new orleans daily crescent (new orleans, la.) 1858-11-13 [p...

;be 1, I& hed doll but no iethe leve and felay we have a leave ptsa our levee aob aie sad actiIty; It T trot 'as depattmngre few o•, iua. tgiven in oar ;s- ttelge hle dlupatchs e teeakerable for "a ri5. At S s wo nobesand e anfaiing. The olygave, a tempe ::inhe8it t enough to g th eOhblo on hter re- e e.ithrough drawing three i through leanerbsesett, hp4 le oetona reports four n•h We quote freights I _ , a i tow 100; o ;aof ten ar-olass hoate Ite, kteoain a the Cin•o•. prenab Line. These e theTdyttey are adver- et half loaded* tn, and pbeaengers aydpen on alwpys finding S l•h trtteed hour. There is St belghle, each commander h' is 6bn fagaure. The fol- Sdin linet Judge Torrence, opW. .. . Capt Willia ipon ; Universe, opnWas, ,`a;6 Wtllila n ; Ohio Wade;T , tm i aib ~; itCapI De , Capteai o opla; r plapatirlbch•an kt. and Nick Thoal a k ei Th ld lT and reliablefirm of The qact e ms. Athe e& AHibberd will be their igeote. Cast pklsa HawOuathita packet Tigress was laune ontea dth, and a dari•tened by Captain M. oi dopimandet of the Tombigbee river Tiger Her dimeneloaere, 182 feet on deck, 3y11 i oat; t . t inches of hold, and S,00 bles o cotton. Her machinery Sree 40 hob boilers, 2dfeet long, the cyia dp ala pg 17} thas diameter, 7 feet stroke, wu t aflat waterwheetlswith 8 feet buckets. Shaewl e adorned with a p,foll length cabin, and da•l ly ge lth ar.a et fotr weeks. Among the aerrivl i e•a t onia t Oti wa Captain Geo. H. C co the H river trad. Thhe steamer Judge ipof the naiat•k and New Orleans ie lfr'itii port on the 4th with 100 . ti i pinclipal item being 400 bhds. tsCooke4new bok, the TlXgerwa advertised to Oii 8te 31tt1. Captain J. G. Shute, and clerk 0.0. , of the Onaohtta packeto- ed Chief, left CnAe•t~ othe" steamer Daooti a for this place. A tla The Opetonsa packet Anna erret,. tapt .t Iailiier.O rdlfed with i04 bales cotton, 100 hadagroand 380 bbheinntoacss . TbI Yaso river s ket1Afton, Jr., Capt. J. H. Whte4i vei d with 10t0 bales outton. daist peket M)ilton BeHlf, Capt Hooper, ar- riveit'om Baton Bouge with 200 hhd. sagar and The Bt, Loa packptbOrleans, Capt. Donglas, or- rivedwitnh alargea cargo. sThe Lootl packet Hiawatha, Capt. Dix, arrived with*l3arge argo, and wil leave again to-day at 5 P. . We thank Mr. C. G. Wayne, her clerk, for farece. The s Leamer AO.. Tylor, Capt D. Collier, arrived withs 1 arge freight and fall of passengers. We thbaiherrnorteoma clerk, Mr. J. Collier, for favors. The at'ater A. O.Tylor will leave for Cincinnati and all wtay loandi to4ay at 6 P.M. TieViqkeburg U. B.mlaR packet Natchez, Capt. T. P Leates, arriveed with 4154 bales cotton, and hertslibOlitSl of plasenger. She leaves as usual to- day at 6 P.M. Tpse ttenphis U. B. mall packet Nebraska, Capt. A. I1 Irwin, arrived with 3805 bales cotton, and full of poeoegere. She Wtilt leave again on Monday at 5 P.M. We thank Mr.Oharles G. Sholtz, her attentive clerb rt itfore. The ted vrieraoeket Falts City, Capt, Geo. Swee- 4aeLeieWth 416 bala ocotton, 88 hhda.ougarand Music for the Coast.-This regular packet, in chl8f C'apt. U.OStreek, leaves to-day at 10 A. M. for~ilo8ldeoovtiaod aldl aIntermediate landings. 9 J. th Doldtdsoneille.-Thie neat and fast t hrge of Capt. Jos. Viqocent, leaves today 5 aeele 'or Bayou Courle.-To-day at 5 P. :M4 J. Btown bacaks ot his fne, faot and new passenger pakektfor Bayon Gonla. The Silver Heels wilfla an exceldlent opportunity to ahow herself in a neftttald as one of the packets of a popularline, 8tpeMeae aceommodaltone for passengers and fr6sIgt ecudtP tthose of no boat afloat. Her cabin is large aod-veryelegant In all its' appointmentsand arr eela iet s , " mresorcesand management whith hiabmade the Silver Heelsso universally pope. pE in tle soutt •lver will operate for her complete suee i the coast trade. Mr. A. H. Gardner, her o" r, Willt he found on board ready to re- u AEdi n a ls a.-Thio splendid and - , oves to-day at 5 P. X. for Fort S o -Sara sand Baton Rouge. Capt. W. . Meo I Ind comOtnd; and Mr. J. A. Dunbar is Jll W 4Aillp jtr 4esd rier.-Thle new, swift A and tulpmetdid rctver packet leaves today A Ipattivelyet P. igndr teh command of the ex- pletoed te mitr audwe•keown Capt. Charles E. 0 Mp l tclt eto tus and correct Mr. John C. r ' i the a ees It a ef rdno much pleasure to r o e of this splendd and lght draught v lt r etomosentther to all our friends. She Ited taa' a,4tatga nt=elaen packet, her accommoda- t•it•sa rpgsea and her management Is fault. 9IBR pQ are known to every man, woman d e• lld t red iver, and to know them is to like bthese,; t 3ias prompt and reliable men. jti O•Oallsf ,t*O tiita sisers-This very light dvahdbt'eaetleavradtoay at 5 P. M. In charge of t the pnst t bhliitg Capt. Frank Moore, for all landlngst p tTraeton, BSippers oan rely on having theleilhghtp goathrongh without detention. Mr. L. W1Ir ~wl , a gentlemen withnut a superior in his ilingl, her attentive parser. i r.sfi•oi sf"r Vitaiburg--Vicksbhrg and Nero Or- {s U 8. 1$, Ma Ltli.-Punetuol to the minute at 6 . e f•edia this world renowned, awift and splendid U.~l paset gerpalct t will back out, under the care oqibt et eraopn ad dolversally popular commander, iapt T. P. Leathers, with the attentive Messrs. Sher- 'on and Orater In the office. 0l'hejh for A•atephteis.-This fast passenger packet lae eharge t Capt. D. Smedley, leaves at 5 P. h. on• trip this tseae for Memphis and all way landings. Didmien`for Cinclanafi.-This neat and comfort. able pauengerpaeket, In charge of Capt. W. I. Holl- coqft, with'the attentee Mr. J. Darsell in the office, eases, at'6 pI. Lt, Nicrhola for Si. Louis.-To-day at 5 P. M.. :his rgnular packet, with Capt. O. 1. IMcMullon, and ir. J.'RMoody in the office, leaves for St. Louis, W•.e alndl iotermediate landings. ta for it. Louis.-The regular passenger paelet HIawatha, Capt. E. F. Dix, with Capt C. G. Waye, In the office, leaves, at 6 P. M., for Eu Loni and, all way landings. We weregetlted yesterday to see on our streets 0 a ,p hamSkeit,latenr the steamer Ohio. fie in- %genrt thath e latende remainingamongst us, as he ilt h 0t noeupoca business here as a steamboat : t oe will be at N o10 Poydras street, Ssbb t~ rosta fnda will always be welcome. it IH,... ..... TJ$ NG..... .... DWTM NG. . BOnT e P , DYegAceD SCOOURE, Nt ma Boarbon street, telthelOar toSneuterni the uttte othe he ler eo(con nert - e' e . s .•. euts ges 5tna tthoum No. 75Rourt rel5., toM :bes 0s6e'd ts, s senentean, wnth te mtnrefu cou. oerwaul sa nutlested. n-- a• o er to we to eeo te tt !snae yerses, he hras sat, ~aumemeo ews tintaa htmen e Oourb yc 6 ~ 55 .r o o Omar, No. mO Csm street, d 1* ,,~,~gjy,11ll1111~l liob1.1111lB7111bl1 1 0 lb1 Zb ri -i..,.u,.. heof ntbb t.l1 1 m 0y amt maket lb. 'Ibfr,0~(@0pb111511by a.d11llbl Al I 7(os010*0 t0eS711.11.111111 . blg. W. 0p11, here b ,en to the c hl of treat] for s day or two. are a ,tc trough today, amountingen~ iLll .to ens 111ded dild tho1001d dells-. Aboutone- do thirdormeee'ae proe through oco party, ad the balance t. bllk,. among' l1111111r. There 11107(1es1 1 p1p.r, mo. r dAl lag San 05.1,. , 10.0 1011 rate of 8. pe sent.,and s 11081 per riot Thane weresates ofFebruaryand Marh paper atthe me 511b01b 07111111711ea.7. There were 7011 other lrans. tions 11.111111,lb b1,11ClObp d mat1611g at d1101117 t p1biode, 107g 1 ,be !,*111. 11.1110rsen1710(d7.;b 1l t blb 119 10 pe11 1b1111bb1. n the leeks were al11bboblt tothe res peotiv 1, 11 ihdlece1111 to 0 llude to the general position of 0.11 10116 W 1. . . . ... I.ll be telly detailed inour usual0eekly wmuevy an Saturdayevening. We will, owever, remark tha wme o the Northern 8ona etl writers seem to betaken aback S Sthe ver . .. trong position of our b.1k, and 1n cnse1uence of 11 the aent. rain romWll streetgreet iterest tmnfetdi the wmktuils of the New OrleanWake, Woe can only say to our Northern friends (perhapit maybe going too far to call them friends, but we will say acqsluaintnce) thatL our banks are Ai dteeeeenttng ll god business paper, aid not rejecting general 8e oommmelel seventies anddealings in exchange-that thelarge balances whih our banks hold to exchange are the results of a strictly legitimate beefiness. Don'tl be surprised, 5leseienrs of Wall street, if wecome down on you ton two orthree milllions P mare ofgold. It iL be all tothe wy oftrade and ommerce. P WithSterling Exchange at 106% @ 106%, we thinki more gold will come hither. The exchange market todayJ, taken all I. all, wes decidedly weak for mot every classof times bills. The rate for checks on New Yorkwa steady and uniform at %e. die. at all the T banks. Outside there were saes at 7a 15161. dscount. A thesefigures name $120 0 were tak10n. Thirty days sight l 11 ed .1 1 %@ll0 e die. T . . . . 1811 *wme pirchess for special purposes of sixty dayssght on Now York at 13il!; c~e. die. There were oleo swiss at 2, R'r@ZKe die. for the general run of `el good to fair commercial bills. Some orders or western te- be nt are for xty dy bills on Now York, eta ertaingrade, a ;.~a above the gmenera comet rate. The foreign ex- too change market was heavy-very bsavy. Salesofsterling wlth o0l document. 7ere been imed 106%@106 . 11ear 10 be @107{. Remittance rat" are higher,ranging from 1077~o) a 1093. These ee exceptionalfigurs, buttherent position of ve the1 t.7111e111f111111;X1. l ncell. .re . 0(e 1 ofered A and eta reduction.lo ~ l We qulote et frm eh 6"[email protected]`, and other points91~~l8 The ank salting .te0ra,11at 1.12%. 02 .1yto smup, th, ohnge market h Is0 70,0'and budant sapplied. The111 1. . 1to-morrowwil 01 show large balances. The lour old banks In partteite wil of have over Jive enllona and eight hundred thousand dollars. Ce We bare bat few swakls on the stoc. marke. . H0(0ig at given daily the sales, we hve onlyto add this evenin the al a of86 shres Ban of New Orleans at 102, cad 60shares ate of fraction over. The stocks. of the free banks appea to bein el request.Crescent City Bank 1.held at 102 nd over Bank of It New Orleanetn demand at our gaatione; holders of South- q' ern Bank ask 10%7110 ; Bank of America I0lr1t02 ; Citieuo'n Bank 1s heldat195@8011 ; nd State Bank 165. an We give our weekly quotations, which approximate the gene- ht rat satesand view of holders : nt Cll,111 11 11 11.70111101111b . . . . 7((OCL . r". 01,111of I1011 p........-...0 paid..............152 o 1 lp. .. ana state ........... .... 0.0.............151(101 1 or G k l..l...... ............ 1..01.111111011. .... ... L4 o e s'1Ban1 ... 1 ...................... .. 7........ .. . d 111151' bnd Traders' Beek . .. .... ..... 10I.01l0. 110 Ban...... ....... 100............ .... 1t05k(QoIUI Bsnk oP New Orle.. .... 1 . ..... 1.. ... 01 0111111 B1 11011 B1k...1....0.......1..... ...... UULw1112 B1111 f 1. ................................ . .. 01o(002 V Sauk ofJames RObb ......................... onw6m:i atr Wrk......10 ............ SrX' 51 Bas Ligh70 Cob . .,....1 ........... 110001111C lb. 0100r7ad.. ............. . . 00%4 A 1 ttsin 0l,11lll11111 ... 10 ............... 1801111m1 A, ...... 1 ..... 011 . ..... 1,007 00 Op11.1s 00e1 e 0 ...... b .. O ..... .(0,"00...0 ,1853 Jack1on R1lrad-...gld 1 ..... 2............ l 00,lelU 1 a, 8t. Ch-ho'Hot"] Company-"..25 ............... no sale, E 0l11ol Dry Dul.. ....... ..... 8.... .1as 7 11. ( Odd1111,l.11 Hal"............. 10..... . 0000.117 87 New Oriesus Ina. Coto iuiy:...10........... .. 245(,1250 City Consolidated blonde ...... b1I.1d1 1 ....... ..... 1,0.2 Cit,. . Bonds Ra.ilroads" ..... . ... 1.. tit E lwvea~taarCotteo Prose .......................... :......~CI B,01Charles Hoel Beda.1 ........... gg . 1.71.n,711 111 IltD.atoe Iuud fi. Comany. or20paid............ . .. 40~~i p Hope Insurance Cosprny...................... 95for20Paid Starl1.01118op . .. 11. New Orlans Dr Dock....................... i mto l Orbonod17D11y block ........ 11111111111..."........ 1 omilo l l F south ern 1 1 11. D o 1ck.11, 1 mp11000 11 ........... .. . l southern t othi opll.....................:h~~;~ mod "."..9t 99 Faa r Tehuantepec cCo. . wade, 8 per c ..................... 005404 Do. Stock .................... . ... 35(ai4U Slrlemmt .( ans , fr 510,0 O.,hlnr ieo I-in nmnek of he d An of theL United Stulik l 1 cn or Ne unn re duing Orlubcr, 1858. A GOLD DEPOSIT., California Gold ......... .................... S t), 55 20 E Gold from otherr ,nurse ......... ...........34, 899 45 E Total value of golddopocits ...... ......... $5 ~iG i SILVEH UIPOSITO. r silverex'racled fro California gold ...... $41 00~' Sliver fromother sources...............01,46 8 Total sliverdeposit ..................... .... $90,83 87 STotal value of old and sliver deposit ............ $751,994 528 (OLD CIOINAGE. '" Doulble Eagles.......... . .13.e1. ld pie, es ......... 12, 0,000 0 13IILVII COINAGE. Silveur, HalfDollnrr,....... .GJJ.(kMpieces .......... B$;kt1,INUu 0 Bare . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 1751 S Total value of gold andsilver coinag. ........ .... $5i 1,751 8 1 In invariant money thle }vii-etli is have bee"ofa limited )" nature. Bank notes of distant banks I eve been oltoeed onlyin verymoderate came. Tab, maybe owing in partto the ilrir I t. currency driving out of circulaton, in were Parts of the corn I try, the iaanesof themasny paper mwufactoorioa allcoh ersmne t 11the union of brinks; nevertheless, the partial resumption of l,, Sterconroe withtheWest, and the con~tstan arrival of'people have~ e t hrownl more untartant money an theI market than forr several 1 week. or months past. A~merican silver-that 1a, of the coinage f 1053, isi in brisk demarond at from 3y @ 1% If, however, th e rarte, enhance, the demand would siackoai us it I. onlythe ails- count or depreciation whichr induces~ dealers and tut le-a to take n it, If it shoud advance to puar or 9 per cent. discoulnt, or that rate be asked forit,there would be no dcmnr.d at .11 only it steal} sums just to make ecl'age. elan. ~ tteBuc Mintl of this city Is authorised topurchases silverbullionl at 121 I It per on, which I. a reduction of 13, cent. front Iasi miss. IM.s will have a louderrto reduce the value of bluilt..and Mexicanl .2illhave a te2deny to reduce the value of bullion and .2Mex2ea dollars.Parties who receive s lver will not avail themselves ol e theoffer, but deposit their receipts for coiage and do better i with the coin than to accept 121 per oz. We . e aware that the ;: Director or the Min ata PI'hihd;pl2hi holds no gol.dfeelig towrds our Branch Mint here; that he has urged on Congress a tooltslL We have not metwith any notlce that the Philadel- a phh.2ot Wnonlyplying 121 ceuts pr sz, for lve. If any order to that effect has been isesnd, tt must be of veryrecent There has been very little done In land warrants thI, week. ' Advlesltrom t a pr.ueipal mcrts (North and West) quote heavy markets, with downward rates. Ourdealers on Oamp street, however. are prepared anid do pay the highlest prices for warrants, uncurrent bank notes and all sorts and kindsofgolndand ailver coin ; so personI at a die- rance, desiro2u of vlbiting New (Orleans, or co2ming here to take paesage for Callforn1a or any other part of the world, can at all times change their fuinds into current values, either ingoldor exchange. Those d stro2 o(f embirk2lg for 0aliforuha will not no. their arrival inthis city--b metwith bogus slid swindling ticket agent., 2a1n th2e great merop'oli2, New York. We nunes our ng11al weekly quot 1lous.ofcoin anal uncnrrent moaney, being tlhe rates ofJohn Wood, corner Camp and Com- man streetx t o GoLD AN sILVrE. Americ, u h•11 f ollr2. old co2l.rae..1, lI922 2 . clA.2 pmmlium oAmericanks ler2 ol2h. b, old calages.....( (212 " ranl, prmul Americn tl n, new coirnge ................ l(2 O c21o21 rsuno M1xlcn ollrs ................ 1(211.. 41 2 c12tt. prlium Spanish ill, or Doa .................. 4(. ce. t.preiu Ftre Fsun Piercee ... 1... ................. ... . 2( o er ....................... ............... ... lorni o........................2... ro. l Twenty F.nPie ............................ .2 3 2K23 R5 T ider P .............................. .. 3 227213 922r Te Thaler Pieces ................................. 7 T?1u7 5 21exe, l)o12 lo u2..........2 ........... $ ,1.242 12i 1Spa1sh Doubloon2 22 ....................... 1.. .. $16 p2)16 21 llo n .............................. e.... or• o on1l2 d , te Trea. ury Notes .......... ................. outn ia 10 "t aonne h cT1s. Missonri ................................... 1•.q r;cent d4co i 2I2d2 ,a St 2te Rank .................... 2...... 414(rt:2 discoun Ohio .2.... ............................. 2.. 4.•2 dihcolHn Other Bank, Ohio and ndill*. . ................ a dl•ont entu1 k.y ..................................... 2.22 I2 2 di2 cou2 t Weat 1lie2an1t Railroad 1 o2a2n21 redemC ml n n ank uI . N wOle2.12 .............................. 2....1 .. pa2 Ill .noi .................................. 5,i.Y 1" ont. dlst'00l0 t tliBeicote of Alordeen...... ................. 2@ 3 dfli-nut 2leorgla idRouth Carolin, ,2 I.................. .. 22,, it o4 t North Carollna ................................. 21,d:2 ilIo Vlr inia ........................................ 1, . 2' 1t12 ,tircolmt aS Lte .................. ............... .k 4 di 'oullt esse ................................. . •,'•3 dint Moble . ........................................... •(3 pltro u Mo22n, .......... .... . 21p24 ,re2ose Fr2,. 22a2k .. 2.....2................25: 0 2tis ,2 t Centr2l B1,2lk. san .ongom2y .2.h .............. 214222 I2 -o1 hi , Goa mernu t Roln t ]l el ia......................... ~(g'2 di.o iltll Commercial Bonk, blannchnter, .Ms ............. ....... p. r Norihlt rll ita lik, !tttitvaih, .I. ................... ll ( (i2 dlcol Lt Northcrn b cklt ofMisissippl ............... 5u t relit. dicou2tl Land warrants, 40lacres .................. per acre--S1 (nl i 1 L]adwarrat, k a•t res .................. Per acre--l twK h". 4122d 22222 122222 12212,21ss....... 222221222-;2 Land warrantsa2,42el2 ... n..................r $l2 uer- iu(,1.r [ lProtI t the lrtope2ll T21n22 . 11.t "_'. Siaxlpo nttln tt l ,lleon felt ]lIht the oalk ,Ill.. -tots+ at their 1 xeukiy meetlilng wstxrday diid itll rrhilCne their ltnell, 'f illnt.., T1e c1w21 ll2. ne2 wu2 + t 21l2li2ll .222.t 222212. r222 if, '2a2 y Snll2 ras, ald loa• evely ollltr litscrliiOl2 of 222 ., ritlir•. 1 2+,2. hbit , 4n xtrnonrdarv degrou of mae a coninues to oe\-- il thi, dl2silt.ll 22r.2 . T2he 2,2rnl ran.: l2,r goo2 d Il2 2 is . 62, 2 "22 pr cent. At th2 e hnk Ibtemr, , Ico 22•2 li 12,. I22 ,22 i2 , 1.'2ulle.. The 2 m2,2l, rlate in t12 .2l22 k e2C2i2g2 2 for22 i222 loa+, oil eon\,d is onlyI oar urnlt por hiraum. Tile retnrn from tin: Blank ' Filgl.h~nd far the we.ek el d inr tie 22th2 of 2 cl. er g2v..the 2ollwi. 1g re2ult.co22 partd wl2ll• he prey1 2tis2 week : " putblic dreis......... 5,5,1.55 ......... Increase. ..... 174 Fl t tber de•otu.. ........ ,.13,WSt . ......... 1 ) e~ n .. ;761.U.0 t 1i e 2 ...... ............ 3. f;,232 ........ 2l2 o se2.... 6,UL SOn tthe ther slde of the acclom ; Government2 o2url hte.I221 . 12 ,4... .. .12niluged . Olher l2c2ltt2.*........ 14 ,t52l.... 2ec. ( .. 2 ., 2,2-) .r Not2, 22222lp122122,.,. 221 .. 22.. 22. 1222221.... 4122,222 The a1oun12t of ,of.e I2 1ir2ulallun s b21.1,. 22,ing2 12l h12. er2e ,f .1 2, . 15, end thea sto2 of 0hl.lh1..l .l h2o '2. pa.... rent. t,2s 1.19,2:16. hew.i1,ng a decrease ofr2,•22 22l 22e22 220nr2.d with thh preesdingreturu. a 1 Commercial InteUlligence. 1.2.IVekroo-.. O2t. 222,.21S "The committee reduce their quo muu of Filr I • llmd 1-1•1. Iner b S1rl bik rate ren212 al,2l, at 3 per cent., o2hnllgh 1,1.1 ot d12r2 vyr2 12r2t 2.• .. or2 I qIUoted as low its 2 p2 r c2nt2. t, a 310,0" bala. 1, the current estimate of the A m ertric crop. Ti;e Amicau cottn at b.e for this country i. nllluutel ot B2' 25.126 ,I.2la . Tbe weekly orgsr delivery of Amt rica tothe tradeduring. the tast .. ' weekis I.,31,9.1. t2a2.s2 21 Pheactul exprt of tbe weekIs 6,6:2 batee colsJfiriug of 9,4•9 Amerlwuo, q25 Braall, andli iL5A Runmt. '1Th following Iln bars l b ur daitl report on the market. On t1e l•2l snt.. 7.2222 b2le2. I,.12 to 2 1 cu21 ore 1 a2l e2p12 rt- 2ere ou the 10h 2 2.7.U hla.1 .l 22 o 22cul22s2 1 . 2 1 e2x1r22 n. eeIIoldrs m2e2th2 arket firely at onte1rrfy'splilees. (in , he ab h, 7,0e•1 be0a, 5l t w rpecet;lm a and r,:ar ere. 7' cN agxarl- a' 2veee2lreereceluts, ad a tene.ncy 12 h1gher2crop Ire1w2;12+2 h' but price. erslo x11 hfgllhg thrl #LL qn ollttatnl[ owmg [o•1 lt k i t. 3o(0. per he~e ou o dourse e. irre ee horn; b' It .C ei X pt tatIm:•r e oheld oF e urua of tei. marketbl. ho b *4.1al". r sirwiill 'yailt thm. Wehaleh,ane. vet, to r ,)L:CIeelfii- 1 r 1 bu, b2t hnoid'. showcdm2oen e:2m1il2l ;o "e1 and2 .. " 1u2ut 222 et* 2 2e2 2 did2 better that thl) 2 ould do 2 i2ft 1 a el, On 2.e .20 , 750o o•,so., (inluding 1,t 36 Sabl, 1, 00to0c001'21,0 o and oxporter-tle market remo n oa tile ine doull Ia'er .s hbnlldr do 0t pr01 002le,, the dcllloion'e 20, ast week i barely 3.d. par lb. On Ihe 21,tinstant. 7,1l.2 bho.1, ,1" to dkelleuon and ex•rtem--holders accept lower offers, 01 r o0 decline now, in the cnrrsent andbetter gradse, Is Inlly ad. pr [ Ib., .nd oldl moreI hn .e lower qualitir•.Totallole atper daily eltimateo. 41,0 a bmle3. Prlasrecedender the influence of a tendency tohigher crop elimates Il Americ. The certainty of a rapid reduction in the stock of American donrig the next hI weebk,together wlthk te bpostiballi of damage tothe American crop. prevents any great preoure. The deeine is fully id. per lb., being gretestl In the commIon, dnmerTpt onn. 1 Te l todm y areestimated at 6,U00 bae,. 1 to the trade. marked dull a ed i irregular. ARMOUR & C. WEEKLY COFFER STATEMENT. Naw Os.rlS, Nov.. 12. l18•, Arrivals direct since t July i .at ................ 8l3,6d bags Stme time lkyt e o o 02dr 0t... . ....... 0 . 67,122 . lDo do do coastwise ....... 4,9•01- 72• bag. Increase of imports this year ................. 1. 7 bag Cs Stock ln first honlds thls day. ........... .. 14,320 Stook inoseond haudstb1i2 day............ 2,80-- 17,010 bags Sametee time iat year .... ...... 114,099 bag Decrease of stok thils year...... 96.9339 ba, Arrival ths11 week--Octvio, toSamuel Bell ....... 5,2Obgto alres of the week-8,695 hags, at 10, liS11. 10j 4 11, ,laentr. Stock onBand this day. .......... 17.6 . bags Taken for consumption ........... , 8.694 b u F.,r to Good air.............. ..... t& ('v SI. Prime to C oiy e ......................... 1 2 . I1. T. I.ONSD0 ALo , SON 1 1)20., Brokers, I oebieWo f toe jarhtts for Vast c k. S. CR6scr0 d Orrletb . No. 70C1mp0treet, Satuirday Mborning. Nvember 13, 1 58. 01 Our general market as exhibied rather moresauitation. with liberal arrivals of our staples andWestern Produce. abl a better demand for nearly all of the leading larticle. In Cotton anincreased bushiness hb been done, bu' at rates generally bendinglrn favor of buyers, and Sugar and 1o0ato2, hbve gone 62 offr ly at very fll rices. In Tobacco the trasactions have been of a moderate haracter. Flourhas been in fair r equest atreduced rates, while Grain has a-rired lowly andfoundl a 83 very firm omarke't. P'roisions generally havebern firmwitih t a considerable advance in Pork oad Beoond. Froight have shown more activity and firmness. `: We yesterday morning published the A1ia's adiices, em- bracing oiverpool datesto the 30.h ult. They repoated thi Cotton market very doll, whih a declinei of i t yd. the bles of ofthe week being only abut 33,0S. bales, it00ludig 5100 f'or export and 00 on speculation. Mlidiino Orleansa a, leid at 7 1-18, and FairOrleals (of course by a blomdor o eomwere 1t 7 15-16d. The sales ofFridaywere only fOld bales, and those of Saturday were es0imate at the sam0amount, the mr 2 ket closing flat. Accous from 0Manchestr worest0ll of an u- favorable character. Alt 1r21, Orleans TresOrdiaire wasl quoted at 110 francs. COTTON....The Colton market ha ehown considerably m ore saimation during tie pastweek, the upply beingliberial, and S holders being willing sellers at rtes more 1in favor of buyers, tinder tle influence of the recent unfavorale ccounts from Euro2pe. The sales have embraced some 65,bj bale,,of which 1l2li2 on Sturdaby. 15,16 on M1oday, 9,5120 ou T0 esday, 90 0 on \ledoesduy, 6,.6)3 on Tlrlay and 14,5110 yesterday, the market closing atthe range o our qnootations, woo. h bsow a dec:lne for the weekof fully tie 5S I. \We now quote: : " NEW ORLEANS CLASSIFICATION: i 2nfer 0ore b ................ ,7 1 o ldldl o ............ il: doy ................ S,• Good 62l0dn0o.. lh, I d Odnary .. y..... o I. iddlg Fob . .. 2 Ibow ~lddl ng .... l,))ql,•• 1 Fair ........ ,..........- -- tq•-- STATTBMRT OF COTTON, dl0oek o hand lst Sptelmbr, 15 .............. hale, 30,443 Arrived ince ................... ............... 442,1,73 Arrived yesterday...................... .. k-145,454 ,llprted ues• e:....'... ................... :: 75 .. Stook on hand aot leared ........... ~..................211,•9 TOBACCO....Thoere ha.o been some eo mdry, bit withit con - tined diiffrence In tile vw- ofsllers anll bouyers, the ases l so far asreported don't exceed 70) Idld* I ,r the week. All the tr2nsaetious lhave b.en on prile t'nl1 except a few um porut los, hitclb'udig Sat fir :.lf at lo 1. . n0 5 at 101;,• lb. Prices are said to begenerally wthin the r nge of our qu•ot bios, whicl are as fullow, : Pa otera' l 'i gs .... ... .................... 5 t -a l eaf Interiorto Lu llC n i;n ............ ............... 6t,, Fair .................................................. . : •.(, Chieo . lcio. ... 1................. , STATEMEUNT OF TOBACCO. Stock on hund 1t Septemher. 1,53 ......... ... ',6s. 23,0141 Arrived .,8re ....... .......................... 2175 rriv dlo trday .. ........................... 2.18 Exported sice ...................... I.o....... ?. l,1 dxl.orted e eiiny i...... .................... o,• "31 Stock onhand llo oo clart ..................... ......... . SU.oUoiRoo....'Ther 1i,, been n O..••lohmO l f. e o In,'i and 1hlt2 gh, there8ipt are tl o2 tb11 21 in0,,ra.e o, ice, bu, bren well m0 ai-ned df " Pg tie week, and 2 tt-0 i0nr e of oar qu,otltit0o The a1le,0i, oe1 tihe we0t h, 0ul .tal 1. sbolut S,•O hhdb, iaclu0ilg 2 Si)2ty100 er 1 ao , t:~ tu;l lll c9!2- g QUOTATIONS FOR LOUISIANA SUGAR. Inferior t o {'onmon...3065 . Prmen alnd Choice...... 6'adidll Week's receplts 7,b92 1 hd1--[2prtb 1,502.O o Mlgo.ASS2oS...g.The re1eilpt0, 212,t 0 $ ,51 r ly in0le2 h but having met genernliy with ann a'lire demndl5rr -i;pllentl. oldoos hlava -1ie1 5v5-v foll pr3-•-, ;nId it 2 nlkt clae, firm at 2•'•/• c fur Prnlme ad Chloice, and 2,1 26-a- for]t'fe- rior021d rdi,ary i0 3 bbl0 , w3 h2ale o1 about iO,l ,o hlo, 1ur3ng lhe week. Lalf 6bls hissnalllrrd 6'60h,,1,1d 3o "•Q lluio. Week's receipt" 9 92? bbl.--Saporta 6i.26'. FLOOR..-.There has been abel erdemon a n"1 , It gencally b at 1rc116•)!6l6. ,I faor, t'bLycr2vO t 11h a•1s i) to Thur1 2,v1on., ing cmblncing sone ldi, llbbl, al $I 5011'61• 75 fur 'lullp,,'lie and Falcy, $5(,' t 55 for Extra, $57543 $7 cad $7 51 or o'iui "," 1,bb. S o oI < oI 1.0uper2ils ,ll l t $6], :,:J) 11 hh1,mt hl p'6,6,1cad 150 t 5 6 7,. h 0x 5 t 37',, ~ .) Week'. receipts 1,1161 bblI--o apot to 5,320. W6ti.A I21...2The market is 21it0e 0are of Whcat nand w. have ild a 1d of I1o sals Wal-t ", porting Tr )oU.e week,. 0eek'0, receipts nolle--Exports 2627. GRN'....The market coltillle i0u0 wi I ery !!giltre ceipts, 1,.l stlesof Merely G.,UB) Wa toc up ac tardt cy rn inr, 1,t haltr-l-G1161kc for Ordimy ,to 10.,15 dli, and 6511701), 20,oIml for ,lood oime o , te. yXor,,, ~ 221) s•achs were aold, includling .150 2frm uru ato lit6,, ^1) M x, 0 d .t63, 200 \2i)5d udI Yellow 0t 21. G0J Til0 e i,1 2 lt, at a'3, 0a2dl 0iX 0l 70c (, bl2.el, Week's 'dceiplls 8.417 sak--s.,p21r- s 7-li. OATS . F.oum 8 Il sacks alve ben sold dotilll 0i0,0 work it 63O(,l4I and 70)c5 bl•o,' for 7 Ne,, nd Old 01. 1,.,- the tranaetdoi ineludliltg 360 suaks yrterdey at 65c vi bushel, ald 781; o. ob20711c. Week'. receipt,62,10--0 xport0hil. IRAN,...Prices ranged al 750025 "2d0llfle 0V tLd mlbfoL 1•,l2 i stor andI nll ,o levee, tl,e sale, hll ,2ei ',.-2y 1U-•-Lcks In Latl al_-f', ,)r forOrdinary to Good, IAYa...,Th2 2llSt sales reprtedl were a1 t $ol5'1 310 0r'0 Northern, etc. iO t oa 17 75 7 unfor 7Prle WerWer- , incllingo VO.2New YorkIo.,.15 5. (t,$16 SO '6 tel. OIt E ... .P2 ie0. ha g u;be advaned 9 lrtb $1o'i bl, r o d w,17 btlae tii t'8d Mo aleofLout 2•) l ll ib. 6 weIrr rek at El.Sb,,S o501I671l for ,ets, a few handr rd : it. taps briging 21 34$1:) u. bl. Th1 e -c r1ll, rld2 te;r u l .) ny in i'ce. Up o setr2 day n llrlll.i •11. W0l' 723l2 'll ,l lob, ll3, at 9 2l 0 for C i. ry, t, t, Woek's.recelpt.h1 106 l ,lkola ld 0 -1 ,,ot, :" REuI:IN mE .\T1....T]I.0 bh0t ,lae r "paLned wa t Sac 1olc ar 201 F....\ Wi, quote fo volio h:mt•l bi, m $11 16:to I,'1 Week's r1 ipto 11.16 bpoo s--Exi, 000,r 1. 112R10 ... 'orqo ih,oe,, uto~ b em~nd ti, w21- o ,,r i. ud. wi20sales1o, 1 o2 ,i , ,.1,d toesmoty 103,1. " o c forPrime. 1ncl 120lug its) obs 1)e>t.lerda 1,tlanc 2! lb. "W•vk'x rceepin &t 2 bbl, ,ud tilu eens nildi I 1 keg---'ixl,,ris i UT'l'oi20 A011 ,00S,10 .. I...i\oeirl.21t, o io 0 , l. IbiP., W00y.. h2 0 dl u ]tile 5l-•d- ht'•[1 oi Wrlict, thel s ea ol t he weakhl nin? ilt•" l t .,1 AAILty :lYIA rY ' lALILA hI Aut 22'', 1 'I LILA ' I .•.t( g IN . I AND .'P . . 1.. ,,IAo , KA l, li, l, r nt fipi ' l e Ilt ls -h4 o il , I,,t- l i rltq'-1 ,v n, hnr ht ,vt noti u t',' 1 Irwnl) ,L J 'owl.l[rl pice, •od a 11 un p ,•' it, *- " i " ,- the ,coEk.....o' Baxlenpe I ,t onto 2501 ,l, '*, , 1 al L FeEaI N l .TlA lam -se u l d IL t1+ II LrGI .. '.A Im 'LI .A I"NN,A l sL ... L , We A .L ll g liut 5 ,II 5 ha ,ol. l d I' r aL. ' te .. .a l., ,L Ud , ,, ,, , ,, , ,A abuUt,"ganl hag during the w x x,! u a ~1i iut ! ~e n tALt At entr1, h 1•t. l Ye, LY, u 'A, 01 l '. I lA0. '51 1ll l . I ILL.•cr , oftlI )l, L l .I Lni <Ah , 'l Fok onhand Inst e(enidlg 1 wa1 1 1h Ii 1, ,. IAI.T...,AThe ,'. NLrg L L, A A A AA.lrl :i ll, ir ai,:s no I ratLn +al wlm le hTA eL 7 I he L,' 1,or 0l a :1k, Lr. M lrnottd d1 ve. t lf e o' drl.!acN, ric aI•r the Il,n,,= ;,nl :7 fothA,' ' ALtA, AYecleld- 5•u•) .a e k• r,,v , t',ar, w'r sold at55, , i3 t k, RICbE ... W h, vura ied alAE'ltLa u ,o uII"nii, lt, : t',: laroli us t 3.•t( 4 Ie W b. TALL.OW....ThI laL, L, repottL,wLA A . t"ca" t1 t Reuttered at 10 m . OILS..... La ll ells Slowly Lat i t$1, nceAodi,, t., ,"l it 1, amt t'ttut Need ma 10 co Iolen f.,r f, 11 loh v of he .. ecI Inltth Wrn Oil q u ot• I)'e M rten. n i nl a" -5 •'r \[,a cnd A I atA!',It A,.T1, f or rA' , aL L g luT, Ar t, tL,' A'A L STOLR.LS.....Thrkem has be-n ove e dl o'nad frA dhs, and wehlave u*ticrl oIv a few hIths , bo\.hl nha lonl at lS b 4 Cr light, andIo. 1, anId h" s 5 for Ntl. L. Iitt n l'Olm Impn....Sm a llt Ioch l dt o f h e hwn .:e .,; at i3 p( 1 bbl. FREITIS....WS yToL eItir,,xct tAin u LALO (a• ci,, and Atlh mnrket •enmal'y fireln . Theweak', e:,get,-mnn . p c,,,rln for Hare at . c, one' for -o . o for Gsoo a at 1t o c, one flr Trleste at I!4. one for Antwc rl at ,rae, and o s o r ,i. for Europenn ports on private terms. CATTLE MIARKET. JEFFERSONCITY. Nov. 12, 1$5$. Arrived oye:erday 46Wostern Beeves, 22I0 Ilo)s and 13 Milk Cows. The markot for good Cattle is lrm in favorof holders. rRICIE: BIssr CATll--Wsters Fine and Choice 'l net s.....8,!Olct S Rough a.d Fair do ...... -- (a- Attkopa, Texaos,. etc., i head ....... St lWd3 Ordinary and Fair ........... L $15(ti 22 o s ............. . .... ... ...... . -(...... u a l os (per heand) ................. ............ : - Inferior sod ardi .................. . $ i'l &i•-- MlrcHa CoW Choier Ke1ntucky (par head) ..............-- a$J0 ro s nary l .............................. $p1,,k 5 Ohices................................. -(&Msis Coposa mo Y*A5Ll 5.0.0 .. l........, *4-,08 75 ippnxng •atetigentce S ATRDAY, November 13, 1858. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Spanuih Stemnhlf p e1lxico, Villamore, for Havana, in ballast, S•pm;ish Steam inp e ao. endouena, for Haa i llat. wih dry dock n itw, lPuigr Mi .01 i o 1 olrlrle p ll v f, S od frIiverpool, M ekr I, o ' kshlp OIooioto. l pvoi. or r. J P W tney cu hipt, 'onmodore, L I -l - f, o r Boe tos n J P . ,hitnu,, &o0 Shi• N Iasoese. P-ern. for Lir srpol. Bateror. Loovell eo ship S•lina olmoeo ri. , for i, or NewYI nrk A t' en Spolrh Sip .IJlio. P'r•sn, for LBa-celoons Pslg, Mlr Aoe Ship yhlio a l Blaneshard, Yorks, for Liverapool. 4 P Whlitoev Ao Ship RFho e,, for Qle nioo noao - :-d it o lvarket. J P Whitnley coi Ship ilcllof thes Oerno, Reed, for Iiverpool., Oslor, Iovell .to sarkpS rgin. Bookar, for Volyssftomw and a s oarket, 4 Y Whitley seo ARRIVED. ,os-ships Tsso.... sorb.s.r.a fro er Crur, to HC B nyl0•p• Steamhlp Texoa, Wilson, from Ilhdislolas aodGaolvnton, to (' Bt f ran-lest dint. SPhr ReDiobli. Crooker, from MOldisouville-osisn., Sohr Islollah. HatlslolO, from Fearl River--Basl. OShr Presidentl Sadlsir from seorl R-ivei--ti asiu. Schr Polar 'ar, Whitosmsh, frm Covino t-so- l o•sli Schbt Jlortho As., ----from oiov l ooo--sosBalll. Sehr Star, P'rker. from Blols--, asin. Schrsruotm're, o rscihs* frous Tpbhef-a tt-Bo-lsou. B T MBOATS, NatcLhe. Leathe.. nfrom Viekbaur A I 'o'ylori. Cllor from s t isoo t. Alson Wlhite, ro ypopoo River. AnaLPerebt Ioeaitllr, from oWshington. loilio Roell H•o•eor- Prom Ilnton Ilos ,. o'ltba, lersl, fromr rlollho . Fi:dls City. SFweeney, ron Red Riser. NEbra st Irito. CoFrmntoDpoh. "opuo Bel1'e L)o,. tol .. Opeluus . BBLOW--OOMING UP, Ship Ki:C' Floyd, Frot, lrom l.ivrpool, , Lovell Shil Shsmropek, Dnc, -- days from Plhf:d•ilphin. to l1-ksr. brg , L'-rlo btulgeo, froes Mobole. rlrF.tu1,y, -- , ' day.