netbook of heretic

LAST REVISION: 23 JANUARY 1997 THIS FILE BEST VIEWED WITH A FIXED FONT \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X- /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ WELCOME TO A ... \ \ \\\\\ \\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\\\\ \\\\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\\\\ \ \\\\ \\\ \\\ \ \ OF VVV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVV VVVVV VVV VVV VVV V VVV VV VVV V V VVV V VVV VVV V VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV VV VVV VVV VVV VVV V VVV VV VVV VVVVVV VVVVVVV VVVVVV VVV VVV VVV VVVVVVVVVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV VVV V VVV V V VVV V VVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV V VVV VVV VVV V V V VVVVVV V V VVVVVV V V VVVV Version: 23 January 1997 \-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/ -X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X- /-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\-/-\ COMPILED AND PRODUCED BY XENO ([email protected]) All original information contained herein is subject to change without notice, but will be rigorously made available and redistributed upon major revisions of such information. The latest version, however, can always be found at my homepage, -X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X- ---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X---X--- >> TABLE OF CONTENTS << I. INTRODUCTION II. THE WEAPONS A. *Sidhe Quarterstaff* B. *Gauntlets of the Necromancer* C. *Elvenwand* D. *Ethereal Crossbow* E. *Dragon Claw* F. *Hellstaff* G. *Phoenix Rod* H. *Firemace* I. Optional Considerations

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Version: 23 January 1997




All original information contained herein is subject to change withoutnotice, but will be rigorously made available and redistributed upon majorrevisions of such information. The latest version, however, can always befound at my homepage,




II. THE WEAPONSA. *Sidhe Quarterstaff*B. *Gauntlets of the Necromancer*C. *Elvenwand*D. *Ethereal Crossbow*E. *Dragon Claw*F. *Hellstaff*G. *Phoenix Rod*

H. *Firemace*I. Optional Considerations

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III. THE EQUIPMENTA. *Valador's Ring of Invulnerability*B. *Shadowsphere*C. *Mystic Urn*D. *Tyketto's Tome of Power*E. *Delmintalitar's Time Bomb of the Ancients*F. *Torpo's Morph Ovum*

G. *Inhilicon's Wings of Wrath*H. *Darchala's Chaos Device*I. *Crystal Vial*J. *Quartz Flask*K. *Shield of the Heretic I*L. *Shield of the Heretic II* OR *Enchanted Shield of the Heretic*M. *Torch*N. *Map Scroll*O. *Tyketto's [Munitions] Bag of Holding*

IV. THE MONSTERSA. Gargoyles (Basic and Fire)

B. Golems (Basic and Nitro)C. Undead Warriors (Basic and Ethereal)D. SabreclawsE. WeredragonsF. OphidiansG. Iron LichesH. MaulataursI. D'Sparil's BeastK. Gas PodsL. Miscellaneous: D'Sparil, his Disciples, and the Serpent Riders


B. QuickenC. KittyD. Engage




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>> WHAT'S HERETIC?: This Netbook presumes that anyone who hasgotten hold of it can effectively use the information presented herein

without necessarily knowing a great deal about the HERETIC game itself.More information can be found about the game itself apart from what isessential for the NetBook by searching for the quintessential FAQ, or

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newsgroup, or whatever. I do not know where there is a HERETIC FAQ, butthey do have a Player's Guide somewhere.

>> "MINOR" WEAPONS VS. "MAJOR" WEAPONS: While neither game groupstheir devices of mass destruction into "minor" and "major" weapons, I do sofor the purpose of keeping some perspective as far as damage potential,rarity, and overall value is concerned. These groups as I have arbitrarily

allocated them are as follows (mostly influenced by the fact that you can'tget any of the major weapons in the Shareware version).

MAJOR: Hellstaff, Phoenix Rod, Firemace.MINOR: Quarterstaff, Gauntlets, Elvenwand, Crossbow, Dragon Claw.

>> RANGES: All ranges are given in yards unless otherwise noted.Not tens of yards, or tens of feet, just singe units of yards. Doing thiswas a lot easier than other methods of ranging I've seen (the practicionersof which shall rename nameless).

>> "POWER WEAPONS" VS. "MUNCHKIN WEAPONS": Some players are going

to view the weapons and devices from HERETIC and think of them as near-artifacts (as the Dungeons and Dragons game defines an "artifact" or"relic"), considering their lethality and power. Others will insist thatthey be made equal to the common weapons of their respective roleplayingenvironment. Both these views are equally valid and both are held by a lotof people. Thus, I have written two sets of statistics and rules for eachgroup: The "Wimpy" stuff and the "Power" stuff. Whichever preference youhave, I hope you find it to your liking.

>> DRAT, I'M OUT OF AMMO!: All weapons using charges areconsidered in this guid to be completely rechargeable, or not, depending onwhether the DM wants to make these devices a continuing part of thecampaign or a device that has limited use.

>> WHAT SYSTEM ARE YOU USING, ANYWAY?: This Netbook relies on the systemof gaming used by TSR's Dungeons and Dragons. This is partly because I playin AD&D exclusively, and partly because I don't know enough about othersystems to make easy conversions. Since D&D is the dominant system usedamong fantasy roleplayers, using it as a standard is completely reasonablein my opinion.

>> NOTES ON WEAPONS AND ARTIFACT USAGE: For all weapons and artifacts,anyone who touches them will automatically know their properties and usage.The DM may waive or alter this property as they see fit.

And now to the meat of the matter ...


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The player of HERETIC ultimately finds eight different weaponsaccessable to him during the course of his journeys to wipe out D'Sparil.Here they are, in increasing level of potency, and a thumbnail sketch oftheir effects, with both the (A) minor and (B) major powers.

POWERED-UP WEAPONS AND THE "TOME OF POWER": There is a magical item inHERETIC known as Tyketto's Tome of Power. Its use is exclusively for theenhancement of HERETIC weapon abilities, and in most cases the activationof a power available only through the Tome, but such powers can be bothawesome and fearful.

If one wishes to use the weapons of HERETIC in a more generic sense, notrequiring the use or presence of a Tome of Power yet still use both theunpowered and powered abilities, here are some suggestions:

1) Require that use of the major powers uses up more charges thannormal, perhaps x3 or x5 depending on how powerful they are. Many

weapons already do this, but not all, especially the ones that haveno charges at all, instead having a maximum use per day restriction.At any rate, in actual game terms, here is a list of the use ofcharges by the Major and Minor powers of each weapon:

Minor Major

Wand: 1 1Xbow: 1 1Claw: 1 5H'staff: 1 5P. Rod: 1 1 / 10 sec. of flameMace 1 5

2) Create a limit per day, per hour, per week, etc. limitation on theuse of the major powers.



MINOR: Simple stick. Nothing special. The power of a megatoothpick.

MAJOR: Is now a stick with super-nifty "hurt-'em-a-little-harder" power.



* Minor powers+ Stats: damage as quarterstaff

Weight........4 Missile ROF...N/ASize..........L Range S/M/L...N/AType..........B Damage S/M....1d6+1Speed.........4 (fast) Damage L+.....1d6+1Melee Reach...1 square Knockdown.....d10

+ Special Abilities: none.

* Major powers+ Stats: damage is increased by +1.

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+ Special Abilities: none, but does possess a pulsating blue aura.

* The Sidhe Quarterstaff has a +3 to its item saving throws.



* Minor powers+ Stats

Weight........4 Missile ROF...N/ASize..........L Range S/M/L...N/AType..........B Damage S/M....2d4+1Speed.........4 (fast) Damage L+.....2d4+1Melee Reach...1 square Knockdown.....d12

+ Special Abilities: none.

* Major powers+ Stats: damage is increased by +3.

+ Special Abilities: A successful strike with the Quarterstaff

* The Sidhe Quarterstaff is immune to acid and normal fire damage, andsaves at a +5 for all other saving throws.


G A U N T L E T S O F T H E N E C R O M A N C E RMINOR: Delivers short-range electrical attack. Great for unarmed melee.

MAJOR: Has same attack, but with a better range. Also drains life energy.Even better for unarmed melee.



* Power+ Stats: as cestus +1

Weight........2 Missile ROF...N/ASize..........S Range S/M/L...N/AType..........B Damage S/M....1d4+1Speed.........2 (fast) Damage L+.....1d3+1[E]...........0 (instant) Knockdown.....d6Melee Reach...1 square

- Second data are for electrical attack [E]

+ Special Abilities: upon touch delivers a weak shock similar to theeffects of a *shocking grasp* spell.- Damage: 1d4+3 at range, 2d4+2 by touch- Duration: 1 rnd- Range: touch.- Maximum use: 10 minutes/day cumulative



* Minor powers+ Stats

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Weight........2 Missile ROF...N/ASize..........S Range S/M/L...N/AType..........B Damage S/M....1d8+1Speed.........2 (fast) Damage L+.....1d6+1Melee Reach...1 square Knockdown.....d8

+ Special Abilities: delivers a *shocking grasp* spell-like effect.Damage: 2d8+4 points at range, 3d6 by touch (per round)

Range: up to 4 yardsMaximum use: N/A

* Major powers+ Same as unpowered but with x4 damage, as well as:+ Upon touch will drain hp from a creature, replenishing any lost bythe wearer, up to his maximum.

+ Drainage: 1d4+3 points per round+ Maximum use: 20 minutes/day cumulative

* NOTE: The electrical properties of the Gauntlets of the Necromancerare such that a successful electrical shock or drain attack will

create a force of electrical attraction between the being and theGauntlets. This side effect applies only to substances which conductelectricity, thus such exotic things as clay golems and waterelementals will not be drawn to the Gauntelts (fortunately!) but anymetallic dragon certainly would be.+ This will have the ultimate result of preventing the victim fromfleeing or breaking away from the Gauntlet wearer's grasp.

