRICES'I.11RI1 L TA\ LOR, Not. *>'».&\XMmVi i> Orand tt..

Ai d new nun.hrra 47 and 41 Cethenue-at

1? O U N T A I NIn.l.a ai.d China DRESS OOODS < LTRIOSIT1ES, Ar.

No b »J It, ,t

B. B.A full aae.irtu.rnt of Cbineee arid Erenrh EANS.


A garere' t td Pure Linent. from the moat ce.a-brtiWd u-ar.uli.ctur,r«. tonotaatly 01. hau l, rlu.iiug

LOH PRICED I tt I 11 LINENSI IT1M1 Tie tit it Tt llmk Diapert a 1.1 to n eooMj

Bbtalttig 1 laort Ol ISda li l l'ul.i» caar l.ii.»i.» «f .itcte.I.(Jltl) A TAY I.OB, Nna BU.BB 2'9an Ml 'iraiol a*

And new I urn be.» t' ant. 4 . < »'nenne at.


CHARLES HEARD A 1 la No BM f»rand a'..U ill ofi.T' 1 II IS DA I in lAdlflttl to t'.en- laire »'.- » of Silke,ali tit i'.thfi tarda of »rry rkTh new Spr'ug Stylaa prire,SI So per yard. Hut to make abort wotk of it we aheti 1

th. in nut at f- ,V aidl'' |*r yard. Alao,S .ti taroa beeotiln) ttvlea at .! and'I 't<<i tarda ( Lent atn,.ed and Plaid at 4.1 1 and S AI,." " 1'ian Pia .I. atiipe.1 and Hr.a ade, l»n.a^> I) at B.'S,

3/. 3 6 and 4 per vard.II Ml tarla ew 11 .1 Wo.,1 B tr. ... only I AV,'<(h janit Mourr ing de 01 UrV'i fi verde fine Paria le Bega, < oly4 M vartla real Tamleitired Drafie'rv. I I 1 ae.1 I .

I i new Barege Kohee. a volante, a ti.rga.ri.ITSaea Maraet lea Q' lite, only AI woith t>1.

A lac 1 lotha, ( aaaiuierr*. V eatn ta, ( ott.'U and Linen o ei 'a and Ipre1 wear; Sbeetmta. Sbirtiuga, Talnc Da.uaatat. 1 '1 owrlu g an tt greatly reduced pri. ei


I AMES (iKAY aV CO., will op-n 00 MONDAY,Atr .' i I laeOftBLACK C II A N I I I. Y LACK, . u


Ml . Bio elway. corner \\ atroglOJ pia. a.


No. »I Oranl tt.A If WO woith of very fine Praaek Embroi lenea. real Ou pure

»I .lo'her Loceo, Ac at half t'ie coat ot importation en aale lor

benefit ot creiliiort. O. H. WILLIAMS.


ibe London Eipctitiotu Lad loa viaiticg the City of New York,ind wishing to pnrraaae an elrtant and eice.lent art 'a. fi ,iah»dIt. an ariiatw end thorouth B anner, are iu'ormedther theae celebrated SIP iKS and BflilTS are atiil nanufac--..ted ai der Mr Jtfiera'a laraonal aupervialon.

\ I A N 1 1 L L A 8 and s'll AWLS.It I E. S. MILLS baa now in ttock oapiendid ataortment ofue» ttylet of

SPRINO MANTILLASif kia pin. mai afacttire and Hiijurta'toii, U'tether wltft a fallillialnat ll BILK. STELLA and other vanetiea of SPRINO¦äli Akt LS to which be Balltet the taeokAl atienuoti ot oloaraei-eta. at Noe. »n aid «2 CHAMBERS ST (np atairt.)


WBI be rea'v MONDAY. April 2f tti.THREE ENTIRE INVOICES RICH SILKS'<d at Aui'io.. ui.nug tho paat t»eet. at a treat .acri-Sea, AMoI NTINO Tu OVER B5T,oee!

Ii Im'ii g a fuil aaeorimeiit ef fianioi ahle andM A 0 N E I I ( E B 1 DRESS | IL K11

T' i'ather WltA an iinmei ae and attractive var ety offcLAOANT HIOH LVBTBE PLAIDS AND STRIPES

Al A S, 1 and 8 SMI LIKM and npwarJ.Heiiif nrc.ueatkmahlv the CHEAPI ST LOT of deairablo füki

aver otnitiited.LOBDA TAYLOB, Noo. fS6, IST, X3» an I Ml it,

And new namhera 47 and iJ Catherine at.

M"TN"f I L L A s M ANT1 L L ASOl a. the NEWEST

And moat PABHIONABLE ST\ LBSAi i! every deaenption cf M ATERIAL,

Alto Ot leaeoi ahle PneeaMay now l«r aeen tt

HI 1. K.MAN k CO S No IT.: Btoa 1 way.Betweei Oraad at d Bnxiin ata.

11 1LEEE aV CRANT. No. T. 1 BKOADW.VY,^t I will orat bm aaoBDai BernpaintaPogaillaaaaVleeaatIotaacfkahLaea Ooaia ju»t te.-e.vadby the Arago.

NEW"CARPET1N08 At OLD PBICE8..Received direct from Europe, and pirchaacl previoja to


Including all Meaara. John Crooalal A S n'a ta eat andMOST ATTRACTIVE SPRINO PATTERNS,

Imperial \ elvet. Patett Taper rv and Broawla C ir,ietinga,Eltgai.t Mreaic, V elvet and Hruaari. Pallor Ruga

LOW PRICED CARPITIN'SA'b .ni and Lowell power \mtm Three plv, laatrala,Ac,to<

t.ther w ith Ruta Mate. China Matting Oil ClotAw, AcAI L AT LAST SEASON S PRICE<

I tiRD a TAYLOR Baa IM BW MBaej MlOtand a>.




.1 VMES i.RAY A Co. w .11 open on MON'DlY, Apttatoralcaaoaof tfca el ra aatalia iMt g'tdi af *ar1rr,~" tip

,; , K'ev 7i9 Broadway, cor. W'averley place.


At No. lirand at..1 IN ENS.


NAPKIN' A.Ii variotr,

A- 1 ,« M U M pet Ä he.ow ."«R w.,luaMjJ>_


,.e'v 't STELLA SHAWLS Ol » p r utij.r pri. ..

A 0 1 HIMA t RA PK at otner SHAWLS tot Sat i Bad».j,.r No. I Ca. a. at and No. 47 tioaa d

aj 11 K> iron: AUCTION.AI i ILBY**, He SH '

Ö firand et w Pi cm New Spa) < 811 \S. a: - bm td

t.rl, *

v,... le, pat od THIS DAY at A 0 COUTAAa9 ti-a: d at n r. of f.or.dite.

ÖT1 I 1 \s. STELLAS STELLAS..51 CAB-ö TC»N« rtfw SBrtri STEM t MIVM' l«icolor, t.r'bo apHOQcItlaa atataa, ¦¦ be .po-cd Iii.» DA>

.; .ea.iv ««^^j^ttp r QaV Ma. BM Orajad tA,

f|MM- wW h'thc OPENING DAY Bf JAM -

I MADDEN'd REW 8TURE, No. Aatot plact . ilA

, oof i>t a wo., waoia Baa art .....» / sl

RBOIDPR1PS, 001 atatlrg of I i-o.n»a Jecte'a. »arte« e-.A't*

brl. Ba. I'.ta h't n Ac * * .« ^IZlp bee Alto a bei.navame co.Jrct^n ii t... -<..¦» » i iee . a

Air.t.t. ______

DLANKETS.. 200 catee rii'ln«n bouti i EauiilyII ! t\K» TS. from cradh a- t.. U I, »¦ of rarkoaa lU

tier '....Ir'.'-kv- re r. and Heeee BlaaAata, SajoalRtjRochdale and tionic M il*. W .U tjle iow." HESMITH A Ca.. Ageett. Ma Tt Breedaaee.

L'lNE BKOWN OlH<1)>..,'std Dalt-a ^VJif-II rlaui. Hoieai.'vnarrra.aa t. raaie.yja earn. e> i |,'| ,',|t1u .V., V» liwav.

fi si BlaARttE'Iai.tiii i<«« i :h^ braty. a*., i . MESMITH A Co.,

%aaa. 11 El -a. ir s . i ,^ ,.f

rpOWLE & Co.'i FAILURE.MNo ». #,r»>l e>_

¦__ rr, OOODI" r ..«¦nf ...u**etre« t iiai.lifk a*: wa-ta iWf4#m- Prikte:, uii jti u .

Ou aale, fcr benefit tf cr-d.'o*.



V/ OOODS it EtT*'L.PaTON k Co

_ .«i N\n Pwk : »ce *. d .so. i4 m .-»t *.,-Pt-ld tneite tbe IBlUll of rbnee refarv.h...< t_ S'.rciu j


La. k ai d MDB LIN (TRTainsDEAPEBT, Ml'ILlHa COBNICE*. TltU BAN'j-



And kB aeeernen' Waith Ii the lart*** _l aaeol tv.-i m then'T. tfali (#o> dj Ntjadrad fi.r Hone FarnWhia*.