- irunt1 .luMoile, toJ H Bur. PASSENOGER, Per st'oamshlp Te.0as from Islndiauol ntd (;lvelon--tl1ss It•harr, o White ond hsdy. Jre Key, J ' 0oWlls, It A Frsley E A :lopos1, MrSlrs.s-s-3 on dcsk. 1'e, soamohip Tesles- ee. fo,,s Veso t "r--sr Iopecpls and Is-os,Stool- t lclder l nd dsu5l0er 3.1• 'm h c d*Olbrer le. F A i.,•.:.-"?. gnaU. I) l,,Y -man, Bor;.ll,,. Wet Intl, Wnlar, ," lIarcondta •. d ri;A,,:•t•"ac-1"7 4-lthe steetage. MEMORANDA. " Th, o0icers of the s'ioaln•hp Tsexs report ssht tho hoark Ilstsnxg o iledrun Pa-•1O 0 IClaollo, ou tile 1 o•lt, for News york--lsd, NW. -i Ths ol:rss of thile stenmhip Touueosse, flom Ver. orn 'lJth it. t., rpurt h-ft Ills prats \`V ro:ruz, A hle o•oil ark \lildllfes. ;omopbe'h , ao.t.. , rt' , 1 , '' ul for Nos YN)rk. The ,opneeool e oalbs , oo-il L or. t_ - 'ru by a heaxl nirthcr ti s w:oh toe sohore untlol tre e, i5 g of deplrp •olro. SI(;NALIZED. By 1 h l , ho ssohlp Teloo-eoro•e, :h.1 i . e os S 00 i,-sg 01, oest. - 'sse shi,,, wth L 5 .1,, ooofo-\-0 1 ilyootolo--bootsl EXPORTS. LTVEItl', toL-Shop Caloi1.-35 Sbaler eooso, 3;151 shtvs. HAI OE--bbip P,111us--ilS bales cotton Il-s toolNs--lop l`sm ,o, o.-Io--21- 1 o0lo, cotton, 1i duheooop. ;ILY bblb tiour, l. UO n41rt . 'LsOENSIOU\VN ANDl A MiAItkhT--Ooook Oooosu-1515; t,; . I,IVEPoOL--Ship 1 lsrsleeo--3t1; los'oosos o1osn 2oO2! 115't'1rh. ol l so illF os T0-lho 14 4 ), " lh . so'lo ill b rCos--s do .I llrey o.1 O-S hi Jli Cier1?3 tol -- ll Os :dloss :,Oh ,v,"h oIis Io:SLhlt No'd A Pt ih oi mi-l l o e h'OOOP OOt'Sipo Ill Ilo's follo(e1•! 3l0' oossl l otr bs• h tu o d Sollle N, Ot i oN--M1] g .it A ) h .tINi , o-- S " iit oCil. Jt u sos's- lo eo}oCs skos-h •l oolssolcde so s T ooo-55o, o'5"lisp sI'S-lolo Srr o lo , ido00 0,4-s , & x I cet o u mh tOIrr1N [TLN -- Schr I'oiar *izr--3.LII* ) t,,et of lamabr r to - sh's olll bso os, S-r. BIP,(0 hthl--- sor sorulu t s t ',ct of lmbler toorder.l PI 'I :1 " 01 'A--l Sohsr F- ' Iere-5! 'i, o -o ll-4 1 oodsl . RECEIPTS OF PRODU0 E. O s'osO0 R '-ohoh1 to-s o ,I--]l hall "I )aan tlb PoIlt o l sIoI s -- l,9 ,ale c , toIl[}i-r e, 0 . lls 3ils- te- d So lsoIs-l ,lo Sd - ,v I slo .s ,sco- tissl- -- I le , e V .4'lu-59 sl l Is rlos-ssbs-I s'l-os .,:KL•, t it Oh;,ohoAs-41 bs:,s .,,tso, O oos s'.u1-ace,- BoI 1 a, arl o. A 'o - Is,, ,- .I-si n , A i bll osl Ipsll 3hmnl-sr l L-- Is t • u .i0 1.) 5'oL , tI 1 " ol •l t A c- ,o 11t 3! , Va \ , Srm .-I -1 II Gih) .t,• -!J Waher t'ux .re,, i• If 31 e f \ n .- lillll li l-S 111 3 A ! { 1% xldl tli I" ', .t ",-lil- Fr, 4 n444 Ar4)4.4, uL t . r44 .41,4 44 11'1 4444 n bbi n ruo'a\M; Q to I'ai A 3 S lour [le u- a. tl- ,lo :111 h r:,i -g- ar \e J Ifu~li t1~II ,N--46 A Y,. ~,4,) IlI4,, ,,;rr,, 4, 44k 4,,,,,ir,,, 4444r{:o1 i, )).4,+44 ., F llrr,, 4,4) 4,,~ u I4 . II 41., Ii~,,44. t'u' , S fir, -11r, ul. 'ut h": .. J r1u1 l - il wrtul-lotnl uJ LII)-I al ev cuttIII1 11 1, h,:, ;.tll I:.-1 4II1*1, 44 4,fll 4, 4)). 4iL~ I1)44,44, 4,,),,',4 .4il 4,, l :(t 111blO ~444.'T ,. 44.II 44F-31--l, 444 T- jWI -35 hh !, n111 4 to b~rrt1~ -i~ .rrl. r~rl 1,!la t,"ur I Ire ,, .t 11.u ,n Iol -ii, hhtl`4f ,1", S4 44441,h44 J~I 1 II rtr bo il 4.t , rat:"hr-,,1 .. I1 kc co-1s 6u-l; t' ll Nroc5, nur ,t.-Il u !,hl L . l I:.C. hl 4 ,h 44, 4I 11-t; 4 1~'I r 4, . 4,444 1 4, .4_,,. Ili4, ,.4) 4 4 I1.1 hr i, plik &.lilr,.\el r ,lr,"~ l , ",Y \\ r llanl t-- lDI III, L I,!!rr l 44)4444444 -li4 llh, 4) u b-- -35 lib41, r .harm Ilu,,n, A \ rl:I.i,} -;ri hl);+ I7~ur l'lfl iil)-- II iern,,I .L-c =9!I 11) 11 ,nr li Iirnnr i} ,tru-Ihr~hhl., Ifirn: I, ti 11 Krnhrtll .l ~-IIIC L.I:, nl,!,ie, 1 ,I lur u Jn";t ,r ulc, 1 b CUr.! I) "t J lun .: I'oru -t ll) .1444,44 4444 4444.)4,4 c,,"~-44,4 "~ +1an lale c ,aekM I. I ltr Illl L rc ll, fial Illl -t L',Ia ui-~ k, 11 4. 1 4,44-44--l 44. r. rh .44 '41)44 I ,,. tr: "rI: ,\ l -410 W ll a l. Ylu ir-- l r:il cnle l b A ru -- Stll hil f 7,n I, A ''b unli n A rI i - ' l h 1 u, s -I,3il '"1',r t ll ,t;, I , LL., ~cur r r u. A IlsinnuI llrn-! l o~hll hl-- 1 Itf , h~uor r[; Ittlu -r t' \1" :, L-- LLI,otl h- \' :,.u Lrn>. ,4 4444 In,444,4 4,4,4444444A '444,4,444o +I~h ,54,4 , i; 444444 4,,,444444~r F 4,1 4,4).. 4'444 44--fir, 44 hl o4,4 l . 4i -44 IIlNn k r t ;~r,.\,,4t - rlr[, F 4'"l,r !A4 4.4 4!',4 L44 ,4 44 44., 4.44 A 1.1 ~K I44'4~ ~u or, 4,44444 44-4 t4\.V. 44 -. ,4444 4 '4-4)4, ,lrs -hls. Al-Tlllh-S bNI rolls- H- 3.s-!1. (:iv el s:•,-- Whi-tal, Storer-in &co-l h b,hl.. crt tn Ru ax,l 'y o. , &•o-1 sInrsa. NnhlMing .A'11 r11i.-N s-l IIcrN Hor- il. I15515sr-s INNrN.sehl, r.-IIowes-c---3 1 1 I-INN, IosI .s,.A-.--- -uuN N-hs - : r'i wlrhell A 0-1 'oc;,lla or I born ak r&,o-- balw eb tou,. o1331 del-- AAaII .tSco-- l i I.Ni IIStllhllhA., t1&r su- rlrx to oIser---T.hll 3.'.Il5 b ris cothn . NII'ILOSI.IN -- 351i Is oII UslllUA-BA2 bls k. .'"cote B-llos'1. No.blnls &o L.N I s '.t ,kl A le.s.. r--8 Ihs-- cioton I l l K 1st ir lso--I. Pay & Eid.I - INaN d sgNhlr ,o-- .. NIlks -llo An nee P FMartin I kco--l1 b", hide. Is laett kc.5 -- N I oll Ibatller I I- . -tins I A ti A iilld-l d .suI Nrle II o r.II der-Total 161 bilds cokoail, Ill hhd. ,lgrl. RAILROADS. I'PNTIIAIRTRAIN RA I lOAD-FaAm-F,1 Pobllitramer Cnlil'o nlcur'r V relrorted ).enrday--WI L bal . cotton FarleyI . cllt. ' .it& --7.I, I.s - al .eis t l :ab - 11bilea domstl icN s -s Olt gins. tl K Carter Scn--Total 67blaex cotton IOIILF.-.tnN.., SX.Ibn--Noss.I-., toF.rlyy.JA.S-y Ass-F NEW OIRI.EANN. JACKSRON ANDGREAT NORTHERN RAII.IlNAD...FROM CIANTION-Nov ss-114 hIle.- coton Cuter, Harrison ,. c -- lis- blNls cottonI Warren tllmn re ee- 17 Ilksner. Stallon A NsWI l".n-7i lyrne, co--2. do, Allen . o--5 Sill.with,. I|.a.-ls co---25 1 H Abr •c, -- 7 AoN-e, (Oreeuwool---3 (it, Rhtner .4 ligghthxlhaln--!F2dt, Id. RI. Adms Aco-i-97 (irroll. IloIsy re--N--N slrees-ssAmispI-78 Tho,rnlhil Fro--180 bril.cotton I I W Nther-- 6 J AI B S Ricks Aco--4 bales csatNion N.ln-l lIrrett Aco-- I6 IlRbson . Alle.--41 R W E.stlln co--8 S O Nelson coN--7o Dnn1aul , ogan•--6 Paittl IIsith t 1l'nutpu--lb bales cotoan Pilcher, (ioodriici Aeo--S Johs Watl Aco--I Walker I Snler s -- 16 Th.. endcrson t Peals----I I'ritrl.rd . FlowerIs-NI do Fan. A HArrlon,--NJobu Willis... .o-N9 A H May&o--104 Lew!-i OglAby--I1 Smith, ilxrri. colN-IW\set, 'Nsll.- A,-o -- ' IllIhes, llylste.d .i eA--35I RNrley, Wilon .. o--5 do J A TI,.rnr .ite--211A Walker, HItlinss.n tco--S Masrtn, t'obbIsn- 5lso Oiils.,, Smedse Ao-2 d .lJlordanI MImns ,lAillnsI.I--i, doN Word, Flu.t Aco--II Wa.Itt t obir-5•do Harsris A I.avl--,IIId aisIrdhg, Abils Ay M-.rslie--3 I.ogatr. Flesy t Arsy--s itto FsIredlnd-r A Ilsson--3 J J P-r.-n .t&o--I Edward Nlle co, N IU t'ls-lhndl lio:hers rts--T do l11hird( SuImmers &co--i lld nlldrec ib order-Tom{ 1575 Lie cOtltn. FRoM CAN'ON-Novs 11--42 biler ctt. l Smilh, Harrl..i co--s Patto.nll. 31lo.b A I plssils-- dtl i .tN Fri. le- .-- llos Warrens.. Asco--I Scot a is,--3 b33 scotton Cuirsr, 1 arriion &o--1 l0 Harl.S Levi--9SS pwith, ,tslar't Aeo-AlI5,g,4rt. Foley Avery--Zi Frie.llaler It rSaers--22 to llssle & llrrisoi--6 bisI-.NIoton Is-dIrg, Abilbay A Isorshet -- ki•s, ls9sr••oa ,Illes- S I- AbN eo--I Jobn Wslit AsI r-- A 15 mnlrll\ .l: & t'banmplll-7U Ttorulull Aco--13 J H 11 tlnrhten & -- IINN:iol. isllMows ,keI- do IIelowe AN --- 5 aII esl,, coItton -knils, Cob . ct--,•, Isr.ll, FIo yA o--14A Fs wln A - gloNhsy- 9 CNle-ian, Iritton .t \sithers--II do . rsue Vane.s A IkIn5bs <h ISohl.u At Alln--3 13wsilt, Norton co- t5s-I WlkN r s Slir-- ) BIl -kler. Stlilso1a A Newsla-II-3sIraNl-Ny, Wilson AN.o--13 S- I InAtl'ln~t,•- 36\Ve .t VilA- reledo--5J 'fntukrner &O--IfdO s-iinlton1. 31,rirOll bco-- do N Hlld, IhsI ANNN -- 2AN dt.. h-AI. I tNillsr---IM 1) ('ooper Aco--, J J lcoN Ae-4-N S iBarrett Aco -5 F i; lsRandoiph AS--and ,msdri.ea It order--TsIsI ES8 bales cotlm,, FOREIGN PORTS. LIVERPOOL. Ft l IA l.1V1I1PO01.--TII S-I F,\r SAILs h\nl a hnlritan l l ,-i1, NlOlelh T'lll~Ot (apt. 5rtrry- i nl, havlnle nearly all hr cyrgo elnga•'ed, will tiace . Nilcn Is III.a S l l s Forb tle Uffreigtl. sslytl nIt 11 fAXTI.:I4. [dJVE.,L k CI 1. SFOIL LIVIylIP'lOL-TII Ali FAST SAIL. inl• Alnerleln hibp Prallli• Pierce ICapt. Ceach, i ,,w I a ii |' s-r sb, ssbev p,,r. F•sr reiN,- ida I",t. o J. I'. NIW IISIT.: ISA tl., :' t randeh1 t nrect, For ls agss s , apI s I t lls h ipt1n u bINo d, paIus t 31. TllS l Dt~tlct. _ _ _J FOR l.IVI IILPOOI.-T1II Al bAMNIRI I.IN ship l V. F'. S orerIt, CIsI. tI'0lery, i. I b o -IN.- lagroe IIIh , pel Iort. Fsr rsilsl. sp[,ly J. 1...NIiA I 35 3 'r11 , lI ntT r*. For pNsaeIaF apply to tIhe captl os bUalrd, PN1t Ns L5 i •.t 1].trl+.. in lOIL IIVYFUARPIIOI -TIIE I l IN NRI fltsl ,ttling Alal " ai.•l n .Itl| ll' IC atial iFlntph'e-C, tlgrC' t. Prrtr, , wrce, i 131 tllll -FSor te a(,se I Ir|, lhl wai ihavedipanleh. F',r :reightu .s N bale c1,s tn in, spply o n I.AXTF;ISAT . IINN.l iiA•_l:_ ]FrOl{. LIVF.It POOtL-I I E Al AND FAST lah,, .l\ln :. ca .i l, A r Uel S, l ,s l f ni. hI . buv~fh g l~r !In" pto•I.rt. F'urf'rei eb t, rItppl3 to 4P WfITNEl A''O., IF IllrSnd-hAt .1eat. Fo, p cs•$ls-, applyt illh, C Nptlll, 5n b.lI'd, p,.t 3A, Th rd lDi-tr~cl. !i9 -I'lll LIV•FsIPI' OI.-NTib .tl ,MERICAIAN 'hI0, Pocarheonrtas. l IIp. \Vo0,0 .lOis, lhaimx nl-Ot ll ' hIl eI r o tA . tI , ri lu ere- wl- yullk tlllp cb. F 1or trl .i l of .SIW I I dl41 tl1in, 111.ts 5,. 1,9 B:\ \ I'ER: , I,rlV(ELL & O. , -FOil I, IVEt P)OI-Thill A I ERY FAAT T ( •iallhl• llrln ;"llll A lmr [i .cur la ill, I'1t .' b. W hit,,le. a ria ,10d lltl(['tl lhl il iI Lve :untdIuLC di.llllp taC: . Fnbt habl",c,)I fcegb <,l',yto 10'RLi I.IVI':Lt 1,POh--TltS Al FAST , tIi.- t{, ".\a:et ilt.ll J•t .. N. Pnr.i-. .. A8 Capt.I 11 ell, n•low u+ ,elireI'"lr llt- a|+v foi . h'orI'reig:ht, lip ply to a.I. 1'.\\ 1 ITN F+ z.CI., :" i'arllde'h, t et [a+,r pj alogo, aTi13-l to|be apntyiim ll0 board, Y=l 62, Fourth Di• r c. ,,• II, lt A IV•]I{Pt)01--T FE A FAST IAII.- AI a Cllrn .l l tI Lh Ple llll.•, i'apl. Fll. Ihlton. 'ia li l iw-'.v PI~Itr :ll h-r 1 t',tl'LJ ll•tl~lkt wiill hay7 i l h d t. F ,,,ll il - v .C r l l t .L ,>f , 40 , ". t.m,, - fly t. ... 1 )I'. 1.11 - rPll ler , NI t. For - stA ,t sp to fn. l II,-,tir 's le-ed, s I W 11f.4 NNINI -T13 Il-',INsNA1iEK15 N II N. 5 13N531 1113 .... 1111 1 IIA I 1. -TUI'I F 31 i. , .. .pALs-- r 1011 11 F.IAPIr, sc l 1 I AX~rn, N bIT.~ "sl " ls y ll wil ha1ve qNick N d l..-'h. .I, !. : 'nh l't vb,;l i,.e lilbt ,+ lr . i'tio iln ,i v, , t ;s s N 'risl ., hi-t t ls rcet. P<," p i-sage appl, t, Fithe c~aptainl el Imard, 1',,b:it ?, T'b5 d I'Ill.I.I O)-'7t tF'AT0F1 -•Pi" 0']l1 LIVF:(i'I.( )Oil~l-- A~Ig F1 \?ilT \M:I{- E~r i~lli -Il - 55T\1A-II RAi~(l)IIS ~l(hiNN re .fi.e - ip i , elllj o lil'a, tame ++r te, il tea wi l l ,t MI, ngdl i,,r II,. nl, re port, .. v, fll hoar y qli'a tli"ltc~h, l.'ur A.19T& ItA 4111 boiea 0t ' a pl,)I5 It ,11. . WfIN1V & I-o., 35- ' rrnldes et r11 o -t. F ,ro -"n-c Ho a rde t, it•' + ,, p i •, ,,hb< ad. ,2 all.. 1•.51 It-OO,.- 11rt A1 \NIN VIRN f, t "a, i. N:" Yor',nill !.r. ssl,l -s prke I p L s . l ,dS- F lll llOi, I ' V t. N' .biI'.,Il . i n, v b llo l t ,h i: bl)ep ,t awl wali Lhan irr,mdliate di-pm cte. Y-or freight 4'rI. blthlk coltsI, isq 1l ;, o'-';a IAXTER, LO\Ii,O I, &t 1'O fl O IINNA115 11 N "OISI Is-i; AI L I'S 111 ,11 .l Alrl,'ran n h. p Ji t rtv llllln, 'nunll, m a-b,:r, .att.ia<> t la tie part 0c bhue cargo ,+ ,,uged, will I+n,• imtacii J,t dut.ltc:,, F'<Jr f ' e gl,I of 411' Iadh,• rc,,tui,.pp]) to s.sJsNE1":t C.1., 9[ rnr'er Itls s i. V,r pas,.-,•:,arrle , +, . ).,,ob ad ' r•-"- FNOl llliRA FI1tp)llh-Tl - ,1111 sI, Tll ST11 WNPI:fl- NltI,1-lI x I-, I I II 3 1 5ilil -I~ N Rl( 1 - ~ ~ l~ I-(.11 . 11111 ,as l t ,IIs c ll. hr., : -- rf hI , , , . , t u, + Iufck t iuk k l , li-im ili. F",r re n'iib L r t . l' , I ut p13i,[JJ i t+ Iss.gNll 114A ,,2 F I I tIIF. Illst L \'l:lh. 1' ). H A VRE. /•I:•-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a f')l ! .ll~'-''l l t "'.' '\til.It i, ~,•. ', .' ' li ate Pr~lli(t.." I' p.. ... " a,, V ,u w 1;.II,. 3, b P .II . :lliri . I ,hIIIgI ',:h FIII T 11'e1',1 \ 1,R ll)0 F, c .1: Co, FOIL Fir I A)LVlll: 1L11111:I1l Fl: A11 \t: AN dllll(il ` Illti;. 1"• II " leO}{, t I.+d--THE *1 Al i . A llr ,~l . lll r t)lllll [ t l enll.d tbll n , rdlltafd, wil m,'A•t wlin , . ai K 1 •pn t, + Fur r, Il'r n nn ,nil r I'lr a l t"I: t 1 r,. iri IS XTE S , It\ ELL& ('O F-I'()[{ ]i.M1ttl.i- E - 'r'il+. Al |, F'\.• S.\I.0N1, h" ~ e ,t'l -i, v I ,o llhIn,I .•llll'+ rit p n+ i'+ ll. •I • rli 11 ll'l•hl +lrl b'l~t' t'otU'l, npri'b to ,:"{ }iAXNTFl, ItLrV ,'Lr, , 41'f - IO(tt |I.'kVft;11=-TIE \1 F,'AS'T +\[II[NC att.Hi an MtpKetll lleklall, ialpt.M,:rr3 n, n, t, • ll i u wlo.tnaig. ,,rr,,,+ +d, +,*,p.) F,,r Ir-t~iglhl, nl~piy i,, J. IP. t\Vfl l1 r:l' ,'1 &,'+ ), +5 b: ,rt,m h~.-t,t .. , nr ,wx•+• !+ nt l pll Iri, , to + th ; poain 4n wll hi, r immedi, '.ate I ,.ln rt. l. ~l'gI to 61tIK 'O f! IIAkV1111--1lll: Al FASi SAIlI~NG; ler:, lhri. 'k ,hi p N hll X l IIt, :, 'l t . n''1 ll<,i I,u 1w I, I.,r s " 1.- pots , 71 .ut 1 .lL~ t l latvh. Fur fp~rc:Ki ro e ; bnhtne . ti :tpIgl~py h It.\X'rER, LOVELL ,It co, n~r ~.m+e h'tving >pll~nd!d i•('omnin ,lalt],lll,+tpy el I - i, tl ItAV111 -Ft,11,; Al V'EI{/F'ASIr nla "i imwI,,uh ntg nd will boat twnc.di,t 0 di, lmtch+ F Iar b,,n1: r[I l: , i lnlghlt, nppih t, , "It \STER.2 LnVr:[LJ&t ra. 1 Not pa~t n.•. l , La~vin;z ul,•,rp ,•,,d a,"h NIO |lhtl+,, xp!>ph a i,d,,e++l rd,,L F.,• t 2. Tbit.ld Ih-tri't. oral .e. 'ii-,•--#IlCff II I.I;]-'f'it I+: .ll 1. 1. ,1S+Ti.i-,•72 y l',u r "all ,lll. V'll~ l• "; it II, t.'nnt. 51 e, r3;titn. 1• .. ,,>, in i 1 ,tliri utr the iillle air" F'oI trreitt ",, U . .1. ['.W ,)I TN F: ,c t' l). 35(:i1 uld et ., i ."'. For I)t." fO !:e pl'i} It In,,, ,|,1-I ie+ o li h,)rL '? r:I#•),' kr"t .hI p Jo h l l iiail.))re II, 'dthq a . I+ the h,+llk ,)+' ier c n, t~g, '•a ,.'I rte , l •o n nr hol 'ud ,,i .- .:with, +Imek ,lil,,•teh+ IFn r nlnlid ,r oP l',tellrl - iI n v ,oe IIA.- rE R, I,luVEIA, ei,l lyo i ab ,, , n , o a,) l,,. !,,++t 12, 1-1r nl I. h oI . ' ,;It; , T i 1 T -,-,vn= "e .- ,tE.Iltehl •a F FOR TRIL K"'IE ,-. llE Al V"t All h.IT I ~Akl.hl n }o r Al A . I, IA AA Al IA x ' lli, IAA H A 111 U H U 'tA K`rt 11111 hdIt.- I' l, At }`\5p AIAIA 4- 'hi T IV I pii + I' ",rr r~1 ei.te p ll. l lV ii fI x; I I'i+'+ llk , 11 t rll 111 Ill .r"'z H'(1 ft A:V' 1 .1,%.!. i I I'-' I: ~i,,, I,,,,i. ,;,, iA.. LAAIIAIA~lAA IAl :II1II I,~lA11 lllr 1111 I Alh ,1,1hlllnit l'"pI'* WIANA. I hilt , h+, nl hir Ill I'll ,i Al "lAMti . Al'4 IIIIIIJ I\1 .1 Vii ' lO r ,+~ Ih vtl + lxtf i' , ,imet r c . 1,, .. ,,..,, , .i~tl i d )an+t ."1' l la -n t t.+l H H II H N. i.. L+ ,,; `, ri, .Al A'hll l , A lu.. 1N\Ai, 'I~ ` ,tore+, i "+ .n l~K or the ,Jra ;or. ave port. I'm niip Il I A Al vrl . IAIAIAA' fl aI+I't+I.,:35 AA oiAA iA j .I I II MEN-LIllNY All111 F.,r uor , np, laii n IAh I,A, l,,Aou iAA , A l It 0l h A l'OltHhII'RIMTII-,L U IIIAA , 1+llfi ` 11OR iicllr, i X -Tliu: of h l `a8111.i II *i d So 1`+ :`.' Iwrip . tilk mrur t+1" yp! N N 1 (E i .AAAAAAIAAAA AIA. ll- A1. t bIAu, pAIAIAAIAPAYA1 I A IIII\LA ,IAAl .hip Ilir above I+. II rlld u , F . +e yu Ill- eq utr k 4'. ly BRE11EN.~ ~-n ""111 liltt "'V "- ME At11 Ui 911dlPulllYolt J. . HITNFI` .1",,I FOREIGN PORTS. NANTZ. FOil NAAN'i'Z- PASSE OY -- ST ac .wumd,1at di• at h,. .or onlyy. llv ill alli.rlri aeolmodtllni S apply to .cpt II o b ll r to .S3 S. 1 J)NE1S A 1(1, 9 1 r'11r6'. FN. KINGSTON, iA. FOR KINGSTON -THE FAST {AIIN1 ' IoripigQ acho. erLal llaSn rapt. Kircoamnd!, hav- ir g plr[ of hecaprgo, oen a ll rd, ot qui dis - pndi a btch uv. For lactine of treiy r, g ppl to S r3t A. F. COtSIKIIAN & IIAl. ol 1 13 Nrw lIval l lIt ll t'!:lton nt. I) GLASGOW. FO, 4ALANW-IIIS Al FAST SAIL-I Anig nl erinlu ship Anlorlpl, ('apt. (6aTIIl..l , ]o l adIng fur theabve put.Fur 1reight ol 3A ) blise. cotton, apply o ,1.P. WHIIITNEY & 0.. 35 Clarundlel . -. For paaTnI, appy to the aRptNli on tIre•. n6 ROTTERDAM. .1 in ' WIf a II TN EE and 611. 19 1.3 I 3 l. -u n 01t H.I7O'I'EiTTDA EI--TII NEW AXl fas t1 111h11 Aid ot.'In Ai . l leS Io a d,111111 hed131 wllO inxdlift or the* sahoe prtt. 'or leigh~l. apply to , P WIIi O (G A5 ,nrndel e F1OIKI'OTTEI3t)I--TlAlIE: .\I ISN RE1EN on Iss I II JNtchsipre 613 ril 5 ,• X n 1d 11,{ Sord ll, m e 1+' GENOA= - FI1i G"E;NOE -A-THF: At A\tSll \II N Sll ll AN lt(IENOA-I'rH ,E AlSARDINIAN StilHI AlII'gtnsl l i 'E I' pt,. V1a30lls, hvf 1 mos. t o il er S. . I ill mevt with ICk dIpan ch. -For ErtEiEdc.r of1 eir ilght, apply SI to 3 en " TlASTFR, IO. l F.l I. . 