network grc delivery

ensuring the responsible use of IT the value of

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Guardware GRC software explained


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ensuring the responsible use of IT

the value of

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware


Mobile Phone

Social Networking

Web Conferencing

Instant Messaging

The The OrganizationOrganization


As society becomes increasingly connected so organizations of all types and sizes have to adapt to, and take advantage of, the business benefits of online

communication, connectivity and collaboration.

Balancing Productivity and Compliance

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

This change is accelerating, its scope is broadening and its impact is global. Competition is fierce and

recruitment is increasingly difficult

Regulatory pressures are escalating

Clients are more demanding

Acceptable Use PoliciesBalancing Productivity and Compliance

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

Society is hooked on all-pervasive, always-on connectivity. The boundaries between work, social and leisure time are becoming nonexistent.

Web Conferencing

Social Networking




Mobile Phone



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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The OrganizationThe Organization

For most of us, not having online access would severely impact our productivity.

For a growing percentage, full time, instant, multi-device connectivity is mission critical.


For any organization connectedness provides a huge competitive advantage particularly if governed by an ITC Acceptable Use Policy which is integrated into its business vision and strategy.

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The OrganizationThe Organization

At the same time workplace demographics are changing

Existing staff members are being replaced by a new generation of knowledge workers


They have never known a world without the internet, Google, Facebook, YouTube, text messaging and camera phones, they are naturally collaborative and connected.

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The OrganizationThe Organization

At the same time workplace demographics are changing

In order to compete for this valuable talent base organizations have to offer an always on, connected, collaborative environment


It has to support the way in which the “everyone, everything, everywhere, connected” generation, live and work.

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware





Web ConferencingText Messaging

60% use social networking sitesat work

More than half of all knowledge workers use social networking sites and online communities for business communications

Whilst no one doubts that connectivity, communication and collaboration tools dramatically increase knowledge worker productivity there is the realisation that these same tools increase business risks for the employer.

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

How an organization manages these issues and trends could (will) impact on its costs and possibly even its ability to attract clients and recruit talent.

There is, therefore, a direct link between a clearly written and applied Acceptable Use Policy, Pro-active HR activity, continuous compliance monitoring and bottom line profit.

So What?

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

Manage the behaviour of users

These changes will have a profound effect on firms, not only will they have to understand and manage these new connectivity tools but they will have to:

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

balance security and network reliability

These changes will have a profound effect on firms, not only will they have to understand and manage these new connectivity tools but they will have to:

Manage the behaviour of users

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

Maintain employee productivity and safety

These changes will have a profound effect on firms, not only will they have to understand and manage these new connectivity tools but they will have to:

balance security and network reliability

Manage the behaviour of users

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

Ensure complianceWith Regulatory rules and guidelines.

These changes will have a profound effect on firms, not only will they have to understand and manage these new connectivity tools but they will have to:

Maintain employee productivity and safety

balance security and network reliability

Manage the behaviour of users

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The risks fall into two main categories:

• Productivity & Reputational Damage for example lost hours, green computing issues,

negative media, investor & client consequence

•HR Issues

In particular the employees’ right to work within a secure, regulated and protected online environmenttogether with developing policies and strategies which help connected employees maintain a work/life balance.

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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The risks fall into two main categories:

•HR Issues

In particular the employees’ right to work within a secure, regulated and protected online environmenttogether with developing policies and strategies which help connected employees maintain a work/life balance.

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“70% of porn traffic occurs between 9- 5”The Industry Standard

“Worker Internet misuse ‘a problem’: two-thirds of companies have disciplined employees”

CBS Marketwarch

Consequences of breaches of Acceptable Use Policies: – Resource misuse costs.

– Reduced employee productivity.– Exposure to legal liabilities. .

"The employer is vicariously liable. An employer should make sure that the people it employs know how to behave and if they're causing offence to others then they should do something about it,"

Sarah Veale of the TUC – on BBC Radio

"Today's change will force employers to take their responsibilities towards providing a harassment-free working environment more seriously. “

TUC general secretary Brendan Barber

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A Personal Threat

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Responsible use of IT

• Blocking inappropriate material.– Pornography, drugs, racial discrimination.

• Blocking unproductive material.– Personal websites, games, gambling, chat.

• Ensuring proper use of facilities.– PC usage (PCs little used / PCs left on)– Application usage (What users actual do) – Disk usage (music and video files)– Network usage (downloads)– Green Computing CO2 management

• Optimal usage of hardware / software– Lack of or too many licenses. – Tracking assets.– Under or over powered PCs.

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Ensuring the responsible use of IT


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ScreenShield™ v3

• Only solution that prevents all misuse of IT infrastructure and resources.

