new wells, fargo & co.'s

NEW NORTH -WEST. Rif3 LOD(* CITY, FIIDAT, AUG. 5. LUNATIONS 103 AUGUST. Fell..... ... 11th... 4 h... .19..u ... 11ui3I3 MQuatt .... 10h. ... S8 h.... &n..E...1rrrlag New ..... U~h .... 4 Is....41m.. Kv...tiiagt METEOROLOGICAL 3ECORD. Tall ~OUarUt lu33Tx or attirugouatajx is m. a~atr r s *a 460dm LOXOITUDI Ill 40 ~. A~tIttaUD 4.10 eet . 1P70 '7 a Mt'3 p 5 9 r aVO3, USUtAR*. *:: 666 6 71 07 74 )Cloudy andcall.. 435 66x 647a 701 . [ 1 64 81 63 OV%'Clear "wind nw "" ! 07 73 le &',, ". and callm. Wekyaverage, Wh0; whc kIskL quite warm for h1. country. LOCAL NEWS. 19 Gee. A~iaus like the Eamy."-Mrs. Brewers-seventh daughter of a seventh daughter by her natural father-an Egyp* timan (from Southern Illinois,) born and "eidicatod" with a gift to read the stars and (N. Y.) Sun, (without spelling a wonr), at the astonishingly low rate of $5 for ladies and $10 for gentlemen-(the latter blang charged double price on account of having, generally, harder fortunes-to road)-has, we are pained to say, discontinued her rest edome beyond the Deer Lodge bridge- .lss folded her tent like s. Arab, And as silently stolen sway- to Pike's Peak-perhaps never to return. If her ability to tell what was, and is, and is to be were all her powers, Deer Lodge might be comforted. But, alas! such was not the case. Read this: MRS. BR3WERS, The Seventh Danghter of the Seventh, wishes to ina .sorm the public that she was born with the gift to see a Gentleman or Lady's past, present and future. She -cancere all Diseases by charm or with medicine as well a ay Doctor In America. She can also tail Ia which way lost or stolen property eta be funad. VLEe" aswwaU3 lute CAsD wiva .aswua. You who groan under the ills that flesh is heir to, who suffer in agony rather tie. incur d ctor's bills, reflect upon what an opportunity-(a five-dollar opportunity) has passed never to be recalled-unless she comes back from Pike's Peak. And the victims of theft-sheriffs, marshals, police. men, detectives, and the newly elected constables of Deer Lodge, how have you discharged your duties to yourselves and constituents? The wail of the widow and orphan whose little all (spell awl if in case of a shoemaker) has been ruthlessly purloined. shall smite upon your ears down the eternal ages of a remorse ridden soul, like the clamor of Scot t's gong on the ter- rifled apprehensions of acountry baby. And yet, it was not all your fault. She did not adsertise. "ss let eoncestmost like a worm I' the bad Ywlenleerdamask cheek," and so forth, while an attenuated purse and the regrets of a blasted community attest the sad error. She goes thence to Helena, where liberal patronage and a prosperous (rival) city will teach Deer Lodgers that Fate and Fortune Tellers cannot be defied or neglected with impunity, by the people of a town who have small pox within fifty miles, property out in possession of unknown and ,perhaps irresponsible parties, aspirations for anoth. er wing of the penitentiary, a railroad do- pot, water works, short-horned cattle, and f gral4ed road over Dog Creek Hill. Ashland whskyx, Wart bran5, Pine apple glt, and sherry handy; Oysters stewed tad bythe can. All served out by the Little Old aMs, AT MACS MiIOW N J1O. Worse Plains.-Thirty miles from the mouth of Cedar and 100 miles from Deer Lodge. on the north bank of the Missoula river. Is a basin of almost level land, nearly circular and some dozen miles in diameter. It contains about 28,000 acres of farming lands, is surrounded by excellent timber Jand, and is said to surpass, in climate and productiveness, any other locality in Mon- tana. Corn grows as well as in WValls Wal- Ja. Roasting cars were served on the tables at Horse Plains a week ago; watermelons weighing 7 lbs, and 8 lbs, and pumpkins of $0 lbs were growing in the gardens and ,fields on the 23d of July, while potatoes, ,abbages, tomatoes, all the vegetables, es. .eulent plants and flowers grow luxuriantly as in the Middle States. It is watered by Miuras floe streams-Clarke's, Nowlan's and -Wolf creeks- carrying at the dryost season from 800 to 600 inchesof water, and so site- ated as to irrigate the whole valley if noces- -ary. This has not, however, been found requisite to the successful cultivation of the small grains. There are twenty one farms of 100 acres each now occupied-principally taken up within the past year-and 3,800 acres are under fence. Some 800 to 1,000 bead of stock-from 400 to 600 head of horses-are grased there, and 800 tons of hay will be cut this season, which will principally go to the mouth of Cedar, where it sells at 175 per ton. Quite a community has settled there, a number of houses have been put up Lb. season. Wiles d Decker rafted down a large quatity of lumber from Cedar, and improvements are being rapidly made. Among those who have ranches in the val- ley are Frank B. Decker, W. I. NcWhlrk, CClu. 3. Clarke and J. W. Patrick. It Is 30 miles this side the Thompson muver Set* tiemet, and time route to Flathead Lake We Hore Plains is said to bet 0 miles shorter than by theMlssion route. The opening of the Cedar mines has given vigorous impetus to occupation and developmentt of this fa- Wie little nook I. the mounaitaas, aad the~ happy content expressed by Its prospeenus people induced inquiry concerning it, .nd led to this account of a hIitherto Unwritten locality and the community ot Bes35 Pa.AIss W Ne~tow sbgu a dg mlh Iac winbsi lbs "mWaul~shu" nlnes psuplu, dot&WS b Alin w SMS6Igg.fl11sb It Sash. t br.w. - isus d..m O.SwnS. ON 'o ar as *9 inilhUpS. Audioi Uete.-Th. N.Klaav q Rom ""l. .t pubico s~so-Sah Sid, s~ ML-emu-4sa.s pfmm pOdttivdy m. 1$, 0 weink ftcs. bU-msim. It Is po UpIEI) Clmrds, luinl&s peusuulm' giws, M keususbl $ Thirl -i.The Theatrial easso closed last eveni g, the Company playing eleven consecutive evenings. The houss. have bees from fair to good. During the present week Mr. Langriuhe, Mr. Weldreo and Mr. Martin have taken benefits. Mr. Langrisheappearmg as .ies Usnt is &.ef. and the Ar(t/ Edger-parts which he plays admirably. Mr. Waldron as Cueat Prisvt, In Retri0e.Ms, a character giving opportunity for his best style of acting, and in which he acquitted himself in his beet manner, while Mr. Martin had up last eve- ning, Luke M.e Laborer, appearing in the title ruen, to the best house ever congrega. ted in Deer Lodge, with the entire strength of the Company on the bills, and Messrs. Clohecy and Sandrock, on f 'r volunteers, singing "Evangeline" and a beautiful es- core song, in their best voice. It was de- cidedly the gala night of the season, and Mr. Martin is doubtless equally gratified with the receipts, and theevident rivalry of the entire Company in the endeavor to ex- cel on his benefit night. We have had a good series of dramatic representations, the orchestra has discoursed See music, doing up "Love among the Roses" with all the original fragrance (by special request) as the popular variations on the operatic Ls petite Shields made her debut in the "Can Can" for Mr. Waldron's benefit. And the season is over. We think Mr. Langrishe would And a larger proportion of Comedy draw better than tragedy or melo-drama. With the accessions of stage, scenery, prop. erties, etc., ithe effects and pictures of these standard pieces, which are old to nearly all playgoers, can be brought out to better ad- vantage, but thee is no poverty of facili- ties that will prevent an audience from en- joylig a hearty laugh, and the entertain- ment that affords it. Well, in three or four weeks we will have a series of representations that will delight to the seventh heaven. Mr. and Mrs. Lan- grishe, Mr. and Mrs. Shields, Mrs. Pitt- williams, Messrs. Brown, Gross, Griffith, and the orchestra left this A. i. for Pike's Peak, having been preceded by Mr. Rich. mond. They will give two or three repre- sentations in that region, going thence to Missoula, Frenebtown and Cedar Creek, expecting to be absent about eighteen days. We wish them as pleasant a trip as possible, ubundant favor. and a rich pecuniary re- ward, hoping to see them on their return. at the foot-lights Ia Deer Lodge, in a neat Templc'of Thespus, to crowded and delight- ed houses. WThe Bank Ebchange stands eanrlled for the pare lIquors which It dispenses to its patrons. it is the only aloon expressly lmpe.tiag Scotch Ale and English Porter, and sold in no other he.s. in town. From the West.