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From: Shawn Casey and Jim Fleck Monday, December 28, 2009 10:09pm

As I was sitting there in the “makeup” chair having my “face” taken off now that the day’s shoot was complete, my mind thought, “How did I get here?” I’d just finished shooting my Infomercial, my first “Bookstore” book was coming out in a few weeks and I’d just come from speaking on stage with Ted Nicholas, Robert Allen and Joe Sugarman, three of my early mentors, all of whom I’d call friends now. Plus, at lunch, I had a quick conversation with my right hand person to get the stats on three new promotions that we were testing new elements in. All lead generation campaigns, CPA, PPC and Direct Mail…all going well. Oh, one more thing, it’s the end of the month, how’d we do? Better in One Month, Than I Used to Do All Year (I still love that headline!).

Why are things going so well I thought? I have daily challenges like the next person. I have personal and business setbacks. Days when it looks like nothing can go right. I had two major setbacks this year, one where a business relationship went bad, another, a major investment gone awry. I "woe is me’d" for a few minutes, then took out my journal, read a few pages, made a few calculations, put it away, and was fine. I had a plan. -- Jim

Welcome to the New Leverage Formula’s 2010 Profit Planner.

We're here to help you make 2010 the greatest year ever for your business and introduce you to one of our favorite concepts - the New Leverage Formula.

“The strangest secret of success is you become what you think about – most of the time. Successful people think and plan better than unsuccessful people. That’s all.” - Brian Tracy

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We probably all look back and think about what 2009 could have been and what we wished it was. If we do some good strategic planning for 2010 then next year can turn out to be an absolutely astounding year in terms of not just income, but more importantly, profits that we bring to the bottom line. Not just sales, but money that you can spend.

This guide and the accompanying videos are designed specifically for people who have an info product business, like we do, but you can apply our basic planning concepts to any business, like we do to our own non-info businesses as well.

We’ve used these concepts to sell tens of millions of dollars of products online and offline. We hope they’ll help you.

Perhaps this is a good time to warn you...

You're about to have a unfair advantage over your competition. When you discover how to use the New Leverage Formula, you win. It's that simple. All we ask is that you use this newfound power for good... not for evil.

You might think that with guys like Jim Fleck, who has degrees in Business and Applied Science, and Shawn Casey, who has a degree in Communications and a Law degree, would create an incredibly complex guide that required several people many days to complete. Thankfully, the opposite is true because of what we found over many, many years of being in business. Shawn and Jim both have been in business now for over 20 years.

What we’ve found in all these years is the simpler we make the process of understanding our business and where the money really comes from... the more money we make, the more productive we are, and the easier it is to actually manage and control our businesses.

It is the exact opposite of the way most think of it as their business gets bigger, it

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”

- Leonardo Da Vinci

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has to get more complicated. The truth is it only has to get more complicated if you let it. But we think people grow up and go to school and read all these business magazines so all they see are people that did really complicated things. That’s all great for those people who want to do complicated things.

We just want to get paid

Just stick with us a for a few more minutes and we'll give you the inside scoop on how we keep our businesses simple, apply the New Leverage Formula and get millions in profits. Yes, we said millions.

In case you don’t know us, here’s some background about us so you’ll know who we are:

Shawn Casey

Started his first direct marketing business while still practicing law in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the early 1990's. In 1995, he moved to Jacksonville, Florida to become co-owner and CEO of Success Development International (SDI), the company founded by Ron LeGrand, a leading real estate educator. SDI grew quickly and was named by Inc. magazine to the prestigious Inc. 500 List of the fastest growing private companies in America in 1996 (No. 152) and 1997 (No. 195).

In 1999, Shawn left SDI to pursue new opportunities including launching his own internet marketing business and a creating and building a new multi-million dollar division of the Whitney Information Network.

For the last few years, Shawn has primarily focused on his internet related companies which has sold tens of millions of dollars of information products, services and memberships that help entrepreneurs to start and grow their Internet businesses. He has more than 200,000 customers in 119 countries who have benefited from the cutting edge internet marketing information in these training courses.

Shawn is the author and publisher of numerous publications including “Mining Gold On the Internet” (over 100,000 copies sold), “9 Easy Steps To Internet Cash”, the “Internet Breakthrough Strategies Workshop”, “How To Make A Fortune In The Information Products Business”, and “List Pros”. In July 2009, he was featured on the cover of Home Business Connection magazine as the example of the Internet Millionaire Lifestyle.

