new series lexington, t4, xxxiv. · jvilliam c....

sc New Series NO. 3. VOL. VI. TERMS OF THfc ftent-udt- a3ette, feuDLISHED EVEUY FRIDAY MOIININ'G, TVS XotycW & Covins. fj The price to Subscribers, is, THREE. COLLARS per annum, Pim W adtauci, vijEOtJR DOLLARS at the end of the year. J$l new subscribers must in evert instance be paid in advance. (T The TEHM9 op AnVIimsiso in this pa per, are, nm cests' for the first insertion of every 15 lines or under, and twistt-tiv- e cents tor each continuance,- - longer advertisements in the- - tame proportion. ( All advertisements not paid for in ad- vance, must b'i paid for when ordered to be discontinued. (rj AU communications addresSffl to the ed-tr- s must be post' paid. A List of Letters, REMAINING in the Post-offic- e in Lexing-jtl- j ton on the 1st of January, 1820, which Sf not taken out in three months, will be sent to the General ost-offi- as dead letters. A. . 'Charles H. Abert 4, William Austin, Elisha Allen, Richard Auberry 2, Charles W. Allen, Samuel Armstrong, William Armstrong 2, fticnard Atkhinson, Mary Anderson. Ezekiel Hudson and' Elvih Allehj Richard inderson, Berryman Askins. Jane II. Allen 2, i&nry Alderson. "Elizabeth P. Abernathy, Adams, William, Anderson, William JVilliam C. Adams, John Akin, Cuthbert Anderson, Henry A'uberry, Frederick Ault, SHchael Arthur. B. A. Boucherie, Samuel Bean, Andrew Byrns, Thomas-- Bancroft, Edward Boohe, Aylett fcuckner, Melinda Blair, John Boce 2, Thos. T. Bradford, Pliilip Bradley, Judith B. Ben-n- et A"bncr Bean, Mary . Bryan, Daniel Absalom Brown, Isaac Burnett, Thos. Durk.Bcu'bin Berry 2, Willian.JBroWn, George Brown, Edmund Bateman, Absalem W. Bur-tu- s, Percival Butler 3, Robert Brook, John Boyd, Lucas Br'oadhead, John Beach 2, Nathl. Brewer, Mr. Bafcevell, Charles Bird, Stephen Bloomer, H; N. Baylies, villiam P. .Bullock, Felix Byrnes, diaries" Bradford 2, Clary hit-be- e, John Bryan, Abraham JUird, Ilenrj S. BiscO, Aaron Black, Samuel Barlow, George Bronaogli, Lucv Benning, Pernell Bishop, G. . Boone 2, Edward .Brown, John Bnyles, Daniel Barker, John Bums, Scmu'el Bean, William P. Brown, Joshua Bryan, B. Bryan, James Bryan 2, William Breckinridge, Boone, James Bean-- , Jadbb Branst, John Brownr Jacob Juigman, Philip Barbour j, Jq1o. Nancy Buch- anan, Teinple BootH, Isaac Burrows, John B'ostlck 2, Isaac- V. Biker, 'WiuTain Bowlm. $obin Batey, John Barnelt, Wilson Butts, l'homas Baxter, Charles Briggs, Benj flos-iom- Henry Brite, Sarah A. Brenton, Drury Baker, Robert Baity, Ephraim Baits, John Bayley, Margaret Bjrns, Robert Burr. 'C, Archibald Campbell, Coons Et Co William Collins, George Clark, 'George Crocatcr, Ste. phen Chipley, Lindsey Coleman 2, Dean Car- eer, John Clark, Daniel Clark, Margaret Craig, John Clay, Jane Caldwell, N. It Corkenilt, ftimion H. Ciane, John Curey, Joint Chambers, Mrs Cooke, Tortunatus Cosby,, Valentine 1 Calvert, John Caldwell, Ludwell 'Carey, Win. Corder, Eleanor Curry, Isaac Collins, George Cook, A. A. T Clay, S. B.Clay, F. W. Case-ma- n 2, Enoch Clark, Jane Caldwell 2, Robert Crockett, Benjamin Ci omw ell,Elijah Cartmtll, !N. B. Cook, Thomas Cook, Jacob Cutler, Lewis Cooler, Abner Cornelius, J Cooks Sen. William Curray 2, Darnel Carlisle, P Carr or 1). Clark, Susannah Cooley, Judith Christian; John Chapmaq, Samuel Calvert, Henry Cot- ton, James ColCngs, James Celh), Dais Curtis John Cams, James Craig, James Cres Ben, Julius M. Ciarkson, Eliza Jones Cosby, Joseph Coons, John II. Crane 2, E B. Clem-6o- n 3; Collin Cooper 3; Corresponding Sec- retary of Kentucky Bible Society 2; Trances Carr 3; Commissioners Transyhania Univcr-fity- i Clerk Favette Circuit Court 5. D. Josiah bayis; William Dishman; John Duke-jnineer- E. B. Dickinson; Cornelius Daugli-ertf- ; Leonard Dobbin; Henry Debarger 2; Thomas Doolittle-- , Downing and Grant; Dun- can Dunn; J. G. Dana 2; Thomas Duval; Fred-erick- ll Ilavis; James Davis; Walterl. Dtirell; Edwaad Day; Dullis and Wilcox; James E. Davis; Z. Dobson; Samuel Dishman; John B Dickinson 2; William Dunlapi John R Duhlap, Elias Davidson; Dallam and Bryan 2; Rachel Downing; David Dickey; James W. Denny; Beniamift Duncan; Dr James Ditts; Abraham S. Drakej George W. Darnaby; Richmond Dedman; N. 6c S. Dawson 2; feter H. Dunn; Stephen Dawson; J. Drennan & W Craight 2; Roland Diller,- - Thomas' L. Duckc; Mr. Daviet Elijah. IL Drake; Mr. Dickey. E. David Elmaker; Clement Estis; James Elli ott; William EdWards'.Henry Echart 2; Robert Ewing; Simuel Edwards; - Joshua Earp 2; Manuel Endcrs; Benjamin Eains; Abraham Estis. P. John Ferguson; Collins Fitch; PeterFearnly; llary Ficklin; Amassa Fuller; Fille & Bowman; Humphrey mierton; i nomas u. ray ;.'; u. ii. Parrar 2; O. F. Frazcn Theodorick Fenruson; Wilis Fowler; William Fore; Charles Flana gan; James Fisher; John Fry; Martha Tarrow; Theodorick Ferguson 2; Thos. Fisher; Joseph K. Finley; Mary Ferguson; William W. For-ma- Charles Fabre; James Foster 2: Thomas pord; Frances Flournoyj Elijah Fowler; Charles Flanagan. John S. Gatewood; Edmund Gird; William Green; George Grant 2; Sarrah Gardner; Sa rah Glover; James Galloway-- , Jepthah Garrard 2; Thomas Garrett 2; Joel Grower; John 'Gar ner; John Gray; William Greears; William ferimes; John Gordon; Mary Graliam; Alex. anderP. Grimes; John Glanton; John Glover; 'Edward Groom: John Gibson; J. Grooms: Thomas Gibson; Charles B. Glimesj Richard .Gray; Joseph J. Gajtord; Joseph G. Goodwin; Frances S. Gains; Anthony Gant; Hamilton Gray; Joseph G, T. Gover; Gentlemen select men at Lexington. Kancy M. Hooper 2; Martin Honghland; John Umrtj Kpbert Huston; Jolin D. llalstcad "True 2; Thomas Hughes; Cleon R. Hawkins; Joseph Harvey; William Hanson 2; Abel lleadington; John Hull; John HUnrjicutt; Simeon Harnng-toh- ; John Harris; Will. 11. Harrison 3; Samuel Haggin 2; John Henry; James Hill; John Hal-le- Charles Holmes; Kitty Hamilton; A. G. Harrison; Moulton Hammond; C. D. How ell 2; Woodruff Hoskins; Henry Hess; William Har- rison; Penelope Harrison; George E. Harris; Robert Hamilton; John Howe Esq. 2; James Hunter; George Hofl man; William Hoffman 2; John Hoftman Jr. Gavin D. Hunt 2; Daniel Hodges; George Horsman; George Hamilton; Jacob Huges 2r William Homes; Joseph Hise; William Hoeglancl; Henry llotlison; Henry Hervie; John Hubbard; Henry W. Higg'ms; Thomas Hughes 4; Benjamin Hardin; Ran- dolph Haley; Thomas E. Haslet; Dawd Hukel; Charlotte Hill; l.lnali Harainan; Frederick W Huling; James L. Huston; Peter H. Hig;bee; George Hunt; V. Hereon; James D. Hannah; Francis Hodges; George Hood; Robert llukill; Christian Hager; Hiram Hairis; Sarah Hig. gins; Alexander Hodge; John W. Hunter; B. R. Heronimus; Azer Hope; Jonn il. Hannah; C. F. Haslam; JohnHardister; Daniel Hewes; Nancy Hollis-- , Reuben Haull; Samuel Hender son. John Jones and A. Clav; B. R. Jenkins; Eliza S. January; Rev. Mr. Joyce; Frances Jacobson; Cae Johnson, John Johnson 3, Ihomas.lohn-son- ; Chas. P. Johnson, lieniamin D. Johnson; J. G. Johnson; Nicholas Johnson; James John son; Nicholas C. Johnson; James Ingles; Gil-la- y G. Jackson; Stephenson Irwin; Lawrence Irwin; Hugh Innis; John Ingraham, Richard Jennings; John S. Jinni.igs; Rowger JoneB; Cattaby Jones, John Jones 2; William Jones; Josaph Inskei-p- ; Edmund Kidd. K. Mary Keen; Georc'e Keith; William King; Thomas Kelley 3; Moses Kuma; Esq'r. Kean: 0 Keene 2; Thomas Kelley Jr. Sarrah Keene; Piatt Kennedy; William M. Kenney; John Kilgen; Russell Kingsbun-- ; Clrtis. T. Kim- - brough. t L. Thomas Lappan 2; Alfred Louam 2; Jane Lyle; Thos.Littleford; Jacob Laudeman; Sam. Laird: G. Lincoln or D Rice: Chailes W. Lin coln; George Lewis; "Sandy Lindsay; John l.m kinf elder 4; James Latlnon; Jas., Lemmon; Benjamin Long; Hetty Logan; John Lea; Marshall Loyd; Mary Lyle; George Lincoln; Absolem Love; Daniel LajtOTU Tabitha A. Long; V illiam Long; William Lepsco'mb; Jas. Lindsay; Abner Lafoe 