new horizons volume 1 issue 4

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450 1 New Horizons The Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay Message from the Club President This weeks letter from the Club President. Page 2 District and International Appointments Members of the Club take on roles at District and International level. Page 1 Club Fundraising A review of this week’s fundraising activities. Page 4 Making Dreams Real Ken Collins discusses how project needs are identified, by looking at a project in India. Page 3 The Rotary Foundation Thought of the Week This week is about District Simplified Grants. Page 2 Contact Us Updated contact details for the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay. Page 4 Volume 1, Issue 4 9th - 15th February 2009 PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 District 9450 ABN: 99 602 195 617 Members of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay with District and International Appointments Bill Hassell has taken over as Chairman of the D. 9450 Rotary Foundation Alumni Committee and Daniel Forsdyke will be working with Bill on this Committee to help update the Data base. Claire Forsdyke has joined the District Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange Committee. President Di continues her roles as Secretary of both the District Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange and Scholarships Committee. PRID Ken Collins is the Chairman of the Rotary Foundation District Committee and Internationally is a Zone Coordinator for the Gates Polio Challenge, is a member of the Rotary International Membership Committee and next year will take over as Vice Chairman of this Committee. Rosters for Attendance Officers etc. Peter Symons has kindly agreed to assist with organising Rosters for various jobs to be done in the Club each week. The main one being that of 'Attendance Officers', which is the members who man the desk each week checking of names and taking money for both the raffle and our drinks / nibbles. It is vital the people rostered for this job be the first at the venue on the day they are rostered. Raffle The raffle last week brought in $185.00. It was won by Bryant Stokes with a second prize going to Clive Boddy. The winner is responsible for taking along a suitable prize for the following week. Tickets are $5.00 each or three for $10.00. It is purely voluntary as to participation in the raffle, however, it is a great little source of extra funds for the Charity Account. Sommerville Theatre at UWA Members are supportive of the idea put forward by Jan Stewart that she provide tickets for a Sunday evening viewing of a film at Sommerville, which we purchase at a discounted price, take along a picnic and enjoy a great social/fundraising evening. Board Meeting This month’s Board Meeting will be held at the Collins' residence on Wednesday, 25th Feb at 5:30pm

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Page 1: New Horizons Volume 1 Issue 4

Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450 1

New HorizonsThe Official Bulletin of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay

Message from the Club PresidentThis weeks letter from the Club President. Page 2

District and International AppointmentsMembers of the Club take on roles at District and International level. Page 1

Club FundraisingA review of this week’s fundraising activities.Page 4

Making Dreams RealKen Collins discusses how project needs are identified, by looking at a project in India.Page 3

The Rotary Foundation Thought of the WeekThis week is about District Simplified Grants. Page 2

Contact UsUpdated contact details for the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay.Page 4

Volume 1, Issue 4 9th - 15th February 2009

PO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909 District 9450 ABN: 99 602 195 617

Members of the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay with District and International AppointmentsBill Hassell has taken over as Chairman of the D. 9450 Rotary Foundation Alumni Committee and Daniel Forsdyke will be working with Bill on this Committee to help update the Data base.Claire Forsdyke has joined the District Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange Committee.President Di continues her roles as Secretary of both the District Rotary Foundation Group Study Exchange and Scholarships Committee.PRID Ken Collins is the Chairman of the Rotary Foundation District Committee and Internationally is a Zone Coordinator for the Gates Polio Challenge, is a member of the Rotary International Membership Committee and next year will take over as Vice Chairman of this Committee.

Rosters for Attendance Officers etc. Peter Symons has kindly agreed to assist with organising Rosters for various jobs to be done in the Club each week.

The main one being that of 'Attendance Officers', which is the members who man the desk each week checking of names and taking money for both the raffle and our drinks / nibbles.It is vital the people rostered for this job be the first at the venue on the day they are rostered.


The raffle last week brought in $185.00.  It was won by Bryant Stokes with a second prize going to Clive Boddy.   The winner is responsible for taking along a suitable prize for the following week.

Tickets are $5.00 each or three for $10.00.   It is purely voluntary as to participation in the raffle, however, it is a great little source of extra funds for the Charity Account.

Sommerville Theatre at UWA Members are supportive of the idea put forward by Jan Stewart that she provide tickets for a Sunday evening viewing of a film at Sommerville, which we purchase at a discounted price,

take along a picnic and enjoy a great social/fundraising evening.

