new school public consultation

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  • 8/4/2019 New school public consultation


    Monday 12 September toFriday 21 October 2011

    Public consultation

    Proposal to create a

    new primary school through acompetition in the Beeston andHolbeck planning area, to open

    in September 2014

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    Page 2 Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014

    Key phrases and terms in this booklet

    Admissions limitThe maximum number of children a school plans to accept into eachyear group.

    Competition The process by which a local authority sets up a new school.

    Cluster Group of schools who work together to deliver extended services.

    DfE Department for Education.

    Executive BoardThe decision making group formed by the leader of the council andnine other executive members. Representatives of all political partiesattend the executive meetings.

    Form of entry (FE)

    School sizes are planned on a basis of 30 children per class (orform); a school with an admission limit of 30 is a one form of entry(1FE) school, 45 pupils is one and a half forms of entry (1.5FE),

    60 pupils is two forms of entry (2FE).

    Number on roll (NOR) The total number of children registered at a school.

    Net capacity

    This is the total number of places available at a school. It iscalculated by combining the space in a school that is available forclassrooms as well as essential non-teaching activities, such as hall,storage and staff rooms. It is expressed in terms of the number ofpupils this space is suitable for.

    Reception class This is the first year group for children starting primary school at age four.

    School nursery

    Children can attend nursery class between the ages of three and four

    years, accessing free nursery education for a maximum of 15 hoursper week.

    Planning areaBoundaries defined and used by childrens services to monitordemographics and support the planning of school places.

    SOAB (SchoolOrganisationAdvisory Board)

    The SOAB has been established by the Executive Board and ismade up of representatives from the areas education community. Itsjob is to consider responses and make recommendations on the finaldecision regarding any proposals to change the size or organisationof schools.

    Specification Description of the school which we are consulting on opening.

    Statutory noticeperiod or statutorynotice

    A period of time required by law to inform the public that the localauthority is proposing to do or change something. The statutorynotice is published with the proposal details, and invites comments.It follows a period of consultation like this one, allowing the localauthority to adapt the proposals based on the views raised in theinitial consultation.

    Page 2 Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 3


    1. Introduction

    2. What is the proposal?

    3. What is a competition?

    4. How has the proposal been developed?

    5. How to comment on the proposal

    6. What happens to your comments and what are the next stepsof the process?

    7. Demographics and data tables

    Response form

    1. Introduction

    This consultation document explains the local authoritys proposal to create a new primaryschool in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area to open in 2014. Under the Education andInspections Act 2006 a local authority must hold a competition when it identifies a need fora new school. This document describes the proposed new school and the competitionprocess.

    Your views are important to us, so please take the opportunity to express your opinion on the

    proposal in this document.

    The local authority has a legal duty to ensure there are enough school places to meet theneeds of its children and families. We are now planning to create the extra places we believewill be needed from September 2014. For several years now there has been a significantincrease in the birth rate and we have had to add more capacity recently to meet the additionaldemand for reception places.

    Area Health Authority data on the number of births in Leeds indicates that there will be acontinued rise in demand for school places at least up to 2014. The Office of National Statisticspredicts that demand will continue to rise until at least 2018.

    2. What is the proposal?

    This consultation is asking for your comments on a proposal to create extra places in theBeeston and Holbeck planning area by holding a competition to create a brand new primaryschool in the area to open in September 2014.

    The school would be located on land at the former South Leeds Sports Centre, BeestonRoad, LS11 6TP, and is intended to serve families in that area. A map showing the locationis in section 7 of this booklet.

    It would be for boys and girls aged three to 11.

    The nursery would be for 26 places per session (morning or afternoon)

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    Page 4 Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014

    The school would have an admissions limit of 60. This means that the maximum number ofpupils on roll would 420.

    New school buildings would be provided with a net capacity of 420, plus accommodation forthe nursery provision.

    Admissions arrangements would have to be agreed with whoever won the bid, but the authority

    would seek a priority based on distance as part of the admissions policy.

    The buildings provided would be modern, high-quality modular accommodation with all thefacilities children and staff need including classrooms, hall(s), dining area, play areas andoffice spaces. The buildings are built to last for decades, and will be constructed off-site. LeedsCity Council would pay for the buildings and play areas, and the cost of preparing the land foruse as a school.

