new hope trumpet€¦ · luther_park_scholarship_application_v2_copy.pdf summer jobs are also...

NEW HOPE TRUMPET APRIL 2020 Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. -Hebrews 13:8 In days that are unpredictable, to say the least, our anchor holds. I’ve never spent much time on a boat. I appreciate my Viking heritage, but feel much more kinship with those who spent more of their time at home farming, than those who pillaged having spent months at sea. I can imagine, however, that it’s important to be able to depend on your anchor when there is a need to stay grounded. Especially in a storm, your anchor can give you some degree of certainty even as the ship is rocking on the waves, and the wind refuses to end its assault. I can image those through the years who have prayed passionately for peace during days of uneasy peril, whether on the sea, or when experiencing life’s journey. We have all known those moments, days, or years, when there were more questions than answers. We have lived the chaos, and endured the pains. During these days of pandemic chaos, and our sudden need to break from our routines, even the routine of coming together as the people of God, we hold to the promise of our baptism. We hold to the certain grace of God in Jesus Christ. It is enough. Our anchor holds. -Pr. Michael D Sparby Prayer for a Pandemic May we who are merely inconvenienced Remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors Remember those most vulnerable. May we who have the luxury of working from home Remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent. May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close Remember those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips Remember those that have no safe place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market Remember those who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for a quarantine at home Remember those who have no home. As fear grips our country Let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, Let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors. Amen. -by Cameron Bellm

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Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. -Hebrews 13:8

In days that are unpredictable, to say the least, our anchor holds. I’ve never spent much time on a boat. I appreciate my Viking heritage, but feel much more kinship with those who spent more of their time at home farming, than those who pillaged having spent months at sea.

I can imagine, however, that it’s important to be able to depend on your anchor when there is a need to stay grounded. Especially in a storm, your anchor can give you some degree of certainty even as the ship is rocking on the waves, and the wind refuses to end its assault.

I can image those through the years who have prayed passionately for peace during days of uneasy peril, whether on the sea, or when experiencing life’s journey. We have all known those moments, days, or years, when there were more questions than answers. We have lived the chaos, and endured the pains.

During these days of pandemic chaos, and our sudden need to break from our routines, even the routine of coming together as the people of God, we hold to the promise of our baptism. We hold to the certain grace of God in Jesus Christ. It is enough. Our anchor holds.

-Pr. Michael D Sparby

Prayer for a Pandemic May we who are merely inconvenienced Remember those whose lives are at stake. May we who have no risk factors Remember those most vulnerable. May we who have the luxury of working from home Remember those who must choose between preserving their health or making their rent. May we who have the flexibility to care for our children when their schools close Remember those who have no options. May we who have to cancel our trips Remember those that have no safe place to go. May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market Remember those who have no margin at all. May we who settle in for a quarantine at home Remember those who have no home. As fear grips our country Let us choose love. During this time when we cannot physically wrap our arms around each other, Let us yet find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbors. Amen. -by Cameron Bellm

Pine Creek Site WELCA Cancelled in April

9:30 a, Sunday, April 5th Hostesses: Susan Christopherson & Annette Mason

Stewardship Work Day/Sand Creek site 8a-1p Monday, April 13th

Potluck brunch Sand Creek WELCA

Offering received (2nd Monday/monthly)

Sand Creek Site Circles Cancelled in April

Phoebe 9:30a Thursday, April 2nd /Church Eve 7p Thursday, April 2nd /______ Rhoda 12p Monday, April 6th /Church

April Stewardship Paper Products to local food pantries

Disposable + Essential Local food pantries are always short of bathroom/facial tissue, napkins, paper towels, and other disposable items.

