new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1845-01-25. · 2017. 12. 20. ·...

-ruf NEW-YORK DAILY TU I HU NE IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, SUNDAY EXCEPTED. .jOji^-iT-.TRKT. (orroarn rrrv hall.) sbw.york. tLi a-»-~»»tnCStrffabacribciafoI Nine Centaper wnk, wh«u ti>*7 prefer, they can pay in advance at In Dcok 1;.; ni naootna or n year at the (tune rate. Single copies THvoCeniH. MaUrabecobenFireDollars per annum, £ advance, mid the i»per « nocase continued beyond the .ime'fi-i v l"rh f " i'""1- :'. en wreb months, Three DoMar- in admnce muimd in all exchange* with «^ryNe»-»P«t*T; }£$h£ff'r^tä *' °IRoe Öunntry N«»«pnper;.. itox i «vve.. »' inn unce IrhAtetern.v are higher than thi«*ol I aa 1 KUU'Na are nut rnooed aar diflereoee. r,»,.. or h***. Eir*( insertion. & cents. ^ " k«"'''!"f'i««: tooertioD. i.; <au. yj^^ftrl o»w ax. Fir»t. iraertroti. 50 " «f? .. breach .ub-k,-u«'iU irpcrtiun. 'J5 " u tV: me «rcek,.Si ff) '. lor one month.#5 00 Jlayriage-. I'uneta! N ¦' cea.otC mot ezettdtMg ßtH .'m«. . tfT Ml rVdaWtaemenui inserted in Uik paper apr".n both in ¦Aborning and in the Evening Edition, V/irif" ifo^iteetAfcry.not tu exceed 19 hue*, with ' Dn-iirce of renewing odrertiaementa at plantare, {payable u.urai*rl> ot half-yearly in advance).$40 00 .VKW-YORK WEEKhY TKIBl.NK. A VERY LARGE PAPER. FOB THE COUNTRY. rrSUKUXD KVXHY «aH'IIpaY mormv.i. At the low prieeof TW( r il.l. \!1S pet armum, in advance. "YilE TH j"j> ü N ET mi DeiitKctie ScBtncllpoata The publishers of this interesting and spirited journal hare, this year, begun lo issue a weekly paper in addition to tlnir former arrangement. We regret r.ot to have been able earlier to take some notice of their prospectus, but an outline of it will be new to ::: '. of out readers. Their journal has hitherto been intended fur German readers in this country, and bau been de- fitted to topics of European interest, but by the addition of the Wa k'y, i; hopes t<> discuss with ewne fu'nrss those ol American interest ajcwj thus becoming 11 art organ of communication be- trrecn Germans of the oi.l and new home, as to their twits,interests, and thoughts." These judicious remarks follow, "* The editors do not coincide with those who be¬ lieve it the vocation of the immigrant German bv sys¬ tematic separation from the people who mi"r hitn a new home, by voluntary withdrawal from the unac- enstoni'.-d, and perhrtn?, fir him too vehuaieut etr- i;rri of their life, in n word by obstinate adhesion to \hi old, to keop inviolate th^ et imp '. fhie nationality. " Rather ie it thrir faith that it should 1;-j the most earnest desire of the immigrant, not in r- ly to appropriate in form, but to deserve :!:<¦ rights oi a citii-n li"ri-, richte which we confide in the health) mied of the nation to sustain him in, t?l! fanatical p- ppsition to tlie cmt-ary tunHüistanding And lie must deserve iheai by becoming an American, not merely io name tnit in dee i, merely by assuming claims, but by appreciating duties. "But while we re.rioiinee thi-? narrow and one¬ sided isolation, desiring to integrate ours»!ves, fairly and truly, with the creat family thai receives us to its hospitality, we will hold ho much the mom firmly to the h'gher traits of our own race. We hold the noble jewel of our native tongue, the memories of our nation's ancient glory.the sympathy with iis future as yet only glimmt ring in the dusk, cur old, true, domestic manners.dem iuiieritnl customs, that pive to the tronqitiliiies of home their the intercourse between men a fresh, glad life. "So much for our p isition in general. "In tho conduct ol our plan two points of view are essential for ua to consider. " We must look upon events in *hia country from the American point of view, and es our piper is de¬ stined for Europe also, must to thi utmost of our power clarity the record from unjust nnd partial Statements; such as. it is well known maybe, in part at least deduced from home sources. "And we. would wish to l"ok at American affairs from the European poiat of view, in so fur ns to hold our«elves remote 'Vom party questions, except their results. * "As to political uiiairs we shall limit ourselves, as much as possible, to a well-ordered chronicle of events, with summary remarks on topics of general interest, of trade and manufactures, and a survey of the more important products iu the American Liter¬ ature." They will also pay pertieular attention to what, ever can interest their countrymen who arc dis. posed to como hither. They promise, as to American affair;?, " to be just as far as in them lies, and independent, cer- tPm'.y." We think the tone of these remarks truly hon- orable and right-minded. It is such a tune that each division of our ad- ptcd Citizens needs toheai from those of their compatriots, able lo guide anil enlighten them. We do want that each nation should preserve what is valuable in its parent stock. We want all the elements for the new people of the new world. We want the prudence, the honor, the practical skill of the English ; the fun; tho affisctionaleness, the generosity ol" the Irish; theffvacity, the grace, the quick intelli- gence of the French ; the thorough honesty, the capacity for philosophic view, and deep cnthu siaamof the German Biedermann ; the shrewdness and romance of the Scotch.but we want none of their prejudices. We want the, healthy deed to develope itseli* into a different pi nt, in the new climate. Wc have re-ason to hope a new and generous race.whero the Italian meets the Dutch.the Swede the Jew. Let nothing be obliterated, but nil be regenerated ; let each lead, er say in hkc manner to his band, " Apply tlif old loyally to a study of new duties. Examine yourself whether you are worthy of the new rights so freely bestowed upon you, and recognizi that only intelligent action, and not mere bodily pre¬ sence, can make y:;u really a citizen on any soil. Ii is a glorious boon offered you to be a founder of the new dynas'y in fie new >vorld, but it would have been better for you to have died a thousand deaths, beneath the factory wheels of England ox in the prisons of Russia, than to sell this great prhilege for scltish er fcrvilc ends. Here, each man has before hirn the choice o.r E-au, each may defraud a long succession of souls of their princely inheritarrct." " Do those whose bodies were bom upnn this soil reject you, and claim for themselves lite name of natives ? Sou may be natives, in another sort, for the soul may be rc-born here* Cart for yourselves a new nativity, and invoke the starry influences that do not fail to shine into the life of a good man, whose hctrt is kept open doily to truth in every new form, whose heort is strength¬ ened by a desire to t!o his duty valiantly 11 every brother of the human family. Oiler up m the soil a libation of wonhy ftelinge in gratitude for the bread it so willingly yields ycu, and it is true that the ' healthy mind of the nation' cennot long fail to greet you with joy, and hail ymr endowment with civic rights." " We must think there is a deep root, in fact, for the late bitter expressions of prejudice, however anwotthy the modo of exhibiting them, against the foreign e;ement in our population. Wc want all this new blood, but wc want it purified, as¬ similated, or it will take all form of comeliness from the growing r.a'ion. Our country is a wil¬ ling foster ia jthcr, but her children need wise tutors to prevent them from playing, willingly, or unwillingly, the viper's part." There ia a littie poem in the Schnellpost by Mority Hartmann, called The Thrco, which would be a forcible appeal, if any were needed, n bchtUf of all who ate exiled from their native .oil. We translate it into pi ose, and this will no^ spoil it, as its poetry lie? in the situation. '. In a tavern ol Hungary are sitting together Three who have taken ref uge there from atonn and dark : In Hungary where "the wind of chatc? drives to- 88,, .pr 'f16 ch»ldren of many a land. , M ''heir eyes glow with fires of various liqhl; mflr loeka are unlike in their flow ; but their hearts --their wounded hearts, are urns filled with the tears oi a common grief. "Oce cries..Silent companions! Shall we iiuw no loant to cheer our meeting 1 I öfter vou one. which you cannnot fail to pledge-Freedom and greatness to the Peltier Laud I " To the Fatherland! But 1 am one that knows not where ta bis; I am aGipsey; my fatherland of?K therrealni of tradtnon; in the mournful tone pi the violin swelled by grief and storm. BY GREELEV" A; iVIcE L R. A1 VOJL. IV. NO. 250 I pa*? musing over heath and moor, -r.d think of, my pairfttl Irnjaes. Yet long eine« was I wean:.-! from desire of n home, and think of Egypt, but aa tlie cymbal sounds. The second says. "Thi3tOH?t of Fat'o-rland I will not drink, min« own shame should I pled.:'-. Fur the seed of Jacob fUs like the dri»-d leaf, and takea no root in th*- dust ol Slavery." The lips of the third seera fr..yen a1 the edgf nf his gobler. He a.-kt himseifiu' shall / d'ink lo the Fatherland 7 Lives Poland yet, or is ali lite departed, and am I, like iho«*, a motherless son ? " Tothase and others who.if they still nedhomcs, could not live there, without starring body end soul, may our land be c Fatherland, and may they seek and leurn to act as children in a father's house! A foreign correrpondent of the Schnellpost, having, it seems, beat rcprov-d by some friesds I on the safe side of the water for the violence of his attack on crowned r.c:d.-> and other dilettanti, defends himself with great spiiit, and argues bis case well fr >m his own point of view. We do not agree with him as to t;.e u e of methods, but can. net fail to sympathise in his feeling. Hereafter, wc shall preface some of his sketches by there re¬ marks of bis, u<<il ou.- readcts may ju'Hge by what hgiii ii:c pi- rare p ,inu d. Anecdotes oi Kass au proceedings towards de. Ifoquc-ts arc well associated with one anecdote quoted of Peter, who yet was truly the Great.. !u a foreign city, seeing the gallows, he asked the use of that three-cornered thing. Being told to hang people on, he that one might be hung lor him, directly. Being told this unfortu¬ nately could not bo done, as t'acre was no crimi nal under sentence, be d-eired that one of his own tctinu-j might he made use of. Probably he dirt th:s with no further thought than the Empress Catharine bestowed on having a ship of the iiuc blown up as a rn;del for the painter who was to adorn her ;>.-.; tec with pictures of naval battles. Disregard for human life and hu :t in happiness is nut confined to the Russia t snows, or the cast- era hemisphere; it may be found on every side, though, indeed, not on a scale s > imperial. % ConventIon fixe New-England Fourier Society. As no a .-count of t'iis Convention, which \v:r held in Boston last Wednesday and Thursday, has yet appeared in the Tri >unc, perhaps the fob lowing s'ight sketch of the meeting may be ae- ceptable to its readers. Tnc importance of the occasion and of the subjects discussed, however, deserves a fuller report U<an can now be given. The interest in "Association" was proved by the fact, that notwithstanding the inclement weather, and the almost impassable condition of the streets, the rcom wu.; well fi led throughout, and on bo'h evenings crowded. The numbers or the merely curious, attracted by thj novel I) of the subject, were lets than at the Social Re form Convention last winter; but the character oi the uudieii-'o was higher.the assemblage con¬ sisting of earnest and intelligent converts to the faith, that it is practicable to organize Soc eties upon the principle of perfect luve and justice, and that it is right, timely, wise, !o make the attempt. Throughout the country, bu: cspe- cially in Mew England, this faith h is m:dc great progress curing the past year. Reformers of all kinds arc fast coming to the convictii n, that their various partial movcmci ts arc the complements of each other arid ail lend, ing to one common result; that prevention ;s better than core; and that to remove the causes of sin, failure, degradation and misery, it s ne¬ cessary so to embody the law of brotherhood in social institutions and manners, as to iccare for r very child and - oppurtuni'y fot useful labor.just recompense for advancement according to merit.and access to the most improving and refining influences, which the community commands. Associi. tionists thow how these undeniable rights can be secured. Statesmen Ito v( all paiiic3 perceive, that the fundamental question ol policy in ihe?c days, und especially in this iar.d, is the establishment of just relations between Work and Wages, so as to remove the unnatural and unnecessary strife between the Capital's", tcho owns vast !<.¦ bor, and the Workingman, tcko owns present labor. This is iho question of the Orgamza. tion of Industry, which Assocta'ionists proless thoroughly to have solved. Finally, religious men, of <:1! denominations, sick of sectarian divisions, ashamed at the waste of time, talents, oaeane, in polemics and prose¬ lyting, brought b gtthcr heaii nti-t hand in vari. oiis pltilonthropic enterprises, hopeless of re. union under any pest systems ol ecclesiastical or¬ ganization, are looking forward to the practice of love, ia all the relations of domestic, indus trial, civil lite, as the true me his of regaining the unity of the Church. Acsociattonists prove that chanty may be inedc c extensive with all the details of human intercourse; that wh- n men ate b »und in one by mutual usefuluesp, they will see the meaning of the various creeds which ore partial statements of truth, and so by " doing the will lea'n of the doctrine;" and that by thus "loving men, whomwc have seen, wc may rise to the love of God, whom we have not seen," and m.ike the whole of life worship. Thus tn various wa;.s attention aad sympathy are directed to the Association Movement. The history of our Nation, too.the blending of such different races in one people .the growth of our complex ai d }ct simple system of confederated government, from towns, through counties and States,.up to one central Legislature, Judiciiry and Executive.the great principles of Freedom *nd Equality professed before the world as our law.the absence ofinstitutious and associations handed down from barbarous ages.lastly the unequaled physic .1 advantages amidst which we can expand our encgirs, and apply in magnifi¬ ed t enterprises the mechanical means for in¬ creasing wealth, which science each day makes known, seem to point ou^ these United States, as commissioned - by Providence, to exhibit an example of Many made One by Justice, of Free, men united by the L-.w of Liberty, which is Love, and thus of Universal Association. The privileges of the Nation of the United States were very powerfully presented by Mr. Brisbane, who passed the summer in Europe, and had an opportunity of studying the state f society there. The result of hs inquiries will be presented to the Asseciationists of the coun¬ try ; and it needs only to be staled here therefore, that he considers our advantages unspcinably greater than those possessed by any people in Europe; because, first, wc have not a class of degraded peasantry and operatives, but an intel¬ ligent, aspiring, self respecting and respected working class; secondly, our middling classfs, with every opportunity of intellectual and moral culture open be'ore them, ami stimulated to seek for themselves and children social advancement, are iess confined to a narrow round of mere bu¬ siness interests; third, e>ur mr st cultivated and prosperous classes are rot tempted by iho luxu- rits, titles, and inherited privileges of an cstab. lished aristocracy to self-ir.du'ginces and pride in their caste, but on the cinirary ara impelled to public spirit and enterprise; fourthly, cur lite¬ rary men arc not constrained to seek advance¬ ment by tervility, but tnther are invited lo be freo in thought and speech ; fifthly, govcrmentis not here, aa there, timidly opposed to progress, but as representing the conscience and judgment of the people, is ready to obey popular convic¬ tions of right; sixthly, no established church ha3 here the power to govern and direct all move¬ ments of reform to its own purposes, but the number and variety of denominations promote 'IL NEW-YORK, ".T::*.r ; s-venth'yat'-.e customs, institutions, 0,3. soeiations of th.2 Nation are «II favorable to the dl . ttion of ihe m .s es; and hope, energy, tab rm, i-.Tf not oppresi» d here, as in every nation 01" Eur*pe, by usage* v. hieb, though once useful in ruder age*, nave long since been outgrown. In I tddresa .Mr. II isbane jave a very interesting report of conversatj its with Cousin and Carivlo; at d showed in contrasthow much m:re hopefoJ :nd liberal are the leadng rninds among our- selves; a fact wiii-.-h is to be ascribed to the greater stimulus of uur free institutions. He showed one splendid exception, among many fit .-, in Eugsne Su», who owes his Mysteries ol Paris and Waldering Jew to the i.'iiiucnce oi Fourier. Tnat a call comes to u3 therefore from the whole past, and from the struggling nation;. 'ff the old world to carry out socially what we have begun politically; to prove, indeed, tue P ss-.b 1 ty of lousing ail men to tnc fuil use of all their "rowers, find the !"u!l possession of the h'gh- < bI privileges of earthly existence. The address, which this meagre outline so imperfectly repre¬ sents, was a very convincing statement, brilliant expression, clear i.i thought, and generous in spirit, and was received by the audience with pciterated applause. One of the n:-^' interesting discussions was tn relation t-; the movement of the VVorkir-gmen whoiu various paria ol New.Eogland, and tspe- c.a:ly in Boston, a-e counseling as :o the best means of securing U e -idvantigfs of life, which every man who b01 s himself ahould aspire to, and whl h oar iaw- and manners p'ompt every one to S(ri . Tnc chief speakers on this subject were John Alien, t-c earnest,'aiigablc i;iid disinterested propac -ndist of Association, S. C. Hewitt, who has lake 1 a very active part in the organization of tha .>>'orkin?men of Fall Riv-r undo B «t in, George Ripley, and L. W. Rycfc. man, of Brook-Farm. The wisii is to unite mo"! s and efforts in some way which shall en. abic the Workingmen to bring their la!>or ar.d its products more directly to the consumer, and so prevent ihe loss of our present expensive modes of distribution; to guarantee each other against I issea ; and loproducc a general spirit of coopera. to:, 'fin's is one ofthe m my movements which inoicate, how surely and rapidly society is pass¬ ing into that intermediate state between Civiii. zation and Association, which Fourier called Guaranleeitm, and 1 r which the popular name among ourselves is Mutual Insurance. (Ja all sides this icndency is manifest. Mutual and i. fe In urance Companies, Societies among Professional men, Ministers, Lawyers, Physicians f:>r mutual aid for themselves and families.So¬ cieties -.mong Merchi n's for the same purposes. the various Cooper.;-ivc Societies among the winking classes of Europe and of this country. finally ihe Odd Fello.vs' Charitable Association, a 1 arc -ions that the spirit ol ind.vidmlism and i-ri|aiiou is giving way to that of brotherhoi.d. I'o »bt .in a knowledge of the rights of man un- d desp iiic end feudal institutions, it was neees- R-ry to individualize interests to the utmost or the first step; but now it becomes evident, thai 10 tenure the exercise of these rights men must freely coop-rale. The object of the speakers was to Bhow that the VVorkingrnen'a movement was an inevitable one, just und timely : that it could succeed only by iring Conservative and Peaceful ; that every Btcp toward Guaxaoteeiem was a step in advance and so far good ; but that rissoci ltioa. only could fully insure the Rsrht t<> Labor, and the Right to the Produeia of Labor, nod so elevate Work to the position of dignity and honor, which it j iuly claims. Assoeiatiun n il! graduate all pri; crmenls and privileges on the scale of productive usefulness. In the s'ttc of As- ciati'iu, all will, and must Lc, and will rc- j lice to be, Wbrkingmt rt. T;;c discussion as to the Right to Labor brought n:> ano'her us to tin Right to Land, and Resolu¬ tions upon the subject were offered by Mr. Pear- son, as Delegate from ibe National Reform As- sociation of Ncw-York Three resolutions were rtf.'rrcd to a Committee consisting of Messrs. Ripley, Godwin and Brisbane,.as it was con¬ sidered that the importance of the subject, es- pccinily at iho present time, demands a fuil, calm and clear exhibition of the views of Association- i.?*s upon this mucli i'"tated t</.>ic of ownership in tlie Boil. Here again Mr. Brisbane made a most In id and eatisfaclory statement. He showed that any Agrarian movement, which tceks an equal division ..>!" the land to individuals, will necessarily result in '.he same disproportionate possession, which is now found to be so injurious to the laborer. According to the Doctrines of As30C!utt >n, the Earth, like the Air and Water, nnd all the original elements of the material world, are loans from the Sovereign Ruler tu the Human Race, to be enriched and beautified to th« utmost for the Universal Good. Only surh partition of the land thi n, as will sccun its high, est culture, can he right The system of tndi. virtual appropriation has l>con incidental to the müdes of industry of past ages. Nu indi- vtdual ci.ergy and judgment can most profitably improve a tract of groin. I. Combined judgment and energy can ahme bri ig oat all its suircs and latent . nr.rgiep. Land t n should be placed un- i'er the charge not of or e person, but of such a number of persons, combined and cooperating, as will ensure its nut being wasted, but fully em¬ ployed and adorned. This can be tone only by Association. The Usufruct of the land, how- ever, does belong to the individual, for he has full right to ownership in what he produces; what he has made, and so blended his energy with, is his own and hy itd system of Joint-rStock Owner, ship, Association secures t > every man the full ami exact possession of ail that his industry ji-s created ; or of its equivali ni value. Here too the Conservative and Reforming character of the As¬ sociative Movement is ppareni. It entirely reconcile-, the conflicting c!-iims of Landlord »nd Tenant; and settles peacefully, and with benefit to all, this d iTmult and threatening question. ?.?r. Brisbane was equally successful in show- in" iho jnst relation bet v.. on Capital and L-bor, arid exhibited very clearly the mode bv which, in Associat on, the Capitalist will become a Labor, or and tue Laborer a Capiinli.-r:, and the interests o! ail be so united that tnc very source of exiat- ing conll.cts will be put away, end all energies combined to the common wealth. He gave a very glowing picture, too, of Attractive Industry, as it would bo when all our affections and energies were harmoniously combined in multiplying beauty every where. Finally he pre- eci.t d, on the last evening, a sketch of the Pio- trress of Society, through Ir.dustry and various Sociil Institutions, up to Science; and irem Set. e.'ico to Religion ; closing with a condensed view of the manner in whu'h Inr;istry. Social Affec- lioi s, Science and Religion, as they now exist th.i'u'chttut Christendom, concentrating in 01 e eiand tendency to orga- ^c Associations ac- cordiog to the Order commanded by Divine Love, which justified finelv the Asiiociatiocists in their desire for Universal'Unity; a-id proved that they are revcrcrt of the Past us they are hopeful f.r the Future, while their rust is in an Otnni- preeeot Providence. Tne Drook-Farmcrs were at the meeting in full force. Mr. Riplev, who presided, very eloquent- lv described the o'rigin of the Associative move¬ ment in New. England, and showed that it was the incvitab'c result of the various theological, phiio- sopbic-il, and tspccidlly of the humaoitary discus¬ sions and ent-roriscs, which for many jears pant have awakened a reverent and hopeful t-puitamong oar Höf rsl minds. He expressed a cordial sympa¬ thy with the Working-Men, ac d welcomed their movement as a sure sign, that the times are ripe f r Association. J. S. Dwight gave a very inter- csting sketch 111 detail of the educational process¬ es by which industry and teaching may be made supplementary and'instrumental to each other, and showed how amid the various relations and occupations of an Association a'! the powers may be called into harmon:ous exercise. John Orris described the sphere tf action which oar various pafsions require for healthy ar.d happy develop- >FFICJi; NO. 160 NA3SAU-S7REE1 SATtTROAX ittOttfclXG, JAS!'