• Enables middle managers to control the usage of PCs in their departments. – Middle managers know what applications their staff use and are

responsible for ensuring productivity.

• Overcomes limitations of competitors.– Unlimited clients.– Web-based

• HTTP protocol so no firewall issues.• Administration of system via web-pages.• Modular design –

– Image– Text– End Point Management (USB)– Productivity & Green

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Image Analysis

• Decoding of video files. – Analysis of DVDs as they are being played.

• Fast image filter.– Up to 100 images per second. No need to fully decode.

• Full Analysis


Skin Tones Skin Textures Edges Blobs Limbs Faces

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Text Analysis

• Bayesian network classifier was developed and implemented in ScreenShield™:– Words / phrases considered in the context of

other words / phrases.

– Supports Arabic, Thai, Russian, French & German.

• More accurate than the simplistic keyword approach implemented in most filters.

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Webpage Analysis

• Metadata in the webpage header.– Analysis of text in Title, Keywords and Description.

– Checking of Internet Rating Labels • RSACi, SafeSurf, PICS amongst others

– Fast and confident decision if useful information.

• Body of the webpage:– Analysis of text within the webpage.

– Analysis of images within the webpage.

– Analysis of links in the webpage.

– Analysis of webpage structure.

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Scan the Hard Drive forpornographic image, file types and video files

Drive Scanning

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Server clustering

• Cluster contains four server types:– Database Server, Web Admin Server, File Server and

Report Server.– Need to support 50,000+ clients.

• Support for Apache and Microsoft IIS.– WinXP, Win2003, – Planned: Win2008, Linux (Susie, Fedora and RedHat).

• Cascading server architecture. – Designed for hierarchical organisations spread over a

number of countries.

– Three types of server (Branch / Area / HQ) implemented.

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Cascade Management

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Features• Blocking pornographic images in WebPages

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WITHOUT ScreenShieldWITH ScreenShield

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application


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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (Gambling, hacking etc)


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Features•Blocking pornographic images in webpages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate webpages (gambling)

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Categories Monitored

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (Gambling, hacking etc)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.


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Detailed Reports

Thumb nail view for easy administration




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Directing Attention

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (gambling)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.•Not just inappropriate usage, but all PC usage.

•Monitoring of text with special emphasis on chat clients• MSN, YAHOO!, MS Messenger• Key word logging of input by user and document analysis


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Number of Chat Violations

By user

Each chat session can

be viewed by the administrator

Text Monitoring

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (gambling)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.•Not just inappropriate usage, but all PC usage.

•Monitoring of text with special emphasis on chat clients• MSN, YAHOO!, MS Messenger. • Key word logging of input by user and document analysis

• User productivity monitoring


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e-Safe Business : Powered by Guardware

The risks fall into two main categories:

• Reputational Damage

for example lost hours, green computing issues, negative media, investor & client consequence

• Management Reporting & Feature Controls

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System tray icon

Working Environment Policies

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•Implementation organizational working environment policies Configurable detection threshold settings Limiting internet surfing time PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use. Thumbdrive blocking. Use-of-facilities policy and system tray icon. Limiting application usage

•Easy Administration of large numbers of PCs. Full configurable profiles Scheduling of Profiles User access control for different Auto-emailed Summary Reports


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Productivity Reports

User productivity measured in percentage

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Productivity Report

Detailed productivity analysis by time

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (gambling)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.•Not just inappropriate usage, but all PC usage.

•Monitoring of text with special emphasis on chat clients•MSN, YAHOO!, MS Messenger •Key word logging of input by user and document analysis

• User productivity monitoring• Network usage


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Per user network load

Peek network activity break down

Network Usage

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (gambling)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.•Not just inappropriate usage, but all PC usage.

•Monitoring of text with special emphasis on chat clients• MSN, YAHOO!, MS Messenger • Key word logging of input by user and document analysis

• User productivity monitoring• Network usage• Hardware and software audit


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Organization wide PC

Hardware resource

captured and categorized

PCs recognized by using

MAC addresses

Detailed specification of the PCs captured

Hardware Audit

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Actively monitoring all

PC hardware resources

for changes

Detailed description of the changes recorded

Detecting HW Misuse

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Organization wide PC software resources captured and categorized

Report on illegal software usage in the organization

Software Audit

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Detailed description per PC on the licensed and un licensed software

Available licenses can be are categorized in to groups for easy management

Detecting SW Change

Detecting software changes per user

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•Blocking pornographic images in WebPages• Capture of pornography at point of display

• Independent of source of pornography and application• Blocking of inappropriate WebPages (gambling)• All inappropriate incidences are logged.•Not just inappropriate usage, but all PC usage.

