never such devoted sisters

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  • 8/9/2019 Never Such Devoted Sisters








  • 8/9/2019 Never Such Devoted Sisters



    PRUE: AGED 28.

    PORTIA: AGED 29.


    TIME: 1958.


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    Act One. Scene One.Early morning. Small dimly lit dining room. Lower stage right a window looking onto

    street. Upper stage right door leading to kitchen. Upper stage left door leading intopassageway. Sideboard lower stage left. Table and four chairs lower centre stage. The

    table has two cups and saucers on it and a jar of marmalade and jam and a jug of milk.

    Old carpet covers part of the floor, the rest is bare boards. Prue is wearing a long blackdress and is standing at the window peering into the street. She has long brown hair tied

    in a bunch at the back. She stands upright with her hands behind her back, one hand held

    by the other.

    Prue: That Mrs Catshills off out again. Shes hardly ever in. Always out

    with that child of hers. (Pause)Mind you, if I had a husband like hers Id

    always be out, too. (Pause.)Not that Id put up with what she puts up with. If

    what we hear at night is anything to go by, shes better off out than in.

    (Pause.)The racket they make is enough to put anyone off marriage. And

    those kids of hers running about the backyard and streets at all hours. She

    has no control over them. Swear at you as soon as look at you. (Pause. Portiaenters from the kitchen with a teapot and two cereal bowls on a tray. She is wearing a

    knee-length dark blue dress. She has long brown hair loose over her shoulders. She putsthe tray on the table carefully and places the teapot and cereal bowls on the table. Prue

    looks at her for a few moments, and then looks out of the window again. Portia goes out

    to the kitchen.)Cant see Dad letting us get away with that sort of behaviour

    when we were young. Hed have given us a good hiding and sent us to bed

    without any tea or supper. (Portia enters from the kitchen and goes to stand by Prueat the window.)

    Portia: Its the class of people these days. No manners. No breeding. Dad

    would turn in his grave if he saw what the country had come to.

    Prue: Makes you wonder what they died for. What they fought for.

    Portia: Well, thats it isnt it. The way the world is now. (Pause.)Never mind,

    lets get breakfast. (They walk to the table and sit down.)

    Prue: Do you have the papers yet?

    Portia: No, not yet. Ill and go get them presently.

    Prue: Will it be in there yet?

    Portia: Depends if its been discovered. Because we know, doesnt mean

    others know yet. Might be days or weeks before its discovered. You cant

    tell. (Pours tea into her cup and then Prues cup.)


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    Prue: Itll be all right wont it? I mean well be all right wont we? (Picks upher cup and sips.)

    Portia: Of course. We were careful and fastidious afterwards. You must be

    careful when you do these things. Cant be sloppy. That would never do.

    Thats how it all goes wrong for people. Theyre not careful. No sense of

    tidiness or caution. (Pause. Sips her tea. Prue looks at her as she sips her tea also.)Ill

    get the papers after breakfast. (Pause.) Might be in there, might not. Depends.

    Depends on many things.

    Prue: The waiting part gets to me.

    Portia: Well dont let it. Take it in your stride. Take the long view of things.

    (Pause. They both sip their tea. Then Prue starts on her cereal.)After all, its not the

    first time. I know what it was like the first time. That was different. Cantexpect anything different the first time. (Pause. Eats her cereal slowly.)

    Prue: That was a funny feeling that first time. I was sick that night.

    Portia: Well thats how it gets you the first time isnt it? First time, first


    Prue: Like your first day at school.

    Portia: Well, yes, on a lesser degree of emotion. Not really a comparison is

    it? I mean, theres a huge gulf between the two things. Wide gulf. (Pause.They eat in silence for a short period.)

    Prue: Youre sure itll be all right? They wont think it was us?

    Portia: How can they? What connection would there be to us? None. Not an

    inch of evidence leading to us. So relax. (Pause.)

    Prue: Have you checked our clothes?

    Portia: Yes. Packed them in a bag. Ill drop them down the chute at the flats

    up the road. No lead to us at all even if they find them.

    Prue: Can I have more tea? (Portia pours tea into Prues cup and puts the teapotdown again.)


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    Portia: I hope you can be trusted to say nothing to anyone?

    Prue: Whom would I tell? Im not a fool. I know when to keep my mouth


    Portia: Good. We dont want any gossip leading back to us.

    Prue: As if I would. You know Im trustworthy. Why say it?

    Portia: Words can slip out if youre not careful. One word in the wrong place

    and before you can know it, theres coppers crawling all over the house and

    you and me carted off to prison.

    Prue: I know whats at stake. Itll be my neck too in the noose if it blows


    Portia: It wont blow open. Theres no connection. No proof.

    Prue: Remember that Gordon bloke? How we helped him hang himself?

    Portia :( Looks at Prue and smiles.)Yes. Always good to give people a helping

    hand. Christian almost. Onward Christian soldiers sort of thing.

    Prue: He didnt expect that, did he? Not from the likes of us? (Pause. Sips hertea.)

    Portia: Thats it. Surprise them. First lesson of being successful. Surprise


    Prue: Like we surprised Mrs Grantham. She never thought about us doing

    anything, did she?

    Portia: No. That was a nice surprise. Very nice. Very neat and tidy.

    (Pause.)Cant bear sloppiness. Carelessness and sloppiness deserve to befound out. Mum was neat and tidy. Always clean. Never a hair out of place.

    (Pause. Looks at Prue who is staring into her cup.)What do you see?

    Prue: What you mean?

    Portia: In the cup? What do you see in the leaves? (Prue looks at her and smiles.)


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    Prue: A tall dark stranger.

    Portia: Liar. You bloody liar. (Smiles.)You can no more read tealeaves than

    fly to the moon. You dont have Mums talent. She knew her leaves. Knew

    all about that sort of thing. (Pause. Looks at the Prue intensely. Prue looks down ather cup again.)

    Prue: What do you think about, Charlie?

    Portia: Have to be careful about him. We mustnt get careless at the last


    Prue: I think he fancies me. I think he wants me to do things.

    Portia: Has he said as much?

    Prue: No, not outright. However, I know thats what hes thinking. I can

    sense it in the way he behaves. In those pale-blue eyes of his.

    Portia: Well, be careful. We dont want him getting the wind up. Not yet

    anyway. (Smiles.)Not until were ready. Just lead him along a bit. Dont let

    him get the wrong idea just yet.

    Prue: I hate him touching me.

    Portia: Wont be for long.

    Prue: Hands all over me.

    Portia: Just a little while longer. Be patient.

    Prue: Easy for you to say. Its my body hes after.

    Portia: Drink your tea and dont get uptight. We cant afford any problemsjust yet.

    Prue: Get the papers. Im getting anxious to know.

    Portia: All right, all right. Ill get them. (Portia gets up and goes. Silence)

    End of Scene One


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    Act One. Scene Two.An hour later. Pru and Portia are sitting at the table looking through the newspapers. The

    table is clear and has a green cloth over it.

    Portia: Its not in here. They cant have found it yet. Told you it might take

    days or more.