. mer.t, showed hnw iha* now arj too bftan naade ruorbid, üiJ so degraded t . t*il; and final.» how bsJance of charei vr ru .y o-j produced by en At. tractive sjsiein of Ladostry vhtch employs ;n succcs>i'. u and not b ish acat on;.]ii>u- etffccrions and energies. Froafly, Cna.-les A. Dinu offered the Aonael Rcr»"-t, in which he set fort.'i with much power and htauty the great Princip'. se, by which trie Aims of the Assochttioi ista direct, ed. This will too.-, bs giren to the public, and it is a document deserving the widest circulation, it brings out c'curly the h:gh reiinious charae'er of tins attempt to apply to Society the laws ;{Har. mony, in which the Creator manifests his Love and Wisdom through all the Series of the Dai. verse. With the Brojk.Fannerstoo may be class¬ ed W. it, Channinir, who madcr-n appeal to toe community to enable tne faithful men and wo¬ men enjraged pra vc dly in th:s g.xtt Reform at Hr ok-Farm and elsewhere t; ~ -..-ove th^ir fsith by their wo ks." Successfully io test Associa¬ tion are needed, lit.A fairportionof the Capita! which (he industry ol the pis': has accumul tted; 2d.Pure, devoted, her ic persons, who desire to perfect all s.cit! relations; 31.Science f the L iws of Divit c Order, as illssrtated in the iVaU ural and 8: iritusj worlds; 4th.Chiefly end can. trally a c .-. istJiri»n yf *:^p^whoIe being <o God, a frith pev-.-.ti ng a»l the ;. r.-. tars tnc cue of life .s Unity whn Go :', thronen Truth and Love and Beauty, und the presence of the Divine Spirit to sanctify ah wr.rit. Mr. C. also endeavored to show, th i: God in the procei s of Creation ro- cecds from Essential Love, through Wisdom, to arrange t-ii His Works in ever-progressive har¬ mony, so in the process of re-creation, which is man's sppointed work, it is necessary by industry and art to produce material beauty, upon these improved circumstances to rai.=e harmonious so chtl conditions, by this and social culture to asci-mt to a knowledge of God's truth, and so hecom»; fit to 1 ve 11 ::: with ail the strength ana soul asiel mind und rcr:. It was a matter of nrnversal regret thit the two devoted advocates of Association, Horace Grcciry and Pa/fce Godwin, who have done mom man any '.»her w tiers in the country to recom¬ mend thecanse to the respectful attention of a:l parsons of judgment, were both detained in New- Vor!:, the firs! by sever-; illness, tae last bj an accidental injary. 'J'heir presence wou d have added [peat strength to the Phalanx o!* Friends of Association. One of the most int?r?s'ir>7 nrd alt >gf liter cf- lective spscches was made by Francis G. S.'itw, a young and successful merchant, whose ex pensnce of l ^e evi's ol a competitive state h:tva fed him to nek in agricultural employments a higher sphere of inattal and moral culture. Hi? calm, clear statement of his views was the jnore impressive from the tone of .-ir mg though re pres.-H emotion which pervaded his remarks. A few such men as Mr. S. would ensure a'l that is neceVd, a thorough experiment of amociiion. Among other addresses two wcro made with their usual fervensy nr-d po'nt, by Wm. A. White of Concord, and Henry Clapp, of L>nn, editor of The Pioneer. These men are specimens of me large body ol warm ;/i.ndi of humanity, who stand ready to a:d the associative move- men?, and wh* wish to point for confirmation of their arguments mid appeals to one successful ap¬ plication, on a largo, arid complete scale, of the principle of Unity in Variety applied tn Social Or gsnization. Shall not the Means, Men, Science and Devotcdness be found for at least one fully organized Association .' A Society, which in¬ vests so much in rocdiancal and comm rctal n' rprip.'r, hi D-mi.v-tir; ttrH F< rngn *l;-.'on< in Hospi;als, Pri'Dcs, < .I'rgc,». F.rm Schools and Galleries'of Art, Burely owes encouragement to men u;i*i women, who have given their lives to the work of forming, by Gods' blttsing,a i'er etc Society. Mr. Ripley drew a beautiful picture of the way in which, the romantic attachment?, the holy and heroic memories, ever greenly entwining the feu dal castles, family seats, public buildings of the Old World, will in the New World give place to peaceful ..ffecti ns clustering around the Centra! Dwelling f Associations, beautified by the con¬ tributed work of generations ; the Forests stately with age; the D main beautified by t.oe wise and p.-.:icr;:.i Dprovementsoi tuccessiva laborers; the Temple sacredly bequeathed from eircs to sons; an«! the Cemetery where, beneath sppro. priato monuments, rest the siges and heroes and bards, who knew how t.i make life beau iful.. May such bop a prove prophee'es. ONE PRESENT. 30,000 DEATHS UV CONSUMPTION Would perhaps be a small estimate for the raeaget of this dreadful rftsi ose in a single year . then itdd ike fearful catalogue if thorn cut ojj uy Inflammationoj tkeLungs, Heoiorrkafie,Asthma^ Coughs, [nflucnza,Bronchiti*jnnd odu r diseases of THE LUNGS AND LIVER, And the lua would tire«!nt an ap-.'slbft proofofÜÜ fatuhty of t.':,.e two rlnnte .r dtteeaes. But it u Iraportaat to know trnt nearly all ufthfj dread w.-nae oMiunmn '.to mish? hr.v..- been prevented Dy a tiroely on ol DR. WISTAR*3 »ALSAM UF WJLD CHERRY, Th«.' trreateNt teroedjr tm di*eorerari bi nan Itir Ii .!i>cn-» of Uta pnlnonarr utiaii, yro.iui-e.! \-? cold and ebanaaable clwnate.. Scores oleasetbave come to "ur knotWedse where thep&. tieot bad Lee» tfiven a|> t-. die of 1'nnJinnpt'on.n. beyond th« reiich afmedical aid.Nut v. h . t.y Hie u< "f th:* IVilJ Cherry Uut-ain have t»oea »peedilr ren-ircl ro c.Trplete hculth. A liner ol n «raO-known clergyman recantly left UM -chcol -he eras attendinc.bemr sdvued tbot she miut of ("un. raamtim.tu remra to her h'une, wiiliing u, ;p«id Iier few le- laaimuE duj'< « 'ti h-t ImmkI«. Br ^..rn¦? nitan- ihe wn.i in. duce-1 I > take Wrstar** Balttun u! VVi'.1 Cbenv, by which »be was entirelr cured irea short time, aad returacJto her school with o Ucht heiirt and lorm'icorated r.enJth. By application to the office, farther partretllaa of tail and ulr-.<"r rriui:r«i;S)!e cur.-- will be chtert jll.- siven. Manv ofthe caqst distiaeuubed pBjrtieuins of this city and BrooklVa give mi. Bal-niu their anniialifl^d approval Why Ipxrald the--- not ? It every .vhete bailed b. "NATURE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION;" l<eias forn.e,i iro.n ci^.n'calf jtmets of Wild Cbenr Bartend Tar, two simple, bni powerful io;red.enis of -Naturs'. own Lal^.rciory. All who have u=ed this wonderful compouod eooeur in les- tifvinir Üsii if is t*w> mnttefficacioai -eme,:y ever kuown. Prmcrpal office. Ü Aaa-st. New York. Soldabjo by Acants iu ull ptuu cf the L'i.iuii. i2J 6ru* ~T3iiJ GREAT Kr.lflEDY ion Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Bleeding of the Link's, Coughs, Lolds, Bronchitis, Influenza, Shortness »f Breath, Pain, and Weakness in Üie Chest or Siile, and 'hat most terrible of all diseases. CONSUMPTION OF 1 HK LUNGS. T"lR. FOLGERE OLOSAONIAN, oa ALL-HEALING ij BAL>A M..I» your broken by r- i ;u4 .-.ail trouble- «nie Cui'i .' Have you a Pain :n tkeSids. »cc»n pamed with Shortness of Breath, and oilier nluraiicjr symptoms which lead you to fear that r.a ariu beconie the virt.m of, Con*u,apt:..r.? I!s:e :, a Kemedy at hind. It will chscky»ur Cor-h relieve the pain and wrrne». ia yourchtet. and«peedey re-tore you la health- Are you itmeoM t.'o.n AjüimaJ Try Utts wooderfal remedy. Read the foilowini cases uf curra which it h«« perfunned within a short umc: Drtoid Henderson, * Ijwcfct «rreet. was rednced Ter» low by a tedious oueh and bieerfina at the luiiri. Ha had tried vsmmis rcmedie» wit.'imit ben'h:. unn h:s uto t.n.ans nail ahnu- dor.edine hope ^1 doioe him any £<««. .Afttjomrb he bri! hectic feve: a' J n.sbt .-.leau, one bottle of t.iu ereat remedy e-toredhiin entirely to henl'h. (ictrr-f W.Hass was rei eved by two bot'.les ot thetllosa- oc au äin;ou:>i so weal: a: ihe ti.ue he co"n:n* usinc it that he could scarce walk- He couched iueeiiaritly; h sdiffi- ciiltv of b-ea'h:ne was such that he could onlv «a:k a tew steps a: a nice, and bis nieht sweats were nreadfui. In two weeks from the commencement of bu usiuc Uie luedicnc, he walked with ease dow n lothe orüce; and in <:x we-n, he wa ja -«,tot-d as to he c.r.le to attend to hrs hatineM «eain. ¥. Laban, 52 Pike stre-'. «ns cur-d uC/Stksstt by halt . onittJc ofUse OUxaoaran. He had n«t lain down in bed for jr. .re man Kn rneaths. Jle bai never had a recurrer.« uf the disease, now more tnan fise ninoths. _- .Mrs ¦\Ki".ba!l^. 113 We-t street, wa« l r Asthma of 4 rears'standing, ay hilf11 bottle, ar.d deciu.-es .'. u> Us t;^ best medicine in Uie worUi. She had uirxl vatiOBI oLier remedies witboatibaleaitlienerjr. Thousands of . a'C mieht be eiven to -how the e.hcacy of this Keme-iv. More than twenty year, ev.-;r:ence m Iis u< has proved it to be the rac-t won (erinl r.ucür iu U>e wurji tut the cure ofthe above mentioEca caeasei. For rale ouiy at lud Nniaill.stl"' one do^r above Ann. fi.ij Mi:!u MA.*.I fcACi'tttiit«. U£.\LEKr«. J_ t'c .V B PAL>'F.R :i e'rt czer.r, ijuly anrhonze^ by the proprWrv of wrae "f ice beet eewspawn of most of me pnncipaJ towns in tit. ^j*;^"."" > f I FJ»»aaylyaaiaaBd the »-"a5!«rn rjouthera and t\ esi^m Mutes, to receive adrer- ttseroerroi in this City, for irjerarr. in Uw respe,-UTa pr.pers. The opiwrtun.-ty all aided U ine huiiae-. Mmmnnity by tan, todiaraaiassjta trrlbrrratinn inrouenout theeoaatry. and lorteit ihe atteatioa of the paopb a lu-h as to eora- mend ji i- :hr»i--neeat!er.tiin A'J-.e ana mina'ini and enter. "riMtamaead the utratptpen aray b^eeea al nil office, wh»o- .-very UrfwraaOMi wdlb* «*r:»nr coruiuuicated. an" "the nature "f Iba aaeocy lunyjipuio^d- _nnnie na ur _Najas,E «_ (TnOunf Buildiusi} opposite CiTrHai^t &a CffJ Ogff_"» t .au »tree.. »ic»-».-. -j- eatsnpply alwan on na rw. its? A 5vY 25. 1845. NE VI PUBLICATIONS. 'I'HR subaertbcr .k.i«r.r. ban I an extensive tfocatcfPariotrica] JL ami Standard v.oiks, which he nffen fi* «je a: "-lie lowest cash pnre». Also n ci>t»i ..:*'<r,rnent of Juvenile uilfchool Rock« ofevery iie*ToLicn: Isit-les. of all »ort« nnd descrptiun; | Hymn». Psalm« and ayer I* oJci forthe liiSerant tteneaniaau Co r; ll'a.'i» H "»« :> r. .<¦..» r-»nti «jwre«; I .aw II anu; r-»>"«»n:> -.!..! Ott«Paper; MotePaperaiod Eu«ef Wrap. p:i.e I'n.-r. Muni-, nr.-: r-r-ci I'c-s; .Vre U.\< f". the differ- ent churchc«. \Hthecheap Puäh*atä>naean be had at this eo'.ir.-er, with aB 'h-- Motrtblv Magazin**, and a large collectiou efHoste. The Shakspear* Circulating L-iaary ci n-aanug up- wards lit*four thiMiwiml volumes. I:.- It". I IXne, Life of Chr.«. A libcn! jicr ce-»ia= t;> Carriers. ' Ai: at MAZE'S CM Ks'aal&hmear. ZT. Bleeck*:-.-- USEFUL AND ELEGANT NEW YEARS' PRESENT. D'lara-lS'c Curl «Hie« or Llte.-itture. 53r~TK* torei rahtabil wort , with the "Curiositiesct Amcucu.«! LrKiUTtnix,'* by R. W. GaiawoLD, i. pub. t«iied complete in ore large roj al octavo volume, and rold for ebcutone cuar'er of the Lon<V" price. It forms certainly nne of the moat valuable vtrts in the English laftgungv, and no public i't private library complete without iL Pot «nie by _APPLET] »N ft !'<>. a»". rtnwHvenv, j MRS. SIGOURNE VS PICTORIAL READER. Th» Tict ral llea.Iiv, for the u«e of Schools . conaiattn«t; -f original nr* des for the instruction of Yooug Chiidieot Pv Mrs. L. If. Stgooroey: n?o.- an [ntrmtcctton tn :he Boy's Readme Book, ami tba «.;:.}.* Raaitins Book; by the ¦ame Au¬ thor, niuktrated by nearly uns iit>nRitn a*o Ftrrv. Ea- crxartxoa. A very iT'er-'-i'i.-ir end ia«ritetive Itook fot Cbu- ttit'-t. v>hither tn acrwinl or oat. Publish.-*! by TCRSE8 a HAYDBN, No. M J.uWi. jit tf_And lot sa e by r.!l the>3. ' DANIEL ADEE. 107 rTILTOX-ST. N. Y. " is now rcatuuora tile TREASURY uF UlStORY. |-o«Jf!tfl*o * URXXRJUL IttTRODCCTORY otrruxx «» cnuxrs&l maroxT. ancient and Kooeax. arm a series) or sefaaate ;i:-t"rie3 or f.VLRV FKQtCtTAl katiom rtt vT iViSTS, TUKtH risk. rR"o ;E-n. wr> r.\t ...%;>ii;.»n. a.. A-t. BV SAMIT.I. «AU?TDt4R. K-'tl. Author of tlie 'Tretuury of Knnwlevtee,' . Bwcraphical 'I"rea. sury." * L-c-ary nn.I dctentrfte Trea-at) .' &:c. PHE KW-PORY l»F AMERICA, BV JOHN INM \N. ESQ. Tlte above valuable Mrers «rill .- impleted in nlmut twelve Ne*. artnvo. pttnl ut on 6 c paj cr. tvith civar '?$», und trill soUl at'J5cei'-« nei r>i'. i I3t'* Till: B L I .' E HOOK; or, Recttter ofall officcrt and ls« . Civil, lltlitary and Naval in iheaerviceof the United s-mim ; -vitn 'he \am»j Fore* r.nd Conditi m nl all c>ii::i« and Vejeebi belantrmc to the L'n:t>:d Statea, ami when and when bud;. Together The nnnic! and compenxnÜQu nfall !'rii:ter» in any tray cm. pbyed t>v t'oitirre;^. or any departrnent r>r nllirer of the Go. verntoent; far 1844-5. Prcparco at rti.t DxPAxraaNTof ?rv;e, Wjuitrsu ros. Per «nie ntholaania urn! ir'nd. at TtJUXER IIAYUEN'S Chenp t'n,h ittnrc, j'dloo W J.*n vreet, ivirllr i.i ay. rfcAlLV MBMORANUI M BOOK foil UM5.-The«ub- i^achben would call the attention ol !..:.;. menasd uthers whubaveoeeaiiontoinea Uoroortirtdtitn li.xik. totlte-abova workjust pnblfalietl lor tlie envoine je«r. Tla, ;-airr.iised with a pttnted ho-:'1mu* for memornndam« Tar c«verv day in 'lie year, Stiodmyi lnelue°ed; aad eonturn a Time «na Iniereel Ta- blea, the whole beuut no larferthan a pocket «'iiüe', fur winch they cnn ali:> jt adapted, they arc made with tuck and pocket for that purpose. I'uM tu.I in.I mill »-lulle.rile and teM by FRANCIS it U IÜTREL, iH'im Manutarfiira!-; Station are. 7? Ma «loa lane. SCHOOLS. PREPARATORY (BOARDING) SCHOOL. MIlUit.K- TO.v.V cow ii. is. rilA-*::. \. "I. i;ti.\fi!'.\L. E<tabli*hedto 1S35. gearioru commence May 15th nail i>ct. 15th, continuing live mmit!:-, at i"<> per tenion. Thoroacb preparation fbr colleife ur btutneH. and psriaanl utwutum am .ecuredtonupib tu fall/ ai in tlta inn.; expernive »ch.-oU l.nd> Iroin Sew Y-rk are i>!nri>l in charge ota carefill pa to I, roina aad returnuvr. CiixuUri at H .Vlnrkut tuoetiuid VSi H-iiuKvm _d'-"l vu BOOK KEEPING; vfce. CC. HARSH, Accountant, le-iiectfcliy uunounce» . hm Cnnntiny Roonti, No. ?* t'-slnr itreet. continue open from 1 A. M. p. In the "tody of ll'»i«-iieeiiir.i «.«it.« lauaht by Mr. Uatah, every pup.I keep., in th'j moat^rec&csl tnarmer, n compteU sei cj' puetürtlüf holet, ambneina ail the different ntHiiieai trantactioni ol » eo"<l mercantila h'io-e ; he become* fuiHiliar with nil the bunk-" conatitutine t'ne «c'. with nil the docunentt relctinr to the hnok«, tr:at b ilmce«, bilanre du-cr«. acnnor-Lv current, und with vanotu nieri-a: nl.' ealctdaUonJ, in intemit, di'ciciut, atiuation of oaymvnts. uehtuure, Ste. In one ceuree or üiitruction a person ot <ood eapacitywill becomea competent BooitJMaper, au«) will recoi«« n fertifi. cat.- '.' 'hat eflert. Nu .in- ;s tuazht n a .-lai'. MERCANTILE WiliTI.M..-\ th irouah ciur-cm pro. irre^Mve lesion*, which will not fail in affectini a valuabia an. proveiuent. irpec.meii« oft truly irierciuttile style umy be seen at the rwinii. *a Proapavtuaai, «*ith terrm, hour*. «tc. may be obtained at tba raoaM dajp ami evening. C. t'. SfARSH'S IVORKS. Tba Snenceui l'uuale Entry lloolbKeepiriit Simplified, Uth edition. 300 pores octavo; jairi! The Art of Single Entry: Boo&Keepiac, iniprovetl. 3d edi. tiaa, 130 pagu octavo; iinee "5 cc'ijii. For laleat the booJusbrai. and ai the roomi. Mr. Harsh ofTen hii lervtcea ia tiponina, cJoaiac, or writing up took,: tB f.'adar itreet, up stain. «j V GRANS EtJBSTjXTS II The >noi>l nstomrhiiifs, nll-dectxire nnrl nntwpei^r. cd retults have thus far, attended the ministreuion und timely use of D«, Smith's "IMPROVED INDI \TI VEGETABLE PI? ' S.'- (A'a^arCoittye1.) (Vhtch are how attracting i a attet .. a of mankind, in ooa. senuen^e of their unrran illy acknowledcid««wperkmty nvan g\ gitv OTittR ion-; and k k-tL of Purgative, Aperient, Df arctic, Sudarifieer Expectorant remedy; and 'lia r rapid popiilatity ii* aaoraraicn medicine, for Intermittent, Remittent Bilious and other t'eterr. Influenza. L'a/dx, Htai-Ache, Indigettitn, JJyspepsiii, Perverted Appetite, l!-:nn burn, Cotlitenets, Diarrkaa, Fuui Stomach, ltar/ag. Rheum'Uinn and G<jiit Scrofula, Liver Affect ions.':rilv>» of the Blood, Cowplai tts ein' taint in tk.^ftetrt*. ?*i/ir andBack. Li a meat pc«,tiiyg,.nirin!e«} of their nrroarelWed e>celienee. They aru. < ui^rOtc from the demand) afieetlac more poiitr.e ly hcneficiiirttju t.. irm-i .toy uiher Known (so calle':') remerfy. People have been dote : with Mtratrp, and have c\per;enc»d the tiH> frcjuvui fatal conscQnencee, and have ta'sca 'lie old uitoeutint ca:*>art nntil toleralim gives wuy to dtaenst. at the very thought of repetition. The anti !. :e. «c loritr-wtabed, Mild now So much called lor. is the lery remedy neciletl; MlLP. pleasant, barmled aad efliciciois.a kati'raL remedy; and one thnt in rvKP. v «olitaRV does perform all that it promises. Wa ave Iba mo t rrratracable prop! ol tbii m eeery cv.e that ha« come to our knowledge, which justifies us wjR. ra.ntino ercru l<" r.nd in any ca«ic ofFAILCRC, ihepurct l set iiiuv have Ins money h-rk. Mr. Ilaittv,TER. the batter, 120 B ov.rry, rur»il ofdyvpeptla. Mra sin tk. of Sine hing, cured of ueaa-aclio and pain in the Mr. Hill. 169 Broad way, cured nl head-ache. Mr. LtsntET, 163Greeovrich-atreet,cured id dyspepsia of 5 yean' Staoduig. Rev. Mr. BcR-xttt, of Brnofclyn. cured of rush of blood to the head by t e-e Piii. Mi«s Docobua, cornerofrValkarand I.iid!ow,'reeij, cureü of iiitnne,« o, aght, pun in t-w head, dtzzmesa, dee. Mrs Coaalvrtte of the baker ia Hrouklyn, cared cf weak, nes... pain in the head, nda ami breast, so that iba is able to t* elx.iil, which was. not rbe ense before ir.kuig the«e P.'l«. UnaC. Henderson. jQ Trtnity-pUce, cured of the most dangaitMn Co:<! anil congh, which h id marut t.iken her lifo. <"ai tion.Ask for Itr. Smith's " Indian fegetabtt Pili*." .V« other " lmtiun Vegetable Pitta " are (nignr coaled.) and no uthert po,-cs. the wrtao which these f ill« claim. \. B..ctRKthat I'it. r::tinr* icrtttra aeataisoa every Ivz. 'SuldBtLhepriaciaalotri'.s-.. IT.» U;;iii..nv, i. u «TREET. .New York, ami No. 3 Waterstreet, Boston. Also. Ma. Haves. 123 Fulton-ttreet, Brooklyn. _rJ3 tnr Fi 1R THE PILES !! a RE YOL' AFFLICTED WQ H PiLlv<?-Try then with. a\. out delay. Dr. t.'ptmni'j Vceetabie Electumy, the beat Herne:!)- ever offered to public ir '.ice. Tins really exceilent medicine is the result of a thorough medical education, aud a complete knowledge of the disease for which it is recrmttoend- cd. The most triumphant succew attends its admin^tration. Re :d the folh>win| ramarkahhi cases i A laidy. residing ;n Norfolk-street, was seriously afflicted with Piles ; so great was her sutfen.ig. fh»t to use her awn ex- pression, bft was a burden ; forfoor.weeln ihe had been at- tcndeiibyoae of our in, t eminent 1'.-.,- ...... without toe leas; berefi'. Saj j;";« it wis m a-rgravared case of Piles, I orescr.bed the Electuary : two boxes were used. Sixteenth, after, the -nme lady called on mo to; for nnoihercnm- plan't, one then informed aie that she was perfectly cured of I trie Piles by the two boxes, and hail e.v;wnenced noretur-.. sea Mrs. I». te»taing in Orrene-»t., called on rue !a»t»pnnc,say. ing that she had b*en alf-cted ia tn Piles for wo yeus, acc-nri- panieit by peda in the »nie. pslpitntioti of the heart, a sea'e of ¦ a.'-russ lbs chr,t, ir..l opyre»s!or.; she was unable to lie ri'ivs-i without elevating the head and cheat coosniernbiy: testing horzonrally produced a sei,»« at suffocation, followed by a rough. By using one box ot the Klectusry. trie p-. a :n the s:de. palpitation and upprees.on cea-ed, ifte cmiM down without laci.nver.ieace. anu tr.c Piles were paraaliy removed, ore a saeond box made a complcta eure, to tke ;:eat gratinca- ucn ol the patient. r^oid id tin. City t-v Lhe Proprietor anlp, a regu.arly educated P courtrted to an otfice pracüce tor tne treatment ofl i'hromc DiatASE-». -No 11»; Bowery. Medical advice in re- let ioa to the above, or any other complaint entie. Price of the Elicluarv ooa rt d:ar. [XT" Hememocr tiial the Elcctaarp :s an Internal HemeJu. ar.d not an eitrrnnl applieatiun. and wild M Bowery, door» above Sprmg-st <Jthee ieatrs from 7 A. M. to 3 f. M._.t2 8mPetW* GENUESE TEAS, wnoi.i^Aij: .'.NU T.rrr.v.L. THE CAN .' ON TEA CO.MPANY, PRITs'ClPAL rWHE, 13i CHATHAM STREET. N.T. Hfiocrj Slorej: 115 Rloecier «tr«t, Nl. V Si! Grar.d ttreet, r.'^r Su l?l Orecn-a'cn street, aaai Fsiton, lid Fultin *t.-"»e.. tirooklrn. 63 Chestaut and 45 Norm Philadeiphij. Tl Hi-torer street, Bcrt&c INVITE the attcc:arn ai City atd Couauy rarr-diet and Purchasers to their soveral esiiblishtsenu. where they think will be lulled by far the best iclecuor^ of pure tind uraw uitcre, t»l Teas in the I'r.ited Sr_-.tej. The universal p->pa!ari;y and resewn oftheir bouse with ntreranee to high qualities, low pn. ces. aad alright dealing, is too well under.too<< to render far. tier comments necessary. ' -TiRtsal ar.d only wT.~h-iase fot the saes of Howcjua's Black Tett."Observe! . Strangers will be particalar to retaemb'r i)w Duuioer of the priocipe-ritor» in t'hsthaai f..5-:"., nx; bervvecn Pearl nn.i Rosevett rtr*ii»s. Tba public will also be ele-jed t*v lake Dotie* that the t nnUm Tea Ijirfnpnny have nothing to do ¦ ita any ".rher itnrts oxrept j three .Ipienned at the tori ade^l-seni-in- «»tV*" O MILKMEN. stC..The subser.twiTff-r f^r sale 100 bbls. Kucawheat Flour as a rarsstattite for O.l M«aJ for feeding Caule, It is now ex'enslveiy uj<a1 let that purp ie on I account of its being considerably cheaper. Alto dj udIj. and 50 half bbls. Extra, fnr family use or shipping. 1 j21 tf rVRIGHT. LOSEE vfc CO. ¦ Moote si. EI V £ DOLLARS A YEAR. WHOLE WO. 1JSI. CANDS'S SARSAPAK!L!.A.-vArs« an-, Frrcrr.- U »\ r,one*er a par'.ieuir ci;ae produces rerua;!(«Wes:%i;uln r'lwvinpthe ills-bet Seah . h' t.fmK net lea is* ivy tkaa *-n ofall friends of hum-va,:'.- to til a «uch trottete ty 'o tke arcrtrmtaBoea u Utah ensure the appi«rua«-n «>f tlwoe cv..c«. -. ->le real zn..:.:i ..'" »Tc -l*. We j.!'»;<?« roth*** truthsfor th- :>.:r3ise of c..ll:-r puV.c. attentroc to the \irtues of a mtil piesuirAioa v. hick, sriihoat retard U> arty cele¬ brity has ibert a. .. Rted. .'it. tn out knewtodjre produced rrmtrii.xbleen.riveeriee'.*. The reim-dr Sagos'* SvRsa- rA?:LLA. and we !i».vr to .rate one fact only in illircrsfoc. A .adyatatai to tu tint five y»ar> wn«-?, -he »'u rttiicked with complaint.a i!:«-;a<-i ti-o common!.»- ajtsujgi «her rjt« ar-d Cora.«ad she of course sot-slit every rv,~» ty recomrnenJe-.l be such ami similar rhmsea, rut all with no eiTevt. except p-rha-s the mcrea* ..f tredi«eiiv:. until .it leajth she lest hat teeth »t:j-i new, and iiilFcied late.i-e and pi mm.led irony.taoush all ti.a tun« in the hir..!> of the faculty. A short time s.nwihecornr^enred the rrseofttM above remedy, and in 1cm than or.e week, "he salutary ori"*e;« were'y apparent, and now a costmm ceax ha* been aSected. Thia a but orts of ü:j cote* of cur». a-coraplrsaed by lh.s me. ¦ acd one, the character of which we ie-ve our read»r» tojudre of, wiih the virtus« ol the rvrucdy. under all 'he o>j». plies'.ed disease; .t th< load IS. V. Amor. Republican. lVc. Sat, 1««. It an old proverb thai "fcewn > «ir:t m the Sun t" h* »ore will no; r*ach :t. t>-:i ha arrow will r!y than If p.:.r.:*d at a lets exalted object" Jost* ao mthe treat)nect ofdfaaaia. fheDaysman whoaimtattheerndrcatjoo o." d io<«f«rs, u..;e*d ofOCiaf ROOteat \tp.i. Kine, :e.o, »:!! alrt».yj cr.'