0 nn O. EO Tllg GENOTA-TIIR AI FAST RSAIIIN iu• ll br rEhi a ll alt a, llt itS.ll o ui din1 ith. or bahlce of r gbi, h ) tly to m ee O2: I(*AX' 'Eh , LOV .I., ,t ('0. N OI GC NOA--TIII AtI FAST SAILING odame Iiu u Mship uphlett•Lam Plark(Y Clayp, N'wck- o raio , tinow Io ettng trthl e sove port. For frlght, J. P.1III'f` N Y & CO.( i, trondelet stBvet. For nna., ?e. "•ni 1,, 1 b. c 0nn ,in inh ,xnl. ,ll DOMESTIC PORTS. R CALIFORNIA .I . ........ C A I FORI•:x i S .... PE('. To ili on FItIII DAY, 1211 Novemer., lt A. I. I'ARYI NG TIHE tU. S. MAI.LS. The I.oui>hntn 'rehu-nepee t'ollp,yllly'x m gno!S cent aide- t whl t.nI l rllill, p ( Quunker City. R. W. Shurlt ................... E . , r' 1 llt. , e. r 1 'slknl• in{ ] here with the l ',lll r) t'S,* , TI.'nodNTf'.pj3 f 1i;h N'draught I 'I ' P lm, 1ger N.u tllr t 'ill"1i, lp tbI ',ll ( . coil'lt•> river. ,nil by nIt ":. o els ixd ou \ ,l on:l: from thenlee to Si-llF eirLt•oi1 the Paeifrc Sail BSt11mhlhp (!..Ipll RTIIIIOUQII TO ?ALIFORNIA IN FIF1116S I) \i : ,,or freight or ; -+nge, hnoing• nllperior acromoom, ,tion+ Ior ollien Eheo It1 . ISIA i t,1 '1UAN1lI 'E 1 . 45 HIrmA!e'l L Ir HI t. A FOR NE) W 17,,IJ - T ,P ll At ,',I, II,,*; I nI .:b llrl ll, Ill y C"'. ' ].iCk h. 1..ll 1 u1 : t~,.: ,I. . f. I.1 . I119 ' te ,t. ,FOR NEW P Oi K-l'lfE Atl FAS 1 AI. - ,1+:1 - Pizarro, !:., .,, N v ,, ,,lir • tl.• IY .,1 wil] have /lt I a F-. r - ',mh t e ot I re, let ul •ugnr > ad o ht ".• , n olr)[to, 1~u ,I,IIA. ItA 119 'I (6.1 1 n ,)r . 1 t.% 1 111133 (It.s : Il l ' o =. (2~1J~.iY i[,Ht. r i .l'lsll l SI IJ .1 ii•a v , l, PS 11, A I)ELNH AA ;11. I( .ellnth rl, t','r r-,l, l;l, , r.l ,r , I', r;" !- WF•IQIR.y n Illt '. W I n II ll. ,,' , .'O . PF RII .1 D91. 1P 1 1T t A11 9 IA 11', .-i ,4 M lt ,.brk ('nk rolle . lI yllel. 1 •, 1 Ell, . ll v 1E3;~ 116 Ih.S! r IArr , tIutwlll 11 .,1115, t,I+ n tr day,. F'ur oxlah ee or f rn,,rht of sull", ai,l I,.vl, ."> ip:i.o J1. It,\. i D1V9 ,.:.m.,ll CtreC1,t BOSTON. Lf FOR• ROSTION -- IiE 11 . \ :1 IN -- THII: ,"'4 \1 fst.,tl>lllu packrt Ibrk \YeSVtclrl Sen. . 1 _ q' l V,r, mnstr r, bntv lag u-ou t ,'f hrl ,' tlgrulp*"t, il 3 r O, 1 . I SU .: !.. A lS'Immo vrS,. S iVIl{ U()TON -- I: 61,'I,AIt LN15 T11I3 E I".wi3n11 , Swll I, 1t51c 311k it."6, 1r:• . F-1~1 "-. r , ~u . kvpp ter ,3 1•.i 1 ').11, i t 1,J 0. 9A3 , 1. 63 I't. BOSTON T.1, AI'1l FA. T , l' IN 061\.11 1 r•3 'I )"' 31 lOf .Id )1la3lln3,1;i3 , 1. 13.1 -! , r, <I ) I:uh : )•I wll ,11t3 edpi. ,livpnt.h. BALT3I.1ORE. . :l;, s1 ,l,,., n ,gh, pee R Ik,t r-h:,,in, flr l o.l~l h', "'e • ,otvI:. !•,,r, h llllhn ; I; .,* y anl he(,l, ,l iengnuJ :.d ,•I-:o. W. II l",SUN ,t 1'o., 1Z ,,gran ,;!ro'. SbAVANNAH. FOIL SAVANNAI(--1rr1 F'Alq' ,A,\IIN"; -,, , .,,,,,,,, lh 'nihl. ,>t,;•,r tbx!, gIwitrly uitl he 1'! ]•I:, ' , FAIKlW.11.. "30 Natheuatlreot. STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. REGULAB PACK ETS. .&Itd NO EML;N1T ot the NEW UtH.2IANS5 Ann M. NVIII,- lt. S. Mail Pltkelct Coml-lly. In nrrini lz [ho !-1lit• o:" tlri, ktgt* Log;o, I'r the.oni:,g t onlliirlll,n. with thle nteamer INl",1[).AR, on Wadn ,leahy, 11 (0 I) D Y S Bo•11 F'rnllll|l l ........... - I. (. clark. , ii•tr. heTl)l'anlc ....... . .... . .A. l. lv lI , It r.t..r. V I, I) N ES D) A Y S lgOnlmr. rte ....................... ft. Yuri., i)3tar. Johol lrn dlltl. ............. t.'hulcb, m,•ntvr. IBelfnvt.....- ..... .............. 3'. Wo, mar te". l(. R. .V. 1111 ................ T. 11. Newell, t•ter (:rm llrcth• at llrn ibis with THE ( REAT SOI'1'I'IRN ROUTE, TheN Iilallhla nd o|cl •hrlestorrl Rnlh1'onrl o Anld com;lluuua rtmwly('unlt"cri lblr through E..t Tel'iemre I slid Virgiu)ls, to NEWI, YonK, 'IlI["A1)D EIS 'I? A, WASHIINI'ON, 1 k1H31 N I), N"YT:VIVTIl t #~ Expl , i nmi ltrsmn leav emetuphis dally 7it; P. 31., : 1111I:!: 1, yini, lINE p' 4i III, IIAX,,,IS,<I IE P'. M., Th1e m144 ' eIE [ Il. N.)roil pork,-t, E41tcLr. (l pipili Wil-iln -1, Nose. Io Eoik,,,ll, , EPERE TEENIA, 31 lo N.4\l bnIbin1o l,3d 641 t,l,1,IteI1iver4III,lld~u \rfla ILIA. Niat er. Ynllcr llru o, nr glnep. SAIEE P.,rp4,:rnn, O Pll 1a,11... .. Il4.1 .tkIbnr IK, k ,.RY l 'U,.1I4.'l nII o'eI,; P N. bark.z, I~l will .:lkl freight fo lr nil auding,e n the Pilll) /I- 1" L Lo its iV>Y, at 5 o'clock I'. \ i lhNeR r1o-, 4IeIIl"I'N1.1,144 p IcLkt VII,.I Hi.. t ',lapit AP. . ,WI. wll leave I'Ni D-abb-11'. lI [:nnRutk,,bPllEli+n HIN14E.K4UI4IIA,1Iv. Fr la.NA trl [R, NINIIE p, o k,b'l+nc, 1 I , (:,,,,,,1,:,,il w;,ra snafu, 1 1 na u111 .Millikon's B-4, bake 7'rn..ien, r :ack', llld/1111 1 kl With II4.444 iiI'54 rl~ is Pont. .Vet-ion. tlnaml La.e ,W'.LinH t n Crarlio", 1: d oroclrk P. N.. bill El l,.ll 'Ri( .I.NI .ti; p t V b. withI144'i.. the sllnlnerr it ,1 NU F, ,nad wili l : Ikrelht forallElanding4 onthe YYreuo river a., h ill upnnn i rr ,, 5~o Tha mnr,ilircnl i ti. )1i1i pockerlt )\aiIFIIBZ ('apt, T. P44hvlhh, T. I lB. or 14 nn1id[[P4. llN4 ib I[i44i.4 , li don R usel-, Pont L )lel)n, llxrrn .mar., Redl hirer .,'111(llgl~ Fort Adams,, Yaicll,%, Mntolrpnnlll I:luII.Y 4t. 7ncln,,ldV-rntoan ioebrl iVRYSTURD lll t II1\nnlo i, ,ppl,,dsur 4,1411~ 114.P4,4IE41AY 441 P4 'I ie ,tcnn,rc NATCHEZ. 7., t ".la at irksha rg with the rlrnmcrl Iit N4 , anailwil l ak,,fiNl"p fo.11b landingb t thell Yilu.n rnvcr ns Li apa.nI d m aw," ,ea ie odta--ar saetswil lns !n11444r [4411144 [... Fint fal, FIII1 ~". .1n hR1r In4.p,, l .1,4 "nininevn, B 144i41b4l to d41144 par1 ilp be .4romptly and bnll hLi.I uttrVil...i wa e e1ohl o ll etr. ls 1 ,e .a,. l :),leI irwrriry or I`.,- n rallmniirr, nun, ., ro.*u:ei [illscf P I, nu :44144,o ka N.aIhP4, r c in, :o,111., PIp. 4ba the Ireight paid;l.0 ubr for nn4 k4441, los d.444. Sitp he laly by the pxasenyera, orrontnlinad ill heir baKaygU. For fraitht or pnwute npfl: or board, or to Ifni..l Row A4 (:amendeiet Ir. Jell If T. R.;iVI7TH. No , Tibiomd-laul ux IR L 1 lleelppll d uiir Beat, York, :l niton uud Vea: Sa Slolgae, Tripe, anderery!"inK i.i the butcher. I.K Lma. Barrels end half-barrels of l0bolua Corne Beef pat rp ro aror, fr~or Cnbhnor Family Use, t Stalls Iloa. 1 , 69 sod ), OLD FRENCH MARKET, by M RKgEL A PARSER, N. B.-St~eamboats and 8blpeeoppilrrd wits all kinds of Lire 9 lm-4, noh as fresh m~lob Cowsr, Jdays, 9bost, Figs. Sheep, gotta.Ueeti, Duets, Uhlukam, et. se2F 17 STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES. ()111() ItIVIX l. . ou SATIU It).DAY, the 211. ins w f, •l 5 . IIq. NFORJ.tOU)ISVIll.l. AND4 I'4)IN1 i ~ o i Thfine, lrgnhnr II engxsr tpacktt [remer, N)N,,44o 4441 . 4)t. 4444 19,4t, )4444t 1,444 4. 4441 Uln..1 l ,l. )i,,l4,l,, ,)nd 4 ll ntern4 e Ia3ud4 holur lur Lrlirxvlln lilehlrll lll I lc lndilu ladip For trelght ur l4 •g,,.gu .,9ly o1buar.4 orIo L44 1, V4ItA0NAN4 44 O4. A4ent4. n12 :3T l%)derxa atrert A plan ofthe cabin can be Been andhtamo-rom sectrd by .ppylI g o tthe •:ent•. L.eave., onSATURDAY. 13th inst., o1 51'. M. a FO4 (/1 CNCIN N A TIT, AI341 1.ON, 1.OIJ IIiavhled Ia1d all h)ltermelll4 t li4.dht4 --- l'4e 4r4 Ixr p4. 4en4r i7kel h)r4m4r A. (). TyNlor. 1). (dller, master, will leave -W -bove. For rright yr i-sag, apply on board. EDWARI)i I N 4Zl, Adve .rti.,q Agentx. UPPER MISSISSIPPI. _Leaves 01o C ATIfRD+.\ 1', l lhhl t t.. t4)P 1I. LREGUAlt SI' LOUIS PACKIN4T -- T1. lhle rerguixr pnxascll3r ptcke 9 )atnr l4 Nlellil n1 I 0.spr .). c INI'l e lle", will lea l fbr ile ,hove anrl all lutnnlediarl le lending,. ,'r Ireight or p7) ,gc, apply oil bunrd orto B14I., BU1HANN A CO,& Ag1nt4. Lm _ __ _ l, ydFrxx t ret ILonv on 4 AT 4111H 4 \, the. 3 1. lh i4,4 .44 P. 41. I1liUILiLAB ST. LOUIS PA(;KET. | •~TTh ti ui.revtulnr pxluellger pnlrko[ 'Itellorn Sl. NNlsulas ,)) [.l o ll. I lul4)), Iu41.ter, Ixnll Ih )qrp ;,:l ! well Irvrv, fi'r t, ilnl;v, 1`x1. l r)), 4 n.4 alld et ll Inter 4r1nl Ite hludi4g) 4 1 ,7 ove. 4 e.1 f)l) lght or ).la4'l.E 4 .pplyon bo4rd. EI,1AiD, A 11.'4, S4 The St. N, ill t ,ke freight for 4I), til l , I:l) lI totei au~l all Illhrnnvdlatt landiTvs n) tihe Olhlo rivlt, with ri•v Illq,: u t+ re 4)1ppi )g nn ) I )gh draught bo 4ts )o 1i)4), ,etnr , on ' SA''I'D H 1 Y. 131: ii:. 4 lnl . 4))5 I'. •1. RIEGULTAR ST'I'. LOUI• AI'KET 1~l~~~'l'ie hlm eregllhu pa.S:ncler l~tixu:et Hllln tli,. ),plu 'l ilhu4 d i1. W l4 , will lea4 4 , h4 11. 1) , +I e1lll. - e e Jnl. ding,. For freI)ght )r ptn na.z. ipply il bohnrd. <w to 44ELl., 1BU)lANAN A A 0., Age40 s. ,IT : ny 'ovlll, st reet. L.esves on M.NIL.\Y. the 511h int., 1t 12 1. ' H (UI. GUL4II STI. LOUIS PACKET.-- Thel 171` h,+ rLgnlxlr pU..rtgCr packet alexm " 'I'. 1. Trleltehll C l.:xp. 441 4L e:,un4 wnl leave ua .))ovU for ht. IOl. i, un x1 tl llli )?+Ld lteliillo - For freight or paiage npply urn b ad, or t, JIELI, BSU'lII ANAN A C"O., 413 t11'oy rtn l'r4t4) . LOWER MISSISSLPPI. I444ua o4l 4 ATU RD.4AY, 1:,11 inlt, 4 t 5 1'. 5. ed .te: Indiig-T epopullfra I-n the Ilulc'" I.4~ FOIILDh11IPIIISABND 31.1) 4449) IlolNo11be, 4. 1. Itl4t44m4 , 4.44), lhirl. 1.t4 1u444lo)44 ghl4y r44)444,l 4nd relht:44 , will h)1 )l4 + xxi)' I4.4 34. lilt,44 N, pu3,4 4. (44' llv i 1. "e, 11)k1,, '-h 9l , W4o) thhli,qIg"n' 1',."ul A hllloli I'chlele'n Point, I~nkr , - We, ~ iqC aud .1t dtilerri:' ltnd. For f el0-h ouIrllxagt+ appl+ ,mboard. EDUWARD T.+ k D NTZF, L, 4ll A4vtlllin4 Ag4ilit'. b.rav- 4every AI.'49.NAT. 4ATUII4AV, at 1'. M. nd1 .11:MP4I41 p74)4eger p4)ket C4UI.tTAW '1 I .plen1 ld 4 id f4 t r1t4i4 g 4il4t) ngeh r 4t.'in:-. C•hot", Ar, I4pt9all I). 44ally. , W4 l)eave Cr 1 ,en4i4l4 . 4I4h,a, N,,)4ol . l,4 ell'4 4 ,, I.i;4, 4'Ll llu g).,n, Pohnt Wor 444,)4.1t). Lke , P1r,v.44.lle, Milli1ken'.-rd 14),4,4) r4 , 444 , et..-, 4 li 4llh 4er dl4l4 4 nrlllng ht in bh4 end, 4 an14 4e4,. )'" 'l fight or palL xalig ppldy ou I anrd, Or , b4,],., 4U4;H14ANA4 & '1,, Al4ent4. 3 7 Ynldia tr'ltrt 4,4encvr) SA.TI'ItL . Y', t 5 o'rlo) k I'. ) i. '1'Blt St'I.E)4I'I) 414'A4•IEI (.h0111", 1 - 'f! . A e i lortlb,, [Ila'"'' lie/ the plnTl c tii~ st11 044er Bell, ',) 4, ll , 14,mr lce I,,r rer' InrIr,p s . almve, leerng Ne INrienl le, ly Sathrdny .re hll+•, +t ) 'clrk I ), 31,, for lh;:nald~nn elfr dt y- B uot (ii a,x 4L, ,,l, 4llllll 4.Il )4 , 1t U.), I',tt t)tl 144 , \44. tl'O) , 4 bi4v.)) glrl. Polnte I'll tee. luruanzlx, Tu J . -If Wi pb n dp ;. K .,r Latru llv. F'rt Ad xtll• ;otdlld i n[ I i utcm dhie anl+ ;. I'":.Ir' iri= wall Ileve Ia)'ou Sara every\Vedle•xdxy onritle in - 14l.44'tl.441ucl)r 4 4f4l4i . 7or 44'rrig4ht4 r pl44 4,)g1pp'y , d uir wo tIOLMES A ,:r,AUSS, 1f2•6 m F 14 Ii,42o1314h ere0 , N. O I.4 '4'-t) • y,) 4II4.N\ . -15P 31.. , d 'I1t .U\Y t 11) A\i 14A ltj) I.ANIt 4.4I[-WE4D'1K49A'['AK4) !.l~i vlng BYI;I); IOSI).IY Y lld FI(II)AY-- i lir I.,1. , lrll'aSrule . S r1, gI he:II I 1.1tndilq It.t)lli l•,J,, .. + i" ,l:ll n r~i R+: d i +. t;:,nnt--'tlht. i, ,, r atranlu r ,14'1t 4lig. , I,' o ' t. Kirk, 41a•4)444 , rn ,'l4 r!) 4 LI1' ',I(II+•) t' i'adt + lltllllF it( + 1 ~l,L.lil. ]+'•+lll Sew Itlle.++u n: E t1v( . ,DA" a levn }' w .%1. al+,t F.. e:v FRII)A ', at lO A. M. x11 I,-xt~l, c•l a r .Sp l,+li+,1 lxan~lhn ,,•ery 'ltur "o,. StI,•llllrll+e uli ~ltrrl'l•+ ,o+ ,+ l iw i], tl! (ilT) T JT. g , It. Sn111n+1 ",y \ ,ln, ; nl, i ,hrl nhl t], rw Ib+" 1 h):. l hl ayliKdh :-ll-s inI i . , , Ix t :•rey ,,: thr, hu' tunhtr,or t.,r I g ,, , ,,. iJ':'l'l ""~l t'ill tL1''"' .I <' il 'Prl w~ i r. ,'ell l i.e ~ t-++ I tt;l, ,Fur Irtnghrt , r<' n:ply nn lJ(,ard, +r I, " : ,)i 4 71N F. If4414.44'). i,.............,,....,,,.. ..... , fi ~ :I1 It:•e+, ;!,~" St. t'll t, Cl % Ifotd. Luv..a on +)1U I)N D)A \', N v.,1',, n[ 5 ,)'clock P I•! P1I S ANi D N'.99 ORLPEA& P,: 4444)4 54'N44'44k4,pl~ndal4h114 7h pI, nd i~l .te.,u,r,, "r nx nlrls l A. $. T , . li,. ,l, Ilr tl.Jnu,,',u t i, I Ie, .`+ " ' l , ht , bmio ugI I ilt.'J.,:r, r"7 ,n" , ,r,,,l vll li Il~kl )11 11 for rl e 511:1/1 1. p,l,,t-,n~ , ,I iLy-,n It,on: - , ur t") .. Il, F'It E;I.IIi H . 4t'4 4 4+1,),1 the4 St.4"l 4nr4 1 ) 4 tel44 ( p ;,r "T .: i,+..eou n ,t,. I N.rl,,h.t,n with; r,.'-.,,.r paeketa , i, I .1,4 . ln, ) , ) 4. 44.til ,i 5lr . w44 Up ' 111:1 1'5444Il9,l'QLJ 'vef p g'l'; , :, Li " n e llu :w ill ililr: r l: ir "un , .~vr~unl~'l.,...,.,,d i i~:l~l irI"k P. h.. f S tE A , I tI4" )PU 4 4L4IC,4, F 'ID ""444414' .44.944 I"' 4,1)11 t I.41R4 .11'111" PA IK ET.)4 I+,,, I : ,.".I" ,i . ., ant e' Hl eptlb/lo ap J'. Frl" SI.h l eI~ INr' 1NN4I4, dr 4 1 n , 4'. . . t. J, , r l,, .h I;, ,. ,A. , w ",r, ..... t -,,:k b u rg. for Lt or I -, .:,:. appy ,n 1149, ,)l., t 4 4 ' 444 I I' l. 4,)t''.\ N.0 ) .1`U , l.e vtr •(, i't'E \, tl :t. Ii' S',. . , M . _ '4[1( I N, . 1l l• AN4 01 Iii 444 , END+S4 I [[, -i,l++'nld )n~l ht" Iv pui<,.Tngrr par+ka[ -lamer 444ellp H1ar ry l . 'l L ) I) . ' l)' r 4 4 h.v4 '", "'` " Xt,,+ t, r t;l,; . li ,+tin , iL , (i.....n+ file, Ilmkel 1t\'i'riiff,ou i., Pl:,ill \Vt,tilu,='t I,+, Lak,' 1' . ,d." r, c +M ,: Ik,' II;,'lld \'irkMllnr>, Nu, .iiv ,/ a fl all landtilg ,:,the lfepd. tot h F4'' 41:. 44n444e4)•q ."p ) o 4",.1 4) . ,, 1(14N. i l:1, 1'1 \ .N1.iN;1, td:3 .:3 l',,•, ri m~cet !+iY' +1•; i, , "<li) e nure",t•a a, . u , n .t the e regultr f :r:,r t,,r W111h( x",.,; .\ knt, ,s ri rr, ,, at )irtmplia r ich t,r, ,, r i~ xr m krl. t, r r.<., ,, +:)i .- ,,t s, L~ou, -- e~vevrun WEr1:''INE<! I'., "nh,,".llr 17,."15 P.)1. TIp, s.II• |Ills %N~t :.FitWOR~L -, ], ,t1.':,. -' . S y!:, L ,. P tkrt fn~r \I -t d .ndi tl~e Ii,,.,•l---Tl. ,+ .n n ,,u p,l ,,ket .. r liillnln r l . , 1"n,lirtl I:. 1',i w;l I- i,ol,] tol. F""' 1 •t* n; 11:tn i r F ~ le . ~ inr l nl s .tze , t,,d t ,riou ,.J. I1.F';it",h+tiu r` TL[•llrlo eo~i nlw •t• a ir ,,,l.•l,-, nth l;,-lexl.r t ;. ,< I .u,Il m .. nn rrx Nn; rtr t[ i .e•nven rvr+ry \V•a fin l", \1i", nt 1" .\l " 'I'1., r+n~t i". ir:,I un;,' q H- I F~l Il'i.:A R W DEI)'Ail]Ni)Ay % I I1• 1 t l F:.F' (r( ,n. n,rtt r ( Fort A~d na, ll, nl) .tn r," t }h v u: ,la P,)rt Ir,+ , , rl r,alI, g+, F)) la+n "ah . Ilo ll),,a .l ,l-,. ~e),, ',r ~r . 1'n Itit rll• il*Ol~ od w,wi tvlrn ,vr u . +I:n..% , J I i i XtI. N. t, r .. .. •t • e 1A• re. a~~ll It N.-+ elver fliid y r -I. I ; .: n ", lV. K yu ,It i t,Ill ~ :ih., . 'h,d:y. - n rvv l /l• fy~.q,rn __. _-{111, Lie , A~l I :I•'~tl'.} 1 '.shm tpihnV Levi Cr 1 On II. F~ili A Y it 5 il 'i ' -I. I'.N, -TE j A : 'FF F. ,FO IF, ll,,d 1 , F.'~'*-lll~l ldl~i F.F*- P n ;~ u Ilr l rli ..: t~ rrnt ell i i .nmrr13 L ,. Hutll e, Julh n . tmr rr, rllarl rl, w lt Irnvru rrlt li,rl y n*nlxuru i _ (rr.,r i?ICII 1C .. l \ -. lli :.y theIII -tsll ill.1Illl; I B rl, for Donj~ iii '-. I 511- I:..u n, I1P1I1 lr, I Jr Nil Ynli f e.. \1' ie, prnPrf, lt. ro n. Y, .,. Jwepi:i (:ne d (loot p i)- I.i x ea 1" P)!II)AFor I,-FrFFtFr Fi. Iit 5 . ;Ir. n9 +1vo Irlis;i inx K t.o Ilk -u FL ,, FII: ,F,,,r etl 'S Si IDI FNF:I. FIJ AN, NNW"" 1171, Cal. Yi I , T i. F we ll, wil. her b -,.llli r e FI,FF, FFFFFIFFF" nmr',. +iFFh F-tF ~1'u 3 o N.l, u, ,TN J. II FP1 FRs' F F IFT ." IWooer ,, r :t. j.IF l pf"T i, I'n . ir ,Frr ,FFFx FVFFFFl :n P e',fp th Vkn", +~ 'n , F,,,,, ,, FT ,,, ni F ik rie~ T p vrkr, , Ian ,t. Laul, rIF l IFFF, I Niii! r F ()1I PE1,0UHA3 I.cnrvr s ervr) . ):I)Nl H.N1).iY t d I'ci P V ?4 :j:; Aelhirlslp) livcr. F'ur f'n irur or jrraage, JpP1 ., d J. \1, JOHNST.ON k . ti. Frout ua o cIIr' A H IV RFsR. i It (A,1 Illlllllllr, Tlllll a tlllLl J 'I~' (.iIltVliEKm 1'.v....l', II III, ,IFv A F II, Mnr F FRTZIF rhru Y CI, lrinn y r u ul huli ri mes g r Ol lati I - FI ,,,, FF F) F,, F', 1,101. nu ll FF Vk FFF F , shove to rn-.+yr, nrlg lrr~r a ,n: rhtiprr neppl;c, d - -Cetic} . 1' 1:'I 'rclil I1' IlIl~llE.. t, 1lel alome l__:_a_ RID 1 RIVI IF1y II;5 IFFFF Bt'.111'IP iFi F AjoND U + , IIrr l B r~ . h . 1i. ,lIFInISFvIy.'. n" FF; I FFAT . F'I FF. IFLt Ir .(ll ' -a l n lpi e llll r F;,, nl- , h~iV in;; rn,n lpn r , i""I ".. F.. .,IF.F Fllll' IFF ) IF.Flt. IFFPFFIFFF)1~ FFFTIFFSFSFFFFF FIFt./y .+ FFFFF. D S,1.t IF.. , ARKANSAS RIVER . I ldFF-F . 11,F 1 FFF,- , IFFF-FFF i (,F-FF , 'F.. 11I, f} JI LiAll, AIhI IF.' F F A Ici t il i. l' i ,rrvi iiu llrr n izi' k. Ito~~iln :fr Atem: 1F,, 1 FFFFIF,, i Z F IF . ,, FIF , i o Ibr- lrR+V. nn:xil I lrr , Ih In irrlr n uvc. ur frikl. FF p r,- IFIFra II5ply C1 F FF FFFFF 17i F lFFAFS FIFFFFFF Il I, n12 _ _ rmAlsor y i milju io llru icalh Ihtnn t. p . : nrl c ,,\rcnrrl i, nr bur's . and aCoeeh ll a irue oits, t Ixn. Urr lr Bed nrkr Bt li \V Adn anarr, I anml1: (uh, rkeis.r, li : (I ~r, r bymachao h. R Ir .n ct m fY 1 fief. t; l l I .. ", ev l.v -ratr, Yew Ur ~ IVN~ura, . (tee l~u rrra rt~ o[ nyd, ~ iujuials tohrr th H, 11.-1 Co keepcone Lnt y u hi x lage -. =-t o ol;; axo, Bread Brlh,Sager ntn u/lothe tiommil p bk:,r, .RIIO; F ." Ihl, B stop knicke rs, PIO -N11' cloy, etc.,f All . t, Bu erkn'kcra ate onx; xo luthaBntl, Cu , xudo I oher timmin Y, '>rg

