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Applications:Desktop Folder:2pall.oa Mon Aug 21 0 14:09:23 474 THE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Aug. 24, 1995 RESISTANCE TO PENICILLIN AND CEPHALOSPORIN AND MORTALITY FROM SEVERE PNEUMOCOCCAL PNEUMONIA IN BARCELONA, SPAIN ROMAN PALLARES, M.D., JOSEFINA LIÑARES, M.D., MIQUEL VADILLO, M.D., CARMEN CABELLOS, M.D., FREDERIC MANRESA, M.D., PEDRO F. VILADRICH, M.D., ROGELIO MARTIN, M.D., AND FRANCESC GUDIOL, M.D. Abstract Background. Penicillin-resistant strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae are now found worldwide, and strains with resistance to cephalosporin are being re- ported. The appropriate antibiotic therapy for pneumo- coccal pneumonia due to resistant strains remains contro- versial. Methods. To examine the effect of resistance to pen- icillin and cephalosporin on mortality, we conducted a 10- year, prospective study in Barcelona of 504 adults with culture-proved pneumococcal pneumonia. Results. Among the 504 patients, 145 (29 percent) had penicillin-resistant strains of S. pneumoniae (minimal inhibitory concentration [MIC] of penicillin G, 0.12 to 4.0 m g per milliliter), and 31 patients (6 percent) had cepha- losporin-resistant strains (MIC of ceftriaxone or cefotax- ime, 1.0 to 4.0 m g per milliliter). Mortality was 38 percent in patients with penicillin-resistant strains, as compared with 24 percent in patients with penicillin-sensitive strains (P 0.001). However, after the exclusion of patients with polymicrobial pneumonia and adjustment for other pre- dictors of mortality, the odds ratio for mortality in patients with penicillin-resistant strains was 1.0 (95 percent con- fidence interval, 0.5 to 1.9; P 0.84). Among patients treated with penicillin G or ampicillin, the mortality was 25 percent in the 24 with penicillin-resistant strains and 19 percent in the 126 with penicillin-sensitive strains (P 0.51). Among patients treated with ceftriaxone or cef- otaxime, the mortality was 22 percent in the 59 with pen- icillin-resistant strains and 25 percent in the 127 with pen- icillin-sensitive strains (P 0.64). The frequency of resistance to cephalosporin increased from 2 percent in 1984–1988 to 9 percent in 1989–1993 (P 0.002). Mortality was 26 percent in patients with cephalosporin-resistant S. pneumoniae and 28 percent in patients with susceptible organisms (P 0.89). Among patients treated with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime, mortality was 22 percent in the 18 with cephalosporin-resistant strains and 24 percent in the 168 with cephalosporin-sen- sitive organisms (P 0.64). Conclusions. Current levels of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin by S. pneumoniae are not associated with increased mortality in patients with pneumococcal pneumonia. Hence, these antibiotics remain the therapy of choice for this disease. (N Engl J Med 1995;333:474-80.) From the Infectious Disease (R.P., C.C., P.F.V., F.G.), Microbiology (J.L., R.M.), Internal Medicine (M.V.), and Pulmonary Disease (F.M.) Services, Hospi- tal de Bellvitge “Princeps d’Espanya” and the University of Barcelona — both in Barcelona, Spain. Address reprint requests to Dr. Pallares at the Infectious Dis- ease Service, Hospital de Bellvitge “Princeps d’Espanya,” 08907 L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain. Supported by a grant (FIS 92/1057) from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sani- tarias, National Health Service, Madrid. S INCE the first descriptions two decades ago of strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae with a decreased susceptibility to penicillin (minimal inhibitory concen- tration [MIC] of penicillin G, or the lowest concentra- tion that inhibits pneumococcal growth, 0.12 mg per milliliter), 1,2 there have been increasing reports of in- fections caused by pneumococcal strains with high lev- els of resistance to penicillin, to multiple antibiotics, and more recently to cephalosporin. 3-13 The prognostic factors have been studied, 14,15 but the effect of resist- ance to penicillin and cephalosporin on mortality due to pneumococcal pneumonia in adults is not known. Despite the decreased susceptibility of pneumococci to penicillin G, it is probable that penicillin, the time- honored treatment for pneumococcal infection, should remain the antibiotic of choice for some such infections. However, it is not clear which types of pneumococcal infection may be treated successfully with penicillin, and up to what MIC. On the basis of reports by us and others, 13,16 pneu- mococcal meningitis due to strains against which the MIC of penicillin is 0.12 mg per milliliter or higher should not be treated with that drug. Instead, either a third-generation cephalosporin or vancomycin is rec- ommended. 13,16 Recently, cephalosporin therapy has been reported to have failed in patients with pneumococcal meningitis due to strains against which cefotaxime and ceftriaxone have high MICs. 17 On the other hand, preliminary data suggest that in some cases pneumococcal pneumonia against which the MIC of penicillin is increased may respond to pen- icillin or related b-lactam antibiotics, 18-20 because the serum concentrations achieved with these drugs 21 are several times higher than the MICs. Nevertheless, the efficacy of penicillin is uncertain, and the role of ex- tended-spectrum cephalosporins (ceftriaxone or cefo- taxime) in treating resistant pneumococcal pneumonia is not well defined. We sought to determine the factors influencing mor- tality in adults with severe pneumococcal pneumonia, as well as to assess the effect of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin on mortality in such patients. In ad- dition, we evaluated the response to therapy with pen- icillin or cephalosporin in relation to the degree of re- sistance of the infecting strain. METHODS Study Patients and Sources of Data This 10-year, prospective study included patients with pneumonia and no other focal disease, such as meningitis, for whom cultures of blood, pleural fluid, or specimens from the lower respiratory tract were positive for S. pneumoniae. The study was carried out in the Hos- pital de Bellvitge “Princeps d’Espanya,” a 1000-bed teaching institu- tion in Barcelona, Spain, that serves an area with a population of more than 1 million and admits only adult patients. From January 1984 through December 1993, a total of 494 isolates of S. pneumoniae were identified from blood samples in our microbi- ology laboratory; 412 of these strains were isolated from patients with pneumonia, whereas the remainder were from patients with menin- gitis (49 patients) or bacteremia (33 patients). In addition, 138 pa- tients whose blood cultures were negative had S. pneumoniae isolated The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on April 20, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright © 1995 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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  • Applications:Desktop Folder:2pall.oaMon Aug 21 0 14:09:23







