new orleans republican. · arid lalliug one ou jane 1, 18tc. and each month reut’iiofes. drawn hv...

NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN. SINGLE COPIES: FIVE CENTS. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. TERMS! $12 00 FEB ANNUM. VOLUME VII—NO. 2 . NEW ORLEANS, FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1873. WHOLE NUMBER 1843. AMUSEMENTS. T M iU im ii* THEATRE. ♦ -vend Comedy H ■•DAT—MONEY. TUESDAY—THE WOKDER. WEDNESDAY" MATINEE—HOWS WEDNESDAY EVENING—DAMON AND p\T H lA s. T hursdaythe wonder . *K1DAY—HOME. S aturday matineb money. SATURDAY EVTCNING—Benefitot W title Svjmou* RING OF THE COMMONS. •’.awrence Barrett will appeaf everj'evening and M ondn; April H . BENEFIT OF JOHN W. NORTON L .W? Y AHI I.T1KS 'I'll EATKK. HARRY PEARSON'S BENEFIT Meduesdny Errning, April 16 , Isl t. . office open fjr sale of Ticket* TO DAY, Tb, April 10, and every following day. <H>!0 IS A t A Oh. 11 Y O p M U S IC . .'ioririny, April t, tSTU. NEW STARS—NEW ACTS. * ref time in this citv of a new local, by • wetl Ynown author, founded on actual facta, ia- Jnod.icing several known characters, entitled Tim Dri'sninnkrrS ot C hbaI Hrreet. p rat appe al ance of the most talented protean •rt et and vocalist in The entire profession, Miss RCaNCHK SEI.WYN, who will appear iu he. eele- fe-wlKi portraiture of the L ondon »wisM.». y..,t sight of tile burlesque, as performed *n the * ti el Condon for 100 consecutive eights, entitled JAt’5 fltlEPPABD. changn of ono. presenting a<» Scmgs p en .an d Sketnhew lit and Variety Matinee SalutaaV peon. In active preparation, and will shortly he pro* duoed. UAVANAOH N RFH KARSAI, and tlirt great iuriesq re. MASONRY EXPOSED. _ »P« J J . t tiAllLKN f II KA i'ltC r ESN .................................................. Proprietor II,EX. FITZGERALD.......................... .. Manager l.nvf WcrU of I lie Dramatic Mpatod. Farewell Benefit of MISS I.KU HUDSON. ' And her trained sUaxf, BLACK BhS#, FriilsV Evening, April It. iSTl. JACK AM* m.W!*TKKI>. fa. k Sheppard............................................ leo Hudson p.s steed. .................................................... Black Bess To conclude with Engle lire, or Abe Scout of the Prairie. .........................................................................heo Hndson Jltahantus' steed ........................................ Black Bess .Saturday—Last Leo Hudson Matinee. Doors open at a quarter to seven. Overture to tommence at a quarter to eight. „pll P. GLEASON, Treasurer. «t|lK CKAM* ANNUAL A M iUlDlCATi FKSTtVAT,. To be £iren by the fraternity of rfn* I niled Anrivnl Order' of f>rni«l*, (advr '.be auspices or the Ora- <J <*rove of Lou bi* iana, at the f.'r LAOIlAlSB GROUND. NIXTIf DISTRICT. Bn Sundii7», atlny I and 11. T*.e arrange men r a this year are such as to flat* sfv the most fastidious, no expenses having been oared. Amusement for young and old The {cheat games ;ne selected, and to ail valuable (rues will be distributed. Admission, fifty Cents? Children Free. For particulars see piogatnme*. Committee of Airangeimuts-Valentin Fnctia, lust ..e Drewes, John Reich, apll lin NuTe In LOST........ ..... REWARD ---- COST OR STOLEN. -*C *" * from the Bank of America. » TIN BOX, No. Ml. co u taming the following described papers. Iowa Several fat tecelpfs of I*. Dnfftna. Instirauce policies iu favor of Mrs. f.efaure, Mrs. Sous,in.rt, anil heirs of Cailiavet. .... Ki«e Certificates of Caroudelet Uau-u Navigation Company stock in favor of K Ltfaure. Hive -fiares *4 Abors stock iu la^oc or IieJ-r* of ^aillavefc . . , . . , Three note*, seen red by ir.ortgoge. ariiv. n f»\ CoroiUHgere A Lambert a>id imioised bv them foi £> T V) t-ac Iv dated December l4, 1873* and payable m 4Ptie two and three year*?. ih.i* certificate of s’oek of ten shares of(«er. «ian;a fusurauce Company, No. 2t>, lu favor ot L. fhirawd. . . * * * On** note for one year, dated January •>. r • >, drttvFO by C’h. Degueibiy m favor of Mrs. Lefaure. r« of notes, drawn by O. Monle. for $175 each, arid lalliug one ou Jane 1, 18TC. and each month reut’iiofes. drawn hv Mr. F. Fchexnaildcr, payable to his own order and b\* him indorsed, tor each, falling duo utt the first otJime, *•, and ■a*»-’h mouth after. Hour rent notes, drawn bv Dante! Bind* rick. pay. ,• . to his own order, for each, payable on the Inst of April. At 7^. and first of each month ^Sild i- refa* soplea of title deeds of property, tax *The pui»l.r*«r«* hereby ran Honed not to negotiate +>r the ebovf described papers, payment of the •ama having been stopp' d. . ,. Th. above r» ward will he paid on delivery o! *he V * and papers to th© Bank ot Anmnc*.orto fom« r of Toulouse and Chartres streets. •- h * hI in FOR RENT. kKI Wl'lOKE ItKSI KKM K KOU HEAT • ii yo- Sahv—That desirable house in ocean uh Mississippi, lormeily ihe residence ot -aiti* loHcph W.-iUer, containing parlor three ■oc*ni- two cabinets, dining room, breaktast i undone finished attic room, with a hand- »• garden and shrubbery, and large grounds ;* the house- Ilouto completely fur- cd throughout. Apply ^ M HKNfnsG> ,r» 1 m ______No. 75 L >nu> s t ie e t. M l K h N T - T H v T PL KAN AN 1LV .>1 t t.V lh fi raisid UotlHge.No. 132 St eu Annum iation and Ctiippcwa streets, con- ing parlor, three bedrooms, dining room and ions kriliiH. Tlie Bleeping rooms, on ilie lv ode of the bouse, are delightfully cool uud urpasHe.1 for summer comfort. Large paved i two cisterns, .lowers ami shrubbery. Kent ihe first o. October. $>35 per month, and month c tier llial time. Posseeston given on first or fifteenth of May. Apply ou the pretu- ap;t2w It R E N T O K K A l.Ii.—A NEW RAISED rot t a sc iu the Six I it District, on State str. et, on St, Uliarlosaml St, Patrick streets. Ihe ■ lias a! 1 modern improvements. I i cgrounds *h“ nt " e . b f 178 feel ,a depth Terms nablo for cither rent or sale. Apply the rot Ststo and St. Charles Btwts orat the 5 of Conti aud Royal streets, to l. L. • *'»R. i F O R UKNT AND K lK M Tl Ith tor sale. —A comtortabl© two-6torv hout*c. violated out’amp street, with everythuiR etc fm housekeeping. a"d,ali ,tnLM"d» tiearlv new, will be sold in block to a pur r for ins own use. The establishment is com t, all departments, having beeu eelectt d by u tr f >r use. Will be sold on account of bac Furniture dealers and vendors need not Address HOUSE, at this othce._______ J84 KNT—ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT i; suites or single. Also, a few da) ikeu. Apply at No. 217 Camp street, nea) NEW STORY. i p;w NOV BL. AT VST THE WORLD: I wtory of Southern Lib*. I. R. HADKRMANH, author of ' Dead i's Shoes” and 'Forgiven at Last.” • Is in'eniously conceived, and is devel- caiefiii re; rence to dramatic effect. the third of Miss Hadennanus nove s . g’ad lo be able to pronounce It the best be most premising female novelist that can uoast —t Literary World, lime, cloth. 7J4 pages; FI 50. by JAMES A. GRESHAM, New Orleans STOLEN. —v ROM TBK DOMICILK 1>K THb Mgued, ab »ut a vear *g*>, tb** following •otcn, >i/.t A note *»f L mis Laiunicr u:i i’lojcl stre-t). dattd M*y 1L *ih i-*«• y» a ra fr* m May 17, 18*3, t e r ^ 100; V. (propiriyon Port and Lrvct* d V'i 'i* 30, 1871, de m one i S**pl* .-brr 30. 1373, tor $ 1000; » note . d. « i >* jteoib*‘r 30 1871, pa.Nable^in •u*in( . i* fr* m Ai il 2, 1873. for l-iim ■>-, payable April W. 1873, for i i.otc of John Paslcy, payable » «© . 2 3o. tad a number of oth*r not*”. . not b« now described. The public i» itiii* : not -o m-gotiate said note*, ana *rb ai.d ind users are not fled not to pay wa^oui U*c iian#cat of Us uadsrsigneo. LOTTERIES. ______ $.300,000.2 MISSOURI STATE LOTTERY. fjf'gnlizcd by Ktate Authority unci Drawn In Public In St» l,oui«. t llAXO SINGLE NUMBER fiCHKMK. SO.OOO CLAM U. T<> RK DRAW* iPRlL* W , 1373. j VMI l'ri/y*, .^mouniiog to % . 300 , 000 . 1 prize o f ....... ..$.vjnno 500 prizes of....... .. *'00 1 prize of ....... .. 13.4W) 9 prizes of....... .. 1900 i prize o t ....... .. 9 prizes of....... .. 5iK) 1 prize of ....... .. 7 500 9 prizes of....... .. TOO 4 prizes ot ....... .* 5,000 9 prizes of ....... .. 250 4 prises of....... .. 2.500 .76 prizes o f ..... 20 prizes ot ....... .. 1,000 76 prizes of ....... .. 150 zD pri zes o l ....... 500 180 prizes of ....... .. 100 40 prizes ot ....... 250 5000 prizes of........ 10 Tickets &10 Half tickets $5. Quarters $2 IW j. Our lotteries are chartered by the Mate, are always drawn at the time named, ana all draw- ings are under the supervision of sworn commis- sioners. The official drawing will be published in the flt. Louis papers, and a copy of th* drawing sent to purchasers of tickets. We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during the year 1873. Remit by postoffice money orders, registered letter, draft or express, bend for a eircular. Address MURRAY, MILLER 1 CO . Postoffice bo x 2446, fit. Louis, Missouri ap!0eod Wly lyittMU** wt. vtk luttkkv IfltlBIM TIO N PLAN. DKAWS DAILY. CAPITA!. PIUZB* S0OOO. fl.VlXXN, - •4 600. Ail ordetw aooa'nl be »>VlcMaeil f a the MafiAgvr'a oCBce. ftornef o? 9F Charlq. mod Dn'.oa streets, NeF GrienuA TICK.UTS ONT.V ONE 0 t»LLAK{ F ta rs, !o Projvort! no. Sent to pay tkt-lress on receipt of the pc.ce of t i c k e t , o r £e»e<ri«i'«. THE FOL 1 CV l*LAV Drax^ n daily BHWAKEOF UUCP* LOTTERIES. de24 ly _____ ^RAWING OF TUH LOUISIANA ATATB LOTTERY FOR APRIL 1 0 , 1 8 7 3 . CLASS H 5 . 1 2 3 J 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j 13 M 72 27 43 I 40 36 | 67 14 13 12 42 21 2 I — The above drawings are published in the prin- cipal papers, aud are drawn in public daily at tho rooms of the company. Witness our hands at New Orleans, Louisiana, this tenth day ot April, 1373. H. PERALTA. ADAM GIFFKft, Commissioners. BKWARK OF BOGUS LOTTERIES. at>22 CONSTABLES' SALE& Jnmrn J. O’Hara vs. n Certain Lor of Ground, situated on St. Louis street—Second Justice Court for tho Parish of Orleans, No. 3346. B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to rae directed by the Hon W. L. Evans, Sec- ond Justice of the Peace iu and for the parish of Orleans, in ttie above numbered and entitled suit, I will proceed to sell at public, auction, at the Merchants aud Auctioneers’ Kxchauge. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, on TUESDAY, April 22, 1873, ai twelve o’clock M.— A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, designated as No. 13, situated in the Second District of New Orleans, in the square No. f>9, bounded by St. Louis, Ptieur, Roman streets and Caroudelet walk, as per plan of Louis Pilie, dated March 1, 1840, and deposi.ed in the office of McCay, late a notary public in this eitv. .-aid lot measures 27 feet, more or less, on St. Louis steet, by a depth of 110 feet between par ailel lines. Seixed in the above numbered aud entitled salt. Terms—Cash on the spot in United States treas- urv notes. mli23 ap5 19 22 JOnN MoCORMICK, Constable. Fred llauton vs. The Combination Pro- pelling Company, Alex. Ha.v, President—First Justice Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 142 B Y VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the Hon. W. T. Houston, First Justice of the Peace in and for the parish of Orleans, I will proceed to sell at public auction.’ on WEDNESDAY, April 16.1873, at twelve o’clock M . on the corner ot Caronrtelet aud Eighth streets, the following described propertv, to wit— ONE RAILROAD CAR. This Jpresent sale will be on a twelve months' credit, the propertv having on the first sale Dot brought a sufficient amount upon the appraise- ment to authorize adjudication. Terms—Cost of suit cash, the remainder upon a twelve months' bond, with solvent .ecurity. ai>6 11 16 JOHN HURLEY. Couetable. il. Pluard v». Aire. *lr>uii-r-Ttaird Jus - tice Court for the Parish of Orieai s, No. 375. I FY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO > me directed bv the Hou. John L. Laresobe, Third Justice of the Peace fortho parish of Orleans, I Will proceed to sell at public auction at my warehouse No. 85 Bienville alm -t, cn MONDAY. April 2t, 1873. at twelve o'e’locil »L, tlis JollQAUig * LOT OF FURNITURE. Seized in the above cause. . Terms—Cash ic Unri-d st ,ti s treasury i:o*es. apll) I.' 20 WILLIAM Et. .S. Constah a. W idow l-araarre v I n m r e Elkin—Third Ju^tir© toz tlio P^nBi. c tt i>rl;f©us, 4*6. B y virtue of a writ of fieri fauna* 1 . me directed by the Hon John L Lare-ch*. Thir»i Ins'i^r of tLe Peace in -ind far he pvri ux «> Orleans l ‘wiU proceed t <- sell st rubiic auction n \ MON LAY April 14. IRT?, a t tw elv e o c lo c s u my waiebouMi Ne. 85 Bie»7"Uje straot, U-6 ‘‘ o N a ' ^ ^ F H O C S K H O L t l FURNITURE. Seiz.d in the shove suit. £ 7 . W0* * *“ ^W lSuA JI B0All. CvMAsWd. CAR MANNERS. Criticisms on occasional instance* of ill manners «n the part of passengers in the street cars have generally dwelt too much upon gfoss ill breeding, such a* spitting upon the floor, crossing tbe legs, sitting so as to take up too much room, receiving courtesy without thanks, etc. There are, however, other kinds of ill manners not less offensive to sensitive people, which have not as yet been alluded to; such as loud- toned, egotistic conversation, and that offi- cious sociability which calls one by name and asks improper questions. Such ill- judged amiability from passing acquain ' tancas often causes more annoyance than the unbridled selfishness of mere strangers, and calls to mind the hackneyed, because too often applicable, quotation, “I can pro- tect myself from m.v enemies, but the Lord defend me from my friends.'’ It is very unpleasant, for instance, for a modest man to be unwillingly introduced to a whole car fall of people by such an exclamation as the following: “ Good morning. Mr. Simkins; bad weather, this, for bunions. Mrs. Simpkins recovered y e tf by which every one's at- tention is attracted to the dilapidated con- dition of Mr. Simkins' pedal extremities, and to the fact of his recent paternity. Or this; “ Fine day, Mr. Jones; money mar- ket pretty tight!’’ rousing poor Jones from a brown etudy in which he is wondering how great a shave he will have to submit to on gome paper in his possession in order to raise an indispensable sum. It is altogether inexcusable to address any one by name in the street oars, or any other public conveyance where people are so close together that each is likely to bear every word said. Equally out of place are disputes about politics, discussions on doc- trinal points of religion, personal anecdotes wherein names are mentioned (except those of public men), and long stories about one's own doings, sayings, opinioug, and ex- pectations. We have seen a very polite man hesitate before ringing the bell when he had reached his point of destination, because by doing so he must cut short a story in which his fellow passenger was en- gaged for his special benefit. To ladies this species of mistaken cordiality is fre- quently very embarrassing. We remember such an occasion, noticing the expression of a lady's face, on being addressed by name in a loud voice from the opposite side of the car. It 6poke volumes of reproof, as did the curt manner and dry tone in which she responded to her elephantine-skinned questioner. We regret to say that sin* against good taste of the sort alluded to are by no means confined to our ruder sex. Women, well dressed and of refined appearance, are guilty of them every day. Not long since, in one of the i’rytania street cars, a fair faoed, golden-ringleted, blue-oyeil little lady, elegantly and modestly attired, took her seat in a tolerabiy full car immediately opposite to us. As we were engaged in fur- tively admiring her pretty aud piquant face tbe rosy lips opened, and from them issued, in a gruff tone, the words, “Move up, can't you; I don't like to be squeezed so;” which elicited a half-suppressed titter from some irreverent lads in her vicinity, but caused an immediate movement along the whole line. Nobody felt disposed to squeeze that lady—in a street car. Getting room enough, or at least if not enough, more than her share, she imme- diately settled her flounces and resumed her equanimity. This is perhaps an ex- treme case; but nobody can ride much in the street cars without learning that line feathers do not make fine birds, nor broad cloth always accompany good breeding. Wo might mention opposite cases; in- stances of beautiful deference to the com- fort of others, of modest courtesy ; but this is needless, as, on tho whole, good breeding is the rule in our street cars, and by its prevalence makes its opposite tho moro ot- fensive. Texas Coal. The press of the South that is not steeped in the bitter gall of politics performs its duty cheerlully in reporting the progress of the developments of our material resources. Louisiana has developments of salt and sulphur, which must ultimately become valuable to the whole State. Texas has immense resources, as yet undeveloped. Among these resources is a coal mine, near Calvert, in Robertson county, on the line of the Texas Central railway, about 120 miles above Houston, capable of supplying the entire State with coal. Tbe purchaser ol' this mine, Mr. Dennis Cronan, Jr., of this city, brought over about fifteen barrels of this coal, which bears a strong resemblance to the English cannel. It was taken from the surface, has been washed by the Brazos river, and has a more dull and leaden hue than it would otherwise possess. Yesterday, at the iron foundry of Mr. George Cronan, near the Jackson railroad passenger depot, the experiment o f'’firing up” with this coal was made. It worked the forty horse power engine and the im raense machinery there as though it was playing with a toy. In fifteen minutes thirty pounds of steam was raised, such was the heat produced by this Texas fuel. It burns without melting, anil consumes so closely that no cinders are left. The en- gineer estimates that it is so far superior to Pittsburg coal that seven barrels a day of the Texas will run an engine that requires twelve barrels of the Pittsburg. The first experiment on a large scale, made yester- day, demonstrates that the Texas coal is capable of producing all the power required to run a steam engine, whether statiouary or a locomotive, and that it is more econ- omical and can be burned with less trouble than Pittsburg coal, because the latter re- quires the frequent use of a poker to sepa- rate the cemented masses, while the formi r does not clog the grate, and burns freely to ashes. The Texas coal burns with little smoke, and has white ashes. It is always a pleasure to record the suc- cess of any Southern enterprise, bscac-e individual success adds to the geuer.,1 prosperity, and it is especially gratifying to know that tho Texas pr?34 has not over- estimated the value of the coal ntuea or. the Herndon plantation, in Calvert, Rou- erteon county. In Milan, the adjoining county, theru are supposed to be l*- ;e si.d valuable deposits ot iron ore. Bat, whether this be triK or not, tha fact exiute that one vein of the coal is eight miles long and half a mile in width, with a sufficient deposit of coal to snppiy the State, where the cost of Putsburg cowl is euomeas. TROUBLES IN GRANT PARISH MU. CALHOUN SAFE IN ALEXANDRIA FIGHTING at COLFAX JVDGE CAZABAT WOUNDED THE KILLED AND WOUNDED ALL QUIET AT LAST ACCOUNTS Within the past twenty-four hours many exciting rumors have prevailed touching affairs in the parish of Grant. Tho latest information we have been able to obtain, however, which we receive from a gentlemen who arrived on the 6t«amer B. L. Hodge, at about half-past eight o'clock last evening, indicate* the safety of Mr. Calhoun, who was at the Ice House Hotel, at Alexandria, Wednesday morning Mr. Calhoun was taken front the La ' Belle at Pineville, opposite Alexandria, on Monday by a party of about twenty men, led by Mr. J. G. P. flooe, a member of the late Odd Fellows’ Hall Legislature. Mr. Calhoun was taken some miles up the river in the direction of Grant parish, hut after- ward, at Bush's store, the party was met by a delegation of citizens of Rapides, headed by Dr. Lockett, who, in the interest of peace and good order, induced Hooe'a party to return to Alexandria, which point they reached on Wednesday morning. On Saturday evening aa attack was made hv a party under command of fladnot, the Fusion Rep resentative, upon the colored men who had assembled at Colfax under the leadership of Captain Ward, but Ward, who handled hi* force with some skill, re turned the tire. It is stated, however, that no one was hurt, Hadnot and his party re- tiring after a few volleys. Previous to this, however, a parity was had between the two forces. The demand was made by tbe lladnot party for the sur- render of Ward. Flowers, Shaw and other leading Republicans, which was refused. While the conference was pending, a. col- ored man some distance away was shot at his house by a party of men coming from tho interior to join the forces of Hadnot, who, after killing the man, sacked his house, helping themselves to his provisions. Upon the news of this murder reaching Colfax, the conference broke up. On tmnday morning about eight o’clock lladnot's party, having received reinforce, ments from several ether parishes, made another attack upon Ward's party, but wore again repulsed. Most of the men in Ward's command had been soldiers in col orea regiments during the war, and were armed with the Enfield rifles they had been allowed to retain when mustered out of service. The attacking party were armed principally with shotguns and revolvers. The light lasted about three quarters of an hour, when Hadoot’s party had one of their flunks turned by Ward's men, and wt re forced hark upon Muddy bayou, to which point they retreated in disorder. It is reported that at this point tha Fusion judge, Mr. Cazabat, was severely wounded. -Several others are reported wounded. Four colored men are known to have been shot, most of them by straggling parties, hut uoue in the two assaults made by ILidnot’s party. As far a» we can ’earn, no fighting has occurred since Sunday morning. Haduot's party dispersed, and ho went down to Alex- andria. At the time tho Ttoilge passed Colfax, the trouble seemed to be over. The parties from the pine woods, who had come down to join lladnot, had many of them returned. Tha better class of people, planters aud others, saw in this movement nothing but disaster to tho best interests of the State aud the people. The abandonment of the plantations and the neglect of tho crops, at this time, hy the. colored laborers, in Grant parish alone, has cost hundreds of bales ol cotton; and ail this that a few men have offices. It is thought that prudent counsels will prevail, aud no mote trouble occur. Excursion of the (.'hanihcr ol Commerce. Thursday the arrangements for the ex- cursion planned by tha committee ol the Chamber of Commerce were completed, and a distinguished party assembled on the steamer Mayflower. General Bussey, tiie chairman, had made every arrangement for tho enjoyment of his guests, and rho newly painted steamboat, the use of which Messrs. Phelps, McCulloch'& Co., gener- ously tendered the Chamber, was ns com- plete in stores as adornment. Early in the morning the boat moved from the sharf, bearing the distinguished guests, Postmaster General Creswell, Sena- tors Cameron and Howe, Collector Casey, Mayor Wilts, Governor .Straw, Colonel John McEnery, Colonel Burnell, Adminis- trators Turnbull and Fitzeureiter, Colonel J. B. Price, with many noted citizens of New Orleans and ai trnbers of the Chamber of Commerce. The party also included Mrs. Cameron, Mrs. Howe and many other ladies, whose interest in the object of the trip added its charm to the general enjoy- ment. The original in! 'ntiou was tr proceed to the tnouth ot the river and view the ob- structions, but the two days necessary for that trip could not be spared by the gentle- men for whose pleasure it was designed, as they intended leaving for the Teche last evening. The forts would have been vis- ited, but the weather was unpropitioua, and vetoed that idea. The party then restetl at the ms, ision of Effingham Law- rence. Esq., and lunched. At: r this the steaui plows and agricultural enterprise o Mr. Lawrence w. re inspected, and at two o'clock the weli piV*«ed visitors re-embarked r>r the return trip. The scientific caterin, of General Basse;, and the committee of arrai.g' tii. uto was then exhibited in the dinner ipr-ad in the oabiu. At the repast tea?is. led of! by Mr. Sy- {he., bo;- hj9 th- ordi:r ol tho (1V» alter which I\•otc.-sor J u l i ty, with i. i ud C’ A:.r of tho o*' tiif) liver. compeu • t iled the party for the lees they had suf- fered in n A vi-*. wing ]_},,» obstructions by a vivid d.icripti >:i of th vi and the remedy, lie dwelt on the necessity tor the remove.! of those hindrances to the commerce of the Mississippi va”.ey, and touched forcibly ou the need of appropriations to »uyp°r" oa-" leveo SjStem. General Jeff Thompson %lew ap- propriate remarks. General Creswell, Senators Howe and Cameron addressed the party, and promised to use their influence to secure the attainment of these improve- ments. »o necessary to the life of Louisiana. Other gentlemen responded to call in a happy vein, and the interest in the subject was kept up till the whistle announced the arrival at tbe starting point, when the guests and their hosts separated, all well pleased with the labor of the day. THE RACES. t.nirisifina Jo rk r; ('Inb-Nprin* .Utelinti. For several days past “the busy note of preparation” has been sounding upon the Fair Ground* race course, and the grand events to which lover# of turf sports have been looking with some anxiety and much interest, are to commence iu solid earnest tomorrow. Over eighty blooded animals are at the stables and Ln training for the several con- tests which are to take place during “race week." The candidates for the several purses are in elegant trim, the purse* are liberal, and, with the track in splendid or- der, a promise is offered of grand sport for those who love too se» ’’flyers” *v:oot it around a race course. The following is » list of the several stables now at the track: George H. Rice, of Lexington, Kentucky, ha* Stockwood. Wanderer. C. O. D., John McCormick, Edwin Adams, Bessie Lee and Sunrise. Captain Moore lias London. Hollywood, Roger Hanson, and a full brother to Lon- don. W. Jennings, with Defender. Cape Race, Silen; Friend. Louisa, Dunboyne, and Em- met. Major Thomas G. Bacon, from North Caro- lina, with Frank Hampton, a good, money- making horse, and Ned Brace. Hugh Gaffney, with Alroy and Blind Tom. A. B. Lewis A, Co. have Midnight, Chief Engineer, Joe Johnston, Nashville, Harry, Vandalite, and the Belle of Australia. Dr. Weldon, with Flora Mclvor. Mary Louise, Warlike, aud King Benazet. George Cadwallader, of Kentucky, with Frogtown, a very useful horse, Fannie M., Florence, Vandal!* and Alice Mitchcl. 11. Van Liew has Emma Sansarn, a filly by Hiawatha, the Norton colt, and tlnee others. W. Cottrill. from Mobile, with Village Blacksmith, Sailie Watson, Young Harry, Saucebox, Evalina Mabry, and a couple of two year olds. John H. Stone, from the Gulf City, will run Mary Farris, IO C and Meta 11. bile, with John McDonald, Repeater, Katy Voorhies and Country Girl, O’apta n W. H. William.-on, also from Mo- Ed Harisson, a veteran of the olden time, with Sir Rufus. Tom Corbett. Belie Buckle, Frank Botujabel, a colt by King Lear, out of Mis* Music, by Whale, and * colt by Warfield. A. Dibrell, of Ti^ias. with tbe Old Demo- crat, Morgan Scout, Pilgrim, and Edna Earl. E. Warwick has six horses, and Mr. Mor- ris, of Texas, has Nellie R. The bill of fare for the meeting may be found in the advertising columns to whicli special reference is invited. For the first day threo races are programmed—tlie first a mile and three-quarters, for all ages; the second, aud the event of the day, the Pick- wick stake for three year olds; and the third, three miles for all ages. Twelve nominations have been«made for the Pick- wick stako. of which Sailie Watson, Van- dalla, Dunboyne, Edwin Adams, and one of Bonnabel’s entries are sure to go. For the other two races tho entries wiil be made this afternoon. Pools for the next day’s races will be sold on the preceding evening, during the meeting, at Johnny Hawkins’ saloon. Every day during the meeting strong attraction will be offered, prominent among w hich may be named the Louisiana stake, for which London. Cape Race, Silent Friend, Fannie M., and two or three other clever nags, will run, on Tuesday; mile beats, best three iu five, oa Thursday; the hurdle race and two mile heat on Friday, aud tha Fortuna stake and tha four mile heat race close the meeting. The gentlemen composing the Louisiana Jockey Club have spared neither trouble nor expense to make the coming meeting one of the grandest ever held in the South, and the liberal purses offered for competi- tion have served to induce owners of fast nags to come forward and second their efforts in a manner that augurs well lor the success of the occasion. Gretna Protestant Episcopal Church. Divine services will be held iu the Gretna Academy building. Fourth street, Gretna, this morning (Good Friday), Easter Sun- day, and every following Sunday morning at eleven o’clock. Sunday school at 'J A-M Call for Action. Tim Crescent City Republican Club has addressed the following preamble and reso- lutions to Governor Kellogg. The resolu- tion is in good spirit, and we trust the Gov- ernor will take prompt action to repress the disorders in the country parishes before they reach a magnitude which will place them beyond control: N ew Orleans, April 11, 1873. At a regular meeting of the Crescent City Republican Club, held last night, the fol- lowing resolution was unanimously adopted : Where vs. It is with deep feelings of sor- row aud regret that, from various points of Grant parish, we have heal'd of disturb- ances calculated to misrepresent in the country at large the actual designs of our State executive department, and thereby give aid and support to our common politi- cal enemy by :r> ating dissension anil divis- ion in tbe i-nks >i Republicanism; and Where . A- members of the great Re- ptiblu-tn party, we repudiate any affilia- tu : or * mto tuien vi:!i ri> ter-, whatever nn+v be :h>-ir reject or d>—igu; therefore be it Kttolctd. Timt the Crescent City Repub- ii v.u Club. a<- .i iteil bv a proper ■-eiifi.ue..t of law order, appeals to William P. it- dogg. Coven i to-.