Juet Nmlltl from Auction bylim». a COMPANY Not ITlHr-vl.».

Ul»". tt f>- . ..«.

BLEAI uli» Li « »Iis.a ....ii.j...-:..- a«...rtuir>ut,con prut* c»»rj w <''h and nuilite

For aal« by_NESMIT.l A to Nu 7! BroadwaT.

IVHMERt-iCK Manttacti'BJno Co. .

ff BUtACllEU t»OOI)> braelebyNV 1MITH l C«., VI. Aa-ta.

15itlillinprji, Src.

i ENZ Dl PARTS nil REM »VE her mil-r INERT FSTABLIB WENT to tbd latef May, from

No. 4M to No. 7(2 Broadway. Man H are Church.

QTBAW BONNETS,tO Of tbe moat Fiv^.ioriVe S'ylei,CHEdVP FOR CASH,

_AtHAEXEn No-MJohoet,


For caa.i. itN,d. 64 and öci John at. c.merrf Wa.iarr..


(Tlothtng.MEN and BOYS' < Lf THING, wh<>].>aa!e and J VAN DE RBI LT» No V7 Oar-n »Uta made 'o order in the beat t'j'e f nttu t fftf t P."»mifnrL.abed to tbe trad*. Yotir pat'unifo i« reapectpioy aoiicited.

SPRING and BUMMER WEAR.-Tne PioneerEataM »hmenf, derote.: to tbe aaie of exrloj.velT fi.-»t qu»i-

ity READY-MADE OAR.MENTS In tl.n Ma t.\ yea.. It.forked in tbe Retail Department with laaaonab e *.>"!» ofanrb atylee aa wi'l jmM fv an aaaaraatM of o.r detern inatioo *oretain tbe precedei.r, i,»-ret,f r* fivHi u .-p-.,., ¦

WM. T. JENNINOS a Co No 131 Broadway.Oppoaite tbe Park F.. ,nta,a

CPRING FASHIONS..Toeivostapleodid H I PSb» e»er f?cr.d at fb» l«>w pr'»e at fl tee* yatldatdi. Meat Hale, a>2 Sft. BROWN, No tlBCaaal^b

rPHE JOURNEYMEN HATTERS No 74 Fol-X ton et., New-York, make the r oaru Ha'e, whole,al* ai.d ra¬

ta,!. Fi. fie Ha'. +1 leestaaaoraen aaaaaTerd to aeii.W H BETMOURi WM. R PALMEB. Minaj'H.

'OITir-Mid CHILDREN'* CLOTHING f-»rall are. from three to «wen»» t.ara a' VVHilLF^ALP

J. B CLO^E, BAILEY A CaX, No a Parg p.aee N Y.

iiliuliiucrrj, Ä*c.


ASHCROFT*"8TEAM bin] V.m Ti.M LUGES.Toe heit and moat of any in baa oia.ket. W,'

rai ted correcL A liberal dm, nut allowed to h- trad* F,.r¦alt bt char W, OOPELAND, N« Rr*ad.ay1 IN EN MM HIN! RY -JOHN R M S ai. i.v.m J ( namplan.. N. Y., A«^nt tor the aald t LAaaa MacAdaacyof e»ery do. rip'int BOW at 4 . -co. .1 band, E .; .*.".' Bad M*cl.initla' Tool», ai d Yarr.rcf trery number and .piality.

VII II" iLs soda L« »LNTAIN8. .TJ. a FooMain* «re n . * »..«. a e »..« , n

rbe*p, and prc'oc* an ritranr,iinary quality of IVaUt witbo itiaU,r and at a irtfl nt aavei a*

P. II Nit ,1 ,1. i No. 71 Pi a at., tup itaira)

SO DA-WATER' APPARA11 S.The onlyPa'.t.t Can lr"i Apparat',» la 'h« led Ml ¦'>¦*¦ Ajk,

*\ttj dtatriptiou of Ai |ar."i». Copper ,.r IronW M OIK, No. Fjiton .».. Near York.

3WIFT'» PAl e7m-^iiXs^T~g. lani:. fx-wj cln»ite Mat ufac'nrer.for Ofladuk* Cotrnt, Oraia, Bpdaaa,Ac. Btaahaa* lot fam.ii> o»e. Oroosca, Pataaara, Ac. A ear]»bien. i artic-e. OrtlataIbaMCtfally M ' ..

5 O. LANE. WeaaloftoB, N Y

riM PRINT El.'s.-Ef»I j sali:.A Hot - \M h>r*«i Super II ,al II AN Ii PBEBtj al«o a CARi»PBEWj both fa per Bye or-ier, a*, a Ijw price. Inquire at thePifanbH Oikre, Wo. it By*at* at.



PRFSS aBaAt-i fa»t DOI RLE CYLINDER, nearly new,¦R31) DOUBLE CYLINDER, old atjla aZtSli all la a»e,oi Hoa'a¦taafatlaaa. Si» hor-e ENOINE. HolLF.R, CUM-NECTIONB, Ac And* t.. Mr. OEOROE MATHER No.II 4 litf-at .or J W. BJCHAEDI Tribune Office. New York.


I I MP. Fol iiieooli by A W OAT A CaX,No. lit Maiden 1*0*.

ttntlfrn, fjarbtenre, anb iron.

AMRONDAC IRON Co. PIG HON..ColdBlawt, Ckarr. al Walt* IRON, lot Fotfe |aifaw*a, for aa.e

b> AtcM Adiionua.- Iroa CuaaaaiiT,JOHN W QCIMCT, No. 95 Wdliain-at.

AMERICAN SHI LRS SCISSORS, A«., oftbe celebrated tttnip of " B W en it " tk arra .ted a-ipe

nor lo any other made A foil aaeortoieiit cot (UnUy cu ha-dat the depot. No M Jot****., Nwr-YorB, _

PUTLERT. TEACRAY8. *e..Ivory"TaHeVV ami De»»ert ENTVEM a. d FORKS of R. i Baa . « id

ABiencan n.anufariare iatro Forn SpaoM,Be. TEA-PRAYS.Plain, (iotbic ai i other *tyl*a A1k> t |"i eral aeeeevsect of Uou.e fur kabh » Hardware, for »ale r»

IHAS S LIT, LE k Co., Net « tad M Faitoii-*!


I aaattbart. IbiHtll aad Maticbeater af Btab* tad all ta*U»t oannfe, 'are-a *.»Xatly. Ba Braaaand IrooMa.'hla*aid lap BCEEWB) be»t Lataaoa Eaaacy, Battry C .'b tnd

Papet lackwakih*,aad Bel Ha r-r.1 NATERlALBi Ba'lltra1, Mac!. i.i.'a' and Poaadate* BABPWaREi I»a A M»r-tin'a Loodon Part*ard LbtaM BLACRINO| Bad* bAewtafHthe TROY BELL FolMiKRY a'd Pn.e-i» Manufac'urin*Con pan>'« toierior Bla, k I«e*l RCCIB LES Patentee»of ih*Pr-n ium Motnted Porcelain DOOR Pl'R.NI I'l RE-acaidi****ari*ty alw«>. on hei <t

GEO. II SWORDS, WALTON A C->.. No «0 Day *t.


UAEOBEAVEB, BM1TH k DICK1XB0H,No V> Cilff-t* N-w York.

BABOBEAi r I IMITH a Co.,Mei u'»,' .'-r»«: 1 Me'citani*.

>>.. t!.e. El c'ao-l.ftai aVlMllai hi HWHtlil * >e u»d-c;ded aaHaartawai whw-b

wc ofjer to the tra,(c W arrn.'ed Ca»r iiee, Fllea. Tiwl» andF»w». with net »»rietj of Caütry m tu^A. Ordert frwmSt. tt Id at loweet retee.

HI 'DsoN PIG IRON ii Odo of too best IrooaIt, the* f»r Pawadotl and P. rte portoaea Tb- No.

1 l»*r* will nul n.ore t» -»p. BBal I. r ail ourp. «ee i« au.^r^ir to

any Scotch P'« For tile by JOHN W. o/'INCT.No. 8* W BUaat at. Atei.t of the Hadaoa Iron Co.

HoRSE-sIlOE and Wl.N"iiii»lt~ NAILS,¦ABttFACTVBBB *v

TU I AMERICAN HORBE-]SAIL COMPANY Pr^-.Jeric*.Bai Mrl'Vii. ir Aiei ta.

Pl>SlNi, i FOt KPR V !..»:".E U'C. S.t .NY.