    , M.D., J




    , M.D., M




    , M.D., C




    , M.D., F




    , M.D., P


    F. V


    , M.D., R




    , M.D.,






    , M.D.



    Penicillin-resistant strains of

    Streptococcus pneumoniae

    are now found worldwide,and strains with resistance to cephalosporin are being re-ported. The appropriate antibiotic therapy for pneumo-coccal pneumonia due to resistant strains remains contro-versial.


    To examine the effect of resistance to pen-icillin and cephalosporin on mortality, we conducted a 10-year, prospective study in Barcelona of 504 adults withculture-proved pneumococcal pneumonia.


    Among the 504 patients, 145 (29 percent)had penicillin-resistant strains of

    S. pneumoniae

    (minimalinhibitory concentration [MIC] of penicillin G, 0.12 to 4.0


    g per milliliter), and 31 patients (6 percent) had cepha-losporin-resistant strains (MIC of ceftriaxone or cefotax-ime, 1.0 to 4.0


    g per milliliter). Mortality was 38 percentin patients with penicillin-resistant strains, as comparedwith 24 percent in patients with penicillin-sensitive strains(P

    0.001). However, after the exclusion of patients withpolymicrobial pneumonia and adjustment for other pre-dictors of mortality, the odds ratio for mortality in patientswith penicillin-resistant strains was 1.0 (95 percent con-

    dence interval, 0.5 to 1.9; P

    0.84). Among patientstreated with penicillin G or ampicillin, the mortality was25 percent in the 24 with penicillin-resistant strains and19 percent in the 126 with penicillin-sensitive strains(P

    0.51). Among patients treated with ceftriaxone or cef-otaxime, the mortality was 22 percent in the 59 with pen-icillin-resistant strains and 25 percent in the 127 with pen-icillin-sensitive strains (P

    0.64).The frequency of resistance to cephalosporin increased

    from 2 percent in 19841988 to 9 percent in 19891993(P

    0.002). Mortality was 26 percent in patients withcephalosporin-resistant

    S. pneumoniae

    and 28 percent inpatients with susceptible organisms (P

    0.89). Amongpatients treated with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime, mortalitywas 22 percent in the 18 with cephalosporin-resistantstrains and 24 percent in the 168 with cephalosporin-sen-sitive organisms (P



    Current levels of resistance to penicillinand cephalosporin by

    S. pneumoniae

    are not associatedwith increased mortality in patients with pneumococcalpneumonia. Hence, these antibiotics remain the therapy ofchoice for this disease. (N Engl J Med 1995;333:474-80.)

    From the Infectious Disease (R.P., C.C., P.F.V., F.G.), Microbiology (J.L.,R.M.), Internal Medicine (M.V.), and Pulmonary Disease (F.M.) Services, Hospi-tal de Bellvitge Princeps dEspanya and the University of Barcelona both inBarcelona, Spain. Address reprint requests to Dr. Pallares at the Infectious Dis-ease Service, Hospital de Bellvitge Princeps dEspanya, 08907 LHospitalet,Barcelona, Spain.

    Supported by a grant (FIS 92/1057) from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sani-tarias, National Health Service, Madrid.


    INCE the rst descriptions two decades ago ofstrains of

    Streptococcus pneumoniae

    with a decreasedsusceptibility to penicillin (minimal inhibitory concen-tration [MIC] of penicillin G, or the lowest concentra-tion that inhibits pneumococcal growth,



    g permilliliter),


    there have been increasing reports of in-fections caused by pneumococcal strains with high lev-els of resistance to penicillin, to multiple antibiotics,and more recently to cephalosporin.


    The prognosticfactors have been studied,


    but the effect of resist-ance to penicillin and cephalosporin on mortality dueto pneumococcal pneumonia in adults is not known.

    Despite the decreased susceptibility of pneumococcito penicillin G, it is probable that penicillin, the time-honored treatment for pneumococcal infection, shouldremain the antibiotic of choice for some such infections.However, it is not clear which types of pneumococcalinfection may be treated successfully with penicillin,and up to what MIC.

