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New college



•出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 •ISBN:756004669X •国别:中国大陆 •版次:1 •出版日期:2005-1 •开本:16 •精简装:平装 •页数:184 •作者:应惠兰


•出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 •ISBN:756004669X •国别:中国大陆 •版次:1 •出版日期:2005-1 •开本:16 •精简装:平装 •页数:184 •作者:应惠兰

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Unit Seven

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I Preparation II Reading Activities

III Further Development IV Translation & Writing

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Part I Preparation

1. Group Discussion

2. Video

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Activity1Activity1 Marriage CustomsMarriage Customs

Listen to the article about marriage customs and try to answer questions.

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How many Americans get married each year?

Please answer these questions.

More than four million.

In a religious center, a hotel or a social club.

They will invite only close family members and friends.

The bride and groom promise to spend the rest of their life together.

Where do they usually have a traditional wedding ceremony?

If the couple only have a simple wedding ceremony, whom will they invite?

What is the special meaning of a wedding?

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Please answer these questions.

How many Americans get married each year?

More than four million.Where do they usually have a traditional wedding ceremony?

In a religious center, a hotel or a social club.If the couple only have a simple wedding ceremony ,whom

will they invite?

They will invite only close family members and friends.

What is the special meaning of a wedding?

The bride and groom promise to spend the rest of their life together.

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More than four million Americans get married each year. Some of these people will have a traditional wedding ceremony in a religious center, a hotel or a social club. These couples may invite hundreds of people to their celebrations.

Other couples will have a simple ceremony performed by a judge in a public building. They will invite only close family members and friends. They may not have the money to spend on a big wedding. Or they may want to save money for a wedding trip to a faraway place or to buy a house.

Americans get married in different ways. But the meaning of all these weddings is the same. The bride and groom promise to spend the rest of their life together.

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Activity2 Activity2 DiscussionDiscussion

Enjoy the movie and try to discuss:

Do you know Egypt? And how much do you know about it?

Pyramids are famous all over the world. It is a symbol of ancient culture. Do you know anything about it? Talk to your classmates.

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Video ClipVideo Clip

Click to stop and click again to continue

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Part II Reading Activities

1. Pre-reading Questions

2. Text Organization

3. Sentence Study

4. Words & Phrases

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1. What are the two parting customs in China

mentioned in the article?

Pre-reading Questions

One custom is that the host and hostess should say to guests words and phrases that will smooth over the visitors’ leaving and make them feel they will be welcome to come again. The other one is that the host and hostess feel they must see a guest off to the farthest point except those less important or young.

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2. What are Chinese and American’s responses when they are complimented for cooking skills?

Pre-reading Questions

A Chinese will appear to be modest and apologize for giving “nothing” even slightly edible and for not showing enough honor by providing proper dishes; an American is likely to say, “Oh, I’m so glad that you liked it. I cooked it especially for you.”

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3. What are Chinese and American parents’ comments when they evaluate their children?

Pre-reading Questions

Chinese parents will say that their children, even if at the top of their class in school, are always so “naughty”, never studying, never listening to their elders, and so forth; American parents will straightforwardly speak proudly of their children’s achievements.

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Text OrganizationText Organization

Topic sentence (para. 1)It’s rather difficult for a foreigner to slip into a culture without all his foreignness exposed.

Supporting evidence Parting customs in China (para. 1—7)

C. Hearing the word “no”

A. At a party when complimented for cooking skills

Chinese modesty vs. American straightforwardness (para. 8—12)

Conclusion : Life becomes much easier once you have studied up on cultural differences.




B. When talking about their children

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1. Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you n1. Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you never learn the little phrases that let you slip into a cultuever learn the little phrases that let you slip into a culture without all your foreignness exposed? re without all your foreignness exposed? (Line (Line 11))

Sentence Study

整个句子其实就是:整个句子其实就是: Why is it? Why is it? 只是只是 itit 是形式主语,真正的主是形式主语,真正的主语是从句语是从句 that when you study… without all your foreignness exthat when you study… without all your foreignness exposedposed 。主语从句中又含有两个从句,一个是时间状语从句。主语从句中又含有两个从句,一个是时间状语从句 whewhen you study a foreign languagen you study a foreign language ,一个是定语从句,一个是定语从句 that let you slithat let you slip into a culture…, p into a culture…, 修饰先行词修饰先行词 the little phrases. the little phrases.

