new 1. general introduction -...

1. GENERAL INTRODUCTION DNA is not merely a double-helix molecule but a path towards infinity, Where the meticulous mechanisms of genes lie undiscovered-I. Karenfil Most segmented worms found in marine environments represent a major evolutionary branch of annelids--Class Polychaeta (Russell and Denning, 2000). Polychaetes are multi-segmented worms living in all environments in the world's Oceans (Stabili et al., 2013). They are the most abundant and diverse group of Phylum Annelida (segmented worms, with over 16,500 recognized species), including more than 13,000 described species in more than 80 families (Fauchald and Rouse, 1977; Read and Fauchald, 2013). Polychaetes differ from other annelids in having a well differentiated head with specialized sense organs; paired appendages (parapodia), on most segments; and no clitellum. As their name implies, they have many setae, usually arranged in bundles on the parapodia. Polychaetes (chaetopods) are the dominant macro faunal taxa in all marine sediments from abyssal depths to shallow estuaries and rocky shores, and even free swimming in open water (Khan and Murugesan, 2005), but are especially abundant in the littoral zone. Most of them live a benthic life and are major components of marine benthos. 1.1. Polychaetes According to the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, pol·y·chete also spelled as pol·y·chaete is defined as “any form of the various annelid worms of the class Polychaeta, including most marine worms such as the lugworm, characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristles on each body segment”. The word Polychaeta is obtained from Latin language; whereas

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    “DNA is not merely a double-helix molecule but a path towards infinity,

    Where the meticulous mechanisms of genes lie undiscovered”

    -I. Karenfil

    Most segmented worms found in marine environments represent a major

    evolutionary branch of annelids--Class Polychaeta (Russell and Denning, 2000).

    Polychaetes are multi-segmented worms living in all environments in the world's

    Oceans (Stabili et al., 2013). They are the most abundant and diverse group of

    Phylum Annelida (segmented worms, with over 16,500 recognized species),

    including more than 13,000 described species in more than 80 families (Fauchald

    and Rouse, 1977; Read and Fauchald, 2013). Polychaetes differ from other

    annelids in having a well differentiated head with specialized sense organs; paired

    appendages (parapodia), on most segments; and no clitellum. As their name

    implies, they have many setae, usually arranged in bundles on the parapodia.

    Polychaetes (chaetopods) are the dominant macro faunal taxa in all marine

    sediments from abyssal depths to shallow estuaries and rocky shores, and even

    free swimming in open water (Khan and Murugesan, 2005), but are especially

    abundant in the littoral zone. Most of them live a benthic life and are major

    components of marine benthos.

    1.1. Polychaetes

    According to the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language,

    pol·y·chete also spelled as pol·y·chaete is defined as “any form of the various

    annelid worms of the class Polychaeta, including most marine worms such as the

    lugworm, characterized by fleshy paired appendages tipped with bristles on each

    body segment”. The word Polychaeta is obtained from Latin language; whereas

  • General Introduction


    the class name is derived from the Greek word polukhaits, with much hair (polu

    means poly and khait stands for long hair).

    1.1.2. Habit and habitat

    Polychaete worms are present in virtually all marine habitats, including coastal

    estuarine and rocky shore systems, continental shelf and deep sea benthos, and

    some pelagic varieties are found in the water column (Glasby et al., 2000). These

    worms cannot often be seen on the surface but sometimes they may create subtle

    signs and traces of their presence. Only a few may be found exposed on bare rock

    surfaces, but they are common cryptic animals within rock crevices on the

    seashore and under boulders. Those that can survive the harsh environmental

    conditions on top of rock usually live in colonies, protected inside tubes. Estuaries

    are complex environments with varied physical and chemical conditions, causing

    the existence of many localized micro-environments or niches (Cognetti and

    Malatagliati, 2000). This range of environments promotes rapid speciation (Bilton

    et al., 2002) as seen in many estuarine species, including polychaetes, where they

    encompass a range of morphologically diverse types, matching the variety of


    Regarding feeding, the polychaetes are mostly raptorial feeders. They

    include members of many families of surface dwelling, pelagic groups and

    tubicolous groups. The prey consists of various small invertebrates, including

    other polychaetes, which are usually captured by means of an eversible pharynx

    (proboscis). A scavenger or omnivorous habit has evolved in many polychaetes.

