neg3.…  · web viewalong comes tyler durden, ... (where’s the revolution? ... using the word...

2006 St. Mark’s Negative Casebook Austin SFA LR Negative..................................................... 3 Bellaire CR Negative....................................................... 4 Bellaire FV Negative....................................................... 6 Bishop Guertin OG Negative................................................. 8 Booker T. Washington KC Negative...........................................9 Bronx Science HG Negative................................................. 11 Caddo GG Negative......................................................... 13 Caddo Magnet FW Negative.................................................. 14 Calhoun HP Negative....................................................... 15 Carrollton BF Negative.................................................... 16 Carrollton SH Negative.................................................... 17 Cathedral Prep HC Negative................................................ 20 Cathedral Prep RL Negative................................................ 22 Celebration MD Negative................................................... 23 Chaminade College Prep DD Negative........................................24 Chattahoochee GF Negative................................................. 26 Chattahoochee YM Negative................................................. 31 College Prep PK Negative.................................................. 33 Coppell RK Negative....................................................... 34 Deer Park SR Negative..................................................... 36 Dobson LT Negative........................................................ 37 Dowling Catholic KN Negative.............................................. 39 Edgemont NS Negative...................................................... 41 Edgemont WS Negative...................................................... 42 Edmond Memorial HC Negative............................................... 45 Emporia BY Negative....................................................... 46 Fullerton Union GL Negative............................................... 47 Georgetown Day CL Negative................................................ 48 Glenbrook North FS Negative............................................... 49 Glenbrook South LP Negative............................................... 50 Grapevine BM Negative..................................................... 51 Grapevine GH Negative..................................................... 53 Greenhill AH Negative..................................................... 57 Groves BG Negative........................................................ 60 Gulliver Prep BM Negative................................................. 62 Hebron VW Negative........................................................ 63 Highland CG Negative...................................................... 67 Highland Park Dallas ST Negative..........................................68 Houston Memorial RJ Negative.............................................. 70 Jenks MS Negative......................................................... 71 1

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2006 St. Marks Negative Casebook

3Austin SFA LR Negative

4Bellaire CR Negative

6Bellaire FV Negative

8Bishop Guertin OG Negative

9Booker T. Washington KC Negative

11Bronx Science HG Negative

13Caddo GG Negative

14Caddo Magnet FW Negative

15Calhoun HP Negative

16Carrollton BF Negative

17Carrollton SH Negative

20Cathedral Prep HC Negative

22Cathedral Prep RL Negative

23Celebration MD Negative

24Chaminade College Prep DD Negative

26Chattahoochee GF Negative

31Chattahoochee YM Negative

33College Prep PK Negative

34Coppell RK Negative

36Deer Park SR Negative

37Dobson LT Negative

39Dowling Catholic KN Negative

41Edgemont NS Negative

42Edgemont WS Negative

45Edmond Memorial HC Negative

46Emporia BY Negative

47Fullerton Union GL Negative

48Georgetown Day CL Negative

49Glenbrook North FS Negative

50Glenbrook South LP Negative

51Grapevine BM Negative

53Grapevine GH Negative

57Greenhill AH Negative

60Groves BG Negative

62Gulliver Prep BM Negative

63Hebron VW Negative

67Highland CG Negative

68Highland Park Dallas ST Negative

70Houston Memorial RJ Negative

71Jenks MS Negative

74Jesuit College Prep ON Negative

75Kinkaid SL Negative

77Kinkaid TS Negative

78La Costa Canyon FC Negative

81Lakeland SP Negative

83Lexington BL Negative

85Lexington MM Negative

89Los Alamos DG Negative

90Marquette BW Negative

2006 St. Marks Negative Casebook

93MBA BD Negative

95MBA BM Negative

98McNeil GF Negative

99Meadows CS Negative

101Meadows SK Negative

103Miami Palmetto HH Negative

104Monticello KA Negative

106Mountain Brook MS Negative

109New Trier Township BS Negative

111New Trier Township LM Negative

112Pace Academy AG Negative

115Pace Academy CF Negative

116Pine Crest GC Negative

117Spanish River KD Negative

118St. Marys Hall SK Negative

119St. Stephens Episcop VP Negative

120Stratford KC Negative

121Tampa Prep MF Negative

122Valley HG Negative

123Westlake MJ Negative

124Westminster AA Negative

126Westminster SW Negative

129Westwood HH Negative

133Wichita BC Negative

136Woodward BR Negative

139Woodward SM Negative

142Woodlands LM Negative

Austin SFA LR Negative

In Chuck Palahniuks Fight Club, our insomniac hero realizes that the only place he can find any solace is in the weekly support groups for cancer patients, the living dead. But as with any drug, this soon loses its effect. The Insomnias back. Along comes Tyler Durden, the most interesting Single Servicing Friend that our hero will ever meet. Instead of pornography, our heros world consisted of the monthly IKEA furniture catalog and all he had to worry about is the next worthless piece of German shit that will furnish his apartment. In the blink of an eye, its all gone. Everything he has worked for, his apartment, his endless struggle for perfection has now been blown into the night sky, into the windshields of cars of men from all walks of life. What once was a drunken attempt at self-destruction has become a nation-wide organization. Project Mayhem. The end goal of Project Mayhem is to destroy the major credit card companies. You mix x and y and you get enough dynamite to blow up the world. But if you have too much of x, it goes wrong. Fight Club ends with a promise to continue project mayhem. Front row sears to the beginning of the cultural Ice Age.

*No Author* pg. 41-46

The affirmative is one small part in an infinite drive for perfection. There is a perfect world out there, they say, a world without war and famine and pain and we can at least get closer if you buy the plan. Just sign your ballot, made out to___________, then all the problems, and the extinction, everything, just go away. This is the logic of consumerism. Arguments, ballots, wins and losses are all capital. They want to be smarter, stronger, faster better roleplayers, policy makes, activists, Americans, revolutionaries of whatever. We debate arguments we know are dumb so we can learn things we dont care about. TO do this, they advertise the plan as well as they can, the one must have item that will bring us closer to perfection. We tell ourselves lies to ward off this undeniable truth, but its always in the back of our minds: these arguments are meaningless and vacous, preserved only because our lives are so permeated by cultural images that we literally know now what we do.

Pg. 149

Debate is our piece of the great depression of the spirit. Were so caught up in the plan and the draft and rma and the bomb and what Hu Jintau thinks about it, that weve lost touch with authentic human interaction. When the value of our time here becomes defined by how recent our evidence is, and all interaction between you and me is just a play, an image, what are our lives but spectacular dramas played out against the green sceen of culture? We are moving images on a TV screen. Culture and Truth are frozen our there somewhere, embedded in a historical context that it seems impossible to affect.All we know is alienation. Alienation from each other, alienation from our-selves, alienation from our desires, alienation from life itself. We are historys middle children.

Pg. 122-125

Wed be foolish to believe we can escape this endless drive for perfection by simply re-adjusting our path. The alternative isnt to buy a new type of sofa, but to blow up the condo and move to the toxic waste part of town and make soap with our schizophrenic alter-ego. We have to disappear from culture. We have to hit rock bottom. We have to kiss our hand, pour lye on it and know that one day we will dy. Its only when you lose everything that you are free to do anything. Our alternative is a lens for viewing this round. A round should not receive its value because it feeds into some larger standard or goal, but should mean something in and of itself. Harms and solvency are cultural images used to keep us chasing images of what we SHOULD be. We have to form a new relationship with life, we have to realize that we are NOT our advocacies, we are NOT our win-loss records, we are NOT our state points and we are NOT how many tubs we roll into rounds with. Our redemption will come the momembt we have nothing, in that moment of perfect self-destruction where we give up the world as we know it and find out just what its like to hit rock bottom. When we find our just how much blood we can swallow before we get sick.

Bellaire CR Negative

National Service K:

Through systems of ail and care NAT SERVE PROVIDERS engage in experimentation, research, and investigations to exploit the body as an object of knowledge. By imposing specific strategies of power and regulation upon their client communities they further define them into statist institutions In the name of their own betterment and well good- treating society as a population to be normalized and controlled.

Gorham 1992 (Eric, National Service, Political Socialization, and Citizenship)

Increasing the number of persons in national serve programs only serves to create a larger pool of registrants to be studied and brought under closer government control. By accumulating and storing data about the registrant, organizations create a static computerized identity that homogenizes communities and forces them into their new identities.

Gorham 1992 (Eric, National Service, Political Socialization, and Citizenship)

Subpoint C- The collectivist sentiment embodied in national serve programs is responsible for all wars in human history

Mayer 1999 (

Subpoint D- is the Alternative

Our criticism is of the method they have chosen to use. Embrace the notion of volunteering without the extra baggage of government intervention. Vote negative to reject illegitimate government coercion and embrace true volunteerism

Bandow 1993(

Text: Refuse to connect service to the national government

Instead of conceiving citizenship as pledging our allegiance to the nation and serving its selflessly we should instead seek to become part of a broader political communities outside of the nation state apparatus. Conceiving of citizenship as an ongoing process informed by everyday experiences opens up space for thought and action within disciplinary discourses and created broader communities based on common experiences and understandings

Hildreth 2000 (R.W., Theorizing Citizenship and Evaluating Publuc Achievement, Political Science and Politics, Sept, v33 p627)

And their criticism solves back any and all case impacts through democratic deliberation

Gorham 1992 (National Serivice, Citizenship, and Education, state university of New York press, 1992)



Past Congressional elections prove that the Bush doctrine rears its ugly head against evildoing countries like Iran when Bush needs to regain the conservative base.