An acknowledged expert at product launches, Shawn has several multi-million

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dollar launches to his credit including the $13.6 million launch in the summer of 2009. Shawn's also a top promoter for other people's launches having won prizes that include a Ferrari 360 Spyder (from Eben Pagan's launch), a Ford Mustang (from Robert Allen and Mark Victor Hansen), a Jeep (from Anik Singal), a 2010 Audi TTS Roadster (from Russell Brunson), a Harley Davidson motorcycle (from Mike Filsaime), $25,000 check (from Howie Schwartz and Mike Woo Ming) and a bunch more stuff.

Shawn (with Tellman Knudsen) created the first teleseminar reported to have sold more than $1,000,000 from an internet only promotion. Shawn is a big fan of continuity programs and currently has several thousand people in his monthly membership programs.

For several years, Shawn has used CPA (Cost Per Action) networks to drive the front end marketing for his ventures. Due to the numerous requests from other entrepreneurs for help in successfully accessing these networks (without losing their shirts), Shawn (along with Tom Bell) launched a CPA network - The Offeratti Network - in January, 2009. Offeratti has quickly grown to already become a multi-million dollar leader in effectively aiding advertisers to leverage this burgeoning opportunity.

Jim Fleck

Started his first business in college when he ran a painting business employing 12 people, at the tender age of 18. He started his first mail order business in the early 90’s after studying direct response marketing with Ben Suarez, Ted Nicholas, Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham. He started several successful niche info businesses in the 90’s beginning his Internet Marketing business in 1996. He was the leading Internet resource for those in the very first Dan Kennedy Platinum group. Members in that group included, among others, Joe Polish, Bill Glazer, Michael Kimble and Ron LeGrand. He fondly remembers them all teasingly asking him about wasting his time on this “internet thing”.

In the early 2000’s after selling his first three info businesses Jim was asked to add an Internet component to a struggling mail order infomercial. After showing some life with that added component, he then converted the whole show’s product over to an Internet-based one. Writing the front end components and designing the back end software systems it went on to become one of the most successful infomercials of the last decade

Along the way, Jim and his partners have had over 10 million in continuity sales, 30 million in coaching sales, multi-million dollar weeks, and has now also added the Real Estate niche to his belt. One of his two new infomercials will be airing in January,

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his second in February 2010. Jim is the author of Foreclosure Millions – A Shortsale System, How to

Wholesale Property and Make 10-20,000 per month, The Cash Now System, How to Flip Properties on the Internet, Free Houses-The Art of collecting properties with no money down, How to Make A Surgeon’s Income as a Home Based Marketing Consultant, Masters of Direct Marketing, Masters of Internet Marketing, Internet Blueprint: A 7 Step Guide to Making Money on the Internet and too many more to list.

Jim’s main focus in all his business is continuity programs as well as his new design “Lifetime Membership” programs. He has several thousand people in his various levels of monthly membership programs.

Just so we're clear...

We didn't tell you all that stuff to brag. In fact if we were bragging, we’d list all the things we’ve done, but we get bored just listing what we already have. We just want to make sure you understand we know what it really takes to make millions of dollars. We're going to make this planning process as easy as possible for you, but don't treat it lightly just because we make it easy.

There's a lot of money at stake here

If you already own an info products business, then mark these dates on your calendar – February 9-11, 2010.

We’re teaching a private New Leverage Formula Workshop for a limited number of info business owners. For the first time ever, we’re going to share the techniques and strategies we’ve used to sell all those many millions of dollars of info products.

This workshop has created such a buzz that we’ve already taken advance reservations from some of the top internet marketing experts in the world.

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People like Mike Filsaime, Brad Fallon, Anik Singal, Mark Joyner, Matt Bacak, Dan Kuschell, Tellman Knudon, Russell Brunson and Brian Johnson. These experts already sell millions each year. They’re coming to the workshop to find out how to sell even more, more easily.

So we’re clear from the very beginning – this workshop is not for newbies. We’re not starting at the beginning. We’re starting closer to the middle and quickly getting to the advanced strategies we use. We won’t be answering questions about how to make a pdf file or set up a squeeze page. This workshop is only for people already running an info products business.

We’ll have more info available on the workshop the week of January 4th, but if you’re serious about your info business, be sure to reserve those dates.

Back to planning 2010…

You might have the impression that a multi-million dollar business requires a huge number of employees.


Jim has 2 employees for his info products business. Shawn has 3. We leverage systems and outsourcing to get everything done while keeping it as simple as possible.

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We explain more about this in the videos that are on the same page as you got this guide.

Our focus in this planning guide and the videos is to help you grow your business by doing the right things - the things that make you the most money with the least amount of effort.