--Mr. Warren Whitcher of Spokane Bridge, W. T., came in from the West a few days ago and sojourns at the Scott House. He informs us that the two steamers built and lying up on the upper Pen d'Orille for years, have been te. ken over to the falls and down through Cabinet Canyon to the Lake where they are now being put in repairs for the expected Cedar trade this fall. Walla Walls Is liurishing and business lively. A large number of permanent set tiers are coming in and taking up lands in the vicinity. The grain crops from Walls Walla to Missoula look well, and over an 4 erage yield is anticipated. The drouth in Missou!s has somewhat injured the erop. The peach crop will not be so good, a late frost having severely Injured them. The other fruits are looking welL Mr. W. brings us a small but highly respectable list o(fsubscribers-and the greenbaceks-from residents along the Spokane route who have envied the pleasure hse receives in the regu- her arrival of the Nay Nowrn-Wase in-his remote home. A few more can be accom- mnodated on the sinme terms. W?"Jn drsams Islgh!"-for a cocktail from the Metropolltas. Canty Commisslemers.-The County Commissioners met as a Board of Equaliza- tion, Aug. 2J. The assessments of a numn ber of property Iwiders were raised $44,- 000. and others reduced $4,000, leaving a net increase of $40.000. Bills of $300 for medical attendance, $181 for clothing. and $180 for food, at* tendance, etc., by C. T. McCarthy, on ac- count of the smallpox patients, were pre- sented and accepted. The Commiuskiners of Missoula have signiflod their williigness to pay one-half these accounts. Mr. Jas. Gilchrist, County Clerk and ae q.l. e le corder, tendered his resignation. which was accepted and Mr. Howard H. Zenor was appointed by the Board as his sucoessor. Mr. Gilchrist has been a faithful and ea. cldat of dcer, discharging his duties prompt. ly, correctly, and In a manner to win the esteem of all who have had occasion to do business with him. He is and will be Dep- sty Assessor until his successor, elected last Monday, qualiAes on th 1st of Novem- her. Mr. Zenor who has been acting as Deputy Clerk is thoroughly up In the bo siness of the offee and is as good a choice for the office as could be made The Board also allowed the Assessor two mills on the dollar for every dollar's worth of property assessed, as crmpsasatlon for as. sesament. The total amount of assessment to date are $1,.140. The Beard adjourn- ed Wednesday, Aug. -d, sad will most as nest Thursday to canvass the votes of the glve hg .ai~sm~l .. a~ S-d etotte Vs. ON" da*s . e 5 ie 91" Ms asetee l~s Wilss Seeiss *( senl t sinms wal arma s sm ate ios eta ss. is lmsutsepes ban anpet.orh agsats.:teguet b gasee ens i. i essG sten sowes. The 1lathe.M VsWkeepeaer-OWr Ceder Creek orsesposdeat gives aeseost of the return of a portion of the Niatheat Iake .p p rwithoest a shi Two parties, me of 0m sad ed e of 1U N t, seated out about the let otJldy, and had geat hopes of strikag ich diggings. Somo mles-t lmios of tes prspsepeos-. temas aspeit al sos llnes, *mag th ,igor asnd. Qand vWs, alatin fuor a.g semeiep ines et es ptswese, and im equippedtfar attpe*. It$ wil bes ds.spp sf allUag i ths * ist party, who daes "1r. t e4 * hIL "Mr se srt w 17/. Perseals.-These was sad a host eo s- qualntances in town last week, emr colaans were s overerowdel, sad the hour of pt- dag to preus late that the " Personals" were unavoidably phhed oalt By the way, we left out a couple of columas of adver- tisemenats to make room for reading matter, and if patrons will accept an apology In lieu of space, they have it most gratefmlly. Capt T. P. Fuller, agent of Wells, Prago & Co., Helena, rusticated in Deer Ldge a day or two this week, recuperating from a trip to Colorado. Mr. Tom. Farrell, who preached the unknown lams. to Virginiaas daily-Sundays not ezeepted-three years ago, opened his mouth and demanded bids from an upper seat In a saddle sanctuary In Denr Lodge today, and threatens to do lt more. All right, Tom: "Come in thy beauty," and give the boys an example of how the meritorious points of a horse should be extolled when he is to be bartered for lucre. Mr. McQuestion, down from theTop o' Deep, gives good account of that region, and informsus JonesA Middaugh are closing out stock, James L. intending to devote at tentiom exclusively to their mining Interests inaYreka. Charley Wunderlick, Esq., and Mr. Burdess and wife, of Bed Mountain; Doe McClure, Blackfoot; Messrs. Bellanger A Allen, Silver Bow, Mr. All=s Wilkin- son of the Gas(le, Frank Taylor, Esq, He- lena, and Mr. Schaller of Virginia, we no- tihe in town within the past day or two. A larger number of citizens than usual are abroad, and the town is dull to-day. g"I3ON HTDRAUULC PMP, Ise oesesis by all ase echapest. tightest, eest dheable sad available conadctor ever sued for hydrasiea. We are new sensen -ich, heavy asees i at .so O/ A Gratlitems Advertsemeat.-Mr. Alex. ander Kemp is engaged in blacksmithing, wagon making, Iron turning, etc., on Main street, Helena. He does not advertise in the Nzw Norna-Wusr. But last week we broke a piece of press machinery that could not be well replaced in Deer Lodge, and, on sending It to him, bad a new piece forged, taned and sent back In forty-eight hours. The workmanship is Oast rate, the price reasonable, and his celerity is entitled to our grateful recognition. We therefore commend Mr. Kemp to those having work to do, too heavy for West Side lathes, and express obligations to Mr. McLean, our skilfull Deer Lodge Vulcan, for reconstruct- ing our press. We hope Mc will soon have lathes of his own, and that It will be a long time before we need like services. r Il'S LIVELY CAM. Is Pike's uad dGes iIl amsnlpulatew the glasses at the livellest Ia the to Meyers A Kesoasb Utere., Fae Wie g ers.Cg and oauutmos attaitles behind the aT PON SALOON ia hesigaarters. Cempleted.-Mr. Dounhoner informed us on Sunday that the Deer Lodge and Perkins graded road would be nearly enough com- pleted to-day, to allow the coaches to run over It. Two or three days more will fnish it up, and the travel between Doer Lodge and the lower country will hereafter he principally over this route,as It is a splendid road and passes through thetownsef Pioneer and Pike's Peak. Its total cost will he near- ly $,000. The subscriptions have been en- tirely gratuitous, and the citizensof Pioneer, Pike's Peak and Deer Lodge deserve credit for the liberality displayed in this publie enterprise. Mr. Dounbouer las done his wore to the eantre satisfactden of all dona- ters, and wears the belt of the champion read builder of Montana. Re-opening of the Walte Walls JELENA, MONTANA. Where bortl I. only 610 per week. The tables are supplied with eere delkiay of the aesese, and the best the market afwds, aurved up in a atyle anse pse lantse or west of Nw Terk The po4lar falshefi fer the conef stothles.11~satudt ma sletasar partmemts are srst class. Taken all in ad, db Waila Walla is the best betel t thu Territory. 