.mi;iii«h ra'^t cuiej, San.!»'. Sampaüäua iliaatrataa He troth oi t.'.e proverb. Tue inventor aImeo to* c d*o ofdiifate at its kvnice, impurity at trie Llxsl: ivcd the prerauatttoo, more aeccrssfiii Uan tbe arrow aimed ;:t th<> 5*na. aSAi'HVS h:e ^tAü.i. tty ooutialii.njj tae ».;; j«, ia eirciu iUoa «.: w l."-1) I rvs and 'il-vr. eaneerooa .^il s,-r.> ol iuv .< i-.-a-et. »nd uLi.c.-i ofaatrapler toad, aret-* fruita. it breni.» f;> the active principle by wht--:i they arc developed, ÜMSTdraappear to be leaewed r.o more. The lollowine certificate only uuother !iak In ihe areat cbaia of teatunony t.. ita merits, l^t the afflicted rr*d Knd be convinced ;.wnat it hr.< iio..e»«ce. it w 11 ilo scam. To tbaite unable hi parchaae. it .s i. eo withotr. iuoi.u and without 8. IKLSJ.N«. Mass. V'v. X lMt. Meaan. Bjtxos t.With teeluic. f the must Iwely (ratitada ! «nah to uxy/cw t.» yoo. and throiuth you to aim arorld, aa ae. count ol m] unexpected rtn't almost iii?<t»3ired of leeoseiy, hy the use ot *rsar8aiaapah1la. For the lastten yean I araa ai- dieted with the lirer eojmplaint, dyapep :a mm dbeataofthe i line, and haveauüered beyon ti»; posvat of laiarnaaa to des¬ cribe. Pitrarenna preacribed in ratnt and the remedies aaed seemed nary to increase ray '::!Vr:nj*. In 1^;») I wisaitnckcil I with the erysipelas, wheh reduce! me very low : e.» it p.."«u OtT. ulcer, o! tlie mx: painful description tain? ont on mi face a'. neck ; 1 !.>»; theei Me u< ol mi Imioi. and ther» « aa nie- tally rest !or u;e i>y nichtot by day. ui arm», aud what it bnd done lor others Mmilnrlf atjbcted with myaetf. I tmr. ehaaedona bottle,.ana found immediate relief by ita na«. I r. . oaed rive more, end wa, enurely .My fc lirr* nie suca a. I cannot describe; I scarcely knew mr»:.i-w irret thachaase; I am Ke a :io« ». Thia 1 feel it<i i'fiv.l-ce t j totify to. Mj pie^mt hn.l'h n .! under Cud to your tna>r»im?Tal:?v. and may the same Providence that directed ma to your aal make you u.e hupny itrstrnment of blesime other- ai .li^asvd uu<l despotriua .is I ir^. Your very grateful fnnid. E8TIIKK r, PE VRCE. i-.ti e nf Uriah t. PWrea.) Commonwrrdth ofMaaa, Ham table as: tfov. 1814,.Wa cerUiythal the fotr;nmx is the statement ol Ms, Peaice, uad arc are coulidcut Hint every wotd ia tine. John iJeoi-icK, Jui': i'enee. r?'imv.rl I'Mru'ee. Ju«'ice of the Pence. Jarnes Bicknell, Minister of the CoapeL The foUowinc teatintontal >hom tho value of tbaSaiaapa. rillainremorioe 3ronch a disease wm'cb, if not speedily arrested,leadi to conaumpi an. Ii wilny. apejniodia ectioo, cbanifs theaecre! oi .. and by iu tonic aud alterstive proper, ties, rrroovea the tmbj aliiiy action, awl tho pn'.cr.'. is restored Ui iieul'ii. Nivn i.k* r. Nov. 11.1H4. MssKKa. SiKOi.Cents: I t.ake public, for the Itoed ol the u:h'i-*tril «riti Bronchitis, t! a bealiac proper ol yoor Saraapanlla. Mr wile sutiered for twonii mtintha. m such n iiiaunor is n-.t ensily linn-. >i .t ui'le ti> apeak above a whisper; and when aha w as cpoaed to cold air, it....en-iu ie otutUiioi: like »pa.r.iv in'.'to lü.-i.jt, tti^elTeclol which seas felt in tbo ears nid eye», oceaaioruns tue tie* to weep. It v.-as'iUeiide.1 with a rv couch, produced bribe cii.-'".r.i :tr tatioo unI inflamnianon ofthe tao>at. Hy to.. ii.« ... > >... ;-ar -pvtvi »».'i.eclly cured. It h--io . now tb-ca montha since aba feh any lymptoma of the utaeaaa. Yours with leapeet, GEl >. C. HOEti. l"..r :-..t'.e.-, :ii;.i i-niiclu.ite ev ilenre of it .u;.«. I > '.ic t.;..l efficacy. UN pamphlets, winch may be oblauvd ».-r.t:». i. A,.esnleand A. H. tl». s.WlMS. Druscista. nFoltoa at, JT3 Broadway, 77 Brist Broadway. N. Y. S^M also by llrui'iiats gencraily Üiiou;;huiit tha i iiiictl Stntee. !'r..-c il per bottle.tu botlles for 15. «!?: Ia> rpilK SCBs'THillllt^ haio dm Jar fbnn«d a copntiner 4. sin.» lor iranaaetinira DonwattcandOeoernl Dn t:.:«~fs Cnmmi>aion Ruaineaa umter m* tir.not ST ANTON. RICH. AUIIS IP U'.t.l^TilU. They may ' e f.oiiul lor th» present ut t.'.e store No. iO«r >t. 11. I'. STAN i'O.N, C. T. ItirilAlillS. W. II. il' il.l.lSTillt. New-York. I?th January. 1915. jll tf fajOTICE.Mr. EDWARD ? ItVAGE 5 ihläday admitted La aa partner in our firm: Tue businota nf Publbhina ai d Buok«elbiiK wili 1»; ..-..ritin. .11.. 'ieie: .!'. re. m lue same name. HUiNTINGT .:' k. S.W V.U. January Ut, IM'. Jül08w] .'i OÖ-P ViiTN'I'.l'.SHIl'..'l'he»iibfcriners iiiive"ihisdayenler- **_-. ed into co-partnership lor the pnrpaaa of tranaaetina a cenerul Dry Good* Import ins and Jo'.hins liu.inos* under khe firm of MANNING .v PK1CUARD. and m o, the atom No. M Beaver-etreet. K. IL MANNING. l.: WW. fl. PKICUAKD. THE Ml Ti'.M. I.IKK INSURANCE COMPANY tiF NEW-YOBJC..llia lr>titution. durins aha month ot December, is-uc-t Fifty-Sia I'm ies. iu. To .MercbnfUa.'J7|To Hoehaniea.7 To Aaeajoaean.sITo CI*«yinao.'J To Rrokera.8|To rbyaiciaaa.2 ToClerka.BITo Lewrera.3 ¦J"oS.ip. of Fuc'orr. ... I Tn 'learners. a To'I e'lei in a Hank. llOffieera in Navy. 'J To Sapercanto.l|To Pannen.1 To Booktelier.3!To Prlrttan. I Total r.lvw loured.brj '. »RRia ROfilNBON; neauUot, Sam 'i. IUMNAY, S.^r'ry. M. Post. Biyaicaan._ _>3 lm rS'iii-: il-AVARH NSURANCE COMPANY make irr. I suiar.ocs i;»r:i ns: i/,5'ur.ian mil 'iilanil oavi. cation, on tonn» u fitvorabhi ¦*.» any otaat uui [ai inalitntioa ia toe c.y. Capittl, aiA'.OOO.Other. Mu. J-J Vi all streut. DiacpToat. R.fiaveoi, CaieaO, Halned. inhn Rankin, Naja a Taylor, rVm. W.Todti, fleiira D. Ileiwsin. J. Philiiin i'ho>ais, Wm.Couch Nataaaial Waad, rr..:ri :.i C.'Packet.D. L. Wo.«1^?. Ferdhaaad riaydam, Harfd Lee, J. B. Vaxnura. IlenryG.Thonn>»ou, John U. Wolle. Mjersaej BaJdarra, Peter L. Navtaja, tdward Ac'b' u/. i:. HAVSNa. rr.^aidefil, Liwii i'niii.i'.i.^"i5i'r> rflntf From the Jar nr. nfÖ»mmerea ofJaauanr 8th. 1S^^. (VTATi'iN\i. I.. »AN IVNli LIFK »SSURANI 1. SO. i\ UIETY t»F LONDON, a> UornbUI..Jr^pcrwered by act of. PajUament._ . _~,.M. CAPITAL X.'iO.OXlftTEBLtNG. oe.NERst. Aoer<r puk thk mtep r tatki» or axsaica. J. LEANDKlt bTAKR.vS rVailat. New-York. p;iv-i< ia-s to the iOsmtTV.{Medical Ex»mii eti.)A j. KEAItNY Ki M. Ü. 110 Bteecker at ALEXANDER E. ll><<.\> K, M. I), lot F anklm at. ha>'k1ch". TiiK MERCHANTS' .> INK OF NEW.YORK. W.U. VAN HOOK, Esq. »Wall at. The rates ..i tbta s.,c.ety ara l. low as '_i-.,e ofthe American Compaaiea, end lower than the s -a'euil>vted by man." I/mtlon Dth.-es. .'»an« <rant. il m tiw e.i'»nl of two thuds ike amount of premium poul, ufler the lu.w ot «jear. PeVaoo ins-irwi in the Unhed Stmea -n ihe teala of" pajtici- patioo," enjoy in" inipi r'm.t edvaataee of -inrmj in tiie whoie bus.nö.» of tbe rJ-yci«'./. ».loch in Great lintain lavery extensive. ... The public ara resprctfullv re<pie»ied to esammo thi draUtt. CUtahina pnncipl-". «t* th^s l.-istiiutn.n.'hen tul.los <.t rate*. their di'trihution of profin.*nd iIk.- laciht es nflbrrfed by Uieir l/ian department.telore arculine 'o insure el-.ev.iieia. I'amnii'et.conUiiuii'.e Iba but snnual Report, and tke rJone- ty'« rates, toji-ther with blank forma, and the .''i'lest Informa¬ tion, may be obtained upon iii.piication to any Azcnl or Pub. Aienr. .. A Medical Examiner in a'iendance at mc-r.m;e daily, ai j o' V. M. F»* paid hy theSociete. j. LEANDER STAP.H. C'aneral Acnt. jll 2 : ¦' _ 11* ideal in New.York_ C~ "hKÄP t>U. =TORE..'I beaobacrir^rreaoecttul i - i.r.^s '..».. publ.r. thjthec iirfn'jestbewl.oleiaietnd letail Lamp OH and Spir.t G'---.. a', h.a ' itaad, of a vary anperior quality. Pin net cent chenper this on purchnaed at any o«har core m tins city, via: G,; -I^pu.!.per|al.*0 to ir-o(»*r:'ir oual. Lerd do. «», Rained l>tl. tri vitality. ... Do do zt\ do.,.. «wi Wa U sf!*rm do.... \xj Jo 2d do..'..1» Do do Bd do.- FX Oil (' .'i «< ail MM: 1-ou.p Glasses «., all cntterrj and im. na. t cd i full asoracent <>l lama wieka. conatanuy cn bsiril. !jt^o-t and re; airrd. Oil and (jam-jhine sernto any par ol'tb*c;ty !r» of charge. älEKKITi- rjMITII. jj» Ve IW 0~«aiv^i»-h. ror V**»T-tZ. CKHXP OIL STORE, tällo r.-tlv.d While Oil, at5atuninai t»er (alkm; do. atr> p»r callnn ; Sperm 0*1. &>.; extra, quality white s(ierm oil. 9». Grocers,<, Man<itar'utrr>, and Boanimn lloor« »u-pfie! :.r uduceO prices. Cnmphwrw, spirt fas and alcohol ol tr.e best c'i.'ty. Od Cans at wholesale prices._Cj»8 hr.%_V. M. WEral'. r|»OMEBCBANT8 IN WANT OF SIGNS FOR NEW I F11LM8, ttc.The uadetsiened laavuia been I ahliaaed for a number o! ynur, ia the r^iris a*d iK-iAMerrAL Paint- No. Ml Na.Jiu str.ret. New-Yor*. cunna which tune we have irvned the repalatroool executms our work as w.H. il not superior, t-» any o'.her e-tahli»hmar.', bes leave to submit Use follow mi Card : t'lidervtacibaa that :t is the wral iuipiweueu, that we «har« icorc C'-n ecciuut ol .i.e .upenrnty of our work) than other artuu, we have resolve-l to do our work on leasonable terms, and in ru artiitiral a manner, as con be dune at any other'hmenV!n the Crty. Yon are respo tfullr rr(juesl»d to call a'.d aicertam our chare<rs, befjrs If-nvin» your -jr-ler* el*ewhe-e. Yours. re*pert:a;iy, ACKERMAN &. MILLER- Me»,rs. A. & M. pay particular atrentnm to tjwarran/eir.ent of than -SIGNS, m order t.« make them neat and aCractive. N. it..rbj<«. Baiiner«. ct-uxiardj. i.e._ It lm IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. L m 'Drapers Proprle- na nfBotels, Capta.n. efaeamhonran^et;SWgs.»0« [he Pub! - eenerally..T'.c Pr- pnetors ..f ne WAeli SO. TON ST LAM LAL'NDRY. Winhmju.a-st. "»C leave :.. '' -. a'.vn-ioi. o! :..a public tn dieir iiew and improved method of Washice Linen and C<.tn<t G.xxj. and to state Maa 3 t*., many a^vaataaai which reader it luper.or to ad 1st. G&rrr»>qta washed by the steam process, will last ranch loorer than if washed in the ordionry wu7. as a,l wnn«n« ;ao very irpiriuu* v, ladies and rcntlemen'i wearins apparel; a en. Urefydiapensal with, and the work is'lone fr..m twenty.Sve to thirty per ceul. loss than the usual and incomparably id" The firilitiea hems scch. they enabled to hleaeh all eru- clo. of linen or cotton fahnc. a. white as beiore iiwnufocturvd, and a luiim riven t.. b-.-«u" or enllnrs, nrtoiy require! »terrae. Any alni>i.:/ ol work can isedono ui u few h.,ur> n.<;ce, aa all nrtieH are an«i arrtbiai dixice and bynrtoyial h^.-.!. In -.mrt, article* «rasbed nt tail e tabimhtnent nu.t be *>> n. trj M .er to .vc it a la'r ariLl fust npprvciatrfm. J ho olleo'ioo »»lli« pub¬ lic raesrnslly, ia brvitad to test its »upe-oruy. (ry uroer. loll at the otEce, LI Fuiu-n s'rut. one dooi from Broadway, and sUI Broid&iu. u»ar Waii«r..V«^or»l Uie Lmmdrgi in Washjnfxn, between Oanaa and Amoa-*u will meet with prompt«ue.nn.fl. whem a tat ot pr;ces,Po»etJiei WANTED. IVA^Jb-Br a n»*3**t«j>W mid'la aged AMERICA N w,' >»'j>iAN. - . r-.j.\'ur*» acd #a«gitau«eM; tha "«K cry rerVrerx* {irtan toeap»bdty. Piease apr>»r No. 5 rrw.-.u. batwttac Kirtcjnd Haa.xaruy st._J**l_ %A, A Vr;t>_A~,T sr, T0 VVOVAN, to do the anaaa> .. """r* < am r. rim «Iii bo » aer. A Pr. testant ue .-urter?»- ;i >. \Vr A>v" r-!!TS!".''t 0" c ^7£*j~i7"G . » r r rest -.«< l.Mii'»ftr,**i ur X>t«» kmic'm.. given. A...1. at jjj^W^Y-vk ^ J U' ' .... p ll-oa. a'-7«s»a«» > / ..». :.> a-. s.,me knew".* a* f r. . rlervJ<»*.r» .* e->.»?«.«... t.> seep a .sg uf Bmi* f»y casts)* f ."}.. fit-* Mat-xs a »toatioa hy i>aeung a l<na «heOrtetet* -. /ddres* t'Htr'»»r./r,,r, ..eeroen t wf*. - and t..nt of salarr n^eeud. *4 $i* 1 »M tUi-Jrnjrrwyrne.. I.-ek M«!rr«i. to woiiTat bauk * . k<k.. .Noue 0") »ppis fu' k«« men and Drat rat» ¦ rrkl .... IL C. JONES. No. 7 t .h-irc'ist. _;sC_Newark. N. J. UrANTED. Urar-»pe«io)e Y»u-g Wc-tim a s . jaile* lam 'y a»Coo*. Washer and Imrssr, i tt-.m. bet meal a-.i' tie,.,ig,or 1-aun.lie»«. oe tortoGstssgre "one »-eil isrsNo.nujeudaV. from Her let* empiorat. dial JJj I. a-bethst. IV j OST.A rasaS. Walle . containing tendo!'*"). »cd sogte I j papers : ;.o vehje to any but th» owner. 'I be toC*\ Or retssmi .g Uta tax* to this, office, wdi be rewarded._ ft% j »EN W >i.!. \i:t? K-.AVAK.a-Vp K.8rao Baxi I .A ctrweatefor 'hiny shares <>. Virksburg m the DimeOl f...ckes &. Peck, end numbered i~ VJaOnM* aTUcbed, sr-u W nnSa-.i rdey Wd J Ii wai ear ssed a . '...*.. aod U»*.nn it» wsvy to vi ... vc Witt be POM fcy :t at TttoaBj v.a'i wtfee. S3 vlrcsst, mtuft < J'i IE PKOE s- F KK VC »TS HOTEL. pofi racr^cttuJ - i na - I fr:er»sta and tbal be .»v.'^e.l hi« rrsv an.! .plmdir? Ma,»«, a fes» ,ise>ts> »alt «t Rr>»«.iv»'^y. in toe im- nie-. ate v .>! mercantile bttsincaa and the principal phtaM «.I anorsemeet. end lies luraished > a a style that will tsesstNU v rabV Cs>mpeA<ne «tr>e s.-ry beet h.Arh u the eitj. Trsa pn.pnePir in biidu nj m;.| ittmj uo the abo»» houa. pas had and eomwit, and that a* has enSK- DtDed ¦- asseay Uhe rhll.iwiej p»ire«»iilshs>w: A'KOOAl VOR ONE NKJHT. » A " " " WtKK .... .1 90 1 .'.-a rc.inis will Ne warusci a*nttt*,eX)d upon no occase* ssiS Usera avora ttian rast ls>J ia a nesin. There a b\EFECTi »KY tU ,rt whicbtaerenre Kaaah erveil U .i Rstiraaei thedat aed asTsMM Ttvere «j» .... U. .. >- c.h.ievted, lor »s uno. i""«l ami srwisvsj; kathsx I'^e I" 'ifr will bo m att*r./ane« at ail lime* dutinst the mtatv to adau; b-dre/s, an to let Uiem otr. at all Uouis. N .TJl so who v.T.: ixs-'^tn«« after t!« :»..>i»s» etsMa* wili rutz toe hall belt. rjy 3ot* Tu Tito«:. u-|m-»"\visi:' T r.-Av::' v.rwzv.-f. i SM/TW, TO «t-ee\ w 11 asses to r-txi»-are, lireÜJ ¦.' .-, .. t;.«ilUemeo's Clothes in a tii.t r tcojlr. t'»rvoo. vctei! a: iO cants ; Pasts, do. 55 cents ; V.sts, Iii» fee's.. La as' JJrt . dyad frasn JO tt;.:s to ?I. sJssrpeta <t»si»td wholaatacstoraperyatrl. jJt !». [LfRSJ. R08RCS0N. rnxn EllzarjsMh street,"Pashionahhs .v!i lear^Urcher. £9 Ver-c/ tiietst, t.f'n Jo.>r ..I. Sating s"eet. TatretOO and Enibr'mlere>l I'mses, |j>ces, French Worard t'apeii. t.'ollar», 4tc. tcs.le to l.s>k ecjual to new . ghais 's. S Iis. Menno), TaMs» Covers, SlU Hive, i.e. r e-resd Id the best manaai «4 Ira* IOUN CONGER. Jr. AlTOtlNEV AND COCNSeC. .J U»RAT l..\\V, AND SnLICPIMK IN CIIANCK KY» FertT\ ayne. Ind. will attest! to piute.nonal Uosinese (a departmentsof the Stn'e of loillaDa. Will eatt asantol uures, sales of lanes, and a'l other g to a Geatatal Land Ags>ncy;fur Nottlsaga .-' -.' W. Edinonda, F»q. Mastrs, rie tV.fcS. .Voodhull .«i Co. Snyslum. Segssjg Muff at Thomas. t»t..i'.lien. Motabouie sV co. t O gat n'S An* ayne. .depajrtsMataortha Stn'e of Indie.i >. Will also atleod to Use p^rtsertt Of taxes, sales of lau«.», and a'l ..'her apatla gto a Gassaial Land Agency lor Northern Ind an.. I" ¦». J. \y. Tdmonds, F*q. Vssns. P.Kit *t Da \ .c t.'o. Th'Tir, I' I .ottistor.t At v N T. VVAIT, Attorney and CoutsteTtoi at Ij* and «I (.Otni: >e a X '«.Igen -I Deeds and Us> posiuons ii writing for the Stateol New Y- tk. Noavrical «'o>-n. Mill devote l rutotulir aWenttOtl to flie collectiott oa cULms. Ita to S sanol s-herss.-id. I.s<j. Tia<-v, Malier 4* (pt*ta> 'nicw it lluutiugtoii.Dwtght Johnson, FaTrtw». Itudd St n^u ctaw3m* ¦ AW C IRD..COLLBt rti'.n --r l»a»t» its ma Noara* It WtiT..Ii D sVASllBl IsNE. .tt'.omessi Uw Ost. lena, tUunoo,^ will give nil attefjlani to the collection ofdeots due Pfeve.York Narsthanta in Önlcna, K.-ckfn'l and Rock Islnnil, Illinois; in llu lluiitie, Iowa: in Piaiienlle. Putoal. j' i" in, Mmcal Poii'taod Ma.itanrt. Wiscihv»»o, Rai rtoD. A. Ccstuiait tt Co.I Doiu.ii«. 6t'rauui At N'utott, Ni'sv YorU. ____ *** I s>i! ril DODGE atlwiaia. N«. 4T V-nA st Noe.Y-f. t*. Nsjlf.York. Iletxi-.iber 9, Uf& li elves mo plcsuro to add ih> tes'irn.imal to loe Ureeoiag jf the eniinert protesaioftal luientsof J. Scnrth inodge. la'tsa iplnl.. ». ol at] item's who luve b»«n ntvdsVf ni« care, ( son idaterl \ colui Je. lie it j-.iiy tvairdssl as oneof the) most »in i.enl tu his riutesii"n la this citr. o UN W. URAPEU. M. D. Professoi of t.'heinotry, Cuisrersliy, N. Y. Frarn fig Horn. /'. Ntrttdl. Ngvr Yopit. January II. 1W. Tot many reais ;«>£ satt | has. been a the pm i r-i o'avaeV ng mysoll id llie professimtal -ervicrs o' Pr J Simti Dcsige. .I lias city. il« a Dentist; and With great pleas.ire I can Hate, '.r.-. my .'Virer;. nee has connrmed my Mtnlon that :he fi'grs .'t: which Dr. IVdgO bears lor pio'« >' i' skill *»i .-X t is jestly meiited.aad r..nss h m equal to ai.r m ths» llrst class of vlMiral and "tpg e-l Deat.i'.; and while »ig -oil* m mners, and his obhgiag i,nd benevolent d wa'nsant .e< uiliiHicd by nil who know lorn, strict 'ii«n>°e in hsa nisi -' lultircouna -eenret lor linn a hieb »tiird ii« l'ii puls» [j^4] THOMAS HEETTgLL. r MR. CUM D. Ot-stliat. having dlipmadjl his Ptactice to Dr. UK( IVVN, who parsusw tho «ninernialn of trcainie.nt at thai so siie'-essflilL1/ used by himself n every diseaso of the Era. even in ctues declared incurable and aietndaa ed 1'7 co.i" int physician* anrl Oculists, begs to tntrndtica arm , leeltng nnurcsl the m»s'. btntfttiaJ roeklU wut m-tjatl l»> wannat nis tecunimeutlation. BROWN S practice rs simrleaad'ther rsssort. attto ..-,.. nlufmetlioils which are too genera'ty a«l ptaaL not tequirii .. ii i irksoD a eonftrierneiit from light and a'r. aod Dnpwuanl re riethsai ia f-ml. whm|l are mn.t usually aa> forced aerous cases ofhis succeselttl UeeJmecit have oeap .. i'lr.', "ii ¦.»!'.i'Ii I'u din mot, anil hu |e»te««eatask tint iii» ¦. the viliue mid rfffcaey of hit nnale of iMactajav a nch may be inspected by any one who favors Intn with a call, il. will never ui dertake a ta»« is here »hee ate n-t goal reasons for expecting ft ci ..nml ins aim and object haingtg> e tes!oration .t'th .1 inestimable blessing, sight.tha poorest orthocornmunit] ma; nsctl tJiemselses ol Ins rustua. ancaas fraelv the moatepnlenL Hr BROWN niuy ba enmulted every d/.y (Bumlayt ex, ceple«l5 at hu office, Ta Cbamljenattieet. four i'<s->. betow Um vi llaura ofattattaanoa uom 11 A. ICtoSP.M. Advice to the pou gratis. i£ii 3m s* HULL'S TRL'SSKS.-Notiess'.. Rnpturr.1 Pat> an .Perssins afflicted with BurXurea mar rsM i*»t initriirooritai ant llie an ¦!.! airhrls, »n nppl cnlion at th>' o/Bee, No. 4 Vesssy ttrtssst, .r to either of ihc agents in the nrinrip il IsMM ii'i n i, i.i.i a States. Be careful to esani » Ihe berk pad as Hull*! sea ifthey are e«dor.ed by Dr. Hull in svr.lirut. . rnuine, or to be utiail upoa as good, without ha .igiiafu re. arsons have undertaken to vend imitations o* Hull's dc bnsted TrusMis. and thoiunmls ma imaoeed opoi. in e.inse. quenca. Tl.o«e imitations cannot lie rsliea upon : ihey a»e made by u',<killul an.1 are no better than tha or3k uary Iras - t, . flava teen (i'tod up at N«. 4 Vasey if reset,axe hiss re!" lor ladiea, having a setmraes entrance from the iteparL rnent, ivhirreaitmalah)laooaataat aiteadauce to wait jBMsl UlOMPSON'S Till SSFA Office Ü Itesv£ sj. man street. A l»,<it 300 ol the first phpTuull NYind sutge«MM "f Naw. Ymk have given lhatr o> c.ica.1 prefettnee to lh:> Truss, as you can «furo- ate tho preauie from one to fifty pounds on thjS ruptui , annul ft back pad, which does so much injury H the spine. A fu'rtrial being the Iwsl test ol its is applied tad StJ dan* given, and .tu it jet not retain tha n:;iture, whiia itarlorming every kind of etereisss or roughing, i.,h! s.h i- :^-i <a«e in a word, if it is not .at.stnrUiry m eve'y resrierr, the n.oney is cheerlu'/y returned, nad this t* the enlf condaion or. youshooU buy anv V'Jss. A peg. nanent cure easily ulTee'iwI.iuid warranfed. il direeteess are i.p..svert. Thoseseridlilg for th'S'f'niss need only a.eation the sete no. turadaad the n.eaiure ;..und the hips, as theyrnu grndua*) the j res* a re to suit liieircaae. M>dd wholmnle anil retail at LI Reeliirao.street. aul tr r. for HERNIA OX BlTPTt.'RF.. BENNETT'4 PatanK, ishieh t wrn wnlh perfael eis« anrl contort, ana from its entrrel] newr.nd iierleet constnicn«) issvldy redtjnts« m.d cures .¦ger'-vnis'l rases of ruplu'e srhen ail others hart failed, I'is rero:nrneiii.e.l and u ed ia prrftrencss to ell others, from i'' neat and compcet ksrai and ease ol adtustmeni. hy ihst nrt' sorgtooa und in tha L'naed r'tatsa, and metr rertiffcaias can '<e seen at the ' JKre, for the rala of iheToj'S, No. 16 ll'i' .on cor. LeonarH-st._ii* H-* C'Zc btlCUAKll HMII.K. Ji, sVATt tl-il/iKr.l. arse *y7> .le-vf lar. is nnw prsnjareii to «rll WatctsSS at retail » sjtg ttrwer than any nthai house in the City. As ha ¦ Jj,:Z2t lOtM ".¦'.Mira all deaern ¦ '-..ratlin munitiacturari in England, France nail Switsssrksad, be isesv ihtedt/i .'fere very note nseoit neni of Gold Watches frorn «j;. to Il0b«t\eb ; Stiver do from as to «Meurli.«ii wiwrajiuse ....I time or the rner.ey ru'urn«»!. Also a very g.<"o wi'i.nei: ol J. weir;- and Miser Ware very lew. N. B, He*, ood uaad Waicnes and old Gold and Silver taken in esrhr.nga or txi'ight fir ra«h. Welches. Cl-e kt. Musie Boxes and Jews airy repaired in fh<e«»t manner err: warrnnie,!, br exj»e»isasfSisI workmen, u low as any -' hou-« m the KfCHARX) FISHER. Jr. imw-rterol Wattl.cs ar.d Jewelry, whclesrsa led retail, PtO. «1 Br.ia.lway, N'e*-. York, a tew <Wvt above Use City »tWitai. fr.ltj RICHARD PllfflgaV.Th, «s«V WATCHES, JfAVKLBY, *r.-A ipwcvlid aa. y^'fV. Boftmcnt of rioli! end S Jver DunUs, J't'e.,t I-ev-er, .C-^'cn AtsChor fc>rapeiiient. lupine an<I Vertical Unl^nee, ggaagi sei-r.-u-d iroi.i uie i.est [..Aiiufirtureri ia Eursept*. wttieh w II Le warranted perfeet timekrvTjstr». Also ssaiie new patterns ol Gold Cnaans, HenIs and Keys. .. " i.-iia Pencil Caaea and G«4d Pang. .' " " " Tiiimblet, R.-ugj, Pia» ska. " " " B'arelals with sttrfies, 4cA " " " Salver Forks, gpooos, ate. A'itheabovs articles will ba told at the lowest pnoaaand watr«nt#d to rs»"fel tgj IM tagst made ir. rhecitr, by Hi' JT ri Bit" O'HKRS. Imp-.iars cd Fm» Watche», «V« No ~ N'assau.stits;!, opposite the Custom Hooat. P. H..The ftlioveartjrle»carefully repaited ami warranted, by the moat skillful warkraen m ihac.ty. dig V f * II A'j'S.FALL FASHION'--A general asareiovevit ea* 1 dk <;«r,tieaien't Hats, such as Casaimere. Bru«h, Notna, aftsit» lung and short n.'.pped B»nvef. 8ok and M"!e»kln Hafg. ssmrmmad on fur bodies, made of the Lest materials ami wort* mn-ntfup. All sell ng at Cba v. nr I. we-' one*. J. U. M0N AKÖI. (-. So. SB Bos«-ej7 Ab»'. Caps ar.d Fairs ut every ileacnptiou._oil Im KtUft'O IMfKUViSJJ fn I'KNT SAl.AMANilU S AFL-Wirraottc d.7. as wsWi &j fire aod Utjsjf proof.. I ~.e i. ilovring e^rtiffcttes fnira some el Uw, most rsspseta^ae Ms and otbsSTi in the city ,<i New.Oilssiaa. ssnabuioae Ute. r lire pr. - .. one:. -1 bsntwd all donU; ,-The cr.-'i-igr.ef airetgns day wrtneieed the trial o.'asMOf Rich's i.p- ived patent ScJagnaader Sales in Use femaco car She Sec Dird .'The trale seas placed m the fort-ace at 10 mni.taa efter U n'cl-jrk A. M. and rs-ma teed there three aours. ooastaaily trs> po.«d 0. the most intense mat that rvould be created by the use cf pitch Pine and co-Vm wood. It seas teen taken to tha store of Mr. Rich's agent in lias city and opsstied, when User losjnd that ^be contents wera neither burood nor scoreoed. and tha» the woed work bore ao e t; pee rar ess of having beta expensed to arc. 1'ae ondervigned ar« consineed thai thh '«'afe was labysctad to tts.'.et fa-et than could posafbly exul at the barn-ag of tat h tha city, howevf combuaubia its conteau; and they tisarefore h«ive ao heaiLaUon in stymg that Kim's Katies are«rotiM>ntj7 s«oit« asrauixt tho :uk of tire, uaoer aaty oi-rvua- sutneea whaarrcr. Srw-0»m>s, lath Jone. l&ti. ,'erooie B. Ballarsl. >T ister ef nsramer *aa Bird. Joh i H'jey, Tire Inipecter of 'vVesn«-r, Ma-f-wand tPtrs rraoraace Compeas'. Tho». It. CrarrWwt'b. J>«n-'' Gr«»t. F.McG-rgor. 3 H.Stacßer. A. C. Laöett. Uiojajwa B. Coot, Re-e il. Urnsef. , _, , Ore of oar customers saved »4C,(W) In osw rsf h>Jt sfMi» althoBifb tho burglar liaJ s:x or eight boors to try his slad cat Jue*at tw¦- -> -.".? [** am* win t^mäLo C tVTat the Oslleetor's 0&9 mm .^attS'WgggbUatN.^ Merris Canal OlSce. Jeraty Ctfr. Jan. U. ISff. mm