    Apart from this, few members are categorized under non- selective deposit feeders

  • General Introduction


    and selective feeders. The non- selective feeders consume sand or mud directly

    when the mouth is applied against the substratum. In the selective feeders lack a

    proboscis. Special head structures extend out over the substratum. Deposit

    materials adhere to mucous secretions on the surface of the feeding structure

    which is then conveyed to the mouth (Srikrishnadhas et al., 1998).

    1.1.3. Distribution

    Polychaetes includes large number of species with a wide geographic range

    (Knowlton, 1993) – apparently cosmopolitan species, found on the coasts of more

    than one continent and in more than one Ocean (Westheide and Schmidt, 2003).

    Figure 1.1 shows the worldwide distribution of polychaetes based on BOLD

    database, 2013. Polychaetes are also abundant in seagrass beds and mangrove

    areas, where large concentrations of organic matter accumulate from shed leaves.

    On intertidal reef flats, these soft-bodied worms are an important food source for

    wading birds at low tide, and for fish and crustaceans at high tide.

    Figure 1.1. Geographical distribution of the polychaetes according to BOLD



  • General Introduction


    The distribution of polychaetes is largely dependent on the type of substrate

    present. For example:

    the size and type of sediment for burrowers

    the presence of suitable reef substrate for the borers and nestlers

    hard substrates for the encrusting species to settle on

    suitable algal substrate for species that live in seaweed

    Additional factors such as exposure and water currents are important for filter-

    feeding organisms. Species living in sediments need to have stable sediments, so

    high energy beach environments are typically low in the number of species and


    1.1.4. Types

    Polychaetes are often divided into two groups based on their activity: sedentary

    polychaetes and errant (free-moving) polychaetes. Sedentary polychaetes spend

    much or all of their life span in tubes or permanent burrows (Figure 1.2. a and

    2b). Many of them, especially those that live in tubes, have specialized structures

    for feeding and respiration. Errant polychaetes (L. errare, to wander), include

    free-swimming pelagic forms, active burrowers, crawlers, and tube worms that

    only leave their tubes for feeding or breeding (Glasby et al., 2000; Rouse and

    Pleijel, 2001).

    Figure 1.2. (a) Sedentary polychaetes Figure 2. (b) Errant polychaetes

    (Feather duster worms) (Lug worm and Fire worm) (

  • General Introduction


    Though not seen on the surface, they may create subtle signs and traces

    of their presence. They include forms such as sand worms (Nereidae), tubicolous

    worms (Ampharteidae), blood worms (Glyceridae), lug worms (Arenicolidae) and

    feather cluster worms (Sabellidae).

    1.1.5. Reproduction

    Polychaetes have relatively great powers of regeneration. Tentacles, palps

    and even heads ripped-off by predators are soon replaced. Asexual reproduction is

    known in some polychaetes; it takes place by budding or division of the body into

    two parts or number of fragments. Some polychaetes live most of the year as

    sexually immature animals called atokes, but during the breeding season a portion

    of the body becomes sexually mature and swollen with gametes. An example is

    the palolo worm, which lives in burrows among coral reefs. During the swarming

    period, the sexually mature portions, now called epitokes, break off and swim to

    the surface. Just before sunrise, the sea is literally covered with them, and at

    sunrise they burst, freeing eggs and sperm for fertilization. Anterior portions of

    the worms regenerate new posterior sections. Swarming is of great adaptive value

    because the synchronous maturation of all the epitokes ensures the maximum

    number of fertilized eggs. However, this reproductive strategy is very hazardous;

    many types of predators have a feast on the swarming worms. In the meantime,

    the atoke remains safely in its burrow to produce another epitoke at the next cycle.