81on bualeq Illed.e-Weare favored by Mr. Jas. Gilchrist with a copy of the Ari- ans kwer, giving account of the killing of Sion Bradley, formerly of Philipsburg, Montana, by Hiram Lightner. In a suoon at Prescott, Arizona. The shooting occur- red June 2, from a quarrel over a game of cards. Bradley was drunk and unarmed; Lightner sober. The latter shot at him four times-three taking effect. He died July 5th. le was A native of Crawford county, Mo., has been been on the Paeific Coat many years, and was an expert pistol shot. Lightner is in jaiL 'a,a5 Oesces a Duit Wanded, btr whisk the highest marcet pries wil as ps at the Bauthsm OWes of m . f b L Cs., ema at tie Oct DMr keuo, 3ear AmethoerIemd P1s,4 .- We are inferm- ad by Mr. Neede, who has recently sold his old toll road, that it is his litemtion, ia two weeks, to begin a graded soan where his present one Intersects the old on Little fleekfoot, and continuing down that .eaM anmalong the hills opposite his slt Station to the top of the divide this side, thereby shcarlag up thedistsace 1* miles mit asking a mock superior reed. He prapsms commaeancig work in tew weeks, aid sows al weeks will be seqpirei to en. Ink it. asw as ra sten see was sass amsUNPLC esaessee "se aseesa swerO .40as sessarrame The *Littleadsab ' i e -le am segmm OmSel.-PVeu Mr. Platcker ot German, we lea.s th tsemas I-e 1/1 en new at weVrkn es sehope am lks bed 1i in the gulch, getfh tr oweek, cleaning Vp We es3he U a emeaf e doing weJL ThSP g kIs PrtaI per deg t tihes. .lifwu CO. age seses .*.. e snss asaee eWses eem ine. h.Inga ahe dik.dss ume andm dump. in 4W smis pidlels~ug al M. peanr w the pio -M w'L , cade isatered ysrday from Walla Walls -The slide In Upper Race Track ditch has bean filly repaired. -Dick Riddle drov.Gihmer ub 's csac i fiom Meadekto-day, lmn s mjtes -The coach travel to DeerLodige is much larger this mouth than was ever mown be- fore. -Mr. S. D. Johns, J. P. elst hr Louise- yille. Is expected In this evenIng in charge of a prisoner. -Dr. A. H. Mitchell, who has been in at- tendance on Mr. C. A. Huntley, et mouth of Cedar, reports his condition yet wiical. -- Yalliton Co., contemplate adding to to their livery stables to-morrow, the hand- somest buggy ever brought to the country. -Mess. J. B. Wilcox and 0. McBiracy have cntracted for tin roofs to be put on their Are proof buildings which wail soon be built on the corners of Malt and Third streets. -These are the Dog DVI, and Sirius is the dog star. The Sirius lesults of the hot weather -ar be accounted for by this ex- -Mr. Wi. Wilson pddlishes the re- ceipts and expenditures of lie Purse Races, to-day, and like a faithful steward renders his accounts correctly. -Mr. N.P. Laugford called this evening -Just In from the States and Helena. We were pleased to greet him, sad to learn he will remain several days. -W. A. Norton of Loon Creek-formerly of Blackfoot-and who was recently report- hd "missing," gave us a call this week. He has returned to Oro Grande. -Messrs. Strang & Richardson have cov- ered Pemberton & Kelley's fire proof build. Ing with a tin roof, and have the tin pre. pared for thetoof of the Penitentiary. -Mr. J. H. Brown will leave in the early part of the week to meet his daughter at Ryan's Station. She has been at school in the East, and this is, we believe, her first visit to Montana. " Mr. Henry De Witt has purchased the most desirable lot in Deer Lodge-the I1ig. gins lot, opposite Higgins & Bowie's drug store. We are informed it is his intention to erect a hotel upon it Oxl100. -The notice of the Excelsior Bowling Alley "for sale" merits notice. It is Iplend- Id property, in a desirable location, and rapidly Increaslng In value. A paying in- vestment esa be made by a good business man. -Quite a number of excursion parties have been out at the head of Lost and Warm Spring crefks during the week, berrying. We understand gone-berries are most plenti- ful now, the gatherers having become rather numerous. -Messrs. Barry & Murphy, builders and contractors, yesterday lalsed a 20x80 frame, two stories of 11 and 10 feet respectively, for Mlkbot's new Hotelon Main street,south of Valiton's brewery. Thpother portion of the frame, 47x0U feet-2 stories-will be put up ia a day or two. It will be a one buldlng. -There are 110 chijas s nd in the icituty orf BtICtYoot. They have also Tiett buying ground rapidly in the Silver Bow country, in the past ten days, having ac. quired it more rapidly than over before. There is no danger. Sit still and supinely everybody, till Yellow Jack has infected to the death the placer camps of Montana -Judge D. P. Newcomer, and our jour nalistic cotemporary, Mr. Addison Smith, yesterday purchased the interest of E. S. Newman, esq., in the celebrated Oro Fino mines and ditch, near Silver Bow, paying a good round price, but getting sue of the best mines in the country. -Two good runs of billiards-four ball catom game-were made en Lsne'& Emer- son's tables the other day. one by Thomas Stuart, of 308 points, and one by Mr. Harry Richmond, of 818 points. Poor players will be pleased to know the same cues, balls and tables are at their service for the usual price. -We notice by advertisement in the Ga. sett that Mr. J. Gales Germain's cattle-the east breeds ever brought to Montana-are to be sold under ezecution, August 18. There are 100 5-year old cows, and so calves, sired by " Diameid," the celebrated short horn, As this sale is positive, It sfwds our stock risers the best opportunity they have ever had of improving their stock, and we advise attendance an the sale. Jus 'sm 8leamkg. Uask lSmmeis sed SubposinfserJaes Camucy foror user as iS..., Imiasbbe tn NWt 1NONTM. WNT. P. . a Pie's h*e.-Nr. J. N. Meyer of Plke's.Pak, has beg notidied of thel.- eatles of a post oMe at that place and his appeoinmet as poslmster. The usual dias- gram was forwardd *4 returned, and in the soudaend tweo a three weeks the Pike's Paekers will doebtless neove three cent blessag sp-weelkly, ien such eases mab is' pmeMki for Amerlu itssi 4n due numbers habitated. Mr is an eseel hut shelosem for the . sea tiecpate Plg ues a w apeast .elsla` . wam Wsage au,..o.ha ~stenarr jlCa . tieltiia >p RS s C . last 6 s. ** a t 6 i 44*** hShad' 040 Nte bar as 1aabwU k -aeen o ed.4 si e,-Os hute IUII*5te ah M e U$h~e PJS si sedea,, i shes a ypo d i Sgid fa e ise N dam Ms lgbmabe MI 'm a des*.m *uimm ~ 77 Jmpevemmm....Tho' County Cemmis. atoners have done a good thing in ordering the fini ect of plater to be put on the Court House walls, and the planting of trees In the enclosure. Deer Lodge will then have a handsome Court House and sunrondings. They have also ordered a bridge to be built across the breach adjoli. lag Peter Valiton's, on sian street. It is tbe 4 feet wide. Whie this is a much needed improvement, we respectfully sq. geat that a stone culvert across the entire street would be much better. This could be covered level the entire wldth of the street, and what is now only a better meth. od will in time become a necessity. The coat would be more, butit would be of such material benefit that property holders would doubtless reeogaie the difference. the luxuries ia the market. Joe smperltemd. Ia per. son, and therefore his patrons are not neglected. Go and see what Joe hea for dimmer, and be sadteSed. eaere reduced to $10 per week. Leesi Ocers.-At the election on last Monday Mr. O. B. O'Bannon and Mr. Peter Valiton were elected Justices of the Peace, and Messrs. D. B. Halderman and John Lane, Constables. The election of these latter gentlemen was a clever joke, and, as the lawyers say, we presume they will resign "without prejudice." The gen- tlemen selected for Justices are men of in- tegrity and well qualified in all particulars for a young Judgeship. We understand both will accept. CORRECTION.