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Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1845-01-25. · 2017. 12. 20. · true,domesticmanners.demiuiieritnl customs,that pive to the tronqitiliiies of home their ... and


.jOji^-iT-.TRKT. (orroarn rrrv hall.) sbw.york.

tLi a-»-~»»tnCStrffabacribciafoI Nine Centaper wnk,wh«u ti>*7 prefer, they can pay in advance at In Dcok

1;.; ni naootna or n year at the (tune rate. Single copiesTHvoCeniH. MaUrabecobenFireDollarsperannum,£ advance, mid the i»per « nocase continued beyond the.ime'fi-i v l"rh f " i'""1- :'. en wreb months,Three DoMar- in admnce muimd in all exchange* with«^ryNe»-»P«t*T; }£$h£ff'r^tä *' °IRoeÖunntry N«»«pnper;.. itox i «vve.. »' inn unceIrhAtetern.v are higher than thi«*ol I aa 1 KUU'Na are nut

rnooed aar diflereoee.

r,»,.. or h***. Eir*( insertion. & cents.^ " k«"'''!"f'i««: tooertioD. i.;<au. yj^^ftrl o»w ax. Fir»t. iraertroti. 50 "

«f? .. breach .ub-k,-u«'iU irpcrtiun. 'J5"

u tV: me «rcek,.Si ff)'. lor one month.#5 00

Jlayriage-. I'uneta! N ¦' cea.otC mot ezettdtMg ßtH.'m«. .

tfT Ml rVdaWtaemenui inserted in Uik paper apr".n both in

¦Aborning and in the Evening Edition,V/irif" ifo^iteetAfcry.not tu exceed 19 hue*, with' Dn-iirce of renewing odrertiaementa at plantare,

{payable u.urai*rl> ot half-yearly in advance).$40 00



At the low prieeof TW( r il.l. \!1S pet armum, in advance.

