netpop | connect: social networkers u.s

| Connect Social Networkers U.S. Who they are and what they mean for next-generation online advertising Cate Riegner, Vice President, Research Netpop Research, LLC Flickr photo by: D’Arcy Norman

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Social Networking in the U.S. Trends from 2006 - 2008, profiles of Facebook and MySpace, and more.


Page 1: Netpop | Connect: Social Networkers U.S

| Connect

Social Networkers U.S.Who they are and what they mean for next-generation online advertising

Cate Riegner, Vice President, ResearchNetpop Research, LLC

Flickr photo by: D’Arcy Norman

Page 2: Netpop | Connect: Social Networkers U.S

Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 2© Netpop Research, LLC

Consumers are spending more of their online time communicating

Not playing. Not shopping. Communicating

Call it talking. Call it sharing. Call it whatever. The trend is clear

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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 3© Netpop Research, LLC

Social networking sites help to drive – and signify – the trend

Growing 93% since 2006…

Forty million Americans with broadband connections now contribute regularly to the singular, intimate posts on social

networking sites

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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 4© Netpop Research, LLC

The trend is causing traditional content creators and persuaders to lose their longstanding clout

Content – once exclusively produced and distributed top-down – competes with individually-produced and distributed

micro-media channels:

Simple and always distinctive Personal Profile Pages

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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 5© Netpop Research, LLC

So while brands have always been beholden to their customers, the power of social media makes this truer today

than ever

No longer are brand just the sum of their attributes

Brands are increasingly the sum of their most loyal and influential fans

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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 6© Netpop Research, LLC

This Netpop® report examines the users who, through the vein of social networking, are transforming not just the way

we relate …

… but the way information, entertainment and influence are created and perpetuated in society

Bring on the Social Networkers

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The Social Landscape

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76% (105 million)

The vast majority (76%) of broadband users are active contributors to the Web via social media

Base: All respondents U.S.N=4384

138 Million U.S. Broadband Users age 13+

Non-Contributors: 24%(33 million)

Upload audioUpload videoPost to a wiki

Publish a blogUpload photos

Upload podcastsPublish a website

Tag articles, videosPost to a micro-blogSend/forward emailsLive in a virtual worldPost to a blog, forum

Rate or review a productShare files in P2P network

Use SN sites/publish personal page

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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 9© Netpop Research, LLC

Social Networkers:

29%(40 million)

Upload audioUpload videoPost to a wiki

Publish a blogUpload photos

Upload podcastsPublish a website

Tag articles, videosPost to a micro-blogSend/forward emailsLive in a virtual worldPost to a blog, forum

Rate or review a productShare files in P2P network

Use SN sites/publish personal page

Approximately 40 million Americans regularly contribute through social networking sites …


… outnumbering the broadband users who do not contribute via social media channels


76% (105 million)

138 Million U.S. Broadband Users age 13+

Non-Contributors: 24%(33 million)

Base: All respondents U.S.

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60% 63%



76%(105 million users)

Social Networkers:

29%(40 million users)

MySpace and Facebook duel for supremacy among social network brands

138 Million U.S. Broadband Users age 13+

Among Social Networkers:60% use Facebook63% use MySpace34% use both sites

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2006 2007 2008

Facebook grew 500% between 2006 and 2008, catching up to MySpace in regular users in the last year

Top Community Sites for Those Employed:



Top Community Sites for Students:




Top Community Sites for Retirees:



Base: All respondents

*Trended data rebased on total sample for each year








Percent Among U.S. Broadband Users Who Use Site Regularly

Facebook opened to the public in 2006

28% of all U.S. broadband users use MySpace, 25% use


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Netpop | Connect Social Networkers U.S. 2008 12© Netpop Research, LLC

Now that you have been introduced to Netpop | Connect and Social Networkers, we hope you are interested in learning more

To access the full report for free before 1/31/09 please register at

Topics covered in the full report include:

Social Networkers and Non-Contributors

Facebook, MySpace and users of both sites

Demos: age, gender, employment, marital statusNumber people connect with in typical weekRegional distributionMean no. of community sites used regularly by ageModes of communicating onlineAverage hrs. spent online per weekday, weekend dayDigital devices used to access the internetNetpop attitudinal segmentationProducts purchased or planed for purchasedMonthly online spendingSources used to make purchase decisionsPassions (special interests)Implications for online advertising