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Page 1: New Orleans daily crescent (New Orleans, La.) 1858-11-13 [p ];be 1, I& hed doll but no iethe leve and felay we have

;be 1, I&hed doll but no

iethe leve andfelay we have a

leave ptsa our leveeaob aie sad actiIty; It T

trot 'as depattmngre few

o•, iua. tgiven in oar ;s-ttelge hle dlupatchs

e teeakerable for "a ri5. AtS s wo nobesande anfaiing. The

olygave, a tempe::inhe8it t enough to

g th eOhblo on hter re-e e.ithrough drawing three

i through leanerbsesett,hp4 le oetona reports fourn•h We quote freights

I _ , a i tow 100;

o ;aof ten ar-olass hoateIte, kteoain a the Cin•o•.prenab Line. Thesee theTdyttey are adver-

et half loaded*tn, and pbeaengers

aydpen on alwpys findingS l•h trtteed hour. There is

St belghle, each commanderh' is 6bn fagaure. The fol-

Sdin linet Judge Torrence,opW. .. . Capt Willia ipon ; Universe,opnWas, ,`a;6 Wtllila n ; Ohio

Wade;T , tm i aib ~; itCapI De , Capteaio opla; r plapatirlbch•an kt. and Nick

Thoal a k ei Th ld lT and reliable firm of

The qact e ms. Athe e& AHibberd will be their

igeote.Cast pklsa HawOuathita packet Tigress was

laune ontea dth, and a dari•tened by CaptainM. oi dopimandet of the Tombigbee river

Tiger Her dimeneloaere, 182 feet on deck,3y11 i oat; t . t inches of hold,and S,00 bles o cotton. Her machinery

Sree 40 hob boilers, 2dfeet long, thecyia dp ala pg 17} thas diameter, 7 feet stroke,wu t aflat waterwheetlswith 8 feet buckets.

Shaewl e adorned with a p,foll length cabin, andda•l ly ge lth ar.a et fotr weeks. Among the

aerrivl i e•a t onia t Oti wa Captain Geo. H.C co the H river trad. Thhe steamer Judge

ipof the naiat•k and New Orleansie lfr'itii port on the 4th with 100. ti i pinclipal item being 400 bhds.

tsCooke4new bok, the TlXgerwa advertisedto Oii 8te 31tt1. Captain J. G. Shute, and clerk0.0. , of the Onaohtta packeto- ed Chief, leftCnAe•t~ othe" steamer Daootia for this place.

A tla The Opetonsa packet Anna erret,.tapt .t Iailiier.O rdlfed with i04 bales cotton, 100hadagroand 380 bbheinntoacss .TbI Yaso river s ket1 Afton, Jr., Capt. J. H.

Whte4i vei d with 10t0 bales outton.daist peket M)ilton BeHlf, Capt Hooper, ar-

riveit'om Baton Bouge with 200 hhd. sagar and

The Bt, Loa packptb Orleans, Capt. Donglas, or-rivedwitnh alargea cargo.sThe Lootl packet Hiawatha, Capt. Dix, arrivedwith*l3arge argo, and wil leave again to-day at 5P. . We thank Mr. C. G. Wayne, her clerk, forfarece.

The s Leamer AO.. Tylor, Capt D. Collier, arrivedwiths 1 arge freight and fall of passengers. Wethbaiherrnorteoma clerk, Mr. J. Collier, for favors.The at'ater A. O.Tylor will leave for Cincinnati andall wtay loandi to4ay at 6 P.M.

TieViqkeburg U. B.mlaR packet Natchez, Capt.T. P Leates, arriveed with 4154 bales cotton, andhertslibOlitSl of plasenger. She leaves as usual to-day at 6 P.M.

Tpse ttenphis U. B. mall packet Nebraska, Capt.A. I1 Irwin, arrived with 3805 bales cotton, and fullof poeoegere. She Wtilt leave again on Monday at 5P.M. We thank Mr.Oharles G. Sholtz, her attentiveclerb rt itfore.

The ted vrieraoeket Falts City, Capt, Geo. Swee-4aeLeieWth 416 bala ocotton, 88 hhda.ougarand

Music for the Coast.-This regular packet, inchl8f C'apt. U. OStreek, leaves to-day at 10 A. M.for~ilo8ldeoovtiaod aldl aIntermediate landings.

9 J. th Doldtdsoneille.-Thie neat and fastt hrge of Capt. Jos. Viqocent, leaves today

5 aeele 'or Bayou Courle.-To-day at 5 P.:M4 J. Btown bacaks ot his fne, faot and new

passenger pakektfor Bayon Gonla. The Silver Heelswilfla an exceldlent opportunity to ahow herself ina neftttald as one of the packets of a popular line,8tpeMeae aceommodaltone for passengers andfr6sIgt ecudtP tthose of no boat afloat. Her cabinis large aod-very elegant In all its' appointments and arr eela iets , " mresorcesand managementwhith hiabmade the Silver Heelsso universally pope. pEin tle soutt •lver will operate for her complete

suee i the coast trade. Mr. A. H. Gardner, hero" r, Willt he found on board ready to re- u

AEdi n a ls a.-Thio splendid and -, oves to-day at 5 P. X. for FortS o -Sara sand Baton Rouge. Capt. W. .

Meo I Ind comOtnd; and Mr. J. A. Dunbar is

Jll W 4Aillp jtr 4esd rier.-Thle new, swift Aand tulpmetdid rctver packet leaves today AIpattivelyet P. igndr teh command of the ex-pletoed te mitr audwe•keown Capt. Charles E. 0

Mp l tclt eto tus and correct Mr. John C. r' i the a ees It a ef rdno much pleasure to r

o e of this splendd and lght draught vlt r etomosentther to all our friends. She

Ited taa' a,4tatga nt=elaen packet, her accommoda-t•it•sa rpgsea and her management Is fault.9IBR p Q are known to every man, woman• d e• lld t red iver, and to know them is to likebthese,; t 3ias prompt and reliable men.jti O•Oallsf ,t*O tiita sisers-This very light

dvahdbt'eaetleavradtoay at 5 P. M. In charge of tthe pnst t bhliitg Capt. Frank Moore, for alllandlngst p tTraeton, BSippers oan rely on havingtheleilhghtp goathrongh without detention. Mr. L.W1Ir ~wl , a gentlemen withnut a superior in his

ilingl, her attentive parser. ir.sfi•oi sf"r Vitaiburg--Vicksbhrg and Nero Or-

{s U 8. 1$, Ma Ltli.-Punetuol to the minute at 6. e f•edia this world renowned, awift and splendid

U.~l paset gerpalct t will back out, under the careoqibt et eraopn ad dolversally popular commander,iapt T. P. Leathers, with the attentive Messrs. Sher-

'on and Orater In the office.0l'hejh for A•atephteis.-This fast passenger packet

lae eharge t Capt. D. Smedley, leaves at 5 P. h.• trip this tseae for Memphis and all waylandings.

Didmien`for Cinclanafi.-This neat and pauengerpaeket, In charge of Capt. W. I. Holl-

coqft, with'the attentee Mr. J. Darsell in the office,eases, at'6 pI.

Lt, Nicrhola for Si. Louis.-To-day at 5 P. M..:his rgnular packet, with Capt. O. 1. IMcMullon, andir. J.'RMoody in the office, leaves for St. Louis,W•.e alndl iotermediate landings.

ta for it. Louis.-The regular passengerpaelet HIawatha, Capt. E. F. Dix, with Capt C. G.Waye, In the office, leaves, at 6 P. M., forEu Loni and, all way landings.We weregetlted yesterday to see on our streets0

a ,p hamSkeit,latenr the steamer Ohio. fie in-%genrt thath e latende remaining amongst us, as he

ilt h 0t noeupoca business here as a steamboat: t oe will be at N o10 Poydras street,

Ssbb t~ rosta fnda will always be welcome.

it IH,... ..... TJ$ NG..... .... DWTM NG.. BOnT e P , DYegAceD SCOOURE,

Nt ma Boarbon street,telthelOar toSneuterni the uttte othe he ler eo(con nert-e' e .s .•. euts ges 5tna tthoum No. 75 Rourt rel5.,

toM :bes 0s6e'd ts, s senentean, wnth te mtnrefu cou.oerwaul sa nutlested.

n-- a• o er to we to eeo te tt !snae yerses, he hras sat,~aumemeo ews tintaa htmen e Oourb

yc 6~55 .r

o o Omar, No. mO Csm street, d

1 *,,~,~gjy,11ll1111~l liob1.1111lB7111bl1

10 lb1

Zb ri -i..,.u,.. heof ntbb t.l1 1 m 0y amt maket lb.'Ibfr,0~(@0pb111511by a.d11llbl Al I 7(os010*0

t0eS711.11.111111 . blg. W. 0p11, here b ,en to the c hl oftreat] for s day or two. are a ,tc trough today, amounting en~

iLll .to ens 111ded dild tho1001d dells-. Aboutone- dothird ormeee'ae proe through oco party, ad the balance t.

bllk,. among' l1111111r. There 11107(1es1 1 p1p.r, mo. r dAllag San 05.1,. , 10.0 1011 rate of 8. pe sent.,and s 11081

per riot Thane weresates ofFebruaryand Marh paper atthe me

511b01b 07111111711ea.7. There were 7011 other lrans. tions11.111111,lb b1,11ClObp d mat1611g at d1101117 t p1biode, 107g 1,be !,*111. 11.1110rsen1710(d7.;b 1l t blb 119 10 pe111b1111bb1. n the leeks were al11bboblt to the res peotiv 1,

11 ihdlece1111 to 0 llude to the general position of0.11 10116 W 1. . . . ... I.ll be telly detailed in our usual0eeklywmuevy an Saturdayevening. We will, owever, remark tha

wme o the Northern 8ona etl writers seem to be taken aback SSthe ver . ..trong position of our b.1k, and 1n cnse1uence of 11

the aent. rain rom Wll streetgreet iterest tmnfetdithe wmktuils of the New Orlean Wake, Woe can only say toour Northern friends (perhap it may be going too far to callthem friends, but we will say acqsluaintnce) thatL our banks are Ai

dteeeeenttng ll god business paper, aid not rejecting general 8eoommmelel seventies and dealings in exchange-that the largebalances whih our banks hold to exchange are the results of a

strictly legitimate beefiness. Don'tl be surprised, 5leseienrs of

Wall street, if we come down on you ton two or three milllions Pmare ofgold. It iL be all to the wy of trade and ommerce. PWith Sterling Exchange at 106% @ 106%, we thinki more goldwill come hither.

The exchange market todayJ, taken all I. all, wes decidedlyweak for mot every classof times bills. The rate for checks

on New York wa steady and uniform at %e. die. at all the T

banks. Outside there were saes at 7a 15 161. dscount. Athese figures name $120 0 were tak10n. Thirty days sightl

1 1ed .1

1%@ll0 e die. T . . . . 1811 *wme pirchess for special

purposes of sixty days sght on Now York at 13il!; c~e. die.

There were oleo swiss at 2, R'r@ZKe die. for the general run of `el

good to fair commercial bills. Some orders or western te- be

nt are for xty dy bills on Now York, eta ertaingrade, a;.~a above the gmenera comet rate. The foreign ex- too

change market was heavy-very bsavy. Sales of sterling wlth o0l

document. 7ere been imed 106%@106 . 11ear 10 be

@107{. Remittance rat" are higher, ranging from 1077~o) a

1093. These ee exceptionalfigurs, butthe rent position of ve

the1 t.7111e111f111111;X1. l ncell. .re . 0(e 1 ofered Aand eta reduction.lo ~ l We qulote et frm eh6"[email protected]`, and other points91~~l8 The ank salting

.te0ra,11at 1.12%. 02 .1yto smup, th, ohnge market hIs0 70,0'and budant sapplied. The111 1. . 1to-morrowwil 01show large balances. The lour old banks In part teite wil ofhave over Jive enllona and eight hundred thousand dollars. Ce

We bare bat few swakls on the stoc. marke. . H0(0ig atgiven daily the sales, we hve onlyto add this evenin the al a

of 86 shres Ban of New Orleans at 102, cad 60 shares ate of

fraction over. The stocks. of the free banks appea to be in el

request. Crescent City Bank 1.held at 102 nd over Bank of It

New Orleanetn demand at our gaatione ; holders of South- q'

ern Bank ask 10%7110 ; Bank of America I0l r1t02 ; Citieuo'nBank 1s held at 195@8011 ; nd State Bank 165. an

We give our weekly quotations, which approximate the gene- ht

rat satesand view of holders : nt

Cll,1111 11 1

11.70111101111b . . . . 7((OCL . r".01,111of I1011 p........-...0 paid..............152 o 1

lp. ..ana state ........... .... 0.0.............151(101 1 orG k l..l...... ............1..01.111111011. .... ... L4 o

e s'1Ban1 ...1 ...................... ..7........ .. . d111151' bnd Traders' Beek . .. .... ..... 10I.01l0.110 Ban...... ....... 100............ .... 1t 05k(QoIUI

Bsnk oP New Orle.. .... 1 . ..... 1.. ... 01

0111111 B1 11011 B1k...1....0.......1..... ...... UULw1112

B1111 f 1. ................................ . .. 01o(002 VSauk of James RObb ......................... onw6m:i atr Wrk......10 ............ SrX' 51Bas Ligh70 Cob . .,....1 ........... 110001111Clb. 0100r7ad.. ............. . . 00%4 A

1 ttsin 0l,11lll11111 ... 10 ............... 1801111m1 A,

......1 .....011 . ..... 1,007 00Op11.1s 00e1 e 0 ...... b ..O ..... .(0,"00...0 ,1853Jack1on R1lrad-...gld 1 ..... 2............ l 00,lelU 1 a,8t. Ch-ho'Hot"] Company-"..25 ............... no sale, E

0l11ol Dry Dul.. ....... .....8.... .1as 7 11. (Odd1111,l.11 Hal"............. 10..... . 0000.117 87New Oriesus Ina. Coto iuiy:...10........... .. 245(,1250City Consolidated blonde ......b1I.1d1 1 ....... ..... 1,0.2Cit,. .Bonds Ra.ilroads" ..... . ... 1.. tit

E lwvea~taarCotteo Prose ..........................:......~CIB,01Charles Hoel Beda.1 . 1.71.n,711 111

IltD.atoe Iuud fi. Comany. or 20paid............ . .. 40~~i p

Hope Insurance Cosprny ...................... 95 for 20 Paid

Star l1.01118op . ..11.New Orlans Dr Dock ....................... i mto l

Orbonod17D11y block ........ 11111111111..."........ 1 omilo l l Fsouth ern 1 1 11. D o 1ck.11, 1 m p11000 11 ........... .. . lsouthern t othi opll.....................:h~~;~

mod "."..9t 99 Faa rTehuantepec cCo. . wade, 8 per c ..................... 005404

Do. Stock .................... . ... 35(ai4U

Slrlemmt .( ans , fr 510,0 O.,hlnr ieo I-in nmnek of he d An

of theL United Stulik l 1 cn or Ne unn re duing Orlubcr, 1858. A


California Gold ......... ....................S t), 55 20 EGold from otherr ,nurse ......... ...........34, 899 45 E

Total value of gold dopocits ...... ......... $5 ~iGi SILVEH UIPOSITO.

r silver ex'racled fro California gold ...... $41 00~'

Sliver fromother sources...............01,46 8

Total sliverdeposit ..................... .... $90,83 87

STotal value of old and sliver deposit ............ $751,994 528


'" Doulble Eagles.......... . .13.e1. ld pie, es ......... 12, 0,000 0


Silveur, Half Dollnrr,....... .GJJ.(kMpieces .......... B$;kt1,INUu 0Bare . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 1751 S

Total value of gold andsilver coinag. ........ .... $5i 1,751 8 1

In invariant money thle }vii-etli is have bee" of a limited

)" nature. Bank notes of distant banks I eve been oltoeed only in

very moderate came. Tab, maybe owing in part to the ilrir I

t. currency driving out of circulat on, in were Parts of the cornI try, the iaanesof the masny paper mwufactoorioa allcoh ersmne t

11the union of brinks; nevertheless, the partial resumption of l,,

Sterconroe with the West, and the con~tstan arrival of' people have~

e t hrownl more untartant money an theI market than forr several 1

week. or months past.

A~merican silver-that 1a, of the coinage f 1053, isi in brisk

demarond at from 3y @ 1% ar If, however, th e

rarte, enhance, the demand would siackoai us it I. only the ails-

count or depreciation whichr induces~ dealers and tut le-a to take

n it, If it shoud advance to puar or 9 per cent. discoulnt, or that

rate be asked for it, there would be no dcmnr.d at .11 only it

steal} sums just to make ecl'age. elan. ~ tteBuc

Mintl of this city Is authorised to purchases silver bullionl at 121 I

It per on, which I. a reduction of 13, cent. front Iasi miss. IM.swill have a louderr to reduce the value of bluilt.. and Mexicanl.2ill have a te2deny to reduce the value of bullion and .2Mex2eadollars. Parties who receive s lver will not avail themselves ol e

theoffer, but deposit their receipts for coiage and do better i

with the coin than to accept 121 per oz. We . e aware that the ;:

Director or the Min ata PI'hihd;pl2hi holds no gol.d feeligtowrds our Branch Mint here; that he has urged on Congress a

tooltslL We have not met with any notlce that the Philadel- aphh.2ot Wnonlyplying 121 ceuts pr sz, for lve. If anyorder to that effect has been isesnd, tt must be of very recent

There has been very little done In land warrants thI, week. 'Advlesltrom t a pr.ueipal mcrts (North and West) quote heavymarkets, with downward rates.

Our dealers on Oamp street, however. are prepared anid dopay the highlest prices for warrants, uncurrent bank notes and

all sorts and kinds of golndand ailver coin ; so personI at a die-rance, desiro2u of vlbiting New (Orleans, or co2ming here to takepaesage for Callforn1a or any other part of the world, can at alltimes change their fuinds into current values, either in gold orexchange. Those d stro2 o(f embirk2lg for 0aliforuha will not

no. their arrival in this city--b met with bogus slid swindlingticket agent., 2a1n th2e great merop'oli2, New York.

We nunes our ng11al weekly quot 1lous. of coin anal uncnrrentmoaney, being tlhe rates of John Wood, corner Camp and Com-

man streetx t oGoLD AN sILVrE.Americ, u h•11 f ollr2. old co2l.rae..1, lI922 2 .clA.2 pmmliumoAmericanks ler2 ol2h. b, old calages.....( (212 " ranl, prmulAmericn tl n, new coirnge ................ l(2 O c21o21 rsunoM1xlcn ollrs ................ 1(211.. 41 2 c12tt. prliumSpanish ill, or Doa .................. 4(. ce. t.preiuFtre Fsun Piercee ... 1... ................. ... . 2(o er ....................... ............... ...lorni o........................2... ro. l

Twenty F.nPie ............................ .2 3 2K23 R5T ider P .............................. .. 3 227213 922rTe Thaler Pieces ................................. 7 T?1u7 521exe, l)o12 lo u2..........2 ........... $ ,1.242 12i1Spa1sh Doubloon2 22 ....................... 1.. .. $16 p2)16 21

llo n .............................. e.... • or• oon1l2 d , te Trea. ury Notes .......... ................. outn ia

10 "t aonne h cT1s.

Missonri ................................... 1•.q r;cent d4co i2I2d2 ,a St 2te Rank ....................2...... 414(rt:2 discounOhio .2.... .............................2.. 4.•2 dihcolHnOther Bank, Ohio and ndill*. . ................ a dl•ont

entu1 k.y .....................................2.22 I2 2 di2 cou2 tWeat 1lie2an1t Railroad 1 o2a2n21 redemC ml n n ank uI .

N wOle2.12 .............................. 2....1 .. pa2Ill .noi .................................. 5,i.Y 1" ont. dlst'00l0 t

tliBeicote of Alordeen...... ................. 2@ 3 dfli-nut2leorgla idRouth Carolin, ,2 I.................. .. 22,, it o4 tNorth Carollna ................................. 21,d:2 ilIoVlr inia ........................................1,


1t12 ,tircolmtaS Lte .................. ............... .k 4 di 'oullt

esse ................................. . •,'•3 dintMoble ............................................ •(3 pltro uMo22n, .......... .... . 21p24

,re2ose Fr2,. 22a2k .. 2.....2................25: 0 2tis ,2 tCentr2l B1,2lk. san .ongom2y .2.h ..............214222 I2 -o1 hi ,Goa mernu t Roln t ]l el ia......................... ~(g'2 di.o iltllCommercial Bonk, blannchnter, .Ms ............. ....... p. rNorihlt rll ita lik, !tttitvaih, .I. ................... ll ( (i2 dlcol LtNorthcrn b cklt of Misissippl ............... 5u t relit. dicou2tl

Land warrants, 40lacres .................. per acre--S1 (nl i 1L]adwarrat, k a•t res .................. Per acre--l twK h".4122d 22222 122222 12212,21ss....... 222221222-;2Land warrantsa2,42el2 ... n..................r $l2 uer- iu(,1.r

[ lProtI t the lrtope2ll T21n22 . 11.t "_'.Siaxlpo nttln tt l ,lleon felt ]lIht the oalk ,Ill.. -tots+ at their

1 xeukiy meetlilng wstxrday diid itll rrhilCne their ltnell, 'f illnt..,

T1e c1w21 ll2. ne2 wu2 + t 21l2li2ll .222.t 222212. r222 if, '2a2 y

Snll2 ras, ald loa• evely ollltr lit scrliiOl2 of 222 ., ritlir•. 1 2+,2.

hbit , 4n xtrnonrdarv degrou of mae a coninues to oe\-- ilthi, dl2silt.ll 22r.2 . T2he 2,2rnl ran.: l2,r goo2 d Il2 2 is . 62,2 "22 pr cent. At th2 e hnk Ibtemr, , Ico 22•2 li 12,. I22 ,22 i2 ,1.'2ulle.. The 2 m2,2l, rlate in t12 .2l22 k e2C2i2g2 2 for22 i222

loa+, oil eon\,d is only I oar urnlt por hiraum.Tile retnrn from tin: Blank ' Filgl.h~nd far the we.ek el d inrtie 22th2 of 2 cl. er g2v.. the 2ollwi. 1g re2ult. co22 partd wl2ll•he prey1 2tis2 week : "

putblic dreis......... 5,5,1.55 .........Increase. ..... 174 Flt tber de•otu.. ........ ,.13,WSt . ......... 1 ) e~ n .. ;761.U.0

t 1i e 2 ...... ............ 3. f;,232 ........2l2 o se2.... 6,UL

SOn tthe ther slde of the acclom ;

Government2 o2url hte.I221 . 12 ,4... .. .12niluged .