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1. Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you n1. Why is it that when you study a foreign language, you never learn the little phrases that let you slip into a cultuever learn the little phrases that let you slip into a culture without all your foreignness exposed? re without all your foreignness exposed? (Line (Line 11))

Sentence Study


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22.. Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the staEvery Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, ndard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, I constantly found myselfI constantly found myself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door. (( Line Line 22 ))

【句型】 when it comes to +when it comes to + 名词名词 // 动名词动名词 // 代词等 表示“当谈到代词等 表示“当谈到 ············ 的的


Sentence Study

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22.. Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the staEvery Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, ndard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, I constantly found myselfI constantly found myself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door. (( Line Line 22 ))

Sentence Study


1)When it comes to English, I am completely at sea. 2) Certainly when it comes to gathering and handling large database, technology is no longer a problem.

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2.2. Every Chinese-language textbook starts out with the stEvery Chinese-language textbook starts out with the standard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, andard phrase for greeting people; but as an American, I constantly found myselfI constantly found myself tongue-tied when it came to seeing guests off at the door. (( Line Line 22 ))




Sentence Study

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3. Then finally, listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed. ( Line 9 )

Sentence Study

listening to others listening to others 是分词短语,作伴随状语。是分词短语,作伴随状语。 and and 连接两个连接两个并列句,并列句, sent sent 是过去时态,和是过去时态,和 beganbegan 并列,都是主语并列,都是主语 I I 发出发出的动作。过去分词的动作。过去分词 accomplishedaccomplished 和 和 surpassedsurpassed 都是都是 missionmission的补语,补充说明的补语,补充说明 missionmission 。。wwith a feeling of +ith a feeling of + 名词名词 ++ 形容词形容词 // 分词 分词 感到感到 ············ 被被 ············

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3. Then finally, listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed. ( Line 9 )


1) Having passed the Band Four Examination, I lived in the college with a feeling of time not wasted.

2) Being praised by my boss, I was seated in my office with a feeling of work recognized.

Sentence Study

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3. Then finally, listening to others, I began to pick up the phrases that eased relations and sent people off with a feeling of mission not only accomplished but surpassed. ( Line 9 )




Sentence Study

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4. The same rules 4. The same rules hold true with regard tohold true with regard to children.( children.( Line Line 4444))

【句型】 hold true for/to 适用于 ······ ;对 ······ 有效 with/in regard to 关于 ······ ,至于 ······

(without regard to 无视 ······ ,对 ······ 不加考虑 )

Sentence Study

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4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.(4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.( Line Line 4444))


1) Your concept about work no longer holds true; if you want to find a job, you have to change your idea.

2) Your learning strategy is wonderful, but it does not necessarily hold true for other students, for every student has his own specific condition.

Sentence Study

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4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.(4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.( Line Line 4444))


3) I want to give you another example with regard to your point that IQ is closely related to success.

4) India and Pakistan agree to establish hotline to reduce risks with regard to nuclear issues.

Sentence Study

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4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.(4. The same rules hold true with regard to children.( Line Line 4444))


Sentence Study


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Words & Phrases

1. gracefully (title) adv. behaving in a polite and pleasant way 得体的

【例句】1 )“ Diving Queen” Gao Min retired gracefully in 1992 as the world’s greatest female springboard diver.2 ) In December 2004, former Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue was gracefully transferred to serve as the Chinese ambassador in Belgium.

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Words & Phrases

名词形式: grace n. quality of being pleasing, attractive, or beautiful, esp. in structure or movement 优美;优雅(尤指在结构或动作上) 形容词形式: graceful


Yang Liping is such a graceful dancer.

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Words & Phrases

词义辨析: graceful 与 gracious gracious adj. (of persons and their behavior) pleasant; kind; agreeable (指人及其行为)亲切的,和善的,和蔼的【例句】1)It was gracious of you to come. 2) The host welcomed the guests in his program in a gracious manner .

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Words & Phrases

2. slip into (Line 2, Para. 1) to (cause to) enter (a place) silently or secretly (使) ······ 偷偷地或悄悄地进入


1)I came late, so I had to slip into the classroom at the back.

2)How can you slip me into the stadium

without a ticket?

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Words & Phrases

slip (Line 2, Para. 1) v. go or move quickly or quietly 滑


1)The thief slipped away/out/past without being seen.

2)The years slipped by.

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Words & Phrases

3. expose (Line 2, Para. 1) vt. 1) uncover; leave uncovered or unprotected 暴露;使遭受;使接触 【例句】

1)Those workers had to expose their body to the sunlight while working.

2)As we know, Canadian Mark Rowswell (Da Shan) is a foreigner who has been exposed to Chinese for many years.

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Words & Phrases

2) disclose, make known 揭发;揭穿


1)That ad-agent has been exposed as a liar.

2)The politician was exposed as a crook by the newspaper.

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Words & Phrases

4. abrupt (Line 5, Para. 1) adj. 1) seeming rude and unfriendly 唐突的;鲁莽的

【例句】 His brother John is a man with an abrupt manner.

adj. 2) sudden; unexpected 突然的,意外的

a. The road to the small town was full of abrupt turns. b. The policemen’s abrupt break-in greatly frightened all the gamblers in the room.