- State ot Louis - iana, fur tho imuietfiafo suppression of ail disorders n >w ex is ng in the above named ; .rieri. by nss.’4 «>; .„•• -u* . Jorded liitn by tht la.’.s j.’-*i'n'itin of the Stato. J,. r'MlIAN'K, Jr., Secretary. BY TELEGRAPH* IT 1’ rr II K TKt.II K LIVELY ON THE BIO GKANLE NEW /QRK CITY CHARTER BILL PASSED T i n : c; % s s t h i K E U s The Herald’s tuban Correspondent FLOOD FN CANADA THE Ba!J5 OF ENGLAND FORGERY CAR LISTS ACTIVE IN NDA IN' -------- ----- MEXICAN AND CUBAN AFFAIRS Texas* Cr*n>!» Kilted In Frost AN INDIAN WAR INEVITABLE —- •-------------- TIIK KXCUHSION. eighth instant, during a dense fog. She it* a total loss. The captain and crew wero taken off and brought to this port. Nixon, under sentence to be hanged, u* improving. 44uten rieinrick, the celebrated bond robber, is insane. The police are protecting the non-society stone cutters at Yorkville, the society men having struck because of the employment ot a few of the former. In the Assembly to-night a resolution was adopted to arrest and bring belore the bar ot the House William M. Tweed, Jay Gould and John B Duteher. |for refusing to ap- pear and testify before the Erie investiga- tion committee. F O H F lG iN . F kanklik , La.. April ID.—Postmaster General Creswell and Senator* Cameron and Howe arrived here this afternoon. After partaking of some refreshments at the residence of Colonel «J. V. Ayer, the party proceeded to New Iberia. NEW YORK. Mr. S H. Scranton, superintendent of the New Orb''.ns. Mobile anti Texas railroad, is so* in N« . York, but will return to tins city next week. In the meantime all the duties of that position are excellently per- formed by that competent and experienced railroad manager, Mr. W. W. Hart, w hitom «f tbe New Turk and New Haves ra*ir«M The Rio Grunde—Imtarnw* «* Msrnrt Greeley’* Life—Indictment* Probable under llic Usury l,«w«-Tbe City Char - ter Bill Passed—Robbing n Church— The Strikers—The Herald's Cuban i’er- respondent. N ew York, April Iff.—A San Antonio letter states that seven regiments are now on the Rio Grande border. Secretary Bel- knap. General Slit ri lan and other military officers there are in constant consultation. Tlie leading belief is that some important military movement is on foot. A German seeking employment at the New York Gas Company’* Works was stabbed by the strikers. Five of the crew of the bark Peter C. Warwic. from Rio Janiero, arrived at tho New York quarantine down with the yellow fever. They were immediately taken to the West Bank Hospital, where one of them has since died. The insurance on Horace Greelev’s life, amounting to $100,000, has been collected. The policy was the largest paid within the the iast decade. It is stated the grand jury is investigating the course of several batiks in the recent lock-up 4>f money, with the view of ascer - taining their liability to indictment under the usury laws. The banks and leading banking houses will be open tomorrow, but tbe Gold, Stock and Produce Exchanges will be closed. The new city charter for New York passed the State Senate to-day. It retains Controller Green in office. The Chui h of St. Mary, Forty-fifth street, was roobed by burglars last night of many valuable altar articles, hut the thieves failed to fiud the communion service. There being no strike of the men at the Manhattan Gas Works to-day, as reported, the leaders of the strike pretend they have information from men at work there that there will be a combined strike of all the gas men in the city before the week is out. Per contra, a meeting of the men now at work to day called on the superintend- ent of the Manhattan Works and stated no strike was contemplated hy them. Two arrests were made of strikers who assaulted men going to work this morning. Later .—By general consent the strike ot the gas men is a failure. Yesterday a number of gas men from other cities arrived at the New York Company's Works hy steamer, and more Italians were relieved from duty, to their great joy. Gasometers are falling, anti before the end of the week the officers say everything will be going ou with the old time regu- larity. The police are still on guard, and this morning arrested two strikers for as- saulting workmen. The strike in the build- ing trades last year caused a decrease in building trom tbe previous year of $o,000,- 0U0. Tlie present agitation, it is believed, will have an injurious effect on the current year . . . . Mrs. Meyers still remains in prison, not having yet furnished surety for her appear- ance as a witness in tbe Goodrich murder case. The inquest will be resumed to-mor row evening, when a verdict will probably be reached. The remains of J. II. Price, one of the vie tims of the Atlantic disaster, arrived here to-day. The New York Gas (Company turned on gas in foil this evening, and state a plenti- ful supply will be issued. United States Marshal Harlow to-day at - tached the steamer City of Mexico, under a penalty of $200 due the United States for a violation ot the revenue law. Carl Voglit, the alleged murderer of the Chevalier DeBanco, was arrested to-day on the complaint ol the German consul, and committed for examination, by United States Commissioner White, on Saturday. The car drivers on the Belt line, who were to have struck to-day for $2 75 per day, have been offered $2 50 by the com- pany, and will meet to-night to consider the company’s proposition. To-morrow, flood Friday, will be ob- served as a partial holiday among business men, in financial circles, in the Stock and Gold Exchanges and in commercial circles. The Produce, Cotton and other Exchanges will be closed. The day is net a legal holi day, and therefore the treasury, banks and bankers’ offices will be open for tbe pay ment of drafts and other business. The monetary situation was marked by increased ease early in the day, when call loans were made at 1-lb over Tuesday, or at the rate of 1-32 per diem. Iu the even ing when it was announced that sixty brokers bad been subpained before the grand jury on the usury question, money became scarce and dear, rising to l a b per diem. Exchange strong and higher, although business was ou a moderate seale aud closed very light. Gold opened at 118, fell to 1177fe, but soon rallied to ll8 :tn,the price fluctu- ating from 118'kto U8!fc all day. Loans from flat to 7, coin, for carrying. Govern meats dull and steady during the forenoon, but during the evening were firm at a slight advance. A dispatch from Albany yesterday, stating that the new high daw across the Oswego river, n> ar this city, had been carried away, is incorrect. The only material damage that has been done, so far, is the loss of the crib protection to the lock embankment. The volume of water passing down the river is probably greater than ever before, A forfeit of $250 per side has been de- posited in a biiliard championship game be- twei n Dion and Maurice Daly, to be played M.iV lb. _ J ..... .. (’. King, awaiting trial on an in dh-fi.ii-nt for the willful murder of Anthony F. O’N'iel, is in an advanced stage of con • ii.option, and is. liable to an early death. l re Herald's Havana special says that 'm; Captain-General has ordered O’Kelly ••> o-i sent to Santiago for trial notwith- •■l -iidisg the intercession ot United States t- n-ui General T .r'oot, wno, at the prison eo s' r* quest, asked that he be brought to H kVaa a. At an engagement between tbe Spaniards I 300 insurgents near Manzanillo, two Cubans and twelve Spaniards were killed Tbe schooner Maria Jane, from Virginia, to New York, with pine wood, vent ashore Terrible Flood in Canndn—The Bunk o( England Forgers — Biditrll and Mc- Donald—Fight In Hpain—The CnrlisM Acllve—Puigrerda Besieged—Recruit* for Cuba—Quiet in Mexico—^The Tepie Rebellion Subsidinu M ilitnr) Change* in Cuba. T uamesvil Le . Canada, April Iff. —T h # greatest flood known within the last fifty ears has just occurred, devastating many villages and inundating the farms in tiff* vicinity. In the principal street of thin city the water is four feet deep, aud th# poet office can only be reached hy boat. L ondon, April 10.—The Chancellor of the Exchequer has arranged to carry th# reduction of fifty per cent on sugar dutie# into effect next month. The reduction o» raw »ugar will take plats on the eighth of May, and on refined on the twenty eighth. The British society of engineers gave » .ompliuifiifarv banquet last night to Silaa Seymour, «f New York The passenger# who arrived from New York hy the steamer Celtic, on her Iasi trip, held * meeting betorc reaching port, aud adopted resolution* couiplimeuting th# officers ot the ship. Evening.—Bullion in tn the Bank of Eng- land decreased £500,000. Distress for want ot food i» reported to prevail in the Islands on the Irish coast, off Galway. The sheep are starving. Sub- scription lists have been opened for th# relief of the Islanders. Developments made in the Bank of Eng- land forgery case, which was before th# Lord Mayor again to-day, conclusively es - tablish tlie fact that the forgeries were com- mitted by Austin Bidwell, arrested at Havana, and whose surrender ha# been ordered by the Spanish government. Georg# McDonnel.beld for extradition iu New York, George Bidwell, whose arrest ha* already been announcetl, and Noyes, the alleged: clerk of the parties who w as the first tier- son taken into custody here. George Bid- well anti Noyes were both before tho cour* to-day, and after examination were re - manded to Newgate. A shell exploded to day aboard her ma- jesty's gunning ship Cambridge, during tha practice at Davenport. Many were hurt, but no details are as yet received. P aris, April 10, Evening.—Specie tie- creased in the Bank ot F r a n c e 1150,000 francs. A desperate fight occurred a few day* since in the small town #f Olonne, Depart- ment of Vendee, between two companies of ival strolling actors. Nine of the coin- battants were killetl and several injured. A dispatch from Perpignan says that th# Carlists under Sabalto appoared befon* Vuigcerda, in the Spanish proviuoe of ~eroua, this morning, amt demanded th# surrender of the town. The government troops refused to yield the place, and the insurgents immediately opened fire. Later —The following dispatch has hocn received here: ‘P ari 'IGCAN, Aprit 10, G P. M —The at- tack on Puigoerda continue*. No reinforce- ments are in sight. Tlie garrison and vol- unteers are making heroic resistance, but their position is critical. A fire has already broken out in the town.” Madrid , April JO —Reinforcement*, four hundred strong, embarked at Cadiz to-day for Cuba Brckseis, April 10.—The qilarrymen of the Enghien district in Hainula, to th# number of 2000, have struck work for higher wages. They attempted to make a> demonstration, but the gendarmerie dis- persed ail their gatherings. B ayonne. April 10.—The Carlists con- tinue to bombard the town of Puigcorea. Relief for the garrison has been seui front Gerona. Brigadier General Canianos has beaten the band of Carlists under Solera, which was menacing Geloni. Mires, at the head of a considerable fore# of insurgents has levied a contribution of 10,000 francs on Viilafranca, and demand# immediate payment by the municipality, threatening the town with tlie. fatejif iterga, if the money is not furthcoming. The au- thorities reluse to yield, tho place being well defended. T rieste , April 10.—Tho United State* steamer Brooklyn arrived here to-day with the store ship Supply in tow. Tho Supply brings the American contribution# to tha Vienna Exposition. C ity of Mexico, April I.—Tho country is quiet. The revolution in Topic is rapidly subsiding. The epizooty prevails to an alarming extent, the fowls, horses and cattle being atllicted. Several of Los Asia chief officers liar# surrendered. Lack of facilities for tranportation, in consequence of the epizooty, has increased tho price of provisions in the capital. Tho Jesuits propose to establish a college and journal at Vera Cruz. The Legislature of Oaxaca has petitioned Congress to authorize the President of tha republic, to conclude treaties with foreign powers. The petition specifies that among the ob- jects to be accomplished by such treaties i# sending the most vigorous political crimi- nals abroad to expiate their offense* in for- eign prisons. The Supreme Court at Durango has sen teuced General Berigno Canto, who assassi- nated General Patoui in 1868, to tea year# in the penitentiary and to pay $2000 indem- nity to Patoni's widow aud infant. It t# presumed the government will modify tha sentence. H avana, April 9.—The English consul in this city continues his exertions to counter- act the efforts of interested persons her# who are seeking to prevent the extradition of Austin Bidwell, the Bank ef England forger, and the matter excites much com- ment. Tlie name of the war steamer Chiealnan- ga. purchased from fthe Americans, ha# been changed to the Bazan. She is ready for a cruise, and will carry two heavy guns. Generals Partillo anil Benegassi hav# been relieved aud ordered to* return t<* Spain. i he meat question in Havana has been settled. An alderman had an interview with the butchers and prevailed on them t« reduce the price nearly one-half. The Vozde Cuba continues its publication for the present. The attack# of tho Can- stanriu and the machiuatious of tho ultra# have caused the resignation of Senof Conti, its chief editor, and advocate of tho Liberal ideas. A new tepublicju journal will ap- pear in a fow days. M IHCKLLAJN K OtJH. Heavy Hula in Indiana— Railroad Mold at AnetJea-Appoliitment* at YVanhineto# —Unilroud Bridue at Little Rock Wash- ed Away—Heavy Frost* Hill (he Crop* In Texan-Indian# oa the Wur Fntk-A flla.-nciiusctts Man Cive* N'-J-l.' O'* «« a College, bat Don’t Waal bi* Ne.m# ttDrWn. tvAN>v;i.T.B, Ind.. April 13.—A forger has ob a oed $IOOd trom the Evansville Na- tional Bank, and §3000 frem tho First Na- tional Bank. Tbo heaviest rat# in lon.rna for fivft years. Three inches and three-quarter# tell in forty-eight hoars. The St. Mary [QOtfTUKTItO 0M tUMHXR

