new advertising - a demonstration through obama's election campaign

New advertising methods A demonstration through Obama’s campaign

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A presentation about the opportunities and dilemmas of 21. century advertising methods. It deals with crowdsourcing, guerilla and viral marketing. It was my final presentation at my university, and was also demonstrated at a Youth in Action seminar for volunteer organisations. I hope you find it interesting.


Page 1: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

New advertising methods

A demonstration through Obama’s campaign

Page 2: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

One source, multiple recievers Less opportunity of feedback Word of Mouth is hardly measurable Non customizable messages

20. Century advertising

Page 3: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Barack Obama

Page 4: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Franklin Roosevelt

Page 5: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

John F. Kennedy

Page 7: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

55% of all voters got in touch with the online campaign

1/3 of all internet users forwarded campaign content

230.000 event organized by volunteers 639 million $ donated 8 million more votes

Pew Research Center

Statistics (2008)

Page 8: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Outsourcing – hiring a company to solve a problem (e.g. customer care)

Crowdsourcing – involvement of a large amount of people to solve a problem◦ Informational network is required◦ Creativity, different perspective◦ Security issues (publication of private data)

Tapscott D. – Williams A. D. (2007)Wikinomics


Page 10: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Encouraging grass-root activity, donation and action

One of the most powerful influental tool:Involvement

Groups/segments: Likeminded people encourage each other

Influence on family members, friends + internal phone network

Key factors

Page 11: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Guerilla marketing Reducing costs, excluding mass media 80’s bars, good-looking women Asking someone if he would buy them a

drink Talking about the brand When the beverage came,

the lady disappeared Web Urbanist

Page 12: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Customer to customer communication Guerilla marketing + Word of Mouth Interesting: entertaining, erotic, surprising

Viral marketing

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„Yes we can” viral video

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Wallsten, K. (2010)

Page 15: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

Wallsten, K. (2010)

Page 16: New advertising - A demonstration through Obama's election campaign

21. century advertising is becoming a dialogue between companies and customers

New questions, dilemmas rise ◦ Security issues◦ Hard to see the real purpose of a campaign◦ Strong influence on people

It makes co-operationefficient(e.g. Grass-root activities)
