new the committees of the league of nations · 2015. 7. 8. · c. the purpose of the committees. it...


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Page 1: New THE COMMITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · C. The Purpose of the Committees. It is the purpose of Committees which is the most important consideration. 1. Committees







Page 2: New THE COMMITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · C. The Purpose of the Committees. It is the purpose of Committees which is the most important consideration. 1. Committees



BY INTERNATIONAL TREATIES48 pages. (Set. L.o.N. P . 1944.V.I) - 2 6 $0J>0

The League of N ations is not only a political institu tion b u t also an organ of inter

national co-operation. In bo th capacities i t has expressly or tac itly undertaken to perform

a large num ber of tasks conferred on i t by in ternational treaties and agreements is addition

to its obligations under th e Covenant, th e C onstitution of th e International Labour

O rganisation, and the S ta tu te of th e Perm anent Court of In ternational Justice, The

present publication indicates which of these tasks will or m ay still have to be performed

after the w ar if these treaties and agreem ents are to rem ain effective. I t deals, inter alia

w ith the duties which th e League has assunked in connection w ith th e various international

loans issued under its auspices.


ORGANS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS160 pages. (Ser. L.o.N. P. 1945.V.1) 5 $1,25

Num erous conventions concluded during the period 1919-1939 confer variouf powers on the organs of the League of Nations, m ainly on th e Council. The conventions ia questioo comprise no t only those concluded under the auspices of the League o f Nations, but also some concluded independently of the League.

The Secretariat presents a list of all these conventions and, in each case, quotes the

te x t of the articles which confer powers on the organs o f the League. Further, certain

particulars are added concerning the conventions (date, place where th e convention was

concluded, its character, date of entry into force, names of the contracting parties, etc.).

Annex to the Report mi the Work of the League for the Year 1942-1943.

Work of the League of Nations in the Matter of International Conventions



Twenty-fait List.

197 page». (Ser. L.o.N. P. I944.V.2) 7 6 $2.00


Page 3: New THE COMMITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · C. The Purpose of the Committees. It is the purpose of Committees which is the most important consideration. 1. Committees

2SS2L If ï : £ ^ 1 o < * “ » - ■ C. 99. M. 99. „ ,5 . V.

Geneva, September 20th, 1945.




C l a s s i f i e d L i s t a n d E s s e n t i a l F a c t s

Page 4: New THE COMMITTEES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS · 2015. 7. 8. · C. The Purpose of the Committees. It is the purpose of Committees which is the most important consideration. 1. Committees

S eries o f P u b lic a t io n s o f th e L eague o f N a tio n s

v. L E G A L 1 9 4 5 . V. 2.

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P age

IN TR O D U C TIO N ..................................................................................................................... 5

LIST OF T H E C O M M I T T E E S .................................................................................... 3

ESSENTIAL FA C T S R E G A R D IN G T H E C O M M IT T E E S ..................................11

«2B. S .d .N . — 1250 (F .) 2500 (A .) . 11 45. I m p . K . J. W y s i E r b c n A G ., B erue .

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I. T h e Co m m it t e e s l i s t e d

The list set out below includes about forty Committees apart from the Sub-Committees con n ected w ith or ap poin ted by them , m ost o f w hich are also m entioned .

The Committees existing in 1939 which, as a result of altered c irc u m s ta n c e s , have clearly lost their raison d'être have been omitted.

II. Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n o f t h e Co m m i t t e e s

The Committees m ay be classified according to their origin, nature or purpose.

A. Origin of the Committees.

1. The Covenant of the League o f Nations made provision for two Commissions.

2. Most of the Committees owe their origin to a decision o f the Council or of the Assembly. In a good m any cases, both the Council and the Assembly took action in turn.

Sometimes the decision of the organs o f the League gave effect to a “vœu” or recommendation of an international conference.

3. Two Committees were set up under the terms of internationalconventions.

B. Nature o f the Committees.

Apart from their purpose, the Committees of the League of Nations have certain characteristic features.

I. As a rule, they are advisory bodies. T hey investigate and make proposals. They submit their opinions and proposals to the Council or Assembly, usually the former.

Some of them take decisions themselves under certain conditions. This is so in the case of Committees set up under international con­ventions; they are not, properly speaking, Committees of the League of Nations, but Committees to which the League lends assistance. This brings up the question o f the powers conferred on organs o f the League by international conventions 1.

1 See docum ent C.100.M.100.1945.V.

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2. Some Committees consist of representatives of Governments In such cases, it is the country which is a member of the Committee and the individual sitting on the Committee represents his Govern­ment, which gives him his instructions and replaces him as and when it sees fit.

Other Committees—by far the most numerous—are composed of members appointed in an individual capacity (often experts or technicians) who are not responsible to the Government of the country of which they are nationals.

C. The Purpose of the Committees.

It is the purpose of Committees which is the most important consideration.

1. Committees concerned with the League o f Nations itself (Supervisory Commission, Committee on the Allocation of Expenses, etc.).

It would seem that these Committees are destined to disappear with the League itself.

2. Committees the purpose o f ivhich m ay be o f interest to the new International Organisation.

These Committees may be divided into two categories:

(a ) Some Committees are set up for one limited purpose. They are called upon to study a particular question; for instance, the Committee for the Study of the Legal Status of Women.

Such Committees have, as a rule, reached a more or less advanced stage in their work.

(b) Some Committees—the majority—though confined by their terms o f reference to a particular domain, have a general competence in regard to that domain (e.g., the Economic Committee, the Fiscal Committee, the Health Committee, and the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium).

These Committees may also have work in hand relating to one or other of the subjects falling within their general terms of reference.

III. T h e M e m b e r s o f Co m m it t e e s

The last list of members of Committees o f the League of Nations was published on February 28th, 1939 (document C.74.M.35.1939). Since then it has undergone many changes : States represented on a Committee in their capacity as Members o f the League have ceased to belong to the League ; members o f Committees have resigned or h a v e died and new appointments have been made in certain cases only. The term of appointment of members of Committees, which is

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usually three years, would normally have expired in 1940 or the fo llow ing years. The Council, however, b y a Resolution adopted on D e c e m b e r 14th, 1939, prolonged all appointments to the technical c o m m itte e s until further notice. As stated in the Report on the W o rk o f the League during the War, subm itted to the Assembly b y th e Acting Secretary-General, 1 some Committees have thus been e n ab led to s i t in recent years.

1 D ocum ent A. 6. 1946.

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I - Page

1. The Supervisory C o m m is s io n ............................................................................................n

2. Com m ittee on th e A llocation of E x p e n se s ..................................................................... 12

3. Special Com mittee on C ontributions in A r r e a r s .......................................................13

4. The A ud ito r an d D e p u ty A u d i t o r ...................................................................................14

5. A dm in is tra tive B oard of the S taff Pensions F u n d .................................................. 15

6. B oard o f M anagem ent o f th e S taff P ro v id en t F u n d .........................................

7. In v estm en ts C om m ittee of the S taff Pensions F u n d and of the Staff

P ro v id en t F u n d ........................................................................................................................17

8. In v estm en ts A dvisory Com m ittee for the E ndow m ent F u n d of th e League

L ib ra ry ..........................................................................................................................................18


A dm inistra tive T r i b u n a l ..........................................................................................................19

P a r t n . — CO M M ITTEES SE T U P U N D E R IN T E R N A T IO N A L


1. The P e rm an en t C entra l O pium B oard p rovided fo r by A rticle 19 of the

Geneva Convention of F eb ru a ry 19th, 1925 ............................................................ 20

2. The Supervisory B ody provided for b y th e Convention concerning N ar­

cotic D rugs signed a t Geneva on Ju ly 13th, 1 9 3 1 ...................................................21




Head I — Po l i t i c a l o r Ge n e r a l Qu e s t i o n s

Chapter I . — Commissions provided fo r by the Covenant.

1. The P e rm an en t M andates C o m m is s io n ..........................................................................23

2. The P e rm an en t A dvisory Com m ission for M ilitary, N ava l and A ir Questions 24

Chapter I I . — Commission set up by the Assembly.

The Commission of E n q u iry for E u ro p ean U n i o n ............................................................26

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Chapter I .— Unification o f Law . Legal Questions. Page

] The International In s t i tu te fo r th e U nification of P r iv a te L a w ........................ 28

, -pjjg Committee of E x p erts on A ssistance to In d ig en t Foreigners and the

Execution of M aintenance O bligations a b r o a d .........................................................30

3 The Committee for th e S tu d y o f th e Legal S ta tu s of W o m e n .............................31

Chapter I I . — Communications and Transit.

Committee for Communications and T r a n s i t .......................................................................33

Chapter I I I . —Economic, F inancial, Fiscal and Demographic Questions.

1. The Economic C om m ittee....................................................................................................... 35

2. The Financial C o m m ittee ....................................................................................................... 37

3. Co-ordination Com mittee on Econom ic and F inancia l Questions . . . . 39

4. Committee of S ta tistica l E x p e r t s .................................................................................... 41

5. International Loan C ontracts C o m m it te e ...................................................................... 42

6. Organs set up by th e Council in connection w ith Loans issued under the

Auspices of the League of N ations :

I. T r u s t e e s ...........................................................................................................................44

(a) A u s t r i a ......................................................................................................................... 44

(b) H u n g a r y .....................................................................................................................46

(c) B u l g a r i a .....................................................................................................................47

(d) D a n z ig ......................................................................................................................... 49

(e) E s to n ia ......................................................................................................................... 51

II. The League of N ations Commissioner for B ulgaria and Adviser to the Bulgarian N ational B a n k .............................................................................................. 52

7. Fiscal C o m m i t t e e .....................................................................................................................53

8. Special Delegation of the F inancia l and Econom ic Com m ittees for the S tudy

of Economic D e p re s s io n s ....................................................................................................... 56

9. Committee of E x p erts for the S tudy of D em ographic P r o b l e m s ........................ 58

Chapter I V .— O pium and Other Narcotic Drugs.

Advisory Committee on Traffic in O pium and O th e r D angerous D rugs . . . 60

Chapter V .— Health.

The Health O r g a n i s a t i o n ............................................................................................................62

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Chapter V I .— Social and H um anitarian Questions. „Page

1. A dvisory Com m ittee on Social Q u e s t io n s ........................................................... ^

2. A dvisory Com m ittee o f E x p e r ts on S l a v e r y ..................................................................

3. H igh Commissioner of th e League of N ations for R e f u g e e s .......................... .......

Chapter V I I . — Intellectual Co-operation.

1. In te rn a tio n a l Com m ittee on In te llec tual C o - o p e r a t i o n ...........................................

2. In te rn a tio n a l In s t i tu te of In te llec tual C o-operation............................................. .......

Chapter V I I I . — Technical Collaboration with a Particular Country.

Council Com m ittee fo r Technical Collaboration betw een the League of Nations

and C h in a ................................................................................................................................ 7 3

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Part I.



I .


1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution o f October 4th, 1921.1 The Assembly subsequently adopted numerous resolutions relat­

ing to the Supervisory Commission.

2. Purpose.

Its chief duty is to examine, together w ith the competent official of the Organisation concerned, the draft budget and the closed accounts before these documents are communicated to Members of the League.

It is called upon to advise on administrative or financial questions within its competence, as defined by the Financial Regulations, or the Staff Regulations, or referred to it for consideration by the Assembly, the Council or the competent officials. 2

3. Character of the Commission.

It is composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Seven members—at least one of whom must be a financialexpert.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) By the Assembly.

(b) For three years. Renewed in rotation . 3

1 ‘"The Assembly recom m ends th e Council to ap p o in t a Com m ittee of Control of three or five m em bers, one of w hom a t least shall be a financial expert. The Council shall select th e Com m ittee from am ongst th e M em bers o f the League of Nations in such a w ay as to include M em bers of th e L eague which are n o t rep re ­sented on the Council.

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent N o. 6, O ctober 1921, page 28.)

2 The functions o f the Supervisory Commission are laid down in deta il in the Regulations for the F inancia l A d m in is tra tio n of th e League of N ations (docum entC.81.M.81.1945.X).

3 See docum ent A .7 .I937.X .

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1. Creation.

Resolution of the Council of the League of Nations dated Octo her 27th, 1920.1

2. Purpose.

“ To consider the principles on which the expenses of the League should be distributed among its Members.”

3. Character o f the Committee.

A t first, the members were appointed in an individual capacity. Later, it was decided to designate the Governments which were to be represented.

4. Composition.

The number o f members has varied . 2

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Assembly.

(b) Appointed to recommend modifications of the allocation scale, which usually remains in force for three years.

1 “ The Council, hav ing exam ined the R ep o rt of th e Commission of the Inter­n a tio n a l F inancial Conference appointed to consider th e principles to be adopted in apportioning th e expenses o f the League o f N ations, recom m ends th e Assembly to ap p o in t a Commission to p repare deta iled proposals, which m ay be used as a new basis for the a llocation of th e expenses of the League of N ations.”

(Official Journal, M inutes of the T en th Session of th e Council, pages 57 and 259.)

2 I t w as twelve in 1938.

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1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution o f September 27th, 1934.1

2. Purpose.

Exam ination o f q uestions arising w ith regard to the collection of contributions in arrears.

3. Character of the Committee.

Composed o f m em bers ap poin ted in an in d iv idu al cap acity .

4. Composition.

The number o f members is five.

5. Appointm ent o f members.

By the Assembly.

1 “The Assembly,

“ Decides to ap p o in t a special Com m ittee, w hich w ould s it a t in tervals from now until th e n e x t o rd inary session of th e Assembly and w hich would have full power, subject to ra tifica tion b y th e n e x t Assem bly, to negotia te and conclude arrangements w ith S ta tes for the equ itab le se ttlem en t o f th e am oun t of th e ir d eb t in respect of a rrears ou tstan d in g a t th e end of 1932. This special Com m ittee, w hich is also entrusted w ith th e s tu d y of th e questions referred to i t by the F o u rth Com­mittee, will be composed of th e following m em bers :

(Official Journal, Special Supp lem en t No. 123, O ctober 1934, page 12.)

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4. T h e A u d i t o r a n d D e p u t y A u d i t o r

1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution of September 29th, 1922.1 Assembly Resolution o f September 26th, 1925.2

2. Purpose.

Auditing o f the League’s accounts .3

3. Character.

Appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Appointment.

(a ) B y the Council on the proposal of the Supervisory Commis­sion.

(b) For five years.

1 “ (1) A n aud ito r, who shall be a person in no way in th e service of any of the organisations of th e League, shall be appo in ted by the Council on th e proposal of th e Commission [i.e., th e Supervisory Commission].

“ (2) The au d ito r shall be appoin ted for a period of five years, and shall not be rem ovable excep t by the Council and on the proposal of th e Commission, with reasons sta ted .

(Official Jou rn a l , Records o f th e T h ird Assembly, P lenary Meetings, Volume II, page 208.)

2 “ ..................................................................................................

“ (4) The Council shall, if necessary, appo in t a d ep u ty aud ito r to assist and replace th e au d ito r in case o f n e e d ...........................................................”

(Official Journal, Records of the S ix th Assembly, P lenary Meetings, Special Supplem ent No. 33, page 422.)

3 See the R egulations for the F inancia l A dm in istra tion of th e League of N ations (docum ent C.81.M.81.1945.X).

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1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution of October 3rd, 1930, approving the Regu­lations of the Staff Pensions Fund . 1

Article 3 o f these Regulations provides for the constitution of the Administrative Board o f the Staff Pensions Fund.

2. Purpose.

Administration of the Pensions Fund.

