neiusiencr - south dublin · tidy towns...

neiusiencR EDITORIAL. 23rd. September, I9T3. 25th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR, I5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST. Catholic Social Service Conference The Catholic Social Service Conference tries each year to relieve the hardship of the lives of people in Dublin who are hungry, who are poorly clad, who suffer from neglect and isolation. It also tries to provide a holiday for young people who otherwise could not afford one, This work has been going on for the past 32 years. It must continue. A dramatic expansion of Dublin is now taking place,Living in developing areas will raise new problems and magnify present ones, The Church must help- Young married couples, living away from their parents, must be helped overcome their isolation,mothers,especially if not very strong,will need help to cope with young families. Old people will need comfort and company. The rows of houses now being built on the fringe of the city must be helped develop in true Christian communities, Christians must be alert to the real meaning of the sentence "The poor we have always with us",It is for this reason that the wprk pf the Catholic Social Service must continue. This Sunday, there is a special collection to help finance the Catholic Social Service. Last year you were generous in your response to this appeal. In the name of those who benefited by your generosity, we thank you. Your generosity this year will enable the conference to extend its benefits.

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Page 1: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

neiusiencREDITORIAL. 23rd. September, I9T3.

25th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR, I5th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST.Catholic Social Service ConferenceThe Catholic Social Service Conference tries each year to relieve the hardship of the lives of people in Dublin who are hungry, who are poorly clad, who suffer from neglect and isolation. It also tries to provide a holiday for young people who otherwise could not afford one, This work has been going on for the past 32 years. It must continue.

A dramatic expansion of Dublin is now taking place,Living in developing areas will raise new problems and magnify present ones,The Church must help- Young married couples, living away from their parents, must be helped overcome their isolation,mothers,especially if not very strong,will need help to cope with young families. Old people will need comfort and company. The rows of houses now being built on the fringe of the city must be helped develop in true Christian communities,

Christians must be alert to the real meaning of the sentence "The poor we have always with us",It is for this reason that the wprk pf the Catholic Social Service must continue.

This Sunday, there is a special collection to help finance the Catholic Social Service. Last year you were generous in your response to this appeal. In the name of those who benefited by your generosity, we thank you. Your generosity this year will enable the conference to extend its benefits.

Page 2: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

PLANNED CAMPAIGN:The P l a n n e d - g i v i n g t h i s week came t o £215*75 - a d r o p f r o m l a s t week h u t t h i s can be e x p l a i n e d b y t h e f a c t t h a t a l o t o f c o l l e c t o r s w e re u n a b l e t o b r i n g i n t h e i r r e t u r n s .N e x t week s h o u l d b e a r t h i s f a c t o u t b y a s u b s t a n t i a l i n c r e a s e .

Dear Editor,Could you kindly find space to publish this letter for

m e .I am appealing to the mothers who bring their prams and

go-cars inside the small gate of the school to stop doing so. The space here is so narrow that children trying to get buses are delayed and miss their bus. The mothers waiting for their children are in no hurry. I myself have had my legs scratched by these prams. So could the mothers wait near the main gate and let us get our buses home on time?

Thanking you, Yours sincerely,Sandra Taylor, age 9 it years.

LUCAN COMMUNITY COUNCILA General Meeting will be held on Tuesday next, 25th

September, at 8.30 p.m. Arrangements for the forthcoming Car Treasure Hunt and Social Evening will be discussed as well as some other important items.

A full attendance of all delegates is therefore requested. Please note, meeting will start at 8.30 p.m. SHARP.

Page 3: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

3.There will he a Meeting of the C.L.C. Group (Sodality of Our Lady) in St. Anne's on Tuesday night at 8 p,m.

Rev. ¥. D'Arcy, C.C., Hon. Secretary of the Dublin Diocesen Pilgrimage to Lourdes acknowledges with sincere thanks the sum of £5--75 collected by Mrs. Brigid Grant of 2, Sarsfield Park, Lucan,


Spring Lamb in Season Sausages, Beef, Puddings,


Phone: 2 8 0 3 2 7


LUCAN DRAMATIC SOCIETY are holding their Annual General Meeting on Friday, 28th Sept, at 8 p.m. All members please attend this meeting as this is your chance to air your views and elect your Committee for the coming year, New and past members are very welcome to attend this meeting,

MACRA NA TUAITHE are holding their Annual General Meeting next Saturday, 29th Sept0 at 8 p.m. All members must be present. New members welcome.