Olher l2c2ltt2.*........ 14 ,t52l.... 2ec. ( ..2 ., 2,2-)

.r Not2, 22222lp122122,.,. 221 ..22.. 22. 1222221.... 4122,222

The a1oun12t of ,of.e I2 1ir2ulallun s b21.1,. 22,ing2 12l h12.er2e ,f .1 2, .15, end thea sto2 of 0hl.lh1..l .l h2o '2. pa.... rent.t,2s 1.19,2:16. hew.i1,ng a decrease of r2,•22 22l 22e22 220nr2.dwith thh preesdingreturu.


1 Commercial InteUlligence.1.2.IVekroo-.. O2t. 222,.21S

"The committee reduce their quo • muu of Filr I • llmd 1-1•1.Iner b

S1rl bik rate ren212 al,2l, at 3 per cent., o2 hnllgh 1,1.1 ot d12r2vyr2 12r2t 2.• .. or2 I qIUoted as low its 2 p2 r c2nt2.t, a 310,0" bala. 1, the current estimate of the A m ertric crop.

Ti;e Amicau cottn at b.e for this country i. nllluutel ot

B2' 25.126 ,I .2la .Tbe weekly orgsr delivery of Amt rica to the trade during.the tast .. ' weekis I.,31,9.1. t2a2.s2 21Phe actul exprt of tbe week Is 6,6:2 batee colsJfiriug of9,4•9 Amerlwuo, q25 Braall, andli iL5A Runmt.

'1Th following Iln bars l b ur daitl report on the market.On t1e l•2l snt.. 7.2222 b2le2. I,.12 to 2 1 cu21 ore 1 a2 l e2p12 rt-2ere ou the 10 h 2 2.7.U hla.1 .l 22 o 22cul22s2 1 . 2 1 e2x1r22 n.eeIIoldrs m2e2th2 arket firely at onte1rrfy'splilees. (in , he

ab h, 7,0e•1 be0a, 5l t w rpecet;lm a and r,:ar ere. 7' cN agxarl-a' 2veee2lreereceluts, ad a tene.ncy 12 h1gher2crop Ire1w2;12+2h' but price. erslo x11 hfgllhg thrl #LL qn ollttatnl[ owmg [o•1 ltk i t. 3o(0. per he~e ou o dourse e. irre ee horn; b' It .C ei X pttatIm:•r e oheld oF e urua of tei. marketbl. ho b *4.1al". rsirwiill 'yailt thm. Wehaleh,ane. vet, to r ,)L:CIeelfii-1 r 1 bu, b2t hnoid'. showcd m2oen e:2m1il2l ;o "e1 and2 .. " 1u2ut22 2 et* 2 2e2 2 did2 better that thl) 2 ould do 2 i2ft 1

ael, On

2.e .20 , 750o o•,so., (inluding 1,t 36 Sabl, 1, 00 to 0c001' 21,0 oand oxporter-tle market remo n oa tile ine doull Ia'er.s hbnlldr do 0t pr01 002le,, the dcllloion'e 20, ast week ibarely 3.d. par lb. On Ihe 21,t instant. 7,1l.2 bho.1, ,1" todkelleuon and ex•rtem--holders accept lower offers, 01 r o0decline now, in the cnrrsent and better gradse, Is Inlly ad. pr [

Ib., .nd oldl more I hn .e lower qualitir•. Totallole at perdaily eltimateo. 41,0 a bmle3.

Prlas recede nder the influence of a tendency to higher cropelimates Il Americ.

The certainty of a rapid reduction in the stock of Americandonrig the next hI weebk, together wlthk te bpostiballi ofdamage to the American crop. prevents any great preoure.

The deeine is fully id. per lb., being gretestl In the commIon,dnmerTpt onn. 1

Te l todm y are estimated at 6,U00 bae,. 1 to the trade.marked dull a ed i irregular. ARMOUR & C.


Naw Os.rlS, Nov.. 12. l18•,Arrivals direct since t July i .at ................ 8l3,6d bags

Stme time lkyt e o o 02dr 0t...........0 . 67,122 .

lDo do do coastwise ....... 4,9•01- 72• bag.

Increase of imports this year ................. 1. 7 bag Cs

Stock ln first honlds thls day. ........... .. 14,320Stook inoseond haudstb1i2 day............ 2,80-- 17,010 bags

Sametee time iat year .... ...... 114,099 bag

Decrease of stok thils year...... 96.9339 ba,

Arrival ths11 week--Octvio, to Samuel Bell ....... 5,2O bgto

alres of the week-8,695 hags, at 10, liS11. 10j 4 11, ,laentr.Stock on Band this day. .......... 17.6 . bags

Taken for consumption ........... , 8.694 b u

F.,r to Good air.............. ..... t& ('v SI.Prime to C oiy e ......................... 1 2 .

I1. T. I.ONSD0 ALo , SON 1 1)20.,Brokers, I

oebieWo f toe jarhtts for Vast c k. S.CR6scr0 d Orrletb . No. 70 C1mp0treet,

Satuirday Mborning. Nvember 13, 1 58. 01Our general market as exhibied rather more sauitation.

with liberal arrivals of our staples and Western Produce. abl abetter demand for nearly all of the leading larticle. In Cottonanincreased bushiness hb been done, bu' at rates generally

bendinglrn favor of buyers, and Sugar and 1o0ato2, hbve gone 62offr ly at very fll rices. In Tobacco the trasactions havebeen of a moderate haracter. Flour has been in fair r equestatreduced rates, while Grain has a-rired lowly and foundl a 83very firm omarke't. P'roisions generally have bern firmwitih ta considerable advance in Pork oad Beoond. Froight haveshown more activity and firmness. `:

We yesterday morning published the A1ia's adiices, em-bracing oiverpool dates to the 30.h ult. They repoated thiCotton market very doll, whih a declinei of i t yd. the bles ofof the week being only abut 33,0S. bales, it00ludig 5100 f'orexport and 00 on speculation. Mlidiino Orleansa a, leidat 7 1-18, and Fair Orleals (of course by a blomdor o eomwere1t 7 15-16d. The sales of Friday were only fOld bales, and thoseof Saturday were es0imate at the sam0 amount, the mr 2 ketclosing flat. Accous from 0Manchestr wore st0ll of an u-favorable character. Alt 1r21, Orleans Tres Ordiaire waslquoted at 110 francs.

COTTON....The Colton market ha ehown considerably m oresaimation during tie past week, the upply being liberial, and Sholders being willing sellers at rtes more 1in favor of buyers,tinder tle influence of the recent unfavorale ccounts fromEuro2pe. The sales have embraced some 65,bj bale,, of which1l2li2 on Sturdaby. 15,16 on M1oday, 9,5120 ou T0 esday, 90 0on \ledoesduy, 6,.6)3 on Tlrlay and 14,5110 yesterday, themarket closing at the range o our qnootations, woo. h bsow adec:lne for the week of fully tie 5S I. \We now quote: : "

NEW ORLEANS CLASSIFICATION:i 2nfer 0ore b ................ ,7 1 o ldldl o ............ il:

doy ................ S,• Good 62l0dn0o.. lh, Id Odnary ..y..... • o I. iddlg Fob . .. 2

Ibow ~lddl ng .... l,))ql,•• 1 Fair ........ ,..........- --tq•--

STATTBMRT OF COTTON,dl0oek o hand lst Sptelmbr, 15 .............. hale, 30,443Arrived ince ................... ............... 442,1,73Arrived yesterday...................... .. k-145,454

,llprted ues• e:....'... ...................:: 75 ..Stook on hand aot leared ........... ~..................211,•9

TOBACCO....Thoere ha.o been some eo mdry, bit with it con -tined diiffrence In tile vw- of sllers anll bouyers, the ases l sofar as reported don't exceed 70) Idld* I ,r the week. All thetr2nsaetious lhave b.en on prile t'nl1 except a few umporut los, hitclb'udig Sat fir :.lf at lo 1. . n0 5 at 101;,• lb.

Prices are said to be generally wthin the r nge of our qu•ot bios, whicl are as fullow, :Pa otera' l 'i gs .... ... .................... 5 t • -al eaf Interiorto Lu llC n i;n ............ ............... 6t,,Fair ..................................................

.: •.(,Chieo . lcio. ... 1................. ,

STATEMEUNT OF TOBACCO.Stock on hund 1t Septemher. 1,53 ......... ... ',6s. 23,0141Arrived .,8re ....... .......................... 2175

rriv dlo tr day .. ........................... 2.18

Exported sice ......................I.o....... ?. l,1dxl.orted e eiiny i...... .................... o,• "31

Stock onhand llo oo clart ..................... ......... .SU.oUoiRoo....'Ther 1i,, been n O..••lohmO l f. e o In,'i

and 1hlt2 gh, the re8ipt are tl o2 tb11 21 in0,,ra.e o, ice, bu,bren well m0 ai-ned df " Pg tie week, and 2 tt-0 i0nr eof oar qu,otltit0o The a1le,0i, oe1 tihe we0t h, 0ul .tal 1.sbolut S,•O hhdb, iaclu0ilg 2 Si)2ty100 er 1 ao , t:~ tu;l lll c9!2- g


Inferior t o {'onmon...3065 . Prmen alnd Choice...... 6'adidll

Week's receplts 7,b92 1 hd1--[2prtb 1,502.O oMlgo.ASS2oS...g.The re1eilpt0, 212,t 0 $ ,51 r ly in0le2 h

but having met genernliy with ann a'lire demndl 5rr -i;pllentl.oldoos hlava -1ie1 5v5-v foll pr3-•-, ;nId it 2 nlkt clae,firm at 2•'•/• c fur Prnlme ad Chloice, and 2,1 26-a- for ]t'fe-

rior021d rdi,ary i0 3 bbl0 , w3 h2ale o1 about iO,l ,o hlo, 1ur3nglhe week. Lalf 6bls hissnalllrrd 6'60h,,1,1d 3o "•Q lluio.Week's receipt" 9 92? bbl.--Saporta 6i.26'.FLOOR..-.There has been abel er demon


, It gencally

b at

1rc116•)!6l6. ,I faor, t'bLycr2vO t 11h a•1s i) to Thur1 2,v1on.,ing cmblncing sone ldi, llbbl, al $I 5011'61• 75 fur 'lullp,,'lieand Falcy, $5(,' t 55 for Extra, $5 7543 $7 cad $7 51 or o'iui ","

1,bb. S o oI < oI 1.0uper2ils ,ll l t $6], :,:J) 11 hh1,mt hl

p'6,6,1 cad 150 t 5 6 7,. h 0x 5 t 37',, ~ .)

Week'. receipts 1,1161 bblI--o apot to 5,320.W6ti.A I21...2The market is 21it0e 0are of Whcat nand w.

have ild a 1d of I1o sals Wal-t ", porting Tr )oU.e week,.0eek'0, receipts nolle--Exports 2627.GRN'....The market coltillle i0u0 wi I ery !!gilt re

ceipts, 1,.l stles of Merely G.,UB) Wa toc up ac tardt cy rninr, 1,t haltr-l- G1161kc for Ordimy ,to 10.,1 5 dli, and6511701), 20,oIml for ,lood oime o , te. yXor,,, ~221) s•achs were aold, includling .150 2frm uru ato lit6,, ̂1) M x, 0 d.t63, 200 \2i)5d udI Yellow 0t 21. G0J Til0 e i,1 2 lt, at a'3,0a2dl 0iX 0l 70c (, bl2.el,

Week's 'dceiplls 8.417 sak--s.,p21r- s 7-li.OATS . F.oum 8 Il sacks alve ben sold dotilll 0i0,0 work it

63O(,l4I and 70)c 5 bl•o,' for 7 Ne,, nd Old 01. 1,.,-the tranaetdoi ineludliltg 360 suaks yrterdey at 65c vi bushel,ald 781; o. ob20 711c.Week'. receipt, 62,10--0 xport0 hil.IRAN,...Prices ranged al 750025 "2d0llfle 0V tLd mlbfoL 1•,l2 i

stor andI nll ,o levee, tl,e sale, hll ,2ei ',.-2y 1U-•-LcksIn Latl al_-f', ,)r for Ordinary to Good,

IAYa...,Th2 2llSt sales reprtedl were a1 t $ol5'1 310 0r'0Northern, etc. iO

toa 17 75 7 un for 7Prle WerWer- , incllingo

VO.2New YorkIo.,.15 5. (t,$16 SO '6 tel.

OIt E ... .P2 ie0. ha g u;be advaned 9 lrtb $1o'i bl, r

o dw,17 btlae tii t'8d Mo aleofLout 2•) l ll ib. 6 weIrr rek atEl.Sb,,S o501 I671l for ,ets, a few handr rd : it. tapsbriging 21 34$1:) u. bl. Th1 e -c r1ll, rld2 te;r u l .)

ny in i'ce. Up o setr2 day n llrlll.i •11. W0l'

723l2 'll ,l lob, ll3, at 9 2l 0 for C i. ry, t, t,

Woek's.recelpt.h1 106 l ,lkola ld 0 -1 ,,ot, :"

REuI:IN mE .\T1....T]I.0 bh0t ,lae r "paLned wa t Sac 1olc ar

201 F....\ Wi, quote fo volio h:mt•l bi, m $11 16:to I,'1

Week's r1 ipto 11.16 bpoo s--Exi, 000,r 1.112R10 ... 'orqo ih, oe,, uto~ b em~nd ti, w21- o ,,r i. ud.

wi20sales1o, 1 o2 ,i , ,.1,d toesmoty 103,1. " o c

for Prime. 1ncl 120lug its) obs 1)e>t.lerda 1,t lanc 2! lb.

"W•vk'x rceepin &t 2 bbl, ,ud tilu eens nildi I 1 keg---'ixl,,ris

i UT'l'oi20 A011 ,00S,10 ..I...i\oeirl.21t, o

io 0,

l. IbiP.,

W 00y.. h2 0 dl u ]tile 5l-•d- ht'•[1 oi

Wrlict, thel s ea ol t he weakhl nin? ilt•" l t .,1

AAILty :lYIA rY ' lALILA hI Aut 22'', 1 'I L ILA '

I .•.t( g IN . I AND .'P .. 1.. ,,IAo , KA l, li, l, rnt fipi ' l e Ilt ls -h4 o il , I,,t- l i rltq'-1 ,v n, hnr ht ,vt

noti u t',' 1 Irwnl) ,L J 'ow l.l[rl pice, •od a 11 un p ,•' it, *- " i " ,-

the ,coEk.....o' Baxlen pe I ,t onto 2501 ,l, '*, , 1 al

L FeEaI N l .TlA lam -se u l d IL t1+ II LrGI .. '.A Im 'LI

.A I"NN,A l sL ... L , We A .L ll g liut 5 ,II 5 ha ,ol. l d I' r

aL. ' te .. .a l., ,L Ud , ,, ,, , ,, , ,A

abuU t,"ganl hag during the w x x,! u a ~1i iut ! ~e n

tALt At entr1, h

1•t. l Ye,

LY, u 'A, 01 l '. I lA0. '51 1ll l . I

ILL.•cr , oftlI )l, L l .I Lni <Ah , 'l

Fok on hand Inst e(enidlg 1 wa1 1 1h Ii 1, ,.IAI.T...,AThe ,'. NLrg L L, A A A AA.lrl :i ll, ir ai,:s no I

ratLn +al wlm le hTA eL 7 I he L,' 1,or 0l a :1k, Lr.

M lr nottd d1 ve. t lf e o' drl.!acN, ric aI•r the Il,n,,= ;,nl :7

fothA,' ' ALtA, AYecleld- 5•u•) .ae

k• r,,v , t',ar, w'r

sold at 55, , i3 t k,

RICbE ... W h, vura ied alAE'ltLa u ,o uII"nii, lt, : t',:

laroli us t 3.•t( 4 Ie W b.TALL.OW....ThI laL, L, repottL, wLA A . t"ca" t1 t

Reuttered at 10 m .

OILS ..... La ll ells Slowly Lat i t$1, nceAodi,, t., ,"l

it 1, amt t'ttut Need ma 10 co Iolen f.,r f, 11 loh v of he .. ecI

Inltth Wrn Oil q u ot• I)'e M rten. n i nl a" -5 •'r \[,a cnd A

I atA!',It A,.T1, f or rA' , aL L g luT, Ar t, tL,'

A'A L STOLR.LS.....Thrkem has be-n ove e dl o'nad frA

dhs, and wehlave u*ticrl oIv a few hIths , bo\.hl nha lonl at lS b 4 Cr light, andIo. 1, anId h" s 5 for Ntl. L. Iitt

n l'Olm Impn....Sm a llt Ioch l dt o f h e hw n .:e .,; at i3p( 1 bbl.

FREITIS....WS yToL eItir,,xct tAin u LALO (a• ci,, and Atlh

mnrket •enmal'y fireln . The weak', e:,get,-mnn . p c,,,rln

for Hare at . c, one' for -o . o for Gsoo a at 1t o c,

one flr Trleste at I!4. one for Antwc rl at ,rae, and o s o r ,i.

for Europenn ports on private terms.


JEFFERSON CITY. Nov. 12, 1$5$.Arrived oye:erday 46 Wostern Beeves, 22I0 Ilo)s and 13

Milk Cows. The markot for good Cattle is lrm in favorof


rRICIE:BIssr CATll--Wsters Fine and Choice 'l net s.....8,!Olct

S Rough a.d Fair do ...... -- (a-Attkopa, Texaos,. etc., i head .......St lWd3

Ordinary and Fair ...........L $15(ti 22o s ............. . .... ... ...... . -(...... ua l os (per heand) ................. ............ : -

Inferior sod ardi .................. .$ i'l &i•--MlrcHa CoW Choier Ke1ntucky (par head) ..............-- a$J0ro s nary l .............................. $p1,,k 5

Ohices................................. -(&MsisCoposa mo Y*A5Ll 5.0.0 .. l........, *4-,08 75

ippnxng •atetigentceS ATRDAY, November 13, 1858.

CLEARED YESTERDAY.Spanuih Stemnhlf p e1lxico, Villamore, for Havana, in ballast,

S•pm;ish Steam inp e ao. endouena, for Haa i llat.

wih dry dock n itw, lPuigr Mi .01i o 1 olrlrle p ll v f, S od fr Iiverpool, M ekr I, o '

kshlp OIooioto. l pvoi. or r. J P W tney cuhipt, 'onmodore, L I -l - f, o r Boe tos n J P . ,hitnu,, &o0Shi• N Iasoese. P-ern. for Lir srpol. Bateror. Loovell eoship S•lina olmoeo ri. , for i, or New YI nrk A t' enSpolrh Sip .IJlio. P'r•sn, for LBa-celoons Pslg, Mlr AoeShip yhlio a l Blaneshard, Yorks, for Liverapool.

4 P Whlitoev Ao

Ship RFho e,, for Qle nioo noao - :-d it o lvarket.J P Whitnley coi

Ship ilcllof thes Oerno, Reed, for Iiverpool.,Oslor, Iovell .to

sarkpS rgin. Bookar, for Volyssftomw and a s oarket,4 Y Whitley seo

ARRIVED.,os-ships Tsso.... sorb.s.r.a fro er Crur, to HC B nyl0•p•

Steamhlp Texoa, Wilson, from Ilhdislolas aod Gaolvnton, to(' Bt f ran-lest dint.

SPhr ReDiobli. Crooker, from MOldisouville-osisn.,Sohr Islollah. HatlslolO, from Fearl River--Basl.OShr Presidentl Sadlsir from seorl R-ivei--ti asiu.Schr Polar 'ar, Whitosmsh, frm Covino t-so- l o•sliSchbt Jlortho As., ---- from oiov l ooo--sosBalll.Sehr Star, P'rker. from Blols--, asin.Schr sruotm're, o rscihs* frous Tpbhef-a tt-Bo-lsou.


NatcLhe. Leathe.. nfrom ViekbaurA I 'o'ylori. Cllor from s t isoo t.Alson Wlhite, ro ypopoo River.AnaL Perebt Ioeaitllr, from oWshington.loilio Roell H•o•eor- Prom Ilnton Ilos ,.o'ltba, lersl, fromr rlollho .

Fi:dls City. SFweeney, ron Red Riser.NEbra st Irito. CoFrm ntoDpoh."opuo Bel1'e L)o,. tol .. Opeluus .


Ship Ki:C' Floyd, Frot, lrom l.ivrpool, to , Lovell

Shil Shsmropek, Dnc, -- days from Plhf:d•ilphin. to l1-ksr.

brg , L'-rlo btulgeo, froes Mobole.rlrF.tu1,y, -- , ' day.- irunt1 .luMoile, to J H Bur.


Per st'oamshlp Te.0as from Islndiauol ntd (;lvelon--tl1ssIt•harr, o • White ond hsdy. Jre Key, J ' 0oWlls, It A Frsley

E A :lopos1, Mr Slrs.s-s-3 on dcsk.1'e, soamohip Tesles- ee. fo,,s Veso t "r--sr Iopecpls and

Is-os, Stool- t lclder l nd dsu5l0er 3.1• 'm h c

d*Olbrer le. F A i. ,•.:.-"?. gnaU. I) l,,Y -man, Bor;.ll,,. WetIntl, Wnlar, ," lIarcondta •. d r i;A,,:•t•"ac-1"7 4-lthe steetage.


" Th, o0icers of the s'ioaln•hp Tsexs report ssht tho hoark

Ilstsnxg o iledrun Pa-•1O0

IClaollo, ou tile 1 o•lt, for News

york--lsd, NW.

-i Ths ol:rss of thile stenmhip Touueosse, flom Ver.

orn 'lJth it. t., rpurt h-ft Ills prats \`V ro:ruz, A hle o•oil ark

\lildllfes. ;omopbe'h , ao.t.. , rt' , 1 , '' ul for Nos YN)rk.

The ,opneeool e oalbs , oo-il L or. t_ - 'ru by a heaxl nirthcr

ti s w:oh toe sohore untlol tre e, i5 g of deplrp •olro.

SI(;NALIZED.By 1 h l , ho ssohlp Teloo-eoro•e, :h.1 i . e os S 00 i,-sg 01,

oest. - 'sse shi,,, wth L 5 .1,, ooofo-\-0 1 ilyootolo--bootsl

EXPORTS.LTVEItl', toL-Shop Caloi1.-35 Sbaler eooso, 3;151 shtvs.

HAI OE--bbip P,111us--ilS bales cotton

Il-s toolNs--lop l`sm ,o, o.-Io--21- • 1 o0lo, cotton, 1i du heooop.

;ILY bblb tiour, l. UO n41rt .

'LsOENSIOU\VN ANDl A MiAItkhT--Ooook; t,; .

I,IVEPoOL--Ship 1 lsrsleeo--3t1; los'oosos o1osn 2oO2!

115't'1rh. oll

so illF os T0-lho 14 4 ), " lh . so'lo ill b rCos--s do

.I llrey o.1 O-S hi Jli Cier1?3 tol -- ll Os :dloss :,Oh ,v,"h

oIis Io:SLhlt No'd A Pt ih oi mi-l l o e

h'OOOP OOt'Sipo Ill Ilo's follo( e1•! 3l0' oossl l otr bs• h tu

o d Sollle N, Ot i oN--M1] g .it A ) h .tINi , o-- S " iit oCil. Jt u

sos's- lo eo}o Cs skos-h •l oolssolcde so s T ooo-55o,

o'5"lisp sI'S-lolo Srr o lo , ido00 0,4-s , & x I cet o u mh

tOIrr 1N [TLN --Schr I'oiar *izr--3.LII* ) t,,et of lamabr r to

- sh's olll bso os, S-r.

BIP,(0 hthl--- sor sorulu t s t ',ct of lmbler to order.l

PI 'I :1 " 01 'A--l Sohsr F- ' Iere-5! 'i, o -o ll-4 1 oodsl .