    On the basis of reports by us and others,


    pneu-mococcal meningitis due to strains against which theMIC of penicillin is 0.12


    g per milliliter or highershould not be treated with that drug. Instead, either athird-generation cephalosporin or vancomycin is rec-ommended.


    Recently, cephalosporin therapy has beenreported to have failed in patients with pneumococcal

    meningitis due to strains against which cefotaxime andceftriaxone have high MICs.


    On the other hand, preliminary data suggest that insome cases pneumococcal pneumonia against whichthe MIC of penicillin is increased may respond to pen-icillin or related


    -lactam antibiotics,


    because theserum concentrations achieved with these drugs


    areseveral times higher than the MICs. Nevertheless, theefcacy of penicillin is uncertain, and the role of ex-tended-spectrum cephalosporins (ceftriaxone or cefo-taxime) in treating resistant pneumococcal pneumoniais not well dened.

    We sought to determine the factors inuencing mor-tality in adults with severe pneumococcal pneumonia,as well as to assess the effect of resistance to penicillinand cephalosporin on mortality in such patients. In ad-dition, we evaluated the response to therapy with pen-icillin or cephalosporin in relation to the degree of re-sistance of the infecting strain.



    Study Patients and Sources of Data

    This 10-year, prospective study included patients with pneumoniaand no other focal disease, such as meningitis, for whom cultures ofblood, pleural uid, or specimens from the lower respiratory tractwere positive for

    S. pneumoniae.

    The study was carried out in the Hos-pital de Bellvitge Princeps dEspanya, a 1000-bed teaching institu-tion in Barcelona, Spain, that serves an area with a population ofmore than 1 million and admits only adult patients.

    From January 1984 through December 1993, a total of 494 isolatesof

    S. pneumoniae

    were identied from blood samples in our microbi-ology laboratory; 412 of these strains were isolated from patients withpneumonia, whereas the remainder were from patients with menin-gitis (49 patients) or bacteremia (33 patients). In addition, 138 pa-tients whose blood cultures were negative had

    S. pneumoniae


    The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on April 20, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 1995 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

  • Applications:Desktop Folder:2pall.oaMon Aug 21 0 14:09:23


    from cultures of pleural uid (46 patients), cultures of specimens ob-tained by transthoracic needle aspiration (37 patients), or cultures ofbronchoscopic specimens obtained by brushing that had more than1000 colony-forming units (cfu) (55 patients). Thus, a total of 550 pa-tients had diagnoses of culture-proved pneumococcal pneumonia. Atour institution, selected patients with severe pneumonia whose initialdiagnoses were unclear were included in a prospective protocol (ap-proved by the ethics committee of the hospital) in recent years tostudy the efcacy of procedures to obtain bronchoscopic specimensby brushing and transthoracic needle aspiration.


    Studies of suscep-tibility to antibiotics were conducted for all the strains obtained; sev-eral were included in previous reports.


    When pneumococci were isolated from blood or another specimen,the patient was evaluated by a staff member of the Infectious DiseaseService or the Pulmonary Disease Service. Most patients were seenat outpatient clinics within one month after discharge. Data on mor-tality were obtained by following the patients during hospitalizationand reviewing the clinical records of the outpatient clinic and recordsof deaths.

    We decided to include both patients with bacteremia and thosewithout bacteremia in the study, because no signicant differences inmortality were found between the two groups (28 percent and 29 per-cent, respectively). This study design allowed us to enroll more pa-tients with strains resistant to penicillin and cephalosporin, so thatmore accurate statistical comparisons could be made.

    Among the 550 patients, 504 completed the study protocol; the re-maining 46 were excluded from the univariate and multivariate anal-yses. The mortality rate among these 46 patients was 26 percent, sim-ilar to the rate of 28 percent among the patients who were included.The entire group of 550 patients was included in the studies of sus-ceptibility to antibiotics (Table 1).


    A diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia was made if a patient wasfound to have infection of the lower respiratory tract in the clinicalhistory and on physical examination, as well as a pulmonary inltrateon chest radiography, and if

    S. pneumoniae

    was isolated from culturesof one or more of the following types of specimens: blood, pleural u-id, or specimens obtained by transthoracic needle aspiration or bron-choscopic-specimen brushing. Patients who had only sputum culturespositive for pneumococci were not included.

    Mortality in the hospital was dened to include deaths within onemonth after the diagnosis of pneumonia. Serious underlying diseasewas considered to be present if the patient had a conrmed diagnosisof one of the following: cancer, systemic vasculitis, or cirrhosis of theliver; diabetes, if that disease had been diagnosed and the patient wasreceiving hypoglycemic drugs; chronic renal failure, if the patientwas undergoing dialysis; human immunodeciency virus (HIV) infec-tion, if the patient had a positive enzyme-linked immunosorbent as-say and Western blot assay for HIV type 1 or type 2; heart failure, ifthe patient had a history of congestive heart failure, evidence ofheart failure, or both at the time of admission; and chronic pulmo-nary disease, if the patient had had chronic respiratory symptoms formore than three months during the preceding two years. Nosocomi-ally acquired pneumonia was dened by the presence of signs andsymptoms of lower respiratory tract infection that developed afterthree days of hospitalization for an unrelated illness. Shock was de-ned as systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg together with hy-poperfusion of the peripheral tissues. Multilobar involvement andpleural effusion were considered to be present when more than onepulmonary lobe was involved and when there was evidence of pleuraluid on a chest lm, respectively. Leukopenia was diagnosed if theinitial white-cell count was below 5000 per cubic millimeter. Polymi-crobial pneumonia was considered to be present when

    S. pneumoniae

    and another microorganism were isolated from cultures of blood orspecimens obtained from the lower respiratory tract; monomicrobialpneumonia was considered to be present when

    S. pneumoniae

    was theonly microorganism isolated.