    Pru: I cant wait for days to find out if theyve found him.

    Portia: Youre going to have to wait. Unless you want to telephone the

    police and tell them where the body is. Im sure theyd only be too pleased

    for that. Save them time and money that would. (Pause. Looks through thenewspaper. Pru stares at a page.)

    Pru: Theres a bit in here about a body found in a house. Just a small bit.

    Last news item, I think. Just a few lines. (Portia looks at the item in the newspaperthat Pru holds out to her.) Might be more in the evening papers.

    Portia: Doesnt say the house number or where the house is. Might not be

    the same one.

    Pru: How many bodies are found dead in houses? Must be the same one.

    Portia: Theres no name or anything. No clue to where it might be. Could be

    just a body of someone who died of natural causes. People are dying all the

    time. Everyday people are found dead by someone. Its the way things arenowadays. (Looks at her own newspaper.)Nothing in this one. Not even a small

    item about a body. Maybe they wont find it for ages. By the time they do, it

    wont look a pretty sight.

    Pru: Wasnt a pretty sight when we left.

    Portia: Well, itll be even less a pretty sight.

    Pru: He had it coming. Things he said and done. Had to put up with a bit toget his money. Dirty beggar.

    Portia: Mum said never speak ill of the dead. It was one of her sayings. She

    was always on about it. That and other things she used to say. Dont speak

    ill of the dead, she used to say to us.


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    Pru: Some dont deserve any better. (Pushes her newspaper across the table.)

    Portia: All the same, thats what Mum said. (Portia folds up the newspapers andwalks with them up stage to the kitchen. Pru sits in silence for a few moments.)

    Pru: His place was tidy though. Ill say that for him. Tidy house. Everythingneat and tidy and in its place. Mum was one for that. Keep things neat and

    tidy, Prudence, and you can always hold your head up, shed say. (Pause.

    Looks at her hands on the table.)Theres no connection between him and us,

    though. He thought we were a couple of simpletons. Thought we were taken

    in by his smooth talk and money. No one knew we were connected to him in

    any way. Kept that part of his life private. Things they do these people.

    Think money can buy them anything. (Pause. Brings her hands up to her face andfor a few moments hides her face behind them. Then she opens them to reveal her

    face.)And there he was dead. What a shock he got. Never seen him look so

    surprised. It gave me a sense of satisfaction to see him so surprised. The

    look in his eyes. The way his whole face sort of lit up with concern. (Pause.

    Puts her hands down on the table and looks at them.)Small hands arent they. He

    always said he liked my hands. Liked me to massage him with them. Liked

    to hold them and look at them. As if they were pieces of valuable articles,

    hed bought. Hed hold them, turn them over, and peer at them through those

    glasses of his. Made me fair sick it did. The way he held them. As if, he

    owned them. (Pause. Portia comes back to the table and sits down. She looks at Pru fora few moments.)

    Portia: Theyre all the same his type. Money is their god. They think it can

    buy all things. Now hes dead and we have some of his money. (Pause. Looks

    at Pru and smiles.)Wont burn your lips to kiss his backside now, Pru.

    Pru: Whered you put his rings and things?

    Portia: Well hidden for a while. Cant risk selling them yet. Leave it for a

    few months or so to be on the safe side.

    Pru: And that gold watch of his. That must be worth a bit.

    Portia: Fair bit, I should think. Well find out later. He wont need it

    anymore. Times immaterial to him now.

    Pru: It makes me cringe to think of what he did.

    Portia: Water under the bridge, now.


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    Pru: Makes me want to scrub and scrub at the mere thought of it. (Pause.Portia takes hold of Prus hands and gives them a little squeeze.)

    Portia: He wont be doing anything where hes gone to.

    Pru: May he rot in his own juices. (Pause. Kisses Portias hands.)

    Portia: That may well be the case if hes left long enough.Itll hardy make

    the headlines anyway. Not just yet. Maybe later. When they realise the truth

    about him.

    Pru: Hope they find him soon.

    Portia: Be patient, Pru. (Looks at Pru.)All good things take time. Hes gone

    now. No more to sorry about. He wont be pestering you anymore.

    Pru: Where do we go now?

    Portia: Take it calmly. We must see how things go. (Pause.)Do you remember

    when we were evacuated in 1939, and we waved Mum goodbye, and sat

    looking apprehensively out of the window wondering where we would be

    sent and to whom?

    Pru: Yes. (Lowers her eyes to the tablecloth.)I hated saying goodbye to Mum. I

    wanted to stay in London with her. But Mum said it was unsafe and she said

    we would be safer in the country. But we werent. (Pause.)If only she knew.

    Portia: She would have known had we been allowed to see her alone. But

    Mrs Grantham was always around, always there watching, always

    interfering. Mum never knew half of it.

    Pru: Mum thought we were being well looked after. She didnt know how

    Mrs Grantham treated us. Didnt know how much she ill-treated us. (Pause.

    Lifts her eyes and stares at Portia.)And Mum had enough to worry about what

    with Dad being somewhere in France. And the fear of bombing.

    Portia: Mrs Grantham had to be punished. She had to be made to realisewhat she had done to us was wrong. (Pause.)She was surprised to see us

    again. Surprised to see us grown up and no longer frightened of her.

    Pru: She thought we had come to thank her for letting us stay with her.

    Portia: We allowed her to think that for a little while.


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    Pru: Begging us to leave her alone.

    Portia :( Smiles.)She understood in the end. She saw the error of her ways.

    Pru: Leave me, please, she said to me. I didnt mean to treat you so. Itwas the strain of the War and everything, she murmured to me. (Pause.)To

    think how she treated us and then to think she thought we were going to say,

    It doesnt matter, Mrs Grantham, we quite understand. Foolish woman.(Looks across the room as if shed seen something, but then looks at her hands.)

    Portia: Drowning her in her bath was quite ingenious. No lead to anyone. An

    accident. A sad accident. Banged her head and slipped. Easy to see how it

    can happen. How the fear crept into her eyes. How she shook with fear.

    Pru: Never seen a drowned body before.

    Portia: What a sight she was. How undignified she looked.

    Pru :( Pause. Looks at Portia.)She locked us in the cupboard in the dark without

    tea or supper. All those spiders.

    Portia: She pulled my hair once, dragged me down the stairs, and smacked

    my face for not putting away the plates and cutlery.

    Pru: And that time she hit me with that stick.

    Portia :( Pause.)She had to pay for those deeds to us. She had to be punished.

    (Pause. Looks at her hands.)It wasnt easy holding her under the water. I thought

    it would have been easier, but it wasnt.

    Pru: The look in her eyes. The fear in her features. (Pause. Gets up from the table

    and goes to the window.)I shall see that look in her eyes as long as I live. See

    that fear; that terror; the fright and alarm. (Pause. Portia rises from the table andgoes to the window next to Pru.)

    Portia: Calm yourself, Pru, dear. (Pause.)Lets go for a walk. The sky looksfine for a short walk. (Prudence nods her head and both women walk slowly upstageand out of the door into the passage. Silence.)

