new ulm review (new ulm, brown county, minn.) (new ulm, … · 2017-12-13 · morning for madison,...

V New trim Review, New trim, Minn., Wednesday, April 26, 1922. SO • • • • • i mini P A LOCAL NOTES J j I • • • • r - —- - - " • "••*• " H Robert Taylor of St. James called on local friends on Sunday afternoon. H G Hillesheim of Sleepy Eye was a business caller in New Ulm, on Wed- nesday. Elmer Radman o f Gibbon had his tons Is removed at the Union hospital last week. Anton Braun of Sleepy Eye trans- acted business m New Ulm on Wed- nesday morning. Mrs. E. C. Veeck and children, Jean and Charles, visited at the home of her paients, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Credicott at Mapleton last week. Mrs. Paul Vetter and her son Walter of Kasota are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Binder residing in West Newton township. Mr and Mrs. H. H. Battig and family were visitors last week at the Nick Schmitz home in Sleepy Eye. Mrs Battig is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Schmitz. Rev George W. Rolwes visited for several days with his mother, Mrs. Henry Rolwes residing on North Washington street before returning to St Paul on Friday. Dr and Mrs G F. Reineke and daughter Marion visited with friends at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, the fore part of last week. The trip was made m the Reineke car. Mrs. J J Schmitz and family have moved their household goods to New Ulm and will make their home in this city. The Schmitz family formerly resided at Sleepy Rye. Mrs Oscar Wachter and son Vern- on of Alexandria weje guests during the past week with Mrs. Wachter's mother, Mrs Fred Rosenau on South Gern an street. Mr and Mrs. Herman Vogtel and son Charles motored to Vesta Tues- day afternoon and visited with rela- tives .and friends there for several days during the week. Harry Shapiro and sister, Miss Frieda, of St Paul have returned to Minneapolis after a pleasant visit with their parents, Mr and Mrs. L Shapi- ro, residing on South Minnesota street. Ferd. Hesse left on Monday after- noon foi Heaton, N. D where he will visit during the summer months with the family of his daughter, Mrs. Hen- ry Engel, who reside on a farm in that vicinity Emil Wolden of St, Paul visited the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Johnson in this city. ; A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sandhoefner residing on South Valley Street last week on Sat- urday. Miss Helen Lemke visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer at Sleepy Eye, several days last week. t Mrs. Simon Leischer was the guest of her sister, Miss Jennie Johnson in Sleepy Eye for several days during the past week. ____»—-—- Mr. and Mrs. Math. Eichten, Sr., residing on South Broadway visited at the home of their sons, Math. Jr., William and John at Wanda, several days during the past week. Miss Viola Manderfeld has resumed her studies at the State University, following a short visit over Eas-ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Manderfeld on South Broadway. Miss Louise Fritsche left Tuesday morning for Madison, to resume her studies at the University after a week vacation which she spent with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Fritsche here, Herman Vogelpohl visited at Foley, Minnesota last week, making the trip in his car. On his way home, he stopped at St. Cloud and visited for several hours with the Rev. George Mayer family. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Colwell and son of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koopmann of this city. They are spending two weeks in New Ulm, and will return to their home the fore part of next week. Dr, and Mrs. Melvin Vogtel of Minneapolis and little daughter Betty were guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Charles Vogtel, residing on South Broadway, several days during the past week. Mrs. C. H. Bradbury of Comfrey spent Thursday in New Ulm visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Emmerich and with Mrs. Henry Dietz residing on North Broadway. Mrs. Bradbury was Miss Eleanor Emmerich before her marriage. Miss Freda Behnke returned to Man- kato last week after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behnke residing on South Minnesota street. Miss Behnke is attending Teachers' State College at Mankato and Mass Nevil Elskm, also a student at the College, was her guest. SI GRAND German Theater - Fest 4 Performances in 3 Days rendered by Theatre Troupe of German House St. Paul Arthur Schaub, Director. Turner Hall Mav 1-2-3 Matinee Wednesday afternoon Cast of 24 Persons under Leadership of Milly Mayerhofer and Jean Wormser, Chicago Actors. Admission 75c, 50c, 55c Season Tickets, 4 performances for Price of 3. Season Tickets can be procured at Arbes Bros Drug Store, Pioneer Drug Store, Grand Hotel. Reserved Seats without extra charge at Arbes Bros. Drug Store. » f Look Forward Not Backward Do yonr best to-day that you may be prepared for to-morrow. Let the past he forgotten. It will never return with its opportunities. They are gone forever hut the GREAT FUTURE holds other and ^ better ones for the man who is ready^ to grasp them. lose no time in Tain regrets but, ,, hopefully face the future, equipped^ with experience and a cheek account vj with ' * ~T ~~~M Miss Cecilia Zeug has returned to her hojre in Lucan after visiting for a week at the William Hostetter home in this city. ^ i *> f jfyi?