network documentation: the problem & a solution for it inefficiency

If network documentation matters (and it does)... why does no one do it properly?

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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If network documentation matters (and it does)...

why does no one do it properly?

The Problem

Sticky notes on servers. Relying on one guy who remembers everything (but is about to retire). A general attitude of denial that network documentation is important. Even worse? A staggering 1 in 3 servers is drawing power but not performing any function.

If network documentation matters (and it does), why is it so hard for organizations to adopt?

The Reason Behind the Problem

Professional and robust network documentation is expensive.

For many companies, it’s just too expensive.

Beyond that, it’s hard to sift out which solutions will be easy to use and which ones will become shelfware.

The Solution: Serious Network Documentation Made Seriously Easy




netTerrain Cloud

What is netTerrain?

Built by pros with decades of experience working with networks and network documentation.

Employed by major companies and organizations throughout the world.

Designed to be user-friendly with a commitment to never letting netTerrain became shelfware.

Why document?Network Documentation Saves:


Based on a Meta Group study, the average IT inefficiency rate is around 20%. 20% of what, you ask?

Think About it Like This:

If you’ve got 100 racks, on average, you probably have around $94,600 worth of equipment in a rack. If you have a 20% inefficiency rate (from zombie servers, ports, cables, underutilized routers and switches) across all of your racks, then you are wasting around $1.8 million per year because of these inefficiencies.

How affordable is netTerrain Cloud?

Very. With three different pricing options, netTerrain Cloud starts at just $95 per month.

How to begin?

Start by signing up for a free 14-day trial at !

No credit card information is asked for or taken at this time.

Just hit the big red button and you’re ready to seriously start reducing your IT inefficiency rate (and maybe take less aspirin,too).