    End of Scene Two.


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    Act One. Scene Three.

    Late afternoon. Portia and Pru are sitting in the sitting room in two old, but wellpreserved armchairs lower centre stage. Lower stage left a window looking out on the

    backyard with a small garden. Upper stage left a door leading out to garden. Upper stage

    right door from passage. Lower stage right a sideboard on which is an old radio. Next tothis is a small bookcase with a variety of books stacked tidily. Portia is holding a book.

    Pru is staring ahead.

    Pru: I didnt like the way that man looked at us in the park. The cheek of it.

    Him and his sort. (Pause.)Why do they look at us that way? (Pause.)Youd

    have thought theyd never seen a woman before. Its always the same. We

    go out for a walk and there they are gawping at us like bloody hawks after

    sparrows. (Pause.)Not the sort Mum would have liked us to be associated

    with. She had her standards. Dad would have shown him the door thats for

    sure. (Pause. Stands up and walks to the window.)Those daisies are nice. Bit too

    many, Mum would say. Liked her daisies. Liked flowers of any sort she did.(Pause.)

    Portia :( Looks at Prus back.)Could have put some roses in, I suppose. Mum

    liked her roses.

    Pru: Red ones especially.

    Portia: Perhaps we ought to get some.

    Pru: Shed be in the garden now if she were here. Loved it out there.

    Portia: Roses along that wall would be nice.

    Pru: Where did that man come from?

    Portia: What man?

    Pru: That one who was staring at us in that horrible way.

    Portia: How do I know. I never asked him.

    Pru: Should have followed him.

    Portia: Why?


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    Pru: Found out where he lived. (Pause.)Cant bear that type.

    Portia: And what good would that do, knowing where he lived?

    Pru: We could have paid him a visit.

    Portia: Pru, you cant go around visiting strange men. Mum would not have


    Pru: Paid him a visit and made him see things arent the way he sees things.

    Hed have realised soon enough.

    Portia: He might have done. Nonetheless, we cant go around doing things to

    every man we see who stares at us or makes comments the way some do.

    (Pause. Rises up and walks to the window and stands beside Pru.)Id love a biggarden. Big and full of all those flowers that Aunt Betty had in hers.

    Pru: I liked Aunt Betty. She was kind. Large and short. Like a barrel.

    Portia: The garden was lovely. Flowers everywhere. Flowers against her

    garden walls. (Pause.)In the beds along the side of the house.

    Pru: Hed have paid if we knew where he lived. (Pause.)I wonder where he

    came from? Looked common. Perhaps he came from the East End. He was

    common. Mum would have said he was common. (Pause. Walks back centre

    stage and stops looking back at Portia.)Mum would have told him a thing or two.

    The way he looked at us.

    Portia: Mum loved carnations, too.

    Pru: We should be able to walk in the park without that sort of thing.

    Portia: White and pink ones. Sweet peas on sticks.

    Pru: How would he like it if he were us. Hed soon moan then.

    Portia :( Leaves the window, walks to the armchair, and sits down again. Pru looks

    around the room for a few moments then sits down in the other armchair.)It was a nice

    walk though.


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    Pru: Are you going to get the evening newspapers?

    Portia: Later. (Looks at her book.)Dont suppose its in there. Dont rely on it

    being in the papers. It may take days.

    Pru: Hope they find him soon. I hate the waiting. I hate waiting for things.

    Hate it. (Looks at her hands.)Sometimes I think my hands are covered in blood.

    (Pause.)I dream at night that theyre dripping with blood. All over my sheets

    and blankets.

    Portia: You were tossing and turning last night.

    Pru: Dreams. I cant help my dreams.

    Portia: Saying things. Calling out names.

    Pru: What names?

    Portia: Names from the past. Names Ive not heard for years.

    Pru :( Looking at Portia and speaking coldly.)They were ones Id want to visit.

    Portia: Ronnie Ramskill? Remember him?

    Pru: Too well. (Looks ahead as if in a trance. Her voice strained.)He treated you

    terrible. Things he got up to were nobodys business. (Pause.)Made you cry

    that time at Southend. Remember that?

    Portia: I was younger then. Didnt understand what to do about things.

    Pru: I see him in my dreams and hes laughing in that way he had.

    Portia: Still thought people had as right to treat you like that.

    Pru: That horrible grin.

    Portia: Those dark blue eyes.

    Pru: I think Beryl Bindle knows where he lives now. Perhaps we could ask



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    Portia: Might be risky. Best let me find out another way. (Looks at Pru.)Dont

    want any one saying we were enquiring about him. Dont want any leads

    back to us. (Rises and walks up centre stage and pauses.)Ill get the papers. (Prunods. Portia stands looking at Pru for a few minutes, then goes out door upper right into

    passage. Silence.)

    End of Scene Three.

    Act One. Scene Four.Evening of the same day. Portia and Pru are in the sitting room perched in the armchairs.

    Portia is reading a newspaper. Pru is looking at her sister with anxiety.

    Pru: Well, is there anything in the paper? (Portia says nothing, but scans the page

    intensely.)Is there? (Pause. Portia turns the page slowly. Pru sighs.)You could at least

    say yes or no. (Pause. Portia peers at the page. Pru sighs again.)Is there just a small

    item about it? Just a small bit to relax me? (Pause. Portia looks up and down the

    page. Pru sighs deeply.)Its like waiting for judgement day. (Pause.)This remindsme of old Granthams prelude to punishment. Shed make us wait before she

    punished us. That prelude before pain. (Pause. Portia looks over the page at Pruand shakes her head.)

    Portia: Nothing so far. (Pause. She turns the page slowly and stretches out her arms as

    she does so. Pru looks at the page facing her.)I said it might not be in here. Youll

    have to be patient. (Looks at the page with a renewed intensity.)

    Pru: I never was much good at being patient. Never. Mum said I lacked thevirtue of patience. (Pause.)Patience is a virtue possess it if you can, its

    seldom in a woman and never in a man. (Pause. Looks at her feet.)Dad used to

    laugh at that. Do you remember? Laugh his head off. (Pause.) Youll never

    be a nun, Mum used to say to me when I was in one of my moods of

    impatience. (Pause. Sighs. Looks at her hands in her lap.)I never wanted to be a

    nun anyway. Whatever gave Mum that idea of me being a nun, I dont know.

    Can you imagine me as a nun? I cant. Nuns are supposed to be patient and

    kind. Im neither. (Pause. Lifts her hands and brings them together as if she were about

    to pray. She looks at them for a few moments then puts them in her lap again.)Are you

    sure theres nothing in there?

    Portia: Nothing on this page.

    Pru: I thought they would have found him by now. Thought somebody

    would have found the body. I mean he has visitors.


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    Portia: Perhaps, he never had visitors yesterday or today. He might never

    have visitors for days yet. (Pause. Turns the page again and then stares at the page

    before her.)You must try to be patient, Pru. It might be days before hes


    Pru: How thoughtless people are. Youd have thought that somebody would

    have visited him wouldnt you. I mean, he seemed quite popular.