NAPANOCH SaUSBURY HAMMLRoDIBOW. ¦ til fiaaa IllBbalJ «...!. a«- !'¦» »'vi rr -a'ed

a ith klare.«1 -Tti»lr,.i k » ..rarte,: t et" r iaara »tr-utto

a d tjaaliry, and la ai tat >» -e t h» an» other Iwo aaaa* Or <*»»

imiiiilB* laafl*.C*r 111**.faapiafrr V .> .** latRaaaorA aouara Itoi. t,. t id on b«a in .t.-ee. Po- «a.» »y

/OHM W. QI !NCY. No. ft Wuita-A


CM ISBI Ri COLD BLAST i HARCOAL \'HÖ S r Car \\ bet . a I work r-)u rl t wmn , .- r

brao Ate ral* by IOHNW ui INC1 N W WBHaai at,

cable 1b0n WORKS..CUT NAILS and0»1IKIS DOBBE-RHOI Itf'N aod NAIL ROD1.TV*ci»'er»;at,e.i At--: t I r tre -i at .if..t-.-r« oBwr* (at »a.e. ,,l fa-

tor*ate tenet t full mm rraaoal f tkei - raad * Nadaa »-i^.-.or Ban* **li 'i Iron a~d Nai. li^u truui u.^ ea-n*

"P rrel» for the Weet. of of lea* than See tnna to e-.e aiireat,

w; Ne delified dnnrit lb* leee, » of inei n af R el

Point. Ttcy. or Alia: » MF H H ITT TRI »ttiLr *e Bruadtt.

A^HoYElTs and NAILS..100 iec. .Ba-BfB-*R k»»tCn: N» » itaattrdMa**..« l*t» i i.t Nailt 'ini't U.

k< w» W r, nth: S: kca.I r.tle hy WX D ANDEEWI' No 1.7 C er-, a d N t I W..a-.

i2PFLTI:rT ANTIM« »N Y. BANCA'.TvCOilo rah S r aale by JolIN W ftl'LHCI «» w kta *L

IX) MAI HLNI8T8, BLA( KSMTTHS, tie..]bare etwued the tt re No ITkCe^tre »t- w.lh a tar eral it

ar-t. i etYraa aad steal. wJ» ei: - aal bar i f i fja te-

«. . 1 liar B . I « - "..,<. 1 Cat »-. she u iteolec. ew oarret JkMES«c.)TT_h0ma8 iron Co..pig iron rlej

M. nio.» *. Jrjjyj w q )Ni T. Si. w» W, ara-ta.

\\TIL'F. rope <¦>{ even *ir-*.»Tength and dejre.'»» t . fle\i*.iry. ft'm ore e* rt"a aiaB flMHaaMU pwa.--.L-

btrf-iif ataryt kc^»ar*alebyCHAI. W. COP -am N»y.

(titan Öuamere, «£*c

Z(\ POI NT'S BAGGAGE FREE.10 reu»"f rx-ina 01 fuM f.BT t* srt 6ucn ar»»n bj

k) Cuiiti ka. reed. Tbro itb (at t l Iu-m ta Pa.-.etne kU..-r-ad. Tit |*t berdBtatot Mu <k>u»k si .ja,<u< dtapavnchf«r Arptnwell on MONDAY Mar J. a- : t*lktatl p m pre-eattlj, from P»r Cot of Wo-reL-et, Norta Ejvar. tae WaftteiwB isi bat arteeibehip ill.sjis Cape Cheriee 8. Boat*.i fc x.fuKrrf'iiUHi. it i.» Raflroe.1 *: ;'« «:... * .-a. j »ta.otat Ceaa-PM fa b-a«t.£,«:.: eteen.ei... BON..It a w";..-..e rjo

MtMkV ¦ Hti aTafl be in reed ~aa tut. art .b-i-.e. ateiT v r

fa: fret' «co. i M « .<i»bbj »a«e

ONE or Mi.BE EXTRA ¦. r.AMER- rn i a' Pa emw raadjwir a*o. to et»»d ant pea Ho doganrtoi or peeee t"r» tr mwAFor i«aa««. apai« at I »V RAYM IBD a' ir« ob v oflVr of

tAoCoomcoilao.& i*7w,,t.t o oorwtgrteit,How Tort? .» tbt te Aap-.-iwe'l TO ra»fo pe- aajM tat. OA era Hi

kaif reft p-r p. -i.: {¦"'a:... a: i tre.*:.: re:e;veo afterU o'tiark on tbe da; Or 01 I r

FOR CTBABIaESTON and pLoriiia.SKtfl-wpeei.Y D i MATL Ulli -The bow etrt <r^- o d

vary feet ai u a eea i-nip MaK ON, w\ Eoatar, r««-

Baader. «Ii Waat Tior No 4. v,.r-t « ear aa WEDNESDAY,A|n. 30 at 4 on.ri o B pre'.ae^T gnr FreafiT t-irt» no

k r r. where el alia mi r a-,. eg ed,ta 1 tar Btewt*re.Utl'i'ttatiO' irr. r 1 . ,t mm e«uri- ^* at of «p' IFF IRO,TILFrH.N a f M.. » Bw.j PAoBBtottfi ard teatg. :r ratoaWaVkf JAB ADOEI « r. Torna-,etwnmtitVT, w-.llteataid, Bird .rota oo aATI RD»Y. Mar a. Too favoritet'earrtr CAROLINA maker reg-itr "to to -oe a <¦ttr» ob tbe M J »o'« R-vtr. .Vrru. e°* aewtaej w at the

ar'T» from Baw Tart ac; »e» ni ''he-»«t<t "C^ilYTdBfJAT, at i e e'oek p a. Taroagt tike't to Jo^kennvibto) ! Püaita. <>J3.

rfHE NEW-YOBK and LIVERPOOL I'NIT-A ED ITATEI MAL eTt AMER- Tdo »mp» compno-inr ihio Bi ¦ aroThe ATLANTIC, Crept. 'Hirer E: :-y*eTbo BALTIC. Cap '

eapa i aaaobaeAThe aI'".'aTIi t of. Jtnee Wee*Ta»»» »r r» b«Tf bear, baut rj coLtriet eipraet.t Lr tne a »

III blOOl aero r» "f rj ^tra ha» beat 'Urn 'h*tr Cf etrt;;T aa,. a i. io ¦ '.'.t it e. pnet. M tor ire ttrrLttb a .1 need . abtl tne.rti.-rttmrdtti for pi^otofinar. aa^oakAaAtblafalU asdc Bit rv

Prtta fparaaaa fro» Bow Tort to Lloarpool, ^ f.-tt caki...A' ' tj «rr.tdd Tri in Utoapoof bj Near T.irk. JOa i at. Aa oxoarkoaaoA raraaaB otta '.e.iBafcarki cat. re ttcaratl tir.-.: paM f .-. Tbo abtooof thit :...eha.r ii ; loved träfet t tb: lu.kbaade a d to atoil daua^r Bi mi a m ;. ct. ». Eaik i.«-t 4. If, c" . -.."cr theBalta a Janat.

PBOroSEO i'atLs u.'' <A!L:N'i.rirv »r« TJtw ito»i Lirtato.tL.

PATI RPAY....Aphi *. 114 "A EDBE8UAT..Maf it.!»«.fATl'Ef.vV.. .Mat 1 *,. WE0NE8DAT MayM.UUBeATI PDAV... Mat St. UW.:ei'Kn<lESl>AT..JuBe'.l.|AVI.fATfRUAY_Ja. . 7. Id.. "a EÜN i'smay.. la e i5, .i A.PATCBBAt... } .¦ ISM u EDNEnOAT.. 'u.» <. |i«.lAlt7B0AT....Jali S, MM *VEDNE.<DAT..JoltB*, la Vi,»ati jyit :r I v \vfn\-».dn%Y..Ao*. s IBM,.'ATI BDA*....Aoa. USA WEDMESDaT .Aoa>M laAAPATCBDAT.. A . '- IVEnX^APAT..8«a4. S.IA'ktFATirBDAT....Aaa » iaSA|WEDVE«f»Al .eWaAtl rMf-ATt PDAY_Seid. 13 laVCIkVEDMESD%T..Oe». I I »..

.« ATI "K DAY_77 l«Vi !u-fllNV4r>tT .Oe». is I»«PA TUBDAI ...Oel li kVI iNEdt) AT.. Jot. 9,1AM.»ATt*BDAT....Oef M. laAtfWEONEBDAY Nee. lt,|t*AS n I HDAY....N v. * l«v ;WfiiS'«litV .Nae.te.UM,r*» TCP DAY... Not. B,!t« WEO.aESDAY, He*, in UM.S\T h DA i ....D«e. .. luv. WEDNESDAY. Dec. U 1"J6.SAlCkDAf. Dec I", D)K.|Pol frr-tht rr pa»»ra. arplT to

t DA aRD K i OLLIKB, Bo. Sd W a., at.. N"w s BBIPL I f fc I I reriBTEEBEB BENMARD A Co..