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Page 1: NEW ORLEANS REPUBLICAN. · arid lalliug one ou Jane 1, 18TC. and each month reut’iiofes. drawn hv Mr. F. Fchexnaildcr, payable to his own order and b\* him indorsed, tor each, falling




♦ -v e n d C o m e d y


T h u rsd a y —t h e w o n d e r .*K1DAY—HOME.S aturday m a t in e b m o n ey .SATURDAY EVTCNING—Benefitot W title Svjmou*

RING OF THE COMMONS.•’.aw rence B arrett will appeaf ever j'ev e n in g and

M o n d n ; A p r il H .BENEFIT OF JOHN W. NORTON L.W?


M e d u e sd n y E r r n in g , A p ril 1 6 , I s l t .

. office open fjr sale of Ticket* TO DAY, Tb jsc, April 10, and every following day.

<H>!0 IS

At A Oh. 11 Y O p M U S IC .

. 'io r i r in y , A p r il t , tS T U .


* ref tim e in th is citv of a new local som, by• wetl Ynown author, founded on ac tual facta, ia- Jnod.icing several known characters, en titled

T im D r i 's n in n k r r S o t C h b a I H r r e e t .

p rat appe al ance of th e m ost talented protean • r t et and vocalist in The en tire profession, Miss RCaNCHK SEI.WYN, who will appear iu he. eele- fe-wlKi po rtra itu re of the

L o n d o n » w i s M .» .y . . , t s ig h t o f tile b urlesque , as performed *n the

* t i e l Condon for 100 consecutive e ig h ts , en titledJAt’5 fltlEPPABD.

B changn o f ono. p resenting a< » Scmgs p e n . a n d Sketnhew

li t and Variety M atinee SalutaaV peon.In active preparation, and will shortly he pro*

duoed. UAVANAOH N RFH KA RSAI, a n d tlirt g reat iu rie sq re. MASONRY EXPOSED. _ »P«

J J . t t iA l lL K N f II KA i ' l tC r

ESN ..................................................P roprietorII,EX. FITZGERALD.......................... .. Manager

l .n v f W c rU o f I l ie D r a m a t i c M p a to d .Farewell Benefit o f

M I S S I . K U H U D S O N .' And her trained sUaxf,

BLACK BhS#,F r i i ls V E v e n in g , A p r i l I t . i S T l .

J A C K A M * m .W !*T K K I> .fa. k Sheppard............................................ le o Hudsonp.s s te e d . .................................................... Black Bess

To conclude withE n g le l i r e , o r Abe S c o u t o f th e P r a ir ie .

.........................................................................heo HndsonJltah an tu s ' s teed ........................................ Black Bess

.Saturday—Last Leo Hudson Matinee.Doors open a t a q u arter to seven. O verture to

tommence a t a q u arter to eight.„p ll ‘ P. GLEASON, Treasurer.

« t | l K C K A M * A N N U A L

A M i U l D l C A T i F K S T t V A T , .To be £ iren by the fra tern ity of

rfn* I niled Anrivnl Order' o f f>rni«l*,(advr '.be auspices or the Ora- <J <*rove of Lou bi*

iana, a t th ef.'r LAOIlAlSB GROUND. NIXTIf DISTRICT.

Bn Sundii7», atlny I and 11.T*.e arrange men r a th is y ear are such as to flat*

sfv the most fastidious, no expenses having been oared. Am usem ent for young and old The {cheat gam es ;ne selected, and to a il valuable (rues will be d istributed .Admission, f if ty Cents? Children Free.For particu lars see piogatnm e*.Com mittee of A iran g eim u ts-V alen tin Fnctia,

lust . .e Drewes, John Reich, apll lin NuTe In

LOST........ .....R E W A R D ----COST OR STOLEN.

-*C *" * from th e Bank of America. » TIN BOX, No. M l. co u tam ing the following described papers.Iow a

Several f a t tecelpfs of I*. Dnfftna.Instirauce policies iu favor of Mrs. f.efaure, Mrs.

Sous,in.rt, anil heirs of C ailiavet. . . . .Ki«e Certificates of Caroudelet Uau-u Navigation

Company stock in favor of K L tfaure.Hive -fia res*4 Abors stock iu la^oc or IieJ-r* of

^aillavefc . . , . . ,Three note*, seen red by ir.ortgoge. ariiv. n f»\

CoroiUHgere A Lambert a>id imioised bv them foi £> T V) t-ac Iv dated December l4, 1873* and payable m 4Ptie tw o and th re e year*?.

ih.i* certificate of s ’oek o f ten shares of(«er. « ian ;a fusurauce Company, No. 2t>, lu favor ot L. fhirawd. . . * * *

On** note fo r one year, dated January •>. r • >, drttvFO by C’h . Degueibiy m favor of Mrs. Lefaure.

r« of notes, drawn by O. Monle. for $175 each, arid lalliug one ou Jan e 1, 18TC. and each m onth

re u t’iiofes. draw n hv Mr. F. Fchexnaildcr, payable to h is own o rder and b\* him indorsed , tor

each, falling duo utt the first o tJim e, * • , and ■a*»-’h mouth after.