&$i Miss Anna Fiemeyer ha's returned to her home in this city after visiting for several days at the Adolph Tre- besch home in Springfield. , % - * ,*„ Mr. and Mrs. William Huhn of Gibbon were local callers on Friday afternoon. Mr. Huhn came here tc consult with a local physician. *, , ~*H. O. Schleuder attended the an- nual state jewelers' convention which was held at Minneapolis on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Berg and littTe son, accompanied, by Miss Lillian Meyer, all of Courtland, vfcited during the past week with local relatives and friends. Miss Gertrude Pontiaus returned to her home in Mankato last Tuesday morning after visiting with her friend, Miss Florence Collins of Marshall who was the guest of local, friends last week. Arthur Beyer who has been visit- ing since Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyer residing on South* Garden street, left yesterday afternoon for St. Paul where he is em- ployed. Miss Olivia Cordes spent several days of the past week as the guest of her cousin, Miss Lauretta Hackbarth of Nicollet. She returned to her home in this city on Wednesday af- ternoon. Herbert Scheible, who is attending the Commercial college at Mankato spent his Easter vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scheible residing on North Jeffer- son street. Mr. and Mrs. John Stephan, resid- ing on North State Street, left Satur- day afternoon for Rochester to at- tend the funeral of August Stephan, the former"s brother which took place on Monday. Mrs. H. D. Beussmann left on Thursday afternoon for Havana, 111., where she will make her home for some time. The Beussmann residence has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Minium. Mrs. W. C. Anderson of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nenno of this city motored to Mankato on Sun- day morning to attend the celebration of the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Withrock. Mrs. Minnie Wagner returned to her home m Fairfax Tuesday after- noon after an extended visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Zschunke re- siding on South State street. Mrs. Barbara Felber arrived here from Sleepy Eye last Tuesday and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Schno- brich residing on North State street for several days. She left for her home on Saturday afternoon. Miss Marie Forster visited over the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and ^Irs. Joe Former, residing on North- J Minnesota street. Miss Forster is employed as saleslady with the J. C. Penney Company at Manka- to. Mrs. Arthur Nelson returned to her home in Tracy Monday afternoon after visiting for several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Sie- benbrunner, residing on South State Street and with other relatives and friends here. The «N. E. Nelson family visited with relatives and'friends at Spring- field last week. They made the trip in their car. _. $-%, „ ^ fi&*$£ Albert Gehrke ^ and Ferdinand Gluth of near Evan spent Monday in New Ulm attending to various busi- ness matters. cr,v* •# Mrs. F. A. Schnobrieh returned on Friday from Boone where she, had visited for several days with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ar Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kamrath of Buffalo Lake were in New Ulm on Thursday to visit with Mrs. Kam- rath'* brother, Hugo Freiholz, who i^ ill at the Union Nospital. P/C^ * i * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Welter and daughter, Miss Veronica, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baer of this city motored to Cobden last Wednesday evening and called at the'A. J. Gob- lirsch home. <*^ „vw> * r Mrs. George P. Forster of Spring- lield visited over Sunday at the J. H. Forster home in this city on North Washington Street. Her daughtei, Irene spent the day with her friend, Miss Florence Baer. Miss Elsie Nagel of Minneapolis, who is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Frank Wellmann on Center street for several weeks, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alphonse Gruenenfelder at Marshall last week. Mrs. Francis Keegan, left Monday afternoon for her home in Minneapo- lis after vifaiting for two weeks with her father, Wenzel Vogel on South Front Street and with other rela- tives and friends in the city. Mr. and Mr. J. Raedeke of Water- ville visited for several days at the August Langhorst and August Epke homes in Courtland during the paat week. They returned to their home m-Waterville on Friday afternoon. Mrs. John Macho and Mrs. Henry Boesch and son Rueben returned last Monday evening from St. Paul where they had spent the past two weeks visiting at the home of the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Garcia. Elmer Epple returned on Monday to Minneapolis to resume his duties as assistant pharmacist with a drug firm there after making a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrfc. Jos. Epple on South German street, and with other friends, here. %, * Gustav Hillemann of Miles City, Montana, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheible on North Jefferson street for several days the past week. Mr. Hillemann say^s that New Ulm has inproved considerably since his last visit here which, ^was twenty years ago. * * Miss Mathilde Coupanger hal'rF turned to her home in St. Paul, to re- sume her duties as nurse. Miss Cou- panger has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Zschunke for the past sev- eral weeks William A. Coupanger