"YilE TH j"j> ü N ETmi DeiitKctie ScBtncllpoataThe publishers of this interesting and spirited

journal hare, this year, begun lo issue a weeklypaper in addition to tlnir former arrangement.We regret r.ot to have been able earlier to takesome notice of their prospectus, but an outline ofit will be new to ::: '. of out readers.

Their journal has hitherto been intended furGerman readers in this country, and bau been de-fitted to topics of European interest, but by theaddition of the Wa k'y, i; hopes t<> discuss withewne fu'nrss those ol American interest ajcwjthus becoming 11 art organ of communication be-

trrecn Germans of the oi.l and new home, as totheir twits,interests, and thoughts."Thesejudicious remarks follow,"* The editors do not coincide with those who be¬

lieve it the vocationof the immigrant German bv sys¬tematic separation from the people who mi"r hitn a

new home, by voluntary withdrawal from the unac-

enstoni'.-d, and perhrtn?, fir him too vehuaieut etr- i;rri

of their life, in n word by obstinate adhesion to \hiold, to keop inviolate th^ et imp '. fhie nationality." Rather ie it thrir faith that it should 1;-j the

most earnest desire of the immigrant, not in r- ly to

appropriate in form, but to deserve :!:<¦ rights oi acitii-n li"ri-, richte which we confide in the health)mied of the nation to sustain him in, t?l! fanatical p-ppsition to tlie cmt-ary tunHüistanding And liemust deserve iheai by becoming an American, notmerely io name tnit in dee i, merely by assumingclaims, but by appreciating duties."But while we re.rioiinee thi-? narrow and one¬

sided isolation, desiring to integrate ours»!ves, fairlyand truly, with the creat family thai receives us to

its hospitality, we will hold ho much the mom firmlyto the h'gher traits of our own race. We hold t«

the noble jewel of our native tongue, the memoriesof our nation's ancient glory.the sympathy with iisfuture as yet only glimmt ring in the dusk, cur old,true, domestic manners.dem iuiieritnl customs, thatpive to the tronqitiliiies of home their sanctity.tothe intercourse between men a fresh, glad life."So much for our p isition in general."In tho conduct ol our plan two points of view

are essential for ua to consider." We must look upon events in *hia country from

the American point of view, and es our piper is de¬stined for Europe also, must to thi utmost of our

power clarity the record from unjust nnd partialStatements; such as. it is well known maybe, inpart at least deduced from home sources."And we. would wish to l"ok at American affairs

from the European poiat of view, in so fur ns to holdour«elves remote 'Vom party questions, excepttheir results. *

"As to political uiiairs we shall limit ourselves,as much as possible, to a well-ordered chronicle ofevents, with summary remarks on topics of generalinterest, of trade and manufactures, and a survey ofthe more important products iu the American Liter¬ature."They will also pay pertieular attention to what,

ever can interest their countrymen who arc dis.

posed to como hither.They promise, as to American affair;?, " to be

just as far as in them lies, and independent, cer-

tPm'.y."We think the tone of these remarks truly hon-

orable and right-minded. It is such a tune thateach division of our ad- ptcd Citizens needs toheaifrom those of their compatriots, able lo guide anil

enlighten them. We do want that each nationshould preserve what is valuable in its parentstock. We want all the elements for the new

people of the new world. We want the prudence,the honor, the practical skill of the English ; thefun; tho affisctionaleness, the generosity ol" theIrish; theffvacity, the grace, the quick intelli-gence of the French ; the thorough honesty, the

capacity for philosophic view, and deep cnthusiaamof the German Biedermann ; the shrewdnessand romance of the Scotch.but we want none

of their prejudices. We want the, healthy deedto develope itseli* into a different pi nt, in the newclimate. Wc have re-ason to hope a new andgenerous race.whero the Italian meets theDutch.the Swede the Jew. Let nothing beobliterated, but nil be regenerated ; let each lead,er say in hkc manner to his band, " Apply tlifold loyally to a study of new duties. Examineyourself whether you are worthy of the new rightsso freely bestowed upon you, and recognizi thatonly intelligent action, and not mere bodily pre¬sence, can make y:;u really a citizen on any soil.Ii is a glorious boon offered you to be a founderof the new dynas'y in fie new >vorld, but it wouldhave been better for you to have died a thousanddeaths, beneath the factory wheels of England ox

in the prisons of Russia, than to sell this greatprhilege for scltish er fcrvilc ends. Here, eachman has before hirn the choice o.r E-au, each maydefraud a long succession of souls of their princelyinheritarrct."

" Do those whose bodies were bom upnn thissoil reject you, and claim for themselves lite nameof natives ? Sou may be natives, in anothersort, for the soul may be rc-born here* Cart foryourselves a new nativity, and invoke the starryinfluences that do not fail to shine into the life ofa good man, whose hctrt is kept open doily totruth in every new form, whose heort is strength¬ened by a desire to t!o his duty valiantly 11 everybrother of the human family. Oiler up m the soila libation of wonhy ftelinge in gratitude for thebread it so willingly yields ycu, and it is true thatthe ' healthy mind of the nation' cennot long failto greet you with joy, and hail ymr endowmentwith civic rights."" We must think there is a deep root, in fact, for

the late bitter expressions of prejudice, howeveranwotthy the modo of exhibiting them, againstthe foreign e;ement in our population. Wc wantall this new blood, but wc want it purified, as¬

similated, or it will take all form of comelinessfrom the growing r.a'ion. Our country is a wil¬ling foster ia jthcr, but her children need wisetutors to prevent them from playing, willingly, or

unwillingly, the viper's part."There ia a littie poem in the Schnellpost by

Mority Hartmann, called The Thrco, whichwould be a forcible appeal, if any were needed,n bchtUf of all who ate exiled from their native.oil. We translate it into pi ose, and this will no^spoil it, as its poetry lie? in the situation.

'. In a tavern ol Hungary are sitting together Threewho have taken ref uge there from atonn and dark :In Hungary where "the wind of chatc? drives to-

88,, .pr 'f16 ch»ldren ofmany a land., M

''heir eyes glow with fires of various liqhl;mflr loeka are unlike in their flow ; but their hearts--their wounded hearts, are urns filled with the tearsoi a common grief."Oce cries..Silent companions! Shall we iiuwno loant to cheer our meeting 1 I öfter vou one.which you cannnot fail to pledge-Freedom andgreatness to the Peltier LaudI " To the Fatherland! But 1 am one that knowsnot where ta bis; I am aGipsey; my fatherlandof?K therrealni of tradtnon; in the mournful tonepi the violin swelled by grief and storm.


VOJL. IV. NO. 250

I pa*? musing over heath and moor, -r.d think of,my pairfttl Irnjaes. Yet long eine« was I wean:.-!from desire of n home, and think of Egypt, but aatlie cymbal sounds.The second says. "Thi3tOH?t of Fat'o-rland I will

not drink, min« own shame should I pled.:'-. Furthe seed ofJacob fUs like the dri»-d leaf, and takeano root in th*- dust ol Slavery."The lips of the third seera fr..yen a1 the edgf nf

his gobler. He a.-kt himseifiu' shall / d'inklo the Fatherland 7 Lives Poland yet, or is ali litedeparted, and am I, like iho«*, a motherless son ? "

Tothase and others who.if they still nedhomcs,could not live there, without starring body endsoul, may our land be c Fatherland, and maythey seek and leurn to act as children in a father'shouse!A foreign correrpondent of the Schnellpost,

having, it seems, beat rcprov-d by some friesds Ion the safe side of the water for the violence ofhis attack on crowned r.c:d.-> andother dilettanti,defends himself with great spiiit, and argues biscase well fr >m his own point of view. We do notagree with him as to t;.e u e of methods, but fail to sympathise in his feeling. Hereafter,wc shall preface some of his sketches by there re¬

marks of bis, u<<il ou.- readcts may ju'Hge by whathgiii ii:c pi- rare p ,inu d.

Anecdotes oi Kass au proceedings towards de.Ifoquc-ts arc well associated with one anecdotequoted of Peter, who yet was truly the Great..!u a foreign city, seeing the gallows, he asked theuse of that three-cornered thing. Being told to

hang people on, he that one might be

hung lor him, directly. Being told this unfortu¬nately could not bo done, as t'acre was no criminal under sentence, be d-eired that one of his owntctinu-j might he made use of. Probably he dirtth:s with no further thought than the EmpressCatharine bestowed on having a ship of the iiucblown up as a rn;del for the painter who was toadorn her ;>.-.; tec with pictures of naval battles.Disregard for human life and hu :t in happinessis nut confined to the Russia t snows, or the cast-era hemisphere; it may be found on every side,though, indeed, not on a scale s > imperial. %ConventIon o» fixe New-England Fourier

Society.As no a .-count of t'iis Convention, which \v:r

held in Boston last Wednesday and Thursday,has yet appeared in the Tri >unc, perhaps the foblowing s'ight sketch of the meeting may be ae-

ceptable to its readers. Tnc importance of theoccasion and of the subjects discussed, however,deserves a fuller report U<an can now be given.The interest in "Association" was proved by

the fact, that notwithstanding the inclementweather, and the almost impassable condition ofthe streets, the rcom wu.; well fi led throughout,and on bo'h evenings crowded. The numbersor the merely curious, attracted by thj novel I)of the subject, were lets than at the Social Reform Convention last winter; but the characteroi the uudieii-'o was higher.the assemblage con¬

sisting of earnest and intelligent converts to thefaith, that it is practicable to organize Soc etiesupon the principle of perfect luve and justice,and that it is right, timely, wise, !o make theattempt. Throughout the country, bu: cspe-cially in Mew England, this faith h is m:dc greatprogress curing the past year.

Reformers of all kinds arc fast coming to theconvictii n, that their various partial movcmci tsarc the complements of each other arid ail lend,ing to one common result; that prevention ;sbetter than core; and that to remove the causesof sin, failure, degradation and misery, it s ne¬

cessary so to embody the law of brotherhood insocial institutions and manners, as to iccare forr very child and - oppurtuni'y fotuseful labor.just recompense for service.socialadvancement according to merit.and access tothe most improving and refining influences,which the community commands. Associi.tionists thow how these undeniable rights can besecured.

Statesmen Ito v( all paiiic3 perceive, that thefundamental question ol policy in ihe?c days,und especially in this iar.d, is the establishmentof just relations between Work and Wages, so

as to remove the unnatural and unnecessarystrife between the Capital's", tcho owns vast !<.¦bor, and the Workingman, tcko owns presentlabor. This is iho question of the Orgamza.tion of Industry, which Assocta'ionists prolessthoroughly to have solved.

Finally, religious men, of <:1! denominations,sick of sectarian divisions, ashamed at the wasteof time, talents, oaeane, in polemics and prose¬lyting, brought b gtthcr heaii nti-t hand in vari.oiis pltilonthropic enterprises, hopeless of re.

union under any pest systems ol ecclesiastical or¬ganization, are looking forward to the practiceof love, ia all the relations of domestic, industrial, civil lite, as the true me his of regainingthe unity of the Church. Acsociattonists provethat chanty may be inedc c extensive with allthe details of human intercourse; that wh- n

men ate b »und in one by mutual usefuluesp,they will see the meaning of the various creedswhich ore partial statements of truth, and so by" doing the will lea'n of the doctrine;" and that

by thus "loving men, whomwc have seen, wc

may rise to the love of God, whom we have notseen," and m.ike the whole of life worship.Thus tn various wa;.s attention aad sympathy

are directed to the Association Movement. Thehistory of our Nation, too.the blending of suchdifferent races in one people .the growth of our

complex ai d }ct simple system of confederatedgovernment, from towns, through counties andStates,.up to one central Legislature, Judiciiryand Executive.the great principles of Freedom*nd Equality professed before the world as our

law.the absence ofinstitutious and associationshanded down from barbarous ages.lastly the

unequaled physic .1 advantages amidst which we

can expand our encgirs, and apply in magnifi¬ed t enterprises the mechanical means for in¬creasing wealth, which science each day makesknown, seem to point ou^ these United States,as commissioned - by Providence, to exhibit an

example of Many made One by Justice, of Free,men united by the L-.w of Liberty, which isLove, and thus of Universal Association.The privileges of the Nation of the United

States were very powerfully presented by Mr.Brisbane, who passed the summer in Europe,and had an opportunity of studying the state fsociety there. The result of hs inquiries willbe presented to the Asseciationists of the coun¬

try ; and it needs only to be staled here therefore,that he considers our advantages unspcinablygreater than those possessed by any people inEurope; because, first, wc have not a class ofdegraded peasantry and operatives, but an intel¬ligent, aspiring, self respecting and respectedworking class; secondly, our middling classfs,with every opportunity of intellectual and moralculture open be'ore them, ami stimulated to seekfor themselves and children social advancement,are iess confined to a narrow round of mere bu¬siness interests; third, e>ur mr st cultivated andprosperous classes are rot tempted by iho luxu-rits, titles, and inherited privileges of an cstab.lished aristocracy to self-ir.du'ginces and pridein their caste, but on the cinirary ara impelledto public spirit and enterprise; fourthly, cur lite¬rary men arc not constrained to seek advance¬ment by tervility, but tnther are invited lo befreo in thought and speech ; fifthly, govcrmentisnot here, aa there, timidly opposed to progress,but as representing the conscience and judgmentof the people, is ready to obey popular convic¬tions of right; sixthly, no established church ha3here the power to govern and direct all move¬ments of reform to its own purposes, but thenumber and variety of denominations promote



".T::*.r ; s-venth'yat'-.e customs, institutions, 0,3.soeiations of th.2 Nation are «II favorable to thedl . ttion of ihe m .s es; and hope, energy, tabrm, i-.Tf not oppresi» d here, as in every nation 01"Eur*pe, by usage* v. hieb, though once useful inruder age*, nave long since been outgrown. InI tddresa .Mr. II isbane jave a very interestingreport of conversatj its with Cousin and Carivlo;at d showed in contrasthow much m:re hopefoJ:nd liberal are the leadng rninds among our-selves; a fact wiii-.-h is to be ascribed to thegreater stimulus of uur free institutions. Heshowed one splendid exception, among many

fit .-, in Eugsne Su»,who owes his Mysteries olParis and Waldering Jew to the i.'iiiucnce oiFourier. Tnat a call comes to u3 therefore fromthe whole past, and from the struggling nation;.'ff the old world to carry out socially what wehave begun politically; to prove, indeed, tueP ss-.b 1 ty of lousing ail men to tnc fuil use of alltheir "rowers, find the !"u!l possession of the h'gh-< bI privileges ofearthly existence. The address,which this meagre outline so imperfectly repre¬sents, was a very convincing statement, brilliant

expression, clear i.i thought, and generous inspirit, and was received by the audience withpciterated applause.One of the n:-^' interesting discussions was

tn relation t-; the movement of the VVorkir-gmenwhoiu various paria ol New.Eogland, and tspe-c.a:ly in Boston, a-e counseling as :o the bestmeans of securing U e -idvantigfs of life, whichevery man who b01 s himself ahould aspire to,and whl h oar iaw- and manners p'ompt everyone to S(ri . Tnc chief speakers on this subjectwere John Alien, t-c earnest,'aiigablc i;iiddisinterested propac -ndist of Association, S. C.Hewitt, who has lake 1 a very active part in theorganization of tha .>>'orkin?men of Fall Riv-rundo B «t in, George Ripley, and L. W., of Brook-Farm. The wisii is to unitemo"! s and efforts in some way which shall en.abic the Workingmen to bring their la!>or ar.d itsproducts more directly to the consumer, and so

prevent ihe loss of our present expensive modesof distribution; to guarantee each other againstI issea ; and loproducc a general spirit of, 'fin's is one ofthe m my movements whichinoicate, how surely and rapidly society is pass¬ing into that intermediate state between Civiii.zation and Association, which Fourier calledGuaranleeitm, and 1 r which the popular name

among ourselves is Mutual Insurance. (Ja allsides this icndency is manifest. Mutual andi. fe In urance Companies, Societies amongProfessional men, Ministers, Lawyers, Physiciansf:>r mutual aid for themselves and families.So¬cieties -.mong Merchi n's for the same purposes.the various Cooper.;-ivc Societies among thewinking classes of Europe and of this country.finally ihe Odd Fello.vs' Charitable Association,a 1 arc -ions that the spirit ol ind.vidmlism andi-ri|aiiou is giving way to that of brotherhoi.d.I'o »bt .in a knowledge of the rights of man un-d desp iiic end feudal institutions, it was neees-

R-ry to individualize interests to the utmost orthe first step; but now it becomes evident, thai10 tenure the exercise of these rights men must

freely coop-rale. The object of the speakerswas to Bhow that the VVorkingrnen'a movementwas an inevitable one, just und timely : that itcould succeed only by iring Conservative andPeaceful ; that every Btcp toward Guaxaoteeiemwas a step in advance and so far good ; but thatrissoci ltioa. only could fully insure the Rsrht t<>

Labor, and the Right to the Produeia of Labor,nod so elevate Work to the position of dignityand honor, which it j iuly claims. Assoeiatiunn il! graduate all pri; crmenls and privileges on

the scale of productive usefulness. In the s'ttcof As- ciati'iu, all will, and must Lc, and will rc-

j lice to be, Wbrkingmt rt.T;;c discussion as to the Right to Labor brought

n:> ano'her us to tin Right to Land, and Resolu¬tions upon the subject were offered by Mr. Pear-son, as Delegate from ibe National Reform As-sociation of Ncw-York Three resolutions were

rtf.'rrcd to a Committee consisting of Messrs.Ripley, Godwin and Brisbane,.as it was con¬

sidered that the importance of the subject, es-

pccinily at iho present time, demands a fuil, calmand clear exhibition of the views of Association-i.?*s upon this mucli i'"tated t</.>ic of ownershipin tlie Boil. Here again Mr. Brisbane made a

most In id and eatisfaclory statement. Heshowed that any Agrarian movement, whichtceks an equal division ..>!" the land to individuals,will necessarily result in '.he same disproportionatepossession, which is now found to be so injuriousto the laborer. According to the Doctrines ofAs30C!utt >n, the Earth, like the Air and Water,nnd all the original elements of the materialworld, are loans from the Sovereign Ruler tu theHuman Race, to be enriched and beautified toth« utmost for the Universal Good. Only surhpartition of the land thi n, as will sccun its high,est culture, can he right The system of tndi.virtual appropriation has l>con incidental to müdes of industry of past ages. Nu indi-vtdual ci.ergy and judgment can most profitablyimprove a tract of groin. I. Combined judgmentand energy can ahme bri ig oat all its suircs andlatent . nr.rgiep. Land t n should be placed un-

i'er the charge not of or e person, but of such a

number of persons, combined and cooperating, as

will ensure its nut being wasted, but fully em¬

ployed and adorned. This can be tone only byAssociation. The Usufruct of the land, how-ever, does belong to the individual, for he has fullright to ownership in what he produces; what hehas made, and so blended his energy with, is hisown and hy itd system of Joint-rStock Owner,ship, Association secures t > every man the fullami exact possession of ail that his industry ji-screated ; or of its equivali ni value. Here too theConservativeand Reforming character of the As¬sociative Movement is ppareni. It entirelyreconcile-, the conflicting c!-iims of Landlord »ndTenant; and settles peacefully, and with benefitto all, this d iTmult and threatening question.