•Monitoring of text with special emphasis on chat clients•MSN, YAHOO!, MS Messenger •Key word logging of input by user and document analysis

• User productivity monitoring• Network usage• Hardware and software auditing • Drive auditing


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Break down of Harddrive usage by each employee

Drive Scanning

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•Implementation of organizational working environment policies• Configurable detection threshold settings• Limiting internet surfing time• Thumbdrive blocking.• PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use.


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Configurable thresholds for different type of users

Enable or disable internet surfing for different users

Thumb drive blocking

PC hibernation and shutdown settings

Working Environment Policies

Green Computing Benefit – average Office work station can create over 200Kg of C02 per year

Equal to a passenger flight from London to Paris!

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What are the environmental benefits?

‘Businesses are currently responsible for half of all the UK’s carbon emissions; even small offices can emit three to five tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. Unless they reduce their carbon emissions, businesses will start paying the price of climate change through more expensive energy supplies and higher insurance premiums. a drop in business, with customers looking elsewhere for a more socially responsible supplier’


One workstation can produce the annual CO2 equivalent of a passenger flying from London to Paris.

The Internet, Computing and their supporting environmental services (air conditioning, lighting & buildings) are one of the worlds largest sources of GHG creation – Greater than air travel

All businesses can reduce their Carbon footprint by proactive management of their IT equipment and power consumption plus the implementation and effective monitoring of an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which governs the use of company infrastructure and which is backed up by both effective tools, regular monitoring and comprehensive training” using proactive system and activity management.

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•Implementation organizational working environment policies• Configurable detection threshold settings• Limiting internet surfing time• PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use.• Thumbdrive blocking.• Use-of-facilities policy and system tray icon. • Limiting application usage


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Configurable application usage for different type of users

Working Environment Policies

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•Implementation organizational working environment policies• Configurable detection threshold settings• Limiting internet surfing time• PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use.• Thumbdrive blocking.• Use-of-facilities policy and system tray icon. • Limiting application usage

•Easy Administration of large numbers of PCs. •Fully configurable profiles •Different profiles for different users and PCs


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Tree Structure for easy PC grouping and administration

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Different groups of profiles targeted at different set of users

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•Implementation organizational working environment policies• Configurable detection threshold settings• Limiting internet surfing time• PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use.• Thumbdrive blocking.• Use-of-facilities policy and system tray icon. • Limiting application usage

•Easy Administration of large numbers of PCs. •Fully configurable profiles • Scheduling of Profiles


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Application of different profiles for different timings

Night hours

Working hours

After working hours

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•Implementation organizational working environment policies• Configurable detection threshold settings• Limiting internet surfing time• PC hibernation, log-off, shutdown if not in use.• Thumbdrive blocking.• Use-of-facilities policy and system tray icon.• Limiting application usage

•Easy Administration of large numbers of PCs. • Full configurable profiles • Scheduling of Profiles• User access control for different • Auto-emailed Summary Reports


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Summary – Uniqueness

• Approach to detecting inappropriate material. – Captures at point of display not at gateway level.– Detection of encrypted chat, DVDs and applications.

• Designed for middle managers not IT staff. – Ensure proper usage of PCs in their departments.– Intuitive and interactive Web 2.0 interface.

• Support for very large hierarchical organisations.

– Server clustering with support for linux

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Summary – Quality

• Developed using CMMI Level 3 Software Processes and Practices.

• Latest Web 2.0 Technologies for speed, interactivity and usability.

• Award winning artificial intelligence and image processing analysis engines

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Awards & RecognitionPIKOM Computimes ICT Awards 2004 - WINNER“ICT Product of the Year”

MSC - Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2004 - WINNER“Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools”

International Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2004 Hong Kong - MERIT AWARD“Best of Applications and Infrastructure Tools”

MSC - APICTA 2003 - MERIT AWARD“Best of R&D”

Asian Innovation Awards 2004 - FINALIST Far East Economic Review“Improving Productivity, Efficiency & Quality of Life”

Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2004 28-30 January 2004, Juju Island, Korea.Detecting Pornographic Images

MSC-APICTA 2005, Malaysia – WINNERURLChecker "Best of Application and Infrastructure Tools”

APICTA 2008, SS3 - WINNER“e-Community & e-Inclusion' category”

“Surprisingly, perhaps, it works brilliantly”

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All businesses can improve their

• Productivity• Compliance and;• Carbon Footprint

by implementation of a programme and process of Governance, Compliance and Acceptable Use which governs the use of their infrastructure using proactive system and activity management - backed up by effective tools, regular monitoring and comprehensive ongoing training

Closing So What

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By this action the business will make positive gains in its;

Staff relationships Customer relationships Investor & Stakeholder relationships Profitability

Closing So What

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Ensuring the responsible use of IT