2; Giamille, Lrvis, Thomas Longdcfn, John II. lawson; William Lay; , Burgess B. Long; William Lightner; David Louden; Jolin Law's'on; William Loid; !abeth Lee; Margaret Xindsay; Thoiiias Lee. M. Frances Mattubon; Daniel Million 2; Benja- min M'.lner; Josiah Mil nroe; Miller; Eic Martin; Samuel L. Mctcalf; James Mintcr; Harrison Munday; Nancey Monroe; Mir:. Madison, .luda Alosby; Elisha Meredith; Hen rv Maguiie; . Minter; Alexd. Mahaffie 2 Thomas Mountaguc; George W. Mapleii; ,l Munday 2; Fli 't. Miller; Richard Mathene , illiam Million 2; Blanks Moody, John Mill's Sarah Morgan; Joseph Madison;.!;li7alJcth il Miices; Wjlliam K. Martin; John Mai eel: I homas D. Miller, John C. Miller, Samuel T Moore; W. Meredith; Jas. Megowan; Nfcho las Mjeri; Samuel Meredith; Peter Masor Samuel Man field; Jacob Markle; iVongU Maguirc; William Murphy; l'atscy Mills; Vm Morris; Victor F Monpin; William L. Morris, Ann Maddox; Josiah Munroe; John M'Coy; Mr. Musselman. Mc. John M'Ki'nle'v 10; Samuel M'Farland 2; Thomas M'Quiliin 2; John M'Gee; Joseph M'Lain; Robert M'Conell; David M'Coi; M'Nieal; Thomas M'Ginnis; David M'Crosky; FJi P. M'Cathory; John M'Kcnne 2, Margaret, M'Daniel, John M'Cracken; Tho H.M'Keen; Daniel M'lntosh; Samuel .M'Clies-ne- y 2, Etna M'Uride: Martha M'Dow ell. . . N. Thomas W. Nelson 2; Thomas J. Nelson, Charles Neal; James Neal; Lew is Nichols; Jas. T. Ncrbit; Thomas Newman; Melissa Nelson; Michael Nyfong; Robert Neilson. D. Oneil Sl Beckley; Joshua Owing'; Ephraigir Osborn George Owings; 1 homas D. Owings: Jolm Oliver, Marius D. Or. . P. . Thomas Page; Edward Preston; Jacob Pay- - ton; James Prentiss 9; Betsey Page; John T. Perrington; J. G. Barlow 2; Gabriel Parker; William Pollock 2; Joseph P Plcrsun 2; John Pirsehons'e; Asey Park; I homas Poague; Bird Price; E. Pindergrass; Vvi'.l. W.. Pofi; I'nos Pratt; Henry 1'ayne; John Patteson-- , G. S Pattison; Fanhy Pattigon; N. Pattei-so- 2, Charles P I'atton; Archibald Plum; T homas Pa)n'e; CharleB or Betsey Poland; Sandfnrd Payne; Wm Pcnnebaker; Mildred A. Pasle 2; Lata Perkins 2; Ann T. Pleasants; W. L Peterson; Dr. Pendergrast; Jos M. Phillips, John Price; Dr. Patrick; Phillip' Pock; Chas. Patrick; Aaron Parker; Norman Pindle; Benj Powell. ft Ritchie & i Hill; Braxton Robinson; Jacob Rayhll; Samuel Rankin; Eli job Roman; Thos. Raney; James Robb; John Richardson 2; John Reese; Joseph P. Risson; Sarah Richardson; Claborn S. Ragsdale; Simeon Robertson; Jas. P. i'ueker; Is. Riley; James D. Robinson; James Rush; Adam Rankin; James F. Robin- son; ChaHes K. Redman: Nancy Robinson; Benj. F. Rohinron; William Roman; Benj Rulon 2; Jane Russell; Samuel M'D. Reid, Francis J. Reid; Caroline Russell; Matilda Russell; Bcniamin Randolph; Jane Uitcho : Lucy W. Reed; Roger Robinson; Joseph U. Rainby; jabob Rbrher; James RigsbJ; Jonthy uoy; .Moses Koncrison; stcpnert Itooinson, Sally C. Robinson; CaleH Rice; Jojin F. Raj John M. Rilev: Joint lioss: Reuben ttead'n; Christopher Rhoads; James Rudtleifordj J. J. Robertson; John 1. Ritchnon; Martha Robin son; George Robinson; Thomas Raney. S. Garons P. P. Saint, John Sinclair, Samuel Sanders and James Munday, Jane Steele, Hi. run Shaw, Sallee Sc Wilcox, Solomon Sim mons, John Starks, Ann Sanders, Ira Stout Judiah Stout, William Sullhan, Thos. Scott, William bailee, Andrew btaunton, Simeon Switzler, Charnock Self, Richard Sharp, John Stevens, Harrison Stapletbn, John Scott, Phi-li- p Spark 2, Thomas Smith, John Steele, Har- riet Smith, Benjamin Sharpe, Lyman Smith 2, David Samson, Robert Stevenson, Patrick Shields, L. D. Sockel or C. S. Smith, Ann Johnson, John G. Simpson, Matthew Smith. James Selby, NinianSteele 2, Cathariifq Shaw. Robert Sawders, Samuel Sbcphanl; William Sutton, Benjamin Shearer, Geoige Slaughter, Asa "Sheldon, Jane Stone. Susannah Alioi-- 2. Jos'-p- h K. baowllj F.dwartl Seort 2, Josiah to his charge-- he comes, the lieraldot a no-s- LEXINGTON, K. FRIDAY J ANU4.UY t4, 1820. Solomon, Davy Smith, Nancv Smith, Solomon Steele, Mary Sullivan, Thoma P. Smith, John II. Sturges, Benjamin Stout, ZcphenUh Spi- ers, John J. Spratswell, John Spears, William Smith 2, Samuel Smedley, Thomes Shore, William fttrlrl-Vini,,- - ... A Qmltf, Cl,fl-Il- l'f L'n.. -- ' -- ., uuiikii, uHtiui ui x al- ette, The Society of Journeymen Cordwin- - T. Robert Tresham, Sylvia Taylor 2, John Todd, William Thompson, William Tarns 2, Francis T Thnmnonn A rMiifloa 'f'.Wunn -- 7 Triplett, Esq. Henry Templeman 2, Taylor, W. Thompson, S. Tuder, Andrew Taillnclr u, W ,, . n .. TliAiri,... , ii.., ti..,i iiwmjjauii, uglily iivjmouii, William Todd 2, Jacob Timpey, John 1 odd, iienjanun i yier, 7liomas Trcsize, Rosan lay. lor, Fulton Thompson. V. Jeremiah Vardiman, Saml Van Pelt, Wil- liam Veal. Mashack A'ausrhan. Abraham V li able, Herson Vantroux. W Robert Wilson 2, Daid Wilson, Saml Wil. son, Mr. Wilson 2, Wm. G. Wilson, Reid Wil- son, James Wilson 2, R. S. It Wilson 2, Aaron Wilson, Willis Wilson, Robert R. Wilson, Marcus C. Wells 2, Jesse Winn, John J. Wheeler 2, John M, Watson, Womack &. Co. Matthew Watson, Aron Ware, Henry Watkins Thomas B. Warren, Bledsoe Wright, William Watson, Benjamin Warren 3, Derrick War- ner, John Wright, Joseph S. Watkins 2, Tho- mas West 3, Adam R.Walker, Absalom White ranny Wrigglesworth, James Wilch 3, Isaac Wagley 2, Price Whiteker, Spencer Wignt, Wm. Watson, Chas M. Wells, Joseph Burdett & Paulding Wilson, Richard Watej 2, Jacob Wolf, George II AVright, Ro bert W. Wells, Thomas Wallace 2, Polly Webster. Isaac Wells, Wallace, hs.q Saml. M. W orthiugton, 3, Joseph Woods, John Wells, Joseph White, Abraham I. Wilson. Isaac Wilse, Willfam C Webb, Thomas Whit- ney, David T Welis, Samuel H Woodson, Mary A. Wallace, John White. William Win- ston, Adam WalkerThomas Wilkinson, John H. Wood, Alphey Walker, Claibourne W. White, Thomas Weel, WalterSWyatt 2, Thos Woodfolk, Catharine Ward, William Watson, Fdmund C. Wilcox, AVoolcn Manufacturing Company. V. George Young, John T. Young 2, Wm. D. Young, Ambrose Young 2, Leonard Young, Thomas Young, Peter Yearman. Z. A.Zink. i JOHN TOWLER, P. M. To the Sliarc-liolder- s of the Lex- ington Library Comgany. A T a meeting of the Directors, January 4, s. 1820 evolved, that a genci-- meeting is the Shareholders he called, to mectatth'i Library room, on Friday, the 14th inst at balf past 2 o'clock, P M.'to take into consid-- i ration the picsent situation of the Librar) ; and adopt such measures as may be necessan for its suture prosperity and improvement':, and that all the shareholders are hereby r requested to give their attendance m PERSON. THOS. T. RJIIJI, Ch'm. Jan. 5, 1820. Lexington Library Company. k T ajneetiog of the Directors, Januarv 4th, tV 1821 Resolved, that the thanks of the Lexington Library company, be presented to Joshua NorvelJ, Esq for ln's vtrv valuable do- nation to the Library, of Swift's vorks, in twenty-sou- r volumes ; and also, for his dona- tion of the President's Messige to Congress, with the accompanying documents, made Dec. 1S19. . TllO. T JtARIf, CVm. IVvoken lianas rjnnv. subscriber informs the public, that he A will receive in payment of debts due him, and forBOOKS and STATION RY, at asmall discount, Notes on the following banks, liurhitgton, Harbmrni'!e, Greens-bnrg- h, Somerset, and A"trlnfnsx-i!le- , the S'ate Rank of Tennessee and .VanmUe Rank; and their respective branches. WM. W. WOR3LEY. Dec. 301819 53-3- t THE Subscriber has removed his MANUFACTORY to Water-stree- t, opposite the. Hay Scale3, where all persons may be supplied w ith Tobacco. Sclavs and Fnuff. Low- for Cash. He also keeps a sale Shop on t, next door below Mr. Giron's Store. BENJ. LOTSPEICH. Dec.31,1319 53-- Hemp Wanted, THE highest CASH price will be given for at the Factory of JOHN BRAND. Lexington, December 24th, 1819. wiir. be nthrn ovt roa mr. nfxt 12 n'ovxhs, Several Negroes Men, Wa'inen; Hoys and Girls. fWaht'cd lo purchase a sew Thousand pounds, P O li K. JOHN BRAND. Dec 24 52-tf DOMESTIC CLOTHS. THE subscriber has jtistreceheda of DOMESTIC CLOTHS, of the Manufactory) state of Rode lskndj coiislsting of Suierfine B1WJD CLOTlts, Pine' tthd Coarse 'ditto. Vv'liich he proposes to soil very low frir CaMi, or o a short credit Or he w ill Barter for country Piodute. THOMAS JANUARY. Dec. J7, 1819.