Cumings 2002, []

Striking Iran is a perfect method for Bush to recover just before the elections

Krugman, 4-10-06 [New York Times, Lexis]

Bush may believe that he can redeem himself with a new mission accomplished moment

Strike on Iran turns all of your impacts---it ensures permanent Iranian nuclearization after they withdraw from the NPT, it causes Israeli attack and Hezbollah terrorism, and it destroys the economy because Middle Eastern oil markets collapse from Iraq instability and closure of the Straits of Hormuz.

Rogers, February 2006 [Iran: Consequences of a war]

One major aim of any US military action would be to forestall Iranian interference with Gulf oil exports, this would have to be near total in its effect on Iranian capabilities

-Topicality: Increasing

A) Interpretation- increasing means the act of making larger August 17, 2006 [

B) Violation

1) Affirmative plan text doesnt mandate, via a policy, to make any program larger

2) Affirmative plan text doesnt mandate a larger program; it only makes it easier for people to join and/or gives them incentives to join

C) Standards-

1) Grammar

2) Limits

3) Extra T

4) Resolution Accuracy

D) Voters- jurisdiction, fairness, competing interpretations,

-Case Solvency

Federal funding isnt key to recruitment or training efforts for Citizen Corps and the lack of funding promotes cost-sharing at the local level

Chicago Daily Herald 1/22/05 (lexis)

Federal funding will be misspent on equipment that offers little benefitsMinnesota proves

Star Tribune 9/12/04 (lexis)

Citizen Corps funding doesnt reach local communities fast enough

States News Service 3/26/04 (lexis)

Greater support for Citizen Corps isnt necessary---theres no shortage of volunteers and theres no need for greater federal intervention between citizens and community groups

OBeirne 02 (Kate, National Review, 2/25, lexis)

Bellaire FV Negative


Counterplan: Text the Department of Education will mandate that public primary schools require service-learning as part of curricula and all public secondary schools require service as part of the curriculum for at least one course that each student takes for each grade level.

Competition: We don't use Learn and Serve America and avoid spending disads.

Counterplan isn't Topical

The Counterplan solves- their 1AC author explains how Status Quo Service Learning can be changed to ensure civic envgagement

Kahne and Westheimer- Professor of American studies and Education at Mills Colelge, Associate Professor of Democracy, Education, and Society at the university of Ottawa- 2003

[Joseph and Joel, DEMOCRACY AND CIVIC ENGAGEMENT- What schools Need To DO. Phi Delta Kappan, Volume 85, Issue 1, p. 34 Questia]

Is this too tall an order?... through workshops and simulations

The 1AC Claims sound nice, but in reality undermine educational efforts and teach a very narrow liberal vision of social and political change.

Matthew Spalding, PhD and director of the center for American studies at the heritage foundation, Principles and Reforms for Citizen Service, 4-1-2003, pg. Http://

The problem with Learn and Serve America.... in social and political change.

Learn and Serve Should be discontinued- it undermines education and civic responsibility.

Spalding 03- cited above.

Congress should end the learn and serve program.... basis of voluntary service.

This is an assertion there is little evidence that Service Learning increases academic responsibility

Jennifer Halfacre, the University of Mississippi, Deborah Chessin, the University of Mississippi and Martha Chambless, the university of Mississippi, Academic Exchange Quarterly, 3-22-2006, pg. Lexis

Mintz and Liu (1994) reported that Service-Learning is a teaching and learning method... social responsibility among middle school students.

Federal Action causes a trade-off of funding and personnel from volunteerism and causes an abdication of civic responsibilities.

Spalding 03- cited above.

Any expanded government role.... honor the efforts of private citizens.

Using Federal incentives to promote national service is a coercive endorsement of collectivist ideology at the expense of the individual- it culminates in totalitarianism.

Epstein 02 (Alex writer for the Ayn Rand Institute, regular contributor to The Intellectual Activist, and fromer Editor-in-Chief and publisher of the Duke Review, Capitalism Magazine, 2/4,

Though he has pledged to defend...right to the pursuit of his own happiness.

Individual Liberty is paramount every intrusion must be resisted.

Petro 74

However one may still insist... resisted with undying spirit.

Learn and Serve doesn't increase civic engagement because it promotes the wrong types of activities.

Skates 01 (Karen, President of Kids Voting USA, Independent Sector, Building Community in America and Around the World: Renewed Engagement or Fraying Ties?, November 4, 2001) HYPERLINK "")

State Funding through the State Educational Agency is the Most effective and allows for application of corporate Funding

Kennedy 93-- Kennedy, from the Committee on Labor and Human Resources-- (National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993', June 29, 1993, Committee Reports103d Congress, Senate Rept. 103-70 (Part 1 of 2), 103 S. Rpt. 70, lexis.)

Section 111 indicates that the funds.... diverse learning styles and abilities.

Federal decentralization with oversight fails- lack of accountability and mismanagement

Lenowsky and perry 2K (Leslie, Professor of philanthropic studies and public policy at Indiana University and Perry, professor in the school of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University-Bloomington, Public Administration Review, Reinventing Government: The Case of National Service, July/August, proquest)

How Much Decentralization is Enough?.... surrmount, remains to be seen.

The Affirmative's idea of enforced volunteerism is 1)an oxymoron 2) a politically correct way of saying forced labor and 3) a message saying that you, the citizens, are a pawn of the government's needs.

Tremblay 00 [Francois Tremblay, Child Labor The Forced Volunteerism Oxymoron, The Liberator, August 18, 2000, p.]

I'm talking about the mass of oxymorons that we call... why hasn't it passed before?

Turn Mandatory service programs politicize organizations and create financial risks

Bandow 96 [Before the Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources Oversight Hearing, Testimony of Doug Bandow, May 21, 1996, p.]

A program offering the free (or heavily-subsidized)... We need service, not national service.

Bishop Guertin OG Negative

2 Off


Off-Case 1- Topicality

-Without Material Qualifications

Off-Case 2- Free Speech Bad/ Elitism Good Kritik

-Kritiking the notion of Free Speech

-Notion of free speech does not create a utopian society like the Affirmative wants.

-Military does still exist

-We should desist, withdraw from attempts to change the world

Case Defense Attacks

Case Offense Attacks

-Solvency attacks derived from the Kritik

Booker T. Washington KC Negative

Ospec (oh no!)

T-Increase FX (Usual)


National service is just a massive and glory sacrificethe state sucks the life out of its servile victims until everything has been destroyed and the system collapses. Only a migration away from national identity toward individualism can solve.

Beres 94 (Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Spring)

the problem of the omnivorous stateimprisoned within us

We cannot compromise with the state systemwe must recognize all of their refined advantages are just lies to preserve the system. The impact is genocide, war, and ultimately extinction.

Beres 94 (Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Spring)

In giving ourselvesof the state herd

Rejection of service and the need to belong to the state is necessary to create a new ethic of individualism that can transform the world to a truly global community.

Beres 94 (Arizona Journal of International and Comparative Law, Spring)

the world is full of noise,not our collective selves


text: the united states federal government should conduct a binding national referendum on the mandates of the affirmative plan. Absent majority opposition, the plan will be implemented through congress to solve the harms of the affirmative. If there is majority opposition to the plan, further debates and initiatives will be held on the proposal. Negative reserves the right to clarify text and intent.


1. No reason the public would reject plan after learning its merits as presented in 1AC.

2. a referendum is key to legitimate and authoritative decisionsthe Counterplan solves best.

Butler and ranney 94 (Referendums around the world, pg. 15)

Such recent experiencedecision by referendum.

Direct Democracy:

1st: if direct democracy has any flaws, current representative democracy only magnifies those flaws. and the Counterplan will push the government towards direct democracy

Bugge 96 (The New Challenge Of Direct Democracy p. 109)

It need only be demonstatednot to exist

2nd: US Referendums are modeled world wide

Bugge 96 (The New Challenge Of Direct Democracy p. 109)

even at national andsize and scope

3rd: Direct democracies are the least violent and form allies, every increase in direct democracy decreases the risk of global war.

(Rourke 92 Direct Democracy and International Politics p. 12-13)

The Bulk of the researchin the use of direct democracy

Finally, whether or no the plan passes is irrelevant, direct democracy is the highest good of society and must be defended at all costs.

(Rourke 92 Direct Democracy and International Politics p. 64)

theorists of strong democracycontent of polics

Bronx Science HG Negative


T Effects and T establish is to make firm

Midterms GOP Bad

A Uniqueness: Democrats the favorites now, but things could change

Dow Jones, October 17, 2006

But with three weeks to go... Democratic seats in trouble, he said.