    In some polychaetes, epitokes arise from atokes by asexual budding and become

    complete worms.

  • General Introduction


    1.1.6. Shape, size and colours

    Many of them are strikingly beautiful with varied colours, mostly red, pink

    and green or sometimes in combination of colours. Some are iridescent, owing to

    the presence of crossed layers of collagen fibers in the cuticle. Majority of them

    are 5-10 cm long with the diameter ranging from 2 to 10 mm. Deep water forms

    are no longer than 1 mm (Neotenotrocha (Dorvilleidae, Eunicida)) whereas one

    species attains a length of 3 meters (Eunice, Eunicidae).

    1.1.7. Importance

    Polychaetes have a high reproductive potential and they can reach very high

    densities in some areas. For example, Lerberg et al., (2000) recorded densities of

    over 2400 individuals per m2, for Streblospio benedicti. At these densities,

    polychaetes can contribute to over half of the total biomass in such areas.

    Consequently, polychaetes play a large role in nutrient cycling (e.g. through

    digestion), with many species consuming organic particles, through faecal

    deposition, and when dead, nutrients are released back into the water column.

    Nutrient cycling is also facilitated by the process of burrowing and tube building

    in soft sediment this effectively aerates the mud to a depth that in most cases

    would normally be anaerobic (Waldbusser and Marinelli, 2006). Aeration of the

    surface sediments through burrowing also allows other sediment dwelling species

    to subsist in the same area, when they may not otherwise, due to anoxic


    Polychaetes are often the dominant organism in the soft bottom of brackish

    water habitats and, due to its abundance, digestibility and high energy content, it

  • General Introduction


    plays a fundamental role as a prey species in the estuarine food web (e.g. for

    fishes and birds). Many soft-bodied polychaete species are also a source of food

    for larger predators (Pallaoro et al., 2006). In some areas, polychaetes have been

    found to be some fish species main food source (Laffaille et al., 2005), and have

    also been found as part of the diet of cuttlefish (Alves et al., 2006). Polychaetes

    affect benthic community structure, as found by Callaway (2006), where in high

    and low densities of the species cause species richness.

    The polychaetes play an important role in the ecology both as consumers of

    plankton and as food for many bottom feeding fin and shellfishes. They provide

    key linkages between primary producers and higher trophic levels in the marine

    food chains (Parulekar et al., 1980). The high level of adaptability allows these

    worms to be easily cultured and is responsible for its characterization as a good

    experimental animal (Smith, 1977). Additionally, as an omnivore, it feeds on a

    variety of diets, ranging from bacteria to detritus.

    The identification of polychaetes is essential for a number of reasons.

    Polychaetes have long been an obvious choice as biological indicators, with the

    presence or absence of species and with increase/decline of a species population

    sensitive to polluting factors indicating environmental health. Polychaetes are

    economically viable species in some countries. Nereid and Glycerid (or

    bloodworm) species of polychaetes are used as baitworm in U.S.A. which

    generates huge revenue annually. Some are grown aquaculturally (Olive, 1999),

    but most are harvested from the wild. Identification species will monitor the levels

    of wild populations and keep record of what species are currently present in these

  • General Introduction


    environments may help prevent declines in population biomass, like that which

    occurred in Maine in the 1990‟s.

    1.2. Can polychaetes be invasive?

    Accurate identification of species increases biological security of

    estuaries which appear to be particularly vulnerable to invasions (Wolff, 1973,

    Bilton et al., 2002). Most of the introductions occur through ballast water

    transport in ships or through accidental introduction with new aquaculture species.