3. Character o f the Board.

Composed o f m em bers ap poin ted in a personal cap acity .

4. Composition.

Ten members.

5. Appointment o f members.

f a ) Three elected b y the Assembly;Three elected by the officials subject to the regulations of the

Fund;One representative o f the Secretary-General;One representative of the International Labour Office ;The Treasurer o f the League o f Nations;One representative o f the Perm anent Court o f International

Justice (for matters concerning the Court).

(b) The elected members are appointed for three years.

1 “ The Assembly,

“Approves the S taff Pensions R egulations (docum ent A .25(1).1930.X)............... ’

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent N o. 83, O ctober 1930, page 42.)

The m ost recent edition of the Pensions R egulations was published in D e ­cember 1938.

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1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution dated September 28th, 1923.1

2. Purpose.

Administration o f the Staff Provident Fund.

Character o f the Board.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.


Seven members.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Council of the League of Nations. Two of the seven members are proposed by the participants in the Fund.

(b ) The members representing the Staff are appointed for two years.

The others are appointed for three years.



1 “ The Assembly decides to establish a compulsory Pensions Fu n d for theofficials of the Secretaria t and th e In te rn a tio n a l L abour O ffice .......................................”

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 11, O ctober 1923, page 21.)

See th e Rules and R egulations of the S taff P ro v id en t F u n d , Decem ber 16th, 1926.

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1. Creation.

Staff Pensions Regulations (Article ib is ) approved by the Assem ­bly of th e League of Nations on October 3rd, 1930.1

2. Purpose.

(a) To advise in regard to the investm ent of the assets o f the Pensions Fund.

(b) To advise in regard to the investm ent o f the assets of the Staff Provident Fund.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Three members.

5. Appointment o f members.

( a) By the Financial Committee of the League of Nations subject to the approval of the Council o f the League of Nations.

(b) For three years.

1 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 83, O ctober 1930, page 42.

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8. I n v e s t m e n t s A d v i s o r y Co m m it t e e f o r t h e E n d o w m en t

F u n d o f t h e L e a g u e L i b r a r y

1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution dated September 25th, 1929.1

2. Purpose.

Approval o f investments.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Three members.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Council o f the League of Nations, two members being proposed by the Financial Committee and one by Mr. JohnD . Rockefeller, Junior, or, failing him, by the Financial Committee.

(b) For an indefinite period.

1 “ There is c rea ted a F u n d , to be know n as th e ‘L ibrary E ndow m ent Fund’, th e cap ita l of w hich shall be constitu ted b y the am o u n t already received from M r. R ockefeller and a n y fu r th e r p a r t of his gift w hich m ay be allocated for this purpose. The cap ita l an d income of th e F u n d shall be m ain ta ined separate from th e o th e r assets of th e League of Nations.

“ The cap ita l of th e F u n d shall be invested b y the Secretary-G eneral in such a m anner as m a y be approved by a Com m ittee of th ree m em bers, appointed by th e Council of th e L eague of N ations, tw o on th e proposal o f the Financial Com­m ittee an d th e th ird on the proposal of Mr. Rockefeller or, if he does n o t desire to propose a cand ida te , on th e proposal of th e F inancial Com mittee.

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 74, October 1929, pages 30 and 31.)

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II .

A d m i n i s t r a t i v e T r i b u n a l

1. Creation.

Assembly Resolution dated September 26th, 1927,1 determining the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal. 2

2. Purpose.

“ . . . to hear complaints alleging non-observance, in substance or in form, of the terms o f appointment o f officials o f the Secretariat or of the International Labour Office, and of such provisions o f the Staff Regulations as are applicable to the case” (Article II , para­graph 1).

“ . . . to settle any dispute concerning the compensation provided for by Articles 39 or 70 o f the Staff Regulations o f the Secretariat or Articles 44 bis or 19ter of the Staff Regulations o f the International Labour Office . . . ” (Article II, paragraph 2).

3. Character o f the Tribunal.

The members of the Tribunal are judges, and are therefore appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Three regular judges.Three deputy judges.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) By the Council o f the League of Nations.

(b) For three years.

1 Official Journal, Special S upplem ent No. 53, O ctober 1927, pages 27-29.

2 The la test ed ition of th e S ta tu te a n d Rules o f C ourt of th e A dm in istra tive Tribunal was published in M arch 1938.

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Part II.



A r t i c l e i s o f t h e G e n e v a C o n v e n t i o n o f F e b r u a r y 19th, 1925

1. Creation.

Under Article 19 of the Geneva Opium Convention of Feb­ruary 19th, 1925.1

2. Purpose.

To exercise certain powers conferred upon it by:

(a ) The above-mentioned Convention of 1925 (Articles 21, 22 23, 24, 26 and 27);

(b ) The Convention of July 13th, 1931, for limiting the Manu­facture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs (Articles 2, 5 and 14).

3. Character o f the Board.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Eight members.

5. Appointm ent o f members.

(a ) B y the Council (with the participation of States not members o f the League of Nations) .1

Candidates nominated by the Parties to the Conventions.1

(b) For five years.

1 R egistered u n d e r No. 1845. Treaty Series , Vol. 81, page 317.Article 19 of th e C onvention runs as follows :“ T he C entra l B oard shall consist of eight persons who, b y th e ir technical

com petence, im p a rtia lity and disinterestedness, will com m and general confidence.“ T he m em bers o f th e Central B oard shall be appoin ted b y the Council of the

League of N ations.“ The U n ited S ta tes o f Am erica and G erm any shall be inv ited each to nominate

one person to p a rtic ip a te in these appointm ents.“ In m ak ing the appoin tm ents, consideration shall be g iven to the importance

of including on the Central B oard , in equitable p roportion , persons possessing a knowledge of th e drug s ituation , b o th in th e producing and m anufacturing coun­tries on th e one hand , and in th e consum ing countries on th e o ther hand, and connected w ith such countries.

“ The m em bers o f the Central B oard shall no t hold any office w hich puts them in a position of d irec t dependence on th e ir Governm ents.

“ T he m em bers shall be appoin ted for a te rm of five years , and they will be eligible fo r reappo in tm en t.”

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" DRU GS C O N V EN TIO N S IG N E D A T G E N E V A ON J U L Y 13th, 1931

1. Creation.

Under Article 5 o f the Convention for limiting the Manufacture and regulating the Distribution of Narcotic Drugs signed at Geneva on July 13th, 1931.1

2. Purpose.

To estimate requirements in narcotic drugs when estimates have not been furnished b y the Governments concerned. To exa ­mine estimates submitted b y Governments and supply Governments with, an annual statement of world requirements.2

3. Character o f the Body.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

1 Registered u n d e r No. 3219. Treaty Series, Vol. 139, page 301.Article 5, p a rag raph 6 , provides :“The estim ates will be exam ined by a Supervisor)' B o d y ...........................................”

2 Article 2, pa rag rap h 2 :

“In the event o f any H igh C ontracting P a r ty failing to furnish, b y the date specified in parag raph 4 of Article 5, an estim ate in respect of an y of his te r r i ­tories to which th is C onvention applies, an estim ate will, so fa r as possible, be furnished by the Supervisory B ody specified in p a rag rap h 6 of Article 5.”

Article 2, parag raph 3 :

“The P erm anen t Central B oard shall request estim ates for countries or te r r i ­tories to which this C onvention does n o t app ly to be m ade in accordance w ith the provisions of this Convention. I f for any such co u n try estim ates are n o t furnished, the Supervisory B ody shall itself, as fa r as possible, m ake th e estim ate .”

Article 5, parag rap h 6, second su b -parag raph :

“ The Supervisory B ody m ay require an y fu r th e r inform ation or details, except as regards requirem ents for G overnm ent purposes, w hich i t m ay consider necessary, in respect of any co u n try or te r r i to ry on behalf of w hich an estim ate has been furnished in order to m ake th e estim ate com plete or to explain any s ta tem en t made therein, and m ay , w ith th e consent of th e G overnm ent concerned, am end any estimate in accordance w ith any in form ation or deta ils so ob tained . .

Article 5, pa rag rap h 7 :

“After exam ination b y th e Supervisory B ody as p rovided in p a rag rap h 6 above of th e estim ates furnished, an d a fte r th e de te rm ina tion b y th a t B ody as provided in Article 2 of th e estim ates fo r each co u n try or te rr ito ry on behalf of which no estim ates have been furnished, th e Supervisory B ody shall forward, n o t later than N ovem ber 1st in each year, th ro u g h th e in te rm ediary of the Secretary- General, to all the M embers of th e League of N ations and non-m em ber S ta tes referred to in Article 27, a s ta tem en t contain ing th e estim ates for each country or territory, and, so fa r as th e Supervisory B ody m ay consider necessary, an account of any explanations given or requ ired in accordance w ith pa rag rap h 6 above, and any observations w hich th e Supervisory B ody m a y desire to m ake in respect of any such estim ate or exp lana tion , or req u es t fo r an exp lanation .”

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4. Composition.

Four members.

5. Appointment o f members.

fa ) One member by the Advisory Committee on Traffic in Opium • One by the Permanent Central Board;One by the H ealth Committee of the League of Nations; One b y the Office international d'Hygiène publique.1

(b ) For three years.

6 . Secretariat.

Provided b y the Secretary-General o f the League of Nations.2

1 Article 5, p a rag rap h 6.

• Article 5, p a rag rap h 6, conta ins the following :“ . . . The S ecre ta ria t of th e Supervisory B ody shall be p rov ided b y the Secre­

tary -G eneral of th e League of N ations, who will ensure close collaboration with the Pe rm an en t C entral B oard .”

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NATIONS ________


Chapter I.—Commissions provided for by the Covenant.


1. Creation. Provided for by Article 22 o f the Covenant.

This Article contains the following :

“7. In every case of mandate, the Mandatory shall render to the Council an annual report in reference to the territory com­mitted to its charge.

“9. A permanent Commission shall be constituted to receive and examine the annual reports of the Mandatories and to advise the Council on all matters relating to the observance of the mandates.”

“Constitution” of the Commission.

Adopted by the Council on December 1st, 1920.1

2. Purpose.To assist the Council in supervising the observance of the Man­

dates (in particular, it examines the reports of the Mandatory Powers and petitions relating to mandated territories).

3. Character o f the Commission.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Ten ordinary members and one extraordinary member. 2

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) By the Council. They are selected for their personal standing and competence.

(b) For an indefinite period.

1 Official Journal, M inutes of E leven th Session of th e Council, pages 13, 15, 19, 90 and 91.

2 The ten ord inary m em bers are provided for by th e “ C onstitu tion” of the Commission (the Council R esolutions of D ecem ber 1st, 1920, and Septem ber 8th, 1927); an ex trao rd inary m em ber is p rovided for by th e Council R esolution of December 11th, 1924.

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2. T h e P e r m a n e n t A d v i s o r y C o m m i s s i o n f o r M i l i t a r y .

N a v a l a n d A i r Q u e s t i o n s

1. Creation. Provided for by Article 9 o f the Covenant.

This Article reads as follows :

“A permanent Commission shall be constituted to advise the Council on the execution of the provisions of Articles 1 and 8 and on military, naval and air questions generally.”

The Commission was organised in accordance with a report and two resolutions adopted by the Council on May 19th, 1920.1

2. Purpose.

To advise the Council regarding the execution of Articles 1 and 8 of the Covenant of the League of Nations and, in general, on military, naval and air questions.

1 Official Journa l , M inutes of the F ifth Session of th e Council, page 45 and pages 207 el seq. The first resolution contains the following provisions:

“Article 1.— The Commission prescribed b y Article I X of the Covenant shall be en titled : ‘T he P e rm an en t A dvisory Commission for M ilitary, N aval and Air Questions’. The Commission shall be form ed of represen tatives from each nation represen ted on the Council of the League as follows :

1 m ilitary represen tative,1 nav a l represen tative,1 a ir represen tative.

“ The same rep resen ta tive m ay combine the du ties of m ore th a n one of the above, if his G overnm ent so desires.”

“Article 2 .— A ny o th er S ta tes which are M embers of th e League m ay be invited to send a similar num ber of represen tatives to sit on th e Commission temporarily when a question d irectly affecting them is under discussion.

“Article 4 .— The represen tatives laid down in Article 1 m ay be joined by such num b er of officers as m ay be necessary according to circum stances, or may call in any ‘Service’ or civil experts whose experience m ay be useful. In order, however, to facilita te th e accom m odation of the Commission, the G overnm ents concerned are recom m ended no t to a tta c h more th a n two officers for each of the Sub-Com- missions laid down in Article 6, as perm an en t assistan ts of th e above-mentioned rep resen tatives .”

“Article 5 .— The represen ta tives o f each S ta te , together w ith the officers perm anen tly a ttach ed , shall constitu te th e ‘na tiona l delegation’ of each State. This delegation shall be p laced a t the disposal of th e Council o f th e League in order to give advice as laid dow n in Article IX of th e C ovenant, and in accordance w ith th e procedure given below.

“Article 6.— The Commission shall be divided in to th ree Sub-Commissions, en titled :

The M ilitary Sub-Commission,T he N aval Sub-Commission,The Air Sub-Commission.

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3. Character of the Commission.

The members are Government representatives.

4 . Composition.

Each State which is a Member o f the Council appoints a military, a naval and an air representative.

5. Appointm ent o f members.

(a ) By the States Members o f the Council o f the League of Nations.

(b) Membership is conditional upon the State’s membership of the Council.

6. Sub-Commissions.

The Air Sub-Commission,The Military Sub-Commission,The Naval Sub-Commission.

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Chapter II.—Commission set up by the Assembly.

T h e C o m m i s s i o n o f E n q u i r y f o r E u r o p e a n U n i o n

1. Creation.

Under an Assem bly Resolution dated September 17th, 1930.1 The Commission’s mandate is renewed annually b y the Assembly,

2. Purpose.

To proceed with the enquiry set on foot following the French Memorandum o f May 17th, 1930, regarding the creation of a Euro­pean Union.

3. Character o f the Commission.

The members are Government representatives.

4. Composition.

Each Government of a European State which is a Member of the League o f Nations m ay be represented by a delegate and a substitute delegate.

Non-European States Members o f the League o f Nations have access to the Commission’s meetings.

1 [T ex t of th e resolution.]“ The Assembly,“ H av ing n o ted w ith keen satisfaction th e resolution adopted a t Geneva on

S ep tem ber 8th, 1930, b y th e represen tatives of th e E uropean Governm ents Members of the League of N a tions;

“ Being convinced, as th ey are, th a t close co-operation betw een the Govern­m ents o f E urope in every field of in te rna tiona l ac tiv ity is of cap ita l importance for the p reserva tion of peace;

“ Sharing th e ir unanim ous opinion th a t such co-operation, w hatever form it m ay assume, should be w ithin th e fram ew ork of the League of N ations, in complete accord w ith th e League and in the sp irit of th e C ovenant :

“ In v ite s th e G overnm ents of th e E uropean S ta tes M embers of the League o f N ations, acting, w ith the assistance of the Secretaria t, as a Commission of the League, to pursue the enquiry which has a lready been begun, and of which the F rench M em orandum of M ay 17th, 1930, and the replies there to constitute the first e lem ents ;

“ R em inds th em th a t , in so fa r as such co-operation m ay seem to them to be useful for the p u rsu it of th e ir enquiry , i t is open to th em to conduct this enquiry in conjunction w ith non-E uropean Members and w ith non-m em ber Governments;

“A nd requests t h a t the first results of th is enquiry should, in so fa r as is pos­sible, be em bodied in th e form of definite proposals, in a rep o rt w hich should be p repared in tim e to allow of i ts submission to the n e x t Assembly.”