B. Links- Americorps is popular, despite cuts by Bush.

Goldiner '3 (Dave, Daily News staff writer, McCain Rips Americorps Flip-flop by W, Daily News, 9/08/2003 p. ln)

Add Sen. John McCain to the list of.... especially after the terror attacks of Septt. 11, 2001.

Popular Policies will change the environment allowing republicans to retain control in Congess

Washington Post 2006

History dictates a certain modesty...balance of power intact.

C. Impacts

1. Without a democratic victory in the midterm, economic collapse is inevitable

Weiner and Partridge 2005

the american economy is... upon the republicans and the bush administration.

2. Economic Collapse causes global Nuclear War

Mead 92

What if the global economy stagnates...did in the 30's.

Americorps Kritik

A. The affirmative portrayal of America within their 1AC constructs domination of the object over the subjects- this vision of the world through the we and the peripheral they requires endless wars in the name of protecting the American way.

Peet, 2005 (Richard, graduate school of geography at Clark University, From Eurocentrism to Americentrism, Antipode, p.

All centrisms see the world through... compelling critique of Americentrism.>

B. Americentrism's goal is simply more than keeping the barbarians at the gate- it justifies the active use of violence and endless wars against the outsider to achieve its desire ends

Peet 2005- cited above

For Barnett, September 11,... Security problems and instability tend to concentrate.>

C.The crucial question isn't whether the actions of their policy are good or bad, but whether to allow their routinized deployment through euphemistic linguistic tricks-vote negative to cultivate accountability in political actions

Mral 2004 (Brigitte, professor of rhetoric at Orebo University, We're a Peaceful Nation: War Rhetoric After September 11, p. .epibrw

big events sometimes call for big words...should be unacceptbale in democratic communities.>

India Nuclear Deal

A. Uniqueness and Internal Link- The india Nuclear Deal will be the first thing on congress' docket when it returns after the midterm elections. Fiat means the plan passes at the first available opportunity, delaying debate and passage of the deal. Any delay kills support for the deal in India, but it will pass in the U.S. Now if not delayed

Hill News 10-5006,

Some supporters of a U.S. Nuclear-technology... his top priorities in November.


Nuclear deal is a crucial test of Us-INdian Relations.

Dallas Morning News 12-22-05

Seven years after its nuclear bomb.... nuclear fuel and reactors.

Relations are key to preventing nuclear war

NYT 6/10/02

Military cooperation between India and the US.... with the hunt for Al Qaeda in Pakistan.


Bureaucratic mismanagement dooms americorps.

Sanchez 03 (Julian, Reason's assistant editor, Reason, 8/4,

Of course, Americorps volunteers put in... beureaucracy has determined are most worthy.

Americorps has been corrupt since it's establishment

Spalding 03, (Matthew, Ph.D., Director of tile I3. Ktnneth Simon Center for Americna Studies at the Heritage Foundation, '-Principles and Reforns for Citizen Service, Backgouncler .a 1642, April 1, The Heritage Foundation)

AmeriCorps has been plagued by.... Nevertheless problems persist.

Participation in Service Lowers Social Responsibility

Waterman 1997 (Alan S. Waterman, social psychology professor College of Hnew Jerseym, Service-Learning: Applications from the Research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997. Questia. 8 July 2006 . Page 49

Others in Need. Finally, with respect to social... programs changed significantly.

Caddo GG Negative


A. Increasing is a present participle

B. Increase means to grow

C. Violation: they dont result in a direct increase.

D. Standards

1. Limits

2. FX is bad-independent voter

3. no DA ground-could spike out of everything

T is a voter for equity, jurisdiction, etc.


Resolve means a definitive course of action


Realism. Mearshimer 01

Realism is true.Mearshimer 01

Realism is trueMearshimer 01

Realism is inevitable-psychology proves Mearshimer 01


Militarism is needed to prevent war and genocide-author

Threats are real? Dorin 99

Realism prevents war Mearshimer 01

Mearshimer 01

Cap stuff

their attempt to manage the birdflu is the ultimate form of Biopolitical control

medical authority and technology are examples of their use of violent biopower

calling for war against birdflu kills the value to life

vote neg as a criticism of power

Caddo Magnet FW Negative

T- Substantially is without material qualifications


Alt text: Vote neg and endorse micropolitical resistance

Framework (fiat bad)

Case on Neoliberalism-

1ACs representations of Katrina victims creates them as people to be controlled

Calhoun HP Negative

Economy DA:

Economy growing- inflation low

Dow Jones 10-16-06

The economy in the first three months Half the rate of July. Suggesting that inflation is coming down

Armed Forces Costly

Wind Citie Times 05


The study put the estimated cost of trainingcould be as high as 1.4 million per person.

Fiscal restraint necessary to control economy


Bloated budget if not cubed A financial crisis could confront the country.

Global nuclear war results

Mead 92


Republicans have tactical advantage in the house

Roll Call 9-12-06

Melham noted that Iraq17 of the 20 GOP held open seats are being fought in districts won by President Bush in 2004

Dems can capitalize on public sentiment

Tomasky 06

Some will say that asking AmericansThe democrats must become republicans first

Democratic win makes Bush withdraw from Iraq

National Journal 06

Some Bush allies insist prosecute the war.

Iraq withdrawal leads to civil war, spreading through the Middle East

Newsweek 05

Yet its not only public pressureAfganistan look like childs play.

Prolonged ME conflict leads to Nuclear war

Blank 01

Carrollton BF Negative

Round 2 Neg vs. Caddo Magnet GG

1st Off,

Authorization budgetary

A. Increasing is present participle

B. Violation have to mandate an increase, not result in one

C. Predictable neg ground CPs not against effects of the plan

D. Voter

2nd Off,

Have to defend the disads and counterplans

A. predictable advocate USFG action

B. Waltz 91

C. Homogenizing agenda on all involved

3rd Off,

A. Link and implication - derridean gift hospitality distances from the other, Williams and ariggo 2000

B. power differential ever present Williams 2000

4th Off,

A. Queer Policy Fails

B. Appeals for an end to military discrimination prop up the war system and reinforce heteronormativity (Peter Tatchell, Gays Divide Over Army Ban, Chartist, Sept/Oct 1997)

C. This causes extinction (Reardon 1993, Betty, Women and Peace Feminist Visions of Global Security, p. 21-25)

D. Structual violence outweighs

6th Off,

A. The GOP will lose the House but hold the Senate (Time 10-18)

B. The plan is unpopular Appeasement of the GOP base on gay issues is key to elections (Baker June 4, 06, Peter, Washington Post, Bush Expected to Jump-Start Debate Over Same Sex Marriage)

And Bush is key to GOP success (St. Petersburg Times 11-20-05)

C. Democratic control of the Senate leads to regulation of CO2 emissions (Inside Cal/EPA, 10-6-06)

D. CO2 Regs collapse the economy (Mario Lewis, 4-21-05, National Review Online)

Next off The United States federal government should establish a policy banning the Armed Forces.

Observation 1: Competition their advocacy and our counterplan our mutually exclusive and we compete through net benefits

Observation 2: Net benefits kritiks, solvency, and midterms DA

Observation 3: Solvency


Parody Fails May 91

Carrollton SH Negative

A interp- appropriation of funds

Increase enlargen

Relevant baseline

Must mandate cant result


Core neg ground- increase persons serving

Grammar predictability

Counter plan-text- Cata and I stand resolved:

That The Supreme Court of The United States should rule, in the next available test case, that the military policy commonly referred to as Dont ask, Dont tell is unconstitutional and discriminatory.

Courts have the ability to create new laws and functionally do the plan

Richard Gambitta, et al., Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Texas at San Antonio, Governing through courts, 1981, p. 9-11

American courts do make law..or ensuring impact

The court should rule DADT is unconstitutional based on the 1st and 5th amendment

Almeida. March 1997 (Alicia Christina, Thompson V. Perry: Has the fourth circuit taken Dont ask, Dont tell Too literally? North Carolina Law Review 75 N.C.L. Rev. 967, Lexis)

in dissent, judge hallretention of admitted homosexuals.

Courts Key to set a precedent to solve future homophobic policies

Almedia. March 1997 (Alicia Christina, Thomasson V. Perry: Has the Fourth Curcuit taken Dont ask, Dont tell Too literally? North Carolina Law Review 75 N.C.L Rev. 967, lexis)

2nc net benefit- deference

Deference to the military on the issue of dont ask Dont tell destroys morale, unit cohesion, and discipline

Tobias wolff

May, 2004, visting professor of law, 2003-2004. Political Representation and accountability under Dont ask, Dont tell, Iowa law review

Even in the matter of justification.Dont tell is concerned

The deference doctrine cited in DADT undermines Free speech

Almeida, March 1997 (Alicia Christina, Thompson v. Perry: has the fourth circuit taken Dont ask, Dont tell Too literally? North Carolina Law Review 75 N.C.L. Rev. 967, Lexis)

Equal protection is no the only constitutional.regulate such actions.

Judicial Deference is actively utilized by the Supreme Court to legitimize Dont ask, Dont tell and institutions in the civilian sphere

Tobias wolff

May, 2004, visting professor of law, 2003-2004. Political Representation and accountability under Dont ask, Dont tell, Iowa law review

such a structural limitation..populaion whom it regulates


Gop will win the hosue but hold the senate

Time 10-18-06,

republican officals now concedepresident of the senate.

