new fayetteville observer. (fayetteville, tenn.) 1878-12-19 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · nnbty iit.k:...

nnbty iIt.K: AT JitE SAM fa. OLD STAND. riRy J.....r .. uaonlr i ...... .r- - to U r F-.lU- or ui PiitiliKher. FAYtnEVILLE, TtNN'ESSEr: Thsrsdar lrt;in?, Bcrfiafcr 19, 1S78. fair;; ,.ati& .'Fmstlivlb. Seven Kinds of Cookies. On of the nicest and hnmlk'Ht things forji , housekeeper .a ways to te .'supplied with is cookies, tmdhcre are approved ways of ihaVimr them: Sl'Gak Gjokii:?. Two cup- fuls of sugar, 1 cupful of butter, wanned, T cui)ful'bf thick tour cream, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful of ileratus, and 1 teaspoonful of carawav seed. This makes GO Jro'80 cookies. IJuttek CooKirs. One oup-fu- l of sugar,'!' cupful 'of butter, - eggs, 1 teaspoooiifuls of cream tartar, 1 teaspoonful salcratus, and caraway seed and lemon ex- tract. This makes 40 to iX) cookies, which will keep for months. : i V M. "17.1 , GiMiKii Cookies. One cup- ful of sugar, onc-tlii- rd of a cup- ful of molasses, 1 cupful of but- ter, 1 egg,' 1 teaspoonful of cream tartar, and one tea spoon- ful of soda. . . . ' Molasses Cookies. One cup- ful of molasses, 1 cupful of sugar, two-thir- ds ejipfyil hot water, two-thir- ds cupful of lard or butter, ) (Jgg, 1 teaspoonfnl cf alum, 1 teaspoonful of salcratus, and 2 t a po infills of ginger. Th:s,j in- gredients will make 00 or 110 cookies.' ; Cur. am Cookies. 1J cupfuls of thick sour cream, 1 cupfuls of sugar, 1 egg, 1 teasjKxmful o.i:di of salt, salaratus and cara- way seeds. Koll quite thick ; enough l'or 40 to 50 cookies. .SlJiTCTE-ttMiL- .. Cookies. I cupful of butter, two-thir- ds cup- ful of, buttermilk, 2 cupfuls of sugar, and 1 teaspoonful each of saferafus, and lemon extract. 0ixxam6n Cookies. One egg and 1 cupful of sugar, beaten to- gether, 1 cupful of sour cream, two-thir- ds of a teaspoonful each ofrfeSlt find salcratus: stir very stiff with a spoon, and drop a piece the size of half an egg on the moulding-boar- d, which has ifr'ldy' been spread with iteas- poon fuls of sugar and 2 of cin- namon. Koll the cooky in the ugar until no longer sticky; put into the form of a little cake, and Twice quite 'hard. A Novel Scare-Crow- . '....A very- successful plan has been tried by. placing in Mr. ( Vow's- - way a number of grains with. ar horse, hari run thro.igh them, lie is bound to swallow one, and his note of alarm is goon ; sounded. It is impossible for him todislodge the grain, and if he can be watched for a sufli-c'.- et length of time,he will be seen 1 5 cut his own throat by scratch- ing at it. His usual note is chmged, and-1- , can assure you life, to him is such n misery he would even wish lie were dead, it has b?en noticed that alter t'le note of alarm has been soui:-dc- l, all the crows in the vicinity will leave the field, and approach it no more tJiat season. Jt is a simple thing, yet all who try it will find it a success. Koports from various portions of ' Tennessee, as other States S-iut- afford encouraging indi- cations of the increase of sheep, and a growing disposition to go into sheep, husbandry. It is one of the most profitable pursuits in winch the holder of huge bodies cf land can now engage. . It is claimed that young cat- tle can dx kept growing finely and ; faster" .by"., scalding meal, yjy-J- i obviate all danger from scounng;'aii(i cattle in years may in this manner be carried through the winter from grass to grass, in jut noh condition us tq tlesh as inay be.ijeiirocl,.":. . T(oUilracYwootlin therasp-berr-b- es .should "le cut 'out ev- ery s!i!',uV os Vxi s the crop is pUhprAxi.'to' give,1 strength to ihc'onnff-hoo- U for 'the next y car's hearing.'. InXw spnug re-mo- ve the wx-aki's- t snckers,' leav- ing live CrW of thetrViigest in each hill ; ";;' ." " The meanest shingle boiled in lime-wat- er liecomoK-'a- good as the best, thos? who have testeI the matter for Years. V , , j : In breedinpr tutkevs the male ; l:ir:V4"o'Kl - wo chawjfea. vvery i Coughs and Bad Air. A writer in a recent issue of the Fopulair Science Monthly tells of two patients whoseTca-se- s may warn and encourage those troubled w i t h coughs. "The reader," he says, "will al- low me to recite the case of a patient of mine. A year ago, during his honeymoon, I con- gratulated him, and told him a dry cough with which he was troubled was curable, provided he took care to live in the open air as much as possible, inuring himself to cold, bleeping in well-vcntilat- cd chambers, free from dust, etc. I3ut this advice was hardly relished by the young man. . In October ; they hired rooms iji a house that had just been built; its 'dampness' they remedied by keeping up fires steadily. The windows arc hardly ever opened, as the house stood on a windy corner, and the husband was growing more and more sensitive to cold; for this reason, too, he seldom went out of doors, In November he took his bed; was aguin about; but he . gradually declined, to the lat hoping to recover. Different was the course follow- ed by Mr. II., who, emaciated and troubled with a cough, had a hemorrhage afier contracting a 'severe cold.' lie went into the country, took as much ex-erci- se as he could in the open air, and returned home with on- ly a slight cough. At home he every morning took a warm bath, with effusions of cold wa- ter, avoiding rooms with bad air, etc. In six months be was free from his cough, appeared to be well nourished, and no longer had any fear of taking cold. If the reader will dispas- sionately conipaic these two ca- ses, he will agree with me that the first patient, who never had hemorrhage, fell a victim to the action of foul air; while II. used to sa', 'I must give to my dis- eased lungs above all things fresh air, as the prime ncces-sr- T of life.' Animals never take cold, even in winter; there- fore among men it must be a result of wrong habit if air docs any harm. AVc know that gold-fish- es quickly perish when fresh wafer is not provi- ded for them, and, when we were boys, we used to consider it cruelty to animals if we made ao openings for ventilation in the boxes in which we kepi cock-chafers- ." Dry Hop Yeast. Pour on one very large hand-f- ul of hops one quart of boiling water; let simmer until the liq- uid is very strong; have in a dish one pint of Hour, live large spoon- fuls of sugaW and three cf salt: strain the water from the hops, and stir, boiling, into the flour ; if very thin add flour to make a stiff batter ; when at a blood heat stir into it one large or two small cakes of dissolved com- - i pressed, yeast, and cover, ana stand in a very warm place until very light, then add sufficient light corn meal to knead it ; let raise again and then roll out in a sheet one inch thick, cut in cakes two inches square and dry well in the sun ; they will take five or six days, according, to the weath-e- r, must be turned every day and if placed out of doors to dry must be brought in by four o'clock in the afternoon when thoroughly dry place not more than two dozeli in a pajcr bag and tie up tightly, hang in a dry closet; use one for an ordinary baking of bread. ' Old paint pails and cans may be thoroughly cleaned with strong, hot lye. A small quantity of turpen- tine added to stoveblacking will make the stove easier to polish. To keep stoves from rusting during' the summer, rub with kerosene and wrap well in pajers. A bottle of flaxseed oil, chalk j and vinegar mixed to the consis- tency of cream, should be kept in every, house lor burns, scalds, ': etc. , To make a cheap iork barrel, buy a coal-o- il barrel; knock one head in; take a bunch of old hay, set fire to it, and throw it in the barrel; let it burn imtiJ-th- e staves begin to burn; put it out by turning the barrel upside down ; .scrape the coals off, and you have a good, sweet barrel. ToTirRiFV AVateil Tulver-- jod alum will purify. water, the quantity being- - a large ?j)ooulul to a hviTfehead of water. Recipe for Hard Soap. Concentratelye by boiling un til a medium1 sized potato will not sink below the surface. Fill an iron kettle two-thir- ds full of this lye; add melted fat the firmer sorts of fat, like that ob- tained from cattle cr sheep, are best a ladleful at a time, stir- ring constantly until the mass becomes creamy; then add salt in small quantities at a time; boil gently until it thickens and becomes ropy, or Until a perfect ring can be made on the surface with a stick; let the fire go out, and the soap will rise to the sur- face and harden as it cools. The lye may be drawn oil' by tilting the kettle, or the soap may ' be lifted off and laid out to diy un- til hard enough to cut into bars. Iiesin is sometimes used to make it harder, and one T pound and a half to six pounds of grease, form good proportions. "When it is added, dissolve, it in the melted