    (Pause.)Stacks of money. (Pause.)I thought his housekeeper would have been

    in by now and found him.

    Portia: Shes away visiting her mother. He told me.

    Pru: How thoughtless to make a visit just now. Plenty of time to visit her

    mother at other times. (Pause. Sighs.)Mrs Grantham was found quite soon

    afterwards. That was a relief really. Couldnt have waited long for her.(Pause. Looks at Portia.)Bitch she was. A right bitch. I really got a sense of

    satisfaction when she was struggling for breath under the water. It was as if

    it was my birthday and Christmas rolled into one. (Pause.)I wonder what her

    last thoughts were? What she was actually thinking? (Pause.)I wonder if she

    was thinking about the War years? About being lumbered with us? She

    didnt want us. She said so. Often. Always on about not wanting us and

    being lumbered. (Pause.)If only Mum knew how she treated us. If only we

    had the chance to say.

    Portia :( Turns the page and looks Pru.)Nothing in here. This is all adverts from

    here on. (Folds the paper and puts it in her lap.)Shame. At least we would have

    known hed been found. How much the police knew and what they thought.

    (Pause.)Now well have to wait another day.

    Pru: Shant sleep properly. Ill be awake looking at the ceiling and thinking

    about him.

    Portia: Long as you dont toss and turn like you did last night. Kept me


    Pru: Oh, I am sorry. (Pause. Sighs.)Dont do it on purpose. Cant help it if my

    mind keeps on churning up thoughts.

    Portia: I find it best to think about other things.


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    Pru: What other things?

    Portia: Music or art.

    Pru: Music or art? At a time like this?

    Portia: Why not? I like music and art.

    Pru: So do I, but not at a time like this. I cant focus on other things while

    Im waiting for news.

    Portia: You must try, Pru. Otherwise, it will get you down. Youll never

    have a moments rest. (Pause.)What say we go to the National Gallery

    tomorrow and have a look around? We havent been for ages.

    Pru: No. Not up to looking at paintings. Not until I know hes been found

    and what the police think.

    Portia: Hes dead. Were alive. So lets make the most of it. Go out. See

    things. Have dinner out. In one of those posh restaurants up West.

    Pru: I cant. I wouldnt enjoy it. I wouldnt enjoy it at all.

    Portia: Yes you would, you always do when youre there.

    Pru: Only if hes found. If its in the newspapers in the morning.

    Portia :( Looks at Pru intensely.)You werent like this about old Grantham.

    Pru: She was different. That was more like an accident. This could be seen

    differently and the police may start a murder hunt.

    Portia: So? What if they do? Theyve nothing leading to us. Nothing that

    could possibly lead to the police suspecting us of the murder.

    Pru: You can never tell with the police. Theyre a cunning lot.

    Portia: Nothing leads to us. No leads to us, Pru. Nothing.

    Pru: I hope not. I dont want my neck stretched by a rope.


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    Portia: Nor do I, but theres no need to get all anxious about something

    when theres nothing that points to us being involved. So relax. (Pause. Portialooks ahead as if suddenly in deep thought. Pru sighs.)

    Pru: I want some tea. A nice cup of tea. With biscuits.

    Portia: With biscuits?

    Pru: Yes. Two. And two spoons of sugar.

    Portia: While Im making the tea, you can put on the radio. Might hear of

    something on the radio about it. (Portia leaves the room. Pru sits in silence.)

    End of Scene Four.

    Act One. Scene Five.Midnight. The bedroom is small with a dressing table and seat upper stage right. Adouble bed is lower stage left wall with a bed lamp on a small table beside the bed. Awardrobe is against upper stage left wall. Lower stage right a window with yellow

    curtains drawn. A door from the passage is on the middle right wall. Portia is sitting at

    the dressing table in her nightgown, peering at herself in the mirror. She brushes her hairslowly.

    Portia: Nothing comes from nothing. (Pause.)All things have a cause.

    (Pause.)Dads death in 1944 had a cause. (Pause.)All causes have effects.

    (Pause. She stops brushing her hair for a few moments.)If there hadnt been a war

    Dad would still be here. If Hitler had been killed in the Great War then there

    wouldnt have been a Second World War, and Dad would have been here to

    look after us, and Pru and I wouldnt have been sent to Mrs Grantham, and

    we wouldnt have been ill-treated, and we wouldnt have had to drown her,

    and we probably wouldnt have murdered the others that we have. (Pause.

    Brushes her hair again slowly.) Cause and effect. Then each effect becomes a

    cause in its own turn and affects something else. (Pause.)The murders have

    affected Pru and me. Were no longer the people we were. The deaths of our

    victims have caused us to change and those changes in us have affected our

    behaviour to each other and others we meet. (Pause.)We are all affected by

    outside causes. Each of us is affected by events outside our control and will.(Pause. She smiles at herself in the mirror.)We are all predestined to behave as we

    do and perform the acts we do and have the thoughts we do. We have no will

    to do otherwise. (Pause. Stops smiling and closes her eyes.)Were not responsible

    for what we do; therefore, we are free from guilt and sin. (Pause. Opens hereyes and stares at her reflection.)


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    Mum shouldnt have died of cancer in 1953. Why her? Shed done no

    wrong. Only fifty-two years old and there for us when we needed her. (Pause.

    Brushes her hair slowly again.)Always there when we needed support or help.

    Always there. Always there. (Pause. Holds the brush away from her head, brings it

    slowly down onto the dressing table, and sets it down.)I wonder if she suffered as

    bad as she seemed to do? Maybe she only seemed to suffer. Maybe she was

    really in a state of grace. Yes, that would have been the case, Im sure.

    (Pause. Sighs) Mum should be here now. Should open the door and look in

    and say Off to bed now, you girls. Not too much reading and talking, its

    getting late.(Pause. Wipes her eyes with her finger.)She would have opened the

    door about now and looked in with that look she had and smiled and said

    Goodnight girls. Sleep tight. And we would have said goodnight to her

    too. In unison as we often did. It made Mum laugh. I liked it when she

    laughed. Her face would all light up and her lips would spread out across her

    face like a morning sun. I hope she didnt suffer too much. I hope she didnt.(Pause. Door opens and Pru enters in her nightgown and closes the door behind her. She

    walks down stage to the bed and then looks at Portia at the dressing table. Portia turnsand stares at her.)

    Pru: You look sad.

    Portia: Do I?

    Pru: Yes. (Sits down on the bed and looks away from Portia down at the auditorium.)I

    hate it when you look sad. It reminds me of those years with Mrs Grantham.

    We used to cry, and we would cuddle up close to each other, wish her dead,and say all sorts of curses against her.

    Portia :( Looks at herself in the mirror again and pulls a face at herself.)Do you

    remember when she used to search all over the farm for us, and we would

    hide in the hay barn, and wed hear her voice getting angrier and angrier and

    louder and louder? And wed snuggle down in the hay pretending we were

    mice and she was the big ugly cat out to find us and eat us?

    Pru: Yes. (Smiles.)And wed start to giggle and try hard not to let her hear us.