Democratic control of the Senate leads to regulation of C02 emissions

Inside cal/epa, 10-6-06

environmentalists say the November... idea, the source said.

C02 regs collapse the economy

Mario lewis, 4-21-05

usurpation by litigation productivity, competitiveness, and growth.

Appeals for an end to military discrimination prop up the war system and reinforce heteronormativity

Peter Techthell Expanded Version published as Gays divide over army ban , Charist, September/ October 1997

Such a statement sums.oppressive militarism and war.

Structural violence kills more than any war- our impact outweighs

Dr. Robert C. Gilman, Ph.D. President of Context institute Founding Editor of IN CONTEXT, A quarterly of Human Sustainable Culture One of the articles in The Foundation Of Peace (ic#4) Autumn 1983, page 8

The human tendency towardit is by far our most serious flaw.


A. Interpretation substantially depends upon field context Devinsky 02 (Paul, IP Update, Volume 5 No. 11, Sept 02, Is Claim Substantially Definite?)

Military experts consider a 3% increase to be substantial OHanlon 2005 (Michael, Defense Strategy for the Post-Saddam Era, Brookings Institute Press, p. 49-50)

B. Violation the plan is a trivial increase because it is less that 40000 troops and they dont increase persons within the armed forces just serving them, that is a 100% solvency takeout and makes them untopical

C. Voting Issue

1. negative ground

2. limits

3. grammar Powers 06

4. Potential abuse is a voting issue


The US district courts and the district court of Massachusetts should rule on DADT

Cp solves deference

Politics Disad

E. The GOP will lose the House but hold the Senate (Time 10-18)

F. The plan is unpopular GOP hates the plan they see it as detrimental to the military (Bender 2006 Bryan, Combat Support Ban Weighted for Women, Night Ridder Tribune Business News, May 18, Proquest)

And Bush is key to GOP success (St. Petersburg Times 11-20-05)

G. Democratic control of the Senate leads to regulation of CO2 emissions (Inside Cal/EPA, 10-6-06)

H. CO2 Regs collapse the economy (Mario Lewis, 4-21-05, National Review Online)


Liberal, mainstream queer politics based on rights and the inclusion of sexual minorities into the existing system fail to adequately combat oppression and perpetuate racist and sexist divisions within the queer movement itself. Rather than strive for inclusion in a system based on militaristic oppression, queer politics should, as an alternative, use the absolute rejection of participation int eh United States military as a starting point for a unified revolutionary movement grounded in the intersections of racial, gendered, and sexual oppression.

Barbara Smith 7/5/93 (Wheres the Revolution?

Alternative test: Vote neg to reject the affirmatives participation in the military, instead embrace a revolutionary approach to address intersections of racial, gendered, and sexual oppressions.

Williams and Arrigo 2000 (The Impossibility of Democratic Justice and the Gift of the Majority, Christopher and Bruce)


Using the word victim is bad it implies helplessness

McLeer 1998 (Anne, Hypatia, vol. 13 no. 1, Saving the Victim: Recuperating the Language of the Victim and Reassessing Global Feminism, p.43-45)

Cathedral Prep HC Negative

1. TurnWomen in combat risks cultural suicidethe result of the aff forces us to teach men to brutalize women.

a. Krikwood 03. (What King of Nation Sense Women Into Combat?)

b. Because turning a womanmen cower in fear

2. TurnBreaking down the male monopoly on force legitimized domestic violence against women.

a. Browne 01. (Women at War: An Evolutionary Perspective)

b. One of the central questionsanother man

3. TurnMilitarism, putting owmen in combat increases the militaristic mindset in society and perpetuate militarism.

a. Burke 06. (Women and Militarism)

b. A very contestedsociety are they defending?

4. Turnwomen in combat justifies violence and rape against women.

a. Donelly 05. (Women in Combat)

b. at times we have no choiceundermines American cultural values.


1. Serving

a. Aff must directly increase the number of person enlisting within a National Service program, not the overall ability to serve within a specific area

b. Serving, substantial, in

c. Aff does not increase the number of person serving, they increase the scope of service within the Armed Forces

d. Standards

i. Predictable links

ii. Ground

iii. Bright line

iv. Effects Y

e. Voter

i. Fairness

ii. Education

iii. Jurisdiction


a. Interpretation

i. Aff must spec. the ground for its decision in the plan text

ii. All SC decision require spec. beyong merely the resultfailure to do so means no S

1. Dragich 95

b. Aff does not explicitly spec. gournd for their decision in the plan textincompetence depction of cour agenda-setting

i. Gerhardt 05

c. Standards

i. Strategy skew


A. Recent restructureing of the Supreme Court ensure that judicial deference will remain high.

a. Ackerman 06.

B. SC interference in military affairs ends judicial deference and impair military effectiveness.

a. Gilbert 98

C. Breaking deference snowballs.

a. Taylor 04.

D. Deference is key to the militarys anthrax inoculation.

a. Tidwell 03.

E. This is key to deter a biological attack.

a. Seattle Post-Intelligencer 97.

F. Extinction

a. Steinbruner 97.

Cathedral Prep RL Negative

T- Mandate an Increase

States CP w/ Federalism Modeling Net Benefit (Indian federalism key to solve Kashmir conflict)

Midterms- Democrats Good- they oppose GNEP, leads to space militarization and extinction

Biopower w/ Framework- alt was to look to question (?)

Celebration MD Negative



a. Over specify Deputy Director

2. NASA not part of Armed Forces

a. NASA not part of US

i. Europe Space Agency

b. Standards

i. Predictability

ii. Ground

iii. Breathe better than depth

iv. Bright line

c. Voter

3. Increase implies pre-existing

a. They cannot transfer NASA in Air Force

b. Cannot carry out duty that does not exist pre plan

c. Reasons to prefer

i. Predictable limits

ii. Ground

iii. Bright line

d. Voter

i. Education

ii. fairness

Chaminade College Prep DD Negative

RMA Disad

1. Uniq-

2. Link- Increasing military personnel trades off with RMA.

3. RMA impacts


1. Uniq- GOP will win

2. L-Mandatory national service..

3. econ impacts


CP text: Coast guard should cease all operations in foreign places and navy should have total control.

Chattahoochee GF Negative


CP Text: The United States lower courts should, on the basis of anticipating overrule, hold that 10 U.S.C. 654 and Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice constitute violations of the Establishment clause of the First Amendment. Enforcement guaranteed by the United Sates Department of Defense. The United States Supreme Court should deny certiorari to this issue on any potential appeals.

Next, the CP functionally overturns the Rodriquez Doctrine, by allowing dor anticipatory overrule by the lowr courts. This is critical to restore judicial legitimacy. We will use the term AO as short for Anticipatory Overrule.

Bhagwati, 2000

(Ashutosh, Boston University law Review, 80 B.U.L Rev. 967, October, l/n)

The Khan litigation represents a relatively action to be consistent with the Constitution would be ineffective.

T- Increase

A.) Interp- Increase means to make larger

(American Heritage Dictionary, 2000)

B.) Violation even if DADT would increase recruiting of homosexual soldiers, it would massively decrease straight recruiting causing a net decrease in the armed forces

Frank 05

(Nathaniel, 10/10,

Data from a new poll of potentiallikelihood of joining the military.

C.) Standards

-Ground- to generic leaves the neg with nothing but readiness and wage DAs.

-Limits- Aff triples case list, what neg says, maintaining number and decreasing.

C.) Voter- fairness and education

Iran DA

The US wont strike Iran now- an increase in the armed forces would lead to a quick strike- that strike would fail and Iran would quickly retaliate.

Stones and Earl 05

(Christopher and Mike may 29,

And the world as a safer place?...Afghanistan are army reservists and national guardsmen and women.


1) Alt Causalities are funding, commitments, and unwarranted requirements- the plan cant solve.

Eland, 00

(Ivan, A hollow debate on Military readiness, 10/17)

Pockets of unreadiness in the U.S. Military have three causes.without increasing the defense budget.

First, Impact of discharges on readiness is minimal-numbers of discharges are a drop in the bucket compared to broader military establishment.

Milhizer, 04

(Eugene R., Spring, no references)

Critics on both sides arguebest intersest of the armed forces.

Second, Size doesnt matter its the structure of the military thats the problem

Carafano, and Rosenzweig, 2005


Clearly, todays U.S. the war on terror.

Third, even if DADT would increase recruiting of homosexual soldier, it would massively decrease straight recruiting causing a net decrease in recruiting.

Frank, 05

(Nathaniel, 10/10,

4.) Turn: CMR

A.) Current CMR levels are okay but there is a potential for a crisis if the situation gets worse- that would hamper military effectiveness

Feaver, 04


This book is a follow-on projectpresented in this book.

B.) Plan Crushes CMR

Williams, 03

(Dont ask Dont tell: debating the gay ban in the military p. 71-72)

In other contexts, the topic of gayspast members of the military.

