new practice revenue generating...

Can you tell me what the CAMeROM software is? This is an in-surgery patient information system and practice marketing solution. It has proved to be an invaluable tool to many practitioners in enabling them to effectively communi- cate treatment options directly with pt’s in the surgery. This system is a one to one, treatment demonstration, treatment planning tool which increases case acceptance and thus prac- tice revenue. It’s the only system available which uses videos to show the actual treatments instead of animations. How does this benefit the dentist and patient? Patients highly appreciate the facility to see video footage of actual treatments being performed. Patients are becoming increasingly medically aware in these times of open informa- tion exchange and transparency. How does the CAMeROM system compare and improve on conventional methods of treatment explanation? At present when some patients during treatment discussion ask detailed questions on proposed treatment, the dentist is limited to verbal explanations, models of teeth, and some- times resort to drawing diagrams. Now however they have the option to use a very powerful communication tool. If a picture speaks a thousand words, then how many a video? In less than sixty seconds a dentist is not only able to show the end result but demonstrate “how”. And in doing,so the dentist, in those situations is achieving a much greater level of informed consent. How extensive a range of content is included? The 28 videos showing the whole range of dental treatments. Viewable in short or long edit format, these are high resolu- tion, and show in impressive detail and clarity, tooth whiten- ing, implants, composite restoration,crowns,bridges, porcelain inlays and many other treatments. Can you give some example when the system would be commonly used to communicate treatment and increase case acceptance? The tooth whitening video shows an excellent result of teeth whitened from A3.5/A4 to B1 in real time as the patients watch and so inspiring and increasing their motivation. This is all achieved in one minute, less time than a dentist would spend on a verbal explanation and still only get a fraction of the information across. Patients will pay for the best quality dentistry they can afford, providing the choice is offered and the quality made evident. Following a verbal explanation of the choice between composite or porcelain for a ‘white filling’, patients often choose the composite, as in their minds both are ‘white fill- ings’ and this is the cheaper option. However, after watching a video more opt for porcelain as the higher quality is made evident. What other features are included on the software? There is an extensive photo stills gallery showing many before and after pictures and an annotated x-ray gallery. The printable dental health education picture puzzles are a great practice builder –not just a “Dental Surgery” but a “Fam- ily Practice”. 21 February 2008 56 New practice revenue generating technology Dentistry magazine finds out about CAMeROM Dentistry In Vision software, an exciting new innovation which raises the bar in patient treatment communication and case acceptance (Above) A view of the CAMeROM software in action Would this benefit NHS practices? Yes by easing the transition from the NHS to private dentistry. The practice’s “wow” factor is raised to a higher level, this being of particular benefit when showing the aesthetic result of private cosmetic dentistry procedures. The overall increased case acceptance should help allay dentists concerns of the transition from NHS to Private Practice. Can a practice incorporate the videos into their own website? Yes, this is something we are able to offer users of the CAMeROM software. And to summarise? If dentists wish to: - Quickly and powerfully show treatment results and simultaneously explain ‘how’ - Work to a higher level of informed consent - Increase case acceptance and thus practice revenue - Present a fresh, modern high-tech image and thus gain an additional unique selling point to stand out from other practices - Have an additional reason for word of mouth recommen- dation to attract new patients then CAMeROM Dentistry in Vision Software is an ideal and very cost effective solution to do so. On offer at £695, reduced from £840 the system is paid for very quickly with 2 treatment uptakes. And what do dentists have to say about this software? ‘An amazing practice builder,’ Dr George Miller, Dublin. ‘Quicker and easier case acceptance. More practice income with less effort.’ Dr Ben Bushell, Malvern. ‘Makes life so much easier to have a powerful treatment communication tool in the surgery.’ Dr James Mein, Worcester. ‘More patients are impressed, inspired and motivated when deciding on treatment options.’ Dr Peter Farelly, Donegal. Here is a selection of feedback from the profession. ‘This is an amazing product! Communication and gaining informed consent are important considerations in dentistry. Using this tool, it is possible to simply and visually explain to a patient in simple terms about the many different procedures we perform day to day.’ Dr Ash Parmar, Perfect Smile Studio, Hertford ‘Visual real life communication aid like this can be a great sim- ple tool in increasing case acceptances, understanding the advantages of treatment and obtaining informed consent. For this reason, this is a cost effective "must have marketing aid" that will help to increase the quality and quantity of private/ cosmetic case acceptance. This will increase your turnover.’ Dr Rahul Doshi, Dentist, Perfect Smile Studio, Hertford ‘The video footage makes the understanding of the treatment itself so much more straightforward for those patients who want to know everything in detail. No more 10 minute explanations which they may still not understand. show them the videos whilst they have a cup of tea and you formulate a treatment plan.’ Dr David Bloom, Senova Studios, Watford ‘Patients talk to their friends about what they have just seen as part of their consultation, a real wow factor, and a great practice builder.’ Dr Jay Padayachy, Senova Studios, Watford ‘The successful provision of any form of restorative treatment, regardless of its complexity, involves the initial discussion of available treatment options. The CAMeROM is innovative in providing real-life images and film (not animations),to pro- vide an exceptional additional tool in the communication of information in this vital stage of treatment. The positive (and sometime negative) features of certain options can be dis- cussed and demonstrated clearly. Consent will therefore become truly ‘informed’. Spin-off benefits should see improved patient acceptance of treatment and ultimately patient referrals.’ Dr Amin Aminian Grays Dental Care, Cheshire. For further information about the CAMeROM software or to arrange an in-surgery or online demonstration call First Dental Media on 0121 681 1315.