    Portia: And she would say, I know youre in there. Come out now. But she

    wasnt sure and would stare at the hay looking for movement or sounds and

    wed almost wet ourselves staring out at her from our hideout. (Pause. Stopsbrushing her hair and lays the brush down. She stares at herself for a few moments, then

    gets up from the seat and walks towards the bed and sits down next to Pru.)


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    Pru: And when she did eventually find us, wed be for it. (Pause.)

    Portia: I liked it when she drowned. It was as it should be.

    Pru :( Reaches out for Portias hand and holds it.)She tormented us. We tormented

    her. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.

    Portia: Justice. (Pause. They sit in silence for a few moments. Pru releases Portias

    hand and walks to the window. Portia climbs into the bed.)Whats it like out?

    Pru: Peaceful. Theres a full moon and the stars are bright as new coins in a

    black purse.

    Portia: Mum used to say the moon could affect how some people behaved. I

    wonder how?

    Pru: Dad used to tell us stories about the man in the moon, do you


    Portia: Yes. (Pause.)Dad would have been fifty-eight now. He would have

    looked after us the way he always did when we were little girls. Anything

    you want to say my little girlies, just come and tell me, hed say when we

    looked worried.

    Pru: And hed give us rides on his shoulders.

    Portia: And let us swing on his arms as if we were at the fairground.

    Pru: And lift us up and pretend to throw us and then catch us at the last

    moment. (Pause.)I cant believe he died the way he did. On the beach. Miles

    away from Mum and us. (Pause.)And for what?

    Portia: We have to believe it was worthwhile, Pru. Otherwise, it will all

    seem pointless. (Pause.)There has to be a reason for everything. Cause andeffect. Like dominoes. All lined up neat and tidy and then someone pushes

    one and they fall one by one until all are down and silence. (Pause. Looks at

    Prus back.)You look like Mum from behind. The way she stood at the

    window when we were young and shed stare out at the sky before drawing

    the curtains.


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    Pru: And shed tuck us in as if we were little pies all snug and warm.

    (Pause.)Mrs Grantham wouldnt tuck us in. Shed send us up to bed and

    occasionally shed come up and hit us if we were still talking or making a

    noise. Beast of a woman.

    Portia: Cow.

    Pru: Dead cow, now. (Pause. Turns away from the window and climbs into bed.)

    Portia: Gordon Gunsfed. (Sits up in bed and stares forward.)He was a horrible

    headmaster. Always picking on us and saying things about us to the whole

    school at assemblies.

    Pru: Just because we came from London.

    Portia: He made me stand in the corner of his study for an hour one day just

    because I had forgotten to bring my books in to school. My legs ached so

    much and my arms hurt from being on my head for so long.

    Pru: He used to cane George Gelt because he thought him a German. And he

    threatened to cane me because he said I had nits and smelt. (Pause.)Grantham

    would only let us bath once a fortnight and that was in a few inches of luke

    warm water. No wonder we smelt and had nits.

    Portia: Im glad we helped him hang.

    Pru: It was very fitting the end he had. Hanging there useless and lifeless.

    Portia: Couldnt believe wed come back to see him.

    Pru: Thought we were just there to see him. Thought wed come all that way

    just to say, How do you do, Mr Gunsfed, hows your belly off for

    spots?(Pause. Turns and kisses Portias cheek. Portia smiles.)

    Portia: Gunsfed was a fascist. He was a cruel husband as well as cruel

    headmaster. His wife was very frightened of him. I wonder what she thought

    when she came home and found him hanging from the stairway?

    Pru: Cheerful, if somewhat shocked.


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    Portia: Gunsfed deserved to die. Ive no regrets. (Pause.)Except that, he died

    too soon and didnt hang there choking for long. All those years he made our

    lives miserable and he went just like that. Seemed too soon to me. I would

    have liked to talk to him a little longer. Let him see what he was about to die

    for. (Pause.)He never recognised us to begin with. Thought we were

    daughters of some friend of his. Never entered his head we were there for a

    purpose. He still had that look about him. Still had that cruel glint in his

    eyes. (Pause.) Cause and effect Mr Gunsfed, cause and effect. He never

    smiled in that way he had after that.

    Pru: Lets not talk about it anymore. Lets forget him. (Pause. She lays back and

    so does Portia and they look up at the ceiling.)You can still see the moon a bit

    through the curtains. Can almost imagine Mum and Dad walking in and

    saying, Goodnight girls, sleep tight. Dont let the bedbugs bite.(Pause. Portia

    and Pru cuddle up close. They kiss. Portia switches off the lamp. Silence.

    End Act One and Scene Five.


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    Act Two. Scene One.

    Three weeks later. Early morning in the dining room, Pru stands at the window. She is

    wearing a black knee-length skirt and white blouse. She has no stockings and is bare

    footed. She peers out of the window as if something has caught her attention.

    Pru: Mrs Catshill's off out again. Off with that child of hers. I don't think she

    trusts her husband to look after it. He looks a mean type. Seldom has a word

    to say to us, but to her he never stops, day or night. Argue, argue, and argue

    all the time. (Pause.)She had a black eye the other week; did you see it,

    Portia? (Pause. No reply.)She looked a right sight. Id give him black eye if he

    were my husband. I'd batter his head in with the poker. Bash, bash, until his

    head caved in. (Pause. Breathes heavily.)Did you hear that, Portia? I'd bash his

    bloody head in. (Pause. No reply.)I'm glad they found the body. I was getting

    quite anxious about it lying there undiscovered. (Pause.)No mention about it

    being a suspected death. Accidental the papers said. You were right, Portia.It was just as well we were neat and tidy. Nothing out of place. All as we

    found it. Except him. He was dead when we left. Quite dead. (Pause.

    Sighs.)The way the body was found made them think he was a rather queer

    fish. (Short laugh.)He won't be doing them things again. Dirty bastard.

    (Pause.)James Elmtree late of Rowland Road was found dead today. Police

    do not suspect foul play. I have it off by heart. Know each word as if it were

    poetry. (Pause.)Ronnie's next. Ronnie Ramskill is next in line isn't he, Portia?

    (Pause. No reply.) Yes. Ronnie's next to meet his maker. And may his maker

    be pleased to see him. (Pause.)Portia? Are you in the kitchen? (Pause. Noreply.)She was just now. Unless she's sneaked out somewhere. (Moves awayfrom the window, walks slowly upstage to the kitchen door, and peers in. She shakes her

    head. Moves downstage to the table and sits in one of the chairs.)Where's she gone,

    then? Didn't say she was off anywhere. I hate it when she sneaks off like

    that. Leaves me on my own. She knows I hate it on my own. (Pause.)Portia

    are you upstairs? Where are you? (Pause. Door from passage opens and Portiaenters. She holds a newspaper under her arm. She looks at Pru for a few moments, then

    walk downstage to the table.)

    Portia: Did you call out to me?

    Pru: Yes. I wondered where you were.

    Portia: I went to the shop.

    Pru: I didn't know you'd gone.


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    Portia :( Puts the newspaper on the table and sits down on a chair.)It's in here again.