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Words & Phrases

Give the Chinese version of the following phrases.

abrupt departure 突然的离去

abrupt attack 突袭

abrupt stop 骤停

abrupt ending 突如其来的终止

abrupt change 突变

副词形式: abruptly名词形式: abruptness

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Words & Phrases

5. accomplish (Line 10, Para. 2) v. succeed in doing something 完成

【例句】1)The Lenovo Group of China accomplished the purchase of IBM’s personal computer (PC) division in 2005.2) Resolution and perseverance enable him to accomplish his dream to becomea Formula One racer .

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Words & Phrases

名词形式: accomplishment n. something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work 成就 【例句】For a prose writer, that’s rather an accomplishment. 【词义辨析】 achieve, accomplish 和 attain这三个词都指达到某种目的或完成任务。 achieve 和 attain 强调通过努力而达到目的,取得成功或实现愿望。 achieve 在表示“取得 ······ 成绩或成就”时,常和某些代词连用【例句】She could achieve everything if she works hard.She could achieve everything if she works hard.

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Words & Phrases

attain 多用作 vt ,用作 vi 时,常与 to 搭配。注意:如果宾语是 power , prosperity , distinction , knowledge , wisdom 等词时,用 attain 或 attain to 都可以。但宾语是 end , object , aim , ideal , aspiration 等词时只能使用 attain ,不能用 attain to 。accomplish 指成功地完成预期目标。在表示“取得 ······成就”时,也和某些代词连用。


We tried to persuade them but accomplished nothing.We tried to persuade them but accomplished nothing.

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Words & Phrases

6. observe (Line 12, Para. 3) v. 1) obey (a law, rule or custom) 遵守,奉行

【例句】1)Just like us, Taiwan compatriots also observe

the Lunar New Year.

2)Before the start of the meeting, all the participants observed three minutes’ silence in honor of those victims in the earthquake and tsunami.

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Words & Phrases

2) see and notice; watch carefully 看;观察

【例句】1)I have never observed her do otherwise.

2)Those FBI agents were observing that suspected person.2)Those FBI agents were observing that suspected person.

3)We observed that it had turned cloudy.

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Words & Phrases

3) say by way of comment 评论;评述;说


She observed (to us) that our task was very well finished.

名词形式: observation 形容词形式: observing

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Words & Phrases

7. protest (Line 13, Para. 3) n. a strong complaint that shows you disagree with, or are angry about something that you think is wrong or unfair 反对;抗议

【例句】1)They made a strong protest to the mayor about the building of the new airport.

2)A large-scale protest strike/rally (2)A large-scale protest strike/rally ( 集会集会 ) was organized outsi) was organized outside the White the White House.

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Words & Phrases

v. raise an objection, say something (against) 抗议;反对(与 against 连用)


1)The workers protested (against) the reductions in their benefits. 2)That suspect protested against being deprived of the 2)That suspect protested against being deprived of the right to meet his relativesright to meet his relatives..

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Words & Phrases

8. assure (Line 25, Para. 5) v. tell somebody that something will definitely happen so that they are less worried 向 ······ 保证 【例句】

1)I can assure you of the quality of the fitness

equipment of this shop.

2)Those rescue team members assured the worried mother that they would try their best to look for her missing son.

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Words & Phrases

形容词形式 : assured adj. sure; confident 确信的;深信的

【例句】 You may rest assured that our government could effectively put the overheating economy under control. 名词形式: assurance n. certainty; confidence 确信;信心

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Words & Phrases

9. discourage (Line 30, Para. 6) v. 1) lessen or take away the courage or confidence of 使 ······ 气馁;使 ······ 沮丧

【例句】 1)Don’t let one failure discourage you; try again.

2)It’s very discouraging that every time I try to ride a motor bike I fall off.

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Words & Phrases

2) vp. discourage somebody from doing something =put difficulties in his way; make it seem not worthwhile; try to persuade him/her not to do it 阻碍;使 ······ 认为某事不值得做;劝阻


1)The wet weather discouraged people from going to the auto exhibition.

2)He was discouraged from giving up his job.

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Words & Phrases

10. compliment (Line 40, Para. 9) v. say something nice to someone in order to praise him/her 赞扬


1)The general complimented that solider for his courage on battlefield. 2)She is very pleased that people compliment her on her beauty.