P . R , 0 ,

SUPPER DANCE in the Hamlet Friday 28th Sept0 Supper, Dance and coach £1,35- names to be given to Mrs, Nora Byrne, 85 Cottages BEFORE Wed, 26th Sept. Coach leaves Lucan at 9 p.m.

As from October 1st, the Rosary will be recited each evening at 8.30 p 9m. at the


17 A u n g i e r St. Dub l i n P H O N E: 7 5 3 0 4 3 - 4.

save m o n e y buy d i r e c t from manufacturers for

keenest Prices.





Statue of Our Lady, Dodsboro »

FOR SALE: Electrolux Floor Polisher, as new, £28, Telephone 280589 or call 2 Vesey Park,

WANTED: Gents bicycle in good repair, reasonable. Also Electric Cooker, 3 or U plate in good condition. Apply Mrs. Keenan, Ballydowd,

h e m e r y c k ’s


C O N T I N E N T A L F O O D S , C H E E S E , W I N E , DELPH & O R N A M E N T S F O R

Y O U R G I F T . PHONE 2 8 0 4 3 1

Page 4: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

TIDY TOWNS 1975The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week. Kiltegan, the lovely Co. Wicklow village with a population of a mere 70 souls, was the overall winner with an impressive tally of 140 points, which was 10 short of the maximum,Lucan were entered in the 3*000-5,000 population section and this year again the results for us were less than satisfactory. We received 91 points (again out of 150) - this was well be­hind the winners in this section, Midleton, Co. Cork, who re­ceived 119 points. Bandon and Tramore scored the same as our­selves while Leixlip, our next door neighbours, scored 105 points in the same section.What went wrong? The principal fault that can be found is a lack of co-ordination of effort and this is what has been happening ever since Lucan first entered the Competition.There was no person or body taking the positive steps necessary to do well.Of course this would not have happened if the Competition was looked on as a top priority - that it is not and this is the right way to view it. There are more important things to be done and the willing hands are very few.Kiltegan won because they had made maximum use of the natural amenities. We can do a lot for ourselves if we organise.We should not be too disheartened by the result. After all, we were not the worst by a long chalk and Leixlip with its Tidy Towns Committee and years of experience were only 14 points ahead of us. Next year we can push our total up over 120 points if we take the appropriate steps. The tidy town of Lucan can then be enjoyed by our visitors, and, more important, by ourselves.

DIATHERMY AND BEAUTY CLINIC — now over "Fashion—on—the—Snot** Cleaners. Why suffer the embarrassment of facial hair - have it removed safely and permanently by expert operator.Evening appointments only from 7*30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m Telephone 281387.

PAINTER, Interior / Exterior work guaranteed. Free Estimates.H. Fitzsimons, 6, Roselawn, Ballydowd.

Page 5: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

7.Botanic by 7~I. Scorers G.Carney 3, P.Murphy, 2, J.Doyle andR.Rankin.jjesult of £IQQ Draw £100. D.James. £5Q.B.O'Dowd. £2 5 . D.Byrne.nIa'-KP ‘BUgfie.’m°ld ?Pa‘ £I° ‘ ;T-McCarthy- *5. D.Cormack, £5 .Mrs .Clarke Dodsboro. £5. Tin Lizzy and Fat Aggy'/ £5.Luoan Celtic,C/o P.Brady.£5. M.Comrskey. £5 . T. Rooney, Ballyfeimot. We wish to thank the

