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Vocabulary English - French


  • 2Clive OxendenChristina Latham-Koenig



    4384339 NEF Preint WL for Switz Fr Ger It SP.indd 1 24/03/2011 09:38

  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 2

    Pre-intermediate French wordlist

    This wordlist is organized File by File. It includes all the words in the Vocabulary Banks in the Students Book and the MultiROM, all the words which are highlighted in the Students Book, and all the words in the More Words to Learn sections of the Workbook.

    File 1 Classroom language VOCABULARY BANKAsk and answer the

    questions/sk nd ns

    kwestnz/Poser et rpondre aux

    questions In pairs, ask and answer the questions.

    Dont speak (Italian) /dnt spik tlin/ Ne pas parler (Italien) Dont speak Italian in class.Dont write /dnt rat/ Ne pas crire Speak to your partner dont write the answers.Go to page 34 / t ped ti

    f/Se reporter la page 34 We need to do exercise 5, so please go to page 34.

    Look at the board /lk t bd/ Regarder le tableau Look at the board you can see all the words from the lesson.

    Sit down /st dan/ Sasseoir Sit down and open your books, please.Stand up /stnd p/ Se lever Marco, stand up and come to the board, please.Turn off your

    mobile/tn f j

    mbal/teigner son portable Please turn off your mobile during the lesson.

    Work in pairs /wk n pez/ Travailler en groupes de deux

    Work in pairs, A and B.

    Write down the words

    /rat dan wdz/ crire les mots Write down the words that you hear.

    Bye /ba/ Au revoir Bye. See you tomorrow, Sally.Can I have a piece of

    paper, please?/kn a hv pis

    v pep pliz/Puis-je avoir une feuille

    de papier, sil vous / te plat?

    Excuse me, can I have a piece of paper, please?

    Could you repeat that, please?

    /kd ju rpit t pliz/

    Pourriez-vous / Pourrais-tu rpter cela, sil vous / te plat?

    Sorry, I didnt understand could you repeat that, please?

    Have a good weekend!

    /hv d wikend/ Passez / Passe un bon weekend!

    See you on Monday have a good weekend!

    Here you are /h ju / Tenez / Tiens, voil A: Can I look at that dictionary, please?B: Yes, of course, here you are.

    How do you pronounce it?

    /ha d j prnans t/

    Comment le prononcez-vous / prononces-tu?

    Thats an unusual word how do you pronounce it?

    How do you say sheep in English?

    /ha d j se ip n l/

    Comment dites-vous / dis-tu mouton en anglais?

    I know the word in French, but how do you say sheep in English?

    How do you spell it? /ha d j spel t/ Comment lpelez-vous / lpelles-tu?

    I know what the word means, but how do you spell it?

    See you on Monday /si ju n mnde/ A lundi Have a good weekend see you on Monday.Sorry Im late /sri am let/ Dsol dtre en retard Sorry Im late I missed the bus.What does awful

    mean?/wt dz fl min/ Quest-ce que signifie

    awful? I know most of the words in the reading text, but what

    does awful mean?Which page is it? /wt ped z t/ Quelle page est-ce? I know we need to do exercise 2 which page is it?I love you too /a lv ju: tu/ Je taime aussi A: Bye. Have a safe flight. I love you.

    B: Bye darling. I love you too.choose /tuz/ choisir I want to choose the right partner for my /skl/ encercler Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c.

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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 3

    complete /kmplit/ complter / achever Complete the sentences with one word.copy the rhythm /kpi rm/ suivre / reproduire le

    rythme Listen and repeat the questions and try to copy the

    rhythm.cover the text /kv tekst/ couvrir / cacher le texte Cover the text and then try to remember the

    information.cross /krs/ croix Put a cross next to the incorrect answer.cross out /krs at/ rayer Cross out the incorrect words.match /mt/ faire correspondre Match the headings with paragraphs A D.tick /tk/ cocher Tick the things the writer says.underline /ndlan/ souligner Underline the word that is different.

    Personality adjectives VOCABULARY BANKextrovert /ekstrvt/ extraverti Hell talk to anyone hes really extrovert.friendly /frendli/ amical / sympathique I like Lucy shes really friendly.funny /fni/ amusant / comique I like funny people who make me laugh.generous /denrs/ gnreux Darren always buys me presents hes very generous.hard-working /hd wk/ travailleur She studies all the time shes very hard-working.lazy /lezi/ paresseux Hes so lazy he doesnt do any housework and he never

    does his homework.mean /min/ avare Shes really mean she hates spending money.quiet /kwat/ silencieux Rob doesnt say much hes very quiet.serious /sris/ srieux Susan is friendly but shes very serious she didnt laugh

    at my jokes.shy /a/ timide At first Nina was a bit shy, but after a while she started

    to talk more.talkative /tktv/ bavard Claire was very talkative she talked all the time!unfriendly /nfrendli/ peu amical / inamical I didnt like Jessica because she was really unfriendly.

    The body VOCABULARY BANKarm /m/ bras You need a strong arm if you want to be a good tennis

    player.back /bk/ dos I work at a computer all day so I have problems with my

    back.bite /bat/ mordre That dog could bite you if youre not careful.brain /bren/ cerveau You use your brain to think.ear // oreille He has an earring in his left ear.eye /a/ oeil My right eye hurts I think theres a fly in it.face /fes/ visage My girlfriend has a beautiful face.feel /fil/ sentir (par le toucher) Feel this jumper its really soft.feet /fit/ pieds I have big feet so its hard for me to find nice shoes.finger /f/ doigt I broke my finger when I was skiing last year.foot /ft/ pied My right foot is bigger than my left /he/ cheveux Maria has long, blonde hair.hand /hnd/ main He put the keys in my hand.head /hed/ tte He always wears a hat to keep his head warm.hear /h/ entendre Can you hear that music?heart /ht/ coeur I do a lot of exercise because its good for my heart.kick /kk/ donner un coup de pied Kick the ball, Simon.kiss /ks/ embrasser She likes to kiss her husband before he goes to work in

    the mornings.knee /ni/ genou I like jogging but it hurts my right knee so I cant do it

    very often.leg /le/ jambe I broke my leg when I was 11.

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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 4

    lip /lp/ lvre My top lip is quite thin.mouth /ma/ bouche Open your mouth so that I can see your teeth.neck /nek/ cou When I read on a plane my neck always hurts.nose /nz/ nez You use your nose to smell.see /si/ voir I cant see without my glasses.shoulder /ld/ paule You have to use the muscles in your shoulder when you

    throw a ball.smell /smel/ sentir (par lodorat) I can smell coffee have you made some?smile /smal/ sourire I always smile when I see our wedding photos.stomach /stmk/ estomac I ate too many grapes and had terrible pains in my

    stomach.teeth /ti/ dents I always brush my teeth before I go to bed.think /k/ penser When Im in bed at night I always think about what

    happened during the day.toe /t/ orteil I broke my toe when I was playing football.tongue /t/ langue That tea was too hot I burnt my tongue!tooth /tu/ dent The golf ball hit my mouth and I lost a tooth.touch /tt/ toucher Touch the screen to begin.

    More words to learnanother /n/ un autre / encore un Would you like another coffee?art gallery /t lri/ galerie dart Janet is a guide in an art gallery.artist /tst/ artiste Toulouse-Lautrec was a famous least /t list/ au moins You need at least 30 minutes to get to the town centre

    from // auteur Who is the author of this book?at the back /t bk/ larrire / derrire At the back of the picture you can see two women

    sitting at a table.choose /tuz/ choisir His mum can choose one of the girls for him.contain /knten/ contenir Bierces dictionary does not contain normal definitions.definition /defnn/ dfinition Ask your teacher for a definition of that word.go on a date / n det/ sortir / avoir un rendez-

    vous galant He has to go on a date with each girl.

    (the) date / det/ (la) date Todays date is the 21st of March.draw /dr/ dessiner Describe your picture for your partner to draw.each /it/ chaque Its important to get to know each student at the start of

    a course.exam /zm/ examen What day of the week is the exam?explain /ksplen/ expliquer Can you explain the difference between tall and big?famous for /fems f/ clbre / rput pour What was the Moulin Rouge famous for?favourite /fevrt/ favori / prfr Do you have a favourite painter?for example /f zmpl/ par exemple Think of an adjective to describe a town for example,

    big, small, busy, etc.foreign languages /frn lwdz/ langues trangres Do you speak any foreign languages?at the front /t frnt/ lavant At the front of the picture there is a man reading a

    book.have in common /hv n kmn/ avoir en commun Find two things that you have in common.Im sure /am / Je suis sr Im sure that my friend Danny knows me better than

    my family.(on the) Internet /n ntnet/ (sur) Internet On the Internet you can find websites with modern

    versions of the Devils Dictionary.introduce /ntrdjus/ prsenter Introduce yourself to all the other students.mime /mam/ mimer Can you mime the action for swimming?painting /pent/ peinture This is a famous painting by Toulouse Lautrec.panic /pnk/ paniquer I panic and stop talking when I cant think of a word in


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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 5

    partner /ptn/ partenaire Who would be a good partner for your best friend?picture /pkt/ image Describe your picture for your partner to draw.popular /ppjl/ populaire Bierces most popular book is probably the Devils

    Dictionary.poster /pst/ poster / affiche Do you have a poster on the wall in your bedroom?prefer /prf/ prfrer I prefer women with dark hair.recognize /reknaz/ reconnatre Some famous people wear sunglasses so that people

    wont recognize them.sporty /spti/ sportif Im not very sporty and I dont do any exercise.the opposite (of) / pzt v/ le contraire (de) Young is the opposite of old.traditional /trdnl/ traditionnel Thomas is an old, traditional British name.try /tra/ essayer What does Richards mum try to do?unusual /njuul/ inhabituel / peu commun Kelda is an unusual name I havent heard it /websat/ site Web There are lots of websites where you can shop online.what kind of ? /wt kand v/ quelle sorte, quel genre /

    type de ? What kind of food do you like?

