new insights into different adipokines in linking the

REVIEW Open Access New insights into different adipokines in linking the pathophysiology of obesity and psoriasis Yi Kong 1 , Suhan Zhang 1 , Ruifang Wu 1 , Xin Su 2 , Daoquan Peng 2 , Ming Zhao 1* and Yuwen Su 1* Abstract Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, hyper-proliferative immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. The results of epidemiological investigations have shown that psoriasis affects around 2% of the general population worldwide, and the total number of psoriasis patients is more than 6 million in China. Apart from the skin manifestations, psoriasis has been verified to associate with several metabolic comorbidities, such as insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity. However, the underlying mechanism is still not elucidated. Adipocytes, considered as the active endocrine cells, are dysfunctional in obesity which displays increased synthesis and secretion of adipokines with other modified metabolic properties. Currently, growing evidence has pointed to the central role of adipokines in adipose tissue and the immune system, providing new insights into the effect of adipokines in linking the pathophysiology of obesity and psoriasis. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the pathological role of adipokines and the potential mechanisms whereby different adipokines link obesity and psoriasis. Furthermore, we also provide evidence which identifies a potential therapeutic target aiming at adipokines for the management of these two diseases. Keywords: Adipokine, Psoriasis, Obesity, Pathophysiology, Treatment Introduction Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, hyper-proliferative, im- mune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. The typical psoriatic skin lesions present as silver-whitish scales with sharply demarcated, red and thickened areas [1]. The re- sults of epidemiological surveys have shown that psoria- sis affects around 2% of the general population worldwide, and the total number of psoriasis patients is more than 6 million in China [2, 3]. Obesity, defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m 2 , is associated with a series of health problems that are always grouped together as metabolic syndromes [4]. Of note, obesity has nearly doubled during the past four decades all over the world [5]. In China, the prevalence of overweight was 25.8% (25.9% in males and 25.7% in females), while that of obesity was 8.1% (8.4% in males and 7.6% in females) in 2014 [6], posing serious risks to the future health and reduce the quality of life in the general population. Presently, questions concerning the relationship of psor- iasis and obesity have focused on the potential biological basis underlying the development of these two diseases. Multiple studies assume that adipokines, a type of cyto- kine synthesized and secreted by adipocytes, play an im- portant role in linking the pathological process of psoriasis and obesity. As shown previously, adipocytes are the predominant cell type in adipose tissue, which are not only a passive container for storing excess energy in the form of fat [7] but also an important source of hormones and endocrine molecules, such as adipokines [810]. Under the obese status, adipocytes are enlarged and dys- functional [11], secreting increased quantities of adipo- kines and exhibiting other modified metabolic properties [12]. Some adipokines, including hormones, cytokines and other proteins [1317], possess pro-inflammatory proper- ties that involve in the pathogenesis of inflammatory dis- eases, such as asthma [18, 19], rheumatoid arthritis (RA) © The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. * Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] 1 Department of Dermatology, Hunan Key Laboratory of Medical Epigenomics, the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, 139 Renmin Middle Road, Changsha 410011, Hunan, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Kong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2019) 18:171

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New insights into different adipokines inlinking the pathophysiology of obesity andpsoriasisYi Kong1, Suhan Zhang1, Ruifang Wu1, Xin Su2, Daoquan Peng2, Ming Zhao1* and Yuwen Su1*


Psoriasis is a chronic, systemic, hyper-proliferative immune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. The results ofepidemiological investigations have shown that psoriasis affects around 2% of the general population worldwide,and the total number of psoriasis patients is more than 6 million in China. Apart from the skin manifestations,psoriasis has been verified to associate with several metabolic comorbidities, such as insulin resistance, diabetes andobesity. However, the underlying mechanism is still not elucidated. Adipocytes, considered as the active endocrinecells, are dysfunctional in obesity which displays increased synthesis and secretion of adipokines with othermodified metabolic properties. Currently, growing evidence has pointed to the central role of adipokines in adiposetissue and the immune system, providing new insights into the effect of adipokines in linking the pathophysiologyof obesity and psoriasis. In this review, we summarize the current understanding of the pathological role ofadipokines and the potential mechanisms whereby different adipokines link obesity and psoriasis. Furthermore, wealso provide evidence which identifies a potential therapeutic target aiming at adipokines for the management ofthese two diseases.