fat before adding it to the lye. llaral 2Tttc Yorker. . Housekeepers w ho have been accustomed to . use tea leaves to keep down the. dust when sweep- ing and to cleanse carpets may be jdad to learn that wet news-pape- rs spread upon the fioor Avill take up the dust far better. In fact to spread wet newspapers over a carpet, and then lilt them will often obviate the necessity of sweeping; while to tear the paper in small pieces and sweep with the dust will freshen a car pet beautifully. tif. Louis Lee rost. To take out a scorch. If a shirt-boso- m, or any other article, has been scorched in ironing, lay it where bright sunshine will fall directly on it. It will take it entirely out. Make a paste of soft soap and emery for polishing steel. GIVERAVAY ! A Book to Every Subscriber! Ihe Home Guide, A l$ook by 500 Ladies ! Is the title of a volume of 1G0 pages, bound in cloth, contain ing about 1,000 practical re- ceipts a.vl hints, on Cookery, Household, loilet, bick liooni, etc. It contains more informa- tion than the 1.50 and $2 cook books, besides possessing the important nl vantage of hein": Practical Experiences of Prac- tical "Home" Keepers. These select, original and practical contributions from so many ladies, have never before appealed in book lorm. Good judges have predicted its sale to be hundreds of thousands, fen thousand copies weie order- ed before one copy came from the bindery. We have exclusive control of the book in this local- ity, and it can be obtained only thtough this office.'' ' . : A COPY OF THIS HOOiC , JT.ESF.NTET T i KY.ttlY ADVANCE PATIXU M Bck;hm; to the FAYKTTKVlLLi: OllSEKVF.K Kim NK YEAR. This is tbe choicest pi emium ever given to newspaper 'sub scribers Something of real and practical value. The ladies wi I be delighted with' it. If yonr neighbor don't take.the Orskk- - vf.u tell hi in of this oiler." They all want the paper and book. You get the old Obsekver and a capital, practical, useful book of 1G0 pages, for the price of the former. , . - Xow is your opportunity. This unprecedented offer will expire in a few w eks. 'RZgr TJie Southern Industries bi-wee- third volume, 8 large quarto pages, 4 columns to the page, is an excellent paper, filled with truthful descriptions of the Southern country, its resources, capabilities, society, etc. It niirrors the true sentiments of. both the North, and South'. It occupies a field distinct from any other paper. Y e have" made' such arrangements as enable iia: to offer the OiiSEitvErt and Southern Industries both one year for two dollars, cash in ad vance. Subscriptions may be gin any weel C i : tf ANOTHER PAPER GIVEN AWAY ! the farmers; review ! The latest addition to our ex change list is the Farmers'.- Jle-viei- c, Chicago. 111., and a most welcome addition it proves. It is as full of departments as the government at Washington, aud they all bear evidence ot uuusual skill and industry .in their man- agement. It is emphatically a model farm and family monthly. It is, withal, tiie neatest and BEST MONTHLY OF THE KIND that we know. We will fur- nish the Review and our own paper, each one year,- - for (icq dollars in advance . ? , II If II This important wcih" r.tiut three pounds, and a!l ihe blood in a living per, on (about ihrce gallons) passes it at lcntcnce every Hnlf knur Lw fh ami other tmpuriticfl strained or fi!tcrc,d finra it. Bile is the natural x . . f I L ' C L, 1 IwMiiiii. purgative 01 mc dowcis, inn 11 W: torpid it is not separated from the blood, but ca- rpI ried through the veins to nil parts cf the system, and in IryinS to escape through the pores of the HI skin, causes it to turn yellow or a lirty brown color, 'i he stomach becomes diseased, and Dts-- Hipepsia. 1 . oitsncss. CI Su k anfj lew. . MitiamCt.' Hwati:, the treat vegetable pj ' discovery" for torpidity; causes the kiver to throw loff from one to two ounces of bile each lime the Y blood posse routj h it, us long as thvre is aa ex. " .J cms of Lilc: and the effect of even a few doses upon yrllow eomp'.exioa or a brown .dirty lookiiig ; bkin, wiil astonish all who try it they being the ti&t symptoms lo disappear. Tlie cure of all bili- ous disease smd Liver complaint is made certain KvtaLintr H in accordance with directions. licadaclM is generally urrU liv t.xnty minute, 't a p. J no dteac that arucit lrom Uic Liver can exut if a fair trial i rivn. ; SOLD AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PILLS DY ALL LiRlKXilSTS. . .; . Price 25 Cents nd'Sl.00 5? .'CTSO c -- 1 M The fatality of' Consumption or Throat and M Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at least f d of all dcaili'a victims, arises from the . pi Opium or Morphine trcat:n.ut, which simply tu-r- ft peiies as tiie work of dca;h r.oc on. 10,000 will wjbepaid U' Opium or Moriiliire, tr any preparation ftA of Opium, Morjihine or Prusvh; AM, can be found .M in the Gloeb Ktowta Coi'tiii Sykvf, which ba M! cured people who are livirg y with but one j remaining lun;. Mo greater wrong can be done P than to say th;U Consumption is incurable. 1 he "JOloo Flowek Coli;h Svitvfwill cure it when Q! all other means kavc Ciilcd. Also, Ctiids, Cotign, Asthma, Lronchilis, and all diseases of the throat W and lungs. Read the ter.timoni.ils of the Hon. L; Alexander H. Stephens, (iov. Smith and Ir.rown of Ca., lion. tieo. Ttal-otly- , as well at U those of other remarkable cures in rur boob free Jm to all at the drug stores and be convinced thr.t if .. H you wUh to be cured you can be by taking the CJ Ui.oe Covioit Ptip. - . L'alz ro 'J roehes r r Lozenges for bore Threat, M when you can cct Uloek Flov. fr Svawr at same j price. For aair. by aU Druggist P iFrics 25 Csnts anti $1.00 f Crave mistahes are made in the treatment of all 2J diseases .jdc com poison in the blood. Not fcj'one ca cf Scro.'ula, White Swelling, ; ricn.t:s Sores and 'i -- asc, in a thousand, r5 i treated ri;!:o:itt!:iiseuf Mcrctiryiasomeibrnu jMercu:v rors t!ic K.ncs, anJ t)ie it are worse than any other kind tJ blojd or j'skin dis.-as- c can b-- . Dn. l,i:Mnr::TuN'sSTn.MM-(ji- a or Di:lh;ht is the only medicine t3uptn It a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Sy- - -- philis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be 11; reasonably foumlul. and lliat willure Cancer. , ;" be paid by the proprietors if Mercury, lor any itrcient nut purely vvjetable and harmT : less can be found in it. i l'nce Iy all Un;sists f i.oo. t'.Lonn I'lowek CouciH Svkup and Mbrxf.i.l'j Hr.r.VTiNn iok Titf Livp.k fi;r sale by all Lrug-gist- s i:i as cent and $1.00 bottles. . . . '. ' A. P. 1IZESELL k CO., Proprietors, PHILADELPHIA, FA. ' flCC 12 lj. : Schools. FEMALE ACADEMY! -- ii- ANNOUNCE to our former friends WE patrons that the next ses.-io- n of this Inslituliou will open the First Monday in SEPT. next, and continue forty-o- ne wek. (including the week of holidays from Chiiitinas to New Year) clo-in- g J une, 1873. Tems:' 2.00, 3.00, 100, and 5.03 . per month, according to advancement. Iiiciilciitul lee l.OO 'or tertn of five months r 3" able in all ' - . cases in advance. Accounts due at the end of every four weeks. Tor further particulars, address, aug. 8 ; : 11. S. BRADSllAW, J'l irtcipctl. Eearden & Thomas, : PRorRlETOBS OF . X -- fill HAVINfi recei tly purchased lh $e (long known a I lie Mar-ku- we are now putting them in first class Older, and with Superior' machinery, which is equal to any in the State, we can proni'so . . - FLOUR, MEAL, BRAN or oilier Milling Products, rqual to any in quality and quantity. Solici iniraliberal paironagr,'wcprimistan until ing i ffort to give ic'i.)ri. To farmers mid all olhi'i , we otl'er- - ' Custom Grinding Eery Day ! ' ; mi 1 ask thoin (9 give u a trial, assured, as we aye, inai mey win ou picaseu witu our ' way of doing busiiii ss.r BEA11DEN& THOMAS. r. S. Mat. lienrrftiii nny alwajs he tound at the .Mills, and will give orders his personal attention. , an. l io-- tf f5 ?3 1 n 5 5s S 0 1 H c. 0 1 - a H H 8- on 45 PRICE REDUCED. V" AT Foil of Plain, Practical, Reliable, .Paying Information 1 SJ lot Wnt V.mCL. Sentk. Norfll tar Ownm X1 ' 1 VS of Cattle, Hone, ibeep, Swine, or Farms, V Ganlema. or llaoit Lata ; iur Houackenen & far ah Loy and Girl,: . OVER 70O Flno ENGRAVINGS - bath pleuinc ud instructire. Tbc . yricac JSpulturistl Tt C'it tftrn er mart, m;r, tat-fa- d, S 5 ONLY: $1 EACH. ?S 4 eopiea, $i.s each. Single subecriptiona, $l.5SS N One auBbcr, 15c A cpeonem, poai free, toe. CS S; i lASIinrai SlfiEl Plate E2GUYB3 to ill. Large PBEXIOIS for Clalw. uae aimiu Omnmu at saaic price ITBlf IT... IT WUi PAV, ueco lui. ut WIlJl l3i4oL plemaotlr.n.t tft, arl.nera imi,ev, Uakvcy A tu. AtlanU, ia. BUSINESS CARDS. Physician and Surgeon,- - WILL practice medicine sn.l surgery in an-- vicinily. BS?