    Any new school would be expected to work with local schools in the cluster to deliver extendedservices. Additional community spaces would not be provided by the authority as part of theproject, although the school would be free to encourage community use on a managed lettings

    basis.This consultation does not replace the planning application process which would beundertaken. Traffic and access issues would be addressed in detail at this stage. The schoolwill be required to have a green travel plan. Leeds City Councils transport policy will apply tochildren attending the school.

    3. What is a competition?

    A competition is the way in which the local authority can establish a new school. When a localauthority has identified the need for a new school, it must ask anyone who is interested to bidto run the school, and a decision will then be made from the bids received from possible school

    providers. Competitions are intended to provide a more diverse range of schools for parentsand carers to choose from. The stages of a competition are:

    Statutory consultation consultation on whether a school is needed, including the size,location and type of school. This proposal is at this stage.

    Invitation to bid (first notice) a statutory notice is published which asks people who areinterested in running the school to tell us about their bid.

    Publication of proposals and comment (second notice and representation) a secondstatutory notice is published which includes details of the bids received, and provides sixweeks for people to comment on them. A public meeting would be held in this stage.

    Final decision this is made by the local authority, or by the schools adjudicator if theauthority submit a bid for a community school.

    Implementation if approved, the school would then be built and the chosen providerwould run it.

    The purpose of this statutory consultation stage is to inform local people and seek views onthe specification for the new school described in section 2 above. It is not to shape opinionabout how that specification might best be met, or who the best provider might be. Later stagesof the process will allow for comments on the bids received, and will include a public meeting.

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 5

    4. How has the proposal been developed?

    When developing the right proposals to meet the increased need for school places, we had toconsider:

    our legal duties, which include making sure there are enough school places, considering theexpansion of popular and successful schools, and making sure families are offered choice

    and diversity;

    the areas where the extra places are needed;

    the need to develop proposals in a timely manner so that families with children startingreception class in 2014 have all the information they need in time to choose their preferredschool;

    the practical reasons why many schools cant be expanded;

    availability of other council owned land and whether any of this land could contribute to theneed for school places; and

    how expanding one school might affect the other schools in the area.

    First, we had to identify how many extra places would be needed and where. To do this welooked at:

    Area Health Authority birth data this is supplied annually for each postcode and allows usto monitor birth patterns in a particular area and plan school places accordingly; and

    latest admissions preference data the information taken from the latest admissions roundtells us how many reception places were applied for across the city and the preferences thatparents made.

    You can find further information on this in section 7.

    We are proposing to create a new school in Beeston and Holbeck because the birth rate inthis area has increased significantly over the past few years and there is a need for moreschool places. We have looked at the existing schools across the area, and have expandedseveral of them already. We do not think we can create enough places in this way, and sohave looked at council owned land and assets to see if any could be used for a new school.The former sports centre site at Beeston Road has been identified, and the councils ExecutiveBoard have agreed to earmark the land for that use while a competition is held.

    The local authority also has a duty to make sure there are enough early years places and

    we have identified that there is a need for further places within this area. We have looked atall existing nursery provision within this area to determine how and where we can createmore places. We have been able to provide some extra nursery places, but are currentlyunable to meet demand using the private and voluntary sectors or the current maintainedsector accommodation. The proposed school therefore includes a nursery with 26 placesper session.

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    5. How to comment on this proposal

    This consultation runs from Monday 12 September 2011 to Friday 21 October 2011. If you wantthe councils Executive Board to consider your views, we must receive your comments no laterthan 4pm on Friday 21 October 2011.

    We are holding three meetings to gather the views of families and carers, young people, other

    schools and early years providers, and the general public. These meetings will give everyone achance to debate the proposal and ask questions.

    These public meetings are open to all and will be held at:

    The Hamara Centre, Tempest Road, LS11 6RD

    Monday 19 September 2011, 2.00pm

    Tunstall Road Community Centre (Jobshop),

    12 Tunstall Road, LS11 5JFTuesday 20 September 2011, 5.30pm

    St Matthews Community Centre, St Matthews Street, LS11 9NRWednesday 21st September 2011, 7.00pm

    The information is also available in public libraries and has been widely distributed to interestedparties including local councillors, MPs, unions and the Catholic and Church of Englanddioceses. You can also find it at:

    You can respond to this proposal in writing or verbally at the public meetings. We minute allpublic meetings and publish the minutes on our website. If you can, it is important that you givereasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the proposals so that as much information as possibleis available to the Executive Board when making their decision.