+ The wearer must be careful not to be pulled off balance, dependingon how massive or immobile the victim is, if it is struggling. Thisrequires a DEX check per round. For every size category the victimis smaller, the DEX check is made a +3; For every size categoryabove, add a -3 penalty. Of course, trying to keep a choke hold on aMinotaur would be nasty business, but holding a Brownie would be

little trouble.* COMPILER'S REMARK: These Gauntlets would make an excellent weapon fora wrestling or boxing match. (punch!) (fzzzzzt!) (there wenthis/her/its eyebrows/facial fur!)

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to electricity are not affected bythis weapon.



MINOR: Fires yellow bolts of yellow energy which instantaneously striketheir target. Good for firing at distance without needing to adjust forthings like wind or gravity.

MAJOR: Fires a spread of five bolts with a little better damage.



* May also be called the *Elven Wand of Magic Missiles** Minor powers+ Identical in function as the *Wand of Magic Missiles* (see DMG 157)

(Always hits its target if wizard is using it, otherwise must makeattack roll; initiative modifier of 0; ROF is up to 2 charges/rnd;damage is 1d+1), except for the following:

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+ Missiles can strike specific portions of a target upon a successfulDEX roll.

+ Range: 15 yards+ Speed Factor: 0 (instant)

* Major powers: same as unpowered except for the following:+ Number: Five magic missiles per charge

+ Damage: 1d6 damage each missile.+ Range: 60 yards.

* Charges when found: 3d20 charges, and may be recharged.


POWER RULES* Minor powers+ Always hits its target regardless of wielder's class or ability+ Missiles can strike specific portions of a target as directed+ ROF: up to 4 charges / rnd

+ Damage: 1d8+6+ Range: N/A

* Major powers+ same as unpowered except for the following:- Number: Five magic missiles per charge, up to one charge perround.

- Damage: 1d8+5 damage per missile.- Range: horizon

* Speed factor: 0 (instant)+ Any penalties to attack based on range do not apply to this weapon.

* Charges: 3d20+5



MINOR: Fires a spread of three ethereal bolts which can damage ethereal andprime material planar creatures alike.

MAJOR: Fires more bolts, and does more damage.

NOTE: When a quarrel is placed in position the Crossbow's string magicallyappears, cocked and ready.



* Minor powers+ Stats: +1 weapon

Weight........7 Missile ROF...1/2rndsSize..........S Range S/M/L...60/120/180 ydType..........(P) Damage S/M....1d6+1Speed.........7 (average) Damage L+.....1d8+1

Melee Reach...N/A Knockdown.....d6+ Special ability: Can damage ethereal creatures for half-damage minustwo points.

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* Major powers+ Stats- Damage is increased by +3- The Ethereal Crossbow also fires two bolts in addition to theoriginal quarrel having the same damage, but no other magicaleffects of the original quarrel are duplicated. A separate to-hit

roll must be made for all three bolts.* Regular light quarrels can be used, as well as magical quarrelswithout hindrance to magical traits

* Bolts when found: 4d10 light quarrels



* Minor powers+ Stats: as light crossbow +1

Weight........7 Missile ROF...2/rnd

Size..........S Range S/M/L...60/120/180 ydType..........(P) Damage S/M....4d6+1Speed.........7 (average) Damage L+.....3d8+1Melee Reach...N/A Knockdown.....d10

+ Special ability: Ethereal creature damage- Any bolts shot from the Ethereal Crossbow can damage etherealcreatures as if they existed on the Prime Material plane.

- The ability to detect ethereal beings is not bestowed by theCrossbow or its use.

* Major powers: same as powered except for the following:+ Damage is increased by +3+ The Ethereal Crossbow also fires two bolts in addition to the

original quarrel having the same damage and ethereal injury abilitybut no magical effects of the original quarrel are duplicated.- A separate to-hit roll must be made for all three bolts.

+ The Ethereal Crossbow gives its user the power to detect etherealcreatures as a *gem of seeing*, but only as it pertains to etherealcreatures.

+ When a silver string is tied to a bolt, the bolt is stringed andfired, the Crossbow shoots it into the Ethereal Plane and is fullyable to damage or otherwise effect creatures on that plane ofexistence.

* Regular light quarrels can be used, as well as magical quarrelswithout hindrance to magical traits

* Charges: 4d10+5 ordinary quarrels in-quiver, plus a chance of findingone or more minor magical quarrel(s).



MINOR: A more powerful cousin of the Elvenwand, but has blue energy bolts.The bolts from this weapon instantaneously makes contact with either thetarget or innocent bystanding other guy or object, whatever is in the way

at the time the Claw is activated.

MAJOR: Fires a single large energy bolt that splits into eight far more

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powerful bolts in all directions. Great for clearing an enclosed space orfiring into a crowd.



* Minor powers+ Stats

Weight........2 Melee Reach...1 squareSize..........S Missile ROF...1/rndType..........B (S) Range S/M/L...35/65/195Speed.........2 (fast) Damage S/M....1d4+1/1d4+1[C]...........5 (average) Damage L+.....1d3+1/1d4[M]...........0 (instant) Knockdown.....d6

- Second data are for the claw attack [C]- Third data are for the missile attack [M]

+ Special Abilities: none

* Major powers+ Stats: same as unpowered, except for the following:+ Power: Fires a blue energy bolt that reaches its target almostinstantaneously- Each energy bolt does 1d6+1 points of damage.- Attack success is automatic at a range of less than 20 yards. AtShort Range a bonus of +10 is applied; for Medium Range a bonus of+5 is applied; at Long Range, the attack is normal, up toline-of-sight.

- Attacking a moving target may incur a penalty of -1 to -4,considering the DEX/Aim of the attacker, the size of the target,the speed at which it is moving, etc., as appropriate.

* Charges when found: 3d8+12 charges



* Minor powers+ Melee stats: has same stats as normal cestus (cf. Gauntlets ofNecromancer)Weight........2 Melee Reach...1 squareSize..........S Missile ROF...2/rnd (N/A) (4/rnd)Type..........B (S) Range S/M/L...N/A (N/A) (N/A)Speed.........2 (fast) Damage S/M....1d6+1 / 1d6+1 / 1d8+1[C]...........5 (average) Damage L+.....1d4+1 / 1d6 / 1d8+1[M]...........0 (instant) Knockdown.....d6

- first data are for the cestus attack- second data are for the claw attack [C]- third data are for the missile attack [M]

+ Power: Fires a blue energy bolt that reaches its target almostinstantaneously- Any penalties to attack based on range do not apply to this weapon(because of instantaneous strike)

* Major powers

+ Stats: Melee damage is increased by +4+ Power: It shoots off a blue explosive buckyball- It is not an instantaneous impact, but it is nearly unavoidable

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(but not impossible); the speed factor is +1.- Metallic armor is transparent to the energy of the buckyball; skinarmor (leather, hide, skin, etc.) will reduce damage by half.

- Success may be automatic or require a DEX/Aim roll, depending onthe size of the target, the speed at which it is moving, etc., asappropriate (DM's descretion)

+ Damage from main buckyball: 4d8

+ The greater explosive buckyball detonates on impact, transforms intoa cloud of 10d4 lesser orbs that fly in all directions.- Anyone in the area has 100% of being struck by one of the lesserbuckyballs, minus 10% for every five feet of distance from thepoint of impact

- Each lesser buckyball does 5d6+6 pts of damage, no saving throw.

* Charges: 5d10+10

* NOTE: Against dragons, draconians, and dragon-kin, the Dragon Clawinflicts double damage, due to the Claw's dragonbane enchantments. TheDragon Claw itself is partially made of dragonhide.



MINOR: Fires red bolts of energy (same as Elvenwand and Dragonclaw butdoes not instantaneously strike its target) from the Depths themselves.

MAJOR: Deploys a larger bolt of potent energy which, upon impact, alsocauses a secondary cloudburst of hellfire and brimstone to rain down uponthe unwitting target. Very bad for your health if it's you.



* Minor power: discharges a stream of red energy along the axis of therod (by pointing the horns). Unlike the Elven Wand and Dragon Claw, itdoes not have instantaneous impact.+ Range: 30 yards.+ Maximum ROF: 2/rnd

+ Each bolt upon impact will do 1d8 pts of damage.

* Major powers+ When powered, the Hellstaff will throw enhanced energy bolts doing3d12 points of damage, but using ten charges at a time.

+ Once each time it is powered-up, regardless of a limited version ofthe priest 5th level *flamestrike* spell can be invoked, doing 1d12points of damage to anything within a ten-foot radius each secondthey remain within the area of effect until the power expires afterten seconds. A successful DEX roll should enable someone to avoidflamestrike damage completely. The same saving throw can be made asfor *flamestrike*.

* Charges when found: 5d20+5 bolts

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to fire are not affected by this



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* Minor power: Discharges a stream of red energy bolts along the axis ofthe rod (by pointing the horns). Unlike the Elven Wand and DragonClaw, it does not have instantaneous impact.+ ROF: 8/rnd

+ Damage: 2d8 each

* Major powers+ When powered, the Hellstaff will throw single enhanced energy boltsdoing 6d6+4 points of damage each.

+ ROF for the power bolt is 1/3rnds+ Upon impact the power bolt will cause a torrent of magma rain tofall upon a 10 foot radius area. Anything caught in the deluge willsuffer 5d4 points of damage for every turn of exposure

* Charges: 10d10 charges

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to fire are not affected by thisweapon.



MINOR: Taps the power of the sun to launch a single projectile that is sureto get the attention of anything near ground zero (that is, unless they dienot knowing what hit 'em, which is more likely).

MAJOR: Truly a formidable weapon. Powered-up, it will spray a stream of

volcanic fire which will overwhelm almost anything in mere seconds. Thosewho die by this weapon will truly die in agony.



* Minor powers+ Power: launches a single flaming arrow, shaped like a flyingphoenix, which fireballs everything within a 10-foot radius uponimpact.

* Damage+ Direct Hit: 8d6 (3d6 without save, 5d6 with save versus breathweapon for half damage).