No. ."7 i^a-^. k'rla-i. L. :.J..n-B. O \\ AINWBIOBT i i Pai

Taooajraartof tAvtoaAfpt o/Bl act bo aeeoe laMt f. r % \.a. ., r. I. '\- . »,:.«. i ra. t. ..¦.» or leetela .ti.ieeob .:. o'io.t t aia a.a » iie-ief. r tad i.a »aiu* tBereof et«

[ I »«rd -t' .


bhr>'l.N 1u t.r.-rit.a HaaBiiB.f NORTH aJTAI !,a0taat. Lefttrt Boator*.wffl 'aata Noa Tort tat Aaataaaoateaai d Br- man on SA rrRDkY. M-t 10, a* oooa p a.-iaelt.PatCK oi PaaaaaB. Eirat CaMa. BH*i la oad CaMa BARThe N. r i. S a ,. a p Iw »tia Pect a' Baa btttuaeaa o

Mad P«aaa;ipeat »od Mai.a, tad t».L gtoceed lAoaatO lor H'en.aath- «an I .la..

Paaa. «er» at, 1 Ma bj Pet lla a a ba ttl ' M.M a a"

Btiateeeaptea. la a I ¦' a.a otaoaMfarp at aaaaaatkaa with tAaLata.The NOPTIT «TAR naa been tl r. etV v e».--,.mad raaop-

P»...I ». d reined aadbat 'IX niLlB P'EBMAN2N1° bVA-TEB NOHI hi IK HEADS.

It. tbe eoeaartic' on and appolt rmanoi of thtt Sfatreahip. ee-

pantl rtre :.aa bean taken 10 ".tore. ia tio t'tht't dtaieo. tooaatarv and Ota :. rt of ; tf^ft*.Par Patoata aad Fretaei tpi rta

D. 1'uKaAM Nu. B rrratn


i»i' hor»e |«war. . apt Hotrart Lettcb. ia inren'e' to ret rue tbettilitt from Literpool M Pbila-la'ptu oc W tDNk"S'>AV. tea«VI of* Lit I BPOOL AND PHI] aDBXPHlA S TEAM til If

C-liMPANY's Iraa arraw naaa ¦. a

CIT^ i y HALTIMi.IiE.ATtaaa .Capt R Lriri «.CITY OPtwaAfllaiOTHM. f.taata - .1« vvvi.irCIT> OP MANCHtetTER. ILIKtoeo. Cap! P i Ptrait.KANGAROO.IJ74tant .( t K fwito.

Aie kaAtaded kteaB aa MtoWHFtu<l L.tat^ooi..


Kaon I'milapt ( rma.

city of Baltimore._tiicr»d\y m»tivi 11 i Ok HAI. 11 vi. iH1.TIM RSUAY, lane *.

R KTY I OP PAfBAOE.Paaat Pan »ni i.rnit,

Ctbin rn IWa-bertb i vr r.- n.«. .?<*Cobaa ¦ ihrer »rn atate roon.a. ajCabin .n MrWafd *'tt» rro ra.. 4o

Paaa LivrtrooL.Cahir in rwo-bertn atate-reoaa.i\,. r^-tee ber'h ata'e rcoma .HtuinaatCabta atattwatd otate>roetet. <*u<«t

U rl ..In t !<te-*ll br1 feea.THIt: i till Pass, laSAA

A« d .an bei ol Daild .aa- l'.>aa.-Bpa ra m,:: be Aken,aridfour ' it a» tier! prai atoa aa ,eo draAPro« PailadtlrAia.t '* Piaaa Lleerpaal.*\bCertiAealee of Pirragt Trtll l«iet'i-.l b. r« u. oertoea wh,, ore

i.-. n ... .1 iii a.i.t i.'.t t..rir inend» at tatrtapaaaMai i«-^a

Tbeee a'eau >iiipa a;a cm air .. ted with .va.1 waier-titbtcot portaMD't aad eav-h taa»< I e»m-a an etpariai.cad ao'faon.

D»aft« an L..-rpooi from il apwarhA'l Ciaaia aei t to the A|e ta in PbBodolphtAbad Litarptol

wi be forwarded w.tb eroron.a and dw|«tcu.kor Ereigne or raaaeae aBelt ...

JilIIN .» 1'iALr AoeatNo 17 W til ll «. Pu' a.leir-bia,

et SAB EL A COR Tl« No. in H'.etdwtT, New York.WILLIAM INMAN. Atet-t,

N'« I aad iiTea r BaUdtaai Liverpool.

rpiiE BRITISH and NORTH AMERICANA boyal mail iteamshipa

rtoM a a ar- Tea a to l 11 a a oaaa.Ch rt I ah... Pa-aate.4> UBSecond I abn. Peeaiga..< 7*

rtoM oo'Tov to uv8bp0i L.Cb »fl ab-n Ptrette.«!!»Sec i abba Poatatjo.. tv

The »: ;e freatl B .. et a' lltefat.PRRBIA.« opt ladtlaa i ANADA.Cept LejaaARABIA, Coat I, Atoot AMERICA,Capt. Wi traaaA>lA. ( apt. E O. L. ¦.. Ml Vi »RA. CtvpA Rtraa.AlRltA la; t enai.r.un. k R.'I'A Capa, J. Lwiu.n.

Thttt veaar la ran v a clear white U(At tt anaa'. h^aJ, treea oa. . '. bew 1 radca port u.w.AMA. !.. tt.iea- eaNY rt Wodseedo] Aprt. :*CAMBRIA. Brue bleat. .e«.ea lloa . We takbl at. Ap'l fl.'M.A h R.' A Ibaaaoa. .1 aveo N.Tott Wtdaoodoy. AriaB.'M,ARABIA. Store.leaara B.e'oo 'edoeedav Me| T. 'API RSI A J ,u»...»..cavee N.Y..rk W.d,.ead»f Mav 'I

canada i i leotooBottaa Wedaaoday, Me, ... j*.p. rtat a. t aa. ured u to [ mi lor

An oaparWeced awryeaw ai beardTbe owrert of tbeae ebipo win not be treonotahla fo» Oold,

BB».r i - i-wa... Pro >ee Boaejet ea M-eit.aadaot biUt el fa., ai.. ed .herefor a i mo va-ae n»reol.J.ere'l eip'ealed

k r frr tit or paaaaea ->t 'v -a

I CCNABD. Ma « "owi,i.| paar.

0*1 I KAM BETWEEN NEW-YORK ANDbj kst.utäEDINBCBuH, SJAbtaat t\ m Cammir.t Commendar.1» k. W i it RR 2iae tana. R ita-rt ClakS, CaBBaailat.ULASUOW, lAVtaaa lot Dencau Cow an dor.Tt.. (Jtaapaw aad New \ tri s aaaaAtt Coertpaa) ketaad aaR. tAeii ., v. a^d paaaoafal Rtea trt Beat Naw*Tart for 0 ee>

I a aa aada r:

BDIMBI Loll. «.ta- a, m f M.t t: tttfti ek ta.tiiti. i loaaaal

P :tt cUea b*' tAud .aa* hand who :>aieed provieaeco,RAA L etp. » ..< ad Sora- a' t -ba^' .«.»'. aie»o.e"

Pot fiebj r »».». «, J V » r M' 'sNa l7 Bnat^artt.

Nr» Tl rk I rj f Qt r : r j rar- » .^r pa*aa/e.

1T s. mail steamship company.Pwe havana ard BEVA>0ELEANS..<Ja Eal'iaV,

Mat f, at ; t n. r. .....,...¦,4rat\: * h . .e feeta-, ta. otAaaabobtf EMPIRE l.Tt.t e,n. U WxiLe erAa.i. aa «S »e

I aaatre i ar i.e t. -e.i a' -.¦» r " » t . m r.

pfeigbl to New i -a . a »-. 'a aabtal -t.

Ibrppert wl - f led with wteat MJie ef ktfloa of MmArauigra " j " I posy, ai tpaicatM a tbe r vdice. "Joa»bei Arwrri p i a: i wkJ :c af-«r a.«bat tt»«....4

I r tr gvior oaotage tjtiy at tae cAV-e of the Coaiatay, Ma,1*7 VNeat aL.rorrei wf W».r;.k M. J. BOMCPA.

¥3OYMAU- STEAMSHIP AFRICA forIt LIVEREOOL..The APRD b.n.Mkai .. vx.-av.darwJ ta 'r b tttiii:;;!: a l'<k a" J,-..t tt w.lj theMed» tr f.-.. n kot I art e a WEDNESDAY, A.rJ >at . u It¦P tatet a»r. a- ....«.-. . ^ a heard . ;*. r .i.

lie PERSIA wb. aa . MatE l ' NASD Bt ? B w ta I.-en,

VEW LINE of NEW-YORK an. live1-II Pun:. PAt EE**« -raTB OT'C LISE.-t MlJaa arfRbe coeprieed of tae twloari a new are' £ia t.a«a ehrrw v tt

riNRY ( LA> . «wraaa....CapA*>wti Coelkiaa(A i 'N.i.joo... .a' DetJAal B T' .xta.