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 83, O ctober 1930, page 50.)See R ep o rt b y M. M otta on the Constitu tion , O rganisation and Methods of

W ork of the Commission of E n q u iry for E uropean U nion (docum ent C.204.M.82. 1931.VII).

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5. Appointment o f members.

By Governments.

6. Committees and Sub-Committees.

Unemployment Committee.Sub-Committee on Agricultural Credit.Co-ordination Sub-Committee on Economic Questions. Organisation Committee.Committee to study the Problem of the Export of Future Harvest

Surpluses o f Cereals.Committee of Economic Experts ;

Sub-Committee on Industrial Relations ;Sub-Committee for the Examination of Financial Questions.

Special Committee to study the Extension of a System of Special Facilities to Agricultural Products other than Cereals.

Special Committee to study a Pact o f Economic Non-aggression. Committee on Credit Problems.Meeting of Tobacco Experts.

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Chapter I .—Unification of Law. Legal Questions.



I. Creation.

Offer of the Italian Government.Assembly Resolution of September 30th, 1924.1 Council Resolution of October 3rd, 1924.2 Statutes o f the Institute adopted b y the Council on April 20th


II. Organs.

1. The Governing Body.2. The Board of Directors.

3. The Secretariat.

1 “ The Assembly . . .“(a) Resolves th a t th e powers and duties of the new In s t i tu te and the consti­

tu tio n of i ts Governing Body and Com mittee of D irectors shall be defined by the Council of the League of N ations in agreem ent w ith the I ta l ian Government;

4Yb) Inv ites th e Council of the League of N ations, a fte r consultation with th e com peten t organs (including the Com mittee of E x p erts contem plated in the R esolution of th e F if th Assembly d a ted Septem ber 22nd, 1924, th e Committee on In te llec tual Co-operation and th e Technical Organisations of the League of N ations), to conclude w ith th e I ta lian G overnm ent all agreem ents necessary to ensure th e establishm ent, con tinu ity and proper working of th e Institute . In accordance w ith the desire of the I ta l ian G overnm ent, th e general principles to be em bodied in such agreem ents shall be analogous to those laid dowTi in con­nection w ith th e In te rn a tio n a l In s t i tu te for In tellectual Co-operation which is to be established in Paris.

“ Care shall be tak en , b y m eans of consultation, to avoid all overlapping.”(Official Journal , Special Supplem ent No. 21, October 1924, pages 18 and 19.)

2 Official Journa l, 5 th Y ear, No. 10, O ctober 1924, pages 1375-1376.

3 D ocum ent C.262.M. 101.1926.V (April 29th, 1926) and Official Journal 7 th Y ear, No. 4, A pril 1926, pages 506 and 577-580.

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H I . The Governing Body.

1. Purpose.

To administer the Institute and direct its activities . 1

2. Character of the Governing Body.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

3. Composition.

A Chairman.Fourteen members.

4. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Council of the League o f Nations.

( b) For five years.

1 Article 2 of th e S ta tu te s ru n s as follows :

“ The object of the In s t i tu te is to s tu d y m ethods for the assimilation andco-ordination of p rivate law7 as betw een S ta tes or groups of S ta tes, and to p reparefor a gradual adoption by the various S ta tes of uniform p rivate law legislation.This work shall be done u n d e r th e direction of the League of N ations in connectionwith, and w ith due regard for the w ork of, the C om m ittee on In te llec tual Co-opera­tion, the In terna tiona l L abour Office and the technical o rganisations of th e League.”

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2 . T h e C o m m i t t e e o f E x p e r t s f o r A s s i s t a n c e t o In d ig e n t F o r e i g n e r s a n d t h e E x e c u t i o n o f M a i n t e n a n c e

O r d e r s a b r o a d1. Creation.

Council Resolution of May 20th, 1931 .1

2. Purpose.

(a ) To study the question of assistance to indigent foreigners as a whole and to prepare a preliminary draft o f an international con­vention . 2

(b) To study the problem o f the recognition and execution of maintenance orders abroad.

3. Character o f the Committee.

A Committee o f Experts.These, however, are appointed by the Governments of countries

designated by the Council.

4. Composition.

The number o f members is not limited.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) The Council designates countries the Governments of which each appoints an expert.

(b) The countries are designated for an indefinite period.

1 The rep o rt, the conclusions of w hich were approved b y th e Council, contains th e following :

“ In accordance w ith the proposal contained in th e re p o r t which I had the honour to p resen t to th e Council a t its la s t session, th e Child W elfare Committee has exam ined th e observations furnished by the various Governm ents on the question of the recognition an d execution o f m ain tenance orders abroad. The C om m ittee recognises th a t , while th is sub ject has a m ost im p o r ta n t bearing on th e problem of child welfare, m ain tenance orders m ay be m ade fo r the benefit of adults, as well as o f children, and th a t on th is g round i t m ay be argued that th e Com mittee is n o t com peten t to deal w ith th e general problem of the recognition and execution o f m ain tenance orders abroad. W ith these considerations in view, th e C om m ittee reached th e conclusion t h a t th e s tudy of th is problem could best be u n d e rtak en b y a special com m ittee, and i t th in k s th a t th is special committee m igh t be th e sam e as t h a t which it is proposed to se t up to s tudy the problem of assistance.

“I ven tu re to th in k th a t , having regard to th e g reat im portance which, in th e opinion of a large n u m b er of G overnm ents, a ttach es to the solution of the problem s of assistance to foreign m inors and the recognition and execution of m ain tenance orders abroad , th e setting-up of a tem p o ra ry special committee, such as t h a t proposed, would prove to be of th e u tm o s t value. I ven tu re to express th e hope, therefore, t h a t the Council will see i ts way to approving these proposals, wrhich I have th e honour to m ake on behalf of the Child W elfare Committee.

(Official Journal , 12th Y ear, No. 7, J u ly 1931, pages 1106 and 1107.)

2 This d ra f t Convention was p repared in 1934 (Official Journal, 15th Year, No. 2 (P a r t I), pages 123-129 and 188-195). The C om m ittee, a fte r receiving the observations of G overnm ents, revised th is d ra ft. (See Official Journal, 19th Year, No. 5-6, M ay -Ju n e 1938, pages 316 an d 530.)

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o f W o m e n

1. Creation.

Resolution o f the A ssem b ly o f the League o f Nations dated September 30th, 1 9 3 7 .1

i “ The Assembly,“(1) Having regard to the in fo rm ation concerning th e question of th e legal

status of women, m ore p a r ticu la r ly th e i r political and civil s ta tu s , which has been collected b y the Secretary-G eneral in accordance w ith th e resolution of th e Assembly adopted on Septem ber 27th , 1935 (docum ents A.33.1936.V, A.14 an d A . l i ( a ) ,

(b), (c)< ( d) and ( e) ' 1937.V);“(2) In view o f th e fa c t th a t , in general, th e t re n d is for law to develop in the

direction of equality betw een th e sexes;“(3) Considering i t to be desirable t h a t a com prehensive s tu d y should be p re ­

pared and published giving full in form ation on th e legal s ta tu s enjoyed b y w om en in the various countries o f th e world as th e resu lt o f th e provisions of n a tio n a l law and the application of these provisions;

“ (4) Considering th a t , b y i ts reso lu tion of S ep tem ber 27th, 1935, th e A ssem bly recognised ‘th a t th e question of conditions of em ploym ent, w hether of m en or women, is a m a tte r w hich properly falls w ith in the sphere of the In te rn a tio n a l Labour Organisation’, an d expressed th e hope t h a t t h a t O rgan isation ‘will, in accordance w ith its no rm al procedure, u n d e rtak e an exam ination of those aspects of the problem w ith in i ts com petence— nam ely , the question of equality u n d e r labour legislation— and th a t i t will, in th e first place, exam ine the question of legislation which effects discrim inations, some of w hich m ay be de tr im en ta l to women’s righ t to w ork’ ;

“ (5) Considering th a t the In te rn a t io n a l L ab o u r O rganisation is engaged in th e study contem plated b y th e A ssem bly’s resolu tion and th a t the com prehensive study now in view should n o t cover m a tte rs w hich h ave been recognised b y th e Assembly to fall w ith in th e scope of th e In te rn a tio n a l L abour O rganisation;

“ (6) Considering, fu rtherm ore , t h a t th is com prehensive s tu d y should also not extend to questions of th e n a tiona lity of wom en, in regard to w hich th e A ssembly maintains the decisions w hich i t has a lready ta k e n ;

“ (7) Considering i t desirable th a t the s tu d y o f th e o th er e lem ents of th e question should be entrusted to th e com peten t scientific in s titu tes , which should be given instructions enabling th em to co-ordinate th e ir w ork ;

“ (8) Considering th a t , for p riv a te law, the League of N ations possesses in th e International In s t i tu te fo r th e Unification of P r iv a te L aw an organ well qualified to carry ou t such a s tu d y o f com parative law ; an d th a t for o th e r aspects of th e question i t would be desirable to have recourse to o th er com peten t scientific institutes ;

“(9) Considering th a t a small com m ittee o f experts , comprising m em bers of both sexes, should be se t u p for th e purpose of d e te rm in ing th e exac t scope of the contemplated com prehensive s tu d y and of d is tr ibu ting th e w ork am ong the various scientific institu tes , and th a t th is com m ittee should, so fa r as necessary, m ain ta in contact with the in s t itu tes during th e progress o f th e s tu d y and exam ine and settle the final form and c o n te n t o f the resulting docum ents, w ith a view to th e p re p ara ­tion of a synthetic survey wThich should accom pany th e docum ents w hen th ey are published b y the League ;

“(10) Considering th a t th is com m ittee should have power to consult w om en’s international organisations and inv ite th e i r co-operation in an y form which it thinks advisable;

“(11) Asks th e Council to ap p o in t a com m ittee of experts of b o th sexes for the purposes above m entioned a n d expresses th e hope th a t th e com m ittee will receive the co-operation necessary for th e successful execution of th e presen t resolution.”

(Official Journal , Special Supplem ent No. 168, O ctober 1937, page 9.)

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2. Purpose.

To prepare for publication “a comprehensive study giving full information on the legal status enjoyed by women in the various countries of the world” .1

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Seven members.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Council.

( b) Until the completion of the Committee’s work.

1 The above-m entioned Assembly Resolution.

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Chapter II.—Communications and Transit.


1. Creation.

R e s o lu t io n of the Assembly dated December 9th, 1920.1 The first General Conference on Communications and Transit

(B a rce lo n a , March 10th—April 20th, 1921) adopted rules for the o rg a n is a t io n of the Advisory and Technical C o m m i t t e e .

A new Statute for the Communications and Transit Organisation 2 was adopted by the Council on January 29th, 1938, in the exercise of powers conferred on it by the Assembly Resolution o f October 10th,1936.3

Place of the Advisory and Technical Committee.

It is one of the four components of the Communications and Transit Organisation which comprises :

1. Conferences.2. The Committee for Communications and Transit.3. Permanent (see below) or temporary Committees.

4. A permanent Secretariat provided by the Secretary-General of the League o f Nations.

2. Purpose.

To study different problems, to assist the Assembly and the Council, to ascertain progress made w ith the ratification o f Con­ventions, to undertake the task o f conciliation and enquiry in certain disputes, etc. (Article 7 of the 1938 Statute).

3. Character of the Committee.

The character of this Committee is unusual.The Assembly designates the States whose nationals are to be

members of the Committee, but the members themselves are appoin­ted by the Council, in each case, in agreement with the State con­cerned.

4. Composition.

The number of members o f the Committee nationals o f States Members of the League may not exceed two-fifths o f the number of the latter or a maxim um of 20 (Article 4, paragraph 4).

1 This resolution inv ited the approaching Conference on F reedom of Com m uni­cations and T ransit (a t Barcelona) to organise an A dvisory and Technical Com mittee for Communications. (Official Journal, Special Supp lem en t, J a n u a ry 1921, page 14.)

'-Official Journal, 19th Y ear, No. 2, F e b ru a ry 1938, pages 111 and 218. The Statute is also reproduced in docum ent C.95.M.48.1938.V III .

3 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 155, 1936, pages 114, 134 and 135.

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5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) (i) “The Assembly shall, every three years, elect the Members o f the Organisation whose nationals shall, to the number of one for each Member o f the Organisation, be called upon to form the Committee” (Article 4, paragraph 1).

(ii) “Members o f the League permanently represented on the Council shall each be entitled as o f right to provide one member of the Committee . . .

“The same shall apply to Members o f the Organisation not Mem­bers of the League, admitted to sit on the Council for the purpose of appointing members of the Committee . . . ” (Article 4, paragraph 5),

(b) “ The Council o f the League o f Nations shall appoint each of the members who form the Committee in agreement with the Govern­ment co n cern ed ” (Article 4, paragraph 2).

Permanent Committees.

Article 10 o f the Statute (1938) contains the following :

“ 1 . For the continuous consideration of groups o f related questions, permanent committees shall be set up. The Com­mittee shall appoint the members o f such committees, and these m ay include, in addition to members o f the Committee, persons appointed individually. In making its choice, the Committee shall be guided by the desire to secure the best possible represen­tation o f the various interests involved.

“2. These committees are as follows :

( a ) Committee on Air Navigation;(b) Committee on Electric Power ;(c ) Committee on Transport by Rail;( d ) Committee on Inland Navigation;(e ) Committee on Maritime Ports and Navigation;( f ) Committee on Road Traffic;(g ) Legal Committee.

“ 3. Subject to authorisation b y the Council, the Committee m ay set up other permanent committees.

“4. As a general rule, a permanent committee shall consist of an uneven number of members not exceeding nine. The term of office shall be for three years and shall be ren ew ab le ................’

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Chapter III.—Economic, Financial, Fiscal and Demographic Questions.

i . t h e E c o n o m ic Co m m i t t e e

1. Creation.

Created by the Council in accordance w ith a recommendation of the In te rn a t io n a l Financial Conference a t Brussels in 1920.

In pursuance o f an invitation o f the 1927 International Economic Conference, the Council, to which the m atter was referred by the Assembly, adopted, on September 28th, 1927, a resolution governing the methods o f operation o f the Economic Committee . 1

i The Assembly R esolution of Sep tem ber 24th , 1927 :

“ The Assembly considers :

“(a) T hat th e E conom ic C om m ittee should continue to be, as a t p resent, the organ through w hich th e Council deals w ith econom ic affairs and th a t i t should be constituted—u n d e r such rules as the Council m ay consider appropria te for its effective functioning— so as to be best su ited fo r its principal w ork which, in the near future a t least, will he w ith in the sphere o f the economic re la tions betw een States and their econom ic policies so fa r as th e y have in te rna tiona l aspects. I t should consist of n o t m ore th an fifteen m em bers.

“(b) T h at th e E conom ic C om m ittee should have th e power to a p p o in t te m ­porary sub-com mittees o f experts for p re p a ra to ry work and, subject to Council approval and in consu lta tion w ith the S ta tes in question , to nam e economic correspondents in countries which have no m em ber on th e Com m ittee.”

(<Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 53, O ctober 1927, page 14.)

The Council R eso lu tion of Sep tem ber 28th , 1927 :

“ The Economic Com m ittee, whose n a tu re and te rm s of reference are outlined in the aforementioned resolu tion o f the e igh th o rd inary session of th e Assembly, shall henceforth w ork on th e following lines :

“ 1. I t shall consist of fifteen m em bers, of different nationalities.