+ Blast radius (10 feet): 5d6, save vs. breath weapon for half damage.+ Any inanimate objects caught in the blast must save versus magicalfire or be destroyed or caught afire.

+ Range S/M/L: 50/100/260 yd

* NOTE: With each use of the minor power, the wielder is forced backthree feet. If unprepared, or if not "set to receive charge", thewielder must make a DEX check or be knocked down by the weapondischarge (similar to arquebus and siege weapon recoil)

* Major powers: Shoots an infernal stream of magical fire (must be in

the direction the Rod is pointed.)+ One charge equals one turn of major power use (non-continuous use iscumulative and portions of charges cannot be saved for the next

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power-up)+ Damage: 2d10+4 damage per round, no saving throw (average of 1.5points per segment).

+ Inanimate objects caught by the Phoenix Rod must save vs. magicalfire at a -8 penalty or be incinerated or melted; the saving throwis repeated for each turn of exposure.

+ At close ranges, the wielder will also be subject to one - half

blast radius damage (one - quarter damage if the save vs. breathweapon is successful).

* Charges When Found: 3d4+2

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to fire are not affected by thisweapon.



* Minor Power: launches a single flaming arrow which, upon impact,fireballs everything within a 10-foot radius.+ Damage- Direct Hit: 6d10+8 (no save). NOTE: Do not add in the 5d6 belowfor being within the blast radius, because this is already figuredinto the damage for a direct hit.

- Within blast radius: take 8d12+12, save vs. breath weapon for halfdamage.

+ any objects caught in the blast must save versus magical fire at -4penalty or be destroyed or caught afire.

+ Range S/M/L: 75/125/300

* Major Power: shoots an infernal stream of magical fire (must be in the

direction the Rod is pointed.)+ Damage: 10d20 damage per round, no saving throw (average of 10.5points per segment).

+ Inanimate objects caught by the Phoenix Rod must save vs. magicalfire at a -12 penalty or be incinerated or melted; the saving throwis repeated for each turn of exposure.

+ At close ranges, the wielder will also be subject to one - halfblast radius damage (one - quarter damage if the save vs. breathweapon is successful).

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to fire are not affected by thisweapon.



MINOR: Lobs a stream of explosive spheres into the air much like a catapultor a baseball launcher, but with better aim. At close distances, it can belikened to attacking someone with a thousand slingshots at all once.

MAJOR: Try to picture being hit upside your head with a ton of mithril.Need more be said?



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* Minor powers+ Stats as a Footman's Mace +2

Weight........10 Missile ROF...N/A (1/rnd)Size..........M Range S/M/L...N/A (50/100/150)Type..........B (-) Damage S/M....1d6+3 / (1d6+4)Speed.........7 (average) Damage L+.....1d6+2 / (1d6+3)

Melee Reach...1 square Knockdown.....d10- Second data are for the missile attack [M]

+ Power: Fires a magical Mace Sphere from the head of the Firemace,along the axis of the Mace's shaft.- On impact, a sphere will cause 1d6+4 / 1d6+3 points of damage.- The magical attack is the same if the Mace itself were swungsquarely into the area of impact against the target.

- The damage is more kinetic than by fire, thus objects should saveversus crushing blow instead of fire.

- The Mace Spheres act more like a bombardment projectile; aiminghigher will increase range at the expense of line of sight

- Range S/M/L: 50/100/150 (assumes a level angle of attack)- With a little trigonometry one may be able to figure new rangesdepending on angles of 30 degrees, 45 degrees, etc.

- Mace Spheres are not affected by wind; their trajectory cannot beaffected by wind resistance or naturally- or magically-createdhigh winds

* Major powersSame as unpowered, except for the following:+ fires 1d4+1 magical missile spheres, launched in any desired spreadwithin a cone of a 10 - foot radius (can be fired in an arc or inline at a target).

+ Each sphere has a 10% change of being "super-charged", able to

inflict triple damage over normal (1d6+4 / 1d6+3 x3)

* Charges: 6d6+4

* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to fire or electricity take only halfdamage from this weapon, and creatures having immunity to both arecompletely immune to it.


POWER RULES* Minor powers+ Stats as a Footman's Mace +2

Weight........10 Missile ROF...N/A (12/rnd)Size..........M Range S/M/L...N/A (80/160/250)Type..........B (-) Damage S/M....1d6+3 (2d4+3)Speed.........7 (average) Damage L+.....1d6+2 (2d4+2)Melee Reach...1 square Knockdown.....d10

- Second data are for the missile attack [M]

+ Power: Fires a silver magic missile sphere from the head of theFiremace, along the axis of the Mace's shaft.- fires 1d4+1 magical missile spheres, launched in sequence (can befired in an arc or in line at a target).

- ROF is 1/rnd

- On impact, a sphere will cause 2d4+4/2d4+3 points of damage.- Each sphere has a 10% change of being "super-charged", able toinflict triple damage over normal.

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- Range S/M/L: 80/160/250 (assumes a level angle of attack)+ Attack/Damage Effects- The magical attack is the same if the Mace itself were swungsquarely into the area of impact against the target.

- The damage is more kinetic than by fire, thus objects should saveversus crushing blow instead of fire when they are struck by aMace Sphere.

- The Mace Spheres act more like a bombardment projectile; aiminghigher will increase range at the expense of line of sight (butonly a fool or a kender would think of aiming straight up, mindyou)

- With a little trigonometry one may be able to figure new rangesdepending on angles of 30 degrees, 45 degrees, etc.

* Major powers+ Stats: Same as unpowered except:- only one silver magic missile Megasphere is discharged.- Speed is increased by +3.- Damage is increased by +20.

- Knockdown is d20.+ Power: The Firemace will produce a single Mace Megasphere,apparently five feet in diameter, behaving the same way as a normalmace sphere, except for the following:- A creature must save vs. disintegration at a -10 penalty or sufferthe Consequences.NOTE: Treat the Firemace as a +3 magical weapon vs. creaturesresistant or immune to nonmagical weapon.

- A successful save will result in taking one d8 of damage perlevel/HD. Creatures dying in this manner cannot be resurrected,but can be reincarnated. The Firemace merely pulverizes theability of the body to contain the spirit so that the flesh cannever live again. Such a corpse cannot even be raised to undead

status or be otherwise animated.+ Range for a Megasphere is 24/48/75 (assumes a level angle of attack)+ This powered-up ability consumes twenty charges each

* Charges: 12d6+8* NOTE: Creatures having immunity to either fire or electricity takeonly half damage from this weapon, and creatures having immunity toboth are completely immune to it.



These are suggestions that would improve the weapons of HERETIC furtheror to hinder them in some way. Some of these suggestions would be quitepotent and it is advisable that if any weapon is made too powerful usingthese additional powers, the DM should also include one or more negativepowers to balance out the weapon, or even declare it an "artifact," withall the responsibilities and dangers associated with such devices,including artifact possession. Such a practice might even need to beextended to include using the Power Rules (see above) for the weapons, butit is all DM's discretion; I have no business telling anyone how to runtheir own campaign.


1) Give the weapons, or only the major ones, some intelligence. If they

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speak any languages, one should be an Elven language (In HERETIC, thestory had the player as a Sidhe Elf).


2) Specific Ammunition* Most HERETIC weapons require ammunition specific to the weapon in

order to power it.* Thus, HERETIC weapons may require special ammunition to be recharged.A list of the types of ammunition for each weapon is listed below.There are two forms: one that had a little bit of ammo, and one thathad a lot of it. Both are included (first lesser then greater):+ Quarterstaff: (none)+ Gauntlets of the Necromancer: (none)+ Elvenwand: "wand crystal", "crystal geode"+ Ethereal crossbow: "ethereal arrows", "quiver of etheral arrows"+ Dragon claw: "claw orb", "energy orb"+ Hellstaff: "lesser runes", "greater runes"+ Phoenix rod: "flame orb", "inferno orb"

+ Firemace: "mace spheres", "pile of mace spheres"


3) Allow all the weapons, or perhaps only the Greater weapons, to have theability to damage creatures immune to nonmagical weapons, according totheir magical bonuses (if any).



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In many respects HERETIC is no different from any other game of thefantasy genre. In it, one can find enchanted shields, a bag of holding,vials and flasks of healing, and other objects that belong in a fantasy-type campaign. However, in terms of this Netbook I assert that HERETIC hasits own special kind of magic items with abilities unique to that object,or at least that general category of object.

Note that with "maximum use", unless "per day" is specified, the item isnot reusable beyond X number of times, period (i.e., it dissolves,disintegrates, teleports elsewhere, etc., after it has been used X times).If there is no "maximum use", the device can be "on" all the time, ofcourse.

Also note that as with all magical devices, higher beings such asdeities, avatars, and other beings can choose to ignore the powers of

devices that may otherwise affect them in some way.


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* V A L A D O R ' S R I N G O F I N V I N C I B I L I T Y *

USE: When activated by the command word "Valador", the Ring makes its userundamagable, or nearly so.



* POWER:+ Grants a limited skin of invulnerability+ AC is raised by +10 for the duration of use

* LIMITS+ Duration of use: 6 rounds+ Maximum use: once+ The wearer senses are distorted and suppressed, resulting in

symptoms such as partial deafness, color blindness, low vision,blurry vision, etc., as a side effect of the magical cloak generatedby the Ring.

+ Attack rolls and surprise checks made at -2



* POWER: Grants temporary but complete immunity from all harm.+ Immunity from all normal and magical damage.+ Progression of poison and disease will be frozen (but not cured) --such conditions may, however, still be treated in the meantime.

+ Any other loss of HP from external sources will be averted.

* LIMITS+ Duration of use: 6 hours.+ Maximum use: once.+ The wearer senses are distorted and suppressed, resulting insymptoms such as partial deafness, color blindness, low vision,blurry vision, etc., as a side effect of the magical cloak generatedby the Ring.

* NOTE: Use of this device may be ignored by deities, demigods, et al.