Keywords: Adipokine, Psoriasis, Obesity, Pathophysiology, Treatment

IntroductionPsoriasis is a chronic, systemic, hyper-proliferative, im-mune-mediated inflammatory skin disease. The typicalpsoriatic skin lesions present as silver-whitish scales withsharply demarcated, red and thickened areas [1]. The re-sults of epidemiological surveys have shown that psoria-sis affects around 2% of the general populationworldwide, and the total number of psoriasis patients ismore than 6 million in China [2, 3]. Obesity, defined ashaving a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 kg/m2,is associated with a series of health problems that arealways grouped together as metabolic syndromes [4]. Ofnote, obesity has nearly doubled during the past fourdecades all over the world [5]. In China, the prevalenceof overweight was 25.8% (25.9% in males and 25.7% infemales), while that of obesity was 8.1% (8.4% in males

and 7.6% in females) in 2014 [6], posing serious risks tothe future health and reduce the quality of life in thegeneral population.Presently, questions concerning the relationship of psor-

iasis and obesity have focused on the potential biologicalbasis underlying the development of these two diseases.Multiple studies assume that adipokines, a type of cyto-kine synthesized and secreted by adipocytes, play an im-portant role in linking the pathological process ofpsoriasis and obesity. As shown previously, adipocytes arethe predominant cell type in adipose tissue, which are notonly a passive container for storing excess energy in theform of fat [7] but also an important source of hormonesand endocrine molecules, such as adipokines [8–10].Under the obese status, adipocytes are enlarged and dys-functional [11], secreting increased quantities of adipo-kines and exhibiting other modified metabolic properties[12]. Some adipokines, including hormones, cytokines andother proteins [13–17], possess pro-inflammatory proper-ties that involve in the pathogenesis of inflammatory dis-eases, such as asthma [18, 19], rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link tothe Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

* Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] of Dermatology, Hunan Key Laboratory of MedicalEpigenomics, the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, 139Renmin Middle Road, Changsha 410011, Hunan, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Kong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2019) 18:171

[20–23] and psoriasis [12, 24, 25]. Concerning this notion,studies have demonstrated a positive relationship betweenpsoriasis and several metabolic comorbidities, includingobesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia [25, 26]. Indeed,the prevalence of obesity in psoriatic patients is higherthan that in the healthy population [27], nonetheless, theunderlying mechanism is still not elucidated. In this re-view, we summarize the current understanding of thepathological role of adipokines and the potential mecha-nisms whereby different adipokines link obesity and psor-iasis. Furthermore, we also provide evidence whichidentifies a potential therapeutic target aiming at adipo-kines for the management of these two diseases.

Relationship between obesity and psoriasisfocusing on the prevalence rate and pathologyIt has been known since the early twenty-first centurythat psoriasis has a greater tendency to associate withobesity and its related metabolic syndromes, a findingwhich has been replicated in many studies from aroundthe world. Early in 2006, Neimann et al. have already de-termined a positive correlation between the increasedBMI and the extent of psoriasis severity measured by thepsoriasis area and severity index (PASI) score [28]. Simi-lar result was presented by a meta-analysis in which theaverage prevalence of obesity in psoriasis patients wasabout 23.5%; concurrently, patients with high PASIscores exhibited a higher prevalence rate of obesity [29].A systematic review including 25 studies found a higherprevalence rate of dyslipidemia in psoriasis patients withhigher PASI scores [30]. The results of another compre-hensive study also showed a significant relationship be-tween PASI scores and dyslipidemia, with adjusted ORsof 1.22, 1.56, and 1.98 for mild, moderate, and severepsoriasis, respectively [31]. Since dyslipidemia is one ofthe hallmarks of obesity, we can infer from these resultsthat dyslipidemia might contribute to the risk of psoria-sis by promoting the pathological processes that lead toobesity. On the other hand, the incidence of psoriasis inobese children has begun to gain appreciation. Compel-ling evidence has demonstrated that the pediatric psoria-sis is associated with a risk of pediatric metabolicsyndromes [32–35], indicating an association betweenpsoriasis and obesity in children and emphasizing theimportance of careful assessment of metabolic comor-bidities in psoriatic youngsters.The association between obesity and psoriasis has also

been confirmed in animal studies. Using an obese micemodel with psoriasiform dermatitis induced by imiqui-mod (IMQ), Kanemaru et al. found that the obese statuscould acutely exaggerate the severity of psoriasiformdermatitis in mice. Meanwhile, the mice exhibited higherserum levels of psoriasis mediators, such as interleukin-22 (IL-22), IL-17A and its downstream molecule

regenerating islet-derived 3γ (Reg3γ), which has beenconfirmed to be a critical molecule in psoriatic epider-mal hyperplasia [36]. The results suggest that the obesestatus can exacerbate psoriasis-form dermatitis, at leastpartly, by upregulating the pro-inflammatory factors.In summary, obesity can promote the severity of psor-

iasis; concurrently, psoriasis also occurs more frequentlyin obese people. However, the underlying mechanismswhich link psoriasis with obesity has not yet been clari-fied. Both psoriasis and obese status could facilitate themetabolic alterations that could be the primary and trig-gering events [37, 38]. Nevertheless, both aberrant con-ditions could also develop independently because of theshared risk factors, such as genetics or lifestyles.