.! "' nt.¦'**' .i a l t" La-wto *. Hn!.ELLEN AtTPTIN.. latAtaat Copt. Wl ata H 'Jtrriet

1 « .a tar ' - reeei j t- ar- AM a-a 't

tic .¦ r ¦' -.. : - -r ¦- Thee art aa

l-B-ieetr it en..aix-e a 1 abtl rj 1*beir tec lamoda'totioa> T.-v«tr.r*r ar. I »vtry »i»r.«.r w rm rr. a te n pr^uaOtotL» "oe »et ef poaaet pera a d be eotrtaa ar ea of aoipr«*a

i 01 fre.ti. cr tax . a. v

jiPt.pi, .lt., T ..crSi c. sv Z' ? -oe iwav

Aftia ¦ LfaatTC ORIN'HAW A C« S . < I rea ravtava


öifambcci:3 anD fiailrcaös

CAMPEN ard aMBi-i P^.jL'1"AO LEWE*irr PHILADELPHIA.WtTJ f-*i'**t j»;;. !eote

? er 1 NR. a: M > <k v -a Bora BI - . « v

B.ead!f» aa. Liaaa a bt4avaoA« u »* ttlate. v i ,.va:l ptv a* -. ». 14 llafBB Ad>*«-

VEW ARRANGEMENT.ACCOMMODATION11 LIRF FOR NuBWAU AND RO-RY «KCl -TVlBB*B*H N'^IWALK. Carl. Creone T t..*m*r wi teat*F «r tut pAM < ttbaiutxli». Keel aw*** lady, . ¦ ,

eeee«d a: 3 e c.e k p.m. Learn* Soa Lb Norwel* Te/eittAam. Far- <* eta I#a»i-# Rock, SkI I :V far*. *M eta1 tiabt :**.:. a: raaa r-*** re e* eivd forwarded lo !>.». ¦./Aaa n it., i r.oo.rtiy, Leiatu* oa> delivery of th* to>«!a A..I rrto: I a:» f<~. t-rsat j $ a. t i at p*re > '.* aa accveantaaa boat ana owner* i'H.Kli . «¦ "til Act

F)R H«'STi>N R«4 PKkBVlDENCL -m 1LWPORT and FALL RJVK.R.-The aatradU taxi en;er.-r

Weatre' P 4 "i STaTl Caa*. r Q j-wru aa Saw fatatr.rt T! rSI'AY THfRSDA Y a- .1 « A TTR n A Y «tko.-loekam: and FV1PIRF «TAT» «*»r B Brat.«- «.»< N»aUtk t»n; Mi Nl * I MTERDAt1 and FRIHAT, ti 5.r-iofk a. m trowv ~w So J. N. t sear toe Bauest betateorbirt at >.«;> I* reeh aay.Her***... Ml -*«-«-¦«. aa aeca-ed 'o any apatt-

-aM actil tae tan a aball bat« wen. ,* Re,1 .. . fr-warded taronab adaR great «V-atch.

btac !¦ tr'''**^""kcbt Tr in. s k. fee mm tin PPtatat.

THE BEGULAB MaIL link rkSTONING-T< S t. i I -' rev i't :' Si I NEW BEDFORD

tod TAI'MTON .tala .'. mii wtt. at delay, chance of cartar eirrtu.« abt lantern MailTie ftllttlt PLYMOUTH ROCK. Captain Joel Stotke.

and Ci V VI- ! ORE. CapU J K. PeieLeto* .n .-..uaw the St*, infTati ar.! Provrlcnee. and B.atvu and P*uti-de: ce Ra..r»ao> leetne New-York daily. tJandara,». r,.t N, 1R( r-b». Sr»t wi>a.-f abot» Bailery pieve.a . k m. and <tmi «'.-i al .: e> p e «or »be trrita

*. Ike a a., trail wbarb baa ee Bv-too at > a1 rx aa. .

T>* Ci'VVoroKF '»vn New-Tart M-ne'ey. W'edneaaWya Pridarj PTeae Skat c,,a TweaVat Tbarwiey *n,l Set-

fw»PLTMOCTtl SOCKfrwatNew V .tkTWtf TVuiwU*. -» ..-.»» r n to »-.- io»-uni Menday. WaJ.oea.iaj andPVu'ey.

( .tw- teea wror-ee. Peaat *'oa'ertr»j per Kalleged te Prcrl-de*,.-. Beaten. Taanton and New-Btdror<l tc trie Eipeeea MaiT«" leetblag Baad pM . <f"r«i unn tn advance of tbxae bye'b-r rrntet. and ra airpit time for ail tee early taoraktf ttneearaaawetatJ Bertil aad r.a*r_ Faaaerter* that peef-r it re-nata

». Kir. tat itea-f »t nuh' t re«» an.lietnrbed. break-( .¦ t -at-- «usnuiat. c in tae 1 an a m bait forPrcrioetre.A Barnre Matter tec rrr*.'.tee -he «te*-ier and Tra n

t: . ft- r». :. aitPor paaette. beifha. tta'e rr> ma M fYe »r.'. arrle »'. P er No.

t Morb Ri»er. rr at the offt* No. If B ittrrr piece-_

CENTRAL rallroa.p .f NEW-JEBSET,in aattnectkea with the LEHHIH VALLEY RAILROAD

c ered tc Man..1) Chunk.Sprint arra..teruentt coaimeia-iotA IS, MSB Leave Naw York for Mao. Ii Chunk and inter-

n .<! iV i.Ia e« (r..oi Pit N'o. tMettk River ilIU'l a, ftwF .. a:" Jan and Ji IS p. m. Aw Someetil'e. at 7:J0 andIBtASai aa., S:tSaad 1:1 y m. The aN-te uaina connect at

E lebeth w .'h ra naea !. e New J^raet Balllead. leatn* SewfaaB treat Brat oaf Caattatiadi at aj 7-Sr. and II a. ne..i and 5

p m. IOHN 0 STF.RN«. rlui»ni.reiiJeut

I7LU8PIN0 RAILROAD..Thrj SfSBabBBti>: kltli ITY aaeeaFaltoa ftny Waarf, aatth tUe,al

e, I atal . BVtad I.B| a«! t» in d*ll,. meefin« andei. bai f t Pa«aenawra at'h 'a* ' art at Hnurer'a I'oiul. <ippu-m\-r J.Nl «r.. wlitb 'ea»*« Plnebinf at the aame bonra. Peraonte.' 'o PlaaBbaa b] taryad tbr«e !>».«. and -etuta by noBjeat er any eeccaedmi rYao-. 'broath in w aabawbaa Fare..'c.

/1 BEAT CENTRAL BO UTK.-Vi \:* i- . .i tbe


and tneir lailiiaat and rHaaawawal Ceaataartbaaa 'o Chiea#o.k« wa. lre fialeaal Bit.ii ra. «t. Lcuit Cairo, and all pomttu tat and t atb weet.Via SUSPENSION BR1DOE, BI FPaI.o. a OSW EUO, U al

No. ITJ BROADW AY N.Y.Ccrrercf riailltwll M DARIlrfl ','LARR. AtenA

HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD..FrosB April21.13.'* Trau i w teate Cbauivtratt. BtaBVtl aa M>

I. wt. Eapreaa,4a. at, a-.1 *

p. m , Mail. 9 a at,i ITatwafbRj'ay ttakh, 12al Fn.trar.t.T a. at Per Po.uhke^iwie. 7 a

an ai d P in. Pofl 81 a .>...*. if a at ai I 4 n. at. P.»rHu.'n.n. H p m F<e Peek.k..l. W p The Poue'.Xeep.air Sine Rii t »i .i Peeked I Irwine a* >p at way atalletaa P vaaau-

¦eta rebel at Chen ben Canal. Carbatapbrr and iittau. TralaaBe Rear Yati leer*Tret al I l>. 7. a d I ti a in. and Raip. m., and 1 ttl A ba. t ai I Tl 1«'. and II: 'Sa>at and '.: Sp. in.

M L SYKES, jr g ,|v»n neu ent.


all aadate W'aat aaal SawtAvwatt, »an abaaka 'T'hrou»b ri^t^.aaid aB btSaratatbta .aatratrtdBfl r-e*,-. Fiare, See., ei-'ier b» tatNEW.VOBK tsu F HIB BAlLBOAD, or NEW YOBICENTRAL RAILROAD, by afMUabtat tt the .. jmiaue t Oftc*. No. I» rlf adwat -..'rer Dot at.

. JoMN F. Pf;R7 VH, Oer.eraj Aceat M H R. R.

NEW-YORK nn.l BRIE RAILROAD..Olai.d after MONDAY, Dec SL 1SSS, and aatfl fur: .-r ...

-. Paat afi ' i ramt will leave 1'ier foot of U ia.... tt at U*

BUFFALO EXPRESS, at? a m. for Balfaio direct, .e ot h»at*4i' or ,-.rt. At .l,..-:,el.atille 'Ika '.ra. .one, la. ':, . a at brail lor L> abbrk ai.J alt tutu ..a uu the W'aautmDirlakaIIAIL, a o::\a. m. In Dai kuk aad uitereaedB

ale «laiu.nt Paaaeatert by tlna train w Ii remain oter fi|bt aturtiaaa ai.,1 arai re,i the aaal morning.NFW RUROn F XPREBB, ai i p. in. Km N..whur«h lire-t,

w ..' tbai .e f c»rt

Ro< ELAND PAMEWfJER n i p m Ha Snffero't, »brPiermtuit aiNi .hferii.e,iiata tfar.,t a.