of Elmore also visited over the week-end at the Zschunke home. He is a broth- er of Miss Coupanger. UA^ Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moll and Mr. and Mrfe. F. G. Arndt of Sleepy Eye vis- ited with Amy Spelbrink at the Union Hospital over Sunday. The little girl is rapidly recovering from the in- juries which she received several weeks ago while playing. Anton Hogen, R. A. Dahms, Geo. Reiser and Jos. Dietl departed for Spencer, Iowa, last Tuesday where they will assist in the K construction of the new building for the Spencer Grocery Company which they are having erected. '*• Rev. C. 3. Albrecht and daughter, Miss Martha were in St. Paul several days during the past week, and while there attended the welding of Rev. Arthur Koefcler who was married to Miss Florence Brodder at a Lutheran church on Wednesday afternoon. .Mrs. Charles Lindemann, Sr., has returned from Eagle Lake where she has been vi&iting for several weeks with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.? J. J. jfcnlekau. Mr Schlekau is recovering from the effects of a recent operation which was per- formed at Rochester. > John Hoffmann is enjoying a several weeks' visit with his mother, Mrs. Em- ma Hoffmann on South Broadway. Mr. Hoffmann is employed in a large electrical shop at Minneapolis, and has been attending evening classes in the electrical department at Dun- woody Institute for some time. Mr. and Mrs. John v Seibel and children arrived in New Ulm from Bowden, N. D. last Wednesday ana are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gag residing on North Minnesota n i h street. The Seibel family expect to make their future home in this city. Mrs. Seibel is a sister of Mrs. Gag. Mrs. Alfred Roos and daughter Wini- fred of New Butler v Wisconsin are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Peuser on North Minnesota street this week. Mr. Roos, who has also been here for several days returned last Monday to New Butler. Mrs. Roos and daugh- ter will visit here for several days be- fore returning home / >*•*> , Mis. August Stoll and Mrs. Anna Trautmiller returned on Tuesday from Minneapolis and.St. Paul where they visited with relatives and friends for a week. They were the guests of Mrv. Stoll's brother, Henry Koe £ ter and family at St. Paul, and also of Mrs. Trautmillet's son, Otto and family at Minneapolis, ^p^&g- &fy BROWN COUNTY * BANK -*4' NEW U L M , M I N N i ^ A STRONG BAflK&GRCWIflGSn!QflGER. ""^—•••.»-—SV I IFPFST 1 4,'J IBtBT UN SAVINGS COMPOUNDED BMNMuY Try the Printing. Itoview for Artistic Job H.0.SCHLEUDEk WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES 102 Minn. St. Tel. 87 Capt. and Mrs. Albert Steinhauser spent Thursday and Friday at St. Paul and Minneapolis where' Mr. Steinhauser was one of the speakers at the state meeting of Building and Loan Associations. When they re- turned Friday evening, they were ac- companied by Mrs. Steinhauser's mother, Mrs. M. JJ.Jlayne. s ^ The social evening arranged in the Auditorium of the Lutheran school house by the members of the Ladies' Aid, to which their husbands had al»o been invited, proved a very enjoy- able affair. The mixed choir under the directorship of Prof. F. Reuter sang three songs and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Boock favored the audience with two duets, piano and cornet. Mrs. Wilhelmina Baock rendered two reci- tations which, were well received. A splendid: luncheon was served and all those whp took part pronounced it one of the most enjoyable evenings l they have* ever spent, i f 3fe Mrs. A. E. Blauert and son Jimmie were Mankato visitors With relatives, Saturday. |^ * , J. K. Lamberton of -Redwood Falls was a New Ulm business visitor the fore part of last week. ^HS^BftRft. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lingenhag are the parents of a baby boy born on Monday of this week. «>/ Mr. and Mrs. George Push of Man- kato drove to New Ulm on Sunday to spend the day at the Baltrusch home. Miss Lorna Schleuder spent several days of her Easter vacation visiting with her friend, Miss Marie Altermatt at Springfield. Roy L. Berg spent a week at North- field attending to business matters. He returned to his home in New Ulm on Wednesday.J J - ^ ^- *?*£ Mrs. George Huelskamp and her daughter Katherine of Winthrop, vis- ited on Saturday and Sunday with lo- cal relatives and friends. " v %^ *jL Miss Minnie Prahl has returned to her hom e in this city from Springfield where she visited for several days' with her sister, Mrs. F. Buddensick. Mrs. H. S. Becker returned on Fri- day from St. James where she visited for several days during the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Pankow. Mrs. Louis Becker of this city left Sunday morning for Henry^ S. D. where she is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hummel for several weeks. Mrs. Maggie Miller has returned to her home in Minneapolis after a short visit with her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Millet of this city. Will Bohn returned to his home in Morgan Friday afternoon. He un- derwent an operation at tfie Union Hospital recently and has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ochs of Spring- field who have spent a few months in Kansas City, have returned to their home. A family reunion was held at the Ochs home last Monday evening. Mrs. Rudolph Marti of this city is the guest of her son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordier at Hu- ron, S. D. She went