- - ntf JUST UECElVIUls JJ HALF AA'JJ QUARTER Rbxts ALSO,- I'iDoz. HAIR NETTS, and 12.0 Pieces Fancy THBtlOXS, to which the attention of the Milliners, iS particulailyln-ittd- . M. J. KOOVEL. LiDecJP18l9. 0-- 4t ,... y nd, Newstrom all nations lumb'n.ifr at his raflM THi; SATloNlt'lTXELIOEycEll. DOUUMKNTSj Tni1MITtBD TO IIOTH HOCSES OF COSbilSSS WITH THL JIFSStOE Of TU rltESIDESTJ Or 7th JTEtEMBEB, 1819. i. ContinuedA Project of a treaty delivered by Don Luis de Onis to the Secretary of State, 0 th 18 19-- Translation, sent by Dbn Luis de Onis. XII. The treaty oflimits and nsviu-a- . tion of 1795 remains confirmed in all, nci each one, ot its articles, excentinr tin. 2d, 3d, 4th, 2 1 st, and the second clause of the the 22d article, which having been altered by this .Treaty, aro no longer va- lid. With rncnprt l . (n .. iti ... 1 ivtumubiuui cl. .M. -- r.u uic same Treaty, of friendship, limits, and navigation, ot i U5, in which it is stipu- lated that the slag shall cover the nrnner. ty, the two high contracting parties agree mat tins may lie so understood with qt tothose poweis who recognize this principle but is cither of the two con-t- r. ctins narties shall he nt nw witi. a third party, and the other neutral, the nag oi tne neuti ai snail cover the proper- ty of enemies whose governments ac- knowledge this principle, and not of XI II. In order to avoid frauds, and the great evils ,vhich arise from concealing the destination of vessels, hv nm i- - general terms for the West Indies, opanisn iiame, Europe, &c. the two hicrh COntl'JClinp naities havp. arrrp.pA. that, in suture, all merchant vessels be- - loneinsr to their resDective mhip.r.ts m Citizens shall be cleared nnt fnr q Kiipr-i- . Tied poit, either at their respective cus- - loni-nouse- s, or in those ot other powers from whose ports said vessels may de part in continuation of their primitive voyaite: or in case, thev should nndpr. take a new one. And the merchant ves- sels of either of the two nations that, in violation ol their clearances, bhould en- ter other ports without justifying tho mo- tives w hich induced them to it. or should be met with on the high seas by their vessels of War or nrivatei rt rlpni-c- nm in violation of this article, shall be detain- - cu, proceecled agrfinst, and, open com n, forfeited. XIV. In cast- there s'.all be just cause '0 suspect thj: character of the vessels, tirvwhjcli should not be ( leared out.ft.i sjiecified port, as is stipulated in t!.t. preceding article, or that the cargo be- longs to enemies of either of the cotract i.ig parties, whose governments do not reiognize theprinciple that the slag co .u-- s the pioperly, or which shall consis' of articles of contraband of war, such vessels may be detained and sent to the ncaiest and most convenient port to the s up of war or privateer that may ha"j detained such a vessel, belongs'; where she shall be adjudged agieeabiy to the law of nations, and the practice es- tablished by other maratitne powers. And it is agreed that adjudication shall bepiOed that the detention or capturo as unjust, it shall not only be tl e dutv of the tribunal where the case was tried to release the vessel and cargo, but it shall decide the corresponding indemni- ty for the damages and injuries they ma) have been sustained, to be paid by the captors, and, in their defect, by the go- vernment by whom they shall be com- missioned. XV. Both contracting panics, wish- ing to faui their mutual commerce, by affording in their ports every necess-u- assstauce to their respecti'-- e merchant vessels, have agreed that thesailois who shall desert from thcirvessels in the ports or the other', shall be arested and deliv- ered up, at the instance of the consul, who shall prove, hevcrthehss. Hint ihn idesertcis belong to the vessels that claim mem, cxnioiting the document that s ( ustomary in their nation, thatis to say, that the Spanish consul in an American port shall exhibit Ihe rollof'thc vessel ; and the American consul in a Spanish poit the document known by the hame of articles; and is the name of the deser- ter or deserters shall appear in the one or the other, they shall be arrested, held in custody, and delivered to ilm. (p(.i th which they shall belonp-- . XVI. His Cathode M.ijesty having condescended tomahe'Uie cessions to the United States which are specified in the present tieaty, in Compliment to the li- nked States; with the object of cancel- ling all the claims they have demanded of the ioval crown, the. (initprl fctitec "ill certify, in due fofmj thst they hate not ,any compensation lrom France for the ilriniiestlipir enfFriv.d r her pi lvateets, consuls; and tribunals, brl tne coasts anu in the ports ot bpain ; and they will pre,sentah authentic statement of the prizes made, and of their true va- lue; that Spain may claim frorh Fiance the retuih of this amount- - XVII. to the commerce ol Spaiii and of the United States, to facilitate the commu- nication between both nations for a limi- ted time, in the tenitofies ceded hv this tieaty, until thfcy can agree lipon the re- - , j,uiiiuu: miming ui commerce, which may be best adantcd- to fanr the some. the two Jiigh contracting pa,uiis arce ii.ui opayisn V9Sbiisw,'i 1 r'yi'-'-lv- e bade.' I loaded solely with the nrodbceor manu factur of Snain. directly from the nrlHs colonies, shall be admitted intoall the P iort ot the two that may bo laws mny open to the trade ot other tions, for the" snesce ns twplvp vpnrs. w ithout paying more duties lor their pro-- ! du or mercnanr use. . nnr . . nrMici- - inn. - lull" J kjlHUIWl ua ige duty, than what are paid by vessels of me uiuieu oiates. Durinsr said time, no other nation '.hall be entitled to the same nrivileo-e- s in th cc aeu territories. 1 he twelve vpnrs s oegin tlireo months alter exchnncr. in srthc ratifications of thp. nrMmt t) ' at the expiration of said time, Span- - is h vessels shall be rer.eivpH in snid tprri. tories on the same sootiue: with the most lav ored nations. XVIII. The present treaty shall not be in force until ratified, in' tb e contracting parties; and theratifica-sn- s shall be exchano-e- in siv rnfintlio fr. om this time, or sooner is possible. In witness whereof, we. the under writ. ten Plenipotentiauesof his Catholic jesty and of the Cnited States of Amp.r- - icai, have signed, by virtue of our pow-- , ers the present tieaty of friendship and lits, and have thereunto affixed our seals resner.tivelv. JJone at Washington dav of Feb- - 1UJIJ, 10 ID, COUNTER PROJI'.r.T OP A Tnp.ATV Communicated by Mr. Adams to Don Luis 'de unis, iota oi reuruary, 18iy. The United States of America and his catholic majesty, desiring to consoli- date, on a permanent basis, the Headship and good correspondence w, ich happily prevails between the two parties, have determined to settle and terminntp. nil their differences and pretensions, by a iremy, wnicn snail designate, with pre- cision, the limits of their respective bor- - rm,r territories in North America. With this intention the Dresidenf of me vnuca mates has furnished with their full nower John Oolnr.v Adams. Secietary of State of the said U. States, anci ins catholic majestp has appointed the most excellent Lord Don Luis rip Onis Gonzales Lories v Vara. Lord ns me town oi Kayaces, Perpetual liegi- - ciorot tne orpoiationdt the City of Sa- lamanca, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal American order of Isabella the Catholic, decoiated with the Lys of Ls v enoee, Knight Pensioner ot the Raya. find dislineuijhed Soanisb order r,f Charles the Third, Member of the Sti jreme Assembly of th said'Roval Or ier, of the Council of his (Catholic Ma his Secretiry, vith exercise of de crees, anu ins jenvoy Extraordinary and ..iinister Pleniootenttarv near the Unit ed Slates of America. And the slid PIpninntpntiirL-- o if7i. having exchanged their powers, have a- - gieeu upon anu cone irunea the tollowing m ticks: I. There shall be a firm and inviolable peace and sincere friendship between the United States and their citizens, and subjects, without exception of persons or places. II. His catholic majesty Cedes to the United States in full property and sove- reignty, all the territories which helnnrf to hirn, situated to the eastwaid of the Mississippi, known by the name of East and West Florida. The adiar.ent isl- - anas, dependent on said provinces, all puuiic lots and squares, tacant lands public edifices, fortifications, barracks and other buildings, which are not pr'r vate property, ai chives and documents ivhirh .. ., ,. rplMtp riirpf-fl- t' In tl, ncnn.KIt, wl ...