WAY PASSENOEB, at J f '¦ for O'ltrllle and interme.'l-are w trial .

Nr.i REPRESS atSp. at. *.r Dunkirk Hai B-tFalo.FMIoRANI a' "> p ¦ MDwaAMB ti'd Budalu and tn'et-

ate Bate »-a';. atBe Praia win leareon BtTRDAT,Tb.te F ipraet I rabat ona« I M I 'e»ra arth the F.tmire and

Niatara kellt Railroad tor Niedare Falle, at Hoflalo *:>.l D iu-

kkrh arrtb tae Lake Sheet Railroad tor Cleveland, Cuicmuett,oledo. DwtTOt! I htrtco. Ac.

'i C M. i A 1.1.1 M. Oereial Snper. teudatiL


UF.NE8EB VALLI Y RAILROAD it mw open, and. iu e.n-

aectu n wi b th- KuRalo. i .., .nl ui.l Sr. Yett a. I Sew Yoikand Erie !«..*.:. Sara . a lafwat Mwta fr^m NawYurk to

Bo. heater.The dir. tr.rta of t.'.n i.. ie, toaetbet with the auperlor <om-

fort aSordtd hi be aride can ratMlerak by lar the uowt deaira.lee bttwerl tile abotr ua.l.ed ffTttt

Ti. kefa ia be procared at Ike New Y.rk and Erie RailroadT. An tbrt luvt* Baaaa M .aba! Ha i*Hi,*i.,, t», n

Jeree, Cityl'.tia/e be, k-d btwaSBVe ..,.¦« will h tported bwtwaeai New T'-rk ai.d Rrvhee

te' wo: itiefarrh A t b k raaatkat awatrad in retard «hereinrat ke krall r. I 1 » r ti it t n the Oatattaj Preicht A/ent of theNew V, rk and Erie Ralli ad Fr e HutMBict.orC. S TAPPAN.Ratwltt Frelabt Aswet .. rSR Ite, adwtip.No aretnf ji. 'he f*«S»-. i a and New York Railroad oa

Sanday. J. A. HF'iPIELD. Mapertnteudent.


Paarer.rr-r Ita tat j . t* er ftroaiway and Canai It.u.N-w York fCat er Äth tt. and Kb ar.

Ti,.i, Lri»t NBW iOtk-For New Haren; 7, I a. bl,ir.».|,i?Bi 3.f* t I H tad] i p ra. P r Hndreport: 7,1a. By,(Fdk) ISB '> (El I l:S>, 4 p.m. For Milford. StratfordFlirtSe11, Soothport an,: R rafjt.r-. 7 a abi IS at I 1». I p. ru.

Fo- Norwa'k: 7 a m.; 12 m.; 3 (Et.,) t:A», i, SM p. m FarDa.-'.i. and CreeawicJli 7 a. m !2m 3 Rl. 4 Bid p. ¦ ForBuniford: T. I a. m. 1.' oi V l Et l C.'i. 4. V 13 p. m.

F>r Poit Cheater and m'aiuiro^ata StalioTia. 7 a ao,i.m.;StSi 4. I IIS « p m.

t ,\ai, tins Tkvtna.Bed B..t^.. I a an- El i. i p <a>.

.,B».l For nartfoid and IptindBeldi t a m. IP, I;ISaav.Bp at. (Ft For Ciaaanfical K,.ei Ka.nal to Mdawraal 1 Ian,. [Et i For Canal Radrrad: 12 m to W-ata-ld ForNr-w-f oneton Railna,! I a m 1 p m For llooeat ir Radr. ad ttm Far Naaaatocb Kali tied; i a m i p ra <Et.)for D" rverv a- d N .rwalk aUBroadl 7 a m a p. m.

Tt»l»» FOB n . * i ot n >pMBB Natt HatwBI ItSB. 7, * to

a m ? >iF» I, 4:4', » J" p m (Ft ) Prom Hndceeort-» 1 »i |l e a. ni (SB ft. I. »:». I'M p m lEl I FromNcrwrk « ( 11 "7 a m ; 1i "*» Et ) 1 I" tl p ra.

¦h,i Protc f'jt\ Ct-i'er I «' *;dl 7 f7 ,StSI 11 e*> a. m.

iiifl p. m JAMES 11 BOYT, SuieinnteudouU

NEW-JERSEY RAILROAD.Ftrc PHILA¬DELPHIA a., 'kr -dl irl ar.d \Nr.-T. rta JERSEY

( ITY .Mail end Ei.rrta [davM Laate New Y ,rk I and IIa i.. u.1 I tL«i; t. a, fkN A.', '2m., ttopptnt al allitM'i'ic'i Tbmiab'i « Ihr fkialnaatl (f IT taiS13 > a-d the bVard aaal lat Uallimore. WaehiUdton, Nutf. k Ac., ai.d 'Lrooah >..ino ~ .. ... ".'teoiut'.iu n 1 a tu.

and 6 p.m. J W WoOliBlffP, Aoeietani Sup't.

rl VNM LVANIA BAH.R» The GREATCEMTBaLBOCTE m ¦arttai the Atlantic awAta

W ra tri. Hoi 1. waatera arid Sua'b wettern Slatet. by a cot>

t.i ,. o. R, e.tdir.t Tka RawBaataawataantU at P.ttairirak'a a. Ikeaa ».. ... I j»,r'a in the W'ea'em R.vara,a, <i a> * mtm aad and laadaaby wnb btawaaatwtvaO pnea on

kW N.o'i art -n [ o .« I 'lie moat dare.-f, ehe*peat e»daatkaUaruata , wbleb t'BEDrHT can be forward*.! te andfrr.rr. ike (net' V r|t(«T'fb» v\ k r n PHILADELPHIA aad PTTSBi RfPMPia«T ( l».» .B < '. ftioea. l>ry "aood*. iml». uv. a»

.. r .-. F.t a..j * *¦ ¦IBCBBB ('till. Boott and Sti'ioucry. I try I

Ooodi n baktaj liar^war«, Leather./"Sc. par 1*S m»H Ac.S

Taito i no -Aarrlii Biu:-.». Bk.jih.Ji,. ... fcP ft L I k B| '. .|A5C »er I» B

Fo'tTii (La,*.- i ft r.«b Rae ,n an11 _

P.r* [packed Lard . 1 Lard 0.I **. um ¦la tl I'.it " . tri-m a;., point e«et of Phila.le.phi* b* per-

... dar at u ar* br pvityi V.a Penoayleania Ra .r,«yL" All-. i ke Asaadaaf tkat Ratal at Philadelphia ot

P.t _ .... w .. bl fo <¦ ar led without detentionFaaid t * iBBTa.Ra ^ R/eraaley A Ce Mrmphm.Terji.,

i R F. data A Ca I B V u'Mi A Sou. E- anerwle,I .' I i ... .. B-! t Maeaeab audCart**A lewett.lxi._et r By.*, B M-l rum. Martian, IkI dprt«at*B A Brown,aud Irw k .... t-, S W <i aham b . o /tiitTlci,i r f ..rh a Co S. « k 't at H-e»ot. Leeeh k Co No.

/. >r< , -i Bot 1 Wuiietn it., «nd No I Hattea i . A

"t'*-t_t. Pa '.!:¦< re, Gwm, t Is rar rivrua Fitter arm.Far rwttfcer par tri r bill* ,t an t, apple to

LEF.i H k Co. Acer . Penv Railrpad Ce..No. 2 After Hvtw, New-York.

H H BOCSTON Oiaaral Frr^bt Atent Puoadelphia.H. J. LOMBAl I - .;. -..t-L-lcnt, Altoona. Pa


DELPPIA aad PITTSBI'R'IH -The VORN1MO MAILTRAIN leaeaa Phüadelt bit for P -..m.-tb ty 7t .> m aoCwit.. I'rtii ..-.'1 r r Pr..!».>.'iAi* at 7 a m Tue P A <T LIN'PUava* PbalaCelpaw* for PUaabarfh **_II » p. m. aaA PMataaval

r PheVada bat at I:» p av THE MIOHT EaPRESSTRAIN Lea.e. PbAadalpbM for Pi-r.'/urie at l. p. a,, and*....'-. i rpt ». a at t .* ..