Hour rent notes, drawn bv Dante! Bind* rick. pay. ,• . to his own order, for each , payable on th e In s t o f April. At 7^. an d firs t of each m onth

^ S ild i- refa* soplea of title deeds of p roperty , tax

* T h e pui»l.r*«r«* hereby ran Honed not to negotiate +>r the ebovf described papers, paym ent of the•am a having been stopp' d. . ,.

Th. above r» ward will he paid on delivery o! *he V * and papers to th© Bank ot A n m n c* .o rto

fom « r of Toulouse and C hartres s tree ts .•- h *h I in

FOR RENT.k K I W l'lO K E ItK S I K K M K KOU H E A T• ii yo- Sahv—That desirable house in ocean u h Mississippi, lormeily ihe residence ot -aiti* loHcph W.-iUer, containing parlor three ■oc*ni- two cabinets, dining room, breaktast i undone finished attic room, with a hand- »• garden and shrubbery, and large grounds

;* the house- Ilouto completely fur- cd throughout. Apply ^ M HKNfnsG>,r» 1 m ______No. 75 L >nu> s tieet.

M l K h N T -T H v T PL KAN AN 1 LV .>1 t t.V lhfi ra isid UotlHge.No. 132 St A udievrstree . eu Annum iation and Ctiippcwa stree ts , con­ing parlor, three bedrooms, dining room and ions k r ili iH . Tlie Bleeping rooms, on ilie lv ode o f the bouse, are delightfully cool uud urpasHe.1 for sum m er comfort. Large paved i two cisterns, .lowers ami shrubbery. Kent ihe first o. October. $>35 per month, and month c tier llial time. Posseeston given on

first o r fifteenth of May. Apply ou the pretu- ap;t2w

It R E N T O K K A l.I i.—A NEW RAISED rot t a sc iu the Six I it District, on S tate str. e t, on St, U liarlosaml St, P atrick stree ts. Ihe

■ lias a! 1 modern im provem ents. I i cgrounds *h“ nt " e ™ . b f 178 feel ,a depth Terms nablo for c ither ren t o r sale. Apply the ro t S tsto and St. Charles B tw ts o ra t the 5 of Conti aud Royal s tree ts , to l . L. • * '»R.

i F O R UK NT AND K lK M T l I thtor sale. —A comtortabl© two-6torv hout*c. v io la te d o u t ’amp stree t, w ith everythuiR

etc fm housekeeping. a "d, ali , tn LM "d» tiearlv new, will be sold in block to a pur r for ins own use. The establishm ent is com t, all departm ents, having beeu eelectt d by u t r f >r use. Will be sold on account of bac

F urniture dealers and vendors need not Address HOUSE, a t this othce._______ J84

K N T—ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT i; suites or single. Also, a few da)

ikeu. Apply a t No. 217 Camp street, nea)

NEW STORY.i p ;w NOV B L .

AT V S T T H E W O R L D :I w to ry o f S o u th e r n L ib*.I. R. HADKRMANH, au th o r of ' Dead i's Shoes” and 'Forgiven a t Last.”

• Is in 'en iously conceived, and is devel- caiefiii re; rence to dram atic effect.the third of Miss H ad en n an u s nove s . g ’ad lo be able to pronounce It the best

be most prem ising female novelist th a t can uoast —t Literary World, lime, cloth. 7J4 pages; F I JAMES A. GRESHAM,

New O rleans


Mgued, ab »ut a vear *g*>, tb** following •otcn, >i/.t A note *»f L mis Laiunicr

u:i i ’lo jc l s tre -t). d a t td M*y 1L * ih i-* «• y» ara fr* m May 17, 18*3, te r ^ 100; V. (p ro p iriy o n Port and Lrvct*

d V'i 'i* 30, 1871, de m one i S**pl* .-brr 30. 1373, tor $ 1000; » note

. d . « i >* jteoib*‘r 30 1871, pa.Nable^in •u*in( . i* fr* m Ai il 2, 1873. for l-iim ■>-, payable April W. 1873, for i i.otc of John Paslcy, payable # p .il » «©. 2 3o. t a d a num ber of oth*r not*”. . not b« now described. The public i» itiii* : no t -o m-gotiate said note*, ana *rb ai.d ind users are not fled no t to pay wa^oui U*c iian#cat of Us uadsrsigneo.


$.300,000.2M IS S O U R I S T A T E L O T T E R Y .

fjf 'g n lizcd by K ta te A u th o rity unci D raw n

In P ub lic In St» l,o u i« .



CLAM U. T<> RK DRAW* iPRlL* W, 1373.

•j VMI l 'r i /y * , .^m ouniiog to %.3 0 0 ,0 0 0 .

1 prize o f ....... ..$.vjnno 500 prizes of....... .. * '001 prize of....... . . 13.4W) 9 prizes of....... . . 1900i prize o t ....... .. 9 prizes of....... . . 5iK)1 prize o f ....... . . 7 500 9 prizes of....... . . TOO4 prizes o t....... .* 5,000 9 prizes o f....... . . 2504 prises of....... . . 2.500 .76 prizes o f . . . . .

20 prizes o t....... .. 1,000 76 prizes of....... .. 150zD pri zes o l....... 500 180 prizes o f....... .. 10040 prizes o t....... 250 5000 prizes of........ 10

Tickets & 10 Half tickets $5. Quarters $2 IWj. Our lotteries a re chartered by the M ate, are

always drawn a t the tim e named, ana all draw ­ings are under the supervision of sworn commis­sioners.

The official drawing will be published in the flt. Louis papers, and a copy of th* drawing sent to purchasers of tickets.

We will draw a similar scheme the last day of every month during th e year 1873.

Remit by postoffice money orders, registered letter, d ra ft or express,

bend for a eircular. AddressMURRAY, MILLER 1 CO .

Postoffice bo x 2446, fit. Louis, Missouri ap!0eod W ly

ly i t tM U * * wt.vtk luttk k v

I f l t l B I M T I O N PLA N.

D K A W S D A I L Y .

C A P IT A !. P IU Z B *

S 0 O O O .

fl.V lX X N , -

• 4 6 0 0 .

Ail ordetw aooa'nl be »>VlcMaeil fa the MafiAgvr'a

oCBce. ftornef o? 9F C harlq . mod Dn'.oa streets,

NeF GrienuA


F t a r s , !o P ro jv o rt! no.

Sent to pay tkt-lress on receipt of the pc.ce of

t ick e t, or £e»e<ri«i'«.

T H E F O L 1C V l * L A V

Drax n̂ daily

B H W A K E O F U U C P * L O T T E R IE S .de24 ly _____



1 2 3 J 4 5 I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 j 13 M

72 27 43 I 40 36 | 67 14 13 12 42 21 2 I — —

The above drawings are published in th e prin ­cipal papers, aud are drawn in public daily a t tho rooms of the company.

Witness our hands a t New Orleans, Louisiana, this ten th day ot April, 1373.


Commissioners.BKWARK OF BOGUS LOTTERIES. at>22

CONSTABLES' SALE&Jn m rn J . O’ H a r a v s . n C e r ta in Lor o f

Ground, situated on St. Louis stree t—Second Justice Court for tho Parish of Orleans, No. 3346.

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to rae directed by the Hon W. L. Evans, Sec­

ond Justice of the Peace iu and for the parish of Orleans, in ttie above numbered and entitled suit, I will proceed to sell a t public, auction, a t the Merchants aud Auctioneers’ Kxchauge. Royal street, between Canal and Customhouse streets, on TUESDAY, April 22, 1873, ai twelve o’clock M.—

A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, designated as No. 13, situated in the Second District of New Orleans, in the square No. f>9, bounded by St. Louis, Ptieur, Roman stree ts and Caroudelet walk, as per plan of Louis Pilie, dated March 1, 1840, and deposi.ed in the office of McCay, late a notary public in this eitv. .-aid lot measures 27 feet, more or less, on St. Louis steet, by a depth of 110 feet between par ailel lines.

Seixed in the above numbered aud entitled salt. Terms—Cash on the spot in United S tates treas-

urv notes.mli23 ap5 19 22 JOnN MoCORMICK, Constable.

F red l la u to n v s . T h e C o m b in ation P r o ­pelling Company, Alex. Ha.v, President—First Justice Court for the Parish of Orleans, No. 142

BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS to me directed by the Hon. W. T. Houston,

First Justice of the Peace in and for the parish of Orleans, I will proceed to sell a t public auction.’ on WEDNESDAY, April 16.1873, a t twelve o’clock M . on the corner ot Caronrtelet aud Eighth streets, the following described propertv, to wit—

ONE RAILROAD CAR.This Jpresent sale will be on a twelve months'

credit, th e propertv having on the first sale Dot brought a sufficient am ount upon the appraise­m ent to authorize adjudication.

Terms—Cost of su it cash, the rem ainder upon a twelve m onths' bond, with solvent .ecurity .

ai>6 11 16 JOHN HURLEY. Couetable.

i l . P lu a r d v» . A ire . * l r> u ii - r -T ta i rd J u s ­tice Court for the Parish of Orieai s, No. 375.

IFY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF FIERI FACIAS TO > me directed bv th e Hou. John L. Laresobe, Third Justice of the Peace fortho parish of Orleans,

I Will proceed to sell a t public auction a t my warehouse No. 85 Bienville a lm -t, cn MONDAY. April 2t, 1873. a t twelve o'e’locil »L, tlis JollQAUig

* LOT OF FURNITURE.Seized in the above cause. .Term s—Cash ic Unri-d st ,ti s treasu ry i:o*es. apll) I.' 20 WILLIAM Et. .S . Constah a.

W id o w l - a r a a r r e v I n m r e E lk in —T h i r dJu^tir© toz tlio P^nBi. ctt i>rl;f©us,4*6.

By v ir t u e o f a w r it o f f ie r i fauna*1 . me directed by th e Hon John L Lare-ch*.

Thir»i Ins 'i^ r of tLe Peace in -ind far he pvri ux «> Orleans l ‘wiU proceed t<- sell s t rubiic auction n \ MON LAY April 14. IRT?, a t twelve oclocs u my waiebouM i Ne. 85 Bie»7"Uje strao t, U-6

‘‘oN a '^ ^ F H O C S K H O L tl FURNITURE.S eiz.d in th e shove suit.

£ 7 . W0* * *“ ^ W lS u A J I B0All. CvMAsWd.

C A R M A N N E R S .

C riticism s on occasional instance* o f ill m anners «n th e p a r t o f passengers in th e s tre e t cars hav e generally dw elt to o m uch upon g foss ill breeding , such a* sp ittin g upon th e floor, crossing tb e legs, s ittin g so as to ta k e up too m uch room , receiving courtesy w ithou t than k s, etc. T here are, how ever, o th e r k inds of ill m anners not less offensive to sensitive people, w hich have not as y e t been a lluded to; such as loud- toned, ego tis tic conversation , an d th a t offi­cious sociability w hich calls one by nam e and asks im proper questions. Such ill- judged am iab ility from passing acquain ' tancas often causes m ore annoyance th an th e u nb rid led selfishness of m ere strangers, an d ca lls to m ind th e hackneyed, because too o ften applicable, quo ta tion , “ I can p ro ­tec t m yself from m.v enem ies, b u t th e Lord defend me from m y friends.'’ I t is very unp leasan t, for in stance , fo r a m odest m an to be unw illing ly in troduced to a whole ca r fa ll of people by such an exclam ation as the following:

“ Good m orning . Mr. S im kins; bad w eather, th is, fo r bunions. Mrs. Sim pkins recovered y e t f by w hich every one's a t ­ten tion is a t tra c te d to th e d ilap id a ted con­d ition o f Mr. S im kins' pedal ex trem itie s, and to th e fac t o f his recen t p a te rn ity . Or th is ; “ F ine d ay , M r. J o n e s ; m oney m a r­k e t p re tty t i g h t ! ’’ rousing poor Jo n es from a b row n e tu d y in w hich h e is w ondering how g rea t a shave he w ill have to subm it to on gome p ape r in his possession in order to ra ise a n ind ispensab le sum .