7 people who made our draw such an outstanding success.GRIFFITH' PARK F.C.The season is now in full swing and our first match was at home in Dodsboro against Fleetwood which we won U-I with Fran Carroll scor­ing 3 and Ritchie Delaney I . In the Phoenix Park last week we ran up against a much stronger team in Freedex who netted 5 goals to our2. We were somewhat unlucky in not gaining a point as we had the chances but no one to finish them. Scorers were T.Murphy and P.Blake We would ask anyone who can, to support our home games and to sub­scribe to our raffle which is currently being held. J.B.BOXING Very shortly we commence training for the boxing sea-son again. All from the age of eleven are welcome, subject to their parents permission if one is under eighteen years of age. Anyone else should be able to look after himself.Training consists of sessions in the assembly hall of the girls secondary school, by kind permission of the sisters, on Tuesday and Friday nights. Last year a number of Lucan Sarsfield Gaelic Football team and Lucan soccer teams trained with us. We would very much like to see them avail of the facilities this year again. In fact anyone who would like to get into condition would be welcome.

It+ha!.alS° ? “y notice that a number of young men have moved into the parish in the past year. If they would like to join any of

e local football teams they would be most anxious to hear from you. If you could give your name to<me I could pass it on. There are some very good teams in the Parish.Boxing training starts on the second week of October. Fr.McCarthy.-— E_ TEN CANOE CLUB This weekend we are holding our most impor­tant event of the year - our Annual Division I Slalom Competition. Entrants from all over Ireland will compete for the Foxe Perpetual Trophy, presented by Foxe Insurances, Leixlip for the Mens Div.I K.I. event. The competition will be run over the Slu*ce Weir course which has been designed by two of the foremost Slalom paddlers in the country - so it should be really difficult. The E.S.B. are re­leasing water throughout the day so that suitable rough water con­ditions will be available. Yesterday the team event and judges event was decided. Today the more important Div. I Mens, ladies C®

Contd. on page II.I and C£

Page 6: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

8 .


1 am the salvation of my people, says the Lord, whatever their affliction when they call upon me, I shall hear them and he their Lord for ever.COLLECT: 0 God, you have summed up your holy law in your command that we should love you and our neighbour. Grant us the grace to keep your commandments and so become worthy to enter eternal life.A READING FROM THE BOOK OF WISDOM :Let us condemn him to a shameful death.

The godless say to themselves, 'Let us lie in wait for the virtuous man, since he annoys us and opposes our way of life, reproaches us for our breaches of the law and accuses us of playing false to our upbringing. Let us see if what he says is true, let us observe whatkind of end he himself will have. If the virtuous man is God's son, Godwill take his part and rescue him from the clutches of his enemies. Let us test him with cruelty and with torture, and thus explore this gentle­ness of his and put his endurance to the proof. Let us condemn him to ashameful death since he will be looked after - we have his word for it ' ,J THIS IS THE WORD OF THE LORD. THANKS BE TO GOD.RESPONSORIAL PSALM : i1. 0 God, save me by your name; b

by your power, uphold my cause.0 God, hear my prayer;

listen to the words of my mouth.RESPONSE: THE LORD UPHOLDS MY LIFE.2. For proud men have risen against me,

ruthless men seek my life.They have no regard for God.

RESPONSE: THE LORD UPHOLDS MY LIFE.3. But I have God for my help.

The Lord upholds my life.1 will sacrifice to you with willing heart and praise your name for it is good.


Page 7: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

9.A READING FROM THE LETTER OF ST. JAMES : Peacemakers, when they workfor peace, sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness,

c Wherever you find jealousy and ambition, you find disharmony, andwicked things of eve ry kind being done; whereas the wisdom that comes down from above is essentially something pure; it also makes for peace, and is kindly and considerate; it is full of compassion and shows itself by doing good; nor is there any trace of partiality or hypocrisy in it. Peacemakers, when they work for peace, sow the seeds which will bear fruit in holiness.

Where do these wars and battles between yourselves first start? Isn't it precisely in the desires fighting inside your own selves?You want something and you haven’t got it; so you are prepared to kill. You have an ambition that you cannot satisfy; so you fight to get your way by force. Why you don't have what, you want is because you don’t pray for it; when you do pray and don’t get it, it is because you have not prayed properly, you have prayed for something to indulge your own desires.THIS IS THE WORD OF THE LORD. THMKS BE TO GOD.ALLELUIA, ALLELUIA! Your word is truth, 0 Lord, consecrate us in


t>e delivered. If anyone wants to be first,he must make himself servant of all- After leaving the mountain Jesus and his disciples made their way through Galilee; and he did not want anyone to know, because he was instructing his disciples; he was telling them, 'The Son of Man will be delivered into the hands of men; they will put him to death; and three days after he has been put to death he will rise again.' But they did not understand what he said and were afraid to ask him.