Adipokines are pathogenic factors which linkpsoriasis and obesityUnder the obese status, the pro-inflammatory adipokinesare excessively synthesized and secreted by dysfunctionaladipocytes. However, the anti-inflammatory adipokinesare produced with a less extent. Of note, these inflam-matory includes hormones, cytokines and other proteins.Given the vast array of inflammatory conditions com-monly seen in obesity and psoriasis, many of which posea great burden to the individual and society, it is import-ant to seek a better fundamental understanding of thoseadipokines. Furthermore, since psoriasis and obesityalways risk factors, we hypothesize that the mechanismof linking obesity and psoriasis could be explained byadipokines. A summary of the reported data about thecharacteristics of different adipokines in obesity andpsoriasis is presented in Table 1 and Fig. 1.

AdiponectinAdiponectin is exclusively synthesized by adipocytes[39], which has been shown to enhance insulin sensitiv-ity and fatty acid oxidation. It is worth noting that adi-ponectin could also prevent atherosclerosis and improveanti-inflammation, playing a protective role in the patho-genesis of metabolic syndromes. In obese humans andanimals, the serum levels of adiponectin are decreasedand negatively correlated with the levels of tumor necro-sis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) [40]. Add-itionally, adiponectin is verified to increase theproduction of nitric oxide (NO) in endothelial cells byactivating the phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase/Akt (PI3K/Akt) signaling pathway, thus, the lower adiponectinlevels are considered to be a risk factor for endothelialdysfunction [41]. Recently, a series of studies haverevealed that the adiponectin levels are reduced in pa-tients with psoriasis and are negatively correlated withBMI [42–44]. In particular, the high molecular weight(HMW, oligomeric) form, one of the three major com-plexes of adiponectin, is confirmed as the most sensitive

Kong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2019) 18:171 Page 2 of 12

Table 1 The important adipokines and the possible effects on obesity and psoriasis

Adipokine Basic role of adipokine Roles and effects on psoriasis Roles and effects on obesity

Adiponectin Anti-inflammatoryAnti-atherogenic

Inversely correlates with psoriasisseverity, especially the HMW subtypeAn increase in serum levels ofadiponectin in psoriatic patientsSuppresses inflammation andimmune responses

Decreased in obesityProtects against obesity-linkedmetabolicdysfunction in mouse modelsA therapy associated with metabolicsyndromesPossesses anti-inflammatoryproperties by inhibiting theNF-κB signaling pathway

Leptin Pro-inflammatoryRegulates expression ofadhesion molecules andangiogenesis

Increased in psoriasisIncreases Th-1 lymphocytes and theTh-1 type cytokinesDecreases Th-2 type cytokinesPromotes the secretion of severalpro-inflammatory factorsRegulates proliferation of keratinocytes

Positively correlated with BMIRegulates feeding behavior throughthe central nervous system

Chemerin Pro-inflammatoryChemotactic proteinReleased mainly byadipocytes and dermalfibroblasts

Involved in the recruitment of pDC in theearly stage of psoriasisBinds to both the signaling andnon-signaling receptorsPromotes the pDC transmigration

Positively correlated with BMIConsidered as a biomarker in thedevelopment of obesityPromotes the adipogenesisdifferentiation of pre-adipocytes

Visfatin Pro-inflammatoryBinds to insulin receptorsActivates T lymphocytesin the immune system

Enhances production of antimicrobialpeptides in human keratinocytesThe gene of visfatin is upregulated inpsoriatic patients

Positively correlated with abdominalobesityCauses dyslipidemiaNegatively correlated with theplasma level of HDL-CPromotes the secretion of VEGFInhibits the expression ofmetalloproteinases

Omentin Anti-inflammatoryInduces the expression andphosphorylation of NOSStimulates the vasodilationof blood vessels

Lower levels in psoriatic patients comparedto the healthy controlsIncreased after treatment of psoriasisAttenuate the TNF-α-induced adhesionmolecule expression and monocyte adhesion

Increases insulin sensitivity in humanadipocytesRisk factor for insulin resistanceOmentin-1 is positively correlatedwith plasma level of adiponectin andis inverselycorrelated with BMI or WHR

TNF-α Pro-inflammatoryPromotes the developmentof metabolic syndrome andvascular diseases

Increased in psoriatic patientsPositively correlated with PASIFacilitates production of pro-inflammatory cytokinessynthesized by T lymphocytes and macrophages

Increased in obese patientsPositively correlated with BMIInduces dyslipidemia

IL-1β Pro-inflammatoryPromotes the developmentof metabolic syndrome andvascular diseases

Increased in psoriatic patientsPositively correlated with PASIActivates proliferation of keratinocytes

Increased in obese patientsPositively correlated with BMIInduces dyslipidemiaPromotes the inflammation-induceddestruction of pancreatic β-cells

IL-6 Pro-inflammatoryImpairs the insulin release

Increased in psoriatic patientsPositively correlated with PASIActivates T lymphocytes and theproliferation of keratinocytes

Increased in obese patientsPositively correlated with BMIInduces dyslipidemia

RBP4 Secreted by adipocytes,macrophages andhepatocytesTransfers retinol (Vitamin A)

Decreased in psoriatic patientsPositively correlated with the PASI scorePositively correlated with the circulatinglevels of inflammatory factorsReduces after the treatment with acitretin