In other words, leads go in your business and cash comes out of your business.

We told you this was going to be simple. Doesn't matter if you generate $1,000 a year or $10,000,000 a year. It all starts here. And always comes back to these 3 steps.

If you think this is too simple for your business - AND you’re taking home millions of dollars a year - then you can stop reading now. You’re right.

But if you’re not making all the money you want from your business and maybe feel like you’re working way harder than you should be for what you do get, then stick with us and this simple formula.

So, we want everyone to get this basic idea down.

Leads go in. Cash comes out. Repeat.

When Shawn first thought of his business this way, it was from thinking of Henry Ford and the way Henry Ford built cars which was different than everybody else built cars.

Here’s Our Simple Formula

Step 1 - Get Leads.

Step 2 - Turn Leads into Cash.

Step 3 - Repeat.

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Cars used to be complicated to build. Then, Henry Ford built the assembly line. We’re not going to go through the parts of an assembly line, but you understand the basic concept of the assembly line works this way:

Parts go in. Cars come out.

That’s the whole concept of an assembly online for a car or whatever the product is. If you’ve ever seen an assembly line, you know that’s exactly what happens.

Stuff goes in the front end. Finished product comes out the back end.

So Shawn has really always thought of his business as creating a system where leads go in the front end and cash comes out of the back end. What happens in between should be the simplest, easiest path to make the most cash come out the back end the most efficiently. We might also mention in the most ethically and morally way that fits for you.

If you have to have a more complicated view of your business, then we truly believe you’re over-complicating it and not putting yourself in the right position to get the most profits out of your business.

We’re not trying to convince anyone to get in the info product business because if you’re reading this, you probably are or have plans to be anyway, but the info product business is an incredibly profitable business model. However, if your information product business is not yielding a high percentage of profits, then I absolutely promise you that you’re doing something really wrong (like complicating it).

If you’re not running a big profit margin, then you’re doing something wrong.

It is a very profitable business model.

In fact, you probably started your info business based on that premise... that profit margins of info products are huge.

The Internet has changed the game completely because now the profit margins in some cases are almost infinite. There are some expenses for a hosting account and an autoresponder and maybe a shopping cart. However, they’re so miniscule compared to having a brick and mortar business. You can provide digital products at more or less no cost because pdf files, audio files and video files really don’t have any hard cost. You can argue that there’s some bandwidth and some storage capacity, but it's a tiny percentage of the sales price and quite frankly an insignificant expense.

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The beauty of this is that it solved one of our mail order challenges. Often times in mail order, you could have an info product business and think it was doing well but still struggle even though you knew that the margins were supposed to be high. There was a lot of mail that had to go out, there were space ads that had to be run and, all expensive, and more importantly, where a lot of people got into trouble, was not watching the price of their fulfillment.

On the Internet, you still need to spend money on traffic. Yes, you can go the SEO route and go for free traffic if you want to grow slowly or you can simply buy traffic in a multitude of ways. That doesn’t necessarily mean spending money on PPC. You could buy traffic by doing a joint venture. You could do a teleseminar and get traffic and opt ins and buyers all from someone's list. You might pay 50% of the sales so you are buying traffic there. In fact as we’re writing this, Jim is doing a joint venture with his prospect email list and getting paid $10 per optin. Last he checked, in a couple hours he was up to $2,200. Nice. Very Nice. For both Jim who will get a check while writing this document, and for the JV partner who just purchased some new leads.

In our opinion, investing in leads to grow your business rapidly is far, far better than waiting for something to happen. When you understand how to do this properly and profitably, you'll stop being afraid of it.

So you should be spending money online to generate traffic, and delivering at least some of your products by making them instantly accessible over the internet and thus…more profitable.

For higher priced products, you'll often want to deliver a physical product because the "thump factor" makes a good impression when the package lands on the customer's desk. On the other hand, we did run a coaching program for which nothing was delivered physically but we still charged in the thousands of dollars to sign up plus $497 a month for continued access. We did 12 monthly lessons live, then resold those very same lessons each of the next two years without any manual labor.

So our point is in the Internet age, your profit margins now should be incredible

If you have an info business - that could include digital delivery, seminars, home study products, coaching, memberships, all kinds of products and ways to monetize things - if it’s not incredibly profitable, then you're doing something really wrong.

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We're here with the New Leverage 2010 Profit Planner to help you fix that.

Let’s go back to the basic concept:

Step 1 - Get Leads.

Step 2 - Turn Leads into Cash.

Step 3 - Repeat.

How are you going to afford to get all those leads?

What we hear from a lot of people is “I can’t afford to spend a lot of money to get leads in.”