Turn: Terrorism

A.) terrorists see pro-gay policies as the pinnacle of America decadence and use it as a catalyst for anti-American abroad

Knight, 04

(Robert, Iraq scandal is perect storm of American Culture. May 12)

We were told homosexuality is harmlessin darkness for a millennia.

B.) Hundreds of millions will die in 24 hours if another attack occurs- US will retaliate with WMD

Easterbrook, 01

(Gregg, Nov 2, CNN)

Terrorists may not be held by thisinn a dozen Muslim countries.

T- Effects

A. Interp- Policy is authorization to act and the appropriation of funds

Mayor 85

(Robert R, Policy and Program Plans: A development perspective p 19-20)

As Pressinia and Wildansky .Understanding of policy making and planning

B. Violation- topical plan must mandate an increase in the numver sof pople serving their aff results in An increase but not mandate one.

C. Voting issue-

1.Limits: they blow the lid off the topic- anything cann be a n increase that is effectual for recruiting.

Reiffel 05

(Lex,, 12/27, Reaching Out: American serving overseas)

Eight fator that appearwill established in their carreers.

2. Neg ground You cant run any competitive counter plans with aff inrerp

3.Potential Abuse is a voter: dictates that we dont have adequate space in debate.


Currently, Congress and the Bush Administrationare demonstrating fiscal responsibility.

Boucher, 5/19/06


Advocates of fiscal discipline responsibilitywe are restoring the fisal discipline in congress.

Next Perception of excessive. Spending causes investors to pull out causing economic decline. Presidential leadership in fiscal responsibility is necessary to prevent this catastrophe.

Washington Time, 12/8/04

Forign investors, who have been the biggest buyersdangerous decline


Bearden 00

(Tom, The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to solve it quickly)

History bears out that desperate nationsbiosphere, at least for many decades.


A.) India deal will pass in the Lae duck-Bush is pushin and is key

Kalbag, 10-19-06


Income of his shows segments filled headlines..when the new congress intervenes.

B.) Plan risks decline and makes Bush unable to get it done

Zobrinskey 98

(Edward A, Harvard law Review, December)

The legislation process is not appropriations legislators reviewed yearly.

C.) The Impact still prevents passage.

Weiss 10-17


The object of my whole is something not widely knownadversary of America.

D.) Global nuclear Holocaust

NYT 6/10/02

Military cooperation between India and the United Stateswith the hunt for Al Queda in Pakistan.

Local Courts

Text: The state of Connecticut should fully fund_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Observation 1 Solvency

First, Connecticut has surplus of nearly 1 billion dollars, half in rainy day fund.

Rell 7/21/06


Second, Connecticut would fund plan they are better equipped

Corporation for National Community Service 06

(Feb 10,

More than 12,000 people . Three national service initiatives.


Americorps creates an atmosphere that reduces the people they try to help have life.

Foucault, 99

(Michael, Reading Foucault for sacred work 99)

As an illustration, in some neighborhoods.are asked for play through this.

Impact -worst atrocities

Foucault 03

Reading Foucault for sacred work pg 252-257

We are, then, in a powerexterminated or enslaved forever.

Alt- Vote neg to reject the 1AC. This Restores to draw any distinction between the national and political life and allows us to re orient ourselves in the world and actually breakdown biopower.

Edhins 04

(Jeremy, sovereign laws: power on Global Politics p 12-15)

One potential formdialogue of disagreement.

Chattahoochee YM Negative


-Spending DA

Congress and the Bush Administration are demonstrating fiscal responsibility now---the FY 07 budget substantially reduces permanent spending wild rive down the deficit

Boehner, 5/19/06, [John, House Majority leader, holding the Line on Spending, Restoring Fiscal Discipline in


Perception of excessive spending causes investors to pull out causing economic decline. Presidential leadership in fiscal responsibility is necessary tp prevent this catastrophe.

Washington Times, 2004 (Dec 8, Lexis)

Economic collapse will trigger a global nuclear war that cause extinction

Bearden 2000 [T.E., The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to solve it quickly, Space Energy Access Systems,

-Topicality (Mandatory)

a) Interpretation:

1) A policy requires coercive sanctions to complete participation-- Mayer 85 [Robert R, Policy and Program Planning: A developmental Perspective, pg. 18]

influence the behavior of its members by use of sanctions which is coercive

2) National service programs describe mandatory service via negative sanctionsLind 03 [Michael, United We Serve, ed: Dionne, p. 122]

Peace Corps and VISTA are not national service programs

b) Violation: the plan allows voluntary incentivesonly negative sanctions are topical

c) This is a voting issue

1) Limits

2) Ground

3) Potential abuse is a voting issue

-India Nuke Deal

A. India deal will pass in the lame duck bush is pushing and is key

Kalbag 10/19/06 Sachin, Mid-term elections could decide fate of Indo- US nuke deal,

B. Plan risks a delay and makes Bush undable to get it done

Zelinsky 1998professor of law at the Benjamin Cardozo School of law at Yeshiva University

Edward A. Harvard Law Review, 112 Harv I. Rev 379, December 1 n

time and man hours devoted to one piece of legislation are not available for others;

C. Stalling prevents passage collapsing relations

Weiss 10/17/06 Investigative reporter, author of Wall Street vs. America

US-Indian Relations are key to checking the Russia-India-China axis

Gobarev 2000 (Victor, India as a world power, Policy Analysis no 381, 9/11/00)

US policy toward India have contributed to Indias drifting toward forming a Russia-India-China axis.

A China/Russia/India alliance will cause a Taiwan invasion that escalates to global nuke war

Rahm 01 (Russia, China, India: A new Strategic Triangle For a new Cod War?:, Paramaters-US Army War College Quarterly, Winter 01-02 p. 87-97)

The Taiwan strait is one of the most likely places

- Hegemony K

A) The 1ac functions are as criticism of the SQ US policy creating a rhetoric that risks unraveling the current uni-popular world. Each criticism contributes to neo-isolationists tendencies that create a potential foil to American predominance

Kagan 98 [The Benevolent Empire, Foreign Policy, Summer

B) The policy of the aff is irrelevant we must prioritize our rhetoric. The lack of moral confidence in US hardline polices of prioritizing security over liberty risks a collapse in US primary. The rhetoric and confidence of the polis is the most important aspect of American hegemony

Kristol & Kagan 96 [Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, july/august]

C) The alternative is to reject the aff as a signal of commitment to the US imperial resolve. Every harm that they isolate is the result of a failure of US heg. The alternatives are all either impossible or infinitely worse and involve wars and destruction.

Rosen 03 [An Empire, If you Can Keep It, The National Interest, Spring]


Text: The President of the US FG should, through an executive order

Contention 1: Competition

Contention 2: Solvency

Contention : the net benefits

CP avoids politicsXo dont need resources in Congress

XO are the basis for presidential powersit shows they dont need congress

-Case solvency

1) Turn: Dilution

a) Increasing the number of volunteers forces the Peace Corps to lower standards for recruitment

Rieffel 2003 [Lex, The Peace Corps in a Turbulent World, October 27,

diluting recruitment goals will compromise the peace corps brand name and kill its image, turning the case

Peace Corps Online, 2004 (1/11,

College Prep PK Negative

First Off T Increasing

Second Off Counterplan

Counter-plan text do plan but cap it

Third Off Iran

Fourth Off RMA

Uniqueness and link pushing RMA now and increasing people trades off with tech

RMA key to hegemony


Fifth Off Criticism

Rigid definitions of sexuality recreate violence

Biopolitical regimes of violence and evil ensue

Coppell RK Negative


Usfg- 3 branches

Doesnt specify

Decrease ground

Legal precession

Non topical

Voter-competing interps

Text- The Untied States Federal Government should enstate learn and serve America as a voluntary service learning option and ban mandatory service-learning mitigates to all high school students.

Cp cards (case turns)

Mandatory education fails to provide an opportunity for students to obtain knowledge in the context of social reality mandates a societal obsessions with death- oppression is necessary result of allowing continual objectification of life

Paulo freire, former director of the department of cultural extenstion at Recife University, 1982 (pedagogy of the Opressed, p. 63-64)

yet only through communicationinhibits their creative power.

Increasing the funding will; more than quadruple the size of the program allowing for the funding of all competitive service-learning application.

US Fed News, learn and serve America Grants to support one million students in service-learning, US fed news, June 12th, 2006, lexis, David

With a goal of improving academicby category, follows.

By requiring service-learning, it only reduces the students drive to continue doing community service after school

James C. Farrell, Fall 1997, Johnny cant read or write, but watch him work: Assessing the constitutionality of Mandatory High School community service programs, pg. lexis

School administrators and states enact mandatorydeveloping a more moral citizenry.

Mixing burdens of service destroys its merit

John W. Eby, Professr if Sociaoloy, Messiah college, March 1998.


Mandatory service is coercive by the government.

Johnny cant read or write, but watch him work: Assessing the constitutionality of Mandatory High School community service programs, pg. lexis

It is true that the line.development of civic values.

Coercion makes value of life impossible- No impact to the Aff

George Kateb, professor of politics as Princeton, The Inner Ocean, 1992

It is important to matter what.