Produced by visceral adipocytes underthe obese statusPlays a major role in insulin resistancePositively associated with BMI, WHR,plasma level of TG and systolic bloodpressure

FetA Produced by adipocytes,keratinocytes andhepatocytesInhibit the lipid effluxespecially withinmacrophages

Induces the synthesis and secretion ofpro-inflammatory adipokinesPromotes transformation of theanti-inflammatoryM2-phenotype macrophages into thepro-inflammatoryM1-phenotype macrophagesIncreased in psoriatic patients

FFA could enhance the production ofFetA in hepatocytes and adipocytesReduces after treatment of weightloss in obese patients

Kong et al. Lipids in Health and Disease (2019) 18:171 Page 3 of 12

marker for obesity and psoriasis [45] and is significantlylower in psoriasis patients [46]. After the treatment ofweight loss, the levels of adiponectin and the psoriasis-special alterations of skin have been improved to someextent [42].Interestingly, the adiponectin also possesses anti-in-

flammatory properties by inhibiting the nuclear factorkappa-B (NF-κB) signaling pathway which consequentlyupregulates the secretion of IL-10 and regulates thetoll-like receptors (TLRs) [47]. The mechanismwhereby adiponectin affects obesity and psoriasis is po-tentially due to the regulatory role of adiponectin in

skin inflammation, especially in IL-17-related psoriasis-form dermatitis. Consistent with this hypothesis, theadiponectin-deficient mice exhibit severe psoriasis-formskin inflammation with enhanced infiltration of IL-17-producing dermal Vγ4 + γδT cells, revealing that adipo-nectin could directly act on dermal γδ-T cells to sup-press IL-17 synthesis [48]. Moreover, the synthesis andsecretion of IL-17 by human CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cellsare also inhibited by adiponectin [49]. With further re-search, the adiponectin is shown to significantly upreg-ulate the expression level of sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) andperoxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ),

Table 1 The important adipokines and the possible effects on obesity and psoriasis (Continued)

Adipokine Basic role of adipokine Roles and effects on psoriasis Roles and effects on obesity

Positively correlated with PASI scores

LCN2 Expressed in human livers,lungs, kidneys and adiposetissuesA component of the innateimmune systemFunctions in the acute phaseresponse to infectionInduces apoptosisInvolves in several inflammatory diseases

Increased in psoriatic patientsPositively correlated with PASI scoresUp-regulates in keratinocytes of psoriatic skin lesionsPositively correlated with IL-1β

Increased in obese patientsPositively correlated with BMIInduces dyslipidemia

Abbreviations: HMW high molecular weight, NF-κB nuclear factor kappa B, BMI body mass index, pDC plasmacytoid dendritic cells, HDL-C high density lipoproteincholesterol, VEGF vascular endothelial growth factors, NOS nitric oxide synthase, TNF-α tumor necrosis factor-alpha, WHR waist-hip ratio, PASI psoriasis area andseverity index, RBP4 retinol binding protein 4, FetA fetuin-A, LCN2 lipocalin-2, IL-6 interleukin-6, FFA free fatty acid

Fig. 1 Psoriasis-signature cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6, have effects on adipose tissue being involved in key mechanisms of TGmetabolism and differentiation of pre-adipocytes, including increased risk of obesity. Secreted adipokines, such as leptin, chemerin, RBP4, visfatin,fetuin-A, apelin 36 and lipocalin-2, could amplify the immune response and promote immune-mediated diseases by their pro-inflammatoryeffects; however, adiponectin and omentin shows anti-inflammatory effects, and the levels of adiponectin and omentin obviously decrease inobese patients. The figure briefly present the function of different adipokines in linking psoriasis and obesity

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which have a vital role in promoting the adipogenesisof adipocytes [50]. To date, the expression level of ret-inoid-related orphan receptor-γt (ROR-γt), one of thekey transcription factors during the differentiation ofTh17 cell, is synchronously inhibited by adiponectin[50]. These results have systematically uncovered therole of adiponectin in inhibiting adipogenesis of adipo-cytes and the Th17 cell-mediated inflammation,suggesting a novel mechanism which underlies the rela-tionship between psoriasis and obesity.

LeptinLeptin, a hormone that is predominately produced byadipocytes in white adipose tissue [51], has been provedas a regulator of whole-body energy homeostasisthrough decreasing food intake and increasing energyexpenditure [52]. The plasma level of leptin is elevatedin both obese and psoriatic individuals, and the elevatedconcentration is positively correlated with BMI andPASI scores, suggesting an important role of leptin inlinking psoriasis and obesity. Indeed, several meta-ana-lyses have evaluated the circulating concentrations ofimportant adipokines and found that the leptin concen-trations are significantly higher in non-obese patientswith psoriasis [53, 54], either under the fasting or thepostprandial status [55, 56], indicating that the increaseleptin levels in psoriatic patients might not only origin-ate from adipocytes but also from keratinocytes andendothelial cells [57].Accordingly, we speculate that leptin may act as a