    More words in File 1abroad /brd/ ltranger I mostly work in the UK but sometimes I work abroad.appearance /prns/ aspect / apparence Can you describe your physical appearance?be born /bi bn/ natre I was born in Brazil.behind /bhand/ derrire The bookshelf is behind the desk.between /btwin/ entre The bank is between the cinema and the supermarket.borrow /br/ emprunter You can borrow money from banks.carefully /kefli/ attentivement Look carefully at the pronunciation of the following /tt/ bavarder I like to chat with my friends after lessons.choice /ts/ choix His mothers choice as a date for him was Nina.coins /knz/ pices (de monnaie) I always have a lot of coins in my pocket.colleague /kli/ collgue Rupert is a work colleague and a /kmpni/ socit / entreprise I work for a telecommunications company.conference /knfrns/ confrence Im going to a conference in Milan next month.dislike /dslak/ ne pas aimer A friend is someone who dislikes the same people as

    you.flight /flat/ vol Are you on the flight to Vancouver?get on (well) with /et n wel w/ (bien) sentendre avec I get on well with most /n/ dans I put my money in the machine and waited for my front of /n frnt v/ en face de I parked the car in front of the post the middle /n mdl/ au milieu de The coffee table is in the middle of the room.instrument /nstrmnt/ instrument Can you play a musical instrument?lose /luz/ perdre I often lose my to /nekst t/ ct de Our house is next to the library.on /n/ sur I put the books on the table.on the left /n left/ gauche Go down this street and the book shop is on the left.on the right /n rat/ droite At the back of the picture, on the right, there are two

    women.opposite /pst/ en face de The post office is opposite the police station.pleased /plizd/ content Im so pleased you came to see us.programme /prrm/ programme What TV programmes do you watch?purpose /pps/ objectif Whats the purpose of your visit to the US?puzzle /pzl/ casse-tte Do the puzzle in pairs.the same / sem/ le / la mme Do you have the same name as another student in the

    class?sense of humour /sens v hjum/ sens de lhumour We laughed a lot Dave has got a good sense of


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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 6

    show // montrer You have to show that you can pay the money back before a bank will lend you some.

    single /sl/ clibataire Think of someone you know who is single.stand /stnd/ se tenir debout Come and stand next to the board, Maria.sunglasses /snlsz/ lunettes de soleil Famous people often wear sunglasses when they go out.surprised /sprazd/ surpris I was surprised to find out that Jason chose Amy to be

    his girlfriend.sweet /swit/ gentil / sympathique I really like Alexs new girlfriend shes really sweet.type /tap/ genre Tina is attractive, but shes not my type.under /nd/ sous Your newspaper is under the sofa.wrong /r/ mauvais / faux I look for the wrong kind of girl.

    File 2 Phrases with go VOCABULARY BANKgo abroad / brd/ aller / partir ltranger Were going to go abroad again next year.go away for the

    weekend/ we f

    wikend/partir pour le week-end My parents like to go away for the weekend every three

    months.go by car / bus /

    train/ ba k/ /bs/

    /tren/aller en voiture / bus /

    train We went to Edinburgh by train.

    go by plane / ba plen/ aller en avion You have to go by plane if you want to visit Australia.go camping / kmp/ (aller) faire du camping My family like to go camping, but I wish we could stay

    in a hotel.go for a drink / fr drk/ (aller) prendre un verre Lets go to that new bar for a drink.go for a walk / fr wk/ (aller) se promener We like to go for a walk after dinner.go out at night / at t nat/ sortir le soir We always go out at night when were on holiday.go shopping / p/ (aller) faire les courses /

    les magasins My sister likes to go shopping when were on holiday.

    go sightseeing / satsi/ (aller) faire du tourisme Ive never been to Madrid before so I want to go sightseeing tomorrow.

    go skiing / ski/ (aller) faire du ski Id really like to go skiing in Romania this year.go swimming /

    sailing/ swm/

    /sel/(aller) nager / se baigner /

    (aller) faire de la voile Lets go swimming theres a fantastic beach 10 minutes

    from here.go to the beach / t bit/ aller la plage We go to the beach every day when were on holiday.

    Other holiday activities VOCABULARY BANKbuy souvenirs /ba suvnz/ acheter des souvenirs I always buy souvenirs when Im on holiday.have a good time /hv d tam/ bien samuser We had a good time on our summer holiday in Spain.hire a car /ha k/ louer une voiture We hired a car and drove around the friends /mit frendz/ rencontrer des amis We met friends in the restaurant and we had dinner an apartment /rent n ptmnt/ louer un appartement We rented an apartment in Barcelona.spend money / time /spend mni/ /tam/ dpenser de largent /

    passer du temps We spent a lot of money on eating out when we were in

    France.stay in a hotel /

    campsite/ste n htel/

    /kmpsat/loger dans un hotel / un

    camping We stayed in a fantastic hotel in Madrid.

    sunbathe on the beach

    /snbe n bit/

    prendre un bain de soleil sur la plage

    I love sunbathing on the beach and reading books when Im on holiday.

    take photos /tek ftz/ prendre des photos I took a lot of photos in Turkey would you like to see them?

    walk in the mountains / around the town

    /wk n mantnz/ /rand tan/

    faire une randonne en montagne / se promener dans la ville

    My parents often go to Switzerland to go walking in the mountains.

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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 7

    The weather VOCABULARY BANKboiling /bl/ trs chaud / dune chaleur

    infernale We couldnt sleep at night because it was boiling in the

    hotel.cloudy /kladi/ nuageux The weather was terrible it was cloudy so we couldnt

    sunbathe.cold /kld/ froid Its really cold outside so you need to wear a coat.foggy /fi/ de brouillard / brumeux Be careful when youre driving to work today because its

    very foggy.freezing /friz/ trs froid / glacial Im putting the heating on its freezing in here!hot /ht/ chaud In Rome the summers are really hot.rain /ren/ pluie It always rains when I go on holiday in Britain.snow /sn/ neige In Britain it often snows in the winter.sunny /sni/ ensoleill Its a lovely, sunny day.windy /wndi/ de vent / venteux It was really windy so I couldnt read the newspaper on

    the beach.

    More words to learnagain /en/ encore / de nouveau Were going to Spain again this summer.attack /tk/ attaquer People attacked the Berlin Wall with stones.awful /fl/ affreux / terrible The heat was awful because there was no air-

    conditioning.balcony /blkni/ balcon I saw two lovers on a balcony in Paris.become /bkm/ devenir They were at the piano and suddenly they became

    completely focused.break up with /brek p w/ rompre avec Three years ago I broke up with my /klb/ bote It was her birthday so she and her friends went out to a

    club.dark /dk/ sombre / fonc It was dark and it was raining when she left work.delicious /dls/ dlicieux I cant remember what the name of the fish was, but it

    was delicious.deserve /dzv/ mriter Lennon said that Yoko deserved credit for the song

    Imagine.DJ /dide/ DJ She didnt like the music so she went to speak to the DJ.each other /it / lun lautre After the first date, Jamie and Hannah saw each other

    every day.escape /skep/ chapper I live in Athens so we go to Corfu to escape the heat in

    the summer.every /evri/ chaque / tous les I see my boyfriend every day.exhibition /eksbn/ exposition I had an exhibition of my photos in Paris.fantastic /fntstk/ fantastique Our guide was a fantastic cook.follow /fl/ suivre Listen to the conversation can you follow the story?furious /fjris/ furieux What made me furious was that my parents let my

    sister go on holiday with her friends.great /ret/ super / fantastique The weather was great on our holiday.Im afraid /am fred/ Je suis dsol (mais) Im afraid I have some bad news for you.immediately /miditli/ immdiatement / tout de

    suite When he heard the bad news he immediately called his fact /n fkt/ en fait People thought Lennon wrote the song alone, but in fact

    Yoko helped him.lead singer /lid s/ chanteur principal Freddie Mercury was the lead singer of the band Queen.lovely /lvli/ charmant / beau /

    excellent We were staying in a lovely hotel next to the beach.

    luckily /lkli/ heureusement Luckily for me the photo I took became very popular.lyrics /lrks/ paroles (dune chanson) A lot of the lyrics for the song came from his wife.madly (in love) /mdli n lv/ follement (amoureux) When they first started going out with each other they

    were madly in love.