    Pru: What is?

    Portia: Elmtree's death.

    Pru: What do you mean it's in there again?

    Portia: Police think he wasn't alone when he died.

    Pru: (Pru picks up the newspaper and scans through it anxiously.)Do they suspect us?

    Portia: No, of course not. (Takes the newspaper from Pru and shows her the

    articles.)They suspect he was with some whore. Apparently, he was known

    for seeking them out.

    Pru: But not us?

    Portia: No, not us. Whores are what they think and whores are what they

    will seek. And with little luck.

    Pru: I don't like it. I thought it was all over with. I thought they thought it

    was accidental death. They said so in the newspaper.

    Portia: Can't believe what you read in the newspapers. Theyre full of lies.

    Pru: What if the police come here?

    Portia: They won't come here. There's no need for them to come here is


    Pru: I just get worried. (Pause. Pushes the newspaper away from her.)We'll be all

    right won't we?

    Portia: You know what they say about kitchens don't you?

    Pru: What about kitchens?

    Portia: If you find the kitchen too hot stay out if it. I think you're getting a

    little to jumpy and that can be dangerous. Stay calm. (Kisses Pru's cheek.)Stay

    calm, my little sister. Nothing to worry your little head about. Do you regret

    what we've done?


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    Pru: No. No, I don't. (She smiles weakly.)They all had it coming. Each one of


    Portia: Too right.

    Pru: It's just that I get this gut feeling that something'll go wrong.

    Portia: I'm too careful for that. Always be careful, neat, and tidy. That's that

    Mum said. "Portia, be careful and neat and tidy and you'll never be sorry,"

    she said to me the day she went into hospital. I've never forgotten her words.

    Pru: Mum was very wise.

    Portia: Very clever was Mum. Very wise and careful. Knew things.

    Understood what had to be done and did it. We're like her. We're her

    daughters. We're just like her. Neat and tidy.

    Pru: And careful. Very careful.

    Portia: Elmtree was careless. A man who thought little about things beyond

    the day and his appetite. His appetite for food, drink, and sex.

    Pru: (Laughs suddenly.)I can't forget his face when he saw us doing what we

    did. He thought it was a joke at first. (Pause. She looks at Portia.)Didn't laugh

    after that did he?

    Portia: No. He didn't. Not after that. (Pause. Smiles at Pru.)What about a nicebreakfast? Then we can go to the National Gallery. What about it?

    Pru: And see a play up West in the evening? Use the money we got from

    Elmtree's ring?

    Portia: If you like.

    Pru: It was worth a bit that ring.

    Portia: Yes. No one said about it. No mention about there being anythingmissing. Even his cash wasn't mentioned. (Pause.)I gave the jeweller a false

    name and address anyway. Just in case. (Pause. Leans towards Pru and kisses her

    cheek again. She rises and stands over Pru.)What will you have, Madam? What

    would Madam like?

    Pru :( Pru looks at Portia and smiles.)Egg on toast with a nice cup of tea, please.


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    Portia: Indian or Chinese?

    Pru: CO-OP tea. Strong.

    Portia: Of course, Madam. (She walks upstage to the kitchen door and goes off. Pru

    sits looking at her hands. She puts her hands over her face for a few moments theremoves them. She sighs. Silence.)

    End of Scene One.

    Act Two. Scene Two.

    Late afternoon of the same day. Sitting room is quiet. All is neat and tidy. Noises of

    voices off stage are heard, but not distinguishable. Then the door to the sitting roomopens and Portia enters followed by Pru. They stand and look around the room for a brief

    period of time, then move downstage to the armchairs and sit down.

    Pru: Fancy meeting Ronnie Ramskill in Charing Cross Road. He hasnt

    changed a bit. Still got that way about him. Still has that manner of speaking

    that irritates me.

    Portia: At least we know where he lives now. Saves asking Beryl Bindle

    where he lives. She might have got suspicious about us wanting to know

    where he lived, and then him being found dead. Good bit of luck that was.

    Pru: I could have done him in there and then if it was dark and we were

    alone in some back alley.

    Portia: Thats not how we do things, Pru. You know that.

    Pru: I was only saying how I felt.

    Portia: Yes, I know, but we have to arrive at our decisions with a cool head

    and a sense of detachment. Calm and calculating is how we have to be.

    Make no mistakes that way. Neat and tidy is the motto.

    Pru: Just like Mum said.

    Portia: Just like Mum. (Pause.)Besides, we have to find a method first which

    wont lead the police to suspect foul play. Sort of accidental looking death.

    Pru: Without repeating ourselves. Cant repeat what weve already done.

    That would look a bit suspicious, wouldnt it? (Pause.)Without witnesses.

    Without people suspecting we were involved. (Pause.)What do you think?


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    Portia: Well think of something. It has to be well thought through from all

    angles. No rushing it and making mistakes.

    Pru: He kept on looking at you in that horrible way of his. As if, he was

    undressing you with his eyes.

    Portia: Thats the only way hell ever get me undressed again. With his

    damned eyes. Had enough of his cruel ways when I was with him. And hes

    a damned liar.

    Pru: Hell wish hed never set eyes on you by the time weve finished with


    Portia: I think something slow and drawn out. A death like that is what he

    needs. I read about something in a book somewhere that might be right.

    Pru: What?

    Portia: Involving a needle.

    Pru: Needle? What sort of needle?

    Portia Hypodermic needle.

    Pru: What the type you inject people with?

    Portia: Yes. Thats it.

    Pru: What do we inject him with?

    Portia: Air.

    Pru: Air?

    Portia: Yes. It will cause him to have a heart attack.

    Pru: Bit sudden though isnt it? I thought you wanted a slow drawn out


    Portia: Waiting for death can be drawn out. Hell know what were going to

    do. Hell wait and wait until were ready and then goodbye Ronnie

    Ramskill. (Pause. She smiles thoughtfully.)Well, its a thought. We might think

    of something else. Might think of something less complicated.


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    Pru: Whatever works and is deadly. (Pru rises and walks to the radio. She turns iton and classical music comes through. She listens for a few moments, and then turns it

    off.)Looking at the paintings today in the National Gallery I felt really at

    ease. I feel relaxed amongst paintings.

    Portia: Perhaps we should have paintings on our walls. Have them in hereand in our bedroom.

    Pru: Yes, that would be nice. We must look around and see what we can

    find. Something to make us feel relaxed.

    Portia: Nothing too old or grim.

    Pru: Something bright and full of life.

    Portia: A modern painting. (Pause. Pru wanders upstage. Portia looks ahead in deepthought.)We should go out more often. Were stuck in here too much.

    Pru: (Walks downstage slowly.)Mum said often said we should be out enjoying


    Portia: Seeing the sights.

    Pru: Going to concerts.

    Portia: Listening to music.

    Pru: Seeing plays at the theatre.

    Portia: Going to shows. (Pause. Pru stands beside Portia.)Visiting museums.

    Pru: Mum took us to museums when we were children. Before the War.

    Portia: And Dad took us to the Galleries to see the paintings.