    Some species become invasive when introduced to nonnative ecosystems, and

    adverse effects of such invasive species on the local environment may have

    detrimental effects on aquacultural developments. For example, the introduction

    and population establishment of the polychaete Marenzelleria wireni in the Dutch

    Wadden Sea was most likely contributed to shipping activity, and may have

    caused the decline in local bivalve populations and the resident population of the

    polychaete, Nereis diversicolor (Essink and Dekker, 2002). Also, species of

    Polydora and Boccardia (Read, 2001) burrow and cause blistering in the shells of

    cultivated species such as the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), the green-lipped

    mussel (Perna canaliculus), and the cockle (Austrovenus stutchburyii) in New

    Zealand as well as in the United States (Bishop and Peterson, 2005).

    1.3. Diagnostic features

    Metamerism is the division of the body into similar parts which are

    arranged in a linear fashion along the antero-posterior axis. This is the most

    distinguishing characteristic feature of the phylum Annelida. The segmented part

    is always limited to the trunk. In most polychaetes the additional segments are

  • General Introduction


    added throughout the life. The youngest segment occurs at the posterior end of the

    series. A typical polychaete body has a “head,” or prostomium, which may or may

    not be retractile and which often bears eyes, tentacles, and sensory palps.

    Peristomium, the first segment surrounds the mouth and may bear setae, palps, or,

    in predatory forms, chitinous jaws. Ciliary feeders may bear a crown of tentacles

    that can be opened like a fan or withdrawn into the tube. Another most

    distinguishing feature of polychaetes is the presence of parapodia, the paired

    lateral appendages extending from the segments. A typical parapodium is a fleshy

    projection extending from the body wall and is more or less laterally compressed

    (Mettam, 1967). The parapodium is basically biramous, consisting of an upper

    division, the notopodium, and a ventral division, the neuropodium. Each division

    is supported internally by one or more chitinous rods, or acicula (Chamber and

    Garwood, 1992). Parapodia are used in crawling, swimming, or for anchoring the

    animal in its tube (Mettam, 1967). They usually serve as the chief respiratory

    organs, although some polychaetes also have gills example: Arenicola the

    burrowing lugworm, has paired gills on certain segments. Most of the worms, like

    clam worms in the genus Nereis are predatory and equipped with jaws or teeth.

    They have an eversible, muscular pharynx armed with teeth that can be thrust out

    with surprising speed to capture prey (Fischer and Fischer, 1995). Identification of

    some estuarine polychaete species may have been hampered by their

    morphological similarity to their fully marine counterparts (Bilton et al., 2002).

  • General Introduction


    1.3.1. Problems/challenges in morphological identification

    Most taxonomic identification methods rely heavily on morphological characters.

    Studies on morphological structures to assign taxonomic identifications can be

    tedious and can lead to misidentification in cryptic species, and the morphology of

    most of the species can be described in detail in the adult stages only. Moreover,

    histological anomalies may also affect morphological identification.

    In the area of taxonomy, it is well known that there is a need for finding

    new and fast methods for identification of species, to aid in the discovery of new

    species and for accurate biological diversity assessments. Presently, very few

    taxonomic specialists are there and the species are becoming extinct more rapidly

    than can be catalogued. The inability to correctly identify species hinders

    ecological research, including the areas of comparative ecology and biological

    diversity analysis (Hebert et al., 2003).

    With many species complexes all over the world, is particular the

    Nereididae family of polychaetes are considered to be one of the most cryptic.

    Morphological identifications of invertebrates usually focuses on a specific

    characters, such as coloration patterns, the structure of wings in wasps (Yu and

    Kokko, 1992), legs, head and mouth-part arrangement, and genetalia as in spiders

    (Jocque, 2002). Differentiation in these structures can be ambiguous and it can be

    hard to distinguish between species. Many cryptic species delineation depends on

    very specific complex structural components whose identification requires close

    and time-consuming viewing of structure under the microscope.