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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 8

    miserable /mzrbl/ malheureux I was miserable on holiday with my parents I hated every minute of it.

    perfect /pfkt/ parfait The destination of our holiday was perfect, but the weather was awful.

    plane crash /plen kr/ accident davion Did Elvis die in a plane crash?poems /pmz/ pomes The idea for the song came from some of her poems.share /e/ partager Its important to teach children to share their toys with

    others.shout /at/ crier The woman in the photo was shouting, I hate it, I hate

    it.sign /san/ signe A sign above the main entrance to the airport has a line

    from Imagine.stone /stn/ pierre People were attacking the walls with stones.suddenly /sdnli/ soudainement I was at work when suddenly I heard the news about

    the Berlin Wall.terrible /terbl/ terrible / affreux The weather was terrible it rained every day.the news / njuz/ les nouvelles I heard the news that the Russians were planning to

    make Berlin an open /wed/ mariage I spent a long time planning our wedding.wonderful /wndfl/ merveilleux My travel agent told me that the Seychelles is a

    wonderful place.

    More words in File 2ambition /mbn/ ambition One of my lifetime ambitions is to go diving.argue /ju/ se disputer We just sat in cafes and argued all day.cocktail /kktel/ cocktail Im going to a cocktail party on Friday.couple /kpl/ couple Everywhere I looked I saw couples holding hands.decade /deked/ dcennie Whats your favourite decade for pop music?degrees /driz/ degrs In Stockholm the summer temperature is usually about

    20 degrees.disaster /dzst/ dsastre Why was your holiday so bad what made it a

    disaster?diving /dav/ plongeon / plonge I decided to do a diving course.dramatic /drmtk/ dramatique Some of his photos are really dramatic.elevator /elvet/ ascenseur The elevators are over there.heat /hit/ chaleur I live in Rome, so in the summer we like to escape from

    the heat.heatwave /hitwev/ vague de chaleur When we got to Stockholm there was a heatwave and it

    was 35 degrees every day.hold /hld/ tenir We held hands as we walked along the beach.honeymoon /hnimun/ lune de miel The Caribbean is a very popular place for people on

    their honeymoon.hurry /hri/ se dpcher She was driving fast because she was in a hurry.invite /nvat/ inviter I invited my neighbour to dinner.knock /nk/ frapper Somebody is knocking on the door.lifetime /laftam/ vie / vivant How many songs did he write in his lifetime?lift /lft/ ascenseur Take the lift to the second floor.memorable /memrbl/ mmorable His photos are very memorable you wont forget them.memory /memri/ mmoire Whats your favourite holiday memory?paradise /prdas/ paradis The Seychelles were perfect it was like being in

    paradise.peaceful /pisfl/ paisible / pacifique We want to go somewhere peaceful on holiday this year.romantic /rmntk/ romantique We went to a very romantic French service /rum svs/ service de chambre Call reception if you want room service.seafood /sifud/ fruits de mer We went to a fantastic seafood restaurant on my


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  • New English File Pre-intermediate French Wordlist Oxford University Press 2011 9

    shock /k/ choc They were in shock when they saw their hotel it was awful!

    sights /sats/ attractions touristiques Has Mark shown you the sights of the city yet?somewhere /smwe/ quelque part I want to go somewhere hot on holiday this year.

    File 3 Opposite verbs VOCABULARY BANKarrive /rav/ arriver Every day thousands of travellers arrive at Heathrow.leave /liv/ partir The train leaves at 10.30 a.m.borrow /br/ emprunter If you borrow money from a friend you should pay it

    back.lend /lend/ prter When we lend people money they always promise to pay

    it back but often they /ba/ acheter My parents lent us some money to buy a house.sell /sel/ vendre We sold our house last month.catch /kt/ prendre / attraper Im catching the 7.30 train.miss /ms/ rter I left the house 10 minutes late and I missed the /fel/ chouer I failed my driving test last week I was too nervous.pass /ps/ russir Im studying hard because I really want to pass my

    maths exam.find /fand/ trouver I found my keys at the bottom of my handbag.lose /luz/ perdre I lost my mobile phone on holiday so I want buy a new

    one.forget /fet/ oublier I always lend Tom money and he always forgets to pay

    me back.remember /rmemb/ se souvenir / se rappeler

    (de) I only remember my dreams when I wake up in the

    middle of them.get /et/ recevoir I got an email from my ex-boyfriend last night.receive /rsiv/ recevoir Did you receive the letter from the bank?send /send/ envoyer Can you send me an email with your address?learn /ln/ apprendre I want to learn Spanish this year.teach /tit/ enseigner My husband teaches History at our local secondary

    school.pull /pl/ tirer Pull open the door, dont push it.push /p/ pousser Push the button and the lift will come.turn off /tn f/ teindre Can you turn off the computer before you go to bed?turn on /tn n/ allumer Can you turn the TV on, please?win /wn/ gagner Manchester United won the match last night.

    More words to learnappear /p/ apparatre / paratre Do you always appear in your own dreams?as well as /z wel z/ ainsi que Joanna came to the party, as well as Katie and pair / pe/ au pair I like looking after children so I want to work as an au

    pair.builder /bld/ entrepreneur en btiment I need a builder to work on my new house do you

    know a good one?busy /bzi/ occup Im really busy at work today I have lots to do.champagne /mpen/ champagne We drank champagne at our wedding.Cheer up! /tr p/ Courage! You look really sad cheer up!Congratulations! /knrtulenz/ Flicitations! Congratulations you passed your driving test!definitely /defntli/ absolument / sans aucun

    doute Im definitely going to the party tonight.

    dont worry /dnt wri/ ne vous inquitez pas / ne tinquite pas

    Dont worry well be there soon, so you wont be late.

    electrician /lektrn/ lectricien Our lights arent working we need an electrician.especially /speli/ surtout / en particulier That was a great meal, especially the fish.everything /evri/ tout I paid for everything in this room myself.

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    for a short time /fr t tam/ pour une courte dure Im only staying in Australia for a short time just a week.

    be frightened /bi fratnd/ tre effray Were you frightened when you saw the spider in your bedroom?

    go on / n/ continuer A: I was watching TV and I heard a noise.B: Go on what happened next?

    Good luck! /d lk/ Bonne chance! A: I have my driving test tomorrow!B: Good luck!

    hurt /ht/ faire mal / blesser / faire de la peine

    The dentist always tells me that it wont hurt but it always does!

    I think so / I dont think so

    /a k s/ /a dnt k s/

    Je pense / Je ne pense pas A: Is Suzie coming to the party tonight?B: No, I dont think so.

    I hope so / I hope not

    /a hp s/ /a hp nt/

    Jespre / Jespre que non A: Will you see your friends this weekend?B: Yes, I hope so.

    improve /mpruv/ amliorer I want to improve my English.injection /ndekn/ piqre Dentists usually give you an injection before they work

    on your teeth.It depends /t dpendz/ Cela dpend Im not sure how long I will stay here it depends how

    things go.journey /dni/ voyage How long was the journey from Berlin to Cologne?maybe /mebi/ peut-tre Maybe in the future I will get own /ma n/ mon propre I hope I can find my own flat soon I dont like sharing

    with other people.nervous /nvs/ nerveux Im a bit nervous about living in a new city.Oh dear! / d/ Mon Dieu! Oh l l! A: Ive lost my mobile phone!

    B: Oh dear! What are you going to do?patient /pent/ patient How many patients does your doctor have?perhaps /phps/ peut-tre So perhaps you already knew about this possible

    promotion.piece of paper /pis v pep/ feuille de papier I wrote my address on a piece of paper and gave it to

    him.plumber /plm/ plombier The toilet is broken so we need to call a plumber.probably /prbbli/ probablement You will probably need to phone that electrician a few

    times before he answers.promise /prms/ promesse I made a promise that I would send him a letter as soon

    as I got home.romance /rmns/ romance I want some romance in my life.secret /sikrt/ secret We all love hearing secrets.successful /sksesfl/ russi / un succs Hes very hard-working so Im sure hell be successful in

    the future.thats great /ts ret/ cest fantastique A: Ive just bought a house.

    B: Thats great! Where is it?too expensive /tu kspensv/ trop cher Its too expensive to visit London often.until /ntl/ jusqu The plumber isnt coming back until next week!violin /valn/ violon I could hear somebody playing a violin in my dream.

    More words in File 3a bit / bt/ un peu Im a bit nervous about living in a new country.already /lredi/ dj Ive already seen this film.arrangements /rendmnts/ plan / organisation What are the arrangements for the business trip to

    Milan?baked /bekt/ cuit au four Can I have a baked potato, please?Best wishes /best wz/ Meilleurs voeux / Bien

    amicalement Looking forward to meeting you next week. Best wishes, back /kl bk/ rappeler Can you call back later Sams not in the office at the

    moment.celebration /selbren/ clbration We drink champagne at celebrations.