    Pru: And Mum said we should go to operas.

    Portia: And trips on the Thames in boats. (Pause. Pru kneels by Portias armchairand takes her hand in hers.)And always be together. (Pause.)Let us go then you

    and I

    Pru :( Lays her head on Portias arm.)And never be parted.

    Portia: Do you remember Ruby Hasky?


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    Pru: (Sits up and looks at Portia.) Yes. I remember her. She was the one who lost

    you that job at the store.

    Portia: I saw her the other day.

    Pru: Where?

    Portia: She was in a caf off Oxford Street. I saw her sitting there with this


    Pru: Do you know where she lives?

    Portia ::( Laughs softly.)No, I dont, Pru. Its just seeing her there made me

    think about what she did to me.

    Pru: It wasnt nice what she did. (Pause.)I wonder if she goes to that caf


    Portia: Why?

    Pru: we could follow her, find out where she lives, and pay her a visit.

    Portia: A long shot that would be. Chances are she lives miles away.

    Pru: Where did she used to live?

    Portia: Battersea somewhere. Cant always have it our own way. Well bideour time. Her turn will come.

    Pru :( Pause. Stands up and sits in the other armchair.) I didnt fancy dinner out up

    West this evening. Is it nearly dinnertime?

    Portia: Nearly. (Pause.) Ill get us something presently. First, I want to get us

    an evening newspaper. See if theres any more news about Elmtrees death.

    See if anything has developed.

    Pru: Itll be all right wont it?

    Portia: Of course, it will. Dont start worrying.

    Pru: Thought it was all settled. Thought they were satisfied it was accidental.

    Portia: Police always poke about until theyre certain about thing. Itll settle

    again soon.


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    Pru: Makes me think someones watching us.

    Portia: Whod be watching us?

    Pru: Police.

    Portia: You have too much imagination. Theyve no lead to us. Relax.

    (Pause.)Youre getting as bad as that man is in that Dostoyevsky novel who

    thought he was being watched. (Pause.)Once you think that way, youre

    bound to make mistakes. We cant afford mistakes. Mistakes will lead us to

    the gallows.

    Pru: I cant help it, Portia. Its how I feel.

    Portia: Ill have a good look about when Im getting the newspapers. See if

    anyone is watching the house or acting suspicious.

    Pru: Yes, do that Portia. Put my mind at rest.

    Portia: (Pause. Looks at Pru.)Sister, sister. Unwind. Relax. We need to be calm

    and at ease. Or things will go wrong. Well be arrested and separated and

    then the drop to oblivion.

    Pru: Sorry, Portia. (Pause.) Get the papers. Lets get some tea afterwards and

    listen to the radio. Nice music. Sit together in here.

    Portia: just like we used to when Mum was alive.

    Pru: All together sitting listening to the radio.

    Portia: Just like that. You and me.

    Pru: Make our plans. Set our traps.

    Portia: Go on holiday in the summer. Somewhere nice.

    Pru: Where we all used to go. Mum, Dad, you and me. (Pause. Portia rises andnods. She gives Pru a small kiss, goes upstage to the door, and goes out. Pru sits staring at

    the floor in silence. She sighs. Mum, Dad, you and me. (Sighs again. Silence. Just

    you and me now. (Pause. Sits in silence.)

    End of Scene Two.


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    Act Two. Scene Three.

    Late afternoon two days later. Sitting room. All is quiet. Suddenly door opens upstage

    and Portia enters followed by Pru. Portia walks downstage to one of the armchairs and

    sits down. Pru stands upstage looking around the walls. Both women are in black dresses.

    Portia: That didnt go as well as Id hoped it would.

    Pru: I didnt know hed struggle so much, did I?

    Portia: It was meant to look like a heart attack, now it looks like hes been

    attacked by a mad man. (Pause.)You should have listened to what I was

    saying. I said be calm and wait, but no, you had to attacked him. Now it

    looks suspicious. Looks less neat and tidy. Less precise and clean.

    Pru: Hes dead isnt he? Thats what we wanted, wasnt it?

    Portia: Yes, my way, not just anyhow. You didnt have to attack him at all.

    Pru: He was struggling. I panicked. That horrible noise he was making.

    Portia :( Portia puts her head in her hands and sighs.)Youve spoilt it. Now the

    police will know he wasnt alone. The whole thing was to make it look like a

    natural death. To make it seem just one of those things. Natural as dying.

    Pru: Im sorry. I panicked. I didnt know what I was doing in the end.

    Portia: Just as well I cleared up wasn't it? Nonetheless, its not good.

    Pru: I said I was sorry. I dont want to think about it anymore.

    Portia: When youre hanging from a rope, think about it then.

    Pru: Dont say that, Portia, dont sat that. (Frightened expression.)

    Portia: I will say it. Youve got us into something we may not get out of this

    time. Weve been so careful up until now. And bang its all been ruined.

    You and your foolishness have brought us a step closer to being caught.

    Pru: No. I havent. I havent have I? (Pru walks slowly downstage towards the

    armchairs and stands over Portias chair looking down at her.)Have I?

    Portia: We have to be so careful. Have to be on our guard. Look out for

    anything out of the ordinary. Anything different. Anyone different.


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    Pru: Do you think theyre watching us at this moment? Watching the house?

    Portia: No. Not that quick. It may take them a while to check out leads.

    Whom he knew and who had contact with him. Who might have wanted him

    dead. The heart attack thing may still hold. (She sighs.)It was so unnecessary.

    He would have died if only youd waited. We must have order and calmness.Mum was always on about order and calmness. Keep things in a state of

    order girls, and always remain calm, she said that last day I saw her.

    (Pause.)Keep calm. Keep things in order. See things from the long angle.

    Pru: Ronnie always was an awkward bastard.

    Portia: Shouldnt let it get personal. It has to be done in a calm state. Cool

    and calculated. Like a death sentence. Clean, neat and tidy.

    Pru: They wont look for us will they? They wont come here will they?

    Portia: I wouldnt think so. No one saw us enter his house or leave. The

    streets were deserted. No lights were on in the neighbouring houses. Theres

    no lead to us directly. However, we must be careful. Look about us when we

    leave the house or walk along the street. See if were being followed.

    Pru: Now youre scaring me.

    Portia: So you should be scared. You should be wetting yourself scared.

    Pru: Dont be horrible to me, Portia. Please dont be horrible to me.

    Portia: Sit down and shut up a minute. (Pru walk round and sits in the

    armchair.)Weve had no contact with Ronnie for a few years so its unlikely

    theyll be in touch with us. However, if they do contact us, leave me to do

    the talking. You just act dumb. Act your usual self that should fool them.

    Pru: They wont will they? I couldnt keep calm if they came round here. Id

    panic I know I would. Id go to pieces. (Bites her fingernails.)

    Portia: Lets hope they dont come then or were sunk. (Sighs.)

    Pru: Perhaps we should leave here and go somewhere else.

    Portia: Where? Where do you suggest?

    Pru: Abroad. Somewhere abroad.


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    Portia: Where do you suggest? Spain? Italy? France? Or maybe Russia?