They came to Capernaum, and when he was in the house he asked them, 'What were you arguing about on the road?' They said nothing because they had been arguing which of them was the greatest. So he sat down, called the Twelve to him and said , 'If anyone wants to be xirst, he must make himself last of all and servant of all.' He then took a little child, set him in front of them, put his arms round him, and said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes one of these little children in my name, welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me, welcomes not me but the one who sent me.'THIS IS THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD. PRAISE TO YOU, LORD JESUS CHRIST?+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Page 8: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

1 0 .OBITUARIESThe late Sean Moffett R.I.P., who died suddenly on Thursday week last was a member of a well-known and respected Lucan family. His mother, the late Nurse Moffett, was a familiar and much loved figure on the local scene for decades. Mr. Moffett held a senior position with C.I.E. for many years. On retiring two years ago he set up the Esker Press which he ran up to the time of his death. He was a keen golfer and served on the committee of Lucan Golf Club. To his bereaved wife,son, relatives and friends we extend deepest sympathy.Deepest sympathy to (Mrs.) Mary O'Connor, Ballydowd Grove on the death of her brother Andrew Merrigan who was killed in an accident on his farm also to Mrs. Finnegan whose brother-in-law Owen Donohue was killed in a road accident on l6th September.We regret to report the death at Peamount Hospital of Mary Delaney late of Inisfail, Leixlip Road, and formerly of Cappagh, Mountrath.Ar dheis Laimh De go raibh a anam.

REPORTSCONGRATULATIONS to Sean Gorman who celebrated his birthday yesterday.CONGRATULATIONS to Adrian Byrne, I2th Lock, Lucan and his bride, Mary, who were married in Co. Clare on Saturday 1 5 th September. We wish them both many years of married bliss.

Sun.£10. Mon. £1. Tue. £1. Wed. £1. Thur.£2. Fri. £3. Sat. £5 .

NON-STOP DRAW RESULTSJohn Fitzgerald, 23B,Dodsboro. Brenda Grey,1 5 6 ,A.Griffith Pk.Ann Coxon, Palmerstown.Arthur Cuddy,2, A.Griffith Pk. "Brown Bread",Chapel Hill,Mrs.Whelan,8l,Dodsboro.Mr.A.Buggle,33,Sarsfield Pk.

1st weekLittle Joe Little Joe. Sr.Magualene Little Joe. Mr.P.Buggle. Sr.Martina. M rs.W.Buggle.

jJgHOLSTERY all upholstery recovered, suites, fireside chairs, bed­heads, diningroom, chairs, kitchen chairs. Estimates Free. Call to 5^,Dodsboro after 7p.m.

For all your PAINTING REQUIREMENTS.AIso building of Porches, garages garden walls, Fencing. CONTACT MICHAEL McHALE,Painting Contractor 55,Lucan Heights, Lucan. Phone 280805.

Page 9: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

II.Sport continued from page 7 .Events will take place,This event is doubly important, Firstly the results of the competition will be taken into account in determining who the Irish Slalom Champion 1973 will be. Secondly it will be taken into account in selecting the team to represent Ireland in an Internation­al Canoe Slalom in Llangollen, Wales, next month. The team will consist of 6 paddlers in each of the following classes:Mens Sen.K.I. Mens Jun. K.I. and Ladies K.I. 3 paddlers in Mens C.I. and I in Mens C.2,We hope to have quite a few of our members included in the team.

-L 4 cl •***************************.*XX.£XX

Co. Council NotesThe Dublin County Council has informedCouncillor Michael Gannon, in response tohis continued representations, that schoolwardens have taken up duty at the LucanBoys school and St. Andrews School at thebeginning of this term.Following his requests for the provisionof extra litter bins near the bridge inLucan, Councillor Gannon has been told thatfour additional bins have now been erected.