combined bridge between psoriasis and obesity throughinflammatory processes. Actually, it is worth noting thatthe leptin-deficient mice with IMQ-induced psoriasispresented an attenuated extent of several manifestationsof inflammation, such as the clinical signs of erythema,infiltration and scales in dorsal skin and ear skin [58];however, after the pharmacological stimulation of leptin,the authors observed that the T lymphocytes isolatedfrom those mice are more likely to be polarized to Th1lymphocytes with an increase secretion of several pro-in-flammatory factors, including IL-6, IL-8 (CXCL8) andTNF-α [59, 60]. In addition, the proliferation of kera-tinocyte is also enhanced during this process. These datastrongly revealed that leptin plays an important role inlinking the pathogenesis of psoriasis and obesity by pro-moting the production of pro-inflammatory mediators.

ChemerinChemerin is a newly discovered adipokine which in-volves in the pathogenesis of inflammation, adipogenesis,angiogenesis and dyslipidemia [61]. Adipocytes, endothe-lial cells and skin keratinocytes have been shown to pro-duce chemerin under the physiological status. Currently,chemerin has been considered as not only a classical

chemokine but also a novel adipokine. Firstly, as a typeof chemokine, chemerin mainly exhibits the chemotacticcharacteristics via being several cellular receptors. Previ-ous studies have described that chemerin could bind toboth the signaling and non-signaling receptors, such asG protein coupled receptor 1 (GPR1) and chemokineCC-motif receptor-like 2 (CCRL2). As known, CCRL2,which is principally expressed by keratinocytes, couldpromote the cellular binding capacity of chemerin andsupport the dendritic cells transmigration [62, 63]. Onthe other hand, as a vital adipokine, chemerin is shownto up-regulate in obese mammals [61, 64], and theplasma levels of chemerin are positively correlated withBMI and obesity-related biomarkers [41], pointing to amodulatory role of chemerin in the pathophysiology ofobesity. Indeed, studies have demonstrated that the ex-pression level of chemerin dramatically increases duringthe cellular differentiation of pre-adipocytes, and the in-creased chemerin could in turn stimulate the adipogene-sis differentiation, leading to hyperplasia andhypertrophy of mature adipocytes [65–67].Consistently, Coban et al. demonstrated a positive cor-

relation between chemerin level with the PASI scoresand BMI [68], and Gao et al. also found that the level ofchemerin in psoriatic patients was higher than that inthe general population [69]. Further, the adipose tissueisolated from obese and psoriatic patients is shown tosecrete higher levels of chemerin [70]. After anti-psori-atic therapy, such as cyclosporine A, methotrexate andTNF-α blockers, the patients presented a relatively lowerplasma levels of chemerin [71].As mentioned above, chemerin potentially has the

functions within keratinocytes and adipocytes whichcould induce an inflammatory response in psoriatic epi-dermis and adipose tissue. To validate this hypothesis,Wang et al. used the HaCaT cells and the primary hu-man keratinocytes which were treated with chemerinpreviously and showed that chemerin could facilitate thesecretion of inflammatory factors, including IL-1β, IL-8,TNF-α, and subsequently activate the NF-κB signalingpathway through the chemerin receptors [72]. Mean-while, chemerin significantly reduced the expressionlevel and constrained the deacetylase activity of SIRT1through augmentation of reactive oxygen species (ROS)production. Similar results were observed by using theIMQ-induced psoriatic mice model [72]. Alternatively,in psoriasis dermis, chemerin is mainly secreted by fibro-blasts, which could induce the migration of plasmacytoiddendritic cells (pDC) and the phosphorylation of theextracellular regulated protein kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2)in vitro [73]. Therefore, chemerin could act as a chemo-kine that recruits pDC to pre-psoriatic skin by bindingto its cognate receptor, namely chemR23, expressed onpDC [74]. In conclusion, chemerin can promote NF-κB

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activation through inhibiting of SIRT1 activity by ROSproduction and consequently induce an inflammatoryresponse, leading to the development of obesity andpsoriasis.

VisfatinVisfatin, highly expressed in visceral tissues, is a type ofpro-inflammatory cytokine which could upregulate theproduction of pro-inflammatory factors in monocytes andthen increase the activation of T lymphocytes [45]. Ofnote, the visfatin-knockout monocytes isolated from thearthritis mice induced by collagen exhibited a reduced se-cretion of IL-6 and the attenuated extent of differentiationprocess of CD4(+) T lymphocytes into Th17 lymphocytes[75]. Furthermore, the expression of visfatin within endo-thelial cells could also promote the secretion of vascularendothelial growth factors (VEGF) and synchronously leadto a decrease in the expression of metalloproteinases,which caused the proliferation of endothelial cells and theformation of capillary cavities [76].Accumulating evidence has demonstrated that visfatin