-Offi- ce at drur store of Vinirtf & jan. 24 GEO. B. BOVLHS. ATTOENEY AT LAW, ifP Fayetteville, Tennessee. ' I V YpTElf Olli J. 24ih,-187- 8 - ''U JJXilSN- - J. II. BUItNAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fayclleville, Tennessee. jnn. 21th, 1878 3Icdicinc and Dentistry ' Dr. Joe Dinwiddle. Practicing Physician id Dentist, FHYETTEYZZZE, rSVVV. Vrtiiioial 'A'oetla . . Inserted promptly on reasonable terms. Office, twodoora north of tho carriage shop. aug2o DENTI8T, Xo.37J Cl:crry Street, march 1, 1877 . C. A. IBKHKI nmmn nmm Fa yetteville, Tennessee. Office at his llesidence. marlG W.'J.IIIOGlS, SURGEON DENTIST, Fayetteville, Tennessee. 3J ILL practicv: in Lincoln and adjoining 1 counlies. Satisfaction guaranteed both in prices and operations of all kinds. (.Mike, opposite the Ocsekver oflice. aug. 12, 1875. AV. C. J5JUGHT, it. P., V ILL practice Medicine and Surgery T in fayetteville and vicinity. Office te Observer office. july22 E. L. DRAKE, M. D., (OfBce over Price's Drug Store, West side Square,; OFFERS his professional services to the of Fayetteville and vicinity, july 22,1875. J. W. Xeivmnii, Altorney " at Law, Fayetteville, Tenn. WILL practice in the various Courts Lincoln and adjoining counties, ana in the bupreme and 1 cdcral Courts at Nashville. Office near north-ea- st corner of the Public Sauare. sept7-- tf J. lf Goodwin, Attorney at Law, . Fayetteville, Tennessee. Collections a specialty. fcb4 1. Q. WOODS. M. W. WOODABD. W. E. WOOJ)8 Woods & Woodard Attorneys at JLaiv, Fayetteville, - - Tennessee. jan.' 14-- ly GEO. W. HIGGINS, if f 0EHBT. if LiW Office at his residence near Camargo, WILL practice in the various Courts ol and adjoining counties. o9 C. C. M KINNET. F. P. TULTOH. McKinney Fulton. ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Trompt attention given to business. CT-tic- e near the south-we- st corner of Square scptZJ II OLM AAf & IIOLMMr. Attorneys at Law. FAYETTEVILLE, TEXN. RACTICE in the Courts of Lincoln P1 county.1 Cases in Bankruptcy prompt ly attended to. . - ; jan30-- tf ASKING. First National Bank. ... FAYETTKVILLK, Ti' NX. " DIRECTORS. C. B. McGUIRR, WM. BONNER,' .In JAS. G. WOODS. W.N. WRIGHT. J NO. C. GOODRICH. rillL. T.MU11RAY JAS. D. TILLMAN. J. R. FEENEV, Cashien -- J. G. Woods, President.. Wu. Boxneb, Jk., Vice-Preside- , t - . nu?7-l- y LIC0LN SAVINGS Bill, FAYETTEVILLE, TENN. fiPlT.lL STOCK, 3100, Does a General Banking Business.' I ; . DIREOTOBS. T. O. Baoley, J. W. Hfl,MAK ' J. L. Bryant, " D.'W. Clark, . D. W. Holmas. M. P. HAMPTON. Cashier. iulvll I). AV. lim.MAV. TVeVl;"J I R. P. Feeney & Sons; PI A S TFUFll s'2 ARK prepared to fill orders anywhere i county, promptly, in the Lest style, aud at reasonable prices, for Lathing, Plastering in lime or . .cement, etc., in liouses or cisterns. v , Ifepairinjr of all kinds done nrhenertT needed, without delay. Orders respectfully solicited, and 'satis faction guaranteed- - , , t ; march 15 ( fn .I i i FAYETTEVILLE t STEAK TOWN SPKING. on Try D. MEDEA RIS announces the il people of Lincoln and adjoining con-tie- s that he intends to ell Leather of aU kinds at the lowest cash prices, and will buy Hides and pay the highest price in cash for the same. ' nor. 30-- ly is not eily earned ia thmr times, but it ran he maiie iu three months tr any one of either sex. in any part of therouatrr. who U wiilinir to work au-alil- at tne employmeut that we fni-uis- I pi-- r week'fn voiir own town. Von need not be away from home "orer eight. Yon can give oar whole time to the work r only yonr &utr moment. Wa bare aenn who are making over TM per dsy. All who ito at once ean make money last. At the present time money raanol H3 made o vuritr and rxniitlv any other biiainesa. It costs nothinj to try the cbhuto. xennii aoa a imnc rree. AUdres at oaco, 11. HatLkTT A to, Portiaud. Malue. JEWELIIV juuos iMnrg AA I J V LL FayetteviHe; Tenn., A: D. KUTH. dec6 1 Xate wiUiJohn Jr. Jluth; Shelbyrille, YATCtf-MAKE- h ' AND 1 JEYELER. I OFFER for sale nothing bnt First-Clas- s J ewelry , u Wafclies and Cloeks.J Plain Gold Rings a Specialty! Also, agent for, JULIUS KING'S ' COIIBIMTION SPECTMES! lIWcfhyfiiisilssisJilijfaElioj (ErShop at R. II. Cgdvie Co's hardware stoi'e. - .. HEYMANN & HILL, WATCHMAKERS AKD DEALERS Watelies, ' ' ; r 1 Clocks Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. South-Ea- st Corner of the Square, Fayetteville, Tenn. All work done prpmptly and CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLDd SILVEll - nov. 2-2- i ,! - URUGS.V VINIfJG &.STRANE, '.ti i SI' DEALUS ,IX DEUGS;;. MEDICINES, TQILEV FdJt'CY 3KTICLZS Superior Tobacco and Cigars, LIQUORS For Mkdicixal Pukposes, . ' IVindow Glass, Etc., Etc, FAYETTEVILLE, TENN! WE would respectfully' announce that liava bought the . dm re of BI. Pi ice, lec. west side public sounre. and will make regular additions to pur al ready well selected stock, and that you will find in our house evervthiii'' usually kett in a first-cla- ss Dru-Uou- se. Wo deal in the best "goods of erery kind. We would also state that we have secured the services of ,Dr. E L Drake, who will lake charge of our Prescription. Depart ment, and fiom his known integrity and as an, accomplished Chemist and Pharmaceutist, we confidently assure those favoring nswith the;r prescriptions,' that lheyv ill be put up with neatness, accural y and dispatch. , W e hope by strict integrity and fair deal-n- g in business to merit a largo custom, jaii. I8-- 0 . YIN ING &STRANE. mCDIEMER AittieOld Stand fJ JOxTm Ol jOLi Dlomor, Pe mmm mediciab, WINDOVV GLASS, PUTTY, .. - Fine Ciiewiiisr&'Siiiokingr Tobacco, 3BX.ASTIHG POWDSn, FUSE. , SiincVipr Illuminating; Coal Oil. 1 PATENT AND FAMILY MEDICINES . . tl i. i.l'i ".'. i : nd a well selected stock of all Goods ; usuMjiy Kepi ma i pTT1) p rnrnT) n- - WT AT I? ; '" ;For Meuicixal, Puia'osES. DayidLanaretii ftSoi's Garden Mtotib. n . .. I fOinnt- - aiienilOn ClVen' l& i re- - rc ..ifcnptionff.,ti; : y. . , CSTV All saleij,: CASH I noyll W. C. piEMKli. . Family Grqceifcs, jchwoMampUiOILifoUKAtO, I'F.AI.ERS IV g. mm mm wm-- v mm aa ea a sav m mm Family ' Groceries, North Side Public Square, a Fayetteville Tennessee, UY Corn; Wheat andGriin of all porta, Chick one Rntti. an1 k,,n ' band a full stock of Family and Fancy (frocerUs,' Marketing' and Family Supplies generally. Bring us your Grain and ,1 get the highest market price. AND . i . ' " Gurden f Seed, - Aultman.S. Taylor Thresher jurt received. i. C. Az F. M. KELSd.' ' Jan. ... - ; ,i PRESCRIPTIOIT FKEET Kir ili t(eriy C4in:ol (i;i:iaJ wt-ai- t o.., l.'t MiiiliMid and" ail disorder tronht on hf tnn-f-ettoev- ixi. Any rrtjfraijst bai th U cr-- n iU4rm, lr. W. 4hQtTJ4h .. , M Hlfl Ma.Ua arw, Ctaai-isuuu- O. Furnilurc & Cdflins. J. B.WILSON, Fayetteville, - - Tenn. JJ AS just receiTed a large stock of FUIiXITUItE onsitingof Bedsteads, Slatresses. Bureaus Safes. "Wash Stands, Chairs, and other articles in flat line, which he will sell as low as such goodcan be bought in this market. ' . ' Also, ort hand Cases, Casket x, nnd Home-ma- de Coffins, good heaise, uentle horses and careful driver. ' J. B.WILSON, dec. 27 o ... , . ' Stoves andTin-War- e TOR SALE AT TII0S. J. HrGARYEY'S, "f f rilERE yoa tri!l aNo find a general t r assorimcnt of all Stoves in the . niarket, TIN WAKE ii Iiolcsale and JSctaii. Jobbing done satisfactorily or ELAINE and COAL OIL lalso an assortment of family Lampa. and KITCIIEX PUKXITCKE. Call arid esamine, next door to Wright & Wilson's. jan. 31 Sharing, Hair-Cutti- ng Mat. KofeiiiHon ' Bartoor, ; Sonth side of the Public Square, ' Fayetteville, Tennessee I with lrpn f?a-.- r pAmtc a ) HwitfriAC ond vtia T'rvar- - v els, To shave, cut hair or shampoo in the latest style, and as cheap as any one. Respectful and prompt attention always given to au customers. jan.7-- tf Coino nud Sec. HAVE opened a shop on the south side Squarc.two doors west of Bright Hall, and are prepared with ' Clean Towels, Keen Razors, Shai'p Shears, and prompt attention to wait upon custom- ers needing shaving, hair cut ing, sham-poonin- g, etc. Shop or en fror-- o'clock in the morning until 9 at night, june 29 o flwm and tna ftresw mora Tilly tHnn jt ' othr, m will to MMfi by &crpl'fu urain Uva ofth fl lowiiii rvM, rA compftrtoii of Ui picr with any in cx wkir: Th fT ib huvfotnIr friat4 on par white pKr fro:acinjr cut trxt thai m.tfcra it vif tv lt von by tkvt litfht. lis Uwr 'f npf print W a )cv to otJ or wenk ft. Th F ta i3 fre frorn ;olittol tnA ffiva tdl the new wit h fnir;i anl lio mt, so ioenaMe ii rmders to form a crn ct jTidtfiuotil on irlmtpvfr w pwins j and it !i4- - CUiM?tl l'll ttt: Wit hrtlt TjlttKf but - j wuiaihf iittcr4t cflhff ,rfhlMcfng cl.nM. It u in no eao ertlcnal tr row tL tnwHfl m it it w or irtUM4, n4 ran h tl wah hc BTti real rI'anre ml itriV frm Tciaa to Mniuov and from r3iif..nxi to Dolawarc. lUst'l.M r thnl!ic; if tu'wi lat rmnBrf!iralTC, and Mrrrts iU Ninrkel rcportft rrllnbl? and all Ua dojArtmcni mm fully p m U triiur-Cfn- tt of flrvt-ln- . j Wa eira no c4i rvntot, hand-boofa- oralraanact vrnii caetT.B, bvi.