-The statement of Receipts mad Expenditures as published in the Indepeudea, is erroneous Ia two particulars. The sabseriptlon of the Bask Exchange, $110, and o Bailey a Carten. ON was omitted, one being a typographical emiselso. The amount now in my hands Is No, which will be pa.M to the School Fund. The statement as published is the New Boars Wast Is correct. WM. WILSON. Deer Lodge, August 8-7 p. m. Another Purehase.-Mr. Dan. Flowerer of the Bank Exchange, Helena, has pur- chased from Valiton & Stark the 80sxI0 feet lot between their livery stables and the Scott House. The price paid was $2,600. This is the highest price ever paid for ground in Deer Lodge. Mr. Flowers, will at once erect a !6x60 frame building on it, to be prepared for the September business. Should the business be as good an anticl- pated. a Are proof structure will then be put up outside the frame. Mr. Horace Coun- tryman has the contract for erecting the building at $8,000. A 1e quantity of HAYWARD'S GUN OOTS to all ilis. Just reasced and fr sale at JO0N F FINK Deer Les a a ltew Furmlture NslahlmtseintL-Mr. John O'Nelll informs as he has leased his large Furniture Manufactury to Mr. Sweeny, the well known Manufacturer of Helena, who will take possession Sept. 1st and with a large force of hands to manufacture all the furniture necessary for the trade of this side. Mr. Sweeney has been several years in business in Helens, conducts a good bu. stessi and will And his new location an advantageous one. THE inest brands of Havana Clears, Fine Cut and Plug Chewing and Smekiuwg Tobaccos, ais to be found as UIS 1 COLEMN'~S Diseestiuem.-The county of Missoula was some time since designated as an later .mot afm u DiatiAct-the 5th-and Mr. C. A. Huntley appoine man..... u.-A orders from the Cominiamslner the district has been discontinued, and Missoula is again thrown into the 3d District, of which Mr. Geo. W. Irvin is Assessor. Mr. James E, Owing. is Collector of the 3d District. tiqremae Coart.-The August term of the Supreme Court of Montana begins Deat Monday, August 8. Among those who will be present from the West side, are Judge Hiram Knowles. L. McMurtry and W. W. Dixon, Esqs. The latter will not remain until the next session of the Legislature. The esebratd War he Wed Dsdrry, hIe a. 5am 1anciaco, muampml.. at the asakhxehaage. 51.3 Baces.-The following races were run this week: Senda,-Counover more against Dutch Mary; 400 yards for $l00 aside. Won by Dutch Mary. TAhrday-Repeast me; s-me horse, dis- lance and amount. Wor by Dutch Mary. Only a mNl" amount of mousy chapged hands. A eparekr assertmenct at N. Catholi Servicem. Sueses Mw he heli at lbs ahdle Der "8coozis," Silver Bow, laquiresif there Is at present a Superlateadet of Public In. struction of Deer LEdge county, and, if so, who is he l Mr. Robert Wiles Sepaeienludemt, bay tag been appointed after the resignatins of Mr. David L. Irvine. Heis at presnt In MIs- swlas county. Mr. D. P. Newcomer Is else- ed sad will qualify Nov. 1. t3 M r Mh Min a. wes ai. aim Is ser egeaa.ian. 4 DAM su. 7. U1. Ya sta . 4 Co.. DIS. . am Pevs J. E if co i. ~ sen~se 'I ir~ialWi eit tagagh~ Exp~ans and Stage Line.. WELLS, FARGO & CO.'S EXPRESS. N lag.pemeil se. in needly al pwomb"n puaite IN Nmemaam, an pepard to de a GENERAL EXPRESS BUSINESS Iwwuv and V8a616a, Poashef and Prdght t alnamdessIpdmafm.4d to ad pars e te Woreld. COLLECTIONS -26% mad com 'sins for PURCHASE OF GOODS, ETc.. lUsid withdspatch. S. A. WILLNY, Art. Worms: At lTs ioto Uonse..g Deer Lodge, July 13, 1ee. 54-u C. C. ITUNTLEY, Half Daily Stage and Exproes Line! .amdCarlsr o the United asses ani Mele.n to Imelkfbet, Deer Ledge City, and an Wester Camps. Lawe H.ele aleate deawatea etels* for GOLD C-tes, RARToWa, . sa.,va sow, CAILD lTT ais as seseiims.e pahs Paa.sense" A Espa'.es MaUae Cairled with rMeularlt, dispath, sad at etaep raies. Wan'O n sh UMsie s, siwerd. Straet, dams. 9L & IUUIWL3T, Agub 1 GILMER & SALIS JURY'S STAGE LINE i Seaseseasme t Wells, Fargo & Co., msuem oames er Wells, Farge & Co.'* EXPRESS. Passengers and Freight C TO TEN RAILROAD AT Reduced Rates. Walae Dea; rtac hi Niese, Costume. . Crek ad mumoMs wn3ea~s and eueh OVERLAND MAIL WV. heglh w Pemwsge apply to A. L WILLUT, Agent, WOrnra,- I-a the Seott Deaee, Deer Ledge. "8Sa In' s'' CEDAR CREEK EXPRESS I Latter., Palers am F dges FaIthIhll) delivered between Cedar JuactIs and lasnesville Letters cariled en she t aot.d Stas. ost 0Sae at Ces r Juascs..e 8"-s P caUeA.L NbmssaC ce..t. Masum. 4aw Deer Lodge, Pike's Peak and Piomeer. CLARK'S ExPRESS and Passenger Lime! o nd aft eer Mmondy, lime Dsh, I wil rue Daily Feur-Horse Coach lam esbmessias; Pleser nlpand seena Tuba M pm Chargesmoes Resptsegtves hir yal- HOTEL PRO3PERTY 10O1 BALL! A SPLENDID BARGAIN OFFERED I TWomthIwdu Co.t P1.10.3 That opemiid Used hPcg .dy hmows sheb "Zgrsow he bwu.mikls " s&gsgoimee' The lee be f m~ 36mm mm, d twit.mmm huliae ee., II mh; e bi~oeSl Th mm[ e a h s s W s pu um v e '.s t u sbu m Te a mgu l ws Ttheaw~aApmmJrlq wpie ar llmmmmwVdsy , 3*1,9. 5441e.e A.ens & nL DO. fter!W C.Teppr IANK is. SO L BOA &CO, BANGERS. Geld Dust, Coii, Curre 163, amdubahatsbinmhfl., mmdi Wmmseal bumlm.. Usmi ~ & A. Mugs Barry & Murphy, isera, irtctibssa Buidders, mSAD smmw, DARLO*3 Hm indmemdhmmghk Nw my dpi At Miessmrs 4 'NEUBEW OCCIDE~NTAL Shavim, had 313Nelarg~si mssa u., *i~rM smasa0.14Rt M = to r Stores. Tin s"n 2as*dwmse Tueo. kaaue. wa. U. a3os1mes Stram g 4k Riohardsoma * WROLUALI AND RETAD. IAis.3 a Taw, cOress, ANisaDur WOw wAsu, DEas LODGE CITY. MONrTAA, Savw en hand sad awrvlme d Largest Stock otG.ode eve beught to this port1ca eo Meemnem SELLI:G AT UuLhlIA 3R1CL Parlor and Cook Stores, ueach Japeamnd and Plsesd War, California Hydraulic Ueasiss. Galvanized Iren for rendallse, Al vaU e tse" of Tin sad Copper Was JO0 WOE PROMPTLY DONE TO ORDER AT LOW RATES. ondur eas bem a DeSals k UeiteL We eaesg m mpeewuem. TEANG a RICUARDI 1. 3ss3 Loema CT c, 531 Casea CLaSa;n Ton ConUaa, Ja. Caents, CLARKE, CONRAD & CURTIN, Next door above Dumphy " Eleaefs Granite lck. Relea., Montana. wumlsmas a" Eanl Dealers in uick a Wright's "pRILLIANT" AND "PEERLESS' .rom - - nor - novas swevas lorm norm swas nor. Cooking Stoves! Noe. 7, 8, and 9. 3h53weA3 mamawauM ananwmas 3A33WA33 S EARSTAUS samwaswu mrwass Heatiag and Parlor Stoves Dons ass shlear amnwouTbmm es s, ea.. Tin Mlta, Sheet Iron, Copper, rsus sand Esl, W English and Amerlean Steel, ra.. lc~ltJalapiin~eis Reapers and Mowers, Plows, Salky Rakes, Grain Drills, Revolving Rake. u=EELER a WILSON'S SEWING MACNINES, etc, etc., etc., All of which i odeed very low to toe tad.. Wrdsrs respecatf*a inletd, sad Slid at lowee gA'esmlalen ourock sat psos is mos/ rsupsctfufly sellcted. U17 CLARKE, CONRAD a CURsIN. NEW GOODS! NowN Now Goodes New Goode New Geeds New Goode New Goode New Goods New Goo&s NEW GOODS! , as_ Reesoved uest Resaived SasS Recelved Sses Nassins Just Esoewsv Just Receivd Just sensived Just Rsslv4d AT See ssuaglved F. B. MILLER'S o 0 0 0 00 0 Hardviare Store, Main St.. Seer Laiges U. T. A aosea1a seaj e mabSbuia an t NEAR DWARE. CaEIaNTER' ToolS, Wlasers Hydrealie Nouales~, Pipe. Chaampion and Calpper *tc ste t 11.1 which will be seo at the Lowest Cash Prices. Giesa ma cell helm,. pureboslag. 0 So ohm Emphy, WI. I .Doa 41U. 31 Murphy & Co., Lam..: DuasuhUahh ahO.'u.3 LU3DiER h LUMBER i um as han mei uAstm uu s. 0uisnuauSwe~aaat at~ hii SLVIM Lath, Sh1 .1.., Eto.. at ad Li r muhsqT Ds Loig.0y. Ubothibsrsua.ssjs'sqiaa .Irn asiws at a * tesm waw Mill, I oe 1 WtS3 u'AII va i iz 7Uw RE, r