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Words & Phrases

n. 1) expression of admiration, approval, etc., either in words or by action (e.g. by asking somebody for his advice or opinions, or by imitating him) (以言语或行动做出的)恭维的表示;敬意;赞扬 (例如向某人请教或效法他)【例句】The general paid that soldier a compliment on his courage on battlefield. 2) (pl.) greetings (多用作复数)问候;致意;道贺

with the compliments of the seasonwith the compliments of the season

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Words & Phrases

11. modify (Line 55, Para. 12) vt. 1) make small changes to something, often in order to improve it 修改;变更


1)To modify some terms of the contract seems quite necessary. 2)The arrival of Yao Ming and Tracy McGrady has gradually modified the conventional tactics of the Houston Rockets.

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Words & Phrases

2) make less severe or violent, etc. 减轻;缓和


1)You’d better modify your tone on such a formal occasion.

2)He won’t modify his demands.

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Words & Phrases

名词形式: modification n. modifying or being modified; [C] instance of this; change or alternation 修改;修饰;减轻;缓和;变更;变化

【例句】1)The sponsors planned to make modifications in a program of that commercial performance. 2)The design of the new palace is undergoing huge modification.

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1. Comparing Dining Customs

2. Taboos in China

Part III Further Development

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Directions: Work in groups and make a list of American dining customs according to the passage “Dining Customs in America”. Then find out if there are any similar or different Chinese dining customs.

Comparing Dining Customs

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Directions : Work in pairs to list some taboos in China. You may refer to the passage “Specific Taboos”

Taboos in China

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Sample Answers :1.Avoid saying the word “die” or any word with the same pron

unciation to anybody.

2.Never give a friend or relative ,etc. an umbrella. (In Chinese , the word umbrella has a similar pronunciation to the word “san” meaning “separation or parting”.)

3.Don’t divide a pear among friends, relatives, etc. (Dividing a pear sounds like “fenli” in Chinese, meaning parting.)

4.Don’t send a clock to a Chinese, especially old people, because it carries a funeral connotation.

Taboos in China

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Sample Answers :5.Don’t pat an adult on the head, which is insulting.

6.Presenting a pair of something as gifts will be welcome.

7.Never call your superior by their names, especially when they are older than you.

8.Don’t break anything on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

9.Don’t stick the chopsticks in a bowl of rice.

10.Never return your purchase in the morning if you don’t like it or if it’s faulty.

Taboos in China

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1. Translation Skills

2. Writing Practice

Part IV Translation & Writing

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Translation Skills


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Translation Skills



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Translation Skills



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Translation Skills


1.a gentleman’s agreement君子协定2.Barking dogs do not bite. 吠犬不咬人。3.A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不生苔。

4.Whom God would ruin he first sends mad. 上帝欲将其人灭亡,必先使之疯狂。

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Translation Skills



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e.g.1.Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳。 2.Homer sometimes nods. 智者千虑,必有一失。3.a bolt from the blue晴天霹雳。4.Birds of a feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分。

Translation Skills

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Translation Skills

意译法 有的英语习语直译过来不能为读者所理解,甚至可能造成误解,但又没有适当的汉语说法可以套用,这时可采用意译法。

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Translation Skills

e.g.1.the family skeleton家丑2.smell a rat 满腹狐疑

3.break the ice打破僵局 a hot knife through butter 轻而易举

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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition according to the following situation. You should write at least 120 words.

“You are talking with several students in English corner. Two foreign students from the U. S. have introduced some dining customs in America. Now it’s your turn to introduce DINING CUSTOMS IN CHINA to them.”

Writing Practice

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Sample Writing

Dining Customs in China

Just now, our American friends introduced some dining customs in the States. Next, I’d like to talk something about our Chinese peculiar dining customs, from inviting guests to seeing them off.

Writing Practice

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The Chinese feel that a courteous (礼貌的 )

guest should be modest first. If you are

invited to dinner, though you are willing

to, you have to decline (婉言谢绝 ) first

and accept it finally. At this point, we

Chinese are not as “straightforward” as

you Americans .

Writing Practice

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Usually as a guest, you are expected to bring some gifts to the host. Similarly, the host doesn’t accept the gift at once. He will say, “No, don’t bother!” or “Why did you bring gifts? You are too polite!”

When the dinner begins, usually the guests will not eat until the host says, “Please help yourselves!” Furthermore, the host or hostess will put food in the tray or the bowl of the guest. The guest will say, “No,…” at the beginning and will accept it finally. At a Chinese table a guest should not

Writing Practice

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eat too quickly nor too much. The Chinese like to talk with each other during the dinner. The guests seldom eat much, and some food is left to show that the host and the hostess have prepared more food than enough.

After dinner, the guests will stay for a while and leave before it is too late. The host and hostess may urge every guest to stay longer in order to be polite, though.

Writing Practice

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It is customary for the host to see the guests off. The host tries to see them off to the farthest feasible point while the guests try to let them stop and not see them off.

This is the whole procedure of inviting guests home for dinner in China. Following these customs, your life will become easier. When you are in China, do as the Chinese do.

Writing Practice

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