* S H A D O W S P H E R E *

USE: A nearly weightless, glass bubble, with a distinct image of anindistinct human face somehow imbued into the sphere in such a way that thevisage is always turned towards the viewer.The Shadowsphere is activated bysmashing it in the palm of one hand with the fist (preferably gloved orgauntleted) of the other.



* POWER: The user and all items and equipment on his person immediately

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take on the appearance of a ghostlike form. He is not nearly soinvisible as one cannot see him in broad daylight, but indoors isdifficult to see an man-sized individual under the influence of theShadowsphere.

* LIMITS+ Duration of use: 12 rounds

+ Maximum use: once



* POWER: The user and all items and equipment on his person immediatelytake on the appearance of a ghostlike form. He is not nearly soinvisible as one cannot see him in broad daylight, but indoors isdifficult to see an man-sized individual under the influence of theShadowsphere. The Shadowsphere is activated by smashing it in the palmof one hand with the fist (preferably gloved or gauntleted) of the

other.+ For thieves, the Hiding In Shadows skill becomes 95% for theduration

+ Creatures encountering the user incur a -3 on surprise checks+ Creatures attacking the user incur a -2 on attack rolls for everyrange category distant.

* LIMITS+ Duration of use: 4 turns+ Maximum use: once


* M Y S T I C U R N *

USE: When found, it has a small quantity of sweetened clear liquid. Thisliquid will evaporate immediately if poured out, reappearing in the dregsof the Mystic Urn. If ingested, however, the power of the Urn takes effect.



* Instantly restores an amount of HP to the character or creature equalto the number and size of their HD- Examples: a 10th level warrior would get 10d10 HP, a fifth levelwizard would get 5d4, and a 7HD creature would get 7d8 (includingany HD plusses or minuses that some creatures possess, such asMinotaurs, which would get 6d8+3 HP)

- This device does not replenish a character's or creature's HP abovetheir maximum, nor does it restore extra HP gained in such ways asberserker rages.

* Maximum use: once only (the Urn crumbles to dust once it has beendroughted)



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* POWERS+ Instantly restores a character or creature to full health as theclerical *heal* spell.

+ The Urn heals all disease and other injury as the clerical *heal*spell.

+ The Urn will restore such damage as caused by mummies and similarsources, and has a 75% chance of curing such conditions outright.

* Maximum use: once only (the Urn crumbles to dust once it has beendroughted)


* T Y K E T T O ' S T O M E O F P O W E R *

USE: Methods used to discover invisible and hidden things will reveal thepresence of an ethereal, translucent silver skull face on the front cover.This skull face is otherwise invisible and undetectable except to an

individual who activates the Tome. This ethereal skull eventually fadesback into invisibility at which point the Tome's effect expires.



* POWERS+ The magical force that transfers from the Tome to the character canbe transfered at will to any melee weapon, enabling it to causedouble damage; this includes unarmed combat.


+ Duration: one hour+ Maximum use: once only (that particular Tome no longer responds tothe character; the skull face does not appear to that person againunless it is detected for by other means)

* OPTIONAL RULE: HERETICal weapons may have Major Powers that areinaccessable or otherwise cannot be invoked without the aid of aTyketto's Tome of Power.



* POWERS+ With the use of Tyketto's Tome of Power, any weapons used by thecharacter causes double damage (triple on an attack roll of 19-20).

+ He gains a THAC0 bonus of +2 due to the magical influence on hisreflexes and senses.

+ The prime requisite attributes of the user's class are raised by +2if the score is below 16, or +1 if 17 or above (Racial maximums areignored)

* LIMITS+ Duration: one day+ Maximum use: once per character (see above)

+ Any extra abilities, spells, or other powers gained by the characteras a result of his enhancement by the Tome are lost when the Tome'spower expires.

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* D E L M I N T A L I T A R ' S T I M E B O M B

O F T H E A N C I E N T S *

USE: In its inert state, the Time Bomb is hardly the size of the palm of ahuman's hand. It also appears empty until someone set it on one of itsbases on the ground, at which point grains of sand appear inside it in theupper half of the hourglass and apparatus expands to one foot high and fourinches across. The Time Bomb detonates when all the sand runs into thelower half of the hourglass.

The hourglass cannot be stopped once it begins its countdown. Anyattempt to disturb it before the sand has run through will cause it todetonate immediately.



* DAMAGE+ Range: 0 - 5 feet: 3d6+1+ Range: 5 - 10 feet: 2d6+1+ Range: 10 - 15 feet: 1d4+1

* TIMER: 5 seconds (in game - time, I suggest a DEX check to escape theblast radius)



* DAMAGE+ Range: 0 - 5 feet: 10d12+ Range: 5 - 10 feet: 6d8+2+ Range: 10 - 15 feet: 1d10+4

* TIMER: 3 seconds (in game - time, I suggest a DEX check at a -3 toescape the blast radius)


* T O R P O ' S M O R P H O V U M *

USE: When a victim is hit by an egg hurled or dropped on him, heimmediately gets temporarily polymorphed into a chicken. All weapons anditems on his person are also affected by the change. The individual can useanything requiring only coherent thought to activate, but all spells beingcast are interrupted and no spell requiring verbal or somatic componentscan be cast.

The egg can be used at point-blank, but when targetting at a distance anattack roll must be made, as if throwing a rock. A fumble would indicatethe user had crushed it in hand, or that it flew up and landed on himinstead, or that he missed and hit something else.

An egg landing on an inanimate object is not affected, nor are amorphouslifeforms as slimes, jellies, or oozes ... they simply deflect the objects,crush them without effect, or encapsulate them within themselves.

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* LIMITS+ An individual is polymorphed if they save vs. level with 1 being an

automatic resistance (i.e., an individual at 3rd level / 3 HD mustroll a 3 or less to resist the change). Individuals of greater than20 HD are immune to the change.

+ Normal system shock checks must be successful during change fromoriginal shape to chicken and vice-versa, or the individual isstunned for one round and is unable to take any action.

* DURATION: 9 rounds, then the individual is shapechanged back into itsoriginal form.


ARMOR CLASS: 7MOVEMENT: 18 (Flightless)HIT DICE: #HD x 2 = hp

(If the victim had 5 HD then they have 10 hp)THAC0: UnchangedNO. OF ATTACKS: 5/2DAMAGE/ATTACK: Peck/Peck (1d4 / 1d4); Peck/Peck/Peck (1d4/1d4/1d4)SPECIAL ATTACKS: NilSPECIAL DEFENSES: NilMAGIC RESISTANCE: NilSIZE: T (2' wingspan)MORALE: N/A if PC; -5 penalty if creature or NPCXP VALUE: 15



* LIMITS+ Individuals below 10th level / 10 HD are polymorphed (no save)+ 10th - 30th level / 10 - 30 HD), individuals are polymorphed if theysave vs. level at -10 (10th level / 10 HD must save with 1, 20thlevel / 20 HD must save with 10 or less)

+ Individuals greater than 30th level / 30 HD are immune.+ Unless a system shock check is made when polymorphed into thechicken, and return to normal form and is successful, the individualis stunned for 1d6 rounds and is unable to take any action.

* DURATION: 3 turns, at which time the individual is shapechanged backinto its original form.


(If the victim had 5 HD then they have 5 hp)THAC0: 20


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SPECIAL DEFENSES: NilMAGIC RESISTANCE: NilSIZE: T (2' wingspan)MORALE: N/A if PC; -5 penalty if creature or NPCXP VALUE: 7



* I N H I L I C O N ' S W I N G S O F W R A T H *

USE: The Wings of Wrath are activated by placing it on the head (or helm)of the user; it disappears and is surrounded by an aura to which isattached a pair of appropriately - sized wings on the back.



* POWER: allows completely - controlled flight.+ better than the wizard spell *levitate*; the Wings of Wrath allowsmovement in any direction.

+ The movement rate in level flight is unchanged.+ Movement up or down is 1/2 normal movement.+ Movement is fully subject to wind currents and wind-altering spells.

* DURATION: 12 rounds



* POWER+ Allows completely - controlled flight. It is better than the wizardspell *levitate*; the Wings of Wrath allows movement in anydirection.

+ The movement rate in any direciton is 150% normal.+ Consider natural wind speed to be 1/4 with respect to its effect onthe power of the Wings of Wrath.

+ When the user is being thrown around or otherwise affected by awind-affecting spell, activating the Wings of Wrath allows him asave vs. paralyzation to reduce the effect of the spell to 1/4 foras long as the Wings of Wrath continue to function.

* DURATION: 4 turns


* D A R C H A L A ' S C H A O S D E V I C E *

USE: The Chaos Device comes in two identical parts. One of them (doesn'tmatter which part) is placed in a strategic location and the other iscarried. Whenever the bearer of the Chaos Device places the carried part onthe ground and stands on it with both feet, he is instantly teleported tothe location of the other half of the Chaos Device. Both parts of the ChaosDevice disintegrate once they are used (by the user stepping on or

teleporting onto them).Both pieces of the Chaos Device must be on the same plane to function.

In fact, if the bearer tries to carry one part to another plane, it will

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not planeshift with him but reappear next to the interdimensional portal orat the portal's former location.



* RANGE: The two halves of the Chaos Device must be within one mile ofeach other or else they will not function.



* RANGE: The two halves of the Chaos Device need only be within 1,000miles of each other to function properly.+ Beyond that range, the user will teleport exactly 1,000 miles fromthe location of the first half in the direction of the second half,though it is not guaranteed that he will end up in a habitable

location (if the other half lies on a continent on the other side ofthe ocean, the user may find himself in the middle of that ocean).


* C R Y S T A L V I A L *



* POWER: When the potion is drunk from the Vial, the imbiber is healed

as if a *cure light wounds* is cast upon him.+ The imbiber cannot receive more hp than his maximum.

* Can be used only once.



* POWER: When the potion is drunk from the Vial, the imbiber is healedof 10% of his total HP, rounded down.+ Examples: having 80 hp = 8 hp healed; having 57 hp = 5 hp healed)+ This effect occurs regardless of level or HD.+ The imbiber cannot receive more hp than his maximum.