there to become acquainted with her new granddaugh- ter. Rev. Leo B. Gruenenfelder is visit- ing with his parents, Prof, and Mrs. B. Gruenenfelder residing on North Broadway, and also with other rela- tives and friends here. H& arrived last week. , A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kachel on Monday afternoon. It is a ten pounder and Art who is the Review's efficient lino- type operator, has been busy distribu- ting smokes. Miss Gladys Harshmann of Waseca was a guest of Mrs. T. F. Hammer- meister during the past week. Miss Harshmann is a niece of Mrs. Ham- mermeister, and is a student at Ham- line University. Miss Maggie Anthony who has been at Mapleton, la., for the past several years will remain at home and keep house for her father, Mike Anthony and her sister," Miss Anna Anthony, who is employed as stenographer in the Eagle Roller Mill office. Sylvester and Edmund Schimschock accompanied by the Misses Helen Posz and Cerilla Smith of Sleepy Eye motored to New Ulm on Sunday and spent the day visiting with Mrs. A. J. Schimschock on North Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oleson and son Harold and daughter Oleta accom- panied by Miss Patricia Hunt, all of Lamberton, motored t<o New Ulm on Sunday to spend the day at the Bal- tinisch home on North Minnesota street. Miss Irene Vogelpohl visited with her brother, Elmer Vogelpohl and family on South Jefferson street dur- ing the past week. Miss Vogelpohl will return this week to Fairfax where she is employed at the Louis Palmer home. v i v * r ~ i% J-b? Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gilfillan visited at the Jos. G. and Anna M. Lind- meyer home on South Valley street, Saturday afternoon enroute home to Gilfillan, Minn. They haji been -vis- iting with friends at St. Peter during the past week. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woebke residing k at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, will be pleased to learn that John Harlowe, Jr., arrived at their home Thursday noon. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Mrs. Woebke was Miss Thecla* Herri- ges before her marriage a year ago. Rev. C. J. Albrecht, Herbert Sitz and Miss Ida Sperling spent several days last week in Minneapolis and St. Paul where they were attending a Lutheran Teachers Convention which was held the first three days of the week. Mr. Sitz and Miss Sperling returned Friday evening, at the same time Profsi R. M. Albrecht and Palm- bach returned. We'll Tell the World ^ %*\. HUNMEL'S WORSTEDS ARE GOOD SUITS **£ Very Stylish Models, Staple and Fancy, Pat- tern, Splendidly Tailored, Moderately Priced •15. .20. .25. .30. Specials this week only—Discontinued Lines of Mens', Young Men's and Boy's Suits at 20 Per Cent Discount &*»* $25 Suits at $20. $35 Suits at $28 \ 30 Boy's Suits Qdd Lots all Kinds $490 •£ UifJ&y -{I-&-* We Satisfy the Buyer Hummel U N. Minn. St. NEW ULM, MINN. One Real Jollification Week For Everybody American Legion Big Outdoor Spring Fun . Festival—New Ulm, Minn. ** •*, 6—DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT DAYS-6 * One Week - May 1 to May 6 (SPECIAL OPENING "GET ACQUAINTED DAY" SAT. APRIL 29) ^%^ A Host of Novelties-and Amusements Sensation^ Mammoth Open Riding Devices Air Pavilion Regularly each Evening Dancing New and Novel Tented Exhibi- tions Excellent $%£* M u s i c a l " ^ i Features , ^ , A SCORE OF MINOR AMUSEMENTS t ^ m ^ CLEAN, WHOLESOME RECREATION AND AMUSE- MENT FOR YOUNG AND OLD -*~ ~ Champion Wrestlers and Boxers in Feature Athletic Events. *%&m £_ "Sawing a Woman in Hall ;i < Admission to Grounds Free. WfttWi Come help contribute to the Merry-Making. 'FOURTEENTH LOVER," ^ VIOLA DANA'S LATEST Mr. and Mrs. John Beltz and son Viola Dana, the Metro star, will be seen next Sunday afternoon and even- ing at Turner Theatre in her newest photoplay, "The Fourteenth Lover," a Harry Beaumont production of Alice D. G. Miller's story, adapted for the screen by Edith Kennedy. The story concerns a wealthy young society girl who in aBked by her father to choose one from her thirteen suitors and" to settle down from her whirlwind de- butante career. As she considers settling, she casts an eye upon the young college bred gardener of her father's estate. The young man re- fuses to become her fourteenth lover. The girl, Vi Marchmontf is put upon her mettle'. She is going to "make. Henry of Sleepy Eye, accomptnied Wm love her- Tins determination by their daughter, Mrs. Artain Kachel of Madison, S. D., visited on Saturday with Mrs. Lena Kachel of this city. Mrs. Kachel is the guest of her parents at Sleepy Eye this week. Mrs. Lena Kachel will leave on Saturday withj her daughter-in-law for South Dakota," where she will visit for a week with her son at Madison. ONE THINGS SURE A MCE COLD ALWAYS COOLSj OFF SUMMER'S. I V/RATH ! fS leads her into^merjy and exciting ad- ventures. s i ' s t f t t A «>i# Miss Dana, as Vi, has a role that fits' her 'vivacious personality to a nicety. Her supporting cast includes Jack s MulfcallT*Theodore von Eltz, Kate and Fornzie Gumm. The photo- graphy is by John Arnold and the .art direction by A. F, Mantz. ^ *. Summertime can't stay mad very long in the vicinity of a nice cool bath. Turn on the cold water. Turn>off the perspiration, take a cold-shower and cheer up a bit. Re- member what, folks say about the plumbing shops being the place to go for your every plumbing need.* They are telling you the truth fe» Gulden* vercee PHONE 292