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Post on 29-Nov-2021




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Fell..... ... 11th... 4 h... .19..u ... 11ui3I3MQuatt .... 10h. ...S8 h.... &n..E...1rrrlagNew ..... U~h .... 4 Is....41m.. Kv...tiiagt


Tall ~OUarUt lu33Tx or attirugouatajx is m.

a~atrrs *a 460dm LOXOITUDI Ill 40 ~.

A~tIttaUD 4.10 eet .

1P70 '7 a Mt'3 p 5 9 r aVO3, USUtAR*.

*:: 666 6 71 07 74 )Cloudy andcall..435 66x 647a 701 .

[ 1 64 81 63 OV%'Clear "wind nw"" ! 07 73 le &',, ". and callm.

Wekyaverage, Wh0; whc kIskL quite warm forh1. country.

LOCAL NEWS.19 Gee. A~iaus like the Eamy."-Mrs.

Brewers-seventh daughter of a seventhdaughter by her natural father-an Egyp*timan (from Southern Illinois,) born and"eidicatod" with a gift to read the starsand (N. Y.) Sun, (without spelling a wonr),at the astonishingly low rate of $5 for ladiesand $10 for gentlemen-(the latter blangcharged double price on account of having,generally, harder fortunes-to road)-has,we are pained to say, discontinued her rest

edome beyond the Deer Lodge bridge-.lss folded her tent like s. Arab,And as silently stolen sway-

to Pike's Peak-perhaps never to return.If her ability to tell what was, and is, and isto be were all her powers, Deer Lodge mightbe comforted. But, alas! such was not thecase. Read this:

MRS. BR3WERS,The Seventh Danghter of the Seventh, wishes to ina.sorm the public that she was born with the gift to seea Gentleman or Lady's past, present and future. She

-cancere all Diseases by charm or with medicine aswell a ay Doctor In America. She can also tail Iawhich way lost or stolen property eta be funad.

VLEe" aswwaU3 lute CAsD wiva .aswua.

You who groan under the ills that fleshis heir to, who suffer in agony rather tie.incur d ctor's bills, reflect upon what anopportunity-(a five-dollar opportunity)has passed never to be recalled-unless shecomes back from Pike's Peak. And thevictims of theft-sheriffs, marshals,, detectives, and the newly electedconstables of Deer Lodge, how have youdischarged your duties to yourselves andconstituents? The wail of the widow and

orphan whose little all (spell awl if incase of a shoemaker) has been ruthlesslypurloined. shall smite upon your ears downthe eternal ages of a remorse ridden soul,like the clamor of Scot t's gong on the ter-rifled apprehensions of acountry baby. Andyet, it was not all your fault. She did notadsertise.

"ss let eoncestmost like a worm I' the badYwlenleerdamask cheek," and so forth,

while an attenuated purse and the regrets ofa blasted community attest the sad error.She goes thence to Helena, where liberalpatronage and a prosperous (rival) city willteach Deer Lodgers that Fate and FortuneTellers cannot be defied or neglected withimpunity, by the people of a town whohave small pox within fifty miles, propertyout in possession of unknown and ,perhapsirresponsible parties, aspirations for wing of the penitentiary, a railroad do-pot, water works, short-horned cattle, andf gral4ed road over Dog Creek Hill.

Ashland whskyx, Wart bran5,Pine apple glt, and sherry handy;Oysters stewed tad bythe can.All served out by the Little Old aMs,


Worse Plains.-Thirty miles from themouth of Cedar and 100 miles from DeerLodge. on the north bank of the Missoulariver. Is a basin of almost level land, nearlycircular and some dozen miles in diameter.It contains about 28,000 acres of farminglands, is surrounded by excellent timberJand, and is said to surpass, in climate andproductiveness, any other locality in Mon-tana. Corn grows as well as in WValls Wal-Ja. Roasting cars were served on the tablesat Horse Plains a week ago; watermelonsweighing 7 lbs, and 8 lbs, and pumpkins of$0 lbs were growing in the gardens and,fields on the 23d of July, while potatoes,,abbages, tomatoes, all the vegetables, es..eulent plants and flowers grow luxuriantlyas in the Middle States. It is watered byMiuras floe streams-Clarke's, Nowlan's and-Wolf creeks- carrying at the dryost seasonfrom 800 to 600 inchesof water, and so site-ated as to irrigate the whole valley if noces-

-ary. This has not, however, been foundrequisite to the successful cultivation of thesmall grains.

There are twenty one farms of 100 acreseach now occupied-principally taken upwithin the past year-and 3,800 acres areunder fence. Some 800 to 1,000 bead ofstock-from 400 to 600 head of horses-aregrased there, and 800 tons of hay will becut this season, which will principally go tothe mouth of Cedar, where it sells at 175per ton. Quite a community has settledthere, a number of houses have been put upLb. season. Wiles d Decker rafted down alarge quatity of lumber from Cedar, andimprovements are being rapidly made.Among those who have ranches in the val-ley are Frank B. Decker, W. I. NcWhlrk,CClu. 3. Clarke and J. W. Patrick. It Is30 miles this side the Thompson muver Set*tiemet, and time route to Flathead Lake WeHore Plains is said to bet 0 miles shorterthan by the Mlssion route. The opening ofthe Cedar mines has given vigorous impetusto occupation and developmentt of this fa-Wie little nook I. the mounaitaas, aad the~happy content expressed by Its prospeenuspeople induced inquiry concerning it, .ndled to this account of a hIitherto Unwrittenlocality and the community ot Bes35Pa.AIss

W Ne~tow sbgu a dg mlh Iac winbsilbs "mWaul~shu" nlnes psuplu, dot&WS b Alin

w SMS6Igg.fl11sb It Sash. t br.w. - isusd..m O.SwnS. ON 'o ar as *9 inilhUpS.

Audioi Uete.-Th. N.Klaav q Rom""l. .t pubico s~so-Sah Sid, s~ML-emu-4sa.s pfmm pOdttivdy m. 1$, 0weink ftcs. bU-msim. It Is po UpIEI)Clmrds, luinl&s peusuulm' giws,M keususbl $

Thirl -i.The Theatrial eassoclosed last eveni g, the Company playingeleven consecutive evenings. The houss.have bees from fair to good. During thepresent week Mr. Langriuhe, Mr. Weldreoand Mr. Martin have taken benefits. Mr.Langrisheappearmg as .ies Usnt is &.ef.and the Ar(t/ Edger-parts which heplays admirably. Mr. Waldron as CueatPrisvt, In Retri0e.Ms, a character givingopportunity for his best style of acting, andin which he acquitted himself in his beetmanner, while Mr. Martin had up last eve-ning, Luke M.e Laborer, appearing in thetitle ruen, to the best house ever congrega.ted in Deer Lodge, with the entire strengthof the Company on the bills, and Messrs.Clohecy and Sandrock, on f 'r volunteers,singing "Evangeline" and a beautiful es-core song, in their best voice. It was de-cidedly the gala night of the season, andMr. Martin is doubtless equally gratifiedwith the receipts, and theevident rivalry ofthe entire Company in the endeavor to ex-cel on his benefit night. We have had agood series of dramatic representations, theorchestra has discoursed See music, doingup "Love among the Roses" with all theoriginal fragrance (by special request) asthe popular variations on the operatic Lspetite Shields made her debut in the "CanCan" for Mr. Waldron's benefit. And theseason is over. We think Mr. Langrishewould And a larger proportion of Comedydraw better than tragedy or melo-drama.With the accessions of stage, scenery, prop.erties, etc., ithe effects and pictures of thesestandard pieces, which are old to nearly allplaygoers, can be brought out to better ad-vantage, but thee is no poverty of facili-ties that will prevent an audience from en-joylig a hearty laugh, and the entertain-ment that affords it.

Well, in three or four weeks we will havea series of representations that will delightto the seventh heaven. Mr. and Mrs. Lan-grishe, Mr. and Mrs. Shields, Mrs. Pitt-williams, Messrs. Brown, Gross, Griffith,and the orchestra left this A. i. for Pike'sPeak, having been preceded by Mr. Rich.mond. They will give two or three repre-sentations in that region, going thence toMissoula, Frenebtown and Cedar Creek,expecting to be absent about eighteen days.We wish them as pleasant a trip as possible,ubundant favor. and a rich pecuniary re-ward, hoping to see them on their the foot-lights Ia Deer Lodge, in a neatTemplc'of Thespus, to crowded and delight-ed houses.