* Can be used only once.


* Q U A R T Z F L A S K *



* When the potion is drunk from the Flask, the imbiber is healed as if a*cure serious wounds* is cast upon him.

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+ The imbiber cannot receive more hp than his maximum.

* Can be used only once.



* POWER: When the potion is drunk from the Flask, the imbiber is healedof 25% of his total HP, rounded down.+ Examples: having 80 hp = 40 hp healed; having 57 hp = 14 hp healed)+ This effect occurs regardless of level or HD.+ The imbiber cannot receive more hp than his maximum.

* Can be used only once.


* S H I E L D O F T H E H E R E T I C I *

USE: The Shield of the Heretic partially insulates against any fire - basedattacks.SIZE OF SHIELD: Small (see ARMS & EQUIPMENT GUIDE, pp. 36 - 37)



* POWER: Normal fire damage is reduced by 2 points per damage die.


+ The Shield of the Heretic does not protect against magical firedamage.

+ The Shield of the Heretic can absorb up to 20 points of deflecteddamage before it is destroyed or otherwise rendered useless.

+ The Shield cannot be activated or deactivated at will; it absorbsdamage whether or not it is directly used to protect against frontalattack (such as being worn on the back)



* POWERS:+ Normal fire damage is reduced by 4 points per damage die.+ Magical fire damage is reduced by 1 point per damage die.

* LIMITS+ The Shield of the Heretic can absorb up to 100 points of deflecteddamage before it is destroyed or rendered useless.

+ The Shield cannot be activated or deactivated at will; it absorbsdamage whether or not it is directly used to protect against frontalattack (such as being worn on the back)


* S H I E L D O F T H E H E R E T I C I I *

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USE: The Shield of the Heretic is given immunity against any fire, ice, andelectrical attacks.SIZE OF SHIELD: Medium (see ARMS & EQUIPMENT GUIDE, pp. 36 - 37)



* POWER:+ For each point of damage the wearer is protected from, the Shielditself takes damage, up to its maximum, when it is destroyed.

+ Once each day, the Shield regenerates one hp of damage each as itsuser has levels / HD (i.e., 11th level = 11 hp), but its wearer willtake as much damage as the shield regenerates.- This is done by the command phrase "As Fate Intends".

- The shield will yield as much damage as will not kill its weareroutright, and up the maximum amount absorbed (but system shockrolls apply for excessive damage, greater than 50 hp damage, etc).

- Damage absorbed by the shield are treated as normal healablewounds.

* LIMITS+ The Shield of the Heretic can absorb up to 40 points of deflecteddamage before it is destroyed or rendered useless.

+ The Shield cannot be activated or deactivated at will; it absorbsdamage whether or not it is directly used to protect against frontalattack (such as being worn on the back)



* POWER:+ For each point of damage the wearer is protected from, the Shielditself takes damage, up to its maximum, when it is destroyed.

+ Once each day, the Shield regenerates one hp of damage each as itsuser has levels / HD (i.e., 11th level = 11 hp), but its wearer willtake as much damage as the shield regenerates.- This is done by the command phrase "As Fate Intends".- The shield will yield as much damage as will not kill its weareroutright, and up the maximum amount absorbed (but system shockrolls apply for excessive damage, greater than 50 hp damage, etc).

- Damage inflicted by the Shield are treated as normal healablewounds.

* LIMITS+ The Shield of the Heretic can absorb up to 200 points of deflecteddamage before it is destroyed or rendered useless.

+ The Shield cannot be activated or deactivated at will; it absorbsdamage whether or not it is directly used to protect against frontalattack (such as being worn on the back)



* T O R C H *

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NOTE: This magical torch is identical to a *Torch of Continual Fire*.REFER TO:1. *Realmspace*.2. *Encyclopaedia Magica*, Volume Four, p. 1452.



* M A P S C R O L L *

NOTE: This magical map is identical to a *Map of Mapping*.REFER TO:1. *Dragon* magazine, issue 125.2. *Encyclopaedia Magica*, Volume Two, p. 693.


* B A G O F H O L D I N G *

NOTE: This magical bag is identical to a *Bag of Holding*.REFER TO:1. *Dungeon Master Guide*, p.2. *Encyclopaedia Magica*, Volume One, p. 135.


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The monsters of HERETIC ask for no quarter and give none in return. Theymay also be considered in every sense to have a 0 Intelligence, or evencratures with such a low intelligence have a survival instinct. They runaway if they're hurt badly enough. But HERETIC's critters are an exceptionto this.

To make the beasties somewhat more realistic than a 3D game engine, Ihave changed a few aspects of the monsters. Instead of building into everybeast a Combat description of "close to melee range as soon as possible andstart pounding", there has been a little creativity in making up newstrategies based on more factors than can be written about here. I amfairly sure, however, that most HERETIC - playing people who are alsointerested in the NetBook will agree to most of what have been written.

Where observation and the HERETIC game guide has not been clearregarding monstrous statistics, I have improvised. But then, this entire

NetBook is ALL improvisation, is it not?Note that while I am using the pattern previously established by AD&D's

Monstrous Manual in giving the creatures' stats, certain categories have

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simply been omitted because of their irrelevance. In truth, such qualitiesas morale are not even a feature of HERETIC; it is nonetheless included asspeculation to provide realism.

Here are some statistics that are to be considered universal:

Climate/Terrain: The Abyss (or any place crawling with evil)Organization: Tribal (they mostly keep to their own species)

Activity Cycle: Nocturnal (what else do you expect of evil beings)Diet: Carnivorous (duh, pass me your femur!!)Treasure: Very Broadly Suggested, but DM's PleasureAlignment: Chaotic Evil OR

Neutral (in case they don't have the INT to hate you)XP: Not Specified (DM's Pleasure)

Note that one statistic shown under a category of a creature with twosubtypes applies to both versions of that creature.

The Miscellaneous subsection to this division of the NetBook isconcerned with D'Sparil, his Disciples, and the Serpent Rider shown at the

completion of Episode Three of HERETIC. The



NOTES: There are two types of Gargoyles: Rock and Fire. The Fire Gargoylesare twice as tough as the Rock version and can belch balls of fire, butotherwise they are identical.

These Gargoyles go for a pack kill; they prefer large groups, forindividually they pose no match to anyone. In groups, they can fence preyin and eventually wear it down.

DART ATTACK: Gargoyles have the ability to move at twice their normalflight speed for a limited period of time (1 round). This is the equivalentof a "charging" maneuver made on horseback, with all the relevant bonusesand penalties (see PHB, p. 96).



(ROCK GARGOYLE : FIRE GARGOYLE)Frequency: common : uncommonIntelligence: semi- (2)Treasure: maybeNo. Appearing: 1d8 : 1d6Armor Class: +10Movement: 6, Fl 18, Dart 36Hit Dice: 4 hp : 1 HDTHAC0: 20 : 19No. Of Attacks: 2 : 3Damage/Attack: 1d2+1 / 1d2+1 (claw/claw)Special Attacks: dart : dart, flame attack (1d2)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: T (2')

Morale: unsteady (7)


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(ROCK GARGOYLE : FIRE GARGOYLE)Frequency: common : uncommon (60% : 30%)Intelligence: semi- (3)Treasure: maybe

No. Appearing: 2d6 : 2d4Armor Class: +10Movement: 12, Fl 18, Dart 36Hit Dice: 2 HD : 4 HDTHAC0: 18 : 15No. Of Attacks: 2 : 3Damage/Attack: 1d8+4 / 1d8+4 (claw/claw)Special Attacks: dart : dart, flame attack (1d8)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: T (2')Morale: steady (9)



NOTES: There are four subtypes of Golems: Prime Abyssal, Prime Nitro,Ethereal Abyssal, and Ethereal Nitro. In general, nitrogolems are a littletougher than Abyssal Golems, and can temporarily project their elementalspirit in the form of a "smart" missile.

There are few but important differences between the Ethereal and non -Ethereal subtypes. They are immune to nonmagical weaponry; attacks fromsuch merely pass through them without a trace. Because of their shadowy

appearance, there is a -2 penalty to attack against these two subtypes.Aside from the ability of Elemental Projection, there is no exception to

the general rules of Golems; pummeling with their fists suits them fine.



(ABYSSAL : NITRO)Frequency: common : rareIntelligence: non- (0)Treasure: noneNo. Appearing: 1d2 : 1Armor Class: +7Movement: 8Hit Dice: 1 HD : 1 HD + 2THAC0: 19 : 19, * 9No. Of Attacks: 2Damage/Attack: 1d4 / 1d4 (fist/fist)Special Attacks: elemental projection (1d12+3)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (6')Morale: mindless (N/A)

* Refers to the attack accuracy of the Elemental Projection.


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(ABYSSAL : NITRO)Frequency: common : uncommonIntelligence: non- (0)Treasure: none

No. Appearing: 1d4 : 1d4Armor Class: +7Movement: 8Hit Dice: 4 HD : 5 HDTHAC0: 15 : 14, * 7No. Of Attacks: 2Damage/Attack: 2d8 / 2d8 (fist/fist)Special Attacks: elemental projection (4d8)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: m (6')Morale: mindless (N/A)

* Refers to the attack accuracy of the Elemental Projection.



NOTES: Comparable to the *Alien* monsters of H.G. Giger, quick as lightningand just as deadly. They have scythes for arms and have a thirst for theenemy, particularly in ribbons. Any improvement to their armor class is notdue to any tough hide, but to their impressive parrying ability with theirnatural blades wielded as well as any master swordsman.

POWER RULES: Sabreclaws, due to their excellent senses, gain a +3 tosurprise rolls and can track prey with a 30% accuracy.