I t is a lto g e th er inexcusab le to address any one by nam e in the s tree t oars, o r any o the r public conveyance w here people a re so close to g e th er th a t each is likely to bear every w ord said. E qua lly o u t o f p lace are d isputes abou t politics, discussions on doc­tr in a l poin ts of religion, personal anecdotes w herein nam es a re m entioned (except those o f public m en), and long stories abou t one's own doings, sayings, opinioug, an d ex ­pectations. W e have seen a very polite m an h esita te before ring ing th e bell w hen he had reached h is po in t o f destination , because by doing so he m ust cu t short a sto ry in w hich his fellow passenger w as en ­gaged for his special benefit. To ladies th is species o f m istaken co rd ia lity is fre ­quen tly very em barrassing . W e rem em ber such an occasion, noticing th e expression of a la d y 's face, on being addressed by nam e in a loud voice from th e opposite side of th e ca r. I t 6poke volum es of reproof, as d id the cu rt m anner and d ry tone in which she responded to h e r elephantine-skinned questioner.

W e reg re t to say th a t sin* aga in st good ta ste o f th e so rt a lluded to a re by no means confined to our ru d e r sex . W om en, well dressed a n d of refined appearance , a re g u ilty of them ev e ry d a y . N ot long since, in one of th e i ’ry ta n ia s tre e t ca rs, a fa ir faoed, golden-ringleted , blue-oyeil little lady , e legan tly and m odestly a t tire d , took her sea t in a to lerab iy fu ll ca r im m ediately opposite to us. As we w ere engaged in fu r­tive ly adm iring h e r p re t ty au d p iquan t face tb e rosy lips opened, an d from them issued, in a gruff tone , th e w ords, “ Move up, c a n 't you; I d o n 't lik e to be squeezed so;” w hich elicited a half-suppressed t i t te r from som e ir re v e ren t lads in h e r v ic in ity , b u t caused an im m ediate m ovem ent along th e w hole line. N obody fe lt disposed to squeeze th a t la d y —in a s tre e t car. G etting room enough, or a t le a s t i f n o t enough, m ore th a n h e r share, she im m e­d ia te ly se tt le d h e r flounces a n d resum ed h er equan im ity . This is perhaps a n ex ­trem e ca se ; b u t nobody can ride much in th e s tree t ca rs w ith o u t le a rn ing th a t line fea thers do no t m ake fine b irds, n o r broad cloth a lw ays accom pany good breeding . W o m igh t m en tion opposite c a s e s ; in ­stances o f beau tifu l deference to the com ­fo rt o f o th e rs, of m odest cou rtesy ; b u t this is needless, as, on tho w hole, good breed ing is th e ru le in our s tre e t cars, and by its prevalence m akes its opposite tho m oro ot- fensive.

T e x a s C o a l.

T he press o f th e South th a t is n o t steeped in th e b it te r gall of politics perfo rm s its d u ty ch e erlu lly in repo rting th e progress o f th e developm ents o f ou r m ateria l resources. Louisiana h as developm ents o f s a lt and su lphu r, w hich m u s t u ltim a te ly become valuab le to th e w hole S ta te . T exas has im m ense resources, as y e t undeveloped. A m ong these resources is a coal m ine, n ea r C a lv ert, in R obertson coun ty , on th e line o f th e T exas C en tra l ra ilw ay , ab o u t 120 miles above H ouston , capab le o f supp ly ing th e en tire S ta te w ith coal. T be p u rch a se r ol' th is m ine, Mr. D enn is C ronan , J r . , o f th is c ity , b ro u g h t over a b o u t fifteen b a rre ls o f th is coal, w hich bears a s tro n g resem blance to the E ng lish cannel. I t w as ta k en from th e su rface, has been w ashed by the Brazos riv e r, an d h as a m ore d u ll an d leaden hue th a n it would o therw ise possess.

Y esterday , a t th e iron found ry o f Mr. G eorge C ronan, n ea r th e Jack so n ra ilro ad passenger depot, th e expe rim en t o f ' ’firing up” w ith th is coal was m ade. I t w orked the fo rty horse pow er engine and th e im raense m ach inery th e re as th ough i t was p lay ing w ith a toy . In fifteen m inu tes th ir ty pounds o f steam w as ra ised , such w as th e h ea t p roduced by th is T exas fuel. I t bu rns w ith o u t m elting , an il consum es so closely th a t no c inders a re le ft. T he en ­g ineer es tim ates th a t i t is so fa r superio r to P ittsb u rg coal th a t seven barre ls a d ay of the T exas w ill ru n an engine th a t requires tw elve barre ls o f th e P ittsb u rg . T he first expe rim en t on a la rg e scale, m ade y e s te r ­day , d em onstra te s th a t the T exas coal is capable o f producing all the pow er requ ired to ru n a steam engine, w hether s ta tio u a ry or a locom otive, an d th a t i t is m ore econ­om ical and can be burned w ith less tro u b le than P ittsb u rg coal, because th e la tte r re ­quires th e freq u en t use o f a poker to sepa­ra te th e cem ented m asses, while th e formi r does no t clog th e g ra te , an d bu rns freely to ashes. T he T exas coal b u rn s w ith li ttle sm oke, an d has w hite ashes.

I t is a lw ays a p leasu re to record th e su c ­cess o f a n y S ou thern en terp rise , b sc a c -e ind iv idual success ad d s to th e geuer.,1 p ro sperity , an d i t is especially g ra tify in g to know th a t tho T exas pr?34 has no t o v er­estim ated th e value o f th e coal n tu e a or. th e H erndon p la n ta tio n , in C a lv e r t, Rou- erteon coun ty . I n M ilan, th e ad jo in ing coun ty , the ru a re supposed to be l* - ;e s i.d v a lu ab le deposits ot iron o re . B at, w hether th is be triK o r not, th a fac t exiute th a t one vein of th e coal is e ig h t miles long an d h a lf a mile in w idth, w ith a sufficient deposit of coal to snpp iy the State, where the cost of Putsburg cowl is euomeas.


M U . C A L H O U N S A F E I N A L E X A N D R I A

F IG H T IN G a t C O L F A X




W ith in th e past tw en ty -four hours m any exciting rum ors have p reva iled touching affairs in th e parish of G ra n t.

Tho la te s t inform ation we hav e been able to ob ta in , how ever, which we receive from a gentlem en w ho arrived on the 6t«am er B. L. H odge, a t abo u t ha lf-past e igh t o 'clock la s t evening, indicate* the safe ty of Mr. Calhoun, w ho was a t the Ice H ouse H otel, a t A lexandria , W ednesday m orning

Mr. C alhoun w as ta k e n front th e L a ' Belle a t P ineville , opposite A lexandria, on M onday by a party of abou t tw enty men, led by Mr. J . G. P. flooe, a m em ber of the la te O d d Fellow s’ H all Legislature. Mr. Calhoun was taken some m iles up the riv e r in th e d irection o f G ra n t parish , h u t a f te r ­w ard , a t B ush 's store, th e p a rty w as m et by a delegation o f citizens o f Rapides, headed by D r. L ockett, who, in the in te res t o f peace an d good o rder, induced Hooe'a p a r ty to re tu rn to A lexandria , w hich poin t they reached on W ednesday m orning.

O n S a tu rday evening aa a tta c k was m ade hv a p a r ty u nder com m and o f fla d n o t, th e Fusion Rep resentative, upon th e colored m en who had assem bled a t Colfax u nder th e leadersh ip of C ap ta in W ard , b u t W ard , w ho hand led hi* force w ith some sk ill, re tu rn e d th e tire. I t is s ta ted , how ever, th a t no one w as h u rt, H adno t and h is p a r ty re ­tirin g a fte r a few volleys.

P rev ious to th is, how ever, a p a r i ty w as had betw een the tw o forces. T he dem and was m ade by tb e llad n o t p a r ty for the s u r ­ren d e r o f W ard . Flow ers, Shaw a n d o the r leading R epublicans, w hich was refused. W hile the conference w as pending, a. col­ored m an some distance aw ay was sho t a t his house by a p a rty of m en com ing from tho in terio r to jo in th e forces o f H adnot, w ho, a f te r k illing th e m an , sacked his house, help ing them selves to his provisions. U pon th e new s of th is m urder reach ing C olfax, the conference broke up.

O n tm nday morning abo u t eight o’clock lla d n o t's pa rty , hav ing received reinforce, m ents from several e th e r parishes, m ade a n o th e r a tta c k upon W a rd 's p a r ty , b u t wore again repulsed . M ost o f th e men in W ard 's com m and had been soldiers in col o rea regim ents during the w ar, an d w ere arm ed w ith the Enfield rifles they h ad been allow ed to re ta in w hen m ustered o u t o f serv ice. T he a ttack in g p a r ty were arm ed principally w ith shotguns and revolvers. The ligh t la sted about th re e qu arte rs o f an hour, w hen H adoo t’s p a r ty had one of th e ir flunks tu rn ed by W ard 's m en, and wt re forced h a rk upon M uddy bayou, to w hich p o in t they re trea te d in d isorder. I t is rep o rted th a t a t th is point tha Fusion judge , Mr. C azabat, w as severely w ounded. -Several o thers a re repo rted w ounded. F our colored m en are know n to have been shot, m ost of them by s trag g lin g p arties , h u t uoue in the tw o assau lts m ade by IL idno t’s p a rty .

As fa r a» we can ’earn , no fighting has occurred since Sunday m orning. H ad u o t's p a r ty d ispersed, and ho w ent dow n to A lex­and ria .

A t th e tim e tho Ttoilge passed Colfax, the troub le seem ed to be over. T he p a r tie s from the pine woods, who had come dow n to jo in llad n o t, had m any of them re tu rned . T ha b e tte r class of people, p lan te rs aud o thers, saw in this m ovem ent noth ing bu t d isas te r to tho best in te res ts o f th e S ta te aud the people. The abandonm ent of the p lan ta tions and the neg lect o f tho crops, a t th is tim e, hy the. colored laborers, in G ran t parish alone, has cost hund reds of bales ol co tton ; and a il th is th a t a few m en have offices. I t is though t th a t p ru d en t counsels w ill p reva il, aud no m ote troub le occur.

E x cu rsio n o f th e (.'hanihcr o l Com m erce.

T h u rsd ay th e a rrangem ents for th e e x ­cursion p lanned by th a com m ittee ol the C ham ber o f Commerce w ere com pleted, and a d istingu ished p a rty assem bled on th e s team er M ayflower. G eneral Bussey, tiie chairm an , had m ade ev e ry a rrangem en t fo r tho enjoym ent o f his guests, and rho new ly pain ted steam boat, the use of which M essrs. Phelps, M cC ulloch '& Co., gene r­ously te ndered the C ham ber, was ns com ­ple te in stores as adornm ent.

E a rly in th e m orning th e b oa t moved from the s h a r f , bearing the d istingu ished guests, P ostm aste r G eneral Cresw ell, Sena­to rs C am eron and H ow e, Collector Casey, M ayor W ilts , G overnor .Straw, Colonel Jo h n M cEnery, Colonel B u rn e ll, A dm inis­tra to rs T u rnbu ll and F itzeu re ite r, Colonel J . B. P rice, w ith m any no ted citizens of New O rleans and ai trnbers o f the C ham ber o f Com m erce. The p a rty also included Mrs. C am eron, Mrs. H owe and m any o th e r ladies, whose in te re s t in th e object o f the tr ip added its charm to the general en joy ­m ent.

T he o rig inal in! 'n tiou was t r proceed to the tnou th ot the riv e r an d view th e ob ­structions , b u t the tw o days necessary for th a t tr ip could not be sp a red by the g en tle ­men fo r whose p leasu re it w as designed, as they in tended leaving for the Teche la s t evening . The fo rts would have been v is ­ited , b u t th e w eather was unpropitioua, and vetoed th a t idea. The p a rty th e n reste tl a t the ms, ision o f Effingham L aw ­rence. Esq., and lunched . A t: r th is th e steaui plow s and a g ricu ltu ra l en terp rise o Mr. L aw rence w. re inspected , and a t tw o o 'clock th e w eli piV*«ed visitors re-em barked r>r the re tu rn tr ip . T he scientific caterin, of G eneral Basse;, an d the com m ittee of a rra i .g ' tii. u to was then exh ib ited in the d in n e r ip r-a d in the oabiu .

A t the rep a st te a? is. led of! by M r. Sy-{ h e ., bo ; - hj9 th - ordi :r ol tho (1V» a l te rwhich I \ •otc.-sor J u l i ty , w ith i. i udC’ A:.r of tho o*' tiif) liv e r. com peu •

t iled th e p a r ty fo r the lees they had su f­fered in n A vi-*. wing ]_},,» obstructions by a vivid d . ic r ip ti >:i of th v i a n d th e rem edy, l i e d w e lt on th e necessity to r the remove.! of those h indrances to the com m erce of th e M ississippi va”.ey, and touched forcibly ou th e need o f app rop ria tions to »uyp°r " o a -" lev e o S jS te m .