-u- . that Ihe creat"tt indniniit w cn oifir f to FKR, puUine nfy wlucli a thtrm irfrtia o to iie wi W unv mwm aumm-m- fffiar Ali panrr aixi learnt! tit chroiao fcit.mtM in tut: fcinU of pictur, dealer. WWII t proper it uriong. work UoncliT el'ih l, fciJ r- - ud tbvm liHrallT, tM wU t m n by rrf-.r.i- to onr lliit of itmnluoi l- - dnmtniU to nt." w)iM-- i. mu( on application. Ai?rtu' uultlt frv of charge titt up go4 dub ft th tra. ' SPtciKcn copies mt on pntcATion. THK ST APt, SSO WALMCTfcT, CISCISJfATI, O. L AMERICAN "and FOREIGN PATENTS. mUfOHE & 1 on mcr A. Co.. SolM'i'ori. .riilm itnw.iimi in all countrii-- . SO;tKt! IS AOVASCE. .1...... ...U. It.. ........, VA f.:.. roraiVpreli.ry examinmi... No ad.ll. tional fee forohtainnijc Hint eomlimtinif a ri'hear- - ilriiin ui iii ivnimwuiwrr f L ecTaM- - rAtionn m iv be rerireil. S0- - cial attention k'tpo to (nterferpnee Case before the I'atcnt Office, K.Ttcnsins t'oii)f ret,. Iu- - friugttuiunt fculU is lifl rrt Mat, am4 nil )iD- - tiou aiierTinin)f to Invention or I'aient. fienrt stamp toCilL-MOlib- ; A l(J., lor auipblut of ixtj inev. LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS, Hi t 'on tested Land Ces pnueriited beforp the r.S "yjs n "Sf i:aaption CIkiiim. and IfoMekleod i at- - tcmiml t. wn.t ri iu J. w. aiKllfacie pie- - for sale. I bisf-cri- h iMAitrnatle,' aud raw te located iu tn name H tne pnnliaM-- r upon anr W)veniinent 1 unt uljert Ut private fin try. at 11.23 trracrc. Jt I ni eriuiil THiite with r.oupiv ltud Warrant, atamp to (it CO. for pamphlet or Instruction ARREARS OF PAY. .sad BOUNTY. Offlcera Soldiers an.) Snllori of the late war. or their heira, arc i: inanv en4illel to nionev from tue (.overnnivnt ol whuh Uiey hare .. . . .... . . k I u. i tv f..n k : i PENSIONS. All Orrtcers..SoIdier, an t nallor ounde-l- . rup.iiivi, or injuici in inn ;ue war, nowerer fore tin? Supreme Court ot the I'nited !tutf. rh toiirt of Claim, aud the Southern Claim Coin mtnion. Each department of onr business is rondiirted in nureiiu. untvr ciiarre er toe iim rx perienecoT parties utiuJ br the ol,l rm ok i; a. ck is thus ecured. wie-ir- c '.' cM;r, ,uw it UlLJIUllfc I ll street W ahiag-tn- . l C. Kb 10 PHESS . i td,t $,malegt, ttuiett- nmnq, Model 1? 5a J, 9r. JVO to tM. Over e,COO turn In aar" 4 m Prut KHat awir.Ud at the Parit I nxmtitm. T?f Ieaclinif Pretia of the World. 5 "ratr.1 124 beat, rntitlrd . BOW TO PBmfmwicvpy ftto PMTiifi iiVWE. UAWd jnrtxuiar maiitdfnr 10 emtt. AMrmu J. W. DALVMADAY & CO., fnnrntnrt mtd Man'frt. ' b 123 Chutmt St.t tKilMklpkia, Pa. decl2-- 4t hK Prmlintr 1ieat avA cieaP . lt uuu 1 1 nun. Obsiefea oilica, JV1 I '" At h ill- ' U hi Nl 3 ' amount or par and Iwnntr melvel. J. ViJ . 111. JXXJLiKjVJ, uaita toll reply ; 31 Km, rmu vatuahu; TABIDS. Strays J?ctix.atx ZJ Ut. Kindof Aniihalit give- n- 2nd. Color oa.uacnplwn UK. Aj blh. Poster' t name GtA. T im and J'lact uj irrtit 1th. Valuation. LIXCOCB COUXTT. Teai?ing,whte, nnmaiked.aboot 1 year; J II Sliofner, 5ih dis, No 2 $. " ' Sow. sj.otled, swallow-for- k in each ear) J W Newsom, 8th dis, Jan 21 $6. MAK1HALL C0C5TT. Mare, bay, iQ forehead, left hind Taat white, ritht eye out; R J Wells, Dec 1. BKbrOKD COVSTT. ' Home Mule, dark bay, no wtificia! marks, 12U hands hieh. about 2 xcara old John 11 Alderman,3rd dis.Oct 1 not valued OILFS COCSTT- - Horse, light colored bay. left hind fot and right front foot white to the ankle, star in lorcneau. Diacft mane and taiL a little in- clined to be away backed, about old; Lewis Logwood, Klkton, Aug 21 $20. ilAlRV COISTT. Two Jfules one a black horse, lelt-- r W on left shoulder. IS hands h gh. 4 jrs the other a black mare, mealy nose, letter "W" on left shoulder, about 14'a' hand high, 4 years old; J W R Thomas, 8ih dis. Dec H. MADISOS COCSTT. Horse, bay, right hind foot white, about 9 years !d; o. a Mure Mule, sorrel, a--bnt 13 years old; and one Horse Mult, bay, scar on riht shoulder A pi il H. - - - ..i . Secret Ordbrd. MASONIC. Jackson Lodge No. GH, F. and A. jr., Fayetteville, T. J. Uruce, W. M.; B. M. Hatcher, Sec. meets 1st Monday night in each nionlh. Petersburg No, 123, W. R. liana way, W. M; W. E. Smith, Sec. meets 1st Monday night oa or after full moon in each month. Coons Bill No. 101, T V Clark, W M; W W Wilson, Sec. meets Saturday before the full moon, at 10 k. M. Pleasant Tlains No. SOS, J. A. Holland, W. M.; James F. Byers, Sec. meets Fri- day night before each full moon. Mt. Hebron 314, Korris Creek, F. M. Cole, W. M.; Thos. L. Williamson, Sec-m- eets Friday night on or before full moon each month. , Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cos-to- n, W. M.; W. L. Tarker, Sec. meets Saturday at 2 o'clock on or before the full moon in each month. Mulberry 404, E. T. Tarks, W. M.; W. W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday night on or before full moon. Macedonia 459, near Goshen, T O Gill, W. M4 Win. A. Gill, jun Sec meets Fri- day night on or before full moon. . Kelso No. 490, J J Coston, W M; Jro T Gordon, Sec meets Thursday night before each full moon. ' ODD-F- E LL0W3. Calhoun Lodge No. 2t, Ja B Wilson, NT. G.; G. B. Boyles, Kec Sec. meets every Fri- day light. Lincoln No. 50, Lynchburg, J. L. Ashby, N. O.; W Holt, Kec. Secretary meets 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday nights. Unity No. S4, Petersburg, F. B. Terry, N. G; U. II. Talley, Kec. Secretary meets every other Thursday night. Uak Hill .No. IW, orris Creek, T.L. Wil liamson, N. tJ.; W. II. Wright, Eec. Sec-me- ets every other Saturday uijrht. .Mulberry 14, J. A. IX Middle ton, NT. G C. Sebastian, Sec meets every other Thursday night. Surprise No. lo3, FlyntviIIe, CC Tierce, N. G.; tJeo W Counts, Secretary meets every Thursday night. Chestnut Pudge 1, I B roster, XO; W B Freeman, Sec: meets every Saturday night Evening Star No. 161, Pleasant Plains..! Franklin Smith, N. G II. M. Beaty, Sec. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights. .Kelso Ii2, . M. Jenkins, N. G.; J C George, Sec meets every other Saturday night. Livonia Lodge No. , Daughters of I?e-ec- Flvntville, J II C Dull", N G: Mrs Carrie Beckett, V G; G W Counts, Sec'y meets 1st Saturday each month at Z o clock. Sereno, No. 19 George s Store, JJ Gol den, N. G; MA Keeling, Sec. meets every Saturday night. rATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. - C.A.McDasiel, Fayetteville, Master County urange ll. i.tlntas, Jfayetteviile, Sec- retary Corresponding Committee: II. T. Childs, Fayetteville; W.James, Mul- berry; J. C. Hague, Kelso. Buckeye,173 C.A. Mcl)aniel,master; Jo- el I). Parks, sec'y; Fayetteville. Sulphur Spring, 176 T. C. Little, master; n. T. t'hilds, sec'y; Fayetteville. Boon's Hill W V Wilson, master, W W Erwin; sec'y; Boon's Hill. . Kocky Point (T Lben Hill, master; J C Hague, sec'y: Keko. Cold Wafer 307 J L Stewart, master; J M Smith, sec'y; Cold Water. Swan Creek, 3)S--S- . A. Hill, master; W. T. McDaniel, Sect Fayetfevillee. Unity .341 J J Short, master; L L Clark, sec'y; Fayetteville. White Oak, 531 CW Gill, mister: Smith Walker, sec'y; Lincoln. U. F. OF T. Fayetteih'e Council Ko. 380, F. . Car- ter, W. P.; C T Wallace,, Kec. Scribe-m- eets ever Tuesday night in K. of U. Hall.' KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Fayetteville LoWe No. 181, F.W.Carter Dictator; WA Gill, jr, Reporter. A. 0. of V. W. Protection Lodge y0. 8, Fayotterille, W. E. Woods, M W; H Nasnauer, i'corder; meets every Wednesday night. i I. O. G. T. St. John Lodge No.J 121, FajetterilV, II Whitaker, W p T; Geo F Smith, Sec'y meets every Wedneaiay nizht in Odd-r'el-low- s' Hall. . Eastern Star Lodge No. Ill, Petersburg, Dr W Smith, WC T; J T Holland, Sec. FIKE COMPANY .Fayetterilla Fire Company No. I, "W.J Dai idon. Foreman; W 11 McNel.'ey, Sec. Uegular meetings 1st Sa.urdaj niht iii each month, at the court-Lous- e. What tn.ikrs n Bushel. 4RT1CLKS. potrxns. Dried Apples ,., ....2H I5ran : . . ....20- - Baricy .. ..47 Beans CO Comt Peas 60 White Beans . . . .CO Castor Beans. . ... 45 Buckwheat .. ... ....52 Htone Coal. . '. . 80 Shelled Corn . 5 Corn in the car. ... .70 Cora Meal. ....5t Plastering Hair.., .... 3 Unslacked Lime.. ' 80 Barley Malt ." . 33 Rye Malt....,.; ....34 Oats ...33 Onions. . .' ....60 r Dried Teaches, unpeeled. ....31 'do do peeled... ...4i Millet Seed ...60- - Orchard Graft? Seed ...14 Herd's Grass Seed ...14 Irih Potatoes . . . (X Sweet Potatoes...... ...60 Peas ...6U rtye ...58 Blue Grass Seed. .. ...14 Clorer Seed . . fio Flax Seed ...58 Hemp Seel.' .- -. ...4t . Timothy Seed .. .4 j Hungarian Seed. .. . . . 4- - Coarse Salt ...50 Fine Salt. ... . Turnips 5.S Wheat.,...).. m Cotton Seeds.. 31 .,.23