  • General Introduction


    In the Neredidae, structures such as parapodial and chaetal organization

    (Bakken, 2002; Sato and Nakashima, 2003), and the number and arrangement of

    paragnaths on the eversible pharynx (Fiege and Damme, 2002; Breton et al., 2004;

    Bakken and Wilson, 2005) have been used for identification. Some of the

    structures such as the parapodia of many polychaetes used in identification are

    very small and fragile. Identification of polychaetes involves observation of these

    structures on a slide under a microscope, and any damage to these structures either

    during collection or during observation will hinder identification. The limitation of

    morphological identification and a lack of expertise of taxonomy makes

    polychaete classification even a greater challenge.

    1.4. Molecular identification – Need of the hour!

    Due to anthropogenic and environmental stress the marine biodiversity is

    at great risk. Each day habitats are changed due to human activity, and each day

    organisms are disappearing forever. However, a required step prior to protection is

    biodiversity assessment, usually conducted at the species level of biodiversity.

    Therefore, species identification has a paramount importance (Radulovici et al.,

    2009). Marine habitats are no exception to this. At the same time, the number of

    taxonomists who are to study the remaining biodiversity is dwindling (Iseley,

    1972; Gaston and May, 1992; Daly, 1995; Buyck, 1999; Lammers, 1999;

    McAllister, 2000; Hopkins and Freckleton, 2002).

    Scientists took the opportunity provided by the development of

    molecular methods to clarify many ambiguities in traditional taxonomy. With

    more than 72,500,000 hits on Google search engine (October 2013), the concept

  • General Introduction


    of molecular identification is becoming a commonplace to access genetic

    techniques for the detection of potentially cryptic species complexes within

    recognized morphological species (Hateley et al., 1992; Abbiati and Maltagliati,

    1996; Rohner et al., 1997; Sato and Masuda, 1997; Manchenko and Radashevsky,

    1998; Maltagliati et al., 2000; Scaps et al., 2000; Maltagliati et al., 2001; Sato and

    Nakashima, 2003).

    The rapid development of methods to sequence and analyze DNA has

    revolutionized the study of genetic variation in organisms. Various genes have

    been explored, for recognizing delineating species boundaries, quantifying

    diversity and clarifying distributions in understudied groups (Westheide and

    Schmidt, 2003; Worheide et al., 2005; Witt et al., 2006).

    1.5. Molecular markers

    Several markers have been used in genetic diversity. They are broadly divided into

    three classes based on the method of their detection: hybridization-based; PCR-

    based; and sequencing-based (Collard et al., 2005; Gupta et al., 1999).

    Hybridization based methods detect differences in affinity to a specific template,

    such as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and oligonucleotide

    fingerprinting for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) detection (Gupta et al.,

    1999). PCR-based methods use a single primer or a pair of primers in an

    amplification reaction which results in the production of several discrete DNA

    products. Examples of PCR based methods are random amplified polymorphic

    DNA (RAPDs) simple sequence repeats (SSRs), inter simple sequences repeats

    (ISSR), sequence-tagged sites and amplified fragment length polymorphisms

  • General Introduction


    (AFLPs) (Gupta et al., 1999). DNA sequencing is a straightforward approach for

    identifying variations at a given locus, but until recently it was too expensive,

    laborious and inaccurate for routine use (Joshi et al., 1999). Recent advances in

    sequencing technology allow large-scale use for many fragments and many

    individuals (Meyer et al., 1999; Schlotterer and Harr, 2002), and are improved

    with respect to cost and accuracy (Marziali and Akeson, 2001; Maturana et al.,

    2011). Examples of sequencing-based methods are amplification of mitochondrial

    genome, mitochondrial control region (D-loop), cytochrome oxidase subunit B

    (cytB) genes, nucleotide sequence of DNA barcoding region (CO1), internal

    transcribed spacer regions (ITS), nuclear small ribosomal subunit 18S (SSU), the

    nuclear large ribosomal subunit 28S (LSU), the mitochondrial version of the large

    ribosomal subunit 16S, mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit 12S, Elongation

    factor-1α is nuclear gene involved in part of the cell‟s protein synthesis machinery

    EF-1α, the nuclear H3 (Histone subunit 3) and U2 snRNA genes.

