new directions for mahout

1 ©MapR Technologies - Confidential New Directions in Mahout

Upload: ted-dunning

Post on 25-Jan-2015




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I gave this talk at Buzzwords just now to fill in for an ill speaker. The topics include things that are being added to or taken out of Mahout. These include cruft (out), fast clustering (in), nearest neighbor search (in), Pig bindings for Mahout (who knows).


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New Directions in Mahout

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Cut Out Bloat

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Bloat is Leaving in 0.7

Lots of abandoned code in Mahout– average code quality is poor– no users– no maintainers– why do we care?

Examples– old LDA– old Naïve Bayes– genetic algorithms

If you care, get on the mailing list 0.7 is about to be released

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Integration of Collections

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Nobody Cares about Collections

We need it, math is built on it Pull it into math

Broke the build (battle of the code expanders)

Fixed now (thanks Grant)

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K-nearest Neighbor withSuper Fast k-means

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What’s that?

Find the k nearest training examples Use the average value of the target variable from them

This is easy … but hard– easy because it is so conceptually simple and you don’t have knobs to turn

or models to build– hard because of the stunning amount of math– also hard because we need top 50,000 results

Initial prototype was massively too slow– 3K queries x 200K examples takes hours– needed 20M x 25M in the same time

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How We Did It

2 week hackathon with 6 developers from customer bank Agile-ish development To avoid IP issues– all code is Apache Licensed (no ownership question)– all data is synthetic (no question of private data)– all development done on individual machines, hosting on Github– open is easier than closed (in this case)

Goal is new open technology to facilitate new closed solutions

Ambitious goal of ~ 1,000,000 x speedup

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How We Did It

2 week hackathon with 6 developers from customer bank Agile-ish development To avoid IP issues– all code is Apache Licensed (no ownership question)– all data is synthetic (no question of private data)– all development done on individual machines, hosting on Github– open is easier than closed (in this case)

Goal is new open technology to facilitate new closed solutions

Ambitious goal of ~ 1,000,000 x speedup– well, really only 100-1000x after basic hygiene

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What We Did

Mechanism for extending Mahout Vectors– DelegatingVector, WeightedVector, Centroid

Searcher interface– ProjectionSearch, KmeansSearch, LshSearch, Brute

Super-fast clustering– Kmeans, StreamingKmeans

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Projection Search


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How Many Projections?

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K-means Search

Simple Idea– pre-cluster the data– to find the nearest points, search the nearest clusters

Recursive application– to search a cluster, use a Searcher!

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But This Require k-means!

Need a new k-means algorithm to get speed– Hadoop is very slow at iterative map-reduce– Maybe Pregel clones like Giraph would be better– Or maybe not

Streaming k-means is– One pass (through the original data)– Very fast (20 us per data point with threads)– Very parallelizable

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How It Works

For each point– Find approximately nearest centroid (distance = d)– If d > threshold, new centroid– Else possibly new cluster– Else add to nearest centroid

If centroids > K ~ C log N– Recursively cluster centroids with higher threshold

Result is large set of centroids– these provide approximation of original distribution– we can cluster centroids to get a close approximation of clustering original– or we can just use the result directly

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Parallel Speedup?

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Warning, Recursive Descent

Inner loop requires finding nearest centroid

With lots of centroids, this is slow

But wait, we have classes to accelerate that!

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Warning, Recursive Descent

Inner loop requires finding nearest centroid

With lots of centroids, this is slow

But wait, we have classes to accelerate that!

(Let’s not use k-means searcher, though)

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Pig Vector

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What is it?

Supports Pig access to Mahout functions

So far text vectorization

And classification

And model saving

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What is it?

Supports Pig access to Mahout functions

So far text vectorization

And classification

And model saving

Kind of works (see pigML from twitter for better function)

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Compile and Install

Start by compiling and installing mahout in your local repository:cd ~/Apache

git clone

cd mahout

mvn install -DskipTests

Then do the same with pig-vectorcd ~/Apache

git clone [email protected]:tdunning/pig-vector.git

cd pig-vector

mvn package

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Tokenize and Vectorize Text

Tokenized is done using a text encoder– the dimension of the resulting vectors (typically 100,000-1,000,000– a description of the variables to be included in the encoding– the schema of the tuples that pig will pass together with their data types

Example:define EncodeVector


('10','x+y+1', 'x:numeric, y:word, z:text');

You can also add a Lucene 3.1 analyzer in parentheses if you want something fancier

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The Formula

Not normal arithmetic

Describes which variables to use, whether offset is included

Also describes which interactions to use

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The Formula

Not normal arithmetic

Describes which variables to use, whether offset is included

Also describes which interactions to use– but that doesn’t do anything yet!

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Load and Encode Data

Load the dataa = load '/Users/tdunning/Downloads/NNBench.csv' using PigStorage(',')

as (x1:int, x2:int, x3:int);

And encode itb = foreach a generate 1 as key, EncodeVector(*) as v;

Note that the true meaning of * is very subtle Now store it

store b into 'vectors.dat' using (

'-c com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.IntWritableConverter’, '-c com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.util.GenericWritableConverter

-t org.apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable’);

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Train a Model

Pass previously encoded data to a sequential model trainerdefine train org.apache.mahout.pig.LogisticRegression('iterations=5, inMemory=true, features=100000, categories=alt.atheism comp.sys.mac.hardware sci.electronics talk.politics.guns talk.politics.mideast talk.politics.misc sci.crypt soc.religion.christian talk.religion.misc');

Note that the argument is a string with its own syntax

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Reservations and Qualms

Pig-vector isn’t done

And it is ugly

And it doesn’t quite work

And it is hard to build

But there seems to be promise

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Add Naïve Bayes Model?

Somehow simplify the syntax?

Try a recent version of elephant-bird?

Switch to pigML?

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Contact:– [email protected]– @ted_dunning

Slides and such:– Hash tags: #bbuzz #mahout