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    come back /km bk/ revenir Im really busy at the moment could you come back in five minutes?

    depressed /dprest/ dprim Im a bit depressed today I feel very sad.double-decker /dbl dek/ (bus) deux tages /

    impriale Were doing a tour of London on a double-decker bus.

    either way /a we/ de toute faon Theyll give the new job to Amy or Stephen either way it will be a good decision.

    eternal /tnl/ ternel We know eternal love exists, but its difficult to find it.exotic /ztk/ exotique Id like to go on an exotic holiday this year.give back /v bk/ rendre I need my pen give it back, please.last /lst/ dernier The last time I saw my dad was five years ago.look after /lk ft/ soigner / soccuper de A nurse looks after people who are ill.look for /lk f/ chercher Im going to look for a job.look forward to /lk fwd t/ attendre avec impatience Im really looking forward to living here.main course /men ks/ plat principal What would you like for your main course?mushroom /mrm/ champignon Id like to order the mushroom soup, please.operation /pren/ opration My dad had a heart operation last year.organize /naz/ organiser Its my mums birthday next month and I need to

    organize a party for her.owl /al/ chouette I had a dream about an owl it was sitting in a tree

    looking at back /pe bk/ rembourser If I lend you 10 when can you pay me back?pessimist /pesmst/ pessimiste A pessimist is someone who is negative and thinks bad

    things will happen.phrase book /frez bk/ manuel de conversation I took a phrase book with me when I went to Italy.positive /pztv/ positif Think positive thoughts, not negative ones.psychoanalyst /saknlst/ psychanalyste The psychoanalyst is going to talk about dreams.rare /re/ saignant I asked for my steak to be rare, but this is well done.research /rist/ recherche Research shows that everybody will always tell one

    other person a secret.starter /stt/ hors-doeuvre Id like the grilled prawns for my starter, please.steak /stek/ steak Can I have the steak and chips, please?swap /swp/ changer I swapped email addresses with the girl I met on the

    bus.symbol /smbl/ symbole Flowers are a positive symbol.take back /tek bk/ reprendre / rapporter /

    retirer Sorry about that, Ill take your steak back to the kitchen

    and get you another one.tip /tp/ conseil People gave the callers tips on how to think positively.truth /tru/ vrit Plumbers often dont tell the truth when they come to

    see you.well done /wel dn/ bien cuit I like my steak to be well list /wan lst/ carte des vins Could you bring us the wine list, please?

    File 4 Singular clothes VOCABULARY BANK belt /belt/ ceinture I bought a black belt to wear with my jeans.blouse /blaz/ chemisier I usually wear a skirt and blouse to work.cap /kp/ casquette My grandfather likes to wear a cap when he goes out.coat /kt/ manteau Its really cold today so you need a coat.dress /dres/ robe I bought a new dress to wear to my sisters wedding.hat /ht/ chapeau I always wear a hat when I go walking in the

    mountains.jacket /dkt/ veste You should wear a jacket to work.scarf /skf/ charpe My dad bought me a Manchester United scarf.shirt /t/ chemise I bought a new white shirt in the sale.skirt /skt/ jupe My mum thinks this skirt is too short.suit /sut/ costume You should wear a suit to the job interview.sweater /swet/ pull I have to wear a sweater over my shirt at school.

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    tie /ta/ cravate All the men in my company wear /tp/ haut I really want to buy that red top from Zara.tracksuit /trksut/ survtement I usually wear a tracksuit when I go to the gym.T-shirt /tit/ T-shirt After work I change into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

    Plural clothes VOCABULARY BANK boots /buts/ bottes I like wearing long, black boots during the winter

    months.jeans /dinz/ jean(s) I have four pairs of jeans.pyjamas /pdmz/ pyjama My daughter always wears pyjamas in /uz/ chaussures I need some new shoes to wear with my new dress.shorts /ts/ short I wear shorts when I go for a jog.socks /sks/ chaussettes I always buy black or grey socks.tights /tats/ collant I often wear thick tights in the winter.trainers /trenz/ baskets I want to run a marathon so I need some new trainers.trousers /trazz/ pantalon These trousers are too small.

    Verbs used with clothes VOCABULARY BANK get dressed /et drest/ shabiller My wife needs half an hour to get dressed in the

    mornings!put on /pt n/ mettre Put on your shoes we need to go.take off /tek f/ enlever Its really hot in here you should take off your sweater.try on /tra n/ essayer Can I try this top on, please?wear /we/ porter What shall I wear today?

    Opposite adjectives VOCABULARY BANK boring /br/ ennuyeux This film is really boring can we watch something

    different?exciting /ksat/ passionnant / excitant We went to see Chelsea play Arsenal last night it was

    a really exciting game.interesting /ntrst/ intressant Its the most interesting book Ive ever read.clean /klin/ propre I love this beach its really clean.polluted /plutd/ pollu Its the most polluted city Ive ever been to.comfortable /kmftbl/ confortable This is the most comfortable hotel Ive ever stayed at.uncomfortable /nkmftbl/ inconfortable I hate this sofa its so uncomfortable.crowded /kradd/ bond / plein de monde I didnt enjoy going shopping today the shops were too

    crowded.empty /empti/ vide The streets are empty where is everyone?dangerous /dendrs/ dangereux Its dangerous to swim here because there are /sef/ sr / sans danger Theres nothing coming its safe to cross the road now.far /f/ loin I live quite far from work so I have to drive.near /n/ prs / proche How near are the shops from here?happy /hpi/ heureux He was so happy when he got that new job.unhappy /nhpi/ malheureux Nothings going well at the moment Im really

    unhappy.healthy /heli/ sain I do a lot of sport and I eat healthy food.unhealthy /nheli/ malsain Hes really fat and he smokes hes so unhealthy!modern /mdn/ moderne I want to live in a modern apartment.old /ld/ vieux This house is really old it was built in 1889.noisy /nzi/ bruyant The traffic is really noisy on this street.quiet /kwat/ calme / silencieux I like living in the countryside because its really quiet.patient /pent/ patient You have to be patient if you want to be a teacher.impatient /mpent/ impatient Hes the most impatient person Ive ever met.polite /plat/ poli British are usually polite they say please and thank

    you a lot.impolite /mplat/ impoli The staff in the hotel were impolite.

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    rude /rud/ impoli The woman I spoke to on the phone was really rude.possible /psbl/ possible Its possible to pay by credit card here.impossible /mpsbl/ impossible Its impossible to find any Internet cafs in this town.tidy /tadi/ bien rang / soign I like my house to be very tidy.untidy /ntadi/ en dsordre / nglig My sons bedroom is so untidy.

    More words to learnaccident /ksdnt/ accident I had an accident yesterday I fell off my the last minute /t lst mnt/ au dernier moment She always does her homework at the last /bzns/ entreprise He always dreamed of having his own business.chain /ten/ chane Zara is one of the fastest-growing chains in the world.change /tend/ monnaie The taxi journey cost 8.00 I gave him 10 and he

    didnt give me any /kmpni/ entreprise / socit He started a small company which made womens

    pyjamas.complain /kmplen/ se plaindre Our children are always complaining about something.covered /kvd/ (re)couvert The floor is covered with empty coke cans and dirty

    socks.exactly the same /zktli sem/ exactement le / la / les

    mme(s) Im wearing exactly the same shoes as Katja.

    fall over /fl v/ tomber (par terre) / se renverser

    Tim pretended to fall over in the street.

    fashionable /fnbl/ la mode The clothes in this shop are fashionable but theyre so expensive.

    find out /fand at/ apprendre / dcouvrir Tim went to four cities to find out if they were unfriendly places for tourists.

    gardener /dn/ jardinier Our gardener comes to our house once a month.go to court / t kt/ aller devant les tribunaux When their sons wouldnt leave the family home the

    parents went to court.greengrocer /rinrs/ magasin / marchand de

    fruits et lgumes I bought some fruit in a greengrocer.

    have an argument /hv n jumnt/ se disputer Have you ever had an argument with your family about clothes?

    headlines /hedlanz/ gros titres Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines are bigger.

    insult /nslt/ insulter Our teenage children are always insulting us.judge /dd/ juge The judge decided that the situation in the Serrano

    family was intolerable.mess /mes/ dsordre / dsastre His bedroom is always a mess.moody /mudi/ lunatique Do you have rude and moody teenage children living in

    your house?newspaper article /njuzpep tkl/ article de presse Newspaper articles today are shorter and the headlines

    are bigger.obsessed /bsest/ obsd We are obsessed with machines that save us time.of course /v ks/ bien sr Of course Ill take your picture again no problem.previous /privis/ antrieur / prcdent We sleep less than previous generations.relaxed /rlkst/ dtendu People believed that in the future we would be more

    relaxed.reputation /repjuten/ rputation Big cities often have a reputation for being unfriendly

    places.several /sevrl/ plusieurs Tim asked people on the street to take several photos of

    him.slow down /sl dan/ ralentir He says that if we dont slow down we wont live as long

    as our parents.speed /spid/ vitesse What speed can you drive at on the motorways in this

    country?store /st/ (grand) magasin He worked as a shop assistant in a clothes store.

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    stressed /strest/ stress People are more stressed now than they were 10 years ago.

    stressful /stresfl/ stressant Our lives are more stressful today than they were ten years ago.

    sure // sr A: Can I walk from here?B: Sure it will take you 10 minutes.

    the main reason / men rizn/ la raison principale The main reason I like living here so much is that its a historic city.

    throw out /r at/ jeter (dehors) She threw out her son because he didnt pay any rent.too much /tu mt/ trop I gave them too much money.traffic /trfk/ circulation (voitures) /

    trafic (de drogue) Our cars are faster now but the traffic is worse.

    treat /trit/ traiter They were treating our house like a hotel.washing machine /w min/ machine laver (le linge) Have you ever ruined clothes in the washing machine?