I - all t. -»t .-.-rta; , t.-. w -t '>e ra.'.")*!* at

a> .: ffi rr -. Loa.« M. A *,ri. »a.e' a t/ f'aieac'i PbtftwAi|rrmtf' -1 f- . .1 » Ry Terra H.ote Mad'a i ,_a rtyrfe axe . a: i Cmruiaat.. Ltrv.a.. r ,'r i .f r.-. e -a. l.'ky Tj.tei, ( eetelaa-. C»

a /area- I* M.-> n and Wooetar Oh-o *.ao with the..-in P. <»¦ - . a Baal aiel I* law Or'.ea. . t»t Loaaa, U»ala>r...r ei < aawlPet t-j.-.s- - ^.r ttan aa* ti-'. bt.i» in fa* boteit ot thia efty. - w I « -v. .. tmfm..'.oaa aad .. ru¬

fe '.'.e rcu-» b*w..:. "te Feat aad Weat.T' ¦ l|^ vir'i .-. i# Uc P ».teer ct tae toeremainused ,-. 'ie "A eat or ofII PTS (a-ent New feiaey Raw read Ce*. feet or*

and -._, New fork.J 1 -:. TT bft Pmmj racdaS«rJr«alC*k.

.. Pi a-fwa, NawYork.TFii AfAr MCORE ot . Ü a.C kfaik»t-«e».

«aw t ark Jet bkR

LOM. ISIANP KLAIIJIOAi^Sijj»»* tuteatedr-Leave wn Oraenpert IA a. ov |

Vapoaak 10 a. av, awl Setardey IIA o. av far EaraiatTdaJeend Svoae. I K a. av end I V> p. m **4 Haiupataod. 1» a. Ok.Un a I t 4 11 a, a. for Jamaica, I* a av, tt am. ft**,t and t .ft p. o. Laar» Oreeupurt for Braak I Id a. av , TafVSaok 11:3a p.. ovMuado.a » I" a av , UkatottA, Ifta« p.a* oa Monda-. i I: W a. «i. Fan: nadele Ttaw a av atari 1 a.

a. .»yveaat f;Jfta. am, eiW loa., Hempeteed. I;liaa> aaai » a av lataaica * I.« vtd R a* a av aaa ft P tad. Of p at


k f l ov.\\\m m ai.^ water citouHo thai Hvaiaon Ccv tt. New Jereey, oveaaakltand Jaraev ('try a a ttar mit a aa ky ttagaa. 1*00

ulera apr'v et N (Hf'off NeeYivt.


1*^ C R E r 0 ÜRIIITII,V v . LSI mi 1,, MBOrATHJC MEDICINE for tbiCTJBJ of

Cetteeipetx-. HraJerhe.('..atlrrt oat Ne-iroltia,

Cda. Pilra,Ccefhe. Rh« autioeuiI t-r-Ta«. S.-r» Throat.V errbra. Tw'kttkt,

«< BOry, Water B-«*hAU ti c Mr.' eft M art put ap * rh errat -are I .alebrated

Coratoa Pkytteki .a.: i recered bv hiuwelf. Siateea Bottle*l:. a aoaa, with a beeh tvint aarJwit dtr>-et»..ft« fur tkalr tat

Prce Bl_


CBH HESTER1" DYSPEPSIA SPECIFIC mark* Bad at til tri» principal t't-ntttett u. too l'aitod State».

ai.d at Ma HI Wall at.

CANTO SARSM'ARM.I.A. f..r Purifiirif .br»k/t B.v.xl The tan aieuicmai tttUMt and oatonlehiiit etRoeey

. doable rtTatai . t it nmedieft Ir "w.ltu . rd tu aaoao

abort ao bapatatltBod at d diae»»..i recellhya ot tea bloodcaiuee er i|1 . BO, blo'cbee and e.-r«a la break oat apon the tnefk. t . tIll . .... a) t»t.if .« aBkajfa are

|>< in tnrnt. tteitnt and reu.ovn < l'r- oared aud Aa tale byA B k 0 SANDS. No. Ilk) r«.tun at.

rpHK GREATEST MEPICAL PLSCOVERYI i kplMi. KENNEDY of Rotbart km» lUerorered Inane nf .areope-

a apoeearo areedaareamedjthai u.-ee EVKEY BIND of Ui'-MuK. frmm et» aanoi SrvV»*« itf» n a aaaaatea NaMaftHr hat triad it in Beet ehrten kottaTred eatet ate] ttatar failadetrept in taro -a»ea. both tkaadat ham.* He bee eear fa bitpxaaeaa'.u oter .».. ken .'rot ce-* rva'ea of itt ttv at a. » u.w

twetty milea nf Bo-tol.1«.. btttlot at* waxranred to rate a nnrein» eore atoeUa.II' e to 'hree botüet etil car" 'ha emrat kind of piuialotoa

ll-ta.t» r Iftreo kt'ttiet will clear Ifta ryttem of kllee

Two kottlot are a arreu.tad to euro tea wottt tanker bt ttvtm< nth ttaj t'ema.*bThree to five bottlee are wtrrtrted to tort the worat teat of

oatoeja tAe

Two bo"le» are warranted to euro mtmt't -1 ttit oaro andhi '. ... at I the bei-

k'onr or ait bottleo wo wtrrtnt-.l ttj -are eorrapt and reanit|oh etaOne bottle will rare eralt era, -.. . vt ibe abt-t.Two or tlitre bottlee tie wa -v -u.-a Lbe Wortt seat of

rl. twotai.Ibreo bolAkaoata wai v i -a. ea>t< -.nerwoetltiaaaaie

tue ol ifteaB atiatli.flktHttea ore araria aalt raeaav

(Vita'.> aitht N'ttiee will enra th. a aaa .«fatiofula.A beaooM ataiwaeaot^aattlaaaaal ajtaa it>» am K>tna and a

pana, t iira la wartai ia.l a BOB I at aNova ouaotity at atran.

N -Li t if an imi'ri'hehie to abuot who have hi taia triedaB tfto woaadeffal Baaettkmoool to-day, at thai a oniaaaoa woodtr. » t on Iba paMurea and aJ.o.t old a*.>oe walla ahoald eara

ovary batOOt in 'ha ayttan vat H It t Ita.l -ti-t. II foe bore a

baawe it hea tottart 1 art i anda, buna nor ba't,bkoal Ll a aaa a r»>»< tor Bel toon I pel.Had over a

. ot Hoatian. I know the of-for', t Klaoeet] .ate d " etonao .»f the ereet-

Ovor done la leaOtork .< t ' tave It to obJIdren a

t-ai Id 10 & -a. i la ol «i viy have teeu I»«i>r,penr, wnriey-f.t t rbitdrea »i aaa flcali » aa *»t au d "ebbt, rea-orad to a

parte, t aiete ot' health bt one bottle1. tbeat Wee are tab act teerte! bea.laehe one k. ttle wüi

t rote II It aitae treal rele-t In .-atarrb and dleaineaa.r lie wbi batO 'akan it he. a beat, e. tkfve U<i feart, aud havebean rtfelt .1 kj it U here Ifta bad} it auui .1 it w.eka quiteaaoj bat o it tbarala ai j deraoowatetal of tfto func'inne ofBt " It wl baato vary alafaloi Ibelhafa. bot too aiaet uot beai": . .1. 1 BE alwaya Uaaapoai la fruai Ibai Vova to a week.

i novel a bad reanli froOt t oa the -.mlrary, when tealt ^ . > t yea a ktt > trtOli Ilka a uaw peraea. r.I tiie moot Ot'rtvata' ' ancoinnima of It that over

aitt' hafaneit to.Mann a.-nr-.l bv DOMALDEMNNatDY, No. 13» Warraaot..

K ' n >'aa. Prve AIWl aeaii » raalt for New fork I V 01.1 r kPk'.N BRA Co.,

H BtrelO] m IUKI.K-11 KIND, No. lit Broadway;A. B. A 1). SANUM, Bo. Ill Wl am at, | M i US II tiRViS Al N.. |M (imeriwieh at. Hn\Dfc PAUL, t hanibetoet, i

WPLLSk (. No HAPra tin « M> hk'SStlN, R.lHHlNaa i. S. ltl Mvdei. lai.e. HAVII AND. IIARRAL ftHIM M Wan.: .t BARNEfl b Broadway;WARD CLOBRa Co MaMaa-laaai Mra II AY KB, Brook|yt bad A>l -a e at retail by a reape.-lable Drutjiatt tbtoatdl'eat tbe I i«ao

I...i n i.eorren triovcr on iv ,-iai inn, a n ¦ra-eiwiii,!

by tfto eaB'O of AlettndrrM. l'alrhali, MOW* C. HowenWIM M. Uot tn.a. Htorv Hopkiiit, JoOu II Hint, lohn S

IN 11 R8UANCE »f AB «rdkfJT traf thi» SurrogataA of tbe Coenty of Now Perl aotk a ta her-iiy tiven to allpertont bavlni linti aftlutl t\ 11 ia M J t sKW AY VAN/AN T. koto of tbe City of New Potfc, de.-eoaed, to proeoalHeran, vv Ih VoajaftOIB kaeroul to Iftt an been bar ,at het raal-deaca N A' ll irdavei ue in ti.e IVv ..f New York, on or bef. re 'l e ..»ti. day of Jane letl Dared New Vote, the Mill

day ol N '. »er, law SOPHIA I V AN nANDT. Eiocauivii lawdA Tu

IN PURSUANCE nf an ofaler mt the 8urro»rataot the i'ountv if N'» Vork n '"a la heroht ttvaa I« all

l rannt barlrt althwr tgtlntt MrTEB Ri .» r N H A I'M, lata ofHO * itv ol Ne» Yi.rk. doooaeed, t.. pretent the avna witht Beben thereof to the aulwrnber. al the ..ffiVa of MOSES R.MACLA1 f -'| Hl M Lil«-rty at in thel i'vot New Yiirk.oait lit. re the |i th day of Jone nett. -Dated New Vork, the 7thday of Deeeabw, IUB, Jl l.l.\ rosknb\i M. Adm'v

till law! j NAH U.I h KOSKNKKl.D, Adin'r.