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Page 1: New practice revenue generating… · advantages of treatment and obtaining informed consent. For this reason,

CCaann yyoouu tteellll mmee wwhhaatt tthhee CCAAMMeeRROOMM ssooffttwwaarree iiss?? This is an in-surgery patient information system and practicemarketing solution. It has proved to be an invaluable tool tomany practitioners in enabling them to effectively communi-cate treatment options directly with pt’s in the surgery. Thissystem is a one to one, treatment demonstration, treatmentplanning tool which increases case acceptance and thus prac-tice revenue. It’s the only system available which uses videosto show the actual treatments instead of animations.

HHooww ddooeess tthhiiss bbeenneeffiitt tthhee ddeennttiisstt aanndd ppaattiieenntt??Patients highly appreciate the facility to see video footage ofactual treatments being performed. Patients are becomingincreasingly medically aware in these times of open informa-tion exchange and transparency.

HHooww ddooeess tthhee CCAAMMeeRROOMM ssyysstteemm ccoommppaarree aanndd iimmpprroovvee oonnccoonnvveennttiioonnaall mmeetthhooddss ooff ttrreeaattmmeenntt eexxppllaannaattiioonn?? At present when some patients during treatment discussionask detailed questions on proposed treatment, the dentist islimited to verbal explanations, models of teeth, and some-times resort to drawing diagrams. Now however they have theoption to use a very powerful communication tool. If a picturespeaks a thousand words, then how many a video? In lessthan sixty seconds a dentist is not only able to show the endresult but demonstrate “how”. And in doing,so the dentist, inthose situations is achieving a much greater level of informedconsent.

HHooww eexxtteennssiivvee aa rraannggee ooff ccoonntteenntt iiss iinncclluuddeedd??The 28 videos showing the whole range of dental treatments.Viewable in short or long edit format, these are high resolu-tion, and show in impressive detail and clarity, tooth whiten-ing, implants, composite restoration,crowns,bridges,porcelain inlays and many other treatments.

CCaann yyoouu ggiivvee ssoommee eexxaammppllee wwhheenn tthhee ssyysstteemm wwoouulldd bbee ccoommmmoonnllyy uusseedd ttoo ccoommmmuunniiccaattee ttrreeaattmmeenntt aanndd iinnccrreeaassee ccaasseeaacccceeppttaannccee?? The tooth whitening video shows an excellent result of teethwhitened from A3.5/A4 to B1 in real time as the patientswatch and so inspiring and increasing their motivation. Thisis all achieved in one minute, less time than a dentist wouldspend on a verbal explanation and still only get a fraction ofthe information across.

Patients will pay for the best quality dentistry they canafford, providing the choice is offered and the quality madeevident. Following a verbal explanation of the choice betweencomposite or porcelain for a ‘white filling’, patients oftenchoose the composite, as in their minds both are ‘white fill-ings’ and this is the cheaper option. However, after watchinga video more opt for porcelain as the higher quality is madeevident.

WWhhaatt ootthheerr ffeeaattuurreess aarree iinncclluuddeedd oonn tthhee ssooffttwwaarree?? There is an extensive photo stills gallery showing many beforeand after pictures and an annotated x-ray gallery.

The printable dental health education picture puzzles are agreat practice builder –not just a “Dental Surgery” but a “Fam-ily Practice”.