    More words in File 4accent /ksent/ accent He is from Glasgow and he has a really strong accent.answerphone /nsfn/ rpondeur automatique If I am out when you call, please leave a message on my

    answerphone.atmosphere /tmsf/ atmosphre Theres a really bad atmosphere in our office at (on the

    Internet)/tt n ntnet/ chatter (sur Internet) Marias sister often chats to her friends on the Internet.

    clean /klin/ nettoyer Ive just cleaned the floor.contribute /kntrbjut/ contribuer They didnt contribute anything to the household, so we

    threw them out.fancy dress /fnsi dres/ dguisement Have you ever worn fancy dress to a party?guess /es/ deviner Guess who always does the housework in this house!hammer /hm/ marteau You need some nails and a hammer if you want to put

    this picture up.inexpensive /nkspensv/ bon march The clothes in this shop are fashionable and

    inexpensive.intolerable /ntlrbl/ intolrable The situation in the Serrano family was intolerable.key ring /kir/ porte-cls I went to a tourist shop and I bought a key ring.kind /kand/ gentil Its really kind of you to lend me this book.leave /liv/ laisser She leaves wet towels on the bathroom floor.narrow /nr/ troit There are lots of narrow streets in this city.outdoor /atd/ en plein air There is an area in the city where there are a lot of

    outdoor restaurants.population /ppjulen/ population Porto has a population of 300,000 people.predict /prdkt/ prdire Experts predict that in ten years time the average speed

    on the road in cities will be 17 km/h.public transport /pblk trnspt/ transport en commun I should use public transport but there isnt a good bus

    service where I live.react /rikt/ ragir How did he react when you told him to leave?ruin /run/ ruiner / gcher / abmer I ruined my new jumper by washing it at a high time /sev tam/ gagner du temps Were obsessed with machines that save us time.sickness /skns/ maladie People who live in cities are suffering from hurry

    sickness.straight ahead /stret hed/ tout droit Go straight ahead and youll see the museum on your left.tidy /tadi/ ranger He never tidies his room.underground /ndrand/ mtro I went down into the London Underground.waste time /west tam/ perdre son temps We shouldnt waste time on this project we need to

    move onto something else.

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    File 5 Verbs + infinitive VOCABULARY BANK decide /dsad/ dcider I decided to learn Polish because my great-grandmother

    was Polish.forget /fet/ oublier Its easy to forget peoples /help/ aider Try to ask some impersonal questions that will help to

    start a conversation.hope /hp/ esprer I hope you didnt get lost again on your way here.learn /ln/ apprendre They asked me to learn a completely new language.need /nid/ avoir besoin de I need to improve my listening and speaking.offer /f/ offrir I can offer you a place at this college next year.plan /pln/ organiser / planifier /

    projeter I plan to travel for a year and then look for a job.

    pretend /prtend/ prtendre Have you ever pretended to be ill when you werent?promise /prms/ promettre When was the last time you promised not to come

    home late?remember /rmemb/ se souvenir / ne pas

    oublier Do you always remember to phone your friends on their

    birthday?try /tra/ essayer Try not to dominate the conversation.want /wnt/ vouloir If you want to escape from a boring person, say that you

    are going to the bar.would like /wd lak/ aimerait / voudrait Would you like a drink?

    Verbs + -ing VOCABULARY BANK enjoy /nd/ aimer I enjoy reading without using a dictionary.finish /fn/ finir I want to finish doing the housework and then we can

    go out.go on / n/ continuer Ill go on studying until dinner time.hate /het/ avoir horreur de / dtester

    / har I hate doing homework.

    like /lak/ aimer I like going on holiday with my /lv/ aimer / adorer I love sitting at street cafs or having meals in the

    garden.mind / dont mind /mand/ /dnt

    mand/me drange / ne me

    drange pas I dont mind doing the cooking I find it quite relaxing.

    spend (time) /spend tam/ passer (du temps) I like to spend a lot of time reading books.start /stt/ commencer I started buying more fruit and vegetables.stop /stp/ arrter I stopped playing football when I left school.

    Prepositions of movement VOCABULARY BANK across /krs/ / en travers She walked across the road holding her dads hand.along /l/ le long de Go along this street and you will see the shop on the left.down /dan/ vers le bas He went down the steps.into /ntu/ dans He went into the supermarket to buy some vegetables.out of /at v/ sorti de / en dehors de /

    hors de I saw the man come out of the post office and walk

    down the road.over /v/ par-dessus Drive over the bridge and theres a car park on your right.past /pst/ au-del Go past the park and our road is on your left.round /rand/ autour de The dog ran round the lake three times.through /ru/ travers / par It was really dark when the train went through the tunnel.towards /twdz/ vers / en direction de Drive towards the river and then turn right.under /nd/ sous We walked under the bridge.up /p/ vers le haut Go up the steps and then go through the door.

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    More words to learna whole day / hl de/ toute une journe We spent a whole day shopping in London.against /enst/ contre I played chess against my dad and he good at /bi d t/ tre fort en I thought I was good at learning languages, but now Im

    not so sure.breathe /bri/ respirer To sing well you need to learn to breathe correctly.celebration /selbren/ clbration When was the last time you went to a party or a

    celebration?complicated /kmplketd/ compliqu The grammar was really complicated.control /kntrl/ contrler When youre on a plane you cant control whats going

    to happen.experiment /kspermnt/ exprience As an experiment, they asked me to learn a completely

    new language for one /fnz/ supporters The Manchester United fans were watching in /fa/ feu I like sitting in a warm room with a fire when its cold

    outside.forest /frst/ fort I like getting out of the city and going to the beach, or to

    the forest.goal /l/ but He didnt see his teams first goal because he was buying

    a hamburger.great-grandmother /ret rnm/ arrire grand-mre My great-grandmother was /ad/ guide In Krakw Im meeting a local guide who will show me

    the town.hairdresser /hedres/ coiffeur I asked the hairdresser to tell me what the new style will

    be this year.hairstyle /hestal/ style de coiffure What do you think of my hairstyle?hole /hl/ trou Golf players have to hit the ball into a small hole.impersonal /mpsnl/ impersonnel Its safer to ask impersonal questions at first.incredible /nkredbl/ incroyable Its incredible how difficult it was for me to learn the corner /n kn/ dans le coin / au coin Dont stand in the corner at a party go and talk to

    people!it doesnt matter /t dznt mt/ nimporte It doesnt matter where I go I just love being outside

    in the middle of nature.match /mt/ match It was the most exciting football match I have ever seen.motivate /mtvet/ motiver Im sure its very difficult to motivate teenagers.mystery /mstri/ mystre I can now read books in a language that was once a

    complete mystery.nature /net/ nature Being in the middle of nature makes me feel /net/ filet In tennis you have to hit the ball over the net.obligatory /bltri/ obligatoire Its obligatory to pay before you enter this building.permitted /pmtd/ permis It isnt permitted its against the rules.phrase book /frez bk/ manuel de conversation You mustnt use a dictionary or a phrase book.pitch /pt/ terrain He went down to the pitch to give the cup to the

    winning team.player /ple/ joueur Many of the Bayern players and fans were crying at the

    end of the match.psychiatrist /sakatrst/ psychiatre My sister is a psychiatrist.recommend /rekmend/ recommander Can you recommend a good hotel in Hamburg?score /sk/ marquer (un but) United attacked again and scored another goal.stadium /stedim/ stade The match took place in the Nou Camp stadium in

    Barcelona.storm /stm/ orage I like watching heavy rain storms through the window.survive /svav/ survivre Then they did some tests to see if I could survive in

    certain situations.take off /tek f/ dcoller When the plane takes off you can sit back and relax.track /trk/ voie (ferre) The bridge goes over the railway track.

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    unbelievable /nblivbl/ incroyable The pronunciation of this language is unbelievable!wedding reception /wed rsepn/ rception de mariage I went to a wedding reception last Saturday and I

    didnt know anybody.

    More words in File 5accommodation /kmden/ logement I would like some information about accommodation

    in Madrid.aerobics /erbks/ arobic I go to an aerobics class at the gym once a week.ahead /hed/ venir I love waking up during my holidays as I know I have

    the whole day ahead to do the things I like doing.alive /lav/ vivant Being in the middle of nature makes me feel /besbl/ base-ball Baseball is very popular in the /bsktbl/ basket-ball You have to be quite tall if you want to be a professional

    basketball player.blow a whistle /bl wsl/ donner un coup de sifflet

    / siffler When the 90 minutes is over the football referee has to

    blow a whistle.body-language /bdi lwd/ langage corporel Use your body-language to give a positive, friendly

    impression.champions /tmpinz/ champions Manchester United were football champions in 1999.cry /kra/ pleurer Some of the fans were crying at the end of the match

    because their team had lost.cycling /sakl/ cyclisme Cycling is a popular way to travel to work these days.despair /dspe/ dsespoir The fans were watching in despair as the other team

    scored their third goal.dial /dal/ composer I dialled the number but nobody answered.dominate /dmnet/ dominer Try not to dominate the conversation when you meet

    someone new as they wont like /kstend/ changer Would you like a refund or would you like to exchange

    the coat for another one?expect /kspekt/ sattendre Every word in Polish is full of zs where you dont expect /lf/ golf In golf you have to hit the ball into a small /hel/ sant Singing is very good for your health.impression /mpren/ impression He made a very big impression during his job interview

    so he got the job.intense /ntens/ intense The atmosphere in the stadium was incredibly intense.intensive course /ntensv ks/ cours intensif I did a one-month intensive course at a language school.judo /dud/ judo I go to judo lessons every Saturday.karaoke /kriki/ karaok At karaoke bars you can sing a lot of different songs.miss /ms/ rter / manquer He missed the most exciting and unforgettable moments

    of football I have ever seen.never mind /nev mand/ cela ne fait rien / tant pis A: I havent got my mobile phone with me.