KW-YORI BUPRE1IE COUBT..WilliamBowoa » a' a it- rt C Ramooy.Eawaid fl ( aruii.k.

H \. .-a ,Edwu Battleti MotaaH HrlnoMIaaaB..I. ii Mi. turn, mrtnytttbit the Brat al Otiuueil b Mtuturn,UuaiavaoA Barchl, loaoe E lloimaa, Nathan O. Kin«. Wullen.( u - ii.. re tad Piedol .a Tewi m no Adoomatratoia of eatate

of HU.« Towi.i deeeatad, lohst Howard Radioed A.Wattn -o. Wil.iai-. ie m1 r.. a n-e...... A M-jia, SliaaonDrepea Chartee Uotrte, Erodarlak W. Aeahla Ebatwaatrfl Bur-

. i Bftl e e. e 'n Kob-rt DtftOI Clieilca b /« )«'.>«.Bobb Ueotat b Uletet Htmj fllai lea, A H OaiaftaB. t'ie.1


loteph Eorahew, MrRlkaaa Aleaaetmor, Can anaa vanderhit hol-rt f> rbu-.lrr. Dai lei Tow ee. (leorfa R I. Bowdattu.i vartioar Morrit, W. B. M I by tbe aataa at B/BMoaah Miala Otttf J.i».-t Hue Ni I r BawooM.aejod bythe i mi e i t Bktftard f Ruaoeii. K. her B IMoaaoo and Che loaA HtOlOoa, n.|. an i the brio ol I h ItetenO. JohnEoelor, Tbeodon McMaaeea lohn T N Habt v. Charlae IMoctai.,i.i i ii..- a Ooatfo Ii at bay'i r, Chariot B. Martin, Robert 1. Iii"n.' Abraham H Hajlia, rharlee 0..uld, Bobar U.Ii . \ Pell in.ley Abraham \ an Voefttaa, Muah J Hattn (t a h .

. oaatu r Atetaiidorl R...«, Lewiei am nk (l.ilr.ll Milla. Prtnna Ski IdvO-orte Bird. Sum-aw a for rellel To JAMEB BOBB ISAAC C HARRIS.ISA AI I HOLMES wii.i.i\M I.OMDHICH WILLIAMAi I KAMDf H LEWIS CABMD K. CH ARLES H. MILLSB. ILL IAM I MILLB aaa OEOBOE B olovki, OmAan'-: Tot an- BOTokrt ruuii m ed aadrotjabjad to anawer tilett n plaint in rhu BetAOB which wit Hod " the .illire of theII. rk ot the 4 try t d ( . unty of New York, et lAe (illy Hallot ti e I By ol Net. V rk n the li b of April. ItW. el wbieb t

pterj ahaifBhatiaod apoaynaLatad aa aatta a opyof yearaoowor to the aaid on.|t«in- on liia rnhavribara, at iliair oAVeN. . BVail f .et m the I ity of New Vorb, within twnnlydayt after the aertleo aattod aateetaaaofl the day of each aar

I i ai.d it you fail by arawer U.e aaid eooipialnt within thet ¦»-r ifta pIMataff ha thht attbwt waiapalf ba MarOaaalIii -.i ir...t demanded in the c- nit lain' '»ate<l March **lA'A. MANN i RODMAN, Pill if? « t Uiroett,aH low lo.Ti W Wall at., ft. Y.

CUPBElf E COU R I , W KSK! \ IESTEBb 7 ( nrs1 "i -Rewael bf. Lent agl E! rt M«rt*». end M«a.uMarphy h»r kaabetll, Wlll'oaa Nawo, Rir> a.<l arpearar. Jo-oeih kltrrhy Joke tunleify Bad Nalhaalol l>» B. Sii>umoi,ai la ELIZA Ml KP -IY a d MARTIN Mi'B( M i \ a ore l,eiel.t . .mmo e,| to anawer tie, cnnplaiot In

Uda ar'urr »hieb will be 6«d In tba offl-e of the Clerk of\\ . ., hootoi . tatl ai o lerte a c.,r y of yoar t'to ver on nte at

b j fl.. a it. Ptt kahili, Weaici eater ( oeaty. wttftet twenty dayeat er the atrvice hereof, etcleaive of tee dey ef aetb eervlre,a d if ton fail to anawer tne eornpDi' t to tforeeeel tbe plaintUfBill apLiv to 'he Coar. for thereof detna'eiedla iheeowalabml,

U»t..d Petkiki I. Aw.l V IW DAVID W TRAVIS,I lan.tilf'a Atturi.eT Pealaklll. Wean-beater f o

Tie rotB| tlal ir. Lhie oatkoa w tBbad in the oflkca of the (llerkef the Ci t> ( M arrbtttor. tii tba 7'h da« of Ai>r»l. ItMA

DA . ID W TRAVISapMlea . r. i- > *. . \ ¦.¦¦<

uTfl^lK ( orR7! . Vb*] herd Knajip Plai«-tatlotl TraiL.aa Be'heeftafAaa and Jana, bt wkfo,

v . r'iMaitald taw Eiata hw wMa Pboi'fteloaa Boild-tt *a» < *'¦<¦ Pol r H at and Hannah M

a » :.'i H .na A'ia'.. It T.- »a-,nd(a Toeodoresititt. t Sol i' (Jtldaralaata /ctaeaCebt, i» -a >¦¦.¦.

ir.. J it.-a I! Balaea, laceel U il -tu Poeart «L WillaUa,boaiel 'I R'UlctU Pdmand P Waiettt Edward WiUttia.Ir Voh aotiaaayaof Peter Beag Maafy Ooerdiar and

. «i -v b k '. !. a 4 An.en 1. .1 « imm. t

i relief.ruaa oat oarv.l.To AIIBTIM B. TROWBBIOOE.toe u. - .... atad U ta: Yoaare hereby aaauwataaa

Ood lee, dttt to ai awof 'he an aeded caauitlauit in taia ee'ioaal rb wet bled n the ff>e .f th« < lerk of the Ciiy and Ceanty( Bow loth, 01 the t oy Hall in tud t.'r, and to earra a copy

t< at aaeerar ta the wfaa eoatpitAmt oa aaa tataattAayta pb BhawoAVa, Be ~j Vta.. at/eat. Ji'ii'.ey Court, New York City.wkthia tWtPtv layeaf'ar'l e e r. .e-of tbia tunrmona aa yoo.etc.' * ve ot the day of aarh terviee; tad if yea tail to eoewer

tue aa.. nanfield tritftM the tine aAwWeaM. tbe piair.oif In tbloa. I...- w.. art y'o the CoBTt f r the relief dem ir dad kb tbeci.n.;.au.'.-Dat»'!. March it MA

MANN A RODMAN. PlaintHPa A'»ernaya.'¦ P Tl.» i»i.|^ -i,n.;,ii..' ii. 'tn^raa 'i* wvedad

bt Iba f Clerk Of )e ( a.-al Co«u.ty of Vow VortMatal MAftM * RODMAN,

, -..»,. P.a.ntj|'a A'l.«meyt.

Till ] i.f.M.K .f tre-IAT,; of NEW-YORK,by ike «rare ,rf Ovd free a..d hwatMaaMal To all peraone

...- eoto-e mi JaME- B -Mini lote of tee

t ¦. .,. .New 'iirk. deeaaaad at e.raditara. awat of kie or

< ketaire 'and |reat*e. Y i. Mid »erb of y<n ara nerehy eeteait.<- i»0allad raraonallj to ta at d appear oa' .re ear fl

N-» y. ra. a' ... ..ttV« an tlv Cl'y ef New-<i i ao the M da) ot O. t vr mt a* 11 o'rio-A le tAaRta ef .! at daw than an,'. tAere to attend the fnal ae'tle-

BM t tl Peter H HwiaaiyP I ifrator tht low i a and aa Adialuetrat afthe pttaft charteit a. .! red 'a nf aaid aatrait

la y what f. wo have eo ated the teal of take of aala)aaBsaA Witneee, ALAXAH

D> R VV BBADPOBD, tea So-rotote of ear eaii[L. i ) C If at Cbl tt N w V o-k the |7tb day ut Aptb

¦i tbe year cf OBtLotd ihoaeai.d akohtban tial ao>laf i iu. A Ml Büa! koAD. b. mbMi

a,-:-.. .awtwT i