- - v..,.w v.. ii.w iw itiv. piuuviijr ajlU novcreignty of Said provinces, aro includ- ed in this article. The said archieves and documents shall be lest in pessession ot the commissines, or officers, of the united states duly authorized to re ceive tnem. III. The boundary lihn between thp two countries, west ol the Mississippi snau begin on the Unit ot Mexico, at the mouth ot the river Sabine, in thp sea continuing north, alone the western bank oi mat in cr, to tne a.'d degree ol latitude tnence, uy a line due noith, to the de gree ot latitude where it strikes the RlO R6&0 of Nalrhitorlipn. nr lipii Ki ver ; thence, following the course of th ttio Koxoj westward to the decree of loneitude 102 west frnm I.nndnn. anrl twenty-fiv- e from Washington ; then, crvising tne said Ked uiver, ana run- ning thence, by a linfc due north, to the river Arkansas : thence, followinr- - the codise of the southern bank of the Ar kansas, to its source, in latitude 41 north: and thence by the parallel of latitude, to the South Sea ; the Whole being, as laid down in Melish's inap of the United Slates, published in Philadelphia, to the first of January. 18 18 Hut. is the Ronrceof the Arkiinsns river should be sound to fall north or south of latitude 41, then the line shall run from the said source due South or north, s.3 the case may be, till it meets the Sail. parallel ot latitude 4i; r.uo tnence, the said parallel, to the South Sea; the Sabine and the Said Red and Arkan sas riVers, and all the islands in the same; throughout the course thus described, to bDlone- to the United States : and the western bank of the Sabine, and the southern banks of the said Red and Ar VOL. xxxiv. kansas rivers' throughout the line thus described, to belong to Spain. And the United States hereby cede to his caiho-h- c majesty all their rights, claims, and' pretensions, to the territories' Ivino- ,ps and south of the above described line j and his catholic majesty Cedes to tho said United States all his rights, claims, and prentensions, to any territorie's east arid north of the said line; and, for him- self, his heirs, and successors, renounces all claim to the said territories forever. i IV. To six this line with more preci- sion, and to place' the land marks Which shall designate exactly the 'imits of both, nations, each of the Contracting parties shall appoint commissioner a and a sur- veyor, who shall meet before the termi- nation 6f one year from the date of the ratification of this treaty, at NTatriiitrirhpa on the Red Riverj arid proceed to run and mark tUfe said line from the mouth of the Sabine to the Red River, and from the Red River to the river Arkansas, and to ascertain the latitude of the source of the said river Arkansas, in ooniormny to what-i- s above agreed up- on and stipulated ; they shall make out p.ans, and keep journals of their pro- ceedings, and the result agreed upon by them shall be considered as part of this treaty, and shall have the same force as is it were inserted therein. The two go- vernments will amicably agree respect- ing the necessary articles to be furnish- ed to those persons, and also ai to their respective escorts, should such be deem ed necessary V. The inhabitants of the ceded terri- tories shall be secured in the free exer cise of their religion, without any res triction ; and all those who desire to re- move to the Spanish dominions shall bo permitted to sell or export their effecta at any time whatever, without being subject In either case, to duties. VI. The inhabitants of the territories which H. C. M. cedes to the United' States by this treaty, shall be indornora- - ted into the Union of the United States as soon as may be consistent with thef. federal constitution, and admitted totae" enjoyment of all the privileges, rights, and immunities, of the citizens of the U, States. VII. The officers and trooos of his Catholic Majesty inlho territories there- by ceded by him' to the United1 States snau oe withdrawn and pasaessionof the plates occupied by them snah be give.., tithln six months aster the ratifications of th'njreuty, or sooner, is possible, by the officers of his catholic majesty to commissioners or officers of the United States, duly appointed to receive them. VIII. All grants of lands made by or in the name of his catholic majesty in the aforesaid territories, aster the 24th of January, 188,siallbe held null, tho conditions of the. said' gtants not having been performed by the grantees. AU grants made before that date by his cath- olic mujesty, or by his legitimate author- ities in the said territories, the conditions of which Shall have bren b) the grantees according to the tenor oi the respective grants, and none other shall be confirmed and acknowledged as valid. IX.Thetwd contracting parties recip- rocally renounce all claims for damages or injuries which they themselves, aS well as their respective citizens and subjects, may have suffered, until tho time of signing this treaty. . The renunciatibh of the United Stated Will extend to all the injuries mentioned in the convention of 11th August, 1802. 2. To all claims on account of prizes made by French Consuls, within' the ter- ritory and jurisdiction bf Spain. 3. To a'l claims of indemnities on ac- count of the suspension bf the right ol! deposit at New Orleans in 1802. 4. To all claims of citizens ofthe Uni- ted States upon the government of Spain arising from the Unlawful seizures C sea, and from the unlawful seizure of vessels of cargoes belonging to citizensi of the United States in the ports and ter- ritories of Spain or the Spanish Colonies. The renunciation of his catholic ma- jesty extends, , 1. To all the injuries mentioned in the convention of the I lth August, 1802. 3. To the sums which his catholic ma- jesty advanced for the return bf captain Pike from the Provinces'Interasi 3. To all injuries caused by the ex- pedition ol Miranda that was fitted out and equipped at New York. ' Finally : to all the claims of subjects of his catholic majesty upon the govern- ment of the United States, in which the interposition of his catholic majesty's government has been solicited before; the date of this treaty, and since the date of tliCjConvention of 1802, or which may have been made to the department of foreign affairs of hi majesty, or to his minister in the United States, And the hicrh contracting parties res pectively renounce all claim to indemi- - ties for any of the recent events or trans- lations of their respective commanders and officers in the'Floridas. X. The convention entered into be tween the two governments on the 1 lth of August, 1302, the ratifications "cf which were exchanged on the 2 1st De- cember, 13 IS, is annulled. ' XL Tb, United Sutes,-v5t'dfrertilt-