Frequency: uncommonIntelligence: 5 (low)Treasure: as dead victims' possessionsNo. Appearing: 1d3Armor Class: +6Movement: 15Hit Dice: 2 HDTHAC0: 18No. Of Attacks: 3Damage/Attack: 1d4 / 1d4 / 1d4 (claw/claw/claw)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (6')Morale: 13 (elite)



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Frequency: uncommonIntelligence: 6 (low)Treasure: as dead victims' possessionsNo. Appearing: 1d4+3Armor Class: +6Movement: 18Hit Dice: 7 HD + 4

THAC0: 10No. Of Attacks: 4Damage/Attack: 2d8+2 / 2d8+2 / 2d8+2 / 2d8+2 (claw/claw/claw/claw)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (6')Morale: steady (12)



NOTES: The Undead Warriors were raised by D'Sparil, armed with throwingaxes, and made to serve as a grisly standing army.

There are two types of Undead Warriors: Prime and Ethereal. Like theGolems, there is little difference between other than there is a -2 penaltyfor attacking them and that they cannot be harmed by nonmagical weapons.

Undead Warriors are not known for brains; they simply know their target,you, and they seek only to crowd you in and start pounding.

THROWING AXES: Undead Warriors possess two types of axes: Red and Green.The Red axes are much deadlier, but rarer than the Green ones. Thepercentages are detailed below.

TURNING UNDEAD: Undead Warriors have no energy - draining abilities, andcan be turned; this is determined by their HD (see PHB p. 103). Note thatEthereal versions of Undead Warriors are to be considered 1 HD greater thantheir non - Ethereal counterparts.



Frequency: uncommonIntelligence: non- (0)Treasure: as former life?No. Appearing: 1d2Armor Class: +4Movement: 12Hit Dice: 2 HD + 4THAC0: 17No. Of Attacks: 2 : 3 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: Melee: 1d4+2 / 1d4+2 (fist/fist)

Missile: 1d6 (Green Axe) : 2d4+2 (Red Axe) (10%)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: L (7')

Morale: mindless (N/A)


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Frequency: uncommonIntelligence: non- (0)Treasure: as former life?No. Appearing: 1d3

Armor Class: +4Movement: 12Hit Dice: 10 HDTHAC0: 10No. Of Attacks: 2 : 3 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: Melee: 3d8 / 3d8 (fist/fist)

Missile: 4d8 (Green Axe) : 7d8 (Red Axe) (33%)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: L (7')Morale: mindless (N/A)



NOTES: A variety of lycanthrope (almost?) unique to the Abyss, Weredragonssport a powerful breath weapon in addition to their sour demeanor and anuncanny resemblance to a Tarrasque.

There is fortunately no Ethereal version of a Weredragon, but aninventive (or cruel?) DM mightly surely think of a reason to disagree.(hint, hint)

Weredragons typically lumber slowly closer, but continue to attack from

a distance. They are smart enough to know that they are sooner able to hurtyou (or keep you on your toes) than you are to hurt them, from a distance.It is intelligence more than cowardice that urges them away from a quickand dirty kill.



Frequency: rareIntelligence: 8 (average)Treasure: nilNo. Appearing: 1d4+1Armor Class: +3Movement: 12Hit Dice: 2 HDTHAC0: 18No. Of Attacks: 1 : 1 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 1d10 (bite)

1d12+3 (breath weapon: magma)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: L (7')Morale: champion (16)


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Frequency: rareIntelligence: 10 (average)Treasure: nilNo. Appearing: 1d3Armor Class: +3

Movement: 12Hit Dice: 11 HDTHAC0: 9No. Of Attacks: 1 : 1 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 3d8 (bite)

4d8 (breath weapon: magma)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: L (7')Morale: fanatic (18)



NOTES: Often thought of as royal guardsmen, Ophidians are the last ranks ofthe army that protects D'Sparil's particular niche of the Abyss, also knownas the Dome of D'Sparil.

Ophidians have a thick reptillian hide, able to take more damage thanany of the previous creatures. One would not guess this from their size; it

OPHIDIAN TRIDENT: An Ophidian's only weapon is its trident. Only theOphidians have sure knowledge of how to use their own weapon, although

extensive divination might reveal some clues. If a DM allows a player tocapture and successfully operate an Ophidian Trident himself, it isrecommended that he pattern the weapon after the Hellstaff, which is theHERETIC weapon with the closest resemblance to it.

The Ophidian Trident fires four magic missiles each round: three smallerred bolts (from each point of the trident) and one large purple one (fromthe shaft), which causes more damage than the smaller three.

The 3 small bolts and the 1 large one are treated as two separateattacks, independently targeted. Thus an Ophidian might miss its targetwith the first three shots and tag it on the fourth, or aim at two separatetargets in the same combat sequence.

An Ophidian does not fight to the death. If forced to flee, it willquickly call for reinforcements -- much stronger reinforcements.



Frequency: rareIntelligence: 11 (very)Treasure: their uniforms are highly decorated, but any

substantial would be kept in their common lairNo. Appearing: 1d2+1Armor Class: 0Movement: 6

Hit Dice: 3 HD + 4THAC0: 16No. Of Attacks: 2 (trident -- see above)

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Damage/Attack: 1d8Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (5')Morale: elite (14)



Frequency: rareIntelligence: 12 (very)Treasure: their uniforms are highly decorated, but any

substantial would be kept in their common lairNo. Appearing: 1d4+2Armor Class: 0Movement: 6Hit Dice: 14 HD

THAC0: 6No. Of Attacks: 2 (trident -- see above)Damage/Attack: 1d8 / 1d8 / 1d8 : 4d8 (trident shots)Special Attacks: nilSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (5')Morale: elite (14)



NOTES: An Iron Lich is one of the nastiest horrors of D'Sparil's minions.Aside from the immediately unsettling appearance of a giant helmeted skullof an undead, one shudders when trying to picture the size of the body itonce stood upon. Nevertheless, the Iron Lich has the innate ability oflevitating up to 5 feet off the ground. It can traverse low inclines butcannot levitate to the top of a sheer cliff.

Iron Liches constitute the lower echelons of command of the army ofD'Sparil. Accordingly, they will no doubt be accompanied by the legions ofthose under their control. Of course, few adventurers or troops will everencounter them without already realizing this, for D'Sparil's chieflieutenants never, ever travel alone. They may even be encountered asgroups of Liches, though there are not many who can claim to have seen it.

WEAPONS: An Iron Lich is built like a juggernaut -- what it lacks inmobility, it makes up in offensive power, in spades. It has four types ofdestruction available to it:

* ICE BALLS: a single sphere of compressed ice, exploding likeshrapnellike ice shards on impact; range and damage is given below.

* COLUMN OF FIRE: range, height, and damage are given below; width ofthe column is 6 feet.

* WINDSTORM: summons a miniature tornado that will affect up to oneLarge - sized creature. The tornado does not instantly engulf thetarget; an attack roll must be made by the Iron Lich first. Even ifthe windstorm misses its target, it will continue to move until it is

blocked by a solid immobile object.A tornado launched into a crowd is likely to catch someone even if

they were not the intended victim.

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Note that a player caught in a windstorm can escape it with thecasting or use of any flying spell, ability, or magic item. Thus, acharacter caught in a windstorm could use the Wings of Wrath to escapethe effects.Whenever a character or creature is caught by the tornado against a

wall, it suffers a +1 to damage per round due to being thrown againstit. If caught in a corner, it suffers +2 per round; caught in a narrow

dead-end (such as an narrow alley blocked off on three sides), +3 perround.Other statistics for the windstorm power are given below.

The Iron Lich also has a melee weapon: its bite. It has jaws ofunadulterated steel that will gnaw easily through flesh; it is essentiallya floating meatgrinder. The teeth are not quite considered weapons ofsharpness, although they are comparable; a roll of 20 indicates anamputation of a random appendage of the victim, INCLUDING the head (whichis one advantage over a weapon of sharpness).

DEFENSES: The Iron Lich is immune to petrificaion and polymorphing attacks;even the petrification gaze of a medusa has no effect on it. Likewise, an

Iron Lich is immune to the effects of Torpol's Morph Ovum, describedelsewhere in this NetBook.It is also immune to all forms of *fear* effects of creatures that have

fewer HD / levels than itself. It is resistant to *dragon fear*, able toignore the *fear* power of any dragon up to 1/2 its own HD, rounded up.

Iron Liches have limited Magic Resistance.

UNDEAD: Liches are considered to be free - willed undead. They do not haveenergy - draining abilities. Also:

* WIMPY: Iron Liches are considered to be Liches/11+ HD with respect toturning.

* POWER: Iron Liches are considered to be Special Undead with respect toturning, with a penalty of -3 against success.



Frequency: very rareIntelligence: 13 (high)Treasure: some gold (check the helmet)No. Appearing: 1Armor Class: -3Movement: 6Hit Dice: 11 HD + 4THAC0: 8No. Of Attacks: 1 : 1 (melee/special)Damage/Attack: 3d4 (bite) * amputation on 20Special Attacks: (see above for complete description)

1. ice balls* damage (direct hit only): 1d4* damage from ice shard shrapnel: 2d6* range: 90 yards* radius of shrapnel: 2 yards

2. column of fire* damage: 2d8+2 (save vs. breath for 1/2 damage)* range: 60 yards* height: 20 yards

3. windstorm* range: 20 yards* duration: 1d3 rounds

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* damage/rnd: 1d6-1/roundSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: 10%Size: L (9')Morale: fanatic (18)



Frequency: very rareIntelligence: 14 (high)Treasure: some gold (check the helmet)No. Appearing: 1d2+1Armor Class: -3Movement: 6Hit Dice: 35 HDTHAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 1

Damage/Attack: 6d8 (bite) * amputation on 20Special Attacks: (see above for complete description)1. ice balls

* damage (direct hit only): 1d8* damage from ice shard shrapnel: 3d8* range: 150 yards* radius of shrapnel: 2 yards

2. column of fire* damage: 5d8 (save vs. breath for 1/2 damage)* range: 100 yards* height: 50 yards

3. windstorm* range: 50 yards

* duration: 1d6+4 rounds* damage/rnd: 4d4-1/round* NOTE: damage adj. for walls is x2 for POWER RULES

Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: 10%Size: L (9')Morale: fearless (19)



NOTES: A giant (GIANT???) version of a Minotaur, a Maulotaur is to aMinotaur what a Sherman tank is to a VW bug. It is as if some demented magedecided that Minotaurs were simply too wussy and prissy for his taste(which is probably how they were first created). In terms of origin,Maulotaurs are brethren of their lesser kin, though it is not known howMaulotaurs and Minotaurs react to members of the other subtype.