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Page 1: New Fayetteville observer. (Fayetteville, Tenn.) 1878-12-19 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 17. · nnbty iIt.K: AT JitE SAM fa. OLD STAND. riRy J.....r.. uaonlr i.....r-- to U r F-.lU-or ui PiitiliKher.FAYtnEVILLE,

nnbty iIt.K: AT JitE SAM fa. OLD STAND.riRy J.....r ..

uaonlr i ...... .r--to U


F-.lU-or ui PiitiliKher.


Thsrsdar lrt;in?, Bcrfiafcr 19, 1S78.

fair;; ,.ati& .'Fmstlivlb.

Seven Kinds of Cookies.On of the nicest and hnmlk'Ht

things forji , housekeeper .a waysto te .'supplied with is cookies,tmdhcre are approved ways ofihaVimr them:

Sl'Gak Gjokii:?. Two cup-

fuls of sugar, 1 cupful of butter,wanned, T cui)ful'bf thick tourcream, 1 egg, 1 teaspoonful ofileratus, and 1 teaspoonful of

carawav seed. This makes GO

Jro'80 cookies.IJuttek CooKirs. One oup-fu- l

of sugar,'!' cupful 'of butter,- eggs, 1 teaspoooiifuls of creamtartar, 1 teaspoonful salcratus,and caraway seed and lemon ex-

tract. This makes 40 to iX)

cookies, which will keep formonths. : i V M. "17.1

, GiMiKii Cookies. One cup-

ful of sugar, onc-tlii- rd of a cup-

ful of molasses, 1 cupful of but-

ter, 1 egg,' 1 teaspoonful ofcream tartar, and one tea spoon-ful of soda. . . .


Molasses Cookies. One cup-

ful of molasses, 1 cupful of sugar,two-thir- ds ejipfyil hot water, two-thir- ds

cupful of lard or butter,) (Jgg, 1 teaspoonfnl cf alum, 1

teaspoonful of salcratus, and 2

t a po infills of ginger. Th:s,j in-

gredients will make 00 or 110cookies.' ;

Cur. am Cookies. 1J cupfulsof thick sour cream, 1 cupfulsof sugar, 1 egg, 1 teasjKxmfulo.i:di of salt, salaratus and cara-

way seeds. Koll quite thick ;

enough l'or 40 to 50 cookies..SlJiTCTE-ttMiL- .. Cookies. Icupful of butter, two-thir- ds cup-

ful of, buttermilk, 2 cupfuls ofsugar, and 1 teaspoonful each ofsaferafus, and lemon extract.0ixxam6n Cookies. One egg

and 1 cupful of sugar, beaten to-

gether, 1 cupful of sour cream,two-thir- ds of a teaspoonful eachofrfeSlt find salcratus: stir verystiff with a spoon, and drop a

piece the size of half an egg onthe moulding-boar- d, which hasifr'ldy' been spread with iteas-

poon fuls of sugar and 2 of cin-

namon. Koll the cooky in theugar until no longer sticky; put

into the form of a little cake, andTwice quite 'hard.

A Novel Scare-Crow- .

'....A very- successful plan hasbeen tried by. placing in Mr.( Vow's- - way a number of grainswith. ar horse, hari run thro.ighthem, lie is bound to swallowone, and his note of alarm isgoon ; sounded. It is impossiblefor him todislodge the grain, andif he can be watched for a sufli-c'.- et

length of time,he will be seen1 5 cut his own throat by scratch-ing at it. His usual note is

chmged, and-1- , can assure youlife, to him is such n misery hewould even wish lie were dead,

it has b?en noticed that altert'le note of alarm has been soui:-dc- l,

all the crows in the vicinitywill leave the field, and approachit no more tJiat season. Jt is asimple thing, yet all who try itwill find it a success.

Koports from various portionsof ' Tennessee, as other StatesS-iut- afford encouraging indi-

cations of the increase of sheep,and a growing disposition to gointo sheep, husbandry. It is oneof the most profitable pursuits inwinch the holder of huge bodies

cf land can now engage.

. It is claimed that young cat-

tle can dx kept growing finelyand

;faster" .by"., scalding meal,

yjy-J- i obviate all danger fromscounng;'aii(i cattle in years mayin this manner be carried throughthe winter from grass to grass,in jut noh condition us tq tleshas inaybe.ijeiirocl,.":. .

T(oUilracYwootlin therasp-berr-b- es

.should "le cut 'out ev-

ery s!i!',uV osVxi s the cropis pUhprAxi.'to' give,1 strength toihc'onnff-hoo- U

for 'the nexty car's hearing.'. InXw spnug re-mo-ve

the wx-aki's- t snckers,' leav-

ing live CrW of thetrViigest ineach hill ; ";;' ."


The meanest shingle boiled inlime-wat- er liecomoK-'a- good asthe best, thos? whohave testeI the matter for Years.V , , j

: In breedinpr tutkevs the male ;

l:ir:V4"o'Kl - wo chawjfea. vvery


Coughs and Bad Air.A writer in a recent issue of

the Fopulair Science Monthlytells of two patients whoseTca-se- s

may warn and encouragethose troubled w i t h coughs."The reader," he says, "will al-

low me to recite the case of a

patient of mine. A year ago,during his honeymoon, I con-

gratulated him, and told hima dry cough with which he wastroubled was curable, providedhe took care to live in the openair as much as possible, inuringhimself to cold, bleeping in well-vcntilat- cd

chambers, free fromdust, etc. I3ut this advice washardly relished by the youngman. . In October ; they hiredrooms iji a house that had justbeen built; its 'dampness' theyremedied by keeping up firessteadily. The windows archardly ever opened, as the housestood on a windy corner, andthe husband was growing moreand more sensitive to cold; forthis reason, too, he seldom wentout of doors, In November hetook his bed; was aguin about;but he . gradually declined, tothe lat hoping to recover.Different was the course follow-

ed by Mr. II., who, emaciatedand troubled with a cough, hada hemorrhage afier contractinga 'severe cold.' lie went intothe country, took as much ex-erci- se

as he could in the openair, and returned home with on-

ly a slight cough. At homehe every morning took a warmbath, with effusions of cold wa-

ter, avoiding rooms with badair, etc. In six months be wasfree from his cough, appearedto be well nourished, and nolonger had any fear of takingcold. If the reader will dispas-sionately conipaic these two ca-

ses, he will agree with me thatthe first patient, who never hadhemorrhage, fell a victim to theaction of foul air; while II. usedto sa', 'I must give to my dis-

eased lungs above all thingsfresh air, as the prime ncces-sr- T

of life.' Animals nevertake cold, even in winter; there-

fore among men it must be a

result of wrong habit if air docsany harm. AVc know thatgold-fish- es quickly perishwhen fresh wafer is not provi-

ded for them, and, when wewere boys, we used to considerit cruelty to animals if we madeao openings for ventilation in

the boxes in which we kepicock-chafers- ."

Dry Hop Yeast.Pour on one very large hand-f- ul

of hops one quart of boilingwater; let simmer until the liq-

uid is very strong; have in a dishone pint of Hour, live large spoon-

fuls of sugaW and three cf salt:strain the water from the hops,and stir, boiling, into the flour ;

if very thin add flour to make a

stiff batter ; when at a blood heatstir into it one large or twosmall cakes of dissolved com- -

ipressed, yeast, and cover, anastand in a very warm place untilvery light, then add sufficientlight corn meal to knead it ; letraise again and then roll out in a

sheet one inch thick, cut in cakestwo inches square and dry wellin the sun ; they will take five orsix days, according, to the weath-e- r,

must be turned every day andif placed out of doors to dry mustbe brought in by four o'clock inthe afternoon when thoroughlydry place not more than twodozeli in a pajcr bag and tie uptightly, hang in a dry closet;use one for an ordinary bakingof bread. '

Old paint pails and cans maybe thoroughly cleaned withstrong, hot lye.

A small quantity of turpen-tine added to stoveblacking willmake the stove easier to polish.

To keep stoves from rustingduring' the summer, rub withkerosene and wrap well in pajers.

A bottle of flaxseed oil, chalk j

and vinegar mixed to the consis-

tency of cream, should be keptin every, house lor burns, scalds,


, To make a cheap iork barrel,buy a coal-o- il barrel; knock onehead in; take a bunch of old hay,set fire to it, and throw it in thebarrel; let it burn imtiJ-th- e stavesbegin to burn; put it out byturning the barrel upside down ;

.scrape the coals off, and youhave a good, sweet barrel.

ToTirRiFV AVateil Tulver--jod alum will purify. water, thequantity being- - a large ?j)ooululto a hviTfehead of water.

Recipe for Hard Soap.Concentratelye by boiling un

til a medium1 sized potato willnot sink below the surface. Fillan iron kettle two-thir- ds full ofthis lye; add melted fat thefirmer sorts of fat, like that ob-

tained from cattle cr sheep, arebest a ladleful at a time, stir-

ring constantly until the massbecomes creamy; then add saltin small quantities at a time;boil gently until it thickens andbecomes ropy, or Until a perfectring can be made on the surfacewith a stick; let the fire go out,and the soap will rise to the sur-

face and harden as it cools. Thelye may be drawn oil' by tiltingthe kettle, or the soap may ' belifted off and laid out to diy un-

til hard enough to cut into bars.Iiesin is sometimes used to makeit harder, and oneT pound and a

half to six pounds of grease, formgood proportions. "When it isadded, dissolve, it in the meltedfat before adding it to the lye.llaral 2Tttc Yorker. .

Housekeepers w ho have beenaccustomed to . use tea leaves tokeep down the. dust when sweep-

ing and to cleanse carpets maybe jdad to learn that wet news-pape- rs

spread upon the fioor Avill

take up the dust far better. Infact to spread wet newspapersover a carpet, and then lilt themwill often obviate the necessityof sweeping; while to tear thepaper in small pieces and sweepwith the dust will freshen a carpet beautifully. tif. Louis Leerost.

To take out a scorch. If ashirt-boso- m, or any other article,has been scorched in ironing, layit where bright sunshine will falldirectly on it. It will take itentirely out.