?.?r. Brisbane was equally successful in show-in" iho jnst relation bet v.. on Capital and L-bor,arid exhibited very clearly the mode bv which, inAssociat on, the Capitalist will become a Labor,

or and tue Laborer a Capiinli.-r:, and the interestso! ail be so united that tnc very source of exiat-ing conll.cts will be put away, end all energiescombined to the common wealth. He

gave a very glowing picture, too, of AttractiveIndustry, as it would bo when all our affectionsand energies were harmoniously combined in

multiplying beauty every where. Finally he pre-eci.t d, on the last evening, a sketch of the Pio-trress of Society, through Ir.dustry and variousSociil Institutions, up to Science; and irem Set.

e.'ico to Religion ; closing with a condensed viewof the manner in whu'h Inr;istry. Social Affec-lioi s, Science and Religion, as they now existth.i'u'chttut Christendom, concentrating in01 e eiand tendency to orga- ^c Associations ac-

cordiog to the Order commanded by Divine Love,which justified finelv the Asiiociatiocists in their

desire for Universal'Unity; a-id proved that theyare a« revcrcrt of the Past us they are hopefulf.r the Future, while their rust is in an Otnni-

preeeot Providence.Tne Drook-Farmcrs were at the meeting in full

force. Mr. Riplev, who presided, very eloquent-lv described the o'rigin of the Associative move¬

ment in New. England, and showed that it was theincvitab'c result of the various theological, phiio-sopbic-il, and tspccidlly of the humaoitary discus¬sions and ent-roriscs, which for many jears panthave awakened a reverentand hopeful t-puitamongoar Höf rsl minds. He expressed a cordial sympa¬thy with the Working-Men, ac d welcomed theirmovement as a sure sign, that the times are ripef r Association. J. S. Dwight gave a very inter-

csting sketch 111 detail of the educational process¬es by which industry and teaching may be made

supplementary and'instrumental to each other,and showed how amid the various relations and

occupations of an Association a'! the powers maybe called into harmon:ous exercise. John Orrisdescribed the sphere tf action which oar variouspafsions require for healthy ar.d happy develop-


SATtTROAX ittOttfclXG, JAS!'.

mer.t, showed hnw iha* now arj too bftan naaderuorbid, üiJ so degraded t . t*il; and final.» howbsJance of charei vr ru .y o-j produced by en At.tractive sjsiein of Ladostry vhtch employs ;n

succcs>i'. u and not b ish acat on;.]ii>u- etffccrionsand energies. Froafly, Cna.-les A. Dinu offeredthe Aonael Rcr»"-t, in which he set fort.'i withmuch power and htauty the great Princip'. se, bywhich trie Aims of the Assochttioi ista direct,ed. This will too.-, bs giren to the public, and itis a document deserving the widest circulation,it brings out c'curly the h:gh reiinious charae'erof tins attemptto apply to Society thelaws ;{Har.mony, in which the Creator manifests his Loveand Wisdom through all the Series of the Dai.verse. With the Brojk.Fannerstoo may be class¬ed W. it, Channinir, who madcr-n appeal to toe

community to enable tne faithful men and wo¬men enjraged pra vc dly in th:s g.xtt Reform atHr ok-Farm and elsewhere t; ~ -..-ove th^ir fsithby their wo ks." Successfully io test Associa¬tion are needed, lit.A fairportionof the Capita!which (he industry ol the pis': has accumul tted;2d.Pure, devoted, her ic persons, who desire to

perfect all s.cit! relations; 31.Science f theL iws of Divit c Order, as illssrtated in the iVaUural and 8: iritusj worlds; 4th.Chiefly end can.trally a c .-. istJiri»n yf *:^p^whoIe being <o God,a frith pev-.-.ti ng a»l the ;. r.-. tars tnc cue oflife .s Unity whn Go :', thronen Truth and Loveand Beauty, und the presence of the Divine Spiritto sanctify ah wr.rit. Mr. C. also endeavored to

show, th i: a« God in the procei s of Creation ro-cecds from Essential Love, through Wisdom, to

arrange t-ii His Works in ever-progressive har¬mony, so in the process of re-creation, which isman's sppointed work, it is necessary by industryand art to produce material beauty, upon theseimproved circumstances to rai.=e harmonious so

chtl conditions, by this and social cultureto asci-mt to a knowledge of God's truth, and sohecom»; fit to 1 ve 11 ::: with ail the strength anasoul asiel mind und rcr:.

It was a matter of nrnversal regret thit thetwo devoted advocates of Association, HoraceGrcciry and Pa/fce Godwin, who have done momman any '.»her w tiers in the country to recom¬mend thecanse to the respectful attention of a:lparsons ofjudgment, were both detained in New-Vor!:, the firs! by sever-; illness, tae last bj an

accidental injary. 'J'heir presence wou d haveadded [peat strength to the Phalanx o!* Friends ofAssociation.One of the most int?r?s'ir>7 nrd alt >gf liter cf-

lective spscches was made by Francis G. S.'itw,a young and successful merchant, whose ex

pensnce of l ^e evi's ol a competitive state h:tvafed him to nek in agricultural employments a

higher sphere of inattal and moral culture. Hi?calm, clear statement of his views was the jnoreimpressive from the tone of .-ir mg though re

pres.-H emotion which pervaded his remarks. Afew such men as Mr. S. would ensure a'l that isneceVd, a thorough experiment of amociiion.Among other addresses two wcro made with

their usual fervensy nr-d po'nt, by Wm. A.White of Concord, and Henry Clapp, of L>nn,editor of The Pioneer. These men are specimensof me large body ol warm ;/i.ndi of humanity,who stand ready to a:d the associative move-

men?, and wh* wish to point for confirmation oftheir arguments mid appeals to one successful ap¬plication, on a largo, arid complete scale, of the

principle of Unity in Variety applied tn Social Orgsnization. Shall not the Means, Men, Scienceand Devotcdness befound for at least one fullyorganized Association .' A Society, which in¬vests so much in rocdiancal and comm rctaln' rprip.'r, hi D-mi.v-tir; ttrH F< rngn *l;-.'on< inHospi;als, Pri'Dcs, < .I'rgc,». F.rm Schools andGalleries'of Art, Burely owes encouragement tomen u;i*i women, who have given their lives tothe work of forming, by Gods' blttsing,a i'er etc

Society.Mr. Ripley drew a beautiful picture of the way

in which,the romantic attachment?, the holy andheroic memories, ever greenly entwining the feudal castles, family seats, public buildings of theOld World, will in the New World give place to

peaceful ..ffecti ns clustering around the Centra!Dwelling f Associations, beautified by the con¬tributed work of generations ; the Forests statelywith age; the D main beautified by t.oe wiseand p.-.:icr;:.i Dprovementsoi tuccessiva laborers;the Temple sacredly bequeathed from eircs to

sons; an«! the Cemetery where, beneath sppro.priato monuments, rest the siges and heroes andbards, who knew how t.i make life beau iful..May such bop a prove prophee'es.


30,000 DEATHS UV CONSUMPTIONWould perhaps be a small estimate for the raeaget

of this dreadful rftsi ose in a single year .

then itdd ikefearful catalogue if thorncut ojj uy Inflammationoj tkeLungs,

Heoiorrkafie,Asthma^ Coughs,[nflucnza,Bronchiti*jnnd

odu r diseases ofTHE LUNGS AND LIVER,

And the lua would tire«!nt an ap-.'slbft proofofÜÜ fatuhty oft.':,.e two rlnnte .r dtteeaes.

But it u Iraportaat to know trnt nearly all ufthfj dread w.-naeoMiunmn '.to mish? hr.v..- been prevented Dy a tiroely on ol

DR. WISTAR*3 »ALSAM UF WJLD CHERRY,Th«.' trreateNt teroedjr tm di*eorerari bi nan Itir Ii .!i>cn-»of Uta pnlnonarr utiaii, yro.iui-e.! \-? cold and ebanaaableclwnate..Scores oleasetbave come to "ur knotWedse where thep&.

tieot bad Lee» tfiven a|> t-. die of 1'nnJinnpt'on.n. beyond th«reiich afmedical aid.Nut v. h . t.y Hie u< "f th:* IVilJ CherryUut-ain have t»oea »peedilr ren-ircl ro c.Trplete hculth.A liner ol n «raO-known clergyman recantly left UM -chcol

-he eras attendinc.bemr sdvued tbot she miut of ("un.raamtim.tu remra to her h'une, wiiliing u, ;p«id Iier few le-laaimuE duj'< « 'ti h-t ImmkI«. Br ^..rn¦? nitan- ihe wn.i in.

duce-1 I > take Wrstar** Balttun u! VVi'.1 Cbenv, by which »bewas entirelrcured irea short time, aad returacJto her schoolwith o Ucht heiirt and lorm'icorated r.enJth.By application to the office, farther partretllaa of tail and

ulr-.<"r rriui:r«i;S)!e cur.-- will be chtert jll.- siven.Manv ofthe caqst distiaeuubed pBjrtieuins of this city and

BrooklVa give mi. Bal-niu their anniialifl^d approval WhyIpxrald the--- not ? It i» every .vhete bailed b.

"NATURE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION;"l<eias forn.e,i iro.n ci^.n'calfjtmets of Wild Cbenr BartendTar, two simple, bni powerful io;red.enis of -Naturs'. ownLal^.rciory.All who have u=ed this wonderful compouod eooeur in les-

tifvinir Üsii if is t*w> mnttefficacioai -eme,:y ever kuown.Prmcrpal office. Ü Aaa-st. New York. Soldabjo by Acants

iu ull ptuu cf the L'i.iuii. i2J 6ru*

~T3iiJ GREAT Kr.lflEDYion

Asthma, Difficulty of Breathing, Bleeding of theLink's, Coughs, Lolds, Bronchitis, Influenza,

Shortness »fBreath, Pain, and Weaknessin Üie Chest or Siile, and 'hat most

terrible of all diseases.CONSUMPTION OF 1 HK LUNGS.

T"lR.FOLGERE OLOSAONIAN, oa ALL-HEALINGij BAL>A M..I» your broken by r- '« i ;u4 .-.ail trouble-«nie Cui'i .' Have you a Pain :n tkeSids. »cc»n pamedwith Shortness of Breath, and oilier nluraiicjr symptomswhich lead you to fear that r.a ariu beconie the virt.m of,Con*u,apt:..r.? I!s:e :, a Kemedy at hind. It will chscky»urCor-h relieve the pain and wrrne». ia yourchtet. and«peedeyre-tore you la health- Are you itmeoM t.'o.n AjüimaJ TryUtts wooderfal remedy. Read the foilowini cases uf curra

which it h«« perfunned withina short umc:Drtoid Henderson, * Ijwcfct «rreet. was rednced Ter» low

by a tedious oueh and bieerfina at the luiiri. Ha had triedvsmmis rcmedie» wit.'imit ben'h:. unn h:s uto t.n.ans nail ahnu-dor.edine hope ^1 doioe him any £<««. .Afttjomrb he bri!

hectic feve: a' J n.sbt .-.leau, one bottle of t.iu ereat remedye-toredhiin entirely to henl'h.(ictrr-f W.Hass was rei eved by two bot'.les ot thetllosa-

oc au äin;ou:>i so weal: a: ihe ti.ue he co"n:n* usinc itthat he could scarce walk- He couched iueeiiaritly; h sdiffi-ciiltv of b-ea'h:ne was such that he could onlv «a:k a tew

steps a: a nice, and bis nieht sweats were nreadfui. In twoweeks from the commencement of bu usiuc Uie luedicnc, hewalked with ease dow n lothe orüce; and in <:x we-n, he wa

ja -«,tot-d as to he c.r.le to attend to hrs hatineM «eain.

¥. Laban, 52 Pike stre-'. «ns cur-d uC/Stksstt by halt. onittJcofUseOUxaoaran. He had n«t lain down in bed forjr. .re man Kn rneaths. Jle bai never had a recurrer.« uf thedisease, now more tnan fise ninoths. _-

.Mrs ¦\Ki".ba!l^. 113 We-t street, wa« l r Asthma of 4

rears'standing, ay hilf11 bottle, ar.d deciu.-es .'. u> Us t;^ bestmedicine in Uie worUi. She had uirxl vatiOBI oLier remedieswitboatibaleaitlienerjr.Thousands of . a'C mieht be eiven to -how the e.hcacy of

this Keme-iv. More than twenty year, ev.-;r:ence m Iis u<

has proved it to be the rac-t won (erinl r.ucür iu U>e wurji tutthe cure ofthe above mentioEca caeasei.For rale ouiy at lud Nniaill.stl"' one do^r above Ann.

fi.ij Mi:!u MA.*.I fcACi'tttiit«. U£.\LEKr«.J_ t'c .V B PAL>'F.R :i e'rt czer.r, ijuly anrhonze^ bythe proprWrv of wrae "f ice beet eewspawn of most of mepnncipaJ towns in tit. ^j*;^"."" > f I FJ»»aaylyaaiaaBdthe »-"a5!«rn rjouthera and t\ esi^m Mutes, to receive adrer-ttseroerroi in this City, for irjerarr. in Uw respe,-UTa pr.pers.The opiwrtun.-ty all aided U ine huiiae-. Mmmnnity by tan, todiaraaiassjta trrlbrrratinn inrouenout theeoaatry.and lorteit ihe atteatioa of the paopb a lu-h as to eora-

mend ji i- :hr»i--neeat!er.tiin A'J-.e ana mina'ini and enter.

"riMtamaead the utratptpen aray b^eeea al nil office,wh»o- .-very UrfwraaOMi wdlb* «*r:»nr" "the nature "f Iba aaeocy lunyjipuio^d-_nnnie na ur _Najas,E «_ (TnOunf Buildiusi} oppositeCiTrHai^t &a CffJ Ogff_"»

t .au »tree.. »ic»-».-. -j-eatsnpply alwan on na rw. its?

A 5vY 25. 1845.

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is now rcatuuora tile

TREASURY uF UlStORY.|-o«Jf!tfl*o

* URXXRJUL IttTRODCCTORYotrruxx «» cnuxrs&l maroxT. ancient

and Kooeax. arm a series) or sefaaate ;i:-t"rie3 orf.VLRV FKQtCtTAl katiom rtt vT iViSTS, TUKtH

risk. rR"o ;E-n. wr> r.\t ...%;>ii;.»n. a.. A-t.BV SAMIT.I. «AU?TDt4R. K-'tl.

Author of tlie 'Tretuury of Knnwlevtee,' . Bwcraphical 'I"rea.sury." * L-c-ary nn.I dctentrfte Trea-at) .' &:c.PHE KW-PORY l»F AMERICA,

BV JOHN INM \N. ESQ.Tlte above valuable Mrers «rill .- impleted in nlmut twelve

Ne*. artnvo. pttnl ut on 6 c paj cr. tvith civar '?$», und trill I«soUl at'J5cei'-« nei r>i'. i I3t'*

Till:B L I .' E HOOK;

or,Recttter ofall officcrt and ls« . Civil, lltlitary and Naval

in iheaerviceof the United s-mim ; -vitn 'he \am»jFore* r.nd Conditi m nl all c>ii::i« and Vejeebi

belantrmc to the L'n:t>:d Statea, amiwhen and when bud;.

Together w.thThe nnnic! and compenxnÜQu nfall !'rii:ter» in any tray cm.pbyed t>v t'oitirre;^. or any departrnent r>r nllirer of the Go.verntoent; far

1844-5.Prcparco at rti.t DxPAxraaNTof ?rv;e, Wjuitrsu ros.Per «nie ntholaania urn! ir'nd. at

TtJUXER IIAYUEN'S Chenp t'n,h ittnrc,j'dlooW J.*n vreet, ivirllr i.i '¦ ay.

rfcAlLV MBMORANUI M BOOK foil UM5.-The«ub-i^achben would call the attention ol !..:.;. menasd utherswhubaveoeeaiiontoinea Uoroortirtdtitn li.xik. totlte-abovaworkjust pnblfalietl lor tlie envoine je«r. Tla, ;-airr.iisedwith a pttnted ho-:'1mu* for memornndam« Tar c«verv day in 'lieyear, Stiodmyi lnelue°ed; aad eonturn a Time «na Iniereel Ta-blea, the whole beuut no larferthan a pocket «'iiüe', fur winchthey cnn ali:> jt adapted, n» they arc made with tuck andpocket for that purpose. I'uM tu.I in.I mill »-lulle.rile andteMby FRANCIS it U IÜTREL,iH'im Manutarfiira!-; Station are. 7? Ma «loa lane.


TO.v.V cow ii. is. rilA-*::. \. "I. i;ti.\fi!'.\L.E<tabli*hedto 1S35. gearioru commence May 15th nail i>ct.15th, continuing live mmit!:-, at i"<> per tenion. Thoroacbpreparation fbr colleife ur btutneH. and psriaanl utwutum am.ecuredtonupib tu fall/ ai in tlta inn.; expernive »ch.-oUl.nd> Iroin Sew Y-rk are i>!nri>l in charge ota care fill pa to I,roina aad returnuvr. CiixuUri at H .Vlnrkut tuoetiuid VSiH-iiuKvm _d'-"l vu


CC. HARSH, Accountant, le-iiectfcliy uunounce» hm Cnnntiny Roonti, No. ?* t'-slnr itreet. continue open

from 1 A. M. p.In the "tody of ll'»i«-iieeiiir.i «.«it.« lauaht by Mr. Uatah,

every pup.I keep., in th'j moat^rec&csl tnarmer, n compteU seicj' puetürtlüf holet, ambneina ail the different ntHiiieaitrantactioni ol » eo"<l mercantila h'io-e ; he become* fuiHiliarwith nil the bunk-" conatitutine t'ne «c'. with nil the docunenttrelctinr to the hnok«, tr:at b ilmce«, bilanre du-cr«. acnnor-Lvcurrent, und with vanotu nieri-a: nl.' ealctdaUonJ, in intemit,di'ciciut, atiuation of oaymvnts. uehtuure, Ste.

In one ceuree or üiitruction a person ot <ood eapacitywillbecomea competent BooitJMaper, au«) will recoi«« n '.' 'hat eflert. Nu .in- ;s tuazht n a .-lai'.MERCANTILE WiliTI.M..-\ th irouah ciur-cm pro.

irre^Mve lesion*, which will not fail in affectini a valuabia an.

proveiuent. irpec.meii« oft truly irierciuttile style umy be seen

at the rwinii. *aProapavtuaai, «*ith terrm, hour*. «tc. may beobtained at tba

raoaM dajp ami evening.C. t'. SfARSH'S IVORKS.

Tba Snenceui l'uuale Entry lloolbKeepiriit Simplified, Uthedition. 300 pores octavo; jairi!The Art of Single Entry: Boo&Keepiac, iniprovetl. 3d edi.

tiaa, 130 pagu octavo; iinee "5 cc'ijii.For laleat the booJusbrai. and ai the roomi.Mr. Harsh ofTen hii lervtcea ia tiponina, cJoaiac, or writing

up took,: tB f.'adar itreet, up stain. «j V

GRANS EtJBSTjXTS IIThe >noi>l nstomrhiiifs, nll-dectxire nnrl nntwpei^r.

cd retults have thusfar, attended theministreuion und timely use


(A'a^arCoittye1.)(Vhtch are how attracting i a attet .. a of mankind, in ooa.senuen^e of their unrran illy acknowledcid««wperkmty nvan

g\ gitv OTittR ion-; and k k-tL of Purgative, Aperient, Dfarctic, Sudarifieer Expectorant remedy; and 'lia r rapidpopiilatity ii* aaoraraicn medicine, forIntermittent, Remittent Bilious and other t'eterr.

Influenza. L'a/dx, Htai-Ache, Indigettitn,JJyspepsiii, Perverted Appetite, l!-:nnburn, Cotlitenets, Diarrkaa, Fuui

Stomach, ltar/ag. Rheum'Uinnand G<jiit Scrofula, Liver

Affections.':rilv>» ofthe Blood,

Cowplai tts ein'

taint intk.^ftetrt*. ?*i/ir andBack.