    1.5.1. Non PCR based methods Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)

    Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) is a polymorphism in an

    individual defined by restriction fragment sizes of distinctive lengths produced by

    a specific restriction endonuclease. The rapid rate of evolution, the maternal mode

    of inheritance and the relatively small size of mtDNA make the RFLP (Restriction

    Fragment Length Polymorphism) analysis of this molecule one of the methods of

    choice for many population studies (Ferguson et al., 1995). Several factors such

    as, time consumption, laborious process, low sensitivity to detect the

  • General Introduction


    polymorphism, high cost and most importantly need of sequence information for

    probing, restricts the usage of RFLP in genetic variation studies in polychaetes. Single nucleotide polymorphisms

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are polymorphisms due to

    single nucleotide substitutions (transitions/transversions) or single nucleotide

    insertions/deletions. These variants can be detected employing microchip arrays

    and fluorescence technology. SNPs are the most popular markers because they are

    abundant in the genome, highly reproducible, amenable to automation, relatively

    easy to score, and relatively cheap per analysis. However their development costs

    are high. Major applications of SNPs are genomic studies and diagnostic markers

    for diseases.

    1.5.2. PCR-based methods Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

    RAPD is a random amplification of anonymous loci by PCR. This

    method is simple, rapid and cheap; it has high polymorphism, only a small amount

    of DNA is required. There is no need for molecular hybridization and most

    importantly, no prior knowledge of the genetic make-up of the organism in

    question (Hadrys et al., 1992). RAPD markers allow creation of genomic markers

    from species of which little is known about target sequences to be amplified.

    Disadvantages of this include difficulty in reproducing results, subjective

    determination of whether a given band is present or not, and difficulty in analysis

    due to the large number of products. This is because RAPDs are not sensitive to

  • General Introduction


    any but large-scale length mutations. Therefore, variation might be underestimated

    (Brown and Epifanio, 2003). Microsatellites

    Microsatellites or SSRs are tandem repeats of 1-6 nucleotides. They are

    highly polymorphic and ubiquitous DNA markers based on length polymorphisms

    in DNA repeats that can be easily scored using PCR technology. Due to their high

    level of potential polymorphism, locus-specificity, multi-allelic and codominant

    nature, relative abundance and reproducibility, SSRs have become valuable

    genetic makers for linkage mapping, comparative mapping, QTL mapping,

    association mapping, and diversity analysis (Nickerson et al., 1990; Powell et al.,

    1996; Jones et al., 1997; Schlotterer, 2004; Varshney et al., 2005). For the first

    time Weber and May (1989) introduced the use of SSRs. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)

    The AFLP technology was first described by Vos et al. (1995). AFLP is

    a PCR-based method, which involves restriction enzyme digestion of the genomic

    DNA. High reproducibility, rapid generation, a high frequency of polymorphisms

    and no requirement of a priori sequence information make AFLP an attractive

    technique for developing polymorphic markers and for constructing a linkage map

    from a segregating population (Schlotterer, 2004; Mohan et al., 1997; Meudt and

    Clarke, 2007). AFLPs are a valuable tool for constructing a linkage map for a non-

    model organism (Meudt and Clarke, 2007).

  • General Introduction


    1.5.3. Sequencing-based methods

    Various conserved genes have been explored, some of which are suitable

    enough for assessment of high - level relationships (e.g. 18S and 28S rDNA),

    while others evolve at higher rates, revealing differences and unique similarities

    among closely related taxa and within species. The most popular of the latter

    category are the mitochondrial COI, CytB and 16S genes, and the internal

    transcriber spacers ITS, of the nuclear genome. Nuclear gene

    28S also known as the nuclear large ribosomal subunit (LSU), is

    physically linked to the 18S in the tandem repeat and is typically ~2800–3000

    nucleotides in length. Several studies (Brown et al., 1999; Colgan et al., 2001;

    Rousset et al., 2003; 2004) have focused on partial sequences of this gene

    surrounding divergent domains. In some of these cases, when comparing across

    life, this gene contains regions both more variable and more conservative than the

    18S, and thus, it should be applicable over a broader range of evolutionary history.