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New Series NO. 3. VOL. VI.


ftent-udt- a3ette,feuDLISHED EVEUY FRIDAY MOIININ'G,

TVS XotycW & Covins.

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A List of Letters,REMAINING in the Post-offic- e in Lexing-jtl- j

ton on the 1st of January, 1820, whichSf not taken out in three months, will be sentto the General ost-offi- as dead letters.

A. .

'Charles H. Abert 4, William Austin, ElishaAllen, Richard Auberry 2, Charles W. Allen,Samuel Armstrong, William Armstrong 2,

fticnard Atkhinson, Mary Anderson. EzekielHudson and' Elvih Allehj Richard

inderson,Berryman Askins. Jane II. Allen 2,

i&nry Alderson. "Elizabeth P. Abernathy,Adams, William, Anderson, William

JVilliam C. Adams, John Akin, CuthbertAnderson, Henry A'uberry, Frederick Ault,SHchael Arthur.

B.A. Boucherie, Samuel Bean, Andrew Byrns,

Thomas-- Bancroft, Edward Boohe, Aylettfcuckner, Melinda Blair, John Boce 2, Thos.T. Bradford, Pliilip Bradley, Judith B. Ben-n- et

A"bncr Bean, Mary . Bryan, DanielAbsalom Brown, Isaac Burnett, Thos.

Durk.Bcu'bin Berry 2, Willian.JBroWn, GeorgeBrown, Edmund Bateman, Absalem W. Bur-tu- s,

Percival Butler 3, Robert Brook, JohnBoyd, Lucas Br'oadhead, John Beach 2, Nathl.Brewer, Mr. Bafcevell, Charles Bird, StephenBloomer, H; N. Baylies, villiam P. .Bullock,Felix Byrnes, diaries" Bradford 2, Clary hit-be- e,

John Bryan, Abraham JUird, Ilenrj S.BiscO, Aaron Black, Samuel Barlow, GeorgeBronaogli, Lucv Benning, Pernell Bishop, G.

. Boone 2, Edward .Brown, John Bnyles,Daniel Barker, John Bums, Scmu'el Bean,William P. Brown, Joshua Bryan, B. Bryan,James Bryan 2, William Breckinridge,

Boone, James Bean-- , Jadbb Branst, JohnBrownr Jacob Juigman, Philip Barbour j,Jq1o. Nancy Buch-anan, Teinple BootH, Isaac Burrows, JohnB'ostlck 2, Isaac- V. Biker, 'WiuTain Bowlm.$obin Batey, John Barnelt, Wilson Butts,l'homas Baxter, Charles Briggs, Benj flos-iom-

Henry Brite, Sarah A. Brenton, DruryBaker, Robert Baity, Ephraim Baits, JohnBayley, Margaret Bjrns, Robert Burr.

'C,Archibald Campbell, Coons Et Co William

Collins, George Clark, 'George Crocatcr, Ste.phen Chipley, Lindsey Coleman 2, Dean Car-

eer, John Clark, Daniel Clark, Margaret Craig,John Clay, Jane Caldwell, N. It Corkenilt,ftimion H. Ciane, John Curey, Joint Chambers,Mrs Cooke, Tortunatus Cosby,, Valentine 1

Calvert, John Caldwell, Ludwell 'Carey, Win.Corder, Eleanor Curry, Isaac Collins, GeorgeCook, A. A. T Clay, S. B.Clay, F. W. Case-ma- n

2, Enoch Clark, Jane Caldwell 2, RobertCrockett, Benjamin Ci omw ell,Elijah Cartmtll,!N. B. Cook, Thomas Cook, Jacob Cutler,Lewis Cooler, Abner Cornelius, J Cooks Sen.William Curray 2, Darnel Carlisle, P Carr or1). Clark, Susannah Cooley, Judith Christian;John Chapmaq, Samuel Calvert, Henry Cot-

ton, James ColCngs, James Celh), DaisCurtis John Cams, James Craig, James CresBen, Julius M. Ciarkson, Eliza Jones Cosby,Joseph Coons, John II. Crane 2, E B. Clem-6o- n

3; Collin Cooper 3; Corresponding Sec-

retary of Kentucky Bible Society 2; TrancesCarr 3; Commissioners Transyhania Univcr-fity- i

Clerk Favette Circuit Court 5.D.

Josiah bayis; William Dishman; John Duke-jnineer-

E. B. Dickinson; Cornelius Daugli-ertf- ;

Leonard Dobbin; Henry Debarger 2;Thomas Doolittle-- , Downing and Grant; Dun-

can Dunn; J. G. Dana 2; Thomas Duval; Fred-erick- ll

Ilavis; James Davis; Walterl. Dtirell;Edwaad Day; Dullis and Wilcox; James E.Davis; Z. Dobson; Samuel Dishman; John BDickinson 2; William Dunlapi John R Duhlap,Elias Davidson; Dallam and Bryan 2; RachelDowning; David Dickey; James W. Denny;Beniamift Duncan; Dr James Ditts; AbrahamS. Drakej George W. Darnaby; RichmondDedman; N. 6c S. Dawson 2; feter H. Dunn;Stephen Dawson; J. Drennan & W Craight 2;Roland Diller,-- Thomas' L. Duckc; Mr. DavietElijah. IL Drake; Mr. Dickey.

E.David Elmaker; Clement Estis; James Elli

ott; William EdWards'.Henry Echart 2; RobertEwing; Simuel Edwards; - Joshua Earp 2;Manuel Endcrs; Benjamin Eains; AbrahamEstis.

P.John Ferguson; Collins Fitch; PeterFearnly;

llary Ficklin; Amassa Fuller; Fille & Bowman;Humphrey mierton; i nomas u. ray ;.'; u. ii.Parrar 2; O. F. Frazcn Theodorick Fenruson;Wilis Fowler; William Fore; Charles Flanagan; James Fisher; John Fry; Martha Tarrow;Theodorick Ferguson 2; Thos. Fisher; JosephK. Finley; Mary Ferguson; William W. For-ma-

Charles Fabre; James Foster 2: Thomaspord; Frances Flournoyj Elijah Fowler;Charles Flanagan.

John S. Gatewood; Edmund Gird; WilliamGreen; George Grant 2; Sarrah Gardner; Sarah Glover; James Galloway-- , Jepthah Garrard2; Thomas Garrett 2; Joel Grower; John 'Garner; John Gray; William Greears; Williamferimes; John Gordon; Mary Graliam; Alex.anderP. Grimes; John Glanton; John Glover;'Edward Groom: John Gibson; J. Grooms:Thomas Gibson; Charles B. Glimesj Richard.Gray; Joseph J. Gajtord; Joseph G. Goodwin;Frances S. Gains; Anthony Gant; HamiltonGray; Joseph G, T. Gover; Gentlemen selectmen at Lexington.

Kancy M. Hooper 2; Martin Honghland;John Umrtj Kpbert Huston; Jolin D. llalstcad


2; Thomas Hughes; Cleon R. Hawkins; JosephHarvey; William Hanson 2; Abel lleadington;John Hull; John HUnrjicutt; Simeon Harnng-toh- ;

John Harris; Will. 11. Harrison 3; SamuelHaggin 2; John Henry; James Hill; John Hal-le-

Charles Holmes; Kitty Hamilton; A. G.Harrison; Moulton Hammond; C. D. How ell 2;Woodruff Hoskins; Henry Hess; William Har-rison; Penelope Harrison; George E. Harris;Robert Hamilton; John Howe Esq. 2; JamesHunter; George Hofl man; William Hoffman 2;John Hoftman Jr. Gavin D. Hunt 2; DanielHodges; George Horsman; George Hamilton;Jacob Huges 2r William Homes; Joseph Hise;William Hoeglancl; Henry llotlison; HenryHervie; John Hubbard; Henry W. Higg'ms;Thomas Hughes 4; Benjamin Hardin; Ran-dolph Haley; Thomas E. Haslet; Dawd Hukel;Charlotte Hill; l.lnali Harainan; Frederick WHuling; James L. Huston; Peter H. Hig;bee;George Hunt; V. Hereon; James D. Hannah;Francis Hodges; George Hood; Robert llukill;Christian Hager; Hiram Hairis; Sarah Hig.gins; Alexander Hodge; John W. Hunter; B.R. Heronimus; Azer Hope; Jonn il. Hannah;C. F. Haslam; JohnHardister; Daniel Hewes;Nancy Hollis-- , Reuben Haull; Samuel Henderson.

John Jones and A. Clav; B. R. Jenkins; ElizaS. January; Rev. Mr. Joyce; Frances Jacobson;Cae Johnson, John Johnson 3, Ihomas.lohn-son- ;

Chas. P. Johnson, lieniamin D. Johnson;J. G. Johnson; Nicholas Johnson; James Johnson; Nicholas C. Johnson; James Ingles; Gil-la- y

G. Jackson; Stephenson Irwin; LawrenceIrwin; Hugh Innis; John Ingraham, RichardJennings; John S. Jinni.igs; Rowger JoneB;Cattaby Jones, John Jones 2; William Jones;Josaph Inskei-p- ; Edmund Kidd.