    B: Never mind. You can borrow mine.change your mind /tend j mand/ changer davis I wanted to be a teacher and then I changed my mind

    and decided to become a doctor.I dont mind /a dnt mand/ a mest gal A: Shall we eat indoors or outdoors?

    B: I dont mind. Which would you prefer?outside /atsad/ lextrieur (de) / dehors I love eating outside, especially when the weather is good.pain /pen/ douleur Ive got a pain just here in my back.pleasure /ple/ plaisir Good conversation is one of lifes great pleasures.posts /psts/ poteaux In rugby you can also get points by hitting the ball

    between two very high posts.quite /kwat/ assez Im quite good at learning languages.really /rili/ vraiment / trs I find the grammar really complicated.receipt /rsit/ reu If you want to take that shirt back to the shop you need

    a receipt.

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    referee /refri/ arbitre We heard the referee blow the whistle and the game was over.

    rugby /rbi/ rugby In rugby you have to throw the ball to other players.skiing /ski/ ski I love going skiing with my family in winter.technique /teknik/ technique We learnt some other techniques to help with singing.volleyball /vlibl/ volley-ball In volleyball you have to hit the ball over the net.warm /wm/ chaud I like sitting in a warm room when its cold outside.whistle /wsl/ sifflet The referee blew his whistle at the end of the match.Yours faithfully /jz fefli/ Je vous prie dagrer I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully,

    Susan Watson.

    File 6 Confusing verbs VOCABULARY BANK carry /kri/ porter (une charge) I carry a brown bag to school it has all my books in it.wear /we/ porter (un vtement) I like to wear black /du/ faire I always do the washing up immediately after we finish

    dinner.make /mek/ faire (fabriquer) I made a birthday cake for my dad last night.earn /n/ gagner (son pain) Doctors earn a good /wn/ gagner (la course) He won a prize in a competition.know /n/ savoir / connatre I know Peter hes a friend of my /mit/ rencontrer I met my wife in a night club.hope /hp/ esprer I hope that we will make a lot of money this year.wait /wet/ attendre We always have to wait a long time for the bus because

    its always late.look /lk/ avoir lair / regarder You look lovely tonight is that a new dress?look like /lk lak/ ressembler You look like your grandma.look at /lk t/ regarder Look at this photo its your mum skiing in /wt/ regarder I watched TV for three hours last night.

    Animals VOCABULARY BANK bear /be/ ours What would you do if a very large bear came towards

    you?bee /bi/ abeille I like bees because they make honey.birds /bdz/ oiseaux The birds start singing at 5 oclock every morning.bull /bl/ taureau What would you do if a bull started running towards you?butterfly /btfla/ papillon I saw a beautiful butterfly in the park today.camel /kml/ chameau I rode a camel when we were on holiday in Egypt.chicken /tkn/ poulet We have a chicken in our garden.cow /ka/ vache There is a field full of cows next to our house.crocodile /krkdal/ crocodile The Australian crocodile is the largest crocodile in the

    world.dolphin /dlfn/ dauphin We went on a sailing trip in the Mediterranean last year

    and we saw a lot of /dk/ canard My daughter likes to feed the ducks.eagle /il/ aigle I saw an eagle flying through the sky it was amazing.elephant /elfnt/ lphant I rode an elephant when we went to /fm/ ferme My mum grew up on a /fla/ mouche I hate flies they are dirty and annoying.giraffe /drf/ girafe I saw lots of giraffes at the zoo.goat /t/ chvre My grandfather has a goat in his back garden.gorilla /rl/ gorille I watched a TV programme about gorillas last /hs/ cheval My best friend has a horse.insects /nsekts/ insectes I hate insects theyre disgusting!

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    kangaroo /kru/ kangourou It was amazing seeing kangaroos when we went to Australia.

    lion /lan/ lion Lions are my favourite animals theyre amazing.mosquito /mskit/ moustique I had a great holiday in Thailand, but there were a lot of

    mosquitoes.mouse /mas/ souris My sister saw a mouse in her bedroom last night and

    screamed.pig /p/ cochon My uncle is a pig farmer.rabbit /rbt/ lapin I had a pet rabbit when I was a child.shark /k/ requin You shouldnt swim in the sea here because there are

    sharks.sheep /ip/ mouton Sheep eat a lot of grass.spider /spad/ araigne I have a fear of spiders.swan /swn/ cygne Swans are beautiful animals.tiger /ta/ tigre I really want to see some tigers when we visit India.wasp /wsp/ gupe Lots of wasps were flying round me when I was eating

    my ice-cream.whale /wel/ baleine I saw a whale when we went on a sailing trip in Canada.

    get VOCABULARY BANK get + adjectiveget angry /et ri/ se mettre en colre Dont get angry with me, but Ive lost my house keys!get divorced /et dvst/ divorcer My parents are getting divorced.get fit /et ft/ se mettre en bonne

    condition Im going to go to the gym and get fit this year.

    get lost /et lst/ se perdre We got lost when we were walking around Madrid.get married /et mrid/ se marier What do you think is the best age to get married?get + comparativeget better /et bet/ aller mieux / samliorer The education system in our country is getting better.get older /et ld/ vieillir Im forty next month Im getting older!get worse /et ws/ empirer Unemployment in our country is getting worse.get = buy / obtainget a flat /et flt/ trouver un appartement When we move to Paris were going to get a flat near

    the city centre.get a job /et db/ trouver un travail He left home when he was 18 and got a job in a bank.get a newspaper /et njuzpep/ acheter un journal Can you get a newspaper on your way home?get a ticket /et tkt/ acheter un billet I have to be at the station early because I have to get a

    ticket.get + preposition (phrasal verbs)get into /et nt/ monter dans Hurry up and get into the car!get off /et f/ descendre I got off the bus at the wrong stop.get on /et n/ monter He got on the train at Birmingham.get on (well) with /et n wel w/ bien sentendre avec I get on really well with my sister.get out of /et at v/ descendre de Get out of bed its half past eight and youre going to

    be late!get up /et p/ se lever What time do you get up in the mornings?get = arriveget home /et hm/ arriver la maison You should ask your mum when she gets home tonight.get to school /et t skul/ arriver lcole What time do you get to school in the morning?get to work /et t wk/ arriver au travail I get to work at 8.30 every morning.get = receiveget a letter /et let/ recevoir une lettre I got a letter from the bank this morning.get a present /et preznt/ recevoir un cadeau When was the last time you got a present?

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    get a salary /et slri/ percevoir un salaire Im a lawyer and I get a very good salary.get an email /et n imel/ recevoir / avoir un email I got an email from my Greek cousin.

    More words to learnask for /sk f/ demander I need to ask for some /bk/ rive I tried to swim to the bank as quickly as possible.bark /bk/ aboyer My neighbours dog barked all night.belong /bl/ appartenir Who does this cat belong to?change your mind /tend j mand/ changer davis Do you often change your mind about something?climb /klam/ grimper () If I saw a bear I would climb up the nearest /kmpe/ comparer Decide which points are most important and compare

    the two lists.confuse /knfjuz/ render perplexe /

    confondre If you ask a lot of people to help you with your decision

    it will confuse you.cupboard /kbd/ placard I lock my clothes in a cupboard so that my sister cant

    borrow them.decisive /dsasv/ dcisif / qui peut prendre

    des dcisions You have to be decisive if you want to be a good

    manager.desperate /desprt/ dsespr Im desperate for help can you help me?directly /drektli/ directement Can you send the information directly to me, please?disappear /dsp/ disparatre The girl disappeared and the next morning her body

    was found.drown /dran/ (se) noyer Crocodiles take their victims under the water to drown

    them.fur coat /f kt/ manteau de fourrure What would you do if someone offered to buy you a fur

    coat?indecisive /ndsasv/ indcis / peu concluant Im indecisive I find it very hard to make decisions.investigate /nvestet/ enquter sur / examiner The police will investigate the bank robbery.its not worth it /ts nt w t/ cela ne vaut pas la peine Dont argue with your friend about a girl its not

    worth it!kill /kl/ tuer The boys watched in horror as their friend was killed by

    a /l/ loi Theres a law of life that says if something bad can

    happen, it will.lie on /la n/ sallonger sur If I saw a bear I would lie on the ground and pretend to

    be dead.lock /lk/ fermer ( cl) I think you should lock your clothes in a cupboard.make a decision /mek dsn/ prendre une dcision I always find it difficult to make a decision about what

    we should do at the weekend.make a list /mek lst/ faire / rdiger une liste Make a list of the positive and negative points of both

    options before you decide.make an excuse /mek n kskjus/ trouver une excuse He made an excuse to the waiter that he had forgotten

    his wallet so he couldnt pay.offended /fendd/ offusqu / bless If you speak to her about it Im sure she wont get angry

    or offended.options /pnz/ options He had three different options to choose /pet/ animal domestique A dog is a popular pet in the UK.queue /kju/ queue If you move from one queue to another, the one you

    were in first will move more away /rn we/ senfuir If I saw a bear I would run away.sensitive /senstv/ sensible Stop crying you are too sensitive.simple /smpl/ simple The rules of football are easy to learn because theyre

    quite simple.size /saz/ taille / grandeur /

    grosseur / dimension What size are your shoes?

    spill /spl/ renverser (du liquide) Dont spill the wine on my new carpet!suggestion /sdestn/ suggestion Listeners can email their suggestions to me.