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New trim Review, New trim, Minn., Wednesday, April 26, 1922. SO

• • • • • • i mini P

A LOCAL NOTES J j I • • • • r - —- - - " • "••*• " H

Robert Taylor of St. James called on local friends on Sunday afternoon.

H G Hillesheim of Sleepy Eye was a business caller in New Ulm, on Wed­nesday.

Elmer Radman of Gibbon had his tons Is removed at the Union hospital last week.

Anton Braun of Sleepy Eye trans­acted business m New Ulm on Wed­nesday morning.

Mrs. E. C. Veeck and children, Jean and Charles, visited at the home of her paients, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Credicott at Mapleton last week.

Mrs. Paul Vetter and her son Walter of Kasota are guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Binder residing in West Newton township.

Mr and Mrs. H. H. Battig and family were visitors last week at the Nick Schmitz home in Sleepy Eye. Mrs Battig is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Schmitz.

Rev George W. Rolwes visited for several days with his mother, Mrs. Henry Rolwes residing on North Washington street before returning to St Paul on Friday.

Dr and Mrs G F. Reineke and daughter Marion visited with friends at Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, the fore part of last week. The trip was made m the Reineke car.

Mrs. J J Schmitz and family have moved their household goods to New Ulm and will make their home in this city. The Schmitz family formerly resided at Sleepy Rye.

Mrs Oscar Wachter and son Vern­on of Alexandria weje guests during the past week with Mrs. Wachter's mother, Mrs Fred Rosenau on South Gern an street.

Mr and Mrs. Herman Vogtel and son Charles motored to Vesta Tues­day afternoon and visited with rela­tives .and friends there for several days during the week.

Harry Shapiro and sister, Miss Frieda, of St Paul have returned to Minneapolis after a pleasant visit with their parents, Mr and Mrs. L Shapi­ro, residing on South Minnesota street.

Ferd. Hesse left on Monday after­noon foi Heaton, N. D where he will visit during the summer months with the family of his daughter, Mrs. Hen­ry Engel, who reside on a farm in that vicinity

Emil Wolden of St, Paul visited the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Al. Johnson in this city. ;

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sandhoefner residing on South Valley Street last week on Sat­urday.

Miss Helen Lemke visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyer at Sleepy Eye, several days last week. t

Mrs. Simon Leischer was the guest of her sister, Miss Jennie Johnson in Sleepy Eye for several days during the past week. _ _ _ _ » — - — -

Mr. and Mrs. Math. Eichten, Sr., residing on South Broadway visited at the home of their sons, Math. Jr., William and John at Wanda, several days during the past week.

Miss Viola Manderfeld has resumed her studies at the State University, following a short visit over Eas-ter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl P. Manderfeld on South Broadway.

Miss Louise Fritsche left Tuesday morning for Madison, to resume her studies at the University after a week vacation which she spent with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Fritsche here,

Herman Vogelpohl visited at Foley, Minnesota last week, making the trip in his car. On his way home, he stopped at St. Cloud and visited for several hours with the Rev. George Mayer family.

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Colwell and son of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koopmann of this city. They are spending two weeks in New Ulm, and will return to their home the fore part of next week.

Dr, and Mrs. Melvin Vogtel of Minneapolis and little daughter Betty were guests at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Charles Vogtel, residing on South Broadway, several days during the past week.

Mrs. C. H. Bradbury of Comfrey spent Thursday in New Ulm visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Emmerich and with Mrs. Henry Dietz residing on North Broadway. Mrs. Bradbury was Miss Eleanor Emmerich before her marriage.

Miss Freda Behnke returned to Man-kato last week after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Behnke residing on South Minnesota street. Miss Behnke is attending Teachers' State College at Mankato and Mass Nevil Elskm, also a student at the College, was her guest.



German Theater - Fest 4 Performances in 3 Days

r e n d e r e d b y

Theatre Troupe of German House St. Paul A r t h u r S c h a u b , D i r e c t o r .

Turner Hall Mav 1-2-3 Matinee Wednesday afternoon

C a s t of 24 P e r s o n s u n d e r

L e a d e r s h i p of M i l l y M a y e r h o f e r a n d J e a n W o r m s e r , C h i c a g o A c t o r s .

Admission 75c, 50c, 55c S e a s o n T i c k e t s , 4 p e r f o r m a n c e s for Pr i ce of 3 .

S e a s o n T i c k e t s c a n b e p r o c u r e d a t Arbes Bros D r u g S t o r e , P i o n e e r D r u g S t o r e , G r a n d H o t e l .

R e s e r v e d S e a t s w i t h o u t ex tra c h a r g e a t Arbes B r o s .

D r u g S t o r e . „


Look Forward Not Backward

Do yonr best to-day that you may be prepared for to-morrow.