K.Mary Keen; Georc'e Keith; William King;

Thomas Kelley 3; Moses Kuma; Esq'r. Kean:0 Keene 2; Thomas Kelley Jr. Sarrah Keene;Piatt Kennedy; William M. Kenney; JohnKilgen; Russell Kingsbun-- ; Clrtis. T. Kim- -

brough. tL.

Thomas Lappan 2; Alfred Louam 2; JaneLyle; Thos.Littleford; Jacob Laudeman; Sam.Laird: G. Lincoln or D Rice: Chailes W. Lincoln; George Lewis; "Sandy Lindsay; Johnl.m kinf elder 4; James Latlnon; Jas., Lemmon;Benjamin Long; Hetty Logan; John Lea;Marshall Loyd; Mary Lyle; George Lincoln;Absolem Love; Daniel LajtOTU Tabitha A.Long; V illiam Long; William Lepsco'mb; Jas.Lindsay; Abner Lafoe 2; Giamille, Lrvis,Thomas Longdcfn, John II. lawson; WilliamLay; , Burgess B. Long; William Lightner;David Louden; Jolin Law's'on; William Loid;

!abeth Lee; Margaret Xindsay; ThoiiiasLee.

M.Frances Mattubon; Daniel Million 2; Benja-

min M'.lner; Josiah Mil nroe; Miller; EicMartin; Samuel L. Mctcalf; James Mintcr;Harrison Munday; Nancey Monroe; Mir:.Madison, .luda Alosby; Elisha Meredith; Henrv Maguiie; . Minter; Alexd. Mahaffie 2

Thomas Mountaguc; George W. Mapleii; ,l

Munday 2; Fli 't. Miller; Richard Mathene ,

illiam Million 2; Blanks Moody, John Mill'sSarah Morgan; Joseph Madison;.!;li7alJcth ilMiices; Wjlliam K. Martin; John Mai eel:I homas D. Miller, John C. Miller, Samuel TMoore; W. Meredith; Jas. Megowan; Nfcholas Mjeri; Samuel Meredith; Peter MasorSamuel Man field; Jacob Markle; iVongUMaguirc; William Murphy; l'atscy Mills; VmMorris; Victor F Monpin; William L. Morris,Ann Maddox; Josiah Munroe; John M'Coy;Mr. Musselman.

Mc.John M'Ki'nle'v 10; Samuel M'Farland 2;

Thomas M'Quiliin 2; John M'Gee; JosephM'Lain; Robert M'Conell; David M'Coi;

M'Nieal; Thomas M'Ginnis; DavidM'Crosky; FJi P. M'Cathory; John M'Kcnne2, Margaret, M'Daniel, John M'Cracken; ThoH.M'Keen; Daniel M'lntosh; Samuel .M'Clies-ne- y

2, Etna M'Uride: Martha M'Dow ell.. . N.

Thomas W. Nelson 2; Thomas J. Nelson,Charles Neal; James Neal; Lew is Nichols; Jas.T. Ncrbit; Thomas Newman; Melissa Nelson;Michael Nyfong; Robert Neilson.

D.Oneil Sl Beckley; Joshua Owing'; Ephraigir

Osborn George Owings; 1 homas D. Owings:Jolm Oliver, Marius D. Or.

. P. .Thomas Page; Edward Preston; Jacob Pay- -

ton; James Prentiss 9; Betsey Page; John T.Perrington; J. G. Barlow 2; Gabriel Parker;William Pollock 2; Joseph P Plcrsun 2; JohnPirsehons'e; Asey Park; I homas Poague; BirdPrice; E. Pindergrass; Vvi'.l. W.. Pofi; I'nosPratt; Henry 1'ayne; John Patteson-- , G. SPattison; Fanhy Pattigon; N. Pattei-so- 2,Charles P I'atton; Archibald Plum; T homasPa)n'e; CharleB or Betsey Poland; SandfnrdPayne; Wm Pcnnebaker; Mildred A. Pasle2; Lata Perkins 2; Ann T. Pleasants; W. LPeterson; Dr. Pendergrast; Jos M. Phillips,John Price; Dr. Patrick; Phillip' Pock; Chas.Patrick; Aaron Parker; Norman Pindle; BenjPowell.

ftRitchie &i Hill; Braxton Robinson; Jacob

Rayhll; Samuel Rankin; Eli job Roman; Thos.Raney; James Robb; John Richardson 2; JohnReese; Joseph P. Risson; Sarah Richardson;Claborn S. Ragsdale; Simeon Robertson; Jas.P. i'ueker; Is. Riley; James D. Robinson;James Rush; Adam Rankin; James F. Robin-son; ChaHes K. Redman: Nancy Robinson;Benj. F. Rohinron; William Roman; BenjRulon 2; Jane Russell; Samuel M'D. Reid,Francis J. Reid; Caroline Russell; MatildaRussell; Bcniamin Randolph; Jane Uitcho :

Lucy W. Reed; Roger Robinson; Joseph U.Rainby; jabob Rbrher; James RigsbJ; Jonthyuoy; .Moses Koncrison; stcpnert Itooinson,Sally C. Robinson; CaleH Rice; Jojin F. RajJohn M. Rilev: Joint lioss: Reuben ttead'n;Christopher Rhoads; James Rudtleifordj J. J.Robertson; John 1. Ritchnon; Martha Robinson; George Robinson; Thomas Raney.

S.Garons P. P. Saint, John Sinclair, Samuel

Sanders and James Munday, Jane Steele, Shaw, Sallee Sc Wilcox, Solomon Simmons, John Starks, Ann Sanders, Ira StoutJudiah Stout, William Sullhan, Thos. Scott,William bailee, Andrew btaunton, SimeonSwitzler, Charnock Self, Richard Sharp, JohnStevens, Harrison Stapletbn, John Scott, Phi-li- p

Spark 2, Thomas Smith, John Steele, Har-riet Smith, Benjamin Sharpe, Lyman Smith 2,David Samson, Robert Stevenson, PatrickShields, L. D. Sockel or C. S. Smith, AnnJohnson, John G. Simpson, Matthew Smith.James Selby, NinianSteele 2, Cathariifq Shaw.Robert Sawders, Samuel Sbcphanl; WilliamSutton, Benjamin Shearer, Geoige Slaughter,Asa "Sheldon, Jane Stone. Susannah Alioi-- 2.Jos'-p-

h K. baowllj F.dwartl Seort 2, Josiah

to his charge-- he comes, the lieraldot a no-s-


Solomon, Davy Smith, Nancv Smith, SolomonSteele, Mary Sullivan, Thoma P. Smith, JohnII. Sturges, Benjamin Stout, ZcphenUh Spi-ers, John J. Spratswell, John Spears, WilliamSmith 2, Samuel Smedley, Thomes Shore,William fttrlrl-Vini,,- - ...A Qmltf, Cl,fl-Il- l'f L'n..-- ' -- ., uuiikii, uHtiui ui x al-ette, The Society of Journeymen Cordwin- -

T.Robert Tresham, Sylvia Taylor 2, John

Todd, William Thompson, William Tarns 2,Francis T Thnmnonn A rMiifloa 'f'.Wunn--7 Triplett, Esq. Henry Templeman 2,

Taylor, W. Thompson, S. Tuder, AndrewTaillnclru, W,, . n.. TliAiri,..., ii.., ti..,iiiwmjjauii, uglily iivjmouii,William Todd 2, Jacob Timpey, John 1 odd,iienjanun i yier, 7liomas Trcsize, Rosan lay.lor, Fulton Thompson.

V.Jeremiah Vardiman, Saml Van Pelt, Wil-

liam Veal. Mashack A'ausrhan. Abraham V liable, Herson Vantroux.

WRobert Wilson 2, Daid Wilson, Saml Wil.

son, Mr. Wilson 2, Wm. G. Wilson, Reid Wil-son, James Wilson 2, R. S. It Wilson 2, AaronWilson, Willis Wilson, Robert R. Wilson,Marcus C. Wells 2, Jesse Winn, John J.Wheeler 2, John M, Watson, Womack &. Co.Matthew Watson, Aron Ware, Henry WatkinsThomas B. Warren, Bledsoe Wright, WilliamWatson, Benjamin Warren 3, Derrick War-ner, John Wright, Joseph S. Watkins 2, Tho-mas West 3, Adam R.Walker, Absalom Whiteranny Wrigglesworth, James Wilch 3, IsaacWagley 2, Price Whiteker, Spencer Wignt,Wm. Watson, Chas M. Wells, Joseph

Burdett & Paulding Wilson, RichardWatej 2, Jacob Wolf, George II AVright, Robert W. Wells, Thomas Wallace 2, PollyWebster. Isaac Wells, Wallace, hs.q Saml.M. W orthiugton, 3, Joseph Woods, JohnWells, Joseph White, Abraham I. Wilson.Isaac Wilse, Willfam C Webb, Thomas Whit-ney, David T Welis, Samuel H Woodson,Mary A. Wallace, John White. William Win-ston, Adam WalkerThomas Wilkinson, JohnH. Wood, Alphey Walker, Claibourne W.White, Thomas Weel, WalterSWyatt 2, ThosWoodfolk, Catharine Ward, William Watson,Fdmund C. Wilcox, AVoolcn ManufacturingCompany.