Board MeetingThis month’s Board Meeting will be held at the Collins' residence on Wednesday, 25th Feb at 5:30pm

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2 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450

M E S S A G E F R O M T H E C L U B P R E S I D E N TDear Fellow Rotarians,

What a great night of fun and fellowship thirty two of us enjoyed at our Induction Night last Thursday evening. For those of you unable to join us, you were missed and we look forward to your Inductions over the coming weeks.DG Sue Rowell and her partner John Livingstone, along with PDG Sylvia Byers, the Regional Rotary International Membership Coordinator, PDG Bill Benbow, who is the District Extension Officer and the maker of the lectern, gavel and base for our bell which will all be presented to the Club at our Charter Night, plus Sue Boyd and PP David Goldstone all joined us for our Inductions. To members who helped out and contributed to the success of the night - Peter and Mandy on the desk, Daniel with his camera, Mara and Marija with wines and Roh with another great meal, I sincerely thank you.Four of our new members are second generation Rotarians – Sue Hassell, Judith Dowson, Jan Stewart and Simone Carot Collins. Without a doubt, their fathers who have given Rotary Service before them, will be extremely proud to see their daughters carry on in their footsteps, Bill Hassell, Claire and Daniel Forsdyke are all Rotary Foundation Alumni, two, Simone and Marcos Carot Collins are former Rotaractors and all these are what we label ‘the family of Rotary’. Along with a handful of former Rotarians plus the valued members who are new to Rotary, Ken and I feel honoured to serve along side each of you in the Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay. With such outstanding members we have the power to Make Dreams Real as the Future of Rotary is in our Hands. These are the Themes of both the current and next President of Rotary International which we can fulfill.Due to the double booking at the RPGC, last week Ken and I were forced to make alternative arrangements for the Club’s Charter Night. We are a little disappointed that due to availability of suitable venues and a budget already in place, we have had to step down a notch on the type of venue planned for the occasion. When one is given a lemon the only choice is to make it into lemonade so this we will do with the help of Marija and Mara who will convert the ‘barn’ into a more upscale venue. The positives are the magnificent view on the banks of our lovely river, central location and ease of parking and as another Rotarian in the

District wisely said when discussing the situation with him “It will be a great night as it’s people who make the night”. Please support us and bring along friends and family to help the Club celebrate.Simone will be looking after the next two meetings as Ken and I will be in Queensland for ten days. We know as many of you will be there each week to support her.Yours in Rotary Service,

Di CollinsCharter President

Cure Cancer ChallengeMark Gibbens, 45, a registered nurse from Adelaide, is undertaking an endurance walk from Perth to Sydney to raise money for cancer research.The 5300km trek will take him through many towns where there are Rotary Clubs present and any assistance that you can offer Mark will be greatly appreciated.This is a great opportunity for your club & RHF to obtain publicity.  The detailed route (   Perth - Adelaide -Melbourne -  Sydney)   is available on his web site: 

Mark will be spending many a night camping along the way so a meal, a shower and a soft bed would be most appreciated if he is coming to your town! Mark is doing the walk solo with no back-up vehicle and he is paying all his own expenses. 

Mark will appreciate a courtesy call from your club prior to reaching your townMobile no: 0429 474 559 

His walk commences   from   Princess Margaret Hospital (Perth) at 10am Sunday 22nd February. It would be tremendous for a good crowd to see him on his way 

Although Mark has nominated a particular Cancer Research organisation in each State, he will accept donations to Australian Rotary Health (ARH) and the money will go towards a Funding Grant for prostate cancer research. Donations can also be made direct to ARH to support his walk, through the ARH website by placing a note in the message area: Donations are tax deductible and contributions given by your Club will be credited by the Fund in your name.

ARH - Health Research by Australians – for Australians – in Australia! 

Since its establishment 28 years ago, the Fund has committed more than $18m to health research in Australia. This is an Australian Rotary Program supported by Rotarians throughout the country. Consider making a contribution to this national institution while Mark is in town. Take the opportunity to create awareness of Australian Rotary Health within your community.For further information, visit or contact District 9500/9520 Regional Coordinator Dick Wilson on 0412 003 110 o r e m a i l [email protected] or Terry Carson on  0417 831 283

The Rotary FoundationWeek 32: This week’s Rotary Foundation Thought is about District Simplified Grants (DSG).

In Australia, Rotarians received District Simplified Grants both small and large to benefit local communities and communities abroad. One club used DSG funds to provide jackets displaying the Rotary Wheel to a team of Blind Bowlers which they wore proudly to the national Championships. Other DSGs were used to establish a library for foster children, repair a broken fence around a Scout Hall and provide 30 sets of Junior Encyclopedias to schools in Thailand.Through the creativity and passion of numerous Rotarians, one district improved the lives of countless people both within Australia and abroad. Every Rotarian, Every Year – Hope begins with us.