    To make your response in writing you can:

    use the form in this booklet;

    write a letter to the school organisation team, 10th floor west, Merrion House, Merrion Way,LS2 8DT; or

    email: [email protected]

    Responses can be anonymous, but if you want an acknowledgement please include yourname and address.

    Please remember that this consultation is asking for your views on a proposal to create anew primary school in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area through a competition, to openin September 2014. We cannot consider your views on any other subject as part of thisprocess.

    We are planning for a continued rise in the population, and a growing demand for placesin Leeds schools. We are working with all schools in the city to plan together how to meet theongoing needs of every child in every community in the medium and long term. You will havethe opportunity to comment on any further proposals as they are brought forward.

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 7

    Date Key event

    27 July 2011 Executive Board authorised public consultation on the proposal.

    12 September 2011 Public consultation begins and lasts for six weeks.19 September 2011 Public meeting at Hamara Centre at 2.00pm.

    20 September 2011 Public meeting at Tunstall Road Community Centre at 5.30pm.

    21 September 2011 Public meeting at St Matthews Community Centre at 7.00pm.

    21 October 2011 End of public consultation.

    All responses to this proposal will be summarised and presented to Leeds City CouncilsExecutive Board, who will then decide whether to go ahead with the proposed competition orto change it in any way. Your comments are treated equally, whether you put them in writing or

    say them at the public meetings.The earliest the Executive Board could make a decision would be at their meeting on7 December 2011.

    If they decide to go ahead to the next stage of the competition, a statutory notice inviting bidsto run the proposed school will be published in the Yorkshire Evening Post and

    The notice lasts a minimum of four months.

    The local authority then have up to three weeks to summarise all the bids received, andpublish a second statutory notice with this information. The notice will give details of how youcan make representations or comments on the bids. Even if your comments are the same asyou have contributed to this consultation, you will need to make them again if you want theExecutive Board to consider them when making their final decision. The board must maketheir final decision within two months of the end of the statutory notice period.

    If objections are received, the School Organisation Advisory Board (SOAB) will meet ahead ofthe executive board meeting to make its recommendation on the proposal.

    The earliest the Executive Board is likely to make a final decision is summer 2012.

    You can keep up to date with the progress of the proposal at

    6. What happens to your comments and what are the next stepsof the process?

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    Page 8 Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014

    7. Demographic information and data tables

    The birth rate in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area has seen a steady increase for thepast 12 years.

    There are eleven schools in the Beeston and Holbeck planning areas: Beeston Primary,

    Beeston Hill St Lukes, Cross Flatts Park, Cottingley, Greenmount, Hugh Gaitskell, HunsletMoor, Ingram Road, New Bewerley, St Anthonys Catholic, St Francis of Assissi. Five of themhave been expanded in recent years, and from September 2012 they will offer a total of 565reception places.

    This table shows a snapshot of the 0 5 population at September 2010. The numbers for theplanning area may be different from those in the graph because children have moved in or outof the area since being born.

    The Beeston and Holbeck area is showing a continued increase of children eligible for freenursery education. Currently 80 per cent of all children within this area take up their free

    entitlement to 15 hours of nursery education, although some of these do so outside the area.Additional places have already been added to this area but the continuing rise in births meansthere will be a large increase in demand for places by 2013 and beyond. Creating additionalplaces within the immediate area will allow children greater access to their free entitlement.

























    215240 248

    254 241











    Year of birth

    Beeston and Holbeck planning area

    Distance from

    proposed siteSchools



    Year in which childrenwill start school

    2011 2012 2013 2014

    0.5 mileradius

    Beeston Hill St Lukes, Greenmount,Hunslet Moor, New Bewerley, St Francis of Assisi

    235 129 135 135 160

    0.75 mileradius

    Beeston Hill St Lukes, Cross Flatts, Greenmount,Hunslet Moor, Ingram Road, New Bewerley,

    St Francis of Assisi310 306 357 361 417

    1 mileradius

    Beeston Hill St Lukes, Beeston St Anthonys,Cross Flatts, Greenmount, Hunslet Moor,

    Hunslet St Josephs, Hunslet St Marys C of E,Ingram Road, New Bewerley, St Francis of Assisi

    400 431 482 501 586

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    South Leeds Sports Centre site with surrounding planning areas

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 11

    Proposal to open a new primary school through a

    competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning

    area, to open in September 2014Public consultation response form

    Please read the consultation booklet and tell us your views. The questions on this form are provided to help

    you, but you do not have to respond to them all.Responses can also be sent by email to [email protected] or by letter to:School organisation team, 10th floor west, Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds, LS2 8DT.Please return completed forms to this address.