WThe Bank Ebchange stands eanrlled for thepare lIquors which It dispenses to its patrons. it isthe only aloon expressly lmpe.tiag Scotch Ale andEnglish Porter, and sold in no other he.s. in town.

From the West.--Mr. Warren Whitcherof Spokane Bridge, W. T., came in fromthe West a few days ago and sojourns atthe Scott House. He informs us that thetwo steamers built and lying up on theupper Pen d'Orille for years, have been te.ken over to the falls and down throughCabinet Canyon to the Lake where they arenow being put in repairs for the expectedCedar trade this fall.

Walla Walls Is liurishing and businesslively. A large number of permanent settiers are coming in and taking up lands inthe vicinity. The grain crops from WallsWalla to Missoula look well, and over an4 erage yield is anticipated. The drouth in

Missou!s has somewhat injured the erop.The peach crop will not be so good, a latefrost having severely Injured them. Theother fruits are looking welL Mr. W.brings us a small but highly respectable listo(fsubscribers-and the greenbaceks-fromresidents along the Spokane route who haveenvied the pleasure hse receives in the regu-her arrival of the Nay Nowrn-Wase in-hisremote home. A few more can be accom-mnodated on the sinme terms.

W?"Jn drsams Islgh!"-for a cocktail from theMetropolltas.

Canty Commisslemers.-The CountyCommissioners met as a Board of Equaliza-tion, Aug. 2J. The assessments of a numnber of property Iwiders were raised $44,-000. and others reduced $4,000, leaving anet increase of $40.000.

Bills of $300 for medical attendance,$181 for clothing. and $180 for food, at*tendance, etc., by C. T. McCarthy, on ac-count of the smallpox patients, were pre-sented and accepted. The Commiuskinersof Missoula have signiflod their williignessto pay one-half these accounts. Mr. Jas.Gilchrist, County Clerk and ae q.l. e lecorder, tendered his resignation. which wasaccepted and Mr. Howard H. Zenor wasappointed by the Board as his sucoessor.Mr. Gilchrist has been a faithful and ea.cldat of dcer, discharging his duties, correctly, and In a manner to win theesteem of all who have had occasion to dobusiness with him. He is and will be Dep-sty Assessor until his successor, elected

last Monday, qualiAes on th 1st of Novem-her. Mr. Zenor who has been acting asDeputy Clerk is thoroughly up In the bosiness of the offee and is as good a choicefor the office as could be made TheBoard also allowed the Assessor two millson the dollar for every dollar's worth ofproperty assessed, as crmpsasatlon for as.sesament. The total amount of assessmentto date are $1,.140. The Beard adjourn-ed Wednesday, Aug. -d, sad will most asnest Thursday to canvass the votes of the

glve hg .ai~sm~l .. a~ S-detotte Vs. ON" da*s .e 5 ie91" Ms asetee l~s Wilss Seeiss *( senl t sinms wal

arma s sm ate ios eta ss. is lmsutsepesban anpet.orh agsats.:teguet b gasee

ens i. i essG sten sowes.

The 1lathe.M VsWkeepeaer-OWr CederCreek orsesposdeat gives aeseost of thereturn of a portion of the Niatheat Iake

.p p rwithoest a shiTwo parties, me of 0m sad ed e of 1UN t, seated out about the let otJldy, andhad geat hopes of strikag ich diggings.Somo mles-t lmios of tes prspsepeos-.temas aspeit al sos llnes, *mag th,igor asnd. Qand vWs, alatin fuor a.gsemeiep ines et es ptswese, and imequippedtfar attpe*. It$ wil besds.spp sf allUag i ths * istparty, who daes "1r. t e4 * hIL

"Mr se srt w


Perseals.-These was sad a host eo s-qualntances in town last week, emr colaanswere s overerowdel, sad the hour of pt-dag to preus late that the " Personals"were unavoidably phhed oalt By the way,we left out a couple of columas of adver-tisemenats to make room for reading matter,and if patrons will accept an apology Inlieu of space, they have it most gratefmlly.Capt T. P. Fuller, agent of Wells, Prago& Co., Helena, rusticated in Deer Ldge aday or two this week, recuperating from atrip to Colorado. Mr. Tom. Farrell, whopreached the unknown lams. to Virginiaasdaily-Sundays not ezeepted-three yearsago, opened his mouth and demanded bidsfrom an upper seat In a saddle sanctuary InDenr Lodge today, and threatens to do ltmore. All right, Tom: "Come in thybeauty," and give the boys an example ofhow the meritorious points of a horse shouldbe extolled when he is to be bartered forlucre. Mr. McQuestion, down from theTopo' Deep, gives good account of that region,and informsus JonesA Middaugh are closingout stock, James L. intending to devote attentiom exclusively to their mining InterestsinaYreka. Charley Wunderlick, Esq., andMr. Burdess and wife, of Bed Mountain;Doe McClure, Blackfoot; Messrs. BellangerA Allen, Silver Bow, Mr. All=s Wilkin-son of the Gas(le, Frank Taylor, Esq, He-lena, and Mr. Schaller of Virginia, we no-tihe in town within the past day or two. Alarger number of citizens than usual areabroad, and the town is dull to-day.

g"I3ON HTDRAUULC PMP, Ise oesesis by allase echapest. tightest, eest dheable sadavailable conadctor ever sued for hydrasiea. We arenew sensen -ich, heavy asees i at .so O/

A Gratlitems Advertsemeat.-Mr. Alex.ander Kemp is engaged in blacksmithing,wagon making, Iron turning, etc., on Mainstreet, Helena. He does not advertise inthe Nzw Norna-Wusr. But last week webroke a piece of press machinery that couldnot be well replaced in Deer Lodge, and, onsending It to him, bad a new piece forged,taned and sent back In forty-eight hours.The workmanship is Oast rate, the pricereasonable, and his celerity is entitled toour grateful recognition. We thereforecommend Mr. Kemp to those having workto do, too heavy for West Side lathes, andexpress obligations to Mr. McLean, ourskilfull Deer Lodge Vulcan, for reconstruct-ing our press. We hope Mc will soon havelathes of his own, and that It will be a longtime before we need like services.

r Il'S LIVELY CAM. Is Pike's uad dGesiIl amsnlpulatew the glasses at the livellest Iathe to Meyers A Kesoasb Utere., FaeWie g ers.Cg and oauutmos attaitles behindthe aT PON SALOON ia hesigaarters.

Cempleted.-Mr. Dounhoner informed uson Sunday that the Deer Lodge and Perkinsgraded road would be nearly enough com-pleted to-day, to allow the coaches to runover It. Two or three days more will fnishit up, and the travel between Doer Lodgeand the lower country will hereafter heprincipally over this route,as It is a splendidroad and passes through thetownsef Pioneerand Pike's Peak. Its total cost will he near-ly $,000. The subscriptions have been en-tirely gratuitous, and the citizensof Pioneer,Pike's Peak and Deer Lodge deserve creditfor the liberality displayed in this publieenterprise. Mr. Dounbouer las done hiswore to the eantre satisfactden of all dona-ters, and wears the belt of the champion readbuilder of Montana.

Re-opening of the Walte WallsJELENA, MONTANA.

Where bortl I. only 610 per week. The tables aresupplied with eere delkiay of the aesese, and thebest the market afwds, aurved up in a atyle ansepse lantse or west of Nw TerkThe po4lar falshefi fer the conefstothles.11~satudt ma sletasar partmemtsare srst class. Taken all in ad, db Waila Walla isthe best betel t thu Territory.