National service- K (discursive)

The concept of the National Serivce relies on the idea of the American Nation Itself- This national identity is pinned together by the frontier mythology of expansion and conquest that creates racial exclusion and a homohenous conqueror identity

Clifford 2001 (Michael, assoc prof of philosophy at Mississippi state, Political Geneology after Foucault: Savage identities)

perhaps the most importantherein lies the myth of common descent.

The frontier myth valorizes death and atrocity- this makes even nuclear attacks an act of American heroism and drives the united states to the extremes of total obliteration.

Slotkin 1985 (Richard, prof. @Wesleyan u, the fatal environment, p. 60-61)

this ideology of savageexceptionally violent society.

Our critique serves as a process of counter-memory, a forgetting of the American national origin myth in favor of an open investigation of identity itself. This examination reveals identity as contingent and arbitrary, opening up the possibility for genuine freedom.

Clifford 2001 (Michael, assoc prof of philosophy at Mississippi state, Political Geneology after Foucault: Savage identities)

whenever man has thought it necessarybecome other than we are.

Deer Park SR Negative

Foucault K-

A. Thesis- National service socializes and forces people into the role of someone and increased the domination

Gorham 1992

B. Link- National Service Socializes effects of institutionalization and viruses where the government can control everybody

2. Political representations provide an ideology to the matrix of power

Fink- Eifel 92

3. Duties promoted by the state representation leads to regulation of the people by the state

Miller 93

C. Impact is biopower

D. Alternative- we must establish a counter memory and rethink everything in a two step manner

Clifford, 2001

Dobson LT Negative


-Biopower (Foucault) K

The fate of discourse has become bound up in a relationship to the functiona dn pursuit of subjectivity- a ceremony of discipline which reinscribes what is true, untrue, deviant, or privileged across the social spectrumpower prescribes action as a placebo for free thoughtwe must contest this avoidance of difference

Bernauer 1990 (James W., Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, Michel Foucaults Force of Flight: Toward an Ethics for Thought; Humanities Press International, Pg. 92-93)

Totalization inscribes what is unquestionably good and bad. This binary serves to justify the domination and extermination of the inherently bad.

Newman 2003 (Saul, Postdoctoral Fellow at W. Australia U, Stirner and Foucault: Toward a Post-Kantian Freedom)

Attempting to manage to nuclear threat is biopolitical: the power to decide who is worthy to have these weapons and who is only worthy to be killed by them is inherent in the nuclear threat. Our attempts to manage the supposed nuclear problem only makes it worse.

Lifton, 2003 (Robert Jay, Prof. of Psychiatry at Harvard U Med. School, Superpower Syndrome: Americans Apocalyptic Confrontation with the World, pg. 183-184)

Their justification of the ceremonial ritual of schooling involved normalizing those classified as delinquents. Schools are the factories for producing docile bodies.

Illich 70 [Deschooling Society: Online edition of the book]

Biopolitics is the root cause of violence. Mass slaughter becomes necessary under the banner of the good.

Foucault, 78 (Michel, Philosopher and Chair at the College de France, The History of Sexuality pg. 135-137).

To avoid the replication of negative biopolitics we must move beyond the affirmative view of the resolution. Prescribing a course of action is impossible: each instance of biopolitics is unique and must be interrogated on its own.

Haber, 94 (Honi Fern, Assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Colorado, Beyond Postmod Poltics: Lyotard, Rorty, Foucault; Routledge, p 93-95).

-Case arguments

This is one-sided debate. Their appeal to the common good is a way of prodviding a totalitarian free choice. This is imposes action even if we can prove something is flawed in the case. The issue is no longer about how to best improve the army but rather a method to legitimize themselves.

Zizek 2001 (Slavoj, prof. at the University of Ljubljana, Can Lenin Tell us About Freedom Today?, Rethinking Marxism Volume 13, number 2, Summer)

ImpactAn attack on Iran will create a global nuclear war involving India, Pakistan, Chine, and Russia, Israel, and the US

The Nation, August 6, 2005 (What after UNO, lexis, M =6ff7eb77ce069d35e7b51e667e25be93&_docnum=42&wchp=dGLbVlz-zSkVb&_mb5=1aeccf92b6cda3d91b438b5d8db58456)

-India Deal Bad DA

-Uniqueness- North Korea tests have put a stall on the passage of the US-India Nuke deal and despite international support, nuke deal passage is on the brink

The Star 10/10/06 01 NOOTR RTOJONC 0 -271668-2&sec=Worldupdates

Link- Kerry is key vote to pass the deal; his vote will get bipartisan vote

Agence France Presse 06 (2/12, US Senator Kerry Backs Controversial India-US nuclear deal)

Kerry strongly supports national service; the plan will be views as an olive branch to kerry he will cnceed the nuclear deal

Kornblau 04 (

If the plan passes now, the deal will pass in November

Times of India, 10/10/06

ImpactsThe North Korea tests have pushed Iran to the brinkthe deal will be perceived as a double standard and lead to prolif

Seattle Post, 10/9/06 (

Iran can proliferate in less than a year

LA Times 10/11/06 (,0,2136533.story?coll=la-home-world)

Israeli Perception of a nuclear Iran leads to nuclear war

Lous Rene Beres, 11/27/02 (

Dowling Catholic KN Negative

T-service- A. Interpretation- Service is to require actual people to join

B. Violation- The affirmative plan doesnt increase the actual people, they increase the jobs

C. Standards

1. Ground- All of our DAs and case arguments are based on an actual increase not an increase in jobs

2. Predictability- Infinite number of plan mechanisms to solve

D. Topicality is a voter-

1. There is unique abuse in this round we dont have any specific DA links based on an increase

2. T-is a voter for fairness

Adventurism DA- A. Uniqueness- Diplomacy is working in the status quo,

B. Link- Overstretch prevents Iran strike

APR Times 06

The US military is not a factor right now

C. Impact- Iran strikes causes extinction

Hirsh 2006

Iran attacks will end the world

Elections DA- A. Uniqueness- The GOP are finished in the midterms, nothing is going right

Halpen, October 19, 2006

B. Link- National Service is popular

Magee 02

National service remains a popular idea, reinforced by post- 9/11 patriotism

C. Impact- Democrat victory will end an Iran strike

2. Iran strikes lead to extinction

Hirsh 2006

Executive Order CP- Text- The president will issue an executive order to hire 100,000 pmcs.

Solvency- PMCs are the key to stability in all of the regions and can solve for military conflicts around the world

Netbenefits- PMC hiring will not lead to politics (No card read)

Spending DA- A. Uniqueness- Inflation is low in the status quo, the US is putting it now

B. Link- Plan spends money, kills fiscal discipline

C. Internal link- Fiscal discipline prevents inflation

2. Inflation leads to Depression

D. Impact- Depression leads to nuclear war

Mead 95

Edgemont NS Negative




All word theory

Politics DA




Edgemont WS Negative

1 Off, 2 On (Both Advantages)

Biopolitics Kritik

Affs birds eye view of government and solving problems through the government magnifies the governments use of biopolitics

Aff allows life to be used as needed by the state allowing for the bio-political management of life

Rosenburg 05

Citizens as slaves of the state allow for and makes use of The Bomb inevitable

Banow 90

The result is a hell on Earth, ontological damnation

Zimmerman 94

Alt: Reject the Affirmatives assumptions of policymaking

Framework: Aff policy vs. counter advocacy of the Negative

Advantage 1 Answers

1. Bushs foreign policy is irreversible

2. Expanding recruitment gives Bush the ability to attack Iran (Chomsky 02)

3. An Iran strike would lead to global nuclear war (Hersham 06)

4. A draft would only allow wars and adventurism to continue, it doesnt stop war

Advantage 2 Answers

1. Volunteers are the major cause of anti-war movements, more so than the Draft

2. Civic Engagement causes racism and oppression

3. Civil Participation amplifies social indifferences

Securitization Kritik

The focus on securing America is legitimated by a focus on the citizenry the affirmatives call to enlist national service to aid the hegemony is way to mobilize action agisnt those not part of the American identity.

(Keith Krause. Prof. of philosophy at Oxford, and Michael C. Williams, PhD candidate at York University, Critical Security Studies From Strategy to Security: Foundations of Critical Security Studies 44-45, 2002)

The 1ACs presentation of threats engages in a specialized security discourse that views society as an object to be manipulated by policy action. The affirmative grabs alternate discourses in a chokehold, discursively justifying the violence it tries to erase.

(Ole Waever, professor of International Relations at University of Copenhagen, 1998, Chapter three of On Security by Ronnie D. Lipschutz,

American identity is never stable as long as the protection of identity is held as paramount, foreign policy attempts at security are inevitable.

(David Campbell, teaches international relations theory and foreign policy at Newcastle University, 1998, Writing Security)

The securitization of the nation culminates in nuclear wars, which become the only way to successfully assert American identity against threats.

(David Campbell, teaches international relations theory and foreign policy at Newcastle University, 1998, Writing Security)

The alternative text: Vote negative to resist the security of identity.

Security discourse will remain unchallenged only if we continue to understand it as grounded in objective truths. Exposing security as a subjective method of control allows reflexive change.