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    taste /test/ got Your friends think you have good taste.take your time /tek j tam/ prenez votre / prends ton

    temps Dont hurry take your time.

    treat /trit/ traiter My best friend treats his girlfriend really badly.together /te/ ensemble When we are together we always have fun.wave /wev/ agiter Dont shout or wave your arms if you see a bull.weigh /we/ peser The biggest crocodile can weigh up to 1000 kilos.

    More words in File 6allergic /ldk/ allergique Im allergic to cats so I cant get one as a pet.annoying /n/ ennuyeux / nervant /

    agaant Brad was really annoying at the party.

    backache /bkek/ mal de dos I use a laptop every day and I often get backache.Bless you /bles ju:/ tes / vos souhaits A: Bless you!

    B: Sorry Ive got a terrible cold.communicate /kmjunket/ communiquer In this job you need to be able to communicate well.communication /kmjunken/ communication Communication between departments is really

    important in this company.cough /kf/ toux I have a headache and a cough.educate /eduket/ instruire / duquer I want to educate our children about climate /eduken/ ducation Its important for all children to get a good education.elect /lekt/ lire We elected a new government in May.election /lekn/ lection The election was exciting as there wasnt a clear winner.excuse /kskjus/ excuse He was late and made an excuse about his bus being

    late.fall in love /fl n lv/ tomber amoureux If you meet my daughter youll fall in love with her.headache /hedek/ mal de tte I have a headache and a sore throat.hire /ha/ louer Do you think I should hire a car or travel around by

    bus?imagination /mdnen/ imagination Use your imagination to help you make a decision.imagine /mdn/ imaginer Imagine yourself in both situations and think about

    how you feel.indecisive /ndsasv/ indcis He finds it really difficult to make decisions hes really

    indecisive.inform /nfm/ informer The driver informed us that the train was running ten

    minutes late.information /nfmen/ information Can you give me some information about courses at

    your school?invitation /nvten/ invitation I sent out 20 invitations to my birthday /lnd/ terre Crocodiles can run really fast on land.muscles /mslz/ muscles A crocodile uses only two muscles to open its mouth but

    forty to close it.obsessive /bsesv/ obsessif Im a bit obsessive about my clothes I hate other

    people touching them.organization /nazen/ organisation What kind of organization do you work for?painkillers /penklz/ analgsiques If you have a headache, painkillers will help.symptoms /smptmz/ symptomes What symptoms do you have?tax /tks/ impt How much tax do you pay in your country?temperature /temprt/ temprature You dont look well do you have a temperature?translate /trnslet/ traduire Can you translate this German book into Spanish?translation /trnslen/ traduction We sent the documents to a translation company.wild /wald/ sauvage We all enjoy seeing wild animals on television.

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    File 7 More words to learnaccording to /kd t/ selon According to his old school friend he studied hard at

    school.affect /fekt/ affecter / toucher Phobias can seriously affect peoples war /t w/ en guerre When he was school he was always at war with the

    teachers.bikini /bkini/ bikini The first bikini was invented by two Frenchmen.Biro /bar/ stylo I wrote my notes in blue biro.boat /bt/ bateau She had to get in a boat to travel across the river.bomb /bm/ bombe A journalist said there was a bomb on the plane.bright /brat/ intelligent He was quite bright as a child and he worked hard at

    school.bullet-proof vest /blt pruf vest/ gilet pare-balles Policemen all over the world are protected by the bullet-

    proof /kr/ carrire Her career as an actress didnt last long.deteriorate /dtriret/ dtriorer His school work deteriorated because of music and girls.dishwasher /dw/ lave-vaisselle The dishwasher was invented by an American woman.drama /drm/ dart dramatique He opened the new drama and music department at his

    old school.drugs /drz/ drogues He hates drugs and violence but they appear a lot in his

    films.entrance /entrns/ entre When you get to the museum, wait for me at the

    entrance.episode /epsd/ pisode His biggest role was in an episode of The Golden Girls.especially /speli/ surtout / en particulier He broke a lot of rules especially rules he thought

    were stupid.fight /fat/ lutter / bagarre They had lots of fights with big animals in the film.giant /dant/ gant He had to fight a giant spider in the film.hairy /heri/ poilu The spider had really hairy this respect /n s rspekt/ cet gard In this respect hes like the character he played in the

    film, Ron Weasley.light bulb /lat blb/ ampoule (lectrique) Light bulbs are designed especially to last only a certain

    number of hours.nappies /npiz/ couches (de bb) How many nappies are used every day?nominate /nmnet/ nommer / proposer He was nominated for an Oscar five times.parking ticket /pk tkt/ contravention (pour

    stationnement illicite) He got a parking ticket and had to pay a fine.

    play /ple/ jouer Hes quite like the character he played in the film.prison /przn/ prison He spent a short time in prison because he couldnt pay

    a parking ticket.protest /prtest/ protestation He organized a protest against the horrible food at his

    school.qualifications /kwlfkenz/ qualifications / diplmes /

    comptences He left school with good qualifications.

    rebel /rebl/ rebelle He hated school and he used to be a rebel.recently /risntli/ rcemment Mick Jagger went back to his old school recently to open

    a new department.role /rl/ rle He appeared in small roles in almost all of his films.scene /sin/ scne In some scenes in Alien 3 she had to go in a boat and

    was terrified.stockings /stkz/ bas (sous-vtement) Lots of women wear stockings whenever they wear a

    skirt.the rest / rest/ le reste / le restant If youre not hungry you can leave the rest.Tipp-Ex /tpeks/ Tipp-Ex If you make a mistake when writing, you can use Tipp-

    Ex to hide it.treatment /tritmnt/ traitement Penicillin is a treatment for a lot of illnesses.vacuum cleaner /vkjum klin/ aspirateur The vacuum cleaner helps you to keep carpets clean.

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    violence /valns/ violence There is a lot of violence in his films.windscreen wipers /wndskrin wapz/ essuie-glaces If its raining when you are driving, you need to use the

    windscreen wipers.

    More words in File 7be afraid /bi fred/ tre effray Winona Ryder is afraid of water.appalling /pl/ pouvantable / effroyable He thought that the school dinners were appalling.appropriately /prpritli/ convenablement You must dress appropriately if you want to go into the

    cathedral.baptism /bptzm/ baptme She was the little baby in the baptism scene in the film.base /bes/ baser / fonder The character Sherlock Holmes was based on a real

    person.biology /baldi/ biologie My favourite science subject is /kb/ taxi How long does it take to get to the hotel by cab?chemistry /kemstri/ chimie My brother studied chemistry at university.create /kriet/ crer Light bulbs are created to last for only a certain number

    of hours.critics /krtks/ critiques The film critics wrote terrible things about her.cure /kj/ remde / gurison We need to find a cure for /dzan/ concevoir The first bikini was designed by two /dskv/ dcouvrir Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.disposable /dspzbl/ jetable You can throw disposable nappies away after using

    them.fear /f/ peur Because of his fear, Bergkamp could not play in many

    important matches.flirt /flt/ flirter Hes always flirting with the girls in his class.flying /fla/ laviation / le vol Dennis Bergkamp is afraid of flying.frustrated /frstretd/ frustr She used to get very frustrated when she made typing

    mistakes.geography /dirfi/ gographie We had a terrible geography teacher at school.heating /hit/ chauffage She didnt have enough money to pay for heating so she

    wrote her books in a caf.heights /hats/ hauteurs Im afraid of heights.history /hstri/ histoire The most boring subject is history.honoured /nd/ honor He said he was honoured that the centre had been

    named after /lj/ avocat / juriste I wanted to be a lawyer when I was at school.literature /ltrt/ littrature She studied French Literature at university.manufacturer /mnjufktr/ fabriquant Lights bulbs dont work after a few years so the

    manufacturers can make money by selling new ones.maths /ms/ maths I find maths really difficult.muse /mjuz/ muse His muse was the actress Grace /nem/ nommer / appeler The drama centre was named after Mick Jagger.paste /pest/ pte / colle In the 17th century spiders were made into a paste and

    this was used to cure toothache.PE /pi i/ ducation physique He loved PE lessons at school.phobia /fbi/ phobie Scott is talking to a doctor about his cat phobia.physics /fzks/ physique Physics is the most difficult science subject.retire /rta/ prendre sa retraite You can retire when youre /sefti/ scurit Safety is really important on school days /sans/ science If you want to be a doctor you need to be good at science.separate /sepret/ se sparer She got married to a film director, but they separated

    after a few years.snack bar /snk b/ snack-bar Theres a snack bar selling sweets and chocolates near

    our school.enclosed spaces /nklzd spesz/ espaces clos I hate enclosed spaces like lifts.

