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14 PRINCIPLES OF HENRI FAYOL FOR MANAGEMENTHENRY FAYOL Henry Fayol was the first person who wrote the 14 principles of management in 1916 but after this large number of USA vice persons andmanagement experts explains it and utilize it in the business and got succss in the business.These 14 principles are so flexible and easily change according to the nature of business.

1.DIVISION OF WORK Henry Fayol introduced this principle for fast production in factory and with this principle of management,skill and efficiency of labours increase.They become specialize in their work,after this company can Increase the standard of their product.

2.EQUITY OF AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY This principle is the guideline for all the employees and authorities that authorities and responsibility are two part of one coin and if any higher authority delegates the power to his subordinate then it means that higher authority also delegates the responsibility for doing work on that status.This is wonderful principle which should be in the knowledge of every employee of any company because higher authority can ask about completing of any work and make you accountable also.

3.DISCIPLINE Discipline means obedience,respect for authority,and observance of established rules.Fayol has emphasized that a sense of discipline should be present in all employees of the organisation at all level so that the organisation can perform and achieve its objectives in the best possible way.

4.UNITY OF COMMAND This principle advocates that only one boss should give order to an individual so that he can understand what to do and can perform systematically with greater efficiency.If more than one boss will instruct an individual,he will certainly get confused about his responsibility and will not be able to perform even a single activity because he faces the dilemma of whom should he follow?

5.PRINCIPLE OF UNITY OF DIRECTION One main difference between direction and command that direction is just guidance without any order or there is not the provision of penalty or punishment,if other will not direct according to direction but in command ,if employee will not follow it,it may posssible that employer will give punishmment for not obey the order.direction is more powerful tool in the hand of manager because with this manager can make democratic enviornment.6.SUBORDINATION OF OWN INTEREST TO GENERAL INTEREST This principle is telling about two interest.One an employee appoints in the company he have his own interests.Second interest is of the organisation.This principle says that the employee should think about the organisation welfare and organisation interest before thinking about that how he will fulfill his interests.

7.PRINCIPLE OF HANDSOME SALARY This principle is also helpful for the development of employee and supports employees that employer should give handsome salary to employee because of increasing inflation of necessary food prices,without handsome salary,employee will not satisfied and tornover ratio of employee will increase and if company wants to develop employee and increase production,then company should rovides not only high salary but also provides large number perquisites to employees. 8.PRINCIPLE OF CENTRALISATION This principle explains that all the high powers relating to making plans and taking decisions must be in few hands and centralisation of power is good way to promote business with high speed.If all powers are decentralised,then it may possible that corruption makes his place and speed of development of business will decrease.

9.PRINCIPLE OF SCALAR CHAIN In every type of business ,business is divided under different levels of management and one authority is above from every subordination but problem arises when one subordinate wants to communicate to other equal rank subordinate.Henry Fayol gives the name of this communication Scalar Chain .After this all problem of management communication are solved.

10.ORDER Here the word order does not mean any command but is used in differet context.Order means the right arrangement of things and activities.In other words,order is a normal,correct,or fit condition.This principle states that there should be a proper order for everything.Fayol is of the view that in every organisation there should be a fixed place for everything to faciliate smooth working and avoid wastage of resources. 11.PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY This principle explains that all employees are same in the eye of business.There is no need todoany partiality on the basis of religion or salary or any other things.If any company creates different among all employees on the basis of castethen it will reduce companies development and progress.

12.PRINCIPLE OF STABILITY OF EMPLOYEES Stable employee in any organisation is like fixed asset so company should make stable employee by providing good monetary and non monetary incentives to employees.13.PRINCIPLE OF INITIATIVES Initiatives are those motivations which are helpful ffor employeeto do all work with better way.This makes interesting envornment of business.All employees feel happy,if some higher authority initiates them to do any work by themselves.14.PRINCIPLE OF ESPIRIT DE CORPS ESPIRIT DE CORPShere meansteam spirit and team work.This principle emphasizes on team work.UNITY IS STRENGTHis the essence of this principle.Fayol suggested that there should be a team spirit in the organisation and all the employees must consider themselves as member of the organistaion.