WELCA Triennial Gathering: July 16-19th Phoenix, AZ

“What is impossible with us is possible with God” -Luke 18: 27

Register online only at WELCATG.ORG. Arrange own transportation & roommates. Direct ?s to Roberta Bitler 715.566.1680

DEVOTIONS Our Guiding Compass “For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous” -Psalm 1: 1a (NRSV) A compass is a valuable tool to have when traveling or going anywhere unfamiliar. A

compass shows true directions. I’ve been shown, more than once, how to hold a compass, how to read it and why it does what it does precisely. If you know which way you want to go, follow that direction as near as possible and you will find your way. The Bible is a compass showing us which way not to go and in which direct we need to follow. It could also lead us to treasure. The Bible is a treasure chest filled with promises, instructions and warnings. It has true stories of hope and healing. The Bible leads us to Jesus and life eternal. Our God has led us from the beginning, in the Old Testament scriptures through all the years. Prophets foretold His plan for salvation, directing our steps in the right direction. The New Testament and Jesus’ birth and life continue to direct us. Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection and remembrance is our guiding compass. Our celebration of Easter is a reminder of which way to continue going. Jesus will never lead us in a wrong direction. Praise be to God! -Sue Piotrowski

Lenten “Promise of Hope” We walk with people around the world afflicted by war, displacement and poverty by collecting/assembling LWR (Lutheran World Relief) personal care kits. 1 dark color, light-weight bath-size towel 1 adult-size toothbrush in original packaging 1 nail clippers (attached file optional) 2 bath-size bars (4-5oz) soap, any brand in original wrap 1 sturdy comb *Assembly date: 9a Sunday, April 19/Sand Creek -Thrivent Action Team

Luther Park Applications

New Hope Scholarship Applications

Due NO LATER than April 1st

Summer jobs are also available!! Inquire & apply from Luther

Park’s website.

New Hope Men’s Group Thursday, April 16th 2pm at Sand Creek Site

Stop in to check out a wide variety of books available. Along with several new children and parenting selections, we’ve acquired a generous donation

of Joyce Meyer books. A big thanks to Brenda Espeseth! Joyce Meyers is well known for her easy to read, down-to-earth, entertaining inspirational books. Some titles in our collection are: Power Thoughts, How to Succeed At Being Yourself and Never Give Up. Take a look! Keep New Hope Strong Through Uncertainty—

Thank you! On pandemic Sunday mornings, attendance is few at church for

the 10a worship. Your presence is felt, even though we are not together physically. I always give my offering through our website electronically. It’s directly deposited into New Hope's bank account; available immediately for our treasurer with daily ministry expense. Some of you have already begun to use this option. Keeping our congregation financially strong during these weeks of physical separation is a must. Offerings may be sent post mail, dropped off during office hours, or given securely electronically at Thank you for your continued prayers, encouragement, and support of New Hope. -Pastor Michael Sparby

A Message from the Church Council President The Federal government just passed a $2 trillion relief package. American individuals making less than $75,000 annually will receive relief in the form of US government checks. Checks to individuals in the amount of $1200 each are to be mailed to Americans within the next month. This is much needed relief for some who have temporarily lost sources of income. There are also those blessed with a situation where this extra income may not be as vital. I ask those who can, to consider donating a portion of their government relief checks to our church “crisis fund”—general stewardship to ensure we can take care of those in need throughout the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. -Council President, John Loy


Sign up in the church office & receive materials

Parents & children study together, prior to attending class with Pastor. Parents determine readiness. Retrieve materials as soon as able to allow time to study well with your child(ren). Classes for children & parents together are on hold. Pastor will contact those signed up to clarify when to gather—sometime after we resume public worship.

New Hope Travel Opportunities

1. Trip to the Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany Postponed until 2022

2. Coming post-Easter in 2021 April 12-22 The Israel Experience/Walk Where Jesus Walked! w/optional Istanbul extension (thru April 25, 2021)

Hosted by: Pastor Michael Sparby

Brochures will be available soon! Highlights will include: Nazareth, Caesarea, Sea of Galilee, Masada, Dead Sea, Qumran, Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, Via Dolorosa, Golgotha, Holy Sepulcher, Bethlehem, Manger Square, Shepherd’s Field, and more. 3.