    Antibiotic therapy was initially prescribed by the attending physi-cian. When the results of the in vitro susceptibility testing wereknown, the patient was evaluated by an infectious-disease specialist,and most patients continued to receive the drugs initially prescribed,because their conditions were clearly improving. For the analysis, pa-

    tients were divided into three groups: the penicillin group (thosetreated with penicillin G or ampicillin); the cephalosporin group(those treated with ceftriaxone or cefotaxime); and the group treatedwith other antibiotics. In order to include more patients with penicil-lin-resistant disease in each group, those treated with penicillin Gand ampicillin were grouped together, as were those treated with cef-triaxone and cefotaxime, because the drugs in each pair have almostidentical MICs and produce similar clinical responses. Antibiotictherapy usually lasted from 7 to 14 days. The usual total intravenousdose of penicillin G was 2 million U every 4 hours; of ampicillin, 2 gevery 6 hours; of ceftriaxone, 1 to 2 g every 24 hours; and of cefotax-ime, 1 to 2 g every 6 hours. The other antibiotics were administeredaccording to standard criteria.


    Microbiologic Studies

    Strains of

    S. pneumoniae

    were identied by standard methods. Allstrains were initially screened for susceptibility to antimicrobialagents by the disk-diffusion method, with MuellerHinton blood agarplates.


    A 1-


    g oxacillin disk was used to detect all strains that haddecreased sensitivity to penicillin. The MICs of the oxacillin-resistantstrains were determined by the microdilution method in cation-sup-plemented MuellerHinton broth with 5 percent whole debrinatedhorse blood, at the appropriate concentration of antibiotic. The wellsof the microdilution plates were inoculated to a volume of 100


    l withan inoculum containing 1 million cfu per milliliter. All pneumococcalstrains were stored frozen at


    C in skim milk until their MICswere determined by the agar-dilution method. Two strains of

    S. pneu-moniae

    were used as controls: American Type Culture Collection(ATCC) 49619 (serotype 19) and ATCC 6303 (serotype 3). The MICwas dened as the lowest concentration of antibiotic that preventedgrowth visible without the microscope after an overnight incubationof plates at 35

    C. The MICs of the antibiotics shown in Table 1 andelsewhere in this article were determined by the agar-dilution meth-od. Resistance to antimicrobial agents was dened according to thecriteria of the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Stand-ards.


    Strains were serotyped at the Spanish Pneumococcal Refer-ence Laboratory (Majadahonda, Madrid) with standard antiserum

    *Of the 550 strains, 412 were isolated from blood cultures and 138 from cultures of speci-mens from the lower respiratory tract. The most frequent serotypes of penicillin-resistant pneu-mococci were serotypes 14 (in 19 percent of isolates), 6 (18 percent), 9 (17 percent), 23 (16percent), 19 (15 percent), and 15 (7 percent); the most frequent serotypes of cephalosporin-resistant pneumococci were serotypes 23 (in 28 percent of isolates), 6 (28 percent), 14 (23 per-cent), 9 (10 percent), and 19 (5 percent). None of the strains were resistant to vancomycin ata minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) greater than 1.0


    g per milliliter.

    P values are for the comparison of the two periods for all MICs of each drug; they wereobtained by the chi-square test from two-by-k contingency tables, where k was the number ofcategories of MICs studied.

    Table 1. Susceptibility to Antibiotics in 550 Strains of Pneumo-cocci Isolated from Patients with Pneumonia.





    MIC (


    g/ml) N


    . (%)




    P V


    19841988 (


    221)19891993 (



    Penicillin G

    178 (81)29 (13)11 (5)3 (1)

    214 (65)67 (20)35 (11)13 (4)


    Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime

    216 (98)5 (2)

    299 (91)30 (9)



    208 (94)13 (6)

    271 (82)58 (18)




    206 (93)15 (7)

    287 (87)42 (13)




    124 (56)97 (44)

    219 (67)110 (33)




    110 (50)20 (9)91 (41)

    173 (53)33 (10)

    123 (37)


    The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on April 20, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 1995 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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    (Statens Serumsinstitut, Copenhagen, Den-mark). A more detailed description of the mi-crobiologic methods used is given else-where.


    Statistical Analysis

    To study trends in pneumococcal pneumo-nia and to avoid a selection bias, we includedonly patients with bacteremic pneumonia inthe analysis, since blood cultures were per-formed routinely, whereas the other diagnos-tic methods were used selectively. We calcu-lated the rates of infection acquired in thehospital by subtracting three days from eachhospital stay and summing the residual dura-tions of hospitalization.

    The correlation of MICs for penicillin withthose for cephalosporin was determined bythe Pearson correlation coefcient. The chi-square test was used to compare the pro-portions in samples with use of two-by-k con-tingency tables, where k was the number ofcategories of MICs studied.