V.George Young, John T. Young 2, Wm. D.

Young, Ambrose Young 2, Leonard Young,Thomas Young, Peter Yearman.

Z. A.Zink. i


To the Sliarc-liolder- s of the Lex-ington Library Comgany.

A T a meeting of the Directors, January 4,s. 1820 evolved, that a genci-- meeting

is the Shareholders he called, to mectatth'iLibrary room, on Friday, the 14th inst atbalf past 2 o'clock, P M.'to take into consid-- i

ration the picsent situation of the Librar) ;

and adopt such measures as may be necessanfor its suture prosperity and improvement':,and that all the shareholders are hereby r

requested to give their attendancem PERSON.

THOS. T. RJIIJI, Ch'm.Jan. 5, 1820.

Lexington Library Company.k T ajneetiog of the Directors, Januarv 4th,

tV 1821 Resolved, that the thanks of theLexington Library company, be presented toJoshua NorvelJ, Esq for ln's vtrv valuable do-nation to the Library, of Swift's vorks, intwenty-sou- r volumes ; and also, for his dona-tion of the President's Messige to Congress,with the accompanying documents, madeDec. 1S19.

. TllO. T JtARIf, CVm.

IVvoken lianasrjnnv. subscriber informs the public, that heA will receive in payment of debts due him,

and forBOOKS and STATION RY, at asmalldiscount, Notes on the following banks,

liurhitgton, Harbmrni'!e, Greens-bnrg- h,

Somerset, and A"trlnfnsx-i!le- , the S'ateRank of Tennessee and .VanmUe Rank; andtheir respective branches.

WM. W. WOR3LEY.Dec. 301819 53-3- t

THE Subscriber has removed hisMANUFACTORY to Water-stree- t,

opposite the. Hay Scale3, where all personsmay be supplied w ith

Tobacco. Sclavs and Fnuff.Low- for Cash. He also keeps a sale Shop on

t, next door below Mr. Giron'sStore.

BENJ. LOTSPEICH.Dec.31,1319 53--

Hemp Wanted,THE highest CASH price will be given for

at the Factory ofJOHN BRAND.

Lexington, December 24th, 1819.

wiir. be nthrn ovt roa mr. nfxt 12 n'ovxhs,Several Negroes Men, Wa'inen;

Hoys and Girls.fWaht'cd lo purchase a sew Thousand pounds,


Dec 24 52-tf

DOMESTIC CLOTHS.THE subscriber has jtistreceheda

of DOMESTIC CLOTHS, of theManufactory) state of Rode lskndj

coiislsting ofSuierfine B1WJD CLOTlts,Pine' tthd Coarse 'ditto.

Vv'liich he proposes to soil very low frir CaMi,or o a short credit Or he w ill Barter forcountry Piodute.

THOMAS JANUARY.Dec. J7, 1819.- - ntf



I'iDoz. HAIR NETTS, and

12.0 Pieces Fancy THBtlOXS, to which theattention of the Milliners, iS particulailyln-ittd- .

M. J. KOOVEL.LiDecJP18l9. 0-- 4t ,...

y nd, Newstrom all nations lumb'n.ifr at his

raflM THi; SATloNlt'lTXELIOEycEll.



i. ContinuedAProject of a treaty delivered by Don

Luis de Onis to the Secretary of State,0 th 18 19--

Translation, sent by Dbn Luis de Onis.XII. The treaty oflimits and nsviu-a- .

tion of 1795 remains confirmed in all,nci each one, ot its articles, excentinr tin.

2d, 3d, 4th, 2 1 st, and the second clauseof the the 22d article, which having beenaltered by this .Treaty, aro no longer va-lid.

With rncnprtl . (n.. iti... 1

ivtumubiuuicl. .M. -- r.uuicsame Treaty, of friendship, limits, andnavigation, ot i U5, in which it is stipu-lated that the slag shall cover the nrnner.ty, the two high contracting parties agreemat tins may lie so understood with qt

tothose poweis who recognize thisprinciple but is cither of the two con-t- r.

ctins narties shall he nt nw witi. athird party, and the other neutral, thenag oi tne neuti ai snail cover the proper-ty of enemies whose governments ac-knowledge this principle, and not of

XI II. In order to avoid frauds, and thegreat evils ,vhich arise from concealingthe destination of vessels, hv nmi- - general terms for the West Indies,opanisn iiame, Europe, &c. the twohicrh COntl'JClinp naities havp. arrrp.pA.that, in suture, all merchant vessels be- -

loneinsr to their resDective mhip.r.ts mCitizens shall be cleared nnt fnr q Kiipr-i- .

Tied poit, either at their respective cus- -loni-nouse- s, or in those ot other powersfrom whose ports said vessels may depart in continuation of their primitivevoyaite: or in case, thev should nndpr.take a new one. And the merchant ves-sels of either of the two nations that, inviolation ol their clearances, bhould en-ter other ports without justifying tho mo-tives w hich induced them to it. or shouldbe met with on the high seas by theirvessels of War or nrivatei rt rlpni-c- nmin violation of this article, shall be detain- -cu, proceecled agrfinst, and, open com n,

forfeited.XIV. In cast- there s'.all be just cause

'0 suspect thj: character of the vessels,tirvwhjcli should not be ( leared out.ft.i

sjiecified port, as is stipulated in t!.t.preceding article, or that the cargo be-

longs to enemies of either of the cotracti.ig parties, whose governments do notreiognize theprinciple that the slag co.u-- s the pioperly, or which shall consis'of articles of contraband of war, suchvessels may be detained and sent to thencaiest and most convenient port tothe s up of war or privateer that mayha"j detained such a vessel, belongs';where she shall be adjudged agieeabiyto the law of nations, and the practice es-tablished by other maratitne powers.And it is agreed that adjudication shallbepiOed that the detention or capturo

as unjust, it shall not only be tl e dutvof the tribunal where the case was triedto release the vessel and cargo, but itshall decide the corresponding indemni-ty for the damages and injuries they ma)have been sustained, to be paid by thecaptors, and, in their defect, by the go-vernment by whom they shall be com-missioned.

XV. Both contracting panics, wish-ing to faui their mutual commerce, byaffording in their ports every necess-u-

assstauce to their respecti'-- e merchantvessels, have agreed that thesailois whoshall desert from thcirvessels in the portsor the other', shall be arested and deliv-ered up, at the instance of the consul,who shall prove, hevcrthehss. Hint ihn

idesertcis belong to the vessels that claimmem, cxnioiting the document that s( ustomary in their nation, thatis to say,that the Spanish consul in an Americanport shall exhibit Ihe rollof'thc vessel ;and the American consul in a Spanishpoit the document known by the hameof articles; and is the name of the deser-ter or deserters shall appear in the oneor the other, they shall be arrested, heldin custody, and delivered to ilm. (p(.i thwhich they shall belonp-- .

XVI. His Cathode M.ijesty havingcondescended tomahe'Uie cessions to theUnited States which are specified in thepresent tieaty, in Compliment to the li-nked States; with the object of cancel-ling all the claims they have demandedof the ioval crown, the. (initprl fctitec"ill certify, in due fofmj thst they hatenot ,any compensation lromFrance for the ilriniiestlipir enfFriv.d r

her pi lvateets, consuls; and tribunals, brltne coasts anu in the ports ot bpain ; andthey will pre,sentah authentic statementof the prizes made, and of their true va-lue; that Spain may claim frorh Fiancethe retuih of this amount- - the commerce ol Spaiii and of theUnited States, to facilitate the commu-nication between both nations for a limi-ted time, in the tenitofies ceded hv thistieaty, until thfcy can agree lipon the re- -

,j,uiiiuu: miming ui commerce, whichmay be best adantcd- to fanr the some.the two Jiigh contracting pa,uiis arceii.ui opayisn V9Sbiisw,'i 1 r'yi'-'-lv-



I loaded solely with the nrodbceor manufactur of Snain. directly from the nrlHs

colonies, shall be admitted intoall thePiort ot the two that may bolawsmny open to the trade ot othertions, for the" snesce ns twplvp vpnrs.w ithout paying more duties lor their pro-- !du or mercnanr use.. nnr. . nrMici- - inn.- lull"J kjlHUIWluaige duty, than what are paid by vesselsof me uiuieu oiates.