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    open spaces /pn spesz/ espaces libres She has a fear of open spaces so she doesnt go outside very often.

    spire /spa/ flche The cathedral in Milan has 135 spires.statue /sttu/ statue There are a lot of interesting statues in the main square.steps /steps/ marches (descalier) There are lots of steps leading up to the church entrance.strict /strkt/ strict My school was very strict about the school /teknldi/ technologie My husband teaches technology in the local terrified /bi terfad/ tre terrifi Winona Ryder had to go in a boat and she was terrified.text-messaging /tekst mesd/ lenvoi de messages texte Text-messaging was invented by the Finnish company

    Nokia.toothache /tuek/ mal de dents Whats the best cure for toothache?unemployed /nmpld/ au chmage When she was writing her books she was unemployed

    so she didnt have much money.use /juz/ utiliser Use the present perfect + for or since to talk about

    actions and states.view /vju/ vue The view from the top of the cathedral is fantastic.wonder /wnd/ se demander I wonder what will happen next year.

    File 8 Phrasal verbs VOCABULARY BANKbe over /bi v/ tre termin / fini The match will be over at about 5.30.fill in /fl n/ remplir Please fill in this immigration form.find out /fand at/ dcouvrir / apprendre I want to find out about hotels in Madrid.get on with /et n w/ bien sentendre avec I dont get on with my father.give up /v p/ abandonner / renoncer I need to give up smoking.look up /lk p/ chercher He looked up the words in a dictionary.pick up /pk p/ ramasser Please pick up that towel.put away /pt we/ ranger Put your clothes away, please.stay up /ste p/ se coucher tard / veiller We often stay up late at the weekend.throw away /r we/ jeter This is rubbish can you throw it away for me?turn down /tn dan/ baisser Turn down the music its very loud.turn up /tn p/ mettre plus fort /

    augmenter Turn up the music I cant hear it.

    More words to learnactive /ktv/ actif Some people are more active at night than in the day.admit /dmt/ admettre I must admit that for me the weekends are more tiring

    than the week.(be) adopted /bi dptd/ tre adopt The twins were adopted by two different families.alarm clock /lm klk/ reveil Do you use an alarm clock to wake up?allergic /ldk/ allergique Are you allergic to anything?amazing /mez/ tonnant / incroyable Theres an amazing view of the city from the hotel

    restaurant.because of /bkz v/ cause de Because of his fear, Bergkamp couldnt play in a lot of

    important matches.beliefs /blifs/ convictions / croyances The twins have similar political beliefs.close /kls/ proche I have a few close friends.convinced /knvnst/ convaincu Dr Bouchard is convinced that genes are very important

    in determining our off /de f/ jour de cong The best day of the week for me is Wednesday thats

    my day /dat/ rgime I have a healthy diet I eat a lot of fruit and /dskv/ dcouvrir Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.energetic /endetk/ nergique Our dog is very energetic so we have to take him on a

    lot of walks.enormous /nms/ norme Johns cat eats so much hes enormous!

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    except /ksept/ sauf On Sundays I dont want to do anything except lie on the sofa.

    exhausted /zstd/ puis My husbands always exhausted from his job.exist /zst/ exister When our team plays away from home the weekend

    doesnt exist for me I have to work.fresh /fre/ frais I eat quite a lot of fresh food and a lot of fruit.gene /din/ gne I feel terrible in the mornings and scientists say this is

    because of my genes.give up /v p/ arrter He must give up smoking.go wrong / r/ ne pas marcher Whenever I try to get to work early it always goes

    wrong the train is late, or I forget something.identical /adentkl/ identique The twins look exactly the same they are identical.identical twins /adentkl twnz/ vrais jumeaux Some years ago, two identical twins were born in

    Minnesota, USA.instead of /nsted v/ au lieu de Id like to work seven to three instead of nine to five.irritable /rtbl/ irritable I often feel tense and irritable because of my stressful /kdz/ gamins / gosses Nobody can relax with two kids around.latest /letst/ (tout) dernier Have you seen the latest copy of that music magazine?lift /lft/ ascenseur I got into the lift to go to the third floor.on my own /n ma n/ tout seul I live on my own so I like to meet up with friends in the squash /ple skw/ jouer au squash I play squash once a month.ready /redi/ prt Are you ready to go?research /rst/ recherche Im doing some research for my science project.reunited /rijunatd/ runi The twins were reunited after 40 /skn/ peau His skin is really /s/ si / tellement My skin is quite dark so I dont think sunbathing is a

    problem.sunscreen /snskrin/ cran solaire I only wear sunscreen when I go to the beach.tense /tens/ tendu I often feel a bit tense because my job is stressful.twins /twnz/ jumeaux The twins met and tried to find out what they have in /vt/ voter Who will you vote for in the election?wood /wd/ bois I like making things out of wood.

    More words in File 8amazed /mezd/ stupfi The doctor was amazed by how many things the twins

    had in common.body clock /bdi klk/ horloge corporelle We should try to change our working hours to fit our

    body clock.bored /bd/ ennuy Im bored with my job its always the same.boring /br/ ennuyeux Friday night is boring I never go out.button /btn/ bouton Press the button to call the lift.Cheers! /tz/ Sant! Cheers! Heres to us!claustrophobic /klstrfbk/ claustrophobe Im claustrophobic I hate going in lifts because theyre

    so small.depressed /dprest/ dprim If we lose we feel depressed.depressing /dpres/ dprimant My team never win. Its depressing.determine /dtmn/ dterminer Our genes may determine our personality.DNA /di en e/ ADN Your DNA could determine how early you like to wake

    up in the morning.during /djr/ pendant During the week I have somebody to help me.excited /ksatd/ excit Im very excited about my holiday.exciting /ksat/ excitant It was a really exciting match.interested /ntrstd/ intress Im not very interested in sport.interesting /ntrst/ intressant His latest film is really interesting.

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    lifestyle /lafstal/ style de vie If you are unhealthy you should change your lifestyle.message /mesd/ message Can I leave a message, please?pessimistic /pesmstk/ pessimiste Im quite a pessimistic person I always think things

    will go wrong.portion /pn/ portion How many portions of fruit and vegetables do you eat

    per day?preferences /prefrnsz/ prfrences Our genes could be more important in determining our

    preferences than people used to /pres/ appuyer I was in the lift and I pressed the button for the ground

    floor.processed /prsest/ trait Do you eat a lot of processed food?psychology /sakldi/ psychologie Dr Bouchard is a professor of psychology.put through /pt ru/ passer Hold the line, Ill put you through to customer services.regularly /rejlli/ rgulirement How many close friends do you see regularly?relaxing /rlks/ relaxant Reading is very /rpe/ rparer The lift was broken so they called someone to repair it.similar /sml/ semblable / similaire The twins had similar medical records.similarity /smlrti/ similitude / ressemblance

    / similarit They found enormous similarities between the two

    brothers.supposed to /spzd t/ cens The bar is supposed to close at 1.00 a.m., but often

    people dont leave until 1.30 a.m.tiring /tar/ fatigant Weekends are more tiring than weekdays when you

    have small kids.

    File 9 More words to learnalmost /lmst/ presque Ive almost finished this book just a few more pages

    to go.arrest /rest/ arrter A man in Baltimore was arrested last week when he

    tried to become a policeman.behave /bhev/ se comporter / se

    conduire Katie couldnt understand why her cat was behaving so

    strangely.bride /brad/ marie Then he asked me to be his your side /ba j sad/ vos / tes cts I always want to be by your side.commit a crime /kmt kram/ commettre un crime Have you ever committed a crime?fine /fan/ amende The police stopped the driver and gave him a fine.hold /hld/ tenir dans ses bras He held me tight when we danced.jump /dmp/ sauter The cat jumped onto her plate while she was having her

    dinner.let (somebody)

    know/let smbdi n/ informer / laisser savoir I just wanted to let him know that he was more than a

    friend.motorway /mtwe/ autoroute He was driving on the motorway when his cousin

    phoned him on his mobile.porter /pt/ porteur It was the hotel where he had worked as a porter.rob /rb/ voler A few months before he had robbed five people in Texas.scream /skrim/ crier The woman immediately woke up, screamed, and

    jumped out of bed.shine /an/ briller All the stars were shining bright.snore /sn/ ronfler The cat fell asleep and began snoring.tight /tat/ serr I held my boyfriend tight while we were watching the

    horror film.whisper /wsp/ chuchoter I whispered, I love you.

    More words in File 9accidentally /ksdentli/ accidentellement / par

    hasard The man had accidentally gone into his neighbours

    house.application /plken/ candidature He filled in the application form for the job.catch /kt/ attraper The police were trying to catch speeding drivers.

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    citizen /stzn/ citoyen Hes the most honest citizen in town!customer /kstm/ client A customer in the pub saw the cat drinking rum!coast /kst/ cte I live on the east coast of America.luckily /lkli/ heureusement Luckily the cat didnt become an alcoholic after drinking

    rum!passenger /psnd/ passager The passengers were amazed when their driver

    suddenly stopped the box /fn bks/ cabine tlphonique A man was making a phone call in a public phone box.previous /privis/ antrieur / prcdent He had worked there the previous month.raffle /rfl/ tombola He was very excited when he won first prize in a raffle

    last week.rum /rm/ rhum A customer in a pub gave the cat a drink of rum!solve /slv/ rsoudre Can you help me to solve a problem?suddenly /sdnli/ soudainement /

    subitement The driver suddenly stopped the bus.

    unfortunately /nftntli/ malheureusement Unfortunately, the prize winner was less excited when he found out what he had won.



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