Maulotaurs have four different attacks: (1) they can physically maultheir victims by charging with lowered horns; (2) their Large - sized maulweapon can throw a spread of magical hammerhead bolts; (3) their Maul canstrike summon magmic fire from the ground and send it headlong through theearth at their victims' feet; (4) if their victims are close enough, theywill pound them senseless with the Maul itself. The first three attacks are

ranged and the last is melee.

IMMUNITIES: Maulotaurs are immune to fire and petrification/polymorph

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attacks. Magical cold attacks will do double damage, provided theMaulotaur's Magic Resistance is overcome first.



Frequency: very rareIntelligence: 15 (exceptional)Treasure: nilNo. Appearing: * 01 - 80: 1

* 81 - 99: 2* 00: 3

Armor Class: -7Movement: 6Hit Dice: 37 HD + 4THAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 2 : 1 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 2d10+8 / 2d10+8 (maul/maul)

Special Attacks: 1. Charge / Maul attack* Damage: 5d6* Distance: 20 yards

2. Hammerhead missiles* Damage: 2d6* Range:

3. Magma Summoning* Damage: 5d12* Range:

Special Defenses: as Minotaur (see Monstrous Manual, p. 252)Magic Resistance: 50%Size: H (12')Morale: fearless (20)

Miscellaneous: 1. Strength of 202. +3 to surprise rolls3. Infravision4. Can track prey with 75% accuracy5. Immunity to *maze* spells



Frequency: very rareIntelligence: 16 (exceptional)Treasure: nilNo. Appearing: *01 -- 80: 1

*81 -- 99: 2* 00: 3

Armor Class: -7Movement: 6Hit Dice: 60 HDTHAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 3 : 2 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 2d12+12 (fist/fist)Special Attacks:

1. Charge / Maul attack* Damage: 5d6

* Distance: 20 yards

2. Hammerhead missiles

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* Damage: 2d6* Range: 60 yards

3. Magma Summoning* Damage: 5d12* Range: 200 yards

Special Defenses: as Minotaur, all adjustments doubled.(see Monstrous Manual, p. 252)

Magic Resistance: 50%Size: H (12')Morale: fearless (19): retreats only if obviously overpoweredMiscellaneous: 1. Strength of 24

2. +4 to surprise rolls3. Infravision4. Can track prey with 95% accuracy5. Immunity to *maze* spells



D ' S P A R I L ' S B E A S T



NOTES: The second name, although not appearing anywhere in the originalgame, is suggested by me as a possible name for the species of D'Sparil'sBeast: (a) D'Sparil and co. is reputed to have originated from the Abyss;(b) there are Hexen creatures called Serpents that exactly resembleD'Sparil's Beast. Hence the name.

Abyssal Serpents are among the most feared of the minions of the Order.While they themselves have little intelligence or command in the hierarchyof the armies of the Abyss, Abyssal Serpents remain the closest companionsof its rulers, and is no less true of D'Sparil and his mount.

WEAPONS: An Abyssal Serpent can throw deadly fireballs or chew on itsenemies with teeth which have the equivalent of swords of sharpness, evendeadlier than the jaws of Weredragons or Iron Liches: +3 as a magicalweapon, +1 to attack and damage, severing normal/armored with a roll of 19to 21, severing larger - than - human - size on a roll of 20 or 21, andsolid metal or stone with a roll of 21.

HASTE: An Abyssal Serpent also has the ability to *haste* itself once perday. It will likely use this power only in desperation, when it is neardefeat. How long an Abyssal Serpent can maintain its *haste* power isunknown.

IMMUNITIES: Abyssal Serpents have an immunity to all forms of fire attacks.


WIMPY RULES:Frequency: very rareIntelligence: semi- (4)Treasure: probably (check the bridle and barding)

No. Appearing: 1Armor Class: -4Movement: 9

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Hit Dice: 25 HDTHAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 1Damage/Attack: 3d12 (bite)Special Attacks: 6d8 (fireball)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: 30%

Size: L (5')Morale: steady (11)



Frequency: very rareIntelligence: semi- (4)Treasure: probably (check the bridle and barding)No. Appearing: 1Armor Class: -4

Movement: 9Hit Dice: 48 HDTHAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 1Damage/Attack: 8d8 (bite)Special Attacks: 10d8 (fireball)Special Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: 30%Size: L (5')Morale: steady (12)


M I S C E L L A N E O U S :D ' S P A R I L , H I S D I S C I P L E S ,


These cannot be truly called "monsters" since they are specific beings.The instruction manual to the game HERETIC mentions that the Disciples wereformerly Sidhe Elves themselves; I may as well assume that Disciples areElves which have those powers that are shown in the game. D'Sparil himselfis only known as a "Serpent Rider," and from the background he is known asthe weakest among them. Only the game HEXEN will be able to shed more lighton this Order of the "Serpent Riders", which will itself be made into aNetBook sometime in the future (once I get a powerful enough computer to beable to afford to buy and play the game!).

For those people who are interested in putting D'Sparil and hisDisciples into an RPG-type setting, stats are still provided below:


D I S C I P L E S O F D ' S P A R I L

NOTES: A Disciple of D'Sparil are those Sidhe mages who were seduced byD'Sparil into betraying their own people and embracing the black magic ofthe Order. In return, D'Sparil has given them permanent mastery of

levitation, unnatural strength even for a wizard, and a potent version ofthe *magic missile* spell devised by the Serpent Riders as an improvementover the weaker 3rd - level wizard spell. This spell is known in this

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NetBook as *D'Sparil's Improved Magic Missile*.


Frequency: rareIntelligence: 17 (genius)Treasure: unknown (make it up)

No. Appearing: 1d2Armor Class: +7Movement: 12, levitate 9Hit Dice: 3 HDTHAC0: 15No. Of Attacks: 1 : 1 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 1d4 + 7 / 1d6+2 : (fist) / (magic missiles)Special Attacks: missile attackSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (5')Morale: average (10)


Frequency: rareIntelligence: 18 (genius)Treasure: unknown (make it up)No. Appearing: 1d4+1Armor Class: +7Movement: 12, levitate 12Hit Dice: 9 HDTHAC0: 11No. Of Attacks: 1 : 1 (melee/missile)Damage/Attack: 4d6+8 / 3d8+4 : (fist) / (magic missiles)

Special Attacks: magic missile attackSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: nilSize: M (5')Morale: average (10)


WIMPY: 1d6+2POWER: 3d8+4

Casting Level: 5thRange: 90 yards + 15 yards/levelComponents: V, SDuration: InstantaneousCasting Time: 1Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 5 - yard cubeSaving Throw: none

*D'Sparil's Improved Magic Missile* is a more powerful version of the1st - level Wizard spell. It is identical in execution except for thefollowing: damage is increased to the amount specified above (WIMPY orPOWER), and three missiles are discharged regardless of level. The amountof damage shown above applies only if a creature is hit with one magicmissile; just as with the original spell, more than one missile can bedirected towards a target and missiles can be directed to its own target.


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D ' S P A R I L



NOTES: D'Sparil is the mastermind and is the assumed lord and creator of

most of the creatures listed in this NetBook. It is probable that theweredragons, gargoyles, golems, and abyssal serpents were not of D'Sparil'shand, existing before he came to power, but there is no way to know forsure. It is sufficient to say that he is the master of all the creaturesever encountered in the interplanar lands that lead to the Dome ofD'Sparil.

D'Sparil is a powerful mage. This statement is simple enough, but it isa gross understatement, and is a given for any being with the power toestablish an empire spaning across the dimensions of the multiverse.

WEAPONS: In practice he prefers a tight selection of offensive methods; hisrelentless, grandoise schemings of strategy and tactics are centered around

those few modes of attack. He is also embued with supernatural strengthjust as his Disciples are, only he has no levitation powers. Why, might oneask? One might speculate his answer with four words: 'I need it not'.



Frequency: extremely rare (according to legend, only three exist)Intelligence: supra-genius (19)Treasure: unknown (make it up)No. Appearing: 1Armor Class: 9

Movement: 12Hit Dice: 9 HD + 28THAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 1Damage/Attack: per spellSpecial Attacks: spells -- see belowSpecial Defenses: nilMagic Resistance: 85%Size: M (6')Morale: 20 (fearless)

* Should a DM desire to have D'Sparil as a part of a campaign, it issuggested that D'Sparil be treated as a 25th - level necromancer.


Frequency: extremely rare (according to legend, only three exist)Intelligence: supra-genius (20)Treasure: unknown (make it up)No. Appearing: 1Armor Class: 9Movement: 12Hit Dice: 22 HD + 5THAC0: 2No. Of Attacks: 1

Damage/Attack: per spellSpecial Attacks: spells -- see belowSpecial Defenses: nil

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Magic Resistance: 85%Size: M (6')Morale: 20 (fearless)

* Should a DM desire to have D'Sparil as a part of a campaign, it issuggested that D'Sparil be treated as a 30th - level necromancer.


This first type of attack consists of a more improved version of theimproved magic missile spell he has taught his disciples, called*D'Sparil's Much Improved Magic Missile*, not to be confused with the twolesser spells with shorter names.