G eneral J e f f Thom pson % lew ap ­

propria te rem arks. G eneral Cresw ell, S enators H ow e an d C am eron addressed the p a rty , and prom ised to use th e ir influence to secure th e a tta in m en t o f these im prove­m ents. »o necessary to th e life o f Louisiana.

O th e r gentlem en responded to call in a happy vein, and the in teres t in the subjec t w as k ep t up till the w histle announced the a rriv a l a t tb e s ta r t in g po in t, w hen the guests and th e ir hosts sep ara ted , a ll well pleased w ith the labo r of th e day .

T H E R A C E S .

t.n irisifina J o r k r ; ( 'In b -N p rin * .U te lin ti.F or several days p a s t “ the busy note of

p rep a ra tio n ” has been sound ing upon the F a ir G round* race course, and th e g ran d even ts to w hich lover# of tu r f spo rts have been looking w ith som e anx ie ty and m uch in terest, a re to com m ence iu solid ea rnest to m o rro w .

O ver eighty b looded anim als are a t the stab les and Ln tra in in g fo r the several con­tests w hich a re to ta k e p lace du rin g “ race w eek." T he ca n d id a te s for th e several purses are in e legan t trim , the purse* are liberal, and , w ith th e tra ck in sp lendid o r ­der, a prom ise is offered of g rand spo rt for those who love too se» ’’flyers” *v:oot it around a race course.

The following is » lis t o f th e sev e ra l s tab les now a t the t r a c k :

G eorge H. Rice, o f L ex ing ton , K en tucky , ha* Stockw ood. W an d ere r. C . O. D ., Jo h n M cCormick, E dw in A dam s, Bessie Lee and Sunrise.

C ap ta in Moore lias London. H ollyw ood, R oger H anson, and a full b ro th e r to Lon­don.

W. Jenn ings , w ith D efender. C ape Race, S ilen; F riend . Louisa, D unboyne, an d E m ­m et.

M ajor Thom as G. Bacon, from N orth C aro ­lina, w ith F ra n k H am pton, a good, m oney­m aking horse, an d N ed B race.

H ugh G affney, w ith A lroy an d B lind Tom .

A. B. Lew is A, Co. have M idnight, C h ief E ngineer, J o e Johnston , N ashville, H arry , V andalite , and the Belle o f A ustra lia .

D r. W eldon, w ith F lo ra M clvor. M ary Louise, W arlike , au d K ing Benazet.

G eorge C adw allader, of K en tucky , w ith Frogtow n, a v ery usefu l horse, F ann ie M., F lorence, V andal!* and Alice M itchcl.

11. V an Liew has Em m a Sansarn, a filly by H iaw atha , the N orton colt, and tln ee o thers.

W . C ottrill. from M obile, w ith V illage B lacksm ith , S ailie W atson, Young H arry , Saucebox, E va lin a M abry , an d a couple of tw o y ea r olds.

J o h n H . S tone, from th e G u lf C ity , w ill ru n M ary F arris , I O C and M eta 11. bile, w ith Jo h n M cD onald, R epeate r, K a ty Voorhies and C oun try G irl,

O’ap ta n W . H . W illiam.-on, also from Mo-E d H arisson, a ve te ran o f th e olden tim e,

w ith S ir Rufus. Tom C orbett. Belie B uckle, F ran k B otujabel, a colt by K ing L ear, ou t o f Mis* M usic, by W hale, an d * co lt by W arfield.

A. D ibrell, of T i^ias. w ith tb e O ld D em o­c ra t, M organ S cout, P ilg rim , an d E d n a Earl.

E . W arw ick has six horses, and M r. M or­ris , o f T exas, has N ellie R.

The bill of fa re for the m eeting m ay be found in th e ad v e rtis in g colum ns to whicli special reference is inv ited . F o r the first d a y th reo races a re p rogram m ed—tlie first a m ile an d th ree-quarte rs, for a ll ages; the second, aud the ev en t of th e day , th e P ick ­wick s tak e for th ree y e a r olds; a n d the th ird , th ree miles for a ll ages. Tw elve nom inations have been«made for th e P ick ­wick stako . of w hich Sailie W atson , Van- d alla , D unboyne, E dw in A dam s, and one of B onnabel’s en tries a re su re to go. F o r the o th e r tw o races tho en tries w iil be made th is a fternoon . Pools fo r th e n e x t d ay ’s races will be sold on th e p reced ing evening, d u rin g th e m eeting , a t Jo h n n y H aw kins’ saloon.

E very d ay d u rin g th e m eeting strong a ttrac tio n w ill be offered, prom inen t am ong w hich m ay be nam ed the L ou isiana s tak e , for which London. Cape Race, S ilent F riend , F ann ie M., an d tw o o r th ree o th e r clever nags, w ill ru n , on T uesday; mile bea ts , bes t th ree iu five, oa T hu rsday ; the h u rd le rac e an d tw o mile hea t on F riday , aud th a F o rtu n a s tak e and tha four mile hea t race close the m eeting.

The gentlem en com posing th e L ouisiana Jo ck ey C lub have sp ared n e ith e r troub le nor expense to m ake the com ing m eeting one o f the g ran d e st eve r he ld in the South, and the liberal purses offered for com peti­tion have served to induce ow ners o f fast nags to com e fo rw ard and second th e ir efforts in a m an n er th a t au g u rs well lo r th e success of the occasion.

G r e t n a P r o t e s t a n t E p is c o p a l C h u r c h .

D iv ine serv ices w ill be held iu the G retna A cadem y bu ild ing . F o u rth s tree t, G retna , th is m orning (Good F rid ay ), E a ste r Sun­day , an d every following Sunday m orning a t e leven o’clock. S unday school a t 'J A-M

C a ll fo r A c tio n .Tim C rescen t C ity R epublican C lub has

add re ssed th e follow ing pream ble an d reso­lu tions to G overnor K ellogg. The resolu ­tion is in good sp irit, and we tru s t the Gov­ern o r will tak e p rom pt ac tion to rep ress the d iso rders in th e c oun try parishes before th e y reach a m agn itude w hich w ill place them beyond control:

N e w Orleans, April 11, 1873.At a reg u la r m eeting of the C rescent C ity

R epublican C lub, he ld la s t n igh t, th e fol­low ing reso lu tion was unanim ously adop ted :

W here vs. I t is w ith deep feelings of sor­row aud reg re t th a t, from various po in ts of G ran t parish , we have heal'd o f d is tu rb ­ances ca lcu la ted to m isrep resen t in the coun try a t la rge the ac tu a l designs o f our S ta te execu tive departm ent, and the reby g ive a id and su p p o rt to our common politi­cal enem y by :r> ating dissension anil d iv is ­ion in tbe i - n k s >i R epublicanism ; and

W here . A- m em bers o f the g rea t Re- p tib lu -tn p a r ty , we rep u d ia te any affilia- tu : o r * mto tu ien v i:!i ri> te r-, w hatever nn+v be :h>-ir r e je c t o r d>—igu; therefore be it

K tto lc td . T im t the C rescent C ity Repub- ii v.u C lub. a<- .i iteil bv a proper ■-eiifi.ue..t o f law o rder, appeals to W illiam P. it- dogg. C oven i to-.- S ta te o t Louis­iana, fur tho im uietfiafo suppression o f ail diso rders n >w ex is ng in the above nam ed ; .rieri. by n ss.’4 «>; .„•• - u* . Jo rd ed liitn by th t la .’.s j.’-* i'n 'itin of th e S tato.

J,. r 'M lIA N 'K , J r . , S ecre tary .


IT 1’ rr I I K T K t . I I K


N E W / Q R K C I T Y C H A R T E R B I L L P A S S E D

T i n : c ; % s s t h i K E U s

The Herald’s tuban Correspondent



CAR LISTS ACTIVE IN N DA IN'— --------• ----- — —


Texas* Cr*n>!» Kilted In Frost

AN INDIAN WAR INEVITABLE— - •--------------

T I I K K X C U H S I O N .

eigh th in s tan t, du ring a dense fog. She it* a to ta l loss. The cap ta in and c rew w ero taken off and b rough t to th is port.

Nixon, u nder sen tence to be hanged , u* im proving.

44uten rie in rick , th e ce leb ra ted b o n d robber, is insane.

The police are p ro tecting th e non-society stone cu tte rs a t Yorkville, th e society m en having s tru ck because of the em p loym en t o t a few of th e form er.

In the Assem bly to-night a resolution w as adop ted to a rre s t and bring belore the b a r ot the House W illiam M. Tw eed, J a y G ould and Jo h n B D uteher. |fo r refusing to ap ­pea r an d testify before the Erie investiga ­tion com m ittee.

F O H F l G i N .

F k a n k l ik , L a.. A pril ID.—P ostm aste r G eneral C resw ell and Senator* C am eron and H owe arriv ed here th is afternoon. A fter p a rtak in g o f som e refreshm ents a t th e residence o f Colonel «J. V. A yer, the p a r ty proceeded to New Iberia .

N E W Y O R K .

Mr. S H . S cran ton , su p e rin ten d en t o f the New O rb ''.n s. M obile an ti T exas ra ilroad , is s o * in N« . Y ork, b u t w ill re tu rn to tin s c ity n ex t w eek. In th e m ean tim e all the du ties o f th a t position a re excellen tly per­form ed by th a t com p eten t and experienced ra ilroad m anager, Mr. W. W . H a rt, w hitom «f tbe New Turk and New Haves ra*ir«M

T h e R io G r u n d e —I m t a r n w * « * M s r n r t G r e e le y ’* L i f e —In d ic tm e n t* P r o b a b le u n d e r l l ic U s u ry l ,« w « - T b e C ity C h a r ­t e r B ill P a s s e d —R o b b in g n C h u r c h — T h e S t r i k e r s —T h e H e r a l d 's C u b a n i ’e r -re sp o n d en t.

N ew Yo r k , A pril Iff.—A S an A ntonio le tte r s ta tes th a t seven regim ents a re now on th e Rio G rande border. S ecre tary B el­knap. G eneral Slit ri lan and o th e r m ilitary officers th e re are in constan t consultation . Tlie leading belief is th a t some im p o rtan t m ilitary m ovem ent is on foot.

A G erm an seeking em ploym ent a t the New York G as C om pany’* W orks was stabbed by the strike rs.

F ive of the crew o f th e b a rk P e te r C. W arw ic. from R io Jan ie ro , a rriv ed a t tho New York q uaran tine dow n w ith the yellow fever. T hey w ere im m ediately taken to th e W est Bank H ospital, w here one of them has since died.

The insurance on H orace G reelev’s life, am ounting to $100,000, has been collected. T he policy was th e la rg est pa id w ith in the the ia s t decade.

I t is s ta ted the g rand ju ry is investiga ting the course o f severa l batiks in th e recen t lock-up 4>f m oney, w ith th e view o f ascer­ta in ing th e ir liab ility to ind ic tm en t under th e usury laws.

The banks an d lead ing b ank ing houses will be open to m o rro w , b u t tb e G old, S tock a n d P roduce E xchanges w ill be closed.

The new city ch a r te r fo r N ew Y ork passed th e S ta te Senate to-day. I t re ta in s C ontro ller G reen in office.

T he C hui h o f St. M ary, Forty-fifth s tree t, w as roobed by bu rg la rs la s t n igh t of m any valuab le a l ta r artic les, h u t the th ieves failed to fiud th e com m union service.

T here being no strik e of th e m en a t th e M anhattan G as W orks to-day, as reported , the leaders o f th e s tr ik e p re tend they have inform ation from m en a t w ork th e re th a t the re w ill be a com bined s trike o f a ll the gas m en in the city before th e w eek is out.

Per contra, a m eeting of th e men now a t w ork to day ca lled on the sup erin ten d ­e n t o f the M anhattan W orks and s ta ted no s trike w as con tem pla ted hy them .

Tw o a rre s ts w ere m ade o f s tr ik e rs who assau lted men going to w ork th is m orning.

L a ter .—By general consen t the s trike ot th e gas m en is a failu re. Y esterday a num ber o f gas m en from o th e r cities arrived a t th e New York C om pany's W orks hy steam er, and m ore Ita lian s were relieved from d u ty , to th e ir g rea t joy.