“ 2. The m em bers shall be appointed b y the Council in th e ir personal capacity , on the ground of th e ir qualifications in th e economic field, and more p a rticu la rly in the m atte r of in te rn a tio n a l economic relations. T hey shall n o t be represen tatives of Governments.

“ 3. Members shall hold office for th ree years from Septem ber to Septem ber. At the end of th a t period , th e Council shall no m in a te afresh all the m em bers of the Committee, th o u g h a n y vacancies th a t m ay occur in the m eantim e m ay be filled.

“4. A t the end o f th e above-m entioned period, th e re tiring m em bers, unless succeeded by m em bers of the sam e na tio n a lity , shall become ‘corresponding members of the C om m ittee’.

“ fa) ‘Corresponding m em bers’ shall be k e p t inform ed of all th e Econom ic Committee’s w ork . T h ey shall w ith t h a t ob jec t receive the C om m ittee’s docu­ments and those of th e sub-com m ittees a n d special comm ittees.

“(b) They shall assist th e C om m ittee in any investigations o r enquiries which the la t te r m ay u n d e rtak e , p a rticu la rly in regard to th e ir respective countries, and th ey m ay send the Com m ittee such observations an d subm it to it in writing such opinions or proposals as they m ay th in k fit.

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2. Purpose.

To deal with economic questions referred to the Council.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Fifteen members, and an unlimited number of corresponding members chosen in principle from among retiring members of the Committee.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) B y the Council.

(b ) For three years.

“ (c) As a general rule, th ey shall n o t tak e p a r t in th e Committee’s meet­ings, b u t th e la t te r m ay sum m on corresponding m em bers to a ttend if it th inks i t necessary to hear those m em bers’ opinions on a particu lar question.

*Yd) The Council m ay also, in cases where the u t il i ty of such action is recognised, a p p o in t as corresponding m em bers persons o th e r th an members re tiring in the circum stances m entioned above.

“ (e) Corresponding m em bers shall be appoin ted for a period of three years. T hey m ay, however, be reappoin ted a t th e end of th is period ; but in any case th e ir duties shall te rm in a te as soon as th e Council appoints a person of th e same na tio n a lity as a full m em ber of th e Com mittee.

“ 5. The m em bers o f the Econom ic Com mittee shall elect th e ir own Chairman, who shall hold office for a t leas t one year.

“ 6. The Econom ic C om m ittee is authorised to tak e any steps i t m ay consider necessary in the course of i ts investigations and p re p a ra to ry work, including the consu lta tion of experts and form ing of sub-com m ittees or special committees, w ith o u t on each occasion referring the m a tte r to th e Council ; th e la tte r , however, reserves th e r ig h t to ta k e an y necessary decisions on th e Com m ittee’s reports as soon as th e work has passed th e p rep ara to ry stage and en tered upon the stage of action .”

(Official Journal , 8 th Y ear, No. 10, October 1927, pages 1438-1443, 1454 and 1455.)

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2. T h e F i n a n c i a l C o m m i t t e e

1. Création.

(a ) Resolution o f the Brussels International Financial Con­fe rence (September 24th—October 8 th, 1920) recommending the C ouncil to appoint a Committee “ of bankers and businessmen” to fram e measures to give effect to certain decisions o f the Conference.

(b) Resolution of the Council o f the League o f Nations o f Oc­tober 25th, 1920,1 whereby a “provisional Financial and Economic C o m m it te e ” was set up.

The Council, by a resolution of September 10th, 1923,2 deleted the word “provisional” .

The Council, by a resolution of September 24th, 1930,3 approved a statement by the Committee on its work and functions.

1 “ . . . The Council decided as follows :

“(a) T h at the Provisional C om m ittee should consist of an Econom ic and a Financial Section.

“(b) T h a t the F inancia l Section should be no m in a ted a t once.“(c) T h a t the Econom ic Section should be nom ina ted a t G eneva before the

meeting of th e Assembly.“The R eport and R esolutions were adop ted (Annexes 120, 120 a and 120 6).”

(iOfficial Journal , M inutes of 10th Session of Council, page 29.)

Resolution adop ted b y th e Council for subm ission to th e Assembly (Annex 120 a):

“ In order th a t th e League of N a tions m ay proceed w ith o u t in te rru p tio n w ith the working out of m easures of an economic and financial n a tu re , which Members of the League shall be called u p o n to ad o p t, in accordance w ith th e Covenant of the League, an economic and financial o rganisation shall be constitu ted and shall work under conditions laid dow n in the general R esolution of th e Council, 19th May. As soon as this organisation is con stitu ted , i t shall replace th e provisional technical Economic and Financial Com m ittee appoin ted by the Council.

(Ibid., page 209.)

2 Official Journal, 4 th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1923, page 1303.

3 The R ap p o rteu r m ade th e following s ta tem en t :

“ The functions of th e F inancia l C om m ittee m ay be said to fall in to th ree categories:

“ I. General financial questions.“ II. Advice and assistance to pa r ticu la r S ta tes.“ III . Advice on financial questions arising o u t o f cu rren t political or adm in istra ­

tive work of the Council.“ The Council will no d o u b t desire th e Com mittee to continue to w atch the

general financial developm ent w hich tak es place in th e world, as i t has done in the past, and from tim e to tim e to tak e th e in itia tive in m aking proposals to the Council for the s tudy of any questions w hich seem to be of special im portance. As examples of such questions which are still occupying th e a tte n tio n of the Com mittee may be mentioned : th e p reven tion of counterfeiting currency , on which a Conven­tion has already been signed and ra tified ; double tax a tio n , on which a special Committee is a t w ork ; and th e prob lem of the varia tions of th e purchasing pow er of gold. Doubtless questions of a sim ilar o rder of im portance will arise for conside­

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In due course, this was also approved b y the Assembly .1

2. Purpose.

(a ) To advise the Council on financial questions.(b) In certain cases, to advise Governments.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

The number of members is unlimited.

5. Appointment o f members.

B y the Council o f the League o f Nations.

ra tio n fro m tim e to tim e in th e fu tu re . Indeed , the C om m ittee, in i ts report, men­tions two, to b o th of which allusion has been m ade in the discussions of the As­sembly— nam ely , the interflow o f cap ita l from coun try to co u n try and the recur­rence of periods of economic depression. A no ther question falling within this general class m entioned in a separate p a r t of the F inancia l Com mittee’s report is th a t o f agricu ltu ra l credits, w hich is becoming of co n stan tly increasing concern to m any countries.

“ The second category of the work of th e Financial C om m ittee is th a t of ‘Advice and A ssistance to In d iv id u a l S ta te s ’. The whole of th e reconstruction work con­duc ted b y th e League in recen t years has rested prim arily on th e basis of the technical advice afforded b y th e Com m ittee; b u t , a t th e sam e tim e, international loans have, in m o st cases, p roved necessary for the execution of th e plans pro­posed. I th in k we shall all agree w ith th e view expressed b y th e Committee that, in th e fu tu re , loans are less likely to prove an in tegra l p a r t of any proposals which th e y m ay m ake th a n th e y have been in the p as t, and confirm th e ir opinion that th e princip le should be clearly recognised th a t financial advice should no t necessarily only be given w hen foreign loans are contem plated . We m ay , indeed, conceive of m any cases, w h e th er connected w ith bud g e ta ry or ta x a t io n system s, currency or banking problem s, th e organisation of cred it for ag ricu ltu ra l or o ther purposes o r the general financial conditions of a coun try , in which a G overnm ent may desire to avail itse lf of th e technical knowledge and au th o rity o f the F inancia l Committee...

“ . . . B u t, in th e whole of its work, th e Com mittee has of course acted primarily as th e techn ica l advisory body on financial questions arising o u t of the current politica l and adm in istra tive w ork of th e Council. The p repara tion of the scheme o f financial assistance, th e w ork done in connection w ith th e Greco-Bulgarian em igration , and in connection w ith th e finances of th e F ree City of Danzig and of th e Saar, are p a r tic u la r instances of th is k ind of work.

“ T he Council,

“ (4) A pproves th e s ta tem en t on th e w ork and func tions of the Financial C om m ittee and tran sm its th is s ta tem en t to the Assembly for its consideration;

(Official Journal, 11th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1930, pages 1505 et seq.)

1 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 83, O ctober 1930, page 21.

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Q u e s t i o n s

1. Creation.

Council Resolution of May 13th, 1938.1 Assembly Resolution o f September 29th , 1938.2

2. Purpose.

To frame proposals for submission to the Assem bly and Council, to allocate tasks to the competent Committees and to co-ordinate their work.

3. Character o f the Committee.

It consists of:(a) Members sitting by reason o f their functions on the Council;

1 Report and R esolution:The R eport proposes :iL(a) T h a t a Co-ordination C om m ittee should be se t up to be presided over

by a Chairman appo in ted by th e Council and consisting of th e R ap p o rteu rs to the Council on economic and financial questions, rep resen tatives of the Econom ic and Financial Com m ittee, the P residen ts of th e o th er s tanding com m ittees of the Organisation an d a rep resen tative of th e T ran s it O rganisation. I t is fu r th e r suggested th a t the D irector of th e In te rn a t io n a l L abour Office should be invited to attend th e m eetings o f th is Com m ittee.

“(b) T hat th is C om m ittee should be e n tru s te d w ith the ta s k of co-ordinating that work of the O rganisation arising o u t of the decisions of the las t Assembly to which we have ju s t referred , and w hich re la te p articu larly to the problem s of quotas, exchange control an d raw m ate ria ls .”

The Resolution is in th e following te rm s :“ The Council,“ Having exam ined th e rep o rt of th e C om m ittee appoin ted to consider the

structure and functions of the Econom ic and F inancia l O rganisation of th e League of Nations :

“(1) Approves th e proposal con ta ined in th e report under consideration for the appointm ent of a C o-ordination Com m ittee, and in s tru c ts the Secretary- General to send o u t th e necessary7 in v ita tio n s;

“(2) Instruc ts th e S ecretary -G eneral to inv ite th e R t. H on. S. M. Bruce, High Commissioner for A ustra lia in London, to serve as C hairm an of th is Com­mittee and to determ ine w h a t action, if any , should be tak e n in execution of th a t report before the n ex t o rd inary session of th e Assembly7, more pa r ticu la r ly for the purpose of carrying o u t th e decisions of th e la s t A ssem bly;

('Official Journal, 19th Y ear, No. 5-6, M ay -Ju n e 1938, page 350). See also “Structure and F unc tions of th e Econom ic and F inancia l O rganisation of the League of Nations— R e p o rt of th e C om m ittee appo in ted by th e Council on J a ­nuary 29th, 1938, su b m itted to th e Council on M ay 13th, 1938.” (Ibid., pages 554 and 555.)

2 “The Assembly approves th e proposals contained in the rep o rt of the Com­mittee on the S truc tu re and Functions of th e Econom ic and F inancia l O rganisationand the appo in tm en t by th e Council of the C o-ordination C om m ittee m entionedin that rep o rt.”

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 182, O ctober 1938, page 12.)

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( b) Representatives of various Committees ;

(c ) One member, the Chairman, personally appointed by the Council.

4. Composition.

The Chairman (personally appointed by the Council).The Rapporteurs to the Council on economic and financial

questions.Representatives of the Fiscal Committee, the Committee of

Statistical Experts, the Financial Committee, the Economic Com­mittee and the Committee for Communications and Transit.

The Director of the International Labour Office may be invited to attend.

Other persons m ay be consulted by the Committee.

5. Appointm ent o f members.

See above.

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4. C o m m i t t e e o f S t a t i s t i c a l E x p e r t s

1. Creation.

International Convention relating to Economic Statistics, De­cem ber 14th, 1928 (Article 8 ) .1

2. Purpose.

Special functions provided for in the Convention.P r e s e n t a t i o n of suggestions for the purpose of improving or

amplifying the arrangements laid down in the Convention.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

The number o f members is not limited.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) Members appointed at a meeting of the Council of the League of Nations, and Delegates o f States, not Members o f the League of Nations, represented at the Conference o f Geneva (November—D e­cember 1928) on whose behalf ratifications or accessions have been deposited.

(b) For three years.

1 Official Journal , 10th Y ear, No. 3, M arch 1929, page 363.

This Article contains the following :“ 1. A Com mittee of Technical E x p erts shall be appoin ted a t a m eeting of the

Council of th e League of N ations and one delegate from each S ta te , n o t a m em ber of the League of N ations, represen ted a t th e Conference of Geneva, on behalf of which ratifications or accessions have been deposited.

“ 2. In addition to the p a rticu la r functions w hich are en tru s ted to i t under the provisions of the p resen t Convention and the in s tru m en ts annexed there to , the Committee of E x p erts re ferred to in the preceding p a rag rap h of th is Article m ay make any suggestions which ap p ear to i t useful for the purpose of im proving or amplifying the principles and arrangem en ts laid dow n in th e Convention concerning the classes of statistics dea lt w ith there in . I t m ay also m ake suggestions in regard to other classes of sta tis tics of a sim ilar ch arac te r in respect of which it appears desirable and practicable to secure in te rn a tio n a l un iform ity . I t shall exam ine all suggestions to th e sam e end w hich m ay be su b m itted to i t by th e G overnm ents of any of the H igh C ontracting P artie s . . . ”

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5. I n t e r n a t i o n a l L o a n C o n t r a c t s C o m m i t t e e

1. Creation.

Resolution of the Assembly, September 28th, 1935.1 Resolutions of the Council, September 28th, 1935,2 and January

23rd, 1936.3 }

1 Records of th e S ix teen th Session of the Assembly, P len ary Meetings, Special Supplem ent No. 138, pages 95 and 128.

2 Mr. BRUCE presen ted th e following re p o r t and resolu tion :

“ 1. I t has been th o u g h t desirable th a t th e a tte n tio n of th e Council should be draw n to th e following resolu tion w hich was adop ted by th e Assembly on the re p o r t o f i ts Second Com m ittee:

“ ‘The A ssem bly invites the Council to arrange for th e designation of a com m ittee o f legal an d financial experts to exam ine th e m eans for improving con trac ts re la ting to in te rn a tio n a l loans issued by G overnm ents or other public au thorities in the fu tu re , an d in p a rticu la r to prepare model provi­sions— if necessary, w ith a system of a rb itra tio n — w hich could, if the parties concerned so desired, be in serted in such contracts .

44 ‘The C om m ittee should be au thorised to o b ta in th e co-operation of the In te rn a t io n a l In s t i tu te a t Rom e for th e Unification of P r iv a te Law as well as of rep resen ta tives of bondholders’ associations and to consult such experts as i t m ay deem desirable.’

“ 2. I n o rder to exp la in m ore fu lly the ob jec t w hich t h a t Committee had in m ind, i t m igh t, perhaps , be convenien t to the Council if I quo te a re levant passage from th e Second C om m ittee’s rep o rt :

“ ‘W h eth e r we consider the definition of th e co m peten t jurisdictional au thorities in case o f d ispute, a rb itra tio n procedure, p rio rity , the represen­ta t io n of creditors and th e r ig h ts and duties of those representing them or the definition of th e currency in w hich arrears should b e pa id , th e numerous d isputes t h a t h ave arisen in re ce n t years have shown, as regards these points and m an y o thers , th a t th e custom ary form of con trac ts could be greatly im proved.