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Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450 3

Club EmailsAs part of the club website Simone has set up emails for positions within the club, as well as for each member.

The position email addresses are:


All members can now also be contacted via:[email protected] with 2 exceptions. These are Brother James and Bill & Sue Hassell

All members can now email the whole club by sending an email to: [email protected]

If anyone has not received an emailnotification about their new email address or about the club email list, please contact Simone.

RC Freshwater Bay of FacebookThe club now has a presence on the social networking site Facebook. If you would like to take part in this online presence you can join the Facebook group at: http://w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / g r o u p . p h p ?gid=47737002646

If you are not of Facebook yet, it is free to join at

Making Dreams Real Through Matching GrantsIn December 1997 Di and I made the first of our many trips to India and on about the fourth day met a wonderful young Rotarian (Mayur Vyas) who was in charge of the club’s feeding program. They lived in Anand a village of 100,000 inhabitants where the average family income was $3 per week.Children were malnourished, going blind from Vitamin A deficiency or dying from starvation. The nearby Amul Dairy produced a special food that looked like cheezels, 50 grams of which provided a child with his/her daily protein and vitamin requirement.Realizing that feeding the children was not enough the club established 26 feeding centres in which the children received three hours of schooling before they were given their special food.On questioning this young Rotarian on how the project, which was costing the club $525.00 per week, was funded he replied: “A few of us chip in”. Further questioning revealed that he in fact was giving half of his income every week to his Rotary Club.A very strong bond developed between us and since then we have worked together on several projects, where each of our clubs (or individual Rotarians) has made a contribution which was “matched” by The Rotary Foundation.Every time I have been careful to ensure that I responded to a need identified by the local Rotarians, not to try to thrust upon them something I felt they should have.Last Christmas we received a letter full of love and Christmas greetings from this lovely Hindu family and with it came another request for help. A nearby club

requires equipment for a Senior Citizens Centre and as usual they have not asked for more than they themselves are prepared to put in.To me this is true Rotary as we fulfill the fourth part of the Object of Rotary “The advancement o f in ternat ional understanding, goodwill and peace through a worldwide fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.”PRID Ken Collins

Rotary's BirthdayRotary will be 104 years old on 23rd February 'World Understanding and Peace Day' in the Rotary Calendar.

Rotary International Convention 2009The 2009 Rotary International Convention is being held in Birmingham, England between 21st and 24th June.

“By participating in an RI Convention, you’ll gain a broader appreciation of Rotary’s global impact and strengthen your commitment to service. And seeing a convention may move your invited guests to become Rotarians too.”

DG Sue Rowell with members of RC Freshwater Bay that have sponsored new Rotarians. Toni, Mara and Marija were also Inducted on the same night.

Page 4: New Horizons Volume 1 Issue 4

N e w H o r i z o n s

4 Rotary Club of Freshwater Bay, District 9450

Program for February

BoardRotary Year 2008-09

Di Collins — [email protected] Col l ins — Vice Pres ident / Membership [email protected] Carot Collins — President [email protected] Rajah Senitharajah — [email protected] Forsdyke — [email protected] Stokes — Projects [email protected] Forsdyke — International [email protected] Darlington — President Nominee / Public Relations [email protected] Symons — Finance [email protected]

Club DetailsRotary Club of Freshwater BayPO Box 168, Nedlands, Western Australia, 6909

MeetingsThursday 6:00pm to 7:00pmCafe, Bethesda HospitalQueenslea DriveClaremont

Email [email protected] 08 93850471Fax 08 93850472



Chartered 19 December 2008

Bulletin ContributionsContributions for the weekly bulletin are sought from members of the club.

Why not use the bulletin to update the club on the projects your committee is working on or promote the clubs next fundraising event.

Please forward articles and photos to [email protected]

Date Details

12th February Mara Basanovic and Marija JelavicNote: 6:00pm for 6:15pm start

19th February Committee Meetings

26th February Club Assembly (Committee Reports)

Birthday’s & AnniversariesDate Details

11th February Alan Stewart birthday

13th February Ken & Di Collins anniversary

17th February Marcos & Simone Carot Collins anniversary

Club Fundraising from Induction Night Thank’s to Roh's kind generosity of donating back $20 from each meal an the Induction Night, and the donation of wines by Mara and Marija, the Club has added a further $580 to the Charity account.

This week’s raffle, won by Bryant Stokes (1st Prize) and Clive Boddy (2nd Prize), also brought in another $185 for the Charity account.

New Rotarian Bryant Stokes with Rotarian Sylvia Byers New Rotarian Mara Bosanovic with Rotarian Bill Hassell