(Keith Krause. Prof. of philosophy at Oxford, and Michael C. Williams, PhD candidate at York University, Critical Security Studies From Strategy to Security: Foundations of Critical Security Studies 49-51, 2002)

We must ignore attempts at using fear to mobilize identity, and instead embrace the threats that are supposedly imminent. The encouragement to sacrifice in the name of a supposed national identity fractures the human identity into various political roles.

(Der Derian, Prof. of Poly Science at University of Massachusetts, 1998, The Value of Security: Hobbes, Marx, Nietzsche, and Baudrillard,

Recognizing the immutability of life in the face of danger instills a sense of completely connectivity in which difference is not only accepted, but appreciated. When we stop looking to the state for protection, rejecting the nothing of protection all together, the care for life becomes the highest possible value.

(William Connolly, Kreiger-Eisenhower Prof. of Poly Science at John Hopkins, 1991, Identity Difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox, pg. 167)

Discussions of citizenship must address questions of subjectivity. The way we orient our being is fundamental to the way its exerted in security.

(Keith Krause. Prof. of philosophy at Oxford, and Michael C. Williams, PhD candidate at York University, Critical Security Studies From Strategy to Security: Foundations of Critical Security Studies 43, 2002)

Edmond Memorial HC Negative


plan doesnt specify where the money goes or how the money is sent

T-Increase: Usual. Plan is FX and Extra Topical, you have to mandate an increase

Normativity, a la shlaug

I apologize for the lack of citations etc., but they have refused to give me the evidence. It was all schlaug and Delgado. The link was the idea of should, that weh ought tojut dothings, not just say we should dothe plan. their impact was something called social freeze, essentially, that the aff gets no solvency. the alternative was to reject normativity, which yes, is a normative statement.

all the cards:

University of pennsylvania law review, 1991 139 U. PA. L. rev. Symposium: the critique of normativity and the politics of form. Pierre Schlag.

Emporia BY Negative




-Key to education

-makes plan conditional

-makes them non-T


B. Links

State not vehicle for ethics, process of totalization

Affs attempts to present national service advocate responsibility to others

C. New Hope

1. other will always try to escape

2. Must be continual interruption of politics unlike aff, must interrupt capitalism and state.

Debate space must be turned into area of contested politics-only way to avoid totalitarianism is to embrace alt

Philosophy must become search for ethics-must continuously interrupt political order

Fullerton Union GL Negative

T- in means the whole armed forces

Cant get links to specific parts of the military

Research burden

Voter for Fairness and Predictability

T Substantially is 1.3%

The affirmative increases by 1000

Too few people to get links to DAs

Can spike out of DAs saying no link

Kritik Coercion

Aff increases the power of the government to coerce people into national service

Spillover to other rights abuses

Biggest impact in the round

Alternative is to reject coercion

Counterplan Consult NATO

Consult NATO over whether or not we should do the plan

Net benefit is NATO relations

NATO relations key to stop Russia war

Russia war leads to nuclear war

DA Spending

Pork Barrel Spending proves spending low now

Plan increases spending

Spending kills the economy

Econ collapse leads to nuclear war

Case Hegemony

Recruitment levels are stable standards have not been loosened

Economic and Societal affluence creates a generation gap and expectation of higher freedom from potential

Recruits destroying recruitment

Georgetown Day CL Negative


The 1ACs endorsement of National Service makes people docile to authoritarianism. Power has the ability to morph Corps into discipling machines

Daniel Witte 1998, Birmingham Young University Law Review B.Y.U.L. Rev. 741

The Plan props up the state for military violence- using the plan to force other to participate in the state aloows for legitimized violence

Brian Martin, Uprooting War, Chapter 7: The Steate,

Militarism as an altenative is the cause of of violence

William Bradford 2004, In the mInds of Men: A theory of Compliance with the laws of war, Arizona state law review

Modern governmentality is produces and reproduced by practices of trauma and memory. The setting off of specific forms of historical violence as genocide, the assumption of the sovereign subject, all of these are bound up in he time and space of politics as it has been classically understood. The affirmative replicates all of these practices, and without hesitation, without anything but a token recognition of the ongoing pattern of violence, management and concealment that has characterized modern power. This critique is an attempt to disrupt politics by occupying the space of the political.

Jenny Edkins 2003 Trauma and the Memory of Politics

The unstable logic of bio-politics makes globally destructive conflict an accepted fact of life- the necessity of constantly producing a new outside against which to mobilize ones own population causes violence for its own sake and requires the production of the universally destructive technologies to threaten all population with death.

Mitchell Dean States of Imagination, P. 53-56

Attempting to help the population is part of more effective and complex mechanism of power that use consent and the rhetoric of seurity, humanitarianism, and well-being to acheiv docility to discipline

Barry Smart 1986 Foucault; a critical reader pp. 161-162

Biopolitics is managed through the use of a Corps to survey bodies. The normalization and power over life is inextricably linked to power over death. Entire populations can be discarded.

Simona Zimic 2004 Women and Trafficking

Surveillance is a mode of discipline that continually exercise power most effectively. Individuals will control their own actions

Foucault 1972 Power/Knowledge

Glenbrook North FS Negative


Grounding politics in the avoidance of apocalyptic spectacles of death makes anxiety towards difference and the world a centerpiece of politicsCoalition building and sustained mobilization are rendered impossible in the struggle to save ourselves

Hooks 2000 (All About Love: New Visions, p.191-196)

Utilization of the politics of fear to achieve political ends causes the militarization of society and domination of perceived enemises- culminates in endless war

Haddock 03 (

Text: Vote negative to scrutinize the affirmatives rhetorical justification for their policy by replacing the language of fear with expressions of hope and loving human interactions. Embracing an ethic of loves key to overcoming the politics of fear and making their movement successful- love in public policy allows people to act together for the good of all

Hooks 2000 (All About Love: New Visions, p.95-99)

Glenbrook South LP Negative

Consult NATO CP

Consult and cooperation with germany is key to fixing relations damaged by Iraq and preventing german renationalization

Larres 03

German renationalization causes nuke war

Layne 97

Iran DA

Us and Iran are holding to diplomacy in the SQ- the US is backing off of military strike as an option now

Saikal 06

Bushs desire to strike Iran is checked by lack of resources- expanded military is key to support preemption

Warshawsky 05

Attack on Iran would draw Russian in- this would spark nuke world war III

T Mandatory

Policy- coercive sanctions to compel participation

Mayer 85

National service programs describe mandatory service via negative sanctions

Lind 03

Frontier K

The military is steeped in frontier mythology- it was the defining point of the army

Kaplan 05

National ID requires active forgetting- the history of genocidal violence against native peoples is willfully suppressed by dominant narratives of history

Sheckel 98

Grapevine BM Negative

First off

A. Intp

Policy is the authorization to act and the appropriation of funds.

Mayer, 1985

[RobertR Policy and program planning A development perspective p19-20

Increasing is the present participle that increases

Oxford English Dictionary, 1991 (online

That increase; growing , augmenting, enlarging

Increase can only be measured from a relevant baseline

Rogers 05, (Judge, Investors 2005 US App Lexis 12378 **60ERC(BNA)1791, 6/24 lexis)

Statutory interpretationin perfect condition

B. Violation- topical plans have to mandate an increase in numbers and supply budgetary support for the increase: they cant result in one

C. This is a voting issue

1. Limits : allowing the aff to result in an increase explodes the topicthere are a large number of barriers they could remove to service across 6 programs

2. Ground Predictable core neg ground is based on increasing of people serving

3. Grammar is vital to predictability because its a shared basis of communication and violating it

Perelman et al 1997. (Leslie Mayfield book of technical scientific writing)

Active particple.. in an action

4. potential abuse is a voting issue

Second off

Republicans will prevail

Ferguson, http://,

Asked November

Republicans oppose expansion of Americorps

Magee, May 23 2003

Over the past yearfrom the Trust

C. REpub unity is key to their midterm successs

Rothenburg 05 sTuart /issues

While republicans . unite republicans

D. IF Bush slides too far in the polls, hell invade Iran

Ehngelhart 06


E. A nuclear attack against Iran would lead to extinction

Hirsch, 06 [how to stop the planned nuking of Iran.

Third off

A. U. The econmy is doing fine now

The financial standard October 19th 2006


The U.S equity.. over a year

B. Link: Expanding current programs risk budget deadlock

Shick 2000

Conflict is expanded others get less

C.Fiscal restraint is necessary to protect the economy

MSNBC 2005

Bloated budget deficits confront the country

D. Nuke war results

Mead 92

Grapevine GH Negative

5 0ff, On Case Solvency

Topicality- Increase means not reallocate

Interpretation- increase means the Aff can only make a direct increase, not allocate where volunteers go

Violation- the plan specifies volunteers go to NCCC

Standards- a. Limits- hundreds of different places within organizations plan can allocate b. Extra topicality- specifying is extra topical, unpredictable and can spike ground

T is a voter for fairness and reasons above.