**********************.******ANDERSONS BOUTIQUE,CHAPEL HILL, LUCANLarge selection of ladies garments to suitevery occasion. Do come and see us.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ..* * *

THE COSY SCHOOL OF MOTORING. Tel.33123*1 From A to Z you will learn each rule, if you learn to drive with the COSY SCHOOL. Pupils collected and returned. £1.60 per hr. Licences and test arranged.Car supplied for test. Proprietor - Christy McGovern.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

THE MACHINE CENTRE (j. A. Nolan) St., Chapelizod. Tel. 3 6 4 5 8 5 . Sole agents for MARLAN Sewing machines. Other makes of machines stocked. Cash or H.P.r Trade-in accepted.

b r ib in g &

®roug(jt llron.frames? gates? rails?/

made & repaired promptly.

P H O N E : 2 5 5 2 5 7

New Era

Concrete Co. Ltd(Ed C o l l i n s )

w in d o w sills, lintels, wall coping, p ie r caps,

garden e d g in g

P h o n e : 2 8 0 2 5 7

THE ESHER PRESSm i n m m ii

F o r A l l Y o u r P r i n t i n g R e q u i r e m e n t s P h o n e 2 8 1 2 3 4



Prom pt Service and R e p a i r s

Phone= 288211 (a.m .)

Page 10: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

1 2 ,Geints H a i r c u t t i n g &

S t y l i n g

P M o n a g h a n M ain ' S t r e e t L u c a n

(opposite cinema)

T u e ,W e d ,T h u r ,1 0 -6 .3 0 . Fri, S a t , 1 0 - 7 . 0 0 .

1 1 I N A L I I N SLTD. M.i .A.V.I.

Auctioneers - Valuers - E state Agent s

11 7 Lucan Height s

P h one 2 8 1 5 5 2 . 2 8 0 6 2 5


c m i m n ! ;C lo n s i l la .p h 3 8 3 2 0 8

W e w i l l " 'a r r a n g e e v e r y d e t a i l .


I’m pointing

THE W AY TO lA JJr/ | Lerterpress Lit ho Printing , 1 fro m


T.V. SUB-COMMITTEE - Community Council, During recent weeks we have officially protested the increased charges announced in relation to T.Ve We are in contact with R.T=E. Relays re the poor picture quality generally, and we have also investigated, with success, some recent demands for rental payments which had already been made. We again emphasise the importance of retaining, for a con­siderable period, any receipts received for payments to R.T.E.

T. H.

LUCAN DISTRICT CREDIT UNION LIMITED, Membership continues to rise. New residents should note our premises are inrear of Town Hall in centre Lucan.The Acco unting year ends 30th Sept, sowe are now closing books in preparationfor our Audit. We expect to report agoodMyearM . Why not drop in to us andenquire about the advantages of member-ship .


FOR SALE!s Freedom l6? Caravan; 6-berth.immacula te «

Lake-Sea Boat with road andlaunchin g trailer £75,Tow Hitch for Renault 1 6 , £8Te]ephon e 280346*

STAGG5s , 9 Turret Road, Palm ers town 9Telephone 365898.

Roofing I i mb e r 4^ ”Xl|"X]6» . . . . * UOpXlf"X14! . e . • - 80p

k P ' Xlf-"X12! . « o c e 70p4-|"X2"X]0 ! o s . . e 7 ^P

Open 10 a m o to 10 p,m, including weekends

POTATOES ARE CHEAP . o o e r c * only 6 0p atHemerycks, Lucans

Page 11: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week


* The g ro u n d s o f Lucan House w h ic h we know as S a r s f i e l d ’ s* Demesne attracted many visitors as well as local peoplej d u r i n g th e summer months u n t i l t h e owners o f t h a t b e a u t i ­