“ ‘T he Second C om m ittee recognised th a t a s tu d y o f the questions arising in th is lim ited sphere could be usefully undertaken . A m ong th e purposes of th is s tu d y m igh t be the p rep ara tio n of a num ber of m odel provisions which could, if th e p a rtie s so desire, be inserted in th e con trac ts o f international loans issued by S ta tes or public bodies.’“ 3..............................................................“ 4..............................................................“ 5. I subm it th e following resolution for the approval of the Council :

“ The Council requests the F inancia l Com mittee to suggest to the Rappor­teu r on F inancia l Subjects a list o f nam es of financial experts to examine the m eans for im proving con tracts re la ting to in te rna tiona l loans.”(Official Journa l , 16th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1935, pages 1207 and 1208.)

3 Official Journa l , 17th Y ear, No. 2, Feb ru ary 1936, pages 89 and 90. The resolution of th e Council, da ted J a n u a ry 23rd, 1936, is res tric ted to a repetition of th e resolu tion of th e Council, d a ted Septem ber 28th, 1935, and appoints the m em bers of th e Committee.

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2. Purpose.

Examination o f the means for improving contracts relating to international loans issued b y Governments or other public autho­rities in the future, and, in particular, the preparation o f model p ro v is io n s—i f necessary—w ith a system o f arbitration which could, i f the parties so desire, be inserted in such contracts.

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity (legal and financial experts).

The Committee is authorised to secure the help of the Inter­national Institute at Rome for the Unification o f Private Law and of representatives o f the bondholders’ associations and, further, the Committee is authorised to consult such experts as it m ay deem advisable.

4. Composition.

Number of members not limited.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) Appointed by the Council.

(b) Appointed for the period o f work o f the Committee.1

^ The Com mittee su b m itted its repo rt in M ay 1939 (docum en t C. 145.M.93.1939.

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6. O r g a n s s e t u p b y t h e Co u n c i l i n c o n n e c t io n w i t h L o a n s


I. Trustees.

( a ) Financial reconstruction of Austria.(b) Financial reconstruction of Hungary.(c ) Bulgaria.(d ) Danzig.(e ) Estonia.

In virtue of the “ General Obligations” relating to the loans mentioned below, issued under the auspices of the League of Nations the Council, on the proposal o f the Financial Committee, appoints for each of these loans, one or more Trustees whom it may also remove from office.

The Trustees are appointed in an individual capacity.Their duties consist essentially in representing the interests of

the bondholders.

(a) Austria.

(i) Guaranteed Loan of the Austrian Government 1923-1943.Issued in pursuance of the Protocol dated October 4th, 1922.1General Obligation o f May 31st, 1923 (§§ 19-20) :

“ (19) The Chairman for the time being of the Financial Com­m ittee of the Council of the League o f Nations shall be the first Trustee of these presents but this appointment shall not extend beyond the expiration o f the first six months from the date of these presents. On or before such date three Trustees shall be appointed by a resolution of the Council of the League of Nations. The expres­sion ‘the Trustees’ where used in these presents shall where the context so requires or admits include the said Chairman or other the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of these presents.

“(20) So far as practicable the number of Trustees o f these pre­sents shall be kept up to three. The Council of the League of Nations may at any time by resolution remove any Trustee. A Trustee may at any tim e resign on giving one month’s previous notice in writing to the Council o f the League of Nations. In the event of the death or resignation or removal o f a Trustee or a Trustee becoming in the opinion o f the Council of the League of Nations unfit or incapable of acting in the trusts hereof or in the event o f a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of Trustee the Council of the League of Nations may by resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees of these presents in place o f the Trustee or Trustees so dying resigning removed becoming unfit or incapable

1 Registered under No. 335. Treaty Series, Vol. 12, page 391.

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of acting or otherwise ceasing to be a Trustee or Trustees. I f the Council of the League of Nations so thinks fit the Council o f the League of Nations m ay at any time or from time to time appoint any additional Trustee or Trustees o f these presents. The continuing T ru stee s may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the tim e being reduced below three. Whenever there shall be more than two Trustees hereof the majority o f such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise a l l the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the T ru stee s generally. A body corporate may at any time be appointed a T ru s te e of these presents.”

(ii) Guaranteed International Loan of the Austrian Government1933-1953.

Issued in pursuance o f the Protocol dated July 15th, 1932.1General Obligation of July 12th, 1933 (§ ( b ) , page 1, and

Article X X X I):

“1 (b) The Trustees have been duly appointed by the Council of the League of Nations as Trustees o f the Loan hereinafter referred to in accordance with the Provisions of the Austrian Protocol hereinafter mentioned.”

“X X X I. In the event of a vacancy occurring for any reason in the office of Trustee of these presents the Council o f the League of Nations may by Resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee of these presents in place of the Trustee or Trustees so ceasing to act. The Council of the League o f Nations may at any time by Resolution remove any Trustee and may at any time or times appoint any additional Trustee or Trustees. Except in the case of a body corporate which may act as sole Trustee the number of Trustees shall so far as practicable be kept up to three. The con­tinuing Trustees may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the time being reduced below three. Whenever there shall be more than two Trustees hereof the majority of such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustees generally.”

(iii) Guaranteed Conversion Loan 1934-1959 of the AustrianGovernment.

Resolution of the Council, September 25th, 1934.2General Obligation o f November 24th, 1934 (Article X X X I) :

“Article X X X I .—The President o f the Council of the League of Nations has appointed the Chairman for the time being of the Finan­

1 Registered under No. 3118. Treaty Series, Vol. 135, page 285.

’-Official Journal, 15th Y ear, No. 11, P a r t I , N ovem ber 1934, pages 1434-1435.

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cial Committee of the League of Nations to be the first Trustee of these presents but this appointment shall not extend beyond the expiration of the first six months from the date o f these presents On or before such date three Trustees shall be appointed by a Reso­lution o f the Council o f the League of Nations. The expression ‘the Trustees’ when used in these presents shall where the context so requires or demands include the said Chairman or other the Trustees or Trustee for the tim e being o f these presents. In the event of a vacancy occurring for any reason in the office of Trustee of these presents the Council o f the League of Nations m ay by Resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee of these pre­sents in place o f the Trustee or Trustees so ceasing to act. The Council of the League o f Nations may at any time b y Resolution remove any Trustee and may at any tim e or times appoint any additional Trustee or Trustees. E xcept in the case o f a body corporate which m ay act as sole Trustee the number of Trustees shall so far as practi­cable be kept up to three. The continuing Trustees may act not­withstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the tim e being reduced below three. Whenever there shall be more than tw o Trustees hereof the majority of such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustees generally."

(b) Hungary.

State Loan of the Kingdom o f Hungary 1924-1944.Issued in pursuance o f the Protocol dated March 14th, 1924.1General Obligation of June 27th, 1924 (Articles 17 and 18):

“Article 17.—The Chairman for the time being of the Financial Committee o f the Council o f the League of Nations shall be the first Trustee of these presents but this appointment shall not extend beyond the expiration of the first six months from the date of these presents. On or before the expiry of such period three Trustees shall be appointed by a resolution o f the Council o f the League of Nations. The expression ‘the Trustees’ where used in these presents shall wrhere the context so requires or admits include the said Chair­m an or other the Trustees or Trustee for the tim e being of these presents.

“Article 18.— So far as practicable the number of Trustees of these presents shall be kept up to three. The Council of the League of Nations m ay at any tim e by resolution remove any Trustee. A

Trustee m ay at any tim e resign on giving one m onth’s previous notice in writing to the Council of the League o f Nations. In the event o f the death or resignation or removal o f a Trustee or a Trustee becoming in the opinion o f the Council of the League of Nations unfit or incapable of acting in the trusts hereof or in the event of

1 R egistered u n d e r No. 634. Treaty Series, Vol. 25, page 427.

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a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of Trustee the Council of the League o f Nations may b y resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees o f these p re se n ts in place o f the Trustee or Trustees so dying resigning removed b eco m in g unfit or incapable o f acting or otherwise ceasing to be .a T ru s tee or Trustees. The Council o f the League o f Nations may at any time or from time to tim e appoint any additional Trustee or T ru s tee s of these presents. The continuing Trustees may act not­withstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the time being reduced below three. Whenever there shall be more than two Trustees hereof the majority of such T ru s tee s shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustees generally. A body corporate may at any tim e be appointed a Trustee o f these presents.”

(c) Bulgaria.

(i) 7% Stabilisation Loan o f 1926 of the Kingdom of Bulgaria.Issued in pursuance o f the Protocol dated September 8th,

1926.1General Obligation o f December 20th, 1926 (§ (c ) , page 1,

and Article 19) :

“(c) The Council of the League o f Nations has appointed M. René Charron (hereinafter called ‘the Commissioner’) to supervise the carrying out of the Settlement Scheme referred to in the said Protocol and has appointed Gr. UfF. A. G. Bianchini, General the Hon. Sir Herbert Alexander Lawrence, G.C.B., and M. Marcus Wallenberg (hereinafter called ‘the Trustees’) to be Trustees to represent the interest of the holders o f the Bonds. The expressions ‘the Commis­sioner’ and ‘the Trustees’ where the context so admits include their respective successors in office.”

“Article 19.— So far as practicable the number o f Trustees of these presents shall be kept up to three. The Council o f the League of Nations may at any time b y resolution remove any Trustee. A Trustee may at any time resign on giving one m onth’s previous notice in writing to the Council of the League of Nations. In the event of the death or resignation or removal o f a Trustee or of a Trustee becoming in the opinion o f the Council of the League of Nations unfit or incapable of acting in the trusts hereof or in the event of a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of Trustee the Council of the League o f Nations may b y resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees of these presents in place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying resigning being removed becoming unfit or incapable o f acting or otherwise ceasing to be a Trustee or Trustees. I f the Council of the League

1 Registered under No. 1375. Treaty Series, Vol. 58, page 245.

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of Nations think fit the Council of the League of Nations may at any tim e and from tim e to time appoint any additional Trustee or Trustees of these presents. The continuing Trustees may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the tim e being reduced below three. Whenever there shall be more than two Trustees hereof the majority of such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustees generally A body corporate may at any time be appointed a Trustee of these presents. The Government shall so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding pay to each of the Trustees for the tim e being a sum at the rate of £105 per annum (or such other rate as the Government with the consent o f the said Council may agree w ith the Trustees) by equal half-yearly paym ents on the 1st day o f January and on the 1st day of July in every year and in addition shall pay the salary or fees which the Trustees may consider it necessary to pay to any persons to represent or assist them or any of them and all travelling and other costs charges and expenses which the Trustees or any of them or their representatives may incur in relation to the Trust.”

(ii) 7 %% Stabilisation Loan of 1928 of the Kingdom of Bulgaria.Issued in pursuance of the Protocol dated March 10th,

1928.1General Obligation of November 19th, 1928 (paragraph (c),

Article 17):

c) The Council o f the League of Nations are entitled to appoint a Commissioner to exercise certain functions in connection w ith the carrying out of the schemes referred to in the said Protocol and Trustees to represent the interests of the holders o f the Bonds. The expressions ‘the Commissioner’ and ‘the Trustees’ where the context so admits include the first holders of such offices and their respective successors in office.”

“Article 17.—The number of Trustees o f these presents shall be not less than two. The Council of the League o f Nations may at any time by resolution remove any Trustee. A Trustee may at any time resign on giving one m onth’s previous notice in writing to the Council of the League of Nations. In the event o f the death or resignation or removal of a Trustee or of a Trustee becoming in the opinion of the Council o f the League of Nations unfit or incapable of acting in the trusts hereof or in the event o f a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of Trustee, the Council of the League of Nations may by resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees o f these presents in place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying resigning being removed becoming unfit or incapable o f acting or otherwise ceasing to be a Trustee

1 R egistered u n d e r No. 1738. Treaty Series, Vol. 74, page 165.

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or T ru s te e s . I f the Council o f the League o f Nations think fit the Council of the League o f Nations m ay at any tim e and from time to time appoint any additional Trustee or Trustees o f these presents. The continuing Trustees m ay act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body and notwithstanding that their number be for the time bgijjo- reduced below two. Whenever there shall be more than two T rustees hereof the majority of such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustees generally. A body corporate m ay at any time be appointed a Trustee o f these presents. The Government shall so long as any of the Bonds remain outstanding pay to each of th e Trustees for the time being a sum at the rate o f £105 per annum (or such other rate as the Government w ith the consent of the said Council m ay agree w ith the Trustees) by equal half-yearly p a y m e n ts on the 15th day o f May and on the 15th day o f November in every year and in addition shall pay the salary or fees which the T rustees may consider it necessary to pay to any persons to represent or assist them or any of them and all travelling and other costs charges and expenses which the Trustees or any o f them or their representatives m ay incur in relation to the Trust.”

(d) Danzig.

(i) The Municipality o f Danzig 7% Mortgage Loan o f 1925-1945.Resolution o f the Council, March 14th, 1925.1General Obligation of March 31st, 1925 (Articles 16 and 17):

“Article 16.—For the purpose of constituting the Bonds a valid specific and exclusive first mortgage as aforesaid the Municipality shall forthwith execute inscribe register and in all respects perfect at its own expense first mortgages ( erste Hypotheken) on the aforesaid properties in the name o f the Trustee to be nominated by the Council of the League of Nations or o f his nominee or other­wise as the Council of the League of Nations shall determine for the benefit of the Bondholders. The first Trustee shall be M. Carel Eliza ter Meulen he having been nominated by the Council of the League of Nations and he or other the Trustee or Trustees for the time being are hereinafter referred to as ‘the Trustee’. On any change of Trustee the Municipality shall forthwith take all steps and pro­ceedings (if any) necessary to give effect thereto and to vest in the new Trustee or his nominee all the mortgages properties rights powers and authorities hereby conferred upon him and all costs charges and expenses of and incident to any such arrangements shall be payable by the Municipality.

“The Trustee m ay from tim e to time nominate and appoint any other person or persons or any body corporate to act as represen­tative or nominee of the Trustee to hold and be registered as the

1 Official Journal , 6 th Y ear, No. 4, April 1925, page 491.

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holder of any mortgage or charge created hereby or to be created pursuant hereto.

“Article 17.—The Trustee will be appointed and may at any time be removed be a resolution of the Council o f the League of Nations. A Trustee m ay at any time resign on giving one month’s previous notice in writing to the Council of the League of Nations In the event o f the death or resignation or removal of a Trustee or a Trustee becoming, in the opinion o f the Council, unfit or inca­pable of acting in the trusts of the loan, or in the event of a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of the Trustee, the Council of the League of Nations may by resolution appoint any other person to be Trustee in place of the Trustee so dying, resigning, removed, becoming unfit or incapable of acting, or otherwise ceasin® to be a Trustee. I f in order to avoid a vacancy in the Trusteeship an appointment is necessary between the sessions of the Council o f the League o f Nations the President of the Council may on the advice o f the President o f the Financial Committee of the League of Nations make such appointment which shall be valid and effectual for all purposes and any Trustee so appointed shall hold office until the next session of the Council of the League o f Nations, when unless some other Trustee be appointed he shall continue in office as if he had been appointed b y Resolution o f the Council of the League of Nations. A body corporate may at any time be appointed as Trustee.”

(ii) The Free City of Danzig 6 %% (Tobacco Monopoly) State Loan 1927-1947.