    Extra copies of this booklet and form, along with information on the progress of the proposal, are availableat:

    All responses will be reported to a meeting of the councils Executive Board.

    Responses must be received by 4pm, Friday 21 October 2011.

    Questions relating to the proposals

    1. How much do you agree with the following statements? Please tick as appropriate.

    1a) I agree with the need for a new school in the Beeston and Holbeck area

    Please tell us more about your views and your reasons for them.

    Stronglyagree Agree

    Neitheragree nordisagree



    Continued overleaf

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    Page 12 Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014

    Please tell us more about your views on this proposal (continued)

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 13

    2. Have you found this booklet useful?

    How could we improve the booklet?

    3. Have you found the consultation process useful?

    How could we improve the consultation process?

    Your personal details (if you want your response to be formally acknowledged)



    Email address:

    Which school are you associated with?

    Parent/carer of present pupil(s)

    Parent/carer of primary school child

    Other adult relative



    Member of staff

    Local resident

    Elected member

    Community representative


    Data Protection Act 1998Under the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998 we must inform you of the following. Leeds City Council is seeking yourviews to help inform the decision on this proposal. Your personal information will be used only for this purpose, and maybe shared with other agencies who are involved in the consultation, however only to address any issues you raise. If youdo not wish to provide personal details your views will still be considered, but we will not be able to acknowledge yourresponse personally.

    Please send your reply to:

    Yes No

    Yes No

    The school organisation team, 10th floor west,Merrion House, 110 Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8DT

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    If you do not speak English and need help in understanding this document, please telephonethe number below and state the name of your language. We will then put you on hold while wecontact an interpreter








    Phone: 0113 224 3867

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    Proposal to create a new primary school through a competition in the Beeston and Holbeck planning area, to open in September 2014 Page 15


    Jestlie nemluvte anglicky a potebujete, aby vm nkdo pomohl vysvtlit tento dokument, prosm

    zavolejte na ne uveden slo a uvete svj jazyk. Potom vs podme, abyste nepokldal(-a)

    telefon a mezitm zkontaktujeme tlumonka.


    Si vous ne parlez pas anglais et que vous avez besoin daide pour comprendre ce document,

    veuillez tlphoner au numro ci-dessous et indiquez votre langue. Nous vous demanderons

    dattendre pendant que nous contactons un(e) interprtre.


    Jeeli nie mwi Pastwo po angielsku i potrzebuj pomocy w zrozumieniu tego dokumentu,

    prosimy zadzwoni pod poniszy numer telefonu. Po podaniu nazwy swojego ojczystego jzyka

    prosimy poczeka w tym czasie bdziemy kontaktowa si z tumaczem.


    Ak nehovorte anglicky a potrebujete, aby vm niekto pomohol vysvetli tento dokument, prosm

    zavolajte na niie uveden slo a uvete svoj jazyk. Potom vs poiadame, aby ste nepokladali

    telefn a medzitm skontaktujeme tlmonka.


    Haddii aadan af Ingiriiska ku hadlin una baahan tahay in fahamka dukumentigan lagugu caawino,

    fadlan soo wac lambarka teleefoonka hoose oo magaca sheeg luqaddaadag. Ka dib baan kugu

    oran doonaa sug inta aan turjumaan la xiriireyno.



    Phone: 0113 224 3867

  • 8/4/2019 New school public consultation


    Public meeting

    Proposal to create a new primaryschool through a competition in the

    Beeston and Holbeck planning area,

    to open in September 2014

    Leeds City Council is consulting on a proposal tocreate a new school on land at Beeston Road.

    Public meetings will be held to give you achance to find out more about the proposal

    and have your say at:

    The Hamara CentreTempest Road, Beeston, Leeds LS11 6RD

    Monday 19 September 2011, 2.00pm

    Tunstall Road Community CentreTunstall Road, Leeds LS11 5JF

    Tuesday 20 September 2011, 5.30pmSt Matthews Community Centre

    St Matthews Street, Leeds LS11 9NR

    Wednesday 21 September 2011, 7.00pm