Dear friends, Johannesburg, February 24, 2020 Recently I attended the Joint Mission Board meeting of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique (IELM) along with colleagues from ELCA Global Mission and Lutheran companions from Brazil, Germany, South Africa and Tanzania. We were hosted by the bishop, church council members and program coordinators who shared reports of the work of the church over the past two years relating to mission outreach, Christian education and diaconal ministries. The church in the coastal city of Beira has been repaired but many families and communities are still recovering from the devastation of Cyclone Idai that struck Mozambique in March 2019. The church leadership expressed appreciation for the longstanding and continuing support and prayers from all the partners. We were invited to the Sunday worship service in Maxaquene, a suburb of Maputo. Two women pastors led the service and presided at the Eucharist. The preacher delivered the sermon in Shangaan, one of the local languages. An elder of the congregation translated into Portuguese. The ELCA Global Mission provides funding support to the IELM for evangelism, two rural clinics and programs for orphans and vulnerable children. Thank you for your prayers and support and your participation in God’s mission locally and globally. Dear friends, Johannesburg, March 25, 2020 “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of their great age. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls playing in the streets. Even though it seems impossible to the remnant of the people in these days, should it also seem impossible to me, says the Lord of Hosts?” -Zechariah 8:4-5 (NRSV). The president of the Republic of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa announced a nationwide lock-down for 21 days from March 27—April 16 to curb the spread of the Corona virus. Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Southern Africa, Bishop Molwane Ubane then issued a pastoral letter explaining that people may only leave their homes to seek medical assistance, buy food or collect social grants. All businesses will be closed except for pharmacies, grocery stores, banks, gas stations and medical facilities. The bishop asked that all church services/meetings be cancelled during this period, encouraging congregations to use electronic media to share the Word of God and keep in touch with parishioners saying: “Remember to pray for all our people at this time and to take the necessary precautions. This is an opportunity to bond with our families. Pastors should be innovative in reaching out to encourage our sisters and brothers to be hopeful all the time. Let us not despair but put trust in the Lord that this will pass. We are still under His wings for protection.” The Republic of South Africa currently has one of the highest number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Africa but other countries are also reporting cases. There is huge concern for many people living in poverty in close proximity in informal urban settlements. ELCA Global Mission will continue to support companion churches and projects as much as possible during this difficult and uncertain time as everyone is affected in one way or another. Thank you for your prayers and support and your participation in God’s mission locally and globally. Yours faithfully, Rev. Dr. Philip Knutson ELCA Global Mission Regional Representative - Southern Africa My blog page address is:

2020 NOISY OFFERINGS JANUARY Luther Park Camp Scholarships $ 348.36 FEBRUARY Arc of Dunn County (provide social/learning opportunities for disabled individuals and their families) 331.13 MARCH Luther Park Camp Scholarships Pending APRIL Local Food Pantries

New Hope Lutheran Church Council Meeting MinutesMonday, March 16, 2020 at Sand Creek

(Subject to council approval)

Called to order: 7:38 p.m. by Vice President, Mark GilbertsPresent: Patti Audorff, Linda Bilodeau, Joe Bilodeau, Gene Buffington, Desiree Buck, Cathy Davis, Vern Ellefson, Kelly Nelson-Esterby, Mark Gilberts, John Loy, Mary Ann Omtvedt, Dale Paulson, Sue Paulson, Marie Swanson, Pastor Michael SparbyDevotions: Pastor Michael led with “A Prayer for a Pandemic”Election of Officers: In place from the January 2020 Annual Meeting: Vice President, Mark Gilberts; Treasurer, Gene BuffingtonNewly elected: M/S/C (Linda Bilodeau/Gene Buffington) Secretary(s), Sue Paulson and Mary Ann OmtvedtM/S/C (Dale Paulson/ Kelly Nelson-Esterby) President, John LoySecretary’s Report: M/S/C (Sue Paulson/Patti Audorff) to approve January 13, 2020 Council Meeting minutes Treasurer’s Report: Parsonage sale funds were placed in a Money Market account--separate from the General Fund. Money from this account can only be used with Council approval.Pastor’s Report: Discussed schedules/procedures for church services and activities during the current health pandemic. Synod-wide activities are cancelled or rescheduled.M/S/C (Mary Ann Omtvedt, Patti Audorff) to discontinue church services/activities at both sites until Easter. Council will then reevaluate the situation. In the meantime, Pastor Michael and Dave Anderson will provide modified services via telephone ministry and live streaming for regular Sunday (10 am only) and Wednesday Lenten services.