Let the past he forgotten. It will never return with its opportunities. They are gone forever hut the GREAT FUTURE holds other and ^ better ones for the man who is ready to grasp them.

lose no time in Tain regrets but, ,, hopefully face the future, equipped^ with experience and a cheek account vj with ' * ~T ~~~M

Miss Cecilia Zeug has returned to her hojre in Lucan after visiting for a week at the William Hostetter home in this city. ^ i *> f jfyi?&$i

Miss Anna Fiemeyer ha's returned to her home in this city after visiting for several days at the Adolph Tre-besch home in Springfield. ,% - * ,*„

Mr. and Mrs. William Huhn of Gibbon were local callers on Friday afternoon. Mr. Huhn came here tc consult with a local physician. *, ,

~*H. O. Schleuder attended the an­nual state jewelers' convention which was held at Minneapolis on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of last week,

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Berg and littTe son, accompanied, by Miss Lillian Meyer, all of Courtland, vfcited during the past week with local relatives and friends.

Miss Gertrude Pontiaus returned to her home in Mankato last Tuesday morning after visiting with her friend, Miss Florence Collins of Marshall who was the guest of local, friends last week.

Arthur Beyer who has been visit­ing since Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beyer residing on South* Garden street, left yesterday afternoon for St. Paul where he is em­ployed.

Miss Olivia Cordes spent several days of the past week as the guest of her cousin, Miss Lauretta Hackbarth of Nicollet. She returned to her home in this city on Wednesday af­ternoon. •

Herbert Scheible, who is attending the Commercial college at Mankato spent his Easter vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scheible residing on North Jeffer­son street.

Mr. and Mrs. John Stephan, resid­ing on North State Street, left Satur­day afternoon for Rochester to at­tend the funeral of August Stephan, the former"s brother which took place on Monday.

Mrs. H. D. Beussmann left on Thursday afternoon for Havana, 111., where she will make her home for some time. The Beussmann residence has been rented to Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Minium.

Mrs. W. C. Anderson of Springfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nenno of this city motored to Mankato on Sun­day morning to attend the celebration of the tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Withrock.

Mrs. Minnie Wagner returned to her home m Fairfax Tuesday after­noon after an extended visit at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Zschunke re­siding on South State street.

Mrs. Barbara Felber arrived here from Sleepy Eye last Tuesday and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Schno-brich residing on North State street for several days. She left for her home on Saturday afternoon.

Miss Marie Forster visited over the past week-end with her parents, Mr. and ^Irs. Joe Former, residing on North-J Minnesota street. Miss Forster is employed as saleslady with the J. C. Penney Company at Manka­to.

Mrs. Arthur Nelson returned to her home in Tracy Monday afternoon after visiting for several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Sie-benbrunner, residing on South State Street and with other relatives and friends here.

The «N. E. Nelson family visited with relatives and'friends at Spring­field last week. They made the trip in their car. _. $-%, „ ^ fi&*$£

Albert Gehrke ^ and Ferdinand Gluth of near Evan spent Monday in New Ulm attending to various busi­ness matters. cr,v* •#

Mrs. F. A. Schnobrieh returned on Friday from Boone where she, had visited for several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ar Gilbert.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kamrath of Buffalo Lake were in New Ulm on Thursday to visit with Mrs. Kam­rath'* brother, Hugo Freiholz, who i ill at the Union Nospital. P/C^ * i *

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Welter and daughter, Miss Veronica, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baer of this city motored to Cobden last Wednesday evening and called at the'A. J. Gob-lirsch home. <* „vw> * *» r Mrs. George P. Forster of Spring-lield visited over Sunday at the J. H. Forster home in this city on North Washington Street. Her daughtei, Irene spent the day with her friend, Miss Florence Baer.

Miss Elsie Nagel of Minneapolis, who is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Frank Wellmann on Center street for several weeks, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alphonse Gruenenfelder at Marshall last week.

Mrs. Francis Keegan, left Monday afternoon for her home in Minneapo­lis after vifaiting for two weeks with her father, Wenzel Vogel on South Front Street and with other rela­tives and friends in the city.

Mr. and Mr. J. Raedeke of Water-ville visited for several days at the August Langhorst and August Epke homes in Courtland during the paat week. They returned to their home m-Waterville on Friday afternoon.

Mrs. John Macho and Mrs. Henry Boesch and son Rueben returned last Monday evening from St. Paul where they had spent the past two weeks visiting at the home of the former's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Garcia.

Elmer Epple returned on Monday to Minneapolis to resume his duties as assistant pharmacist with a drug firm there after making a week's visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrfc. Jos. Epple on South German street, and with other friends, here. %, *

Gustav Hillemann of Miles City, Montana, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheible on North Jefferson street for several days the past week. Mr. Hillemann say s that New Ulm has inproved considerably since his last visit here which, was twenty years ago. * *

Miss Mathilde Coupanger ha l ' rF turned to her home in St. Paul, to re­sume her duties as nurse. Miss Cou-panger has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Zschunke for the past sev­eral weeks William A. Coupanger of Elmore also visited over the week-end at the Zschunke home. He is a broth­er of Miss Coupanger. UA^

Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Moll and Mr. and Mrfe. F. G. Arndt of Sleepy Eye vis­ited with Amy Spelbrink at the Union Hospital over Sunday. The little girl is rapidly recovering from the in­juries which she received several weeks ago while playing.