    The relation of covariates with mortalitywas initially assessed by univariate analysis,and odds ratios were then determined with alogistic-regression model. An adjusted analy-sis was performed with models constructedby multiple logistic-regression analysis.


    Inthis adjusted analysis, binary variables werecoded as 0 (absent) or 1 (present), and poly-chotomous variables were coded with indica-tor variables. All variables that were signi-cant in any of the models were included.Independent variables were checked for col-linearity.

    Age was subdivided into three groups: 19to 39 years, 40 to 69 years, and 70 years orolder. The categories of cancer, cirrhosis, sys-temic vasculitis, and disease necessitatingsplenectomy were combined as serious under-lying diseases, because they were all associat-ed with increased mortality, as shown inTable 2.

    We considered the possibility that if drug-resistant organisms are more virulent thansusceptible ones, then some variables relatedto the severity of infection might be interme-diate variables, rather than predisposing fac-tors requiring statistical control. When wecompared the patients with penicillin-resist-ant strains and those with susceptible strains,however, there were no statistically signi-cant differences in variables such as shock atadmission (18 percent and 14 percent, re-spectively; P

    0.13) and multilobar involve-ment (26 percent and 29 percent, P

    0.47),suggesting that resistant strains were notmore virulent than susceptible strains, as hasbeen reported.


    We included the entire cohort of 504 sub-

    jects for whom data were complete in theunivariate and multivariate analyses (Tables 2and 3). Other models that involved only pa-tients with monomicrobial pneumonia (those inwhich

    S. pneumoniae

    was the only microorgan-ism isolated from cultures) and included thesame covariates are also shown (Table 3). Tomeasure the effect of drug resistance on mor-tality while adjusting for other terms, we ttedthe variable of resistance to penicillin into themodels, whether it was signicant or not.

    In assessing responses to antibiotic thera-

    *Pneumococcal pneumonia was diagnosed on the basis of blood cultures in 407 patients and cultures of specimens fromthe lower respiratory tract in 97. CI denotes condence interval, and HIV human immunodeciency virus.

    Serious underlying disease was considered to be present when the patient had one or more of the following: cancer (39deaths among 91 patients), liver cirrhosis (23 deaths among 40 patients), systemic vasculitis (1 death among 8 patients), orsplenectomy (2 deaths among 2 patients).

    In addition to

    S. pneumoniae,

    other microorganisms isolated in the patients with polymicrobial pneumonia were

    Hae-mophilus inuenzae

    (in 14 patients),

    Staphylococcus aureus


    Salmonella enteritidis


    Pseudomonas aeruginosa


    Escherichia coli

    (4), acinetobacter species (4), klebsiella species (1), and enterobacter species (1).

    Resistance to penicillin G was dened by an MIC of penicillin G



    g per milliliter. The distribution of deathsaccording to the MIC of penicillin G was as follows: 0.12


    g per milliliter, 5 deaths among 14 patients; 0.25


    g per milliliter,10 deaths among 22 patients; 0.5


    g per milliliter, 6 deaths among 15 patients; 1.0


    g per milliliter, 14 deaths among 38patients; 2.0


    g per milliliter, 16 deaths among 43 patients; and 4.0


    g per milliliter, 4 deaths among 13 patients.

    Resistance to cephalosporin was dened by an MIC of ceftriaxone or cefotaxime



    g per milliliter. The distributionof deaths according to the MIC of ceftriaxone or cefotaxime was as follows: 1.0


    g per milliliter, 5 deaths among 25 patients;2.0


    g per milliliter, 3 deaths among 5 patients; and 4.0


    g per milliliter, 1 patient, who survived.

    Antibiotic therapy was given as follows: penicillin G to 115 patients, ampicillin to 37, ceftriaxone to 161, cefotaxime to38, erythromycin to 34, erythromycin plus cephalosporin to 26, clindamycin to 9, vancomycin to 5, imipenem to 9, and otherantimicrobial agents to 60.

    **These patients died before antibiotic therapy was started.

    Table 2. Univariate Analysis of Factors Inuencing Mortality in 504 Adult Patients withPneumococcal Pneumonia.












    (95% CI) P V











    Demographics and history

    Age (yr)19394069




    1.0 (1.11.1)1.9 (1.13.4)2.8 (1.55.1)






    1.0 (1.11.1)1.2 (0.81.9)

    0.311Serious underlying disease




    1.0 (1.11.1)2.9 (1.94.4)





    1.0 (1.11.1)1.0 (0.83.8)

    0.821Chronic renal failure




    1.0 (1.11.1)1.1 (0.43.4)

    0.751HIV infection




    1.0 (1.11.1)0.4 (0.10.9)

    0.051Heart failure




    1.0 (1.11.1)2.3 (1.34.2)

    0.004Chronic pulmonary disease




    1.0 (1.11.1)0.8 (0.51.4)


    Findings at presentationShock




    1.0 (1.11.1)11.1 (6.319.5)


    Multilobar involvementNoYes



    1.0 (1.11.1)4.8 (3.17.3)


    Leukopenia (5000 cells/mm3)NoYes



    1.0 (1.11.1)5.5 (3.29.5)


    Polymicrobial pneumoniaNoYes



    1.0 (1.11.1)5.0 (2.59.9)


    Place pneumonia acquiredCommunityHospital



    1.0 (1.11.1)2.7 (1.74.3)