Committee Reports Property & Management*Security systems being switched to PerMar (Mosaic discontinued service). Installation: March 26th/PC & March 31st/SC. *SC Communion rails removed earlier will be evaluated to determine replacing or reinstalling. Family Education*Still need one more member to serve this committee for Council*Reminder: Luther Park Camp Scholarships need to be submitted by APRIL 1st * VBS this year will be an ongoing summer event with intergenerational activities/family inclusion Stewardship & Evangelism*Reminder “God’s Work/Our Hands” is ongoing with updates posted in newsletter and bulletins*Working on visitor bags and “welcome” ideas Worship & Music*Assistants needed at Sand Creek site (Lectors, Ushers, Communion Assistants)Old Business:*Pastor Michael and Lana Anderson will work on our Constitution revisions per 2019 ELCA Synod Assembly *Reviewers will meet to go over 2019 Financial reports/look to consolidate some accounts. Dale Paulson agreed to serve with Joe Bilodeau and Jim Irwin.M/S/C (Joe Bilodeau/Mary Ann Omtvedt) to have various accounts provide copies of bank statements/receipts to Council quarterly for review. These reports are to be submitted to the church office by the 8th of each month following each quarter. New Business:*M/S/C (Mary Ann Omtvedt/Dale Paulson) to designate Becky Loftus and Joe Bilodeau as signers on all New Hope Church’s dedicated accounts. Gene Buffington is added with Becky Loftus as signers on the safe deposit box.

NEXT COUNCIL MEETING: May 11, 2020 at Pine Creek site

Adjourn: M/S/C (Patti Audorff/Gene Buffington) Closing with The Lord’s Prayer -Sue Paulson, Secretary

Treasurer’s Summary 2020 Actual Income Expense

January—February $27,990.00 $26,505.00 Checking Balance $ 22,432.00

Last Year’s Comparison 2019 Actual Income Expense January—February $33,064.00 $44,541.00

-Kelly Hoff, Hoff Financial Services 715-455-1968 Prairie Farm 715-637-1968 Barron [email protected] *Detailed Treasurer’s Reports are available from the office upon request

“God’s Work-Our Hands”—EVERYDAY!!!!! The call of the church to “live generously” is a call to live in the fullness of life, replacing the stress of individual burdens with the care and compassion of an uplifting community of faith. If you are aware of anyone needing New Hope’s help, please contact a member of the Stewardship Committee or church office. This could be as simple as visiting someone, help with yard work, give a ride to an appointment, etc. Contact any committee member also if you are willing to share your God-given talents and resources to help out. Stewardship Committee members: John Loy (715-658-1000), Mary Ann Omtvedt(715-828-1896), Sue Paulson (715-658-1364), Aimee Mikl (715-308-0240)

ALL planned events subject to change during the pandemic. Watch for updates.


Sunday, April 5 Palm Sunday - Online only Thursday, April 9 7p Maundy Thursday - Online only Friday, April 10 7p Good Friday - Online only

Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunday - still hoping at time of print, that we’ll be together. Watch for Updates. Monday, April 13 8a-1p Stewardship Work Day/Sand Creek site: Potluck brunch Sunday, April 19 “Promise of Hope” Thrivent Action Team assembly 9a/SC

MAYWednesday, May 13 6p Confirmation Rehearsal/Dinner at our Pine Creek site, 6th/7th families serve Sunday, May 17 Confirmation Sunday, students confirmed at their home sites Wednesday, May 20 Pastor Chapel at Colfax Health and Rehab 10:15a Sunday, May 24 1 Worship together at our Pine Creek site with Memorial Day observed Tuesday, May 26 Pastor Chapel Bloomer Dove (9:30 and Meadowbrook 10:15)