Make a paste of soft soap andemery for polishing steel.


A Book to Every Subscriber!

Ihe Home Guide,A l$ook by 500 Ladies !

Is the title of a volume of 1G0pages, bound in cloth, containing about 1,000 practical re-

ceipts a.vl hints, on Cookery,Household, loilet, bick liooni,etc. It contains more informa-tion than the 1.50 and $2 cookbooks, besides possessing theimportant nl vantage of hein":Practical Experiences of Prac-tical "Home" Keepers.

These select, original andpractical contributions from somany ladies, have never beforeappealed in book lorm. Goodjudges have predicted its sale

to be hundreds of thousands,fen thousand copies weie order-ed before one copy came fromthe bindery. We have exclusivecontrol of the book in this local-ity, and it can be obtained onlythtough this office.'' '



M Bck;hm; to theFAYKTTKVlLLi: OllSEKVF.K


This is tbe choicest pi emiumever given to newspaper 'subscribers Something of real andpractical value. The ladies wi I

be delighted with' it. If yonrneighbor don't take.the Orskk- -vf.u tell hi in of this oiler." Theyall want the paper and book.You get the old Obsekver anda capital, practical, useful bookof 1G0 pages, for the price of theformer. , . -

Xow is your opportunity.This unprecedented offer willexpire in a few w eks.

'RZgr TJie Southern Industriesbi-wee- third volume, 8 largequarto pages, 4 columns to thepage, is an excellent paper, filledwith truthful descriptions of theSouthern country, its resources,capabilities, society, etc. Itniirrors the true sentiments of.both the North, and South'. Itoccupies a field distinct from anyother paper. Y e have" made'such arrangements as enable iia:

to offer the OiiSEitvErt andSouthern Industries both oneyear for two dollars, cash in advance. Subscriptions may begin any weel C i : tf


the farmers; review !

The latest addition to our exchange list is the Farmers'.- Jle-viei- c,

Chicago. 111., and a mostwelcome addition it proves. Itis as full of departments as thegovernment at Washington, audthey all bear evidence ot uuusualskill and industry .in their man-agement. It is emphatically amodel farm and family monthly.It is, withal, tiie neatest andBEST MONTHLY OF THE KINDthat we know. We will fur-nish the Review and our ownpaper, each one year,- - for (icqdollars in advance . ?


IIIfIIThis important wcih" r.tiut threepounds, and a!l ihe blood in a living per, on (aboutihrce gallons) passes it at lcntcnce everyHnlf knur Lw fh ami other tmpuriticflstrained or fi!tcrc,d finra it. Bile is the natural

x. .f I L ' C L, 1 IwMiiiii.purgative 01 mc dowcis, inn 11

W: torpid it is not separated from the blood, but ca-rpI ried through the veins to nil parts cf the system,

and in IryinS to escape through the pores of the

HI skin, causes it to turn yellow or a lirty browncolor, 'i he stomach becomes diseased, and Dts--

Hipepsia. 1

. oitsncss.CI Su k anfj

lew. . MitiamCt.' Hwati:, the treat vegetablepj ' discovery" for torpidity; causes the kiver to throw

loff from one to two ounces of bile each lime theY blood posse routj h it, us long as thvre is aa ex. "

. J cms of Lilc: and the effect of even a few dosesupon yrllow eomp'.exioa or a brown .dirty lookiiig ;

bkin, wiil astonish all who try it they being theti&t symptoms lo disappear. Tlie cure of all bili-

ous disease smd Liver complaint is made certainKvtaLintr H in accordance with directions.licadaclM is generally urrU liv t.xnty minute, 't

a p.J no dteac that arucit lrom Uic Liver can exutif a fair trial i rivn. ;


Price 25 Cents nd'Sl.005? .'CTSO c-- 1

M The fatality of' Consumption or Throat andM Lung Diseases, which sweep to the grave at leastf d of all dcaili'a victims, arises from the .

pi Opium or Morphine trcat:n.ut, which simply tu-r- ft

peiies as tiie work of dca;h r.oc on. 10,000 willwjbepaid U' Opium or Moriiliire, tr any preparationftA of Opium, Morjihine or Prusvh; AM, can be found

.M in the Gloeb Ktowta Coi'tiii Sykvf, which baM! cured people who are livirg y with but one

j remaining lun;. Mo greater wrong can be doneP than to say th;U Consumption is incurable. 1 he"JOloo Flowek Coli;h Svitvfwill cure it whenQ! all other means kavc Ciilcd. Also, Ctiids, Cotign,

Asthma, Lronchilis, and all diseases of the throatW and lungs. Read the ter.timoni.ils of the Hon.L; Alexander H. Stephens, (iov. Smith and

Ir.rown of Ca., lion. tieo. Ttal-otly- , as well atU those of other remarkable cures in rur boob freeJm to all at the drug stores and be convinced thr.t if ..H you wUh to be cured you can be by taking theCJ Ui.oe Covioit Ptip. - .

L'alz ro 'J roehes r r Lozenges for bore Threat,M when you can cct Uloek Flov. fr Svawr at same

j price. For aair. by aU Druggist

P iFrics 25 Csnts anti $1.00 f

Crave mistahes are made in the treatment of all2J diseases .jdc com poison in the blood. Not

fcj'one ca cf Scro.'ula, White Swelling, ;

ricn.t:s Sores and 'i --asc, in a thousand,r5 i treated ri;!:o:itt!:iiseuf Mcrctiryiasomeibrnu

jMercu:v rors t!ic K.ncs, anJ t)ie itare worse than any other kind tJ blojd or

j'skin dis.-as- c can b-- . Dn. l,i:Mnr::TuN'sSTn.MM-(ji- a

or Di:lh;ht is the only medicinet3uptn It a hope of recovery from Scrofula, Sy- -

-- philis and Mercurial diseases in all stages, can be11; reasonably foumlul. and lliat willure Cancer. ,

;" be paid by the proprietors if Mercury,lor any itrcient nut purely vvjetable and harmT: less can be found in it. i

l'nce Iy all Un;sists f i.oo.t'.Lonn I'lowek CouciH Svkup and Mbrxf.i.l'j

Hr.r.VTiNn iok Titf Livp.k fi;r sale by all Lrug-gist- s

i:i as cent and $1.00 bottles. . . . '. '


'flCC 12 lj. :



ANNOUNCE to our former friendsWE patrons that the next ses.-io- n ofthis Inslituliou will open the

First Monday in SEPT. next,and continue forty-o- ne wek. (includingthe week of holidays from Chiiitinas toNew Year) clo-in- g J une, 1873.

Tems:' 2.00, 3.00, 100, and 5.03 .

per month, according to advancement.

Iiiciilciitul lee l.OO'or tertn of five months r 3" able in all

' -. cases in advance.

Accounts due at the end of every fourweeks. Tor further particulars, address,

aug. 8 ; : 11. S. BRADSllAW,J'l irtcipctl.

Eearden & Thomas, :



HAVINfi recei tly purchased lh $e(long known a I lie Mar-ku-

we are now putting them in firstclass Older, and with Superior' machinery,which is equal to any in the State, we can

proni'so . . -

FLOUR, MEAL, BRANor oilier Milling Products,rqual to any in quality and quantity.

Solici iniraliberal paironagr,'wcprimistanuntil ing i ffort to give ic'i.)ri.

To farmers mid all olhi'i , we otl'er- - '

Custom Grinding Eery Day !



mi 1 ask thoin (9 give u a trial, assured, aswe aye, inai mey win ou picaseu witu our

' way of doing busiiii ss.r


r. S. Mat. lienrrftiii nny alwajs hetound at the .Mills, and will give orders hispersonal attention. , an. l io-- tf



1n 5 5s

S 0



01 - aH




PRICE REDUCED.V" AT Foil of Plain, Practical, Reliable,

.Paying Information 1

SJ lot Wnt V.mCL. Sentk. Norfll tar Ownm X1 ' 1VS of Cattle, Hone, ibeep, Swine, or Farms, V

Ganlema. or llaoit Lata ; iur Houackenen& far ah Loy and Girl,: .

OVER 70O Flno ENGRAVINGS -bath pleuinc ud instructire. Tbc .

yricac JSpulturistlTt C'it tftrn er mart, m;r, tat-fa- d, S

5 ONLY: $1 EACH.?S 4 eopiea, $i.s each. Single subecriptiona, $l.5SSN One auBbcr, 15c A cpeonem, poai free, toe. CS

S; i lASIinrai SlfiEl Plate E2GUYB3 to ill.Large PBEXIOIS for Clalw.uae aimiu Omnmu at saaic price


ueco lui.

utWIlJl l3i4oL plemaotlr.n.ttft, arl.nera imi,ev, Uakvcy A tu. AtlanU, ia.


Physician and Surgeon,- -

WILL practice medicine sn.l surgery inan-- vicinily.

BS?-Offi- ce at drur store of Vinirtf &jan. 24


ATTOENEY AT LAW, ifPFayetteville, Tennessee.'

I V YpTElf Olli

J. 24ih,-187-8 - ''U JJXilSN- -


ATTORNEY AT LAW,Fayclleville, Tennessee.

jnn. 21th, 1878

3Icdicinc and Dentistry' Dr. Joe Dinwiddle.

Practicing Physician id Dentist,

FHYETTEYZZZE, rSVVV.Vrtiiioial 'A'oetla . .

Inserted promptly on reasonable terms.Office, twodoora north of tho carriage shop.


DENTI8T,Xo.37J Cl:crry Street,

march 1, 1877

. C. A. IBKHKInmmn nmm

Fayetteville, Tennessee.Office at his llesidence. marlG


Fayetteville, Tennessee.3J ILL practicv: in Lincoln and adjoining

1 counlies. Satisfaction guaranteed bothin prices and operations of all kinds.

(.Mike, opposite the Ocsekver oflice.aug. 12, 1875.

AV. C. J5JUGHT, it. P.,V ILL practice Medicine and SurgeryT in fayetteville and vicinity. Office

te Observer office. july22

E. L. DRAKE, M. D.,(OfBce over Price's Drug Store, West side


OFFERS his professional services to theof Fayetteville and vicinity,

july 22,1875.

J. W. Xeivmnii,Altorney " at Law,

Fayetteville, Tenn.

