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  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English



    PAPER RECYCLINGWhat and How to create it?

    Arranged By

    Neva Lionitha Ibrahim


    Bussiness Administration




  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English



    Praises and thanks to Allah for all of his help and permit so the writer can be fini shed the

    task even by hard effort and long time. For this chance a lso the wri ter want to

    say thanks you very much for every people who given their hand to help the writer in the

    process of writing especially to Mrs. Endah our beloved english lecture for tutoring and

    also supporting.

    In this paper the writer try to inform and warning the reader to safe the environment from

    damage with the process of recycling.Finally, the writer realizes there are unintended

    errors in writing this paper. She really allows all readers to give their suggestion toimprove its content in order to be made as one of the good examples for the next paper.

    Gorontalo, December 20th 2012

    The Writer

  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English



    I. What is Recycling?Recycling refers to the process of collecting used materials which is usually

    considered as waste and reprocessing them. In this process, these used materials are

    sorted and processed to be used as raw materials for the production of new products.

    Recycling varies from re-use in the sense that while re-use just means using old products

    repeatedly, recycling means using the core elements of an old product as raw material to

    manufacture new goods. Some of the most common items that are recycled are plastic,

    glass, paper, batteries, aluminum etc.

    II. The Importance of RecyclingThe importance of recycling can be observed in multiple ways. If you are wondering

    in your mind as to why I should recycle then here are some causes which should convince

    you to do so.

    1. Recycling Saves Energy

    When new products are manufactured from the raw material obtained from recycled products, it

    saves a lot of energy which is consumed for the production. When new products are

    manufactured from virgin materials, the amount of energy consumed is much higher. Besides, the

    energy required to acquire and transport the virgin raw materials from their origins or natural

    sources is also saved. Add to that the energy which is required to clean and protect the

    environment from the pollutant waste products, especially those which are non-biodegradable

    (plastic) and fill up the landfill areas.

    2. Recycling Saves Environmental Conditions and Reduces Pollution

    Recycling helps in preventing global climate change to a great extent. By minimizing the energy

    spent on industrial production, recycling also helps in reducing greenhouse gas emission. Some of

    the major fossil fuels used in most industries include coal, diesel, gasoline etc. All these emit

    harmful gases such as methane, sulfur dioxide, carbon-dioxide to the environment. The processing

    of fresh raw material also creates toxic materials which pollute the environment. By reducing the

    energy used, recycling also minimizes the amount of fuel usage which in turn reduces the amount

    of harmful pollutants in the environment.

    3. Recycling Saves Natural Resources

    We know that recycling involves the processing and usage of the core elements of an old product

    for the production of new products. This helps in saving our natural resources to a great extent.

    For example, once an old newspaper is recycled we do not need to use the resource of another

    tree to produce new paper products. This way, proper recycling can help us preserve our natural

    resources for our future generations and maintain the balance of the nature.

    4. Economic Benefits

    Similar to energy and natural resource, recycling also helps in saving a lot of expense, demanded

    for the production of new products from virgin materials. These expenses include the entire

    production cycle starting from acquiring the raw materials, transferring them from their origin to

    production places, processing and manufacturing costs.

    Recycling process creates employment opportunities for a lot of people, involved in the various

    stages of the process. This in turn contributes to the economic development of the state or


    5. Recycling Saves Space for Waste Disposal

  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English


    Most of the landfill sites are filled up with a lot of waste products that could have been recycled

    effectively. Some of these waste materials belong to non-biodegradable category which takes a

    long time to decompose. Recycling enables proper usage of these waste products and saves

    space for landfills. The pace with which landfills are getting filled up, soon we might run short of

    landfills unless we start following recycling at our own home and spread the word to others.

    III. Why We Have to Do The Paper Recycling?

    Besides safe on the cost expenditure, sparingly paper were also help reduce the

    rate deforestatation (destruction forest). As being sparing in use paper, mean we have to

    safe our environment. More than 15 rim paper size A4 in got from about 1 felled trees.

    Every day there are how million sheets of paper worn by the earth. And to full the needed

    of the papers, there are millions of felled trees. In fact about 70 % raw materials paper is

    use timber from the woods. So if more we're being wasteful in using paper, without us

    realizing we have participate contributed damage forest us. So also otherwise, when we

    save paper, dozens or even millions of trees can were saved. Thousands of hectares of

    woodland were saved.

    IV. Example of Paper Recycling

    There are many ways to create a unique paper recycle, one of them is create paper flower. You

    can use it for your decoration's room or decoration of your party. Let's see the making process of


    Craft Supplies:


    Grosgrain Ribbon, Width cut to 4 inch lengths

    16 Gauge Wire cut to 15 inch lengths

    Glue Gun

    Glue Sticks (low temp)


    Wire Cutters

    Step 1: Gather materials. If you are using vintage books

    or sheet music as your paper source make sure it is still

    flexible enough to curl with your fingers. The wire can

    be found at the hardware store, and is sometimes

    called black wire or annealed coil wire. Be sure you

  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English


    are using low temp hot glue because youll be able to feel it right through the paper petals as you


    Step 2: Cutting. You will need to stockpile at least 5

    different sizes of petals ranging from about inch

    wide to 3 inches wide. I cut freehand, and avoid

    templates, so that each petal is a unique and organic

    shape. Think of the shapes as little church windows or

    arches. Some can be pointy, and some can be

    rounded. For each flower you will need at least 4 of

    each size. Make more than you need.

    Step 3: Shaping. I really feel that this is the most

    important step to create natural and soft looking

    flowers. Roll the edges of each petal, and pinch the

    base slightly. Each one can be done a little differently

    to give the petals character and roundness. I shape all

    of my petals before I even begin gluing anything.

    Step 4: Rolling the center. You need to cut out one

    more shape for each flower, and this is for the coiled

    center of the rose. This shape should be about 2

    inches long with a rounded tip. Roll it up into a tube

    to create its shape. Unroll it and run a bead of hot

    glue along the inside and re-roll it around the end of

    your wire. Another dot of glue will hold it in place.

    Step 5: Attaching petals. Begin with your smallest

    petals. Use a single dot of glue, about inch from

    the bottom of the petal to attach it to the stem. Your

    next petal should overlap the first. Continue adding

    small petals, rotating the stem as you go, always

    slightly overlapping the last petal you attached. This is

    where your artistry will come in as you continue to

    rotate and build. As you begin adding larger petalspinch the bases, as they are much wider. By pinching

    at the bases you will be rounding out the rose, and

    creating space between layers.

    Step 6: Finishing. The sepals will be made of ribbon,

    which will also cover your final seams and create a

    nice polished look. Each rose needs two 4 inch

    lengths of ribbon. Wrap them around the stem and

    secure to the undersides of the petals. Cut a V into

    each end of the ribbons to finish.

  • 7/28/2019 Neva Tugas English


    How awesome is Valerie? Were crazy about her flowers and cant wait to hear how many of you start

    on this project this weekend. For those of you (dont be shy) that would rather leave it to the pro,

    Valerie also sells the loose roses in her shop, and can even create a custom bouquet to fit your