O s'osO0 R '-ohoh1 to-s o ,I--]l hall "I )aan tlb

PoIlt o l sIoI s -- l,9 ,ale c , to Il[}i-r e, 0 . lls 3ils- te- d So lsoIs-l ,loSd -,v I slo .s ,sco- tissl- -- I le , e V .4'lu-59 sl l Is rlos-ssbs-I

s'l-os .,:KL•, t it Oh;,ohoAs-41 bs:,s .,,tso, O oos s'.u1-ace,-

BoI 1 a, arl o. A 'o - Is,, ,- .I-si n , A

i bll osl Ipsll 3hmnl-sr l L-- Is t • u .i0 1.) 5'oL , tI 1 " ol •l t A c- ,o

11t 3! , V a \ , Srm .-I -1 II Gih) .t,• -!J Waher t'ux .re,, i•If 31 e f \ n .-lillll li l-S 111 3 A ! { 1% xldl tli I" ', .t ",-lil-Fr, 4 n444 Ar4)4.4, uL t . r44 .41,4 44 11'1 4444n bbi n ruo'a\M; Q to I'ai A 3 S lour [le u- a. tl- ,lo :111 h r:,i -g- ar

\e J Ifu~li t1~II ,N--46 A Y,. ~,4,) IlI4,, ,,;rr,, 4, 44k 4,,,,,ir,,,4444r{:o1 i, )).4,+44 ., F llrr,, 4,4) 4,,~ u I4 .

II 41., Ii~,,44. t'u' , S fir, -11r, ul. 'ut h": .. J r1u1 l

-il wrtul-lotnl uJ LII)-I al ev cuttIII1 11 1, h,:, ;.tll I:.-14II1*1, 44 4,fll 4, 4)). 4iL~ I1)44,44, 4,,),,',4 .4il 4,, l :(t 111blO

~444.'T ,. 44.II 44F-31--l, 444 T- jWI -35 hh !, n111 4 to

b~rrt1~ -i~ .rrl. r~rl 1,!la t,"ur I Ire ,, .t 11.u ,n Iol -ii,

hhtl`4f ,1", S4 44441,h44 J~I 1 II rtr bo il 4.t , rat:"hr-,,1 ..

I1 kc co-1s 6u-l; t' ll Nroc5, nur ,t.-Il u !,hl L .l I:.C. hl

4 ,h 44, 4I 11-t; 4 1~'I r 4, .4,444 1 4, .4_,,. Ili4, ,.4) 4 4

I1.1 hr i, plik &.lilr,.\e l r ,lr,"~ l , ",Y \\ r llanl t-- lDI III, L I,!!rr l

44)4444444 -li4 llh, 4) u b-- -35 lib41, r .harm

Ilu,,n, A \ rl:I.i,} -;ri hl);+ I7~ur l'lfl iil)-- II iern,,I .L-c =9!I 11)

11 ,nr li Iirnnr i} ,tru-Ihr~hhl., Ifirn: I, ti 11 Krnhrtll .l ~-IIIC

L.I:, nl,!,ie, 1 ,I lur u Jn";t ,r ulc, 1 b CUr.! I) "t J lun .: I'oru -t ll)

.1444,44 4444 4444.)4,4 c,,"~-44,4

"~ +1an lale c ,aekM I. I ltr Illl L rc ll, fial Illl -t L',Ia ui-~

k, 11 4. 1 4,44-44--l 44. r. rh .44 '41)44 I ,,. tr: "rI: ,\ l-410 W ll a l. Ylu ir-- l r:il cnle l b A ru -- Stll hil f 7,n I, A ''b unli n A rI

i - ' l h 1 u, s -I,3il

'"1',r t ll ,t;, I , LL., ~cur r r u. A IlsinnuI llrn-! l o~hll hl--

1 Itf , h~uor r[; Ittlu -r t' \1" :, L-- LLI, otl h- \' :,.u Lrn>.

,4 4444 In,444,4 4,4,4 444444A '444,4,444o +I~h ,54,4 , i;444444 4,,,444444~r F 4,1 4,4).. 4'444 44--fir, 44 hl o4,4 l .

4i -44 IIlNn k r t ;~r,.\,,4t - rlr[, F4'"l,r !A4 4.4 4!',4 L44 ,4 44 44., 4.44 A 1.1 ~K

I44'4~ ~u or, 4,44444 44-4 t4 \.V. 44 -. ,4444 4 '4-4)4,

,lrs -hls. Al-Tlllh-S bNI rolls- H- 3.s-!1. (:iv el s:•,--Whi-tal, Storer-in &co-l h b,hl.. crt tn Ru ax,l 'y o. , &•o-1

sInrsa. NnhlMing .A'11 r11i.-N s-l IIcrN Hor- il. I15515sr-s

INNrN.sehl, r.-IIowes-c---3 1 1 I-INN, IosI .s,.A-.--- -uuN N-hs -

: r'i wlrhell A 0-1 'oc;,lla or I born ak r&,o-- balw eb tou,.

o1331 del-- AAaII .tSco-- l i I.Ni IIStllhllhA., t1&r •

su- rlrx to oIs er---T.hll 3.'.Il5 b ris cothn .

NII'ILOSI.IN --351i Is oII UslllUA-BA2 bls k. .'"cote

B-llos'1. No.blnls &o L.N I s '.t ,kl A le.s.. r--8 Ihs-- cioton Il l K 1st ir lso--I. Pay & Eid.I - INaN d sgNhlr ,o--


NIlks -llo An nee P FMartin I kco--l1 b", hide. Is laett kc.5 --

N I oll Ibatller I I- . -tins I A ti A iilld-l d .suI Nrle II o r.II der-Total

161 bilds cokoail, Ill hhd. ,lgrl.RAILROADS.


Cnlil'o nlcur'r V relrorted ).enrday--WI L bal . cotton FarleyI. cllt.

' .it& --7.I, I.s - al .eis t l :ab - 11 bilea domstl icN s -s Olt

gins. tl K Carter Scn--Total 67 blaex cotton

IOIILF.-.tnN.., SX.Ibn--Noss.I-., to F.rlyy. JA.S-y Ass-F

NEW OIRI.EANN. JACKSRON AND GREAT NORTHERNRAII.IlNAD...FROM CIANTION-Nov ss-114 hIle.- cotonCuter, Harrison ,. c -- lis- blNls cottonI Warren tllmn re ee-17 Ilksner. Stallon A NsWI l".n-7i lyrne, co--2., Allen . o--5 Sill.with,. I|.a.-ls co---25 1 H Abr •c,-- 7 AoN-e, (Oreeuwool---3 (it, Rhtner .4 ligghthxlhaln--!F2dt, Id.RI. Adms Aco-i-97 (irroll. IloIsy re--N--N slrees-ssAmispI-78Tho,rnlhil Fro--180 bril. cotton I Briltns I W Nther--6 J AI B S Ricks Aco--4 bales csatNion N.ln-l lIrrett Aco--I6 IlRbson . Alle.--41 R W E.stlln co--8 S O Nelson coN--7oDnn1aul , ogan•--6 Paittl IIsith t 1l'nutpu--lb bales cotoanPilcher, (ioodriici Aeo--S Johs Watl Aco--I Walker I Snler s

-- 16 Th.. endcrson t Peals----I I'ritrl.rd . FlowerIs-NI doFan. A HArrlon,--NJobu Willis... .o-N9 A H May &o--104Lew!-i OglAby--I1 Smith, ilxrri. colN-I W\set, 'Nsll.- A,-o

-- ' IllIhes, llylste.d .i eA--35I RNrley, Wilon .. o--5 do J ATI,.rnr .ite--211A Walker, HItlinss.n tco--S Masrtn, t'obb Isn-5lso Oiils.,, Smedse Ao-2 d .lJlordanI MImns ,lAilln sI.I--i, doNWord, Flu.t Aco--II Wa.Itt t obir-5• do Harsris A I.avl--,IIId

aisIrdhg, Abils Ay M-.rslie--3 I.ogatr. Flesy t Arsy--s ittoFsIredlnd-r A Ilsson--3 J J P-r.-n .t&o--I Edward Nlle co, NIU t'ls-lhndl lio:hers rts--T do l11hird( SuImmers &co--i lld

nlldrec ib order-Tom{ 1575 Lie cOtltn.

FRoM CAN'ON-Novs 11--42 biler ctt. l Smilh, Harrl..ico--s Patto.nll. 31lo.b A I plssils-- dtl i .tN Fri. le- .-- llosWarrens.. Asco--I Scot a is,--3 b33 scottonCuirsr, 1 arriion &o--1 l0 Harl.S Levi--9 SS pwith, ,tslar'tAeo-Al I5,g,4rt. Foley Avery--Zi Frie.llaler It rSaers--22 tollssle & llrrisoi--6 bisI-.NIoton Is-dIrg, Abilbay A Isorshet

-- ki•s, ls9sr••oa ,Illes- S I- AbN eo--I Jobn Wslit AsI r-- A15 mnlrll\ .l: & t'banmplll-7U Ttorulull Aco--13 J H 11 tlnrhten &-- IINN:iol. isllMows ,keI- do IIelowe AN ---5 aII esl,, coItton-knils, Cob . ct--,•, Isr.ll, FIo yA o--14A Fs wln A - gloNhsy-9 CNle-ian, Iritton .t \sithers--II do . rsue Vane.s A IkIn5bs <h

ISohl.u At Alln--3 13wsilt, Norton co- t5s-I WlkN r s Slir--) BIl -kler. Stlilso1a A Newsla-II-3s IraNl-Ny, Wilson AN.o--13

S- I InAtl'ln~t,•- 36\Ve .t VilA- reledo--5J 'fntukrner &O--If dOs-iinlton1. 31,rirOll bco-- do N Hlld, IhsI ANNN --2AN dt.. h-AI. I

tNillsr---IM 1) ('ooper Aco--, J J lcoN Ae-4-N S iBarrett Aco-5 F i; lsRandoiph AS--and ,msdri.ea It order--TsIsI ES8 balescotlm,,



Ft l IA l.1V1I1PO01.--TII S-I F,\r SAILsh\nl a hnlritan


,-i1, NlOlelh T'lll~Ot (apt. 5rtrry-i nl, havlnle nearly all hr cyrgo elnga•'ed, will tiace. Nilcn Is III.a S l l s Forb tle Uffreigtl. sslytl

nIt 11 fAXTI.:I4. [dJVE.,L k CI 1.

SFOIL LIVIylIP'lOL-TII Ali FAST SAIL.inl• Alnerleln hibp Prallli• Pierce ICapt. Ceach,

i ,,w I a ii |' s-r sb, s sbev p,,r. F•sr reiN,- idaI",t. o J. I'. NIW IISIT.: ISA tl., :' t randeh1 t nrect,

For ls agss s , apI s I t lls h ipt1n u bINo d, paIus t 31. TllS lDt~tlct. _ _ _J

FOR l.IVI IILPOOI.-T1II Al bAMNIRI I.INship l V. F'. S orerIt, CIsI. tI'0lery, i. I


o -IN.-lag roe IIIh , pel Iort. Fsr rsilsl. sp[,ly

J. 1...NIiA I 35 3 'r11 , lI ntT r*.For pNsaeIaF apply to tIhe captl os bUalrd, PN1t Ns L5 i •.t

1] .t rl+.. in

lOIL IIVYFUARPIIOI -TIIE I l IN NRIfltsl ,ttling Alal " ai.•l n .Itl| ll' IC atial iFlntph'e-C,tlgrC' t. Prrtr, , wrce, i 131 tllll -FSor te a(,se I Ir|, lhl

wai ihave dipanleh. F',r :reight u .s N bale c1,s tn in, spply on I.AXTF;ISAT . IINN.l iiA•_l:_


lah,, .l\ln :. ca .i l, A r Uel S, l ,s l f ni. hI . •

buv~fh g l~r !In" pto•I.rt. F'ur f'reie b

t, rItppl3 to

4P WfITNEl A''O., IF IllrSnd-hAt .1eat.

Fo, p cs•$ls-, apply t illh, C Nptlll, 5n b.lI'd, p,.t 3A, Th rd

lDi-tr~cl. !i9


'hI0, Pocarheonrtas. l IIp. \Vo0,0 .lOis, lhaimx nl-Otll ' hIl eI r o tA .tI , ri lu ere- wl- yullk tlllp cb.

F 1or trl .i l of .SIW I I dl41 tl1in, 111.ts 5,.1,9 B:\ \ I'ER: , I,rlV(ELL & O.

, -FOil I, IVEt P)OI-Thill A I ERY FAAT T( •iallhl• llrln ;"llll A lmr [i .cur la ill, I'1t . ' b. W hit,,le.

a ria ,10d lltl(['tl lhl il iI Lve :untdIuLC di.llllp taC: .Fnbt habl",c ,)I fcegb <,l',y to

10'RLi I.IVI':Lt 1,POh--TltS Al FAST , tIi.-t{, ".\a:et ilt.ll J•t .. N. Pnr.i-. ..A8 Capt.I 11 ell,n•low u+ ,elireI'"lr llt- a|+v foi . h'or I'reig:ht, lip

ply to a.I. 1'. \\ 1 ITN F+ z.CI., :" i'arll de'h, t et[a+,r pj alogo, aTi13-l to |be apntyiim ll0 board, Y=l 62, FourthDi• r c. ,,•

II, lt A IV•]I{Pt)01--T FE A FAST IAII.-AI a Cllrn .l l tI Lh Ple llll.•, i'apl. Fll. Ihlton.

'ia li l iw-'.v PI~Itr :ll h-r 1 t',tl'LJ ll•tl~lkt wiill hay7

i l h d t. F ,,,ll il - v .C r l l t .L ,>f , 40 , ". t.m,, - fly t.

... 1 )I'. 1.11 - rPll ler , NI t.

For - stA ,t sp to fn. l II,-,tir 's le-ed, s I

W 11f.4 NNINI -T13 Il-',IN sNA 1iEK15N II N.

513N531 1113

.... 1111 1 IIA I 1. -TUI'I F 31 i. , ..

.pALs-- r 1011 11 F.IAPIr, sc l 1 I AX~rn, N bIT.~

"sl " ls y ll wil ha1ve qNick N d l..-'h.

.I, !. : 'nh l't vb,;l i,.e lilbt ,+ lr . i'tio iln ,i v, , t

;s s N 'risl ., hi-t t ls rcet.

P<," p i-sage appl, t, Fithe c~aptainl el Imard, 1',,b:it ?, T'b5 d I'Ill.I.I O)-'7t tF'AT0F1-•Pi" 0']l1 LIVF:(i'I.( )Oil~l-- A~Ig F1 \?ilT \M:I{-

E~r i~lli -Il-

55T\1A-II RAi~(l)IIS ~l(hiNN re

.fi.e - ip i , elllj o lil'a, tame ++r te, il tea wi l l ,t MI, ngdl• i,,r II,. nl, re port, .. v, fll hoar y qli'a tli"ltc~h, l.'ur

A.19T& ItA 4111 boiea 0t ' apl,)I5 It

,11. .WfIN1V & I-o.,

35- ' rrnldes et r11 o -t.

F ,ro -"n-c Ho a rde t, it•' + ,,p i

•, ,,h b< ad. ,2

all.. 1•.51 It-OO,.- 11rt A1 \NIN VIRN• f,


"a, i. N:" Yor', nill !.r. ssl,l -s prke I p L s .l ,dS- F lll llOi, I ' V t. N' .biI'.,Il . i n, v b llo l t

,h i: bl)ep ,t awl wali Lhan irr,m dliate di-pm cte. Y-or freight

4'rI. blthlk coltsI, isq 1l ;,o'-';a IAXTER, LO\Ii,O I, &t 1'O

fl O IINNA115 11 N "OISI Is-i; AI L I'S111 • ,11 .l Alrl,'ran n h. p Ji t rtv llllln, 'nunll, m a-b,:r,.att.ia<> t la tie part 0c bhue cargo ,+ ,,uged, will I+n,•

imtacii J,t dut.ltc:,, F'<Jr f'

e gl,I of 411' Iadh,• rc,,tui, .pp]) tos.sJsNE1":t C.1., 9[ rnr'er Itls s i.

V ,r pas,.-,•:,arrle , +, . ).,,ob ad '

r•-"- FNOl llliRA FI1tp)llh-Tl - ,1111 sI, Tll ST11

WNPI:fl- NltI,1-lI x I-,

I I II 3 1 5ilil -I~ N Rl( 1 - ~ ~ l~ I-(.11 . 11111,as l t ,IIs c ll. hr., : -- rf hI , , , . ,

t u, + Iufck t iuk k l , li-im ili. F",r re n'iib L r t .

l' , I ut p13i,[JJ i t+Iss.gNll 114A

,,2 F I I tIIF. Illst L \'l:lh. 1' ).


/•I:•-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a f')l ! .ll~'-''l l t "'.' '\til.Iti, ~,•. ', .' ' li ate Pr~lli(t.." I' p.. ... "

a,, V ,u w 1;.II,. 3, b P .II . :lliri .I ,hIIIgI ',:h FIII

T 11'e1',1 \ 1,R ll)0 F, c .1: Co,

FOIL Fir I A)LVlll: 1L11111:I1l Fl: A11 \t: AN dllll(il

` Illti;. 1"• II " leO}{, t I.+d--THE *1 Al i . A llr

• ,~l . lll r t) lllll [ t l enll.d tbll n , rdlltafd, wil m,'A•t wlin

, . ai K 1 •pn t, + Fur r, Il'r n nn

,nil r I'lr

a l t"I: t 1


iri IS XTE S , It\ ELL& ('O

F-I'()[{ ]i.M1ttl.i- E - 'r'il+. Al |, F'\.• S.\I.0N1,

h" ~ e ,t'l -i, v I ,o llhIn,I .•llll'+ rit p n+ i'+ ll. •I • rli

11 ll'l•hl +lrl b'l~t' t'otU'l, npri'b to,:"{ }iAXNTFl, ItLrV ,'Lr, , 41'f

- IO(tt |I.'kVft;11=-TIE \1 F,'AS'T +\[II[NC• att.Hi an Mtp Ketll lleklall, ialpt. M,:rr3 n, n, t,

• ll i u wlo.tnaig. ,,rr,,,+ +d, +,*,p.) F,,r Ir-t~iglhl, nl~piy i,,J. IP. t\Vfl l1 r: l' ,'1 &,'+ ), +5 b: ,rt,m h~.-t,t ..

, nr ,wx•+• !+ nt l pll Iri, , to + th ; poain 4n wll hi, r immedi, '.ate

I ,.ln rt. l. ~l'gI to

61tIK 'O f! IIAkV1111--1lll: Al FASi SAIlI~NG;ler:, lhri. 'k ,hi p N hll X l IIt,

: ,

'l t .n''1 ll<,iI,u 1w I, I.,r s " 1.- pots • , 71 .ut 1 .lL~ t l latvh. Fur

fp~rc:Ki ro e ; bnhtne .ti :tpIgl~py h

It.\X'rER, LOVELL ,It co,n~r ~.m+e h'tving >pll~nd!d i•('omnin ,lalt],lll, +tpy el

I - i, tl ItAV111 -Ft,11,; Al V'EI{/ F'ASIr nla

"i imwI,,uh ntg nd will boat tw nc.di,t 0 di, lmtch+

F Iar b,,n1: r[I l: , i ln lghlt, nppih t, ,"It \STER.2 LnVr:[LJ &t ra.

1 Not pa~t n.•.l ,

La~vin;z ul,•,rp ,•,,d a,"h NIO |lhtl+,, xp!>ph a

i,d,,e ++l rd,,L F.,• t 2. Tbit.ld Ih-tri't. oral .e. 'ii-,•--#IlCff II I.I;]-'f'it I+: .ll 1. 1. ,1S+Ti.i-,•72y l',u r "all ,lll. V'll~ l• "; it II, t.'nnt. 51 e, r3 ;titn. 1•

.. • ,,>, in i1,tliri utr the iillle air" F'oI trreitt ",, U .

.1. ['.W ,)I TN F: ,c t' l). 35 (:i1 uld et ., i ."'.For I)t." fO !:e pl'i} It In,,, ,|,1-I ie+ o li h,)rL '?

r:I#•),' kr"t .hI p Joh

lliiail.))re II, 'dthq a

. I+ the h,+llk ,)+' ier c n, t~g, '•a ,.'I rte , l •o n nr hol 'ud

,,i .- .:with, +Imek ,lil,,•teh+ IFn r nlnlid ,r oP l',tellrl -

iI n v ,oe IIA.- rE R, I,luVEIA, ei,l lyoi ab ,, , n , o a,) l,,. !,,++t 12, 1-1r nl I. h oI . ' ,;It;

, T

i 1 T -,-,vn=

"e .- ,tE. Iltehl •a

F FOR TRIL K"'IE ,-. llE Al V"t All h.IT I

~Akl.hl n }o r Al A .I, IA AA AlIA x ' lli, IAA

H A 111 U H U

'tA K`rt 11111 hdIt.- I' l, At }`\5p AIAIA

4- 'hi T IV I pii + I' ",rr r~1 ei.tep ll. l lV ii fI x; I I'i+'+ llk , 11 t rll 111 Ill

.r"'z H'(1 ft A:V' 1 .1,%.!. i I I'-' I:

~i,,, I,,,,i. ,;,, iA.. LAAIIAIA~lAA IAl :II1II

I,~lA11 lllr 1111 I

Alh ,1,1hlllnit l'"pI'*WIANA. I hilt , h+, nl hir Ill I'll ,i Al

"lAMti . Al'4 IIIIIIJ I\1 .1

Vii ' lO r ,+~ Ih vtl + lxtf i' , ,imet r c

. 1,, .. ,,..,, , .i~tl i d )an+t ."1' l la -n t t.+l


i.. L+ ,,; `, ri, .Al A'hll l , A lu.. 1N\Ai,

'I~ ` ,tore+, i "+ .n l~K or the ,Jra ;or. ave port. I'm niip Il

I A Al vrl .IAIAIAA' fl aI+I't+I.,:35 AA oiAA iAj .I I II MEN-LIllNY All111

F.,r uor , np, laii n IAh I, A, l,,Aou iAA , A l It 0l h


1+llfi ` 11OR iicllr, i X -Tliu : of h l ̀a 8111.iII *i d So 1`+ :`.' Iwrip . tilk mrur t+1" yp! N N 1

(E i .AAAAAAIAAAA AIA. ll- A1. t

bIAu, pAIAIAAIAPAYA1 I A IIII\LA ,IAAl.hip Ilir above I+. II rlld u , F . +e yu Ill- eq utr k

4'. ly BRE11EN.~ ~-n""111 liltt "'V "- ME At11 Ui 911dlPulllYoltJ. . HITNFI` .1",,I



ac .wumd,1at di• at h,. .or onlyy. llv ill alli.rlri

aeolmodtllni S apply to .cpt II o b ll r to.S3 S. 1 J)NE1S A 1(1, 9 1 r'11r6'. FN.


FOR KINGSTON -THE FAST {AIIN1 'IoripigQ acho. er Lal llaSn rapt. Kircoamnd!, hav-ir g plr[ of he caprgo, oen a ll rd, ot qui dis -

pndi a btch uv. For lactine of treiy r, g ppl toS r3t A. F. COtSIKIIAN & IIAl.

ol 1 13 Nrw lIval l l It ll t'!:lton nt. I)

GLASGOW.FO, 4ALANW-IIIS Al FAST SAIL-IAnig nl erinlu ship Anlorlpl, ('apt. (6aTIIl..l ,]o l adIng fur theabve put. Fur 1reight ol 3A )

blise. cotton, apply o,1. P. WHIIITNEY & 0.. 35 Clarundlel . -.

For paaTnI, appy to the aRptNli on tIre•. n6

ROTTERDAM..1 in ' WIf a II T N E E and 611. 19 1.3 I 3 l. -u n

01t H.I7O'I'EiTTDA EI--TII NEW AXl fas t1111h11 Aid ot.'In Ai . l leS Io a d,111111 hed131wllO inxdlift or the* sahoe prtt. 'or leigh~l. apply

to , P WIIi O (G A5 ,nrndel e



Iss I II JNtchsipre

613 ril 5 ,• X n 1d 1 1,{ Sord ll, m e 1+'


- FI1i G"E;NOE -A-THF: At A\tSll \II N Sll llAN lt (IENOA-I'rH ,E Al SARDINIAN StilHIAlII'gtnsl l i 'E I' pt,. V1a30lls, hvf 1 mos. t o il er

S. . I ill mevt with ICk dIpan ch. -ForErtEiEdc.r of1 eir ilght, apply SI to3 en " TlASTFR, IO. l F.l I. . 0 nn O.


iu• ll br rEhi a ll alt a, llt itS.ll o uidin1 ith. or bahlce of r gbi, h ) tly to m ee

O2: I(*AX' 'Eh , LOV .I., ,t ('0.

