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consumer buying behaviour


INTRODUCTIONAs a consumer we are allunique and this uniquenessis reflected intheconsumptionpatternandprocesspurchase.Thestudyofconsumer behavior provides us with reasons why consumers differfromoneanotherinbuyingusingproductsandservices.Wereceivestimulifromtheenvironmentandthespecificsofthemarketingstrategiesofdifferentproductsandservices,andresponds to these stimuli in terms of either buying or not buyingproduct.Inbetweenthestageofreceivingthestimuliandresponding to it, the consumer goes through the process of makinghis decision.

Stages of the Consumer Buying Process:Six Stages to theConsumer Buying Decision Process (For complexdecisions). Actual purchasing is only one stage of the process. Notall decision processes lead to a purchase. All consumer decisionsdo not always include all 6 stages, determined by the degree ofcomplexity...discussed next.

The 6 stages are:1.Problem Recognition--difference between the desired stateand the actual condition. Deficit in assortment of products.Hunger--Food.Hungerstimulatesyourneedtoeat.Canbestimulatedbythemarketerthroughproductinformation--did not know you were deficient? I.E., see acommercialforanewpairofshoes,stimulatesyourrecognition that you need a new pairof shoes.2.Information search--oInternal search, memory.oExternal search if you need more information. Friendsandrelatives(wordofmouth).Marketerdominatedsources; comparison shopping; public sourcesetc.A successful information search leaves a buyer with possiblealternatives, theevoked set.Hungry, want to go out and eat, evoked set isoChinese foodoIndian foodoburger king3.EvaluationofAlternatives--needtoestablishcriteriaforevaluation,featuresthebuyerwantsordoesnotwant.Rank/weight alternatives or resume search. May decide thatyou want to eatsomething spicy, Indian gets highest ranketc.If not satisfied with your choices then return to the searchphase.Canyouthinkofanotherrestaurant?Lookintheyellow pages etc. Information from different sources may betreated differently. Marketers try to influence by "framing"alternatives.4.Purchasedecision--Choosebuyingalternative,includesproduct, package, store, method ofpurchase etc.5.Purchase--May differ from decision, time lapse between 4 &5, product availability

6.Post-PurchaseEvaluation--outcome:SatisfactionorDissatisfaction.Cognitive Dissonance, have you made theright decision. This can be reduced by warranties, after salescommunicationetc.After eating an Indian meal, may think that really you wanteda Chinese meal instead.Types of Consumer Buying BehaviorTypes of consumer buying behavior are determined by:Level of Involvement in purchase decision. Importance andintensity of interest in a product ina particular situation.Buyerslevelofinvolvementdetermineswhyhe/sheismotivated to seek information about a certain products andbrands but virtually ignores others.Highinvolvementpurchases--HondaMotorbike,highpricedgoods, products visible to others, and the higher the risk the higherthe involvement. Types of risk:Personal riskSocial riskEconomic riskThe four type ofconsumer buying behavior are:RoutineResponse/ProgrammedBehavior--Buyinglowinvolvement frequently purchased low cost items; need verylittlesearchanddecisioneffort;purchasedalmostautomatically.Examplesincludesoftdrinks,snackfoods,milk etc.LimitedDecisionMaking--Buyingproductoccasionally.When you need to obtain information about unfamiliar brandin a familiar product category, perhaps. Requires a moderateamount of time for information gathering. Examples includeClothes--know product class but not the brand.