is positively correlated with abdominal obesity and isnegatively correlated with the plasma level of HDL-C[77]. On the other hand, an independent study of 40psoriatic patients showed that the plasma level of visfatinwas higher than that in healthy control individuals [78].Further research has also determined that visfatin couldact on the keratinocytes and amplify the inflammatorystatus through NF-κB and STAT3 signaling pathwaysand the upregulation of several chemokines geneexpression, such as CXCL8, CXCL10, CCL20 and theantimicrobial peptides including cyclic adenosine mono-phosphate (CAMP) and S100A7 [75, 79], thus enhancingthe severity of psoriasis. This effect of visfatin has alsobeen observed by using the IMQ-induced psoriatic micemodel, in which the antimicrobial peptides were en-hanced by the treatment of visfatin. Given that the anti-microbial peptides can activate the functions of pDCwhich may induce the development of inflammation,these observations shed light on the potential role of vis-fatin in linking obesity and psoriasis [80].

OmentinOmentin has been shown to act on several different cellsin mammals. For instance, in endothelial cells, omentininduces the expression and phosphorylation of nitricoxide synthase (NOS), which afterwards stimulates thevasodilation of blood vessels and the ischemia-inducedtissue re-vascularization via endothelial NOS-dependentmechanisms [81]. In addition, omentin is verified to havea role in vascular smooth muscle cells which could at-tenuate the TNF-α-induced adhesion molecule expres-sion and monocyte adhesion [82]. It should be furthernoted that apart from its protective function against

insulin resistance, inflammation and vascular dysfunc-tion, omentin is also suggested to function as a lectinwhich could bind to the galactofuranosyl residues thatlocated on the cell walls of various bacteria [83, 84].There are two isoforms of omentin in human circula-

tion, namely omentin-1 and omentin-2. As demon-strated previously, these two isoforms are primarilyproduced by the omental adipose tissue and the epicar-dial adipose tissue but not the subcutaneous adiposetissue [85]. Of note, omentin, especially the isoform 1, ispositively correlated with plasma level of adiponectinand is inversely correlated with BMI or waist-hip ratio(WHR), signifying an modulatory role in pathogenesis ofobesity [86]. In a prospective study, the decreased omen-tin levels were shown to associate with an increased riskof obesity and insulin resistance [83]; other independentstudies have further shown that serum omentin levelswere clearly decreased and inversely correlated with PASIscores in psoriatic patients compared to the healthy con-trol participants [87–89]. Consistently, omentin could alsoenhance the insulin signaling pathway and the expressionof anti-inflammatory factors in adipocytes, thus suppress-ing the expression of different adhesion moleculesinduced by TNF-α [90]. To date, there are limited studiesinvestigating omentin and its role in the pathogenesis andthe clinical outcomes of psoriasis. Further studies focusingon the mechanisms whereby omentin links psoriasis andobesity are still needed.

CytokinesAs mentioned above, under the obese status, adipocytesare dysfunctional with the excessive secretion of severalpro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α, IL-1β andIL-6. Given these cytokines also commonly seen in psor-iasis, which pose a great burden to the development ofthose two diseases, it is important to seek a fundamentalunderstanding of these cytokines. Indeed, the role ofsome important cytokines in the pathogenesis of diseasehas been investigated.Firstly, TNF-α, as a key regulator in inflammation which

is crucial for the proliferation of T lymphocytes and kera-tinocytes within psoriatic lesions [91], is shown to facili-tate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by Tlymphocytes and macrophages. Some researchers foundthat the serum levels of TNF-α increased in psoriatic pa-tients which was also positively correlated with PASIscores [92–95]. Additionally, a positive association be-tween TNF-α and BMI in psoriasis was demonstrated[96]. Secondly, IL-1β is another vital pro-inflammatorycytokine that promotes psoriasis and metabolic syndromespotential via the activation of keratinocytes and the in-flammation-induced destruction of pancreatic β-cells, re-spectively [97]. Notably, several studies have found thatthe IL-1β level was higher in the active phase of psoriasis

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and reduced in psoriatic patients after treatment conse-quently [98, 99]; meanwhile, a positive correlation be-tween the serum levels of IL-1β with PASI has also beenreported in psoriatic patients before and after treatment[100–102], signifying that IL-1β is an important mediatorin the initiation and maintenance of psoriatic plaques.Thirdly, similar to IL-1β, IL-6 could clearly impair theinsulin release and induce the production of inflammatorycytokines in adipocytes [97]. Moreover, IL-6 also mediatesthe activation of T lymphocytes and the proliferation ofkeratinocytes [102]. Current results have revealed that IL-6 is increased under the psoriatic status and positivelycorrelates with PASI scores, at least in the more severeform of psoriasis [103, 104].In conclusion, TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β are increased in

psoriasis and correlate with PASI scores and obesity,leading to worsening of psoriatic lesions. The increasingresults of functional analyses focusing on the cytokinescould point out the potential mechanisms by whichcytokines may increase susceptibility to obesity andpsoriasis. However, there are also multiple cytokineswhich aberrantly produced under the diseases status,further studies is still needed to shed light on the physio-logical role of the other cytokines in linking obesity andpsoriasis.