The reason you can’t afford to spend a lot of money is not what you think. It’s not because you don’t have much money to invest in your business… because if you don’t have any money at all then we can’t help you.

But for those of you who have some money and any kind of business, the problem you have is…

…you can’t afford to spend money because you don’t actually have a good business model.

We mentioned before that you need to be doing this business correctly and so a real info products business model has way more than one source of income. It’s not based on selling one ebook or one home study course or one video upfront and then abandoning the people and never making another dime from them. Or chasing the next joint venture.

One of the dangers of the Internet is that it makes it easy for people to run badly created or badly conceived businesses that make some money and then tell other people how they made money. Both the “teacher” and the “student” think that’s a business model. But it’s often not a valid system so the student gets crushed.

Many of you have tried to buy pay per click marketing, for example, and found out some of those guys pay a lot of money per click. How can they afford to do that?

The reason they can afford to do that is they’ve got a better business model built out than you do. They could afford to buy more customers because they’ve worked to

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turn those leads and customers into more money than you have.

This brings us to a concept called backend marketing. Whether you’ve heard of this or not, you need to recognize what it means for your business if you do this correctly.

The first contact you have with a lead, whether they become a customer or not,

is the beginning of a relationship, it’s not the entire relationship.

Your goal in life is not to have a one-night stand with everyone who comes by your virtual door. Your first goal needs to be to create customers who have an extended value for you. Pre-internet – that was the only concept.

In the internet age, you need to amend that definition to include every lead you meet, because you can contact them so inexpensively by email. The first contact with that leads always needs to be the beginning of a relationship because it isn’t that if someone doesn’t buy from you the first time or two that they see you, you can never have a relationship with them.

We’ve had thousands of people on our lists who have never bought anything from us, but who have made us a fortune by buying other things from other people from emails that we’ve sent them. We know the relationship with those people has benefited us greatly even though we haven’t necessarily sold them our own products and services.

Out in the real world your competition, for example, can afford to pay $3 to get a lead because he knows the lead is worth $6 to him. He doubles his money on every lead. Pretty obvious why that guy is excited about his business and his profits.

By comparison, most people can only afford to pay $1 or less per lead in the same market because they make so little from their leads.

Sure, you should be able to double your $1 investment (the other guy is making $6 per lead – you’ve got to be able to eke out a measly $2), but the number of leads you can acquire versus your competition is severely limited. If you don’t find out how to make more money per lead, then you can’t build a real profitable business.

That’s where the New Leverage Formula comes in

Leverage, probably to put it most simply, is being able to accomplish something

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with very little effort or accomplish more with very little effort. In business, particularly in the info product business, we get to leverage both that business model and the Internet so there is tremendous opportunity for leverage.

The New Leverage Formula (NLF)


The New Leverage Formula transforms an ordinary info product business into an incredibly profitable business – virtually overnight. The NLF gives you a big profit increase from simple changes in the way you do business – getting you more cash from your leads and customers. That means you then acquire more leads which will in turn make you more money.

As you continually repeat the process,

Your business grows by leaps and bounds

and profits stream like Niagara Falls. The NLF explains why the big boys can pay such high prices for clicks and leads,

yet they "still" make huge profits. The NLF is most likely the single biggest difference between small profits and

big profits from your info business. BTW – our "smart" MBA friends never heard of the NLF, wouldn't know it if it

bit them in the backside. Which explains why they all have jobs working for someone else.

The NLF is the easiest, simplest method ever shared to help you get the most

profits from your business with the least effort and risk.

When you know how to get more money out of your leads, then you can go get

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more leads. Get more money. Get more leads. Get more money.

Just a vicious cycle, huh?

That’s what The New Leverage Formula is all about. We’ll be sharing our personal experiences and New Leverage Formula systems with the small group that gets into our workshop in February.

We explain much more about the New Leverage Formula in the 2 videos so be

sure to watch them.

Here’s how we look at lead generation in terms of dollars and cents. We probably look at it differently than most people do. Since we’ve bought millions of leads, our systems seem to work pretty well.

Most people look at their business in terms of big numbers. We actually break things down into really simple, small numbers - often times pennies.

For this example, let’s say that our cost to acquire a lead, which is a reasonable cost to get an email address and an opt-in our market, is $3.

Our initial goal is to get his $3 back fast because. If we can get $3 back then we can go do this again. The long-term value of that lead will be worth a few more dollars.

But the initial focus should be getting cash as fast as possible from the lead.