Resolution o f the Council, December 8th, 1926.1General Obligation of June 29th, 1927 (Article 20):

“Article 20 .—The Trustee hereinbefore referred to will be appoin­ted and may at any tim e be removed by a resolution of the Council o f the League o f Nations. A Trustee m ay at any time resign on giving one month’s previous notice in writing to the Council o f the League of Nations. In the event of the death or resignation or removal of a Trustee or a Trustee becoming in the opinion o f the Council unfit or incapable o f acting in the trusts o f the Loan or in the event of a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office of Trustee the Council of the League o f Nations may by resolution appoint any other person to be Trustee in place of the Trustee so dying, resigning, removed, becoming unfit or incapable o f acting or otherwise ceasing to be a Trustee. I f in order to avoid a vacancy in the Trusteeship an appointment is necessary between the sessions of the Council of the League of Nations the President of the Council may on the advice o f the Chairman of the Financial Committee of the League of Nations make such appointment which shall be valid and effectual

1 Official Journal, 8 th Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1927, page 142.

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for a ll purposes and any Trustee so appointed shall hold office until the n e x t session o f the Council of the League o f Nations when unless some other Trustee be appointed he shall continue in office as if he had b e e n appointed by Resolution o f the Council of the League o f N atio n s . A body corporate m ay at any time be appointed as Trustee.”

(e) Estonia.

Republic of Estonia 7% Loan 1927-1947 (Banking and Currency Reform).

Issued in pursuance o f Protocol d a te d December 10th, 1926.1General Obligation o f June 15th, 1927 (§ ( c ), page 1, Article 18):

“(c) The Council o f the League of Nations has appointed M. Albert Janssen (hereinafter called ‘the Trustee’) to be the Trustee of the Loan. The expression ‘the Trustee’ where the context so admits includes his successors in office.”

“Article 18.—The Council o f the League o f Nations m ay at any time by resolution remove any Trustee. A Trustee may a t any time resign on giving one m onth’s previous notice in waiting to the Council of the League of Nations. In the event o f the death or resignation or removal o f a Trustee or in the event o f a vacancy occurring for any other reason in the office o f Trustee, the Council of the League of Nations m ay by resolution appoint any other person or persons to be a Trustee or Trustees o f these presents in place of the Trustee or Trustees so dying resigning being removed or otherwise ceasing to be a Trustee or Trustees. I f the Council of the League of Nations think fit the Council o f the League of Nations may at any time and from time to tim e appoint any addi­tional Trustee or Trustees o f these presents. The continuing Trustee or Trustees may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body. Whenever there shall be more than two Trustees hereof the majority of such Trustees shall be competent to execute and exercise all the trusts powers and discretions hereby vested in the Trustee. A body corporate may at any tim e be appointed a Trustee of these presents either alone or jointly with any other person or persons. The Govern­ment shall so long as any o f the Bonds remain outstanding pay to each of the Trustees for the tim e being such a sum as the Government with the consent o f the said Council may agree with the Trustee or Trustees by equal half-yearly payments on the 1st day o f January and on the 1st day o f Ju ly in every year and in addition shall pay the salary or fees which the Trustee or Trustees may consider it necessary to pay to any persons to represent or assist him them or any of them and all travelling and other costs charges and expenses which th e Trustee or Trustees or any of them or his or their repre­sentatives may incur in relation to the Trust.”

1 Registered under No. 1467. Treaty Series, Vol. 62, page 277.

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I I . Commissioner o f the League o f Nations in Bulgaria

and Adviser to the National Bank o f Bulgaria.

The Commissioner is appointed by the Council to which he is responsible, in pursuance of the Protocol of September 8th, 1926 which sets forth his duties. Notwithstanding the provisions of para­graph 6 of Article 1 of the aforesaid Protocol, moreover, the Com­missioner, in accordance with § 2 of Article X I of the Protocol dated March 10th, 1928, shall remain in office until the Council has ascertained that his services are no longer necessary for the purposes specified in Articles V I and V II of this latter Protocol.

The Adviser to the National Bank of Bulgaria is designated by the Council of the League o f Nations and appointed by the Bulgarian Government in pursuance of Article IV, paragraph 3 ,

of the Protocol of March 10th, 1928, which, inter alia, provides as follows :

“The functions of the Adviser shall continue until such time as the Council shall have ascertained that the financial and mone­tary stability of Bulgaria is assured, and, in any case, for not less than tw o years after the transformation o f the Bulgarian National Bank shall have been completed in the manner described in § 1 above . . . ”

** *

The exercise of the functions o f the Commissioner and of the Adviser to the Bank were suspended for the duration of the war, as from June 1st, 1940, by a decision o f the President of the Council of the League of Nations dated May 8 th, 1940.

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7 . F i s c a l C o m m i t t e e

X. Creation.

R e s o lu t io n of the Council o f the League o f Nations, December 14th,

1928.1The Council gave effect to a suggestion by “a general meeting

of government experts on double taxation and tax evasion” held at Geneva from October 22nd to 31st, 1928.

i The report s ta tes as follows :

“At its forty-fifth session th e Council ad o p ted a resolution ‘requesting the S e c r e t a r y - General to fo rw ard to the G overnm ents of all S ta tes M em bers and non- Members of the League of N ations the re p o r t of th e technical experts on double taxation and ta x evasion, w ith th e request th a t th e y express their opinion on its contents, and to convene a general m eeting of G overnm ent experts in 1928 for the purpose of discussing th is rep o rt’.

“This meeting was held a t G eneva from O ctober 22nd to 31st, 1928. I t com ­prised representatives of tw en ty -seven G overnm ents, including those of th e U nited States and the Union o f Socialist Soviet R epublics. In view of th e im portance of its discussions, I th in k i t exped ien t to give a som ew hat detailed account of the present state of the question w ith which th e m eeting had to deal.

“I need not draw y o u r a tte n tio n to th e v e ry serious evils resulting from double taxation and tax evasion. W ith the fiscal tariffs in force in m ost S ta tes a t the present dav, double taxa tion co n stitu tes a v ir tu a lly in surm ountab le barrie r to the free circulation of capital. In endeavouring to rem edy th is s ta te of affairs we are, as the Financial Com mittee po in ts ou t in its rep o rt, am plify ing in a m o st desirable manner the work u n d e rtak en by the League’s economic organisations w ith the simple object of b reaking down the barriers th a t separate the na tions in their economic life. W e are doing for capital w ha t th e d ra f t Convention on the trea tm en t of foreigners a ttem p ts to do for indiv iduals and w h a t the policy p ropounded by the World Economic Conference of M ay 1927 advocates in th e case o f commodities. Consequently, the p reven tion of double tax a t io n a n d ta x evasion should no t be regarded as an isolated task , m erely of in te res t to certa in in te rn a tio n a l capitalists, but rather as one of th e fu n d am en ta l aspects of th e policy of free circulation on which the League of N ations has em barked .

“The prevention o f double ta x a t io n has, indeed, long since ceased to be a matter for mere theo re tical discussion. A t th e req u es t of earlier Com m ittees of Experts, the Secretaria t collected all conventions or clauses in in te rna l laws which aimed at the p revention of double tax a t io n and ta x evasion (docum ent C.345.M .102 will be d istributed in J a n u a ry 1929). In th is m an n e r there have been collected no less than 128 conventions or tex ts of law's, all o f which are actua lly in force.

“This result is sufficient to show th a t th e p rob lem is u n d o u b ted ly a p ractica l one. I t emphasises th e im portance of m easures to prom ote greater un iform ity in conventions applying to sim ilar cases or to p rovide a basis for negotiations between countries w hich have n o t h ith e rto been able to negotia te because th e ir respective fiscal system s were too dissimilar.

‘. . . The report of th e G overnm ent experts is no t, however, re str ic ted to draft conventions. T he following resolu tion was unan im ously ad op ted by the twenty-seven S ta tes rep resen ted thereon :

“ The general m eeting of G overnm ent experts on double tax a tio n and ta x evasion has tak e n no te of the proposals concerning fu tu re o rganisation pre ­viously p u t forw ard b y th e technical experts. I t desires to signify i ts unanim ous approval of these proposa ls and to em phasise th e im portance i t a ttach es to their prom pt app lication , considering th e ap p o in tm en t of a C om m ittee to

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2. Purpose.

Study of all fiscal questions, particularly the problem of double taxation and of assistance in the collection of taxes.

s tudy questions concerning ta x a t io n w ith in the fram ew ork of the League's organisation to be an essential condition of the developm ent of the action un d e rtak en in th is sphere u n d e r th e auspices of th e L eague of Nations.

“ T h is C om m ittee should consist of a small nu m b er o f members selected for th e i r technical qualifications an d to represen t th e principal fiscal systems- b u t th e general m eeting of G overnm ent experts hopes t h a t i t will be possible to m ake arrangem en ts for th e C om m ittee th u s appo in ted to remain in close and p e rm a n en t co n tac t w ith th e countries n o t rep resen ted thereon.”

The R eso lu tion of th e Council read s as follows :

“ The Council :

“ 1. E xpresses its g rea t app rec ia tion of th e rep o rt p resen ted by the general m eeting o f G overnm en t experts on double tax a tio n and t a x evasion;

“ 2. A pproves th a t p a r t of th e F inancia l C om m ittee’s re p o r t which refers to double ta x a t io n and t a x evasion;

“ 3. R equests th e Secretary-G eneral to com m unicate th e rep o rt of the Govern­m en t experts fo r the in form ation of all countries, M em bers an d non-Members of th e League ;

“ 4. E xpresses the hope t h a t conventions and provisions of in ternal law for th e avoidance of double ta x a t io n and t a x evasion will be w idely adopted;

“ 5. E a rn e s t ly recom m ends G overnm ents to begin negotia tions for the con­clusion o f conventions fo r the avoidance of double ta x a t io n a n d ta x evasion;

“ 6. E xpresses th e hope t h a t th e tex ts adopted for th e avoidance of double tax a tio n an d t a x evasion will d e p a r t as l ittle as possible from the d ra f t Conventions recom m ended b y the G overnm en t experts ;

“ 7. N otes th e unan im ous reso lu tion of th e G overnm ent experts recommending th e crea tion , w ith in th e fram ew ork of the League organ isation , o f a Committee to s tudy ta x a t io n questions ;

“ 8. Decides to c reate such a C om m ittee, to be know n as th e F iscal Committee, and approves, as i ts te rm s of reference, the proposals se t o u t in C hapter V of the G overnm en t ex p erts ’ re p o rt;

“ 9. Decides th a t th is C om m ittee shall be organised on the following lines:

“ (a ) I t shall consist of a b o u t te n m em bers of different nationalities appointed by th e Council, and of two m em bers delegated b y the F inancia l Committee;

“ ( b) T h e m em bers appoin ted b y the Council shall be appointed on their personal m erits as technical experts in such a m an n e r t h a t , as fa r as possible, the various fiscal system s shall be represented in th e Com m ittee. The members of th e Com mittee shall n o t rep resen t th e ir G overnm ents ;

“ (c ) T he m em bers of th e C om m ittee shall hold office for th ree years and m ay be reappo in ted ;

“'(d ) The C om m ittee shall e lect its Chairm an, who shall hold office for one year. I t shall com m unicate i ts rep o rt to the Council th rough the Financial C om m ittee ; th e l a t te r shall be en tit led to add i ts ow n observations ;

“ (e) I n all countries wrhich h ave no na tionals appoin ted b y the Council on th e Fiscal Com m ittee, the Council m ay a p p o in t corresponding members of th is C om m ittee ;

“ ( f ) Corresponding m em bers m ust be inform ed of all th e work of the Com mittee. F o r th is purpose th ey shall receive all the docum ents of the Com­m ittee ;

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3 Character of the Committee.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

4 . Composition.

“About ten members” , w ith corresponding members in addition.

5, Appointment o f members.

(a) Members appointed by the Council.

(b) Appointed for three years.

“(g) They shall assist th e Com m ittee in all studies or enquiries u n d ertak en by the la tte r , p a rticu la rly in respect o f th e ir own coun try , an d th e y m ay transmit to i t any observations or sub m it in w riting an y opinion or proposal they m ay deem f i t;

“(h) T hey shall n o t, as a general ru le , tak e p a r t in th e m eetings of th e Committee, b u t th e la t te r m ay convene corresponding m em bers whenever it feels th a t those m em bers should be consulted on some given sub ject ;

“( i) Corresponding m em bers shall be appo in ted for th ree years. T h ey m ay, however, be reappo in ted on the ex p ira tio n of th is period, b u t in a n y case, their appoin tm ent shall cease as soon as the Council nom ina tes a person of the same n a tio n a lity to become a full m em ber of the C om m ittee .”

('Official Journal, 10 th Y ear, No. 1, J a n u a ry 1929, pages 49 to 51.)

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8. S p e c i a l D e l e g a t i o n o f t h e F i n a n c i a l a n d E c o n o m ic

C o m m i t t e e s f o r t h e S t u d y o f E c o n o m i c D e p r e s s i o n s

1. Creation.

Resolution II (b ) o f the Assembly, October 4th, 1937.1 Resolutions o f the Council, January 28th, 1938,2 and January 29th


1 “ The Assem bly,“ Recognising t h a t technical progress in ind u stry , agriculture and transport

has m ade possible fu r th e r advances in h u m a n welfare;“ Recognising also t h a t such advances depend upon economic co-operation

betw een th e n a tio n s :“ (1) In v ite s th e Econom ic and F inancia l O rganisation of th e League, in collabo­

ra tio n , w hen a p p ro p ria te , w ith th e In te rn a t io n a l L abour Office, to take whatever steps i t m ay deem appropria te fo r th e exam ination of th e following problems1

“( a) ..............“(b ) M easures w hich m igh t be em ployed w ith a view to the prevention

or m itig a tio n of economic depressions;

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 168, O ctober 1937, page 13.)

2 “ The Council :“ 1..............................................“ 2 ..............................................................“ 3..............................................................“4. Decides to appo in t a delegation composed of certa in members of the

Econonic and F inancia l Committees, o r o th e r persons of sim ilar competence, and some econom ists to conduct an enquiry in to m easures th a t m igh t be employed w ith a view to th e p reven tion or m itigation o f economic depressions.

(Official Journal, 19th Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1938, page 96.)

3 M. WESTMAN presen ted th e following rep o rt an d resolution:“ 1. A t a m eeting held earlier th is week, the Council approved a proposal

th a t I had th e honour to subm it to i t fo r th e appo in tm en t of a special delegation to undertake th e s tu d y recom m ended b y th e la s t Assembly of th e measures which m ight be em ployed w ith a view to the p reven tion or m itigation o f economic depres­sions.

“ 2. The F inancia l Com mittee has suggested th a t th is delegation should be composed of certa in m em bers of th e F inancia l and Econom ic Committees, or persons of sim ilar competence, and of econom ists w ith a special knowledge of these questions.

“ 3. I t rem ains for m e, therefore, to subm it th e nam es o f persons to serve on th is delegation. I would suggest th a t th e delegation should be restricted to a m axim um n u m b er of seven persons, b u t should be empowered, should i t so desire, to ob ta in evidence or views from such persons as i t m ay th in k fit, and should itself determ ine th e m ost app ropria te m eans of establishing con tac t w ith the Inter­national L ab o u r Office.

“ 4. I accordingly subm it th e following resolution for th e approval of the Council :

“ The Council,“ Inv ite s th e following persons to serve on a delegation to s tu d y and report

on th e m easures which m ight be em ployed w ith a view to th e prevention or m itigation of economic depressions :

(Official Journal, 19th Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1938, page 108.)

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2. Purpose.

To study, in co-operation with the International Labour Organi­sation, the measures which might be employed with a view to the prevention or mitigation o f economic depressions.

3. Character.

C o m p o se d of persons appointed in an individual capacity (selected in v iew of their functions in the various organs o f the League of N atio n s or their personal competence).

4. Composition.

Not more than seven members, chosen from among the members of the Financial and Economic Committees, and also from among economists and other persons w ith similar experience.