81on bualeq Illed.e-Weare favored byMr. Jas. Gilchrist with a copy of the Ari-ans kwer, giving account of the killing ofSion Bradley, formerly of Philipsburg,Montana, by Hiram Lightner. In a suoonat Prescott, Arizona. The shooting occur-red June 2, from a quarrel over a game ofcards. Bradley was drunk and unarmed;Lightner sober. The latter shot at him fourtimes-three taking effect. He died July5th. le was A native of Crawford county,Mo., has been been on the Paeific Coatmany years, and was an expert pistol shot.Lightner is in jaiL

'a,a5 Oesces a Duit Wanded, btrwhisk the highest marcet pries wil asps at the Bauthsm OWes of m .f bL Cs., ema at tie Oct DMr keuo, 3ear

AmethoerIemd P1s,4 .- We are inferm-ad by Mr. Neede, who has recently soldhis old toll road, that it is his litemtion, iatwo weeks, to begin a graded soan wherehis present one Intersects the old on Littlefleekfoot, and continuing down that.eaM anmalong the hills opposite his sltStation to the top of the divide this side,thereby shcarlag up thedistsace 1* milesmit asking a mock superior reed. Heprapsms commaeancig work in tew weeks,aid sows al weeks will be seqpirei to en.Ink it.

asw as ra sten see was sassamsUNPLC esaessee "se aseesa

swerO .40as sessarrameThe *Littleadsab ' i e -le

amsegmm OmSel.-PVeu Mr. Platcker ot

German, we lea.s th tsemas I-e 1/1en new at weVrkn es sehope am lks bed

1i in the gulch, getfh tr oweek, cleaningVp We es3he U a emeaf e doingweJL ThSP g kIs PrtaIper deg t tihes. .lifwu CO.

age seses .*.. e snss asaeeeWses eem ine. h.Inga ahedik.dss ume andm dump. in 4W smispidlels~ug al M. d.gepeanr w the pio

-M w'L , cade isatered ysrday fromWalla Walls

-The slide In Upper Race Track ditchhas bean filly repaired.

-Dick Riddle drov.Gihmer ub 'scsac i fiom Meadekto-day, lmn s mjtes

-The coach travel to DeerLodige is muchlarger this mouth than was ever mown be-fore.

-Mr. S. D. Johns, J. P. elst hr Louise-yille. Is expected In this evenIng in chargeof a prisoner.

-Dr. A. H. Mitchell, who has been in at-tendance on Mr. C. A. Huntley, et mouth ofCedar, reports his condition yet wiical.

--Yalliton Co., contemplate adding toto their livery stables to-morrow, the hand-somest buggy ever brought to the country.

-Mess. J. B. Wilcox and 0. McBiracyhave cntracted for tin roofs to be put ontheir Are proof buildings which wail soonbe built on the corners of Malt and Thirdstreets.

-These are the Dog DVI, and Sirius isthe dog star. The Sirius lesults of the hotweather -ar be accounted for by this ex-

-Mr. Wi. Wilson pddlishes the re-ceipts and expenditures of lie Purse Races,to-day, and like a faithful steward rendershis accounts correctly.

-Mr. N.P. Laugford called this evening-Just In from the States and Helena. Wewere pleased to greet him, sad to learn hewill remain several days.

-W. A. Norton of Loon Creek-formerlyof Blackfoot-and who was recently report-hd "missing," gave us a call this week. Hehas returned to Oro Grande.

-Messrs. Strang & Richardson have cov-ered Pemberton & Kelley's fire proof build.Ing with a tin roof, and have the tin pre.pared for thetoof of the Penitentiary.

-Mr. J. H. Brown will leave in the earlypart of the week to meet his daughter atRyan's Station. She has been at school inthe East, and this is, we believe, her firstvisit to Montana.

" Mr. Henry De Witt has purchased themost desirable lot in Deer Lodge-the I1ig.gins lot, opposite Higgins & Bowie's drugstore. We are informed it is his intentionto erect a hotel upon it Oxl100.

-The notice of the Excelsior BowlingAlley "for sale" merits notice. It is Iplend-Id property, in a desirable location, andrapidly Increaslng In value. A paying in-vestment esa be made by a good businessman.

-Quite a number of excursion partieshave been out at the head of Lost and WarmSpring crefks during the week, berrying.We understand gone-berries are most plenti-ful now, the gatherers having become rathernumerous.

-Messrs. Barry & Murphy, builders andcontractors, yesterday lalsed a 20x80 frame,two stories of 11 and 10 feet respectively,for Mlkbot's new Hotelon Main street,southof Valiton's brewery. Thpother portion ofthe frame, 47x0U feet-2 stories-will beput up ia a day or two. It will be a onebuldlng.

-There are 110 chijas s nd in theicituty orf BtICtYoot. They have also Tiett

buying ground rapidly in the Silver Bowcountry, in the past ten days, having ac.quired it more rapidly than over before.There is no danger. Sit still and supinelyeverybody, till Yellow Jack has infected tothe death the placer camps of Montana

-Judge D. P. Newcomer, and our journalistic cotemporary, Mr. Addison Smith,yesterday purchased the interest of E. S.Newman, esq., in the celebrated Oro Finomines and ditch, near Silver Bow, paying agood round price, but getting sue of thebest mines in the country.

-Two good runs of billiards-four ballcatom game-were made en Lsne'& Emer-son's tables the other day. one by ThomasStuart, of 308 points, and one by Mr. HarryRichmond, of 818 points. Poor playerswill be pleased to know the same cues, ballsand tables are at their service for the usualprice.

-We notice by advertisement in the Ga.sett that Mr. J. Gales Germain's cattle-the

east breeds ever brought to Montana-areto be sold under ezecution, August 18. Thereare 100 5-year old cows, and so calves, siredby " Diameid," the celebrated short horn,As this sale is positive, It sfwds our stockrisers the best opportunity they have everhad of improving their stock, and we adviseattendance an the sale.

Jus 'sm 8leamkg.Uask lSmmeis sed SubposinfserJaes Camucy

foror user as iS..., Imiasbbe tnNWt 1NONTM. WNT.

P. . a Pie's h*e.-Nr. J. N. Meyerof Plke's.Pak, has beg notidied of thel.-eatles of a post oMe at that place and hisappeoinmet as poslmster. The usual dias-gram was forwardd *4 returned, and inthe soudaend tweo a three weeks the Pike'sPaekers will doebtless neove three centblessag sp-weelkly, ien such eases mabis' pmeMki for Amerlu itssi 4n duenumbers habitated. Mr is an eseelhut shelosem for the . sea tiecpate

Plg ues a w apeast

.elsla` . wam

Wsage au,..o.ha ~stenarr

jlCa .tieltiia >p RS s C .

last 6 s. ** a t 6 i

44*** hShad' 040 Nte bar as1aabwU k -aeen o ed.4si e,-Os hute IUII*5te ahM e U$h~e PJS si

sedea,, i shes aypo d i Sgid fa e ise

N dam Ms lgbmabe MI'm a des*.m

*uimm ~ 77

Jmpevemmm....Tho' County Cemmis.atoners have done a good thing in orderingthe fini ect of plater to be put on theCourt House walls, and the planting oftrees In the enclosure. Deer Lodge willthen have a handsome Court House andsunrondings. They have also ordered abridge to be built across the breach adjoli.lag Peter Valiton's, on sian street. It istbe 4 feet wide. Whie this is a muchneeded improvement, we respectfully sq.geat that a stone culvert across the entirestreet would be much better. This couldbe covered level the entire wldth of thestreet, and what is now only a better meth.od will in time become a necessity. Thecoat would be more, butit would be ofsuch material benefit that property holderswould doubtless reeogaie the difference.

the luxuries ia the market. Joe smperltemd. Ia per.son, and therefore his patrons are not neglected. Goand see what Joe hea for dimmer, and be sadteSed.eaere reduced to $10 per week.

Leesi Ocers.-At the election on lastMonday Mr. O. B. O'Bannon and Mr.Peter Valiton were elected Justices of thePeace, and Messrs. D. B. Halderman andJohn Lane, Constables. The election ofthese latter gentlemen was a clever joke,and, as the lawyers say, we presume theywill resign "without prejudice." The gen-tlemen selected for Justices are men of in-tegrity and well qualified in all particularsfor a young Judgeship. We understandboth will accept.

CORRECTION.-The statement of Receipts madExpenditures as published in the Indepeudea,is erroneous Ia two particulars. The sabseriptlon ofthe Bask Exchange, $110, and o Bailey a Carten. ONwas omitted, one being a typographical emiselso. Theamount now in my hands Is No, which will be pa.M tothe School Fund. The statement as published is theNew Boars Wast Is correct.

WM. WILSON.Deer Lodge, August 8-7 p. m.

Another Purehase.-Mr. Dan. Flowererof the Bank Exchange, Helena, has pur-chased from Valiton & Stark the 80sxI0feet lot between their livery stables and theScott House. The price paid was $2,600.This is the highest price ever paid forground in Deer Lodge. Mr. Flowers, willat once erect a !6x60 frame building on it,to be prepared for the September business.Should the business be as good an anticl-pated. a Are proof structure will then beput up outside the frame. Mr. Horace Coun-tryman has the contract for erecting thebuilding at $8,000.