f u l wooded e s t a t e c l o s e d i t t o th e p u b l i c some y e a r s ago. The q u e s t i o n o f h a v in g even p a r t o f t h e Demesne re -o p e n e d i s r e c e i v i n g more a t t e n t i o n now th a n a t any t im e s in c e th e c l o s u r e .Lucan House was built in the late 18th century to re­place Sarsfield!s Castle which had been in use for over 600 years. No doubt the demesne was at least as large then though we cannot prove Joyce’s claim that "before there was a man in Ireland there was a Lord at Lucan". Agmondisham Vesey, the builder of Lucan House, consulted Sir William Chambers, architect, in 1773 on the design of the house and the layout of the grounds. In a letter to Sir William that year, Vesey said "I have got the Landskip of Lucan and its environs and wish to shew you the Situation and aspects of a place which I am per­suaded will receive great Embellishments from your hands." Several walks were made in the grounds along by the river and through the woods to the Sarsfield Monument and the rusticated cold bath beside the famous sulphur spring. One such walk passed the lovely waterfall,

Cont * d P. 15

Page 12: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

HucanJ|ou tit jfurmsrtjers

main street.f i t t e d c a r p e t s .

______ l i n o , f u r n i t u r e .

HJP.Terms. Estim ates Free. Phone: 2 8 0 2 6 1 .

G E N T L E M E N !Have your hair e xper t ly cut styled or re-shaped

at R O C H E S12 Kennelsfort Road

Paimer&iown. Ph. 3 6 4 0 2 4

R A . S T A IR S 8 “7 L U C A N ............ H EJ G H T S __E lectrical Contractor

AJI ins ta l lat ions abd repairs.

PHONE *. 2 8 0 898 .

Valerie's Salon 44 Esker Law ns

Lad ies

Hair Stylist fo r appointment phone: 280019

lb .THE IRISH RED CROSS SOCIETY - Lucan Branch.Due to recent developments and experiences encountered by us in the Red Cross, many propositions have come to our notice* One particular fact seems quite certain to us - the importance of, and the necessity for, a Community Centre in our locality. A neigh­bouring town has, apparently discovered this same fact because in this monthfs edition of Celbridge Charter, local organiz­ations there seem to be geared towards a Community Hall Fund. Since we had an un­expected profit from our discos in August, and because we have yet to hold our door- to-door collection, we feel that this money could best serve the people of Lucan by making a £100 donation to the formation of a Lucan Community Centre Fund, We propose placing this money in the Bank under the condition that all other organizations and local functions add whatever profit they can afford until this Centre has been built M and paid off, Should this proposition meet with little or no response from the people of Lucan, we shall be obliged to remove this capital and place it at the disposal of some more permanent project giving us enough time to have our books checked by headquarters. The members of our unit have unanimously agreed to forego uniforms on this understanding.

HEAR THIS! Gerry Cosgrave, a well known personality in the entertainment field (currently appearing in the Summer Show at the Clontarf Castle) has opened a Travel Agency in Lucan, A service is being offered whereby you can now make all your travel arrangements - business trips and holidays to England and the Continent, at no extra coat, thereby saving you the time and the money involved in going into the city.

Page 13: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

15.pictured P.13. Vesey opened the grounds to the public hut had cause to regret it as the following extract shows."The Rt• Hon. Agmondisham Vesey ... generously permitted the Company to range through his Grounds at Pleasure; but, it is to be lamented, that he soon found cause to repent, and indeed to withdraw the Indulgence he had granted, from the licentious Behaviour of some disorderly Persons, who were no Water-Drinkers - by circumscribing the Well with a Wall, to prevent such Depredations in future."In 1932, the Colthurst-Veseys sold the House to Hugh O'Conor, the O'Conor Don. As President of the Irish Branch of the Knights of Malta that year, he gave a garden party at the time of the Eucharistic Congress in the Demesne which was attended by over a thousand people. It was in the Thirties that the walled garden, which was approached by a tunnel under the Galway Road, was sold and is now known as 'The Orchard'. The present owners bought it from 0 'Conor's son-in-law in 1944. The Demesne was closed in the early Fifties but I am not sure of the exact date. If any reader can provide the date, it will be published in a future article.

BINGO WINNERS :Mr. Galligan, St. CJair. Edward Buggle, Lucan.Mr. Keegan, Sarsfield Tee. Mrs. Whelan, Leixlip.Mrs. Byrne, Sarsfield Pk. Miss Keenan, Ballydowd.Mrs. Watchorn,Sarsfield Pk. Mr. Kilduff, St.Clair.Mr. Ennis, Weir View.Mrs. E.O'Brien, Dublin.Mrs. Dignam, Cooldrinagh.