The Delegation is empowered, should it so desire, to obtain evidence or views from such persons as it may think fit and to determine itself the most appropriate means o f establishing contact with the International Labour Organisation.

5. Appointment o f members.

Appointed by the Council.

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9. C o m m i t t e e o f E x p e r t s f o r t h e S t u d y o f D e m o g r a p h i c

P r o b l e m s

1. Creation.

Resolution o f the Assem bly, September 29th, 1938.1 Resolution o f the Council, January 16th, 1939.2

VT I. T he Assembly,

“ Considering t h a t dem ographic problem s p lay an im p o r ta n t p a r t in the national economies of the various countries and in the general econom y of the world •

“ Recognising t h a t th e economic aspects of dem ographic problem s have hitherto been insufficiently s tud ied :

“ R equests th e Council to co n stitu te a special com m ittee o f experts to study dem ographic problem s an d especially th e ir connection w ith th e economic, financial an d social s ituation , and to sub m it a report on th e sub ject which m ay be of practical va lue to G overnm ents in th e d e te rm ina tion of th e ir policies;

“ Expresses th e hope th a t a place or places will be reserved on th e said com­m ittee for th e ex p erts of countries in te rested in th e p roblem w hich are no t members o f th e L eague of N a tio n s .”

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 182, O ctober 1938, page 11.)

T he R a p p o r te u r of th e Second C om m ittee m ade th e following statement on th is question :

“ The Com m ittee h a d before i t a p roposal t h a t th e Econom ic and Financial O rganisation should com plete th e studies a lready u n d e rtak en in the field of the in te rn a tio n a l m ovem en t of goods and cap ita l b y a s tu d y of population problems. T he Econom ic C om m ittee w hich , a t th e request of th e las t Assembly, considered th is question , recom m ended th a t a C om m ittee should be se t u p to study demo­graphic questions in a p rac tica l w ay. T he Second Com mittee cam e to th e conclusion th a t such a s tu d y m ig h t lead to useful results , and we propose th a t a special ad hoc com m ittee should be appo in ted b y th e Council to rep o rt on th is problem.

“ The Second C om m ittee h a d before i t a re p o r t o f the Conference of Experts on Technical an d F inancia l C o-operation w ith regard to M igration for Settlement, convened b y th e In te rn a t io n a l L abour Organisation. One o f th e resolutions of th is Conference was a req u es t to the G overning B ody of th e In terna tiona l Labour O rgan isation ‘to proceed w ith th e consultations and o th e r s teps necessary for the estab lishm en t o f a p e rm a n en t in te rn a tio n a l com m ittee on m igra tion for settlement, com prising rep resen tatives o f all countries w hich declare them selves interested in the question an d decide to jo in the com m ittee, as well as experts on economic, financial and social questions’. T he Econom ic C om m ittee in its la te s t report expressed th e opinion th a t such a centre ‘m ight be useful an d m ig h t lead to practical results, i f there is such a degree of o rganisation am ong th e countries concerned as will enable th e m to co-operate fu lly in th e m an n e r co n tem pla ted ’. W e have been inform ed th a t th e In te rn a t io n a l L abour O rganisation has communicated with G overnm ents, enquiring w h e th er th ey would be p repared to jo in such a committee, and we hope t h a t th e G overnm ents’ replies will be of a n a tu re to permit the estab lishm en t o f such a b o d y .”

(Official Journal , Special Supplem ent No. 185, M inutes o f th e Second Com­m ittee , S ep tem ber 1938, page 65.)

2 T his resolu tion reproduces the resolu tion of th e Assembly da ted Septem­b e r 29th, 1938, and ap p o in ts th e m em bers o f th e C om m ittee.

(Official Journal, 2 0 th Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1939, page 54.)

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2. Purpose.

To study demographic problems and, in particular, their relation to the economic and social situation, and to draw up a report of p ra c t ic a l value to Governments in t h e determination o f their policy.

3 . Character of the Committee.

Composed o f m em bers ap poin ted in an in d iv idu a l cap acity . (Certain members m ay be selected from th e nation als o f States n o t members o f the League o f Nations.)

4. Composition.

Ten members (number not limited).

5. Appointm ent o f members.

(a ) Appointed b y the Council.

(b) Appointed for the duration o f the work o f the Committee.

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Chapter IV.—Opium and Other Narcotic Drugs.

A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e o n T r a f f i c i n O p i u m a n d O t h e r

D a n g e r o u s D r u g s

1. Creation.

Assembly resolution, December 15th, 1920.1

2. Purpose.

To advise the Council on all questions concerning the traffic in narcotic drugs and to supervise the application o f the relevant con­ventions and agreements .2

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f Government representatives.

4. Composition.

The number o f members has varied.It was increased to twenty-four when the Committee was renewed

in 1939.3

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) The Governments to be represented on the Committee are designated by the Council.

They are designated for three years.(b) The Governments themselves appoint their representatives.

1 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent, J a n u a ry 1921, pages 21, 22.

2 The resolu tion of th e Assembly, Decem ber 15th, 1920, reads as follows : “ T h a t, hav ing regard to th e d u ty placed on the League b y Article 23 of the

C ovenant to supervise th e execution of a rrangem en ts w ith regard to the traffic in opium and o th er dangerous drugs, th e Assembly concurs w ith th e Netherlands G overnm en t in i ts view th a t i t will be preferable for the League to undertake the d u ties placed upon th e N etherlands G overnm ent b y th e O pium Convention with regard to th e collection of d a ta and dealing w ith d isputes ;

“ T h a t for th is purpose and for th e purpose of enabling th e League to exercise i ts general supervision over th e execution of arrangem en ts wdth regard to this traffic, th e S ecretaria t of th e League is en tru s ted w ith th e d u ty of collecting infor­m a tio n as to th e a rrangem en ts m ade in th e various countries for carrying out the O p ium Convention, th e p roduction , d is tr ib u tio n and consum ption of the drugs, an d o th er necessary d a ta ;

“ T h a t in o rder to secure the fullest possible co-operation betw een the various countries in regard to th e m a tte r , and to assist and advise th e Council in dealing w ith any questions t h a t m ay arise, an Advisory C om m ittee be appointed by the Council . . . ”

3 On th is d a te , th e C om m ittee was composed of the representatives of the following countries : Belgium , U n ited K ingdom , B ulgaria , C anada, China, Czecho­slovakia, E g y p t, F rance, Greece, H u n g ary , In d ia , I ran , Mexico, Netherlands, P e ru , Po land , P o rtu g a l, Spain, Sw itzerland, T hailand , T urkey , U nited States of A m erica, U ruguay an d Yugoslavia.

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6 P e r m a n e n t Sub-Committees o f the A dvisory Committee.

(a) Agenda Sub-Committee.

Purpose : Preparation o f the Agenda for the meetings of the Advisory Committee.

Character : The members are Government representatives.

(b) Sub-Committee on Seizures.

Purpose : To make a prehminary examination of the reports on seizures and to submit a report thereon to the Advisory Committee.

Character : The members are Government representatives.

(c) Standing Sub-Committee for the Application of Chapter IV of the Hague Convention.

Purpose : To examine the means likely to secure close co-operation b etw een the Chinese authorities and the authorities o f the Powers concerned with respect to the matters mentioned in Chapter IV of the Hague Convention of January 23rd, 1912.

Character : The members are Government representatives.

(d) Sub-Committee to study Questions in regard to Indian Hemp and Indian Hem p Drugs.

Purpose : As defined by the name of the Sub-Committee.

Character : The members are Government representatives.

(e) Sub-Committee o f Experts to draw up the List of Drugs and Preparations coming under the Hague (1912) and Geneva (1925) Opium Conventions and the Limitation Convention (Geneva, 1931).

Purpose : As defined b y the name of the Sub-Committee.

Character : Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

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Chapter V.—Health.

Article 23 o f the Covenant o f the League of Nations reads as follows :

“ Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of inter­national conventions existing or hereafter to be agreed upon the Members o f the League . . .

“ ( f ) will endeavour to take steps in matters o f international concern for the prevention and control o f disease.”

The Permanent H ealth Organisation of the League of Nations following on a provisional organisation set up in 1921, was established by a Council resolution of Ju ly 7th, 1923, and an Assembly resolution of September 15th, 1923.1

It was modified by a Council resolution o f September 26th, 1936.a

The League o f Nations Health Organisation comprises the following bodies :

1. The Health Committee.2. The General Advisory Health Council.

3. The Health Section o f the Secretariat o f the League of Nations.

4. The Advisory Committee o f the Eastern Bureau.

I . The Health Committee.1. Creation.

A provisional Committee was set up by the Council in 1921.3 A definitive Committee was constituted in virtue o f a Council

resolution o f July 7th, 1923,4 and an Assembly resolution dated September 15th, 1923.5

The constitution and working o f the Committee are governed b y a Council resolution o f September 26th, 1936.2

2. Purpose.

The direction o f the health work of the League of Nations.

1 T he scheme was p repared b y a Jo in t C om m ittee w hich m et in Paris from M ay 27 th to J u n e 2nd, 1923 (see docum ent C.H.197, which is a collection of the chief constitu tiona l tex ts re la ting to th e H ea lth O rganisation).

The Council and th e Assembly approved th is scheme.For th e Council resolu tion , see Official Journal, 4 th Y ear, No. 8, August 1923,

pages 936 and 1045-1046.F o r th e Assem bly resolu tion , see Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 11,

O ctober 1923, page 11.

2 Official Journal, 17th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1936, page 1175.

3 Official Journal, M inutes o f the T h ir te en th Session of th e Council, pages 21,22,a n d A nnex 203.

1 Official Journal, 4 th Y ear, No. 8, A ugust 1923, pages 936 and 1043-1046.

5 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent N o. 11, O ctober 1923, page 11.

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The H ealth C om m ittee is th e ad visory and techn ical organ o f the Council and Assembly.

3 Character of the Committee.

Composed of m e m b e rs a p p o in te d in a n in d iv id u a l c a p a c ity .

4. Composition.

Twelve m em bers, and certain associate m em bers.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) Member ex officio.—The President o f the Permanent Com­mittee of the Office international d'Hygiène publique (who is ex officio Vice-President of the Committee).

(b) Appointed members.—Eleven members appointed b y the Council of the League of Nations, “these members necessarily inclu­ding the representatives o f the principal national health administra­t ions” .

Duration of term of office o f members : three years.

6. The Commissions.

(a) Commissions and Sub-Committees, set up by the Health Committee.

They are as follows :

(i) The Sub-Committees o f the Health Committee :

Opium Sub-Committee.Sub-Committee for the Study o f the Report and the Budget

of the Eastern Bureau.

(ii) The Technical Commissions :

Permanent Commission on Biological Standardisation. Malaria Commission.The Technical Commission on Nutrition.Commission on Housing.Committee on Physical Education.Advisory Committee on the Enquiry into the Radiological

Treatment of Cancer o f the Uterus.The members o f the Technical Commissions and Sub-Committees

are appointed in an individual capacity by the Health Committee.The term of office o f the Commissions expires simultaneously

with that of the Health Committee.

(b) A special Committee for co-ordination between the Advisory Committee on Social Questions and the H ealth Committee was established in 1938, in pursuance of a decision o f the Assem bly . 1

1 Official Journal, Special S upp lem en t No. 182, O ctober 1938, page 24, and document C.203.M.132.1939.

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I I . The General Advisory Health Council.

The functions o f the General Advisory Health Council are entrusted to the Permanent Committee o f the Office international d'Hygiène publique, which is autonomous.

The annual Assem bly o f the General Advisory Health Council is composed o f the members o f the Permanent Committee of the Office international d'Hygiène publique with, in addition, the represen­tatives o f the States Members of the League of Nations which do not belong to the Office international d ’Hygiène publique.

The members of the H ealth Council are ex officio members of this annual Assembly.

I I I . The Health Section o f the Secretariat o f the League o f Nations.

The H ealth Section of the Secretariat of the League of Nations (including the Eastern Bureau at Singapore) constitutes the Secre­tariat of the H ealth Organisation of the League.

IV . The A dvisory Committee o f the Eastern Bureau.

1. Creation.

Resolution of the Assembly, September 20th, 1924.1Conference of representatives of Far-Eastern Governments at

Singapore (February 1925).

2. Purpose.

Extension to the Far East o f the work of the Health Organisation, particularly in the field o f epidemiological intelligence.

The decisions o f the Committee must be approved by the Health Committee.

3. Character o f the Committee.

(a ) Consists o f representatives o f each of the following coun­tries, or groups of countries : Australia, British Colonies and Depen­dencies, China, India, Netherlands East Indies, Indo-China and other French Colonies, Thailand.

On May 23rd, 1939, the Council of the League of Nations allotted a seat to Burm a .2

On November 24th, 1939, the Health Committee submitted to the Council a recommendation 3 for the allotment of a seat to the Philippines. The Council did not take a decision on this matter during its session in December 1939.

( b) The representatives are delegates o f Public Health Services. They have no power to commit their Governments.

1 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 21, O ctober 1924, page 12.2 Official Journal, 20th Y ear, No. 5-6, M ay -Ju n e 1939, page 269.3 D ocum en t C.364.M.277.1939.I I I .

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Chapter VI.—Social and Humanitarian Questions.

l . A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e o n S o c i a l Q u e s t i o n s

1. Creation.

R ecom m enda tion of the International Conference on Traffic in Women and Children (June 1921).1

In pursuance o f this recommendation, the Council set up, on J a n u a r y 14th, 1922, the “Advisory Committee on the Traffic in W o m e n and Children” .2

The Committee was subsequently reconstituted under the name of “Advisory Committee on Traffic in W omen and Protection of Children” 3, after the transfer to the League of Nations o f the work of the International Association for the Promotion of Child Welfare.

The Commission adopted later the name o f “ Advisory Com­mission for the Protection and Welfare of Children and Young P eop le” (Resolution o f the Council, June 9th, 1925).

The present organisation o f the Advisory Committee on Social Questions was determined in a resolution o f the Council of Septem ­ber 26th, 1936.4 This resolution gave the Committee its present title. It does away writh the subdivision into two Committees (Traffic in Women Committee and Child Welfare Committee) which existed formerly. The powers and duties o f the Committee were not in any way aifected by this change.

1 Recom m endation X I :

“The Conference recom m ends th a t a C om m ittee consisting of five or six rep re ­sentatives of S ta tes and of th ree to five assessors should be co n stitu ted as an advisory body to th e League of N ations, in o rder to advise th e Council as to ‘the general supervision over th e execu tion of ag reem ents w ith regard to th e Traffic in Women and Children’, and also as to all in te rn a tio n a l questions re la tive to th is matter, which m ay be su b m itted to th e C om m ittee for its consideration. I t would have no au thority or d irec t power.

"‘The appo in tm en t of th e m em bers of th is C om m ittee w ould re s t w ith th e Council of the League of N a tio n s . . . ”

2 Official Journal, 3rd Y ea r, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1922, page 112.

3 Resolution of th e Council, D ecem ber 10th , 1924, Official Journal, 6 th Y ear, No. 2, February 1925, page 135.

1Official Journal, 17th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1936, pages 1174-1178 (see also Official Journal, 17th Y ea r, No. 6, Ju n e 1936, pages 557-560. In fact, the new arrangem ent h a d a lready been exam ined in M ay 1936 by th e Council, which, however, did n o t tak e a decision u n til Septem ber).

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2. Purpose.

Supervision of international agreements w ith regard to the traffic in women and children and the traffic in obscene publications, 1 and the study of all international questions relating thereto .2

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed o f Government representatives.The Committee appoints also assessors and experts for the study

of particular problems.The Council designates international associations as associated

or corresponding members.