Anton Hogen, R. A. Dahms, Geo. Reiser and Jos. Dietl departed for Spencer, Iowa, last Tuesday where they will assist in theK construction of the new building for the Spencer Grocery Company which they are having erected. '*•

Rev. C. 3. Albrecht and daughter, Miss Martha were in St. Paul several days during the past week, and while there attended the welding of Rev. Arthur Koefcler who was married to Miss Florence Brodder at a Lutheran church on Wednesday afternoon.

.Mrs. Charles Lindemann, Sr., has returned from Eagle Lake where she has been vi&iting for several weeks with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.? J. J. jfcnlekau. Mr Schlekau is recovering from the effects of a recent operation which was per­formed at Rochester. >

John Hoffmann is enjoying a several weeks' visit with his mother, Mrs. Em­ma Hoffmann on South Broadway. Mr. Hoffmann is employed in a large electrical shop at Minneapolis, and has been attending evening classes in the electrical department at Dun-woody Institute for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. John vSeibel and children arrived in New Ulm from Bowden, N. D. last Wednesday ana are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gag residing on North Minnesota

n i h

street. The Seibel family expect to make their future home in this city. Mrs. Seibel is a sister of Mrs. Gag.

Mrs. Alfred Roos and daughter Wini­fred of New ButlervWisconsin are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Peuser on North Minnesota street this week. Mr. Roos, who has also been here for several days returned last Monday to New Butler. Mrs. Roos and daugh­ter will visit here for several days be­fore returning home / >*•*> ,

Mis. August Stoll and Mrs. Anna Trautmiller returned on Tuesday from Minneapolis and.St. Paul where they visited with relatives and friends for a week. They were the guests of Mrv. Stoll's brother, Henry Koe£ter and family at St. Paul, and also of Mrs. Trautmillet's son, Otto and family at Minneapolis, ^p^&g- &fy





Try the Printing.

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WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES 102 Minn. St. Tel. 87

Capt. and Mrs. Albert Steinhauser spent Thursday and Friday at St. Paul and Minneapolis where' Mr. Steinhauser was one of the speakers at the state meeting of Building and Loan Associations. When they re­turned Friday evening, they were ac­companied by Mrs. Steinhauser's mother, Mrs. M. JJ.Jlayne. s ^

The social evening arranged in the Auditorium of the Lutheran school house by the members of the Ladies' Aid, to which their husbands had al»o been invited, proved a very enjoy­able affair. The mixed choir under the directorship of Prof. F. Reuter sang three songs and Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Boock favored the audience with two duets, piano and cornet. Mrs. Wilhelmina Baock rendered two reci­tations which, were well received. A splendid: luncheon was served and all those whp took part pronounced it one of the most enjoyable evenings

l they have* ever spent, i f 3fe

Mrs. A. E. Blauert and son Jimmie were Mankato visitors With relatives, Saturday. | ^ * ,

J. K. Lamberton of -Redwood Falls was a New Ulm business visitor the fore part of last week. ^HS^BftRft.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lingenhag are the parents of a baby boy born on Monday of this week. «>/

Mr. and Mrs. George Push of Man­kato drove to New Ulm on Sunday to spend the day at the Baltrusch home.

Miss Lorna Schleuder spent several days of her Easter vacation visiting with her friend, Miss Marie Altermatt at Springfield.

Roy L. Berg spent a week at North-field attending to business matters. He returned to his home in New Ulm on Wednesday.J J - ^ ^- *?*£

Mrs. George Huelskamp and her daughter Katherine of Winthrop, vis­ited on Saturday and Sunday with lo­cal relatives and friends. " v%^ *jL

Miss Minnie Prahl has returned to her home in this city from Springfield where she visited for several days' with her sister, Mrs. F. Buddensick.

Mrs. H. S. Becker returned on Fri­day from St. James where she visited for several days during the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Carl Pankow.

Mrs. Louis Becker of this city left Sunday morning for Henry^ S. D. where she is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hummel for several weeks.

Mrs. Maggie Miller has returned to her home in Minneapolis after a short visit with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Millet of this city.

Will Bohn returned to his home in Morgan Friday afternoon. He un­derwent an operation at tfie Union Hospital recently and has recovered sufficiently to be able to return home,

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ochs of Spring­field who have spent a few months in Kansas City, have returned to their home. A family reunion was held at the Ochs home last Monday evening.

Mrs. Rudolph Marti of this city is the guest of her son-in-law and daugh­ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gordier at Hu­ron, S. D. She went there to become acquainted with her new granddaugh­ter.

Rev. Leo B. Gruenenfelder is visit­ing with his parents, Prof, and Mrs. B. Gruenenfelder residing on North Broadway, and also with other rela­tives and friends here. H& arrived last week. ,

A son arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kachel on Monday afternoon. It is a ten pounder and Art who is the Review's efficient lino­type operator, has been busy distribu­ting smokes.