Billy Kearns, Balgaddy Mrs. Giltrap, Celbridge Road, Master Keenan, Ballydowd.Mrs. Dobbs, Dodsboro.Mrs. O'Neill, Kew Park.Mrs. Flanagan, Dodsboro Mrs. Murphy, Balgaddy.Mrs. McDonnell, Palmerstown Mrs. Brady, Sarsfield Pk.Mrs. Callagan, Palmerstown. Master Brady, Dodsboro.

ALTAR BOYS : 8 a.m. Gerard Tully and Fergus McMahon.10 a.m. Noel Smith and Brian Buckley.

Evening Devotions: Pat Toolan and Thomas McCarthy.

QUOTE: "Judging others may be a dangerous thing; not so much because you may make mistakes about them, but because you may be revealing the truth about yourself".......

Page 14: neiusiencR - South Dublin · TIDY TOWNS 1975 The results of the Tidy Towns Competition for 1973 were pub- blished last week

F OX ELife & Pensions

Ltd. Leixiip

Insure House& Contents For As Little As £3

F o r Q u o t a t i o n s P h o n e 2 8 0 7 5 1 ( 3 l i n e s )


B A L L Y D O W D 2 8 0 4 8 5

Let us p u t new life in to your C ar by using the la test CRYPTON Tuning and our f irs t class servicing. Tow ing services availab le .


S W E P T w i t h o u t a s p o t ! 280950P e te r D oy le

P.CO RM ACI1 1 1 1 STREET LUCANCycles, Radios, E lec trica l G oods, Toys. Fishing Tackle, T.V., Radio & Cycle Repairs

A Specia l i ty .P h o n e 2 8 0 4 4 0

l 6 .THE WEEK AHEADSun,23rd Sept: 25th Sun, of the year.Masses: 8,9/10,11,12,5 <>30 & 8 p-m-Baptisms at 12,1+0 p m. Bingo 8,50 p>m. sharpeMon«.2l+th Sept: Masses 8 & 10 a,m,Miraculous Medal Novena 8 p.m, Campaign 7 pm,Tues,25fh Sept;St. Finbarr Masses 8 & 10 a,m Boys Club 7*15 P'm. Choir Practise 9 p-m~Wed, 26th Sept: Masses 8 and 10 a.m. ThurSo27th Sept: ” 8 and 10 a.m.Fri, 28th Sept; ,! 8 and 10 a.m,

Girls Club 8 p.m.Sat. 29th Sept: Masses 8 and 10 a.m. Confessions 12-1 p.m, & 7~9 p.m. Macra na Tuaithe at 8 p.m*Sun, 30th Sept: Masses 8,9,10,11,12, 5>30 & 8 p.m. Baptisms 12.1+0 p.m. Bingo 8.50 p.m.

BAPTISMSBlathnaid Teresa Ward, 2U, Kew Park,Michael Gerard Colclough, 283 Beech Park, Vincent John 0 !Brienc 5* Larch Bank,Mark Joseph Bolger. 259 Lucan Heights.Karen Mary Bonner-, l659Arthur Griffith Park, John Charles Bligh. Ballydowd Grove,Richard William Hughes9 33 Road 2 Hillcrest, Gillian Patricia Byrne, 5 6 Road 2 Hillcrest.MARRIAGESValentine Edward Ivie, Ballyfermot and Brigid Kilduff, Chapel Hill.Kieran Joseph Holland, Lucan Road,Pa.lmerstown and Elizabeth Nora Downey, Fonthill James Joseph Connolly, Lucan Road,Palmerstown and Rosemary Ann Stapleton, 9 Weir View,John Gannon, 8 Sarsfield Park and Mary Bridget Poynton, Westmanstown,John Patrick Dobbs, 35 Dodsboro and Brigid Mary Nolan, 79 Sarsfield Park,Diarmuid 0 fDonovan, Iona Road and Teresa McCaffrey, Westmanstown.