4. Composition.

The number of Governments represented on the Committee is twenty-five.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) The Governments are designated for three years. These Governments appoint their own representatives.

(b) The corresponding members are appointed for three years.

Note .—As already stated on page 63 (6 6), a special Committee for co­ordination between the Advisory Committee on Social Questions and the Health Committee was set up in 1938 by a decision of the A ssem bly . 3

1 U nder a reso lu tion of Ju n e 7tli, 1926, th e Council p rovided for the trans­mission to the Traffic in W om en a n d Children C om m ittee of all in form ation obtained by the G overnm ents respecting the circulation of and traffic in obscene publications. (Official Journal, 7 th Y ea r, No. 7, Ju ly 1926, page 858.)

2 R esolution of th e Council, M arch 14th, 1924:“ . . . T he Council decides t h a t the w ork h ithe rto carried o u t b y th e International

Association for th e P ro m o tio n of Child W elfare shall in fu tu re be entrusted to th e Secretaria t of th e L eague o f N ations.” (Official Journal, 5 th Y ear, No. 4, April 1924, page 538.) This decision was ratified b y the Assembly on Septem ber 26th. 1924.

3 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 182, O ctober 1938, page 24.

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2. A d v is o r y C o m m itte e o f E x p e r t s o n S l a v e r y

1. Creation.

Resolution o f the Assem bly, October 12th, 1932.1 The Committee’s Rules of Procedure were approved by the Coun­

cil on January 19th, 1934.2 Amended by the Council on May 13th,1936.3

2. Purpose.

To study the question of slavery .4

3. Character of the Committee.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Seven members.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) By the Council.

(b) For three years.

1 Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 103, N ovem ber 1932, pages 24-26.

2Official Journal, 15th Y ea r, No. 2, P a r t I , F eb ru a ry 1934, pages 150 a n d 222.

3 Official Journal, 17th Y e a r, No. 6, Ju n e 1936, pages 557 to 560 and 731.

4 The Assembly reso lu tion of O ctober 12th, 1932, reads as follows :

“ A nnex

“A .................. its ta s k (i.e., th e ta sk o f th e C om m ittee) will b e :

“ (1) To s tudy and exam ine th e docum en ts supplied or tra n sm it te d by G overn ­ments to the S ecre ta ria t;

“(2) To s tudy , on th e basis of such docum ents and of th e special knowledge of its members, the facts and in s titu tio n s m entioned in A rticle 1 of th e 1926 Slavery Convention an d to exam ine th e ir rôle in th e social sy s tem ;

“(3) To s tudy the m eans o f g radually abolishing these in s titu tio n s or customs, or of causing th em to develop in such a w ay as to deprive th em of a n y objectionable features ;

“(4) I f a country where slavery exists asks fo r financial assistance fro m the League of Nations in se ttling questions re la ting to th e abolition o f slavery, th e Committee will, a t th e re q u es t o f th e Council, exam ine th e objects for w hich th is financial assistance is req u es ted , the m in im um a m o u n t necessary and th e guaran teesoffered ;

“(5) The C om m ittee shall n o t deal w ith questions re la tin g to Article 5 of th e 1926 Slavery Convention.

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3. L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r

f o r R e f u g e e s

1 . Creation.

Resolution o f the Assem bly o f the League of Nations of Septem ber 30th, 1938.1

1 “ T he Assembly,

“ A dop ts th e following provisions :

“ 1. A H ig h Commissioner of th e L eague of N ations shall be constituted to deal w ith refugees h ith e rto coming u n d e r th e N ansen In te rn a tio n a l Office and the Office of th e H ig h Commissioner for Refugees coming from G erm any.

“ 2. T he H igh Commissioner’s du ties will be as follows :

“ (a ) To provide for th e politica l an d legal p ro tec tion of refugees, as entrusted to th e regu la r organs of the L eague b y p a rag rap h 3 of th e A ssem bly’s decision of S ep tem ber 30th, 1930 ;

‘Y b) To superin tend th e en try in to force and th e app lication of the legal s ta tu s of refugees, as defined m ore p articu larly in th e Conventions of Octo­b e r 28 th , 1933, and F eb ru a ry 10th, 1938;

“(c ) To facilita te th e co-ord ination of h u m an ita r ian assistance ;

‘Y d ) To assist th e G overnm ents and p rivate o rganisations in their efforts to p rom ote em igra tion a n d p e rm a n en t se ttlem ent.

“ 3. T he H ig h Commissioner shall r e p o r t to the Assembly an n u ally on his work.

“ 4. I n th e perform ance of h is du ties :

4Y a) T he H igh Commissioner shall keep in close to u ch w ith the Govern­m en ts concerned an d the co m p e ten t official bodies, and shall m ain ta in relations w ith th e In te r-governm en ta l C om m ittee in L ondon ;

*Yb) H e shall establish co n tac t, in such m an n e r as he m ay think best, wdth p r iv a te organisations dealing w ith refugee questions.

“ 5. T h e H ig h Commissioner shall have no power to e n te r in to any legal co m m itm en t w hatsoever on b eh a lf of th e League of N a tions: th e League assumes no responsab ility , legal or financial, in respect of his activ ities.

“ 6. T he H ig h Commissioner shall ap p o in t a D e p u ty H ig h Commissioner and a sm all s ta ff to assist him . T he D e p u ty H igh Commissioner shall n o t have the sam e n a tio n a li ty as th e H igh Commissioner.

“ T he H igh Commissioner shall consult th e G overnm ents of the principal countries o f refuge as to th e need fo r appointing rep resen ta tives therein. Should th e y agree, he m ay ap p o in t to those countries rep resen tatives approved by them.

“ N e ith e r th e m em bers of th e H ig h Commissioner’s s ta ff no r the aforesaid rep resen ta tiv es or th e ir assis tan ts m ay be refugees or fo rm er refugees.

“ 7. T he g ra n t from the L eague of N ations shall be ap p ro p ria ted for the High Com missioner’s adm in istra tive expenses, including th e em olum ents of the Deputy H igh Commissioner, th e staff a n d th e represen tatives, if any . I t m ay in no case be em ployed fo r th e relief an d se ttlem en t of refugees. I t shall be fixed by the Assem bly y e a r b y year.

“ 8. T he H igh Commissioner m ay accep t funds from G overnm ents or private sources ; he m ay likewise accep t an y sum s t h a t m ay be offered to h im b y the Nansen In te rn a t io n a l Office for Refugees.

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2. Purpose.

The international protection of the so-called “Nansen” refugees and of refugees from Germany.

3. Character.

Appointed in a n in d iv id u a l c a p a c ity .

4. Appointment.

(a) The High Commissioner is appointed by the Assembly.

(b) He was appointed for five years as from January 1st, 1939.

“He shall n o t h im self d irec tly provide assistance to refugees, b u t shall allot the aforesaid funds am ong such organisations and such official bodies, if any, as he may consider b es t qualified to ad m in iste r such assistance.

‘"The accounts in respect of these funds shall be periodically au d ited b y the Auditor of the League o f N ations. F o r the in fo rm ation of th e A ssem bly, th e H igh Commissioner shall include in his annual re p o r t a s ta te m en t of his activities in this field.

“9. The H igh Commissioner and his o rgan isation shall have th e ir h ead q u arte rs in London.

193 ^ lC Commissioner shall be ap po in ted fo r five years from J a n u a ry 1st,

(Official Journal, Special Supplem ent No. 182, October 1938, page 26.)

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Chapter VII.—Intellectual Co-operation. International Organisation of Intellectual Co-operation.

l . I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m i t t e e o n I n t e l l e c t u a l

C o -o p e r a t i o n

1. Creation.

Resolution o f the Assembly, September 21st, 1921.1 Resolution o f the Council, January 14th, 1922.2

2. Purpose.

“The promotion of collaboration between nations in all fields of intellectual effort, in order to promote a spirit of international understanding as a means to the preservation of peace.” (Definition given b y the Committee o f Enquiry in 1930 and quoted by the Rapporteur to the Council, M. Aristide Briand, September 9th 1930.)

3. Character o f the Committee.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

4. Composition.

Eighteen members.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a ) Members appointed by the Council o f the League of N ations.

(b) Appointed for three years.

6 . Executive Committee o f the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation.

(a ) Creation : Set up by the Committee at its twelth session (Ju ly 1930) and approved b y the Council on September 9th,1930.3

(b ) Purpose: To watch over the whole organisation and see that the decisions of the Committee are carried out between its meetings.

(c ) Composition : E ight members, as follows : five members chosen from among the members of the Committee (including the Chairman) and three members chosen outside the Com­m ittee; these latter attend in an advisory capacity only.

1 Official Jo u rn a l , Special Supplem ent No. 6, O ctober 1921, page 34.2 Official Jo urna l , 3rd Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1922, pages 111, 174 and 175.

3 Official Jo u rn a l , 11th Y ear, No. 11, N ovem ber 1930, pages 1304-1306.

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7 Committees and Other Organs subordinate to the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation.

A. Committees o f Experts.

1. Advisory Committee on the Teaching of the Principles and Facts o f Intellectual Co-operation.

2. Permanent Committee on Arts and Letters.3 . Directors’ Committee o f the International Museums

Office.4 . Directors’ Committee of the Institutes of Archaeology

and of the History o f Art.5. International Commission on Historical Monuments.

6 . Committee o f Scientific Advisers.7 . Committee o f Architectural Experts.8 . Committee o f Directors o f Higher Education.9. Committee o f Library Experts.

10. Committee o f Expert Archivists.11. Publication Committee for the Japanese Collection.12. Publication Committee for the Ibero-American Collection.13. Committee on Intellectual Rights.14. International Committee for Folk Arts.

B. International Studies Conference.

C. National Committees on Intellectual Co-operation.

The National Committees on Intellectual Co-operation act as connecting links between the International Committee and national intellectual circles. 1

1 In 1939, there were na tio n a l C om m ittees in th e following countries : Union of South Africa, U nited S ta te s of Am erica, A rgentine , A ustra lia , Belgium. Bolivia, Brazil, the U nited K ingdom , B ulgaria , Chili, China, Czechoslovakia, Cuba, D en ­mark, the Dominican R epublic , E g y p t, E cuador, E ston ia , F in land , France, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Iceland, In d ia , I ran , L a tv ia , L ebanon , L ith u an ia , L uxem burg , Mexico, the N etherlands, P e ru , Po land . P o rtu g a l, R oum ania , Salvador, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, L^ruguay, Y ugoslavia.

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— 12 —2. I n t e r n a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e o f I n t e l l e c t u a l C o - o p e r a t i o n

I. Creation.

Resolution o f the Council, September 9th, 1924.1 Resolution of the Assembly, September 23rd, 1924.2 Letter from the French Government dated December 8th, 1924 s Resolution of the Council, December 13th, 1924.4

II. Organs o f the Institute.

These are:

(a ) The Governing Body.( b) The Committee of Directors.(c ) The Director of the Institute.

III . The Governing Body.

1. Purpose.

This is the supreme authority of the Institute.

2. Character.

Composed of members appointed in an individual capacity.

3. Composition.

The members are the members o f the League of Nations International Committee on Intellectual Co-Operation.

4. Term of appointment o f members.

They cease to belong to the Governing B ody on ceasing to be members of the International Committee on Intellectual Co­operation.

IV. The Committee o f Directors.

1. Composition.

Five members with, in addition, the Chairman o f the Gover­ning Body.

2. Character.

Composed o f members appointed in an individual capacity.

3. Appointment.

(a ) Appointed by the Governing Body.

(b ) Appointed for two years.

1 Official Journal, 5 th Y ear, No. 10, O ctober 1924, pages 1296-1297.

2Official Jo u rn a l, Special Supp lem en t No. 21, O ctober 1924, pages 17, 18.

3 Official Journal, 6 th Y ear, No. 2, F eb ru a ry 1925, pages 285, 289.

4 Ib id ., pages 157, 289.

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C hapter VIII.—Technical Collaboration with a Particular Country.

C o u n c i l Co m m i t t e e f o r T e c h n i c a l C o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n

t h e L e a g u e o f N a t i o n s a n d C h i n a

1. Creation.

The Council appointed this Committee in pursuance of a proposal made by the Secretary-General on July 3rd, 1933.1

2. Purpose.

To examine the request made b y the Chinese Government with a view to ensuring more continuous co-operation between the League of Nations and the National Economic Council and to take all measures necessary for that purpose.

3. Character o f the Committee.

The members are Government representatives.

4. Composition.

Composed o f representatives of States Members o f the Council of the League of Nations designated by the Council. Such States cease to be members on ceasing to be Members o f the Council.

There were, originally, eight members and, in addition, the President of the Council o f the League of Nations, who was Chairman of the Committee.

The Council has, moreover, authorised the Committee to invite other States to appoint representatives to sit on the Committee.

5. Appointment o f members.

(a) The Governments appoint their own representatives.

(b) Term of office: membership o f the Committee ceases with membership of the Council.

1 Official Journal, 14th Y ear, No. 9, P a r t I , Sep tem ber 1933, page 1059.

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The purpose of the present docum ent is to give a com prehensive survey o f m ultilateral international obligations in the field of com m unications. I t constitu tes, as i t were, an inventory of these very num erous obligations. A considerable num ber of the instrum ents dealt with were concluded under th e auspices o f the League of N ations itself.

The various instrum ents listed are classified according to th e m ain topics w ith which thev deal. In th e case of each instrum en t, th e lis t indicates its title , place and date of conclusion, date o f entry into force, th e contracting S tates, and, lastly , one or two publi­cations in which its tex t is to be found and which have been consulted in preparing the present survey. t .■ 1 1 '

To make the docum ent more com plete retrospectively, an A nnex is appended enum e­rating all clauses relating to com m unications in th e T reaties of Peace concluded a t the end of the first world w ar—th a t is to say, in th e four T reaties of 1919-1920.


Origin—Principles—Application12# pages. (Ser. L .o.N . P . 1945.VI.A.1) « /- $1.W

This study, which the League o f N ations Secretariat pnMfehed in A pril 1945, first briefly outlines the historical background, th e genesis and the establishm ent of the m andates system created in virtue of A rticle 22 o f th e Covenant. C hapter I I analyses the fundam ental principles of the m andatory regim e, and th e m ethods adopted for the application of those innciples. Chapter I I I describes th e w ay in which supervision o f the m andatory adm inistra- ion is exercised by the League o f N ations, th e pow ers, duties and procedure of th e organs f the League in regard to m andates, th e sources of inform ation and the means of super- kion placed a t their disposal and, in particular, th e rôle and w ork e f the M andates Com­

mission, Chapter IV is devoted to the question o f th e m oral, social and m aterial welfare the naiives. The last chapter, which is en titled “T he population of th e m andated

emtories summarises the dem ographic da ta fam ished in the annual reports of the andatory Powers.


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and the m aintenance o f production and em ploym ent after th e w ar m ay ix- facilitated.


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w ith a chap ter of conclusions, is concerned w ith policies for securing a high and stable level of em ploym ent.


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This is followed by a discussion o f the v ita l interdependence betw een the r f-u ration of

a world trad ing system and the achievem ent of higher standards of li v and “M em ploym ent". O ther problem s discussed concern Customs unions and r. ;: nal apte-

m ent p rivate tra d e restrictions (cartels), intergovernm ental commodity regulation ■ schemes and obstacles to th e supply o f raw m aterials. Conclusions are dra>.-n and sug­

gestions p u t forw ard as to th e lines along w hich commercial policy should be directed in order to rebuild in ternational trade.