    Penicillin resistanceNoYes



    1.0 (1.11.1)1.9 (1.32.9)


    Cephalosporin resistanceNoYes



    1.0 (1.11.1)0.9 (0.42.1)


    Antibiotic therapyPenicillin G or ampicillin 31/152 20 1.0 (1.11.1) Ceftriaxone or cefotaxime 52/199 26 1.3 (0.82.2) 0.211Other 47/143 33 1.9 (1.13.2) 0.021None** 10/10

    The New England Journal of Medicine Downloaded from on April 20, 2015. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

    Copyright 1995 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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    py, we studied only patients with monomicrobial pneumococcal pneu-monia, comparing the mortality of patients with resistant strains withthat of patients with susceptible strains with regard to each antimi-crobial agent (or group of agents) (Table 4). Because the study wasnot a randomized clinical trial, comparisons between groups of anti-biotics were avoided. P values of less than 0.05 were considered toindicate statistical signicance, and all reported P values are two-tailed.


    Of the 504 adults with severe pneumococcal pneu-monia, 145 (29 percent) had penicillin-resistant strainsand 31 (6 percent) had cephalosporin-resistant strains.During the study period, we observed a signicant in-crease in resistance to penicillin, cephalosporin, imi-penem, and erythromycin (Table 1). The distribution ofserotypes is shown in the rst footnote to Table 1.

    Trends in Bacteremic Pneumococcal Pneumonia

    The incidence of community-acquired bacteremicpneumococcal pneumonia increased during the studyperiod (Fig. 1). This increase was due mainly to theinclusion of the patients with HIV (who accounted for4 episodes of pneumonia in 19841988 and 34 episodesin 19891993). The incidence of bacteremic pneumo-coccal pneumonia acquired in the hospital did not in-crease signicantly (in 19841988 there were 0.019and in 19891993 0.030 episodes per 1000 patient-days).

    Analysis of MortalityOverall mortality was 28 percent (140 of 504), and

    most deaths occurred within seven days after diagno-sis (Fig. 2). The factors inuencing mortality in theunivariate analysis are shown in Table 2. Patients withHIV had lower mortality than those without HIV, but

    after we controlled for age (the pa-tients with HIV being younger thanthose without HIV) the risk of deathdid not differ signicantly (adjustedodds ratio for the patients with HIV,0.7; 95 percent condence interval,0.2 to 1.9; P0.51).

    In the multivariate analysis, theindependent prognostic factors formortality were age of 70 years orabove, serious underlying disease,heart failure, shock, multilobar in-volvement, leukopenia (5000 cellsper cubic millimeter), nosocomiallyacquired pneumonia, and polymicro-bial pneumonia (Table 3). The typesof microorganisms recovered in thepatients with polymicrobial pneumo-nia are shown in the third footnote toTable 2.

    Overall, the mortality rate amongthe patients with penicillin-resistantstrains was 38 percent, and amongthose with susceptible strains it was24 percent (P0.001) (Table 2), but

    after we controlled for other predictors of mortalitythe odds ratios for those with resistant strains were 1.3(95 percent condence interval, 0.7 to 2.2; P0.32) inthe entire cohort and 1.0 (95 percent condence in-terval, 0.5 to 1.9; P0.84) among the patients withmonomicrobial pneumococcal pneumonia. Similar re-sults were obtained for the patients with bacteremia(Table 3).

    When conditions that resulted from the infection,such as shock at the time of admission and multilobarinvolvement, were not included in the model for the en-

    *Patients with monomicrobial pneumonia were those in whom S. pneumoniae was the only microorganism isolated fromblood cultures or cultures of specimens from the lower respiratory tract. OR denotes odds ratio, and CI condence interval.

    Dened as an MIC of penicillin G 0.12 mg per milliliter.

    Serious underlying disease was considered to be present when the patient had one or more of the following: cancer, livercirrhosis, systemic vasculitis, and splenectomy.

    Table 3. Multivariate Analysis of Factors Inuencing Mortality in the Entire Cohort of504 Patients with Pneumococcal Pneumonia and among All Patients with Monomi-

    crobial Pneumonia and Only Those with Bacteremia.*




    (N 392)

    Adjusted OR(95% CI)


    Adjusted OR(95% CI)


    Adjusted OR(95% CI)


    Penicillin resistance 1.3 (0.72.2)1 0.321 1.0 (0.51.9)1 0.841 0.9 (0.41.9) 0.841

    Age (yr)1939406970

    1.0 (1.11.1)11.0 (0.94.1)12.4 (1.25.2)1


    1.0 (1.11.11)1.2 (0.52.7)12.7 (1.26.5)1


    1.0 (1.11.1)0.9 (0.32.3)2.4 (0.96.3)


    Serious underlying disease 1.9 (1.23.5)1 0.021 1.8 (1.13.4)1 0.051 2.2 (1.14.5) 0.021

    Heart failure 2.0 (1.14.4)1 0.051 2.2 (1.14.8)1 0.041 1.8 (0.74.6) 0.171

    Shock 7.5 (3.814.6) 0.001 9.0 (4.418.3) 0.001 13.4 (5.930.3) 0.001

    Multilobar involvement 4.4 (2.67.5)1 0.001 3.8 (2.26.7)1 0.001 3.7 (2.07.0) 0.001

    Leukopenia (5000cells/mm3)

    3.3 (1.66.9)1 0.001 3.2 (1.56.9)1 0.002 3.0 (1.27.0) 0.011

    Nosocomial pneumonia 2.0 (1.13.8)1 0.021 2.9 (1.55.7)1 0.001 4.6 (2.010.7) 0.001

    Polymicrobial pneumonia 5.6 (2.313.6) 0.001

    *The 48 patients who had polymicrobial pneumonia or who did not receive antibiotic ther-apy (or both) were excluded from this analysis. Eleven patients infected with penicillin-resist-ant strains and included here were also included in a previous report.18

    The other antibiotics administered included erythromycin, erythromycin plus cephalospor-in, clindamycin, vancomycin, and imipenem.