Li a meat pc«,tiiyg,.nirin!e«} of their nrroarelWed e>celienee.They aru. < ui^rOtc from the demand) afieetlac more poiitr.ely hcneficiiirttju t.. irm-i .toy uiher Known (so calle':') remerfy.People have been dote : with Mtratrp, and have c\per;enc»dthe tiH> frcjuvui fatal conscQnencee, and have ta'sca 'lie olduitoeutint ca:*>art nntil toleralim gives wuy to dtaenst. at

the very thought of repetition. The anti !. :e. «c loritr-wtabed,Mild now So much called lor. is the lery remedy neciletl; MlLP.

pleasant, barmled aad efliciciois.a kati'raL remedy; andone thnt in rvKP. v «olitaRV does perform all that it

promises. Wa ave Iba mo t rrratracable prop! ol tbii m eeerycv.e that ha« come to our knowledge, which justifies us wjR.ra.ntino ercru l<" r.nd in any ca«ic ofFAILCRC, ihepurct l

set iiiuv have Ins money h-rk.Mr. Ilaittv,TER. the batter, 120 B ov.rry, rur»il ofdyvpeptla.Mra sin tk. of Sine hing, cured of ueaa-aclio and pain in

the Hill. 169 Broadway, cured nl head-ache.Mr. LtsntET, 163Greeovrich-atreet,cured id dyspepsia of 5

yean' Staoduig.Rev. Mr. BcR-xttt, of Brnofclyn. cured of rush of blood to

the head by t e-e Piii.Mi«s Docobua,cornerofrValkarand I.iid!ow,'reeij, cureü

of iiitnne,« o, aght, pun in t-w head, dtzzmesa, dee.Mrs Coaalvrtte of the baker ia Hrouklyn, cared cf weak,

nes... pain in the head, nda ami breast, so that iba is able to t*

elx.iil, which was. not rbe ense before ir.kuig the«e P.'l«.UnaC. Henderson. jQ Trtnity-pUce, cured of the most

dangaitMn Co:<! anil congh, which h id marut t.iken her lifo.<"ai tion.Ask for Itr. Smith's " Indian fegetabtt Pili*."

.V« other " lmtiun Vegetable Pitta " are (nignr coaled.) andno uthert po,-cs. the wrtao which these f ill« claim.\. B..ctRKthat I'it. r::tinr* icrtttra aeataisoa every Ivz.

'SuldBtLhepriaciaalotri'.s-.. IT.» U;;iii..nv, i. u «TREET. .NewYork, ami No. 3 Waterstreet, Boston. Also. Ma. Haves. 123Fulton-ttreet, Brooklyn. _rJ3 tnr

Fi 1R THE PILES ! !a RE YOL' AFFLICTEDWQ H PiLlv<?-Try then with.

a\. out delay. Dr. t.'ptmni'j Vceetabie Electumy, the beatHerne:!)- ever offered to public ir '.ice. Tins really exceilentmedicine is the result of a thorough medical education, aud a

complete knowledge of the disease for which it is recrmttoend-cd. The most triumphant succew attends its admin^tration.Re :d the folh>win| ramarkahhi cases i

A laidy. residing ;n Norfolk-street, was seriously afflictedwith Piles ; so great was her sutfen.ig. fh»t to use her awn ex-

pression, bft was a burden ; forfoor.weeln ihe had been at-tcndeiibyoae of our in, t eminent 1'.-.,- ...... without toeleas; berefi'. Saj j;";« it wis m a-rgravared case of Piles,I orescr.bed the Electuary : two boxes were used. Sixteenth,after, the -nme lady called on mo to; for nnoihercnm-plan't, one then informed aie that she was perfectly cured of Itrie Piles by thetwo boxes,and hail e.v;wnenced noretur-.. seaMrs. I». te»taing in Orrene-»t., called on rue !a»t»pnnc,say.

ing that she had b*en alf-cted ia tn Piles for wo yeus, acc-nri-

panieit by peda in the »nie. pslpitntioti of the heart, a sea'e of¦ a.'-russ lbs chr,t, ir..l opyre»s!or.; she was unable tolie ri'ivs-i without elevating the head and cheat coosniernbiy:testing horzonrally produced a sei,»« at suffocation, followedby a rough. By using one box ot the Klectusry. trie p-. a :n

the s:de. palpitation and upprees.on cea-ed, ifte cmiM I« downwithout laci.nver.ieace. anu tr.c Piles were paraaliy removed,ore a saeond box made a complcta eure, to tke ;:eat gratinca-ucn ol the patient.

r^oid id tin. City t-v Lhe Proprietor anlp, a regu.arly educatedP courtrted to an otfice pracüce tor tne treatment ofli'hromc DiatASE-». -No 11»; Bowery. Medical advice in re-

let ioa to the above, or any other complaint entie. Price oftheElicluarv ooa rt d:ar. [XT" Hememocr tiial the Elcctaarp :s

an Internal HemeJu. ar.d not an eitrrnnl applieatiun. and wildM Bowery, door» above Sprmg-st <Jthee ieatrs

from 7 A. M. to 3 f.M._.t2 8mPetW*GENUESE TEAS,

wnoi.i^Aij: .'.NU T.rrr.v.L.THE CAN .' ON TEA CO.MPANY,

PRITs'ClPAL rWHE, 13i CHATHAM STREET. N.T.Hfiocrj Slorej:

115 Rloecier «tr«t, Nl. VSi! Grar.d ttreet, r.'^r Sul?l Orecn-a'cn street, aaai Fsiton,lid Fultin *t.-"»e.. tirooklrn.63 Chestaut and 45 Norm Philadeiphij.Tl Hi-torer street, Bcrt&c

INVITE the attcc:arn ai City atd Couauy rarr-diet andPurchasers to their soveral esiiblishtsenu. where they think

will be lulled by far the best iclecuor^ of pure tind uraw uitcre,t»l Teas in the I'r.ited Sr_-.tej. The universal p->pa!ari;y andresewn oftheir bouse with ntreranee to high qualities, low pn.ces. aad alright dealing, is too well under.too<< to render far.tier comments necessary. ' -TiRtsal ar.d only wT.~h-iase fotthe saes of Howcjua's Black Tett."Observe! .Strangers willbe particalar to retaemb'r i)w Duuioer of the priocipe-ritor» int'hsthaai f..5-:"., nx; bervvecn Pearl nn.i Rosevett rtr*ii»s.Tba public will also be ele-jed t*v lake Dotie* that the t nnUmTea Ijirfnpnny have nothing to do ¦ ita any ".rher itnrts oxrept

j three .Ipienned at the tori ade^l-seni-in- «»tV*"

O MILKMEN. stC..The subser.twiTff-r f^r sale 100bbls. Kucawheat Flour as a rarsstattite for O.l M«aJ for

feeding Caule, It is now ex'enslveiy uj<a1 let that purp ie on

I account of its being considerably cheaper. Alto dj udIj. and50 half bbls. Extra, fnr family use or shipping.1 j21 tf rVRIGHT. LOSEE vfc CO. ¦ Moote si.



CANDS'S SARSAPAK!L!.A.-vArs« an-, Frrcrr.-U »\ r,one*er a par'.ieuir ci;ae produces rerua;!(«Wes:%i;ulnr'lwvinpthe ills-bet Seah . h' t.fmK net lea is*ivytkaa *-n ofall friends of hum-va,:'.- to til a «uch trottetety 'o tke arcrtrmtaBoea u Utah ensure the appi«rua«-n «>f tlwoecv..c«. -. ->le real zn..:.:i ..'" »Tc -l*. We j.!'»;<?« roth***truthsfor th- :>.:r3ise of c..ll:-r puV.c. attentroc to the \irtuesof a mtil piesuirAioa v. hick, sriihoat retard U> arty cele¬brity has ibert a. .. Rted. .'it. tn out knewtodjre producedrrmtrii.xbleen.riveeriee'.*. The reim-dr 1« Sagos'* SvRsa-rA?:LLA. and we !i».vr to .rate one fact only in illircrsfoc.A .adyatatai to tu tint five y»ar> wn«-?, -he »'u rttiicked with complaint.a i!:«-;a<-i ti-o common!.»- ajtsujgi«her rjt« ar-d Cora.«ad she of course sot-slit every rv,~»ty recomrnenJe-.l be such ami similar rhmsea, rut all with noeiTevt. except p-rha-s the mcrea* ..f tredi«eiiv:. until .it leajthshe lest hat teeth »t:j-i new, and iiilFcied late.i-e and pimm.ledirony.taoush all ti.a tun« in the hir..!> of the faculty. Ashort time s.nwihecornr^enred the rrseofttM above remedy,and in 1cm than or.e week, "he salutary ori"*e;« were'yapparent, and now a costmm ceax ha* been aSected.Thia a but orts of ü:j cote* of cur». a-coraplrsaed by lh.s me.¦ acd one, the character of which we ie-ve our read»r»tojudre of, wiih the virtus« ol the rvrucdy. under all 'he o>j».

plies'.ed disease; .t th< loadIS. V. Amor. Republican. lVc. Sat, 1««.

It i» an old proverb thai "fcewn > «ir:t m the Sun t" h* »orewill no; r*ach :t. t>-:i ha arrow will r!y than If p.:.r.:*dat a lets exalted object" Jost* aomthetreat)nectofdfaaaia.fheDaysman whoaimtattheerndrcatjoo o." d io<«f«rs, u..;e*dofOCiaf ROOteat \tp.i. Kine, :e.o, »:!! alrt».yj cr.'.mi;iii«hra'^t cuiej, San.!»'. Sampaüäua iliaatrataa He troth oi t.'.eproverb. Tue inventor aImeo to* c d*o ofdiifateat its kvnice, impurity at trie Llxsl: ivcd the prerauatttoo,more aeccrssfiii Uan tbe arrow aimed ;:t th<> 5*na. aSAi'HVSh:e ^tAü.i. tty ooutialii.njj tae ».;; j«, ia eirciu iUoa «.:w l."-1) I rvs and 'il-vr. eaneerooa .^il s,-r.> ol iuv .< i-.-a-et. »nduLi.c.-i ofaatrapler toad, aret-* fruita. it breni.» f;> the active

principle by wht--:i they arc developed, ÜMSTdraappear tobe leaewed r.o more.The lollowine certificate L» only uuother !iak In ihe areat

cbaia of teatunony t.. ita merits, l^t the afflicted rr*d Knd beconvinced ;.wnat it hr.< iio..e»«ce. it w 11 ilo scam. To tbaiteunable hi parchaae. it .s i. eo withotr. iuoi.u and without

8. IKLSJ.N«. Mass. V'v. X lMt.Meaan. Bjtxos t.With teeluic. f the must Iwely (ratitada

! «nah to uxy/cw t.» yoo. and throiuth you to aim arorld, aa ae.count ol m] unexpected rtn't almost iii?<t»3ired of leeoseiy, hythe use ot *rsar8aiaapah1la. For the lastten yean I araa ai-dieted with the lirer eojmplaint, dyapep :a mm dbeataofthei line, and haveauüered beyon ti»; posvat of laiarnaaa to des¬cribe. Pitrarenna preacribed in ratnt and the remedies aaedseemed nary to increase ray '::!Vr:nj*. In 1^;») I wisaitnckcil

I with the erysipelas, wheh reduce! me very low : e.» it p.."«uOtT. ulcer, o! tlie mx: painful description tain? ont on mi facea'. neck ; 1 !.>»; theei Me u< ol mi Imioi. and ther» « aa nie-tally rest !or u;e i>y nichtot by day.

ui arm», aud whatitbnd done lor others Mmilnrlf atjbcted with myaetf. I tmr.ehaaedona bottle,.ana found immediate relief by ita na«. Ir. . oaed rive more, end wa, enurely .My fc lirr*nie suca a. I cannot describe; I scarcely knew mr»:.i-wirret thachaase; I am Ke a :io« ». Thia 1 feelit<i i'fiv.l-ce t j totify to. Mj pie^mt hn.l'h n .! under Cudto your tna>r»im?Tal:?v. and may the same Providence thatdirected ma to your aal make you u.e hupny itrstrnment ofblesime other- ai .li^asvd uu<l despotriua .is I ir^. Yourvery grateful fnnid. E8TIIKK r, PE VRCE.

i-.ti e nf Uriah t. PWrea.)Commonwrrdth ofMaaa, Ham table as: tfov. 1814,.Wa

cerUiythal the fotr;nmx is the statement ol Ms, Peaice, uadarc are coulidcut Hint every wotd ia tine.

John iJeoi-icK, Jui': .» i'enee.r?'imv.rl I'Mru'ee. Ju«'ice of the Pence.Jarnes Bicknell, Minister ofthe CoapeL

The foUowinc teatintontal >hom tho value of tbaSaiaapa.rillainremorioe 3ronch a disease wm'cb, if not speedilyarrested,leadi to conaumpi an. Ii wilny. apejniodia ectioo,cbanifs theaecre! oi .. and by iu tonic aud alterstive proper,ties, rrroovea the tmbj aliiiy action, awl tho pn'.cr.'. is restoredUi iieul'ii.

Nivn i.k* r. Nov. 11.1H4.MssKKa. SiKOi.Cents: I t.ake public, for the

Itoed ol the u:h'i-*tril «riti Bronchitis, t! a bealiac proper e» olyoor Saraapanlla. Mr wile sutiered for twonii mtintha. msuch n iiiaunor a» is n-.t ensily linn-. >i .t ui'le ti>apeak above a whisper; and when aha w as cpoaed to cold air,it....en-iu ie otutUiioi: like »pa.r.iv in'.'to lü.-i.jt, tti^elTeclolwhich seas felt in tbo ears nid eye», oceaaioruns tue tie* toweep. It v.-as'iUeiide.1 with a i» rv couch, produced bribecii.-'".r.i :tr tatioo unI inflamnianon ofthe tao>at. Hy to.. ii.«... > >... ;-ar -pvtvi »».'i.eclly cured. It h--io . now tb-camontha since aba feh any lymptoma of the utaeaaa.

Yours with leapeet, GEl >. C. HOEti.l"..r :-..t'.e.-, :ii;.i i-niiclu.ite ev ilenre of it .u;.«.I > '.ic t.;..l efficacy. UN pamphlets, winch may be oblauvd

».-r.t:».i. A,.esnleand

A. H. tl». s.WlMS. Druscista. nFoltoa at,JT3 Broadway, 77 Brist Broadway. N. Y.

S^M also by llrui'iiats gencraily Üiiou;;huiit tha i iiiictlStntee.

!'r..-c il per bottle.tu botlles for 15. «!?: Ia>

rpilK SCBs'THillllt^ haio dm Jar fbnn«d a copntiner4. sin.» lor iranaaetinira DonwattcandOeoernl Dn t:.:«~fs

Cnmmi>aion Ruaineaa umter m* tir.not STANTON. RICH.AUIIS IP U'.t.l^TilU. They may ' e f.oiiul lor th» presentut t.'.e store No. iO«r >t. 11. I'. STAN i'O.N,

C. T. ItirilAlillS.W. II. il' il.l.lSTillt.

New-York. I?th January. 1915. jll tf

fajOTICE.Mr. EDWARD ? ItVAGE 5 ihläday admittedLa aa partner in our firm: Tue businota nf Publbhina ai dBuok«elbiiK wili 1»; ..-..ritin. .11.. 'ieie: .!'. re. m lue same name.

HUiNTINGT .:' k. S.W V.U.January Ut,IM'. Jül08w] .'iÖ-P ViiTN'I'.l'.SHIl'..'l'he»iibfcriners iiiive"ihisdayenler-**_-. ed into co-partnership lor the pnrpaaa of tranaaetina acenerul Dry Good* Importins and Jo'.hins liu.inos* under khefirm of MANNING .v PK1CUARD. and m o, theatom No.M Beaver-etreet. K. IL MANNING.

l.: WW. fl. PKICUAKD.

THE Ml Ti'.M. I.IKK INSURANCE COMPANY tiFNEW-YOBJC..llia lr>titution. durins aha month ot

December, is-uc-t Fifty-Sia I'm ies. iu.To .MercbnfUa.'J7|To Hoehaniea.7To Aaeajoaean.sITo CI*«yinao.'JTo Rrokera.8|To rbyaiciaaa.2ToClerka.BITo Lewrera.3¦J"oS.ip. of Fuc'orr. ... I Tn 'learners. aTo'I e'lei in a Hank. llOffieera in Navy. 'JTo Sapercanto.l|To Pannen.1To Booktelier.3!To Prlrttan.I

Total r.lvw loured.brj'. »RRia ROfilNBON; neauUot,

Sam 'i. IUMNAY, S.^r'ry.M. Post. Biyaicaan._ _>3 lm

rS'iii-: il-AVARH NSURANCE COMPANY make irr.I suiar.ocs i;»r:i ns: i/,5'ur.ian mil 'iilanil oavi.

cation, on tonn» u fitvorabhi ¦*.» any otaat uui [ai inalitntioa iatoe c.y.

Capittl, aiA'.OOO.Other. Mu. J-J Vi all streut.DiacpToat.

R.fiaveoi, CaieaO, Halned. inhn Rankin,Naja a Taylor, rVm. W.Todti, fleiira D. Ileiwsin.J. Philiiin i'ho>ais, Wm.Couch Nataaaial Waad,rr..:ri :.i C.'Packet.D. L. Wo.«1^?. Ferdhaaad riaydam,Harfd Lee, J. B. Vaxnura. IlenryG.Thonn>»ou,John U. Wolle. Mjersaej BaJdarra, Peter L. Navtaja,

tdward Ac'b' u/.i:. HAVSNa. rr.^aidefil,

Liwii i'niii.i'.i.^"i5i'r> rflntf

From the Jar nr. nfÖ»mmerea ofJaauanr 8th. 1S^^.(VTATi'iN\i. I.. »AN IVNli LIFK »SSURANI 1. SO.i\ UIETY t»F LONDON, a> UornbUI..Jr^pcrwered byact of.PajUament._ . _~,.M.CAPITAL X.'iO.OXlftTEBLtNG.oe.NERst. Aoer<r puk thk mtep r tatki» or axsaica.

J. LEANDKlt bTAKR.vS rVailat. New-York.p;iv-i< ia-s to the iOsmtTV.{Medical Ex»mii eti.)Aj. KEAItNY Ki M. Ü. 110 Bteecker atALEXANDER E. ll><<.\> K, M. I), lot F anklm at.


W.U. VAN HOOK, Esq. »Wall at.The rates ..i tbta s.,c.ety ara l. low as '_i-.,e ofthe American

Compaaiea, end lower than the s -a'euil>vted by man." I/mtlonDth.-es. .'»an« <rant. il m tiw e.i'»nl oftwo thuds ike amountof premium poul, ufler the lu.w ot «jear.PeVaoo ins-irwi in the Unhed Stmea -n ihe teala of" pajtici-

patioo," enjoy in" inipi r'm.t edvaataee of -inrmj in tiiewhoie bus.nö.» of tbe rJ-yci«'./. ».loch in Great lintain laveryextensive. ...

The public ara resprctfullv re<pie»ied to esammo thi draUtt.CUtahina pnncipl-". «t* th^s l.-istiiutn.n.'hen tul.los <.t rate*.their di'trihution of profin.*nd iIk.- laciht es nflbrrfed by Uieirl/ian department.telore arculine 'o insure el-.ev.iieia.I'amnii'et.conUiiuii'.e Iba but snnual Report, and tke rJone-

ty'« rates, toji-ther with blank forma, and the .''i'lest Informa¬tion, may be obtained upon iii.piication to any Azcnl or Pub.Aienr. ..

A Medical Examiner in a'iendance at mc-r.m;e daily, ai j

o' V. M. F»* paid hy theSociete.j. LEANDER STAP.H. C'aneral Acnt.

jll 2: ¦'_

11* ideal in New.York_C~"hKÄP t>U. =TORE..'I beaobacrir^rreaoecttul i - i.r.^s

'..».. publ.r. thjthec iirfn'jestbewl.oleiaietnd letail LampOH and Spir.t G'---.. a', h.a ' itaad, of a vary anperior quality.Pin net cent chenper this on b« purchnaed at any o«har corem tins city, via:

G,; -I^pu.!.per|al.*0 toir-o(»*r:'ir oual. Lerd do. «»,Rained l>tl. tri vitality. ...Do do zt\ do.,.. «wi

Wa U sf!*rm do....\xj Jo 2d do..'..1»Do do Bd do.- FX

Oil (' .'i «< ail MM: 1-ou.p Glasses «., all cntterrj and im.

na. t cd i full asoracent <>l lama wieka. conatanuy cn

bsiril.!jt^o-t and re; airrd. Oil and (jam-jhine sernto anypar ol'tb*c;ty !r» of charge. älEKKITi- rjMITII.

jj» VeIW 0~«aiv^i»-h. ror V**»T-tZ.

CKHXP OIL STORE, tällo r.-tlv.d WhileOil, at5atuninai t»er (alkm; do. atr> p»r callnn ; Sperm

0*1. &>.; extra, quality white s(ierm oil. 9». Grocers,<,Man<itar'utrr>, and Boanimn lloor« »u-pfie! :.r uduceOprices. Cnmphwrw, spirt fas and alcohol ol tr.e best c'i.'ty.Od Cans at wholesale prices._Cj»8 hr.%_V. M. WEral'.r|»OMEBCBANT8 IN WANT OF SIGNS FOR NEWI F11LM8, ttc.The uadetsiened laavuia been I ahliaaed

for a number o! ynur, ia the r^iris a*d iK-iAMerrAL No. Ml Na.Jiu str.ret. New-Yor*. cunnawhich tune we have irvned the repalatroool executms our

work as w.H. il not superior, t-» any o'.her e-tahli»hmar.', besleave to submit Use follow mi Card :

t'lidervtacibaa that :t is the wral iuipiweueu, that we

«har« icorc C'-n ecciuut ol .i.e .upenrnty of our work) thanother artuu, we have resolve-l to do our work on a« leasonableterms, and in ru artiitiral a manner, as con be dune at anyother'hmenV!n the Crty.Yon are respo tfullr rr(juesl»d to call a'.d aicertam our

chare<rs, befjrs If-nvin» your -jr-ler* el*ewhe-e.Yours. re*pert:a;iy, ACKERMAN &. MILLER-

Me»,rs. A. & M. pay particular atrentnm to tjwarran/eir.entof than -SIGNS, m order t.« make them neat and aCractive.N. it..rbj<«. Baiiner«. ct-uxiardj. i.e._ It lm

IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES. Lm 'Drapers Proprle-na nfBotels, Capta.n. efaeamhonran^et;SWgs.»0«

[he Pub! - eenerally..T'.c Pr- pnetors ..f ne WAeli SO.