    Pru: I dont know. I was just thinking of a way out of this mess.

    Portia: Dont think. (Sighs.)Let me do the thinking. You just do the listening.

    (Pause. Portia sits staring at the floor. Pru sits looking at Portia.)He may not be foundfor a day or so. That gives us time to think things through and cover our

    tracks. (Pause.)We must agree on our alibi or theyll suspect something.

    Pru: What if the police do come? What if they do come here?

    Portia: Theyve no direct leads so its unlikely theyll bother us.

    Pru: Sorry, Portia. I didnt mean to cause you trouble.

    Portia: Ill get the evening papers see if theyve anything in them about it.

    Pru: Dont be long. I hate being on my own. Hate being here on my own.

    Portia: Im just getting the newspapers not leaving the country.

    Pru: Mum said you had to take care of me.

    Portia: And so I shall, Pru, and so I shall. (Rises up from her chairs, walks upstageto the door, and goes out.)

    Pru :( Sits upright and stares ahead as if in a trance.)Ive buggered it up, Mum. Ivemade a mess of things now. (Pause.)Portias cross with me. Shes angry with

    me. I know she is. I can sense it in the way she speaks. (Pause.)That Ronnie

    had to bloody struggle and it frightened me. Made me go all funny. (Pause.

    She sits back and closes her eyes.)I wish you were he, Mum. I wish you were

    here now so that I could snuggle in your arms and feel safe. (Pause.)I do try to

    be calm and orderly, but then I panic and it all goes wrong. Its all Ronnies

    fault. He would have to go and struggle. Struggle and make those awful

    noises. (She peers out at the auditorium as if staring at a blank wall.)Sometimes this

    place seems like a prison. Seems like Im trapped and waiting to die. I dont

    want to die. Dont want to go without Portia. Dont want to die withoutPortia. Need her. Want her. Love her. (Pause. She rises and kneels down andlowers her head and puts her hands together as if in prayer. Darkness descends. Silence.)

    End of Scene Three.


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    Act Two. Scene Four.

    Midnight two days later. Portia is looking out of the window. She is in her nightgown.

    Portia: The night sky is an awesome thing. So immense and endless. Makes

    us seem so small and insignificant. Like specks of dust in the light from achurch window on a summers day. So utterly small. (Pause.)Yet here

    everything seems so large and important. Small matters are blown up into

    such a size that you think of nothing else all night long. (Pause.)Ronnies

    dead now. His memory a mere dark passage in my life. Hopefully, if the

    papers are right, his heart attack is being accepted as the real thing. The

    police dont suspect any foul play. Said they think he fell and banged his

    head. (Pause.)I hope theyre right. Prus in a bad enough state as it is. That

    would push her over the edge if anything went wrong for us now. (Pause.

    Moves away from the window, walks upstage to the bed, and sits on the edge.)Justice is

    a hard thing. So cold and precise. The deed done. The matter cleared up with

    a sense of neatness and precision.Just as Mum said matters should be done.

    Dont let matter get out of hands, Portia. A sense of neatness and precision

    will always make matters better and clear cut, she said to me. Always

    listened to Mum. If only she knew about Grantham. Mum would never have

    allowed us to be treated like that if shed known. Mum never knew. We

    never told her how were treated by Grantham. Never wanted her to know.

    Didnt want her to be worried, didnt want to add to her worries.

    (Pause.)Glug, glug went Mrs Grantham in her bath. (Pause. Pru enters the

    bedroom and closes the door behind her. She walks to the bed and sits down.)

    Pru: I hope I can sleep tonight. Will I sleep tonight?

    Portia: Like a baby. Without care or worry.

    Pru: It will be all right wont it?

    Portia: Yes. Just think of happy times and close your eyes.

    Pru: (Leans over to Portia and kisses her cheek.)Thank you, sister.

    Portia: What about a boat trip on the Thames tomorrow?

    Pru: Thatll be nice. (Pause.) What shall I do about Charlie? What if he calls

    for me?

    Portia: Charlie came the other morning, while you were across the shop.


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    Pru: What did he say?

    Portia: Not a lot. (Pause.)I dont think hell be back.

    Pru: What did you say to him?

    Portia: Just a few words in his ear.

    Pru: What did you say?

    Portia: Nothing you need worry about. Hes gone now. He wont bother you

    again. No more touching you. No more causing you concern.

    Pru: I thought hed never go. He was always touching me. Thought wed

    have to pay him a visit. (Pru and Portia look at each other.)Just a visit.

    Portia: No need now. He understands. I think he was sorry. He seemed sorry.

    Pru: He should be. He damned well should be.

    Portia: Im sure he was. In fact, Im certain he was. (Pause. Portia gets into the

    bed and Pru does likewise.) Mum always said an apology is worth its weight in


    Pru: Yes, I suppose she was right. (Pause.)As long as he was sorry.

    Portia: Oh, yes, he was sorry. Im sure he was. I could see it in his eyes.

    Pru: I hated his eyes. Always peering at me in that sick way of his.

    Portia: His eyes have gone now. (Pause.)And perhaps we can have tea in that

    caf again. Charlies treat as a way of apology. Better than words in a way.

    Pru: And see the paintings again?

    Portia: And see the paintings again.

    Pru: And maybe an ice cream?

    Portia: Maybe an ice cream.

    Pru: And come home and listen to the radio with biscuits and cocoa?

    Portia: Yes, listen to the radio with biscuits and cocoa.


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    Pru: And think of Mum, Dad, and our happy times together?

    Portia: And our visit to the seaside in 1938 when Dad taught us to swim.

    Pru: And Mum dried us with towels because wed got so cold.

    Portia: And we sat on the beach throwing pebbles in the sea. (Pause.)Our last

    holiday together. Our happy days.

    Pru: We will have happy days again wont we, Portia? (Cuddles up close to

    Portia.)Be happy again?

    Portia: Yes. Yes, we will, Pru. Of course, we will. (Pause.)

    Pru: Like we used to be?

    Portia: Like we used to be.

    Pru: And maybe we could go to the seaside again?

    Portia: Yes, that would be nice. Go see the sea again. Just like the old days.

    Pru: And go swimming?

    Portia: Yes, go swimming. Just us.

    Pru :( Looks at Portia with a sad expression.)Just us. No Mum and Dad this time.

    Portia: No Mum and Dad. Just us now. Just us. Just you and me.

    Pru: Make the best of it. Make what we can of our day.

    Portia: Yes. Make the most of what we have. Mum said that. Make the best

    of what you have, girls, shed say if we grumbled. Make the most of what

    you have. She was right. She was always right.

    Pru: Make the best of it. Like Mum and Dad did. Just like them

    Portia: Yes, just like them. Just you, me, and no one else. No interfering

    busybodies. No oddballs. No liars or cheats. No one to harm us anymore. No

    men to dirty us or touch us. Just us. Just us. (Pause. Pru lies down in the bed.Portia turns out the light. Silence for a few moments. The sound of giggles. Silence.)

    End of Act Two and Scene Four.


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