Gates Foundation Counterplan

Theory- counterplan is not topical, doesnt use the USFG

Competition- A. Counterplan competes via net-benefits


Bureaucratic mismanagement of problems dooms solvency, own 1AC inherency evidence proves

Americorps lacks enough volunteers and resources to solve

Midterms- GOP Good Disadvantage

GOP will win the midterms because of falling gas prices

There is GOP opposition to Americorps

Bush will lash out and attack Iran if GOP seems like a loser

U.S. attack on Iran leads to global nuclear war and extinction

Cosmopolitanism/National Service K

National Service promotes allegiance and loyalty to a nation state

Focus on the nation prevents us from adopting a cosmopolitian ethic

Enforcing national identity prevents global solutions to global warming, only a cosmopolitanism ethic can solve

Alt: Reject the Affirmatives rhetoric of national service and use the ballot as an affirmation and adoption of cosmopolitanism.

An ethic of Cosmopolitanism is key to solve

Statism K

Reform from within the state will fail and prevent effective change within society

They allow for state action, and since the state was the original cause of their impacts, they only perpetuate the root cause of the harms through using the state

Affs own inherency evidence indicates bureaucracy can never solve, instead foster nation state

Affs choice of a nation state causes the ultimate cultivation of totalitarianism

The counterplan is the alternative- it doesnt use the state, and doesnt link.


1. Bush will hijack Americorps for faith-based initiatives

2. That turns the case- faith based initiatives cause bad administration, dooming solvency


A) Interpretation-

1. A policy requires coercive sanctions to compel participation

Mayer, prof of social work @ Fordham U, 1985 [Robert R., Policy and Program Planning: A Developmental Perspective, p. 18]

2. National Service programs describe mandatory service via negative sanctions

Lind, senior fellow @ the new American Foundation, 2003 [Michael, United We Serve, ed: Dionne, p. 122]

B) Violation- the plan allows voluntary incentives, only the negative sanctions are topical

C) Voter

1. limits- we limit down to cases that require mandatory service. They explode the topic by allowing for all types of incentives or the elimination of certain barriers becoming topical

2. Ground- mandatory service is key to our links to coercion, voluntary CP, and all disads based off an increase because mandatory participation is the only guarantee that the increase actually occurs-its n enforceable obligation

3. Potential abuse = voter


A) Interpretation-

.1. The Coast Guard is not part of the Armed Forces

2. The Coast Guard is not part of Homeland Security

B) Violation- the aff increases the number of person serving in the Coats Guard, not the Armed Forces

C) Standards-

1. limits- it allows any group that isnt actually part of the armed forces

2. research- doubles the amount of research because the Coast Guard is their own separate area of the resolution

3. ground-

D) potential abuse = voter

CP: The USFG should have the US navy seize the international functions of the Coast Guard

1) The multimission role of the Coast Guard wrecks its maritime leadership abilities- only the CP solves the case

Stubbs, CG service member and a member of the Heritage Foundation study group on homeland security, Aug 2004 [Bruce, multimission costs too much US Naval Institute Proeedings, Aug2004, Vol. 130, Issue 8, Academic Search Premier]

2) Reducing the multimission focus is the only way the Coast Guard will be able to effectively work with the navy andn conduct its corer missions well

Stubbs, CG service member and a member of the Heritage Foundation study group on homeland security, Aug 2004 [Bruce, multimission costs too much US Naval Institute Proeedings, Aug2004, Vol. 130, Issue 8, Academic Search Premier]


A) The Army is being totally revolutionized- this will sustain power projection and U.S. hegemony

Center for Security Policy-7V18V2005 [An Army of none? Congress should build, not impede, the transformational future combat systems, Decision Brief No.05-D 35 2005-07-18,



B) Paying for additional personnel will tradeoff with other military transformation priorities- there is a zero sum tradeoff

Deitchman 04 [S.J., Issues in Science and Technology 20.4, Summer 2004

C) RMA is critical to preserve US leadership and dominance in the face of terrorism

Blaker, director of foreign and security studies @ the Progressive Policy Institute, 2-7-2001 [James R., Democratic Leadership Council,]

D) C/A Khalizad- US heg key to prevent nuclear war

$ D/A:

A) No new spending now

New York Times, 8-05-2006 [Lawmakers to Use Recess to Blame the Other Guy]

B) Funding national service programs turns into pork barrel spending, killing fiscal discipline

Bandow, 3/22/90 [Doug, Senior Fellow @ the Cato Institute, National Service: The Enduring Panacea,]

C) Excessive deficit spending threatens global economic collapse

Farrel, President of the National Defense Industrial Association- 1/1/2006 [Lawrence, P., Jr., We must prepare for defense budget crunch]

D) Economic collapse results in extinction- C/A Bearden 2000

Cosmopolitanism K:

1) Enforcing a national identity prevents an effective response to global problems- only articulating a shared identity to the world can build connections necessary to prevent extinction

Smith, 2003 [Rogers, Prof of Political Science @ U of PA and PhD Harvard U, Stories of Peoplehood. The politics and morals of political membership, p. 166-169]

Alt: Reject the Affs endorsement of National Service and use the ballot to affirm cosmopolitan ethics

2) Our alt envisions a world of new global citizenship devoid of national identity- individual attempts to foster attitudinal change are vital to a larger consciousness shift. The educational setting of debate is the vital first step towards realizing global identity

Roche, 1997 [Douglas, Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament for Edmonton Strathcona, Canadian Ambasssador for Disarmament, Member of the Senate of Canada, World Citizenship: Allegiance to Humanity, Edied Joseph Rotblat, page 139-141]

Greenhill AH Negative

T- Armed Forces

A. Intepretation


Fox News 2k4,2933,119078,00.html

The Coast guard .. Department of transporatoin


Cpt. Mcentire 2k5

It is unlikely that the President will transfer .. prvention and mangement.


Words and Phreases, 59

In th eact .. such counties

B. Biolation Plan only increase the nubmer of people in the Coast guard

Voting issue explodes topic 800 cass in the miltiary alone

Powers 2k6

There are .. Armed Froces


Ground: They exclude core neg rgound against miltiary cases by increasing the coast guard

3. Extra -T even if some CG opeartions constitute service in the Armed forces the vast majority are outside of that jurisdiction and make the aff Extra -T


The 1AC plan text must spec agent of action who implements the plan

Education implementation is a pre requiste to policy education

Elmore 80

the emergence .. of implementation

Ground kill plotical process

No oslvency: the USFG as a while cant implement the plan

Traficant 93 Mr Speaker .. War Powers

Aff ocnditinality L dodge all neg args

Not T : Resolves is to make a determination, they dont meet, the have to spec an agent to see how it would work in practice


A- T cases must mandate an increase in service, Prob future increse are not enoguh

Increase refers to a process not and outtcome

Higher education funding 2k4

the draft bill .. ever increasing

And increase means that T cses for natl serv must be mandatory via neg sanctions

lind 2k3

it is necessary .. imporisonament or both

And- subs means that the increase must be definte potentional futire increase are not T

and oyu must give subs real meaning

words and phrases 60

substantial .. given effect

b> plan proves encitives to incrase, doesnt mandate and incraes via neg sanctions

C> Vote Neg

1. Limits allows prob increase explodes the topic

2. Ground Mandatory service is key to coercion voluntary cp's and all disads

3. education T must be decided independantly of solvency

Sclaia 98

in addition to its attempt .. with exception

4. FX T plan consists of mulitple steps to increasing

5. Grammar -- increasing is a present participle which means the establishment of the [olicy must be simultaneous

6. Po abuse it a voter, their interp opens the flood gates

Biopower K


Focus on specific results in war

Xcumo 96

Heg cauess Nuke War

Xdallmayr 94

X Santos 04

x. Luke 99

Agamben 2k

Agamben 2K

Will ensvlave human mentality

Agamben 2K

w/e being is good

Xcaldwell 03

Vile 2k4

Western criticism legitimizes


Makes war inevitable-- we can

calssify anyone as eniemies

Culminates , kill maentatility leads to


Allows the mandate of subjecatign

the other, Ecosystem shows a moral

discipline, that is progandized gov


Un ending ecosystem reinfoces cap ,

rich richer por pooer goes down to

bare life

Bio power --> gloabal nation state -->


Allows the becoming of the being,

calls for life

We solve for the root cause of the aff,

IR is solved

Groves BG Negative

INC: 4 off, Power and Terror Advantage Solvency

Topicality: In- throughout

A. Definiton- In- throughout

B. Coast Guard is not in Armed Forces; its in Homeland Security

C. Standards:

1. Predictability-

2. Fairness-

3. Education-

4. Brightline- whether its topical or not

D. Voter for Fairness and for Competing Interpretaions

GOP Backlash

A. People dont like Republicans

B. The GOP will win the elections

C. Hirsch: Iran Strikes will lead to global war (Middle East will be dragged in

Economy Trade DA

A. Trade isnt high

B. Bandow 90- entitled economy is shown as trade increase

C. Impax- Trade will lead to Nuke War

D. The Impact value talks about the economic collapse

a. Beardon- leads to economic and environmental destruction


US- Navy will allow more Coast Guards

CP solves- Envisions the Negative

Coast Guard must work with the NAVY

Coast Guards

STATUS: Dispositional- May Kick unless straight-turned (no Perm and no theory)

Post Security: wont solve

Alternative Causality Ports are n