    Table 4. Mortality among 456 Patients with Monomicrobial Pneu-mococcal Pneumonia, According to Type of Antibiotic Therapy

    and Degree of Resistance of the Infecting Strain.*





    no. of patients who died/no. in group (%)

    Penicillin GSusceptible (MIC, 0.06 mg/ml) 24/126 (19) 32/127 (25) 18/871 (21)Resistant (MIC, in mg/ml)

    0.12 to

    4/14 (11)1/9 (11)1/1 (11)6/24 (25)

    5/33 (11)7/18 (11)1/8 (11)

    13/59 (22)

    11/22 (11)2/8 (11)1/3 (11)

    14/33 (42)

    Ceftriaxone or cefotaximeSusceptible (MIC, 0.5 mg/ml) 41/168 (24) 29/145 (20) 30/114 (26)Resistant (MIC, in mg/ml)

    3/16 (11)1/2 (11)

    4/18 (22)

    1/4 (11)

    0/1 (11)1/5 (20)

    1/5 (11)1/1 (11)

    2/6 (33)

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    tire cohort, and after we adjusted that analysis for theother terms shown in Table 3, resistance to penicillinwas still not signicantly associated with mortality(adjusted odds ratio, 1.1; 95 percent condence inter-val, 0.6 to 1.8; P0.62). Similar results were obtainedwhen the same covariates were studied in the modelfor the patients with monomicrobial pneumonia (datanot shown).

    Response to Antibiotic TherapyAs Table 4 shows, among the patients with monomi-

    crobial pneumococcal pneumonia who were treatedwith penicillin G or ampicillin, the mortality ratesamong the 24 patients with penicillin-resistant strainsand the 126 patients with susceptible strains were 25percent and 19 percent, respectively (odds ratio, 1.4; 95percent condence interval, 0.5 to 3.9; P0.51). Afteradjustment, the odds ratio was 0.9 (95 percent con-dence interval, 0.3 to 2.8; P0.90). It is important tonote that eight of the nine patients with MICs of 2 mgper milliliter recovered and that the only patient withan MIC of 4 mg per milliliter (a patient with severe un-derlying disease) died.

    Among the patients treated with ceftriaxone or cefo-taxime, the mortality rates among the 59 patients withpenicillin-resistant strains and the 127 patients withsusceptible strains were 22 percent and 25 percent, re-spectively (odds ratio, 0.8; 95 percent condence inter-val, 0.4 to 1.7; P0.64). After adjustment, the odds ra-tio was 0.4 (95 percent condence interval, 0.2 to 1.1;P0.10).

    Among the patients treated with other antibiotics,the mortality rates among the 33 with penicillin-resist-ant strains and the 87 with susceptible strains were 42percent and 21 percent, respectively (odds ratio, 2.8; 95percent condence interval, 1.2 to 6.6; P0.02), butthis difference was not signicant after adjustment (ad-justed odds ratio, 1.4; 95 percent condence interval,0.4 to 4.1; P0.54).

    Emergence of Resistance to CephalosporinsStrains with decreased susceptibility to cephalospor-

    in (MIC of ceftriaxone or cefotaxime, 1.0 mg per mil-

    liliter) were found in 2 percent of patients in 19841988 and in 9 percent in 19891993 (P0.002) (Table1). There was a close correlation between the MICs ofthe cephalosporins and that of penicillin (r0.85,P0.001).

    During the rst years of the study, the MICs of cef-triaxone and cefotaxime were usually two to four timessmaller than that of penicillin G, but in the more recentyears they were usually one to two times smaller. More-over, we observed ve instances of resistance in whichthe MICs of the cephalosporins were equal to that ofpenicillin G, and one instance in which the MIC of cef-triaxone or cefotaxime was 4 mg per milliliter and thatof penicillin G was 0.5 mg per milliliter (the patient re-covered with penicillin therapy).

    Overall, the mortality rate among the patients withcephalosporin-resistant pneumococcal strains was sim-ilar to that among the patients with cephalosporin-sus-ceptible strains (26 percent vs. 28 percent; odds ratio,0.9; 95 percent condence interval, 0.4 to 2.1; P0.89)(Table 2). Among the patients treated with ceftriaxoneor cefotaxime, the mortality rates among the 18 withcephalosporin-resistant strains and the 168 with sus-ceptible strains were 22 percent and 24 percent, re-spectively (odds ratio, 0.8; 95 percent condence inter-val, 0.4 to 1.7; P0.64) (Table 4).