    18S is the nuclear ribosomal gene and commonly referred to as the

    nuclear small ribosomal subunit (SSU). This gene is part of a tandem repeated

    element in the nuclear genome. There are hundreds of copies of this repeat in the

    genome that are typically homogenized by concerted evolution. 18S data have

    been used to address intra-species relationships mainly for historical reasons.

    Additionally, conserved regions throughout animals has allowed for the

    development of universal primers for amplification via polymerase chain reaction

    (PCR), and variation in nucleotide sequence in different gene regions facilitates

  • General Introduction


    obtaining information at several different phylogenetic levels. 18S has both pros

    and cons (Hillis and Dixon, 1991; Abouheif et al., 1998; Halanych, 2004). Issues

    with variation of nucleotide substitution rates across lineages are well known and,

    to some degree, can be factored into analyses.

    Internal transcribed spacers: Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) is widely used

    as phylogenetic marker for taxonomic studies and phylogenetic inferences. rDNA

    is composed of three subunits (18S, 5.8S, and 28S) and two internal transcribed

    spacers (ITS1 and ITS2), each with a different evolution rate (Williams and

    Barclay, 1988; Hillis and Dixon, 1991; Eickbush and Eickbush, 2007; Poczai and

    Hyvonen, 2010) (Fig.1.3). The length and sequences of ITS regions of rDNA

    repeats are believed to be fast evolving and therefore may vary. Universal PCR

    primers designed from highly conserved regions flanking the ITS and its

    relatively small size (600-700 bp) enable easy amplification of ITS region due to

    high copy number (up to-30000 per cell, Dubouzet and Shinoda, 1999) of rDNA

    repeats. For phylogenetic purposes, each region can be considered separately, and

    the choice of a given region depends on the taxonomic level targeted by the

    study. As such, regions that evolve quickly are used for phylogenetic inferences

    of closely related species or genera. This makes the ITS region an interesting

    subject for evolutionary/ phylogenetic investigations (Baldwin et al., 1995;

    Hershkovitz et al., 1996; 1999) as well as biogeographic investigations (Suh et

    al., 1993). ITS regions have been used for phylogenetic analyses at the species to

    generic level. The sequence data of the ITS region has also been evaluated as

  • General Introduction


    potential DNA barcodes for Fungi and Plants (Schoch et al., 2012). However,

    meager information is available on its applicability to identify invertebrates.

    Figure 1.3. Schematic view of ribosomal DNA showing ITS region and the

    primers used for amplification (Primers for routine sequencing are shown in

    orange colour) Mitochondrial gene

    Mitochondrial genome in most animals has been is ~15 000 bp and holds

    phylogenetic information that can be examined as gene rearrangement data, amino

    acid data, or nucleotide data (Fig. 1.4). This is due to its dynamics in evolutionary

    rates of different genes and among different position (Brown,1985; Kondo et al.,,

    1993). The nearly compete genomes are the result of difficulties with amplifying

    the control region (also called the D-loop or unknown region) of mtDNA genomes

    (Boore and Brown, 2000; Jennings and Halanych, 2005). mtDNA genomes show

    a remarkable degree of conservation in gene order suggesting that analysis of

    concatenated coding and ribosomal genes may be more promising.

  • General Introduction


    Figure 1.4. Genes encoded by mitochondrial genome

    The mitochondrial version of the large ribosomal subunit 16 S is a short

    450–500 nucleotide fragment of this gene. This region is typically useful for

    intraspecific and intrageneric level relationships (Dahlgren et al., 2001; Halanych

    et al., 2001; Jolly et al., 2006; Schulze, 2006) and has limited utility at higher

    levels (Struck et al., 2006). However, the utility of a larger region of, or the

    complete, 16S gene is unknown. With the increase of known mitochondrial

    genomes available for annelids, it should be possible to explore the utility of the

    16S and design novel primers that span a longer region.