JuneWednesday, June 3 Pastor Chapel at Colfax Health and Rehab 10:15a

JULYThursday, July 16-Sunday, July 19 Women of the ELCA Triennial Convention in Phoenix, AZ Sunday, July 19 1 Worship together outdoors at Memorial Park in Sand Creek

SEPTEMBERSunday, September 6 1 Worship together at our Sand Creek site/Labor Day Weekend

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 11a Lent/SCONLINE ONLYCamp Scholarship Applications due!

2 3 4

5 Palm Sunday Online only

6 8a Comforters/SC

77p AA/SC

8 9 Maundy Thursday Online only

10 Good Friday Online only


12 Easter 8:30a PC9:20a Coffee Fellowship10a SC

13 8a-1p Stewardship Work Day/SC-potluck SC WELCA Offering received

14 7p AA/SC

15 news articles due6:30p Confirm/SC

16 2p Men’s Grp/SC

17 18

19 8:30a PC9a “Promise of Hope” Assembly/SC9:20a Coffee Fellowship10a SC

20 8a Comforters/SC

21 7p AA/SC

22 Earth Day 6:30p Confirm/SC

23 24 25

26 8:30a PC9:20a Coffee Fellowship10a SC

27 8a Comforters/SC

28 7p AA/SC

29 NO Confirm


USHERS Pine Creek Tim Bartels & Alan PetersonSand Creek Gene/Judy Buffington, Angela Madison,

LECTORS Pine Creek Sand Creek

12 Kathy Christopherson Hans Harings 19 Jenna Bartels Mary Ann Omtvedt 26 Dawn Kunkel Carolyn Dahl

ALTAR GUILD Pine Creek Linda Bilodeau & Susan ChristophersonSand Creek Marie Swanson, Aimee Mikl, Carolyn Dahl

SC COMMUNION ASSISTANTS12 Sophia Martinson19 Luke Anderson 26 Katie Audorff

SC COFFEE HOSTS 12 Phoebe Circle 19 Men’s Group 26 Eve Circle

Opportunity to Serve: Sand Creek site worship assistants to serve as ushers, readers, communion, etc.If interested, please contact the church office or Worship & Music Committee. Thank you.


New Hope Lutheran Church E9085 County Road V PO BX 85 Sand Creek, WI 54765 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

FamilyEducationKellyNelson-Esterby 715-658-1861 [email protected] PattiAudorff 715-642-2602 [email protected] ____________ _____________ _____________________ DesireeBuck 715-658-1287 [email protected] Property&ManagementDalePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] GeneBufIington 715-237-2154 [email protected] 715-837-1029 Joe Bilodeau 715-458-2479 [email protected] Stewardship & Evangelism SuePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] John Loy 715-658-1000 [email protected] MaryAnnOmtvedt 715-658-1896 AimeeMikl 715-308-0240 [email protected] Worship&Music LindaBilodeau 715-458-2479 [email protected] CathyDavis 715-949-1817 [email protected] Mark Gilberts 847-650-9364 [email protected] Marie Swanson 715-658-1208 [email protected]

New Hope Council 2020 PresidentJohnLoyVicePresidentMarkGilbertsSecretarySusanPaulson&MaryAnnOmtvedt TreasurerKellyHoff/HoffFinancialServices715-455-1968kelly@teamhoff.comAsst.TreasurerGeneBufIingtonWORSHIP 8:30 am/Pine Creek 9:20a Coffee Fellowship Sunday school 10 am/Sand Creek 9:20 am Coffee Fellowship Sunday school during worship

Telephone Ministry: 1-534-444-4300 (Eau Claire #) FREE Live stream

Holy Week

Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter ONLINE ONLY ONLINE ONLY ONLINE ONLY 8:30a / PC 10:00a / SC