TON STLAM LAL'NDRY. Winhmju.a-st. "»C leave:.. '' -. a'.vn-ioi. o! :..a public tn dieir iiew and improvedmethod of Washice Linen and C<.tn<t G.xxj. and to state

Maa 3 t*., many a^vaataaai which reader it luper.or to ad

1st. G&rrr»>qta washed by the steam process, will last ranchloorer than if washed in the ordionry wu7. as a,l wnn«n« ;ao

very irpiriuu* v, ladies and rcntlemen'i wearins apparel; a en.

Urefydiapensal with, and the work is'lone fr..m twenty.Sveto thirty per ceul. loss than the usual and incomparably

id" The firilitiea hems scch. they enabled to hleaeh all eru-

clo. of linen or cotton fahnc. a. white as beiore iiwnufocturvd,and a luiim riven t.. b-.-«u" or enllnrs, nrtoiy require! »terrae.

Any alni>i.:/ ol work can isedono ui u few h.,ur> n.<;ce, aa allnrtieH are an«i arrtbiai dixice and bynrtoyial h^.-.!. In -.mrt,article* «rasbed nt tail e tabimhtnent nu.t be *>> n. trj M .er it a la'r ariLl fust npprvciatrfm. J ho olleo'ioo »»lli« pub¬lic raesrnslly, ia brvitad to test its »upe-oruy.(ry uroer. loll at the otEce, LI Fuiu-n s'rut. one dooi

from Broadway, and sUI Broid&iu. u»ar Waii«r..V«^or»lUie Lmmdrgi in Washjnfxn, between Oanaa and Amoa-*uwill meet with prompt«ue.nn.fl. whem a tat ot pr;ces,Po»etJiei

WANTED.IVA^Jb-Br a n»*3**t«j>W mid'la aged AMERICANw,' >»'j>iAN. - . r-.j.\'ur*» acd #a«gitau«eM; tha"«K o» cry rerVrerx* {irtan toeap»bdty. Piease apr>»r No.5 rrw.-.u. batwttac Kirtcjnd Haa.xaruy st._J**l_%A, A Vr;t>_A~,T sr, T0 VVOVAN, to do the anaaa>

.. """r* < am r. rim «Iii bo

» aer. A Pr. testant ue .-urter?»- ;i >.

\Vr A>v" r-!!TS!".''t 0" f« c ^7£*j~i7"G. » r r rest -.«< l.Mii'»ftr,**i ur X>t«» kmic'm..given. A...1. at jjj^W^Y-vk ^


U'' .... p ll-oa. a'-7«s»a«»> / ..». :.> a-. s.,me knew".* a* f r. . rlervJ<»*.r»

.* e->.»?«.«... t.> seep a .sg uf Bmi* f»y casts)*f ."}.. fit-* Mat-xs a »toatioa hy i>aeung a l<na .« «heOrtetet*

-. /ddres* t'Htr'»»r./r,,r, ..eeroen t wf*.- and t..nt of salarr n^eeud. *4 $i*

1 »M tUi-Jrnjrrwyrne.. I.-ek M«!rr«i. to woiiTat bauk* . k<k.. .Noue 0") »ppis fu' k«« men and Drat rat»¦ rrkl .... IL C. JONES. No. 7 t .h-irc'ist.

_;sC_Newark. N. J.

UrANTED.Urar-»pe«io)e Y»u-g Wc-tim a s . jaile*lam 'y a»Coo*. Washer and Imrssr, i tt-.m.

bet meal a-.i' tie,.,ig,or 1-aun.lie»«. oe tortoGstssgre"one »-eil isrsNo.nujeudaV. from Her let* dial JJj I. a-bethst. IV

j OST.A rasaS. Walle . containing tendo!'*"). »cd sogteI j papers : ;.o vehje to any but th» owner. 'I be toC*\ Orretssmi .g Uta tax* to this, office, wdi be rewarded._ ft%

j »EN W >i.!. \i:t? K-.AVAK.a-Vp K.8rao BaxiI .A ctrweatefor 'hiny shares <>. Virksburg U»m the DimeOl f...ckes &. Peck, end numbered i~

VJaOnM* aTUcbed, sr-uW nnSa-.i rdey Wd JIi wai ear ssed a . '...*.. aod U»*.nn it» wsvy to vi ...

vc Witt be POM fcy :t at TttoaBj v.a'i wtfee. S3vlrcsst, mtuft

< J'i IE PKOEs-

F K K VC »TS HOTEL.pofi racr^cttuJ - i na - I fr:er»sta and

tbal be .»v.'^e.l hi« rrsv an.! .plmdir?Ma,»«, a fes» ,ise>ts> »alt «t Rr>»«.iv»'^y. in toe im-

nie-. ate v .>! mercantile bttsincaa and the principal phtaM«.I anorsemeet. end lies luraished > a a style that will tsesstNUv rabV Cs>mpeA<ne «tr>e s.-ry beet h.Arh u the eitj. Trsapn.pnePir in biidu nj m;.| ittmj uo the abo»» houa. pas had

and eomwit, and that a* has enSK-DtDed ¦- asseay Uhe rhll.iwiej p»ire«»iilshs>w:

A'KOOAl VOR ONENKJHT. »A " " " WtKK .... .1 90

1 .'.-a rc.inis will Ne warusci a*nttt*,eX)d upon no occase* ssiSUsera avora ttian rast ls>J ia a nesin.There a b\EFECTi »KY tU ,rt whicbtaerenre Kaaah

erveil U .i Rstiraaei thedat aed asTsMM Ttvere «j».... U. .. >- c.h.ievted, lor »s uno. i""«l ami srwisvsj; kathsxI'^e I" 'ifr will bo m att*r./ane« at ail lime* dutinst the mtatvto adau; b-dre/s, an to let Uiem otr. at all Uouis.

N .TJl so who v.T.: ixs-'^tn«« after t!« :»..>i»s» etsMa*wili rutz toe hall belt. rjy 3ot*

Tu Tito«:. u-|m-»"\visi:' T r.-Av::' v.rwzv.-f.i SM/TW, TO «t-ee\ w 11 asses to r-txi»-are, lireÜJ

¦.' .-, .. t;.«ilUemeo's Clothes in a tii.t r tcojlr. t'»rvoo.vctei! a: iO cants ; Pasts, do. 55 cents ; V.sts, Iii» fee's..

La as' JJrt . dyad frasn JO tt;.:s to ?I. sJssrpeta <t»si»tdwholaatacstoraperyatrl. jJt !».

[LfRSJ. R08RCS0N. rnxn EllzarjsMh street,"Pashionahhs.v!i lear^Urcher. £9 Ver-c/ tiietst, t.f'n Jo.>r ..I. v» Satings"eet. TatretOO and Enibr'mlere>l I'mses, |j>ces, FrenchWorard t'apeii. t.'ollar», 4tc. tcs.le to l.s>k ecjual to new .

ghais 's. S Iis. Menno), TaMs» Covers, SlU Hive, i.e. r e-resdId the best manaai «4 Ira*IOUN CONGER. Jr. AlTOtlNEV AND COCNSeC.

.J U»RAT l..\\V, AND SnLICPIMK IN CIIANCKKY» FertT\ ayne. Ind. will attest! to piute.nonal Uosinese (a

departmentsof the Stn'e of loillaDa. Will eattasantol uures, sales of lanes, and a'l other

g to a Geatatal Land Ags>ncy;fur Nottlsaga.-' -.' W. Edinonda, F»q. Mastrs,

rie tV.fcS. .Voodhull .«i Co. Snyslum. SegssjgMuff at Thomas. t»t..i'.lien. Motabouie sV co.

t O gat n'S An*

ayne..depajrtsMataortha Stn'e of Indie.i >. Will also

atleod to Use p^rtserttOf taxes, sales of lau«.», and a'l ..'herapatla g to a Gassaial Land Agency lor Northern

Ind an..I" ¦». J. \y. Tdmonds, F*q. Vssns.

P.Kit *t Da \ .ct.'o. Th'Tir, I'I .ottistor.t At

v N T. VVAIT, Attorney and CoutsteTtoi at Ij* and«I (.Otni: >e a X \« '«.Igen -I Deeds and Us>posiuons ii writing for the Stateol New Y- tk. Noavrical«'o>-n. Mill devote l rutotulir aWenttOtl to flie collectiott oa

cULms.Ita to S sanol s-herss.-id. I.s<j. Tia<-v, Malier 4* (pt*ta>

'nicw it lluutiugtoii.Dwtght Johnson, FaTrtw».Itudd St n^u ctaw3m*¦ AW C IRD..COLLBt rti'.n --r l»a»t» its ma Noara*It WtiT..Ii D sVASllBl IsNE. .tt'.omessi Uw Ost.lena, tUunoo,^ will give nil attefjlani to the collection ofdeotsdue Pfeve.York Narsthanta in Önlcna, K.-ckfn'l and RockIslnnil, Illinois; in llu lluiitie, Iowa: in Piaiienlle. Putoal.j' i" in, Mmcal Poii'taod Ma.itanrt. Wiscihv»»o,Rai rtoD. A. Ccstuiait tt Co.I Doiu.ii«. 6t'rauui At

N'utott, Ni'sv YorU.____


I s>i! ril DODGE atlwiaia. N«. 4T V-nA st Noe.Y-f.t*. Nsjlf.York. Iletxi-.iber 9, Uf&

li elves mo plcsuro to add ih> tes'irn.imal to loe Ureeoiagjf the eniinert protesaioftal luientsof J. Scnrth inodge. la'tsaiplnl.. ». m« ol at] item's who luve b»«n ntvdsVf ni« care, (son idaterl \ colui Je. lie it j-.iiy tvairdssl as oneof the)most »in i.enl tu his riutesii"n la this citr.

o UN W. URAPEU. M. D.Professoi of t.'heinotry, Cuisrersliy, N. Y.

Frarn fig Horn. /'. Ntrttdl.Ngvr Yopit. January II. 1W.

Tot many reais ;«>£ satt | has. been a the pm i r-i o'avaeVng mysoll id llie professimtal -ervicrs o' Pr J Simti Dcsige..I lias city. il« a Dentist; and With great pleas.ire I can Hate,'.r.-. my .'Virer;. nee has connrmed my Mtnlon that :he fi'grs

.'t: which Dr. IVdgO bears lor pio'« >' i' skill *»i.-X t is jestly meiited.aad r..nss h m equal to ai.r m ths»

llrst class of vlMiral and "tpg e-l Deat.i'.; and while »ig-oil* m mners, and his obhgiag i,nd benevolent d wa'nsant

.e< uiliiHicd by nil who know lorn, strict 'ii«n>°e in hsanisi -' lultircouna -eenret lor linn a hieb »tiird ii« l'ii puls»


MR. CUM D. Ot-stliat. having dlipmadjlhis Ptactice to Dr. UK( IVVN, who parsusw tho«ninernialn of trcainie.nt at thai so siie'-essflilL1/used by himself n every diseaso of the Era.even in ctues declared incurable and aietndaa

ed 1'7 co.i" int physician* anrl Oculists, begs to tntrndtica arm, leeltng nnurcsl the m»s'. btntfttiaJ roeklU wut

m-tjatl l»> wannat nis tecunimeutlation.BROWN S practice rs simrleaad'ther rsssort.

attto ..-,.. nlufmetlioils which are too genera'ty a«l ptaaLnot tequirii .. ii i irksoD a eonftrierneiit from light and a'r. aodDnpwuanl re riethsai ia f-ml. whm|l are mn.t usually aa>forced aerous cases ofhis succeselttl UeeJmecithave oeap

.. i'lr.', "ii ¦.»!'.i'Ii I'u din mot, anil hu |e»te««eatasktint iii» ¦. the viliue mid rfffcaey of hit nnale of iMactajava nch may be inspected by any one who favors Intn with a

call, il. will never ui dertake a ta»« is here »hee ate n-t goalreasons for expecting ft ci ..nml ins aim and object haingtg>

e tes!oration .t'th .1 inestimable blessing, sight.thapoorest orthocornmunit] ma; nsctl tJiemselses ol Ins rustua.ancaas fraelv n» the moatepnlenLHr BROWN niuy ba enmulted every d/.y (Bumlayt ex,

ceple«l5 at hu office, Ta Cbamljenattieet. four i'<s->. betowUm vi llaura ofattattaanoauom 11 A. ICtoSP.M.Advice to the pou gratis. i£ii 3m s*

HULL'S TRL'SSKS.-Notiess'.. Rnpturr.1 Pat>an .Perssins afflicted with BurXurea mar rsM

i*»t initriirooritai ant llie an ¦!.! airhrls,»n nppl cnlion at th>' o/Bee, No. 4 Vesssy ttrtssst,.r to either of ihc agents in the nrinrip il IsMM

ii'i n i, i.i.i a States. Be careful to esani » Ihe berk pad as

Hull*! Tmssec.tosea ifthey are e«dor.ed by Dr. Hull in svr.lirut.

. rnuine, or to be utiail upoa as good, without ha.igiiafu re.

arsons have undertaken to vend imitations o* Hull'sdc bnsted TrusMis. and thoiunmls ma imaoeed opoi. in e.inse.

quenca. Tl.o«e imitations cannot lie rsliea upon : ihey a»e

made by u',<killul an.1 are no better than tha or3kuary Iras - t,. flava teen (i'tod up at N«. 4 Vasey if reset,axe hiss re!"

lor ladiea, having a setmraes entrance from the iteparLrnent, ivhirreaitmalah)laooaataat aiteadauce to wait jBMsl

UlOMPSON'S Till SSFA Office Ü Itesv£sj. man street. A l»,<it 300 ol the first phpTuullNYind sutge«MM "f Naw.Ymk have given lhatr o>

c.ica.1 prefettnee to lh:> Truss, as you can «furo-ate tho preauie from one to fifty pounds on thjS

ruptui , annul ft back pad, which does so much injury Hthe spine. A fu'rtrial being the Iwsl test ol its superiority.tfisapplied tad StJ dan* given, and .tu it jet not retain than:;iture, whiia itarlorming every kind of etereisss or roughing,i.,h! s.h i- :^-i <a«e in a word, if it is not .at.stnrUiry meve'y resrierr, the n.oney is cheerlu'/y returned, nad this t* theenlf condaion or. youshooU buy anv V'Jss. A peg.nanent cure .» easily ulTee'iwI.iuid warranfed. il direeteess arei.p..svert.Thoseseridlilg for th'S'f'niss need only a.eation the sete no.

turadaad the n.eaiure ;..und the hips, as theyrnu grndua*)the j res* a re to suit liieircaae. M>dd wholmnle anil retail at LIReeliirao.street. aul tr

r. for HERNIA OX BlTPTt.'RF.. BENNETT'4PatanK, ishieh t wrn wnlh perfael eis« anrl contort, ana

from its entrrel] newr.nd iierleet constnicn«) issvldy redtjnts«m.d cures .¦ger'-vnis'l rases of ruplu'e srhen ail others hartfailed, I'is rero:nrneiii.e.l and u ed ia prrftrencss to ell others,from i'' neat and compcet ksrai and ease ol adtustmeni. hy ihstnrt' sorgtooa und in tha L'naed r'tatsa, and metrrertiffcaias can '<e seen at the ' JKre, for the rala of iheToj'S,No. 16 ll'i' .on cor. LeonarH-st._ii* H-*

C'Zc btlCUAKll HMII.K. Ji, sVATt tl-il/iKr.l. arse

*y7> .le-vf lar. is nnw prsnjareii to «rll WatctsSS at retail» sjtg ttrwer than any nthai house in the City. As ha ¦

Jj,:Z2t lOtM ".¦'.Mira all deaern ¦ '-..ratlinmunitiacturari in England, France nail Switsssrksad, be isesv

ihtedt/i .'fere very note nseoit neni of Gold Watches frorn«j;. to Il0b«t\eb ; Stiverdo from as to «Meurli.«ii wiwrajiuse

....I time or the rner.ey ru'urn«»!. Also a very g.<"owi'i.nei: ol J. weir;- and Miser Ware very lew. N. B, He*,ood uaad Waicnes and old Gold and Silver taken in esrhr.ngaor txi'ight fir ra«h. Welches. Cl-e kt. Musie Boxes and Jewsairy repaired in fh<e«»t manner err: warrnnie,!, br exj»e»isasfSisIworkmen, u low as any -' hou-« m the KfCHARX)FISHER. Jr. imw-rterol Wattl.cs ar.d Jewelry, whclesrsaled retail, PtO. «1 Br.ia.lway, N'e*-. York, a tew <Wvt aboveUse City »tWitai. fr.ltj RICHARD PllfflgaV.Th,«s«V WATCHES, JfAVKLBY, *r.-A ipwcvlid aa.

y^'fV. Boftmcnt of rioli! end S Jver DunUs, J't'e.,t I-ev-er,.C-^'cn AtsChor fc>rapeiiient. lupine an<I Vertical Unl^nee,ggaagi sei-r.-u-d iroi.i uie i.est [..Aiiufirtureri ia Eursept*.wttieh w II Le warranted perfeet timekrvTjstr».Also ssaiie new patterns ol Gold Cnaans, HenIs and Keys.

.. " i.-iia Pencil Caaea and G«4d Pang..' "" " Tiiimblet, R.-ugj, Pia» ska.

"" " B'arelals with sttrfies, 4cA" " " Salver Forks, gpooos, ate.

A'itheabovs articles will ba told at the lowest pnoaaandwatr«nt#d to rs»"fel tgj IM tagst made ir. rhecitr, by

Hi' JT ri Bit" O'HKRS. Imp-.iars cd Fm» Watche», «V«No ~ N'assau.stits;!, opposite the Custom Hooat.

P. H..The ftlioveartjrle»carefully repaited ami warranted,by the moat skillful warkraen m ihac.ty. dig


f * II A'j'S.FALL FASHION'--A general asareiovevit ea*1 dk <;«r,tieaien't Hats, such as Casaimere. Bru«h, Notna,aftsit» lung and short n.'.pped B»nvef. 8ok and M"!e»kln Hafg.ssmrmmad on fur bodies, made of the Lest materials ami wort*mn-ntfup. All sell ng at Cba v. nr I. we-' one*.

J. U. M0N AKÖI. (-. So. SB Bos«-ej7Ab»'. Caps ar.d Fairs ut every ileacnptiou._oil Im

KtUft'O IMfKUViSJJ fn I'KNT SAl.AMANilUSAFL-Wirraottc d.7. as wsWi &j fire aod Utjsjf proof..

I ~.e i. ilovring e^rtiffcttes fnira some el Uw, most rsspseta^aeMs and otbsSTi in the city ,<i New.Oilssiaa. ssnabuioae

Ute. r lire pr. - .. one:.-1 bsntwd all donU;,-The cr.-'i-igr.ef airetgns day wrtneieed the trial o.'asMOf

Rich's i.p- ived patent ScJagnaader Sales in Use femaco car

She Sec Dird.'The trale seas placed m the fort-ace at 10 mni.taa efter U

n'cl-jrk A. M. and rs-ma teed there three aours. ooastaaily trs>

po.«d 0. the most intense mat that rvould be created by the use

cf pitch Pine and co-Vmwood. It seas teen taken to tha storeof Mr. Rich's agent in lias city and opsstied, when User losjndthat ^be contents wera neither burood nor scoreoed. and tha»the woed work bore ao e t; pee rar ess of having beta expensedto arc.1'ae ondervigned ar« consineed thai thh '«'afe was labysctad

to tts.'.et fa-et than could posafbly exul at the barn-ag of tat

h tha city, howevf combuaubia its conteau; andthey tisarefore h«ive ao heaiLaUon in stymg that Kim's Katiesare«rotiM>ntj7 s«oit« asrauixt tho :uk of tire, uaoer aaty oi-rvua-

sutneea whaarrcr.Srw-0»m>s, lath Jone. l&ti.

,'erooie B. Ballarsl. >T ister efnsramer *aa Bird.Joh i H'jey, Tire Inipecter of 'vVesn«-r, Ma-f-wand

tPtrs rraoraace Compeas'.Tho». It. CrarrWwt'b. J>«n-'' Gr«»t.F.McG-rgor. 3 H.Stacßer.A. C. Laöett. Uiojajwa B. Coot,

Re-e il. Urnsef. , _, ,

Ore of oar customers saved »4C,(W) In osw rsf h>Jt sfMi»althoBifb tho burglar liaJ s:x or eight boors to try his slad cat

Jue*at tw¦- -> -.".? [** am* win

t^mäLo C tVTat the Oslleetor's 0&9 mm.^attS'WgggbUatN.^Merris Canal OlSce. Jeraty Ctfr. Jan. U. ISff. mm