G asom eters are falling , anti before the end of th e week the officers say every th ing will be going ou w ith th e o ld tim e regu ­la r ity . T he police are s till on guard , and th is m orning a rres ted tw o str ik e rs for a s ­sau lting w orkm en. The strik e in the bu ild ­ing trades la s t y ea r caused a decrease in build ing trom tbe previous yea r o f $o,000,- 0U0. Tlie p resen t ag ita tion , it is believed, w ill have an in jurious effect on the cu rren t y ea r. . . .

M rs. M eyers still rem ains in p rison , not hav ing y e t fu rn ished su re ty for her ap p ear­ance as a w itness in tb e Goodrich m urder case. The inquest will be resum ed to-m or row evening, when a verd ic t w ill probab ly be reached.

T he rem ains o f J . II. Price, one of the vie tim s of the A tlan tic d isas te r, a rriv ed here to-day.

The New York G as (Company tu rn e d on gas in foil th is evening , an d s ta te a p len ti­ful supply will be issued.

U nited S ta tes M arshal H arlow to-day a t ­tached the steam er C ity of Mexico, u nder a pena lty of $200 due th e U nited S ta tes for a violation ot the revenue law.

Carl Voglit, th e alleged m u rd e re r o f the C hevalier D eBanco, w as arres ted to-day on the com plain t o l th e G erm an consul, and com m itted for exam ina tion , by U nited S ta tes Com m issioner W hite, on S atu rday .

The c a r d r iv e rs on th e B elt line, who w ere to have s tru ck to-day for $2 75 per day , have been offered $2 50 by th e com ­pany , and will m eet to-n ight to consider the com pany’s proposition.

To-m orrow, f lood F riday , w ill be ob ­served as a p a rtia l holiday am ong business m en, in financial circles, in the Stock and Gold E xchanges and in com m ercial circles. T he P roduce, Cotton and o th e r Exchanges w ill be closed. The day is n e t a legal holi day , and therefore the tre asu ry , banks and banke rs’ offices will be open for tbe pay m ent of d ra fts and o the r business.

T he m onetary situa tion w as m arked by increased ease early in the day, w hen call loans w ere m ade a t 1-lb over Tuesday, or a t the ra te of 1-32 per diem . Iu th e even ing w hen i t was announced th a t s ix ty brokers bad been subpained before th e g ran d ju ry on th e u su ry question , m oney becam e scarce and dear, ris ing to l a b per diem.

Exchange strong and h igher, a lthough business was ou a m oderate seale aud closed very light. G old opened a t 118, fell to 1177fe, bu t soon rallied t o l l 8 :tn , th e price fluc tu ­a tin g from 118 'k to U8!fc all d ay . Loans from flat to 7, coin, for ca rry ing . G overn m eats dull and steady d u rin g th e forenoon, but during the evening w ere firm a t a sligh t advance.

A d ispatch from A lbany yeste rday , s ta tin g th a t the new high daw across the Oswego river, n> a r th is c ity , had been ca rried aw ay, is incorrect. T he only m ateria l dam age th a t has been done, so far, is the loss of the crib pro tection to the lock em bankm ent. T he volum e of w a te r passing dow n th e r iv e r is p robably g rea te r th a n eve r before,

A forfeit o f $250 p e r s ide has been de ­posited in a b iilia rd cham pionship gam e be- twei n Dion and M aurice D aly , to be p layed M.iV lb._ J ..... .. ( ’. K ing, aw aitin g tr ia l on an in

dh-fi.ii-nt for the w illful m urde r o f A nthony F. O’N'iel, is in an advanced s tag e of con • ii.option, and is. liable to an ea rly dea th .

l r e Herald's H av an a special says th a t 'm ; C aptain-G eneral has o rdered O ’K elly ••> o-i s en t to San tiago fo r t r ia l notw ith- •■l -iidisg the in tercession ot U nited S tates t - n-ui G eneral T .r'oot, wno, a t th e prison eo s' r* quest, asked th a t he be b rough t to H kVa a a.

A t an engagem ent betw een tb e Spaniards I 300 in su rgen ts n ea r M anzanillo, tw o

C ubans and tw elve S pan ia rds w ere k illed T be schooner M aria J a n e , from V irginia,

to New Y ork, w ith pine wood, v e n t ashore

T e r r ib l e F lo o d in C a n n d n —T h e B u n k o ( E n g la n d F o r g e r s — B i d i t r l l a n d M c ­D o n a ld —F ig h t In H p a in —T h e C n rlisM A c llv e —P u ig r e r d a B e s ie g e d —R e c ru i t* f o r C u b a —Q u ie t in M e x ic o —̂ The T e p ie R e b e ll io n S u b s id in u M i l i tn r ) C h a n g e * in C u b a .

T u a m e sv il Le . C anada, April Iff. —T h# g rea tes t flood know n w ith in th e la st fifty

ears has ju s t occurred , dev asta tin g m any villages an d inunda ting the farm s in tiff* v icinity . In th e principal s tre e t o f th in city the w a te r is four fee t deep, aud th # poet office can only be reached hy boat.

L ondon , A pril 10.—The C hancellor o f the E xchequer has a rran g e d to ca rry th # reduction o f fifty per cen t on sugar du tie# into effect n e x t m onth . The reduc tion o» raw »ugar will ta k e p la ts on th e e igh th o f May, and on refined on the tw en ty e ig h th .

The B ritish society of eng ineers g av e » .om pliu ifiifarv banque t la s t n igh t to Silaa Seymour, « f New York

The passenger# w ho a rriv ed from N ew York hy the steam er C eltic, on h er Ias i trip , held * m eeting betorc reach ing po rt, aud adop ted resolution* couiplim euting th # officers ot the ship.

Evening.—B ullion in tn the B ank o f E ng ­land decreased £500,000.

D is tress for w an t ot food i» reported to p reva il in th e Islands on the Irish coast, off G alw ay. T he sheep are s tarv ing . S u b ­scrip tion lists have been opened for th # relief o f th e Islanders.

D evelopm ents m ade in th e B ank o f E n g ­lan d forgery case, w hich w as before th # L ord M ayor again to-day, conclusively e s ­tab lish tlie fac t th a t the forgeries w ere com ­m itted by A ustin B idw ell, a rre s ted a t H avana, and whose su rren d er ha# been ordered by the Spanish governm ent. G eorg# M cD onnel.beld for ex trad ition iu New Y ork, George B idw ell, w hose a rres t ha* a lready been announcetl, and Noyes, the alleged: clerk of the parties who w as the first tier- son taken in to custody here . G eorge Bid- well anti Noyes w ere both before tho cour* to-day, and a f te r exam ina tion w ere re ­m anded to N ew gate.

A shell exploded to day aboa rd h e r m a ­je s ty 's gunn ing ship Cam bridge, d u rin g th a prac tice a t D avenport. Many w ere h u r t , b u t no deta ils are as y e t received.

P aris, A pril 10, E vening .—Specie tie- c reased in the B ank o t F rance 1150,000 francs.

A despera te fight occu rred a few day* since in the sm all tow n # f O lonne, D ep a rt­m ent of Vendee, between tw o com panies o f iva l stro lling actors. N ine o f th e coin-

b a t ta n ts w ere killetl and several in jured .A d ispatch from P erpignan say s th a t th #

C arlists u nder Sabalto appoared befon* Vuigcerda, in th e Spanish proviuoe o f ~eroua, th is m orning , am t d em anded th #

su rrender o f th e tow n.T he governm ent troops refu sed to y ie ld

the place, and th e in su rgen ts im m ediate ly opened fire.

Later—The following d ispatch h a s hocn received h e r e :

‘P a r i 'IGCAN, A prit 10, G P. M —T he a t ­ta ck on P u igoerda continue*. No reinforce­m ents are in sigh t. Tlie garrison and vol­un teers are m ak ing heroic resistance, b u t th e ir position is critical. A fire has a lread y broken ou t in th e tow n.”

M a d r id , A pril JO —Reinforcem ent*, four hundred strong, em barked a t Cadiz to-day for C uba

Br c k seis , A pril 10.—T he q ilarrym en of the Enghien d is tr ic t in H ainu la, to th # num ber o f 2000, have s tru c k work fo r h igher w ages. They a ttem p ted to m ake a> dem onstration , bu t th e gendarm erie d is ­persed ail th e ir gatherings.

B a y o n n e . A pril 10.—The C arlis ts con ­tinue to bom bard th e tow n of Pu igcorea. Relief for th e garrison has been seu i front G erona.

B rigad ier G eneral C anianos h as beaten th e band of C arlists under Solera, w hich was m enacing Geloni.

Mires, a t the head o f a considerable fore# o f insu rgen ts has levied a con tribu tion o f 10,000 francs on V iilafranca, and dem and# im m ediate paym en t by th e m unicipality , th rea ten ing th e tow n with tlie. fa te jif ite rg a , if the m oney is not furthcom ing. T he a u ­thorities reluse to y ield , tho p lace being well defended.

T r ie s t e , A pril 10.—Tho U nited S ta te* s team er B rooklyn arrived here to-day w ith th e sto re sh ip Supply in tow . Tho S upp ly b rings th e A m erican con tribution# to th a V ienna Exposition.

C ity o f Mexico , A pril I.—Tho co u n try is qu ie t. The revo lu tion in Topic is rap id ly subsiding.

T he epizooty p revails to an a la rm in g ex ten t, the fowls, horses and c a ttle being atllicted.

Several of Los Asia ch ief officers l ia r# su rrendered .

Lack o f facilities fo r tra n p o rta tio n , in consequence of th e epizooty , has inc reased tho price of provisions in th e cap ita l.

Tho J e s u its propose to es tab lish a college and journal a t V era Cruz.

The L eg isla tu re of O axaca has petitioned Congress to au tho rize th e P re s id en t o f tha republic, to conclude tre a tie s w ith foreign powers.

T he petition specifies th a t am ong th e o b ­je c ts to be accom plished by such trea ties i# sending the m ost vigorous political crim i­nals ab road to ex p ia te th e ir offense* in fo r­eign prisons.

T he Suprem e C ourt a t D urango has sen teuced G enera l B erigno C anto , who assassi­n a ted G eneral P atoui in 1868, to te a year# in th e p en iten tia ry and to pay $2000 indem ­nity to P a to n i's widow aud in fan t. I t t# presum ed the governm ent will m odify th a sentence.

H a v an a , A pril 9.—T he E ng lish consu l in th is c ity continues his exe rtions to c o u n te r ­a c t th e efforts of in teres ted persons her# who a re seeking to p reven t th e e x tra d itio n of A ustin B idw ell, the B ank e f E ng land forger, an d the m a tte r ex c ite s m uch com ­m ent.

Tlie nam e of the w ar s team er Chiealnan- ga. purchased from fth e A m ericans, ha# been changed to the Bazan. She is re a d y for a cruise, and will c a rry tw o heavy guns.

G enerals P a rtillo an il Benegassi hav# been relieved a u d o rdered to* re tu rn t<* Spain.

i he m eat question in H a v a n a h as been se ttled . An a lderm an had an in terv iew with th e b u tch ers and p reva iled on them t« reduce the p rice nearly one-half.

The Vozde Cuba continues its publication for the p resen t. The a ttack# of tho Can- stanriu and th e m achiuatious o f th o u ltra# have caused th e resignation of Senof C on ti, its ch ief e d ito r, and advocate of tho L ib era l ideas. A new te p u b lic ju jo u rn a l w ill ap ­p ea r in a fow days.

M IH C K L L A JN K O tJ H .

H eav y H ula in In d ia n a — R a i lro a d Mold a t A netJea -A ppo liitm en t* a t YVanhineto# —U nilroud B rid u e a t L ittle R o ck W a sh ­ed A w ay —H eav y F ro st* H ill (he C rop* In T e x a n -In d ia n # o a th e W u r F n tk -A f lla .-n c iiu sc tts M an C ive* N'-J-l.' O'* «« a C o lleg e , b a t D o n ’t W a a l bi* Ne.m#ttD rW n.

tvAN>v;i.T.B, In d .. A pril 13.—A fo rg er has ob a oed $IOOd trom the E vansv ille N a ­tional B ank, an d §3000 frem tho F ir s t N a ­tional B ank .

Tbo h ea v ie s t ra t# in lo n .rn a fo r fivft yea rs. T h ree inches a n d th ree -q u arte r# te ll in forty -e igh t hoars. T he S t. M ary