Other important adipokinesSeveral other important adipokines have recently beenconsidered as mediators of obesity and psoriasis, al-though there is a lack of experimental evidence that dir-ectly supports specific mechanisms. These adipokinesinclude retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4), fetuin-A (FetA)and lipocalin-2 (LCN2).

RBP4RBP4, an adipokine which predominantly secreted byadipocytes, macrophages and hepatocytes, was firstdiscovered in 2005 [105, 106]. Especially, RBP4 is pro-duced by the visceral adipocytes under the status ofobesity and insulin resistance. It has been known sincethe early twenty-first century that RBP4 has a greatertendency to involve in several metabolic processes inhumans and mice, a finding which has been replicatedin many studies from around the world. Currently, therole of RBP4 in linking obesity and psoriasis has beengiven substantial attention.Accordingly, accumulating evidence has revealed that

increased RBP4 levels are positively associated withBMI, WHR, plasma level of TG and systolic blood pres-sure. By contrast, the serum levels of RBP4 are shownto inversely associate with plasma HDL-C levels, point-ing out that RBP4 has an essential role in promotingthe pathological process of obesity [107–109]. Further-more, in psoriasis patients with obesity, the plasma

levels of RBP4 are positively correlated with the PASIscore and higher than those in patients with simplepsoriasis [110–112]. Further research has also deter-mined that RBP4 is positively associated with the circu-lating levels of inflammatory factors, such as IL-6 andTNF-α [112]. Of note, treatment with acitretin couldsignificantly reduce the plasma levels RBP4 in psoriasispatients [113], suggesting that RBP4 is a potential targetfor treatment of psoriasis.

FetAFetA, encoded by FETA genes, is produced by adipo-cytes, keratinocytes and hepatocytes, especially thoseisolated from mice or human donors with obesity andmetabolic syndromes [114, 115]. Growing evidencereveals that the free fatty acids (FFA) could enhancethe production of FetA in hepatocytes and adipocytesvia increasing the activation NF-κB signaling pathway.Furthermore, the serum levels of FetA significantlyreduce after the treatment of weight loss in obese pa-tients, indicating consequently that FetA is associatedwith obesity [116].On the other hand, the role of FetA in the pathogen-

esis of inflammation, both in the systemic and tissue-specific inflammation, has received substantial attentionin recent years. As described previously, FetA could in-duce the synthesis and secretion of pro-inflammatoryadipokines and synergistically inhibit the lipid efflux es-pecially within macrophages [117, 118]. In addition, theadipocyte-derived FetA shows the effect on the trans-formation of the anti-inflammatory M2-phenotype mac-rophages into the pro-inflammatory M1-phenotypemacrophages, thus promoting the inflammatory processin humans [116]. These results suggest a potential mech-anism by which FetA influences the process of inflam-mation. Given that psoriasis is a chronic systemicinflammatory disease, we could make a reasonablespeculation that FetA could also have a role in thepathogenesis of psoriasis. Nonetheless, few studies havereported the relationship between FetA levels and psor-iasis. It is worth noting that Genc et al. found that theFetA levels in psoriatic patients was higher than those inhealthy individuals, suggesting that FetA may have a rolein psoriasis pathogenesis [119]. Likewise, Uyar et al. alsofound that serum levels of FetA in psoriatic patients waspositively correlated with PASI scores.However, due to the lack of evidence supporting a dir-

ect mechanism whereby FetA affect psoriasis, furtherefforts should be made to elucidate the important role ofFetA in promoting obesity and psoriasis.

LCN2More recently, another adipokine named LCN2 hasattracted broad attention. LCN2, expressed in human

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livers, lungs, kidneys and adipose tissues [120], is a 25 kDaglycoprotein member of the highly heterogeneous familyof lipocalins. Previous studies have demonstrated thatLCN-2 is a component of the innate immune system witha relevant role in the acute phase response to infection aswell in as the induction of apoptosis; concurrently, LCN2is also shown to involve in several inflammatory diseases,including the epidermal inflammation, the inflammatorybowel disease (IBD) and atherosclerotic diseases.For instance, Baran et al. found that the serum levels

of LCN2 were significantly increased in psoriatic patientscompared to the healthy controls [110], and two otherindependent studies have revealed that the serum levelsof LCN2 in psoriaeic patients correlated with PASIscores [112, 121]. Likewise, in an animal study, Hau etal. found that the erythema and scaling skin isolatedfrom IMQ-induced psoriatic mice presented higher ex-pression level of LCN2 gene, suggesting that LCN2 playsan important role in promoting the development ofpsoriasis [75]. Interestingly, these findings have beenreplicated in other studies from around the world. Wolket al. and Hadidi et al. provided the evidence that LCN2is significantly up-regulated in keratinocytes of psoriaticskin lesions, and the LCN2 level is positively correlatedwith IL-1β [88, 122], while IL-1β promotes obesity andpsoriasis synergistically, thus emphasizing the regulatorynature of LCN2 in linking psoriasis and obesity.