This means when someone opts in, we’re going to have an immediate sales offer. We’ll immediately try to sell them something and, if they buy, we’ll have upsells from there. We’re going to have an auto responder series that goes through a series of offers to them. We’ll send them email blasts. We’ll constantly follow up to make money from those leads.

We go through and work our entire system back against those leads and that tells us several things but most importantly and...

Number one - how much can we actually afford to pay for a lead?

Yes I know this concept is simple and you’ve been taught it probably a million times. But let me ask you right now, do you know that number, quick, what is it? See if you don’t know and aren’t 100% positive, you have a problem.

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Can you pay $3? Do you have to pay less?

Once you know your numbers, your business becomes very simple.

Buy a lead for $X. Get $X+ in cash

Using The New Leverage Formula can accelerate this process.

If you know that each lead costs you $3 and you make $6 from each lead, how many leads would you like today?

How To Plan Your Business (the simple way):

The form at the end of this document defines the basic lead sources and cash sources for an info product business. We broke down leads in and cash out into some categories that are generally the way we get leads for our info product businesses and how we get cash out of having those leads. You should be doing this very same thing.

We set this up into two years’ worth of categories so you can write down the numbers you did in 2009 and what you’d like to do in 2010.

When you look at these individual lines, some of them will be blank. If too many of them are blank, then you need to think for 2010 how you can fill in some of those blanks and change your business so you generate more cash because it’s particularly bad if under the cash part, you have a lot of blanks.

That means you’re not doing everything you could to get the most money out of your lead flow and your customer flow. You really don’t want to have a lot of blank lines there.

When you’re doing this planning session, it’s only for you. You don’t need to lie about your numbers. You don’t need to make up pretend numbers that aren’t true. You don’t need to make up numbers like you really wish they were. You need to write down the numbers that you really did.

You do not need to spend seven days getting this down perfectly to the penny, but you should be able to fill out this with a general idea of how many leads came in from whatever source, how much cash you brought in from any particular source, and those kind of things.

If you find it hard to get those numbers, then you need to, as part of 2010, make yourself a note that you should keep track of your leads and income by sources so you’ll

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know where you’re making your most profits. When you see where you’re making profits, then you’re going to know this is what you should be focusing on because you’re getting the most leverage from doing that.

For those of you who have done budget planning and all of that corporate stuff in the past which we actually have done in working for other companies, this is not like that. This is not where you look at how much you brought in last year in each category and you want an overall 7% increase because that’s what you’ve got to hit. So you make some stuff 5% better and some stuff 9% so that it averages out to a 7% increase. This is not that case at all.

You are in a position here where you get to identify how much money you want to make next year from what categories and take the steps to make the difference between what you did this year and what you’d like next year to be.

So you can put in any number you want to and you’re certainly not limited to any percent growth. Do you want to double your business? Triple your business?

Whatever it is you’d like to have your plans be, you can certainly set them out here and plug in the pieces and percentages of what can make a big difference in your business.

Go print out these pages and fill them in ASAP.

Be sure to watch the 2 videos because we explain each lead source and each cash source in the videos.

We wish you a happy, healthy and very prosperous 2010!

Shawn and Jim

A journey of a thousand leagues begins with one step. - Confusious

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2010 Profit Planner Lead Sources

For 2009, write down the number of leads you acquired from each source. For 2010, write down your goals for the number of leads you intend to acquire from each source. 2009 2010 Pay-per-click _____________ _____________ CPA _____________ _____________ Teleseminar/Webinar _____________ _____________ Direct Mail _____________ _____________ Radio _____________ _____________ Television _____________ _____________ Launches _____________ _____________ Social Media _____________ _____________ Seminars _____________ _____________ SEO _____________ _____________ Joint Ventures _____________ _____________ Co-Registration _____________ _____________ Other _____________ _____________ Total _____________ _____________

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2010 Profit Planner Cash Sources

For 2009, write down the amount of cash (sales) you acquired from each source. For 2010, write down your goals for the amount of cash you intend to acquire from each source. 2009 2010 Your Low Ticket Sales _____________ _____________ ($7-$100) Your High Ticket Sales _____________ _____________ ($101 - $2,000) Affiliate Low Ticket Sales _____________ _____________ ($7-$100) Affiliate High Ticket Sales _____________ _____________ ($101 - $2,000) Memberships (Continuity) _____________ _____________ Teleseminars/Webinars _____________ _____________ Internal Launches _____________ _____________ External Launches _____________ _____________ Telemarketing _____________ _____________ Seminars _____________ _____________ Coaching _____________ _____________ Add’l List Profits _____________ _____________ Other _____________ _____________ Total _____________ _____________