Durinsr said time, no other nation '.hallbe entitled to the same nrivileo-e- s in thccaeu territories. 1 he twelve vpnrss oegin tlireo months alter exchnncr.insrthc ratifications of thp. nrMmtt) ' at the expiration of said time, Span- -is h vessels shall be rer.eivpH in snid tprri.tories on the same sootiue: with the mostlav ored nations.

XVIII. The present treaty shall notbe in force until ratified, in'tb e contracting parties; and theratifica-sn- s

shall be exchano-e- in siv this time, or sooner is possible.

In witness whereof, we. the under writ.ten Plenipotentiauesof his Catholicjesty and of the Cnited States of Amp.r- -icai, have signed, by virtue of our pow-- ,ers the present tieaty of friendship and

lits, and have thereunto affixed ourseals resner.tivelv.

JJone at Washington dav of Feb- -

1UJIJ, 10 ID,

COUNTER PROJI'.r.T OP A Tnp.ATVCommunicated by Mr. Adams to Don Luis 'de

unis, iota oi reuruary, 18iy.The United States of America and

his catholic majesty, desiring to consoli-date, on a permanent basis, the Headshipand good correspondence w, ich happilyprevails between the two parties, havedetermined to settle and terminntp. niltheir differences and pretensions, by airemy, wnicn snail designate, with pre-cision, the limits of their respective bor- -

rm,r territories in North America.With this intention the Dresidenf of

me vnuca mates has furnished withtheir full nower John Oolnr.v Adams.Secietary of State of the said U. States,anci ins catholic majestp has appointedthe most excellent Lord Don Luis ripOnis Gonzales Lories v Vara. Lord nsme town oi Kayaces, Perpetual liegi- -

ciorot tne orpoiationdt the City of Sa-

lamanca, Knight Grand Cross of theRoyal American order of Isabella theCatholic, decoiated with the Lys of Lsv enoee, Knight Pensioner ot the Raya.find dislineuijhed Soanisb order r,fCharles the Third, Member of the Stijreme Assembly of th said'Roval Orier, of the Council of his (Catholic Ma

his Secretiry, vith exercise of decrees, anu ins jenvoy Extraordinary and..iinister Pleniootenttarv near the United Slates of America.

And the slid PIpninntpntiirL-- o if7i.having exchanged their powers, have a- -

gieeu upon anu cone irunea the tollowingm ticks:

I. There shall be a firm and inviolablepeace and sincere friendship betweenthe United States and their citizens, and

subjects, without exception of personsor places.

II. His catholic majesty Cedes to theUnited States in full property and sove-reignty, all the territories which helnnrfto hirn, situated to the eastwaid of theMississippi, known by the name of Eastand West Florida. The adiar.ent isl- -anas, dependent on said provinces, allpuuiic lots and squares, tacant landspublic edifices, fortifications, barracksand other buildings, which are not pr'rvate property, ai chives and documentsivhirh.. .,,.rplMtp riirpf-fl- t' In tl, ncnn.KIt, wl...- - v..,.w v.. ii.w iw itiv. piuuviijr ajlUnovcreignty of Said provinces, aro includ-ed in this article. The said archievesand documents shall be lest in pessessionot the commissines, or officers, of theunited states duly authorized to receive tnem.

III. The boundary lihn between thptwo countries, west ol the Mississippisnau begin on the Unit ot Mexico, at themouth ot the river Sabine, in thp seacontinuing north, alone the western bankoi mat in cr, to tne a.'d degree ol latitudetnence, uy a line due noith, to the degree ot latitude where it strikes theRlO R6&0 of Nalrhitorlipn. nr lipii Kiver ; thence, following the course of thttio Koxoj westward to the decree ofloneitude 102 west frnm I.nndnn. anrltwenty-fiv- e from Washington ; then,crvising tne said Ked uiver, ana run-ning thence, by a linfc due north, to theriver Arkansas : thence, followinr- - thecodise of the southern bank of the Arkansas, to its source, in latitude 41 north:and thence by the parallel of latitude, tothe South Sea ; the Whole being, as laiddown in Melish's inap of the UnitedSlates, published in Philadelphia,

to the first of January. 18 18Hut. is the Ronrceof the Arkiinsns rivershould be sound to fall north or south oflatitude 41, then the line shall run fromthe said source due South or north, s.3

the case may be, till it meets the Sail.parallel ot latitude 4i; r.uo tnence,

the said parallel, to the South Sea;the Sabine and the Said Red and Arkansas riVers, and all the islands in the same;throughout the course thus described,to bDlone- to the United States : and thewestern bank of the Sabine, and thesouthern banks of the said Red and Ar

VOL. xxxiv.kansas rivers' throughout the line thusdescribed, to belong to Spain. And theUnited States hereby cede to his caiho-h- c

majesty all their rights, claims, and'pretensions, to the territories' Ivino- ,psand south of the above described line jand his catholic majesty Cedes to thosaid United States all his rights, claims,and prentensions, to any territorie's eastarid north of the said line; and, for him-self, his heirs, and successors, renouncesall claim to the said territories forever.

iIV. To six this line with more preci-

sion, and to place' the land marks Whichshall designate exactly the 'imits of both,nations, each of the Contracting partiesshall appoint commissionera and a sur-veyor, who shall meet before the termi-nation 6f one year from the date of theratification of this treaty, at NTatriiitrirhpaon the Red Riverj arid proceed to runand mark tUfe said line from the mouthof the Sabine to the Red River, and fromthe Red River to the river Arkansas,and to ascertain the latitude of thesource of the said river Arkansas, inooniormny to what-i- s above agreed up-on and stipulated ; they shall make outp.ans, and keep journals of their pro-ceedings, and the result agreed upon bythem shall be considered as part of thistreaty, and shall have the same force asis it were inserted therein. The two go-vernments will amicably agree respect-ing the necessary articles to be furnish-ed to those persons, and also ai to theirrespective escorts, should such be deemed necessary

V. The inhabitants of the ceded terri-tories shall be secured in the free exercise of their religion, without any restriction ; and all those who desire to re-move to the Spanish dominions shall bopermitted to sell or export their effectaat any time whatever, without beingsubject In either case, to duties.

VI. The inhabitants of the territorieswhich H. C. M. cedes to the United'States by this treaty, shall be indornora- -ted into the Union of the United Statesas soon as may be consistent with thef.federal constitution, and admitted totae"enjoyment of all the privileges, rights,and immunities, of the citizens of the U,States.

VII. The officers and trooos of hisCatholic Majesty inlho territories there-by ceded by him' to the United1 Statessnau oe withdrawn and pasaessionof theplates occupied by them snah be give..,tithln six months aster the ratificationsof th'njreuty, or sooner, is possible, bythe officers of his catholic majesty to t.iecommissioners or officers of the UnitedStates, duly appointed to receive them.

VIII. All grants of lands made by orin the name of his catholic majesty inthe aforesaid territories, aster the 24th ofJanuary, 188,siallbe held null, thoconditions of the. said' gtants not havingbeen performed by the grantees. AUgrants made before that date by his cath-olic mujesty, or by his legitimate author-ities in the said territories, the conditionsof which Shall have bren b)the grantees according to the tenor oithe respective grants, and none othershall be confirmed and acknowledgedas valid.

IX.Thetwd contracting parties recip-rocally renounce all claims for damagesor injuries which they themselves, aSwell as their respective citizens andsubjects, may have suffered, until thotime of signing this treaty. .

The renunciatibh of the United StatedWill extend to all the injuries mentionedin the convention of 11th August, 1802.

2. To all claims on account of prizesmade by French Consuls, within' the ter-ritory and jurisdiction bf Spain.

3. To a'l claims of indemnities on ac-

count of the suspension bf the right ol!

deposit at New Orleans in 1802.4. To all claims of citizens ofthe Uni-

ted States upon the government of Spainarising from the Unlawful seizures C

sea, and from the unlawful seizure ofvessels of cargoes belonging to citizensiof the United States in the ports and ter-

ritories of Spain or the Spanish Colonies.The renunciation of his catholic ma-

jesty extends, ,

1. To all the injuries mentioned in theconvention of the I lth August, 1802.

3. To the sums which his catholic ma-

jesty advanced for the return bf captainPike from the Provinces'Interasi

3. To all injuries caused by the ex-

pedition ol Miranda that was fitted outand equipped at New York. '

Finally : to all the claims ofsubjects ofhis catholic majesty upon the govern-ment of the United States, in which theinterposition of his catholic majesty'sgovernment has been solicited before;

the date of this treaty, and since the dateof tliCjConvention of 1802, or which mayhave been made to the department offoreign affairs of hi majesty, or to hisminister in the United States,

And the hicrh contracting parties respectively renounce all claim to indemi- -

ties for any of the recent events or trans-lations of their respective commandersand officers in the'Floridas.

X. The convention entered into between the two governments on the 1 lthof August, 1302, the ratifications "cfwhich were exchanged on the 2 1st De-

cember, 13 IS, is annulled. '

XL Tb, United Sutes,-v5t'dfrertilt-