A 1e quantity of HAYWARD'S GUN OOTSto all ilis. Just reasced and fr sale at JO0N FFINK Deer Les a a

ltew Furmlture NslahlmtseintL-Mr. JohnO'Nelll informs as he has leased his largeFurniture Manufactury to Mr. Sweeny, thewell known Manufacturer of Helena, whowill take possession Sept. 1st and with alarge force of hands to manufacture all thefurniture necessary for the trade of thisside. Mr. Sweeney has been several yearsin business in Helens, conducts a good bu.stessi and will And his new location anadvantageous one.

THE inest brands of Havana Clears, Fine Cut andPlug Chewing and Smekiuwg Tobaccos, ais to be

found as UIS 1 COLEMN'~S

Diseestiuem.-The county of Missoulawas some time since designated as an later.mot afm u DiatiAct-the 5th-and Mr. C.A. Huntley appoine man..... u.-Aorders from the Cominiamslner the districthas been discontinued, and Missoula is againthrown into the 3d District, of which Mr.Geo. W. Irvin is Assessor. Mr. James E,Owing. is Collector of the 3d District.

tiqremae Coart.-The August term of theSupreme Court of Montana begins DeatMonday, August 8. Among those who willbe present from the West side, are JudgeHiram Knowles. L. McMurtry and W. W.Dixon, Esqs. The latter will not remainuntil the next session of the Legislature.The esebratd War he Wed Dsdrry, hIe a. 5am

1anciaco, muampml.. at the asakhxehaage. 51.3

Baces.-The following races were run thisweek:

Senda,-Counover more against DutchMary; 400 yards for $l00 aside. Won byDutch Mary.

TAhrday-Repeast me; s-me horse, dis-lance and amount. Wor by Dutch Mary.

Only a mNl" amount of mousy chapgedhands.

A eparekr assertmenct at N.

Catholi Servicem.Sueses Mw he heli at lbs ahdle Der

"8coozis," Silver Bow, laquiresif thereIs at present a Superlateadet of Public In.struction of Deer LEdge county, and, if so,who is he l

Mr. Robert Wiles Sepaeienludemt, baytag been appointed after the resignatins ofMr. David L. Irvine. Heis at presnt In MIs-swlas county. Mr. D. P. Newcomer Is else-ed sad will qualify Nov. 1.

t3 M r Mh Min a. wes ai.

aim Is ser egeaa.ian. 4

DAM su.

7. U1. Ya sta .4 Co..

DIS. .am PevsJ. E if co i.

~ sen~se'I ir~ialWi eit tagagh~

Exp~ans and Stage Line..


N lag.pemeil se. in needly al pwomb"n puaiteIN Nmemaam, an pepard to de a

GENERAL EXPRESS BUSINESSIwwuv and V8a616a, Poashef and

Prdghtt alnamdessIpdmafm.4d to ad pars e te Woreld.

COLLECTIONS-26% mad com 'sins for

PURCHASE OF GOODS, ETc..lUsid withdspatch. S. A. WILLNY, Art.

Worms: At lTs ioto Uonse..gDeer Lodge, July 13, 1ee. 54-u


Half Daily

Stage and Exproes Line!

.amdCarlsr o the United asses ani

Mele.n to Imelkfbet, Deer Ledge City,and an Wester Camps.

Lawe H.ele aleate deawatea etels* for

GOLD C-tes,

RARToWa, .sa.,va sow,

CAILD lTTais as seseiims.e pahs

Paa.sense" A Espa'.es MaUaeCairled with rMeularlt, dispath, sad at etaep raies.

Wan'O n sh UMsie s, siwerd. Straet, dams.9L & IUUIWL3T, Agub1


Seaseseasme t

Wells, Fargo & Co.,msuem oames er

Wells, Farge & Co.'*EXPRESS.

Passengers and FreightC


Reduced Rates.

Walae Dea; rtac hi Niese, Costume. .Crek ad mumoMs wn3ea~s and eueh

OVERLAND MAILWV. heglh w Pemwsge apply to

A. L WILLUT, Agent,WOrnra,- I-a the Seott Deaee, Deer Ledge.


Latter., Palers am F dges FaIthIhll)delivered between Cedar JuactIs

and lasnesvilleLetters cariled en she t aot.d Stas. ost 0Sae at

Ces r Juascs..e 8"-s P caUeA.L

NbmssaC ce..t. Masum. 4aw

Deer Lodge, Pike's Peak and Piomeer.CLARK'S ExPRESS

and Passenger Lime!o nd aft eer Mmondy, lime Dsh, I wil rue

Daily Feur-Horse Coachlam esbmessias; Pleser nlpand seena TubaM pm Chargesmoes Resptsegtves hir yal-



TWomthIwdu Co.t P1.10.3That opemiid Used hPcg .dy hmows sheb

"Zgrsow he bwu.mikls " s&gsgoimee' The

lee be f m~ 36mm mm, d twit.mmm

huliae ee., II mh; e bi~oeSlT h mm[ e a h s s W s p u um v e '.s t u sbu m Te a m gu l ws

Ttheaw~aApmmJrlq wpie

ar llmmmmwVdsy , 3*1,9. 5441e.e A.ens

& nL DO. fter!W C.Teppr IANK is.


Geld Dust, Coii, Curre 163,amdubahatsbinmhfl., mmdi Wmmseal bumlm..

Usmi ~ & A. MugsBarry & Murphy,

isera, irtctibssa Buidders,mSAD smmw, DARLO*3

Hm indmemdhmmghk Nw my dpi At Miessmrs


Shavim, had 313Nelarg~si mssau.,

*i~rM smasa0.14RtM = to r

Stores. Tin s"n 2as*dwmse

Tueo. kaaue. wa. U. a3os1mes

Stram g 4k Riohardsoma


IAis.3 a

Taw, cOress, ANisaDur WOw wAsu,DEas LODGE CITY. MONrTAA,

Savw en hand sad awrvlme d

Largest Stock otG.ode

eve beught to this port1ca eo Meemnem


Parlor and Cook Stores,

ueach Japeamnd and Plsesd War,

California Hydraulic Ueasiss.Galvanized Iren for rendallse,

Al vaU e tse" of Tin sad Copper Was


ondur eas bem a DeSals k UeiteL

We eaesg m mpeewuem.TEANG a RICUARDI 1.

3ss3 Loema CT c, 531

Casea CLaSa;n Ton ConUaa, Ja. Caents,

CLARKE, CONRAD & CURTIN,Next door above Dumphy " Eleaefs Granite lck.

Relea., Montana.wumlsmas a" Eanl Dealers in

uick a Wright's


.rom - - nor -novas swevas

lorm normswas nor.

Cooking Stoves!Noe. 7, 8, and 9.


mamawauM ananwmas

3A33WA33 S EARSTAUSsamwaswu mrwass

Heatiag and Parlor StovesDons ass shlear amnwouTbmm es s, ea..

Tin Mlta, Sheet Iron, Copper, rsus sand Esl, W

English and Amerlean Steel,

ra.. lc~ltJalapiin~eis

Reapers and Mowers,Plows, Salky Rakes, Grain Drills, Revolving Rake.


All of which i odeed very low to toe tad..Wrdsrs respecatf*a inletd, sad Slid at lowee

gA'esmlalen ourock sat psos is mos/rsupsctfufly sellcted.



Now Goodes New GoodeNew Geeds New Goode

New Goode New GoodsNew Goo&s

NEW GOODS!, as_ Reesoved

uest Resaived SasS RecelvedSses Nassins Just Esoewsv

Just Receivd Just sensivedJust Rsslv4d AT See ssuaglved

F. B. MILLER'So 00 0


Hardviare Store,Main St.. Seer Laiges U. T.

A aosea1a seaj e mabSbuia an t



Hydrealie Nouales~, Pipe.

Chaampion and Calpper

*tc ste t11.1 which will be seo at the

Lowest Cash Prices.Giesa ma cell helm,. pureboslag. 0 So

ohm Emphy, WI. I .Doa 41U. 31

Murphy & Co.,Lam..: DuasuhUahh ahO.'u.3

LU3DiER h LUMBER ium as han mei uAstm uu s.

0uisnuauSwe~aaat at~ hii


Lath, Sh1 .1.., ad Li r muhsqT Ds Loig.0y.

Ubothibsrsua.ssjs'sqiaa .Irn asiws at a

* tesm waw Mill,

I oe 1 WtS3

u'AII va i iz 7Uw RE, r