Treatment of obesity and psoriasis throughtargeting adipokinesSeveral studies have shown that the treatment of weightloss in obese patients may effectively improve the patho-genesis of psoriasis. Alternatively, the effects of dietcontrol or exercise in obese patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis also revealed that the mean weight ofthese patients was significantly lower in the diet-control-ling group compared to that in the control group. Inaddition, around 66.7% of the obese patients in the diet-controlling group achieved about 75% decrease in theirPASI score (PASI-75), and the percentage of patientswho achieved PASI-75 was only around 29% in the con-trol group. Mechanically, the authors also found that alow-calorie diet could further reduce the serum level ofleptin and simultaneously increased the serum level ofadiponectin [123, 124], indicating that lifestyle modifica-tions may be the supplements in addition to thepharmacologic treatment of obese patients withpsoriasis.On the other hand, several studies have already

pointed to the regulation of the concentration of adipo-kines and have demonstrated that the treatment ofweight loss in obese patients with psoriasis should focusmore on reducing obesity-induced inflammation andadipokine secretion. More recently, studies have signified

that the psoriatic patients treated with the fumaric acidesters or methotrexate had an increased serum level ofadiponectin compared to that in patients per se beforetreatment [125–127]. In addition, the psoriatic patientstreated with anti-TNFα agents also had a significantlyincrease in the serum level of adiponectin and a reduc-tion in the serum level of IL-6, suggesting that aiming atadipokines might help to treat psoriasis and obesity[128]. Nevertheless, we still need more large-scaleprospective studies in patients to determine the validityof the values about the treating effect.

Conclusions and perspectivesIn summary, there is a complex relationship betweenobesity, psoriasis and adipokines. According to the resultsof studies, psoriasis and obesity may not be reciprocallycausal but may be derived from a shared pathophysiology.To this point, future studies focusing on the relationshipare important, not only from the public health perspectivebut also to achieve more comprehensive management ofpsoriasis. Before a decision is made about which the thera-peutic intervention should be applied to managing a psori-atic patient, it seems important to consider synchronouslythat the body weight of the patients is also involved in themanagement. Psoriatic patients may be evaluated fromboth a dermatological and a metabolic perspective.Currently, the PASI is being used to evaluate the

severity of psoriasis and the affected body areas; mean-while, the evaluation of bodyweight would also be valuableand would complement the clinical assessment of thepsoriatic patients. The complex interaction of psoriasiswith different comorbidities suggests the need for a multi-disciplinary approach in the management of obese pa-tients with psoriasis.Further research is required to elucidate the role of

adipokines in patients with psoriasis and psoriasis-re-lated comorbidities. The assessment of the serum levelsof adipokines in a well-phenotyped population withpsoriasis, while controlling for endocrine factors, is im-portant for further understanding the disease. Adipo-kines may be mediators of cutaneous inflammation,which suggests a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasisand the development of obesity.

AbbreviationsBMI: Body mass index; CAMP: Cyclic adenosine monophosphate;CCRL2: Chemokine CC-motif receptor-like 2; ERK1/2: Extracellular regulatedprotein kinases 1 and 2; FetA: Fetuin-A; FFA: Free fatty acids; GPR1G: Proteincoupled receptor 1; HMW: High molecular weight; IBD: Inflammatory boweldisease; IL-6: Interleukin-6; LCN2: Lipocalin-2; NF-κB: Nuclear factor kappa B;NO: Nitric oxide; NOS: Nitric oxide synthase; PASI: Psoriasis area and severityindex; pDC: Plasmacytoid dendritic cells; PI3K: Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase;PPARγ: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma; RA: Rheumatoidarthritis; RBP4: Retinol binding protein 4; Reg3γ: Regenerating islet-derived3-gamma; ROR-γt: Retinoid-related orphan receptor-gamma-t; ROS: Reactiveoxygen species; SIRT1: Sirtuin-1; TLRs: Toll-like receptors; TNF-α: Tumor

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necrosis factor-alpha; VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factors; WHR:Waist-hip ratio


Authors’ contributionsM. Zhao and Y.W. Su conceived of the scope of the review. Y. Kong wasinvolved in the accumulation of the relevant references and drafted themanuscript. X. Su, R.F. Wu and S.H. Zhang helped draft the figure. All authorsread and approved the final manuscript.

FundingThis project was supported by grants from the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (No. 81872534 to Y.W. Su and No. 81874243 to M.Zhao) and the Graduate Self-Exploration and Innovation Project of CentralSouth University of China (No. 2018zzts923 to Y. Kong).

Availability of data and materialsNot applicable.

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of Dermatology, Hunan Key Laboratory of MedicalEpigenomics, the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University, 139Renmin Middle Road, Changsha 410011, Hunan, China. 2Department ofCardiovascular Medicine, the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central SouthUniversity, Changsha, Hunan, China.

Received: 21 June 2019 Accepted: 2 September 2019

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