Miss Gladys Harshmann of Waseca was a guest of Mrs. T. F. Hammer-meister during the past week. Miss Harshmann is a niece of Mrs. Ham-mermeister, and is a student at Ham-line University.

Miss Maggie Anthony who has been at Mapleton, la., for the past several years will remain at home and keep house for her father, Mike Anthony and her sister," Miss Anna Anthony, who is employed as stenographer in the Eagle Roller Mill office.

Sylvester and Edmund Schimschock accompanied by the Misses Helen Posz and Cerilla Smith of Sleepy Eye motored to New Ulm on Sunday and spent the day visiting with Mrs. A. J. Schimschock on North Broadway.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oleson and son Harold and daughter Oleta accom­panied by Miss Patricia Hunt, all of Lamberton, motored t<o New Ulm on Sunday to spend the day at the Bal-tinisch home on North Minnesota street.

Miss Irene Vogelpohl visited with her brother, Elmer Vogelpohl and family on South Jefferson street dur­ing the past week. Miss Vogelpohl will return this week to Fairfax where she is employed at the Louis Palmer home. vi v *r ~ i% J-b?

Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Gilfillan visited at the Jos. G. and Anna M. Lind-meyer home on South Valley street, Saturday afternoon enroute home to Gilfillan, Minn. They haji been -vis­iting with friends at St. Peter during the past week.

Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Woebke residing kat Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, will be pleased to learn that John Harlowe, Jr., arrived at their home Thursday noon. Mother and babe are getting along nicely. Mrs. Woebke was Miss Thecla* Herri-ges before her marriage a year ago.

Rev. C. J. Albrecht, Herbert Sitz and Miss Ida Sperling spent several days last week in Minneapolis and St. Paul where they were attending a Lutheran Teachers Convention which was held the first three days of the week. Mr. Sitz and Miss Sperling returned Friday evening, at the same time Profsi R. M. Albrecht and Palm-bach returned.

We'll Tell the World ^ %*\.



Very Stylish Models, Staple and Fancy, Pat­tern, Splendidly Tailored, Moderately Priced

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Hummel U N. Minn. St. NEW ULM, MINN.

O n e R e a l J o l l i f i c a t i o n W e e k F o r E v e r y b o d y

American Legion Big Outdoor Spring Fun . Festival—New Ulm, Minn. ** •*,


One Week - May 1 to May 6 ( S P E C I A L O P E N I N G " G E T A C Q U A I N T E D D A Y "

S A T . A P R I L 29) ^ % ^

A H o s t of N o v e l t i e s - a n d A m u s e m e n t s

Sensation^ Mammoth Open Riding Devices Air Pavilion

R e g u l a r l y e a c h

E v e n i n g Dancing

N e w a n d N o v e l T e n t e d E x h i b i ­

t i o n s E x c e l l e n t

$%£* M u s i c a l " ^ i F e a t u r e s , ^

, A S C O R E O F M I N O R A M U S E M E N T S t ^ m ^

C L E A N , W H O L E S O M E R E C R E A T I O N A N D A M U S E ­M E N T F O R Y O U N G A N D O L D - * ~ ~

C h a m p i o n W r e s t l e r s a n d Boxers i n F e a t u r e A t h l e t i c E v e n t s . *%&m


"Sawing a Woman in Hall ; i < A d m i s s i o n t o G r o u n d s Free . WfttWi

C o m e h e l p c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e M e r r y - M a k i n g .


Mr. and Mrs. John Beltz and son

Viola Dana, the Metro star, will be seen next Sunday afternoon and even­ing at Turner Theatre in her newest photoplay, "The Fourteenth Lover," a Harry Beaumont production of Alice D. G. Miller's story, adapted for the screen by Edith Kennedy. The story concerns a wealthy young society girl who in aBked by her father to choose one from her thirteen suitors and" to settle down from her whirlwind de­butante career. As she considers settling, she casts an eye upon the young college bred gardener of her father's estate. The young man re­fuses to become her fourteenth lover. The girl, Vi Marchmontf is put upon her mettle'. She is going to "make.

Henry of Sleepy Eye, accomptnied W m ,» l o v e h e r - Tins determination by their daughter, Mrs. Artain Kachel of Madison, S. D., visited on Saturday with Mrs. Lena Kachel of this city. Mrs. Kachel is the guest of her parents at Sleepy Eye this week. Mrs. Lena Kachel will leave on Saturday withj her daughter-in-law for South Dakota," where she will visit for a week with her son at Madison.



leads her into^merjy and exciting ad­ventures. s i ' s t f t t A «> i#

Miss Dana, as Vi, has a role that fits' her 'vivacious personality to a nicety. Her supporting cast includes Jack sMulfcallT*Theodore von Eltz, Kate and Fornzie Gumm. The photo­graphy is by John Arnold and the .art direction by A. F, Mantz. ^ *.

Summertime can't stay mad very long in the vicinity of a nice cool bath. Turn on the cold water. Turn>off the perspiration, take a cold-shower and cheer up a bit. Re­member what, folks say about the plumbing shops being the place to go for your every plumbing need.* They are telling you the truth


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