    1.5.4. DNA Barcoding

    DNA barcoding is a DNA-based species identification method in which

    molecular biology and bioinformatics are combined. PCR and sequencing

    techniques coupled with IT technology have provided a new method of

    classification, termed DNA taxonomy. Hebert et al. (2003) had suggested a

    section of the mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome-c oxidase subunit I (COI).

    Once sequenced, this gene fragment could be used as a „barcode‟ to distinguish

  • General Introduction


    between species. COI is the best candidate for this taxonomic tool, as it has a high

    degree of conservation and insertions and deletions are rare (Moritz and Cicero,

    2004). It also has many rapidly evolving nucleotide sites, which will allow for

    differentiation between even recently evolved species (Nylander et al., 1999).

    Compared to the nuclear genome, the mitochondrial genome lacks introns, has had

    restricted exposure to recombination, and has a haploid mode of inheritance

    (Saccone et al., 1999). Hebert et al. (2003) demonstrated that the presence of high

    level of diversity between species sequences allowed for the successful

    assignment of 98% of samples of cryptic lepidopteran species. However, DNA

    barcoding and taxonomy is still controversial (Moritz and Cicero, 2004; Will and

    Rubinoff, 2004). mtDNA sequences divergences have also been successfully used

    to distinguish between species of North American birds (Hebert et al., 2004b),

    spiders (Hebert and Barrett, 2005), cryptic species of butterflies (Hebert et al.,

    2004a), mosquitoes (Besansky et al., 2003), leeches (Siddall and Budinoff, 2005),

    springtails (Stevens and Hogg, 2003; Hogg and Hebert, 2004), beetles (Monaghan

    et al., 2005), oligochaetes (Nylander et al., 1999), naidid worms (Bely and Wray

    2004), extinct moas (Lambert et al., 2005), and various other species of

    vertebrates and invertebrates (Saccone et al., 1999; Hebert et al., 2003).

  • General Introduction


    1.5.5. Need of Barcoding Polychaetes

    To date, local and regional scale DNA barcoding studies on polychaetes

    are scarce. As of October 2013, there are only 9168 polychaete DNA barcodes

    deposited in

    BOLD (The Barcode of Life Data Systems,

    (Ratnasingham and Hebert, 2007), among which only 1614 are effective. To

    satisfy the demand for quick and accurate polychaete classification during

    ecological and biodiversity surveys using DNA barcoding and other molecular

    identification methods, it is essential to develop a comprehensive library of DNA

    sequences (Ekrem et al., 2007).

    The ability to use COI to identify species will enable the identification of

    cryptic and polymorphic (where a single species may exhibit a range of different

    morphologies) taxa of polychaetes, and also identify and associate individuals of

    life stages other than adult to their correct species (Schander and Willassen, 2005).

    Moreover, several other genes that have been used in deeper level annelid analysis

    include the mitochondrial 12S (or mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit) and

    CytB (cytochrome oxidase subunit B) genes, and the nuclear H3 (Histone subunit

    3) and U2 snRNA genes. The utility of the mitochondrial genes for such issues is

    not well known, whereas these nuclear genes are of limited use because they are

    too conserved or too short (Brown et al., 1999). Clearly, additional markers need

    to be developed and application of 18S and ITS genes needs to be explored for its

    effective utilization in polychaete identification.

  • General Introduction


    These tools can be particularly useful in marine organisms where there

    is a poor understanding of species boundaries and broad-scale distributions. This

    lack of understanding is driven by the assumption that there are few barriers to

    gene flow and thus many ubiquitous species (Palumbi, 1994; Radulovici et al.,

    2010), coupled with the reliance on morphological differences for species

    recognition (Knowlton, 1993).