WILL practice in the various CourtsLincoln and adjoining counties,

ana in the bupreme and 1 cdcral Courts atNashville. Office near north-ea- st cornerof the Public Sauare. sept7-- tf

J. lf Goodwin,Attorney at Law,

. Fayetteville, Tennessee.Collections a specialty. fcb4


Woods & WoodardAttorneys at JLaiv,

Fayetteville, - - Tennessee.jan.' 14-- ly


iff0EHBT. if LiWOffice at his residence near Camargo,

WILL practice in the various Courts oland adjoining counties. o9


McKinney Fulton.'ATTORNEYS AT LAW,

Trompt attention given to business. CT-tic- e

near the south-we- st corner of SquarescptZJ

II OLM AAf & IIOLMMr.Attorneys at Law.

FAYETTEVILLE, TEXN.RACTICE in the Courts of LincolnP1 county.1 Cases in Bankruptcy prompt

ly attended to. . - ; jan30--tf

ASKING.First National Bank....




-- J. G. Woods, President..Wu. Boxneb, Jk., Vice-Preside-

, t - . nu?7-l- y


fiPlT.lL STOCK, 3100,

Does a General Banking Business.' I

; . DIREOTOBS.T. O. Baoley, J. W. Hfl,MAK '

J. L. Bryant, " D.'W. Clark,. D. W. Holmas.M. P. HAMPTON. Cashier.iulvll I). AV. lim.MAV. TVeVl;"J


R. P. Feeney & Sons;PI A S TFUFll s'2

ARK prepared to fill orders anywhere i

county, promptly, in the Leststyle, aud at reasonable prices, for

Lathing, Plastering in lime or. .cement, etc.,

in liouses or cisterns. v

, Ifepairinjr of all kinds done nrhenertTneeded, without delay.

Orders respectfully solicited, and 'satisfaction guaranteed-- , , t ;

march 15 ( f n.I i i



Try D. MEDEA RIS announces theil people of Lincoln and adjoining con-tie- s

that he intends to ell Leather of aUkinds at the lowest cash prices, and willbuy Hides and pay the highest price incash for the same. ' nor. 30-- ly

is not eily earned ia thmr times, but itran he maiie iu three months tr any oneof either sex. in any part of therouatrr.who U wiilinir to work au-alil- at tne

employmeut that we fni-uis- I pi--r week'fn voiirown town. Von need not be away from home "orereight. Yon can give oar whole time to the work

r only yonr &utr moment. Wa bare aennwho are making over TM per dsy. All who ito

at once ean make money last. At the presenttime money raanol H3 made o vuritr and rxniitlv

any other biiainesa. It costs nothinj to try thecbhuto. xennii aoa a imnc rree. AUdres atoaco, 11. HatLkTT A to, Portiaud. Malue.


juuos iMnrgAA


FayetteviHe; Tenn., A: D. KUTH. dec6

1Xate wiUiJohn Jr. Jluth;Shelbyrille,


I OFFER for sale nothing bnt

First-Clas- s Jewelry ,u Wafclies and Cloeks.J

Plain Gold Rings a Specialty!Also, agent for,




(ErShop at R. II. Cgdvie Co's hardwarestoi'e. -




Watelies, ' ';

r 1ClocksJewelry,

Spectacles, &c.South-Ea- st Corner of the Square,

Fayetteville, Tenn.All work done prpmptly and

CASH PAID FOR OLD GOLDd SILVEll- nov. 2-2- i ,! -






Superior Tobacco and Cigars,


For Mkdicixal Pukposes, .

' IVindow Glass,


WE would respectfully' announce thatliava bought the . dm re of

BI. Pi ice, lec. west side public sounre.and will make regular additions to pur already well selected stock, and that you willfind in our house evervthiii'' usually kett ina first-cla- ss Dru-Uou- se. Wo deal in thebest "goods of erery kind.

We would also state that we have securedthe services of ,Dr. E L Drake, whowill lake charge of our Prescription. Department, and fiom his known integrity and

as an, accomplished Chemist andPharmaceutist, we confidently assure thosefavoring nswith the;r prescriptions,' thatlheyv ill be put up with neatness, accural yand dispatch. ,

W e hope by strict integrity and fair deal-n- g

in business to merit a largo custom,jaii. I8-- 0 . YIN ING &STRANE.

mCDIEMERAittieOld Stand fJ

JOxTm Ol jOLi Dlomor,

Pe mmm mediciab,WINDOVV GLASS, PUTTY, .. -

Fine Ciiewiiisr&'Siiiokingr Tobacco,3BX.ASTIHG POWDSn, FUSE. ,

SiincVipr Illuminating; Coal Oil. 1

PATENT AND FAMILY MEDICINES. .tl i. i.l'i ".'. i :

nd a well selected stock of all Goods ;

usuMjiy Kepi m a


pTT1) p rnrnT) n- - WT AT I? ;'";For Meuicixal, Puia'osES.

DayidLanaretii ftSoi's Garden Mtotib.n . .. I

fOinnt- - aiienilOn ClVen' l& i re- -

rc..ifcnptionff.,ti; :


. , CSTV All saleij,: CASHI

noyll W. C. piEMKli. .

Family Grqceifcs,jchwoMampUiOILifoUKAtO,


g. mm mm wm-- v mm aa ea a sav m mm

Family ' Groceries,North Side Public Square,

aFayetteville Tennessee,UY Corn; Wheat andGriin of all porta,Chick one Rntti. an1 k,,n '

band a full stock of Family and Fancy(frocerUs,' Marketing' and Family Suppliesgenerally. Bring us your Grain and ,1

get the highest market price.

AND .i . '

" Gurden f Seed, -

Aultman.S. Taylor Thresherjurt received. i. C. Az F. M. KELSd.' '

Jan. ... - ; ,iPRESCRIPTIOIT FKEETKir ili t(eriy C4in:ol (i;i:iaJ wt-ai- t o.., l.'tMiiiliMid and" ail disorder tronht on hf tnn-f-ettoev-

ixi. Any rrtjfraijst bai th U cr-- niU4rm, lr. W. 4hQtTJ4h .. ,

M Hlfl Ma.Ua arw, Ctaai-isuuu- O.

Furnilurc & Cdflins.

J. B.WILSON,Fayetteville, - - Tenn.

JJ AS just receiTed a large stock of

FUIiXITUItEonsitingofBedsteads, Slatresses. Bureaus

Safes. "Wash Stands, Chairs,and other articles in flat line, which hewill sell as low as such goodcan be boughtin this market. ' . '

Also, ort handCases, Casket x, nnd Home-ma- de


good heaise, uentle horses and carefuldriver. ' J. B.WILSON,

dec. 27 o ... , . '

Stoves andTin-War- e



"f f rilERE yoa tri!l aNo find a generalt r assorimcnt of all Stoves in the


TIN WAKEii Iiolcsale and JSctaii.

Jobbing done satisfactorily or

ELAINE and COAL OILlalso an assortment of family Lampa. and


Call arid esamine, next door to Wright &

Wilson's. jan. 31

Sharing, Hair-Cutti- ng

Mat. KofeiiiHon' Bartoor,

; Sonth side of the Public Square, '

Fayetteville, TennesseeI with lrpn f?a-.- r

pAmtc a ) HwitfriAC ond vtia T'rvar- - vels, To shave, cut hair or shampooin the latest style, and as cheap as any one.Respectful and prompt attention alwaysgiven to au customers. jan.7-- tf

Coino nud Sec.

HAVE opened a shop on the south sideSquarc.two doors west of Bright

Hall, and are prepared with '

Clean Towels, Keen Razors,Shai'p Shears,

and prompt attention to wait upon custom-ers needing shaving, hair cut ing, sham-poonin- g,

etc. Shop or en fror-- o'clock inthe morning until 9 at night,

june 29 o

flwm and tna ftresw mora Tilly tHnn jt '

othr, m will to MMfi by &crpl'fu urainUva ofth fl lowiiii rvM, rA compftrtoii ofUi picr with any in cx wkir:

Th fT ib huvfotnIr friat4 on parwhite pKr fro:acinjr cut trxt thai m.tfcrait vif tv lt von by tkvt litfht. lis Uwr

'f npf print W a )cv to otJ or wenk ft.Th F ta i3 fre frorn ;olittol tnAffiva tdl the new wit h fnir;i anl lio mt,so ioenaMe ii rmders to form a crn ctjTidtfiuotil on irlmtpvfr w pwins j and it !i4- -CUiM?tl l'll ttt: Wit hrtlt TjlttKf but - j

wuiaihf iittcr4t cflhff ,rfhlMcfng cl.nM.It u in no eao ertlcnal tr row tL

tnwHfl m it it w or irtUM4, n4 ran htl wah hc BTti real rI'anre ml itriVfrm Tciaa to Mniuov and from r3iif..nxi toDolawarc. lUst'l.M r thnl!ic; if tu'wilat rmnBrf!iralTC, and MrrrtsiU Ninrkel rcportft rrllnbl? and allUa dojArtmcni mm fully p m U triiur-Cfn- tt

of flrvt-ln- . j

Wa eira no c4i rvntot, hand-boofa-

oralraanact vrnii caetT.B, bvi.-u- . thatIhe creat"tt indniniit w cn oifir f to

FKR, puUine nfy wlucli a thtrmirfrtia o to iie wiW unv mwm aumm-m-

fffiar Ali panrr aixi learnt! tit chroiaofcit.mtM in tut: fcinU of pictur, dealer.WWII t proper it uriong.

work UoncliT el'ih l, fciJ r- -

ud tbvm liHrallT, tM wU t m n by rrf-.r.i-

to onr lliit of itmnluoi l- -dnmtniU to nt." w)iM-- i. mu(on application. Ai?rtu' uultlt frv of chargetitt up go4 dub ft th tra. '

SPtciKcn copies mt on pntcATion.



mUfOHE &1 on mcr A. Co.. SolM'i'ori. .riilm itnw.iimi

in all countrii-- . SO;tKt! IS AOVASCE..1...... ...U. It.. ........, VA f.:..roraiVpreli.ry examinmi... No ad.ll.

tional fee forohtainnijc Hint eomlimtinif a ri'hear--

ilriiin ui iii ivnimwuiwrrf L ecTaM- - rAtionn m iv be rerireil. S0- -

cial attention k'tpo to (nterferpnee Case beforethe I'atcnt Office, K.Ttcnsins t'oii)f ret,. Iu- -friugttuiunt fculU is lifl rrt Mat, am4 nil )iD- -

tiou aiierTinin)f to Invention or I'aient. fienrtstamp toCilL-MOlib- ; A l(J., lor auipblut of ixtjinev.LAND CASES, LAND WARRANTS, Hi

t 'on tested Land Ces pnueriited beforp the r.S"yjs n "Sfi:aaption CIkiiim. and IfoMekleod i at- -tcmiml t. wn.t ri iu J. w. aiKllfacie pie- -

for sale. I bisf-cri- h iMAitrnatle,' aud raw telocated iu tn name H tne pnnliaM-- r upon anrW)veniinent 1 unt uljert Ut private fin try. at 11.23

trracrc. Jt I ni eriuiil THiite with r.oupiv ltudWarrant, atamp to (it CO. forpamphlet or Instruction

ARREARS OF PAY. .sad BOUNTY.Offlcera Soldiers an.) Snllori of the late

war. or their heira, arc i: inanv en4illel tonionev from tue (.overnnivnt ol whuh Uiey hare.. . . .... . .k I u. i tv f..n k : i

PENSIONS.All Orrtcers..SoIdier, an t nallor ounde-l-.

rup.iiivi, or injuici in inn ;ue war, nowerer

fore tin? Supreme Court ot the I'nited !tutf. rhtoiirt of Claim, aud the Southern Claim Coinmtnion.