21 February 200856

New practice revenue generatingtechnology

Dentistry magazine finds out about CAMeROM Dentistry In Vision software, an exciting newinnovation which raises the bar in patient treatment communication and case acceptance

(Above) A view of the CAMeROM software in action

WWoouulldd tthhiiss bbeenneeffiitt NNHHSS pprraaccttiicceess?? Yes by easing the transition from the NHS to private dentistry.The practice’s “wow” factor is raised to a higher level, thisbeing of particular benefit when showing the aesthetic resultof private cosmetic dentistry procedures. The overallincreased case acceptance should help allay dentists concernsof the transition from NHS to Private Practice.

CCaann aa pprraaccttiiccee iinnccoorrppoorraattee tthhee vviiddeeooss iinnttoo tthheeiirr oowwnn wweebbssiittee??Yes, this is something we are able to offer users of theCAMeROM software.

AAnndd ttoo ssuummmmaarriissee?? If dentists wish to:

- Quickly and powerfully show treatment results andsimultaneously explain ‘how’

- Work to a higher level of informed consent- Increase case acceptance and thus practice revenue- Present a fresh, modern high-tech image and thus gain an

additional unique selling point to stand out from other practices

- Have an additional reason for word of mouth recommen-dation to attract new patients then CAMeROM Dentistry inVision Software is an ideal and very cost effective solution todo so. On offer at £695, reduced from £840 the system is paidfor very quickly with 2 treatment uptakes.

AAnndd wwhhaatt ddoo ddeennttiissttss hhaavvee ttoo ssaayy aabboouutt tthhiiss ssooffttwwaarree??‘An amazing practice builder,’ DDrr GGeeoorrggee MMiilllleerr,, DDuubblliinn..

‘Quicker and easier case acceptance. More practice incomewith less effort.’ DDrr BBeenn BBuusshheellll,, MMaallvveerrnn..

‘Makes life so much easier to have a powerful treatmentcommunication tool in the surgery.’ DDrr JJaammeess MMeeiinn,, WWoorrcceesstteerr..

‘More patients are impressed, inspired and motivated whendeciding on treatment options.’ DDrr PPeetteerr FFaarreellllyy,, DDoonneeggaall.. Here is a selection of feedback from the profession.

‘This is an amazing product! Communication and gaininginformed consent are important considerations in dentistry.Using this tool, it is possible to simply and visually explain to apatient in simple terms about the many different procedures weperform day to day.’

DDrr AAsshh PPaarrmmaarr,, PPeerrffeecctt SSmmiillee SSttuuddiioo,, HHeerrttffoorrdd

‘Visual real life communication aid like this can be a great sim-ple tool in increasing case acceptances, understanding theadvantages of treatment and obtaining informed consent. Forthis reason, this is a cost effective "must have marketing aid"that will help to increase the quality and quantity of private/cosmetic case acceptance. This will increase your turnover.’

DDrr RRaahhuull DDoosshhii,, DDeennttiisstt,, PPeerrffeecctt SSmmiillee SSttuuddiioo,, HHeerrttffoorrdd

‘The video footage makes the understanding of the treatmentitself so much more straightforward for those patients whowant to know everything in detail. No more 10 minute explanations which they may still not understand. show themthe videos whilst they have a cup of tea and you formulate atreatment plan.’

DDrr DDaavviidd BBlloooomm,, SSeennoovvaa SSttuuddiiooss,, WWaattffoorrdd

‘Patients talk to their friends about what they have just seen aspart of their consultation, a real wow factor, and a great practice builder..’’

DDrr JJaayy PPaaddaayyaacchhyy,, SSeennoovvaa SSttuuddiiooss,, WWaattffoorrdd

‘The successful provision of any form of restorative treatment,regardless of its complexity, involves the initial discussion ofavailable treatment options. The CAMeROM is innovative inproviding real-life images and film (not animations),to pro-vide an exceptional additional tool in the communication ofinformation in this vital stage of treatment. The positive (andsometime negative) features of certain options can be dis-cussed and demonstrated clearly. Consent will thereforebecome truly ‘informed’. Spin-off benefits should seeimproved patient acceptance of treatment and ultimatelypatient referrals.’

DDrr AAmmiinn AAmmiinniiaann GGrraayyss DDeennttaall CCaarree,, CChheesshhiirree..

For further information about the CAMeROM software or toarrange an in-surgery or online demonstration call First Dental Media on 0121 681 1315.