    DISCUSSIONOver the past two decades, pneumococci have be-

    come increasingly resistant to penicillin and other an-tibiotics.8-10,27,28 The more recent identication of ceph-alosporin-resistant strains is a cause for additionalconcern.13,29 At our institution, we have seen an increasein the frequency of infections due to pneumococci re-sistant to penicillin, cephalosporin, and erythromycin,the antibiotics used most commonly to treat pneumonia(Table 1).

    During the study period, we found an increasingtrend toward community-acquired bacteremic pneumo-coccal pneumonia (Fig. 1). This was at least partly dueto the greater numbers of HIV-infected patients, whoare at higher risk for pneumococcal infections.30,31 Theincidence of bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia ac-quired in the hospital did not increase signicantly. Al-

    Figure 1. Trends in Community-Acquired BacteremicPneumococcal Pneumonia.


    of E



















    3.5 4.23.2

    2.22.7 2.6


    4.6 4.7


    Figure 2. Cumulative Mortality among 504 Patients with Severe



    y (%





    00 4 6 9 11 14 16 21 24 30

    Days after Diagnosis

    Pneumococcal Pneumonia.

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    though outbreaks of pneumococcal pneumonia havebeen reported in hospitals and prisons,18,32 no outbreakswere detected in the present study.

    The overall mortality reported in patients with pneu-mococcal bacteremia (and usually with pneumonia)has remained unchanged at about 25 percent over thepast four decades14,15,33-37 and is close to the 28 percentmortality in our study. The factors associated with in-creased mortality in this study (Table 3) are clinicallyconsistent and similar to those reported previously.14,15The increased mortality from nosocomially acquiredinfection38 probably reects the greater severity of un-derlying disease in these patients. There was also high-er mortality among our patients with polymicrobialpneumonia, who had other serious pathogens in ad-dition to pneumococci. On the other hand, the HIV-infected patients had lower mortality, probably becauseof their relative youth. In other reports HIV infectionwas not found to affect mortality from pneumococcalpneumonia signicantly.30,31

    In our study, the patients with penicillin-resistantpneumococcal strains had higher mortality than thosewith penicillin-susceptible strains in the univariateanalysis. However, after adjustment for other variables,resistance to penicillin was not associated with in-creased mortality. The patients with penicillin-resistantstrains had more serious underlying conditions thanthe patients with penicillin-susceptible strains.18 Simi-larly, the case fatality rate of South African childrenwith penicillin-resistant pneumococcal infections didnot differ signicantly from that of children with peni-cillin-susceptible infections.6 In our study, resistance tocephalosporin was also not associated with increasedmortality.

    Our study was not designed to compare the efcacyof various antibiotics, and it was not a randomized clin-ical trial. Therefore, the response to antibiotic therapywas analyzed by comparing mortality in patients withresistant strains and patients with susceptible strainswith regard to each antimicrobial agent (or group ofagents) (Table 4).

    Our data suggest that high-dose intravenous penicil-lin G (150,000 to 200,000 U per kilogram of bodyweight per day) may be effective in patients with pneu-mococcal pneumonia due to strains for which the MICof penicillin ranges from 0.12 to 2 mg per milliliter. Cef-triaxone or cefotaxime may be a good alternative whenthe MIC of penicillin is higher and those of ceftriaxoneand cefotaxime are 2 mg per milliliter or less. It is notknown whether pneumonia due to strains for which theMIC of penicillin was 4 mg per milliliter or higherwould respond to penicillin therapy, or whether infec-tions for which the MICs of ceftriaxone and cefotaximewere 4 mg per milliliter or higher would respond tocephalosporin therapy.

    Careful selection of an effective antibiotic for the ini-tial empirical therapy requires an awareness of pat-terns of susceptibility in the patients geographic area.We think that identifying patients at greater risk of dy-ing (Table 3) or of having a resistant strain18,39 may

    help in choosing the appropriate therapy. For example,patients with a low probability of death and no risk fac-tors for penicillin-resistant strains could be given initialempirical treatment with high-dose intravenous peni-cillin G, ampicillin, or amoxicillin. In patients with ahigher risk of death or with risk factors for pneumococ-ci with a high level of resistance to penicillin, it wouldbe prudent to start empirical treatment with an alter-native antibiotic. In these cases, ceftriaxone or cefotax-ime may be given, together with erythromycin when thepresence of legionella or another atypical pathogen can-not reasonably be ruled out. Other alternatives, such asimipenem or vancomycin, ought to be considered in re-gions where a high level of resistance to cephalosporinshas become prevalent.

    In summary, our study suggests that the current lev-els of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin do notappear to increase mortality in patients with pneumo-coccal pneumonia. High-dose intravenous penicillin maybe effective for infections in which the MIC of penicillinis up to 2 mg per milliliter, and ceftriaxone or cefotax-ime may be effective when the MIC of penicillin ishigher. However, the emergence of high levels of resist-ance to cephalosporin is an alarming problem. It is tobe hoped that administering the existing pneumococ-cal vaccine to adults at an earlier age as well as devel-oping a new vaccine suitable for children will help toprevent these difcult-to-treat infections in the future.40

    We are indebted to the members of the medical staffs of the Infec-tious Disease, Respiratory Disease, and Internal Medicine services,who provided care to many of the patients included in this study, andto the staff members of the Microbiology Service who performed thestudies of susceptibility to antibiotics.

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