Each department of onr business is rondiirted innureiiu. untvr ciiarre er toe iim rx

perienecoT parties utiuJ br the ol,l rm

ok i; a. ck is thus ecured. wie-ir- c

'.' cM;r, ,uw it UlLJIUllfc I llstreet W ahiag-tn- . l C. Kb 10

PHESS. i td,t $,malegt, ttuiett- nmnq,

Model 1? 5aJ, 9r. JVO to tM. Over e,COO turn In aar"

4 m Prut KHat awir.Ud at the Parit I nxmtitm.T?f Ieaclinif Pretia of the World.5 "ratr.1 124 beat, rntitlrd. BOW TO PBmfmwicvpy ftto PMTiifi iiVWE.UAWd jnrtxuiar maiitdfnr 10 emtt. AMrmuJ. W. DALVMADAY & CO., fnnrntnrt mtd Man'frt. '

b 123 Chutmt St.t tKilMklpkia, Pa.decl2-- 4t

hK Prmlintr 1ieat avA cieaP . ltuuu 1 1 nun. Obsiefea oilica,

JV1 I '" At h ill- ' U hi Nl 3 ' amount or par and Iwnntr melvel.J. ViJ . 111. JXXJLiKjVJ, uaita toll reply





vatuahu; TABIDS.

Strays J?ctix.atx ZJUt. Kindof Aniihalit give- n- 2nd. Color

oa.uacnplwn UK. Aj blh. Poster' tname GtA. T im and J'lact uj irrtit1th. Valuation.

LIXCOCB COUXTT.Teai?ing,whte, nnmaiked.aboot 1 year;J II Sliofner, 5ih dis, No 2 $. "

' Sow. sj.otled, swallow-for- k in each ear)J W Newsom, 8th dis, Jan 21 $6.MAK1HALL C0C5TT.

Mare, bay, iQ forehead, left hind Taatwhite, ritht eye out; R J Wells, Dec 1.


Home Mule, dark bay, no wtificia!marks, 12U hands hieh. about 2 xcara oldJohn 11 Alderman,3rd dis.Oct 1 not valued


Horse, light colored bay. left hind fotand right front foot white to the ankle, starin lorcneau. Diacft mane and taiL a little in-clined to be away backed, about old;Lewis Logwood, Klkton, Aug 21 $20.

ilAlRV COISTT.Two Jfules one a black horse, lelt-- r

W on left shoulder. IS hands h gh. 4 jrsthe other a black mare, mealy nose, letter"W" on left shoulder, about 14'a' handhigh, 4 years old; J W R Thomas, 8ih dis.Dec H.

MADISOS COCSTT.Horse, bay, right hind foot white, about

9 years !d; o. a Mure Mule, sorrel, a--bnt

13 years old; and one Horse Mult,bay, scar on riht shoulder A pi il H.

- - - ..i .

Secret Ordbrd.MASONIC.

Jackson Lodge No. GH, F. and A. jr.,Fayetteville, T. J. Uruce, W. M.; B. M.Hatcher, Sec. meets 1st Monday night ineach nionlh.

Petersburg No, 123, W. R. liana way, W.M; W. E. Smith, Sec. meets 1st Mondaynight oa or after full moon in each month.

Coons Bill No. 101, T V Clark, W M; WW Wilson, Sec. meets Saturday before thefull moon, at 10 k. M.

Pleasant Tlains No. SOS, J. A. Holland,W. M.; James F. Byers, Sec. meets Fri-day night before each full moon.

Mt. Hebron 314, Korris Creek, F. M.Cole, W. M.; Thos. L. Williamson, Sec-m- eets

Friday night on or before full mooneach month. ,

Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cos-to- n,

W. M.; W. L. Tarker, Sec. meetsSaturday at 2 o'clock on or before the fullmoon in each month.

Mulberry 404, E. T. Tarks, W. M.; W.W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday nighton or before full moon.

Macedonia 459, near Goshen, T O Gill,W. M4 Win. A. Gill, jun Sec meets Fri-day night on or before full moon.

. Kelso No. 490, J J Coston, W M; Jro TGordon, Sec meets Thursday night beforeeach full moon. '

ODD-F- E LL0W3.Calhoun Lodge No. 2t, Ja B Wilson, NT.

G.; G. B. Boyles, Kec Sec. meets every Fri-day light.

Lincoln No. 50, Lynchburg, J. L. Ashby,N. O.; W Holt, Kec. Secretary meets 1st,3rd and 5th Saturday nights.

Unity No. S4, Petersburg, F. B. Terry,N. G; U. II. Talley, Kec. Secretary meetsevery other Thursday night.

Uak Hill .No. IW, orris Creek, T.L. Williamson, N. tJ.; W. II. Wright, Eec. Sec-me- ets

every other Saturday uijrht..Mulberry 14, J. A. IX Middle ton, NT. G

C. Sebastian, Sec meets every otherThursday night.

Surprise No. lo3, FlyntviIIe, C C Tierce,N. G.; tJeo W Counts, Secretary meetsevery Thursday night.

Chestnut Pudge 1, I B roster, XO;W B Freeman, Sec: meets every Saturdaynight

Evening Star No. 161, Pleasant Plains..!Franklin Smith, N. G II. M. Beaty,Sec. meets 1st and 3rd Saturday nights.

.Kelso Ii2, . M. Jenkins, N. G.; J CGeorge, Sec meets every other Saturdaynight.

Livonia Lodge No. , Daughters of I?e-ec-

Flvntville, J II C Dull", N G: MrsCarrie Beckett, V G; G W Counts, Sec'ymeets 1st Saturday each month at Z o clock.

Sereno, No. 19 George s Store, J J Golden, N. G; M A Keeling, Sec. meets everySaturday night.


C.A.McDasiel, Fayetteville, Master Countyurange ll. i.tlntas, Jfayetteviile, Sec-retary Corresponding Committee: II. T.Childs, Fayetteville; W.James, Mul-berry; J. C. Hague, Kelso.Buckeye,173 C.A. Mcl)aniel,master; Jo-

el I). Parks, sec'y; Fayetteville.Sulphur Spring, 176 T. C. Little, master;

n. T. t'hilds, sec'y; Fayetteville.Boon's Hill W V Wilson, master, W

W Erwin; sec'y; Boon's Hill. .Kocky Point (T Lben Hill, master; J

C Hague, sec'y: Keko.Cold Wafer 307 J L Stewart, master; J

M Smith, sec'y; Cold Water.Swan Creek, 3)S--S- . A. Hill, master;

W. T. McDaniel, Sect Fayetfevillee.Unity .341 J J Short, master; L L

Clark, sec'y; Fayetteville.White Oak, 531 CW Gill, mister: SmithWalker, sec'y; Lincoln.

U. F. OF T.Fayetteih'e Council Ko. 380, F. . Car-

ter, W. P.; C T Wallace,, Kec. Scribe-m- eetsever Tuesday night in K. of U. Hall.'

KNIGHTS OF HONOR.Fayetteville LoWe No. 181, F.W.Carter

Dictator; W A Gill, jr, Reporter.

A. 0. of V. W.Protection Lodge y0. 8, Fayotterille, W.

E. Woods, M W; H Nasnauer, i'corder;meets every Wednesday night.


I. O. G. T.St. John Lodge No.J 121, FajetterilV, IIWhitaker, W p T; Geo F Smith, Sec'y

meets every Wedneaiay nizht in Odd-r'el-low- s'

Hall. .

Eastern Star Lodge No. Ill, Petersburg,Dr W Smith, W C T; J T Holland, Sec.

FIKE COMPANY.Fayetterilla Fire Company No. I, "W.J

Dai idon. Foreman; W 11 McNel.'ey, Sec.Uegular meetings 1st Sa.urdaj niht iii

each month, at the court-Lous- e.

What tn.ikrs n Bushel.4RT1CLKS. potrxns.

Dried Apples ,., ....2HI5ran : . . ....20- -

Baricy . . ..47Beans COComt Peas 60White Beans . . . .COCastor Beans. . ... 45Buckwheat . . ... ....52Htone Coal. . '. . 80Shelled Corn . 5Corn in the car. . . . .70Cora Meal. ....5tPlastering Hair.., .... 3Unslacked Lime.. ' 80Barley Malt ." . 33Rye Malt....,.; ....34Oats ...33Onions. . .' ....60

r Dried Teaches, unpeeled. ....31'do do peeled... ...4iMillet Seed ...60--

Orchard Graft? Seed ...14Herd's Grass Seed ...14Irih Potatoes . . . (X

Sweet Potatoes...... ...60Peas ...6Urtye ...58Blue Grass Seed. .. ...14Clorer Seed . . fioFlax Seed ...58Hemp Seel.' .-

-. ...4t .Timothy Seed . . .4 jHungarian Seed. . . . . . 4- -

Coarse Salt ...50Fine Salt. ... .Turnips 5.SWheat.,...).. mCotton Seeds.. 31