N OI GC NOA--TIII AtI FAST SAILINGodame Iiu u Mship uphlett•Lam Plark(Y Clayp, N'wck-

o raio , t i now Io ettng tr thl e sove port. For fr lght,

J. P. 1III'f` N Y & CO.( i, trondelet stBvet.For nna., ?e. "•ni 1,, 1 b. c 0nn ,in in h ,xnl. ,ll


. ........ C A I FORI•:x i S ....


To ili on FItIII DAY, 1211 Novemer., lt A. I.I'ARYI NG TIHE tU. S. MAI.LS.

The I.oui>hntn 'rehu-nepee t'ollp,yllly'x m gno!S cent aide- twhl t. nI l rllill, p (

Quunker City.R. W. Shurlt ................... E . , r' 1 llt. , e. r

1 'slknl• in{ ] here with the l ',lll r) t'S,* , TI.'nodNTf'.pj3 f

1i;h N'draught I 'I ' P lm, 1ger N.u tllr t 'ill"1i, lp tbI ',ll ( .coil'lt•> river. ,nil by nIt ":. o els ixd ou \ ,l on:l: from thenleeto Si-llF eirLt•oi1 the Paeifrc Sail BSt11mhlhp (!..Ipll

RTIIIIOUQII TO ?ALIFORNIA IN FIF1116S I) \i :,,or freight or ; -+nge, hnoing• nllperior acromoom, ,tion+ Ior

ollien Eheo It1 . ISIA i t,1 '1UAN1lI 'E 1 .45 HIrmA!e'l L Ir HI t. A

FOR NE) W 17,,IJ - T ,P ll At ,',I, II,,*;I nI .:b llrl ll, Ill y C"'. ' ].iCk h. 1..ll 1 u1 : t~,.:

,I. . f. I.1 . I 119 ' te ,t.,FOR NEW P Oi K-l'lfE Atl FAS 1 AI.- ,1+:1 - Pizarro, !:., .,, N v ,, ,,lir• tl.• IY .,1 wil] have /lt I a F-. r - ',mh t e ot

I re, let ul •ugnr > ad o ht ".• , n olr)[ to,1~u ,I, IIA. ItA 119 'I (6.1 1 n ,)r .1 t.%

1 111133 (It.s : Il l ' o =.

(2~1J~.iY i[,Ht. r i .l'lsll l SI IJ .1 ii•a v , l, PS 11, A I)ELNH AA

;11. I( .ellnth rl, t','r r-,l, l;l, , r.l ,r , I', r;" !-

WF•IQIR.y n Illt '. W I n II ll. ,,' ,

.'O .PF RII .1 D91. 1P 1 1T t A11 9 IA

11', .-i ,4 M lt ,.brk ('nk rolle . lI yllel. 1 •, 1Ell, . ll v 1E3;~ 116 Ih.S! r IAr r , tIut wlll 11 .,1115,

t,I+ n tr day,. F'ur oxlah ee or f rn,,rht of sull", ai,l I,.vl, .">ip:i .o J1. It,\.i D1V9 ,.:.m.,ll CtreC1,t


Lf FOR• ROSTION -- IiE 11 . \ :1 IN -- THII:,"'4 \1 fst .,tl>lllu packrt Ibrk \YeSVtclrl Sen.

. 1 _ q' l V,r, mnstr r, bntv lag u-ou t ,'f hrl , ' tlgrulp*"t,

il 3 r O, 1 .I SU .: !.. A lS'Immo vrS,.

S iVIl{ U()TON -- I: 61,'I,AIt LN15 T11I3 E

I".wi3n11 , Swll I, 1t51c 311k it."6, 1r:• . F-1~1

"-. r , ~u . kvpp ter ,3 1•.i 1 ').11, i t 1,J 0. 9A3 , 1.

63 I't. BOSTON T.1, AI'1l FA. T , l' IN061\.11 1 r•3 'I )"' 31 lOf .Id )1la3lln3,1;i3 , 1. 13.1 -! , r,

<I ) I:uh : )•I wll ,11t3 edpi. ,livpnt.h.BALT3I.1ORE.

. • :l;, s1 ,l,,., n ,gh, pee R Ik,t r-h:,,in, flr l o.l~l h',• "'e • ,otvI:. !•,,r, h llllhn ; I; .,* y a nl he(,l, ,l iengnuJ

:.d ,•I-:o. W. II l",SUN ,t 1'o., 1Z ,,gran ,;!ro'.


FOIL SAVANNAI(--1rr1 F'Alq' ,A,\IIN";-,, , .,,,,,,,, lh 'nihl. ,>t,;•,r tbx!, g Iwitrly uitl he

1'! ]•I:, ' , FAIKlW.11.. "30 Natheuatlreot.


.&Itd NO EML;N1T ot the NEW UtH.2IANS5 Ann M. NVIII,-lt. S. Mail Pltkelct Coml-lly.

In nrrini l z [ho !-1lit• o:" tlri, ktgt* Log;o, I'r the .oni:,g

t onlliirlll,n. with thle nteamer INl ",1[).AR, on Wadn ,leahy,

11 (0 I) D Y SBo•11 F'rnllll|l l ........... - I. (. clark. , ii•tr.heTl)l'anlc ....... ..... . .A. l. lv lI , It r.t..r.

V I, I) N ES D) A Y S lgOnlmr. rte ....................... ft. Yuri., i)3tar.Johol lrn dlltl. ............. t.'hulcb, m,•ntvr.

IBelfnvt.....- ..... .............. 3'. Wo, mar te".l(. R. .V. 1111 ................ T. 11. Newell, t•ter

(:rm llrcth• at llrn ibis withTHE ( REAT SOI'1'I'IRN ROUTE,

TheN Iilallhla nd o|cl •hrlestorrl Rnlh1'onrl oAnld com;lluuua rtmwly ('unlt"cri lblr through E..t Tel'iemre Islid Virgiu)ls, toNEWI, Y onK,

'IlI["A1)D EIS 'I? A,



#~ Expl , i nmi l trsmn leav e metuphis dally 7it; P. 31.,


1111I:!: 1, yini, lINE p' 4i

III, IIAX,,,IS,<I IE P'. M.,Th1e m144 ' eIE [ Il. N. )roil pork,-t, E41tcLr. (l pipili

Wil-iln -1, Nose. Io Eoik,,,ll, , EPERE TEENIA, 31 loN.4\l bnIbin1o l,3d 641 t,l,1,IteI1iver4III,lld~u

\rfla ILIA. Niat er. Ynllcr llru o, nr glnep. SAIEE P.,rp4,:rnn,O Pll 1a,11... .. Il4.1 .tkIbnr IK, k ,.RY l 'U,.1I4.'l nIIo'eI,; P N.

bark. z, I~l will .:lkl freight fo lr nil auding, e n the Pilll) /I-

1" L Lo its iV>Y, at 5 o'clock I'. \ i

lhNeR r1o-, 4IeIIl"I'N1. 1,144 p IcLkt VII,.I Hi.. t',lapit AP. . ,WI. wll leave I'Ni D-abb-11'. lI

[:nnRutk,,bPllEli+n HIN14E.K4UI4IIA,1Iv.

Fr la.NA trl [R, NINIIE p, o k,b'l+nc, 1 I ,

(:,,,,,,1 ,:,,il w;,ra snafu, 1 1 na u111 .Millikon's B-4,bake 7'rn..ien, r :ack', llld/1111 1 kl With II4.444 iiI'54

rl~ is Pont. .Vet-ion. tlnaml La.e ,W' .LinH t n Crarlio", 1: d

oroclrk P. N..bill El l,.ll 'Ri( .I.NI . ti; p t V b. withI144'i.. thesllnlnerr it ,1 NU F, ,nad wili l : Ikrelht for allElanding4 on the

YYreuo river a., h ill up nn n i rr ,, 5~o

Tha mnr,ilircnl i ti. )1i1i pockerlt )\aiIFIIBZ ('apt,T. P44hvlhh, T. I lB. or 14 nn1id[[P4. llN4 ib I[i44i.4 ,li don R usel-, Pont L )lel)n, llxrrn .mar., Redl hirer .,'111(llgl~Fort Adams,, Yaicll,%, Mntolrpnnlll I:luII.Y 4t. 7ncln,,ldV-rntoan ioebrl iVRYSTURD lll tII1 \nnlo i, ,ppl,,dsur 4,1411~ 114.P4,4IE41AY 441 P4

'I ie ,tcnn ,rc NATCHEZ. 7., t ".la at irksha rg withthe rlrnmcrl Iit N4 , anailwil l ak,,fiNl"p fo.11b landingbt thell Yilu.n rnvcr ns Li apa.nI d m aw," ,ea ie odta--ar saetswil lns

!n 11444r [4411144 [... Fint fal, FIII1 ~". .1n hR1r In4.p,, l .1,4"nininevn, B 144i41b4l to d41144 par1 ilp be .4romptly and bnll hLi.IuttrVil...i wa e e1ohl o ll etr. ls

1 ,e .a,. l :),leI irwrriry or I`.,- n rallmniirr, nun, ., ro.*u:ei[illscf P I, nu :44144,o ka N.aIhP4, r c in, :o,111., PIp. 4bathe Ireight paid;l.0 ubr for nn4 k4441, los d.444. Sitp he lalyby the pxasenyera, or rontnlinad ill heir baKaygU.

For fraitht or pnwute npfl: or board, or to

Ifni..l Row A4 (:amendeiet Ir.Jell If T. R. ;i VI7TH. No , Tibiomd-laul ux

IR L 1 lleelppll d uiir Beat, York, :l niton uud Vea:Sa Slolgae, Tripe, and erery!"inK i.i the butcher.

I.K Lma. Barrels end half-barrels of l0bolua Corne Beefpat rp ro aror, fr~or Cnbhnor Family Use, t Stalls Iloa. 1 , 69sod ), OLD FRENCH MARKET, by

M RKgEL A PARSER,N. B.-St~eamboats and 8blpeeoppilrrd wits all kinds of Lire

9 lm-4, noh as fresh m~lob Cowsr, Jdays, 9bost, Figs. Sheep,gotta. Ueeti, Duets, Uhlukam, et. se2F 17

STEAMBOAT DEPARTURES.()111() ItIVIX l. ou SATIU It).DAY, the 211. ins w f, •l 5 . IIq.NFOR J.tOU)ISVIll.l. AND4 I'4)IN1i ~ o i Thfine, lrgnhnr II engxsr tpacktt [remer,

N)N,,44o 4441 . 4)t. 4444 19 ,4t, )4444t 1,444 4.4441 Uln..1 l ,l. )i,,l4,l,, ,)nd 4 ll ntern4 e Ia3ud4

holur lur Lrlirxvlln lilehlrll lll I lc lndilu ladipFor trelght ur l4 •g,,.gu .,9ly o1 buar.4 or Io

L44 1, V4ItA0NAN4 44 O4. A4ent4.n12 :3T l%)derxa atrert

A plan of the cabin can be Been and htamo-rom sectrd by.ppylI g o tthe •:ent•.

L.eave., on SATURDAY. 13th inst., o1 51'. M.a FO4 (/1 CNCIN N A TIT, AI341 1.ON, 1.OIJIIiavhled Ia1d all h)ltermelll4 t li4.dht4 --- l'4e 4r4

Ixr p4. 4en4r i7kel h)r4m4r A. (). TyNlor.

1). (dller, master, will leave -W -bove. For rright yr i-sag,

apply on board. EDWARI)i I N 4Zl,

Adve .rti.,q Agentx.


_Leaves 01o C ATIfRD+.\ 1', llhhl t t.. t4)P 1I.

LREGUAlt SI' LOUIS PACKIN4T-- T1. lhle rerguixr pnxascll3r ptcke 9 )atnr l4Nlellil n1 I 0.spr .). c INI'l e lle", will lea l

fbr ile ,hove anrl all lutnnlediarl le lending,. ,'r Ireight or

p7) ,gc, apply oil bunrd or toB14I., BU1HANN A CO,& Ag1nt4.

Lm _ __ _ l, ydFrxx t ret

ILonv on 4 AT 4111H 4 \, the. 3 1. lh i4,4 .44 P. 41.I1liUILiLAB ST. LOUIS PA(;KET.

| •~TTh ti ui. revtulnr pxluellger pnlrko[ 'Itellorn Sl.NNlsulas ,)) [.l o ll. I lul4)), Iu41.ter, Ix nll Ih

)qrp ;,:l ! well Irvrv, fi'r t, ilnl; v, 1`x1. l r)), 4 n.4 all d et ll Inter

4r1nl Ite hludi4g) 4 1 ,7 ove. 4 e.1 f)l) lght or ).la4'l.E 4 .pply on

bo4rd. EI,1AiD, A 11.'4,

S4 The St. N, ill t ,ke freight for 4I), til l ,

I:l) lI toteiau~l all Illhrnnvdlatt landiTvs n) tihe Olhlo rivlt, with ri•v Illq,:u


re 4)1ppi )g nn ) I )gh draught bo 4ts )o 1i)4),

,etnr , on ' SA''I'D H 1 Y. 131: ii:. 4 lnl . 4))5 I'. •1.RIEGULTAR ST'I'. LOUI• AI'KET

1~l~~~'l'ie hlm eregllhu pa.S:ncler l~tixu:et Hllln

tli,. ),plu 'l ilhu4 d i1. W l4 , will lea4 4 ,

h4 11. 1) , +I e1lll. - e e Jnl. ding,. For freI)ght )r ptnna.z. ipply il bohnrd. <w to

44ELl., 1BU)lANAN A A 0., Age40 s.,IT : ny 'ovlll, st reet.

L.esves on M. NIL.\Y. the 511h int., 1t 12 1.' H (UI. GUL4II STI. LOUIS PACKET.--

Thel 171` h,+ rLgnlxlr pU..rtgCr packet alexm" 'I'. 1. Trleltehll C l.:xp. 441 4L e:,un4

wnl leave ua .))ovU for ht. IOl. i, un x1 tl llli )?+Ld lte liillo -For freight or paiage npply urn b ad, or t,JIELI, BSU'lII ANAN A C"O.,

413 t11'oy rtn l'r4t4) .

LOWER MISSISSLPPI.I444ua o4l 4 ATU RD.4AY, 1:,11 inlt, 4 t 5 1'. 5.

ed .te: Indiig-T epopullfra I-n the Ilulc'"I.4~ FOIILDh11IPIIISABND 31.1) 4449)IlolNo11be, 4. 1. Itl4t44m4 , 4.44), lhirl.

1.t4 1u44 4lo)44 ghl4y r44)444,l 4nd relht:44 , will h)1 )l4 + xx i)'I4.4 34. lilt,44 N, pu3,4 4. (44' llv i 1. "e, 11)k1,, '-h 9l , W4o)thhli,qIg"n' 1',."ul A hllloli I'chlele'n Point, I~nkr , - We, ~ iqC

aud .1t dtilerri:' ltnd. For f el0-h ou Irllxagt+ appl+ ,m board.EDUWARD T.+ k D NTZF, L,

4ll A4vt lllin4 Ag4ilit'.

b.rav- 4every AI.'49.NAT. 4ATUII4AV, at 1'. M.

nd1 .11:MP4I41 p74)4eger p4)ket C4UI.tTAW'1 I .plen1 ld 4 id f4 t r1t4i4 g 4il4t) ngeh r 4t.'in:-.

C•hot", Ar, I4pt9all I). 44ally. , W4 l)eave Cr 1 ,en4i4l4 .4I4h,a, N,,)4ol . l,4 ell'4 4 ,, I.i;4, 4'Ll llu g).,n, Pohnt Wor444,)4.1t). Lke , P1r,v.44.lle, Milli1ken'.-rd 14),4,4) r4 , 444 ,et..-, 4 li 4llh 4er dl4l4 4 nrlllng ht in bh4 end, 4 an14 4e4,. )'"'l fight or palL xalig ppldy ou I anrd, Or ,

b4,],., 4U4;H14ANA4 & '1,, Al4ent4.3 7 Ynldia tr'ltrt

4,4encvr) SA.TI'ItL .Y', t 5 o'rlo) k I'. ) i.'1'Blt St'I.E)4I'I) 414'A4•IEI (.h0111",

1 - 'f! . A eilortlb,, [Ila'"'' lie/ the plnTl c tii~

st11 044er Bell, ',) 4, ll , 14,mr lce I,,r rer'Inr Ir,p s . almve, leer ng Ne INrienl le, ly Sathrdny .re

hll+•, +t ) 'clrk I

), 31,, for lh;:nald~nn elfr dt y- B uot (ii a,x

4L, ,,l, 4llllll 4.Il )4 , 1t U.), I',tt t)tl 144 , \44. tl'O) , 4 bi4v.))glrl. Polnte I'll tee. luruanzlx, Tu J . -If Wi pb n dp ;.K .,r Latru llv. F'rt Ad xtll• ;otdlld i n[ I i utcm dhie anl+ ;.

I'":.Ir' iri= wall Ileve Ia)'ou Sara every \Vedle•xdxy onritle in -14l.44'tl.441ucl)r 4 4f4l4i . 7or 44'rrig4ht4 r pl44 4,)g1pp'y, d uir wo



F 14 Ii,42o1314h ere0 , N. OI.4 '4'-t) • y,) 4II4.N\ . -15P 31.. , d 'I1t .U\Y t 11) A\i

14A ltj) I.ANIt 4.4I[-WE4D'1K49A'['AK4)!.l~i vlng BYI;I); IOSI).IY Y lld FI(II)AY--i lir I.,1. , lrll'a Srule . S r1, gI he:II I 1.1tndilq It.t)lli

l•,J,, ..+ i" ,l:ll n r~i R+:d

i +. t;:,nnt--'tlht. i, ,, r atranlu r

,14'1t 4lig. , I,' o ' t. Kirk, 41a•4)444 , rn ,'l4 r!) 4LI1' ',I(II+•) t' i'adt


lltllllF it(+

1 ~l,L.lil. ]+'•+lll Sew Itlle.++un: E t1v( . ,DA" a levn }' w .%1. al+,t

F.. e:v FRII) A ', at lO A. M.x11 I,-xt~l, c•l a r .Sp l,+li+,1 lxan~lhn ,,•ery 'ltur "o,.StI,•llllrll+e uli ~ltrrl'l•+ ,o+ ,+ l iw i], tl! (ilT) T JT. g ,

It. Sn111n+1 ",y \ ,ln, ; nl, i ,hrl nhl t], rw Ib+" 1 h):. l hl ayliKdh

:-ll-s inI i . , , Ix t :• rey ,,: thr, hu' tunhtr ,or t.,rI g ,, , ,,. iJ':'l'l ""~l t'ill tL1''"' .I <'

il 'Prl w~ i r. ,'ell l i.e ~ t-++I tt;l, ,Fur Irtnghrt , r<'

n:ply nn lJ(,ard,

+r I, "



71N F. If4414.44').

i,.............,,....,,,.. ..... ,

fi ~ :I1 It:•e+, ;!,~" St. t'll t, Cl % Ifotd.

Luv..a on +)1U I)N D)A \', N v., 1',, n[ 5 ,)'clock P

I•! P1I S ANi D N'.99 ORLPEA&

P,: 4444)4 54'N44'44k4,pl~ndal4h114

7h pI, nd i~l .te.,u,r,, "r nx nlrls l A. $. T

, . li,. ,l, Ilr tl.Jnu,,',u t i, I Ie, .`+ " ' l , ht ,

bmio ugI

I ilt.'J.,:r, r"7 ,n" , ,r,,,l vll li Il~kl )11 11 for rl e 511:1/1 1.

p,l,,t-,n~ , ,I iLy -,n It,on: - , ur t") .. Il, F'It E;I.IIi H .4t'4 4 4+1,),1 the4 St.4"l 4nr4 1 ) 4 tel44

( p ;,r "T .: i,+..eou n ,t,. I N.rl,,h.t,n with; r,.'-.,,.r paeketa

, i, I .1,4 . ln, ) , ) 4. 44.til ,i 5lr . w44 Up '

111:1 1'5444Il9,l'QLJ 'vef

p g'l'; , :, Li " n e llu :w ill ililr: r l: ir "un

, .~vr~unl~'l.,...,.,,d i i~:l~l irI"k P. h..

f S tE A , I tI4" )PU 4 4L4IC,4, F'ID ""444414' .44.944

I"' 4,1)11 t I.41R4 .11'111" PA IK ET.)4

I+,,, I : ,.".I" ,i . ., ant e' Hl eptlb/lo ap J'.

Frl" SI.h l eI~ INr' 1NN4I4, dr 4 1 n , 4'. . .

t. J, , r l,, .h I;, ,. ,A. , w ",r, ..... t -,,:k bu

rg. for •

Lt or I -, .:,:. appy ,n 1149, ,)l., t 4 4 '

444 I I' l. 4,)t''.\ N.0 ) .1`U ,

l.e vtr •(, i't'E \, tl :t. Ii' S',. ., M ._ '4[1( I N, .1l l• AN4 01 Iii 444 , END+S4I [[, -i,l++'nld )n~l ht" Iv pui<,.Tngrr par+ka[ -lamer

444ellp H1ar ry l .'l L ) I) .' l)' r 4 4 h.v4

'", "'` " Xt,,+ t, r t;l,; . li ,+tin , iL , (i.....n+ file, Ilmkel1t\'i'r iiff,ou i., Pl:,ill \Vt,tilu,='t I,+, Lak,' 1' . ,d." r, c +M ,: Ik,'II;,'lld \'irkMllnr>, Nu, .iiv ,/ a fl all landtilg ,:, the lfepd. tot

h F4'' 41:. 44n444e4)•q ."p ) o 4",.1 4) . ,,1(14N. i l:1, 1'1 \ .N 1.iN;1,td:3 .:3 l',,•, ri m~cet

!+iY' +1•; i, , "<li) e nure",t•a a,.

u , n .t the e regultrf :r:,r t,,r W111h( x",.,; .\ knt, ,s ri rr, ,, at )irtmplia r ich

t,r, ,, r i~ xr m krl. t, r r.<., ,, +:)i .-,,t s, L~ou,

-- e~vevrun WEr1:''INE<! I'., "nh,,".llr 17,."15 P.)1.TIp, s.II• |Ills %N~t :.FitWOR~L

-, ], ,t1.':,. -' . S y!:, L ,. P tkrt fn~r \I -td .ndi tl~e Ii,,.,•l---Tl. ,+ .n n ,,u p,l ,,ket

.. r liillnln rl .

, 1"n,lirtl I:. 1',i w;l I- i,ol,] tol.

F""' 1 •t* n; 11:tn i r F ~ le . ~ inr l nl s .tze , t,,d t

,riou ,.J. I1 .F';it ",h+tiu r`

TL[•llrlo eo~i nlw •t• a ir ,,,l.•l,-, nth l;,-lexl.r t

;. ,< I .u,Il m .. nn rrx Nn; rtr t[

i .e•nven rvr+ry \V•a fin l", \1i", nt 1" .\l "'I'1., r+n~t i". ir:,I un;,' q

H- I F~l Il'i.:A R W DEI)'Ail]Ni)Ay

% • II1• 1 t l

F:. F' (r( ,n. n,rtt r ( Fort A~d na,ll, nl) .tn r," t }h v u: ,la P,)rt Ir,+ , , rl r,alI, g+, F)) la+n

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1171, Cal. Yi I , T i. F we ll, wil. her b -,.llli

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F F IFT ." IWooer ,, r :t. j.IF l

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th Vkn", +~ 'n , F,,,,, ,, FT ,,, ni F ik rie~T p vrkr, , Ian ,t. Laul, rIF l IFFF, I Niii! rF ()1I PE1,0UHA3

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:j:; Aelhirlslp) livcr. F'ur f'n irur or jrraage, JpP1 ., d

J. \1, JOHNST.ON k . ti. Frout

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n12 _ _ rmAlsor y i m ilju io llru icalh

Ihtnn t. p . : nrl c ,,\rcnrrl i, nrbur's . and aCoeeh ll a irue oits, t Ixn. Urr lr Bed

nrkr Bt li \V Adn anarr, I anml1: (uh, rkeis.r, li

: (I ~r, r by mach ao h. R Ir .n ct m fY 1 fief. t; l l

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onx; xo lutha Bntl, Cu , xudo I oher timmin Y, '>rg