WIMPY: 4d4 per missilePOWER: 7d8 per missile

Casting Level: 10thRange: 90 yards + 15 yards/levelComponents: V, SDuration: InstantaneousCasting Time: 1Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures in a 5 - yard cubeSaving Throw: none

This spell is identical in execution as the other two except for thefollowing: damage is increased to the amount specified above (WIMPY orPOWER), and three missiles are discharged regardless of level. The amountof damage shown above applies only if a creature is hit with one magicmissile; just as with the original spell, more than one missile can be

directed towards a target and missiles can be directed to its own target.D'Sparil often couples the casting of this spell with Summoning a

Disciple of his into the midst of combat while the target has beentemporarily distracted or disoriented by the attack. If that Disciple isaccidentally killed by the magic missile or appears in solid rock orwhatever, it is most unfortunate ... but their devotion and readiness todie for him is touching. From them D'Sparil expects everything, and that iswhat he receives.


This artifact is a staff of meteoric iron sheathed in gold, ending in aspearhead with two tines on either side like a trident. D'Sparil uses*Dominion* to maintain his authoritarian power over his subordinates. It isalso alternatively called the Staff of D'Sparil but *Dominion* is itsproper name.

*Dominion* is an intelligent item; it has no great intellect (INT 7) butit is able to interact well with whomever owns it. Dominion has threepowers:1. Cast an electrical ball - lightning discharge.

Range: unknownDamageWIMPY: 4d12+12POWER: 5d8+75

2. Teleport its wearer to any spot within a 100 - foot radius of its

present location instantaneously.3. Allow its wielder to cast two spells simultaneously, with one

additional spell on top of that for every five experience levels.

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Anyone touching *Dominion* will instantly take 3d6+7 : 5d12+20(WIMPY:POWER) points of damage per round unless they know the command word,but that information is privy only to D'Sparil and the most trusted membersof his Court.




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This section is not really a part of the game of HERETIC. I merelyallowed myself a bit of leeway and had some fun with it, while writing aNetBook that had to have exacting standards. But I think you will enjoy itat least a little.

With cheat codes, there is no randomness in their function and successis automatic. But it seems so much like casting a spell when I type in thecheat code MASSACRE on the keyboard, and hear the music of the deaths ofall the monsters I have not killed so far on the current level, that Icould not help but invision speaking the magical words and gesticulating. Iget the same impression when I "cast" god mode on myself, via the cheatcode QUICKEN.

At heart, I am more a fighter than a wizard, so I must admit to no greatexperience in role-playing wizards or magic - users in general. What spellsI have tried to create from HERETIC's cheat codes is hopefully originalenough to be interesting. Because cheat codes really have no function otherthan to make the game easier, there are no "WIMPY" or "POWER rules as ameans of having a check on the power of these spells. On the other hand, Itried to make them good enough to be useful, yet fair enough to preventmunchkins from abusing them too badly.

An astute observer may note that not all the HERETIC cheat codes havebeen added; this is because I could not find any use for it as a spell, orthat all the ideas I could come up with for it were too powerful. Below isa list of all the cheat codes I know of, starred if they are used. A briefdescription of their use in HERETIC is also given. There are probably

others that exist, but I don't know about them because I have never neededthem and so eventually forgot all about them. The other codes are listed incase any users of this netguide wish to propose some use for them or want

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to make something up among the players in their own circle.

A. Massacre * - kills everything on the current level.B. Quicken * - god mode (can't be killed)C. Rambo - get all weapons and full ammoD. Kitty * - allows walking through wallsE. Skeleton - get all keys

F. Ravmap - show full map of the current levelG. Engage * - warp to a given level

I have done what I could to assign the new spells to an appropriateschool or sphere and spell level. If the DM feels he has a better opinionof its proper position and learning level, then he can reassign it. Theassignments provided are merely suggestions.

Also please note that the fact that *Quicken* is listed twice is not anaccident. There is one spell for wizards and one for priests, but are not,I think, in any way interchangable. (grin)



*MASSACRE*Level: WZ VIIISchool: Necromancy

Range: 0Components: V, S, MDuration: InstantaneousCasting Time:Area of Effect: All creatures within 6 feet per level of casterSaving Throw: special

When this spell is cast, all living creatures of fewer than 30 HD / 40thlevel within the area of affect instantly take eight times their HD orlevel in damage. Those saving vs. death magic take only four times. Thebodies of creatures who die as a result are consumed in flames (anypossessions on their persons either saving vs. fire or being destroyed).

Any living creatures greater than 30 HD / 30th level take only one pointof damage per HD / level.

The material components of this spell are a Maulotaur's horn and a vialof fresh blood from the caster mixed with blood from a Maulotaur. The hornand blood need not be from the same Maulotaur.


*QUICKEN* (PRIEST SPELL)Level: PR VISphere: ProtectionSchool: (Alteration)

Range: 0Components: V, S, MDuration: InstantaneousCasting Time: 6Area of Effect: CasterSaving Throw: none

*Quicken* transforms the caster into a liquid metal state. He retainsalmost all abilities and knowledge as before, but unless he is at least15th level, he cannot cast spells or initiate any psionic powers (this does

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not apply to any spells already in effect or psionic powers requiring PSPsto be maintained), but he gains a 99% immunity to all spells cast directlyat him or on him, but spells having an area of affect and such are notcountered.

While he is in this alterated condition, he cannot be harmed bynonmagical weapons of any kind. Edged weapons merely pass through thepermeable consistency of liquid metal like a knife through water; and

bludgeoning weapons will do little more than cause a temporary dent. Allsuch "injuries" reform within seconds. Magical weaponry, on the other hand,will inflict their plusses in damage, but no more.

Electrical attacks will heal instead of damage. Cold - based attackswill reduce the caster's DEX and movement rate by 1 for every seven pointsof damage it causes, but does not directly affect the caster's HP. When themovement rate is reduced to 0, his feet are frozen in place; when his DEXis 0, he is totally unable to move. At this point, his protection fromnonmagical weapons is lost, and any damage taken from any melee weapon isquintupled (x5). Fire - based attacks operate completely the reverse ofcold - based; movement and DEX can even be increased beyond their maximum,up to a limit of twice normal for movement and +1 for Dexterity.

This spell does not give the caster any unusual shapechanging ormimicing abilities; it is as if he is a living quicksilver image ofhimself, with all facial features remaining completely identifiable ifeerily ghostlike.

The duration of this spell is three rounds plus one for every level ofthe caster.



Range: 0

Components: V, S, MDuration: One dayCasting Time: 2Area of Effect: CasterSaving Throw: neg.

This is a wizard spell which enables its target to perform any number ofmathematical calculations instantaneously without any physical aidwhatsoever, able to balance ledgers without error. Under the influence ofthis spell, the target is able to detect any numerical miscalculationmerely by a quick glance over the pages of such documents. He becomes amaster accountant.

This spell lasts one day, or until the caster falls asleep or isrendered unconscious.

The material component for this spell is a miniature working abacus anda clay tablet or a page of papyrus.



Range: 30 yardsComponents: V, SDuration: One round

Casting Time: 1Area of Effect: TargetSaving Throw: neg.

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By use of this spell, the caster enables the target to become partiallyout of phase with normal matter for one round. This means that the creatureor character can pass through up to one foot of matter without difficulty,provided the density of such solid matter is approximately that of normalearth. Solid stone is much more difficult to pass through; more than oneinch in thickness cannot be passed. Extraordinarily dense matter, like

lead, is impenetrable regardless of thickness. Regardless of density, thereis no way to see beyond the solid matter except by passing one's head allthe way through the rock.

If any part of the solid matter through which the creature is passing issubject to a *stone to flesh* or *disintegrate* spell, or other suchalteration or abjuration magic, the creature dies instantly.



Range: 0Components: V, S, MDuration: specialCasting Time: 1Area of Effect: Caster plus one creature per level up to fourSaving Throw: neg.

When this spell is cast, all creatures subject to the spell willinstantly vanish as if they were teleported. What really happens is thatthey are warped into some point in the future, but their location remainsunchanged. So the caster and his followers eventually rematerialize aftersome predetermined passage of time, effectively time travelling into thefuture, hopefully to a point in time when their foes have given up and left

the area, or when a certain creature or character is expected to be nearbyat that instant, or whatever. There is no passage of time for thoseaffected by the *Engage* spell; the only thing noticeable is a briefshimmering of light all around them. But depending on the strength of thespell, the world around them has aged hours, days, perhaps even months.

However much time the caster chooses to remain "out of the timeline," heis magically aged by five times that amount.


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I, as a lover of our system of free exchange of ideas in balance withthe sacred rights of owners over their property, do cheerfully include thisdisclaimer: Any and all copyrights contained herein remain the exclusive

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property of their owners. The creator of this NetBook in no way intends anytheft or abuse of their rights to their own intellectual property.Imitation is the best form of flattery. This information is free; it willnever be for sale.

Heretic is (c) 1994, 1996 Raven Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Hexen is similarly protected by law under the same copyright. Heretic andHexen is published by ID Software, Inc., and distributed by GT Interactive

SOftware, Corp.

In no way is the author of this netbook endorsed or supported by thecreators or owners of Heretic, Hexen, and related copyrights. Questionsregarding the original information contained herein should be directed atthe author rather than said creators and owners, the latter having noresponsibility or liability for such information.

The author of this work is in no way responsible for any consequencesresulting from the use, misuse, abuse, harrassment, or verbal assault ofthis netguide.

The readers of this netguide are encouraged to freely distribute this

netguide so long as they do nothing to the actual text thereof. Margins,HTML codes, and spacing between the lines and among the words may bealtered as the editor sees fit, but woe to ye if a word is added, altered,or omitted ... ! The author does not like to reminded of any words whichhave been misspelled, as he is ever so proud of his diction.

Also, if you happen to be reading this and are among those responsiblefor the splendid creation of said games, I entreat you to consider thepossibility that this guide might even enhance the demand for yourproducts. (grin)



NetBook Created: 29 October 1996 (c) 1996, 1997 by Xeno, where applicable.Last Revision: 23 January 1997

[email protected]

Thanx to the University of Memphis and the Computer Services Departmentfor their computer services which aid in the distribution of this NetBook!


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